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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1904)
THE ' OKEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18, 1904 CITY NOTICE. , CITY VOTICES. OTTY BOTICEA CITY NOTICES. CITE NOTICES. AAILBOAD TIMETABLE-, AT THE TH2ATIUES n acts At LTxia . At the Lyric, th home of hlgh-clae vaudeville, there are Soma stunning specialties ana If their worth U to be ' Judged by the site of the crowds that .'. attend they are attractive. Though the place haa an, unusually large scaling capacity for a vaudeville bouse, there - - - .""'i'e wa v,i.j et Mt HlUll psrrormanoos. - ' . , Demnrla and Orlando, slater sou brettea, are clever and respond to nu meroua encores. The three Moorea, In ? their own original eomedy creation, en . titled, "The Coming Affair," are also wen received. , ," Something of a novelty In thla city la ine nioycie race of Acres and Hilton, Agraa haa a standing challenge of . ll.oso to meet all comers In a bike race. '' They perform" an exciting five-mile race on im stage. Thomas W.-Ray, With his illustrated songs, makes a good impression, and . I'rofessor Mon tague with hts cockatoo circus haa an attraction that la rarely approached In point or iniarerg, The vltasoope bowa "Puss in Boots." . : i at m AmoAsa, There la always a crowd at the Ar cade, where vaudeville Is seen to Ha eat advantage. Newer and more elab orate playhouaea hava coma Into exist once atnce vaudeville becama nmunL but th Arcade goes on In the same old way., pleasing hundreds of people dairy. The bill this week includes some,ot j the cleverest performers that hve' P pedred In. thla city. 'There Is.Delmar, who fights the flames In an extremely sensational' act. He startles the audience and receives vigorous applause 'for hta worg. Kate Doyle.' In her pictured beJ lad entitled "Why Don't You Oo, Go, uo. makes a decided hit. v ... Both of the Mandevllle sisters are clever, but the tiny little one who is about the also of a dime eertalnly de serves full meed of praise. The Chicks. 'in their refined society sketch, make a - good Impression and the American blc- eoope has a number of Interesting and new pictures. .... . ' a ronr&AB oobcsist. Playgoers will bava, the opportunity to enjoy a good laugh when "A Runaway Match" comes here next week at Cord' ray's theatre. It will be presented by a company composed of nearly all the members' of the original east that pro- ' duced It In New York,, where It haa met with such, a pronounced uooesa. The .press ia unanlmoua In tta commendation of the play which is declared to be one of the best' of . the legitimate class of farce comedies, being clean and clever. 'It Is, however, based upon a plot that : gives rise to so many humorous scenes and situations, as to continually appeal to tne risibilities or an audienoe. . , i - vJUw VBOOmAX AT - One of the best programs of the sea' . aon ia being produced at the Star theatre) this week. These are several attrac tions which are well worth the price I admission. Montgomery and Cantor, the rag-time kings, pianists and dancers, are a whole show by themselves. They are clever, and If a person Is attacked with 'the I blues and desires a cure he should view the act of these Jovial muslclana and v dancers, Lone Star Harry la an expert rifle ' shot. He performs several clever feat with his rifle and pistol, his aim being . not only unerring, but undisturbed, by tne aimcuit poees no assumes. . Baby Flo, the petite singer and dancer; .' George and Laura Lewis, who appear In ' a clever sketch; Giotto, the Japanese luggler,. rfnd . Orace Russell, the sou- . brette, are some of the other attractlvel features.." " Roonev and Forrester, the orlnctnals In a slde-spllttlng Irish eomedy sketch at the Bijou theatre, are the center of attraction this week In that popular ' vaudeville house. For 10 minutes 'they ' keep the audience In a continuous up- mi, writ), thel ftmn atnHM tttelr olever Jokes and eomle songs. Several ; amusing situations are presented during . their skit' j.- Seymour and May, the Chinaman and " soubrette, also make a hit In their clever set which produoea much merriment. ' Memphis Kennedy la a real mualcal artist and his act la very entertaining. ' Rdna Foley sang several songs whlqa - were beautifully illustrated. 1 The blograph pictures this week are exceptionally, fine, the best that have been shown xor some time' at tnis - theatre. The urogram la Its entirety Is ne of the best that the Bijou haa yet offered and an hour spent In the .bouse Is worth while. .,, . Faradoxical. ' Singleton I understand your - wife's mother Is with you now. - ". Wedderly Yes, she's with ' me, but she's against me, as usual. '- CUT VOTXCZI.' ' ' ' PB0POSALS FOE CZXZsTT. Reeled pmpoeaU will tie received by the wnter goara 01 ine viij ei roriiana, uregon. ntll I p. m.. Monday, Anguat tZ. 194.- tor furnishing 4.400 tierrele ot Portland eemeat. The cement must be of enme well known and reliable brand and be subject to the teats rec ommended by the Amerlcea Society ot Cliil , Enilneere. ' ' 1 ' ' . ' . Bidden araet state the brand and seme of ' the manufacturer ot the eeineot titer nrspnae to fnrnteh and the net weight end erire per barrel, and ffltiet alao Hat the location of the aarekonae froaa which dellverr will he made. leilTery of eeatent to tie made between Ben- teaaber t and November Hi, 1004, In lota to suit the rxinlremente of the work la hand. Dpeclflcattom snd form of pcopn! Can be obtained at toe office of the EnirlDeer of the Water Board. Cltr Hall, Portland, Ore iron. ' Vvlth each bid moat be depoaited s ecrttfM check for $.too, narable to the order of the Auditor of the Cltp of Portland. Oregon, and boa 4a acceptable to the Water Board will be rennlred of the Micceaanil bidder. The rtsht Is reaerved by the Water Board te reject an? er en eiaa. Pmeoeels moat, be encloaed la sa envelope . epdoraed en' the ouralde, "Propoaale foe Oe S'rnt," end addreeaed to the undersigned. , i By order of the Water Board. , yBANK T. txinoB, . Punermteedeat. " Portland. Oregon, Aarut Id, 1M. . tmoroiAts rot mr nxrtozx. . . Keeled propoaete will be received bf the Water Board of the City of Portland, Oregon, antll I p. m., Tharedar. Ausnet 1. 10O4, for lrnlehln( at the power- honae In the fitv Park one eaat Iroa plunrer for the extra fclsh ervlce pump, nccordlns - to deacrlptton and meanurement, irhlch may be obtained from W. I. Pharp. Pnmp Bnrlaecr, City Park. The rlirht la reaervrd by the Water Board te toject anf or all blda, ' Proposal mnat be enclneed m aa eevelope endoracd en tbe nntetde, . "Prnpoaal tiW Pump Planter," and addreacd to the nriemmd. . PRANK T. DOIWIK, ' BoperlnteBdeat, Portland, Orepna, Aagnet It. 1004. ., COMPLlTTOir AXO ACCEPTAITOI 0T llfll ,-. Ill H0TT ITBItf. -. Notlca Is hereby given that William C. r.inmt, iirj Knyineev, eaa timki n tee omce ef the nnderalsned, notice that 4, B. Memmoae. etntractne for the eonatmctlon of s newer In Hi jt atreet, seder the provlelnna ef ordinance n feet wwt of the arcet line of Tenth a treat j te the sewer In Ninth atreet. Raid acceptance will be eonaldVred .by the I Eiectitlve Vrd at 4 o'clock on the lttk day ef Animat,' end oh)ectione to the sceept- nce of aeld eewer, or anr part thereof, mar b filed In the office of tbe enderelf ned at auy time prior thereto. TH IXKCT'TIVB BOABt, , -' Bjr THOg. f HKVI-IM. Andttor of the nty of I'grtland. Portland. Oregon, Aaguat 13, 1904- , VK0P0MD WPkOTZMENT OP MOXBOB TKZET. . Notice Is hereby given that at tbs meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland, Ora, oeiq on id na omf or Auituai, amu. uie ioi- Li titm - ' - tmmm a.1..,.l A' Kewilved. That the Council ot (be City of FoaiUad, Orenon. daemn Ic expedient and pro- fM to ImtTove Monroe atreet frcji tbe wrst line ot Union avenue to the eaat line of (jen tenbelo areaue, la the fuliowlug auoner. to- H rat Br trading the street full width with run lutenuetlnna to the proper grade aa glvea by the Cltr Kntlneer. Second By brliutlnt the surface of tbe street fail width with fall intersections ia propel trine wnn travel.' ThirdBy eonetrorrlnt eroeewalkt. :' Fourth Rv eonetmettne atone cutter. llflh Bv reiarlnt the eriiaewalka In accord (no with the Cltp Engineer' plan. pecinca tione and eeitmatea. .. - Bald Improvement to be made la aceordanc witn tne charter iu oroinaneea or ins liit of Portland end tbe plana, pedflratloa and aerlmatea of tbe Cltv Engineer, filed In tbe office of the Auditor ef the City of Portland on the 3ta dar of July, lu4. endtmea: "cur Entloeer'a . plan and aDeclftcatlora for tbe Improvement of Monroe atreet from tbe west line of I'olna avenue te tbe eaat line or uan tenholn avenue, and the eatlmates of the work to ha done and the probable total eott thereof. ' The coat of said improvement to he saaaoeed a provided bv the cltr chart apoa the prepertv specially bene. ted thereby. nd which Is hereby declared to be all tbe lota, part of lota aud parcel of land Ijlns between a line 100' feet mirth of and parallel with the north tin ef Monro atreet and a line 100 feet loath ot and parallel with the aoath line of Monro atreet and between tbe weat line of I'nion are no nd the eaat line of Oantenbela avenue. The Enrlneer' estimate of the probable total coat for th Improvement of atd Monro street IS .VUU.UU. i The above Improvement I to be elaaard a travel Improvement and ehall be maintained br the city for a period of Are rears, provided that the owner of a majority of th property bene fited by said Improvement oe any portion thereof hall not petition for a 'new or different 1m-prr-veinent before the exptratloa of aucb period. Th plan, epeelflcatlon and, -estimate of th City ICotineer for the traiirevement of said Monro atreet are berehr adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he I hereby directed to give notice of the proposed improvement Of ealO hrt-mt mm neejwMerf ke tke mil w efcartee.' Bemenatrancea aalnat th ' above Improve ment mar he filed In writing with the nnder Irned within SO day from th date ot the first pnMlcation or thla notice. . . By order ef th Council. ' ' . '' .. TH08. a PBVLI. ' - ' Abdltor of the Cltv ef Portland. Portland, Oretoa, Aagnet 6, 1D04 - IstOTOB BTBEIT. Notice Is kareby given that at the meeting ef th Oonoell of th City ef Portland, Oregon, held aa the 8d day of Animat, lwoe, th fol lowing resolution was adopted: Reeolved. That the Council of the City of Portland, Orefoo, deem It expedient nnd pro pose to Improve East Wa eh In ton street from the eaat line of East Thirty-eighth atreet to the weat line of East Thirty-ninth atreet la tbe following manner, to-wit: Plrat Rr radius- the atreet lull width with fall Intersection to the proper grad at glvea ay ut Cltv Bntineer. Second Rv 'eonstrnctlnA wooden sidewalk. Paid Improvement to be mad (a accordance with th charter and ordinance of th Cltr of Portland and' the plan, apedflretlon and anmates or in inr anmnecr. men in cue ffle of tbe Auditor ef th City of Portland on th t(h day of July, 104. endorsed; "City Engineer plan ana apecincaiious iot ids Improvement of Eeet Washlnttna street from the eeet line ot East Thlrtr-elrbth atrset to th weat line of Eeet Thirty-ninth street, and the eatlmates ef the work to be done and the probable total cost thereof," -The cost of ssld tmnroveoeat to be a provided br the city charter apoa, th property specially benefited thereby, and WhVb Is herehv deelseed te he all the lots, narts of Wit and parcel ofTland lying between a line lou feet north of aria narallel wita rnenortn line of Esst Wsahlnarton atreet and a line ! feet anoth of and parallel with the eoath line ef Eaat Waehlngton street na Between tne eaat line of East Thirty -eighth atreet and the wast line of Eaat Thirty-ninth street. rk, RnuM', estimate of the nmhabie total cost for tbs ImrirnvaaMnt of , said But Wash ington atreet la 2H4. Th Plan. pacific tJona and eatlmates ef tbe City Engineer for tbe Impmvsment of said East Washington street are oereny aoopteq. Resolved, That the Auditor of tbe .City ef Portland be and Im Is breby directed to give notice of tbe proposed Improvement of ald tieet provided by th city charter. Kemouatranee etatnet in aoorw mm mmiI ksv he filed In wrltlna with th under signed within to days from the date ot the first pa Miration er mi noucs, . , - By order ef the Council. n" - . i TH0S. C. PKTMW. ' ' Auditor of tb City of Portland. ' Portland, Onyoe. August A 1904. noroiAU rom cait ixov watxb ran AWD PICIAL CABTTBOa. . Sealed proposal will be received by th water Board or tne niy or i-oniauu, urrrm, ... n. , . , A iAaj unit! v. m., r, eueir. lercwiuur, - , -- tk- rarnlshlnst and dellverlns at Portia nd. Ore gon, the following apprulaaat ousn title of east Iroa water pipe and special castings, vis: Z.100 lineal reel -incn caet iron pipe, rises B., weight avw noanns per tengin, sv urns. ,000 lineal feet 0-1 oca eaat Iron pips, else D., weight aM poand per length. UO ton. 110 lines) feet g-tnch cast iroa pip, class D.. weight 6M pounds per length, BO ton. 1.800 lineal feet 10-lnch eaat Iroa pip, class !.. weight TtO poaad per length. 120 tuoa. . B,fO0 lineal feet 13-Inch et Iron pips, elaas D.. pro pounds per length, so toaa. lotai, 7S0 too. Special cestlnss for esse iroa water pip. 0,000 poand;' ' Rperlilrstlon and form of ovnpns! eea be obtdned at tb of flee of D. D. Clark. Engineer of th Water Board, City Ball. Portland, Ore gon. Bidders aunt stats the price ef pin per toa of 1. 000 pound ard the price of special caatlng per poand. all delivered f. . . rare, Portland, Orecoo, delivery of aa tne to be completed oa or before December JO, 1904. With each bid must be deposited e certified check for fSOO, para Me te tb order of the Auditor of th City of Portland Oregon, snd bond astlafartory to the Water Board win be required f tb successful bidder. . The right 1 reserved by the Water Board to reject any mr an ms. OTneei nut he eneloeed In aa envelop endorsed oa tb outride, "Propoeala for Water Pine,-' and ddrac v tne unaeTsiiuan. . ,. y eroor ei to aiv muni. . IX. Superintendent, Portland. Oregon. August lo. 1904. yXOPOIAXS TOB BBOKEV ITOirX. OBATXt ABD BAVD TOB BEBEETOIX BO. a. auekel la-onnasla will b received br the water Hoard of in .vny or .roriisna. on, sntll g p. at.. Monday, august wo, tor nirnisnins sna aciirerinn si twwri j-w. a. City Park, the following approiimat quanti ties of brokea stons. travel and land, via: Ta cum yerds tirogen atone. - 42A euhlc vardn Wlllsmetta rlvsr travel. AM cable r arils Columbia river , eoacrete sand. lellvery ef above materia la to be made anon requtelttoe at tb Water Board between Sep tember 1 and November Z0, In Iota to uit th cinliementa er the work la nana, not exoeea- tog too cuds? yro per aay. . . Th right la reserved by the Water Board to reject any or all bid, or to increase er diminish the totsl ouentltle te b delivered. aneclficstion and form of aropoeal cea be ot'talned at toe orric of tne angioeer or ut Water Board, nty Hall, Portland, Oregon. With earn bid must b deposited certified check for 100, perabls to th order of tb Andltor of tha Cltr ef Portland, and bond ac ceptable to th Water Board will be required of U succeaerui nmoer. I reposal mast he anclnaed In an tavelop endorwd oa th outside. "Iopoaal for Brqkea kton, (Snivel and Hand for Reservoir No. A" nd sddreaseif to the undersigned. By xwder ot tbe Water Board. I - ... - FRANK X. DOfKJB, Buneri ntendest-. Portland. Oregon, Aaguat la, 1904. FBOrOtall TOB BlOm tTOBX BAYXL ABD BABD FOB BESIBVOIB BO. i. Pealed proposals will be received 1 br th Weter Board ef th city of Portland, Oregoa. until t p. m., Monday, August 22. 1804, fiw furnlrMng and dellnrln at Keeevvolr N. 4, Itr Park, tb roiiowma pproilnt ejuasfl- tlea ef brokea stone, gravel and sand, Visi lis? vuuiv yarns nmaea atone. PAO euhic yard Wlllemette river gravel. pao cubic yanla Columbia river concrete aand. nellverr of abote meterlals te be mad aooa reqnl4IHia of th Water Board, between . Kep temher, 1 and November SO. In lota to ault th requirement of th work la band, not exceed- bid 100 ruble yard per day. Tne right m reaerved br tb Water Board tl reject any or all bid or to tnereao er 41 blulik the total quantities to be delivered. ft neclfl cation and form ef nronnsal esa be obtained at the effle of th Engineer ef the Water Board, city Hall, Portland. Oregon. With each bid must be depuoelted a certified check for $110, payable to the order ef th aui'ii", - . . i ,nq eniii, atceptabl to tfi Water Board will be required ef the successful bidder. Proposals must be ancloeed Is an nvelona endorsed oa th outside, "Prnpossja for H rosea Prone, Oravel and "end for Heeervotr t. 4," and addreaeed to the nndpralgned. v By order of tbe Water Board. I , FaAK T. IMirMln, f uperlntendeat. rortlaad, Oregoa, Aagest .id, loot. FR0F0IA1I FOB STBIET WOBK. Sealed propoaal will be received at the efflce f th Auditor ef tbe City of Portland until Augunt lu. lu4, at S o'clock p. m., fur tbe liuiwovcment of East Third street from a point 80 feet mirth of i be north line ot Eaat Davis street to the north Hue of Kast Couih atreet. tn the ttiaruier provldid by ordlneno No. 14,141. suhlrct to th pruvleloua of tb charter and ordinance of tbe City of Portland, and tbe (timet of th City Kngtnear. on die. Blda muat be strictly In 'accords new with printed blanks, whli h will he furnlnhed oa ep pllcattoa ut the ofllce of tb Auditor of th City of Portland. And said Improvement must be completed On er before 90 day from tb date of the signing of the contract by, the parties thereto. No profinesia r bid will be considered unless Accompanied by a certified cheek' payable to tbe order '.of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified br a responsible bank, for aa amount qnal to 10 er cent, of the aggregate proposal. The right to reject any and all bids fa hereby Seaerved. " ' " J i ' By order ef tbs eiecolee board. ' ' l . 4 THOS. 0. DETMK, ' Andltor of tbe Cltr of Portland. Portland, Or., August 18, 190. FBOPOSAXS FOB BTBEET WOBX, Healed propose la will be received at tbe efSc f the Auditor of tb City of Portland antll August 10, 11104, at o'clock V- m., for th .Improvement of Bryant atreet from the east line ef Wabash avenue to the weat Une of Delaware avenue, in the manner provided by ordinance No. 14.137, eunjeet to the provision of th charter and orillnsnos of tb City of Portland, and tha estimate, ef tbe City En gineer, a Hi. Bid muat be strictly ia accordance with printed blank, which will be furnlnhed on ap plication at tb orfles of th Auditor of th City of Portland. And said Improvement must be completed on er before 90 day from tb dat of the signing of tb contract by the partis thereto. No proposal or bid will b considered snlea accompanied by a certified check payable to tb order of tbe Mayor of tbe city of Portland, certified by a reaponslhl tank, for aa amount equal tu 10 per cent, of tbe aggregate propoaal. Tbe right to reject any and all blda U hereby reserved. By order ef the eiecuMv board ' . ' ... ..I THUS. C. DETLIW. - . Andltor of th City of Portland. Portland. Or.. August II, 1904. f . FBOPOSAXJ FOB TBJCXT WOBX. , ' Beskvd proposal will be received at tb office ef th Auditor ef tb Cltr of Portland antll August 19. 1004, at I o'clock p. nv, for tb Improvement of Eaat Ninth atreet from the north line ef Beacon street to tb aoath line of Ellsworth street, In the manner provided by ordinance No. 14.184, subject to the provisions f tb charter and ordinance of tb City of Portland, and tb aa timet of th City Ba glneer, ea tl. Bid moat ba ttrlctly . is seeardaset with printed blanks, which will b furnished on ap plication at tb efflce of tbe Andltor of tb City of Portland. And said Improvement muet be completed on or before go day from tb dat of tb signing of the contract by tbe parti thereto. No proposals or bid win be ecneldered aniens eeeompenied by a Certified check payable to th order of th Mayor of tb City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank, for aa amount equal to 10 per cent, of tbe aggregate proposal. The right to, reject say and all bids is hereby reeereed. , - i . By order of the executive board. , , THOS. C. DEVUlf, AaMtor of the Cltr ot Portland Portland. Or.. August IS, 1904; FBOrOSAZA FOB STBEIT WOBK. ' Sealed propoaala will be received at th ofoce ef th Auditor of tb City of Portland nntll Ausuat 19, 1904, at S o'clock P. m.. for the Improvement ef Fourth street from tb Math lln' ef Hooker street to tb north line of Wood street. In tb manner provided by ordi nance Ko. 14.138. (object to the provision of th charter and ordinance of tbe City of Port land, snd tbs ea timet ef tbe City Bnginear, M llle. ' ... Bid mnat be errh-tly In sccordsnc with printed blank, which will b furnished oa P ullcatlon at the office of th Auditor of tbe City of Portland. And ald Improvement most be completed on or before 0 day from tb (are of th algnlng of tb contract by the parties thereto. No propoeal or bid will be considered unlee accompanied by s certified check payable to tbe order of tbe Mayor of tbe City of Portland certified by a responsible bank, for as amount qnal to 10 par cent, of tbe aggregate propoaal. The right to reject any and all bid la hereby H F I TV I. i a? I " ' By order of tie execnrlv 'board , THOS. C. DBVMW , , Andltor of tbe City of Portland. , Portland. Or., Aaguat IS, 190. COMrTZTIOB ABD AOOEPTABCE OF M , FEOTIMIBT OF. OVEAXOB STBEES. Botice Is hereby glvea that William i C Elliott, Cltv Engineer, filed la the offlc . . . . , , .1 .,K SmIm Mt OI to anoersigneu, ewww . . , Keetine. enntractor for . tb Improvement Ovirton street, under th rrovlslons of erdl- nance Ho. ia.nK, navvcompiri"" T rrom center line ,we.T-w . . . , the center line of Twenty-third treet and the . m- Tw.ntT.fn.irtli atreet to tb west line of Twenty-nrtn atreei. pain acceptance; wm w, '"-. . '.( . ir to the accent nee of said treet. or any part thereof, may te, rued in tno omce vs wm eujwioa - - tim Drear inenin. THE EXECrTTTB BOARI, ' By THOS. 0 DEVLIN. . . ' Andltor of th City ot Portland. Portland. Oregon. Aaguat 18. 1004. CCBTFUTIO ABD AOCXPTAJrOB OF SXWXB TJf ALBIBA AvEBTTE. u .. . w i . tie winiees n 1 nronos re s ' ' - '" . , ':; MmtZl Elliott, City Xngloeer. naa rueu in in, on, ef lb anderalgned, notice tnai . p. BiemniDnai, ettrctor for th eomtroetlea of a aewer la Alhlna avenue, unaer IT""! 1,1 emm ion feet ooth of th south lln of Shaver alrret to a oenuecuotj vua me eewes- Brecb street. . . . Bald acceptance will be eoneidered by . , n . A iMlnOTw mm the tain tb day m of hM tATfr-T, r any part throf. mf ka ldbari a, tn mnca ox in uiwiiiaun ume pnor ere. ' . at AH AAHVL I I f W vvniii'i ; By THOS. C DEVLIJf. 1 Andltor of the City of Portland. . Portland, Oregon. Auguat tA 104. OOMPLETIOB" ABO AOCEFTABCE OF Ot- FBOYZatZBT V OF SKATXB BTBEZT. K-Almm I, heeehe aifM that William 0. eniin, Cite ttnaineer. haa filed in th offlc ef tb onaereigneo. none mi unm eauio. m Ammm M tne imnBinuni oa pus i ,irt-i. under th provision of ordinance Ko. 1S.7ZT. haa completed said street from center line of Borthwics atreei an. awes uum n siiaW venue. ' . Bald eceptn Will oe coaasioea-eo oy Me w.,,i.e Roard at 4 o'clock on th 19th dar f Augiat. I9(4. and objection to th accept a ace of ld street, or any pert thereof, may be filed In the offlc ef tb goderatgncd at any time prior thereto. , Xxiai e-Ar. ' iia d, , . nu, . . ' . " , By THOS. C DEVIJlf, , ' - Auditor of the City of Portland. Portlant. Oregon. Augretf'H, IVH. COMPLETIOB ABD ACCEPT ABCE OF IX- PBOTEMEBT OF SPOKABB AvEBTTX, ifu, . hereh siren that William C. winAt rite lcnaineer. ha filed In the office of the anderalgned. notice fhet Will A Kelly, etntractore for the Improvement of Snokaa tetin, unaer tne pvontione m on,rnenc no. it sot kata anmnleted ald tret. front Wlk lemett river to the weat curb line of Bait mf'neteenlk Street. . Said acceptance will be eoneidered by th Ekacnrlv Bord at 4 o'clock on tb 10th day in,-!. qi-4. and oblectlon to th accent or ef Hid etreet, or any pert thereof, me J tw filed la th office of the anderalgned at any time prior thereto, - -,- . X a m a. a.v i u,a oiinnn, By THOS. 0 DEVUN, ' t Auditor of th City of Portland. Portland. Oregoa. August la, IPOf. COMPLETION ABD ACCEPTANCE OF - IX- FBOVEXENT OF UaTIOH AvXVtTB. Wntieei - te - herebv rlvea that William ft. niiott. Cltr Eiwlnaer. ha filed In tb of floe of the anderalgned. notice that Gtehwrh A Jopl! n, emtractor for th Improvement ef Union vrnus, under the prnvldoo ef ordinance No. 1S.470. Dare cm ipieteu earn err ei, I rom enter Une of Boulevard to Deknm, vann. , , Ssld accent a nee will he considered b the xeeutlv Board at 4 o'clock en th 19th da ef Aaguat, 19"4. end objection to th accept- aace or ia ireei. or any parx roereox, may tw filed tn the office of tbe anderalaned at ant time prior thereto. I it n iari t'livBi rtiiattii. . 4 By THOS. C DEVLIN, Andltor of th City of Portland. : Pert land. Oregr n. Aagnat 11. 1B04V. . 00XFIXTI0B AND AOOEFTANCE OF SEWEB IN WTLLIAX AVENTTE. Notlcs I hereHr atven tnat William a Klilort City Engineer, ha filed In tb efflce of th cnitertlgncu, notice that lecoheon-Bad Co., eon tractor for t: const.-uction ,.f a sewer Is V, llllam averse, and -e the prevtaton of ordl ri'C No. lksdS. have eosno leted said sewer, from 100 feet aoath of th aoath lln ef Alliert afreet to connection with tbe newer Is Premont atreet st William verm. Said accept, no will ne oaneldered by the Klecative Board at 4 O'clock on the IBth dee f August, 14. and objection to th sccept- s see ot as hi newer, er any pars xnereor, may tw filed in th efflre of the auderetgneg st any time prior thereto. ( . TtlM slalxTlTg nliRKU, By TIH iR. C DEVLIN. ' Aadltor of the City f portlaad. Portland, Oregon, Aagnat IS, 104. OOafPLZTIOV ABD AOCEPTABCC OF BIWXB IX EAST YAMKIU. ITBEET. . Notlcs I hereby given that William ' C. Elliott; City Engineer, : filed In the offlua of the anderalgned. notice tlwt i) NAndereuu. oontractor for th voustructlon of sewer In srJ smblll street, under th provision of ordinance No. 14. Wl, ba completed em id sewer, from TA feet esst ef tb east lln of Esst Thirteenth street to a connection with tbe w-wer la Eaat Twelfth tret,- Said acceptance will ,be considered br the Eiecutlv Hoerd t 4 1 clock ou the 19th day of August, luos, and objection to tb aocept ance of astd aewer, or any part thereof, siay b, filed la th office of the anderalgned at auy time prior thereto. . .. . ' THE EXECITIVH BOARD, ; ... Hy THOti. C DEVLIN. Auditor of tli City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, August 13. 1904. COMPLETION ABD ACCEPTANCE OF IX FBOTEXEBT OF EABT HIBXTEZXTX TBZZT. . i Notice la hereby given that William 0. Elliott, City Engineer, ha filed In th offlc of the underslgnsd. notice that Jam Blelei. contractor Air tbe Improvement of East Nine teentb street, under the provision of erdr eane No. 11,07f, ba eompketed said street from the eoutb line ot Wrldier to crater line of rUlaey street and from center lln of Broad war tu center line of Weldler, . Said acceptance will be conatderad by th Bncutlv Board at 4 o'clock on tb 19th day of Antust. lut4. and obJecUens to the accept nee ot esld street, or any part thereof, amy be filed la tbe ofllce of tbs undersigned at any time prior thereto. . . , THB EXECmTB BOARD. ,..,!'. By THOS. O DEVLIN, Aadltor of the City of Portland, Portlaa-1. Oregon, Auguat 13. 1904. : COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX ' FBOYEXXVT OF XABSBAIX STBEIT. ' Notice Is hereby gives that William O. Elliott, City Engineer, he filed In tb: office of tb anderalgned. v notice that Warren Con struction Co., contractor for the Improvement of Marshall etnet. under the provtalona of ordinance No. 13,948, baa completed eald atreet, from center 'Ine of Twenty-third atreet to east lln of Twnty-flf tb treet. , . . . Said acceptance will be considered by th Bxecuttv Board at 4 o'clock on tb 19th day of August. 1904. and objection to tb accept ance of eald treet, or any pert thereof, may be filed in the offlc ef tb Undersigned at say tim prior thereto. TUB EXBCCTTVB BOARD, ' By THOS. C DEVLIN. Andltor of th City of Portland. - Portland, Oregon, August U. 1904. . COMPLETION ABD ACCEPTANCE OF XX PBOTEMEBT Of FLABDZKS STBEIT. Notice Is. hereby given' that Willltm C Elliott, City Engineer, ha filed In the offlc ef th anderalgned.' notice that Warren Coat traction Co., contractor for th improvement of Plaader treet, under the provialon pf ordinance Ko. 111,944. baa com- leted esld treet. from center line of Fourth street to cantor tin of Sixth street. ' Said acceptance will ba eoneidered by .the Executive Board at d o'clock on tb 19th day ef August. 1804. and objection to th accept ance of said atreet. or any pert thereof, may be filed In th office of tbe andrignd at any time prior thereto. THB EXECTTTTB BOARD, ' By THOS. ft DEVLIN. Aadltor of the City of Portland, Portland. Oregoa. Angus IS.. 1904. - COMPLETION ABD ACCEPTANCE OF . IX ' FBOYZXXBT OF DAVIS ITBEET. Notice Is hereby given that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, bis filed Is the office t tb unilerclgned, entice that Warns Con traction Co., contractor for the Improvement ef Davl etreet. under the provisions of ordi nance No. 18,943., be completed (aid street, from west Una of Tl-lrd street to aat lln of Tenth atreet. . ... Bald acceptance will be conatderad br tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe 19th day of Auguat, ltx. and objection to tb accept ance of astd atreet, or any part thereof, may be filed la the office of tbe oodanlgned st sny tlnss prior thereto. . THB EXBCTtTTYB BOARD, By THOS. O DEVLIN. Andltor of th City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. Aagnet 18. 1904. ' COXTLITION AND AOCXPTABCX OF IX , FBOYEXEBT OF FOTJBTH iTREET. N Notice Is hereby glvea tht William C. Kntott, Cl'.y Engineer, ba filed In the offlc of th nndengened, notice that Carbollncunt Wood Preserrtiig Co., contractor tor the Im rtovement of Fourth itreet. under the pro Vision of ordinance No. 18.94T, he completed aid etreet, from south lln of Bnrnald atreet to south line of OUsaa etreet. Said ecceptane will be considered by th Executive jjosra X o cincn on iue una oar . August, 1904. and objection to th accept ance of add (treet er any part thereof, may b filed la tha office of tbe undersigned at any time prior thereto. . 7 : TUB EXECTTTTYs? BOARD. i ' By THOS, O DEVLIN, ' Aadltor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Auguat 1. 1904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX- FBOTEXENT OF ABTHUB STBEET. Wet te heeeh alvvn that William ft Elliott, City Engineer, hen filed In tbe office or tne anaeveignea. none ui,i e. , rwr7l Mi,,rfe ie the Imnrovement of Arthur street. ander tb provialon of ordinance No, 18.818, ba completed said atreet. from center lln ef Ftent rtreet to eaat lln of Plrat street. - Bald cceptane will be enurideved by tb Executive Board at 4 o'clock oa the 19th day Of August,' 1K04, ana oojeciiowe io ine sccepi. . c aa imm Aim n v nart thereof, met be filed In th office ef tbe Undersigned st say tim prior thereto. . , THB EXBCTTIVB BOARft. By TH08. C DEVLIN, Andltor nf th City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Auguat 1. 1904. COMPLETION AND 1 ACCEPTANCE OF XX. PBOVEMENT OF WATEX AND HOOD arirxTfi. , w.ti heeeh etveB thai William C., City Engineer, tss filed In the office of tbe anderalgned. notice that Smyth A Howard Co., contractor for tb lmrsovemert of Water nd Hood afreets, nnner me pro,iiwns or er dtniec No, it, 777. have completed eald street, from center lln of Grant aoeet to ccster Une ef Phertdaa etreet. . Bald acceptance will be considered br tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock oa the 19th day ef Aaguat. 1904, and objection to tb ccept ane ot ld treet. or any part thereof. Buy be filed In tb office of tbe anderalgnad at any time prior thereto. . ,- Bmw eex EXECTTITB BOARD, ' . By THOS. C DEVLIN. t ' y , . Andltor ef the City of Portland, Portland. Oregon, Anguat 18. 1904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX . PBOVEMENT OF OVEBTON STBEET. wtiee te hereh riven thst William C. s-iiint, nn Enrlneer. hea filed In the office of the anderalgned. notice that Star Sand Co., contractor for iae imp-. T-r.n street, undee the provialon of ordinance No. IC A25 be vwi ipleted atd tract, from center line of Fourteenth etreet to center Una of s'lrieentn arreei snra center une a ,imi ma treet to center line of Eighteenth street. a. 14 .niinea will be considered !t tb Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 10th day OC auguat, leo. ami' lojuin w w j.v r- anC Of 1119 tret. OT any pen inerw,i, suay b filed la th office ef the anderalgnad at any tim prior thereto. , . THB EXBCl'TIVB BOARD. , ; By Titos, v DBVL.IJX, : Aadltor of the City of Portland, Portland, Oregon. Anguat IS. 1904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX' FBOYEXEBT OF ADIgWOBTH AVXXITB, .. . . - I ,K Willi. CI r.llioii, I nr nnsij " ' of th anderstgned, notice thst Oeorge Bauer, et-ntracior ior "7" - avenue, uoo r e e, - -- ..... 18.811. baa completed Mid atreet,. from center lln or ax main ears w evetea- hob x Beet Seveut b' street. Said acceptance will b considered be tha ... . A th 1Dk .. o' Augnat, 194. and objection to tb aceept- a see or ia sir v i; .---i. saey be filed la tbe office ef the ndenlgned st say .1 1 ,K ,n ' A xintw teye -WW aiy,cA . Ills Baal i life enAnir, , , By THOS, p DEVLIN. Andltn ot the City of Fartlaad.. rortlasd, Oiegon. Augnat IS. 1904. FEOPOSALS FOX STBEET WO IN, Seeled nrnnnsala win be received mt the nfMce Of th Audlror of tn City eg .Portland sntll August 19. 1904. st t 'rlock p. m., for the Improvement ot Magnolia street from tb aat line of East Eighth etreet to tha west lln of Durham arena. In th manner provided by ariUmaei No. 14.140. subject to th provision of the charter a ad ordinance of th City of Portland, aaa ine esusaeie ox u vug angineer. B?d' Sinet be frletlr tn eccardance with printed blank, which will be furnished oa ap- uoaiwn bt ii v. " ' ""'. va tne ite M Portland. And ssld Imomvenw-nt muet ke entente! eil on or before SO day from the date ef the algnlng ef the contrast by. the parties thereto, , Nn ammeili or bid will be considered onleee accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of tha Mayor nf tb City of Portland, evtlfied by responalhl bank, for aa amount quel to 14 per cent. f tb aggregate pmpoesl. The right t reject any and all blda ia hereby ee-rved. , . By oroer er ine paw-in-re noe re , i. . THOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltoc ef tbe Cltv of Portland. Portland, Or.. Aaguat IS, 1904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE ' OF tX FEOVIstENT OF WTOANT STBEET. . Notice 1 hereby glvwa that William C. Elliott, City' Engineer, hue tiled In tlve office of tli undersigned, notice that Steven ft White, contractors for the luiprovement nf Wygant ttreet. under the provision of erdl nanc No.' 14,874, have completed said atreet. from center Una of Grand atreet to west lln of Kaat Seven ih etreet. Bald acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tb 19th dsy of August, luus, nnd objections to the accept sec of ssld street. r any part thereof, may be tiled In th office ef tb undersigned at any tim prior thereto. " ' TUB EXECTTlVB BOARD, : By THOS. C DEVLIN. Aadltor ef the City of Portland. , .lVrflan V.Oregon, August IS, 1904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX- FBOYEXEBT OF' CLEVELAND AVENUE. Notice I beret, y gives that William C. riH.ilt, City Engineer, he filed la tbe offlc of the anderalgned, notice that B. J. Debuhr, cartrector foe the improvement of Cleveland avenue, ander the provialon of ordinance No. IB 90, ha completed aald atreet, from Center lln of Maagley atreet to outb lis ( Alhcrta.aiiwet. . Raid a cceptane will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 19th day at August, i I0O4, and objection to th accept ance of eald atreet, or any part thereof, anay b filed la the office ot tbe snderelgoed st say time prior thereto. - TUB EXECmVB BOARD. ' ' , By THOS. C DEVLIN. ' Andltor of th City of Portland' Portland. Oregon. Aug-iet IA 19o4. CH'MPLETIOlf AND ACCEPT AN CE OF IX FBOTEMENT OF FIB ST AVXBTTE.. '. Notice I hereby given that William 0. Klitntt. Cltr Engineer, bee filed la the office ot tb undersigned, notice that William E. Orle. contractor for th Improvement of First enue, under the pro villous ef ordinance' Ko 1?,P79. haa completed said street, from north erly lln it Locust tract "to northerly II u of Ash atreet. . ' Said acceptance will be considered by th Executive Board, at 4 o'clock oa th 19th day of Anguat, 1UC4,' and objection to tbe accept ance of aald ttreet, or ny part thereef, may be filed la the of nee of tb anderalgned at any time prior thereto. . THB EXECTTTVB BOARD. : By THOS. 0 DEVLIN, Andltor of the City ot Portland, Portland. Oregon. Auguat 18. 1904. PROPOSALS FOX ITXEZT WOBJC Sealed pro noes la wilt be received at th offlc of tb Andltor of th City of Portland antll August 19, 1904. at S o'clock p. m.. for tb Improvement of Morris street from tb eaat Une ef, Lnkm avenue to th ssat line of Alblna. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 14,lnb, euhleet to the provialon of th charter and ordinances of th City of Portland, and tbe esti mate of tb City Engineer, oa file. Bid must be strictly tn aceordanc ' with printed blanks, which will be furnished oa n pllcatlon at th office of th Andltor of th City of Pnrtlaad, And aald Improvement muet be completed on or before 00 daya from the date of the algnlng of tbe contract by tb IHirtlea thereto. No propoaala or bid wfll b eoneidered antes accompanied by a certified check payahle to th ardor of tb Mayor of tb City of Portland, certified bv a reaponslhl bank, for as amount qnal to 10 per cent, of the aggregate proposal. Tne ngnt to reject any ana all blda la hereby . By order ef tbe exeraflve board THOS. C. DEVLIN, Andltor of the Cltv of Portland Portland. Or., August IS, 1904. FXOFOSED rXFXOYEKEBT OF FXXXONT , STBEET. Notice Is ' hereby given that st tb . meetlnscl or the council of tne city or rortiana, Oregon, held on the fid day of August, 104. the fol lowing resolution was adopted:' . Beeolved. That the Council ef the City of Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and pro, pose to Improve Fremont street from tbe west line of Beat Eltrhtb atreet to tb out Its of t'nloa arena la tb following manner, to wit: Pint By grading the atreet fall width with fall Intersections to tbe proper grade sa gins by tb Cltv Engineer. Second By bringing the surface of tbs strt fall width with full Intersection to the proper grade with gravel. Third By constrocttng wooden a.dewsrks la ceordane with tb City Engineer's plans, peel flea Hon and estimate. Fourth By eonatrurtlng wooden croeawalkl. ' Fifth By constructing box and ton gutter In ceordanc with th City Engineer' plana, sped Destines and estrmstes. Ssld Improvement to be made In accordance with ' tbe charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and the plsne. epectflcattone and estimate of the City Engineer, filed In the fflrw nf th Andltor of th City ot Portland on tb lit day ot Anguat, 1904. endorsed: "City Engineer' plan and specification for th Improvement of Fremont etreet from the Weat lln ot Eeet Eighth atreet to tb east tin of Union avenue, and th estimate of tb work to be don and the prnoame total coat rnerenr." Tbe cost of id Improvement te be aaeeeeed a provided bv th cltv charter apon the property specially benefited thereby, and which ia hereby declared to be all the lota, parts ot lota and parcel of land lying between a lln 100 feat north ot and parallel with tbe north line ef Fremont atreet and a lln 100 feet enath of and parallel with th south lln of Fremont atreet. and between th west lln of Esst Eighth (treat aaa tpe eaat una er Luton avenue. . Tba Engineer's eatlmat cf tb probable total cost for tb Improvement of said Fremont treet h 4.078.00. . Tb abote Improvement Is to be classed s travel improvement and shall be maintained bf tbe city for a period of five year, provided that the owner of a majority of th property benefited by staid Improvement or any portion thereof ehall. Dot petition for a new or different Improvement before tbe . etplrattoa of aucb period' The nlana, cpeci fleet ion and estimate ef tb City Engineer tor tb Improvement ef said Fremont atreet are hereby adopted Reeolved. That tb Auditor of tb City of Portland be and he I hereby directed to give notice of tb proposed Improvement ef said street a provided by th city charter. Bemonetrancee gainst the " shove Improve ment may be filed In writing with tb nnder lgnd within to day from tb date st tbe first pnMlcation ef thla notice. By order of tbe Council. ' ' ' . - THOS. C. DEVLIN. - " Aadltor of tbe City nf Portland. Portland, Oregon, Aaguat S. 1904. FEOFOSED IMPROVEMENT OF .EAST ALDEB - - STBEET. . . Notice Is hereby given that st the nesting of tb Council of tb City of Portland Oregon, held os the Id day of Anguat 1904.. tbe fol lowing resolution was adopted: Beoolved That th Council of tb City of Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and pro poses to Improve East Alder street rrom the eeet lln of Eaet Thirty-eighth etreet to the weet Un of Eaet Thirty -ninth street, la tbs follow ing manner, to-wit: Plrat By grading tbe street fall width with fall Intersections to tbe proper grad s given by the City Engineer. Second By constructing wooden sidewalk. Said Imnrovement to be made In accordance wftb tbe charter and ordinance nf th City of Portland and th plan, pectflcatlon and estimate of th City Engineer, filed la tbe office of th Aadltor of the City of Portland on the SBth day of July, 10O4. endorsed: "City Engineer' plan and specific tiona for the Improvement of Eaat Alder street from tbe east lln of Esst Tblrty-elrhtb treet to the west line nf Eaet Thirtr-nlnth atreet. and tbe eatlmates of th work to be done and tba prob able total coat tnereor." Tbe coat of ssld Improvsment to be a astasia provided bv tn cltr charter aooa th propertir specially benefited thereby, and which I sereby declared to be all the lot, part ot iota and pareeie or land lying Between a line 100 feat north op and narallel with tb north lln ef East Alder etreet and a lln fm feet sontb of aad parallel with tbe south Una ot east jtmer street nd netween tne Mat line or East Thirty-eighth etreet aad tb weet Un at Eaet Thirty-ninth street. . The Engineer' eatlmat ef tbe probable Vital rest for the Improvement of raid Eaet Alder atreet I (780.00. Tb nlana. neelfleatlnna snd tlmatee of the City Engineer for tbe liaprovement ef aald Eaat Alder treet er hereby (dopted. Heeoiveo, mat tn Aunitnr or me nty er Portland be aad be is berehr directed to rlv notice of th proposed Imnrovement of aald treet provided by th city charter, Bemonetrancee aeslnet the above Imncove ment may be filed m writing with tbs ander slgned within SO days from tbs dat ef the first pohitcailnn of thle notice. By eroar or tn t onncu. - , THOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor ot the City ot Portland. Portland. Oregon, Anguat A 1904. i POuTTDMASTTS S JTOTICX. Norte fa herebv elvea that oa the Sth gar of Ananat. ItsfH. I took un and moounded at the City Pound, at No, Ml Sixteenth (treet. In th Cltv ef Pnrtlaad. Oretoa. the folaowlne de scribed animals: Pay mar, right front and , .k Ll., . Mt.l ski,, . . and email brand ea lert arm: young red and- white steer witn crop in ngnt ear, no anles the owner rr other rerson or person having aa Interest then la ehall. elxlm pnwei salon ef tb aad pay sll mets and charge ef tb (Ding and advertising them. tug-tber with the pound tee on said animals. . a a nvovtded by ordinance No. S.9m. amended, of aald C.ty nf Portland, I wilt, "on the 1Mb day of Augnat. IWt, at the bonr of 10 a. an., at the City Pound, at No. 2ft I Sixteenth etreet. tn aeld eltr. cell tb above described animate at anhlte auction to tbe hlfheet bidder, to pay the coeta nd chargee for taking Up, keeping and advertl- sng aucn animate. . . tMieo ibis ilia say er auruar ie. , , , r. w. syKp, ....-, j i . , - Paoadansstsr. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX. FBOYEXEBT OF XAST TENTH STBEET. Notice la hereby gives that William 0. ElHott, City Engineer, baa filed la the office of tba nnderslguetl, notice that Clel.lscb A Joplln, contracture for the Improvement ef List Tenth atreet, ander tb provlelon' ot oidlnnnc No. 18,807, kave completed aald street,, from north line of Falling atreet to center line ef Shaver ttreet and from center line ol Maaua Ireet to center lln of Mkldinor (treat. Said (cceiiunc will be considered by the Executive l.rd at 4 o'clock aa tbe lOtb day of August, liot. and objection to tbe accept ance of aald atreet. r any part thereof, may b tiled In th offlc of tb audanlgoed at auy tim prior thereto. TUB EXECCTIVB BOARD, . , By THOS. C DEVLIN, Aadltor of tbe City of Purtlpod. PorHand. Oregon, August U. 1904. . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWEB ' IX XAST TBIBTY-FOUBTK STBEET. Notice I hereby glvea that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, has filed In the office of tb anderalgned. notice that Baecblil Brae., contractors for th couat ruction of sewer In East Thnrtv.fourfb etreet, under the pro vision ot ordinance No. 14.042, bars com pleted said sewer, from tw feet north ef ih aortb line of Hawthorne avenue to a sewer In East Thirty-fourth street at 50 feet aoulh ef the eouth lln ef Eaat Main atreet. Said acceptance will be considered by th Executive Doerd at 4 o'clock on the 19th dsy of August, two, sad objection to the accept ance ot said aewer, or any part thereof, may be filed In tha office of tbe eadvrslgned at any tim prior thereto. i , . THB EXECUTIVE BOARD. ' . . By THOS. C DEVLIN, Aadltor of the City of Portland. . Pert land. Oregon. Auguat 18. 1904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF. IM- - PROVEMENT OF XAST TWENTT EIOBTK ' STXEZT. '. Notice ' la hereby glvea ; that William ' O. Elliott, City Engineer, has filed In the offlc of th undersigned, notice that Giehisen A Jcjilln. comraetor for tb imnrovement of tfrst Twenty-ela-hun (treet, ander tb provision ot erdlune No. 18.96, hsv completed said street, from center line of Kaat Pin atreet to etnter line of Kat Ankeny atreet. Bald acceptance will be eoneidered by tb Executive Hoard at 4 o'clock oa tb 10th day of August, lie. nd objection to th accept anc of ld atreet, or any port thereof, may be filed la th offlc ef the andrslgnd at any time prior therato. . TUB EXECrTIVl BOARD. ' . By THOS. V HalVU. Aadltor of tb City of Portlasd. Portlsad, Oregon, Auguat 18. 1904. , COMPLETION AND - ACCEPTANCE OF IX PROVEMENT OF XAST TENTH STBEET, - Notice te heeehe adveor-tnat - WIlHam O Elliott, City Engineer, ba filed In tb effle of the anderalgned. notice that Llad A Maa King, contract jr for the Improvement of Kaat TtntB atrset, unaer tn provision oi orui nance No. 18. MT. have comDaeted (aid etreet, froaa north Une ot Failing street to center Une ef Ma aon street. Bald aocepUne wlU be considered by tb Exeotillv Board at 4 o'clock on th 19th day .' August, 1104, and objection to th accept, aaee of aald atreet. or any pert thereof, may be filed la th office ef tbe anderalgned at any tim prior thereto. THB EXECTTTIVB BOARD, '. , , By THOS. C DEVLIN. ' Andltor ef the City of Portland Portland, Oregon. Aaguat 18. 1904. . ocxpxrnoN and acceptance of rx- FEOVXMENT OF FBESCOTT STBEET. NnHee la hereh riven that William C miott. City Bnrln, haa filed In tbe effle of tb anderalgned, nntlc that Lou I Janln, enntractor for tba Improvement of PpMcnti treet, ander th provision of ordinance No. 18,878. baa completed ld street, from center line of Beet Eleventh atreet to the center line of Eaat Twelfth atrset and th east hi Inter section Eaat Fourteenth atreet. - Said acceptance will be considered by tb Executive Hoard at 4 o'clock on tbe lth day el August, land, (nd objection to the accept a nee of (aid atreet, or any part thereof, may be filed in th efflce of tbe andrignd at any tim prior therato. , TUB EXEfT"nVB BOARD, ' .By THOS. C DEVLIN. ' Andltor of th City of Portland rVrtland Oregon. Anguat 18. 1904. i Jus Only Double-Track . Railway between tha , Missouri River C; axd The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Dr wing-room sleeping: cars, dining car, buffet smoking ana library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago, Two ThroughTrairis to Chicago are operated dally via the Oregon K . R. A Na. Co., V F. R. K. and Cbtcaro At Nortb-Westero Ry. Chicago (rom Portland and points in Oregon sod Eastern Washington. . , Daily excursion in PaHmsn tourist sleeping cars Irom Portland through ; to Chicago without change. K.K. aiTCHig. a. 0-, rs 1 Agt. rac. coast, teaaevsl Agast, N.-W. Ry. - C O S. W. K: HALTLMORI, V- OHIO R. R. AU, TRAINS VTA WASHINGTON TWtfcd OtTks Ca TUr4 Street . fbagai J r7 . Trnoontlrienttl a eaW . Tralnam Ually FAST TIME TO BPOKANB, ST. PAUL. DCXTJTTI, M1NNEA POU8, CJUCAOO AND - AJLte POINTS EAST. Daylight trip through the Cascads gnd Rocky mountains. Tor full partlo nlaro, tats, folders, eta, call on or ad dreaa ' ' X. DTOXSOBT, City Ttoket AVfts taa Tfolrd Street, ortlad. Chicago I Say Market Street, tej Tslrd Street, I , tan PBAaciaco, cat. 1 roaxuuio, oag. ODFfiOTI Ciinnr'i.iwn 1 1 aw '''''. ' ' and vmon Pacific S TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Through Pullman standnrd and tanaiat alees ref car dally to Omaha, Cbleagn, Spokaaef toorlst leelng ears dally to Kaaaae Cttfl tbraagh Pallmaa tonrtet sleeping ears (serao ally roa ducted) weekly to Cblcat Reellstsg ebatr ears teeets tree I to tn si siuy. I. ONION DSPtrT. ' titavwa, Arrlree, CHtCAOO-l'OHTfcANB ! a, Ss. StSB p. av SPECIAL. , Dally. Oally. . Par tb Esst vis Bast- - tngtoe. -1 ' ' SPOKANiTiriTttS. ( 0 a. S. Por Eastern W ash In- Dally. . Deily toa. -Walla Walla. Lew- , letns. toe us d Aleoe ; ! aad Great .Northara ' nolnta, . ' . ; ATLANTIO EXPRten. :lt p. am. T;1B a. ev Par tb Eaat via Haa- Dally. Dally . t tngtos, . . . . .. :" ocp an Ajm srvia sckxpoxs. FOR SAN PHANriaCO: Iproes t:0 n. an. S, S. Oea. W. Side i Alnewortb Ant. 4, 14. . Dock, a. S. OoIursMa - 140 p. at. ' . , . I A(g. '9, 18. 2a. V , ' j Oolamhto greer trorlslee. , PON ASTORIA sad way points, connecting erlth stmr. for llwsre end North bench, Mr. Bas se lo, Ass-et- dock. S: B. as. Dally. ea. Sunday Satnvday 10 00 s. m. Ahowt 11:00 p. aa. ' ex. Suadey, TafshO giver Sewto. FOR DA TTO ft, Oretoa Cltr aad Tambin Rlrer points, err. Both aad Modoc. Aab-et. dock. - (Water permlttlag.T TOOs. Dally, except . Daily. .aanday. aaks mivar Beota. POB LBW1STON, Ida nd way point irom Rlparta. Wash.. teeas ra SpaBaae aad lew tston. ven a. sa. Dally, at. Bat. About 5 :00 a, Dull rdtif. TICKET OPPICPJ. Third snd Wsahtngto, Tut, pboae Main TIB, , PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY fop Yokohama and Hong Kan. esTnog at Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freltbg eta connecting otoamar for "..nn furl Artbasi sad Vlsdlvostok. i 7 - For rata and rail information eaS en e ee draw effllclale a agents ef the O. B. e N. On. EAST--SOUTH UNION DEPOT. ' I Arrives, Otbbland expbess trains, for Saaim, Boee- burg. Ashland, Bacrs- eg '''"'.' SiSea,SA, 4 0p. m. ns.s. I140 p. Sa. menu, Ogdea. Saa f rae ciece, Stocktoa. Lo Ae cum, Bl Pa, New Oe- T JS a. at. leana and foe Beat, At Wood bum . daily texcepx oanaayi. i Ing train for aft Aa TJO e, at, gel, Blrvertna, Browssv rllle, Sprlnrdeld. Wead- nng aad i'stroa. Albany fee, naet. sects st Wood bom with 40:1 a. at- Asaax aasi iiwaei ton local. . Oorvalll naming at ..... 118:50 fx. Si Bbarldaa peaaaager-... eg:.S. SX. Dally. ..Daily, except Sunday. srtlaad-Oewege SaWrtieu ServMe sa4 TaaxblS Srrlslon. .. : . Depot root of Jeffrraoa SUeL teev Portland dally for Oswersi T:ot a. mt 11 M. t:0S, 1:11. 6 5. :. t:0. 10:10 s m. Daily lexcept Seudayl, SO, S SO. S td. 0:M s. m. 4.00. UiN p. (a. Soaatap ly. SS a. m. ftetarnfns? front ferae re- arrive Portland dsftv 0 a. ta. 1:MI, 4.MI. S:ln. T:K I H, 11-18 n. m. Dairy (cxaept Snndv K. T BV J 10 to. 11:48 a. m. Sxeetrt Mondar. U SS p. w. Sunday only. 10 Vi a. aa. . Leaves from same depot for Defies snd tutor, tsedlet potnta dalle (except Sun dsy I 4:00 piaa. Arrlv Portland (0:M p. sa. Tb lndnBdenvw-tfnnnoati ' tfotne . Mae enerstee detlv to bfonmonth aad Alrlte. eoe Becflnc with Southern Pacts company's Waeka at Dallae and Initroendertce. ' ' yTrt-da e far from Portteaff to Paces meets end Naa Pranclse S20, berth o; sscssd !) far SIS. eegord-claee berth 19 SO. Ticker to Eeetent points end P'l ' eoe, (MS ganen. rviro. rronoiant (no sswxruim. Cnv Ticket Office corner Tnira eea ton Pt,oBe, Kata Tit. a W. STINOBB, .W. . CTVMAN City Ticket Aretrt. 0, Paaa. A. Agent. TIME CARD V or TRAINS PORTLAND: tTNION DEPOT. Paget tonnd Limited, re- Taoome. Seettle. S:S0a. aa. Olympla. SoaitB Bend and dray's Barter points. Morth coast Lrmttee, for Taroma, Seattle Butte. St, Psal. MIs nesnolfs. Chicago. New tOBfatt, TeMSaSX, fMSaSS. Terk. Bostos td potato Eaet ssd Soothes e. Twin-City Bxneesa, far Tacnasa. Beet tie. S ro ta ne, Helens, at. Paul eflnneepolte, Chicago, U:4S P, a. New York. Boston aad all solnts Best aad Southeast. Puget Soand Vans Clty-St. Loale Snectak for Tacnvaa. Ke, tt te. Spokane. Bstte, Billing. Denver. Omaha. K ansa a City. St. Louis and all S:t0a. av IM a. an. points Beat aad Soata, All tralaa . dally except ea Swett ' Bead breach. . , A. D. CBABLTON. Aaalatant Oenerel Peeaenger Agee. ; BB storrunn St.. see. Third. Perils ed. Oe. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. ONION DBPOsV. tor Mergers, agister. Clatskaale, Weatpnet, CHfton. ' Astoria, W ar reutoa, Plsvsl. Ham mond. Port Steves Oesrhart Part, Seaald, Aatorls Bed Sesahera, giprees ellr. , AMarU Bxnreea. , (tolly, UiMa. S-OAS. SL Dally. r-flOa as. Dally ea. I 40 Ik m Saturday. Sst. euly. 130 p. m. rmllr. IotlansVSeaa1ds Plyev. - . J. 0. If A TO. a. P. and P. A., A.i, is. Or. 0, A. rrgWART. OmaaeUal Atsel, tw A Many si. rsoee aaeia vw SchvcbCrci Vi. Beat Wort, ateasos' 'a I gt7 re SVauA tuseli 1 ) I ii I suiatr. "t (OlQCPIM frUsttJ I Itll SOUTH Ol