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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1904)
V THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, AUGUST , 14, 1901 13 tATEirri." K. O. WBIOHT. lawyeri patents opedaltyi , protect your leventioas, Kooaa SO iJ-Sa. VLATIirO. TI1U OKItOON PLATING WORKS, 4S1 fuk. lugtoa atreet. faoae taT4. ftillaeiag, plat. S I If IUi i I H T n j,n Tfi r I III I go i bctpb Si A K M UnMrri - o a v-a V. . . J. ... T . , Mag Be meek II and ardor moato-. "!"V"'rl'', every tow. 1. say m f -"."U,,. 17 "" Services Umm rySi,c"',tontrc wor,t 5 Vlnm. OH AIT) OLARB, ' a Rira v Tv ' t. i. .-i - , -, - its.? Sff.jiL'M--si eIDwJ!L'D!,''8 . ro.Pbo.nii ... j'""." sao importers aod factory. Sherlock are, and Nineteenth at iTi rEiR.l, 4. f-' "eaofaetiirere Flo J!?2",,! ?'n- Km imnlH SlV.n With awee -II a i - . . . 'KAMMNRIt A Co., tohhera, paints, oils, glass, oa.p god doore lap rir ot. BC'RIIONO A CO.. Front .d Stark ata,. print, " 1 ' J,thoT,nln. blank book and office J ii .1 ' J0' A-na on time; moat complete r ta ine weai. Main ion. AKniCRKON DT7S1WAT COkCPAKT. prlntlac ' - l!aMi7M,' Uut .- Fbai Mala 1?. koonvtt. TI.y.?rK"r,?l F"ttHitf-. rpaHnc and gmaral ALL klnda nf ronfl rapatlvd and palatad. W. J r n 1 1 mil W-t . a i4 K .a . 10FK. PORTLAND O0KDAOI 00.. tar. ' aad Nurthmp ata.. Portland Or. rBE ITAafFS. PwCi ITi11' WORKS. 9M Aldar at., aba - ' " numr aiaBipm. awaja. BTanciav. aaa FjATnro ajto whtttwabhuio. PRATINO and wbltawaaMna. tnaa. luna. J"1", -tc-, U. 0. Monraa A . -.1 Dp btdh ana. wa will call aaa Ira rnm Ammm k. . f "t!l Pr7l'r anA wMtawaablna aaitt ATM. IaROKAT Mock la rttyj Mcbntd work l loekoata prnad; rapalra. Jail work, ataal caUlnc. trait- Hun w anil i 4 a . i . . U. Darfa. a Third at. TOtAOl AltD TAAXirXB. tUrFS, plaaoa and furnitora Bond, aarkad , twadr tor afalpplnc and aulpprd; all work ; uaraataadj larr ltory brick Mr proof nKi or aioraa;. urnra izs airat af. rl Bff f AlFTAI ara- - . aM v VL06B. r-aoaa ataia Bl f . a O. PICK, afflc. M Ftnt at., botwara Stark and Oak ata.: pboa BD6; plaaoa and toral tara .award aad "barkrd for ahloDluxi coav BKMlloaa . nrrprooX brick waraUuoaa. rival ana viay ata. , TKAKBFZK AJTO EAUXIHO. OB SOON TRANSFER CO.. 1M North Slitk, trlrpbooa atala D , Bear kaaUng asa waB. , POST SPECIAL nCLITCRT. Mo. 00Vi Wiaa Intrtna at. Pbona Or. Mala MS. . ' H0W0A3ES A HP FIX TERES, HOWCASK! r rrary dwr1ntlna; hank, bat . aad atora flsturr aw da to urdar. Th Latka ..u.iioiirii i, i-ortiami ana vattln. TTFBWSrTFRS. TOST TYPEWRITER rtEADQrARTEES , S.10 Stark Ktraat. wi rant, rrnatr. aril, ricbnaa trprwrltara, 11 auppllra for ail maehlnaa. Standard machlnra f2S and Dp to 1100. Da roq want a atrnnaraphrr or trplatl . wa-Aarat -!! of a?oorl ""plltanta. - Pbooa Black tSTl. ALL MAKES of trprwrltrra for rant at Codao wood Typrwrttrr Agrar. OB Front at. PORTLAND TRUNK MFO. CO. Wbolraala and rrtalt. Pbona Clar SM, Cor. M A Plna. Portland. Sand for ratakHraa. TOWEL lUfflT. CI.EAKI Til w els DAILI Vomb, DraaB. Boa p. II par month. Lawrrnra Broa.' Towel Sappt rung pan, ain ana ixiara. t nona 9X9. riVAJICIAX. LAOS Jl TIX.TOV, SAHKIkS,, (Katablliibrd la lnw Traaaaata a Oaaaral Baakiaa Bailaiaj Intrrvat Allowed oa Tina DaDoalta, Oollrctioni aiada at all polBta an faroraMa trrma. Lattara af rrcdlt laanad arallabla la Bnropa and all polnta In tba Daltrd Stataa. Kl(ht Kichanita and Talra-rapbtC Traaafrra old o Km iork. waacinjttoa, tja'.eaao, St. Loula. Danrrr. Omaha. Baa urioclaoa and Moa- , taiia and Briiiaa uoiamoia. . J Bxrbanca aold un Loadoa. Tarta, Bkarlla. Frankfort. Boas koo, Kukohaaw. alaalla aai ' Uonolula. riMT HATTOWAI. BAJTX r -a m a 1 j d lMolsiiatod Drpoaltorr and Fluanclal Aaftat af tba Uultad Stataa. Hrrafdrnt .....A. U MIU Caxhtrr ...t..4. W. NEWK1RK Aulataat Cnahlcr t..W. C ALVOHI) SrroDd Aaalatant Caahlar......B. F. 8THVENS Lattrra of eradlt taaord aaallahla la Burepa aad tba Kaatera Otatra. Slfbt aUekana and Talca-rapbl Traaafrra aold on naw ior. tvanoa, i a i ou laooia, "St Paul. Omaha. Saa Fraarlaea aad tba Diindnal nolnta la tba Northwaat. aiaht and tlma bllla drawa In aama ta aall m Londos. Pari a. Brrlla. Prank f.-rt Km-trr Main. Ilooa kon. lokosAma. tponbajraa, Chrtattann. Storkbotm, St. fftarabara;,' aioa- cow. Enrlcb. tfonotuia. Onllactloaa rnada oa faaerabH) tarma. UW1TSD BTATCB BTATtOKAT. BAATK. OF PORTLAND. 0REOOK. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD ASD OAK STS. Traaaaata a Oroarai Bankliif Saataaaa. rRAFTS IHHI'KD. Aralk-or la all rltlra nf tba L'nltrd Stataa aad Buropa. not. a aooaj ana naniu. DOtXEOTIOBI MADl 0T FAT0RABL1 TIBJfl Prratdrnt.,.., 1 Tlro-lraaldit C AlfSWORTH .T..W. B. ATER vaaniar. . . , . . Aaalatant Caahlar. r.-W. an HM KKH ....A. at. WBIOUT BCXAirTR1 HATTOWAI. lAVX, PORTLAND. CBEU0. I. FRANK WATSON Prwldaat It. L. Ui'KHAS. Tica-tramnrnt R. W. HOYT. Caaklaa 4E0RCK W. HOTT. Aaalatant Caabkar Traaaacta a Oaaoral Bankinr Baalnaaa. DrafU and lattara nf eradlt loaned a rat labia . V to all parra of too world. ' Oollartlooa a aprrlalty. Oold daat boajt, . LOVDOST BAH FT AW CIS CO BAJTK. , laHOTXP. Ckambar af Ootnmaroa Bnnaiat, TkM sal Stark Btraata. ' ffaaa ffleo. SB Old Broa Street. Tltnn. ' Thta hank tmnaaeta a seneral banking bnaa - pm, nakaa loana, dlaroonta Mlla aod toaoaa iettar of eradlt arallabla for trarawra and for the rmrrhaaa of aierehandlaa In any city of tha world. Daala In forrlan aod dnmeatla azeaaasa. Intaraat Bald on tlma dapoalta. W. A. MACRAR. Maaaaar. SB0tTTTT SAT1WOS TMTJBT CO tftt Morrtaoa St., Portland, Or. Traaaacta a General Bankinr Sulaaaa. SATTHOS DIFARTMEIfT. .. Intaraat Allowed on Tlma and Sarlnaa maaafta. Acta aa Traetea for Eatatra. brafta aad atttara of eradlt arallabla Is all aorta of tba world. TAlrT9 .....Frealdent A. L MTI.T E a jus FIB Flrat Tlca-PraaKWat . .Bar oa a Vloa-Prraldent JUBITS. acratary MOBatlB BSOB. ft CmmXSTXaTKftaT. Offar rt-era fmaatiaonta I Hanletaal aad , Railroad Boada. WriU ar aalU IMA Flrat .. Parti aad. Oraajoa,' r - MORTOAOG LaOAlNS TITLE OUARANTEB TRUST CO. ' Room 1, Cbaaba af ComaMrca. BUD AH BERN! $10 Complete THIS Born With a Double Veil Edu cated in Occuit Science An : t-. Egypt and India, Ittl VEILED PROPHETESS I Tell Your Name,' 'Answer Questions Written and -"'t.-O'r 'Mentally. .-;' - '., 1 ' ''' . WHT CONSTJtT Alf INFERIOR MEDITTi WHEN MADAM BEKNIQVB. THE ACKNOWL EDOCD LEADKK OF THFM ALL. 18 HKKB, AND HER FEB NO HHiHEB THAN TUOSB LKaS COMPETENT -FREEI FREE! FREE! ' IF NOT CORRECT. ' . So pnalttra am I of By powara to tall tha paat, praaant and fataro ana aiactly what oa want tu koaw, that 1 will maka a " ' NO CHAB0B! NO CHAR0B! anlaaa yoa not aim perfect aatlafactlon and And an aoprrtor to all MEHIUMS, CLAIRVOYANTS and PALMISTS In tbla dW. Ella Wkrclar Wilcox; tba poateaa. aayat "Buriah Barnlqua aarad ma arrlowt pila takea. Sbo la a Barrel amoof iuaa aad wumaa." "Budab Barnltraa la tba beat and clerar eat clatrrorant lu tba city." Chloaao Bee-ord-Herald of AprU 31. William 1. Bryan eaye: "Bodab Ber nlque la tha area tret aclentlat la bar Una. She baa thoroughly eoariacad me." 4 . TELLS TOU WHEN AND WHOM TOU WILL MABBY. INFANTA OF SPAIN WED PRINCE I f C3 . MARIA THERESA. I 'Joarnal Special Service.) Madrid, Aug. II. Announcement has been- made of tha approachtos rnarrlaga of tha .Infanta Marls Thereas to her cousin. Prince Ferdinand of Bsvarin. The infanta la sister . of Kins Alfonso Xllt . She Is IS years old, sis years the senior Of her brother and 1 ruler. but tha lg-yrhr-old boy king's conaent was required before her wedding could be considered settled. She Is the daugh ter of Alfonso XII end Marls Christina, an Auatrian princess. With her mar riage the laat of the daughters of the royal house of Spain will have entered wedlock. 'Her elder sister, the Infants ran oovbttbt xu airs. From the Boston Record. A lawyer of local prominence has large holdings In the west, and In par ticular a, gnid mine in Colorado He built huts for. his workmen and estab lished a school excluatvely for the chil dren of his employes. ' Some fifteen miles scross the moun tain lived s ranchman' with five chil dren.. There, wa no school near te ranch. . . "But if ther Is on overpowering trait -which marks the American of the west It Is the desire to give his chil dren sn education." said ths lawyer. "And to accomplish this that ranch man went to work 'In . my mine, for daily wages, so his, children could at tend the school." I believe.", he reflected, "America Is In no dangerfrom ths Colorado Amer icana." - . - . nnaJ2 : ' hi 111 .. CLAIRVOYANT e Life Readings m i X.-. I -W-V DEAD TRANCE MEDIUM OFFICE HOURS 10 A.M. TO 8 MORRISON STRECF, CORNER f If Tli WHO WILL LOUIS OF BAVARIA -a; i- ' ;.: A ... m f CD L ti r 11 NT ANT A OF SPAIN. Marta-de-Ias-Meroedes. was ; married three years ago. to . Prince Chrrrles of Bourboth - Prince Ferdinand of Bavaria Is the son of Adalbert, uncle of the mid king Otto of Bavaria, ' who . raves In . his chateau, while Prince Luttpold as re gent governs the kingdom. ' Prince Ferdinand's chances of seconding the throne of Bavaria are sufficiently re mote and Involve the death of IS di rect descendants of Otto, not to men tion his own elder brothers. The mar riage is said to be a state arrangement, for Spain Is seeking to cement by ties nf close relationship friendly alliance with the great powers of Europe. WATTSBBOBT AMD 'fWTDTmU.'1 - From Ihe Brooklyn Eagle. Henry WstterSon, editor of the Louis ville Courier-Journal, Is utterly eppnaed to the yellow-Journal habit of Indulg ing in 1 slipshod English. -' Just before his staff started for the St. Loula con vention he gsvs them these pithy di rections: "Oet the news, boys, and all the news, and write It In the English language. I want yon all te Improve your style." "And how can we improve ItT" ssked ens of the reporters. "Read, read, study good books." What books?" wss ssked, "Well, there's a Thackeray, for Inatance. Read 'Pendennls aa a starter." The first night the young men were la St Louis there was some delay about sending their report, end Colonel Watterson wired them:' "What on earth sre you boys doing This was the reply? "Reading Pendennls,' " snd the eoionrl Isaghed as loud ss any body who saw it - QUE P.M. SUNDAY AND DAILY. fatevt oinoi'i afUaAnn. It Is ths Only rublloatloa. of Its JUsA - in ths World. From the New Trirk Herald. "Wa believe thai we have the widest circulation of any publication In tha United States." This statement ' was - the modest avowal -of J. W. ftAbsonv chief of ths division of Issue and Gasette of ths Patent Office, when ho was aaked for facts ss to Che circulation of the Os sette of ths Fatest ' Office. Figures were what the Inquirer demanded, how ever, and Mr. Babaon coughed apologet ically as he answered: . "The widest circulation, I said. We print only 7,000 copies of the Oaxette." One familiar with the ssaerttons of advertising men connected with big magaslnes, . weeklies and .dallies would laugh at the figures 'of Mr. Babaon, yet he was not varying from the truth. There is probably no publication In. the worm wnicn naa aa wiae a circulation as the Patent Office Oastte. There are many papers that print snd sell a mil lion copies of every issue whose owners would pay as many dollars as they print copies If their Journals could be dls trlbuated as Impartially in every section of the civilised world aa this publica tion of Aha patent office. . The profits that would accrue from the advertising would be enormous. But that Is only one of ths features of the Gagette that is unique In the world of' publishers. It la larger than any weekly or monthly published In this country, the Issue of July It con taining 26s illustrated . pagea, besides editorials snd indices. Of this number of pagea every inch of space was de voted to advertising something In whlchlhe publisher, the United States, has no proprietary interest whatever. and from the sale of which kt can de rive no direct benefit, That Is not all of the strangeness Of thla periodical. All its advertising, is absolutely free to the advertiser. ' It would not be s profitable sort of a pub lication for a private firm to issue. It has sn editorial force of 14 people, who are paid about $16,000 a year. The photo-lithographic .work in connection with its illustrations cost laat year 182.800, and the bill for the printing amounted to 1159.000, making ths total cost of publication 26,800. Ths sub scription price Is IS a year, so , that with its 7.000 copies, the income from subscriptions, the only Income it could have,' could not be more than 131.000 under any circumstances. As It hap pens, its paid subscription list does not contain more than 1.200 names, . the bulk of the remaining 4,700 copies be ing distributed free of charge. 80 the publlahera of this remarkable magaslne lost last year $221,800 and created a pro portionate deficit annually every yrai of the tl years it has been published In Its present form. The Patent Office Gasette la. how- ever one of the most .valuabla of ths government publications and persons Interested in thst clsss of literature know that It la worth far more Co the country than the paltry quarter of A million It costs. The value of the Oa setts Is not to be estimated in figures, it is said, for It is the only means that exists for-introducing to the public the new inventions born of old mother ne- eeeslty. It is through ths Gasette, first of all, that the people are msde ac quainted with the ingenious contriv ances thst have emanated from the in ventive minds of ths world which tend toward the progress of civilisation snd the reduction of the cost of production. - Thomas A. Edleoa -vend Alexander Graham Bell received their . first taste of publicity through the columns of this periodical, and thousands of labor ssvlng devices have been brought to the attention of men who bad money to put them on the- market. In the Oasette the government takes the form of a proud father showing and explaining to his friends snd neighbors the remarkable productions of his chil dren. It Is one of ths quiet ways in which Uncle Sam advent Ises ths great ness Of his people. General M. D. Leggett, commissioner, of patents from 1871 to. 1874. wss the originator of the Gasette In Its present weekly form. For 80 years ' prior to ths publication of ths ' weekly bulletin the office had been in the habit of is suing annual reports of the patents Is sued snd the decisions of the commis sioner. It was found thst . these re ports did not scoompllah ths good In tended, because the matter did real reach the persons interested In time to be of sny value, . Therefore Commis sioner Ieggett decided to make a ehangs and on January t, 1171, ths first Parlora. 2B1H Morrleon at., (or. F(ftb and Morrlaou. Same to aa Boetoa Dratal Pulora.. HEART OF CITT. PERMANKNTLY LOCATED. Londoa'a moat famooa Da lnitat and rlalrroy. ant la acknowlvdgrd by prraa and puhllo tha araateat Urlna LltAD TRANCE MEDIUM. She tails what yoa came for before you attar a word; does not aak quaalluue, do autta what yoor tronuia ma nav tall, and she will guide yon with certainty Bigher than human power, Telia yoa toe (rut euid or had. The following Hat sbowa purely and almply that Bluish Hernloua has been eoneojlted by ' the moat papular and moat noted man aiut women of tha world, and bar rvatltng of tbeir Urea was pronouucatl Boat wonder full t Julia Marlowe Karah Bernhardt Ella Wheeler W'lloos Helea Gould , Hon. C. H. Haniena Prreldrnt McKlnk-y Prealdrut Ilarrlaoa Prealdent Clrrrlaad . Arrhtrfehop lrelelul eU. na tor lirpew Seaator Hanna aVnator Korakar Prealduut Uuoeerell Senator Spuoner No man or woman' ban aver beea Bonenlted In Burs notable affaire than aha. In Europe and Amorlca aha baa adrlaad thouaanua In rert aa walks of Ufa, and alwsys to their adrsn tage. hudab Bernlquo stands alone, poaaeaalne a force, a power, a rift call It what yoa will that none can explain, none eatt account for. Thta (tTCliLT WONDKH la placed In a claea by herself, towering head and aboaldera ore erery rlral, and lr reeogulard by tha PUOFEii SION aa their BH1UHTK8T STAB. It may be of vital Interest to yoa to know tba outcome of your preaent dlatreeev The happiness of your future life Bay do, pand Upon the right aolutloa aad proper advice. There are no mlatakee In the predictions Bde by the great and wonderful dead trance Brrituu. , ' Yoa may wtab to know U It la adrlBsblo to iake a clvange- la buelneas, la lore, la aaar. rlaga. "Khali I encreed la By aew andertaktnf V "Can I obtain my hopes,. By wlebeo. By ambltioua f" " "Shall I -arer enjoy the In Tories, of wealth V 'Tm I trust my Mendel" When 1 aha II 1 marry "How often aha 11 I marry F "Shell I arer be divorced!" -- "loea another ahare the love that rightfully beloige to meP 'If so, whoraF' "Am I loved In return T" "la there a rival la my loveF "When aball my love affair terminate la BsrrtagrF' ' "When aball my domestic tmnnlea endF' "How esn I maka my life and home happy! "When shall my absent friend return!" "Why do I not receive a letter!" '. "la my disease rarahlet" . "Shall I win my lawaultF' Ooonael today with thla wonderful dead trance medium, for 'tomorrow never cornea." THIS WEEK ONLY. MY 10 CELEBRATED LIFB READINGS, 1 STREET VSZTSZSl arlara. AUCTION SALES BY J. Te Wilson. Auctioneer Monday Morning At 10 a. m., at Slesroom, Ankeny and Sixth Streets. Commencing at 10 a. m.. Auaruat IS. we will offer at public auction Square r-iano in nosewood case, combination Bookcase and Deak in Oak. Walnut nnokcaae. Bedroom Suits, Dining Room Tables snd Chairs, Kockera. Stands, 1. 1 f ....... I. ... '11...... 1 Cook Stoves, lilahee. Kitchen Treasure and complete Housekeeping Outfits. . eT. T. WXUOBT, AaoUoaeoi. Wednesday's Sale By J. Ta Wilson, at Salesroom, Cor . net Sixth and Ankeny, at 10 a. m. Parlor Furniture, Pining Room, Bed Boom snd Kitchen Furnishings, and a fine asaortment of Housekeeping Kquip menta. Note We have a quantity of fresh Groceries st til First street, which we sre selling below cost. Buyers will find it an advantage to attend these sales early, in the day to avoid the run in the afternoon. You will find every thing in the Grocery Una Phone Main 1S26, 1815, if you have anything to aell. at. T. WXXSOBT, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES , BY GEO. BAKER & CO. on Tuesday Next We are Instructed to sell the fine Furnishings of a 4-roora flat removed to Baker's Auction House for positive sale. Including Upholstered Parlor furniture, Moquette and other Carpets, Axmlnater and Brusaels Rugs 9x12, good patterns; Lace Curtalnt, Portieres, Linoleum, Pretty Buffet and Round JJining Table In quartered oak. Leather Seat Dining Chairs en suits, Morris Chairs, excellent oak Kockera, three Machines, masaive Iron and Brass Beds, Prlnceaa Dressers In white maple and large oval French Plate Mir rot. Chiffoniers, Golden Ash Dressers and Commodes, Bedroom Sets, Hair and 811s Floss Mattresses, Pillows and Bedding, best wire springs; "Moore" Steel Range, Kitchen Treasure, Safe snd other Utensil. Also consignment of Suit Csses snd Grips, slightly damaged. The excellent Furniture of the flat Is almost new end attractive to parties furnishing. On view tomorrow, Monday. Ssle or Tuesday Best at 10 a. m. OSO. BAJEEJA k 00 Auctioneers. On Thursday and Friday Next Auction sales for Furniture snd other rnnnlgnmenta nt the usual hours st BAaEaVS AuCTTOBT IOVSB. GEO. BAKES a CO. AdoUod L -l" J J lasue of Ihe weekly Gasette was pub lished. . To obtain tli advertisement the Ga sette gives to his production a pat entee muat flrat have his patent allowed. He sends In sn application for a pat ent, containing a complete copy of the speclflcstlons, drawings and claims of Improvement ha desires so show, ' fcc-companled-by the first fee of fit. The papers sr placed in a Jacket, sre given a serial number snd sre then sent to the examiner In charge of the claas of Indentions to which the device belongs, who examinee -the apeclflcatlons, draw ings and claims carefully, going ever similar cases to be sure that the ideas of the applicant Sre new and patent able. If the patent Is allowed by the examiner the papers sre forwarded to the division of Issue snd gasette, where they are again examined to see thst they Sre sll In proper form, and the inventor Is then notified that his claims hsrs been ellowed snd a patent will be issued to. him covering them on receipt of the final fee of $10. An interesting Item for the student of the coat of production la furnished by a study f the prices paid by tha government for this psrt of the work during years when the contract wss let without competition Snd years when there Wss keen competition. This snS Jeot hss been brought forcibly to the sttentlon of officials of ' the office Istely by rsssoa of the fact thst sn out- SHE CAN TELL Miss Virginia Wardel, ; Renowned Clairvoyant, Astrologer and . Crystal ' Gazer, Is Abso , . littery Reliable in All Matters . ,: of Human . ' - Life. ''' She Has Cured the Drunkard of His Habits, Has Brought Glad ness to the Home, Reunited the Parted and Quieted the Stormy Seas of Life. A Charming Young Woman of Winning Manners and a Heart That , Beats for the Sorrowing of k the World. MISS VIRGINIA WARDEL Mea and women of Portland, do yoa know that there la one among yoa who can tell the story of yonr life that's gone, or picture to yoa that which la to happen in the coming yeai-at The girl has beea educated abroad; la innocent of heart, keen In perception and sifted from ehlldoood with . the power of looking, as It wars, Into the eternal mysteries beyiHid the (rave. When playing In the yard about hnr homo, then a little child, Virginia was al ways appealed to when a brother or a .later baa lost a toy or ether plaything, and ahe in variably, by soma aurt of a than anyeterloae power, would tell where the lost treasure might be found. She would satnend her parenta in this Way. st length attracting tha attention of others, and anally being taiea in nana ny comoetent a m.rlca . Hiaaa ae ve loped her talents to their capacity after wtlch sbs wss sent to India fur a finished training. Three years of this coarse snd the wonder of babyhood, now St) year, later, csme backto her home life to mure than ever con vince her friende that she bsd been gifted more lavishly than any living mortal they had known before. - As Instances of her- power, aha cures the drunkard by ceasing htm to forget his appetite, and In the same manner sum- fletely heeled the ataanmerer. Fader her la laence be forgot that be was a stammerer, and has never been afflicted alnce. 8 he baa brooght tba separated together, by contrullng the minds of persona far distant from her. Lovers bave been reconciled to eacn otner, ana ine inno cent protected from the alanders of ancalled for enemies. She has advised some of the fore nvatbnalnese mea of tha world,-awl mea of high art ata have consulted her. Cltlaeas of Portland, yoa have a fountain of knowledge at yotir command, alias Wsrdel has been In thla city for the post six montha. She baa read the hande of hundreds of people In that time. Have you heard one complain thst aha has deceived them I Has It ever been aald of her that abe baa not correctly read both the past and the nature la tba unman band? Nona bave ever made this claim. If the reeder may wlan to know tha Important things of life, aa What shall my mtnre Bey Will I p roarer In hualneaef Will my wedded life be happy or miserable! Will the woman I love be true or fa lee ? Will the husband- I am-to wad cherish tha tnarrlag vowel la my pretended rrienn a mrna inaeeo T Is sickness to overtake maf Am I te live a rellgWma llfel Am 1 to hold ay present position! Is my salary to be Increased? ' Where la the property atolen from met -Or any ons of s thousand other things of great concern, hla desires may be gratifies by ecDsultatlon with thla young lady who aeenie actually qualified to read etoriea fmm the pebblee at the bottom of the see. This re markable woman's address is MISS VIRGINIA WARDEL Parlors N aad 17, The Ooames. MlVa Korri. eoa, earner yoarth. CLAIRVOYANCE KJT0W TOTU TVTVT. BHAXt TOT BE RICH OX POOB1 JLArrX Us SaVDI CALL I0DAT OM . PROP. PAUMHR (WgTCKIO TBOat IHDIA.) r ' " Tba boat and present read Immcdlatelv Ilk. a book. Whatever your trouble buolneiw. love o-' aatrsnged frlenda tell tbla wonderful man and be will Instantly help fun. Lost lewelry recovered. Bnstneaa avtea given. Invariably can tell yon In any matter. nether yoa will win or loae. Tour lucky 'lay. pacified. Call today. There la no tlma UhI se ir yoa. warn prosperity anl napplneaa. BB.IMO THIS CO UFO W AKD OET A Sg.00 BIADIMO FOR tSo. The adrtreaa la: PROI'. PALMGR Off treat 1 and S. Tha Goamoa. comer fourth Sod MrTlaon atreete. of-town firm underbid the eld con tractor for the work by .about 17,000 In the competition last month. Miss Pechis What are you turning the gtte down forT Jack Nervey I'm going lo kiss you. Miss Pc-ohls -I'd Junt like to aee you. Jack Nervey-Oh! would vouT Then : 1 my-.-' I'll Juat lave ths gas un. HE ROVED 111 Tilt Din. in MIIC (Kit w:il it- iw-ij f.l: tui m. ' tlijlil ' Acquire linoiik'ise -ol llie . Years 5oent In India. Etrrnt and Arabia, Added to Those of His Studies In Europe. Mark Prof. van cortiand aa toe moaern .' Wonder of the . Century In Which We Live. v. ;,.;:. '.'.) . .l atii it- i in mi fi f PROF. VAN CORTLAND iuY2 WAjnlNuTUN ITKttT la Hla teat Bobas. WbUa Among the Eskimo Tribes at the Arctio Kgioa, Delving Into the afyateriaa af Their otystsrioaa Uvea. It waa not enough thst Prof. Taa Cortland Shoold apend many of the beat years of hla active life traveling and a to dying In those regions of the world renowned for their magic lore, bat thst no knew ledge should escspe him be delved Into the fastnesses of the for northern Arctic Circle, making bla abode with sncivlllaed Eaklmo, for the parpoas, solely aad alooe, of acquainting himself with their muOi- -or Mfc,' and. teaming "f acruar contact with their high priests snd sears the secrets ef their ability' to foretell events with aa ac curacy that haa myatlfled the educated sad enltured ' world. Be became, aa it , ware, s member of one of their moat noted trthea, liv ing with them la their fur-carpeted wigwams, partaking of their foods, and la all tea pacta completely changing his form of lite te that of the wildest ef wild abort-lnes. , -la there anything ta the tradltJoa that these pereoos can read the fntaret" the pro fessor was asked. - .t . VI went among theta skeptical enough, was the reply, "but, to be frank, I speedily dls covered that these old chiefs bad so culti vated the spirit of divination that their prog noatlcatlooa ware so nurreloasly faithful la fain Um.ent thst I aould scarcely believe ay ears and eyes.' "What do you meaa fey your ay eat Thay save no books r' "They keep a record ef everything predicted by them. Then whea the predlctloa Is vert ted that, too, ta made account of. Tos weald be astonished If yoa knew with what care and order theee thing a are done by these ea rn rored oaea., I learned much Is Egypt, la India and Arabia, beea nee la these countries are the real schools that broaden the scope of human knowledge, bat any education weald not have bees perfected had I foregone the opportunity ef visiting the Arctic region and learning for myself tost what gift has beea bestowed apoa one elass ef human beluga ef vuua k-unr aniMs gvinga Bare aoi ex. "It waa a great experience. Indeed. These Indlsns hnve little else to engage their fnlnde. Unlike their white brethren, engaged In build ing railroads, ateamhoata, engrossed la gov ernmeutal affaire the pursuit of the almighty dollar the red Bins saa only te think ef the. today, so for aa his temporal existence la sow earned, and all bla energlea are tsntsntretad oa the one Ides ef deveauplng sa fvW-s te pletce the dark reeesaes ef another world. la thla the quiet nature of these duaky erealniaa haari wonder ful ly eu acceded. . I would require your attention for s week were I to attempt to picture the joorney they save traveled la plac ing themselves so far in advance of tens of thousands of college bred AaaertraBS'.who give no thought to anything nave the acnmolatlua of what the world calls wealth." Tba professor discoursed is thla vets far some time, then turning to bla exnerleaces la India, gave s moot .interestlsg deecrlptlea of the processes ef schooling the mind kt that eventry. :' . ' " ' - " ' 'First of all." he aald, "the student la ire quired to dismiss from bis nilad sO other am bitions save Ibat of mastering the atutdr be haa come to apply himself to. A failure on the pert of his Tutors fl property oertis s pt-pllja looked apeat-as a great leek nf ability of the master, and two or three failure, would be bis rutis - - 8i- her rvprh-ps great stteatloa and diligence oa the part of bla ps.ll. and It that be not given the student ta dlaiuwued with out Crri'tncny. I wss reigilrrd t- put ta 12 hours a day In study, hot of cvnrss that Was to my liking, anil I really pur In s s"d ifc-sl svore. In rpt snd Arabia the eoMoin are altniet the earns, hut one ehe etll b,w to the rulra comes out the gnlslwit rnxWi-t. I re K. lee that I bad the eiuerlences I weal thrAugk." Prof. 'Van Cortlaad la a mnat astonishing uceeas la bn elstrvnyant vnrld. He a..sessa all Its mysteries. Mr has mastered tba .Darin and Dneref f" f.iretantng pgst Itwt ' mmtng : events that ksve pland bias n tile rrgraiBt sf seers in th' arorM. . he bna m4Mtily aever had aa equal la l'nrtrsiit ' It In le t likely, that he has s snperlor oo eeth. per sons d'-slrtng tn enBsnlt 'Mm en say eiaii.r of bSailiKes. i wishing to be tol.l vf wb.t la to beten la -time. I. eonitt, or ae,iiir. aor kPewledjr- t)e biIimI can oMre tnfurnii, 1I"B of. nay And hlia at AlU't Wi-M-'Sloa "ir,,t, , HUth. Step niiaialra and bla sign alll be i la plsia view. 7J