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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1904)
THE OREGON SUNDAY - JOURNAL,' PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 14. 1904. mm topics BBBBSSSBBBSeaBaBSSraBBBBnSSBBBBl XODAY'i AXUlEMZim. it.r ....... Hljua Amide . Lrrlc City park... , . . . .' VludeTlll. .,.,.V.udYtll. V.ud.i I. V.udevlll. . ...Brown Bud ( John ' Millar, administrator of th .estate of. Albert Young, who was shot ' and killed by David Van Houten, filed Ma final account In the county oourt yesterday. . The aropunts received ag gregated 1247.46, and Young's tntarast in a saloon sold for 1300. Tha item of, expense, including funeral expanse, es- - gregated 1262.82, leaving a balanoa of 2.63. Miller ask tha court to fix an attorney fee. Ha has retained Young-' s watch and Iwo rings to aand hla brother in the cast. . . Irvlngton racetrack. 5 - Admission, Including grand stand, lOe. Five or more high olaaa races dally except Sunday. Over .,000 thoroughbreds nw ready ., to run. .' . Clean racing. ' ' ' No 'delay. . '. : Coma early. "' . '. Visit the stabling quarters; " . Sea the runners. , , (lfrA nae .nrvlri '' '..' Good music. ' Don't forget that Deity day is Satur day, August 10. , , . Laorosset lacrosse Bunshlna or rain, " , VThe fastest game of tha season,- - '.' . Portland vs. Tacoma, Today, - " East side ball grounds. - Eighth street and Hawthorn avenue. Don't miss It. Admission to grounds II sent Grand. . stand 15 cants. Ladles free to grand- Oama called a S o'clock sharp. Lsayosset Lacrosse! , Lee Ho, a Chines resident, was ar- terday on tha charge that ha had gained admission Into- the country unlawfully. He came here In 1897. and It Is said that he entered tha country on an exempt claas or certificate. Recently ina pri oner has been employed by Lea Mea Oln, the proprietor of a gambling house on Second street,,,. : ' .' Xnyon looking for a nlc home, on car Una, with applea, pears,- cherries ' and plums,, would do well If they called on Cross ' Shaw, 333 Washington . street. Only I) 60 sash Is required, and the balance, f ISO, can toe paid In two year So tha ad, under "Homes for Bale" on the classified page. , ' Domestic troubles ' caused William , Johnson to. appeal to the police last night to prevent rus wire rrora going Cast Ha declared that sna had taken all tits possessions and was going to St Paul. He was Informed that a warrant '. must be secured before assistance could b given him. Oregon City boats. Take the river ride: its a ' Oood way to spend .three hours Of restful pleasure. Boats Leave , Taylor street Sunday 8:30, 11:30 a.' m.j 'I. 4:10 and :1S p. in- Round trip only 160. . . D. . Knapp, of Knafip Hart, was the guest yesterday of W. p. Worthing, ton. of tha Harrlman lines, aboard his privet car. 'Mr. Knapp was associated with Mr. Worthlngton while superin tendent of car construction of the Pa- clflo division,-' J. B. Tapscott, adjudged Insane by the county, courts was taken to. Saleia4 yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Orussl. H was violent on the way to the asylum and created a scene. Tapsoott imagines thst he Is president of the Southern Pa Una raUway. Sunday schedule on the Ot W. P.: To Estacada. 7:J0, :30, 1:30, 11:30. 1:30, 1:30. 1:30, 1:30, 7:20., Oregon City and Canemah park every to mlnutea from 7:30 a. m. Tlcketa on sale at First and Alder and Hawthorn and Grand ave nues. , . . ,.. . . - Ta: fak th O. W. P. trolley for your Sunday outing go to Oregon City and Canemah park, li miles, or go to Ea tacada, It miles. Rates 28 and . 60 cants round trln. ,: . "' 1 On account of tng death of P. X. Auer, the father of Mrs. Max Smith, th Sa voy Coffee Houae will be closed between th hours of 1:30 and 4 o'clock today. . ' Ex-Chief of Pol lea Samuel Paul, of Bait Lake dry, has been in the city for severs! days with hi wife and daughter. Dally trolley trtpa to Estacada. Round trip rats 11.60, including dinner at the hotel. Cars and tickets First ,and Alder ! streets. Fishing tackle; every description re tailed at greatly reduced prices. Honey man McBiide. Third and Taylor Sts. ' Call at Sunderland's Electric Hair Re storer Parlors, 419 Mohawk building. ' , Dr. O. C Blaney, I. Cs O. F. temple. ' Wis Bros, dentists, th Falling blag. t ' " Dr. L. M. Thornton, dentist, Mara nam. Wanda, the Palmist, 110 Madison st . nIP It 'sadoteAue 90t s,eStry Charles H.' Madeley of Oetman Sta tion who has been seriously 111 tha past five or six weeks is steadily Improving: 1-- - - - IN PUTTING ON EYE GLASSES " Consider well what you put before your yea ' to look through, and when it Is a matter of eyesight it don't pay ' to make tests by trials. Th services of a killed optician are at your command at this store. ... "' ' EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS :: ,; TREE - - SHIPPERS FEEL MUCH ENCOURAGED roBTXAJTD mua that niaro , aVABOa OAJMKOSa TO OAXZTOmxOA AJU OKATZriSO TO tBABW TXAT . AJrOTKU . TX8SXZ. ' VOL BS A99XO to o. a. a-, run. " Until a new stsamer is built and ready for service an additional vessel will be chartered to plaoa on the Portland-San Franotaco run In connection with th Columbia and Elder.' ' It is announoed from official sources that the addition will b made to the Una immediately. Th queatlon was fully discussed yester day afternoon by Manager Soherwln and other officials of the Oregon Railroad Navigation company and it was de cided that tha buslneaa conditions would warrant th matter being taken up at once. - j i - -, ; . j Tb )ocal shippers are elated over the prospecta of an immediate Improvement In th water servloe down tn ooaot They say there Is every reason for be lieving that there will be more ship ping to San Francisco and other .Cali fornia towns from th Columbia river this season than there has been during almost any two previous' year in the history of Portland. - With these prom ising prospects confronting them, it is argued that' the Harrlman Interests eould not well afford to take any other cpurs than to provide full transporta tion facilities for handling, th lnoreased and Increasing traffic. . j . Ylew of MAWlloox. v "The large amount of business offer ing In the way of wheat, flour and feed," says T. li. Wilcox Of the Portland Flour ing Mills, -"make it necessary for the fleet to be Inoreaaed. . The volume of trade has outrun th capacity of two steamers. Outside vessels have been put on th run, and th company Is undoubtedly going to make an effort to retalnjta share of the growing traffic. Thebuslnesslelween Portland and Ban Francisco during the present year will be unusually Urge. It will be due principally to the fact that the yield of wheat in tha northwaat this year la greater than aver, while tha crop in California is very light" Others vitally interested 'in the sub ject entertain tha aama views. - Whlls the, outside boats which have been put on th run temporarily have made It possible for them to get their freight to market they etate that they would much prefer to see these migratory ves sels supplanted by steamers of a regu lar'and established line., It Is declared that It will not only give tha port a greater prestige but the change wfll prove advantageous from every point of ylew. It Is explained that th shippers ana traveling publl' will then b i sured of an uninterrupted service the year around. . Three Bays' fJsrrio. With the Columbia and Elder on the run ther la maintained a five days' ser vice, but when another vessel Is added to th fleet it is the intention to have a steamer sailing from Portland for San Francisco every third - day. Several year ago tha company's fleet waa com posed of three- vessela The State of California was operated in connection with the two which are now in commis sion. During the Alaskan gold excite ment th Elder waa chartered to make a trip, north. When she- returned she waa operated by th company a short time as a freight boat Finally sh was put dsck on tn passenger 'run and the State of California was laid off. Sine that time th O. R. dt N. has had but th two steamers plying between here and tne bay city. . Bw Zdses atari. At that tlm( however, the conditions wer entirely different The coast fleet was made up almost entirely of th Cv R. A N. vessela Now there are several small lines.' the majority. of which sprang into existence during the past II momns. me Kusseu Rogers com pany of San Francisco is operating the Aureua regularly, while there Is strong talk that th firm .will soon put on an other boat Th Chlco and Redondo hav also been plying up and down tha coast during the paat year with mor or tesa regularity, while tramp steamers hav frequently been engaged to aaalst the regular freighters to take oar of tn traffic Among these might be men tioned th steamships Nome City and Oregon. Both of them mad several trips between Portland and San Fran. Cisco laat winter, and then many of the snipper wer complaining because they were unable to get their freight to mar ket as quickly as they desired. Latelv in sieamsnip Leianaw was chartered to carry a cargo down the coast and she nan oeen engaged to make the second trip. In view of th growing trade and h frequency with which outside vessels are being engaged to carry freight from her it is said that th Harrlman inter. ests hav been almost compelled to In crease me coast fleet operating from Portland or run desperate chances of losing an enormous amount of buslneaa " T- . OABOO Or OOBB-WOOB. The steamer Prfentlsa a,4ii leave San Frsnclacn tnrfav tn rvtiht. rlvsr.- Sh will be loaded at La veil for me return inp, taxing lumber in her hold and eordwood on deck. This will b th first shipment of eordwood made to California from tha rnlnnhi. during the present season. Last year mere-were several cargoes of fuel sent down th eoaat After tha - fr.1,1,1 charges ar paid, it is claimed that it is cheaper than coal In a number of south ern porta .. - . at OABaraas coamro. Ifrirl-v this WMb tha itMiMM w t - TT Tffa-ett anil Taalanaa rill 1 -. Portland from San Francisco. They are under charter o take out grain cargoes on th return trip down th coast Th steamers hav a combined carrying ca pacity of about 4.000 tons. Their car goes will consist prlnclpallof wheat ' KAanra BOTaa. ' Astoria, Aug. It. Condition of th bsr at p. m., smooth, wind northeast, weather clear. No shipping moving. onznT raaaovAiv. ' Dr. and Mrs. A. Ttlser hav removed to their new house on Eighth and Mar shall streets and will be pleased to see their friend. , Mrs. E. Oelser, Miss Oelssr and Miss Annie Oelser. of Baker City, are guests at th Imperial. - Miss Wilson of Hlllsboro is at th Im perial. " - - Eiifren Peoples of Riverside, ll at th Perkins.. . Mr. and Mrs. L. O. ' Blankenship Of Wlnlock, are at the Perkins. O. V. Wlmberly of Drain Is at th Im perial. J. M. Berry, of Baker City, la regis tered at the Perkins.- H. M. Bryant of Albany is a guest sf ths Imperlsl. . Fx-Representative B. F. Jonea of To ledo, Is in th city, ana reports that $9.SO - W CUCKOO CLOCK h (O) J 9 ouaranteea f -t V wfcn grade clock in every K Ci l X' - rrrwrr . . . i i I ' !M Ppr , I JS ' ry J. th $6.00 For reliable Iron or Wood enamel EIQHT-DAY CLOCK Others In ;reat variety. JAEGER BROS. Jw!crat Optlclansi 390 Morrison Street ' NearPlftb RAN GAUNTLET OF . ' RUSSIAN CRUISERS . - , i .... ) - I ! I i ?U-4 ... I THE BARKBNTINB : So far as known th American barken tine James Johnson, now in port, is the only sailing Vessel that has been held up by th Vladivostok squadron. While the oeaft wss bound from Shanghai, China, for Hakodate, Japan,' sbs was sighted, by three cruisers which Imme diately gave chase. A strong breeae was blowing at th time, and the John son kept well tn the lead of ber pucsuers. Faring that th prise would eseap'e, the Russians fired a shot across her stern, and the American captain decided that It would be best to stop. A cruiser came along each eld of the waiting craft while the other remained In th rear. From one of the -warships a small boat was lowered and several Russian officer went aboard, the cap tive. After aatlafylng themselves that the veasel was in ballast, eind . had no contraband goods aboard the Intruders requested the captain to sign a ftaper stating that he had been subjected to no inconvenience. "The officers put us to no trouble at all," says . Captain Benneche, '"acting very nloely all th time they were on board. They wer nervous, however, and appeared anxious to get' back to their ships. I presumed that it waa be- DRIVES MOTHER AND . : BABY FROM RESORT While men and women war drinking liquor, and while sirens in gaudy paint and decollete Attire wer singing on th stag at Blaster's Burnslde street resort laat night, an innocent baby girl, aged two years, sat on its mother's lap in a box and looked, on. . Th esse was re ported to Captain of P.olic Moor, who dispatched Station Officer Crate to th scene. He found th mother and child snd drove them from th placa Ther were no arrests. . Th baby t th beautiful daughter of Louts Baebo., who breaks iron roda and chains. He does a "stunt" at the establishment nightly, and on this occa sion his wife sat In a box and watched her husband perform. All eyes wer centered on the -stag. wher a woman was singing lustily. HOBOES AND SNAKE TERRIFY WOMEN Three hoboes had several kinds of fun at th northeast corner of court house plaxa block yesterday afternoon. At the sam tlm woman who had occasion to pass that corner bad various scares. Th man secured a small garter anak and amused themselves by putting It In front of every woman that passed. They also enjoyed tha sport of drop ping tha snake near any women who happened to be reclining. on th grass. Newport Is now a lively summsr resort Fully 4,000 people ar camping at tn beaches there. Mra It. M. Pollman, and children, ot Baker City, ar registered at the Im perial. Dr. and Mrs. W. o. col, or Pendle ton, are registered at the Imperial. O, Q. Barlow, of Hlllsboro, is at th Belvedere. - Mr. and Mra. B, A. Eardley and chil dren, of Paclfio Grove, ar guests st th Imperial. J. C Wolf, a well-known SUVerton hop grower and buyer, Is at th Belv uesa H. Day, a prominent mining man ot Wallace. Idaho, accompanied by his wife. Unregistered st ths Imperial. Mrs. Blla Kadlsh- and children, of Baker City, ar at th Portland hotel. F. B. Ferguson, a prominent stock man from Amity, is at th Velveder. A. J. Cooper, U. S. A., stationed at Fort Stevens, is registered at the Port land. Dr. J. K. Adklns, of Hlllsboro, is a guest at th Helvedere, ' Mr. and Mrs. James li. Dwson, 15c Solid SUver aU sixes; by mall 17o by us to be a r - fimallar Ona Without Cuckoo Call JAMES JOHNSON. . ' caus they wer in constant fear of being surprised by the Japs, as they were very near their enemas country. One of them kept scanning th horlson with-his glaaaes all th time he waa on board, and the least nolae seemed to startle them. Through an interpreter they told me that they had sunk four Japanese transports during the few days preceding our capture. . They - further said that they had In tha neighborhood of 60 Japanese prisoners on board their cruisers which they had rescued after sinking their ships. "After they had gone w proceeded on our way 'to Hakodata When we . ar rived at tha bay there waa no 'pilot tug in sight and we concluded to sail into port without being- directed. W man aged to make it all right, and then we learned for th first time what a nar row escape we had. The -harbor waa mined. Tha onlything that saved, us waa that th wires had been discon nected for the purpose of being over hauled." . . The Johnson brought a cargo of sul phur from Hakodata and Just com pleted discharging It the other day. Yes terday she moved to the Portland mill to load lumber for San Francis oo. whan Policeman Crate entered. Th orncer elbowed his way throueii ' tha crowd and aacended the stairs leading to tne long row or Boxes. A search re vealed the mother and baby sitting com fortably and watching tha performance. Ths father was not in sight Manaarer Da via of tha resort, promised . never again to permit th child to remain in his establishment While . Crate was attending to th cas at Blaster's. Policeman Bndlcott cam upon Eddie and Frank Fransan. whoaa father is employed in a furniture factory. They were crying in front of Frlts's theatre. Their father had left them, they said, telling them ha was going to do some shopping. They were taken to the central police - station. Their father called for them at 10 o'clock. When it wiggled its way to wher it could be seen ther were screams and terrified protests.. The men amused themselves for an hour or so before their pastime was In terrupted by the husbands of some of th women who bad been frightened by the snaka They started after th man with tha snake, but tha hoboee were as nimble of foot as they were 4n tb op eration of th snake. They made good their escape. 1 daughter and two sons, of New Tork cltx. are tn Portland over Sunday, and ar registered at th Portland. P. W. Howard, of Pendleton, la at th Parklna - - - J. E. Brown, of Slayton, Is at th Per kins. s X W. Bos t wick, of Vancouver, is registered at th Belvedera B. V. Murphy and family. .of Wn sh inston, D. C sis guests at the Port land. F. W. Clarke, of Hood River, la at the Perkins. F. E. Harris, of Ashland,' is at the Portland.' , r Schedule of Steamer L. L Potter. - ' Th seesid steamer T. J. Potter will leave Portland. - Ash " street dock, for Astoria and llwaco, as follows: . August 14, Tuesday, a. m. August IT, Wedneaday, lam. August is, Thursdsy, lam. August it, Friday, t s m. August 20. Saturday, ) p. m. Oet transportation and berth ticket! at O. R. A N. tirket offlc, Third and Washington Streets. A MID S5.00 $s.op For Monday and Tueeday only w will offer this well-mad or full else, IS-ln. high bed for 95.00. claimed to be sold elsewhere at aiO.OO. This bed. is an example of art in its manufacture and bas all the points conducive to a first-class bed. It is finished In colors and fitted with heavy posta We've a wide rang to select from. Remember that only two to a customer Is the limit -no mora For August selling we hav reduce all other beds In th bousa W hav over a hundred to seleot from. Price run as high as B 12 5. HENRY JENNINQ & SONS I 172-174 frrst Street MILLIONS FOR ; MALHEUR'S AID r r - . ooraaaMxar bxfzbt sats txb OOTOTT VmX, BBOBZTB AX.M08T $3,000,000 TO AID BXOXhAJCATXOV Or TXB ABXB &A2T9 XB , ITS Borasa. ''"... i- C J. Blanchard, statistician of ths government reclamation servloe, who has spent th laat month in Oregon working upon irrigation projects, is at th Portland hotel. H has just com from Mr lhur county, and says tfi action taken at th .irrigation meeting held" at Ontario a fsw -days ago prao tlcally aasuresiiesuoceks of th Mal heur irrigation scheme. ln the carry ing out of th present plana -ther Mal heur county will not only recelv th benefit of th entire U.OOO.OdO appor tionment,' but the amount will be in creased . to nearly 13,000,000, all of which the government will spend with in th borders of Malheur county. The importance -ot. th enterpriee to this county Is beyond estimating. TitwM practically transform an arid desert Into a blossoming Held, th extent of which will reach 100.000 acres by th tlm th canal lines ar fixed. M. Blanchard speaks with particular mphasls of th importance of the pro posed irrigation worx in in region m tha Klamath lakes, in ftuamaio county. That enterprise is at least two and a half times aa large as tu Malheur project and therefore mucn mors im portant in regard to slse, although th Malheur schem was of great import ance to th stat of Oregon as a whole because ther th government found so f.-nnMa a nrnnnaltion with Which tO beglnslts first Important Irrigation work In this state, and on good thing lead naturally to another. . Th Klamath county schem will reclaim millions of acres of good land that Is valueless until it is put under 'wster. The engineer ar now at work ther. and it is quit probable that the governments scnera will be carried out.-. WOODMEN DELAY LOCAL LODGE HALL Prominent member of the Woodmen .... n, i.a ..... .- tha hulMlna tO be erected by this order in Portland will not be star-tea tnis """ been hoped thst work on the building nithin a abort tlma but owing to th fact -that the funds hav not come Into the 'treaeury aa quickly as It was thought for, the work was ' inailiuucu. At a recent meeting of the board or directors of the Woodmen or tne worm Building association the bids for th ..ot..,..-. whifh wera nftened Auxuex 3 wer dlsoussed. All bids wer rejected, owing to the fact that they were higher than the directors feel able to authorise. a ha hiL arjnolnted to form A WW . a plan whereby funds may be raised more rapidly on tne woe aireauy uu scrlbed by tha various Woodmen camps. Th statement made that the building wa delayed by the architect being slow Is not correct, and tne airecio bii ther are more than pleased with this part of the work. . ' The building,' xor wnicn in ii n already been secured, Is to be erected on Eleventh street between Washing- son and Alder. It will b 60 by 100 feet and four stories nign. two floors ar to b used for lodge purposes, kai n will ha nnnvmrtad into an armory and a banquet hall. The building will coat IZ6.V0V, wnue tne joi 1 valued at 113.000. TOURS STATE FOR . HOME MISSIONS Mra M. XL Roberts of Lincoln, Neb., national organiser for the Woman's Home Missionary society, who la spend ing th summer on the Pacific eoaat. left - last ' svenlng - for MoMlnnvUle, where sh will deliver an address this morning. This afternoon Mra Roberts will speak at McCabe and this evening st Sheridan. She will deliver an ad dress at Dayaon Tuesday evening, re turning to Portland Thursday morning. Thursday evening ahe will speak at Vancouver. Mrs. Roberta has been In Portland since the close of th general conference In Los Angeles. Bh will save th last of this month for Puget a - AUQUST SPECIAL, rV'm'fflV.LT & Hi TheMbtrDurhhl0 r .a. nj ... !Satis factory ' rem Sale By 7. A. BLaXABXBT CO 313 First St J. S. 3CJUoaaiT.........141 First St TaowaaxDoa FAxjrr ' orx, oo 133 Orand Ava Last Call for Summer Prices W Import our own Oriental Rugs di rect and can sell, and DO sell, at low er prices than any Paclfio ooaat com petitor can afford to sell for. We hav on of th moat aeleot stocks of Oriental Rugs and Carpets. Turkish Embroideries, Cluny Laces and An tique Brass War ever shown in this city. Our summer price ar still on. But this is th last ealL A. Atiyeh & Bro. 411 Wash. St raone. Main tOSO. Why Do You Suffer With HEADACHE? - Purchase a package .of Gold-Beaver Headscha Powdera. take according to di rection and get Instant relief. Price 10 centa Sent to any address by mall upon receipt of price and a 1-cent stamp. . Ad dress ' l I MODEL DRUO STORE IS Orand Ava, Portland, Or. The Calumet, ' RESTAURANT 14 aeveata street. ...Meals a la Carte... yroxa T a. as, p as, Del'cisus Dinner rrom 4O0 to,S p. so. for 50 cents t r e:3Ti::::a syhu? feas bass ) by Minimis of MntW. for eMlln.a wtill. T-tliin. foe ovr Ktrty Yuars. U snullMS tea ah 1 1.1. amft-ns th. guait, allar. all pain, our wln4 auUa, ea4 1. ae saat samed v rnrdlarrhtna. TWMTII CyiTTS A aoTTXE. sound, golntf inter to I"enver, Colo., to stsend the Home I.: !-Monary society ooaventloa v (t fca3sr) ( "AT4VE. ) $s.oo $5.00 Four Story Red Block TEETH SPECIALS EXTENDED UNTIL SEPT. 1 , Boston Painless Dentists Will make special low school rate in order that all school children may com and hav their teeth cared for during vacation. These ar th only dentists In Port land having the late botanical discovery to apply to the gums for Ex tracting, Filling and Crowning Ttn, and guaranteed for ten year. J "1TJ Exrrartin FBF. Eumlnattoa..MMrBEe Gold Filllnji k7Se Silver Filling..,. ..J5c FaUSctof Tenh $3.00 Crowns Bd Bridge Work at Xkw Fries a specialty. Oar vataat Seabla action will hold your testa, a p. , . t ' . bo aruDXHTa, Come In at onca and take advantage of low ratea All work done by specialist without pain and guaranteed for li yeara BostorTPalnless Dentists Fifth and Morrison streets, ntranc 331 Mi Morrison. There is Probably Nothing More Annoying . Than broken buttonhole and saw- tooth collara Linen Ironed by th old method I bound to be full of saw-teeth and -shattered button hoi, , OUR STEAM HEATED POLISHERS' Do not weaken th fiber of th linen, ao that th extra strain put' upon buttonhole doe not tear them out nor do th edges be come rough. Union Laundry aooxro Aan) coziraaxA. Telephone Mala 898. NORTH PACIFIC DENTAL COLLEGE Oni rtt tfia Kaa. MitlnM I K . of Its kind. ;. The annual session begins October S. RtuilAntu mav -raihi.t. ftm three full Courses. For further InfnrmaHnii ij addreaa Da. xantBxaT a ktlub, BaAir. it weei rxK k, rortlaad, O rag on. Tf ALLEN PREPAR ATORY SCHOOL. Will Open September 19th ,v For Catalogue, apply 22 Sixth 8t- Columbia "SJ Pre paratory, Com- University merclat and Oranunar Orad Apply to CiUIwm. Course. Bordin aid Bay School tot Voii Mti aid Boyi Box 333. Unlvwaity Park Station Portland, " Orrgon HOTEL C2ARHAHT . HAS 0JIS 10 TO TI'C BKAROV. Th tnf-at wnm mr f ou ih N"f r i Vrn CVxiat. It tnUt tf k-xi a.f i n i fnT, fwr-ij aprliia; rat'r, r t r Ilia;. himllngT t n ! ft' fiirnuh at tf P" In Iv-t. I. f r r to r. u. -