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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1904)
! THE OREGOtf "DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, - AUGUST U. 1901. 0 JOURNAL'S NEWS 0F SP0RTD0M . Edit, by ' X A. HOKAN STEA l . fill ' Bookies Carry OfiF the MoneyrBrowiH Badly Routed Racing, Baseball and Sporting - HASTINGS' CURVES - HEAT FOR TIGERS DUOOAXXI T0VO TvrtBlVBB IS 0 match tob kiqts tomi, so roBTtAM bbops A rvw KOU POIBTTS tu JPXsT- sastt BACB. ' (Journal Special Service., Tacoma. Wirtu. Aug. l. ' Toung fcaatings, Dugdale acqulampn irora .w ..... f hi. vaterday. II was IM. UlUWHi r " -, . rounded safely airteen tltnea . . br !k .h thirsted for revenge for that ahutout In Portland , last wait u..tinn anoarently had nothing brush leairu team couWnt nave pounded to the far comer. The locsla cinched th tame early la th afternoon but added enough la the final Innlnga to make' ten .runs, -while tha Browne ..' barely sscaped a ahutout. . A big squad of visitors were left on the sacks, either through poor V ba- yunnlng or the lack of blta at oppor- tane times."- St.- vrstn waa iuca . II aafe hit himself enough to win sey ' oral ordinary games, but the Dugdale crowd couldn't make them mean runs. "Old Hoaa" Treadwsy. one of lug- . dale's old-time players, filled right gar den, while Thielman piayea w tmiv n Nadeau eat on the bench..' The Tigers played an Brrorlsss gam t.r.tA vt Vwln aUruiuali atlll crip? pled by tha abaence of Uranam ana nvrajift. . .... Caaey' two-bsse hit' In the aeeond half of the firat Inning acored Sheehan ' and Entrant both of whom found Has tlnga for singles. Sheehan drew an- other two-aacker In tha third and acored when Truck Eagan lifted the ball oyer the left-field fence for a home run. Caaey followed with another two-bagger, but waa left on tha aacka. . HtinH waa hit by a Pitched ball In tha fifth and Spencer and Prennen filled the base by drawing choice alnglea. Still only one run counted, Haatlnga aeorlng from third on Thlelman'e long fly to Doyle. - ' ' McLaughlin atngled to atart Tacoraa'a fifth. Eagan hit down to Castro, who made meaa 01 neimng me dbii .yncn waa hit by a pitched ball and Hogan alngled. ringing the bell again. -The sixth waa full of trouble for Ira Haatlnga. and Dugdale had to telegraph for more help. Doyle hit for two baaea. Sheehan hit to Raymond, , who butted Into the error column and allowed Tommy to reach aeeond, while -Doyle acored. Eagan'a two-base bit acored Sheehan. ' Lynch lambasted me Dan to center Held and Eagan acored; Raymond munea s Krvunaer oj imvi um i"u couldn't eplit the wood, and the ordeal - onded. Spencer made a pretty double play In the seventh, after- ttt. Vrarri had hit safely to firat, with one gone. Doyle . Wmu.Uu1 m ftv Intn SMnpw'l mitt and the aeeond baseman forwarded the ball to Beck in time to catch 8L-: Vrain o(T White. Flatter's utility man from the Oregon State league, went in behind the bat In the elghthlQsla-Hogaa a rsat.4 Portland added another run on hlta by Beck. Treadway and Raymond. Castro ' hit Into a double play, Caaey retiring gan, who relayed the ball to Lynch at first In time to catch the king. - Four hlta In thla inning, with only on run. abowa tha kind of luck Portland played In all day, for Steelman hit a aafe aingle after Beck had acored. but waa caught trying to atretch It into a two bagger. ' - Tacoma added two more runa In the eighth on alnglea by McLaughlin and Sheehan, followed by a aaeriflce by Ea gan and a hit by Lynch. A double play polled Portland' chance Jn th ninth. . ma ecu re; TACOMA. ." : ' . ' ' AB. R. H. PO. A. K TVvlv rt. 11 1 A A Sheehan, Jb. .. t McLaughlin, L t .... 5 Eagan, a. a. ,.. 4 Lynch, lb. . ........ . I Caaey, fb. . b Hogan, c 4 White, c ........... I Tbomaa, r. f. ....... 4 St Vrain. p. , 4 Totala . , ..40 10 14 37 14 0 PORTLAND. I--' . AB. R.H.PO.A.E Spencer, 2b. ..6 0 1 1 3 0 lrennen. c. r. e Thlelman,-1-f. ...... 4 Beck. lb. 4 Treadway, r. f. ...... 4 Caatro, b. 4 Raymond, a a .4 Steelman, c ......... 4 Haatlnga, p. I 01 I 0 0 1 0-0 0 0 Totala . . 37 1 13 24 18 ' RUNS AND HIT8 BY INNINGS. '- 1 1 i I i m i 1 aroma .. ., i o s o Hlta . 3 0 3 1 Portland . .......0 0.0 0 Hlta 0 3 0 3 3 '10 1 3 0 1 14 1 0 3 0 0 2 2 4 113 SUMMARY. 'Struck out By St. Vrain. 4; by Haa tlnga, 3. Baaea on balls Of! Hastings, 1. Hit by pitcher By Haatlnga. 1 ; by St Vrain, 1. Wild pitch 8t Vrain. Two-base-hits Rheehan, Caaey, Eagan, Lynch, Doyle, Haatlnga. Home run Eagan. Earned rune Tacoma, 7f Port land,'!. (Sacrifice hit Eagan. IVtubl f'leye Spencer to Beck; Caaey to Kagan o Lynch; Eagan to Casey to Lynch. Ieft on bases Tacoma, ; Portland. . Tim of game One hour and 45 mln-nteav- Umpires Brown and McDonald. . 4 -J"-' 1 ' , Beum TJee Whitewash. . Ix Anftele. Aug. 11. Pete Lohman tiaed Bert Jones against the Angela yes terday, but Spider Baum pitched 'just a little better than the former Seal and th Angela won out The acore: . ' " ' R. H. B IO Angeles .. .0 2 0 0 0 4-2 f o Oaklend 00 400000 0 0 4 0 Batteries Baum and Spies; Jones and Byrnes. Umpire McCarthy. . Boxing scbool.sTom Tracer, 101 th at Srsf rrd Stoek Oaaned wood. . Allen A TOWle' Reel Rrana. SORE AND BLEEDING GUMS Soft and spongy gam ars mad healthy by the mildly alkaline and as tringent properties of SOZODONT. - It la the most fragrant deodoriser and an. tlseDtio dentifrice known to the world. SOZODONT '.J TOOTH POWDER ... ' . . . the complement of SOZODONT Liquid, haa ahraalve properties, yet is absolutely free from grit and acid. It will not tar gold fllllnga or scratch th etyimcl. roasts i rjQirzn, rowszB, pajte. OVERNIGHT ENTRIES FOR IRVINGTO.N The overnight ntrlea tor th Irving ton raeea aa follow : V Firat raea. IU furlong. 4-year-old and up. , B-UIng 714X, judge jsapton, I0; 71S, '8kip M. 1T; (7142), Eatado. 104; 7143, Algaretta, loz; tizs, jvumooi. 102: 7141, Loxano. lOt; 700S, Ingo, 104; 7113. Wllna, 102. ' . . r Boonnil nn three furlonga. 4-year- old and up, puree 7148. Ulctaia, lit; (7131),' Lady Nawinn, 110; Tli, yueen t ha. Ti.a mm Tinth lit: Majr O'Rell, 116;. 646, Whlaky King. 115. . Third race, ai furlonga, 4-year-olda and - up, aelling 5. . HoUlck, - 104; 7137, Lanr Myrti. j.; bit u- i aa viia' 1A4 flaS. Kdu cate. 10J; 7141. Katrasa, 7: 7146. Myr tle 11.. T; 70. Marejia, ; t!4l. Viae. IT si-v W ve 1 u miioa hurdla. handi cap, -year-o!d and MP-T111. Dr. Long, 14a; T122, Jim Roberta, 126: 7111. Qul dado, 136; 7134. MUaa, 146; 7134, Jim UASAmMM 1 iti.. ' .1. fn.1..,, aaaVZnli(BUeaVlljr and Up 713S. Urbano. 104; 7131, Duke or Kicneneu, 111; u, neu nsoo. , 71t4, Mllltaxy, 104; (7141), Laureatea, t Aa V IT TDamma,, IJlly 91K1 Tn. laite, b7; '714, Modder, ; 7138, Sal- lie ooodwin. 102. Sixth race, on mile, for 4-year-old and up. elUnw7117, Platontua, 100; (714T). Pronubla. 100; 7144. Louwelaaa, 103; 71DO, coionei van, iv, nit, uuu MH-i in- 711 Hnmaara. l: 7144. Anvil,- 100j4144 L,egal Maxim, 100. LACROSSE CLUB WILL HAVE ITS OWN PARK It ha luit been learned from good authority that th east itde ball arounda. . which have been Idle ever alnce th old Paclflo league withdraw it team', from Portland, may be ac quired by the Portland Lacroaa club. Slnoe the recent trouble with Mr. Ely th lacroaae have been looking around for ground of their own. and have- been favorably Impreaaed with the eaat aid ball ground aa a future horn. ; Lacroaa matchea, aa a rule, are piayea In th afternoon. One of the director of the Portland flub point out that th grandatand la ' much i better altuated, from the apeetatbre' point of View, than the present baaeball ground on Vaughn treet, aa th aun will be behind of 10 th apectatora' face. There will be a good opportunity to judge thla matter next Sunday, whenthe Portland lacroaae team will meet a faat aggrega tion from Tacoma.' i The Portland boy had a rattling practice laat night oa Multnomah field. A number r specta-tora were out to watch the team working combination playa and doing awlft paaalng. Thee were thoroughly convinced that If the team will only play aa well. Sunday aa they do It practice it will take a. very strong aggregation indeed to . down thera. -. - A. L. Stewart la playing a atar gam at point. Stewart I an'old Nanalmo player. He ha been playing as strong a a-ama ha anyjnan on tha 'team. With Dr. Braden. Stewart and Oday oerenrM Ing th Portland goal, it would seem a difficult matter for the Tacoma player to score a goal, i - ,Thr Portland boys will bars a prac tice tonight on Multnomah field, and another light practice tomorrow, after which they will rest until th big gam on Sunday, ' , MADDEN'S SIGLIGIIT WINS GRAND UNION (Jeoraal gpectal Serrlee.) - . Saratoga, Aug. 11. John E. Madden' Blglight, a-30-to-l shot won yesterday s Orand Union hotel stakes, worth f 3,600. summary: - Six furlongs Collector Jessup won; Um. l:13 v Steeplechase, short eours Grandpa won; time, 4:13. . . , . Mils Oreen Crest won; time, 1:40 a-6. . Orand Union hotel atakea, six fur longs igllght won: time, 1:15. - - Mil and three-sixteenths Caughna waga won; time 2:00 1-6. Five and a half furlongs Dreamer won; tuna, 1:08. ; At . bonis. St. Louis, Aug. 11. Ftlr Grounds aummary: . Six furlongs Marchloneas won; time, 1:19, s Five and half furlonga Fay Tern pleton won; time, 1:13.. Mile and three-sixteenths Miss Eon won; time, 2:03Vk- ' . Six furlonga Mlaa Doyl won; tlm, 1:18. Six and ' a half furlong, elllng Athelros won; time, 1:24 V. . Mile and three-aixteenth Iras wofi; tlm. 3:08 V4. At Kawthoma. Aug. 11. Hawthorn Chicago, urn- mary: - ,, Five and s, half furlongs Mis Elea nor won; time, 1:10 1-6. Steeplechase, short course Alice Mo won; time, 3:30. Mile Judge Himee .won; time, 1:43 3-6. , Six furlonga Th Mighty won; time, 1:14 3-6. . Four and a half furlongs John Smul skl won; time, 1:09 3-6. , - Mile and three-sixteenths Don't Ask Me won; time, 1:07 3-6. Mil Ben Haywood won; tlm, 1:46 -. j - Y-- ' BT7BXZT JOIKS BVOOAXB'B ICH. BUI Hurley's ca haa at last been settled and he la not to go back to Little Rock. Manager Dugdale paid Mike Finn 8400 for Hurley's releaae and BUI will hereafter wear a Portland uniform. Hurley left last night to Join th team In Tacoma and will play today. - - V , Bits of Wisdom , . Don't trut to luck. ( . Hard luck la always a lack Of fore sight If you would bs poor, spend all . you am. . . . " II who save persistently will reap g competence. Save while you can, that you may J pena wnen you win. v Depoelt that spare dollar with th Oregon Saving Bank.-Sixth and Mor rison streets, before it ftles away, and get a home bank to av amall sums in you would not so to a large bank to deposit It will draw Interest. Each dollsf you put at Interest help to earn th next on. i . ' . BOOKIES TOUCH . THE TALENT HARD UL BTT On ATTXT XAYZS stobsb BxrtrazD to xujtd txbst OOIXfO IS OOOD, btt iTjrxpjias DiArorjrr icastt aovo xn &aboxst or Tn xxbt. Tterdajra performance at Irving- ton track war eaally tha moat interest ing a4 best played of th meeting, and for th first, tlm th bookmaker re turned home With their money bags bulg ing with gold, . Th action of the man-' agement In reducing tha price of aduila- slon one-half had th Immediat effect of drawing a big crowd to th racea. Yesterday' spectator were plungers of th real type and they played very thing that had a tall. There waa one horae that waa aby a tall and tt .waa laden with beta. ... . The event of the card was th Oregon stakes, which was won by Bummer. It aeemed as If every person at the track had a tip on Bummer, end before the barrier flew the .horse "was 'burdened with the coin. Bummer opened at 4 to and closed at t to 10. Mlatys Pride waa well played to win, and ber back- era, although tk horse lost, .had great confidence In their choice and good rea son for lb Mlatya Pride waa kept to the outalde moat of th distance and waa in order to get in a position to challenge Bummer, After - gattlng th desired place Qruwell put hla mount to a great teat and had th distance been a little greater the Pride would hav earned th money. - . ; Sinnot rod a bad rac on Handaom Florry In th firat rac and put many bettor to th bad. Sinnot "didn't mak th slightest effort to urge hi mount, and the . big wad of money was ' easy gam for th bookie. Pur DaJe, at 1 to 1, ran a pretty rac and didn't seem to hav any trouble In reaching the wire firat, beating oat B. C Oreen and Crlmmlne. Myrti H. waa wall touted In th sec ond rasa and coat her backera a lump sum. Almoner was the choice of the few wise ones and ha .beat . out Legal Maxim and Modder. There ars many who ars still under th Impression that. King Herald, won the third race, although Profitable got the cash. Th King had run a beautiful rac and In th home atretch Profitable, at 3 to 1, cams up gradually and mad a desperate try to win, and both horse approached the wlr neck and neck and aa they pasaed th Judge' stand It looked as If King Herald had won. but th Judges called Profitable and It. was all off, so far as King's backers were concerned. Prlestllk mad good In tha fifth, al though ah was backed from even money to 1 to 2. Th crowd felt posi tive that . Priestlike couldn't : loss and went after, her In great shape. A change of Jockey on Eldred didn't help mat- tera and th Portland horse rolled In laat ' ... ' - t ' ' v i Th sixth rao waa a keen dlaappolnt- ment to th apectatora El Plloto waa heavily played front t tor UTTtS oTand should hav won th event Kelly' work In th horn atretch and at the finish was raw, although the finish had the appearance of a hard ride. The bookies fairly shoveled In tha coin on thla race. The summary) Firat race, five furlonga, selling Puredala, 107 (Tullett), I to 1, won; B. C. Green, 114 (F. Kelly), 4 to 1, sec ond; Phil Crlmmlne, 10 (IB. : Smith), third. Time, 1:03. V Second race, six and one-half furlonga, selling Almoner, 111 (McCleea), 3 to 6, won; Legal Maxim, 111 (Kent), 13 to 1. second; Modder 106 (H.; Smith), 7 to 1. third.' Tim. 1.-22H. it , i Third rac; six furlonga, tailing Profitable, 103 (Fltspatrick), 11 to 1. won; King Herald. 110 (McClecs), to 1, second; Odldflndr, 103 (F. Sullivan), 3-to 1, third. Time, 1:16V. Fourth f race, flv furlong, for th Oregon atakea Bummar, 111 (F. Kelly), to 10, won; Mlaty's Pride, 114 (O. Qruwell), to 6, aeeond; Lady Usk. 101 (Kent), to 1. third. Time, 1:014 . Fifth race, five and one-half furlonga, selling Priestlike. 100 (Crosswaite), 1 to 3. won: Mlno, 103 (H. Smith), to 2, second; Bell Reed, 103 (Boseman), 7 to 2, third.- Time, 1:09. Sixth race, on mil and 100 yard Leaah, 100 (Earnahaw), 4 to 1. won; El Plloto,-112 (F. Kelly), 7 to 5. aeeond; Invlctua, 104 (Crosswaite), f to 1. third. Tim. 1:43. rOBT AT SFOXAaTB. (Jcornal Special Sn-rtca. ) ' Spokane, Wash., Aug. 11. A Daven port . claims to hav the beat baseball team In th Inland Empire outside of th league team here, member of th 8. A. A. C will organise a picked team, composed of club members only, to dis pute the title of the Davenport boys, and will issue a challenge to the Daven port team to a game: a week from' next Sunday. The team will not bs the same on that la now playing under th club colors, but will be composed of such club member as hav been barred from playing with th present team because aome of them had accepted money foi playing two year ago. . "Th Emplr Stat Athletlo club haa been formed ' Id thla city to promote boxing contests and Robert Creelman has been elected manager of th new organisation. ...... . - . Two boxing contests will be pulled oft at th' Spokane theatre, Friday night under th auspice of th new 'elub. On will be a 16-round go for point between .Lou Long and. Kid Sealer. Tha aeeond bout of importance Is a six-round mill between Jack Rellly and Georg Hays, the colored boxer. SVTTB TBA2C IB SOBB STBAXTB. (Journal Sparta! Srtrlra ) Butt, Mont, Aug. 11. Th Butt baaeball team of the Paclflo National league Is lo sor straits financially. Th club has loat aome 34,000 ao far Mil season, and ars now brok, and as th salarlea of the players ar dus, th management I casting about for some way out of. the difficulty, . Manager Wllmot haa a proposition to sell sea son books, good for he balanoe of the season, which will be sold at th rat of 310 each, from which he expeota to ralss enough money to carry th team through, , " . eattle Defeats Ban Francisco. ' San Francisco, Aug. 11. Jay Hughes again beat San Franoiaoo with Jimmy Whalnn on the slab. Seattls bunohed hits at the right time, ; Scor: . i R H EX Seattl ........1003 0 3 0 0 f . I 2 San Fran ....... 1 0 0 0 01 i Battertea Hughes and Wilson: Whs ten and Oorton. Umpire O ConneU. , - 205-287 yac!:ingtcfi St. ? FOUR DOORS EAST OF PERIUMS HOTEL Tiiess are Preocy Dasy Days at Oiir Tivo Stores The entklno; prices that w aire offerino; have brought mail, orders fromall parts of the northwest, and we take pride In filling all such to the very best of our ability and that means perfect service. Our ."clean-up bargains are so surprising that deal ers have had emissaries around procuring a suit of this and a piece of that, because 'our prices are lower , than they buy for. "They will sell these garments to customers at twice what they pay us for them, and strange enough, will find buyers who might save this money for themselves if they would come direct 'to us. EVERY PIECE OP APPAREL IN BOTH OUR STORES ' IS , NOW GOING AT ABOUT A QUARTER OF THE HONEST VALUE, and this shall continue until all the - present stock is disposed of. Read these figures and be convinced: y : '. ; , 1 $4.90 For elegantly made . 97,45 For All-Wool Suits, . fr.vir.lf 3S.4S For Overcoats and Top Coats, worth every cent of . . $25.0a : , '?,; . ; pants .t'JSKp. ?1.12 JFoAIl-yool Pant worrU anyng at all, $2.50. $1.00 For Pants that "cannot be had at any other store in 1 town at less than $4.00 to $5.00. ' ; ( S2.00 For Pants that have ho superior anywhere at $5.50 ' -to$7.50. f:;-. $1.00 For splendid specimens of Sample Hats, worth every penny of $2.00 to $3,50. . : . $1.50 For a large assortment of magnificent Sample Hats, sold everywhere at $3.50 to $4.50. , . '. . $19 or broken lots of $2.00 and $3.00 Footwear and good 'i ' M gold at that price. Vf-V'H ? f "V Momo coast xAAOtra. eioBS. Bottle Tacoma ...;... Lne Anrelea Saa FraaclMO....... . Portland Oaklaod .TM .M .671 .407 .WT .am Lost .. m i ) ! 11 STATIO.TAX. UAOTja. Won. Lost. New Tork ......47 ; 25 Chicago . . ...47 34 Cincinnati ............ .67 i , - 40 . Pittsburg . . 44 ' 38 ' Pt. Louis ,...40 i 47 Boston . . ,..34 41 Brooklyn 33 48 Philadelphia. .....21 4 , AaCIUOAJr UAOTTB. Won. Chlcaro . ,, .,,...69 New York , ...... .....65 Boston . . ....... .....64 PhlladelDhla 64 Lost 88 F.C. .408 . .688 6i .68? .654 ; .414 .413 .241 37 38 3 40 Cleveland .. . ..........60 BU Loula . Detroit 8 Washington 21 ou - aw li ?i At St, bonis. -.x . i ; ill KC Bt .Louis .v. . . 8 3 Boston . . 4 8 1 Batteries Howell and Kaho Olbaon, Whiter and Crlger. 1 At Ohioago. R. H.E. Chicago . 6 . 1 New Tork 1 6 3 Batterlea Altrock and McFarland; Clarkaon and McQulre. Schedule of Steamer J. J. Potter, r Th seaside steamer T."J. Potter wTIl leave Portland, Aah street dock, Xor Aatorta and Ilwaco as follows: . f ' August 13, Friday, 8 am. v August 13. Saturday, t a m. Oet transportation and berth tickets it a B. K ticket office. Third and Washington atreete. - . AXXBA3TXS Tata aVSAJCU. ' r .Joaraal Bpedal Serrlea.) Maryvllle. O.. Ang. 11. Senator Fair bank, Republioan' aoralnee for vice, prealdent, was the speaker today at th Old Horn week celebration her. Th address waa mads at an old-fashioned baaket plcnle which was sttended by men, women and children from far and near. Senator Fairbanks waa aecom panted by Mrs. Fairbanks, who Is a na tive of this connty. J. JJJ L . ,. A HINT TO THE WISE This Advice Will Bear' Re ' peatlng In Portland. A . Don't chass shsdowa . . . Doubtful proof Is but a shadow. You can rely on testimony of peo ple you know. Tou can investigate local evidence. A. . Cummlng of 244 Clackamas street, employed by th Inmnoulsn Lumber Co, at th foot of East Sher men street, says: "I had pains In tha mall of my back for a good many year. Moat of th tlm it waa a dull, heavy ache over the kidneys, and often at the nd of th day I fait fatigued and used up. Trouble with th kidney secretions existed also.' Passagea war too fre quent and wr accompanied with pain. My condition wa growing worse all th time, when I happened to read an ad vertisement of Doan'a Kidney Pill, and at th suggestion of my wife I went to ths store of the Lau-Davls Company, at Yamhill and Third streets, and got a boa.- I took ths pills as directed and felt their beneficial effect right away. In a ahort tlm the backache dlaap peared and the secretions resumed their normal appearance and condition. Thla Is tha first winter I hay passed for a number of year without wearing a plas ter on my back, and I give Doan's Kid ney Pills all ths credit?: For sale by all dealera Pries 60 cents, v Fnster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, S. X.. sole agent for th United Hi a tee. Remember the nam ioan's and tak no substitute, . ., . . PC. . .728 . .413 .6RS .687 ,s .610 .346 .341 Suits, worth up to $15.00. worth up to $25.00. t-iri AT. - a DOGS MUST BELONG TO KENNEL LEAGUE (loaraal Special Serrlee.) ' Seattle. Aug. 11. If Jules Bedels- helraer, president of ths Western Ken nel lea rue, has his way, warring among ths dog men of this city and of the coast. win cease, and all th owners and lovers of a good dog will get together and work In harmony. : At tha laat. meeting of ths Westsrn Kennel league, held In San Joe a, caL, it was decided to bar any dog ahown on th coast in any club not belonging to ths lee rue. A short tint later ths ad visory board for ths Paclflo coast of th American Kennel club pasaed a similar resolution, which barred any dog shown in any club that doss not belong to th American Kennel club. ' - - PrefM" w.i.ihlmer thinks this action Is all wrong, and he will "wrttrj Norman J. Stewart, of Saa Jose, secre tary of ths Western Kennel league. In a few day, asking him to confer with tha advisory board of th American Ken nel elob, and If both resolution cannot b rescinded. It will do no good for one organisa tion to rescind th action unless both do, and nnless ths American Kennel club Is willing to do this, of course ths west ern Kennel leaaus will taks no action. Ths president want Secretary Stewart to feel th officers or th rival organ' laatlon out on thla subject to see If some middle around cannot be agreed upon. President Redelsheimer base his op position to ths ruling on ths ground that there ar too few dog men on th Pa cific coast to support two organisa tions. it they were all working to gether, good kennel shows could be given In ell the cities of ths coast, but with ths Interest divided neither organ Isatlon Is abl to mak a atlfactory showing. ( k " And what I true of th two Mr or ganisatlons, MK Redelsheimer hold, is true of 'dog matter In Seattle. H claims that this city will not support mora than on dog club, and what he la trying to do 1 to get every dog man Into one club. sroTM or On of th ehlf event on Saturday will be ths gentlemen's race, to bs rid den by Hunt club members. Ths dis tance will be a mile, selling, 8360, end all riders must carry 176 pounde. Ths mounts will bs decided by lot Joseph Kiev was suspended yester day by the stewards for causing th ar xest of Assistant Starter Duke for an alleged Injury don 111 hora In Tues day's going. . ' " ' ' ' Kelly's rid of El Pilot was not at all to his credit. He could hav dons better had he wished. Handaom Florry and King Herald did not run nearly ao well as ths talent expected. ' ' It seems Strang that Pins Dais, after losing n Monday as an to 1 - shot, could tarn around and run yesterday quoted at I to 1. v That sort of a per f ormano Is what perplexes. - . taoit extra obuissv .. (Journal Special Krr1ea.) New York, Aug. 11. This was an un usually busy day for th marina re porter atatloned" about Glen cove, at th entrance to th sound. Their steam launch was kept humming all day, flit ting after ths white-winged yacht that were bound to ths eastward preparatory to rendesvouslng for th annual cruis of-th New Tork Yacht club. Th In dications ar that thl year's outing will clips anything In th past. Th cruise proper will not begin until tomorrow, when th yachts will get under way and proceed to Morrla cove, going on to th old whaling port of New London th day following. A In former year, th cruis will xtnd to Newport, where the yaehta will engage In th annual race for th Astor cup next week. FRITZ THEATRE ' " 840-84S BVSVSItlS. - fREO rSITS. Pre. W. U. BBOWH, ltr. THB HOME OP VAUDEVILLE -. Two abowa daily at t asd s, sa, CONCBBT fUU ' " BLAHeT" BROS. , i . ' COletBT gVEHT(KlOHT, 141-848 BUtUtBlDS, . 4, Third and SATISFACTION v i '"'-' SHIRTS s ; .;. V;;: v : y , 25 For broken lots of 50c, 75c arid $1.00 Negligee Shirts ; cheap anywhere at those figures.1 ' . 75 For broken lots of the very best types oj Negligee L.Shirts; worth up to $1.50 and $4.00. UNDERWEAR ( 25f For all grades of 50c, 75c ' and $1.00 Underwear, f or . .summer and autumn wear. " .' - ; SOf? For medium weight and "fancy Underwear, well .7. ' worth $1.00. ' : ' . 75f For broken lots of our finest $2.00 to $5.00 All-Wool .and Silk Underwear.-:' ' . HANDKERCHIEFS v ' 54 For a job lot of 20c Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs jL- . very nobby. '. ' ' . - ;, . ' . ' ties ' 254 For all our best Neckwear, in all shapes; values up to , $2.50. . " .'. ' ' .. SUSPENDERS . 'v., ' 25 4 For all our 50c, 75c and $1.00 Suspenders. The famous President are found in this lot. RACES N IRVINGTON Race Track f ADMISSION Including Grandstand ; SO Cents. SIX RACES DAILY I v First Race Called at 2:30 Oyer 500 Thoroughbreds on the Grounds. ' i Oood Car Service X ROYAL, Italian Band Illustrated song, moving pictures, eta Portland Heights Park, every even ing-. . . JOUKMAL COUPON". No. t COUPON No. 7 STAR THEATRE raiDAT stArnrtx, atoust it, io. This eoopoa sad eeate entitles bolder to one edoueeloa whea preeeates let' boa office. The home of petite vsndevllle. ' ' Oontlnnoua Drrformanres from- t te 4:80 S. m. Bandars continuous f te 10:80 p, m. Bvea. Ing DerrormaDCfls rrom i to iu:o p. m. Aay seat la the theatre, 10 eesta. UYRIC THEATRE Ooraer Alder a ad Seventh. HIOH'CLASS REPINED VAUDEVIUUB S.80 te 4:80) T:80 te '10:80! Btmday, S te 10 p. m. Thla ad. and )Oe will admit two people aay swtiaea sseapt Bandars snd holidays, TUT CMTTB 0 KIOKXB. ARCADE TI1FATRC Seventh and Waahlngtoa. : REflNCD VAUDEVILLE S:1B te 4:80. ' T:1B te 10:80. . Buaday, eoatiaaoae from I k 10:80, - rw 1adls, gentlemen and children, admlMlon 10 enta to any t. Hill Military Academy atlvate beardlae and das' eabesl. ataaael tralalas. aalUi slsetsun, ftlleae prepared Bora el any as admitted at ear time, rail term opens September 14, 10. , CUT TI1IS OUT Asd seatl te Sr. t. W. HIU, Kill j k aeaair, rerusso, oe, I sees .... soya, wboas ( waat te eead te a BttlHery seheoL Tbet ayes ar Pleaee eaad me prleae end tarns; alae lllaairatad esarlpar ataloa el yea eoaeel, flaaB).......,,,,,,,.,,., . Uddress) Portland Academy fits nors snd sir la (or Waatara aad Kaatrs ollagM. , Primary sad grsmmar grades Ineladed. Portland Jtcadomy Hall for Clrlt Baeeives e Umlted anmbor aad elves teem the comfort snd care of a reneed some. Of dee hours during Jul snd Anguat from B l. n. to 12 av For eataloaue adores fert- lead Aes 0 tt demy, Portland, Oc, . Durnsidc Sts. OR MONEY BACK PAJIX A3TD WASsmTOTOsT STBMT8J -droBTivAjrs. obioobt . . ; Established in 1848. Open all th yaf. Private or clsss Instruction. Thousands of gradual In positions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to attend our school. Catalogue, spec Ira ens, eta fr. A, V. ABlCSTBOaTCK UaJB. SUVCSPAXh Behnkc-Walker Business College ; saras Blook. , POBTXAJTB. OBVJ r . . Makes a specialty of equipping young men and woman for Ufa's work and s curing that work forthsm whea oome patent, ' ..- ' .. 'f Our graduates ar - all roployed. Mors than 100 placed tn positions alncs ths first ot last Auguat. Phono Mala ' 130. Wa east bals you Writs. - , ,' amxoo BTomTBtABm, totoh ttwi WBUTIirO, BtTDOZT STSTSM aoosuexsrura. 1 Greater demand than svet before fog our graduates. t Holmes Business College Kstabliahed 1887. TamhlU and 11th Btsl CbluInbiaSr , Pro paratoty, Cotn4 University mtrclal and Grammar Orada Apply for Catalogae. . Courses. ' , Boardln; School for Young Men and Bojrf . Bos 335, UnJvorsity Park Station Portland, Orogon OBaooa POBTlVAJrS St. Helen's Hall ' A Olrls' School of ths xighsst Class. Corps of teachers, location, buildingi equipment tha beet. Bend for catalogue. opxBTsi nmun is, ibo. HOLY NAMES ACADEMY twelfth and last Oak Streets.'' gramniar ind primary sradee. Mt acholaatl aesakm epene Bptetnbr f . - piano, violin, guitar and a-aadolla laeaoaa. Physical culture and a locution. St Mary's Academy and College ' Portlaad, Oregea. ,! l'ortv-alKth scholntlle year one its RntntBM 8 Flrat-laaa ' hoarding and 1ir arhnol tnf yonns women and (Irla. Oouraa: (llasiate, acartamle, (rammar ad prlmarr. ConsarTatory ot and art. Pnnlla rrrwlwd at any tlma. St. Patrick's School Klaeteeath aad Bavier StraeU. . fondm-tod hr th Blatrra of tha Holv Namae. Dar acbl fur Ht. Patrtrk'a Pariah. Knl eMilon opne eVptmner th. Orammar, lntr mediate sen primary rraaae. nana, violin, MtH4olle and snltar. ' Snedal taaha tern ali Ciitlon and phralcal culture. , 1- St. Mary's Academy ' - i v; Annex .: ' Sistaeath aad Sveratt Street. ' ' OATSIDBAI rASIBK. Klndereartr snd Ta-lmarv arldea. Tha tint salon opns aptnibi Bth. . flano, eloeauos aad phyaicsl culture, v . , .