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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1904)
-V '. . . ' ' v " : . v i , N : THE ORJEGON SUNDAY JOURNAX; PORTTAND. SUNDAY MORNINOf. 'AUGUST 14, 1904 W J- Clemens ' ,o.v is the time Fire-insurance . 'Goods SoJtf.1 We are making: spccij-atfgafl Agent Royalllniurari;ovCo. V,. The Woasefurnsher r ",sner Corner . 53 Stark:st PpivCtauiKlrjr , iFURNlTURKiARpp-.. 5: ' ' .1 ; - 5 'I fuejf about east.; it. ht See. Piped and us 'ft SI V f The Perfection of Wall Plaster? IVhite Wood Fibre Piastr e 1HE ADAMANT COMPANY, (tMUceSK: Flint ntrtt North. Telephone vj,lin Mill.f-wt JUti et, Telephone, Mln;:!-. ; i I 1 I . I . . , "' '" '" Will ."I FOX nu t aik ruKimvu i ; M iPcrfectioft for Hwtinnd VentUating. Abtel Best Hot ,) ' -AlrlFunaccMade Lateit;Imprqve:nents. mo Jk J. KADDERUT ' 1 IDdd'FellowsVTempleVFirit and Alder. . 7 v m ' 4 J5, V. . On-.. - vTeU" Main 1382.X j Is DonHXeave this Out Without PIANO no bouM ia completely fur--' .Uiibed. I Our ayttem oft r BBun prices Mid aatiesf jWTments enablt not' only the handsomest but the bamblest borne to JWfcMM food one.. Eilers Piano. House 351 v washmeton StreetV Cor., Partt - l 1 4-a . . til .A lJtypii want; to keep . Clean W Heal$y use; l3oesnotTburn up all the pure air; in your, rooms;? does not : smoke -up ybur; decorations ; requires no xnatchesis always rcaiJy " for use. "i 4 Works House Wiringt jBeUWork :: . Annunciators; .Electric Lamp's? uas. Mantles 1 6t SIXTH' STREET Phone Main 1696 lre Plce, ff aa.PJooiiA FOR SALE SIXTH .'AND ALDER . rombion Fixture. XUctrtcT Installment Payments ' hartman, Tbompsdif" rowers . ,'' ft-., 3 C)imktr f Cm - wrtf . iThe' first Old it ver occur, to you to PROTECT: YOUR HOME? A POLICY-WITH V saep in. owning ,ax,home i in deposit- in? 5100 with the Oregon Savings Bahc, Portland-Oregon. .corner Sixth and Morrison Streets, and. getting a Home. Savings ,Bahk ,to .save a few dollars jni each, week.nd, depositing) ithem fre. quently.inthisiban'c wliereyithey willvearn 4 per; centjnterc5t,comoounded convenience .of wage : earners! hi3 bank willalsq -r open Tuesdayi' and Saturdayje venmgsfrom!6jo,.. Sp.m. Cetya HomefBankanxf PassfBook! With I.Op creditci in it,, today! h. ' The Washington Life WILL PROTECT' IT'FOR YOU., NUP CED.M XLA1H T. SCOTT,' General Manager .nunDcr 01 v-ommcrce Building COLUMBIA GRAPHAPHONES. 1'128 Seventh ndv 'sSl 'For yoajT . m m mm m m - ,m-r -A fc . - -wanuigton ;vtv ana old. wiu '4V"bS.' P youth athomt L-- rening at well as enter tain your friend.; You run T . opera'aingeraaa irKTaumeni m 'I . :'' . Y-.'- POWELL TofaimkroCtrntitm Cor. at M iiwawM. Cast Site "mil v After- - your lioroe ia finished, take a ride. p the. COLUMBIA ft (CASCADE; LOCKS i on thcBeautifuVStcamer; Bailey k'fl'0J"Vd Oatzent! .U Trip 2 - T A Cylinder Record . 25c; Each I it- L