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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 9. 1901 amA aaehaAaaWataSV cumal Orient la Still in Mar ket for Large Stocks of Flout Wheat Up. May Wheat In Chicago rTouchea $1.04 as the High Point Today. TODAY'S MARKETS Entered Vh. noatofflce of Portlandr Or. for trauagiortatlun through tlx Bull as second elaee matter. Poataea for alne-la eorrlea: For an i. 10 0 18- Cge paper, J enut; IS to SO pagoe. t cantai U 44 paei, I out. - TILZPHOKM. Business Offtce-Maln BOO. . . . Editorial booms Mala 260. rOEIIOW AOYZBTISIXO BMBISBBTAirv-. Vreelsnd-Beneemln Sneelal Advertising Agency, ISO street, Mow Xorki Tribune Build. n i) vaicago. ' . . , , V , nBciyror5 bath. ; Tama bv flawier. The Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 f"r....tT.B8 , Th rIIr Journal, 1 rear BOO Thai Pally Journal, with gunday, naonths. 8T5 Tb Illy Journal, 8 month f Th Illr Journal, with Sunday, I month. 1 Th pally Journal, t month 12 Th Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 month., , ,69 The Pally, par week, delivered, Sunday Included , , . . Thall. n .. t. - .I..H A B.n.f a. . ospted : Jh. Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 year.. 'J-JJ To Pellr JournaL 1 rear 80" The Dally Journal, wltb Sunday, t month. STB The Dally Journal, month f The Dally Journal, with Sunday, asontbs. 1.P0 Th Dally JournaL I month ! Th Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 mouth.. juw t'auy journal, i monin.......i.. A eji wunflay journal. 1 yesr. ... ... Tbs Sunday Journal, month.. 1-w - . Th Basal-Weekly JearnaL. Th Beml-Weekly Journal t to ' 1 peg, DOKta. 1 IHf. " .., n Weekly Journal. ' :' Th. Weekly Journal. 100 column of read- in ach Issue. Illustrnua, (uu ewee. rt-porta, 1 year. . "i , v Benuftaneea ahould b mad by dratta, poatU note, eipree order, ana a man , acceptable la 1 and 1-eent pontage 'amP- THE J0U1VB AJU T. 0. Box 121. Portland. Or. J IB ubaoibm to Th Journal who may 1 tow a fw tb ummr an hro th PPr forwardi-d to them to ny addrM without extra chart, payment fur tb to " mao npon tneir rrnrw. - - - VEXX1 tn JOTTiMiX VAT H rOTTHTX. ThrjorniTeMTb loanliinaTW-or Jrm-lnf place: j ' ' i CHICAGO Postottle Mw eompaoy, ITS Dr- oorn street. . ' DENVER, CODO. Kandrlck Book aV BUtlooery . conrpany. 913 Sennteenth (treet; J. - Black, Sixteenth and Curtla street. v VtMfliK rTTT Van Km New eMBDlsr. ' LOS ANOKI.EB B. F. Gardner, Bnwt prin atreeti Oil r lialuea, 3u0 Sooth r Snrlna: street. MINNEAPOUS M.. . KaTaaaajrh. B0 aVmth . Third. . NEW TORK CITT BrenUn', TJnloa aaar. OODEN Oirflea New company. OMAHA Millard hotl new atend! Mefaatb Rtatlooery company, ivm rarnum sTreei. hit i.a k in riTV knina hotel sews stand Barrow Broa., 43 Wet Second tret. South. T TY1FTTS PhtHn Ttn-Ao Al Tenat tret. AN rBANCISCO W. E. Ardlof, Palae boUl . new stand: Ooldomlth Broa., 230 Suttar atreet; Fred W. Pitt, long Market tret. ' Innif . si kh. lAhn w flMhin A Oo. TACOMA. W A B H Central Mw company, 1121 . raeinc . AVOTIOir BALXl T0M0BK0W. ; By J. T. WIImh, Ml Ankeny. corn With, at 10 a. m.. aale of boo furniahlnc. J. T. wllaon. auctioneer. , Baker City, Or.... Blamarrk, M. D... y. x-'. incAnn bitobt. . weainer wwuimi n urefon, waaninaioa ana ' morntac ood rain bar occurred is northern ' Arlsont and outhrn Utah, and .ahowcr and ' thunder torm are reported In- th Mlaaoutl end nnnee UtealaalnrA Taller and alon tb culf coast. Th rain tn th Atlantto atate hrr ceased ana tu weainor in uei aecnos ! nnaeaannablr Cool- It la alio cooler than uaoAl la nrominff, miuiaus im u &awu. - but th temperature la th luter-mountala r- The- indication are tor fair rathc la this district Wednesday, with nut ugni cnanfes Ui lemperaiure. . ObMrTatloo cloa at . ... - TEMP. - Wax. . Mia. ...... 0 64 02 Bd Bel, Idaho ............. M B t.t.i . It M Charlcaton. S. 0..... M , T2 ; i Heaso. III. .... .......... 64 , - Cincinnati. O. ............ TS 62 : TWnMf rolo P0 - 60 1 Detroit. Mich W i 62 : El Faeo, Tela. ' 66 . r.ureaa, vei. . , r It. too. Csl 12 , TO FcUiia, Mont.............. 64 64 : JfCksonrlUe. fla. M . T2 V.ll.nell Mont ..' 82 60 ' Kamloop, B. fl M c'' 60 r Kauaa City, Mo........ S2 60 ' I Ana ele. Cal.. M 64 ! . New rVn. L 60 V T2 New Trk, N. T TS ; , 62 North Head. naan........ do - cs Orrsba, Neb T6 . M I hlladelnhla, Pa. 62 ,. 63 ; Poratello, Idaho.......... f2 , 64 , , ortland. Or f 54 1 Boseburg, Or. ......... S2 ' 64 " Sacramento, Cal.,....M,. T8 ,;' 66 a. T-l. T ... an- ' Salt lake. Utah. OT ' 64 : R.b Cal TS ' 66 i;' Saa Franelseo, Cal JM 62 St. Paul, Mlna.. a. 6 48 Sniraa ! ' " "e rave ej"ww - - Taeoma, Waah. ........... T6 , 62 Victoria. H. v e , --o Walla Walla, Waah M Waahlatton, D. C 1 Wlnnauucca, NaT... ...... 02 Yuma, Axla. 102 64 60 TS 0 .04 .02 ..J2 0 0 T, 0 0 . 0 0 0 9 , .6 e .42 . 0 it. o 6 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 T 0 0 0 0 ; XABBXA01 XJCZXin. ' Oeorco F. Martin, 82, ad Ellsahetk A, t! W.McOowaa, 40, BpokaM county. Wash and Catherine Erwla, 80. . ' w- . 11 1 1 oo .nA Virtm fine, ea fyoal Dlllschoelder, 25, and Lena Kreaa, 21 ":- - BIBTHS. iiprt J, M Mr. nd Mr. Wlllatm 1. Hal. sou ot 0OU avari aireev, a eom. ., ' COBTA0I008 PIBBABIB. "' ' " ,. Auyuat T. Mnlna Whlta, 18 Wrt Park traotj acariei lerer. . ", VUIBS, .. . Anirast 8, Henry Moly, tr-d T4 Mara,' at case of tb heart. Burial In Forect Ororo, aemat It Robert Alain Moor, aired 82 J ear., at BS1 Bodney a Term I can, cd ental drown I nr. Burial at Ion Tit cemetery. An (tut 4, M. U Lohmlre, aged 6T year, at Baker City, Or.t can, heart dlaeaa. Burial at Greenwood cemetery. Aug , Bachaiia H. Felay, sired 86 year, St L Vincent' t I ; can, aMUlngltU. . BurUI at Mount Anel, Or. Crematorium oo oreiroa City ear fin, near Bell wood: modern. arlntl6c, otnplet. Charge Adalta, $K6i children, 838. Visitor 8 a. au to p. m. Portland Crematloa aatoclatloa, Oau - , f. Tbo Edward Bolmaa DndertaMag WBrpaay. rvaerat aireetor saw eaaeaj.vera ear m treat. Phono 60T. - - . . I. P. Flnley A Boa. foMral director and mhlmra, kcr r-mored to tblr new wta. Ilihment, oomec Third and Madlaoa atreet. aoia puvvjeu no. w ' ( r . tllar-BTTne Co., funeral director and em balm era, 278 Balt Lady seat. Fboo Eaatloa ' Clark Broa, for BWor. 888 Morrtaoa atrart. ''. . UAL IBTAIX TBAJrantBi. ( Immi Manning to Oeorg t. Jallay, an. dlTlded 44 t 18, block 108, Weat Ir-, . Ingtoa , ....2 400 Ilia B. Green and husband to B. V. Ber , wick. aodlTtded H M 11, block 88. . Multnorrh .- , 1800 Tha Hawthorn Batata to Edward A. Luro. lot 11. block 2, Hawthorn Drat add to Eaat Portland BOO Kirnern n 1 1 a u i:n.riM . i rn m a t al, 1 ac.-a section 12, township 1 '' ' nonth. ran 1 eaat BOB reunion . ''im ana wire to rvuiiem. Wallace Sihtn. Vsu 10. 11, 12, block t, : Alliti'S KlKhU ... 600 Lain K. Donner, xerutrla, to A. R. Dl- .A 1 klMW A Ul.hl..a aoa 1, V. Tamleal to Jefteraoa C. Duaaa, lot 8, Mock ft. Central Alhlna 23C9 rTsnnah Menial et al to Carrie W. Coffey, Sarah A. Darenport and b'uhand to.D. A, . Bays, south H lot 1. 8. block 8, anb- ' dlrlalOB B I rerrlew add to Alhlna. ' 800 Portland Truat Co. of treon to Inr. B. Brobat, lota IS to 18. block 10, feru- ' ' MANY ORDERS FOR FLOUR ARE COHINC Z.00AX. Mzuzma Baozrra ujiaa OAixa rmokt xoxoKoara un zabt miqmt vnacm wxu nu. . tT KU BTZAKXS nAOXXI SiraTaBBWTOlMTOZII DOT. , e no Mlb. raTig- Front Street, Anit. 8. Tb principal feature of tb Portland whole 1 markets today ara; rueas n ui aaTancing. Peachaa ell at batter prlc. Poultry market la lmprorwd. ' Cbeae has a better ton. Oat and barley ara armor. ' , i Tom a toe ara going down. Dalle ffreea eon 1 dumped. Car of banana arrlrea In. , Onion are ocarcar today. Oregon potato ar not coming. , Watermelon roach a lower point.; Veal and hog sell at top flgure. Mora cbitUm bark la -eomlng. ' T - Vhoat Xi BtUl Adsaaclng. Ther woa aa sdTanc of 1 coat a bosbal la u Qaotatlona oa club wheat this tag ' Id anawer to th laraer demand. A yei tn more merit or new wheat T quit amal but It I lmotoTlna. Old itocka.of wheat , ara becoming abort and .with th batter oriental aemand for Boar they will not hut Tory long. With thee, condition It Is very probnbht that old wheat wUl be old at a material premium orer th new atock aooa. On of th larger miller today eald that raeterday ha aold at moat anougk Sour to Bongkong to 011 on of tb oriental liner but tb tronbl la to And tb Uner. . He rocelTed aa adrloa from th souad that a ahip would anon lean ther for th orient and will probably ahtp la that direction. "I think that tha action of tha Harrlmaa official In th matter of taking off their liner la a trifle arbitrary." b car. ''odLtbey iWonld. ieon jtallsa Jfc. j As long aa tney can amp Tia tn sound port I ae reaaoa why th ships from Portland ahoul BHiUed off. BZDort Tain for Boor ar i ing from 8816 to 8S.2B wltb most of th or der at the Utter tlgur. , ' Peach Ball at Better Trieee. ! , Wltb stock aot arrtrlng la uch ' larg upplle peaches ar abowlng a better ton ana nm stork which th dealer war Tory aniloua to sell a tew day ago at prtcea rang ing from 25 to 80 centa were aold lata . y terday at around 40 and 60 cents and .th buyer wer aoxloa to porchaae. - ' Dallea Oreea Cora la Dumped. i . Onlte a large amount of areea com which arrlred from Th Dalle waa dumped by the eomtntaakHi men taat erenlng on account of Its wormy and otherwts poor condition. Good corn 1 In xcllent demand with tha price ranging about 15 oenta a doaen. Tb Brat weet pot a toe ram la from Merced. Cal., this morning and wer quoted at cant a pound. , Tbo shipment consisted ot bat flr era tea and wa aoon aold. Crabapple. and la all-kind of pple ar coming Id to awl ft for tb demand and low price ar tb rule.' Some of tbo former ar being sold ss hnr as 1 cent a pound. Tha movement of tnmatoe to market la now at It height and eome sale war made lata taat night a low 80 oenta wltb tha general inrifi around 40 cant. New Potato Ara Very Boar, New Ore row aotatoea ar vary acarc. tock aot being la a proper condition to keep and price ar abowlng atllrneaa. Vary llttM any' Ing la now going on. ,. ' Onions Are Boaro and Higher. 'Ther la a great scarcity of onions ta th markets and all aorta of atock ar eerily be ing aold today at 81.TB per hundred. There 1 no California atock la the market aad Oregon ar not coming yet. Tb market therefor ha to dunes d upon Walla Walla Globe tor upplle. rowltry jurat i uspreraa. Ther I an Improvement la th demand, for poultry, old hen especially being ta larger call. Prtoee ara looking a trifle higher. There 1 still enough spring coming. . - ;.. Today's wholesale a no ration, aa raratM, ar at follows; - Bran, inour aaa rasa. WHEAT BxTjort price :;ew aad old Club. T4c: blneatem, IKei vauey, laic. BARLEY Feed, $22 1 rolled, 1 28) brewing, g2X.nOi24.00. OATS Producers' price No. 1 white, f 24.809 Bk.nui gray, sz3.ouuza.uu. KI.OI'R Eaatern Oreron: Patent. 84.20: stralghta, S8.KO08.6O: rallay, 83.KeS.8d gra. m a. :i on; liia, MILLRTrrTS Bran. 818.50 Iter ton: mid' dllrga. (23.00; abort, souatry, (22.001 chop, 8100. I - . HA T PTodccera' re-ice Timothy, Wtllamett valley, Taney, f io.ouixia.uii; ordinary. 812.00(9 . OO. . -M..IU, SlK MtAla Mt t A (ib.OOeT 12.00; clover. 8O.6Oiftio.O0; grain, (11.60 rx 1S-UU, cseav, fii.wvia.iM Hops, Weol aad Hide. HOPS Nominal. 2BW2flo for choice: 2S02EUa war prims, coniract, ,.wa, uaaa, WOOL Nominal. Valley, roars to medium. 1 1 ''L V" aw, lee, taiwa vreguai, aatjiao. mohaik new. sua. - SUKKPSKINS Sbearlna. IflifUOc! abort vnoL tt'Woc; medium wool, 80Q5oe; loag wool. aUXall OO each. uuxiw-rama, per in, uoc; ne, I aad grease, zfiatte. i ni i aaa o per id; Buying prie. art flint: altd hide, ateer. aoand. 80 lb ar one l7c; 60 to 0 lbs, 8c; under 80 lb and cows, oroyoc; sraaw ana ouiio, souna, sC2 alp, AO KB, av 11. ,c F'U.II, u W 11 Ria. BC! IK, KXMBKKI, HHlflT KU lOm, BWC gleS 1UB altedl lo per lb hnst culla. lo per lb least bona hide, salted, each. (1.2SQ1.TB; dry, a oh, 61 O0i8 1.60s colt' bide, each. 2oa60c goat akin, common, each. lOQlfiel Angora, with wool on, each, 85cO$l-O0. ;- Butter. Zgga and Poultry. V BCTTFR FAT -Mwiiet. 21e! onr, 18. fancy, 20c: ordinary, llde; store. lSHOlUc. K(K)8 No. 1 treah Oregon, Blot uncandled. l(2ic; baker. 1819c. . CUBRSB New Full cream, twin lousi He; Young America. 11ViQ12Sc ' POULTBT Chicken, mixed, lie per lb I hen, 1.1 toe per lb: moater, old, gjjsvs lb; young, lie per D1 broiler, ItUiftilSc per lb; fryer, 12312H lb: dnck. old. lie lb young. 12c dot lb: 18e per lb; in , 8(3Te per lb; turkey, lift iiWUH per lb. ' - Irolta aad TagetaklM. " POTATO KB New Oregon, (l.S01.B . per rt: buyers. Stir. 81.Boltl.4S: sweet. Be lb. ONIONS Walla Walla. Sl.TBl relloer Dan- Tera, (1.7S; gaiie, 10 per b. FRRSH rai'ITS Apoes, Oregon, (1.001.2S per nog; . cheap grade, . 264475 par box) orange. Mediterranean aweet. tH.OOti B.w net nax; late Valencia. g3.25J2.M per box; banana. 8c per lb: lemons, choice, 42.75 per box; fancy, $S.0O3.76 per box; line, Mexican, two per 100 1 pineapple, 8S.00Q 1.60: cherries, 6c per lb; apricot. Oreron. 81.00411.25 per noli plume, Burba nk a, par box; peach plains, BOM 75a per box; peaches, Oregon, 50j0e per hoxi Crawford. Tsaftile per box; near. Sl.29fl.K0 per box; grape, whit California. 811.25 per box ; black Ham. burg. $1.50: black Bin, - per bog; Mack, berrlea, (1.35 per crate) water me lone. BnigDOc per cwt; cantaloupe, California, Socigll.OO per month Till, extended.................. 800 Frnnle W. Dunckley and huaband to Henry L Murton, lot 1, 2, block 25, Irvlngton, 1800 Albert Vahl and wlf to Antolnstt Meeler - Mrbolson, lot 81, 84, block T, Blrer dale aon Henry tvjtus to same, feu 83, 88, block , Anna J. Stark and husband to Antlonett Wheeler Nicholson, lota II to la. black 8. Hlverdala : . Anna J. Htark and bnahand to Hat, lot 10, block 4. Cook's add to Alblna Gertrude Ntrbolaon and huenand to Anna I. Stark, lot. 10, block 4, earn ..... George W. Brown to Utile M. Waodla, kit a, Bwca . arwta larx no. g...... 400 408 real Oet yonr loan ranee ana abetrart ta aatate from th Title Oaarante A Traa pan, caamoev cr ibbtm anudlaa. vt BTfOPnto PIBMH8. ;"( Aairuat 8. 0. D. Brnnn, tare it, y dwelling. en northwest Corner of East Tweaty-aeventb street and Hawthorn avenue; cost, .!,( m. August 9. Mrs. I I'lympton, two-story dwelling, on Weldler between Eaat Seventeenth and Kaat Eighteenth itreeta; coat, 82.000. Aaguet 8, M. I Prebhle, cottage, on Sum ner betweea Michigan and Minnesota a tree u: coat, $. ' Anguat 8, Mr, mien Hall, two-etory gwell Ing, on tha soiithwaat earner of Tweaty-third end tjnlml'r streets; poet. (3.000. . n .... a ' W w.,,... jm. Sfl.n Taiiay road Star WUIUma iumu'mV (000.j ooa; pntmcg. (1.50, Oregon, (2.00 par crate: nectarlnea, 7 fie box; hutkleberrl, 1218 11 cranappHv, if(;jc per ID. , , VBOKTABLfco Turolp (1.2S per ack( ear- roia, pes saca; heeta. 1 io pes aca Oregoa radlahea, loe per doa: cabbage. Oregoa, xc per lb: lettuce, head, 16c per do: graea pepper, 2ne per lb; celery, 80o do; t matoea, Oregoa, 804o per box) pareaipe, T6J (1.26; green dcs. 0c ner lb: gr.eea oaloae. I'WtSc iter dox: local green corn. Hue Joe; pie plant, 2't2iye per lb; atrlng baana, 6c: eucumbura, 4UM&0 Pr bos; hothouse, loe DRI ED FKniTS Apple, vanorated. TO rT mi apricot. H'au per id; c. per lb lesa; peaches. TW4to per lb: peara. lOe nee lh .... f . . , i li . . ik French, H0 per lb; Bga. California I .r "W"' P' Ibl do wbltea. 8HQ7c " . i piuma. piciea, ofarie per in: oatoa, golden. H per lb: farda. tl.60 par 161b boa. BAIRINS Seeded, fancy . 1-lb cartons, 80 Parkagee to ccee, THc pkg; aeeded. lt-oe ear. . " 1 eHee M ua,-ax.a, o" 10 noree, 0 ?ro Pr lb; London layers. (1.8B; cluater. (2.00 W:.2ru;; Us, 60c advance over pound eartona. FIGS Tea 1-lb cartona. choice brand. 80s '-lb eartond, fa ncy brand. (1.00; 10 1-lb . a-crown, 1005 to l-io nricxa, xrown, JRe; 48 H-lb bricks, per box, (2.00; brick, 8-1 to caa. (2.00; 6-row layers, peg iS-lb box. TIM; loose. 60-16 boxes, per lb, BH. CalleTmr nae Rlx-crown, 10-lb cartona, per box. (2.00 " " -jvio eariona, per oox, l.lo; a-crowo, Jo-lb cartons, per box, (l.TB. oieriea. Bute, Bte. " s SUGAR -Sack basts Cuba, (8.80; powdered, cl mui granulated,; ry granulated (8.06; beet gra uu la ted, (3.80: eitrs 0. (806; golden C. (5.46; bblo, 10c; H bbla. 26e: boxes. Boo ad ranee oa sack basis, less 26 ewt tor cash. i . .J f 1 K.fvioa per to. . HONET UUlttlKe. COPFEB Green Moch. 212Sct Jv. fancy, 7iT JT,Tm- wa, nxnc; Java, ordinary le3oc; Costa Blca, fancy, l-a2iie: Costa Rica good, 1618cj Coats Blca. ordinary, 11(913 per lb: package coffee, (I2.T618.T6. TIAS Oolong, different gradeo. 2Slet gun powder, 2s32(re: Bngllah breakfaat. dif ferent grade, law One; splderleg, aneolored Japan. i4jo9e green Japaa (vary acaroe). 80 80c per lb. . SALT Fin Bale, ta. 8s. 4s. 8. 16. (120 o'e, aiairy. oua,; 10O. (8.16ra) 1 Imported Liverpool, 60. 81B.0oa 18.60; 100. (14.78iai8.00; 224a. (14.60 '115.50; - - vine. e, oa, oe, lua. BS.tSj: DO IX . a-Mi lh. ee ao. l .... ..' ' ' . ....wv, ..i--aa, ma, VOC, AT.T r.nana.H,lf mrwmA iM. (E.20i(8.50; Ma, per ton, (8.SIT.00: LWerpooi i ..c e'.wi lo.rao per ion; oo-in rock, (a.25loi.T5 100. (5.766.25. I Aoove price armlv to aalea of teaai Hi.e lota. i-ar ints St special price subject GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. 8B.TSe 00 per 100. RICK Imperial Japan. No, 1. Bate: No. 8 fCT,. dtSTiiir X04 ."BANS Small white, 8l,C.e: large. TV in ly o-ari Dim. ah f T HHUI. XlAit! I.ltnai 178V, niAmn Tram. Bjkii. NUTS Peanuts. THe; temhos. (He par raw, 810e per tb for roaated; eocoanuta, J roc per nox: walnuts. 14it16e per lb npts. ioci2He per lb! hickory nuts. 10c peKlb cnea routs, eastern. lSQlflc per lb: Br a all nuts. 16c per !b: Albert. lStldc per lb; fancy pevaue, ttiuioa oer 10; Bimonds, isoiae per u, Meats. Fish aad Previa tons. FRESH MBA Tn I nsoected Beef, ilan a. per idi cows, ovjoe per id; mnrton. dressed. -t " mii, inuMvm ui ihiu, OSKOP per ID. FRRfln MEATft Front .tee. t 4U4too per lb: work, block. Re nee rh packer. THSo per lb; ball. 2U8e per lb; cows. SH4U per lb; muttnn. tfretaed, 4i36e per lb: veal, extra. 8c ner lh: ordln.rv. TtTHe par lb; . poor, 6e; lambe, 66e HAMS.' BATOwrTtt-rfTaha"pacar71 "a .ww . vwjr hi , i a ko in ids, 14c per lb: 18 to 20 lh. 14e nar lh- eotr... 9tye per lb; breakfaat bacon, lftVtaiTUe per lb; picnic. 11c per lb: regular abort clean, ana rooked. Stye per lb; smoked, loue it io, ciear uacaa. unvmoxea, no per lb; smoked. 10c per lb; Colon butts,-10 to 18 lbs, nnsmoked. 8e per lb; smoked. Be per lb: rleer bellies, nnsmoked, llfte peg lb; smoked. kausvi. Lani-erni. teer. ids. 10 " ser lb: Be. 10H per lb) 60-lb tin. 8t,e per lb: steam rendered, Ifta. tt per lb; 6a, 84e pev lb) 60s, 8c per lb: compound tierce, 8tte per lb: rub. Ke per lb- 60a, 84 per lb! . , Ik WVn lit UAM -t 1 1. 1 - "a a a- . ' vnit.inu pnuaBviv VrVinuuii riTrJT, I-fD TIUB. (1.85: 8-lb tails. 22 60; fancy l ib fiara, (2.00 U-lh f.nev fl.ta. 81 3ft, Tan. 1.1K T- So .a! Alaaka tall, pink, 85Q80CJ red. (1.60; aominai 2a. tall. 82.00. FISH Kock cod, 8c par Tb; flounder, (c rer lh; halibut. Be per lb; era ha, $.tn par doa; striped bats, 10Q12e per lb; catflah. Re per in , aaineHi. cniooox, bc per in: areaiheada, 8c per lb; blaebarks, 8e per lbt herring. 5e per lb: aolea, 0 per lb: sasimp, 10c per lb; shad, dressed. SHe per lb; perch. Be per lb; abed roe, ixo per in; roe aoan, oc per jd; Black cod. Be per lb; stiver smelt. Be per lb. OYSTERS Rhoalwster bay, per gat, f2 SMj per ack. (3.TB pet: Olympta. par sack. (.1.25. CLAMS Hard . (bell, per bog. (2.00; raaor CKaau, x. io per vox. . . .. , Paint. Otavl 00a. (to. B0PB Pur Manila, 18MC. Undard. 12ei Sisal. IOUjC COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caaea. ft He per gal; wttar white. Iron bbla lie per gal, woodea " ?ri "l!Kib'fv ll,,t 'J0' 281i LINSKKD OIL Pure raw, la bbla BHie par gal. cases ooc per gai; a-enuine aettl Dolled, case 85e per gal. bbl B0o per gal; ground cake, ear lota I 8 00 per too. leas than cars (ag.00 per Kon. GAKOUNB-88-deg. east 2e per gal. Iron bbla 26c per gal; etov. aaae Xiri pec gaL bon bbl 18c per gaL vl.?BI!"-8',f, " 81. iron PAIN? OIL Raw, bbls Sc per gaL (8c per gsl: boiled, easee 40c ner aaT. TURPBXTINB In caeca Sac per gal, woodea bbla, 81 per gal. Iron bbla T8a pa gaL lo-lb case lots 84c per gaL WHITB LEAD Too lota. T9 pa Tb. 500-lb lots 8c per lb, leea lot 8Ke par lb. WIRE NAILS Present baee at (2.8C BetaU aakr Prloea. ' ":"';:''.' - . . Com. Select Clear Borwh. dlmeoal Mi reanlsr slees Bx2 to 12x12, 82 ft..( (.60 (1800 (22.00 MHsffDs U.OIIlrB rvBuur le to 12x12. 84-40 ft... (.50 1T.00 24.00 Botarh. dlmeneicn regalar alaea to 12x12, 42-48 ft... U.B0 18.00 28.00 ainU, airarraiuin) irn-wr lie to 12x12. 60-80 ft... II 60 n an mm ror eara kouhithi m wcoaai la width add 1.00' 2.08 For odd and fractional'' slaea sawed add not leea than 800 Baa Ann For aawlng vertical grain to 4x12 add ...i 8.00 loft M ajoKUKDon roogo ooaroa, reKoa ur sises to li in. wioa , to 84 ft.. Inc., asaorted lengths 8 80 11.08 - BnedBed lemrtha of boards 81.00 ner at Ta addltlonaL ' Board to consist of lumber leas tba t Inch a ta thlKWa. 1 1 i n i i ( ; i STRONG MARKET IS CONTINUED IN HOGS Portland tTnlon Stockvarda. Inmt a The TlTMtock market contlnaaa eery etronx la aoga, but I tra let la both rattl and ah ecu. in bog ther wer no arrivals today, th only receipts being 29 Cattle. Official rnllna nrleea how: . , Cattle Beat eastern Oregon ateera. 88.00! best valley steer. (2 Ttl'US.OO; medium steers, (1.T5; cow. 82 26; bulla. (l.TB; staxe. 2 oa nogs rieBK neavy, o.o; diock, fti.uo; cnln fats. ta.60US.76: atockara. and faeden. aU 7a 05.00. Sheep Beat grain-fed wethers and lambs. (2.00t2.60i mixed sbeep, (1.768X00. ., J XA2TXRB XOOI0PZV TXADT. Chicago, August B-Llveatock receipt: Hoca Cattle Hheen Chicago 14,000 ; 4 6O0 15.0110 Krnaaa Clty..,,.n) ln.OiiO 8.0110 On.aha lo.noo 2.600 8.200 Hoes opened ateafly with B.otN left over from yeaterday. Receipt a yer ago wer 14.IXHI. Rnllnc hog nrleea ahow: Mixed and bnt.h.ra. (S.166.n; good. 8A.80QB.S6; rough, (4.7541 4.P5; light, 8o.26CB.BB. , . fettle mow. . Sheep Steady. Hoga closed strong. Be higher. Baling price: Mixed. (VaMttft.M; good, (S.SOQS.AO; rough, 8a.R5i2I9.Ofi; light. 53.2635.70. . Cattl aad sheep steady. Demand Sterling, New York. Augnat 8. Demand tterllne. $4.8828 tb (4.8836; 80 days, (4 8848 to (4.8680. ' rOEIIOK tXCHAMQI BAtlt, New Tork, August 8. Forslga exchange: France, ftl.!tflHU; Belgium, BlflXHIni,; Swltserlsnd. 61U'S18,4; Holland. Zurich, 678 Vi; Amsierdsm, 40.40; Vienna, 20.28; Stockholm, 28.8. - " New Tort ftrala Karbti ' tU P h. Aak (k LnU . TA.' k. Am.A A aW-A. r-JTW S. 'H K. fli Wt VVWI V v ITnj WVIrVUsT bar. (1.06 bid. Kansas Olty Orals Market. Kansss City. Aug. 6. loee; Wheat Sen. ternbor, M)v,c asked; December, (0H. . , Vwra-4pimr( so. . ' MARKET'S ACTION 1 IS NOT DISTURBED . (Farnlahed by Overbeck. Starr A Cook Oo.) " New lork. Auguat 8. Logan A Bryan aay: There 1 nothing la th action of tha atock market to dlaturb tha confidence of tha holder. Even tha grange atock which would naturally be aensltlva to sny rtou Impairment to tn wheat crop continue to show strength. Tha market la Jnat aa bar of offerings aa It ha neen any time during th laat six months. Neither I ther sny change hx the tendency af tha money altuation. Xlllllona ot Idle capital ara looking tor Inveatment. The monthly gov ernment report Tossorrow I Dot likely to hurt the msrket. - W think all tha time atock an on in d nought and nought au th lima. Today a official atocg market: DB8CBIPTI0N. Anaconda: Mining Co.. Amal. Copper Co...... Atchison, common...... y do preferred a-lb- 1 ar ' gounary, Ara. Buasr. eomtnoa. Am." Smelt., cotumaa...,. do oreferved Baltimore A Ohio, - 00m. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit tsnsuiaa 'facias, com.. vuicego Alton, com., do preferred......... C. A G. W., common. , , Chi., MIL A 8L P...... C. A N. W., common.... Chicago Terminal By,,, Cheaspeaka A Ohio...... C. t- Vuel A Icon. com.. Cclo. Southern, common. Helaware A Hudaua-.., D A R. G.. oref erred. . Erie, common ao econa prererrea.. do first n re far red . Illinois Central LoulsTllle A NssbvlUa.. Met. Traction Co. Manhattaa Elevated..... Mfxlcaa Ceutral Ry.... Mlna., St. P. A Sta. M. do preferred Missouri PaclBe. M. K. T., common. . . do preferred..... New York Central Norfolk A Wee tern, com dof preferred. ; N.-Y., Ont. A Western! Pennsylvania By.. P. O. L. A 0. Oo...w. Pressed Steel Car, eon do nref erred ........ Beading, common ao second prererrea. do first ore f erred... Bep. Iron A Steel, com ao DreKerrva Bock Islsnd, common... - do Dreterred Southern By., common., do preferred.... Southern Pacific St. I.- A B. v.. 2d pfd. St. L. A 8. W common do preferred , . Texas A Pacific Tenneaaee Coal A Iron. Toledo. St. -In - A W., ao prererrea Colon Pacific, common.. do Dreferred V. 8. Leather, do preferred 0. S Rubber, do Dreferred V. 8 Steel Co.. common 00 prererrea Wheeling A Lak Erie, ao eeona prererrea.. da flrat nref erred. . . . Wlaconeln Central, com. ao prererrea. ' U. Telegraph Wabaah, oumruon. do preferred Amerlcaa Io. 00m moa. . do preferred........... B2 T7T4 Privl 1M 1:12 I " . I, 84. '62 124 14U U1 84 88 14 169 TO- Z9 8T 634 133 11T 120 V, "iii TX 128 U3 18 41 flivi si ii 12W im 62 68$ 62 TH"Z IM IK 1212 6L Of (1 MS JNVk if TTv. B8 T.-o 88 lt. lS2uj 1110 83 'si" 1 40 14V, 148 8414 14 160 71 26 87 e.i 188 117 124 T5 84 61 40 14 ll 68 ,1 In. 18 41 82' 81 12l) 101 a 88' 'si' 26 (H) ?1 14 81 27 44' xo 8 IW "ft la 12 68 14 22 87 1T 40 89 IT 88 84 88 14 150 7IP' a 01 62. 18.1 11T 120 127 lrl 41 ei 80 110 101 82 62 ?4 126 4l "a 147 6 M!4 n 14 16 01 m e l: 117 128 10U T1W 12T 118 08 81 120 101 ft" S.lV T 48 2 61 bxi 14 80 M 88 88 1 T4 11 68 22 1 8T " IT 88 "? PwiMd BtMl Car, w-dlrldend 1 pr ttui. Total Mle for U, barM. r ABTEBIOAW BTOOXB IB LOsTTfOV. , , Lendno. Aug. 8. 2 p. m Atchlaoa declined tt: Baltimore A Ohio declined : Canadian Paclne advanced ta cbeaapeaka A Ohio ad vanced ; Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul da. ellncd ; Illinois Central advanced ; Lou le vins A Saahville declined : Mlaaourl, K an sae A Texas advanced i New York Central advanced : Ontario A Weatern advanced ; Norfolk A Weatern declined 44 : Southern Pa cific declined V, ; Son thorn Railway declined . Srfcrrea . declined l union raeinc oeciinea , preferred advanced ; I'nlted Bute Steel vanced ; preferred declined ! Wabash advanced V. Dreferred advanced i coosul 88, declined ; reat unchanged., . CKI0A0O LOCAL BT00XB. Cblcago.' August (.Local tock: Bid. National Biscuit.... T do preferred , .lore Anierlcan Box. 1 do Dreferred . . American Can do preferred. ., Nation! Carbon....... do Dreferred. .. Diamond Match ....... Swift A Co. CMcago City Ry UdIob Traction........ do preferrel. ........ North Side By Weet "Side Ry.. ...... Sooth Bid By nAVCIBCO LOCAL STOCKS. Ask. , T 8 .',!.!..!" 4i 4i 8l 82 .,.104 ....131 188 .....101 101 1T0 172 4 B ..... 60 T2 48 44 SB 89 WHEAT CONTINUED T . r XT WAS A THY BTJUULTXO ABT9 TJT. , BXTTXXDICAJBXXT ZBT 0XX0AOO VOBTatWJJI ADTZOXB OABta SAJU.T WZTBI TAXXS OT K0U 9A2CAGB. - ..':.'- . (Furnished by Overbeck, Starr A Cook Co.) Chicago, Aug. 8. Logaa A Bryaa sdrteet It was a very arratlo and unsettled wheat market. Th norther eat wa In early with a lot of crop damage eumplaluta which advanced th market eharply. Tbla brought out oulta Eeneral llquldatlou by sum bf lh beat local older. On th break which . followed there V7ss sume retnatatlng of wheat sold early. Tb cables only partially followed yesterday' ad vance. While thor ar sola very good peo ple In th northeast who ar dlaooeed to tak a conserve tire view ' a to th damage aon. ther ar a great many more who think It I great. Th weekly government report men tioned th damage but afford little eugge. tlon a to It actuality. The report due to morrow will have been, compiled before tha damage became manifest ta any great extent nd la therefor not expected to reflect It. All other eoneldentlons at tb moment ar of bat lit lie mnuenoe oa price, w or ratner oi the eplnloa that anlea tb seera Is accentuated from that ouarter that there baa been enough liquidation both of long stuff and of short lu trrset to give th market a temporary pa sea. W do not, kowever, adruv th short Sid et wbMt. ' Cora Loat Early aUa. In com ther wa a early dvaao a th ftrmn la wheat bat ther was good profit taking and a rather weak tendency up to th vloae. Temneratnraa are atlll rather below aaa-mal through tha norther eat but the map rather Indicates warmer weather and this was probably an Influence toward the selling. W sea no change In the general character la th market from that which prevailed for a long time. There la quite a Dear contingent but their effort have been amac easeful. - Terr Steady tn Oa ' la oata it waa a very ateady market aad tb volume o(. bualnees waa not large. Specu la tlve 'operations presented no notable feature. The large reeeipta ar of Bn quality and ar th moat Important Incident. They are likely to lessen tb demand but w ar Inclined to think th quality and th price have been Bgured on for eome time by the buyer. This movement will create t good damand. Little Doing tn Provision. There 1 llttl or nothing to say about the provision market except thst tt Is dull and the support I not good. Tn market Is drsgglng, although th movement la alow. Shipment ot in rata and lard are not np to laat year'. Today' official aootatlon: . Open. High. Low. WHEAT NewSept.f 1.02 ( 1.08 ( 1.00 Old leapt. Pec U"7 ,:., Sept.... Dec ..... May..... Sept.... Dec...., Hay..,. Sept.... Oet Sept.... Oct..... 1.02 . 1.04 1.00 1.02 1.02 1.04 - ...,: -71 C0Bf? .84 .68 , .601 .61 .80 .60 ; oats, .83 .84 ooj 1242 12V4T 880 (.SB ' T.80 .8H , '88 ;'' PORK. 12.80 1287 . LARD. 8.85 , . 8 82 BIBB. T75 T.T0 1.02 .80 "1.00 .68 , .48 : .ss . .84 .85 12. 8T ; 12.48 B.TT ; (-85 ; . T. .. T.80 Closa. I l.OltiB -l-oaij l.oi . 1.02A 68 40 12 ST 12.48 TT ABBA T.88 : 7.90B Baa Frandaco, August B- Cloaa, 10:80 a. m. Ieal atneka: Snrlng Valley Water S- F. Oa A Electric ftlanr PnWfte - . . Hawaiian Sugar i 62 ' . Bid. rater. 8o tctrtc 80 eo Ask. (7 Ronokea Buaar... Hctchinaoa Sugar. Makawcll Sugar Onomea Bugar Alaaka facxer' Asa n '.Mi .26 .126 68 12 24 27 TODAY'S CLIABIBOi. The Portland e lea ring sou today reviort: Clearing .' .(8M.04d.Of) BaUaces UPWARD MOVEMENT . IN COTTON HALTED v t (Tarnished by Overbeck, Starr A Oonk Co.) New York, Aug. 8. T. A. Mclntyr A Co. aay : The upward movement in too coiura asarget was nauea Kouey or uie uuwi ana moot Influential dealer distributing heavy lllng erdnrs tnrraign oroaera ana in weeaiy world crop bulletin making much more favorable ehowtng that bad bean expected. Thee feature offset the effect of response which the Liverpool market made to our ad vance Ad th continuance of ggrastv op port and manipulation by th local bull clique. More unfavorable crop new waa received from manv aeetlona af th belt. Including aom more unfavorable re port a from our own crop In Mlaalsslppl and Arkansas ana various parts ot T...a aa well as at New Orlearia. At th moment, however, with bull manipulation here continuing In evidence sad th merkefetlll tn sn oversold condition prices could be still further sdvsnced before th abort Interest has been sntBclently reduced or th new erop anaai tn toern eufflolentlr larg to mak th speculation haaardoua on the king side. It will require, however, a continuation of atrong buy ing an DDI! BUliieiri inu -' ivrweui for epot oottm to hold the market, , TOOay Oinciai coKum maravi. One. High. Low. Cloee. snsary ( 8 8 , 8 J "'t February. Msrcn,.,.. April.,,... May. . ..... osnet. . .. September. October November.., December... 8.88 ... 8.81 . ... .... ... 80 ... 10.20 ... 10.0T . ... 88,, ... 8.T8 ' 8.81 (.82 8. Ta ken 10 20 10.0T 880 8T 8.84 . 8.80 10.00 8 88 8. 75 T5 8.T0 8 T4'(fT6 8.TH(,J78 .root o 8.8IWH1 lO.lO'-Tll 8 0'91 8.T8i78 8tK'(rl8 8.704.71 'FRISCO IS STILL MUCH FRIGHTENED ' (Fornmhed by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke Oo.) San Francisco, Aug. 8. B. F. Button A Co. say: Local wheat b very stagnant with the same story, everybody I afraid of Oregoa and Washington. r s neueve tneir leare are ground leea. One of the big bear has covered and will tak the. other aid of th market. At any further decline It generally takes thl msrgrt a long time to watn to th true condition but when It doe it I on of the wildest Burkets to be eeen. We have gone ever tne aituatioa uorougniy ana ana the dial pointing to moch higher price, both la wheat and barley, Tb aorta will and their contracts hard to 811 In barley envltbla dTS- ......... . . Today ornciai. uw msrxet: I ' Bid. lak. Wheat. Decembee (1.40 (1.40 Barley, December 1.08 1.08 ' Uverpoel Oral Market. LlTrpooL Atuiust 8. Close: Wheat. Reptem ber, 8 , 1 higher; December, T-1, 1 rer . r , n Beptsmber.i d-8, hlf her. Lendea Wheat Market ' uiouun, ANRuai iia eiDvaK, mm' goat, la higher! October, 1 higher; Decern- Keasw 112 Tft I av Vt earn 8 l8 1 ... . CHICAGO OBAXV CAB L0TB. 8. Orala car lot: Car. Grade. Bat. Wheat 101 18 Corn 8A8 21 ' 848 Oata 840 278 48T Wheat cars today Minneapolis w. Dahith, twn days, 82. Year ago Minnas poll (7, imiutD aou, uucsgw zuw. CBICA00 CASH WHXAT. Chicago, A as, .Cash wheat: Bid. No. 2 red, pew... (t-02 No. 8 red. aew 1.00 No. 2 bard winter......... 1.00 ' No. 8 hard winter....... V8 All - our extensive . stock of Groceries at our State market to be dumped onto the market this week. ' We are putting into the grocery side of this market a large, modern wholesale cooler. We need the room and must have it at once. .'J- Your price will be. ours. Come this week and buy a month's supply for 50c on the $1.00. We will deliver purchases amounting to $5.00 and over to any point within the city limits, or to any depot or,boat landing. ' ', ,''.' Hams, Bacon and Lard are included in this sale. Portland Packing Co. 0iT5TllM(.(0. Mam ber Chicago Board af Trad. ' ' CHAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS ant) COTTON 2 Third Sl. Kear Stark ftofe. Hals 111. Meeam. Lagan A Bryan. Chicago aad New Tork; Walker J roe.. 1. B. Bach Co., Hew Tork Stock Exchange: Baboard Bros. Caw New Tork Osttoa Bicbang Falrcblld A RoV soe: New Orleans Cotton Bxcbangw; Reary Herth A Co.. New York Coffee Bxrbanget Paine, Webber A Co.t Boaton Copper aaa Btorg KX rhng Dick Bros. A Co. New Tork and I "alia. dalubla Stock gnhailgw. COMMISSION CO. (laoorporatad) Oapltal tw4 aTarplna SXa0OtX0O, . '' : : Brokara In .. ' ' Grain,Provision$, Slocks and Bonds Largest Privste Wlr System la AnMrtea. ' Basponatble and Conssrvstlva. X2. K. ALDEN, Manasr SOW BUBO, XOFKTjni U OOw (Katabllabatl 18(1. .9 AJTS gTOOX BSOZZBa, Sooni 4, Orottnd 11 oor. OaXAJABn OT COMMXACm. JoT. Cblcago, Aag. No, 1 Borthera spring........... 1.10 po, 8 northern apruig No. ( spring. 1.0B Ask. (1.04 1.03 1.08 1.01 MlnaaaDolla Orata Markst. Minneapolis. Aug. 8. Closs; Whest Bep- BWr, .. - ' ' Solutb erslB Hark. ;' Dureth, Ang. 8. Close: Wheat Btptember, (1.00 blL St. Xevaw Orata atarket. Rt. Loot. Aug. 8. Close: Vi'heat Septem ber, 87e bid; December, 81.00; Msy, tl.Ki, Oors oeptemner, BaW aa; uecemner, eia. Ogts September, Mc; December, (4Ci May, 8fi bid. - - . , v. HITATI IL1TAT0B STOCKS, Cblcago, Aug. 8. Private elevator stock: Today. Increase. Buab. j Buah. Wheat ...... .l.S:tH.0 BiR.ono Com .........8.2n2.0f0 18l.ii0 Oat 884,000 182,000 Decrees. ' , .', "! " , PBIXABT, (HIPMIBTB AMD CLEABABCXB. Chicago, Aug. 8. Primary receipts: .oaay.. Buah. ...s.ono ...420,000 Tsar ago. ttnah. 7S2.00O V (88,000 Wheat Corn Shipment were: Wheat ..48.000 Corn 422.000 Clearance were: Wheat ana Boar T.iaaj tmehela, corn 188.800 boabels sad oat 28,0110 buebele. . , , v .- 24B.000 24A.IVIO ' Llvevpeol Oettea Higher. Llvernool. August 8. Cotton cloeed ( to T point higher. ' ' ' Bndapest Orala Market. ' ' ' ' Budapest, Angnat 8. Close l Wheat, 1 higher. . , - s '. ' ' MOwaako Brats Market. , Mllwankee. Aug. 8. Cloee: Wheat Benrera- per. new 81-01: eld Bt.omti December, (i nt. rvwn -rrember, 88e bldi December, 4U bid; May, 4f aked. Barlla ersla Mark. Berlin. Auguat 8. CloM: Wkf, Bsctssnber, 1 higher. v nnATntTSTTT'8 SBATB? BZBOBT. Chicago,! August 8. Bradetreef report. Wheat-Fsst of the Bocklea, Increaeed T.OOO buahela; afloat aad Europe. Increaeed 1.800,000 kpebela; totsl Incresee. l.ROT.OOO buahela. . Corn Decrenao of fnS.ffO buehels Oats Decree ee of 418.000 buebek). , vrw toii oonrxB mabxit. New Tork, Augnat (.Coffee cloi - ' . Bid. Angnst 215 September 8 20 October 8.89 Novemhae A 8 48 , December 8 January 8ft February .8 78 March t 8 M April 8 0 May TOO J. re T "ft -' July T.1B Aik. , (0 2" 880 8.40 8 80 BOii 8 70 8 H' e.po . I too J 16 T.20 " Vow Tork Oaak Oaffee, New Tork. Auguat Caah coffee: No. 1 Bio, T0 No. 4 Bahtoa, 8. rtu" zraripiJ "'1,1 1 1 ' 'liilt I li if 1 i: ''"'"" "" " " .-ii r. .HIJ;II li!! inn i !, i niiirL - M,nnaA The Moett 'DuraJU WoorflztotSfcrcfe. Jfonqy I3acJc if not" ' re Mate By . . A. 2CAX.AXXBT ft OO, tSI First fit S. 9. -CAOBZaXT. .141 first Bt TBOwaaxsaa fun m oa ccs 12( Qrant, Ave, Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK W. treat euceessfullv all nMvata nervoaa and chronic dlaessea of men, also blood, atomach. heart, liver kidney and throat troublea. W cur BYPHILLI8 (without mercury) to stay cured forever, I 80 to 80 days. W remote 8TRICTLEB. without operation of palavjs IB too drains, tha raanlt of Self ahnee. Immediately. We can restore the sexual vlgot of any man under Bo by mean ot local tree l- ment pecuilsr to eauselr. . We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week The doctor of thl Institute ar all reanlar graduates, have had many years experience, have been known la Portland for 18 years, hare a reputation to maintain, and will Under take bo case Dales certain cure caa bo af fected. '!.. We guarantee to car In every' case vrs under take or charge no fee. Consultation free. Let lera confidential. Inatrnrtlve BOOK COB MSN mailed free In plain wrapper. If you cannot call at office, write for ejoes Ooa blank. Home treatment! socceaafut. Office hoars 8 to 8, and T te 8. Sundays aad .: holidays.. 10 to IX ... .. The leading apedaiuta la the Northwest Xetebllshed 1888. . . Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Tab BToy HoUl, TK. M.- Oar. Third and . ; rta 'Strsata. MBTaVAJTD, OBXOOsT. irn i(0f a i O SPICESk o C0FFEE,TEAv DAIfINO POWDER, aron;r.oEXTni,CTs jlWoluitPurihr. flrnjiFIivor. CL05SET ft DEYERS V PORTLAND, OREGON. Mineral Springs Oni H TUT PAT TS VMM TSAB. To Whom It May Concern 1 cam to tha abov aprlnsa on April ( to tak treatment tor my cyan. I bad a. vary saver 4 attack of catarrh et tba yea, was almost blind attar Ltaatlnt with tba bast specialists that could be found, and suffering for nine yaara. I have at last found a cure her. at tha FAMOUS TUSCAN 8PRINQ8. I can. not prale. them too highly. I hop. that other that are afTllctsd will give tbaat trial. Respectfully. W. l PALMER. Boom (08. Cotnoierolai Blas Portland, Oregon. Mr. I. C Palmar, ot Palmar, Or waa enred of rheumatism. It you ar alck writs to us; wa will glv. you tha Dam. and addre of aom on. sured ot a Imllar complaint. Tuscan Mineral Springs Corp. TTJBOABT. CATe. BBBTD 600 TO IOTTL1 OP BTOBCCCX AMU OATAJUBB, BAI.T, Evory Woman lallatarBBBtllll Band BTbfMllt knOW MARVEL Whirling Spray Tbo new vaetaal Syrsiae. reto lumaed jurnon. Heat Mt. e Moal fonvenlenu i UCIiaaill lealaetn. mm ttbTr!,uVpTytbe f JyW$'?!J?'- a. ! m . aw : 4KtK.U ienrl no i4r. o i na Mavm for i)(uarttMl bmk--4isr4. it fall DarUralkra aori fltrm-f inna tn VmlTlfirkl Pes lAiiLM. H-.RWICVCAus, For By , yw vvvassir. v Mam m .o ktma A AULMTXM Aldxioh Pbaasasa A Boyntcn Furnace tn your house aoon pays for Itself In comfort and saving ot fu.L Lot us fig. w, vi, a, vwa v. waiaiiia, na la your housa. JT. O. Bay ax Pons see Ce 1(1 Boad fib Zi. Main Ui. O. GEE WO .' tbo Q reat Chlneso Doctor la called groat he eauaa bis wonderful , cutm ara ao wall known throughout th. United Btatae, and bees us. go many ?eonle are thankful o tilm for aavinf , thalr live froia OPERATIONS Ha traata any and all diaen with powerful C h I a a a a herba, roots, bud, barks and vegetables that are entirely un known to medical aclcnc In thla coun try, and through tha ue ) remedloa. This famous doctor knowa th action of over 800 different remedies that ha has auccesafully d In dlff.r.n dlieases. Ha guarantee to cura catarrh. aat:ima. lun; troubles, rheumatism, ner. votisneaa. stomach, liver, kidneys, fe m.le trouble and all rrlvata ." Hundreda of testimonials. Cbare moderata, Cntl and a him. COJTBTn.TATT.OW Patients out at the city writ fj blank and elrcular. ancloaa ataap. Ad draaa . ,, ,v . . c e. THE C GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. tt Alder street Portland. Or. mo tion thla paper. V. 2kaD KJtLvLiLm d Mtki UU. I Ilea Big 41 for oereal tlsSvei. dlerharRaa.inttanimatiooa, liiiMinl l rritliie er at'e,,n la M,w..r. ef mass -ii tir an... el, fwiualae. P .1 1 aaa Anli m,A aula. lEvissOlKTUil. or mu. I M by brsfltM, 'or sent la aiaia w br eaetvMi. ,..., ,. t 4 81 ef I tetliM .. IV CtrrjaJar eai wa . , 1 B8CMUTI.I' e ; . . ..