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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1904)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 14, 1901 13 FEDERAL OFFICERS CLASH OVER WAN TI Commissioner McKee Dismisses " Case and Arouses Ire oL Inspector Barbour Who Protests to Washington. " , ' The cao of "Wan Tl Fook, an alleged Chines merchant, triad August 1 before United State Commissioner McKee on the charge of being unlawfully In the country, has led to an outbreak of long pent-up hostilities -between the com missioner and the local Chinese Inspec tion department. Chinese Inspector Barbour objects to the commissioner's summary dismissal of the ease, and has taken transcript of the proceedings and evidence and forwarded It to Oetieral Commissioner of Immigration Sargent strong protest against . Commissioner UcKm'i decision. -,. ' When questioned about the ems' Com 'mlssloner McKee wss very brief. He aid: . ' i i .. Ym - thii waa a mm inlmt a Chinaman of that description- It was Tiled hv Mm. Immirratian official." After looking It up on his record fas . siaiea tnat it has teen niea ny i;nincse Inspector Barbour himself. V...-. "I know nothing about any charges or complaints, that have, been mad ' imln.t im " h. aaM etlirtlv. "von 'had better see Mr. Barbour." . . Barbour Ala BUeaV ' Mr. Barbour was busy at bis. offlo In tha mutnm hrtaaa. Ha was courteous bug firm In declining to say anything about the trouble. court." ha aaM "and - It would 111-be- aa-jna- va msac any puwuuwiiu or comments. But tha end of tb case It not yet. so far as this orrice is con - earned. Whatever I have to say about 4 It will be co the authorities in my d- narlmsnt iThta ,fftcA kit nn nertlftulas trouble with tha commissioner. W lose rases there that we don't Ilka to lose. " When the oustom house people los a A 1 M A. 1 11 1 . Al.kM - 1 . "I find a sentiment her chat la dlf , ferent from that In other parts of the country in which I have been, with re gard to the Chinese. I pity some of the poor devils as much as any on can. But we are here to enfore the laws as .. w find them, and that I am crying to . da' As to the .case of Fook, I am not m iiutiij iw Mil. . j u u k j to make the .arrest,' file' the complaint and act as tha prosecuting witness at Its trial. The case then passes out of j IF At the Portland Churches a a a a a o - -v- ' " XriBCOTAU ' ' - Trinity Chapel Nineteenth and Waah- tngton streets. Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, . t a. m., holy communion; It a. m., ser mon; 8 p. m., service, - Good Shepherd Vancouver avenu and Bellwood street. Rev, John Dawson. 11 a. m., morning prayer and sermon; 10 a m aiindav arhnnl. a van In a service. . - ,i St. Davids Kast Twelfth and Bel mont streets. Rev, Qeorg B. - Van W.iam. 11 a.' m . mnrn I n w nrnver anil , sermon; :45 a. m., Sunday school. .No vening service, St. Mattbw's-Flrst ' and Caruthers streets, Rev. W. A. M. Breck. tl a. m.. service and sermon.' No Sunday school. St. Paul's church Woodmere, Rev, W. R. Powell. 4 p. m.. service and sermon. St. John's Memorial Sell wood, Rev. W. R, PowelV 8 p. m., service and aer- '. Chapel of the Transfiguration-Sixth atreet, near Oak, Rev, W, R. Powell. . 11 a. m., service and sermon; 9:10 a. m.. Sunday achool. , MXTXODIST Central Russell and Kerby streets. . 10:10 a. m Rev. C. I Hamilton of McMlnnvllle. No evening service. Bunnynlde Kast Thlrty-Afth and Tam hlll streets. Rev. W. H. Selleck. 11 a. m., "Memorials of Blessing." 8 p. m., "Fortune Telling." T d. m.. Enworth league. ,-. ' First Corner Third and Taylor treeta, 10:30 a, . m Bishop, Earl Cranston, 7:41 p, m., Rev. H. T. At kinson. 11:18 p. m., Sunday school. 8:46 p. m., Epworth league. Trinity Corner East Tenth and Grant streets. Rev. Harold Obarg. 11 a. m., "Th Soul-Window." 8 p. nu. Rev. Ver non, negro evangelist 10 a. m Sunday school. 1 p. m Epworth league. ; Cntenary Corner Eest Ninth and Pin streets, Rev. W. B. Hollingshead. 10:80 a. m., "Th Holy Spirit Always Present." T:4t . p. m., "The Offer of Eternal Life." - 18 m., 'Sunday schooL 6:10 p. m., Epworth league. : .. OOsTOSZOATXOirAZk " Hassalo street East Seventh street N. and Hassalo, Rev. Chas. E. Chaee, pastor. Preaching 10:30 a. m. No even ing aervlc. First Park and Madison streets. Rev. K. Lk House. Services 10:30 a. m. Rev. Roland D. Grant; 7:48 p. m Dr. Grant. Sunday school 13:16 p. m.; T. P. B. C B. Union meeting 8:30 p. m,,ln Calvary irranyxenan cnurcn. Pilgrim Chapel Beoond street, near Lincoln. - Rev., H. A. Hart. Sunday school 8:80 a. m. , OIIIRUI, . ' Rodney Avenue Corner Rodney ave nue and. Knott street. Rev. Albyn Eaon. Preaching Ham. and 7:45 p. m. Sun day school 9:46 a. m. Christian Endea vor 6:46 p. m, , First Comer Park and Columbia streets, riev. to. d. Mucaiey; 19:19 a. m.t Rev. W. D. Swain; 7:80 p. m., T. P. a C B. service. Sunday school 13:1$ p. m. '' onisTZA icnixrcj!. ' ' First Scottish Rite cathedral, Mor rison and Lownsdal streets; 11a. m., i"Mlnd;" Sunday achool 13 m. No even ing service. 1 ..1, 1 1 II J I between -Taylor and Salmon rtreets; 11 a.' m. and 8 p. m., ''Mind;" Sunday school 11 a. m. - ' , - 1 i . i- . ZaTTTBTBaVAW. '""Germad St. Paul's, corner East Twalfth ann ' OllntAn atraa.a. B.rwlK. 10:30 a. m., 3 p. m. t . Our Saviour's Norwegian 8ynod, cor ner. Pst, -Tenth and Grant streets, Rer. . Ai Hugos. Servlr 11 s. m. No even ing service. Sundsy school 6:30. '. VsTXVXMAUBT. First Kast Couch and. East Eighth Streets. Rev. W. F., Small. 11, a. m.; "Thought." 13:16 p. m., Sunday schooL-, my hands. District : Attorney. Hall might be able to say something about If With considerable effort Mr. Barbour kept , compute control of his temper, but it wsa quite evident that the dis cussion of it harried his patlenc and (hat there was a story back of It. Mr. Kali's tatemut, ' At the district attorney's offlc Mr. Hall related the case of Fook as fol lows: ; ' ' . "My acquaintance with Fook's eas datea only from Its trial her. August I. before Commissioner ' McKee. Aoooxd Ing to his statement he had gone back to China for a visit when he left Nevada. Ma claimed to hav been merchant there. When a Chinaman who has been In this country leaves It and wants to com back he must prove two things: : First, that he Was a merchant her and. second, that he had performed no manual labor within a year prior to his leaving the country. These facts must be .sworn two by two creditable white witnesses before the Immigration Inspector . can admit him. When Fook arrived h was kept In the detention shed and advised as to what he must do in' the matter. . He named two whit men and- they were called.'' They con sented to sign the required statement, but refused to swear to It. There was nothing left: for the Inspector to do but to order Fook deported. This order was made, and- Fook evaded It somehow and sneaked Into the country. He was ar rested by the Immigration' department, and brought before the commissioner on the charge of being unlawfully In the country. The commissioner dismissed the case, ' c v . "The real Issue, which w desire to hav triad out in court, was as to the status of a Chinaman after be has been ordered deported and has sneaked Into the country, and the question is, shall he not be sent out and compelled to make his entrance In the regular way. This question we hav no chance to settle, since the esse was dismissed. As to whether Fook wss really a merchant, I did not bring Chat up. Of course, if he wss not a merchant, but only a cook, in Nevada, he would not be legally en titled to com back Into the country under any circumstances." . a a a a a a . , ! -- BATTIST. - ". - The Whit Temple Corner Twelfth and Taylor streets. Rev.- J. Whltcomb Druugaeri iv;ie a. . m. vdi acconi prayer meeting; . 10:80 a. m, "Jesus Christ What Manner of Man. Is Her Bible school, 13:10 P, m. Young poo pie's servlc X6:S0' p. m.; 7:46 p. m., "Paris, or Is. a Life of Gaiety Worth th Living?" ,' ' " Bethany - Seltwood. fent meeting 10:36 a. m., 1:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. ser vices. Second East ' Twelfth and Ankeny atreeta Rev Stanton C Lapham. At 10:80 a, m. Rev. J. H, Beaven. 7:46 p. m., "Ben Hun, a Tale of the Christ" Bible school 13 m. Toung people's union 6:46 p. m. Central Woodmen of th World, building. East Sixth and East Alder streets. Rev. William E. Randall; 10:46 a. m., " Th Dignity of a Minor Part in th Drama Of Life." Bible achool 12 m. No evening service. - . lXXgBTTZ KXAJT. First Alder and Twelfth streets. Rev, E. P. Hill. 10:30 a. nu. "Th Practice of th Golden Rulej,J-6-pm!!HmanJ th Agaxlt." Calvary -Corner Eleventh and Clay atreeta. Rev, W. 8. Gilbert 10:30 a. m.. Rev. Dr. Haydcn of North Yakima. No evening service. - .! STAJTOaUOAX. ' First English Corner East Sixth and Market streets. Rev. O. W. Plumer. 11 m., "Keeping Our Offering Clear;" 8 p. m., "The Wages Received by God s Servants and Handmaidens;" 10 a. m Sunday school; 8 p. m.. Junior alliance; 7 p. nx. Toung People's alliance. FIXXTUAUIT. First Society Artisans' hall, Ablng- ton building. Third street near Wash ington. ,11 a. m., conference. 7:46 p. m., Rer. G. C. Love, "Spiritualism." k. a. aorTsT. First 171 H Second street. Rev. E. H. Monro. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., serv ices. 10 a. m,, Sunday school. - 7 P. m., Epworth league. - . . ' MZSOajAAHSOVB. Millennial Dawn 414 East Ninth street corner Grant atreet; 8 p. m., service. " Berea Mission Second and Jefferson streets; Rev. J. H. Allen. . 10:30 a. m.. Evangallet Jr-Cr-Vansandt, "Love," The Sunday evening service Is omitted. Peoples Christian Union 163 Berdnd street Unity hall. Drew building. Rev. F. E. Coulter; 11 a. m., "Parasitism vs. Individualism;" 13:16 p. m., school of religion; 7:46 p. m., InrCrumental con cert T M. C, A. Association auditorium, Fourth and Yamhill streets; men's meet ing 8:30 p. m.; address by X.A, Mc Veigh, evangelist of Chicago; baritone solo by R. Rylance. l - Church of Jesus Christ AHsky build ing, hall 400; corner Third and Morrison; 11:30 a. m. and 8 p. m., services. " vaoiAXi atTszo. At th White Tempi. Morning: Organ voluntary, "Communion in E . flat" a. ..Lemolne Postlude, "Msrch Aug Flambesux" ......... ...t . ,,..,,k. Clark Evening!' ' . Organ voluntary, , "Serena ta,' op 16, No. 1" ,..............,,.Moskowshl Violin solo, "Romance". ..Wolhart Miss Velross Sharp. ' Postlude,' "Allegro, In A flat." , , , , .Read . Bwseptag From th Yonkrs SUtftanian. -' She It la wild that women ar neater anf elaner than men. He And yet you II go right out on the street wlwi a long train to your dress snd make a sweeping denial of that, statement VISITING KNIGHTS TO BE YELCOMED nOTBAWSB Ol PrLXOATX TO XSnOKTB ,TZKnVAB 003TOXAT31 AT BAJff rBAVCXSCQ VTtl SB IITII1TUIIS .! IT JiOO AX. X08JTS. ' . '' - Glad hands will b extended by local Sir Knlght to th visiting Knights Tsmplar who will pass through this cltr en route to Ban Francisco to attend the triennial conclave th first week in September. ' It has been arranged that th Portland hotel will b the head quarters for both th VtsiUng and local Knights. ' , : Visiting Knights will go to Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, The Dalles and other cities to meet th Incoming delegation and expend th greetings of th Portland brothers. They win begin . to reach Portland a week befor th opening o conclave In San Francisco. While ben they Will be entertained at the Port land hotel and will hav every attentlor at the hands of local Knights. Spe cial trips have been arranged through out th city and river excursions will aJ.also Svn in their honor. From Portland they wilt proceed to San Francisco in reach that city befor th opening of th conclave. They will b accompanied by 00.. member of th Portland lodge. Eighty local Knights hav already signified their In tentions of attending the conclave and it la bel laved that at least 20 mora will decide to go - befor final arrange ments ar made. . , ' Thousands Will Ooms, , Th oonclav will bo In session for on week and at th conclusion th dele gates who reached San Francisco from th south will return by way of Port land and th northwest It Is esti mated that at least . 8,000 Knights Templar will pass . through Portland d u ring the first two weeks of Septem bsr. Among th delegations that hav ar ranged to visit Portland is the com mandary from Pittsburg, Pa, It is ons of th largest and most Influential 00m manderles In th order and there will be 300 Knights on th special train that has been chartered ta take the dele gation across th continent They will reach this city at 7 o'clock. August 81, and will spend th day here, leaving for Bart Francisco lat In th afternoon. - Big Prises Offered. -' California will offer splendid trophies to ths Knights Templar for competition that will be an Inducement to drill corps throughout the United States and Can ada. Th original amount aet aalda fot that purpose was 316,760. Since then it has been decided to add - to the original amount that aach competing drill corps shall - receive . a valuabr prise, and each commandery whose drill corps competes will receive a stand 01 colors, consisting of a silk beausanl and th national colore. v Th prises are said to b th most valuable that hav ever been offered at any competitive drill. On Of. the trophies . represents . a knight holding aiori tne laurel wreath of victory and leaning upon tne sword or bis - order. Th competitive drill will be held on the recreation ground of Golden Gate park, wher th spectacle can be wit nessed by a multitude. .- ; ' OUt for JUng Edward. On of the most remarkable features of th Conclave is the gift that has been prepared for King Edward - of Great Britain. It will be in th nature of a souvenir of the conclave and a token of appreciation of th honor bestowed on tha California Sir Knights by sending a delegation of distinguished Knights representing th highest Masonlo bodla. of England and Wales. It Is the first Instance In tha history of Templaiism that a conclave has been thus honored by a foreign potentate, or that the chief officers of th Great Priory of Ena-lanr' and Wales hava crossed th Atlantlo to attend a conclave as representatives or tneir xraienuty, and also of th British crown. The gift to th king will be a com- plete history of the 29th triennial con clave and an accurate record of All thr Incidents of that memorable event with ample illustrations. Th volume that will be sent to th king will be printed on the choicest vellum, 800 pages, and bound in the acme of th book-maker's art " f RINGL1NC CIRCUS HAS NEW FEATURES Rlngllng Brothers' World's Greatest Shows, which will exhibit In Portland Monday and Tuesday, August 28 and 30, has been enlarged upon such a. broad scale as to almost preclude th depiction of its real magnitude. Th Rlngllng Brothers," always modern and progres sive,' hav had for years the biggest show, yet this season they have more than trebled their enterprise by th ad dition of complete new trains, hundreds of horses and people, and by entire new shows. Th crowning ' feature Is the spectacular production of Jerusalem and th Crusades, in which are shown 1.300 characters, magnificent costumes, it car loads of special scenery and an enor mous triple-strength cathedral pip or gan of rare volume, power' and, sweet ness of tone. Jerusalem and the Crusades Is but on of th many attractions the Rlng llng Brothers hav gathered from all points of the - compass. Th monster street parade is stone worth th amount charged for the circus proper. It Is re plete with new and novel processional attractions, displaying beautifully carved and decorative floats representa tive Of every country, richly attired horsemen from every known nation, and monster herds of elephants and camels. In the arenlo performance th Rlng llng Brothers Introduce 376 performers. Among them ar th six Gllnserrettls, the famous acrobats of Europe; the Tas manians, from -Australia; th Dollard troupe, from Germany, and the eight Co-Unl-Clalrons. from France. Other rjm nsstlo performers of note are th three Rlos. the Fortun brothers, the Tybell sisters,, Oenero and Theol. th Flying' Fisher and the wonderful Da coma fam ily., Heading th assembly of riders sre th four Eldreds and the four Bedlnls, sensational bareback riders. There ar more than 200 acts In th circus program. In the trained animal display tha Rlngllng Brothers present three herds of huge elephant actors, un der tha direction of Pearl Souder. troops of cut little ponies In sets tbst never fall to plesse tha children. Captain Webb's wonderful performing seals and cake walking and high school horses. The circus-performance Is given on two tares. In three rings snd on a wide quarter mil hippodrome track. Rlngllng Brothers' shows will give performances at 3 o'clock snd 8 o'clock. Admission tickets-and reserved num bered chairs will be Bold st Rlngllng Brothers' "downtown ticket offlpe. Grave A Co.'s muslo store, 826 Wash ington street Now Hood River needs fir protec tee t Ion and a sewer system. v ill IP Oil . This Magnificent total popular voto HERE ARE 9 Coaovr Uprights, 10 Klnfsbury Uprights, mado and guaranteed by, Tha Cable Co., Chicago. 20 Apollo Ptano Players, made and guaranteed by The Mell vllle Clark Piano Co., Chicago. 7 Al.Vl.taCaaiara, made aad tuarsetcad by Maltlscep aad tO Chicago Cot tage Organs, made and guar, an teed by Flint C., ' Barllag. tea. Wis. . 80 New Royal Sawing Machines, made sua, gaaraateed, by Mil. The Cable Co., Chicago. oil f awing Maehlas C., Chicag. For the BTearest Cerreet Estimate ; -Out Wlnton touring car, WO model. This automoblla, with lu twenty horae-poirar motor, la ooneodad to be tha moat perf-ct for general uae manurartured; value. 82.1HX. Vow Seeoad Xaarest Correct Katl aiato-pna Maaoa de Hamlin graid piano, special abonlmed a.: value, 81, Far Third Nearest Estimate ' On Conovor rrahd piano, speolal mahogany caee; value. 0X). For Two Kaxt Nearcat Ratlmates Two Conovor oabln.t grand upiivht pianos) special mahosanr eaaa; ralua. tiXX) each. Kr Two Aiezt Nearest Kail mates Two Conovir cabinet grand uprlrht plaaosi sparlal mahosaor eaae: value f.Vw each. or keat Keareet kiatlmate On. Conovoiycablnat sTand uprlsht PIsaoi mil nni.ncu nuuioBajiy na; v.iur, .nuu. For Two Kext Nearest klaltmalos Two AdoIIo oonoart arajid Dlano nlavaral special mahusany caaea; value tSX) each. For Meat Nearest Estimate- On Conovor oablnet grand upright plane; pecuu n.nnuir caaa: value, For Two Next Nearest Esti. matea Two Apollo concert grand piano plar- sra: epeclal mahogany ra.aa: valua. t4o0eaoh. ror neat nearest uitiaste On Klngabury vpiirht piano; epaclal rich walnut double veneered mm: value. 1400. For Two Neat Nearest Ratlmates Two Apollo erohaatral stand plan puyeest speolal mahocany cm.. ; value, J4O0 each. - For Sat Nearest Estimate-. On Klnrabury nprlsbt planet rich mahogajiy ' vanaarad eaa: value. f37o. Far Next Nearest Batl mate One Kmgabury piano j apeclai manogany eaae: valua. IS50. . For Two Next nearest Eatl mataa Two Apollo orchaatral rnuid plane Plavert; manotany eaaa; vaiuea-io.p earn. For HWV.I Estimate One Klngvburv ptano; special ttnlahad walnut For Two Next Nearest Esti mate Two ry npiignt plane; eal ; value, eaae; value, vie emcn. - For . Two Next Nearest Earl ma tea Two Apollo master piano plaverm, with spaolal delgad mahogany eaa; value, '2Foira,Fea Next Nearest Eetl- matee Four Apollo master piano plarer la mahorany flnlane'1 eaa; value, tlKO each: For Six Next Neareet EatU mate ls Apolloette ptano players; menog anr nnlehad; value . It7l aach. For Two Next Nearest Estimates Two Chicago eottas ergane. beautifully anlihed, black walnut caaej value, f 160 each. For Two Next Nearest Kstl matea Two Chlcaao oottag orsansi walnut; value, 1JJ each. For Fear Next Nearest Eatl mataSrour Chloacooottagaorsana; wslanti Value. HIS each. For Fear Next Nearest Eetl-matea-Four Chlcaao eottag orsan; oaJtl Value. Ill" each. . . For Foar Next Nearest Etl mala Four Chlaago oottag orsan; walautl valua, W) each. For Two Next Nearest Estl matea Tw. xtr heavy anlid gold man's watches; seventeen Jewel' valua. IWeach. For Two Next Neareet Etl-mte-Two otra heavy solid sold le1le walch, et with diamond; Oftaan wle; value, $TS each. For Next Neareet Cerreet Esti llli ADDITIONAL SPECIAL PRIZES FOR. EARLY ESTIMATES 10 sret eorrect eetlmate reeetveA ea or aftog August X, and bfor AagiUTt 18, on Conovr Cabinet Upright Fluo, valu S40. Tot aaret correct estimate rolvd..oa or after August IS, and before leptember X, one XUacsbarjr Uprlgat riano, value gtOO. IMPORTANT STATISTICS VOTB IN OTHER TBABA, ' Th TOTAL POPULAS VOTB for President lathe year . ' SJU au . OM M ' ixtUt waa.. 8. 7.'-l ?d.. Increase tt 41 M percent 1N7 . 4 4m.tio..lncres of 12 64 percent 187 wa . l.l2.T8l..tncreaaa or sv 10 pr cent of 47 per cent of I 07 ear . B w.4i..lnci 1RH4 w..10.O4t.M..lno 1HM 1M. Imw I waa. .11 I waa. .13 I wee.. IS MO.increee of IS 0lereent OoP.lfll..lncreae of B.M percent VJ.t. ir...inoreM ot U 4S per cent tuO wae..U.I6.4 ot Mperoeal cgirsua rrarKBS. - - - The total pnpulatloa of tbt United States (not Including Territories, lh District of Columbia, Hawaii, th Philippines, and Alaska) In the year wvmew. ) a 4ft, it I 940 no wa, M M if 10 waa.... ....... ft 44 llHM wa (rstlmated) Ta.2u6,t FfiEE-1 Collection of Gifts to bo awirdsd to for President of tho Unltod Statos at tho oomlns; oleotlon to bo held Novembar 8. 1914, i SOME OF THE LEADING PRIZES: First PrlzoWIntoo Touring aad gaaraateed y Th Wlatea CONDITIONS OF THIS GREAT CONTEST. Tali ( Is baaed oa the ! vote ta eaat fv tb affle f Prealdeat r the tailed Slates, will eles at aajdalght, Re Ttabw 7th. 10O4. Th ffletal flrs ( th s;vravjMa will da tarmta tb reaalt, aad th prtaaa will B awarded by a eoaaaalttaa f dlalatarestea Jadgea. Betlatatare will r a certificate far taek attatal. aad these will ealitla tha kalaara t each arts a they saay wis. Whea th eaatcat ta decide each tlsaa,tev will re ceive as prlated list ( th saeeasfal atiaaatcra. HOW TO UAKE All ESTIMATE. It easts yea ethlaa; ta atltlad wartldaata. Tea aay aaly th reaalar arte of th paaer aad yaa a-et fra a chaaca t wla aae or mere ( th ft.OOO haadaoaae aad vaJaahl arlaca. Tea ar eatt- tied ta eat aaaas far each twaaty eoe lit. provided ttaaea aaa gel her, bat aa astli thaa aa dallar. at will b DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. Theaa B.OOO arises, vala4 at 940,000. are all th flacst af their ktad ta ba abtalaed la tha aaarkat, aad their aaallty Is raaraatceg by tha well kaawa flraa fraat which they were aarchaaed. They will ka dlatribate ta the wlaaara aa tha aksalata merit a their aa 1 1 mates by the Ceatral Preea Asseelatlea ef Ckleaare. la ease ef a tie far aay iaetvldaal arias It will he awarded Jotatly. Partial. Ratloa la this comical is aet eeafiaee ta ear readers, aa tk eoateat I belaar advortiajra la m aamaer ef ether pahlleatloaa, the sab ecrlbcrs t all mi which kav aa aal espartaalty te saar ta tk aistrikatles ef the prises. 80 High Orade Solid OeU Oel4 FUUd 100 Moore's Non.Leakable ' Fountain Pens. Mae's and Waai ea's Watches. American Pen THE PRIZE LIST. mate On P-wta repaatar; stem wind, aw an te n Jeweled gentleman' watch; op. a facai twenty year eaaa; atrlka hour and quarter; value. ?S. For Two Next Nearest Esti mate Two (Thtcago oottag organ; walnut; value, 175 each. For Tea Next Neareet Etl snate Tn New Royal parlor cabinet wlng machlnw: value, 170 each, For Tea Next Nearest Esti mate Tea Columbia grapbophon; hirhly Onl.bed mahogany cabinet; value. teS each. For. Tea Next Nearest Esti mate Ten New Royal sewing machine, with handaom eaae; value. Xo each. Far Twe Next Nearest Esti matesTen New Royal aewlng machlneai automatic drop head cabinet : value, foO each. Far Five neat Nart Esti mate Two Chicago eottas organ; walnati value, aeo each. For Two Hxt Nearest Esti matas Five Al-Vlata camera, tor combina tion film and slasa plate; value, $10 each. For Two t Nearest Esti matesTwo extra heavy aulld sold ladlaa walcties; fifteen Jewel; value. 30 each. For Two Next Neareet Etl mate Two extra heavy aolid gold men's watches; fifteen Jewel; value. $50 each. Far Twenty Next Nearest Esti mate Twtnty Al-Vlrta penoramtaeamaraa, toe a ve-inoa Alma; value, (AO eeo. - For Foar Next Nearest Esti mate Four Edwin sultan; solid roe. wood; bony fingerboard; pearl Inlaid; valua, ISO each. . . For Foar Next Nearest Esti mate Four Kdwln guitars: solid roecwoodi Inlaid, abony fingerboard head; val., 4S each. For Six Next Neareet Esti mate Six Edwin mandolin; deep Italian model; Inlaid: value. 4S each. .For Foar Nest Neareet Esti mates Foar "Adler vlollne." Stradivari ue; Ivory tiimmlns; with bow; value, 4fl wh. For Tea Next Nearest Estl mate Ten heavy quadruple silver plated tea fete; guarantee of Americas Silver company; Value. Staeach. For Foar Next Nearest Esti mate Four Edwin guitars; solid mahogaayi value. 144 each. For Tea Next Nearest Estimate Ten Columbls graphophone; laborats sablnctt thirty Inch horn; valu. 140 aach. Far N Fear Nest Nearest Esti matesFour Sriwin guitar, concert slael Solid romwnod tnlnld: value. K!ea,'h. For Tea Next Neareet Eetl matea Tan Urand Rapid ballbearing mo tional bookoaae; olld mahogajiy; leaded glaea, four book aeotton; value. -fwn aach. For Tea Next Neareet Esti mate Ten Kalamasoo' steel range, with high ekaat reservoir, for aoft eoal, hard eoal, eoke, or wood; there I no better stove mad than th' KaJamaaoo, and the manufacturer will refund the valu ot th atav If not aatla tactory; value. IM . . For Fear Next Nearest Etlt mat Four A matt mod) "Offenbach" vto Una; exoellent tone; with bow; val.. 3A each. Far Fear Next Neareet Esti mate Four 8. -B. etewart banjo; "Unl vareal Favorite": 11 Inch; heavily Inlaid; value. f:M.M each. Far Tea Next Nearest Estimate Tea Kalamasoo baa burner.- handanmely Snl.hed and nickeled: value. .t each. Far Six Next Nearest jailmates Six Edwts mandolins. Neapolitan mod all lo n tares t eorrect sstlmaU ea or IS, ana Elngsbnry TTprlg-ht riano, vain THE JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION RATE In Portland and other ettlea wher pa per Is delivered by carrier: - Illy and Sunday, 1 year 17.80 Pally and Sunday, month 115 Pally and Sunday, S months 1.(0 Iaily (not Including Sunday), 1 yr.. 8.00 Pally (not Including Sun.), mos... 1. 71 Pally not Including Sun.), I mo.. , 1.00 Pally and Sunday, 1 year Pally and Sunday, S months...... Pally and Sunday, I months....... Pally not Including Sun.), 1 yr.. Pnlty (not Including Sun.), mos,. Pally (not Including Sun.), I mos.. Sunday only, 1 year ............. Sunday only, months Semi-Weekly, 1 year Weekly, 1 yeaa .fT.OO . S.TS . 1.10 . t oo . 1.71 . 1.40 t 1.00 i 1.00 160 I .1. 100 I participants making nsarsst corroet Car, Model 1904, manufactured Meter Carriage Co., C4rtaa4, Obi. - fiva eaate pata aa saaacriatiaa aa- saaacriatiaa ar forwarded to. allawed aa a resalltaaee at leas 300 Pieces Heavy Silver Plate, . Prem American Silver 'Co. - , 106 Oraphspbeaea, gaaraatasS fey - Celaabla Phonograph C. Co., Boston. ftrtiea rise: pearl Inlaid) vara. Ml.iS each. rer 'lea next nearest u.aii mate Tan KaJamaaoo steal ranse; T ehelf reaervotr: ervotr: sort or hard Ouka. or wood; ua .m no earn. ar Tea Next Neareet Estimates Tea Orand Rapid ballbearing, section! boofeeaatei aolid mahogaar, with leaded Slue: three book section; value. I0 each. For Tea Next Nearest Estimate Tea heavy quadruple plate five plec tea etj: American stiver company; val. 30 aach. . Fr Foar Next Nearest EatU mate Four Wagner concert aololat vlollne; ehony trimming; fin ton; with bow; value. ForTwentr Next Nearest Esti matesTwenty Al-Vlsta paaoraml camera; extra rapid rectilinear lens: value. ISO each. For Fear next Nearest Esti matesFour Edwin sultan; solid roswood taleld: valu. HO each. Far Twenty Next Nearest Esti mates Twenty Columbia graphophone; elaborate cablnat; twanty-twe Inch hern; NroroarJ Next Nearest Esti mates Tour B. a Stewart banjo; alevea Inch; thirty brackets; beat Rogers head; value. .!0 each. For Tea Next Neareet Eetlmat Ten Orand Rapid ballbaaiing motional booaoaaee; oak; leaded glaee; tour eooUonaj valua. V7 m each. " " "" Far Tea Next Nearest Estimates Ten Kalamaaoo itel nuige; T shelf, snd reaervotr: value. 2T 50 each. . For Tare Next Nearest Estt Seatoc Thre gentlemen's watches; (even jweledMwentv year caee; value. 2T SO each. For Tea Neat Nearest Estimates Ten Orand Rapids ballbearing, sectional book oases, mild mahogany : value, IX each Far Fear Next Neareet Esti mates Four concert violin: A mat I modal; powerful tone; with bow; value. MS each. For Foar Next Nearest Esti matesFour ' Sterling" banjos; eleven Inch; twenty-four brackets; heavy Inlaid; vain. 123 aach. For Tweaty-Five Next Neareet Betlmatea Twenty-live Al-Vleta panoramic cam arms, value. Il each. For Twe Next Neareet Estimates Two women's solid gold chatelaine watches; .k, I.W.U nvivMn.nt ' valua. M2n .acfl For Tea Next Nearest Estimate Tea Kalamaaoo steel- i hard eoal, poke, or wood; Tea Kalamaaoo steel- range, for aoft mrtlf nr woAfl: valila. a,1 mi ear arh. For TeT Next Nearest Estimate Ten Orand Rapids ballbearing sectional bookoaaea: aolid oak; value. I'.'2 fA each. r Sis Next Neareet Eatlmate Blx Fvlngton women' watchee; Jeweled movement: ten year eaae; value. la.SOeach. For Tweaty Next Neareet Esti mates Twenty Columbia graphthonw; six teen Inch horn' value. IM BO each. For Tea Next Neareet Estimates Ten Orand Rapid ballbearing sectional bookcases: solid oak; value HO each. For Foar Next. Neareet Esti mates Four Edwin mandoline: Italian mod al; mahogany sack; ebony finger board: value. 120 each. For Fear . Nest Nearest Esti mate Four Edwin ban Joe; beautlfal pearl Inlaid; twenty-two nickel .brecketa; valua, aFrh"Far Next Neareet Esti mate Four Edwin mandolin; deep Italian model; remwood linger board; valua, lli.JS Tot aearest oorreot eetlmate ea or after September temper 18, on aClngsbnrr Upright Piano, vain $378. To nearest eorrect estimate an or after September IS, and befor Octo ber 1, on Xlngsbary Upright Piano, Value S3&0. . after October S3 25. i. and Before October SUBSCRIPTION BLANK , ' (Cut this out and fill In carefully.) , tadoted flntl tw. 0. apply on MbscrtptioBi ao count This aavotmt Is ta pay merit for tb (Stat whthr trir, Sunday, Weekly or Semi-Weekly. Journal for e Nam. Peat;: p ostlnutss on tho Mason and Hamlin Orand, Conovor , Urand, made and " guaranteed by The Cable Co., Chicago. SO Ranges and Stoves, made and guaranteed by The Kalamazoo " Stove Co.. Kalamazoo, Mich. 80 Maslcal lastra. naants, gaaraataad 60 Orand Rapids Ball.Bearlng Sec tlonalBookCases, made and guar an by Wn. Took bra. Co., Chicago. 109 Otm Safety Rag era.guaraa teed teed by Imperial Furniture Co., Orand Rapids, Mich. fey Oeia Cutlery ba.. New York. .Fer Foar Next 'Nearest Eett- matee Four excellent Imitations of a real old violin after Hleromyn A mail; valu. Ill For Two Next Nearest Estimates Tw women' watch -s: ten yea seses; alht Jeweled; value. IIS each. - Far Three Next Nearest Estl matse Three women' 190. tea year gold filled caee: seven leweled: value. ieecn Far Five Next Nearest Esti mate Flv women' fancy chatelaine watches; eight Jewel Swim movement, valua "tor11' Five- Next Neareet Eetl- matm-Flv Bvlngton men watche: twm. ty-one Jeweled: ten year case: value, 1 Jr,h- For Tweaty Next Neareet Estl matea Twenty Columbia graphophpnee. oak -cabinet; sixteen tairh horn: value, elseach Far Five Next Nearest Esti mate Flv women' ten year cam watches; Ight Jeweled: value. 114 each. For Foar Next Nearest, Esti-matea-Four Edwin banlo; "Toung Profea lonal": eleven Inch rim; eelfekin bead; value. 112 V) each. . ' For Foar Next Nearest Esti mates Four men's watchee; new model; Kaaenlc open fac raaaa; valua. $10 each. For Tweaty Next Nearest Estimates-Twenty Columbia grap hoc hone; oak MneU ten Inch horn; value. 1 each For "Twenty Neat Nearest Katl- -matee-Twenty ltn dwt. guaranteed sil ver Plate carving ets; "Corld Brand -J American Silver company: valua. 110 eaclv For- Five Next Nearest Estl- mtsFlv men's watch: Swiss movemant; gun metal cs,e: value. 17 80 each For 0O ext Nearest Eatlmatee 100 Moors' Improved ncnlaaaable fountata pen' 1 karat gold point; value. 2 BO each. Fer lOO Next Nearest Estimate 100 Darn raaors ; with two blades, la a morocco eaae: value. W.50 aach. For lOO Next nearest saiiasni- 100 .IX cunre heavy quadruple phat allvw plat berry spoon. ''World Brand," STiaraj leed by American Silver company; value, U ror 1,000 Next Nearest Est. mate 1,000 cople of 'Theodore Roosevelt," J by Charies Eugene Bank ip4 feroy Arm strong; handaomaly bound In cloth; value. ,lForSoO Next Neareet Estimates 100 six ounc heavy quadruple silver plat oold meat forks. 'World Brand." guatan- . teed by American Silver company; value, lirl!i,000 Next Nearest Estl- matec-1.01.i0 ooplea of "Hodgson' Lew Coat American Homes." bound In eloth. contain ing 100 elans and specifications: val. Ileef a. For Sixty Next Neareet Eetl-matec-Blxty lx ounc heavy quadruple ell vvr plate sugar sheila, ' World Brand." guar anteed by -American Bl rear company; value, 75 cent each. A w, For 1.O0O Next Nearest sCsti. mat-e.cio corde of "Btephen C. Fmtar's Bong Alhum": 50 cent each, . For 600 Next Nearest Estimates nno copies ot "Piano Treasurea." volutn at Instrumental music: value, eoceotaeacn. Fer SoO Next Nearest Eatlmatee ISO rople of "Bons Diamond" maatar Blere from all eountrlea: val. SO e.nt eaca. For SOO Next Nearest Eettnaelos-i 2fH cople. ot "Ideal Ooms ef Englkw oij" valu. 60 mats each, - X, Bad befot lep- sty eetlmate ef Total Tote te be east ea Ho, t, 1104, (or the offlo ( President ret ' r f . .. IJ . I r'