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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1904)
' I ' A . i TIEE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. , THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST ll,- 1904. . EJI IF IT'S H2RE IT'S ; GOOD, IF IT'S GOOD IT'S HERB 7 v-: .. -.1 K Mlrfiv LKJ Very few store la this eeaatry . could , , afford to nfn tlii Iom Ml Ilk this n tUs. ; Bat my pol io? is to make each msob take ears of its owm loss, ud en joy Its own profit, S the values of which this" advertisement tells, are the be st and most attractive we have ever proffered the, people, so is this, our SECOND ANNUAL MILL END SALE, one which the people of Portland should help us make even a bigger success than any sale ever held by us. In preparing the pricing for this ad. we made no exceptions, culled out no favorites, but unreservedly placed our entire stock, sub ject to the people's choosing, at prices that were . never before quoted in this city by any house, where quality was thefirst consideration as it Is here. It is my rule never to carry goods over from one season to another, to make each season take care of its own losses that the next season may commence with a stock entirely new, fresh from the factories. Thus we hope to turn the "sluggish month of August ; 1 Into the busiest of the year. " Each department offers special values, ; . besides the million of Mill Ends that we bought to help make the sale popular with the. Bargain Hunters jol Portland. Read them through the pricings here they will prove interesting reading. Look to Shanahan'a during Jluguat for v bargain that no othor ttorm, no mattar horn big, earn or will of far. -- ;,; V; SHANAHAN S DRY GOODS te .... .-rr Will, end" A FTf" ifl tmTEHi .. I ...... i5 N ;vq . 2ic ;. 5c v. 10c 68c 29c 25c 35c lc lc lc .lc:'; 2ic For Piece White For Pair Infant' . For Pair Xadles For f 1.25 Percale ' ' For -78o Calico For Hingis Gray For Misses' Wash Tor Down Ball For Paper amerl- For Colored Bor For Spool Knit For Spool Clark' a Finishing Braid. Black Socks,- Black Silk Mitts, Wrapper. "Wrapper. , , 'Blanket Walking Skirt ' Pearl Button can Pin . der Handkerchief . tin Silk.- Lustra . III HI ' III I HI' j : m ... ' ; " " I ' ' '-V ; - ' " lc , For. Men's Four- ln-Hand and Wind sor Cotton' lias. ' 3ic For Skein Domes tic Tarn, pink and blue. 5c For Hand Mirrors. 4Cr For 16x2S-ii Un bleached Honey comb Towels. , , 6ic .,''''.';- ' Yard (or colored and , black 8pim Glass Lining. 5c For lSxlS-ln. Un bleached Turkish Towels. 4c For 14x10- Inch Hemmed Bleached Huck Towels. ilc For Ladies' Keno fiUtched Handker chiefs, ;f isc For Child's Nasa reth Walat, worth' lc Tard for Fancy Silk Trimming: Braid. -'Worth : to and lOo. , . Silks, Dress Goods 24-inch Ponree, all silk, $1.00 65 20-inch Ponsee, art silk, Bo... 394 27-Inch Fancy Meroerlsed Poqa-ea, -6o kind .............. ,.S9f SO-lnch Tlsue D Sole, 6j kind ......19 'Satin Finish Foulard, worth, 6O0.....I94) Tusaah Silk. - in pearls only, regular 76c kind .K .v.....29 Fancy Silk Organdler, regular 75o 38 27- inch Crepe De Chine, purs silk,-$1.25 kind Satin, all shades, rerulajS0o..,......2S 20-lnch Japanese Bilk, regular S5o and 40e .i...... . 7...-.T- m.. n. i .. . .25 We have about 2,800 yards Fancy 811k left, and many new' ones added;" values up to 11.50; for this sale' .; ....39f S0 yards Silk ' Moreen, regular $1.00 kind ........ ...;39s 75 ' pieces Wool and . Mercerised , Moreen, 5c and 76e kinds ..................29 28- lnch Alpaca In champagne, light blue and pink; regular '6 5c klnd...... ....39f 2S-lnch Etamtne, all wool. In" champagne, blue and green, regular 75o kind.... 39 68-lnch light mlxM nittian Twnyl, 11 KO kind .....95f S-lnch Cotton Cashmere, regular 25 kind v....;.. ...... 12a I6-lnch Poplar Cloth, - navy, tan, brown, 40c kind 25V Danish Cloth, half wool, all shades, 25o kind .15 Children's School Dress Plaids I.. 9 New Wash Stuffs Challles, Immense rariety. r..3'i Lawns, . Dimities, Batistes, 15c, 20o and 25c kinds ........... . . . . ...... r. . . .Wt 12-lnch ' Striped Skirting Moire, regular ' 25c kind 5 Flannelette, good value at ltto......5 2300 yards Fancy Nainsooks and Oxford Walstlngs, 15c, 20o and 25o kinds.. .10 Striped -Oxford ' Walstlng, regular 26a kind .......A.. .10 Mercerised Gingham, regular 25c. ..15 Silkolines, reguarl lOo kind ..5 Dress Gingham, regular 10c kind.... 64 Dress Gingham, 12Ho and 15c kinds... 9 Tard wide English Percales,' 12c and 15c kinds 9 Calicoes ..........4 32 -inch Percales, regular lOo klnd...6'a Mill Ends Plain Black Sateens, regular 10c and 12tto S Mill Ends Plain Black Duck, regular 10c and ISHc ... 5 Jrflll Ends Spun ' Glass, 12o and 15o kinds .!, Mill Ends Mercerised. Sateens, 25o. .10 White India Linen, regular So .4'j White India Linen, regular 20c ......10 Comfort Calico, great variety, 7Hc.3Ja Tard wide English Percale, regular 12Hc ............ .6 GoodvlOo Outing Flannel 12Hc and ISo Figured Dress Sateens. .9 42-lnch English Lawns, 16o klnd....T'i Light Shirting Calicoes-. . . . , ; .3a Best American Indigo Blue . and Gray Calicoes ........ .4 Apron Ginghams, regular 7e .... J...4'j Dotted Swiss, regular, ISO .....'.....T'j Cream Outing Flannels 5 Tard wide English Madras .. Ginghams, regular 20c ........................10 House r Wrappers Ladies' House Wrappers with fleece and shoulder wraps. In all -colors and stses; , goods worth 60c; special.. ...... ....29 4.0 ffl M -$1.00 All Cloaks, Jacketsand Suits"- We have very few Cloaks arid Suits, but if you are needing anything in this line and we can suit and fit y otf , we will save you money. Any Cloak or Suit in the house for less than half the original price.1 v ' I Shirt Waists Never in the history fThTrtor haYe we had such values to offer In these lines as you'll find here. : We just want you to look and' see. for yourself. Ths time you taker will not b lost V White Shirt Waists, made In the latest, style, some with tucks, others with laces and embroidery a general 'clean-up of aU our 31.26, f 1.60, 12.00 ' and 12.60 kinds. Choice of 66 different styles, all slses, at only ......................95 Another lot, better goods, highly tailored and the best values In the city; many of these waists are worth $2.00 and 33.60; all slses. " While they last your choice fort.". fl.35 An odd lot of Percale, Calico, Batiste and Dimity Shirt Waists, tailored. In the latest styles, all. slses and colors; sold regularly for 76c, $100, $1.26 and $1.60. Tour choice while they last - only ........59 Ladles' Whit and Colored Shirt Waists, with tucked front, lawns, calicos and percales; were 60o to 75o.,28 and OO FANCY SILK WAISTS Black Taffeta Silk Waists, black, blue and white; elegantly made and hemstitching; . sorrier of these waists sold for $4.60; special f 1.95 Ladies' Sldrts A full line ' of Misses' Walking Skirts, made with , strap and .buttons, tailored seams, with the Anna Held flare. .Colors are light gray, black, royal blue, dark, gray, navy and browns. Sell for 95, f 1.60, 91.95f $2.25, $2.50, S2.T5, $2.95, $3.75, $3.95. . Voile klrta In two colors,' blue and black, trimmed with taffeta . silk - bands and fancy braid, 6 rows of tailored silk bands over .hip forming a yoke and extending down the - front seams to bottom, also 4 silk bands around bottom of skirt; prices from ..$5.50 to $10.85 Ladles Denim Washs Skirts, In tan, "blue and gray, trimmed w(th straps over the hips, stitching, flowing and folds bands; were $1.60 and $1.76; special 79 Ladles' Linen and Crash Skirts ...$1.38 Ladies V;. V -MusUnUndemeir Ladles' Muslin ' Drawers, with hem and tucks or ruffle ..18- Ladles Muslin Drawers, with hemstitched ruffle '... ... ...... .....25 Ladles' Good Muslin Corset Covers, trim med with embroidery ......10 $1.00 . and $1.26 Cambrio Corset Covers, trimmed with lace, embroidery and rib bon; special 50 Ladles' $1.60 and $1.76 White Cambrio Skirts, with dust ruffle and wide flounce, trimmed with cluster of tucks, Insertion and lace or embroidery; special.;.. 98 Knit Underwear Ladles Sleeveless Silk Vests, neck and arms trimmed with silk lace, pink, blue . and white; special .....38 Ladles Fancy Sleeveless Vests, with lace stripes and fancy yokes, pink,, blue and whiter; special 1 25 , Ladles' White Ribbed Shaped Vests, high neck, short sleeves; special . 15 Ladies' White Ribbed Knee Length Pants. lace trimmed; special 25 ( Ladles' White Ribbed Sleeveless Union Suits, knee length, lace trimmed; ' special ..35 Children's Long Sleeve Knit Vests; special ..... IO Boys Gray Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, all slses ..19 Children's Nasareth Waists, all slses. 15 Children's Summer Dresses We haver . several lots of Children's Dresses, In' percales, -. calicos and ging hams, that are well made and hand somely trimmed; garments that sold for' 85c. $1.00, $1.25. $1.60, $1.76, $1.85, $1.95 ' and $2.26 we are now closing out at about ' half price; your selections $1.50, $1.28, $1.19, 95, 88,, 78, 65 and ..v...46 A few . White Lawn Children's Dresses that were sold for $1.60, $2.00 and $2.60. If you can find something to suit you take It for 95 We are closing out all our Peter Thorn p , son. White. Duck, Gall tea Cloth Children's Dresses; these dresse are very stylish and highly tailored 'and were sold for $3.60 and $4.96; choicer now $1.95 Ex. Qual. Domestics 72x90 Bleached Sheet, hemmedTTeady Tor use, 5c; special 45 $1x90 Extra Heavy Sheet for double bed, linen finish, 72c quality .......48 40x30 Pillow Cases, regular 12Hc; now. 9 46x3$ Pillow Cases, soft muslin,, 20c value; now ......................12'a 64-inch Turkey Red Damask, 30o kind for ,., ...15 68-lnch Unbleached Loom Damask, heavy, good for common use, 40o quality ...15 38-lnch Curtain Swiss, . fancy stripes and dots, 15o quality 9 27-inch Cotton Flannel, regular 8c, for. 5 27-Inch Outing Flannel, cream, 8c now. 5 White, Spread, hemmed, $1 regular . ..68 White Spread, with fringe, full else and extra heavy, four designs, $2.60 reg ular ......", ."J... .$1.65 All Wool Colored Blankets," $4.60. .. $2.85 Stripe Ticking, satlne finished, worth 25c for .... .........15 SC-lnch Cambric Muslin, soft finish. 12 He: now- 81 Hammocks that has been sold for $3.00 and $2.76 will be closed out for ..$1.55 9x4 Bleached Sheeting, regular 2 So for. ......19 Bleached Muslin, 8c for.... .,.5 Cotton Toweling. 8c for...i ..'..5 60 dosen Bleached Napkins, $1.60, now 98 64-Inch Extension Brass Rods,' 10c for. 5 64-inch Heavy Rod, with silver ends, 20c, for ...10 48-Inch Tapestry, In stripes and figures, . sold for 76c now, per yard.. 35 Bureau Scarfs, white and colored, 85c for ..- 25 Turkey Red -Table Covers, 76c kind - - - for ..1 -.48 10x4 Red and Green Linen Table Covers, warranted fast colors. $1.50, for. ...98 White Damask Table Cloths, with colored - border, red, pink 'and blur, worth $2.00, for .t ...........$1.15 Lacs Curtains, a full slse Curtain, 76c for ,'. 39 A handsoms Curtain, . full length,, beau- tlful pattern, In white and cream, $2.60: our price ....$1.68 Men's and Boys' Furnishings - If you are heeding Furnishings for your husband or boys hers is an opportunity to get them the right kind , and at prices never before quoted on goods of this Miscellaneous Items Needle Pointed Pins, 400 count, two packages for ,.,.5 Regular. lOo Knitting Silk, two for... ..5 Regular 26c Ladle' Slse Supporters, all colors ..,.10 10c-Knitting Silk, per spool 1 The quality is the best, the prices are lowest. These values must be seen to be appreciated. : '"-.. Men's 85c Negligee Shirts 19 Men's 15o Suspenders .................5 Men's 60o and 76c Golf Shirts.,. ,...39 Men's Balfiriggan Underwear,, plain -and fancy stripes; 60c and 76c values.... 38 Men's Lightweight Summer Underwear; 35c; specU ; 19 Men's socks, in black and mixed colors; ' 10c values, S pairs ....M5 Men' 50c Striped Work Shirts..... .28 Men's 16c and 25c Silk Bow Ties, each.l Men's 25c Ties, light and dark Tecks..l Men's 10c Colored 'Border " Handker chiefs ,.i 5 Men's White Handkerchiefs, 3 for 5 yim'm Wpnh T)p, Fnur.ln-handa and Windsors; 26c values ..1 Men's 75c White Golf Shirts ........ 39 Men's 75c Golf Shirts, two collars .to match 39 Men's 50c Dress Shirts ... 18 Boys' Fancy Striped Sweaters; 60e value ............... .....18 Childs' Sweaters, In fancy . colors, but ton shoulders; 85c value ...........15 Boys' 35c Negligee Shirts, black and white stripe . ... 19 Boy's 60a Dress Shirts, fancy bosoms. cuffs to match ,. .....IO Boys' 26c and 35o Caps 19 Children's Blue Flannel Sailor .Suits, ages 3 to ; special .$1.95 Boys' Two-piece Suits,, blue and . black cheviot; special $1.75 Boy's Light and Dark Colored Laundered Percale Shirt Waists, with Mother's Friend belt; special ................29 V Fine Hosiery Ladies' Fine Black Lisle Lace Hose, as sorted patterns, 60c quality ........33 Ladles' Finer Lace Hose, lisle finish, as sorted patterns .................... 18 Ladles Lace and Dropstltch Hose, regular 20o ...........15 Boys' Iron Clad Hose, all slses ......19 Boys' lxl Rib Hose, double knee, regular 20o 15 Misses' 25c Fine Ribbed Hose, lisle ' finish 15 Children's Finer Lace Hose, with silk stripe, pink, blue and white, special. 15 Misses' 26c Black Lace Hose 15 Misses' Red and Blue Ribbed Hose, with white polka' dot, regular 25c ........15 Gloves and Mitts Every offering new, this season's goods, the- quality and style Is excellent, the only small thing is the prices we are quoting during our sale. 16-tnch Black and White Lace Mitts, reg ular 25c; our sale price ............18 16-Inch Black and White Silk Mitts, reg ular 38c; sale price .............. ..26 16-tnch Black and White Silk Mitts, reg ular 60c; sale price ...........29 18-isch Black and Whits Silk Mitts, reg ular 76c; sale price .....48 24-lnch Black and Whits Silk Mitts, reg ular 76c; sale price .......49 Extra Taffeta Gloves, colors and black; regular 85c; sals price .....25 lc Tard ' for Fancy Silk Trimming Braid. lc Tard Mill Bads. Lawn. . . UUmltlea, Calicoes, per ' yard ....! 6c For C h i 1 d r e n's HeavyBlack Seam less Ribbed Hose, extra special. lc For 8 k 1 n o f Good Quality Zephyr. : 3c For Ladies' Hem stitched Colored Bordered Handker chief a . 38c For Ladles' "Tape Girdle Corsets, pink, i blue and white, worth 75c 18c For Ladies' Mus lin Drawers, with hem and tucks or with ruffle. 5c For C h 1 1 d r n's Sun Bonnets, plain and fancy colors, regular 25c. 5c For C h 1 1 d r n's White Lace Stripe Bonnets, 15o value lc Tard for t Black Linen Scrim Inter linings, worth 7e. 2ic For Men's Turkey Bed Handksr- chief a , , lc A yard for Vel veteen ( Binding. 5c, For Ladles' White Apron. ", 6c ' For - Skein -land Floss. " Shet- lc . For Skein Domes tlo Saxony, slight ly soiled. w , 3 k Tard for Un bleached Cotton Toweling. 5c ' For One Hundred Paper Napkins. 3ic For Ladles' Bleached Sleeve less Vest. lc F o r L a d I e s' Whits Lawn Tlea lc For 60 Lead Pen cil. V lc Dosen for Good Safety Plna . lc For two dosen Patent Hooks and Eyes. , -, . You'll Be Pleased you visit thtt Croat SomhJtnnuat Mill End Sal you'll find bargatna that thm Portland bargain huntora nooor droamod of, ' and that wilt, plmato you, and your potkot book. Como'oarly. ' t McCall Patterns . We are agents for the celebrated McCall Pat- terns. The patterns show seam allowances ...and exact baatlng and sewing Una lOo and l&O each. fLf) In) rS Jw isS J"t DTI McdaU's Bazaar ; Free Come In and get an An- funt Baiaar of Fanhiott ree. We aim take auh criptlnna for McCall's . Magailne 60s a year. 200 Cents for $ 1 Vom'U find In ovary dt part mint of thla atoro, goods, rallabla, taason ' ablo, uP'tO'dato, goods that you can buy $7 worth for $1. This Is no funny talo or woutd-boad-utrltar'a shop talk, but aotld facts. , - v ...!