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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1904)
-V. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL!, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 11. 1904. J:-.. TOVN TOPICS I feBSaSSBaaaaS"BBBBBSVBBSSSassaaBSBBSBaf TONIGHT'S AsTOBUtXHTt. . Arcade Lrrio Biw .... hiya .... ...VdTill ...V.imiwtIU. V.uilMlll, .......... VyWUI ' The shlngl market ! better and there la an lncreaaed demand for the product. In some Inatancea prtcea have slightly advanced for (he prime article. T. W. Nordbjr of this cltjr ta operating hla bis shingle mills at Clatakanle on full time, and eaya the demand la much better than it haa been for aome time past. There ' la now a call for cedar .Li 1 . . t- .. I S . 1 TT.t . Idaho, and Mr. Nordby atatea that he la making liberal car load shipments to the territory embraced in theae . atatea. Asa ' Btanlev Lea-row. a nromlnent cltlseo or Walla Walla, died at the Portland hotel Tueaday nigh after a month' Illness. . Hla death waa cauaed by heart dlaeaee from which he had Buffered for a number of years. He had lived at Walla 'Walla, for 16 years and waa 7J years or age. At mi ume 01 hla death he waa on hla way .- to "the coast where be hoped to regain his health, - . ' i ' , ii The Manufacturers' at Producers' aa oclatlon of San Franciaco haa commu nicated ' with Secretary Reed of the Lewis and Clark corporation with the view to keeping In close touch with the progress of preparationa for the fair next year. The letter states that the as sociation sianas reaoy 10 uiuwuu of ficers of the fair. Mrs. Mattle Llnderman. daughter of ju v 4nompaon, aiea in dm f" Cisco, Sunday. She was born and mar ried here, and la remembered by many of the older citlsena. Ik K. ""hompson. for yeara prominenfTy identified with the transportation - Interests of the . northwest, still lives In San Francisco. tuckjr and atrealderit of Portland, for 110,000 costs and dlaburaementa, the result of an accident which happened November 11, 1103. He allegea that when the train stopped at Sacramento he attempted to go from one ear to an other, when the train gave a sudden lurch end be waa thrown from hla feet and badly cut and bruised. He allegea that the cars were not 'properly vest! buled. , "..' 'C. 'Hunt, 'a, conductor on ona of the Portland Railway company's South Port land cars. fell, from bis car thla morn ing. about 10:10 o'clock. Just - as .it reached the corner of Fifth and Ankeny streets. - It is supposed that he waa taken auddenly alck and fainted before he waa able to alight from the car. , He waa bruised from the fall. Hunt has been working for the street car com pany only about two weeka, having re cently come to thla city from Kansas. He waa working as an extraman. John McKle of St. Helena, who la fur- ahtng-theBelgt intonrDiackarfor-thi. Improvement of Hood and Fro no streets nd for the paving now being done by the city street' car companies, is in tne city today. He la now operating two quarrlea. and haa about ti expert block makers employed. S. tar. Hepp, a brldgeman la the en ploy of the Southern "Pacific, was re moved to Good 'Samaritan hospital this morning serloualy injured as the result of an accident that occurred on the Southern Paolflo near Olendale. He fell from a trestle and both legs were frac tured. . , ' . Mrs. Mary Tooley called at police headquarters thla morning and reported that a roan who has been selling mando lins -throughout the city had persuaded eer eon, cnanes, agea j years, lo leave the city with him. She thinks ha is now In Salem. The Salem police were noti fied..- . School district No. 45. a short distance east of Lenta, la constructing a new school house at a' cost of 11.000. The building will contain two rooms and will he fitted with modern conveniences. The structure will be completed la time for the opening of the achool year. '. LeRoy E. Burdlck of Storm Lake, la., has been appointed to aucceed Wayland HnUw aa aaalatnnt nhaarv.r In h lrwal weather bureau office. A few days ago Mr. Bailey received instructions from Washington to a-o to Duranro. ColOw and stabllsh a weather station. . W. . 11. Reed, postmaster at Corbett, and ownerotWQflsh wheels at that place, waa In the city yesterday. He I declared that black basa are becoming plentiful in the river aa far up as Cor bett, and that. many era being caught in. tne nan wneeia. . , Goodyear Shoe Repair Co., Yamhill atreet, near gas office. . . Phone Main 101 1. Repairing while you wait Sewed soles. 75a: rubber heels, 15c Alwaya on time. ' Shoes called for and delivered , free any . reasonable distance. f R, B. Martin of Peninsular, returned yesterday from Clarke county, where he suffered a fractured ankle In an ac cident. He stepped on a small log that turned over and ha fell underneath. Moffett Hot Springs, board and room tl.26 and 11. K0 day; f 1.00 and t.50 week. Batha IS cents each. Good cook' Ing. Address T. Moffett, Cascade, Wash. ' Wa-Hoo Tonlo. The great blood pur ifier. nerve tonte and liver regulator. Just what you need these days. For stale by all druggists. " Tou're always sura of having your work dorcs aatlsfactory If brought to the Metropolitan Printing Co., 147 Front Portland Wire ft Iron Works are- now located at Trenkman St Cots on Fourth near" Flanders. Work turned out promptly. Daily trolley trips to Estarada. Round trip rate 11.60, Including dinner at the . A. .1 , rmm .ml UnVmt m u1m a .... iM streets. .. lalled at greatly reduced prices. Honey man McBride, Third and Taylor Bts. Mrs. I. K. Harden haa returned from her vacation and la again In her office, 101 Oregonlan building. Tel. Clay 1612. ' Quick Meal range, beat on earth,' usee half the fuel of other ranges. Olds, Wortman King. Fully warranted. ' Suit has been brought In the United States circuit court by ptto Klein, a native of Germany, a cltlsen of Ken- MANN &. BEACH FBJNTEKS 92 Seconal Street C round Floor iistwokx: Low JMces Ttlepbone 444 The Best Work In the city la done in this laundry. Quick work. Quick de- ' livery. Moderate prices. OREGON LAUNDRY. AND TOILET StPPLY CO. o. T. BTAJTS. Mgt. If -you've no plana for Sunday, start now to take the Bailey Gatsert on her Sunday trip to Cascade I.ocks. . This trip Is aa ideal ono for a pleasant day'a outing, and a more magnificent ride ta not possible. Remember, too, this hand some steamer is the personification of comfort and convenience. Boat leaves Alder street wharf at 1:10 a. m. Tb men la served on board aro unsurpasse. and the . service In harmony. , Phone Main 014. . . ; , . The Lewie and Clark fair commission yesterday ahlpped to St. Louis 100 of the best obtainable samples of grains and grasses. The shipment consisted of five kinds of wheat, two. varletlea of -oats, and bunchea of alfalfa,, millet and other grasses collected by A. F. Miller on his recent trip through Umatilla county, and 10,000 copies of the new mining book recently Issusd by the commission,', For a fine day's outing., and a good time go on the Foresters of America excursion to Waahougal on Sunday, Au gust 14. Steamer Regulator and barge Klickitat leave Alder street wharf at t:10 a. m. Panclng. The funeral aervlces over the body of W. C Noon, who died Tuesday, will be held -tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Barvloea will ha held at the residence. I 141 Twelfth street. The burial wlU be private. - . ' Lacrosse, Lacrosse. ; Portland vs. Tacoma. '' Bast Side Ball park. Sunday, August 14. I Lacrosse, Lacrosse. . "Seeing Portland." a delightful trip The observation car - letfvea Third and Morrison streets at f :10 a. m. and 1 p. m. for three hours of cool comfort and In terestlng sight-seeing. - Headquarters of the American Mining con gross .were moved from the city ball this morning to the armory, where the coming, seaslon of the congress will be held. " ' Chew Den-Tal-Qum, ha ve pearly teeth and prevent decay. For sale - every where. ',... . .. . Dr. O. C Blaney, L Ow O. F. temple. Wise Bros., dentists, the Falling blag. - Dr. L. M. Thornton, dentist, Marquem. Ansley Printing Co., f 50 Oak atreet. AT THE THEATRES v . na bxjov ro txb fobs. ; " By its honest treatment of its pa trons and by the high standard required of everything on the stage, the Bijou has gradually gained a high place In the local theati leal world. The" manage ment haa tried to steadily Improve the quality of the performances. Thla week there Is great variety of good acts. There Is a comedy sketch that isn t of the stereotyped kind, a comlo Juggler who la famous, a whistling girl and her singing ; slater, four brothers who sing, a lot of lively' vttascope pic- torea, and illustrated songs. . . AT TKB X.TBIO. ' Friday evening, at each of the three performances, some lucky one will be given 15 in gold. This giving away of $16 in gold does not affect the -performance In any way. ' Thla week's bill Is making a decided hit and draw ing well.. ABOABS'B OrPBBZBO. ' "Amateur night." that mirthful ooea- eton which happens every Friday night at the Arcade theatre, la due again to morrow evening, and the management haa as usual received applications from a number of beginners who art anxious to prove that they are entitled to be called "vaudevllllans" and to draw a salary for entertaining the public. The antlca of the amateurs will of course be In addition to the full regular per formance, which contains thla week a number of features of merit. , AT VMM STAB. In today's Journal there la printed a coupon which la good for five centa towards' admission to the Star theatre at tomorrnw'a matinee performances. Every Friday a great ' number avail themselves of this opportunity to see sn excellent entertainment for half the money It usually costs. The show this week at the Star is of the kind for which the term "fashionable vaudeville" was first coined. There la aome really good ainglng by the military quartet, there are pretty aoubrettee like Marjorie Mandevllle, beautiful women Ilka Cath erine Manning and wonderful acrobats like the Leander brothere and Feeley, . OmnT FBBSOBAB. Mrs. , T. Harrison . Garrett, Mrs. Horatio W. Garrett,' Mlsa Chefelle and R. B. Warfleld of Baltimore are at the Portland hotel. The party left Balti more July 15 arfd came west over the Canadian Pacific en route to Monterey, Cal. They were in Portland eight yeara ago and declare that the city haa im proved remarkably. - Sheriff Thomaa M. wora lert ror ixng Beach, Wash., last night to spend a few- daya with hla family. He Is ex pected to return to the city by Sunday. Harry A. i.ituenein ana nieces . oi Newberg are at the PerVlna. . Elnar Beyer of Hamburg, Germany, ta registered at the Portland. Mrs. P. C Lee of Astoria la a guest at the Imperial. Mrs. A. T. Blakeley of Bllverton la at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Ross of Lebanon are gueata at the Perkins. L. N. Raney of Eugene is at the Per kins. He is deputy grand commander of the Oregon State ooramandery. Knights Templar, and la here on business con nected with the transportation of Sir Knlghta via Portland to the Ban Fran Cisco conclave. Mrs. A. p. Hartn. Mrs. Henry Harm and Miss Emma Hyfle of Grants Pass, are guests at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. oeorge sronaugn or Baker City are at the Perklna. J. R. Dlcksnn or Pendleton is regis tered st the Imperial. E. O. Relnert, general manager, and L. T. Terry, traveling representative of the Dally Mining Record of Denver, are In the city, having come to attend the mining congress. fDr " r u n ) ( it r Larg THIRD, YAMHILL AND SECOND STS. . Saw.' " nfl ft n f v . - tec $1.00 Men's Shirts 39c Odd and broken lines of Golf, Neelleee and Dress U shirts, stiff and soft bosoms, with and without 0 0 collars and cuffs. Friday and Saturday 20 only.....'........ yv 20c Children's Hose 5c Odd lots of 10c,15c and 20c Children's Hose. Pv Closed out, Friday and Saturday only. . . ... OVt $1.45 Ladies' Union Suits 39c The balance of our Ladies' Union Suits; values up to $2.25. We have divided them into two lots, at 89c and 69c for Fnfay and Saturday 30 only..-......:.......-.. ...OyC 50c Misses' Drawers 12 f4c. Misses' Jersey Knit Umbrella JDjswtxL-JIoJ Close out, on rnaay ana oaiuraay . : flf only. ..... . i . . ..... .. . . . ... . . . , . f . v . . 1W2V Misses' Jersey Ribbed Union Sm 75c Misses Jersey Ribbed Summer Weight Union Suits; 75c values. Friday 'and Saturday l(n - only................ 0 20c Children's Hose 0 10c Children's heavy ribbed, seamless, double knee, heel and toe ; regular values 20c and 25c. ' . Fri- A day and Saturday only . : 1 Uv .. ' - . "I 75c Men's Suspenders 19c World Beauty Suspenders, convertible into a Q, belt. Friday and Saturday only 1 y L 50c Hose 33c All our 50c Fancy Lisle, also all-over Lace Lisle, in manv different patterns, all this season's novelties. ft For this sale, Friday and Saturday .' 22 only . - , . $1 Corset 48c ; Satin Girdle, in pink, blue and white, also fine grade Nainsook Corsets. Will go on Friday and JO ; Saturday only............. 'CL 65c Men's Under wear 39c All our 65c Men's Underwear, several different jL kindswhite and colored, to select from. 20 n Friday and Saturday only... .OyU Su1tablefof sawmilf-men, garienersphopj-pickers I or visitors urday" only . SALE OF Lace Curtains Took all the dropped patterns of three leading lace curtain manufacturer s. As-choice -lotf-Nott ing--hams as you will find in the entire country, a great variety of patterns, in white and ecru. FACTORY COST WAS MORE THAN YOU PAY. Friday and Saturday only LOT 1 $1.25 and $1.50 Lace Curtains, per pair 75 c LOT 3 $3.00 and $3.50 Lace . . Curtains, per pair -' $1.75 LOT 2 v $2.00 and $2.50 Lace Curtains, per pair . $1.25 "LOT 4 $4.00 and $4.50 Lace . Curtains, per pair $2.25 25c Men's Canvas Gloves 5c or visitors to the coast. Friday and Sat- ( fjlv Notion : ...... ..- ! Dep artment BEST LINEN THREAD, spool. ............ ,4 CROCHET COTTON, in colors. .......... .2 DARNING COTTON, spool. . ........ ... . . . .2t CURLING IRONS ..3, 4, 5 NEEDtE BOOKS ... ..... ................. .5t KNITTING NEEDLES, set. ............... . .'.4 HAIR NETS ;...V. ..........5 POCKET MIRRORS &t KID CURLERS, dozen ..... . . . . . . . ' 5 SLATE PENCILS, dozen .5 CORSET LACES, each... ......If HAIR BRUSHES ..10t CLOTHES BRUSHES .................... 10e PURSES or ladies or men.. ........... 5S 10f EMBROIDERY SILK, dozen. .............. 10 BOYS' SUSPENDERS, pair,... 5t CELLULOID COLLARS, each. ............ .5 BABY BIBS, each. ...................... ....i GARTER ELASTIC, yard.... .......... .4, 5e POCKET NOTE BOOKS 5f BONE COLLAR BUTTONS, dozen. ........ 4 CHILD'S HANDKERCHIEFS VASELINE .At TOILET SOAP ., 3 INK, bottle ; 3c DRESS SHIELDS, pair. ..... ..... . .5t HOOKS AND EYES, paper .If CORSET STEELS, pair. . .4e CREPE PAPER, all colors, roll. 6c HAT PINS, two for.. v. If) ENVELOPES, pack . 1 ........... . .4 ........ .3c DRESSING and POCKET COMBS. . f ...... . .5c SAFETY PINS, paper.... 2c KNITTING COTTON, baU. . . ............ .4c THIMBLES, each lc OIL CANS, each .5f DIPPERS, each a....... ............. ..4f; TIN CUPS, each........... ...3c. GRATERS, each ..... .. . ...... .......... . . . 2c LUNCH BOXES, each . . . ..... . . . . . . . .V. . . 10c PEPPER BOXES, each .2c TEA STRAINERS, each............... 2c CARPET TACKS, paper....;. lc CORK SCREWS, each............ ......4c $1.85 Hammocks 75c Hammocks, double braided, strongly roped, nickel ' .ends, fancy colors. Friday and Saturday HCn ' ' only......; w... ,1 OC 35c Ladies' Hose 19c Fast black, seamless, white feet; regular 0 value 35c Friday and Saturday only. .. . . IsC Ladies' and Children's 147 Ladies' and Children's Mull Hats, Manufact urers' Samples, no two alike. We have divided them into two lots 1 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY 0 0 49c 89c 25c Sun Bonnets 5c - Odd lots of Sunbonnets; regular values 20c C .and 25c Friday and Saturday only DC ' .' . . i ' 50c Bleached Table Damask JUc . J Bleached Table Damask, 60 inches wide. 20 f Friday and Saturday only................ OUL I 25c Linen Collars 8c ( Men's 4-ply Linen Collars, a variety of leading O q styles. Friday and Saturday only. . . ....... OL I 25c Vests 9c We bought 200 dozen Ladies' Vesta at half price, silk taped neck and sleeves, lace yoke; the reg ular 25c grade. Friday and Saturday Q only....... yL $1 Wrappers 69c All our $1.00 Lawn and Percale Wrappers, made with deep flounce skirt and trimmed yoke. fXf, Friday and Saturday only. ..... . . ... .... . . J7 L 50c Men's and Boys' Buck Gloves 25c Strong, ;well-made and Shaped Gloves. Fri- OCf da and Saturday only. Ld FruitU 1 1 Mason s r-r-JarSv:11:-.---- Ouart size 53f Pint size '"AJ NOTICE Fruit Tirs delivered 55c and C- f Jelly Glasses, each 3C DC DC rheae, Bae 13. '. .' 1 1 (