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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1904)
V I ' ..." : ' : " - -' I f : ' A Want Anything? Send The Journal a Want "Ad." and YouH "Get It ,. Full of Live News and Lively Stories That's The Sunday Journal ' PORTLAND,; OREGON SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 14, 1904. 39DO CEBSW3 The "Different Store" Portland's Quality Shop WHERE THE WALLS ARE COMING DOWN FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS ; I WHERE THE WALLS ARE COMING DOWN r iivr a. . 2er i i . rum nm-sm m a w m 1 . - - - ittw l ir i r. ' i ii -v x. n u ?vj r ir 13 M AW Tim VH rov ,rK xsir.n FOlWr ITJMV3JM FRUGAL, THOROUGH - GOING PEOPLE '-:;' : , v iIM EV-illiaiJ:::1 1WO W : result, and we've taken it by quoting prices that cannot be resisted. We don't care what the original cost of the goods were. In marking down the price figures we were actuated by what we thought the goods were worth to you. Thousands of chances to save, result from this method of determining values. We have resolved to convert the remainder of our summer stocks , into cash, regardless of the loss such action may entail, because we want new goods new goods that! will interest you when the fall season opens. - It's business prudence. We gain by it in the end- You profit by it now. ! y , .. v.. v ; -. READ ON! READ EVERY LINE! THE ORIGINAL HOURLY SALES. HERE TOMORROW - - 8 TO 9 A.M. r voun woo no mBa,r - ' .--"3.48." , : :J ,. r-: 7"--V auialM . Womra'i Pat Kid Welt Boot; -pitta ' ? to, high mllltarr heel, neat. T " 4rMr to. oboloa, atyllsh atreet -ahoa, $5.09 tradea... ...... $3.48 1 " Bam aaabova in' Loula bael, pat. . kid or plain Franoh kid with pat. tip ..3.48 8 TO O A. M. 00 AU WOOI. AUATBOSB.414. Rralar 600 all wool Albatroaa, In treat and avenlnc abadaa; apeolal for on honr only 414 8 TO 0 A. M. -so tunniM txsts, ie ' 1 KaU Toor. ; v Women' . White Cotton Sleereleaa Veata, lac front, S6o qualMy; for each '. 16 . - 8 TO 0 A. M. uo bats sroirars, 214. Xaln BkMt. . Larre alx Bath Sponcea, value (So; apeclal 214 9TO 10 A.M. . 00 OBJTTXB KXOBB, 194. ' - Reoond Tloor. German 'Applique ' Center ' Pieoea, '' with plain oentera. scalloped or hemstitched edcea, . round or quare,, alxea 18x11 or 10x10 Inches, rexulsr price SOo; special u . for on hour only ...194 . O TO. 10 A. M. 50 BBZZAXABTXBXB, 394." ' Vala floor ..annex. Regular eOo Colored English Bril llantln and Alpacaa, In plain, mixed and fancy dotted effects, all color, cream Included; t special, for one hour only ......... .394 - O TO,10 A. M. Third floor. ' OBmmra sotzb - xoo bxat. - XB) special .........44 O TO 10 A. M. ISO BOAV BOXBB, 124. r " ' Main Tloor. Large Celluloid Soap . Boxes, v as sorted colors, ralu 15o each; special 124 t 10 TO 11 A. M. XXXLU TOM 504. !' ',, . " Kate rioo. ' For one hour we place on sal a line of Potted Border Net Veils, to be worn over the fac aa a stylish hat drape, regular I0Q, 7 Jo and 11.00 values, for one hour, at exactly ., on-uij bbxob. 10 TO 11 A. M. -KB vi ftas vbszbwbab, 794. . , ' Kate Tloor. Hen's light weight Cashmere Draw. era, an extra fine quality; regular values for only 794 10 TO 11 A. M. - CBUJJBBBTI 1M TT)1, 394. KUllnery Pepartmant ooond ... floor. , , i For on hour only w place on sal a line of Children's Btraw Sailors, colors browns, whites and reds, ' trimmed with velvet "with silk ribbon streamers, regular 1.00: ' special ....394 TOMORROW MGIMS 10 to . 11 a: M. 00 iU WOO& CXAXUBB, 424. Kate floor . Annex. Regular 0o all wool French Ch al lies, in light and dark grounds and com in pretty neat designs; spe cial, 10 to 11 a. m. only 424 11 TO 12 A- M. un BSo HO SB. 154. Kate floor. If en's Beamleas Half Hose, with lace - front, in red, blue and black, a ' rood wearing- hoae; , regular tSo value for, per pair. ........ .154 i 11 TO 12 A. M. . BOTS' BOo SBXBTS, 394. v Kate floor. Boys' lOo Neglige Shirts, with soft collars, light and dark patterns ' ". and blaok sateen; regular too . values for 394 11 TO 12 A.M. . 400 BXBBOVB, 194. , Kate floor. , - " ' W place on sale for on hour sev eral short lines of line Ribbons at less than actual coat. Included are Liberty Silk .and Satin Taffetas, !..' t and (-In. In . ' width, values to 40o per yard. ' For one hour while they last, per ; yard ,194 11 TO 12 A. M. fLS BLAOT TAf f ETA, f 1.31. . Kate floor Annex. Regular ll.M .Black : Taffeta, It Inches ' wide, - splendid wearing grade; special for on hour - only f 1.31 11 TO 12 A. M. Third floor. WXBB BIBK aTTBAIBXB, value 25c; special 174 . ; 12 TO 1 NOON! ' $1JD0 BTAOX TAf fBTA, 694. . Kate TIoot annsi ' ' All Silk Black Taffeta, splendid , make for drop skirts and linings, tl Inches wide, regular $1.00 qual Ity; special from 11 to 1 p. m. only ......... i , 694 12 TO 1 NOON. las B.OTT, WAIST", 694. .. Kate floor. Boys Whit snd Fancy Striped Fauntleroy Waists, embroidery trimmed, many styles. 11.00 and tl.2t qualities; your choio;.694 12 TO 1 NOON HOUR. 650 BOVTSBZB. Sf OOVS, 394, ' Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons, in gray finish, value tic; special, each t94 1TO 2 P. M. - SSO KXIUXXO BIXKB, 674. ... Kate flnnr Annsrr, tto quality' of New If easalln Silks. For waists and suits there Is no silk made will give better service, colors are cream, pink, light blue, ' champagne,- tans, brown, ' nlle, . royal, cardinal and navy; special, 1 to I p., m. only. ....674 " 1 TO 2 P. M. 400 Tlim BalSI, 164. v .. Kate floor. Whit and Cream Tenia Bands, larg assortment of style, tto, ' IBS, 40o and too values;' special for on hour ........ ..164 THAT. , v 3 TO 5 P. M. Women's ish Siiits at but a fraction of former cost v 2 Women's $30 to $38.50 Suits at $11.9fl Second Floor. ; , In order to close out, at once the remainder of our. stock of Women's Spring ' and Summer Suits, to make room for the great fall stocks which are now on the wy, we have closed our eyes to former cost and offer for 3 hours Mondayyour choice of a collection of Women's Suits in blue, light gray, brown, dark blue, black and mixtures. Materials X are cheviots, - home-. spuns, granites, eta mines and serges. Former prices were from $30 to $38.60, Choice $11.98 of lot 1 TO 2 P. M. '. iso iilt ran, 124. Extra value in Belt Pins, assorted designs, value i&o; special, each 124 2. TO 3 P. M. BIO.0X BBBSB OOOBS. floor Annex. Regular $1.60 all wool, 14-Inch Suit ing, a grand chance to get a good serviceable fall skirt or suit' for a little money-! to I p. m. Mon day 'at ... .'.," . 704 2 TO 3 P. M. kxssxs' flM nimaM, 984. ' - - Kaia floor. - Misses, S -strap pat. or vlcl kid, turn sole Slippers, v spring heels, 11.54 values, at...... 984 11.15 values, sis tH to 11 only. . ........ . ..884 ; fl.00 values, sis to , only. .784 ;,2 .T0 3 P. 11. AKTX.B OXTBTAZBS. fearth floor. Sampl half . pair Lac Curtains, from t yards to i4 yards In . length, full width, styles Brussels and Ren. nalaanc effect, Arabian and cable net, for single win dows, cottage and sash curtains. . Special price. each 254.354.504. . 754, 1.00 and 1.25 CUf,TAIN THE THIRD WEEK-OF THE THOUSANDS OF PORTLAND'S EVERY DAY, FRUGAL, THOROUGH - AN EVENT. IN LOCAL WILL LONG BE AA V V 3 TO P. M. $4JO fXTTXCOATS, (2.97. oad floor Annex. , . . Ladles' Whit Cambrlo Petticoats, , 17-inch flounoe, 5 rows of wide lac Insertion and deep lac edg ' lng, regular prlc $4.50; apeclal. each ....$2.97 3 TO 4 P.M. . - ish Ling obass, 94, . Kaln floor. Brown Linen Crash Toweling, good values at 12Hc; apeclal for on hour, per yard 94 3 TO 4 P. M. BOSSES' ISO BOSB, 174. Kaln floor. Misses' fine ribbed Black Cotton - Hose, " finished foot, double kne and sole, good honest 160 hone ' ' special, per pair 174 3 TO 4' P. M. - Third floor.-' BXTBA XBATT WXISX BBOOKS, value 16c; special 84 4 TO 5 p. m : - WOKBaTS 4-00 BKOES, f 2.83. Kaln floor. Women's hand turned pst, tip, matt top, military heel and neat round drees toe, 14.00 values, for on ' " boar only ....'...$2.83 4 TO 5 P. M. . 5 -W-ASX STOCXS, 174. New Wash Stocks in all the V style, vsltie each 15c; special for one hour 7y ............. .174 j GOING PEOPLE MERCHANDISING REMEMBERED.! 10 TO 12 A. M. Phenomehel : Suit Selling The Climax of Great '. Bargain. Giving I ' Reached Tomorrow 7" $18.50 tb $25,001 Suits for $7.85 If you've been waiting until prices reached their .lowest mark for the season before, buying a suit, the following great offer will certainly interest you Women's Fine Street Suits, in long and shorts lengths, materials are cheviots, eta mines, broadcloths, and alpacas ; colors - are brown, blue and black ; regular $18.50 to $35.00 garments. Special 2 (n OP hours only p I .00 1 SAaASASSAAAAASSSAaAAiiseAe WWWW WW 4 TO 5 P. M. 490 A1BTMS, 294. ' Kaln floor. Nickel Photo' Album, gray leaves, else 1x10 Inches, value 49c; ' apeclal for on hour 294 4 TO 5 P. M KBV'fj 53. SO BBGUOEB B 91.25. Kaln floor. Men's Neglige Shirts. ' with, soft collars. In silk, mixed and' Hunt weight wool, with silk stripes, very sightly shirts- -Regular 51.60 values, for. ...91.25 Regular IJ.00 values for. . ..$l.SO 5 TO.G P. M. SKOB BBVSXBS. . Good heavy, durable Sho Brush, value 15c; special .'..224 5 TO 6 P. M. 18 MAXmX fXBfl, 124. Kaln floor. Extra fin- hand-finished 'Slmtt Hair Pins, 1 dos. on card, value Ho dos; special, per card.... 124 S TO O P. M. US KOCKA OXTBS, 984. v Kaia floor.:: ' . Ladles'. 1 -clasp Mocha Oloves, black, mnli and gray; regular 11.16 values, for 984 5 TO 6 P. M. Un SO XABOKXBCXXXfaV , 104. - Kaia rioor. ". ' Men's white, hemstitched, all linen ' Handkerchiefs, and tt-inch hems; regular lOo values, , for, vv" ALL DAY SALES Cbbak siruiAjrnni abb 1 uoxzoabb; ' " Regular f 1.00 grade reduced to. 664 Regular 11.10 grade reduced to. 694 Regular 11.16 grade reduced to.74 Regular $U8 grade reduosd to.894 . Regular 11.60 grade reduced to. 984 Regular 11.76 grade reduced to .81.13 ALL DAY SALE New line of Ladles' and Children's Oolf Caps In all colore. Prices rang from 754 to 93.00 VOTBITT WAZSTZBOS. Bosnastlo alsls Kaln floor. :W still have on hand a few very pretty patterns In white and col ored Novelty Walstlngs. ranging , In prlc from !5o to f 1.00 per yard. To close them out at one w offer you choice at, per yard 254 . ZB TXB ZXBBB BBfABTKBBT. Kate floor. The great August sal presents a grand opportunity lor those who ax economically Inclined to save ' money on 'Table Linens. Not the following special prices: , t6o Damaaks, now .......214 ISo Damasks, now 304 40o Damasks, now... 424 0o Damasks, now......,.....B04 ,76e Damasks, now... ....634. 11.00 Damasks, now .85t 11.15 Damasks, now ...fll.O. .$1.60 Damasks, now 81.25 61.00 Damasks, now. ...... .91.69 ".' 11.60 Damaaka, now. ...... .$2.19 . 11.00 Napklnav now.......... .854 11.16 Napkins, '(Tow fl.OS $1.60 Napkins, now ....81.25 $1.00 Napkins, now. $3.00 Napkins, now.... 82.64 64.00 Napkins, now. ....... .93.49 ' $5.00 Napkins, now.. 8 t.40 : 66.00 Napkins, now ..$5.25 All Table Cloths, Napkin, Lunch - ' Cloths, Tray Clothe, Dollies, Scarfs. : Towels, Bedspreads, Sheets. Pillow Cases, etc.. at specially reduced prices during the August sal. ' " SPECXAZ. XB OKIX,DBBV'S BBESSXq. Children's Dresses of fin whit cambric, made In Mother Hub bard style, yokes trimmed in an ' endless variety of styles, ages from months to I years; rre-u-lar $1.00 value, at '494 . CXTXDKZB' HATS AT KAXf .' fXICE. ....... , Our entire stock of Children's Hats and Bonnetn from the plain to tha . most I elaborately . trimmed, ln ' eluding French hand made bon nets, all at one-half prlc. tor this week. Q BXAT TXBZZ-BAT 8AX.B Of BUGS, fourth floor. Tomorrow morning w. place on sal two extra, values In- fm" rugs. ' They are exact copies of real Oriental In both color and design. , For Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday only; Size TH by 10 f'etj VaTue12T.O0T"PcIaT. . . .919.50 Same style as above, slses 8 by 11 foot, value $19.00; special- j. ir.-.-...Ti. 927.50 . - - BBW ABBIYAX.S CW TMM OVBTAtir DirUTKin, f earth floor. Just received, a big shipment of Irish Folnt. Brusnelj. Rcnslssnoe.. . Arabian. C'luney. Klnh Nt and all , , the latest noveltli-s in colored Mndras, both In curtains and ynrd gotxls. W8 Rpvi: fcrii' tems from the Third Floor. W are closing out our Un of dec orated open stock pattern seml vltreous China, decorated neat border patterns, with full gold lines., , Open .Vegetable Dishes, S In. size, value H special ..........124 . Open Vegetable Dishes, I In. size, e, value, 28c; apeclal ..144 . . Other sizes In proportion. Meat Dishes. In. size,' valu ' ' 17c! special 84 'Meat Dishes. 11 In. slse, value S8o; special 144 Meat Dishes, 14 in. slse. value 66c; special ...284 Large Dinner Plates, valu. ,$1.08; special, set of 6 .544 Individual Fruit Saucers, I in., ' valu. 46c; apeolal set of I.. .234 Soup Tureen, value $1.91; special .754 Coffee Cups and Saucers, $1.54 value; for set of six.. 674 Pitchers. 1 Pint valu J3o; special. .....11 1 Quart, valu 28o; special 144 - I Quart, valu 68c; special 294 A larg variety of other articles and -sizes at half price. ' Just opened, a large Una of new Im portation of German stines and tumblers in high grad quality and decorations. New open stock line old blu Wil low, In sets or separata places, - and material same as whit. 1 Kavlland China. Five new open stock lines Havlland China, new fall shapes and deo orations, thirty open - Havlland . China stock patterns to select , ' from. -: Quick Baker Steel Ranges, 1620 in. oven, six hoi, high closet, nickel trimmings, guaranteed economical In use of fuel; Quick , Baker value. $45.00; , ' - Special 929.40 WOKiri WBZBWXAB. - Few stores In tha United Btates ' have a better hosiery and under., wear " department than ours. Cer . talnly there Is non other that makes greater prlc concessions. , Note the following: ... Women's White Lisle Bleeveless Vests, plain and lac trimmed, S5o value; now .....234 Women's low neck sleeveless white lisle union stilts, knee length. 6O0 ' to T60 quotations; speclftl, per suit.... 394 .Women's high grad whit silk and . lisle- ttnlon suits, long sleeves,, ankle length, no sleeves and kiue length; $2.25 qualities, for 81.53 Women's whit lisle Mnrode Vest, sleeveless, short and long slaves, pahts to match; 61.00 quality for. each .- 634, Women's whit Lisle fine rlhhtKl kne. length pants, loc trimmed. 76 value, for, per pair ....-45 The great sale of Women's fancy and plain black hose, in all styl.-i, ' either lace, fancy and black lisle and .eottoh, still continues; your choice of any 6 00 to 0o bos for -, .334 - VBDEBirTSUB, OOBSBTS, BTO. Annex Second floor. ' Our annex on the e"ond floor. Is reully one of the very choicest bargain spots in th entire stor. A few quotation from tha corner '. follow: ' . - - - Ladles' fln Cambric Clowns. w. round nwk. very pretty, trlmnv.l In embrolilery. hemstitching en. I ' lace edging st ne'k and si-ev.-s, rulr $1.85 quality; si-'il for 7 t JJLSSCH' flWB CA1- Iep ruffle, Ii h t'i' tloii eii'l ett.---T""!. SV' i il.