The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 14, 1904, Page 16, Image 16

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Market in Chicago Goes Down a
Trifle With Exception pi May.
United States Steel Picks Up in
Value Pennsylvania Advanced.
And Coffee Both Advance Locally
During Day Hop Contracts Up.
ntm ( tin nnstnfflc of Portland. Or..
, to trsssnoruiloa through lb null as second
sis matter. -
Postage Cur alngls copies: rr i. 1
rw paper, t cant: IS ta W pages. tjeots; S3
to 4 pages, t rants.
' Business Office Main 600.
, Kdltortsl Rooms Mats. 290.
Vreelsnd-Beucamtn Special Advertising Aory,
..... 1(10 Naseau a treat. N,w TorkS tribune Bull
,, Irg, Chicago, .
Th nslljr JoursaL with Strode, 1 ysst....$f 60
lbs Italljr Journal. 1 rear J J
.' Th Dally Journal, with Bandar. ssonlh. 8 T6
, Th Dallr Journal. months. ......... ..... f
The lallj Journal, with Bunds?, t SMntht.. J.00
TSa Dalle Journal 3 months. I 1
Th Iisllv Journal, with r'no.lav. 1 twmth.. .
Tha Pellv, par week, deliver.
tuclnd-d ;
The Dnllr. par week, delivered. Sundaj as
; eeptsd ,
he Matt.
Tha Tvallv Journal, with Sundv ' r' 1 J J
Tha !allr Journal. 1 rear.. J w
' Tha Pally Journal, with Sunday. 4 month. S 76
' The Dally Journal, 6 months .-....... I
The Dally journal, with Sunday, awwtha. 180
- Tha Dally Journal. I month
'The Dally J.tmaL with Sunday. 1 Booth.. .6
The Daily Journal. I month. .......... ?
Tha Sundae Journal. I rear. ....... ....... J J
Tha Sunder Journal. montha... 1 00
Tha tat-Weekly JamnuU. . . . - .
Tha Rami-Week It Journal. I to H page.
k. lit . nll .Marfce, fa.
. . Berts. 1 raw R0
Tjaa Weekly Journal.
The Weekly Journal. li whimns of ret.
, In each Issue. Illustrated, tall market
' reporxa, i year
Kamlttaaees aboald b made bv draft, postal
Botes, express orders, snd. small amounts era
acceptable la 1 and 2-eeni poatag stamps.
. ' TH1 JOURNAL. ,
P. 6. Boy 1. Pnrtland. Or. -
shanihars ta Th Joomal whs mar leaea
tnwn ( tha irainroee can bare tha paper
forwarded ta them ta any address with. Kit
extra eharae, payment for tha asms ta fee
msde upon their return:. "
.. Tha Jonrnsl as bs fuftnd oa Sail t th fo
e-wlnf plarea:
BOIKR, IDA HO Pioneer book stnrh.
CHICAGO Poo toffies News company. ITS Daar
born afreet.
DENVER. COT.O. Kendrte Book At Stationery
eomnany. PIS HeTenteenth street; I. Blsrk,
fllteenth and Cnrtls streets.
KANSAS CITY Van oy Jtews eampajiy.
LOS A.NOKLrS B. r. Gardner. .'" flonth
, Snrln( street; Ollrer Ar Haines, South
Snrlns street.
V1VNKAPOUS U. , KaTsnsOfb. BO Sooth
Third. . - '
KKW TOR It CfTT Brentsno's, Cnlan aqnars.
Oil DRK f laden Newa eomnany.
OMAHA Millard hotel newa stand; Memstb
Stattnnerr eomnany. l.Kel farnsm street.
AI.T LAKB CITV Kenyon hotel news stand;
Barrow Pros.. 43 Weat Semnd street. Bonth.
ST. LOriS Philip Rnederdm Loenat atrnet. .
BAN FRANCISCO W. K. Ardlnc. Palace hotel
. news stand: Onldamtth Bros.. 2M Snttef
street: rred W. Pitt. 0O8 Market , afreet.
flPOKANK. M'eSH. Johs W. Oraham Co.
TACOMA, WARH Central News enmpac. 1131
Paelne awenne.
Tha weather was rlnndy and slls-htly threat
enlrar yesterday 'renins east of tha CasrsuW
nd a Ufrht shower oreiirred In tb afternoon
at Walls Walla. la western Orrroa and weat
era Waahlnctna tb skies are spnerslly clesr.
but light to dense smoks preTalls rearly every
where. It was wartney yesterday ereatnr In south
ern Idaho, and the temperature elsewhere In
th North Parlfte atatea eontlnnea adore nor
mal. At Portland tbs maximum temperstur
was 8S desrees.
The Indies tlons are I for eontlnued fstr
westber In this district Sunday, with lower
tsniperstnra west of tha Csaesde mountain.
Maximum tempera tore, S8; minimum temper
ature, 50; river read. 11 a. m., T.T feet:rhane
In 24 hours, .4 feet; total preripltatlonl 0 p. m,
to 6 p. m., 0 tnehea; total precipitation alnca
Reptrmber 1, 1I8. 47JM Ittcbi-a; normal precip
itation since , nrpiemner 1, jwm, -sn.m inrae;
exeeaa.' 2 Inehra: total sunshine, Anmat 12,
1R04. 10:12; poaalbla aunahlns, A urns t 12, 1604,
14:18: haromatar, rsduced to sea lersl, at S p.
Oamatarrsoi nm ureoa CTCJ car Una. near
Bellwood; modern, aoteatlfle. complete. Ckarira
Adults, ; children. 28. Vial tors s. aa.
to p. m. Portland Cremation imoclaOi-a,
rartland. Or.
Th Kdward Holms, Vndertaktnc rompssy,
fanersl- directors aad ambalmsra. 220 Third
Street. Pboo SOT.
J. t. rinley 4V Son. funeral dlrai tuia and
emhslmera, btsa rerooeea ta their saw estak
llrbment. comer Third and . kUdtaop, stzeets.
Both phones Ns. S.
Reller-Brrnss Co., funeral direct oes and ana
kalmera, 271 BnaaelL 1-ady seat. Phone Eaat 10SA.
" Oet your Insaranc and abstracta ta real
sat a ts from tb Title Qaeraatee Trust snna.
pssy. Chamber ef Commerce buildlae.
vvaxua txb last wics, '
Paasemrer truffle to the ear, during
tha weli has. been unusually . heavy
from point In this vicinity ImauH of
th reduced rates that were offered Tor
tha benefit of those who desired to at
tend tha St. Lou la fair. Special ratea
were) offered for three day a during th
On both tha O. R. N. and Northern
Pacific aa well aa the other roads that
run out of Portland, thera wai t heavy
t paaaenwer buiflness. In the smaller
town, however, the traffic waa propor
tionally larger than In Portland and the
Ctner large northwer. cities.
- "Wa had not anticipated an exceedlng-
' ly heavy traffic this week for the rea
son that people dlallka to no east during
the hot aeaaon," an Id a Northern Pacific
official today. "But the business was
much heavier than we expected. In rhe
. smaller towns the buslneea waa heavier
proportionately than In Portland.
"A great many also took advantage of
the rates to attend th conventions In th
east Portland sent very few delegates
to th convention though other cities
.in the northwest sent good delegations."
Officiant of the O. R. A- N. also de
clare that passenger business during the
week exceeded their expectations chough
It will be greater during the period of
special rates that ha been offered dur
ing September. Already reservations
are being mad, for berths and other ac
commodations for that time. ,
' Tonad XU . . A. J. '
From tha Chicago tribune.
Tha traveler with the dusty ahoes and
th small valla knocked at the door of
the spaclou farmhouse.
"la. your advertisement. Summer
Boarders , Wanted,' " (, said, "you
promise rest and a complete change of
avert for th tired city man who .wants
to enjoy an ideal country life for a few
weeks. Have you got a graphophoneT"
"No, sir," replied th farmer's wife. .
tot a telephone T" - - t
"No, lr."
"llava you on of the penny-'o-1
sift machines with slabs of chawing
gum en th Insider'
-No. sir."
"Then-III stop her." said the trav
eler, with a. sigh of relief. ."Tours a
te first iMaH of th kind I'v found."
acxaob oorrn, bvoajl, eoqs,
hack TOi naan utsl. -irucx
roBxios sekaito rosi
Front Street, Aug. II, p. m. The
principal' features of tha Portland whole
sale marketa during the past week were:
New wheat In large demand.
Foreign demand for (four is large.
' Sugar advancea another lOo.
; Packaga eoffe Is up 60c.
' Run of salmon proves a failure, .
- Ekk ar allghtly higher. -
'Poultry advanced with small supply.
Mmon market show; A zoo rise, ,
Meat receipts, were too smalt
Vegetables- art generally lower.- , '
IJop contracts ar moving up.
wew TTiNt Is Xa Xargs Xmajd.
' On account of tha shortneas of storks
In general tnera la A very large demand
for new wheat at prices that ar show
ing an advance. Old wheat Is very
scare -and- tha demand for flour causes
th millers to buy more heavily than us
ual at thla time of the year. Besides
Ik. nelntet ntintatlcmS- lomt Of- the
smaller mlllera up th valley ar paying
a premium vf from 1 to to a bushel in
order to secure supplies at one. Quite
heavy, buys of bluestem and club -are
reported In th Eastern portion of Ore
gon and Washington for this market
' Orient X Buytnf Muck now.
Tha lara-eness of the demand for flour
from tha Orient : and especially from
Hongkong Is surprlsjng th local mlllera.
aa they had been led to neueve xnat
stocks In-that city wer sufficiently large
to last for at least a month mora. Dur
ing th middle of th Week one of tie
local mlllera received this : .message
from a Hongkong Importer! "Am out of
flour and would very much like to have
ordered aupplles ' sent out on first
steamer." Th demand has become so
great that aupplles of flour, which
heretofore Had oeen consmereu
large to be aold this season, hive prac
tically become exhausted and aa It will
take soma time before new wheat will
be sufficiently "ripe" to grind the market
Will undoubtedly go short This will
cause advancea both in tn looai ana
export grade prices. .
Sugar Advaaoed Another Tea Cents.
Ther was another advance of -joo per
hundred nounds In th Quotations on
sugar of all grades In this territory this
morning. . Tha market had been very
firm for some tlm on account at the
larg consumption by the fruit cannera.
ArtmoUe Coffe Advaaoe Again.
There waa an advance this morning of
EOo ft hundred pounds In th quotations
on Artiuckie - ana uoruov urenui i
package coffees, making th new price
114.25. There waa no cnauige in ii ni
pn Lion brand. It remaining 11.50 under
that of th othera.
Is Taken Aa Sight.
This refusal of the Woolaey Splc
-company, owners of th JLIon brand, to
follow 'the advances In th cost of raw
coffee la believed jy a larg per cent of
th trad to be th beginning of a fierce
flght for th control or the pacgag cor
fee-buetnesa-of the. country. -
Boa of Salxnoa lroves a Tailor.-
At midnight, Monday. August 15, th
1904 salmon season comes to an un
timely end. With only two more days
In which to legally secure flsh. th run
t late has nroven a vast disappoint
ment, few of th cannera being able to
secure one-fourth of what stocks they
already had ordera for.
Boys Are Silently BUgber. .
There la a slight advance In th quota
tions on -egg, although soma of the
A-eolera iir thev ar still willing to sell
for lc, whll others claim they hav no
difficulty at all In securing H to lo over
thla figure. The receipt this week were
fair, but th demand was sufficient at
tha nrlce to keep tha market from be
coming clogged. .
r,ife-r Advanced. "With small Supply,
TV,r was an advanc of about e
a pound all through th poultry market
this week with the possible xceptlon f
geese, which did not seem w
wanted at all. Th supply was a trin
i ,.. nn anrlnn. but old hens were
vary hard to obtain and were In the
best call. Th mantei " ,""?''
cleaned up at the cloea of business to
day. Th prospects for ft good market
during the- coming week are very good.
, Z,moa Market Shows ft Bis.
On sccount of the higher values rul
in m h marketa of the South lemons
are quoted here at an advance of JSo ft
box for th cest gwxia.
larg aupply of poor goods. Oood or
anges wer hard to find, but poor stock
had no demand at alL I
Hop Contracts are Moving Higher. -
Hon contract ar now being offered
by the dealers at prices ranging from 22
to 22 He with few takers. The hop crop
at present Is In ft good condition, but It
Is still about thre weeka to picking and
unfavorable weather In the shape of too
much rain or too little will make a vast
difference In the production. Twenty
five cents will be th average pric for
picking this season.
Ja Beceipts Too Small.
The receipts of fresh meat along Front
street during the psat week were nor
nearly up to th demand and prices wer
stretched a trifle higher.. Th arrivals
of veal wer allghtly larger, but th de
mand continued good with top prices tb
ruling ones, null beef did not come nor
waa It wanted.
Teg-tabls Ar Osma rally X.crrr.
Generally prices are ruling In vege
tables, the supplies showing a small In
crease from local points. Green com Is
not selling except for the best grades,
and ven on this price ar down. To
matoes wer low except at the close or
the week, when th supplies became too
short for the larger demand.
Potato Head Bala Badly.
Practically nominal receipts ruled In
the potato market this week. Those that
came were mostly from California, but
a better movement of Oregon Is ex
pected -during- the coming week, r Mo
Klnley Mitchell, the potato buyer, who
returned yesterday from Oervala, saya:
"Larg damage will be done to. tha po
tato crop of the valley If wa do not hav
rain very soon."
The wholesale quotations which ruled
at the close of the week are:
;- - strata.- JTsar sad feed,
WHEAT Kxp-irt price New and eld Club,
T4r; blneatem. Jr; lley. nr.
MA RI.KV Feed, $22; rolled. $2.1; brewing.
f2x ,iJi.ou. :
OATH Prr-dceer' price N. 1 white, $24 SOO
2&.; gray. $2.'l..VllS A SO.
KLOI B Biatern Ore.: Pateets. $4.20;
straights, $.t60ta0- raller. $3,064(1.06; g-a-tain
Via, n A; ls, $3.B.V
hlllXSTITKS Hrsn. $10 60 . per ton; mld-mirs-a.
$21.00; short, country. $22,001 chop,
IIAY-Pmdreetw" price Timothy. Wlllmi
TalW-y, Inry. $15 onU0 On; orrtinerr. $l2 mia
13.00; esslrra -Oregua, $l.0udjlo,4oj mixed.
$10 00012 no; cwTer. as oontio.00; grain, tll.M
Wiz.uu; cheat, (li.sowizuu.
Hops, wsoi an aiass, i
HOPrV-Nouiltial. XU'Mm tr chole;-tSQ23H
rur prime; coutract, iimw. ximzivt.
A'OOl, Nominal. Valley, coara te medlnat.
liMLv; Sue. Ilk;; esstsra Urecoa, Uaaioc
MllllAlIt New. Sfle.
KllkKl hKINa-Shearlnc loflJOcl short wooL
fi:t'r; utedlum wool. SoiUSOc; loug woul,
6,. iy1.00 esrh.
TALLOW Prime, per lb, 4Sc Ko. I sad
grcaae, Ki2e.
fHITTlM BARK Re per Ibi boylng pries.
111I1KS Dry hides. No. 1. 1 In and np,
MUtxlRc per lb; dry kip. . I, A to lb lta,
dry calf. No. 1. ander 5 lbs. ISMc:
dry salted bull, and stsfs. 1-2 less thaa dry
dint: salted hides, steer, sound. SO II nr oyer.
7usc; 60 to an lbs, Tc; under 60 lbs snd
cows. eajTc; stasw ad built, aound. be; kip,
Ilk to lbs, 1-e; sound, 10 to 14 lbs, 8c;
eair, sound, sadnr lu ins. m'fci greea tuo
saltedl li per lb leaa; cull, lc.psr lb Isss;
horse bides, salted, each. 1.23l.Tft; dry, each.
(I H)tl.lMi; colts' hides, each. 2AQ!kM; goat
sklna, common, each, loajiacl Angora, with
wool on. each, SSceil.OO.
Buttar. Zm and Foul try. . . '
. BITTER rAT Bweet. SSAf, sonr, tlHe
BL'lTKll "lty cresmery, TiltfJStr: outside,
fancy, yiUZStfcc; urdlnsiy, 1THI Store, U-4
f(l(lS-,So. 1 fresh Oregoa, 21tJ21 Hel aa
sandlrd. 2ne; bakera. 19c
CHKKSH New Tull cream, twin. IOUjO
lie: Young America, llttftlgc,
POULTHT thlckesa. mixed. 11H412 lb;
bens. 12Sc per lb; roosters, old. 9c per lh;
ScHina. If He per lb; broilers, ISe per lh!
rysr. 12Se per lb; ducks, old, 11 He lb; roans,
12c pst lb; seese. SitTc per lb: turkeys. 17U
Is per lb; dressed, HC2u per lb, .
. v rrulU- sad Tagstablae.
POTATOES New OrMmn, 1 o1 f per
ewt; buyers, price, ll.3oul.4Jl; sweets. e lb.
ONIONH Walla Walla, fl.75; yellow Dsn
vers.. 12 00. f arlle. . like- per lb.
r-RESII FRrlTH Apples, fsncy Oregon. $1.26
ttl.6 per boi; cheap trades. 2&rTSe per box;
rsnges, Mediterranean sweets. $$.091
2 3& ber box; lata VslencUs, $.1.2tJJX par
boa: hanansa. Ac nee . lh! lemons. - choice.
11.00 per bnx; fsncy, $3.60ts.7& per box;
limes, Mexican. Sfle per 100; pineapples, SS Ooadj
s.uu; enernes, no per id; spricots, tiresnn.
' Dec box! nlums. Burhsnks. aOdSOe
per box: nesrh nlums. ount7oe per box: pesches.
Oregon. 6oJT0 per box ; Crswf ords. AOfcHOe per
nux; pears, fi znqt per box; grapes,
whits C'allfnrnls. $1I.2S per box: Mack Ham
burs. $1.6o; black )r, per box; black
berries. $l.So per crate; watermelons, Rftti9ie
per rwt; crated. $1.26; mpakmelone. Snafl.OO
per dos: notmegs. t'sllforula, II. M; Orexon,
12.00 per crate; nectarines. TV5 tl 00 per box;
hnckleherrtos, - lasie- pet Jbt crabspples,
per lb. ,
VBORTABLES Turnips. $1.25 per ssck: ear
rots. $1.26 ner ssck: beets. S1.2B Der sscki
Oregon radishes. 6c per dos; cshbsgs. Oregon.
2c per lb; lettuce, head, loo per dot; greea
peppers. . 20c per lh; celery.. T5e dot; to
lrfoee. OreexMi ISdt.Vle nee hos! uarsnlna. T5aS
$1.26; greea peaa, 6c per lb: green onions.
l2He per dos: local frees ' corn, lOo
dos: pi plsnt. 2T2Sc per lb; string besn.
41 V: cucuml ers, 40iU60 per box; botboos. lot
Kr dot: cauliflower. $1.2001.29 per doe; butter
rn. Tc.
DKIKD PRPtTS Annies, eranorated. TAe
per lb; sprteotss Sialic per lh; sacks. Ue
per lb less; p-sebes, THe per lb; peers. J
loe per lb; pruoes, luuaa. SU4He per lh;
French. H-aS4c per lb: fur.
blacks, erotic per lh; do whites.
Per lb: nlum. nftted lh! dates.
golden. SHe per lb: tarda, $1.60 par 1Mb box.
".'"tn.i oeeoeo. xsncy i-id emrroo. w
psckasea to rsas, TH pkg: seeded. 12-os car
ton a, SVic; loose Muscat. 6n-lb boxes, 6l6Vie
per lb; London lay era. $1.6.1; elnaters. $2.00;
H. 2V: VS. 6Ac sdesnce over pound cartons.
Fins Ten l ib cartons, choice brsnd. 0c:
10 lib csrtnns. faner heand. tl.nO! 10 1-lh
bricks. 2-crown. T6e: 10 1-lb bricks, t-crown,
6c; 4S H-!b bricks, per box. $2.00; bricks.
61 to eaao, $2.00: 6 -row layers, per 10-Ib box,
TOe; Inn, 60-lh boxes, per lb, 6Hc Callafmr
nns Six-crown, 10-lb ear ton, per box. .$2.00
6 crows. 10-lb cartons, per box, $1.T; 4-erowa,
2V-lb cartons, per box, I1.T6.
tuesrlss, XTuta. Its.
RFOAR flack rnK. UaV naAael
$6.36; fruit granulated, $A 26; dry granulated.
$6.16; beet granulated. $d.6; extra C, $8.16;
golden O, $5.66; bhla, 10c; H bhla, 23c; boxes,
6)e adTancs on sack baata. leaa 2Se ewt for essa.
, i ": nepte. HfJltM per in.
aiwnr.I ISSXIOC. A .
COFFER ftreen Mnce 14tle. Xaea fanee
232c; Jits, -rood. 20j2V; Isvs. ordinary.
isa; i oaia uica. rancv. lvoizoe; coata Kica.
iod, lSiaiRc: Coats Rica, ordinary., 13c
per lb: pack at coffe. $12.T6(jil4.26.
TBAS Oolnne. different rrade. 264tABei gnn.
powd-r. 2St,a2t!6r: Rngllah breakfaat. dlf
ferent grsdea. 24)6fle; spider leg. sn colored
Japan. SoeeSe; green Japan (vary scarce), $0
60c per h.
SALT Fine Rales, ta. Is. 4. 6s. Ins, $1.20
ft 1.60: table-.-.-da Ire, StNh af..A0vel t.OO: tartar
t.ina) ; imported Llremool. 60s. $16,004$
16.60; 100s. $14. 76 l(l 16.00: 224. $14.6OJ18.60l
ettrs flne bbls. 2s. .ts. 6. 10a, $4.00; balk.
$2n rns. $n.60; ssck. 80s, 6nc.
SALT Onraw Half ground. 100s, per te.
$.".206f. SO; 60e. per ton. $5 6517.00: riearpoot
lumn rock. $16 60016.60 per ton; 60-lb rock,
$6.2626.73; lx. $.1.7606.26.
Aboea prices spply to sales ef less than
ear lots. Car lot at special prices subject
to ftnetnattons.
GRAIN BAOW1cota. SS.TDffflnfj per 100
RICK Imperial Japsn. No. 1. 6 He: No 2.
4He; New Orleans besd. 4404; Adjack.
c; Creole. 4HQ4Vie.
BRANS Small white, Stae: lsfaw,
white, S'4r: pink. 4Hc; bsyon. BUel Llmaa,
4 He: Mexlcsa reds, 6Vie.
NUTS Peanuts, f He: fnmhoa, SHe per Th;
raw, 9)IOc per lh or roaated: eoenssnts. 6642
bOe per dos: wslnnta. 14Kei64e per lb: pin
nuts. 10fl2Hc per lb: hickory nuts. 10c per lb;
chestnuts, esstern. irig16e per lb: Bratll nats.
16c pVr lb: ' eiberts. 164t16e per lb; fancy
pecs ns. 14iJ16c per tb; almonds. 1.118c per lb.
Meats. Fish aad FTortatona.
I FRFJitl MEATS Inapected Beef, tteers. 6e
per lb; eowa. 6l6He per lb; mnttoa, dressed.
4fRc ner lh: lambs dressed. 6l6e per lb.
FRR8II MEATS Front street Beef, steers
4H76e per lh; pork, block. Se per lh;
packers. 7H5e p.- Ibi bulls, 2He per lb:
few. 6H34Hc per Po; mottnn. reaeC 436e
?er lb; veal, extra, Sc per lb; ordinary,
KtTH per lb; poor. Be; lambe, 6i4ffl5Hc
per lb.
HAMS. BACOW. ETC. Porklsnd pick (local)
hams. 10 to 14 lb. 14c per lb; 14 to 16 Ins.
14c per lp: 18 tn 20 lbs, 14c per lh: cot tax
OHe per lb; breakfast bacon, 1.1HQI7HC
per .lb; picnics. 11c per lb: reenlar short
clears, anam iked. ft He per lb; smoked. IOHc
per lb; clesr backs, nnsmoked. Se per lb
amnked. 10c per lb; fnlon butts. 10 to IS lh
nnsmoked. Sr per Th; smoked. Oc per lb
clesr bellies, nnsmoked, 11 He per lb; -smoked'
12Hc per lb.
LOCAL LA RIV Kettle lesf. 10a 104i pee
Tb! As. lOHe per lb; 60-lb tins. P4e per lh-
team rendered. Jos. te per U: 6s. BVe per
lh; 60s. SHe pet Th: exmponnd tierces. 6Wc per
lb: tubs. 614c per lh: 80s. 6Xc per lb.
CANNRO SALMON Colnmhla rlyer. l ib tall.
$1.68; 2-1b talis, 22.60; fancy Mb Bats, tlfto';
V..h fanee Rata. $1 2.1: fancy 1-lh oral. $1 T6;
Alaska tn'la. pink. MS 90c; red. $1.60; mlnal
2. tall. $2.00.
FISH Rock cod. Ac per Th; flnnnders, 6c rer
lb; ballhnt. 6c ner lb; eraha, $1.26 per dot
striped bass. 10ii2He Per lb; eatnah. Se
P; snlmnn. Chinook. Re pee lh: steelheads
Sc per lb: bmehacks. Se per lb: herring-. 6c per
lh: soles. (I- per lb: shrltnr. 1rtc per lb: shad
dressed. SHe per Tb: perch. He ner Tn; chad
toe, 12He per lh: me abed e nee Tb; black cod
6c per Itvt elleer smelt. Ac per Tb. .
OYRTRR" Rhoalwater bay. per ril. p? ft;
per aack . $1.78 ret: Otrmnla. per aack. $.128
CTjAM: nsrd rhell. pee box. $2.00; raaot
clsma, $1.T6 per box.
ROPR Pur Manila. 16Hc: standard,- 12ke.
Slaal. 10HC. '
CO A I, OIL Pearl or Astral Case. 21 He per'
galiwtes-white. Iron nbl 16c per gal. wooden
per 1: headlight, ITO-deg. csaes 23Vie
per gnl. Inn bhla 17c per gsl.
I.INfF.ED OIL Pure ease, In bbls 6Ae pet gal
csaae C2e per ral: senulne kettl boiled, esse
66c per gal. bbls 60c per tal: ground eake,
ear (ta $25.00 per ton. 1st than cars $2a.ou
per ton.
OASOLINg SS-deg. esses S2e per gsL tros
bbls 2Ac per gsl; star, ease 24 He pet taf
lion 1 per L
RRNy.ifiR as-dcg, esse xze per gaL Iron
or la 16H ner gal.
oiie Ka
bblt Sle ner ral mm
SHc er a
noiieu, cseea soc per gal.
TUUPKNTINR In enaes R6c per gsl. wendea
bhls. 61c per gal, Iron bbls TOe per gal, 10-lb
ease lot S4C per gaL
wniTR I.RAD Ton lot. Te ner lb, 800-lb
lot Ac per lb. less lots SHe per lb.
. WIRE KAILS Present base st $2.68. .
Retail Lumber Fries.
Com. Select Oesr
Per Per Per
U Ft, at Ft U t.
Berth, dtotcnalme - regtilsr
slscs 2t.1 to I212, 82 ft.. $.60 $16.00 $22.00
Keturh, -dlmcnaljns retnlsr
alxes to 1212. 64-40 ft. .. 60 17 00 24 00
rtcxith, dlmenatcns rernlsr
- sites to 12x19. 42-46 ft... 11.80 10.00 2S.0O
Km eh, dlmcnalona . rexrlsr
sites t 12x12. 50-60 ft... 15.8OSl.0O $0.00
lor each sdditmsai s lueses
Id wld'k add
For odd - snd frsctlonsl
- sites sswed add sot leas
For mwlng vertical train
tn 4x12 add
Common rontk boards, resn
lar alae te 12 la. wide
tn 24 ft , Inc.. assorted
1.00 2.00 - 100
2 00
80 1106
Rpedned least ha of boar da 11.00 ser at fast
ad't'tlonal. . '
Board tn consist af lumber leas task I lachs
to eon
la tilck
DZMAiro ooBTnrxrzs tebt
Portland Union Stockyards. Aug. 12.
s p. m. This week has been a remark
nble on In th livestock market, Inas
much as during the entire period th
total receipt of hog numbered only 42
head. Thera waa a alight .tncreaa In
th receipts of cattle, but sheep did not
com so fast. It la now. believed that
the cattle market has about reached Its
downward course and th future will
probably do ft little better. , During the
week sheep wer quiet. On account of
th general scarcity thr wag an ad
vene f t(o In hogs. ..,
Tb receipts show: '
. - This'- Jast
,' J Week., Week.
Hogs 42 20
Cattle - (14 v48$
Sheep ...... -V:... 1.214 2,721
Official ruling 'prices show:
Cattle Brat aaatern Oregon steers.
$2.00; best, valley . steers. $2.7S02.OOr
medium steers, $1.75; cowa, $2.25; bulla.
$1.75; stags, $2.00.
Hogs Best heavy, ti lt; block, $ 00;
China fata. $5. 60$. 75; . atockers and
feeders, I4.756.00.
Sheep Best grain-fed wethers and
lambs. $2.0002.60; mixed sheep, 11.759
.oo. , i '.'..'.:.
raieecs. Aurot JSr -Livestock recelnu: -
Hoe . Cattle Sheen
Cblrsge ..' T.ooO 2K l.OoO
Kansas City 2.000 600 20
Oniah .1,000 ' 200 7 SO
Hogs opened strong with 8. TOO left ever from
Jesttrdsy. l'.eeelpta a jnr sco wars O.OJaX
tullug hog prices show: Mixed and butchers,
$47o&5-00; rough, $4.804.80; light, $4-0(i
f sttle Rtesdy.
Sbsep -Steady. '.
(Furnished by Orerberk, Starr A Cook Co.)
New York. Aunut 18. T. A. sfrlntyrs A
Co. say: - Tb era eon In the ground this year
has been remarkably similar so far to that of
la at yax. The official weather and crop
bulletlna have thaa far been probably much
the una that aessnn. while the similarity
of th weekly report from the middle of July
are very (triklng. This crop can ueienorsis
iully ss. much In condition durina thla month
aa September,- and the probabilities of a rsc-ord-breklng
crop would still bold good, for If
the crop that year could Iota 15.S per cent In
Line condition from Anguat 1 to October 1 and
6 reduce such a yield on sa acres or T.nuu.uuu
as thaa this year, this season t crop proba-
Ellltlea would obviously be much greater, es
pecially la the eeent of a late arrears data
fit killing frost. Pending farther developments
in legara to rne wssioer conuiiions us msrsei
Is likely to prere a better nns for scalping
opera tlons for moderate profits, rather .than
taking a fixed position on tb other aide witn
tha exception of wltneaatng any big awing Is
ptieea either way from tha present lereL .
Today's official eotton market:
Open. High. Low.
January . . . 4 64 $ 8 0S $ .6l
kiarob ..... S OB 0.68
AeTll g. e a.t.e
klay ..... S TIT S.TS ' S.T0
AutTMt . . j. 10.08 . 10.09 ' 10.00
feptenffieTTTV7" 0 M O.KtJ 0.7S
October . . S.ST 8.68 61
NoTomber . . . S.6S 9 ST S.66
December . . . S.62 ' S.6S S.68
New Tork, Aug. 18. Tbs Cbronlcl- flgsrs
of the vUlbie supply ef cotton :.
Today, taut Year. Pres. Tear,
Bales Bale. - Balea.
Americas ..... 67H.1M 702.200 906.7T7
World' I.S62.1SS ,4t,21S 1.612,777
Oottoa la tlrht for week:
. Thla Week. Last Tear. Prer. Tear.
Bales. Balea. Balea.
American..... - 26.00.1 20.018 45.621
World'! 10.078.S31 10,873,787 10,3S0,b
jrrw-wokx oorrxz xakkit. .
i New Tork. Ang. 18. T. A. Mclntrr A Ce.
ssy: Our Information la to the effect that tbs
Santos crop will prove a very short one, snd
hat the large Interests have realised this fact
for some time, and hare been ouletly baying
ss much as possible. Th active demsad from
the country Is setting In, and these require
ments will have to be supplied. Th vary
strong tone to the spot market la Br a all. bav
ins sdvsneed to the equivalent of He per
poena on n isrs eemvna in pnsx wees, st
tests th strensth of the anderlylns? sltuBtton.
Prices have bad such a good advance thla week
that It may enconrag mm pruflt-taklng. bnt
on any slump we would advla purchases of
either rteeemher, March or slay options, which
we believe will ultimately-sell higher 'On the
abort crop.
Today's prices bow a rise ef from 10
ta 20
The effldtl coffee market: '
Aernst ...$6 05
September TO
txrtober 6. 0
November . 0:00
December .' T OO
January 7 10
February T.I8
March T 26
April TS
May T.4S
June 7.60
July T OO (
Sale today were 82.000 bags.
5 75
6 06
7 28
7 40
T 60
Terslga Ooffae Xlghsr.
New Tork, Angnat 1A Havre coffee ad
vanced tn 1; Hamburg advanced . Kle
receipts, 12,000 bsgv; market firm; Santos,
04.000 bag.
', T-.
ktw Terk Ostk Co If.
New Tork, Ant. IS. Caah Co (Tee: No, T Bio,
Sl-ltlc; No. 4 Santos, 84e. - ---
Ssa Francisco, Aug. 18. Local stocks;
rrntra Cotrs Water
87 '
24 H
Spring Vsficy Wster
S. F. Oss Blsrtrle
flant Powder
Vlgorlt Powder
Hawaiian Sntsr
lfioiokes Sutsr
Hutchinson Susar ........
Kllanean Sugar
Makawell Snsar .......k.
Onomea Sntar
Paauhan Susar
Alaska Packer Aas'n
Cal. rrult Tanner's Aas'n.
Cal. Wins Aas'n
Oeaanle Steamship ......
PatlSe Auxlllsry ........
60 i
:::::::: fl2
........ 82
Chicago, Angast 1 A Loesl
" 47H
84 H
102 -.178
ttlonsl Biscuit.................. 47 H
do preferred 108
merlcsii Box I
do preferred
American ran
do preferred t'srboa
' do preferre 1 .
Plamond Match
Swift r..,.
CTIcago rity By.....
Natb Sid By......
Weat Side By
!r.nth Sid. By
l 42H
. K4
.132 '
...... 72
BOOOF.SS A CO. will pay the highest
price for any - amount of CHITTIM
Oood demand for Oregon BurbankA
, 181 frost Street, Fortland,
Close. -,
I 8.63(9 '
8.66 a 6t
, 8.6MIS71
8.71 78
8 6.1 'd 64
' 8. 67 S 68
i e.oofcai
1- aas z,owzbv roKicxa ZS TO.
. oxAiraBD JbAsoa szLxnro or
nmiaii 00 mir. .-
(Furnlahed by Over beck, Starr A Cook Ce.)
t.-blreso.' Ausr. 13. Losan A Bryan advl:
Is wheat It was a rery Irregulsr market,
opening- dowa on the cables sud one weather,
but rallying sharply 'on some unfavorable crop
advices from tha North lskots sertbm, and
losllig practbally sll tbs Improvement before
th ekate. I utll tn eondtcilug sdvlcea from
tb iwrthwest eeese It will of ceurae csua
Bervousnees. The sdvR-ea taaai sa- be, now ever,
a little .less slsrmlus. and their sftVct on
prices seem grsduslly less par ma unit. Ws are
ourselves In reevlnt of sdvices from those sec
tions where the dsmsss alerted Brat, and
where th percentage ef dsmsgs Is supposed to
oa) srssc Bjr . ser iner -is s BBarssa in.
proven nt In th outlook the psst few day
specially. Whan w turn to tb priced' snd
supply snd demand, they are rather i crave
ant. Wheat Is practically ss klgh, or s Uttls
Isher,, In blisgo than la UveruooL Tb re
eeiiiu of winter wheat are very Urge, snd the
act tr demand for It fur eoosumptlon purpose
Is of a-kaud, to moutn cnaracter. Harvsstlng
has begun In' tb 'tkarthwest, snd .with good
weather will proceed rapidly enouth. It 1 fair
to auixiose that the ssm aversce orlees. vblcb
tftsde a- free movement of winter evbeat will
make a free early movement of Spring wheat
also. W are not unmindful of tbs fart that
the world's ststlatlrsl position this year will
atske possibly jvory hlxb prices st some time
oa tns crop, tor tn re aeon tnai st ins preeciix
rate of consumption It looks ss If there would
not be much of a surplus befixre the crop yield
Is out. There Is, however, no shortsss In im
mediate conditions of anuulv and demand, and
If tue spring wheat moves freely and with no
vapurx ucniiuia, ws fin ses ao nsein fi
stocks should not kccnmulst rapidly. Ws srs
of th view that It la a altuatloa which do-
mandt conecrvatiara la buying.
1 Lars Belllns ef Bsptsmbsr.
la corn there wss larg selling of SVptember
and buying of other options through commis
sion bouses and hroketa. which looked llks th
chanslns over of some larss lines of boldlnx.
The weather through the corn belt I much
Improved. There sr still scattered complaints
r Isck of moisture la. the Ohio valley ststes
and from sections of tbs southwest, bnt It is by
no mesial general, snd seems to reflect only a
little spoiled conditio of the crop. In the
main, advices srs favors hie. as the esan situ
ation seems evsnly balanced, they sr not mnch
of e factor to price making. The weather will
be a factor.
Oats Quiet aad Steady
la eats It was rather unlet end rather
ateadv. Reeelntt are nrettv llheraL and th
demand waa hardly equal to tb amount 01
stuff that la coming jta msrtet. The westner
Is fine for continued harvesting and movement
or the crop.
covering er novuMa snorts.
Heine tb end of . th week, there was cov
ering of local provision shorts. A Uttls better
demsnd wss noticeable for the Bird the psst
dsy er two,- which else contributed to the
steadiness. There Is no great Improvement ta
speculative Buying, saa tbs maxsat ts suner-
ing in consequence.
Toosy s oiociai qnoranons:
w M Ml.
High. Low.
NewHeptS 1.00
I 1.02H g 1.00
1 1.02-4
1.08 H
1.01 tZ
$ l.OO
out xtept !.
' 61 H
- ' 87 Mi
63 U
68 . -
6.1 H
- 4H
8 ,
84H 84
30 ' 86 A
... 84H
Sept.... 11.8T
Oct 11. as
- 11.66
f g.00
a w-
. T...4B
Jan..... 1176
OCT a a
A 80
T 46
Chicago, August IS. Cask wheat:
,'. Bid.
No. S red. new 2104
No. 8 red. new.....; 80H
No. 2 bard winter 1.00
No, 8 hard winter. wn
No. 1 siorthern soring 1.10
No. 2 sort hern spring 1.03
No. I spring .86
Llverpeol Orsin kCsxkst.
U-rerpoot, August 13. Closs: Wheat, Sep
tember, a 1114. a tower.
Cora rptomoer, as ny. a. Na lower.
' London . Orals Market.
London. Aagust 13. Closei Whet, Anguat,
Vsd lower; October, Id lower. -
St. Lesls Oraia market,'
St. Ink, Ass. 13. Close: Wheat. Septem-
per, i ic. - ,
Xsnssa City Orala Market.
Kansas City. Ang.- 13. Close: Wheat. Sep
tember, TH-
I Miaaeapslis Orala Market.
Minneapolis. Ang. 18. Closs: Wheat, Sea-
temper, gi.w estea.
. XhUuth Orslk Market.
On rath. Aas, 1A Closei Wheat, September.
gl.VaVt old.
Bw Tork Orala Markst. '
New Tork. Aug. 18. Close: Wheat Sep
tember, $1.06 saxeo.
MUwsuke Oraia Market.
Milwaukee. Aug. IS. Close: Wheat. Sep
tember, si. 00.
Kariey, aeptemoer, oio, i.uaa.
Boston. Mass.. Anguat IS. Pain. Webber A
Co. aay: Tuesday will be a holiday In Boston.
Prices continue to closa slightly higher every
dsy In the stock market. . This means thst
bnvlng Is on tbs whole very much better tbsa
selling. We look for the coppers to get an.
other lift. They are still the cheapest stocks
on tbs list.
Tidsy'a official cor. per market:
. Bid. Ask.
Osceola 64 06
I'll rot , 24 H 26
Qtlncj 84
Klods Island. ..k..y...... .... S
Shannon 4 4
Trmsrsck .... 80
Victorls ...j... ....- 2 8
Wysndnt T - 8
Wolverine TB SO
Ials Roysl 18H - 14
Olr Dominion , Tlx 18
Adventure ' 1
Atlantic...... ... 8 10'
Itligham 24 26
Cintennlsl .J.....'....".. 24H 24
Ornprr Range;, 66 66
West 1H
10 90
Maes Mining
Michigan ..
Mohawk ...
4 .
The reoort ef the Portland 'clearing hones
m a I. a ... b. n.k afwiwe
Clearings. ' "Balances.
Monday .,.....-.
010.446 6.1N$ 61. 6O4.08
W.IH4I -, PS .HIT 00
-jueaosy -.....-....
Wednesrisy ., 8S.164.86
Thursday 6V1 1.84 72.060.68
Friday 6M.(0 IT
Saturday 40T.661.82 40,7 16.50
Totals for Week..... $3,464,664.76 $48.606.68
Total year ago..., 878,170.18
' nrw- tobx bajtx sTATxxurr. . -.
Reserve ,
., $1. 422.62ft
B.'aerve lea U. B...
tsn 1,014.6110
Sliecl ,. S.nM.Tia
U-ala ...... ....I...... ....X
Ienelta , , 2.818.100
Circulation f S 840,000
g Iscreass. '"
rerslga XasaangsBatsa, "
New Tork, . August 16. Forelga exebtngs
Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfort and Bremen,
86H; farls. 6lTHlflH. Antwerp, AITHtt
16H: turlcbv 616 ; Amsterdsm, 40.40; Vienna,
20.40; Stockholm, 26.80. '
suiuara Tn wbxk wholx
r (Special Dispatch ta The Jonrnsl.)
New York, Aug. IS. Whll there waa
little newa of a financial character over
night and no Important davelopmenta
with tha course of tha business session,
the stock' market displayed great
strength and activity. 'The tone of th
trading at times was fairly buoyant.
Th United State Steel aecurltlea were
mora prominent In th day's dealing
than at any time during th week. The
preferred stock waa particularly strong,
aa war th sinking funds bonds. r
. Government Beport Assures. '.
The marketa have been In a measure
reassured by-th government report on
crop conditions, which th agricultural
department gava out laat Wednesday.
Although not fully convincing) th fig
ures Indicate a fairly promising out
look, with llttl cause for apprehension
that has been felt In many quarter!
sine reports of rust In th northwest
began to be go Industriously circulated.
- The etock market Wa moderately ac
tive during th early movement today,
with fractional advances throughout
th session, under th leadership of th
traction aharea, which again eontrlbuted
heavy trading and aaalated In swelling
th volum of buatneaa to respectable
proportions for ft Saturday. Th market
throughout developed ft firm ton and
with good inquiry for th coal shares,
Sugar rsflnlng and aom of th peolul
ltles , exhibited element of ' real
strength. . . -
roralga Karkeka ratarlgg.
Abroad th markets wer featureless
except for th decline In consols In
London, and th fall of rente In Parle.
Discounts were easier at the British
capital, and whll th aecurltlea of the
belligerent nations showed soma varia
tions, th changaa were comparatively
unimportant. - .
Wheat declined early and reports wer
freely circulated that, the trouble In tha
steel billet pool bad been settled, on
tory being that th Youngs town plant
of th Kepubllo Iron k Steel company
naa Deen purcnaaed by the . United
States Steel corporation.
Whole Market BCoved TJpward.
It waa under these Influences that the
whol market moved upwards, tha ad
vances extending from small fractious
to 1 point, th latter In Steel cre-
ferred. Thla stock and Metropolitan
aecurltlea, Brooklyn Rapid Transit and
Southern Paclflo absorbed most of the
speculative Interest
Surplus Has bTw Baoord. '
Tha bank statement was ft good one.
surplus reserves rising $1,142,615. This
brings the total surplus up to $57,725.
426, a new high record. Loana Increased
$1,040,500, and caah $2,162,400.
London waa a factor of llttl conse
quence In local dealings. Unimportant
and Irregular changes being shown' In
tb quotations from that point and. f ha
operations here for foreign account were
upon a limited seal.'
, lHnasylvaala Sells Higher. , ' ,
Pennsylvania gold at th best price.
Sirica' January. .It only reached 121 1
on July 20. which waa tb culmination
of th last bull movement. . Missouri
Paclflo seemed to be the subject of I
favorable comment, first on ftcaount of
Its comparatively low price, which was
less than tha -Union Paclflo quotation.
although th stock waa on a higher
dividend paying baals and -second on th
outlook for splendid conditions in in
territory with tha promise of a big corn
crop. Despite the reactionary tendency
of past months tha fact wag alluded tr
that tha company's gross earnings had
run behind little mora than on per cent
sine January 1, regarded as a striking
record and strong testimony to tha
trarno producing power of tha country
triouiary 10 tn system. -
Ansconds Mining Co,
Amal. Conner tlo.....
66 H
Atchison, common
do d referred
m. Car A Foeudrr, e. .
oo nrsrerreil
Am. Sugar, common....
Am. Bmelt., common. ..
do preferred
Baltimore A Ohio, com
104 L,
do oref erred
Brooklyn Bapld Tranalt
lananisa rscine, com..
Chicago A Alton, com..
127 U
127 W
oo prererred
C A O. W.. common.
CbX, Mil. A St. P....
C. A N. W., common.
Chicago Terminal By.
Chessnesks A Ohio...
148 S4
Colo. Fuel A Iron, com
Colo, boulhern, common
do second prererred
do first oreferred...
Delaware A Ilndaon...,
D A B. !., common. .
do Dreferred.
Erie, common....
aa necond pre
do flrat Dreferred
Illinois Centrsl....
La-ulsvllls A A'aabrlli..
Mel. Traction Co
Mexican Centnll Br...
Minn., St. P. A Bte. M.
do nreferred .....
Mlaaourl pacldc
84 H
M. K. A T., common...
do m-rferred
rew xors T enirai. . . ... .
Nigfolk A Westers, ennt
03 T,
do Dreferred
North American
N. T.. Ont. A W eaters .
Pennsxlvsnl Br
36 H
121 H
1-. u. t. a v. to.
Pressed Steel Car, earn.
do preforred
Psrinc Mall S. B. Co...
Bradlng. common
do secnDd preierrea..
do flrat ' Dreferred
Ren. Iron A Steel, com.
do oreferred ,.
46 H
Bock Island, commoa..
do preferred
Southern Kr.. common. .
do Dreferred. . .
81 14
26 si
Southern Pacific
St. Li. A S. F., XI pfd.
do flrat Dreferred
St. L. A S. W., oommon
00 prererreo
TexaB A Pacific.........
Tennessee Coel A Iron.
Tt'ledo. St. L. A W., .
do preferred
Union Pacific, common..
. so preferred . , . .s . . .
U. A Iesther, common
do prefer ced
0. S. Rubber, eomawa.
do preferred....,.'....
U. S. Steel Co.. eota...
do preferred..
Wheeling Laik Erie, el
do second preferred . .
tVtsconain Centrsl, com
do preferred. .
W. 11. Telegraph
rVabaah, commoa,
. do preferred
do prererred 1
total ssles for day, tlS.SOO aharea,
V Demand BterUsg.,
New Tork. August 16. llemand srerllng.
$4.8800 te $4 .8816; so dsre, $4.866 te $4.S&0v,
omoi zbt nisco oxotnis exKtt
stjoab n try.
(Special Piapatch by I essrd Wire to The Tournal)
San Francisco, Aug. 1$. The princi
pal featurea of th San Francisco mar
ket today were: ' : , ,
. Sugar advanced.
Slim gain tn December wheat.
Harley weaker; pats steady. '
.Ilgy weak to steady. . -
Corn, beans and rye unchanged..
, "Mill products are steady.
" Fruit was generally weak. v;
' Vegetable market aoft. '
Butter firmer; Una eggs held higher.
Cheese unchanged; poultry weak.
Hama, bacon and lard firm.
' Modsrat Beoovery U Baoamb.
. December wheat had a moderate ra- .
covery today. In response to a better
market In Chicago. The given option
cloaed e per cental higher than oa '
Friday. - Cash wheat waa quiet and unchanged.-
Tha. day's' receipts wer only;
661 centals.
December Barley X,oweg. ,.
December barley opened and cloaed at
I1.0SH per cental, or Ue lower than,
on Friday. Th spot market was quiet
and unchanged. Stocks wer liberal,
though ther wr no receipt yet. Oat '
were unchanged and fairly steady, with)
receipts of 4.140 cental A Over 1,000
tons of hay arrived and most deacrlp
tlona wer weak, only- fancy qualities
showing any degree of firmness.
Beans, corn snd rye wer unchanged. '
Some small ahlpmenta of flour were
mad by th steamer Newport yester-
dsy, principally to Central America.
Prices all around wer unchanged and
quit steady.
. .. loo Koch rrult,
Ther has seldom been ft Saturday '
when tha carry-over atocka of fruit
were aa large as yesterday, notwlth-,
standing It was shipping day and that
retailers had to lay In supplies for two
days. Much of th fruit left on band. '
however, was of poor quality, and a
large percentage was several days old.
Three carloada of Central American be- '
nanas arrived during tha week. - and
ther waa considerable quantltlea from
th Hawaiian Islands, so that the mar
ket Was largely overstocked.
Ther has only been ft eprlnkllng of
qui nets, ao far, -not enough to establish, -
ft regular market quotation. Watermel-
, 1 , vv-.a wcyx Mil
quantities from Fresno, and they ar
being marketed mostly by th grower
or their representatives. Cantaloupe
and-nutmegs hav kept In xca of tha
dally demand, and prices for them hava
become very weak. '
Quality of Orapes Boor.
. Orapes bave been dragging, lh qual ;
Ity not being; attractive. The market
contlnuea to be overloaded with plum.
th cannera so far not having taken
them freely. Cgnners of late have been
moderate buyer of Bartlett pears. Ther
haa been much Inferior stock on hand. -
Peaches were moat In demand yester- -
day, with good run on fancy In car
rtera. Figs of the second crop ar be
coming tnfir plentiful, arid"sr Arrlvln;..,.
from aeveral points. Moat of th Long- I
worth strawberries wer poor. Tha
larg varieties wer plentiful and pre
ferred. Raspberries took very wide
range In price, those from Santa Claim
bringing th highest prloes.
. Blackberries are Bows. "
. Tha bulk of th low-priced blackber
ries went to cannera, with aalea down
to $1 per cheat. . Some fancy Santa Crua -.
aold up. to $S. Fancy apples hav been
doing ft llttl better, with $1.16 per bog
rather generally named as th top prlc
for Oravenatelns. and -$1.26 for excep
tionally good. Some wer being held
for $1.60. - .
Botftto Market Depressed.
Th potato market continued In ft depressed-
condition, recent ftnivals hav- '
lng been much more than the, market
could absorb. Onions wer comparative-
ly steady. Tomatoea wer quit plenti
ful and easier. Buyer had only to nam
their prloes for pepper, string beans
and green peaa, these articles being rery
weak. Oreen corn of quality waa In ex
cessive supply, and even th best ap
peared to hav no fixed value.
Som Butter la Advanced.
Although tb market has of lat been
reported dull for fresh butter, --owing
to th run on storage goods at relatively
lower prices, number of houses re
ported sales yesterday of creamery .ex
tras at an advance.
Fine ranch eggs were also quoted
higher. Cheese i was slower and un
changed. Th week closed on a dull and
weak market for poultry, and oonsld
rabla I unsold stock -was left on hand
yesterday.- During th week four ear
loads of eastern poultry wer put on
ssle, and on mora was at hand for
Monday's market. - .' - . ,
' Boston Dispatch to New Tork Sun.
The ancient schooner Folly, said to ba
the oldest American-built veasel now
afloat and in commission, was towed up
th Merrimao river on Sunday to Ames- . 1
bury,, where she wag' constructed It
year ago, and will be on of tha attrac
tions for tha old horn week celebra
tlon; Built on th bank of tha' Merri- -mats
away back In 1805. th Polly served
successively as ft coaster, then -a, priva
teer In th war of 1112, again In th
cnaatlnr t,a4a an1 eke I. mam . -
" 'sstur of one of th gathering
tnai are Becoming the rage of th New
tsngiana states. -
Thera are many stories told 'of th
Polly, the 4S-ton -privateer that chased
Britten schooners of twice her Bit and
more, and from all account she must
hav been a terror. Her log la now pre.
served In the Portland cuatom house,
and It Is better reading than soma thing '
in the naval books. .
Her laat fight was with an armed Brit
ish merchantman, at a point half way
between Mount Desert and th Duck '
Inlands, off the count of Main, in hi,h
after "was victorious, and captured her ;
opponent ft rich prise for those days. -Sine
then, sh hss been constantly en-
gaged In the coasting trade, and only -one
other vessel, so far as Is known, ap
proaches the Polly in lenrth of sctw.
service th schooner - Oood - Intent,
munched In Bralntree In 181$ and now
balling; from Buckaport, Maine, . .
Her Authority.
Mr. Prtmme I think that decollet
gown of Mr. Fashion's was simply dis
graceful. All tha men war staring at
her.- I don't see how sh could wear A
such thing.
Mr. Prfrem (who had stared) My
dear, ah was elmply: following tha
biblical Injunction, "Low and Behold I"
1 i