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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1904)
THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 9. .1904. jpX J V The "Different Store" Portland's QuaUty Shop T ' L-' i nidbt wtfertA :': : trisYijr7rw w szr nn Jr v :--. ; . - - 1 Where the Walls are Coming Down Vast Array of Matchless GHEDAT ALTEIl&T ' IT'S HARD TO FIND WORDS FORCEFUL ENOUGH TO IMPRESS UPON ECONOMICAL BUYERS THE IMPORTANCE OF THESE EVENTS. WE'VE A TWO-FOLD OBJECT IN THE RAD ICAL REDUCING- OF PRICES FIRST TCt EFFECT A SPEEDY AND ABSOLUTE CLEARING OF ' ALL GOODS IN SEASON; SECOND, TO BRING TO OUR PATRONS TRUSTWORTHY, SEA-' SONABLE MERCHANDISE AT LOWEST COST AT A TIME WHEN THEY WILL APPRECIATE IT MOST, BESIDES IT'S NEARING THE -END OF THE SUMMER SEASON, SO FAR AS RE TAILING GOES. AND WE NEVER CARRY OVER A THING IF THE RIGHT PRICE WILL. MAKE IT GO. COMBINING THESE CAUSES WE ASSERT WITHOUT FEAR OF SUCCESSFUL CONTRADICTION THAT SUCH VALUES AS ARE ADVERTISED FOR TOMORROW HAVE SELDOM IF -EVER BEEN OFFERED BEFORE IN PORTLAND. THE SAVING OPPORTUNITIES ARE " MANIFEST IN EVERY SECTION OF THE STORE. EVERY ITEM, FROM THE LOWEST TO THE HIGHEST IN PRICE. IS , AN EMPHATIC BARGAIN. IN- MANY LINES IT WILL PAY TO ANTICIPATE FUTURE WANTS. IN ALL YOU WILL BE RICHLY REWARDED FOR HAVING WAITED UNTIL NOW. j 2 to 5 P. M. CICANTIC SALEOF Ladies' Finely Suits at Half Price Our splendid Suit Department noted for the many excellent value's constantly being offered there and is recognized as headquarters for all that is new, nobby and reliable in women's wear. : The special 3-hour Half Price Sale of Suits to be held in that department tomorrow will surpass any previous value giving ever undertaken in that. department and will fill the department to over flowing with eager buyers. None but the very choicest garments in the house will be offered at this time, making it a chance of a life time to secure a real luxury at the price of the commonplace. Every suit in the department ranging in price from $30.00 to $150.00 will be included in the lot Remember, for 3 hours only at ONE-HALF PRICE. ' 8 TO OA. M. ' ' . 70c Dish Pans 47c THIRD FLOOR. Granite Iron Dishpans, 17-quart; val ue 70c. Special for one hour 47 SPECIAL 8 TO O A. M. ANNEX MAIN FLOOR 2,600 yards of regular . 60c Colored Corded Wash Silks for 24 8 TO 9 A. M. I5c Dress Shields 10c NOTION DEPT MAIN FLOOR. Omega rubber lined Nainsook covered Dress Shields, size No. 2; value ' 15c pair. Special. . . . . 1Q Tailored Bargains for TOMORROW'S ORIGINAL HOURLY 8 TO 9 A. M. $ 1 ckffon Collars 52c A swell line of Ladies' Silk Chiffon Col lars; regular price $1.00. Special, - r for-one hourrvr. .52 " 9 TO 10 A. M. 20c Shell Hair Pins 16c NOTION DEPT-MAIN FLOOR. Extra fine hand-finished Shell Hair Pins, , one dozen to box; value 20c box. ' Special .......16 OTO 10 A.M. 75c White Waistings 25c We place on sale, for one hour, all of our White Waistings. Included in the line are Madras, Oxfords and fancy piques; . 35c to 75c values. Per yard ....... 25 9 TO 10 A.M. 25c Moire Ribbons 1 7c MAIN FLOOR. A lot of nice new Moire Ribbons, 2"4 and 3 inches wide, all colors; regular 25c quality. Special, for one hour, per yard ......17 9 TO 10 A.M. 20c Linen Handkerchiefs 10c Ladies' Handkerchiefs, every one war ranted all pure linen; regular 20c kind. Fpr one hour only, each .10 9 TO 10 A.M. 35c Sleeveless Vests I8c -MAIN FLOOR.- Women's white Swiss, ribbed, low neck, sleeveless Vests; 35c quality. For one hour .18 10 TO 11 A. M. BOYS' VELOUR CALF SUMMER DRESS SHOES, full round toes, good heavy soles ; 11 to 13;$2.00. .......... .81.28 . . 13 to 2; $2.50. ........ ..81.68. fy to 6y,i $3.00......:.. $1.08 '. 10 to 11 A. M. 50c Children's Dresses 26c ANNEX-SECOND FLOOR. . Children's Dresses, of good cambaic, em broidery yoke, ruffle on neck and sleeves, - sizes 1, 2 and 3; regular 50c value. Special for one hour. . ... . . .20 .10 TO 11A.M. 98c Sailor Shapes 49c . MILLINERY DEPT. SECOND FLOOR. Untrimmed French Duck, sailor shapes; value 98c. Special. .... ..40 10 TO 11 A. M-ANNEX MAIN FLOOR. Regular $1.25 Cheney Bros. Foulards, in . navy blue and black grounds, styles are neat dots and figures, 1,100 yards in the , lot. Special, Wednesday 10 to 11 a. .m., only.,... 8G ALL DAY SALE. $1 Smyrna Rugs 55c fourth floor. All-wool Smyrna rugs. Fringed on both sides, J 8x3 6 inches; values $1.00. Special. : . ....... j 55f . " . ". ".... . . . . . . 10 TO 11 Ay M. SHOES WOMEN'S $3.00 PRINCESS TURNS 'AND WELTS, Par. or stock tips, fine soft vici "kid uppers, 6 different and distinct lasts.............. 82.18 11 TO 12 A. M. $2.50 Duck Hats 98c MILLINERY DEPTSECOND V FLOOR. Duck and Xinen Hats,' trimmed in velvet ribbon bows and fancy trimming; 7 value $2.50. Special, for one hour. .08 '. f 11 TO 12 A. M. Men's 75c Underwear 3Zc FURNISHING DEPT MAIN FLOORl Men's Ribbed Balbriggan Underwear, in ecru and blue shirts only; 75c val ues. For one hour only........ "...37 ' 11 TO 12 A.M. 85c Center Pieces 57c ART DEPT-SECOND FLOOR. Fine. Linen Hemstitched Centerpieces, ; stamped in a great variety of floral de- signs, full 24 inches; regular price 85c Special .....57 12 TO IP. M. ' $1.57 Enameled Kettle 98c ' THIRD FLOOR. . Best imported four-coat ware. Every piece guaranteed, white lined outside, light or dark . blue, 7-quart Kettle, with enameled cover; value $1.57. Spe- cial, for one hour. ..... v . . 08 12 TO 1P.M. 45c Coffee Pots 29c THIRD FLOOR. Granite Iron Coffee Pots, 3 quarts; value 45c. Special, one hour...., 20, . 12 TO 1 P.M. v 15c Curtain Swiss 10c , FOURTH FLOOR. White Curtain Swiss, dotted and figured, 40 inches wide; value 15c. . Special ....... ...7. .....10 mem. SALES, which will be held in conjunction with the 1 TO 2 P. M. 15c Toilet Soap 10c DRUG DEPT. MAIN FLOOR. . Fine Witch Hazel Toilet Soap, .three caker torboxrhie" 15c- boxr Special .... . . 110 1 TO 2 P.M. 25c Toilet Powder 12c DRUG DEPT. MAIN FLOOR. .N - Household Toilet Powder, for family use, ' . an all 'round toilet luxury; value . 25c box. Special ....12y$ SPECIAL 1 TO 2 P. M ANNEX MAIN FLOOR 4.260 yards of French All-Wool Chalhes and Alba- - tross, the, latest, in all wanted colors, Challies in all neat dotted and fig- , . ured effects. Special, 1 to 2 p. m.. .41 f 2 TO 3 P. M. $2 Kid Gloves 63c MAIN FLOOR. N 7 Broken lines of Ladies' Kid Gloves, black ' and colors; $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 grades. For .63 2 TO 3P.M. 35c Black Hose 1 9c . MAIN FLOOR- ! Women's black openwork Hose, finished foot; 35c quality.' Special, -per pair 19 2 TO 3 P. M. ANNEX MAIN FLOOR Regular $1.75 and $1.50 fab rics, such as fancy novelty etamines and French suitings. A splendid color as sortment .to choose from. Special, 2 to 3 p. m., only... ........ .....70 3 TO 4 P. M. 60c Union Suits 17c : UNDERWEAR DEPT MAIN r FLOOR. . Misses' White Cotton Union Suits, sleeve less, knee length; quotations to 60c. Special, suit ..17 3 TO 4 P. M. ANNEX MAIN FLOOR. Regular $1.65 36-inch All Pure Silk Black Taffeta, the best wearing silk in Amer ica. Special, 3 to 4 p. m. ' only .f 1.31 . . -3 TO 4 P. M. . .' THIRD i FLOOR. Austrian China Fish Sets ; value $7.00. Special 84.50 3 TO 4 P. M: ;' THIRD FLOOR. Haviland China Fish Sets; value ' 4 $13.50. Special 87.50 4 TO 5 P. M. Men's 50c Underwear 29c FURNISHING DEPT MAIN FLOOR. Men's Balbriggan Underwear, in blue and ecru shirts only; 50c value, . at .V..... 29 - 4 TO 5 P. M. French China Game Sets ;' value $31.00. Special ....... ..... ..815.50 4 TO 5 P. M. ANNEX MAIN , FLOOR. Regular 85c New Messaline Silk, fashion's newest and prettiest silk, splendid wear ing fabric; . for waists and suits; colors are nile, cardinal,, champagne, light blue, pink, gray, tans, castor and white. Special, 4 to 5 p. m. only. . . .07 . ' i ... - - . Fifth and Washington Streets MILS SECOND FLOOR. . This is by far the greatest oppor tunity ever afforded the ladies of Portland to secure down-to-date gar ments for little money. Every skirt offered in this sale is of the newest and choicest design and all were made by the best garment makers of this country. In the lot may be found most any material or colors, while the ataple colors, such as blues, browns, blacks and grays pre-, dominate. ' ' K ' 5 TO 6 P. M. 18c Writing Paper 96 NOTION DEPT-MAIN FLOOR. I Box Writing Paper, 24 sheets paper, 24 envelopes to box, assorted Colors; : value 18c box. Special.,....... 9 ; 5 TOG P.M. 25c Silver Hat Pins 15c JEWELRY DEPT. MAIN FLOOR. Sterling Silver Hat Pins,' in an assortment of pretty designs; value 25c each. Special 4 .15 . 5 TO C. P. M. ANNEX MAIN FLOOR. Regular 50c English Alpacas and Brilliantlnes, in plain and dotted ef fects;' colors are navies, browns, reds, tans, white and black. Special, 6 ' to 8 p. m.............,........39 10 to 12 A.M. I Walking SMrt ' : l - in the House at ; I Half Price 1 1 4