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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1904)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, UGUST 14, 1904. 13 ; , How Society Is Wliilmg A.Ayay tlie Dog Days I THE stillness of August haa be ooroa proverbial and Portland . haa bean no exception to the rule. Praotlcally nothing of so elal Interest haa happened lodoore ex- ' cept auch few eventa aa are occasioned by out-of-town vlaltora The hot aea on. however, haa put little check on the weddings and a number of brilliant ceremonies are celebrated each week. The raoea at Irvlngton Park have ah orbed the greater amount of Interest'Barrlnger, Earl Kryson, Tom Macklln, thla week. Fashionable crowds have assembled each day and the '.streets have been alive with trapa and auto- . mobile partlea .. mW. I 1 .. , aa. at a. 1. trja. given by the Retail Clerks union, la at' tractlng large crowds. ' A number of vouns neoDle have left . . during the week for the universities In ' California which 'open thla week. Btu denta of other eollegea are preparing to leave soon. , ' Portland Heights continues to be a very popular retreat. Large crowds take the rlda every evening aome for - the Concert given by the Royal Italian band; others for the ride Itself, which la favorite for the beautiful view. .. 'wi : - jm t ' ' "W i E vents of: the vW eek - Miss Bella Slagel of New York City, who la visiting rejatlvea In ' Portland, was the gueat of honor at an Informal reception given by Mr.' and Mrs. Otto M. Rosendale at their residence. tE Thlr- teentb atreet, Sunday evening. The home was almply decorated with Jap anese lanterna on the veranda and trail Ing Wistaria In the rooms. Thera wart , aeveral musical aelectlona, among thera onrs by Mlsa Peters. Thera were about : 19 guests preaent and the evening was thoroughly enjoyed. w w The young women of Centenary Methodist church conducted a social at the church laat Tuesday evening. A good musical program was rendered. Games and refreshments filled In the time. . The proceeds will be used on the . church debt. , w w Mr. W. A. Mears gave a very pleasant dinner during the week to some of ht frlenda. at the Portland. Besldea the host there were present Mr. and Mrs. Hannum and Mr. and Mra'Loveland of Ban Franclaco. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. - Mears and J. N. TeaL , -, WW - The O. A. C. club gave a pleaaant launch party to former students of the S college Thursday evening, mere was . muslo on board. w w -' Mrs. Julius Ordway of Portland Is the . gueat of Mrs. Lischen Miller at her Fair mount home In Eugene. . Mrs. Ordway is better known, to the reading public as .June McMMen Ordway through her cukvriiitus sunga ww ijwm . ... vialt in Eugene aha has been entertained ' at two dinners given, in her honor by Mrs. Miller and by Mrs. a. o. woia and at a reception given by ' Mrs. Ira -1 Campbe.ll. ! , , ' WW ' In honor, of their 20th wedding anni versary, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Lyle en tertalned at thetr-home, 1114 East Tay- lor atreet. Monday night It was a very happy occasion. The house was decorat ed with ferns and flowers ana tne yara waa lighted by Chinese lanterna Piano elections were given by the Misses pora Baker, Genevieve Lyle and Mabel "Warren and Mr. Q. Keller. Miss M. uonyer renaerea a vwat wnn piano accompaniment by Miss Baker. . Mr. W. O. Barnes won the first prise and Miss L. Harmon the booby throwing the bean bags on the lawn.' Many "very pretty pieces of chlnaware were pre sented the host and hostess by their friends. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Those present were: Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Belleck. Mr. Snd Mrs. W. H. Warren Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fleming, Mr. And Mrs. J. T. Bod well, Mr. and Mrs. P. Sohuole, Mr. and Mrs. F. C Warren, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Minor. Mrs. Minor. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Gary, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ponnay, Mrs. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. O. McGowan, Mra F. Hunter, Mr, A. E. i.inriH fiv. m r, w Morton. Mr. ana Mra L. T. Webster, Mr. and Mra J. C liar- i 1 1M . . r . v.ii.- aTaa Mra B. Fallows, Mra Harper, Mr. W. O. Barnes, Miss M. Conyers, Mr. and Mrs. C. . Walker, Miss K. O. Donnell, Miss D. Baker. Mr. George Gary, Miss A. xve, mine u. nannua, ir. jLaiuyu . Becktel. Miss Grace Harmon, Misses E. Lyle, Velma Lyle, Genevieve Lyle, Irene Jeaale Good, Mabel Warren, Eva Lyle, Ora Lyle, Freddie Robinson, WW A very interesting farewell reception was given on Wednesday evening of this week to Miss Clara L. Clarke, missionary to Chinese women and children of this city and under appointment of the Worn' an'a Baptist Home Mission society of Chicago. . It was field, at the rooms of the Chines Reform association and con ducted .by the Chinese women, with Mra Ns.,Tong In charge. There were about to' women and children preaent, the most of whom were in their native costumes and with Mrs. 8ukhoda Ban arjee, the high caste Hindoo woman, who also came in her native dress, the scene was one not soon to be forgotten. Mra Baaarjee was Introduced by Mrs. Stone and spoke of her countrywomen, their great need, and her own Joy at having found a Saviour who waa a friend to women or air nations ana tongues, ana urged them to accept Him too. Mra Kan, an educated Chinese woman. Inter preted for her and afterwards expressed ' to Miss Clark the very great apprecia tion of the Chinese people for her ser vices among them and their regret at her departure. The children sang In Chinese and English and after a few . words of farewell by Miss Clark Ice cream and cake were served by some of the children and a social time en- ImI t, mil nB.b. a vniw. a enter the Missionary .Training school at Chicago which opens' September 7. i An enjoyable evening was pasaed In "formally at the house of Mra Q. F. Martin at Mount Tabor, Thursday even ing. Muslo and games were the order of the evening. Miss Jenks contributed Instrumental selections snd Miss Kemp and Mr. Martin vocal selections. Re- fH,hniAiit, ie.r, larval Inter In thai evening.- Those present were Mra. O. F. Martin, Misses Margaret snd Idi Kay. Mlsa Qulst. Mlsa McGowan. Mlsa Ialsy Jenks, Mlsi? Kemp. Miss Wold, Mr. L. W. Martin, Mr. William Crane, Mr. Phlnesa Battin and Mr. Botkln. . The Forestry club held Its .regular meeting at two o'clock Tuesday sfter- ' noon In Hawthorne park. Mrs. Charles B. Andrew read a paper on the fir tree, discussing the different species and their chief characteristics. After a general discussion the meiribers took a stroll -through the park, studying the trees. . There were present Mrs. A. H. Breyman, Mra J. C. Prltehett, Mrs. Rose Hoyt. Mrs. Chsrlee B. Andrew, Mrs. H. Ogden, Mrs. 1). M. Watson. Mrs. Plttinger, Mrs. Sara Evans and Mra. Webb, ... The Current .Events club met Monday afternoon with Mra. D. M. Watson, at til Sixth street - Mra W. O. Rudy led . the discussion on current topics for the week. Choice refreshment were served by the hostess. The club will meet next time with Mra & 8. Prague, at tit A delightful bonfire and taffy pull was given by Mr. and Mra. W. B. Steele, Jr., at Maclntyre s camo, Salmon. Or. Saturday evening. July to. Thoae pres ent were Misses Mae and Mildred Porth, Messrs. William A. Smith, Eldon and V. La Verne Stone, Frank and Cecil A. Wilbur Porth. Mrs. Mary Seed. Mr. and Mra. E. E. Ilarber and 'Master Clarence Steele. Miss Ivy . Tolande Vorbeck and Mr. Leater Uaraeld Potter of Loa Angeles, Cat, were married at o'clock Wednea day evening at White Temple tiainlet church. Rev. Ray Palmer, omciatlng. The altar waa decorated simply with bouquets of sweet peaa Mlaa Grace Kemp played the Lohen grin wedding march aa the bridal party entered, .Fiva girl ushers, alt dressed In pale blue organdie, preceded the bride and her attendanta and circled about her at the altar. They were Miss Alice Wells, . Miss Nellie Morey, Mies lnga Hanson, Miss Christie bcbrleber and Miss Lennle Beeley., Mra Myrtle Par ker, the brides sister, followed aa tna tron of honor. Her' gown was of gray crepe de chine, shirred and . trimmed with Battenburg lace, bhe carried pink carnationa Mm Uusta ttackie, the bridesmaid, came next, gowned in corn colored silk and carrying pale pink car nationa The- little rlugbearer, Lather .Kiuna, in blue silk organdie, carried the wedding ring on a white satin pil low. Last came the bride on the arm of her brother-in-law, Mr. Harry Parker, who gave her away. She was hand somely gowned In white crepe ae chine, shirred over talTeta. The trimmings were accordion plaltedchllIoiv applique and ribbon. . Her veil waa secured -with a diamond crescent and aha carried . a ahower bouquet of Bride rosea She was met at tne altar by the groom and hla best man, Mr. George Kelly. About V0 guests witnessed tne ceremony. An informal reception waa given to about 40 of the relatives -and lmmedi ate friends at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mra J. Meyer, at Ii& Bumslde street 'The hall and sitting. room were In pink and white, with sweet peaa and festoons. The front room waa in green and white, with Ivy festoons. Mrs. Meyer, who received the guests, wore black etamlne with cream satin applique. The dining-room was In red and white, with crepe paper festoons from the chandellera The punch bowl. surrounded with smllax,. formed the centerpiece of the table. Mra Shurxe and Miss Minnie Meyer presided at the table. ... .- . Mr. and Mr Potter left Thursday for their home In Loa Angelea, where they will be at home after September L. ' w - ' Miss Agnes Ferguson and Mr. Charles Tergen' of Champoeg were married In the parlors of the Cottage hotel In Sa lem yesterday, in the presence of num erous frlenda Rev. J. M. Barber per formed, the ceremony. w w At Brownsville. Mr. Will Rosa of Lebanon and Mlaa Lulu Powell of Brownsville were . married Wednesday night at the home of the bride In the presence of a large company, of Invited frlenda, many .being from Albany and Portland. - - . - - Mr. Jacob' Ackerman and Miss Ooldle Z. Adama were married at the court' houee In Albany, Wednesday afternoon, by County Judge C H. Stewart. They will reside In Brownsville. WW At the St Charles hotel. In Albany, Wednesday evening, Mr. H. C Buhlte of Sclo and Miss Ina Gaines of Crab tree were united In marriage by Rev. Clark. Bower. The groom recently came from the east and located on a farm near Sclo. - - " Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mra George Calif, George Calif. Jr. was married to Miss Etna McCormack, a well-known young lady of Oregon City. Mayor Dlmlck performed the ceremony, after which a luncheon . was served. They will make their home In Oregon City. Mr. Calif being employed on rural maty delivery route. - . w Miss Kathryn Gassln of Kalama, Wash.', waa married to Charles O. Brown of Portland at t:i0 o'clock Wedneaday evening, at the home of Mra W. H. Jerard, 114 Weldler, street Rev. C E. Chase performed the ceremony. Large bouquets of sweet peas and pink roses were disposed about the re ception-rooms. The dining-room and hall were in red, with roses and fes toons carrying out the plan. The wed ding march was .played by Mr. Burton W. Fisher. The bride waa attended bj the Misses Metcalf. -Mr. Lyle 8. Met calf waa groomsman. About IS guests witnessed the ceremony. The bride was gowned In white fou lard and carried white sweet peas. The two bridesmaids were gowned in white organdie and carried sweet peaa. Mlsa King and Miss Metcalf assisted In the dining-room during the Informal recep tion inn rouowea. Mr. and Mra Brown are st home to their friends at 290 Williams avenua Mr. Brown holds a position In the First Natlohal bank. . Robert B. Hininn or Pnrfiaad w married to Miss Hattle Pearl Davidson, Wednesday, July 20. at the home of the bride's parente, Mr. and Mra James Davidson, at Winchester Springs. On tario. Rev.,Mr. Runnels, pastor of the Methodist Vhurch, performed the cere mony. The' house and lawn were taste fully decorated with smllax and flowers snd an arch of green and white graced ine iron i or tne veranda where the bridal party stood. The bride waa gowned In cream silk voile and carried a bouquet of Bride. rosea Miss Elena Powell of Kemptvtlle, as bridesmaid, wore silver gray voile and carried Dink roses. J. D. Hanson, the groom's brother, of Niagara Falls, was groomsman. The bride's nephew, little Joseph Davidson, acted as pags and carried the wedding ring on a sliver aalver. The weddlns march was played by Mrs. Joseoh Powell of North Rldeau. After con gratulatlona were received, a weddlns dinner waa 'served to the guests, who numbered snout J bo. , Mtj and Mrs,. Hanson are naastna- their honeymoon at varloua olacee along the road, atonptnr at To ronto. Niagara Falls, St Louts, Denver, Salt Lake City and San Franclaco. They will live In Portland. George. J. Wolff, of Aberdeen. Wash.. and Mlaa Bertha Staadecker of Ger many-were married at I o'clock Sunday afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rothschild. 114 North Eight eenth street . Dr. David Levlne . per formed the ceremony. Palms and wood-, land boughs were arranged gracefullv about the living rooms. A stringed or chestra played the Lohengrin wedding. msreh. Little Miss Irene Harris of Olympla, Wash., waa flower glrL . She waa dressed daintily In white organdie and carried whit rosea. The, bride s MR. AND MRS. LESLIE O. POTTER. - . brother, Victor Staadecker, gave : the bride away. She was gowned In white etamlne trimmed with heavy lace. She wore a tulle veil and carried Bride roses. After the ceremony, the wedding din ner was served in the dining room. ferns, pink roses and sweet peas were used In decoration. The table-piece was of the pink blossom. - White ribbons Were festooned .from chandelier to table. Mr. and Mra Wolff left on the night train for points on ' the sound, after which they will be at home In .Aber deen.- Mr. Wolff. he long been a prom inent business man . there.- His bride cam from her home In Germany about If months ago. She lived for a few months In New York and baa been pass Ing the winter -In Portland with Mr, ant) Mrs. Rothschild. . Mlss Merle Boese and Mr. Thomas F. Miller wen married at the Sunny side Metlrodtst parsonage. Monday, August . the Rev. W. H. Selleck offi ciating. Only a few friends were pres ent Mr. Miller is connected with the Portland fire department and the com pany stationed at Sunnyside. . They will live for the present at Bunnyslde. - w w A double wedding waa quietly solemnized" at S o'clock Saturday even ing at the home of Mra F. .E. King. 186 East Seventh street North. Miss Myrtle A. Hale and -W. B. Mason, Miss Minnie M. Palmer and C E. Stout were the con tractlng pa'rtlee. Ferna and white car nations were employed In decoration. Rev. Arden Rockwood performed the ceremony In the presence of aome 21 guesta Mr. and Mrs. Mason will live at 6S North Tenth atreet and, Mr, and Mra oioui ai wooaiawn. w w ...... George F. Martin and Miss Elisabeth A. Battin were married, at .o'clock Tuesday evening at the home of Mra O. F. Martin, . Forty-eighth and East Salmon streets. Mount Tabor. Rev. J. Whltoomb Brougher performed the cere mony. ', Ferna and pink and white sweet peas were used in decoration. An aisle of white- satin ribbon led from the doors to the bay window, where a wedding bell of pink and white sweet peas -was suspended with a huge La France rose for the clapper. The background was of ferns sprinkled with sweet peas and palms were arranged on both aides of the window aa the terminus of the rib' bon aisle. 1 As the strains of the Lohengrin bridal hymn were played by Miss Grace Kemp the bridal party entered-and were met at the altar by the groom and his best man, L. W. Martin. Little Charles Whltoomb, Jr., the 1-year-old page. preceded the bride, carrying the wedding ling on' a white aatln pillow. He waa dressed all in white with a silk Rus sian suit The bride, attended by Miss A a got Tonseth as maid of honor, en tered On the arm of her brother, P. H. Battin, who gave her away. The bride waa handsomely gowned In white crepe de chine over taffeta, trimmed with Irish point lace, she carried a shower bouquet of Bride roses. Her maid wore white tulle and carried pink roaea. Dur ing the ceremony Miss Kemp played softly, "O. Promise Ma" An Informal reception followed the ceremony. The little page sang charm ingly "My Old Kentucky Home." Mlsa Flora Kamp and Miss Croswhlte assist ed Mrs. Martin In the reception room. The color acheme in the dining-room was pink snd white. Pink sstln rib bons were drawn from the chandelier to the table and fastened with large bows. A huge bowt of pink and white sweet peas formed the centerpiece. The re freshments sustained the color plan. Miss More and Mra .Fred Miller ore- sided in the dining-room. Both were gowned In white.. . . . Mr, and Mra. Martin are passing their honeymoon at the beach. They will be at home at Mount Tabor artr September 1. Mr. Martin la an attor ney In the city, who has recently ar rived from Chicago. . Mr. Wilson S. Hamilton and Miss Ethel M. Crawford, both of this city. were married at the home of Mr. B. F. Hamilton laat Wednesday evening. ' Rev. Harold Oberg of fir In ted. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton went to housekeeping at 444 East Harrison street w w ' The ' wedding of Miss Nina Pearl Ostrander td Charles Humphreys of As toria was celebrated at 11 o'clock Wedneaday morning at the aome of the bride's parente, Mr. and Mra Jamea K. Ostrander Of Cottage Grove, Rev.-F. E. Bllllngton of the Christian church offi ciated. The wedding Was a quiet one, only relatives and a few Intimate frlenda being preaent They will reside In As toria, where Mr. Humphreys la manager of the Western Union Telegraph com pany. - ' . " " w ' ' Mr. Arthur B. Weyant of Spokane and Miss Marie Thomas of thla city were married at the parsonage of Trinity M. E. church Wednesday. Rev. Harold Oberg waa the officiating clergyman. Mr. and Mrs. Weyant will make their home In Spokane. ---.- - --- Engagements a. " ' . '-r -- , -- Dr. and Mrs. F. Cauthorn announce the engagement of chelr daughter. Emily Burns, to Edward J. Craig of Ban Diego, CaL The wedding will occur August 2, at noma No cards. Mra Lucy A. Palmer ha Issued la vltatlons for the marriage of her daugh ter. Miss Ethel, to . Thomas B. Leaks of Astoria, Monday, August 15, at ber horn In Bos man. Mont . Musical Notes Mrs. Marie S. Whlghara of A. O. U. W. building, teacher of voice and piano. Is passing her vacation at Long Beach, - Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer, Portland's lead ing soprano, la a guest at Seaside. Miss Alrae Newman, the successful piano teacher for children, left Monday for her new home In Fresno, Cel. , Mrs. Fletcher Linn, soprano soloist of ths First Presbyterian church, Is at Hotel Moore, at seaside. ww . Miss Annl Ditchburn left with her mother Tuesday afternoon for New York, where she will take up the study of dramatto expression and muslo. Arthur Louis Fraser of Eugene left Tuesday, en route to Berlin, Germany, after a vialt in the city. ' Outing Visitors The following ire the guesta at Hotel Gear hart: Mays O'Connor, Daisy O'Connor, Mrs. Charles B. Malarkey, Beau Brummell, Portland; E. W. Thorpe, Spokane; Ernestine Falling, Portland; Mra Scott Bwetland. Buster Swetland, Vanoouver, Waah.; Mrs. John MoCraken, Portland; Mrs. Aukup Kinney. Astoria: Mrs. A. Oberdorfer, Harold Oberdorfe- El loa F. Oberdorfer, August Oberdorfer, Henry R. Falling. George F. Myers, Charles H. Carey, Portland; F. M. Hall, Mra F. M. Hall. . Mlsa Mae Watklns, Lincoln, Nebf; Mr .and Mrs. J. A. Reed and child. Portland: Mrs. L. K. Bingham and son, Walla Walla; Mao McKlnnon, Seattle; Marcel la Flood. Ina L. Craig. Marlon L. Drewery, Effe Smith, Port land;; Ki"M. Strumer, Astoria; A. L. Smith. Boston: Mrs. Scott Brooks, Miss C. Dressell, Miss Phillips. W. C. Ward. Mrs. W. C Ward, Mlna Ray Ward. Mr. and Mra G. Olaen, Miss Carrie Bush, Portland; ' Miss Bess Reed, Astoria; Margaret Brooke, C. W. Hod son, Lester Hodson. Portland; B. Gordon Wash burn, Mrs. B. Gordon Washburn, Spo kane; C Camming Bruce, K. L. Gllsan, Mrs. F. O. MlnoXte, Mrs. . J,M. Ford. Portlsnd; F. C, Egleaton, . Mra F. C Eglestnn, Caldwell, .Ida.; Mrs. 8. Pen noyer, Mrs. H. H. Delano, Portlsnd; Jessie Jackson, Spqjtane; Llnsey Mor ton. Dorothy Morrison, Portland, Mra Hughes and niece, Seattle; Joe Reubens, Spokane; W. R. Sebree, Caldwell, Ida; J. W. Smith, Mra J. W. Smith," Astoria; A. II. Attulls, Mrs. A. H. Attulls, Port land. Mr. A.' A. Morrison and daughters are- members of a bouse party at Sea- siae. Will Lyons and Bent Clemens will start Tuesday on a walking trip to Newport They will go by boat to As toria, thence by rail , to Seaside and from, there will walk. Miss Ruth Loverldge and Mine May Hemenway of Eugene were In Portland the first of the week,-the guests of Miss Annette Burr of the Baker com pany. , Monday they accompanied her on an outing to Nahootta, Ocean. Park. Attorney Alfred Aya . has returned from a month's out I n in the, coast mountains with Ms father and- brother of Eugene. , ... Mra 8. U. Friendly and .daughter. Miss. Carrie, artf visiting In Portland after their outing at Seaside. Miss Ro salie will remain at thebeach for an other week. Mr. Philip Neu haa returned from a two-weeks' visit ' with 1)1 family - at Seavlew, Wash. Judge A. H. Tanner and family of Portland, and Miss Kate Kelly of Eu gene have formed a party to 'camp at Foley Springs. Mrs. M. L. Plpeg haa returned to Portland from a camping trip with her daughter-in-law of Eugena Mrs. Earl Wilbur, daughter of Dr. and Mra T. t Eliot, la summering with her mother at Hood River. She will re turn to Portland with Mre. Eliot for a brief visit. Rev. Mr. Wilbur Is now stationed at Oakland, Cal. V.' ' Mr. and Mra Edward R. Root and son are spending their vacation at New port. Mlaa Belle Joseph left during - the week foreHea View, Wash. . ' Miss Do kb. Manhelm la visiting at Sea View. Wash, Rev.' Jerome R. McGlade and Mra Mo Glade, of Mlspah Presbyterian church, Mrs. G. A. Rockwell, of .this , City, Miss Elsie Natchwey and Charles D. Purdy and family, of Salem, formed a party which left Wednesday on a camping trip to Cascade Locka The party will break up early In September. Mr. W. D. B enton returned Wednesday from Besslde. , Miss Helen Barlow has" returned from an outing at Ocean Park with Mra. W. Ji Honeyman. Mlsa Ruth Honeyman' re turned with her. Seaside Notes The United Artisans, a fraternal order, (ield a social Tuesday night at Gilbert's balL A pleasing program was rendered. . Among those participating were Miss Olmsted, In Instrumental ae- lections. Mr. Dodson sang several num. hers In his usual good style. "The Death of Benedict Arnold," a recitation, by Mrs. Condlt. waa well delivered. An excellent exhibition- of club swinging waa given by Mrs. George Eberman, for merly. Mlsa Minnie Hamilton of Port land. An address by Dr. J. B. Olmsted of Portland followed this program. Dr. Olmsted Is the suprems medical ad viser of the United Artisans. All who heard him were well pleaeed. Among the visiting Artisans were: Mrs. W. L, Green, Miss Georgia Hamilton, Mrs. Mary E. Carson,. Mr. C. C. Carson of Columbia lodge. Woodlawn; Mr. David Henahaw Houlton. Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer is enjoying th sea breeses at the Moore hotel. Mr. E. D. Gelser of Baker City If a lato arrival. J. A.aWaddell of th Van Schuyver company of Portland will be a guest at the Moore for the rest of the-month. J. McGulre, superintendent of the Astoria and Columbia River railroad. Is among late arrivals.. -' Mra E. Meyer of Portland, is a visitor at the Flelachner cottage. . John H. Grusly, a business man of New Yorkf Is spending some time at Seaside. Mrs. Kaiser of Portland Is the guest of Mrs, David Henshaw at Hemlock hUl. .. Mre. Woodcock and family from Woodlawn ar occupying Mt Hood cot. tag . Miss Leammey, daughter of Dr. Leam mey of Portland, Is a late arrival. Mr. Fowler of Montavllla is spending a oonpl of weeks with his family in Hermosa park. ' Mr. Applegate. who " waa aeverely burned 1n the Grime hotel fir a la Im proving, Aside from being burned, he waa a heavy loser In th fire several fin camera being part of hla lose. Most of the people who were burned out wer soon provided with room or tents. Dr. J. B. Olmsted, with his mother and daughter, spent a few daya here the paat week enjoying surf bsthlng and clam digging. Th fishing in th Necsntcum river the paat week has been unsually good. Some fin salmon trout have rewarded the fishermen. Several young men went out In the lit boat Sunday and were the object of much Interest to ths hundreds of people on th beach. The dsy was per fect and they rowed out to the light bouse, this being the second time a small boat ha ever accomplished this feat Harvey Scott, editor of the Ore gonlsn. wss one of the prominent visitor at Seaside th past week. Senator McBrld waa a guest st Hotel Moore during the week. Mrs. Dom J. Zsn will spend a few weeks at the Moore hotel. Mr. Welnhard, the proprietor of the Welnhard Brewing company of Portland, who wa ill for a few daya laat week I making a speedy recovery, The gwests of th Seaside House wer entertained by a dance and musical on Tuesday evening. Ths Instrumental mu slo was furnished by Mis Loowenberg and Ml Whldden. There were songs by Miss Msrgaret Ha mm on. Mine Jean ette Soott, Miss Mae Whldden and Miss Flelschner. The evening waa an excep tionally pleasant oh and wa thorough ly enjoyed by alt. Mis Neuatadter and Mis Flelschner carried away the first and second prises at a progressive (00 party given by the guests at Seaalda House on Friday even ing, August t. A very pleaaant birthday party waa given on the beach Saturday, August In honor of Clark Thompson, Jr., of Cas cade Locks, grandson of Mr. 8. Y. Hyde of Wisconsin. The party was attended by both of the grandparents and gueata of the Seaside House. The birthday take prises were won ss follows: The ring by Mlsa Alice Stennlck, the dime by Donald McKay Skene and the thimble by William Fenton. Jr., son of Judge Fenton. A large bonfire was one of the many pleasant features of the evening and served for a marshmallow roast Pea n tits ayid popcorn were In abundance. Mrs. Neustadter and son gavs a de llghtful boating party on the Necantcum river Monday evening. Master Harold and Allen Meier and Aurln Frank are among th expert fish ermen of Seanlde House. Mra R. J. Marsh, Raymond W, Trot- man and B. H. Levy, all of Portland, are recent arrivals at Seaalda House. 'ww Moore Hotel Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Green, A. B. Allen, San Francisco; E. B. Rtcker, New York; Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Allen, Megnon Allen, Anson Allen, C. B. Allen. Antorla; Mra Tlela Kadtsh and Children.' Baker City; Miss Fannie O. Petus, Oregon City; F. M. Richard son, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Williams, M. L. Kline, Miss Johanna Kline, J. R. Smith, L. Samuel,' G. K. Wlegnnd. Mlsa Emily Newton, Mrs. Julia A. Fremont H. Hollard. A. 8 Rothwell, R. W.-A. O'Relley, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hughes, Boise;- J.- M. Craig.- San Fran? Cisco: Mrs. Geartn. Miss Gear in, Will iam A- Smith, Mrs, II. W. Spauldlng, Mrs. C. W, Knox. Dan C. - Plllsbury. Maud Coffee, Norma Coffee, Mr. and Mra W. Frledlander, Mr, and Mrs. Croystar, Portland; W. H. Eruba, Hood River; -Mr. and Mrs. E. U Caldwell. Indiana; Master Earl Frement John II. Mitchell. Mrs, M.. Marks. Mlsa Michel, Freda 8. Rau, Mr. and Mra William D. Church, J. A. Waddle. Oeorg T. Murphy, Jr., J. W. R. McFall, L. A. Craig. Mlsa B. E. Smith, Mra. R. W. Wilbur, Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer, Mr. and Mr. J. E. Helta Portland; L. C. McLeod, Astoria Mr., and Mrs. J. A. Cooke, Walla Walla, Mr. and Mra W. W. Bmlth, Spokane; John Mitchell, Jr., St. Iia ul; 8. A. McDonald, L. A. Craig. Port land; D 1L McGulre, San - Francisco; & IX Gelser, Baker City; Miss Julia R. Coman Miss Laura Dunne, Mrs, Cyrus Lindsay, Tall Thompson. Portland; Mr. and Mra Seymour, H. Bell and son, Sumpter; M. 8. Anderson, Miss Ander son,, William Beal, Mrs. Charles Morti mer, Miss Ethel Hopkins, Portland; John 8., 'Trusty. New York City;. Mra Fletcher Linn, Mary Linn, Mrs. J. C. Atkinson, Mr. and Mra C. B. Cousin, Dr. and Mra C. Rawllnga, J. W. Mo Outre, Kate McGulre, Mra. K. A. Daly, T. A. Madison, J. B. Alexander, J. M. Russel, J. Koshjand. Robert Gillan, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wagner, Mrs. E. Myers. Mrs. K. W. Hoyt, Miss K. Hoyt. Miss L. Hoyt Portland; Mlsa N. W. Lordlle, Canada; Mlaa F- C. Dwyer. New York; Rev. and Mra ' T. A... Hyland, Thomas Llnvllle, 8 It ton Linvllle ' Thomas IT. Llnville, Astoria; Mr. and- Mra. O. C. Coleman, Mlsa Carter. Mr. and Mrs'. W. D. Clarke, Mra Dom J. Zan, Mrs. J. M. Russel, Edna and Allen Russel, Ray mond Frogman, Portland. Locksley Hall Brandt, Wlckeraham, Astoria; W. T. Honeyman, Mra , T. Jones, Miss Viola Charlesson,' Portland; Miss Julia R. Coman, New York; Law rence G. Densmore, Central City; Judge Carey, Mrs. C. 1L Carey, Portland; Dr. Scott Smith, New York City; Mr. and Mra J. E. Tlf fan, Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. W. XV. Babcock, Elizabeth and Jussle Babcock. Walla Wulla; Le L. Thompson, Ooldendale, Wash.; Laura and Elsie Smith, Mrs. Charles Tlmblln. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Clarke. Portland; Thomas Dodson, Walla Walla; Mra. A. H. McCully, Sara McCully, Patton; John H. -TrutyNew York City; Ada Bush, Mlsa Bush. Boise; Mra Jennie Hawkins, Boston; Josephine . Paine, Francis Paine, Thomas Dodson, Walla Walla; Mlsa pearl Empkln. Oregon City; Fred J. Beary, Dr. and Mra Woods Hutchinson; J. Beary, P. W. Cue ter, Mra K M. . Smith, William H. Lewis, Mrs. M. E. Van Dorn, Miss E. J. Rutherford, Portland; 1. A. Wood, Astoria; J. D. Wilcox, John Dasdney, Portland; -Mrs. C L. Pickett, Mrs. L. A. Prince, Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Howard Keylor, Miss Edna Key lor. Walla Walla; Jamea Llndaay, Mr. and Mra. John Hall and child. Mlsa Vlda Moore, Portland; W. E. Gray, .Grants Pass; .Mra 'John L. Sharphteln, Walla Walla; A. H. Maegly, Mra A. Joplln, Marguerite Thompson, Mra A. Geeblsh, Mary E. Beatty, M. M. Reuyter, Port land, "Mrs. Z. H. Sterling, The Dalles; J. E. Levi. New York; Mra B. J. Raf ferty, Miss M. Pots and partyr B. C. Flske. E. J. Smith, D. H. Maynard, W. E. - Prudhomme, Mra W. E. Prudhomme, Mra. M. Morden, Mr. and Mra John E. Lathrop, Mra A. Smith, Mra E. M. Berger, Portland; Mra. Jack Fetherston, Spokane; Mra E. M. Ramkeft, Mra. Jack Gardiner, Mr. and Mra. E.- L. Coldwell, Portland; Caaslua Waldo Mllbank, Schenectady, N. Y. . ' Seaalde House Mr. . snd Mrs. ' George Andrews, Mra J. A. Melr, Mrs. Lloyd Frank, Portland; P. Patten, Gaston, Or.; J. N. Teal, Ruth Teal and nurse, ' F. A. Spencer, H. B. Trousen. 8. B. Zacwen berg,' Portland; M. Thurln, Rainier; Karollna Eskelln,- Astoria. B. Holladay, Mlsa Mae Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. El wood WllllaMIss Jennie McKlnnen, Joha Ford, J. C. Veazte, Max Michel. Olvln Blnswanger, Mra M. R. Colby, M. C Stuart P. B. and Mrs. Pouter, James Lindsay, Mra N. W. Whldden, Miss May Whldden, Austin C Whldden, Thomas W. Whldden, "Frank Bell Whld den, Donald McKay, Mlsa . Jeanetta Scott, Lawrence Franklin, Mr. and Mra. F. C High. Jode J. Hyde. 8. A, Fenton, Mr. and Mra Graham Glaaa and two children, Mra E. Conn, -E. Louise An drews, Mrs. A. G. Klosterman, Gutchen Klosterman, A. Douglas, Portland; Mra E. Hammerston, Astoria; Mra Sherrln and children, Boise; Miss Belle Dltten- hofer. New York; Mra Leon HIrsch, Port land; Nell O. Rogers, Mayme Palmer, North Yakima; Mlsa BurnaMrTand Mra William D. Fenton, Master Jamas Fenton, Miss O. M. Scott Dr. and Mrs. Otto 8. Blnswanger, Edna Blnawanger, Mra M. Macks, Mr. and Mra Charles H. Carey and daughter. Leon Hlrach. Port. -J land; John H. Trusty, New York City; Marlon E. Cola W. E. Elliott Jr., Mra Rawllnga, Dr. Etta Rawllngs. Mra a L. C 8tevens, Master Harry Stevens, Mra J. N. Teal, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Babcock and two children, Mr. and Mra A. B. Cousin, Mra J. B. Atkinson, Portland; Pearson Wells, Milwaukee, Wla; Mra Robert Rollna, Lafayette Or.; Miss .Hay McGulre, Dr. W. It Skeone, -Charles Feldenhelmer D. Frank lin and wife, Portland. Seaalde. Inn Rena Ems, Denver; M. Donsae, Lawton, Okla; R, Watson and mother, Mra Vance,' Vance, Wash.) Dr. J. B. Olmated and daughter, Mra Lock wood, 'Portland; Albert Pearson, - San Franclaco; C. 8. Rockenfeld, Frank M. McMehan, Male Soofleld, Janet McLeod, Jeaale McLeod, Portland; M. Asher, Ban Francisco; P. J. Jones, Baker City; John Kertslny, Fremont, 111.; E. Bryan, Pendleton; Perrln Dunn, San Franclaco; J. B. McFarlane, Alexandria; J. C. High, B. A. Bowman, Mra Mortimer and slater Mis Hopkins, Mra 8. J. La France. E. J. Starbuck. Mra A. G re blah and son, Mra A. E. Joplln, H. C George, T. F. Polk, Mra O. W. Phillips, Thomas B. Fraser, Portland; P. J. Jones, Baker City; M. Asher, San Francisco; John Katsley, Fremont, I1L; Perren Dunn. San Francisco, J. B. Alexander. , , , Colonial Hotel C W. Pope, Oregon Cltyi Mr. and Mra J. M. Craig, child and nurse, Seattle; G. E. Welngard, Charle C. Woodcock and family, George Strick land and son. H. J. Broushton. Mra M. Marks. Max Michel. Portland; Mr. and Mra W. H. Smith, Seattle; William Moore, Mr. and Mra W. J. McGraw, Portland; Mra M. E. Strickland and child, Mrs. H. M. Eldowney, C. H. Dickey. Oregon City, 8. 8. Alexander, M. Duffy, Portland: W. C. Sawyer, Pendleton; Mra l. 8 Buller. Mrs. F. E. Cheney. Blaine R. Smith asid family, Charles Zealey, ' Mra Mortimer, Mlsa Hopkins, Portland. McOuIr Hotel Mr. and Mra Barney Lambert Astoria; F. B. Reed, B. W. Price, Pittsburg, , Penn.; Mrs. J.' B. Crowen, Miss Emily Crowen, The Dalles; Miss Jessie .Myers, Boise; Mra J. L. Bradley, Hammond;!. Theodore Miller. Oregon City; Mr. and Mra A. W. Ben nett O. E. Morgan. Portland; James A. nrown, Oregon City; James Woodfleld. 8. A. Wood, Astoria; Mrs. Annie Mark ham,, Miss Emily Newton. W. R. Ber nard, A. F. Forsythe, Turner Cal len der, Paul Halop, Portland; " Adolph Hush snd sifter, Boise; John Strain, Mra H. Slaupher. Mr. and Mra A. Dur- fur. Portland, Mr. and Mra A. B. Smith. Qulnry; L. Swett. , Margaret Swett, Mra. U Z. Reedy and eon, M. Flora. Roy Leigh. Rainier; Mr. and Mra. WUllnm D. Gutman. Seattle: Mr. and Mra IV Johnston, Huntington; Mr. and Mrs. Honrlsh. H. Stansen, Mr. and Mrs. WUllnm Heed. T. Thompson. W. I). McDonald and family: Mr. and Mra. W. Bennett, MUo Thompson Amis Young. Mr. and Mra H- 'Parsons, fort land. . . . -Personal Dr. Amelia Zlegler of th east Bids Is still confined to her room, th result of an Injury soma week ago. She 1 improving slowly. Captains Rowan. Kenly, Roberta, Helms and Norton left Sunday for Camp Astacaden. Cel., where the military ma neuver ar held. General McArthur la in command, and these five captain ar umpires. Mrs. Elisabeth H. Coray, society edl trese of the Salt Lake City Herald. Is visiting friends and relatives In Port land. She Is accompanied by her young son, Donald. . ' , Mrs. W. E. Coman, wife of th passen ger agent of the. Southern Pacific rail way, is passing a vacation at Hotel Clarke at Glendale, accompanied by her son and her mother. Mlsa Luella Clay Carson of Portland, head of the English department In the t ,.; va. ... ,v,i. v awva . gen for a' short time. , , Mr. aiid Mr. Elmer- Bmlth of Port land are' visiting Mra Smith' parents, Mr. and Mra Fred Drew of Eugena Miss Winnie Morgan of Eugene la via itlng In Portland. , Mlsa Beatrice Swann 1 visiting Mr. ant Mra. Heher flwann nf Cnrvallla. . Miss Leonora Fisher, organist for the., First Congregational church and Temple Beth Israel, la visiting her alster, Mra George E. Howland of Grants Pasa Miss Eff le Vantress of Portland, after a visit with the Misses Wood in New berg, hss gone to Barf Francisco. The Misses Helen and Florence Apple gate of Portland are visiting their aunt Mra L. M. Rosa, of Portland. Mrs. Emma Q. White of this city la the guest of Mr. and Mra B. 8. Train of Albany. 1 Miss Blanche. Wlditaker of Eugene la visiting relatives In thla city. ' Mlsa Grace Holden, violin pupil of William Wallace Graham, la passing th summer at her home in Eugena -Miss Lora Harris and Miss Sara Broro berber of Portland are guests of Mra Joseph Goodman In Chehalls, Wash. Mrs. Fred. Gates of Portland haa re- -turned home 'after a week with friend In Chehalls. Wash. . Mr. and Mra. Sol Blumauer , and daughter have returned from a trip to San Fransclsco. Mia Nell Peterson waa 111 last MUs Holbroolc and Miss Nellie Hoi brook are spending a few weeks at their cummer home near Holbrook sta tion. .- , liln.... w Y. I a . torn y of Eugene , waa In Portland th first of th week. - lra Bernard C. Jakway and little son hnv returned from a vialt with her mother in Eugene. Dr. Frank E. Selover of Eugene ar rived In Portland the first of th week called home by hi mother's serious ill ness. . !..- Mra- J. R. Wetherbee of Irvlngtoa Is visiting friends at her old hom in Eugena . Mlsa Mae Erlckson of Eugene la the guest of Portland relatlvea Miss Camilla Leach, librarian of th University of Oregon, Is visiting Port- . laiid frlenda ' ' ' J Mra B. 8. Durkhelmer of 741 Lovejoy street Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra E. Bchwarsschlld In Eugena Mr. Durkhelmer will follow later to make his home In Eugena Mra Walter Reed, contralto soloist in -the Cathedral oholr, left Friday for' Alaska, to be absent several weeka Mra A. C. Sheldon, director and so prano soloist of the First Unitarian choir, and Miss Agnes Watt of the Treble Clef club, left during the week for Yellowstone Park and St Loula . Miss Bessie - Luckey left Thursday svenlng for San Mateo, Cal.. where she ' expect to continue her studies under " the direction of Mis Tebbetta formerly of Bt Helen' hall. Miss Luckey Is a reader of ability. .--- Miss Carrie Ford of Eugene visited friends In Portland during the week. Miss Fanny. Hemenway of - Eugene friend while on her way to Puget aound. She will return to Eugene early In September to resume her work aa -teacher in the public schoola Tt. r rn n m X-a 1 1 TP ........ I ' V- rell has gone to St Louis to pass sev eral weeka K. E. Norton pasaed th week In San Franclaco. En route he visited Mra ' Norton in Albany, where eh is lit with appendicltla Mrs. Chsrles Runyon left for New York last Sunday night Mrs. A. H. Breyman-cam up from Seaalde Tuesday to attend th Forestry ciud meeting. - . . Captain Pierce A. Murphy, Instructor of law Slid history at West Point left Tueaday after a visit with his parents. Colonel and Mra John Murphy, at 45J - Hoyt street Captain Murphy goes to San Antonio. Texas, to Join hla regiment tlie First cavalry. Captain Crane, of Omaha. Neb., la vis iting at th hom of Mr. Inalea Mr. Crane la on of th chief cattle growers in Nebraska. r Mr. J. 8. Kleet. manager of th Levi Strauss tt Co. wholesale house, left for Ban Francisco Tuesday. Mr. ana Mra t. ju. Garland left dur ing the week on a visit to New York. On their return they will visit the fair at 8t Louis. - . Mra Julius Ordway. returned home- Thursday from a visit with Mra Lischen Miller In Eugene. Mra Minnie L, Waahburna a promi nent club and sncietv woman of ICuvaua. i the guest of Portland frlenda - Th lawn social announced for last Sunday, to be given by the Sacred Heart parish, will take place thla afternoon ' In Hawthorn park. East Portland. St ' Joaeph's band will play during th after noon. , No admission fee la charged, and every on la cordially Invited. , cxoica or two vtut . Ther wa dead silence In th class room. The delighted yell which had ' first gon th rounds had died away, and now the scholars felt tne price wa to be paid. ' "W 1,1 Ham Buster." queried th teacher in an awful voice, "did you place that pin on my chalrT" "Please, ' sir no. sir," quavered th unlucky Individual who had been fixed upon. ' . "Do you know .who dldf -' TSr-r " . ' , ; "Enough! I see yon d know It HI , name tell me his name!" "I I can't teacher." , 1 , "Unless yon tell me his name, you will receive his punishment." There wss silence for a moment, and then William advanced to th front of the rinse snd submitted himself to bod ily chastisement . 4 .. That afternoon. whn the Scholar were trooping out." Blister wns rsllcl, . bark, snd presented with a penny. "I wns angry at the trU k." e ln-1 the teacher; "lint ynvi were a ntle ln-1 not lo bet rsy your comrade." "It It wtn't that, I her " et;.lm,ir William. "Hut I k'irw If I nvi ,i,tl sway I'd get much wxrio 1 king t: what you gnve v v" I r . -