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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1904)
1 - C THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 11. 1804, , 10 PORTLAND LEADS UnOVEUEHT lQLZt Or II1MTI STXWXT FATES SACS' YXAJ AW9 rwm cm slab stow kom obab sx stbbbtb ran caiia txlab UT OTXXB COAST CXTT. ' There has been unusual activity. In street and sidewalk building throughout the city, durlnir the past year. - Many miles of new streets have been opened In the outlylns districts of the city which are fast becoming thickly gettiea. Is - districts where there was not house two years ago there sre now dosens of handsome residences. As a consequence the city Is over whelmed with petitions for traded streets. good sidewalks and aewera, and It baa been impossible to keep pace with the demand, although every energy of ' the city administration haa been exerted In giving the new districts an me ira provements possible, with the means at - its disposal for making sucn improve- meats. Portland X-eads Coast. In proportion to Its population the " city of Portland has more miles of - graded streets than any otner cny on . the coast,, The blocks are small and the streets as a rule are of good width. It area of the city Is devoted to street and sidewalk purposes. ' As fast as possible the business see- tins of the city Is being laid with sub stantial streets, such, as asphalt, atone or specially prrpnreu wwncn i" nu the old plank roaflwaya eliminate. There are now miles of graded streets In the city. Old wooden side walks are also fast being torn out and replaced by either cement, stone, brick or aaphaltutn. - - - aCiles of Partus. - Following Is given, the length of the 4tlr... Vlnil. r ru t In tfm r January 1. 104: Asphalt pavement. 4.(1 miles; stone block pavement. 4.H miles: wood diock pavement. 1.8 miles; bituminous macs dam pavement. (.24 miles; macadam pavement. 47.M miles: gravel pavement. $9.7$ miles; plank roadway. 1.8S miles; elevated roadway. 7.71 miles: graded streets unpaved. 8$.0t miles; brick pave ment. (141 miles. .Total. 130.11 miles. On January 1, 190. there were miles of cement, stone, brick and asphalt sidewalk In the city and 111.11 miles of wood sidewalk, making- a total of 41149 miles in the city. The sewer system bas not oeen oz the best In the past, but during me -fa. , o,e vrmMm mat trnnefive- IMl Ulicw v. vm. S - r r- ' ments bave bees made and at the pres ent time several of the largest sewers are being -enlarged and repaired and many miles of new drainage arc xere Installed during the next half year. Plans . are last oeing periecea iwr ii.iniwi district aewer which will be constructed within a short time. This big drain will give a large section of ths eastern part of the city the best kind of drain age. Work In reconstructing ths Tan ner creek-sewer Is progressing rapiaiy and when completed will eliminate a great source of trouble to the engineer ing department ' . Numerous other large and substantial ewers are being -constructed and oth ers are being planned in the suburban sections of the city) There are now with In the city limits 11.? miles of sewers. CENTRAL OREGON BESTIRS ITSELF A glowing account of the Deschutes country is brought by CoL A. R. Oreens of the Interior department, who haa Just returned from a trip of Inspection into the district tributary to the new. towr of Bend. He says that regardless of the lack of railway . faculties the people there are putting In . large sums of money to develop the native resources. Under the Carey aej capitalists have ac quired 28,000 acres of desert land, which a- v.l . ........a- tatA mntt Hat Irrigation projects. ' The Deschutes Irri gation A Power company Is taking a leading part. It now haa water running In It miles of 'ditches, and wherever the water has been put on land this sea son the effect is wonderful. The ver dure Is the dark green color, showing a strong, rich soil when water Is applied to it. The company has only made a beginning, and will largely Increase Its force) this fall. Its payroll, now 18,000 a month, will g up to 120.000 before winter sets In. The town of Bend Is booming, has two busy stage lines, a telephone line Just completed, and Is projecting water works and -' electric lighting systems. The mills cannot supply lumber fsst enough to meet the demand. Town sites are being laid off by the Columbia Southern at Pickett's Island and CI ine. not far distant, and these places will have sawmills. An astern concern Is negotiating for A mill site at Bend, and If this goes through A plant and timber tracta representing A quarter of a million dollars will be Added to Bend's business prospects. The people are" looking to the Columbia Southern or the Corvallls A Eastern to come In and give them sn outlet to Portland. FEAR A SHORTAGE (IF CARS NFXT FAII (journal special mrw.) Seattle, August 11. Lumbermen fear hortage of cars this fall, for Indira tionavjiow are that the railroads will not be able to carry east promptly the lum ber ahlpmenta of the coast In aplte of the declaration Of President Elliott of the Northern Paoiflo that that read will have 1,009 new cars for the fall trade. Wheat Is considered A perishable pro duct and must be moved without delay. For that reason grain men get cars before lumber men. ' Indications sre that lumber shipments this fall will be heavy, as tbe prolonged of production Is putting the trade In good condition. thai lines r-f all the northern tranecontl rental. lines, and A great number of cars Will be needed by the growers. All turough Minnesota and the Dakotaa a hamper crop has been grown, and In Washington the yield will be enormous, with the exception of the Big Bend country, where the growing grain was injured by frosts. TACOMA CAN'T AFFORD . FILIPINO COMMISSION (Special Planets to Tbe Journal.) Seattle, August 1J. Seattle must enter tain the Filipino commission three days Instead of two. as was at first planned, for Tacoma sent word that It was unable to raise the money for the one das suy the etmnfteslnn planned to make there. Tbe Filipino officials and prominent men The journal I Want Columns RATES! One tlmeTc A line. One week (7 Insertions, Includ ' Ing Huntlay Issue), tic a line. One month (Including Bunday issues), 75o a line. . - Classified sdrertlsements are payable la advance minimum charge l&o. : "Help Wanted", and "Situations Wanted".,, advertise ments are published one time free of chargA . Advertisements must be In by It o'clock noon for the dally is sues, and 10 o'clock Saturday evening for the Sunday Issues. Branch Offices , OTBBTXSXMllXrTS will bs received at regular main office ratea at the following plaues and sent to The Journal In time for publication In the next issue: ZfOBTH. . '. R. A. Preston, druggist, ltd and Thurman streets. Nob Hill Pharmacy, M0 Qllssn street, corner list. A. W. Allen, pharmacist, lfth and Uarsha.ll streets. B- B. Jacks, confectionery, 0D Washington street, corner 19th. V ' ' SOTTK. ' ' B. P. Jones A Co..' druggists, Front snd Glbbs streets. Cottel Drug Col, First and Grant' . t streets. . .. . . BAST SXDS. ; ' '. "' ; - Tuttle's Ptlarmaey, 8SI ' Missis sippi ave, corner Shaver st, Nichols & Thompson. 128 Russell street, corner Alblna avenue. Jancke Drug Co,, cor. Hawthorns and Orand avenues. J. A. Dick, tobaccos. 224 Crosby (eaat end steel bridge). . B. F. Fulton.o onfectlnnery. 174 K. Burnslde, cor. Union ave. Ingram Bush, tobacconists. 111 Grand avenue. - --SU"IfUDB. X v. Worth, pharmarlat, tit Bel, mont street, , . BBOOIXYaT. Brooklyn Pharmacy, cor. Powell and Mllwaukts streets. .' proposals rom rao rumor. Reeled oronoaals . will be received hv the Water Board of the City of Portland. Onroi. until $ p. m., Thursday, August 18, 10U4, fnr rurnianing at tbe power house la tbe Cltr Park one eaat iron plunger tor the extra blah service pump, according te aeecription and measurement, which mar be obtained from W. 1. Sharp. Puma Engineer. Cltr Park. The rlirht la reserved by tbe Water Board to reject any or all blda ' Propoaala must he enclosed la aa snvelone endorsed oa the outside, "Proposal for Pemp riunger, ana saareseea to the unoerslgneo. JTttAnB, X. lHIIMiK. '' Superintendent. . Portland. Oregon, August li. hkh. XXLW WAnTO) MALA. BARBBB trade taasbt by ear sew Bietbod, Whirs eaablr ptudrnt to ears vifH while learning. Call -or addr1 fnr free Tatatono, AMEKIOAN BABBBB COIXBOH COM Mo. DO norta slits at. BrtlLLRO AND UNSKILLED LABOB of an exwrlptloM, promptly . aappuad. tree of ebarse to emplneni. k HArJSB!'B RMPtXYarE!tT OFTTCS 24 North BeeoBd atreet, sear Baraalde. . aTElf WANTBD To leara barber trade; apodal otTer; pooiiions aerorea; ronatmni practice ana exparx inatruction:' eataioirne mailed rree. Moler Byatem Oollrge, Baa rraaelaco, CaL PSTKR EMPIOTMRNT BTTBEAU. 22 Tblril at.. Dhone Main ftlfi: fnrnlahM all kinAm of help. Wanted, I cooks, sous (Iris, 600 sop pickers. MEN wlntrd. to read the "Male Help Wanted" adtertlaementa: roo'll alwara And a nnmber e gooe npeninga among tnw WANTED A young man to drive s milk wssnn; moat do a eooa orammer. Addnoa O. SB, eara Joarnal. FIRST -CI. A SB peeaaar for coat, veet and pants. inarteo vonprj, room .any, intra ear. Btark, ap stairs. WANTED Preas feeder, Alrls S. Hawk Co. KELT TABTSS rrsLAXX. Keep mar ere es Journal want eol- what yos want le very Ukaly sdver. tlaed la tbea eomaae today; road tbes earafally. COURSES of etndr for yonng ladles la dealgnlng ano art; earning power oavriopod la renr Booths; tar ma low. O. IB, Joarnal. BEAT lady for few hoars' work dally In small tranaient loafing nouae la excDange lor alee room. m Alder at ' fOtVATIOn WANTED atALB. WANTED A yoaltloa is which to eara board ana roost ey yoanf man attending nasineas coll, f. D, rare Joarnal. rsTrxoTaxivy aoevctcb. WItXAMETTS Bmployraent Beal Batata Co.. ! siomaoa saa is norm sixtai utrgeat and beet Uat of real eatate and labor oa Pari no eaaatr mall erdors eoUelted. . HELP of ell desertptloae farntabed aawmllle. tostlas eampo, laetorue. Tree to empmyi Alulne Bmplornient Aeer. sear Morrlaes. 16i fwet st. raeoe siaia isit. WB raralsk all kinds of stale help on short setlea. WILLIAMS A ROFbh. Pbone Red 1S1. . 29 4 North Beeoad St. LA MRS rBltlona eerarad and female help rnrnlabed. Tbe Oreeon Woman o Employ. mont Arrarr. 90 Anakr boildlnar. Phooa Clay 403. i f ' ' AMERICAN Kmptnrmvht Arnrr. Hflp of all sinoa rorniaheo; on abort notice! mall order snNBptly attended to. 30 N. M st. Mala SI 13. FOR I.ADIKM nNf.T. PORTLAND . Women's Emplorment Company. 11 Allaky, eor. Bd and Marrlaoa. Bed SOOT. JAPANESE Emplormeat Agency raralenee ea- inawncs. rarmnanoa, eie. as norca ems ex. Pboae Clay MIS, PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO.. Labor eontrae- lora; neip me to employarm, sis Mornaoo. HELP wantad and anpnlled, male or fraialt. h. u. uhaka ZtH Waablnstos St., Clay 440 WORK fnr me, men fnr work. - HANSEN'S OFTICB. M Nortk Beaoed a. WABTID anBCEIXABXOtrB, - AN AT)VERT1SP,MENT like thta In Joarnal want mlnon 0 renta a line (are liieertlea. It la attrartfre and rearbae tbe people yos wont te reach. Try oael WANTED To borrow A4O0 to ftnlak good aeearlty. Addrena O.-T, Joarnal. 1' ANTED Pair of Indian elnba; ataU alaa, walaht and prlr. L. H.. Journal. WASTED BZAX ESTATE. WANTED Te bey from ownxe, a ifnnll dairy, fruit or poultry farm; fall aVtarrlptkin. Adrepq A 1. rare Jnnrwa). of the Philippine islands will bs shown about Seattle and given All -the oppor tunity possible to sea the city. Its sur roundings and to study the people and reaourcea. ' Tha party will arrive Au ut 17. "And yrnir Wffll street reminds me so much of ths old Lake Michigan," said ths visitor in New York. "Why soT" Aeked the broker. "It is so full of water." 4 WABTSD TO BUT. W ANTED Te let yos know that adverttalns roar vacant rooms la Joarnal want rolumua a ine eaairac ana quirattai wa j io una a alrable oecupanta; 1ft ceata par for tl wurda. fob bent HotrBEXixrnia booms. fl.TS PRR WEEK Larae, eleas. faralahed boaerkaoplnt room, with aaa or laanorr. bath, ' phoo; alas aheap furalabed eotrasos. J. Laudlias. IS4 bitermaa. 1'hooe Claf 9UA. yoR RENT Hoaaekaeplng rootna In all porta ef the city. Read lb la elaaslaeauoa If yea are iooklug for ovate. THS Tamplatao, SOSH ltt St., nicely farntabed - Boaaraeepinf ana sinsie' rooma: reaaonabta. KICKLT farnlabtd hooaekeeptng aolte with sna, batb and I'bone, or entire flat. MB Yamhill. SfW Sixth. nicely rnrnlabed booaekeeplng apart- menta; llfht frout reoma. u. ileal, rrop. CLIKTON. ear. tat and Columbia! Ins adll Will Heat; reaeAoahle prieea. FOB BENT rtrSXISKED BOOMA THE PAIBMOI'NT. 28 H North Blith. near HurnaHe. half blnrk north ef poatofflre, S blorka aoutn of depot You can get .rooms In thte elegantly furnlahed, new, ateam-hxated hulldlnf at reaaooable ratea, furnlahed et unfurnlaned. elnala or en suite, hot and mid ' running water In rooma, elertrle llahta. porre laln hatha, pbone; tourlat and tranaient trade aoiicircd. lira. B. E. cartwrlf bt. proprletreas. rrna Lincoln. o Morrtaoo. ear. nth New biirk, elegant, furalabed. aunny roema; all modera eonveoiencea; tourlata aod travel tn( mes oollclted. Mrs. T. 1. Uushea. Proa. RIVERSinB HOTEL S4A East Oak.' rnrnlabed and unfurnished rooms, alogle and en aulte; lodging, i per weak sad ap, i'hone Boott Sot. ' , . ' . . rt'RMSHED mom ada la Journal want cot- smna bring reanlta; SI . words for IS seals M ine rate, nare yos any rooma x, er-avtarTTen mmamm m mm. eu. i 2.VS Klfth at cur. Madlaon. Aloe room aod Duara. . Tnn TEMPLE Large, alrely furalabed reoma; reaaonania. wnt xtmniu at., eor sevents. TUREB or foor rooma; gaa, heat; furnlahed or unturnienea. ja n. lau. r-snna vWrat ZKttl. ri'RNISHKD front alcove roofs for gentleman, SOt Want Park at. ... riNB rooma, 201 Tenth, for, Taylor an FOB BINT HOUSES. FOR RENT B-room eottage. with baaement and yard; SOT-Nelaoa at.; Take Eaat Ankeny and Twenty-eighth at. car; get off at Nelaoo wais one Diocs, inquire boo next ooor. . OOOD home ts alwara a senrre of sleaaurai many sire nooses that will make food homes are constantly advertised In Journal want eoiumna. Are yos tooklng lor one I BENTAL AOENOT ef J. L WeUs Co.. ft Orand ave. . We make e sperlaltr ef renting booeea and eollertlDg es eaat aide; ebargee reaaonable. Phone Union S8S. NEW - modera 6-ma knuses oa the eaat aide. In s good location. 120, 31. Innulre ef Hartman, Tbosipaoa A Powers, S Chamber of Commerce. . FOR RENT House, corner Seventeenth and Ollaao atreeta. Inquire at 16S rirth. Max Smith, "The Ravoy.7' , FOR rent or sale. 1011 Wllllan -room bouae, all nosers coavenleocas. Bain. 324 Stark st Apply Jobs BOOKS WTTK BO ABO. BOARD with rooms, well furnlned: Seeders X21 Ihlrtaestb at. eonvealoureei table Boars. FOB BENT FLATS. FOB RENT Newly rnrnlabed flat. 494 Eleventh, earner or Barneide. FOB. BALE HORSES AND CABB1A0IB, YOR CAN sell roar bone or weeos by adver- tlalng it in Journal want uoiomoa; try tnemi SI words for IS cents. ' FOB SALE BEAL X8TATB. FOR RALE A T-roora boose with t lota, corner) graoed atreet, nlcs loratlon; B piorka from can: fruit treea. PHce Sl.SOO. S lota at Woodlawn, 50x100. no each. 14 lota near Montartlla- ear line. $30 each. Enquire at SAO Going at..- Hlghlaad. L, t. Christian, owner, 660 Going at. FOR BALK t seres sa tha O. W. yP, ear Hoc; lu eenta ear iare; win aeu cneap ir taxes soon: yoo eaa make yonr owa terms; get off at Gates' crossing; enquire at first bouaa, south. This ta a snap. PROPERTY OWNER If yos bave a ay prop- err y tor sale, a overuse ic is tnaae columns. Journal Want Ada are great real eatate aales men; 21 words for 16 cants. - FOB BALK -Three B-room eottagea with base ment and yard; good condition: renting for $14.00 month; eaay tar ma; $1,400 each. N. 47. Journal. RKLINQriSHMBNT OS ISO seres land Bear A,yie, waan. ; goon cwo-room ; goos well; sbout two acres fenced. N. IS, Journal. FDR forma, acreage, city pmpoitj, choice tl in ner sns nomeeteaa loeanoes, see Marwelj A Co.. $19 Ablogton bldg.. , Port la a A Ore. FOR S ALE el-mom bonae and lot at Forty- second and Dl vie Ion ata.l hot and oald water; $1,400. Call at 224 Washington st, room M. ROOM cottage. No. S04 Corbett st, with Sne orchard; lot 50x100 feet; rent $16 per moats. Inquire Frank Haebeney, $40 Corbett et FOB SALE, $1,800 S room cottars. S lots 10ns li v rest, l blocs east or woodlaws ear. la quire at bousA, $94 Shaver at. FOB BALE Five-room bouae and- two Iota. soma small fruit, and mors for sow and chickens. Pbone Union 1394. 80-acre Improved farm for sale; stock, ete. Particulars, address C. W. Stephens, Clerks. Oregon, Clackamaa county. FOR BALE o-room modern bonae: Rot 1 no lot; loui iweuia sc. wooaiawa; price si.sdu. at. Farrtngton. MANUFACTURING site. lOOrlnn or Jnfl feet en Railroad, cheap. 604 Ooldamlth at. FOB SALE FABAtA FOR SALE FARMS Improved farma for saw Is sn parts ef Ore goo and Washington: payments made te sett purchasers. For fall particulars aa te earl, eaa properties apply te Was. Mar M sat sr. $11 Worcester bids. WO'XD you like to live oa a farmt This Is where many excellent rarma are srtea ad vertised. ' Look for them. FOB SALX BaSCTXIASxtOTJA. I SWING suchlneei ICS Sns machine slightly damaged at very low prices; Blrree, u. S. I'ome-tlc. White. N iw Home, bids A King, Willamette. Wheeler A Wllaoe and ethers; arme acw drop-head machines at $20,00. A S. Steel. Aid Morrtaea St., ear. its. Msrqsam bldg-.Purtland. Ore. IN your store room yos probably have some thing of no use to you. out it a good, and yos may juat aa well get eaah for It by advertising In Journal want columns; 21 word for IB eenta. . FOR SALE S fresh rows. 1 spring wagon, 1 set single and donnie harness; also I good horse; will be sold at a bargain.. Call at Learbe's foundry. Macadam road, Fulton. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER. Visible writing. Tabulator. . Ban Rearing. Light running. Agency SS Front at Pboae 1LI.IARD AND POOL tables for rent or for ele on esav nsvmenta. TUB BHUhSrVK'K-RALKB COLLENDBB CO., i ev inira ei.. -rorriana. 600 CORPS ef 4-foot live fir wood for sale; Jenne matins on . w. P. car line. I miles weat of Oreahars. Inquire of B. A Jenne, Boar acatlos. " . BH'TCLB closing ent sale; $40 Wolff-AmerV cans now tuk. neventn ana, sinrriaoa ate, LOST AND FOUND. OST Many good epportnnlllce evrry day yos fall to read Journal want uoiamns. uea't TO IX0HANOB.. VtHAT yos have and don't Want Is just what someone elae nee da and ean't And. If you'll advertise It In Journal want columns you can make good trade. Try them;. 21 words for 16 cents. ' ASPHALT PAYIXA. THE Trinidad Aapbalt Psvtsg Co. et FertlBSat OfSce U Wereaeter kla. Don t : for good luck to come your way -be " wide - awake and Consult Want Co lumhs they're full of opportunities Twenty. - oiie words for fifteen cents BTBINZSB CHANCEA BOOMINO HOUSE HEADQUARTERS." TAFT A CO. jfdg7 1J9-S Abingtoa Phone Mala ISA te. FEW OF OITB LEADERS. 84 BOOMS Located en Blxth at.) rent tins a month: 1 veara' leaae! thla la a first rlaaa tranaient bonae and to elearlug from tiuo to (150 a month. Price '2 400 Bfl BOOMS Located pear Portland hotel: low rent and good leaae: this bonae clears never less than tlbO 'a month. , Price an luwi IS BOOMS Well lore ted: rent $69 a month: t years' leaae: this place clears ever aion - it, Mm tl 9ofl. IS B0OM8 Extra well located; rent ST0: yeara' leaae; ttila bouaa' cleare 170 n month Price (1.500. BS BOOMS Located In the heart of the elly on Washington St.; rent $50 a month; , years' leaaa; thla bouae bEVKK . clears leas tbas $200 a month. Price " ' ' $3,200. ; . . ,. ' . BOMB SMALLER ONES. BOOMS Lereted near Portland betel; low rent: the rnrnlture in tnta nouas la FINE and tbe bouse la strictly modera. Price. $700. ' . . S ROOMS Located en North Eighteenth St.. eloee to Waablngtoa at; low rent ' PHce im f BOOMS Well located; bouse strictly modern; In-'iudlng lurnaee; rem e-i.oo. . arm ..- $328. . ; . ' . ' NEW TODAT. It BOOMS Elegant furniture.'. Bruaaela car- - pets; Just a step rrom roriiaoa smn, rent only $40 for one year; preaent 1 owner baa occnoled tbe bouae for Sve years. Price $1.100. ( ' V ' : WB WANT" ' ' y": A SO to S3 -room lodging boase, well rur- nisnaa ana wen lorsim; aw w. , room one In the vicinity of .the Port - land hotel. Can. make "quick eale" ' f aatlafactory. . , v .. , TAFT A CO. 12S-S Ablogtea bldg. ,, 108 H Third at FOB BALW.- ONE cottage. B rooms; S lots, easy terms. This Is a snap; muat be anld. A modern steam laundry, cheap ta ths right Party.- Choice fruit farma at Hood Blver. Grocery Itore; good Vocation; cheap rent: a ABIntereat In printing company: up-to-date; splendid chance for the right man. A bomeatead relinquishment; s good oppor tunity for farm. Wanted. S or 10-acre tract Bear Bellwoed sad MUwaukle. J , Rentals snd Booming Rouses. RAKER REAL ESTATE CO. - Boom S Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE A merchandise store, 11 miles from Vancouver, Week., doing s business of $24,000 pee annnoa. we bare looked thla up and know whst It Is. The etork ta worth more than tbe price eaked. last 100; 100; store SBxflS. with a feed-room 20i.l3 In the rear. Here Is s chance t snake from $4,000 to $.000 a year. The P. O. la located In the store, -and pays $200 per . annun. .We have full particulars at 129 Beventb attest i . FOR BALE Stock ef hardware, stoves snd tin ware; the only tin and plumbing shop In tbe town; located In one of toe Beat towns la tba Willamette Valley; stock will Invoice between $8 noo and $4.0(10; best of reasons for aelllng: reference, Hexter. May A Co.. or Marshall Welle Hardware Co. Address B. S. ears of Portland Journal. - . BLACKSMITH shop for sale In eastern Oregon, Including tenia and stocks; good business; will take team In pert payment. Address B. B. Pennington. Douglas, Morrow county. Or. BUSINESS CHANCES' artvertlsements Is Journal Wsst Colnmns bring big returns; If yos want to boy or sell s business, try them; tl words tor 16 ceata. WHAT bave yos to esebenge as full payment or part payment for s life Insurance policy In one of the largest old line eompasleo! Address M. 72. JoursaL - BBSTAUBANT that will nay for Itself In ons month, doing good business and will bear investigation. Call at 88S Eaat Morrison St. $CO CIGAR snd confectionery, with Ice cream and living rooms. . 63$ First St., South Portland: rent $S. WANTED Partner with $2,500 to take half h. tercet is good paying business. Call 27$ Osk at. riBSONAL. J. J. Hlrshbettner. pension attorney, eounaelioi at-law. pensions: war ot tne Keneiuon. In dian wars. Act of June 27. 1SD0, order No. TS, widows, children and dependent relatives, bounHee, arrears, commutations and claims against tbe U. A Room 6, Cham, ef Com. YOOB pr ascriptions srs more aersratrl? and reasonably tiled at Bvaell'a Pharmacy. S2T Morrlaoa St., but Ftrat snd Second sts. PERSONAL Your business or professional card In Journal Went Colnmns will bring yoa business; SI words fnr 16 cents. Try It CATER only fn tbe best people, sneetatlat aa diseases of tbe hair and era Ip. Mrs. B. De Vere, 800 Dekum. Phone Hood SOT. , "ON a Slow Trals Through Arkasaaw, by Jseksns: foil of fun and fokest SB easts. Jones' Bookstore. 201 Alder et ' MUB. L. K. HARDEN has retnrsed from her vacation and Is train la her office, 602 pregnnlan bldg. Tel. Clay I5K2. MMB. ft. U. ujiy.-dermatoloa-lst, ecslp trestsseut shampoo, electric maassge. til Oondnongh. ATTCBNETA PACIFIC Coa at Law A Collection Agency a-ortusn oirics, uv (.nemner at A B. BIOOEN, attorney and aounsellort-lsw aotary. SOS-SOS Abingtoa lldg. SHEPHERD, ANDERSON A CELLARS, Atornera. S1sA20-eai Msrqoam bldg. ABT METAL W0BKB. ORNAMENTAL work for evetdenree. business . hooaes, banks snd offlce ralllnga, grill, Sre. plsce' Sttlura, ctandellars. signs, f voces, art work la any atvle metal and nnlab; hammered leef work and metal entnntng s speclsltri bonding erwvaireetaral vecrk.' t S. TSercA 4US-404 Darla, eor Mats. t : - ' - Wait Journal MONEY TO L0AA. FBKD H. BTHONO, FINANCIAL ACBNT. aaosey te ken. Be commission. I am is s positloB te make Immedlnta en Imprevsd real estate er for brMd- purnoses: any amount: otoueraM Inter- Wa approve loans from pirns snd ad- vases Bwosy as building prograsass. .. OptUia la repayment after one year. FBXD H. STRONG. Vlneeelal Agent . jus rumnd Bt, near aura. THB STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, sa his Bote, without mortgage eaa get Month. . -month. Week, ew.wr nepay se SA.0O Hefejy to $16.00 Aeiiey to nn Sis. or er tS.M s s.66 er frafl er il.nS us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or tl 00 ConBdeotl.l. S10 McKay bldg.. lOSVt $4. bala BT LOANS Any eslsrlcd nersoe having poainou wits reaponsini arm ess obtain money on the -?aay pnvmeot plan, wt th ou t publicity er Sclav; all' business treated xriciiy eonfldentlal. NOHTuWBsT LOAN eai eoingtoa mag., city. LOANS ON THB BA8Y-PA YMENT PLANT Io Salaried People. Strictly OonSdeutUL Office hours. 9 a. m. te S p. sa, ' " EMPLOYEES' LOAN CO. , Pbone tM. . Room Tie. Tbe Dektrm bldg. 8. W. one. Third end Washington sts. MONEY TO LOAN oa resL personal and col , lateral eecurltv: apedal attention te chattel morta-sgee; notes bought. C. W. Pallet $1$ - Commercial blk. Pbone Mala ISSS. . M0RTOAOE LOANS ea Improved city end farm property at lowest current ratea; building loans. Installment loans, Wsav MseMaster, $11 Worcester bldg.' ' . - . MONEY loaned en blanos. furniture and other chattel eeenrlflea: all bnslocss strictly pri vate. NORTHWEST LOAN CV. 821 Ablug sas bldg.. city. - MONEY to LOAN In hree er anuTI smeasts t" soM security; lowest rstsn. WllUam O. Beck. SOT Falling bldg. MONEY ADVANCED salaried peontev tes maters. v wunoui aeeunty; easy psymenrs: larg est business In 4 prlnelnal cities. Talma A $38 Ablngton bldg. - CHATTEL loans In amounts rsnaing from $BI . ej.taio; rooming-bouses s specialty New Bra Loss Trust Co.. toa Abingtoa bfcte.. O CHATTEL loans: rewilng Sonsee a sperlaltr. Ina to salaried people. New Era Loss A Trust OS.. 906 A bin tor bldg. . MONEY TO LOAN FROM - awi iik: FKIVATE PARTY. - ADDRBAS m MOHAWK BLDOT MONEY TO LOAN. on Improved or unimproved Y-r rf nj. in soma to salt, rarrlao. watc klne A Co., rW Akler et LOANS at Vre-aet ratea an furniture, pianos; any secuniy notes rurmsaso. xastsrn Laia offlce. 41S McKay bldg , MONEY TO LOAN on Cmckamas enunty lands. b. r r. B. Alley. SOS Chamber et Com merce, AECXITECTA H0DO8ON A CO.--Archltecta sad aperie '. Foerth tsudents. Bulta Sit Macleay bldg., ea snd Washing ton sts. Goodrich A Goodrich, architects; Wm. W. Good rich, consulting engineer. 180 Sth. Front 1A32. BABanra and ligjitebdi a. OREGON BOUND LUMBER OO 181 at Pbone "rant 1171. BICYCLXA STAB NOVELTY WORKS Dealers la head Mercles gee oral repairing. ST Union BRASS W0KXA PBIBB BBOA BRASS CO., 810 North Tie vents. srees. oroess esaungs, moael making, gaa srsl work. COAL AND WOOD.' GREAT WESTERN COAL CO., 441 Hoyt. eor. . jiis; weenea lump sooiiass eosi, so.uu par ton; ant, $600; agents for Cumberland Range. $7.00; Caatle Gats, $o.60; wholesals prices; free delivery; full weights; satisfac tion guaranteed. Pbone Malt 048. HERB la rear chance to get your winter's box wood: rive 10a as, si. no a- load, or single leads st $1.76 s load. Multnomah Wood Com- paay. Phone Mais $11B. GOOD fir cordwood st $8.76 delivered to sny piece witnin w diocbs or r-igntn saa usw thorss streets. Phono Boott 407A ALBINA FUEL CO., Railroad St. and Alblna ave., sear tarry; slab and block woodv dry aud green. Pbone East 87A GORMAN COAL CO. Front snd Pettygrove ate. Call us up. PHONE MAIN SSS. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO.. Phase 1018. Cestls Gets coal and all other eeel ea tbe vaarket 164 North Fifth at HOOVER A CONWAY. $18 Water at, tbe place for good 4-foot live ar Sre wood. . I'keae Mais 46AA' PIONEER Fuel Cs. from foot Mar. rleoe te Coot Msls st Pbone Mala lflA 0- B. VELIN. wood aud coal; office $$ Alblna are., near ferry, fbone Ban 1SHX. OREGON FUEL CO.t all kinds of eeel aod see Morrison. Phone Msiu on. 0ABFXNTXB3 AND r-fTLDEEA - . J. ACTHOata II. A WOOD, carpenters aod builders; repairing . and )whMng: store aod efnee Art urea built Shop 80S Columbia. Pboae Clay 1861. . ' Banning a Armstrong carpenters aa.i Artilldara: repairing and Jobbing; reasetMble fates. Kbop ear. Foarth aad Colombia. Front 0. W. CORDON, counters. -shelving, houses built ed renahed. SOS Fourth. Clav 174. - CHIROPODY ABD MAjnCUBINO. WM. DEVENT A ERTELLB DEVBNT, the snlv scientific chlropodlau, psrlnra room BIS Prew oiog.. ivd second at pnone maiB i.toi. xnia le tbe longhaired gentlemen. He Is tbe man yen are looking for. - 0ATXAV THB OFFICE, tf Washington at, ,boue A aiain 111. ncaev at vigneasa. , , CAFB KB ATT. in Sixth' st A See laoeu served at an hours. CB0CXXBT ABD OLASSWABX. WHOLESALB eroefcery and vlaaesrare. Prael. negate A Vo 100, te 10s All to, cur. Btark st 'CLAIBVOTABT AND FALaUST. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, palmlat, card reader; I gin facta reliable aud Im portant on all affairs of real life. UMdloae ' n(r. IHO Fourth at. r COMMISSION ITERCHaNTB. CVKBDINO A FABRELL, prodsoe and enssh. sloa aueribanta. tao r root at., rurnaae. wr. I'beoe Male 17s. OI0ARS AND T0BACI ESHKUOJUNST CIUAB CO. . DUtrlbutor ef . F1NB CIGARS. ' Portland. Oreges. OZXINT 00NTBA0TOBA HAWKINS A CO. Besldeoee, SOS Fourtk at. Dhona ' Fmut Iifrot: cement work of all arrlitloasi step work apeclalty; work guar- sataad. CHAR. H. CARTER, geearal eoatractort oemewt alOovalka: cement Work a aperlalt: all work guars a teed. 107 Grand ave.. N. -Eaat USA. CHAA H. CARTER A CO. (formerly Carter A Kill, cement enntrartora. 74 Tasgan. 1H Eaat 1NTS. All work guaraatead. SO0 AND R0BSX KOSFTTAL. DR. S. J. CARNEY Veterinary suegrss. lot Nortk Slttb st V Tboae Mala 14S4; roe. pboae, eieio ou-rf. DEC0BAT0BA HENRY BKHOFH 1 .10. First s wallnaoar. Irutralue tapes tries, . applique frleaes, (ster- tor oewnuiaj, . , ; FBATEBNAL INSURANCE. ORDEB OF WASHINGTON Fore moat fratae. , sal soelrtv of northwest : n rot acts tbe He. Ing. J. L. Mitchell, supreme secretary. SIS suu mo aiarnuam Diag rortisna, vr. . Pbone Mala X Tele- STUBS AND CLEAXTNO. Berlin Steam ..Dyeing A Cleaning Works Meet equipped dye works In tbe city; dry eleanlag of ladles' Sue garments s apeclalty; reasonable mires; prompt service; flrst-cleae workguaraB- leea. en Aider st fbone Mais 4oe. PORTLAND STEAM CLRANINO AND DYBINO Warksi practical hatter la coo sect Ion l feather Boas snd plumes cleaned and curled by as ss- ail ourtn. rnene Clay too, ' J. HUNTER. 660 Jefferson St.. Steam carpet and auttreaa cleaning: feather reoovstlugj an worn gaarantreej. I'soue Main sis. t'LUI HEBCt.EAKEnANnPBE8SEP $T I month. Usique Tailoring Co.. 84 T Washing ton St, ,..-:...!. H. W. TUBNER. Brnfesalutial dyee nod slesnse, SOS Jeffereos at Phone Msls tBIAj DBISSM AQBO. MRS. McKlflBEN. artlatte making. S81 Morrlaoa st tin and . etoak- XBrBBOIDEXT, FINB dlaplay embrolderlea and point laceK Or- ners tag en o 1 lay si. ZLXCTBIOAX. W0BXB. NORTHWK8T ELECTRICAL RNOINEERINO Companv. SOS stark St., Portland: O. K. for everything Is tbe electrical Use. Psoas. Msln 1N8A ' . 3L0TB ASS rSXB. FLOUB, feed, potato. eoaL ete. ' Bermae Kanna. 416 Bast Seventh st. Pbone Scott 4511. FUBS1TUBX FACTOSrZS. FUBNITUBB msnnfartsrina: aad special order. L. Ksvsnsky's fvnitBre factory. $78 Front st 0 RF. 001 Fnralture Manufacturing Compear MaBuracturera et rnroltare lor the traae. sos First st GBOCEBA. WADHAM8 A CO., wholesale Is sneers, bsbbs marc lasts. Feurts facturers and eoamlaaloa ,. and Oak sts. ALLEN A I.EWIA commission and produce mee- ehants. . Front and Davis sts.. Portland, or. LANO A "CO., Fwet and Ankeny stt. BOTELA Hotel Portland. Amarleaa plan; $$. $6 per day. Belvedere) Buroseaa plan: 4th Bad AMae ets. BATS OLZAJIZD. BABTEBN Hat Manufacturing Company, 822 Ftrat near Clay; hate dyed, cleaned, blocked; aasds ever In latest styles ear speataltyi Panama hats. - H0H8IS ASS CABB1A0EA UNITED Carriags Co.. rubber tired csrrisgee, tally-hes. Main (22. K llth. cor. Morrison. IKSUAANCZ. ISAAC U WHITS, fir Isssraacse . bldg. ..;; . 800 Dsksa J AS. Mcl. WOOD, employees liability - ssd ls dividual secldent surety bonds ef U kinds. Phone 4T. $ McKay bldg. H. F. B A STRIA COMPANY. Are Insula nee. 44$ Sherlock bldg. Oregoa phone Clay 62A FIRS INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A Csv, 821 Bberloek bldg. Pbone Mala 186A ARTHUR WILSON. Are li bldg. Pbone Mala 1908. JSOX W0BJEA PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineers, mane, fart were ef marine, mining, logging and saw. mill machinery: f.eomnt attention to repair work Phone. Eaat 29. Hawthorne ave. slU. tOCKSMITHA H. O. SMITH Locksmith and general repairing. 440 Washington at. Portland, rsone uiay pus. SJj '414-1 i1 t, :ssa MA0NETI0 HKALZR. I SUCCESSFULLY treat all forms ef disease. whether chronic er acute; also teach ethers. Mrs. L. H. Hart, 811 Allaky bldg. MUtnCAL. VIOLIN, mandolin, cornet, clarinet and all string and wtsd Instruments, Prof. Edwla A. Smith.- Mats 4708. 264 Twelfth st T. B. LAWSON. 240 Park. eor. Main, plane MS. i terms reasenable. Phone Front 811. MA8SA0X ASS BATES. VAPOB bathe and maasaire hv mdy with young or ssslatant Iiovs fwrrtn. room s. MRS. OB ROCK, messeuae, bas returned fro SI ths eaat Union 5082. v - aftTBTO BXALIBS. FISHWH MUSIC CO., , 10 Third et.Vletne talking machines; repairing. Red Brat, 0TXEALLA BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS snd merhsn- W-s cloth Ing: snloa msde. Neustadtee Broo manufartnrera, Portland. Or. FLtrMBElA FOX A CO., renltary prnmbera, SI1 Bacon A bet Mam and BAlmoa. Oregon pheae, Msln soot DONNERBSRO A RADEMACTfER. plumbers. removed 84 Fourth at. Both phone. LOW-PRICED f aa flrlm-es, 41S Waablngtoa. H. CLA188ENIVS A RON, Plumbers. FAlrfTl TINS ASS FAPIB-BAN0IHG. F. B. BUTTON., painter and paperbanger. ITS Msdiann at, Weat end of bridge. SXS8S CLIP PIS ft A MAKB M0NEYI UBB PRESS CUPPINGS! Ring as Black II and ardor a moath'e service covering every towa la eay of all eneat at a tea: dally messenger service; advene reports urn sll contract work. Pertlssd of Acs too Second et FLATIBO. THIf OREGON PI.AT1NQ WORKS. 4S1 Wash ington atreet. Phna 237. Polishing, plat lag asd lacquering. TXSTS. , . : B O. WBIOI1T. lawyer; satsnta a apeelaltrt Protect your uvsntloa. Koom 80 Dsksaa. a.a tj-si , , . , ., , ' . PAINTS. OIL ASP OLASA ' F. B. BEACH A CO. Pioneer Pelnl Cu.. salllns thing made Is paints. snd general building materials: window-glass sd glaalng s specialty. IBS First at.; pbone Msln last. DnnID nDNN" CO. Pboenlg Paint aod" Warks;- tnanufactnrers snd Importer Sainta. oils and snravs, etc.i pbone 187 Offlce end I.Ptur. fin.i..k . .11 . ... . i i '"TJ-I-ER A CO.. manufacturers Ptoneee lead. Phoenix Paint. Kopsllse! a gaarsalee fy a, Brery gallon of paint sunufaetaied TR.-B Sff p "ART CO.- agents for the Mnlocn house nainta. lt lUwthoene eve. ' '. Phnae East ISfT. , v BASMUSRN A CO,, ,bee.. pelnts. slls. glsssT, W$l S FA aBtlfl Ma?ja4Bai SI as8 A A ml-. 1 1 - s ir-urs. m. i'SINTINO. BIt-i,0!IJl C1; FT,",' " "ri"'- , Ing. llthogrsnblng. blank Ixmka and office r!iir.V: Je?1'""" ,lr' moat eoBipleU printing office le the weat. Main 104. 4 ?i.rRi0:J. n'J.?MWiT PAXT, Printing. k-orl"n;' 'b,1 Pboua Mala If, foe Aider at sssarsreai. ,1 , 1, s a-vaaseas B00TTSB. """FINO. guttering, repslrtug and gvasral e. AJvmu. ta aerxerson susf. ALL kinds of roofs replHrrd snd painted. W. I. Farrell. SO 14 First. Scott 042. . SOFX PORTLAND COB DAG B CO.. eor. Fusjrtsenth ns wortbmp sts.. Portland. Or. . , , BUDBEX STAMPA P. 0. STAMP WORKS. Sta Alder et nK . Mala TI0; rsbbar stamps, ess Is. atetwHla, hag. . , ecim Bar rstSHSjae, BFSAYTSO ASS WSlTBWABSXSO.. IPBiVIIM mmA I.-, roe ate. harme doclre etc M A u Co. Call ap Scott 854. we will eall and give yos 8girea oa your work. The largret jtaoollne anraylng and whitewashing aaiSt ' l0V"!"om,, "Bty. . S70 Mtlwaakle at. t t M f41. Oafs SATES. LARGEST stork In city: Dtebold work; lockouts- repair, jail worn, ateel celling, treat- snd goooa meriting your patrooaa. fa, SS Third st . Dsvl BT0EA0X ASS TSASSFZB. SAFES. Btasos and furniture moved, packed for shipping and ehlrmed: all work . " I 1 ' S ', . , 1 1 WOTS guaranteed; large 8-story hrlck fireproof K a PahMli. ne b.cmm frH , l , 1 a M. OL8BN. Pkon Wain B4T. a O. PICK, office SS First St.-between-Stark ' end Oak ets. 1 phone 60): pianos and furni ture . moved and parked for ahlpplogl eoos Oitxl loos fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Cloy sts. TXANSFXX ASS HAULING. AtsnAM WDavaeeB ca 184 North Blxth. teiepbona Main, SB. Heavy atorogs. , x . saaiing aad POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. S00 Waeo- mgioa su inons vr. Maio wn. SHOWCASES ASS FtrnTBEA SHOWCASES of every desert ntlon; bank, bat ane srore nature mane to order. The Latke Manufacturing Co.. Portlaad and Seattle. .. , . 1 1 'sans in s-a-js t TTFEWBITEBA YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUABTBBA ' xvtu etnrs ntreet Ws rent repair, sell, exrhsnre tvpe writers, , All suppllea for all machines. . Standard mechlnea $29 and up to $100. Do yos want a atennarrapUer ar typist t V"'e save list of good snpllcsnts. , Phone Black 287L ALL MAKES of type writers fnr rent st Under wood Typewriter Agency, oa Front at. TETJNK FACTOBT. " - - PORTLAND TBCNK MFG. CO. . Wbeleaale and retail. - Pbone Clay 80. Onr. 8d A Pine. Portland. Send for ratalogae. T0WZX, SUPPLY, CLEAN TOWELS. DAILY Comb, brush, snap. - Si per montn. Lawrence aims.- xow-i supply company, 4th Snd Couch. Phone 420. WSXXX TO SISS. BTROUSK'S RESTAURANT, fliet-elaas tmeela, beat service, 82 Waablngtos st WALL? APES. MORGAN WAU.PAPKB CO.. I-!. BeooeA SA, bet, XasUUl sad Tartar, Portia a. F1SABCIAL. V LASS It TTLTOlt, BABTXSmS. . (kaUbllshed In I00S). : Transact a Oaaarai sanklng saatsaae. Interest Allowed en Time Deposits. Collections made st sll points oa fe vocable terms. Letter ef credit leased available la Europe and all points In tbe United Slates, Klxht Riehange and Telographle Trans fere ' sold on New York, Waahlngtea. Chicago, St, Louis, Denver. Omaha. Saa snaclsee saa stos tans sod British Columbia. esehanara sold uo lmdon. . Parte. ' BerHo. Frankfort Boug Kong, lokoeemo. aiaslla aad Boaotuin. - riBeST STATTOWA1. BASTS: - va li.... wn Dastgasted Depository and Financial Agent st the United States. nerenn,, ,.. 1 m,i-i Oa-bler J. W. MBWKIRS: Aasletsnt Cashier. W. 0. ALVOIlO Second Asstatant Casbtar..... .n. V. STKVEKB - Letters ef credit taseed available ta Bur op esw Ui Saaters Vtatee. Sight Rrehanrs end Talegraobls Tranefera anld ea New York, Boaton, Chicago, Bt Leule, St Paul. Omaha. Saa Francises snd the principal notate la tbe Northwest Sight and time btlla drawn In enms ta salt en London. Pari a. . Berlin. Frank fort-oe-to Main. Hons Kong, Yokohama, Oopeuhages, Chrlstlsns. Stockholm. . Bt rstersburg, hloa- eow. Knrlca, Honolulu. ' I Colleetloaa meda as rsversbls recuse. SITED STATUS BTATTOWAYj BABJC, S0BTHWX8T OOB. THIRD ABD OAS STAt Trssaaeu a oeaerai Banking arueiaesa, -DRAFTS ISSUED. AvaULsF ts sll cities of the United Suites aad Kurope. noog aong eon saaainu OOLLfcCTIONS MADI OS FATOBASLX TXXKS President., J. fj. A INS WORTH Vice-President W. B. AVER Cashier B, W. SCHMKRIt Assistant Cashier.. ......A. M. WR1001 M1 nCXANTI Jf ATIOIFAT. BASK, ' PORTLAND, . 0RSO0N. I. FRANK WATSON President It. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. -HOYT , Csahlee SKOrtOB W. HO YT....wu... Asstatant Caahtee Transacts a ueaerai aianaing usinese. PrafU aad letter of credit leaned available) vo ail per re ox ine woriu. Collection s specialty. Gold dust bought OSTDOBT Bt SAW FTkAWCTSCO BAJfaV , LTUTED. t r - Chamber ef Oommere Bufldlsg, Third aad stars BTresin. . . trteud Office, SB Old Broad Street. TjuejdB, This hank tranaacta s general basking busi ness, makes loan, discounts hills ssd Issues letter of credit e reliable for travelers and foe tbe parch a ae of anerehandta In sn dty ef tbe world. I lea is 10 inreieu ano oomesu sscusaojsb Interest pera eej rim AVecMtt. W. A. MACRAB. Maansee. SvjOTJWITT SATIWOB A) TATJST CO, , $68 Xovrmon St., Portland, Or. - "Triatii -i a General Banlclne Business. i SAVTNOS DEPABTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time and Saving Dsposttaw Acts aa Trustee for Rststee, Drafts ssd letters of credit available la sfl parts ' of the world. 0. F, ADAMS , President 1. " A. T.BWIS.',. r...'.t.-.. .First Vice-President A. L, MILLS., Seoood Vlee-Prealdent B O. JUBITS...... Seers tsry. BfOBBIS BBOS. m CBBUSTIJrSXS. Offer gnt-edre Irreeatmenta hi Konlclpal sad Bailread Sonde, Write er sail, ' 1MH Trrat $X. Sutland. Orefes. " MORTClAaB LOANS" On Pn -fiend Real Eatrte st Lrnreet Ratsa, etfl, m..,0 roenlahed. TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST CO. 1, Chamber tsmmstsa. I-