The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 12, 1904, Page 13, Image 13

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7 '
Entered at tha (MtifflM of Portland. Or..
im cranapnrtatioa through the urn ae HUM
ciaaa matte.
t'oetage for elnale entrlee: Par la S. 10 6 IS-
Mt paper, 1 wot; IS t BO page. S nUi U
pages, ceuie.
' ' ' . nxirHoircs. '
. fttiataeee Office Mala 000.
- . Editorial Uoorus Mala 260. '. , '
t reelead-Benganiln Snerlal Adrertleln Ageary.
160 Nasaaa atraat, New fork: Tribune bulid-
Irg ,. Vblcago.
; inacumoif batis.
Tanaa ay Carrier. '
Tlx Pally Journal, wlib Suaday, 1 yer....S7.B0
, ' Tha Ially Juarnal. 1 year . I 00
The Dally .Waal, with Sunday, f montba. 8 TS
. Tha Dully Journal, month. 11
, The Dally Journal, with Sunday, t months. 1.05
lhs Dally Jonrnal, I month. 1.80
Tba Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 month.. .83
Tba Dally, per waak, deUrered, Bandar
Included .IB
Tba Daily, par weak. delivered. Sunday - v
eepted , , ;H
Tin., I. Vail.
T5 Vi,f '"ornal, with Hon day. 1 raev....eT00
rr Journal. 1 ,,.., 6.0;
ZJ V11' twal. Sunday, Booth. J.TB
any ""arani, e month.
Tha Dally Jonrnal. wltk nuiiAae. month!. 1.B0
Tba tlally- Jonrnal. g months, . rr. i .nurrrt MS
. ne iieny joarnaL wltk Sunday. 1 naontb.. .no
Tba Dally Jonrnal.. 1 mnnth .M
Tba Sunday jonrnal, 1 year..., 8.00
Tba .Sunday Jooraal, ana the... L00
The Semi. Weekly Jaanai. ;
Tba fteul-Waekly Journal, S to IS page. '
1 . each lau in...... .,, en M.,k.t m.
! porta. 1 yaar..... 180
Tba Weekly Journal. '
Tha Weekly Jooraal. 100 cnluana ef raaaV
. Ib Serb Urn. anil warh at
reporte. 1 yaar 108
. Remittances anon Id ba mada by drafts, poatal
notes, express orders, and email amounta era
acrepuoi id 1 and J -east pnetag etarnpe.
r. f. Hog 111, Portland. Or. '
Snberrlbera to Tba Jonrnal wba map lease
town for tka . eomnjer caa bee tka papar
inrwaracd to them to any address witaoni
extra rharge. payment (or tba aeme ta ba
luada apna thair retorn.
mi m joraHAL hay bi rows.
- Tba Joaraal caa ba (ouad aa aala at tka fol
.Inning pl.naai .
BOIBH, 1 DA HO Pioneer book atora.
C HIT AGO Poet of tics Mewa eompany, 1TB Daar
horn atrart.
DENVER, Cft.O. K.ndrirk Book StaMoaarp
mmnany. Bit Sarantaantb atraat: J. Black.
8ltaanth and Cnrtla atraata. ,
KANSAS CITY Van Joy Nawa aompanp.
. LDS ANORLEftV-B. P. Qardnar. & Bootk
fprlnf atraat; Ollrar Hainan, SCO Sooth
ipnna; atrart.
, MINNEAPOUS 1L J. KaTanatSfb, M Boat
KEW YORK CITT Brantaao'a, TJaloa aqoara,
OODEN Ctrdrn Nawa company.
OMAHA Millard hotel nawa ataed; Wagaath
Stationary aotnpany, 1ST) Parana, atraat.
SALT LAKE CITY Kanyon kotal nawa ataad;
Barrow Broa.. 4S 'Waat Bamnd atraat. Boatk.
ST LOtriS Philip Bnadar, 1 Locnat atiwat.
BAM PBANn.SCO W. B. Ardlnf. Talaca botal
nawa atand; Oold.mltb Bma., 110 Suttar
traat: Prad W. Pitta. 1008 Market atraat.
SPOKANE. WSH.-Joho W. Oraham Oa.
TATOMA. WAS H Cantral Mawa company. 1121
tVHn aann.
At'EB In ttala Htr. An mat 11 1904, Pram-la
X. A oar.- aaad SI .yaara. Ptmaral Snnday.
Aaxnat 14. 10O, at S p. to., from Jlnlman'a
rhanal. - coraar Third and Salmojr atraata;
, thrnoa to rramatorlnia. HrlatlTaaknd trlaoda
reaiwtfnlla Inrltad to attand.
Waatbar mndltlona and raaaral" foracaat for
Orrron. Wthlnatoa and Idaho. It la dwldadly
warmar thla morning In tka or par Mlaaiaalppl
yallry'and allglitly coolar In Iha Wfatara por
tkM of tha Dakoua, tha mlddM AtUuUo and
Taw Kugland alataa.
flMWAra and thnnder atonra bara oerarrod In
A r lamia. Vtah. toairado aud waatara Soitin
Dakota, aud light rain la reported at Widely
arattered plarea la tba eaatera atataa,
Tha lndleatlona ara for fair and eoatlaaad
a arm weather In thla al.tnet Ratnrdap,
ObeeeTaUoaa cloaed ilia, aa.l
Max. kiln.
Atlanta. G...,
Ba, a,a ru Aa
, Bolae. lilano. ...
. M
, M
80 ,
M -M
44 '
-46 -'
82 . '
' 1 80
44 '
83 '
. 48
64 ,
60 '
; 44
,. 64 '
A3 .
rloalop. klaea.. . ..........
t barleeton. 8. 0.. ........ Ill
I'lnrlnnatl. Ohio
(enrer, Colo.'.............
Detroit, fcllrb
El Paao. Teg..
riirrka, Tal
II. I. ua. Moat
JrrkennTllle. Fla
Kallepall, Moat...........
Karakaipe. B..C.,.,
. Kanaaa City. Mo..
loa Anaelea, Crl. ........
Stw Orleana. La.
New York. N. T
North Head, i Waak.......
Omaha. Neb.-.
f tlladeli.hla. Pa
1'oeatello-, Idaho
Portland. Or..:
Koaehiirg. Or. ..... ...
Sacramento, Cel....
St. Ixwla, Mo
Salt J e, I'tab
San llegn. Cat
San, Cat.......
Mt. Paul, Mlna.
iiwkane, Waab
Taeoma. -Waak..,v........
Vlrtnrla, B. -C
tValla Walla, Waab
WaahlnaKyi. D. C
Wlnnemurra, NaT. .......
Yuma, Aria
. M
r 80
80 -
-. 0
. 0
. 0
. 0
' 0
Ty Pook. aged 62 Onia Tap, aged TT."
Pranria J Stlgman of King eoanty, Waab..
aged 2!t; Mlaa Nellie 0' Blower., aged 20.
Wllllaai 1 Browa, aged 41 yaara) alary h.
Brlatlna, agrd 8S.
BIBTBB. . " ' . s
' a.
Ang. 3 To Mr. aad Mra. P. tombardo af TMi
ration Roan, a ann. -
July 37 To Mr. and Mra. Wllllaai N.
Power, at 4T4 Tenth atraat.. a Boa.
April B To Mr. and Mra. Abel Maamman
of Twenty-flrat and Eerier atraata, a daughter.
Aag. -10 Mra.' O. W. Batnp of BOB But
Caruthara a tree t; diphtheria.
Aug. 10 Joha T. Oaegrlff, aged SB yeara,
at mewart'a atatloa. Or. i rauae, ehronla
aepbrilla. Burial at Baker City, nr.
Aag. 10 Joha T. Laeaa, aged 61 yaara, at
S74 (iraad aeeaaa aoatbi aaaaa, aaacar. Barlal
at Tba Dallea, Or.
Ang. 11 Anna C. Bancroft, aged 60, yaara,
at H3 Pranklla atraet: caoee, aaltrat ateaoala.
Burial at lone Fir cemetery.
Ang. a William . Nona, aged 44 yaara, at
Good Saaiaritaa keapttal: aauaa, cancer af
atemacb. Barlal at Rtrerrlaw reaietery.
Aug. 9 Aaa S. La Urew, aged 73 yaara. af
Hotel Portland; , rauae. aeart Ulaaaea. varui
at Walla Walla. Waab. . .
rramatortam oa urvgoa city ear Baa. Bear
Bell weed; Binder a. arlaatlfte, aampleta. . Cbargaa
Adalta, $.16 rhlldiwa, tm. Vial tore 6 a. aa.
to 6 p. bv partlaad CraaaaUoa aaaaaUtlaa.
l-ortlaad. Or.
Tba Edward Belataa raoeHaklag aoamay,
raaaral director, aad avbalmera. SSS Third
treat, Pkaaa SOT.
I. P. Pin ley Boa, fanaral dWettuie aad
ambalBMra, hiaa remorad ta their saw eaaae
It.bmeat. aaraar Tblrd and Maalaaa atteeta.
Both paoaaa May B.
Eeller-Bituea Oa faaeeal ail er to. a aad aaa.
aalmera, S7S Baaaalt Lady aaat. Pbeaa Beat loaa.
B. Hoe net at at ta Horoel aV Taa Boeter.
mt and aaat H kt I, block SB, Coark'a '
add , ....84000
M. J. Walla aad huanaad ta EUaabetk
noaklaa, lot , block B, Mt. .Bcott
Park , SOS
oha Wldnaaa ta Samoa! Swaaaaa. lot S,
, block 60, Carnther'a add , 1
Ckarlaa II. Knrel! and wife to E. SwetC ,
aaat H lot 1. block 247, Concha add..,. ' 1
Ferdinand (lundorph ta Matilda BhapanL
lot T. block 6. Cole'a add 10
W. ft. Kennedy, admlnl.rrator. t Be.
rarity Barton Si Truat (Vk, lota and
a. hlnrk 4, tota S to 6, block 8. brta 17
' and . block A. tnta 1 aad 18, Mock ;'
. mt l, mora m. norta H lot 1, block
2. Wlllametta Iletabta add
n L. Bltbmar and wife to Robert J.
0 Nell, lota If ta 24, block a, Waadlawa
Hongkong ; Importer
Wires: "Out of Flour;
Need Shipments Now."
xjuioa ncroBTzm v i-bosc tsat
AC osroi
arrrnJOBB abb to it.
front Street, Anguat ll Tba principal tea.
turea af tba Portland wboleaala aaarkaja today
ara: . . .
MilUra pay premium for . wheat.
Big Sght oa la package coftra.
Slight tncreeea In racalpta of raal.
Hoga ara qajtad firmer, . .
. Ifg market not any too, firm. .. .
' Car trmvna aad ear arena ee In.
BaTeral earn watermelon, on track.
Car potatoaa arrlrea today. k
' ( allfornla at earner due tonight.
" Car anlana la froia Walla Walla. J
Kongkoog flour atocka abort.
Poultry eleane Bp aa arrlraL
BalBtoa rua, la, a dlaappolntment. , ,
'' MUlera rap Pramlum far Wheat.
Ia tha Interior tha a Duller mlUara In arder
t gat a aufflclent aaVMiat of atorka ara pay.
log a premium cf from 1 to lc a buehel oa
ralley- ybeat la order to eecure Imroedlata da
Uiarlea and nnleaa three ara aecared at onca
aoma of tha mine will bara ta ctoaa, aa they
bara aot aufflclent atocka oa haad ta ma them
antil tba movement beeomea more general.
Throngbout thla aadloa af tha aortbweat atorka
ot old wheat ara practically exhaneted and
tha grinding of now wheat will begin earlier
than during preyloBa aaaaoaa. Tha autlra wheat
aurket la atrong, bat no chasgee warn auda
la thk qaouuona today. "
... Kanakas la Oat af Tlanr.
A large Importer ot flour at Hongkeng wired
thla morning to a local miller: "Thla market
la all but bara at flour and I would Ilka our
ehlpmenta ta go forward aa faat aa aoeelble.''
Thla meaeaga came aa a aurprlaa to tba local
rff ffl a. they Had been led to bellera
from tha adelcaa of Hongkong marcbaau up
ta three waeka Bao that theP would haV4
.nen.iant atMh. to lait them for aoD-o time.
Just what baa become of tha reported atocka
l. Mt1 kata. but tha aeneral ImpreaaloB la
that theaa bara been draw upoe rery baarlly
by tba Japaneaa gorernment an account of tha
at Inure of flour me laiu-r
k. i.. anaaiana There ara alao additional or
dera la from Japan, but Hongkong eeema to be
k. txWn Until the opening of tha
daroand for flour from tha orient a abort time
go tba local mlllere were oa tha anilmie ee.t
aa ta what ta da with their large boldlnga.
kid, enat them larca auma of money. Tba
orient waa aot baying on account af tha aipec-
tatka ot lower prk-a, Dai woen aner o.u
. - ..m.hi h Mil wea much ktrcer than bad
beea eipected. .Aa a reault of tha largo ord'n
tha atocka . on nana u una wnij
drpletrd Terr faat and before tha new whert
a. Made Cne ertndlna there la aura ta ba a abort-
are. Tba recent aalea af export float bara
beea mada at higher ealuea.
lleht Tnnraaia la Beealpta af Teak
ev. hi.k mllna- In tha Teal market
eoeed larger ahlpmantt thla morning, bat the
arrlrala did not equal tha demand area at tba
t a lore. Hoge ara hardly coming at all, and
tha quoted prlcra ara aominai.
. Paaltrr Market Claana Bp.
Tha poultry market 1 cleaning ap aatlafae-
torlly, tba racalpta being anoar taa oemana
nd the market eery firm. Old bene coat.nue
tha nrlnclDal call, bat tnera at a Tory good
demand for dncka and torkaya.
- i Xaw Market Bat Aap Taa rlrau
With tba top of tha egg market at Sme,
moat of tha aalea mada today were at Sla.
th. alnta are not aa large, bat there
eeema ta ba a mil ta tha demand and nt Taluea
area 81a tba market may aa aonaiaaraa wea a.
Laraa Beoatpta Per Bail. "
One ear of h-mooe aad a car af lata Valencia
erangae came In thla morning and aeeeral eara
of watarmeloaa ara aa tha track from Cali
fornia. Two eara of potatoaa came from tha
ea ma section and round a oepietea marnei.
A car of enlona came from Walla Walla and
a or! bar rar ll fl'it tron toe MUDa.piaa.iunigni.
A ear of baaanaa In gooa nape ia on uw waca
unloaded. Tha California a teemer la due
lata thla e renin with tha usual aupply of
rgrtablea.) The local aupply of potatoaa la very
am.ll and '.California will be drawn upon for
a .ha, time, lower flrorea ara ruling there.
Onlnne or sood onallty ara a acara article
and S1.T5 la tha ruling price tor Walla Walla
globes. Tallow Danrara from California ara
worth 12. bat atocka ara eery email. There la
a better demand for paachea, with atocka equal
a It.
Salmon Baa la a Siaappautmaat.
rv. e aaiaaon In tha Columbia la a Yllf-
pnctntmait, and aa tha are ana wHI only run
for three mora daya, Aognet 16 being the don.
Ing. tha cannera ara fearing that they will aot
be able ta ameer toe aiocae j -
thla city freah. aalmoa la eooUuotng ta aoma
from tha Sound.
Tie-ha. Ia 0a b raakaga Coffee. .
There m -a big ngbt oa ln tka package coffee
acarket aad tbs Woolaey Spice company, man
fartorera of the Lion brand, la still keeping the
quotation tt, 112.76. or 1 below that oaoted
br Arbarkle. Aa tba price ot raw coffee baa'
adeaaced eery materlelly la tha eaat elnee tba
a at adraare mada by Uon, the lndleatlona
are, aap wboleaala mea, that tba Woolaey com.
pony la trying ta tores Aroacais so.. . .
Today'e wboleaala quoUtloaa, aa reTlsad, ara
a foltowa: . '
wrsJs. near Bad feed.
WHEAT Export pries New ul aid Club,
Tdc; blueatem. 78e; ealley. SOe.
BARLEY Peed. (22; roUed, 2S; brewing.
OAT9-Producers' price Ba. 1 whits, SSt.BOO
28.ii; gray. M 60&J4 00.
FLOt'B Eaatera Oregon: Patents-. 64.30;
atralghts, $.1506 It. 40: ralley, S.8Bus.86 gra
ham Via. lOa. $3. 69.
MILLSTVPrB Bran, 3 18 60 per ton; mid
dllrga. B2B.00; aborts, soon try, 322.001 ebon,
HAT Prodaeera' price Timothy, Willamette
ealley, fancy. I8.01B.OO- ordinary. 12.0o
18.00; caa tern Oregon, 16.004114.00! mixed.
10 00112.00; ckTer. OOttlO.OO; grain. 11.60
tt 12.0U; cheat. 11.604X12:00.
. Heps, West aad Hides.
BOPS Nominal, 3B Wo for cholcai SB02BH
tot prima; contract, l6i4. 3021c.
WIXIL Nominal. Valley, coarae ta median,
17lly; An. lc; ee.larn Oregon, UCJlus.
M0IIA1B New. SOe.
SlltKP8KIN 8beartnsLfnS0e; abort wool,
K it "e; medium woea, 3fj6oc; long wool, each.
TAtLow Prima, par lb. dOSci Ha. S a ad
"THrTTlie BABK 6a per lb;
buying price.
HI PES Dry bides, Na. liH lbs and en.
14HU160 per Ibt dry kip. No. 1, 6 to IS Iha,
124c; dry calf. No. a, aader 6 Iba, 164a;
dry eel ted bulla, aad stage. I-S leea ,thaa dry
dint: a a) ted hldee. atear, aoand, 40 Iba or seer.
6jTe; 60 to 40 Iba. 4c; aader 60 Iba and
owe, 6S4e; at are and bulla. Bound. 4 He; kip,
16 to SO lbs, ; sound. 10 to 14 lbs. 6Hc
calf, anand. under 10 Iba. 6V4CI green (na.
Hetabta BOO
TV. ma a Connell and wife ta Martha A.
Honeer, lota B aad a, block 1, Karens
wood add 1800
William T. Brynam Nicholson to Iana -W.
( nemhere. eaat Vt leu 1 and S, block
. Nlcholeoa'a add..'. ISM
Mary Jans Gray to Peter Tblex, lota ta
to, biock ia, maaei t-ara aa
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to J. B.
Boydatnn, lot 14, block 14, Wllllama A ra
ti. ia add 440
Tbomaa Allen and wife ta Harry H., lot
, s. niocs a. niTeraina aoa ua
iobert J. 0 Nell ta J. H. Borgard at alT .
Iota 18 ta 34. black 4. Woedlawa
Height TBQ
Benry H. worth and wife ta Angelo B. ,
Kicoaroana ei at, tot u, dio la, Al
blna llowatead add..'. BOS
et year tnsnrasea a a abatreela ta reel
aetata from tha Title Oaeraates A Treat eeav
paay. Chamoee a Coaameree aalldlag.
An. 11 Pred Meyer, addltloa to resldenea
oa Beet Third between East Hoyt aad Eaat
Irrtiig; coat, fi".
Aug. 11 M. Welch, repairs ta t-atnry rest,
dence on Eaat fourteenth batwaea Bkldmora
and Maana; coat. (oa.
Aag. II rt. Storper, repalaa to oottage, aa
Skldmera betweeaf Eaat on risen th dad East
rifteenth airear;",.eoat. .'0.
An. 11 a. K. Warrea. addltloa ta resi
dence b northeast fi at St. Clair aad
Thirtieth alreeta: coat. paw. '
Ang. II Jamed Conley, -anttaga, na Kir by
hetweea Biteaell aad Pae , coat, 176.
Ana. 11 P. B floraeL 2fnry dwelling
aa I'lrpjo netwaaa Wabaak aad Vlaceat atresui
aaat, ,1,000. ,.
aaltedl la per lb leaa; nlla, la par tb leea;
horae hldi'a, aalted, each. (1.23411.71; dry, each,
1UI.6o: cult.' hldee. each. SoQnoc; goat
aklna, common,'' each. lOQl&ai Augura, with
wool on, each, SfJcCH 00.
' ' Batter, Xgga aad Peal try,
. BHTTER PAT Bweet, SSlVc; soar, 31 He
' BfTTEK Mty creamery, ouulda.
faucy, iwiu22c; ordiuary, 17Hc; atora. Ui
Bubs-a-Ko. I f-aah Oregoa,' 21lH4i an
as tin U'.t, 2uc; bakera. 19c.
iCHKESU New Pull cream, twin, 10MO
lie: Young America. HMtrUMe. ,
POULTRY hlckaaa. u.Iied, llHQlSa Tb;
bene. 12Ue per lb; roosters, aid, Va per lb;
young, 11 He per lb; broil era, IV per lb;
fryera, 12Ho per lb; durke. old, 11 Vie lb; young,
I2e per lb; grass. 'i7c per lb; turkeys, 17 a
lK per lb; dreaaed. par lb.
Pralta and Tagstablaa, a -
POTATOES New Oreron. Sl.40flt.TB aer
ewt; buyers, price, l.aoul tS: aweeta, 6c lb,
ONIONS Walla Walla. 1.76; yellow Dan-
rere. az.ou; garlic, lue per id.
PREHH PBt 1TM Apples, fancy Oregoa, (1.28
J1.&0 per box; cheap grades. ilSil76c per box:
orahgee, ' Medlterraneaa aweeta. .1.0uJ
26 bar box; lata ValaneUa, 3.2606.60 per
box; bananas. 6o per lb; lemons, choice.
JH.00 per boat fancy. M.60u3.7S per box;
I mea, Mexican, 46 per 100; pineapples, M.ooaJ
.60; cherries, 6c per lb; apricuta, Oregon,
- per box; plnme. Burbanka. Siiwhoc
per box; peach pluma. 6ut76 per box; peecbea,
Oregon, 6i176c per box : Crawforda. 80UN.V per
box; peer.. 129il.60 per box; grapes,
white California. 1QI.2S pet box! black Ham-
n.a. . .'v , w,n m uew, p "
berries. $1.36 per crate; water me loos, BOdilMo
per ewt; muekmelone. gActjfi.oo per ooa; aut
mega, Chllfornla. 81.60; Oregon, S.00 per crate;
aectarlnea, lOcCtl.OO per oox; fcucklebarrlae,
12He per lh; crabepplee, litt.Hc per lb.
VEGETABLES Turn I pa. (1.26 per aackl ear.
rots, (1.2A i per rack; beeta. (1.26 par aack;
Oregon radishes, lot par doe: cabbage, Oregoa,
Br per lb: lettuce, head. 16c per doa; greea
peppara, 20a per lb; celery. 76a doer to
matoea, Oregoa, SriQSOe per box; pa rani pa, T6'dJ
1.26; green peaa. 4 pat lb; greea . enlona.
12H par doa; local greea coca. 10
doa: pie plant. 2WH40 per lb; erring beena,
4u6c; cacumbera, 40itf90e per boa; hothouse, 10c
Cr doa; cauUt lower, tl.palM par doa; batter
ens. Te. . .
DBIED PBniTS Apples, eranorated, T4)6t
par lb; apricots, H((Vll par- tb; aacka, Mt
per lb leas; paachea, 7Hj:e per lb: pears, 8 'J
loa pat lh: prunes, Italian. SH4J4HC per lb;
Preach, HQ4Ue per lb) fee. California
blacka, 46H4 per lh! do whltea. H7e
par lb; plums, pitted. par Tb; dates,
golden. 44e per fb: tarda. .1.50 par 18-lb baa.
B A IS INS Beaded, fancy I -lb eartona, BO
packages to case, THe pkg; seeded, 12-es ear
tons, 6 He: loose Muecata, 60-lb boxea, 8t6H
Per Tb; London la yera. 16; clusters. 17 00T
Wa. 2oc; Ha. 60e adranee oyer poena eartona.
PIOS Tea 1-lk eartona, choice brand. 0e;
10 I -lb eartona. fancy brand. 81 00; 10 l ib
bricks. S-crown. Tao; 10 1-lb brlcka, -crown,
86c; 40 H-lb brfrka. per boa. 12.00; bricks,
' to eeae, $2 00: -row layara. par lo-lb box,
TOe: Innas. 60-lb boxea, per lb, IHe, Callaymr
Baa Six-crown, lo-lb eartona, per boa. $J 00;
6 crows, 10-lb eartona, per bog, (l.TB; a-crows,
SO-lb eartona, per box, (l.TB. . . y v
. " lisasrlaa, Bute, Zta,
ST'OAIt Sack ba.ia Oubp. 8ft 80; powdered.
84 26; fruit grsnuuted, (4.16; dry granolated,
6.06; beet grannlatad. 65 86! extra 0, 6.06t
golden 0, 86.46: bbla, 10c; H bbm, 26c ; boxea.
60c adrance on aack baala. less 36a ewt for cash,
15J,"T."Jmn,- I $ 14a pat lb. - ,
HONEY 14 Hfll6c. , '
COPPEE Green Mocha. tiajlSc: Java, fancy,
3e72r; Jaea, good, SOi32Rc; Jara, ordinary,
l20c: Coata Blca. fancy. lBtV; Coata Rica,
good. Ideiac; Coata Rica, nrdlnary, 11 a lie
per Hit package coffee, 812.7B4T13.7n.
TEAS Onlonr. different gradea. 26rr46e gun
powder, 2Si332(9!Jc; English breakfast, dif
ferent gradea. 2H4t45r; aplderlcg. anenlored
Japan. Sntjdoc; greea Japaa (racy scarce), 80
60c per lb. " .
( SALT Pins Bale, ta. (a. 4a. Ba. 10s, (I SO
M.6Q; table, dairy. 6oe. 80 0011160: loos,
a 1BJ 1 Imported Liremeot, 60a. . (18.0O
4.50; 100a, 14.7614.00; S24a. (14.60Q1S.60;
extra flne. bhle. 2a, ,1a. 6s. 10a, (4.00; balk.
20 Tha. 3.60; aacka. 60a. 46c. . ' .
SALT Taenia Half ground. 100a, net "ton.
.2006.80; 60s. per ton. eo.46fl7.00: Ltyarpnol
lump rock. 18.60016 50 per ton: BO-lb rock.
(6.26Q4.7S; 100a, 5.75(6.26.
(Abo re prlcee apply to aalea af leaa tbaa
ear lota. Car lota at apeetal pricea aoblact
ta flnetnatlnna.
OBAIN BAGS Calcutta. SS.TBQ4 60 per 100
BICE Imperial Japan. Ma. 1. 6.e: No. 3.
Je: New Orleana head. 4C4T; Adjack.
c: Creole. 4HJ4Hc. . - 7
BEANS Small white. HlffSVel larre
wblu. Ue; pink. 4Hc; bayou, Sc; Limaa,
iat. eiexH-en reaa, 0140.
NCTS Peannte. TUe: tnmnoa. IUi nee th
raw. OffllOe ner lb foe me.ted: aoenannra ajlA
80c per doa: walnnra. 4ai6e per lb: pine
i.rur ejx in; nicsory ..a, uw per ID;
chestnuts, eastern. 1514e per Mi: Br. ill nuta.
per lb: fllberta. 15014c per lb;
.44U3C. net Ibi. almogdjuaiOa
Masts, risk aad PraTialsna.
PBESFI MEATS Inepected Beef. Bta
per lb: cowa. BflSHe per lb: mutton.'
4tf6 nee lh: lamba dreaaed. 5J4c net lb.
FRESH MEATS Proat a treat Reef steers
4H5e tier lb: 1 nork. block. . Me 11,.
packers. 7HISc pa.- Ib; bulla. SHe per Vb:
ccwa, SHfl4He per lb; mutton, Oreeeeo, 4t6
per lb; Teal, extra. 8c per Ib; erdlnarr,
74J7H0 net , Tb: poor. Be: lambs. Bueau.
HAMS. BACON. ETt!. Portland park floral)
kama. 10 to 14 Iba. 14c per lbs 14 to 14 Iha.
14c pet Ib: is ta an iha, 14c pat lb: cottage
He per lb; breakfast he con, lHQ17He
per Tb: picnics, lie per Ib: regnlar abort
clears, ansmiked. 8H par- Ib; smoked. 10HC
per in; clear pacaa. anamoaeq. Ho per Ib;
amoked. 10a pet lb; Fnlon butts, 10 to IS Tbs,
anamoked. Be per lb; amoked. be pee lb;
clear bellies, ana rooked, HHa Bar lbl smoked.
12Hc per lb.
LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. ln.
lb; 6a. lOHc net lb; 50-lb tins He pet lh;
team rendered. 10a. He per lh: 5a. 9m asv
i" , o.-.. a lerr in. a-'ra wina nercee, ni not
il . l.n,. e-T wn.. TC per I O.
CANNED SALMON Onlnmhla rleer I.Ik eatla
31.88: 2 1b talis. 82 50: fancr 1-tb Sara tf no.
H-lb fane Sate, (l 26: fancy 1-lb orals, 82 T;
Alaska U'la. pink, ootjuoc; red, fl.oO; aomlnal
. call. ex. mi.
PISH Rock end. Be Bar Th: Snandera. Be re,
in: naunvi. e t-i 11 1 . it.i -w. z.t na, Ana
etrlped baaa, 10ai2He par ah; ratnsb. Se nee
Ib: aalmnn. ehlnonk. Se per lh: ataerheeda
8e per lb; bloebacka. Be per tb: herring. Be per
lb; eolee, 4- per lb: abrlmra, lne per Ib; abad.
dressed. SHe ner Tb; perch. Be ner Tb: abad
me, 1X"C per in: roe aaan. or per ID; Black cod.
Be per lb: allrer amelt. Be per Ib.
OYSTERS Sboalwater hay, per pal. S3 JS;
aer aack. t T5 ret: Olrmpla. ner aack. bam
CLAMS Hard rhell, pat box. (2.00; raaor
CUBS, per bos. ,
Psinta. Cos 00a. Xta. .
BOPE Pare Manila, 18He aUndard. itaiei
Blaal. 10HC.
COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Cases. 21 He per
gal: water white. Iron bbla 14c per gal. wooden
' per gat; aeanusnK. iiv-oeg, essea Safes
per gal. Iron bnla 17c per gaL
l kji ij i ur, raw, in nnn neic par gal.
imieeu Ul lj mra raw, ia nnu Bele nee
eaaea aac per gai: genuine nettle boiled, eeae
45e per gal, bbla 4oe per gal: ground cake,
car Iota (26.00 par ton.- leaa than eara (26.00
r ton.
OAHOLINB) SB-deg. eaaea 82c net aaL Iron
bbla 20 pet gel; atora, eaaea 24 He pat gsL
kon bhls 1e per gaL ; n
BBNEINE 3-de. asses 22a - ,.i a .
htla 15 He p gaL
PAINT OIL Raw, bhle SSe per ' raL eases
S8c per gel; boiled, eaaea 40c per gal.
TURPENTINE In eaaea 86c p, mL nr,
able, Sla per gat. Iron bbla TOe par gal, lo-lb
caae Iota 84e per gal.
WHITE LEAD Ton lota. Te net IK Bon-th
lota Sc per lb, leaa brta 6He pat lh.
WISE atAIteU rreeeni Daae at (2.SB.
, Betafl Lumbar Prlese,
' j. , ... " Com. Select CVet
. ',.... .Per Per , per
Bongb, dlntenairn regnlar
alaea txj to 12x12, 32 ft..( B.60 16.00 (23.00
Bough, dlmenelsoe regnlar
alaea te mix, as-ao rt... a su IT. 00 Bt.00
Bsugh, dimension regnlar
alaea to 12x12. 42-44 ft... 11.60 18.00 aaoo
Eoi ak, dlmenalona regrlat a j
alaea te 12.12. 60-40 ft... 16.80 Ct nn anon
ror eaca aaauioaai a incnen
la width add
Por odd and fractional
1.00 1 S.00 S.00
tM tOO " 4.08
S.00 S.0B S.00
alaea sawed add aot leaa
For eawln vertleal grain
tn 4x12 add
Common rough boards, reru.
lar ataee te IX in. wine
to 24 ft., lae aeaorted
lenatha ...
BO 11.40
Speckled lengths at boar da ( par M faat
Beard ta
etat af lumber mat tbaa inches
la thick
ESTIMATE CF PBOTTSrOBB. Aaarnat 13. Logan ft Bnraa aiaka
the following estimate af pmtatoan oa band:
. Today ' Yaar Are
Pork, barrele... 4U.0O4
Lard, tlercea. I4.ono 1.17 K
Kibe, Iba 22.3Ul.0OO t,Vi,ti
. Will BCAka g. riaanrrlar. .
' Prom tha Ctlcato Journal.
Tha Teacher 1 you had (11 and
bought (IB worth of grocerlea, how
much would you have left 7
Tha Boy Twelve) dollars.
That Teacher No, you wouldn't.
Tha Bciy Yea. I would. I d hare tha
BTOcarlea charged. -
' ' r
, (Pfarnlahed bp Orerberk, BUrr t Cooks 0a.)
New York, Angaet 1J. Logan Bryan say:
It la pretty hard to find anything new to aay
about a market which ureeeiite the a a me feature
and the same action day after day. There la
soma Changs In prlcee, but In the mala the mar.
ket ruDtlnuea up. Soma atorka ara abaryly
higher. There lias been rather mora activity
the last tare daya and It probably repreaenta
aoma little Increase In tba outelde interact.
Tradere ara. bowerer, do lug mewt af tha Duel
neaa. Btocka are just aa , eearce and aa well
reld 8a they wete, a goodatuufy polnta lower.
Thla la. a market ta which titers la oply ana
Today'! official stock marketi .
Auaconda Mining Co...
A ma I. Copper Co......
Atchlaon, common. . ... .
. do preferred
Am. Car A Peuadry, a.
w urntrmi
Am. Sugar, eommoa . .
Am. Smelt., common,
do preferred. ..,...'
U2 14
Baltimore A Ohio, eom
oo nrererrea
Canadian ParlSc. com .
Chicago A Alton, com.,
do preferred ,
r. at u. w eommoa
Chi., Mil. A St. Paul.
C. ft N. W common.,,
Chicago Terminal By,,
Chesapeake ft Ohio...'.
Colo, Fuel ft J run. eom
Oolo. Southern, com....
do aecond preferred,',
dot ftret preferred. ...
Delawere ft Hudson....
i. ft . eommoa..,
do preferred ,
Erie, eommoa
do eeeond preferred
do first preferred.
.111 1. r . t
laiuiaTiii at naeanue.
Met. Traction Co. ......
Manhattan Klerated.,,.
150 U
.11 .1... lanmi n; . 1, . .
Minn.. St. P. ft Bta. M.
do prrf'Tred. , ,
Missouri PaelOa
M. K. T., conuxK
Ao preferred. .,.
Kaw York Central.
48 V
120 ii 111)
Norfolk ft Waatara, com
02 V
gu preierxeu.
North American
N. Y.. Onl. ft W cetera.
PeanaylTanla By..
P. . L. ft 0. Co..
Pr eased Steel Car, eom.
00 prerrrea
Paclflo Mart B. B. Co..
Beading, . eommoa
do aecond preferred
1 do flrat ore f erred. .
Bep. Iron ft Bteel. com
nocg laiano, eommoa...
do preferred ,
Southern Ry eommoa..
do preferred .........
Southern Pacific
St. Li ft B. P.. Sd nfd
St. L. ft B. W., common
00 preterrea.
Teiaa ft Paclflc.
Tanneaaee Coal ft Iron..
Toledo, St. L. ft W., a..
do preferred...
Union Pacific, eommoa..
do preferred
V. S. Lea tber, eommoa..
do preferred
C. 8. Rubber, eommoa..
do pre f erred.
U. 8. Steel Co., eommoa
do preferred..,- ..
Wheeling ft Lake Brta, el
do second preferred. .
B teconeln Central, com
do yrercrreo . . .
W. U. Telegraph
Wabaeh, eommoa.
do preferred;..
American lea.
do preferred...
Money, 1 per rent.
Xetal aalea for. day. 604.600 -shares. -
. i i. i
Boaton, Aag. 11--Copper cleaal
Tnlted Pratt 100H
ituaawk.. .nlmwrO',-
Maes Mining H
Old Colony Mining.
Osceola 43 H
Pboenlg .....
Shannon .....
lain KotbI ..
Old Monilnloa
Centennial .
Copper Range
Daly Weat ..
.. T8
... 8S
.. S
.. 13A
,. 80 '
.. 2ft H
.. 644
Dominion Coal
Tri Mountala 74
VlctorU ., 34
Wyandot ,
Wolverine T
Chicago, Ang.' IS. Local atocka:
National Blacntt ......
, do preferred I
Aaierlren Box ...... a..
do preferred ........
American Car
National Carbon
do preferred
Diamond Match .......
Swift ft Co
Chicago City By
I'nloa Traction .......
do preferred
North Side Ry
West Bid By
South Bide By
:::::: .4
. 84
. 4
Tnndon. Aag. 12. S p. m. Atchlaon
ennced U. T) referred adeanced H. Haiti
ft Ohio adeanced H. Obeaapeaka ft Ohio ad
eanced H. Chicago, Mllwankea ft St. Panl ad
Tanced H. Dcneer ft Bio Orande declined H.
Erie adranced H. IHInolB Central declined H.
Looiarllle ft Naahellle adranced H. Mexican
Central declined . New York Central de.
ellned U, ' Missouri, Ksnaaa ft Texan adeanced
H. Nor f ok ft W cetera adranced H. Beading
adranced H. Soutb.m Pacine declined l.
Southern Bnllway declined ta. preferred nd
eanced 4, Ilnlon Pacinc adeanced H, preferred
adeanced 1'nltad States -Steel preferred
adranced U. Waheab adranced H- preferred
adeanced H. consola 8H. adranced 1 1-16;
raat anchanged.
' Baa PranHaco, Anguat 13. Closs, 10:80 a. m.
lae,l atocka' '
. . BM.
Spring Talley Water ... MX
8. P. Oaa ft Electric. H
. 12
Olant Powder f. nil
t. 40
;!::::::::::::::::: Al
Hawaiian Sugar
Flonokea Surer..
Tlntcblnaon Sugar
Onnwiea Sneer...
Alaaka Packers' Aaa n iz
Psraiga Exchange Bates.
Wear York. Angaet IX Porelgn nchange
ratre: Hamburg. 06 : Parla. niTHll8H:
Aetwem 617H7I6H: Enrich. 618H; A ma ter -
dam, 40.44; Btochbolm, 24.40.
" ' Demand Btsrlmg.,.
w.w Tcjrk. Ananet 12. Oemaad aterllnr.
(4 ftKir) to 84.8820; 40 daya, (4.6643 ta (4 8666,
Market weax. i
Tha Portland eleaiing hoeee reports rndart
ClearlngB (6S6.SX9 IT
Tew Vra-h. Aaewat 12. Tba coffee market
Indae art eery etror.g an boring by the bear
Interest, and pricea ara up 16 polnta.
Tm.,'1 ornciai onotsiions:
. -bm.
(4 50
6 40
4 40
7 oo
T 8fl
T 40
T 60
AHgnat (4 46
September .a 66
fctober 4 44
ore re her ........, 4.T6
December .......nan
January 4 06
Pebruarv i
March - J 16
Jnno .
... T 60
Parahra Caffaa Markets.
Nsw York. August 13. ilaere eoffes ad.
Traced M. Hamhnrg aarhanaed to V, man;
Bit. recelpta, bar. .market firm; Santos,
84.000. baga. market firm. .-
X " Wear TotB Cash Caffee.
BaweTotk. Asguat 12. Cash .coffee: We. f
Bta, (H; Be. 4 aaatua, S.e. ,
Looks Like Fight Is
On . Between Woolsey
and Arbuckle in Coffee.
raxxsuiaYxa xxr CsUOaoo awo
(Purnl.hJd by Orerberk. Starr ft Cooke Oa.)
-Chicago, Aug. 12. loigaa ft Bryan a dries
in wheat, liter e waa nothing new in tne nortn
weat adrlces except soma rstteraUoe of the
prsrlous reports of dsuaga. Tha area dam.
aged dues not eeem to ba a apreadlng one and
-talk concerning It la on tha Whole mora ra
tional. While the foreign marketa ware
higher, they only partially followed yeeterday'a
iiranca. Tba weekly ealpmeuta from Ar
grntlne wars larxs. 'Tbs muesniant of win.
ter wheat continues kesry aad while a good
oemaad la reported it aeems to coma largely
arum the slaratur psbdIb sad tha wheet la
probably being hedged by aalea fur future de
llrery. Uarreatlng la begun In the north
west and will be la pretty full blast In an
other week. At tbeaa pricea a movement from
thla quarter will also probably be rapid and
with no export demand atorka will ba likely
to Increase aulte fsst. - Tbs action et the
market rather tndlratea that the force af
peculation ea eondlttona aa they are baa tem
porarily eibauated. Itaelf. Tne altuatloa la our
Judgment a till inrltea eunaarratlam. ...
" Oera a Weather Market. ;
la com, tba weakneaa la wheat waa a factor,
but tha map shown that more farorable tem
peratures seer tba cor a belt tbaa for aoma
time past peers IL There ara, at course, con
flicting reports concerning tha crop which
coTera each aa ere aa eora does. It la some
what anerea. There are anme eomplalnte of
tha need of rain. There la nothing very urgent
ta thla Una aa far, bowerer. farmers ara
only moderate sellers and there la a fair
cask demand. In sur view,- the weather la
by all odda the aaoat important factor, until
tha crop la mora clearly assured, probably no
great change In tba re ah altuatloa la likely.
Oata Follow Wheat and fjorn.
Ia aata, tha action waa In eympathp wltk
wheat and oorn, The market bara a eharp
adrance from the pricea of a couple of week'
ago and there la ac. tiered p runt-taking and
aoma local eelllng fur the September demand
la good. While we aaa nothing Tory argent
on either aide of tba altuatloa, we are of
tba slew that an any eharp break aata may
I bongbt and that the demand at eurreal
pricea will be favorable.
Lard Strength la XatareL
The atrength In- lard I probably en a Httle
better demand, but It baa beea Belling at a
vary great dlaosnnt as compared with ether
proTlalona. The strength Is quite nstursL The
market, oa the whole, allowed little. If any
aupport. Tba tone la beery under acattered
Uqnldatloa and a poor caah buying.
Tuday a official quota nonat
w nasi.
High. Low.
( 1.04 S 1.01
, 1.05 1 024
1.031, 1.00
1.04 H l.oi H
.54H .68
.61 4j .6 H
.61 ..
( l.oi H B
1.014 A
. .60l
NewSept 1.08
iliaoept. too
Kpt a
I lee.....
8pt a
DMt a aaj
.61 H
. .84 H
11.08 '
T 50
Sept.... 11 HI
Oct..... 11.P0
11.84 11.60
11.40 11.40
44 STB
T .40 T 46
t.65 . T.aB
T 50
iPnrrilahed by Orerberk, Starr ft Cooke Co.)
as rnaelaea. An. 12. DuftOB ft Ol. Bay
Local wheat acta heary chiefly ea Balling by
local operators who are dtapoaed ta discount
the strength ehowa In the eeetern markets,
also arguing that pn aent - prices kra aboea
an export baala and that Oregon and. Wash
ington will hare a large aurnlua which muat
6nd Ita way to the United Kingdom and con
tinent and tba oeerflow win tn all pronamiity
coma to thla market. The outlook aa regarde
thia etat would Indicate the miller's sjmiaad
will require quite an amount of foreign wheat
In order to keep their ml lie going. Aa tha
markets of Oregon and Washington ara much
cheaper than aaatern marketa, foreigners will
naturally draw from thla coast more heary
than from the eaat and thia condition muat
not be loat Bight or. ll ia queer in eseieri.
speculator does not feer these clalma. It may
a... time to sdlllSt OUT Brlcee tO those
of tb asst. Ia oar opinion, ws will go np
to their value rather tnan inerrs w ours.
Barley la In good demand. Higher pricea fa
It are ineritaDie.
. Today a 11:80 a. m. market:
OP9Ha VB-wti
Wheat December ,....(1.44 t
Barley December l.owvk i.w
iimmm 'Imhi 1 4 PrlwiarV reaalota:
Today Year Age
'.',' Buah. , Buah.
Wheat .' 7.000 4HM.0O0
. k. T4.0W
Clearaneee were: v near ana imnr, ..)
hiahele: eom. B.000 bushala; oats, 10,000
bee be U. .
oxz rssMiss HOLsnios
rasmiiahed hr Aeeenerk. Starr St Conks Co.!
Chlcagn, Ang. Modern Miller nays: The
moeement t winter wheat to market enav
tlnnea bear)-, although tber le a dlapoaltlea
of farmers la sections tn hold rnr higher
prtres. Thin eearnty oc e noire winter wneei
at th market and at country polnta la be
soming more and mora apperent aa a large
pereentage of the crop light weight Tba
quality or Barn winter wim.
ureiy moca aeitar ioea uw wi.
rklcega, Aogoet IJ.. Caah wkeatt
r " 'Hid. ArUfa
No. t red, new (1.02V, (t.oS
No. red. new .W 1-02V,
No. i herd winter 1.00 J OB
No. 1 hsrl winter M l OHU
No. 1 northern spring 1 14 l lo
No. S nor 'hem aprtng i ' 1 "
No. t spring I 1.00
Chicago, August 13. Oralo esr lots:
Cars Ore is Eat.
Wheat...., S
Cora HB B 177
Oata 7B BB . 4
Wheat rare today: Mlnneapolia, imiath.
tn. Tear ago: Mlnneapolia, 110; Oarath, 4;
Chicago, 110.
' AaazrrntB am aim sKirnirrs.
rtiteaga, Aug net ll Argentina grata ablp
Bta: .
Thla week later waea I ear age
ftneh. Pnah. Bnah.
Vrkae 1 744 000 1.1114.000 OlM.llOn
Cora 1M2.000 XIWO.OOO .017,000
'Jarla Omm "MaAat.- '' "
Parla. Aneuat 11. Close : Wheat steady
with apot H centime higher.
Spot flow, 10 centime higher and fatarea
SO eeatlmee higher.
(.It waa at Stela Market. '
T.leerannl. Aua. IS -Close: Wheat Sentem-
bee. T U Id btfber; December, T ld, i
Own 4a. Ud. d higher! December. 4a, higher.
St. lento "rata Market.
St. Louie. Aagaat IS. Ooee: Wheat, Ren
te aj bar, sa. -
Xsasss Ctty Orala Market.
Kaaaas City, Argost ll-CVsti Wheat, Sep
tember, ). .. . e
Haw York Oral Market.
New York. Aagaat IX Ckaet Wheat. Sen-
tember, H4.
' Mlaaaaaalla Srsla Market.
MtnneapnHa August 12. -Ckwe: Wheat. Sep.
tember. l.03't.
Dnluth Srala Market.
Dalnfk. Aagnat IX closs: Wheat, Bee te as
ter, fl.04', old.
Only Two Days More of the
Big Sale at the State Market
Our Entire Stock of Groceries must go. J Look over tha
following exceptionally low prices and remember this , .
' ' is not drive sale op speciilties but includes .
' . everything in our grocery stock. -
Baker's Cocoa, per can.:............1.1.....20c
armour'a Washing Powder 2 pkgs. 25c
; , 25 oz. can K. C Baking Powder..........20c '
J 9-lbs Fancy Rice for....... ....... ..Ie....25c
. . 8-lbs. Navy Beans for....:...-..Je..J.....25c
2 Cans Cream fbr....:............,
- Violet Oats, per packagL..'...M-.l---......10c , .
t Violet Wheat, 3 packages for....- ...25c , ,!
. Jelly Glasses, per dozen....;....-.... 4M4aaeaaaBe 25c V ,
Portland Packing Co.
Butter! Butter!
Beat creamery ............. 4Bo and! 600
Oood creamery . .... , ...40o
Dairy butter ......,, .t0o and Ho
Ranch egga ..1 doaen (or elo
Beat augar-ourad baMDS .,.,.140
Hreakfaat bacon . ................. 16o
10 pounda pure lard .......... ,...1140
6 pounda pure lard ......... (Oo
Full cream cheeae ........10o And II
Java-Motha coffee , ............... .10o
(Oo tea. (or 0o
Remember Baturoayvie cnirnen oay.
Cheaper than aver. Spring chickens tio
, Oravada Oreaunary, BS4 Tamhin.
Bortland TJnlea Btnrkyarda, Aag. IS The
tone ot the hog market la etrouger with nc
recelpta teday and no - change la the prlesa,
beaiere Bara ara axnectlna a break In prlcee
aa auea as the receipts gat ander way., hut
their earning aaama a esng waya off. Tha
arrlrala at tha yards during the peat 'M
boor ennalated et 801 eattle, SOU abasB and
ea Boraes. vatua ana anewp are qaaeb
OTfldsl rnlln nrlcaa arai
Cattle Beat eaatera Oregoa ateere, (1-00;
beat Talley ateera, a.TBtta.uoi medium ateere,
(l.TS; eowa. UK; bulla, (l.TB; a tags, (2.00,
lluas-Best heary. block, ed.uo: China
fata (.nojB.76j Btochara aad laedara, (.
aa.uu. ,
Sheen Bast grata-fed wetbers and lamba.
fxwa.awi ausea eneap, aa.ioua.uu.
Chlasen. An. IX Ureetock raeelntai
Hogs. Cettle. Sheep.
Chicago T.uuO XOiiO S.Oia)
kauaaa City B.OuO B.OU0 XuuO
Omaha 4,700 . 1.100 XTOO
Hoge opeaed B te lOe lower with 1,800 left
ore. Receipts a year ago were 17,000. Haling
bog pricea: Mixed, ana Datcaers, B4.BVja.i;
good, 46.00 t ft. eVi rough,; light.
Cauls Steady.
Sheep sHasay.
If aw York, August aX Cotton today cloaed" S
B T POInU KrWar.
Zoday'a official cotton quota tkxis: -
Onen. Hlah. Law. ' CI nee
January, . . l.TS ( i.74 . ( B.eB ( 67j
reornsry , .
Msrch . a a a e B.TB
A l-rll a e a e a
May ...... B.S4
august . . . . 10.00
September . . . S 80
10. IB
0 77 4. 0
8 n6rtx
B aHt)
October .... a.TI
Novsnibsr ... B-6T
December . . . 0.71
B. 62 'a4
T. A. Mclntyr a Oo, aayl Tha dullneae aad
aragging eonaiuva er eottoa ton ay renecteq
the dlapneltloa of moat opera ton to awall
furthae deTelonmanta la the weather eondl
ttona aa affecting the Immediate crop situa
tion, flora aaa reporra ware receive irom
rations sections of Texas, regarding tha a oread
of boll weevil aad boll worms ars now re
ported lu parte of LoulaUna, Mlaaiaalppl and
Arkanaaa, and there ware further aerloua
deteriorating ea Atlaatle and middle Gulf
atatea from recent excess I re relne causing rank
eruwth. raeer fields, rost end shedding.' but
today a weather man waa much mors faeor
aole tha a at aay time the peat week or ae
with little or ao precipitation re por tea oat.
sine of scattered abowera la tha Memphia die
tri ct. Ia flaw of tha dn tineas of speculation
end the con tinned alngglah condition prerall
Ing nt all af tha principal dry goods center
and aa tha atrlke at Fall Hirer Is likely
to ran into next month the chancee weald be
ronelderably agalnat the aaralopmeat et ae
tire ball epetulatiaa.
etvevpeos Catnaa ewee.
Te.eino.,1. Aaa-oat IX Cottoa today dosed
S to B potnU lower.
(Joornsl Special Ssrrlc.) .
Ielncoln, Neb., Aus;. 11. Th comple
tion of fusion of the Democrats and
Populists of Nebraska Is accounted g
treat victory (or William J. Bryan. A
call will I lagued for s atralght Popu
list oonvantlon to nominate a atate
ticket, by tha bolter, headed by Tbomaa
IL Tibbies, candidate (or vlce-prealdent
on tha Popullat ticket. '
Th dlvlalon o( offices '-on tbs fusion
ticket gjlvas tha Democrats three and
the Populists five. Tha following Is tSe
completed tlcketl
For governor - doors w. serge.
Popullat, Lincoln.
Lieutenant governor Dr. . A. ' Town
sand. Democrat, Franklin county.
Secretary Of stater R. E. Watyks.
Democrat. Rlchardaon county-
State treasurer John M. Osborm,
Popullat, Pawnee county,
Auditor J. ' 8. Canaday, . Popullat
Kearney county.
Attorney general Edward wbaiea
Democrat. Holt county." '
Land comraiaaloner A. , A. woralet
Popullat. Boyd connty. .
Superintendent of puwlo Instruction e
Albert BofUay, Populist. Perkins
Peoria, m. was choaen for the na
tional headquarters by the Populist na
tional committee which met bore yester
day. The fusion in Nebraska la not
looked upon favorably by the committee
and It Is probable that some notion will
be- taken by them.
Moral of tb Xeeeeoav
From the Touth's Companion,.
One Sunday a teacher waa trying to
tluatratei to her small scholars the les
son: "Return good for evil.
To make It practical, she said: "flup-
pnae, children, one of your achoolmatee
ehnuld atrlke you and the next day you
ahoulil bring him an apple, that would
be one way of returning good for evil.'
To her dismay one Uttla girl spoke up
quickly: "Then he would strike. you
again to get another apple.'
We are Introducing the) -
Star Brand
- . . aV...l
Of Cream. This cream is of o
perior quality and every can
guaranteed. During thia aale our
. ; pricea are;
2 Carta........ ',. ,15
1 Doxen cais.weeeewe.85f
1 Case (4 dozen cans)....535
' ?1.00
IT lbs. Dry Granulated Bngatv ''
. 35
19 lbs. good WhlU Beans.
" 10 pounds Fancy Broken Rloej
25e "
Gallon beat DILI Pickle.
. 25s - ,
I cans American Bardlneak -
25s -- :
II bars Good Laundry Soap,
box No. 1 Macarant - .
Can Baker's or Oblrardelll's Cocoa, '
374 Washington Street
Wholesale and Retail Grocer
Third and Jetfersoo
'.Ton can. save IS per sent by dealing
with tne.
t-lb. square) Haselwood Creamery
Batter .
H box Crackers ......
H-lb. caa Stallworth Cocoa ........too
ji-lb. can 8tallworth Cocoa
leans Lemon Cling Poaches ......loo
pkg. Acme Health Keffee Ho
S pkga. Prlnceaa Royal Maocaroni ..1&
Ifb. Bhllllng'a Baking Powder toe
lb. Koyal Baking Powder .........40e
lb. Arm A Hammer Boda ......... Bo
bar Naphtha Soap Be
1 bars Royal Baron Soap K9
I bars Baby Elephant Boas ........lie
f bars Diamond C Soap ......... ..tSo
I bars Owl Soap ....... ........,...lso
I can Alaaka Salmon ............... ae
1 doa. Rex Deviled Ham ...........40o
I Iba. Arbuckle'g Coffee ........... .tto
10 lbs. Sago er Tapioca ........... .Sao
1 lb. beat full Cream Cheeae ......llHo
I lb. eoorl Encllnh Braakfaat Tea lis
Beat augar-cured hams, 1 lb....,..ltHo
T cana Lye lla '
1 lb. Gunpowder Te ......16a
1 cans Oregon Grape Cream .......Ho
1 cans Primrose Cream .......... .lio
1 sack best D. G. Sugar 14
1 sack good Hard-wheat Floor.. ..Ilo
JO-lb. pall beat Lard 1100
10-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard ,10.
1-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard .........BOo
t bottles Pnlder's Catsup ...........lea
1 bottle Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing... .190
Iiellverlee on East Bide. Tuesdays
and Fridays.
Who deal elsewhere wa want to know
of our superior quality meats, flsh and
game, Our patrons need no telling
they eat our goods. , . '.
lso aBAsm ATXenja.
rboae Sas 41S. Call up Cantral atarkwt
Btanibare CMeag Bosrd at trade, ;
it Tlrd It, hut SUri roat, Hals S3 1
v . ,
are eaaaartsd hy Sfieaea wires with
togsa a) Brraa. Chleage aad Mew
fork Stork Siehangei Hahnard Bwea. ,
w k rt ,. t...,M.i a.i.ana a Una.
Iter 3re., g. B. naeae vax. eew ,
rh Clehangel HaWierd Bwea. Oa.
anal Mew Orleeae Cott"a Btrhaaa-ei flaeey
llwth Cw Hew Terh Coffee Biehansel Palee.
Webber Ca.t B Conrer aad Sleek la
rhaesei Me Proa. f. Sew XarS aad -sJa.
aallhl Slorh Siaaaagea.
VOW 1 1 0), WOWaTTwaj g. C3,
(k.alablishs4 .