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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1904)
i 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 16. 1904. , SALMON PACKERS FACE BIG LOS: nsxora nnoi cloud txbtbb- sat An ounu abb bubs ." TBAT PACK WXZ.Ii BB OBXT XAUT ; WHAT XT TJBtTAJLXY XI BAT, MOB XiW OBTTZVO jVATBB TBABLT. The cannerymen, whose fishing Mason closed yealerday, are very "blue" over the situation. It being estlmaiM mat . thy have not much more than 60 per cent of the usual pack on the Colura . , BU river. Laat year the canneries of the Columbia river parked JOO.000 cases. ' Today It 1 doubtful If there are over 150.008 canes put up from the packing season Just closed. Frank M. warren. Jr., of the Warren racking company, aald today. . "It la Impossible to give anything more than a wild gueea so soon after ' the clone of .the aeason. ' The only way trunak an eatlmate la to take the pack - of each cannery and figure It up. But I doubt If there la more than to per cent of last year's pack on the Columbia. It may run to 100.000 cases. In north : Alaska there Is probably 10 per cent - of last year's pack. We have heard nothing as yet from- western Alaska . canneries." '''' There is talk to the effect that the canneries (nay run a few days Into the cloaed season.' The salmon run Is com ing later every year, and rt la-getting harder for the canners to' flnlah their ' pack within the legally prescribed sea , son. A movement begun aome v years ago to. get the leglalature to extend the open season la 'gaining strength as a result of the bad situation this year. Many cannera who contracted with Chinamen for packing a certain number of cases have been unable to get any thing near the amount of fish necessary to fill the contract, and as a result they are forced to pay. large sums of money far work not done and fish they have nothing -to- show- for-ln-the- packing- room. They say the Industry cannot stand theae losses, and that as the sal mon ,mn le getting Inter every year something must .soon be done to relieve the situation. . NEYy TEACHERS FOR " THE CHENEY NORMAL (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Cheney.. Wash., Aug. It. Three new teachers have been engaged to teach in the state normal school here, which will reopen September f . Prof. "H. K. Smith, ' who will have charge of athletics, and who will be assistant teacher In Eng lish, is a graduate of the Morgan Park Military Academy and Is an experienced teacher. Miss Marie A. Todd, who will be as sistant in the training achool, graduated last year from the Cheney state normal and la -very popular for her attainments and character. ,' . .- Mlsa Fannie Johnson, who will be au perviaor of the Intermediate gradea.of the training achool, la a graduate of the Teacher's college, Columbia university, ana comes highly recommended. , Inquiries from . prospective new stu dents are pouring In from all parts of the state.- ..'.:.,a... .. , .... ..j' ,; WILL WED IN-CAGE OF AFRICAN LIONS '" (Journal Special Service.) Chicago, Aug. !. A wedding In a den of lions- is to be the feature of the com . lng street carnival here and 47 couples nave asked to be the bride and groom. . Kev. u. H. Markham. a south side min ister, has volunteered to perform the -service, but he has stipulated that he must be allowed to stand on the safe side of the bars. The couple brave enough to marry while the big African lions sniff at the orsnge blossoms will have a five-room flat furnlahed free, tir which to begin housekeeping Sam Heller, manager of the Ferrari United Shows, which owna the lions, will decide In a few days which couple will be given sn oppor tunity to wed under those conditions. BOr RESCUED FROM DROWNING BY TRAMP (Jasrnal Special Barrios.) , Healdaburg. CaU, Aug. . It. A tramp known as "Texas Jack" saved 10-year-old Fred Miller , from . death In the treacherous Russian river. "Texas v Jack" was crossing the California A Northwestern railroad trestle, which epans the river a half mile" below the . depot, when his attention was attracted by the cry of "help". Issuing from the water below. . - - He threw off tils coat and Jumped Into the stream from the trestle, which Is about 60 feet above the water. The boy was going down tof the last time when Jack canght him by the hair and swam safely to the shore with him. "Jack re- ;' fused all offers of a reward, saying, "I couldn'er let the little chap drown," and went on down the track. ' hotici or rrxAX account. -' ta the County Coert of the lutes ef Oregon for Multnomsh County. la the matter ef the estate ef Margaret For ester, dscsesvd. Notlc is hereby given that the undersigned dmlnletrator of the estate of said deceased hes Sled Is said eaert bla anal sceount sa suck scmiiilstratnr. and tbat Wednesday, the 17k da? ef Await, 1004, at the boor of 0:80 a. a., baa bee sard kr said mart aa tbe time and the County tTotwtroom la Multnomah Coantv, Oregoa, baa been Sxed aa tbe place for tbe . settlement of sucb Snal aceoant. and tbe bear ing and determining ef ,b)ectlons.- thereto, bated the lath day ef July. l04. LOI Is HADLER. Administrator nf - the Kstat of Margaret HELP VUriS-FEaLALX. WANTED -Two ladles desiring rapid sdrsace nmt and Independent position to enrage la I'lessent. profitable work. Prof. O'Neill, (14 (kKMliaouab Bldg. ' ' OIRLS! Keep roar ere es Journal wast ml- ni; what yog want fa very lib)? edver. Hard Is these columns today; read tbesa - carefully. YOUNG girl wanted te tab care ef baby and ' sesiet la booarwork. Apply BMralnss at all Mortgbmery at. WANTKI lri te m Billy "t tbreei also waah and Irog for flrL Call mrATiovs' WAkiro yrnAXX. LXl'ERIKNCKD BoHeekeeper desires position; flret-elaiei eoiA; I nf net snd capable of uklng full share. M. 11. Tbe JwirnsL COMPETENT yvkng lady eealree iMMwework ta , irflned heme. Address N. 14, JoarnsL WABTTP BIAt XsTATX. WANTED Ts way from ewner, a small dan-y, fralt or-puuHry farm; sire full aeacripiioa. Ad-lreas A IS. care JonrnaL - . - W ANTFIV One er twe lota la Colombia , Krlaiiie; state priea aad ' kwatlua. Address a, 4, lbs JearaaA The Journal Want Columns RATUSt One time. Be a line. -One week 7 Insertions. Includ ing Mundsy issue). I5c a line. una momn (inrauumi ouiu. iaaues). 76o a line. Classified advertisements are DeVHhle. In advance: minimum charge T! ISo. "Help wanted" and ' Wanted" advertise ments are published on time free Of charge. , - Advertisements must be In by It o'clock noon for the dally Is sues, and 10 o'clock Saturday evening for the Sunday Issues. Branch Offices ADTZXTZgXirXaTTS ' Will be ' received at regular main office rates at the following placea and sent to The Journal In time for publication In the next issue: XfOBTXC '"' H. A. Preston. 'druggist. Ild and Thurman streeta, , Nob Hill Pharmacy, 480 Ollaan street, corner 2 1st. A. W. Allen, pharmacist. Kth and Marshall streets. R. B. Jacks, confectionery, 00 - Washington atreet, corner lttb. , -- SOUTXC B. F. Jones - Co., ' druggists. Front and Qlubs streeta. .Cottel Drug Ce first and Grant . streets. . -': . BAST BX9B. Tuttle's Pharmacy. U Mlssla alppl ave., corner Shaver at. Nichols at Thompson, 1J iUissell street, corner Alblna avenue. - Jancke Drug Co.. cor. Hawthorn . and Grand avenues. J." A. Dick, tobaccos, tti Crosby (east end steel bridge). B. F. Fulton.c onfeotlonery. IT K. Burnslde, cor. Union ave. Ingram A Bush, tobacconists, lit Grand avenue, t .... ' SUMMXBIDB. J. K: Worth, pharmacist, tit Bel- mont street .r BBOOXCX.YK. ; " Brooklyn Pharmacy, cor.. Powell ' and Mllwaukl streets. ; v Ktir WASTED KAU. WESTRRN KMPIX)VMRNT BI'RKAU. 2M Third at. I'hona Mala 1618. 4 waitress, 48 00 earh; 1 chambermaids, 920 montuj x rartnry girl. f.i.u to iu.w per weea; nnnna sria. S20.W mon in ; a aeam atre)ws. tl.00 ier dar: 1 enob. oat of town. per swath: 1 eook, out of tows, $80.00 par awatb. . i WANTED- At Eureka snd Redding r I KM I -t'IMrin T1MHKKME.1 FSIiers OB , North Mountain rawer Co. 'a riant of war - Wiim, $m o 170 per month and hoard. Address North Mountain Power Company, Kureka. California. BARRRR trade tansbt bv ear sew metbed. which enables student to earn wafes while leamlne. rail or addroa tor free cataloaue, AMEItrCAN RABBBB COLLEQB CO No, SO North 81i th st. sxn.t.rn and iTNSKirxrn labor of sn deerrtptlone, promptly supplied. Free el , ebarse to employer. HANBRN'S RMHIOTMBNT OFTtm r 3d North Second street, near Burnslde. MEN WANTED Te leera barber trade: special errer; poauions seeared; constant practice snd expert tnatruction; catameua maiieu ires. Molar system college, aaa FTSBCisee. I'Sk MEN wanted, te reed the "Male Help Wanted" sdrertlaementa; you 11 always ana a numser of aooo openinaa smonff In em. MOI.DERS wanted: opeB shop; S B0 per day ef nine bones, uenlcia troe . woraa, : Betucia, California. , , WANTED Flrat-claas olnmhers to work la open shop. Brady Bherrett. 4X rirat st. WAJfTED MlaOEIXABIOITB. ';, AH ADVEBTISKMENT tike this In Journal wsnt columns costs rents a line each Insertion. It la attractive and reaches tbe people yea wsnt to reach. Try eesl WANTED Pals et Indian clubs;' state else. welsbt and price. t n.. J on roe i. WANTED Place to keep s small boat. Address B. if. 4onrnai. KTUATIOVs WAXTZS BALI. SITUATION wanted hy engineer, formerly em- plored on wster works; exiierieucen, aoner ana lndiMtrl-Mia thoroiurh mernamc la Bis line; references. Address B. IT, care of Journal. WANTED Position In wbolessls house ss nor. ter or likewise or enersetic yoang man of 23; resident of city seres years. Address V. in, ih journal. WANTED Work . by young man la non-union plumbing shop; country , town ; soms eipen enre: wages reasons bit. . Address R. la, The joorasL . . YOI'NO married man, not strong, light work. professional Bares or wstrumssec, assay with tPQiSv J, 6. sTbe Jonrost . WANTED Work as clerk by yaang msn well acquainted In eity. Address u, 4, Journal. Tl'ATlON wanted by S' plumber, with long experience. KBrTXyBZaT AdEBOIEB. HELP sf all descriptions frrrnlahed sswmllls. loasiBg camps, rsexonee, rrae to employers, Alpine RmpioySMnt Areoer. Bear Morrises. lOiruvtst Pboae MalB'ISIT. AI L kinds ef Bisle help furnlsbed on short aotles tree to eroriojer. WILLIAMS ROr8H.v B9H North Second at. I'll one Red 151. A DIES l-osltlons se cored snd femsVt help furnlsbed. Tbe Oregon Woman's Employ Bient Aceaey. tog AUsky Building, rboss CUy 40i . V AMERICAN Employment Afcwr. Help ef all kinds mrnlahed oa abort notice; mull oeners promptly attended to. N. U it Msla 811. FOR LA 1)1 KB IINLX. PORTLAND Women's Employment Com pane. 210 Allxky. eor. Sd Bad Morrison. Red Sort. JAPANESE Emrlremest Agency rerulsHes do- Bieaties. rsrmiisaaa, etc. e nru siita ss. PbsBe Cley OM. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO., Labor eontrse- tors; bsI free to smployeea. sis HELP wanted and supplied, male a female. U. a. DRAKB, 203H Wasblngton at., cisy a WORK for men. men for work. HANSEN'S OFTICH. M North WAXTXD TO BEST. WANTED Te let yea know . that advertising toar vacant rooms la Journal wsnt columns i the esalest snd cnUekeet way te find de sirable occupants; IS cents pars for tl words. roB BJtBT HoroEXUzraio ROOMS. ' PER - WEEK Lara, clean, rerambed Boserkveptng room, with sa ef IsafHlry. batK. pbene; a loo sbeap farsiabed eottagea. J. Lasdlsrse. IS4 Skarmaa. rboae CUi BeV. POR RENT Ilonaekseptng rooma -la all parts , of the city. Read tela eisasloratloa If yea are loosing rur sobm. tom Wxter. -eor. Celsmbla; heosekeeplng rooms, 2 oo per week snd op; as suite et I er A moms. . . - so iH- st.' -NWijr rnrvlsbed tonaekeeplng spsrtmetiei;' ttchx, front room. O. Heal, Prop. 1 THB Templetoa. 2ot, let St., Steely forniahed housekeeping and slngl roe me 1 ressonsble. CLIFTON, ear. 1st snd OslaewUl lag sal tea; reaseaable prtoss. rot bejit rtraKiaHio moona. TH rAIBMOI'NT. H Worth Blith. Bear Hurael'J. balf blork aartb of poatufdea. bltx ka aah of depnt Vol eaa at rooms . la this elreaotlr fornmnao. eew, pirm-nir b4illllua at reaaneaba) rata. farnlaned o anfurnUbad. alnsla or ea aulta. bot and AM i runuln water la nan, eleetrle llabta. pnree laln batba, l-hoeie; tooHat and tranalent trada Sullclted. alra. B. K- linanini, vrvptimiumm. ina i-i ivi.i'. t- . - ---- v l.-t-i. .!.... fnetilahed aunnv MnBa! ail moaers mii.rnirm, - - Ins aiea solicited. Mrs. T. P. Hiishas. Proe. BIVRRSIPR HOTEL ftt Oab. Forniahed and nnrnlabed rooma. alnle and aa atilte: Imlcing, II par week and up. I'boaa Scott se.. .... Ft'RNISIlCD ran in ads Is Journal want rel aana bring reaults; tl words fca U eeata la tbe rata, tiara roo mur ruo-1 wn,v w - i iit iiaFbe r 1 r H enneh. bed and si neeeaaar.T iiiri.oju-, e- Bieala. S3. 7ft. w ciar ai. TWO newly fnmtahed rooms; bot baths and tleooa, pumoer va puwo, ,w 1 Mm sc. ., rrilnmnnu rooow il iwi- " . ZfiA riiui at., ear, aiunua. w twui ,uu board. TH TKMPLIO I-arge. Bleelr furnlahed raomst raasonsDia, eb imuuh THRF-K or tour rooms; ras, beat; famished er Biirurnianeo. lea n, loin, i u"u- " ITRMI8HED front room with board for twe. MB Kaal rirteenia lb rT'RNIRIIBD front alcove room for geatleBua, 801 Weal Pars at - . TO RRNT Parntabed rooms; reasonable. OSS tlandera t - PINK rooma. mi . Tenth, ear. Taylor et OTnu ton minx, rrajrmrm fo saix. ri'RNITI'HB for sale;, -boose for rent. 23S FOE BEXT SOOTKa. A nnno soma la alwars a soaree ef plessnre many aire bosses tbat will aiais aooe somes are eonatantly adrarttaed in Journal want eommsa. Are job uosiiis or oooi RENTAL AGENCY of I. U Wella Co.. U Oraad are. We make a epeeuity oa rennna honaee and eollretlnc oo, raat side: cbsrsaa reasonanie. rboae union eao. a Mtw wwi - a-eoiw hftoaea ' oa the east side, ta a good loMtioa. , bsi, inquire . Hartmaa. Tbompeaa row era, a vmwi Or vom mores. - - 1 1 1 1 mn n. inn Wllllama avenae. e-eooi bonoa, all modern eonTeuienraa. appir anon Rain, B24 Stark st. Tel. Mala too. OR RENT Hoeae. eoraer rVjenteenth and Ollaan streeta. inqnire a iw BdiIIK . ."The liwir.1' j URt'KBAlf reme, 5 ecreai mm.. herrlea; cow; food, place lor coicsena. ruoum Weat S81. 1S MODERN B-room enttsget bath; desirable; ser nexi ooor, mo weiron . - BOOMS WITH BOARD. BOARD with rooms, well fornifiiedt Bsedera eonTemVecest table hoard. 221 TblrteeBth st. yOB BALE BOSSES ABD OABBXAOZB. TOO CAN sell your horse or wseoa by adrer . fining it In Journal Want Columas; toy them) Zl words tor ID eeata. SINflLB top buggy, harness, blanket sad robes for sale cocas ax oa aiis aw rw 70B SALE BEAL ESTATB. WANTED RO0 bouses to reahlngle bsfors tb rainy seaeon sets In. Estimate siren on all kinds of sblngllng. For reaponalble Work and rsasonsDIS pricee. rail FOSTER A KIRK. .. . ":' 1 - . Pbone Unloa loo. - TOR SALE Lsrge S-room bones. 8 lots; fruit snd shade trees; good acisnnornooa ; oentrsi; a sotendld Borne piece, me sa,uKr. Address Mrs. V. Espy. . CorvsUls, Or. FOR SALE S seres on 0. W. P. ear 11ns st Hates' crossing, tano- seres with bona. B4r; I seres wita nonse, sow; -vssr terms. luqnire at Ostes' crossug. PROPERTY OWNERI-4f yon have sny prop ' ertr tor sal. sdrrtls It In theae columns. - Journal Want Ads era great real estate sslee- men; 21 words tor in etnu. FOB SALE Three B-room enttsgws with has ment snd yard: good condlttop: renting for (14.00 mouth; easy serins; si.suu oscb. n. 47, Journal. . BELINQt'lSHMENT on 160 acres land Bear Lyle. Wasb.; good two-room bousej good . well; a Don l iwe acre xewceo. n. i. ei,uraj. I -OP. BALE Jmnm houss snd lot st -Forty second snd ihrtaloe ' : hot snd cold wster; tl.400. Csll st 22-1 ft Washington St.. room 10. byib em aeve. eltv Drooertr. cbolos tim ber snd homestesd mcstlons, see Maxwell A Burg. 118 Aoingtoa oiog., rwiani, vr. T-ROOM eottsge.' No. MM Oorbett St., with Sn orcbSTd; lot MIXI'O reel, rmi io pew awaw. Inenlre Frank Hacheney, 040 Corhett at . FOR SAI, $1 aoo s-room eottss. S lota loot 109 feet, 1 bloca essr ox.woooiawxi oar, . w qulre at bones. S04 Shsvse at. . NEW 4 -mom bone with bssement: price V UOO cssb; bslsnc long Mm. Inquire 1O80 Denver sveBU. . Tsks V csr. DO- ere Improved term for ssls: stock, etc. Psrtleolsrs. sanress w. Biepasns, x,isrss. Ore son. Clscksmss county FOR SALE d-room modern house: 6OrlO0 Jot; J ,101 TWeirtB sc. wooaiswu; price ei.aou. m. Fsrrlngtoa. - ' A MANt'FACTrRINO site. 100x100 or 200 feet en Railroad, eneap. w uoiaamna ax. A SNAP Beautiful modern T-room, esst side. bom. Enquire was weimonx sx. FOB SAXX MISCELLANEOUS. EWINO eancblnesi 100 Sne maetilB slightly damaged st verr low pnees; oirser. v. B-, PoBieatle. Whit. N-rw Bom. Olds A Klnr. Willamette. Wheeler A Wllaoa snd ethers: feme Bw drop-heed axschlses st 120.00. S. S Slgwl, S3, Morrtaoa at., ear. f ts, Maraasai hidg., PortUnd. Or. IN your store room yoa probably have some thing of bo ass to tou, mix u s gooa, sua you msy Just ss well get cash for It br sdrertlslng In - Journal wsnt eommos; 21 words for 10 cents. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER. Visible writing. Tabulator. usu Daormg. iigni rnnnlng. Agency SB Front st. Pbone Red 1M1.. BILLIARD AND POOL tsbkfs tor rest er for aal on essr perments. TUB BBUhSWD'K-BALKB COLLENDEB CO., ev isira bi., r-orxisna. BOO CORDS of 4-foot live fir wood for sale; jenne . Htetton on u. w. r. csr line, 8 miles west of Oreshsm. Inqalre ef B. B. Jenne, near station. BICTCLR eloelng cmt.sslet (40 Wolff-AaMrl csBS bow sjo. - seveBtaj snr aomsa sta. FOR MALE Dirrham cow and S-reae-old heifer. Enquire at 0Z Mlsner at,, Montsrllla. FOR ssls or rent, Isrg ssltlng yscbt. Address ia M M Xah.mI m coupon md io aim IS GOOD FOR A 20 WORD "WANT AD," IN NEXT SUNDAY'S JOURNAL ' ' ADDITIONAL SPA CE U2 CENT A WORD CUT THIS AND WRITE YOUR BnSINESS CHANCES. ' ' BOOM I NO IlOlSB HEADQUARTERS. TAFT ifc co; ' 12S-S Ablngtoa bldg. Pboos Msla lBO. . A CIW OF Ol'B LEADERS. SO ROOMil Fins location. nsr Portland hotel. low retit, good lease; bnuss clears not . . leas this SlfrO per month. Pries, Bow, 2S BOOMS Choice locstloa, S years lease: rent. Jjis.OO- per monthi elesrlng erer ' 1100 per moatb. 14 ROOMS Oa Sixth St., close In, rent I42.M, all modern; good Income; pries, $1,000. 14 BOOMS Ob Sixth St., eew furniture, good esse, rest nssoasDis; steering nearly ' sia per xpontb; price, si,su.uu. It ROOMS Elegantly furnlsbed. nicely Iocs ted, doing good Dnalnese. less; rsnt only .' luiui u.ii,. ai S7a BOOMS On ISth at., finely furnlnbed. good - leaee; rant gioo; stoam mat; price . .. S2.PUO. . , i. . , . BOOMS Near Portland hotel.' very finely furs abed, -rent rlsht: this boas strictly modern la srery respect; 0700. 10 ROOM -boo, swell location. Snety furnlsbed, kul AM It.. n,,.,t' w4.- Ante ono.oo, . 0 ROOM boom, close In. ea Tfh St., good fur- , t aiture; price., only stou. ' WB WANT ' v. 4x ll-BOOH houss, well lrnlsbed. geod cstioat asse immeout cuatomsr, - ' , , BUSINESS OPEKINOS. " RESTAURANT Best Iocs Hon, doing good bust bsss; lease; inrestigst to is. k WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE This ts s Srst-clsss Dlar oa to leading near . neaa stret; Is doing s Bet buarnees of (2,500 per snaum; will sell at is voles. CURIO STORE located la tbe heart ef the cltr oa Wsshlngtoa st. ; tuts pises is . elesrlng s xooutB i E T prooti rent only 2S a month, with a lease. . Price, , 01.000. 'X " ' ' s NOTICE. " 7. F. HalloweU Is not In sny way eoaaseted with or In the employ ef Tan Caw, or w H. left. . 4 " TAFT A CO., ' ' 125-S Ablngtoa 01k, , ''V ? ' MUST BB SOLD. Cottae xrtth R rooma: a harsaln. " Grocery; a (The business, good weatJoa, cheap rest. A homestesd rellnqalshmtnt. cheap, good land and good location. -A fln bom st ("orvsllls, chesp. '. Fruit farms st Hood Hirer. Oood timber lands snd claims. . A good paring laundry. ' Rarealna of all kliuta. ' Elsht lota In University sddltlon: must ne sold. Wsnted Twe 4 or 8-roota furnlsbed flats at once. -".'.. W wi"at rooming booses and cottages la all . parte or city. Boom 0, ' Chamber of Commerce.' ONH OF THB BIGGEST SNAPS EVER, A confectionery. Ice cream snd soda wster stars oa the best street in rortisea. tnrnee must sell st once os sccoant of boring been celled esst ea argent business. Invoice over 1.200. Yoa can bare tbla snsp for gl.OoO. If too bare not" s 11 essh ws est srrsng , terms on part. Mas and wife can tiak 100 per Baomn. -inia is xns oigseex soap in ins dty. Full lnforaiatloa at room S, 120 Sev enth st NEW TODAY. . 1 - - . , z-rar lease; cnesp rem; must oa . sola tins wees. race 1,000. inis is a 1 ."decided hergstn. - I TA1 AFT A CO.. 12S-0 Ablngtoa bldg. . . Pboos Msla -IBS. NEW rooming bouse, eor. Sixteenth end Thnr. man 20 rooms just rinisnen, to less to re- sponsiDi luusnt, j. h. uogsra, ev 1st at. $1,000 CASH will tsks one-half Interest la the Desx Business in rue state; a enanee to eleaa Bp gio.000 to azo.noo In on year. If yoa want a good money-maker, ae J. H. at.. Mt eirex ex., i-urtiana, ur, GROCERY etore for set ta a good location: nice ciesn sxocs sx involve, a per cent dis count, snd a light horse,' harness end spring wixwij rerr x-neap. ova soerxa sx. "BUSINESS CHANCES" advertisements ta Journal . Want Columna bring big returns; If yoa wsnt ta buy or sell a business, try xaemi sj wxwus - xor xo pent. WHAT hsve yoa to exehens sa fun payment or parx payxneBx xor a lire- insurance policy in a of tb hrgeet eld Bn eompaniesl Aoarses ss, iz, joutbsl WANTED Bnternristng yonnc msa ss bssloeea Bnrrner; some monev requiren; success of 4-NJ. 10; Th JoarnaL T miemeee hiimii r ,ma maiiM me n.x, u-. RESTAUBANT that will pay for Itself In an n.onrn. aoing gooa Business, ana will bsar lnvestigsooB. 1111 ax ana asst Mom eon st. FOR SALE Mnst sell st once; restaurant doing -uwiw .iiii.Dw tor ama sne wile. aaaress j. n. mixer, nammond. or. . FOR SALR Stork of Sionaehold nvj, . eieiing ox oeamom. ainingonm sna BltcbSB rural tar ana stoves. iu risu st. IF wsarlng a Srst-clsss groand fkor proposl- xxoo, soisii asiveaiiiernx, aaorsea xmmsdlstely A. e, a jv wue. A small dslry and rout for ssle; also sol us pans roe aan, ana tent, izxiav Pbone BCOtt woo. . FOB SALE Clear stsnd: Sne location; good xocb, will veil inr invoice. 234H Mnrrisoa st. ONE-HALF Interest In good saloon for 0500; gooa piacsv . K4H Morrison st. , TO EXCHANGE. WHAT yoa have snd don't want Is Just wbst someone eiee neeos sna can x noo. 1 1 you u advertise it In Journal wsnt columns yoa eaa make a good trade. Try them; 21 words tot 1.1 eeata CKIE0F0DT ABB tsABlOTBIBO. WM. DEVENT A ESTELLR DETENT, the only scienuoe eniropoaists, parlors room xog prew bldg.. 103 Second st. Pbone Msla 1801. This is tb long -haired gentlsmsa. Be Is the sua yoa are looking for. ' '"s' FOB SALX FAXMa. FOR SALS FARMS Improved farms for ssle te sit parte ef Ore goa and Washington; payments made te salt parehssers. For full particulars ss te vsrt sus aropsstles apply to Was, Mae Master. All Worcester bldg. WO'TJ) yoa Ilk to live en a fsrxat This t woe re many excellent I anna are ones ao vertlsed. Look for them. LOST ABB TOTTED, JOKt Many good opportunities every day you rail to resa Jourasi. vtsox voiumns. ma t miss tbem. OUT NOW ' ADVERTISEMENT FEBgOBAI. J. J. Hlrsbbelmer, pensloa sttorney, eoanesUor st-lsw. peoelons: War of the UebelUns, la diss wsrs. Act of Juu 2T. ItwO. order No, 7K, widows, children snd denendeut relattvee. y bouittlcs, srrvsrs. eummutstlmis snd claims agaluet tbe U. B. Ituum u, CBam. or Cool ajAM.Y rigor restored Roberts' Nerve t.MNMiice, yjim okhiio ur.uii.iii, e- luontbs, $0; sent securely sesled by msll, Agenu, W'oodard, Clarks A Co., Portland. Or. TO!' S Breeertnttone sr tsor seeorstelv s resaonsblr dlled st RrseU'a Pharmacy, tzf sxurrisi sx., oex, eirax IN sorooa ais. PERSONAL Tour business or professional esrd In Journal Wfnt Columns will bring yoa business; 21 war us rur la cents. Try it. CATER only te the beet people, spsclsllat on . dtsassss of tb bslr and scalp, sfrs. H. De- ara, ouu iwns rnous tiuoa swi. "ON a Slow Train Through ArkaBssw," by . j season: run o ran sna jokes; w Jones' Bookstors. 201 Alder st. MRS. L. K. HARDEN hss returned from her vacation and Is agstn In her office, w uregoiusa sing. Tel. flay ionx. MM S. H. E. Ely. dermstolnsist. Hralp tratmnt. BBsmpoo, siecxri masssge. xu uouanouga. MONET TO LOAh. FBKD. H. STRONG, FINANCIAL' AGENT, hlonev t ken. Ma MmmlMtM .- - I am In a position t make Immed'sxe vsos ea improved reel sststs or for brtld tog purposes! snv smoant: nalmta In tee est. We spprove Vosns from pirn and sit es bos mosey ss building progrisus. . VptluB x repeyinenx arter ons year. ; FRED H. STRONG. Flnsndsl Agent log Bjeoad St.. sear Stark. ' THB STAB LOAN CO. Any Salaried emptor, wiee-urnee. eaa swt es ex xvex. xvilBoai lllisigxgs Month. M -month. Wee; ejomn. vt-ueuiio. veew. te aa er s.M er gs sfl la h i m or pa ss, or SI "3 te aa t 4.00 or X00 er 11.00 n".we-Beniy as OS ra.m- itepsy 11A00 keosv uuBBOsstul. . S10 McKay bldg.. lugfi Sd. SAtARY LOANS Aur salaried peraoa bsvtng a siesay psaitloe with reenonelhle Srm ess Mara money ea th ymmy payment pits, with out nobltrlty e delay; all baelneea treated Jui7 xxinnnentiai. suktuwux kUAfl - omgxoa mag., city. LOANS ON THB EAST-PAYMENT PLAN Te Salaried People. Strictly ConftdentlsL - Office boar. 0 a. at, to S p- as. EMPLOYEES' LOAN CO. Fhona T94. Boom Tld. The Dekaw bldg. v vv. eoe. iaira sna wsshlngtoa era. 110 NET TO LOAN ea real, persoaet asd eol- tm inr, rwoniT! SPeClRI SXTSntlOB XS CBSXtei mortgage; note boogbt. 0. W. Pallet, tit uunu-n-wi en. rnon sesib lane. MOHTQ AOS LOANS oa improved eity aad' farm property at lowest current rates; bntldiug uans. installment loaBa, wax, MaeMsstsr, ii Worcester bldg. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture and other meKsx eennrie; su Business strictly prt- nuniUWIK LAJADt UO., X1 AUDf oa bldg.. eity. ,.... MONEY to LOAN la Ursa er small amounts ea gooa security; lowest rates. Willises a bccs. Bu railing bide. . - ii I civ.r.u eaunea peors. tes sixes. -.v., .iiau.1 wmniri eaav p xe; , w jet boelnees ta 40 principal cities. Tolmaa. wjei wiu Anierrt . . . ' " ' ' "m " iw iwinnn rvnxinr reoxe e w fn.wnij moming-noeses a sneeisrry nsw Era Losa A Trnet C.. SOS Ablngtoa bldg. CHATTEL losns; ' ro-mlnr booses a enerlalty. r" wi nenrx people. Ifew X-CB lesoB m xrvai xax. sue AMds toe bldg. MONEY TO LOAN FROM s-Joo t'P: PKIVATE PARTT. ADDRESS SS3 MOHAWK BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN oa Improved or spItu proved - - ' . . i .j -ii nr m eciix- riiTH, n.r kins Jx Co.. ana aidae ea. LOANS st hre-est re tea ns furnltnra. ntsnoa any sscm-ity notes rmrenssea. . Eastern Laea otnee, sib McKsy bldg. MONET TO LOAN on Clscksmss roonty MBde. m. w at r. a. Klley. eos Chaawsr ef Coss- ASPRAT.T PATTirO, THB Trinidad Aspbslf Paving Co. ef Portlssd. umcs noo wore tr elk. ATTCBBTYB. PACIFIC Coast Law A Collection Agency rwieei xirc, tm vnsaioer or commeree. B B. BIOGEN, attorney and reaneellor-et-tswi xeHsry. suu-sxej aoingxoa x,rag. . SHEPHERD, ANDERSON A CELLARS, - Axurney. aiw-aw-aji xfarqaam orng. ABOBTrXCTB. nneet tendenta Salta Sit Baclear bkta.. ear. iWti, sna vvssninrtoa sta blrartos : OocMrl Goodrich A GoJMrlch. architects: Wm, W. Gooa. rich, consulting engineer. ISB Bth. Front lowj. BABOINO ABO LIOETEKHfa. OREGON ROUND LUMBER 00-' 1st Barssdds ax. roou i-ranx llfl. BICYCLES. STAR NOVELTY WORKS Dealers fa essood. esse oicycees; gsnersi repairing. BT Uatoa ave. v BBASS W0BKB. PRIER BROS. BRASS CO., 210 North Ekrraath. e H enee xwxihb. eeai aeuixux, gS COAL ABD WOOD. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hort ere ixin, waanea jump saoxies oosi, fii. uu pr xou; uux, eo.w; sgeuts xnr vumnerisnd Rsngs. fT.OO: Caatls Guts. IH.oO: wholesals prices; free delivery; full welghtai aafxafaa- uob guaranleeo, t-nona Main sab. STEEL bridge woodyard. e sure sod are oa peiore you nay waoa sna cosi; ran mestare gusrsBteed. Office, 21S Ilollsdsy are. pbone mi . AJiBierine. naniger. HERB la year chance to gt your winter's box wooo: rive losns. gi.oo a msa, or single xosos ax si.tb s foaa. MuixnomaB weoo CVi pany. Pbone Mala SUB. GOOD fir cord wood st 2S.TS delivered to sny pisce within xv diocss or Kignta ana tusi thorn streets. 1'Sone seott 4U7B. ALBINA FUEL CO., Railroad St. and Alblna av Bear ferry; eisb and Blocs wooo. dry aua green, rnon bssx eta. GORMAN COAL CO. Front and Pettygrovs sts. s ClII a ap. PHO.NH MAIN tSS. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO.. Phone lois. Castle osts coal and all other coal ea the martet, IO MortB Flftk at. HOOVER A CONWAY. S12 Water st., the pises lor gooa a-toox. uvs nr ars weoa. . rnoas Mala 4O0O. , PIONBEB Feel Co., ranvoved from foot Mor- nsea te not Main sx. rnone Msla Itsj. & B FELIN. wood snd coal; offfe St AIMna avsv, near ferry. Pboos Bast 1SSS. OREGON FUEL CO.; H kinds nf esol aad S44 Morrieoa, Pbone Msln SB. 0ABFXBTEBS AMD V-TTLDERS. . t. AUTHOatS A H. B WOOD, carpniter sna Duiiasrs; repairing sna junning; store snd ofdos Sxtnrss -built. Shop 2uS Celambis. Phone Clay lool. FANNING ARMSTRONG Carpenters aad builders! repairing aad Jobbing; reasons hie tsteu. KBop cot. Foorth sad Columbia. . groat jiaso. fm- .. - v - -- . . . G. W. GORDON ennntsra. ahelvlne. h ksllt snd renal fed. 4 gonrth. Clar If A C0BBJS8I0V BEBmAJfTS. EVERDING A FARRRLL. predaea snd enmmle sloa men hears. 140 Front at.. Portlssd, Or. Pbone Mala 1TB. CROCKERY ARB GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery snd glssi Heget A C., log to 10 Fifth. ware. Prsal, cor. Stark st. ART MET AIi WORKS, ORNAMENTAL work for resldenoa, basin Boxums. hsuks snd ofDc rslllnss. still. Sr. pise BttlMg. rbsndellers, signs, fences, art work ta any style racial snd rinlak; simmered test work sod atetel splnoiag a apedsnr; bnlldlng eanetrartanil were. L. K. Issrrk, euXeOA Dsvls, cor Math. : .. 0A7BB. THE OFFICB, M9 WsshlsgtoB st-, Msla Hi. Pk-ket A Vlgosasx, CAFB KRATS. lit Sixth served t sll hours. A So fcseeh CLAIRVOYANT ABD PALMIST, ROF: YARMO EINOLER. ' FREE READINGS TtlliAY. sWlentlflc Ph cloglst, paliulat. pvyobomster and mentallat arivte on all onestliius uertalnlug to huinai life; will du) wliat ethsrs elslui to au; hours u :u) to a. ' i i " , S41H Morrison, eor. ,Seventlv : MADAMH JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. ' palmlat. card reader; I give facts reliable sod- Im portant oa sll sffslrg of reel Ufa kssdiiurs Due. ivo souriu sx, x WANDA, THE - PALMIST psychic, lifts ths veil of mystery snd brings forth your de sires; reaiiiugs roc. 210 Msdlsoa at. - CIOAXS AND TOBACCO. BdRRUO-UUKST CIGAR CO. , UUUIbutors ef FINB CIGARS. - Portlsnd. Oregoa. SRFBSMABIBa. MRS. MoUIRHKN. ertlstle drsse and close- sieXIng Mocrleos sL 0KMZBT 0ONTXACT0BS. HAWKINS A CO -Realdenc. St Foorth St., pnon rmat I Jon; cement work oi su se scrtptlonsi ts work aucialtyi work guar- sat. CHAS. H. CARTER A CO. f formerly Carter A Ell), cement contractors. ST4 Tnxgarr. raoss Fast 1K7A. All work gnsrsnteed. DOG ABB B0BSB BOSPITAX. DR. S. J CARNEY Veterinary sargees. .. IUS nnrta aiita at. ,1'hOD MslB 14B4; re, pnoae. SIS1B BOOT. DECORATORS'. HENRY BERGER 13d First St. : wsUpsps. Ingrains, tartrta. applique fries, latec xor eecorsxiiHr. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF. WASHINGTON Furs most fra tee- Sal society ef sorthweet; protect me ur ine 1 t. tlllehell aowreww. Beeeetsrv. Sll and SIB Msrnnsat Mag, PortUBd. Or. Tale- pnon msib SIX. BTZna ABB OLBABTBO. PORTLAND STRAW CLEANING AND DYEING Works; practical natter la connection; tee met , boss and plumes eleened and enrled by aa ex- . , ti- .w - rtmm vna m e. , i n. . uv v. ,w , HUNTER, SS0 Jefferson st,. ttm carpet and mattress cleaning: testner renovsnng all wars guaranteed. , Pbone Mala xte. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED tl per month. Vnlqu Tailoring Co... mt wasBiag- Tos st. B. W. TTTRNBR. peofeeelofwl Syee st SOS Jefferson st. Phoo Msla tillS. 1 dree sad cleeaer. VXEOTBICAX WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL .ENGINEERING Company. SOS Stark St.. rorriana: v. R. tor rverythlne U th awetrical llae. - I'BOB. Mala lRn. i 7L07JB ABB .' I1D. It OCR. feed, potatoes. eosL etc Hermse Ksnns, SIB isaex emoifl ex. r ufrtrw FtTXNmrXE FAOTORrrS. FURNITURB Bunofscturing sad apectsl orders. L. Bavsnsky's Piraltae tsctory, gin sroax OREGON Fnrnltar Msnafaetnrin Mannfsctutera et rornllsrs xer xae ' First st. gROCXRS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale aToeere, maote - fsetnrers and eommlasloa merchants. Fearta and Osk ata.. . . a m ix a r RWlA eommlaaloa aad twodaee a ehante. Front and Davla sts, Portlaad.' Or. LANG A CO.. First and Anfceny att. BOTELB. Hotel Portland. American pleat SS. $S par day. Betvederel nrropssa plsat 4th and Aides sta. BATS CLEANED. BASTEBNHst Manufacturing Oompsny, S2t ma o ever la latest Btyiss ear epMUltyi Panama bats. HORSES ABO CABKIAOES. V UNITED Csrrlns Co.. rnhber tired csrrtsgea. xaiiy-noa. sxe.o a. w .on, "-- HUMAN HAI BOLLS. J. J. JtORG, maker human bslr rolls, 42S B Sta. Tel. Feet xzn. more, ono awo"ii TBSHBABCX. ISAAC U WHITE, -fire laaaraaca. . BOO Dekaa bldg. - JAS. Mel. WOOD, mpnyers' ilsWMty and 1 dlvldaal accident aureir noaos ex au auxos. Pbone 47. S02 McKsy oMg. ,- . F. BABTEIA COMPANY. Sr lnsarsno. 44S Sherlock bldg. Oregoa pbene Clay KB, FIRB INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A Cov. til Shsrlock bldg. rnon msia isoo. ARTHUR WILSON, fir tBsnranea, Sherlock bldg. pnon Bistn iirxs. JBOB WORKS. pnoENIX IRON WORKS Engineers. msanJ farturer or manna, mining, logging sna ssw mill machinery; prompt attention to repair work Phone. Esst SB. via wt borne ev. a. so. LOCKSXITHB. H- o. SMITH Locksmith snd genersl renstrtng, 44 Wsshlngtoa St.. rortisao. rooB uiay su. a. Jl ' ..XJl I i i-r: I u BU0BXTI0 BZAXKB. SUCCESSFULLY treat all torem of dlaessa, wbstheg chronte sr scats; slso teach othsra. Mrs, U H. Hsrt, 211 Allsky h1dS- BTbIOaL" ' VIOLIN, mandolin, cornet, clarinet snd sll string asd wind Instruments. Prof. EOWla A. Smith. Msla 4708. 264 Twelfth st . R. J.AWSON. 240 Perk. eor. Main, pit no le eons; terms reasonable. Pbone Front 211. MASSA0K AXS BATES. A FOB baths aad mssssg be Jady with young Mdr assistant, liuvk rourm. room e. MRS. ORR0CK. measense, hss returned from the sst. Uptna DOS2. MUST0 DEALERS. FISHER MUSIC CO., too Third et. Victor talking mseblnes; repairing. Ken pox. OVERALLS. BOSS OF TUB ROAD OVERALLS Had mechan ic clothing; anion mad. Nsustsdter Bros., msnnfsctnrcrs. Portlsnd, Or. ' ' ei PLtJkfBEBA FOX A CO., renltsry ptnmhera, 2X1 Second. Bet. Msla ana aaimoa. ursgoa pnon, msib buux. DONNERRtRO A RADEMACHER. .plemsera, rerooved tw S4 FMrrtk st. Botk pbone. FAINTINO ABB PAPER-HANOIBO. B. SUTTON, painter sad rsnerhsBger. ITS Madlaoa St., west sad ef bridge. FATE XT B. O. WRIGHT. IswyeriN Detente a speHxltrl protest your Inventions. Room s04 bekara. PLATING, TH't OREGON PLATING W0RES, 4P1 Washi tiigtoa atreet. Pboaa XS7a. Feilshlng, plafe lag sea mcaasriag. ,, i , y BESS CLIP PIS OS. MAKE MONEYI USB PRESS CLIPPINGS! Ring ap Bltek 11 and ardor a mootk'a servli covering every towa la any or all eoast ststes; daily messenger service; advene. " i 3" U eoutract work. . ParUaad etaoa -"- -w ex. 1 FAINTS, Oil ABB GLASS. F. R. iciT. . ' "'" -' th iJ-i ii. 'xotieer Ksiut Oo., eelllsa buTldl J?'.'"? M,d ,0 ,'t' gBeral . "!n'1aterl)a: window-glass aid slsxlng g speclty. 186 First st. I oboes Ms.! IttU. DoTl'DWcisC.UN''", p. L""'i eisnnfsctarsrs snd importer fed "X ,nr"- ete.l Phone 1S7. Oftee end factory. 6 hex loch as, snd m..tth st! WiJd m L? t ro -" nwf.crtrra Pioneer iwo JL0,, P,,nt- Kopsllnsi a guarantee Jlvenwltk svery g.iloa af' msaufsetarsd ZVj?J!'Zl0 - raiota. elm. g'TS. ISO First St. ;BITIfJ.' SU mllee T "V"' "'"US DOOKS BOO Ofnc wesx. Mala io., 2"S Alder at." ram Mum " ROOfTBO. "iJe1"?0; r.'?t'-?r "es'iing d . - e... i jerrereoa attest. A7 T. felnA. mmJ . - ... ' Fl iux:.nT,a'. r,nl- W. J. , BOFE. PORTLAND CORDAOB rO. B BUBBER STAMPS. 1 4S Alder "at., ahead s.JL? r!." """' steoctK Btg! l 'J ed for caUlogur J1 ABB W BJ'I'EWAtHXga. SPRAYING sad white .shine. See SVLF 'St- Sie Bo, flsure e pour work. The krees f-"0il"LprVi'"' "nd wbltewaahlng 3!3 ltand?Or" 't'- T0 et. SAFTS. HJTe'M .werk, laehcwh, . j" ware, exssi sailing. tr mBt snd- eooda meriting your Batman! J B. DaeuV. as Third etf nega, ST0XA0X ABO TXANIFKm. " Hlffb r!.! ,n.d rntnre "mord. packeg . . -1 a enippea; ail worB guaranteed; large g-atury brick rrveeej wsreboues for storsg. Offlc I2g glsat at, . M; OIJIBN. Phoo? Mala 4T. KII et.. betwen Stark, and Oak sts.t pboos SIM; pUoos aad faral twre BMved and packed for shipping) eos." modious fireproof brick wareheaaaT FreeJ yd Clay sts. 'T. -TBABSFKB ABB BATTLING, OKWIOW TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Stxtb. .7111 saailag asd storsge, . POSTSPECIAT, DELIVERY. Ne t00a Wash- w"ee aw. SiaiB VOB. SHOWCASES ABD FIXTURES, SHOWCASRa o deecrlntlou; bank, sa) da. to eedee- eh. f,. ' sne store fixtures Msnnfsctnrlng Co. Portlsnd aad Ssettla. riwwBrriEKs. YpST TYPEWRITER HRADQUARTBR OQfi at. i aa a. , We rent.repslr. sell, etchanre tvnewritar. s;i supplies tor sn mseblnes. Standard machines 2S snd ap te S100. Do yoo want s stenographer or typist! Wsahsve list of good anpUcuU. , Pboaa Black BSTl, . ALL MAKES of typewriters for rent at Under. . wood Typewriter Agency, Front at, ' TBtrVX FA0T0KT. PORTLAND TRUNK MFG. CO. Wholesale snd retail. Pbone Cisy SRS Cor. Sd A Pine. Portland. Send foe csUlogBs. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, bruab, soap, .- x x-r xoootn. uiwrence Mroa. xowei sapBla company. 4th and Conch. Phone 429. WHIRB 0 BIBB, ITROUSK'S- RESTAURANT, flrat-clssa mas la best service. 229 Wsablngtoa st. WAIXrAPEB. MORGAN WALLPAPER i OO JS4-1SS Saoosal sc. Bet, xsuaut asd Taylor. PorUaraV FIXANCIAL. ADD TILTOIV. BAgRIt, ' (Established la looui , Traasaeta a Gsaetol Banking Basil interest Allowed ea Tims Dsposlta, xVTiactlona Btad at all Dutnta oa favorable terms. Laittsrs of credit Isseed svallsbl l4 Europe end all point In the United States. Slsht . Exchsngs and Telegraphic Transfer sold ea hew York. Washiugtoa,. Chicago, Sts Louis, Denver, omans, na irx-Bcisos aaa mobs tana and British Cotumbls. Exchange Bold ob Loo doe. Parts, Baa Ha, Frankfort. Bong Kong, Xukohsms, Maalla aaa Booomia. rBT Jg ATIOWAIe SAFE v or poruaad. or. Usangsatsd Depository sad Financial Agast at tb Uoltsd Btatea. President A.-L. MIUA Oaebtrr J. W. MBWKIRn Aaelatsnt Cashier W. V. ALVOKU Second Assistant Cashier B F. STBTBNS Letters ef preillt Issued svallsnie is Surope-aad xns Sjsaxexxi wxaxeo. Bight Exchange and Telegrsphle Tranaferd sold on Nsw YotAt, Boataa, Chicago, St. Louis, St Paul. Omsbb. Ssa Frsarlses aad tbg prlnclpsl points in ths Northwest, Bight ssa- tima uus arswa in sa-ne ta ems i London. Parts. Berlin, Frank fort-o-to Msln. nong Kong, Yokohama, dopanaagsa. Christians. Stockholm. Bt. Petersburg. Mo oxr. Eurtrb, HonolalnJ Collect loos msd ea faveraBnt nTITXD STATTiff ITATTOWAT. BABX, OF PORTLAND. OREGON. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAB STS Transacts a uesersi Ban a tug auilnsaq. DRAFTS ISSUED. AvsIIlsP ta all rltlee of the United BUtea aad Karop, jaoog aong ana Msmuw . , COLLECTION! BACX 0B FATOBABLB TXBBf President. J. 0. AlNSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYBB Cssbler. ......B, W. SCHMBEIt ssletsnt Cssbler ..A. M. WR1UUB M1 SBCHAHTS' WATZOBTAIV BABBV PORTLAND. 0ROOB. I. FRANK WATSON... Prestdeat .- L. DURHAM ..TIo-Preeten . W. HOYT. Csaklaar fiEOROB W. HOYT.... AssVarant Caaais Tronsaota a oeaeral Banking Buotaese. DrafU snd letters nf credit leaned avallahat to ail parts et ins worra. , CnTtectlons a specialty. Gold duat bought. OBBOBT ft BAIT Tel AW CIS CO BABX. .- . LJMXTXD. .. Ckamber ef Onnmsro Building, Tktrd aad ,r ntsra axresta, (, ftesd Office, SS OM Brood Street, Tioadoa. This bank transact a general banking bast es, makes loans, discounts Mils snd Istuog letter ef credit available for travelers and foe the purchase of merchandise In sny city of tbe world. Deals in loretim and domestia txcoanga. In teres t paid onetime oepoalta. lpX A- MACKAB, XSSBagSO, SECTJTtITT B ATTW08 TBTJST OO, god Morriao St Portland Or, , Transacts a nensral Banking Basin. SAvTNOS DEPARTMENT. ' Interest Allowed on Tim snd Pavings Deposits. acts ss -iTOSte lor nerate. Draft and letters of credit svallsbl la sn parts - ex xae woria. . r. ADAMS, Presldeet A. LEWIS First Vle-Prealdo L. M1T.IS.. Second Tlee-IVeeldenf O. JUR1TX , ....Secretarg BTOBBIB BBOB. ft CBBIBTXBBBB. Offer gUt-eds tnvsstmsnts la Vanfctpei 04 . BAuroaa xionas. , writs er sou, 1MH .First St Portlaad. Otegea, MORTQAOB UOAISS OH rrTTTetl Rs fSmtwf ut TjnwMtt' ftMftktV ' TSt'eHh I rrttt-rjl k ,e-.jst ftwntlhaf1 TITLE QUARANTEB & TRUST CO. , - eBoeai It Chanxbsg et Csmmstoa,