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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1904)
TItE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, ? AUGUST 9, 1904. TOWN TOPICS TOKOHT'i AMUBZKXXT. 'Arcade ................ YeadrtiUe I ljuu .... ftr ..... Ljrle .... VUlTlll ........ Vaudeville ....... .VSIldSTlU. .',"7w""'"',',"s""''''w" " ' Mayor Wllllama and City Attorney Mo. ' -" Nary bald a conf ereac thla morning regarding tha letting of the contract .1 , for tha propoaed ateel bridge over Mar- quants gulch, at tn Kront-straet cross lng.- They came to tha conclusion that there la no legal antiquity In the way ' ' of letting tha contract to the Pacific S Construction company of San ' Fran' claco. which waa tha next loweat bid- ; tier to the Paolflo Construction company . ; of Everett, Wash. Tha contract wu '. formerly laKto tha latter company, but 1 -. finding that 'they could not fullll their . agreement tna contract. waa revoaea. ... : special meeting of the executive board has been called for tomorrow afternoon, '" whan, in all probability, tha contract for ! the conatruction of tha bridge will be ' let to the Paolflo Construction company Wayland Bailey, assistant observer In tha office of tha local weatbar bureau, ha been promoted. Ua haa reoeiyed credentials from the department at "Washington to proceed to Imrango, CoL. and establish, a weather-bureau station at that place, with himself as chief fore. ; east official. Mr. Bailey will leav fot Colorado as soon as an assistant la ap pointed from-the eligible list to1 fill the vacancy created in the local of f toe., It la said that thla matter will be attended to within the course of the next few da vs. Duranao is situated in the south' western nart of tha Stat. Its-new and first forecaster has been a resident of Portland for almost four years. '' Resolutions were passed at a meeting held laat night in Clackamas asking the management of the projected Portland 4 ftelem trolley llu to run cars through . Clackamas. - The resolution ask the nlw of Park Place, lHautauqua, yarn. Kaat Gladstone. Harmony. East Mllwau- kla and Wlllsburg also to take up tha matter. 'All of these towns are on the rout which will have to be followed if car servto 1 given Clackamas by tha . new company. At another meeting Au gust IS Clackamas will hear tha report of a commute appointed last night to visit the heads of the projected lln and learn thslr Intention. r '" County Judge Webster yesterday re fused to allow Rush Mendenhall $1,000 from the estate of Esther U Msnden hall with which to pay an attorney for his services in endeavoring to have tha courts declare ner will invana. vvnon tha will was filed. Rush Mendenhall being named aa executor, Attorneys Ed and A. R. Mendenhall attacked Its valid Jty. The county court declared In their favor, as did tha circuit and state au- -preme courts on ppl. - ,i - The sal of excursion tickets 'to St Louie and other eastern points is in , creasing daily, and It la expected by the railroad companies that by ' September -the traffic will assume enormous pro portions. Over- 4,000 tlcketa hay tiU ready been aold for St Louie from Ore gon, Washington and British Columbia. Dr. M. Clarenc Lovebarry, hi charge of tha government bureau of animal in dustry of this city, will leave today for , fit. Louis to attend the annual conven tion f the American veterinary associa tion. Efforts will b mad to secure the meeting of th convention for Portland ', next year. . . ' . ! Mary and Wena Harvey, daughters of , H. S. Harvey, who lives east of tn city on th Section Lln road, fell from inn Rnturdav and sustained slight In 'juries. Mary, the older of the girls, was more seriously injured, ii is learea, ana Is confined to her horn. i Goodyear Shoe Repair Co., Tamhtll atreet. near gas office. - Phone Main 1011. Repairing whil you wait Sewed 'soles, 75c: rubber heels. 860. Always on time. Shoes called for and delivered . free any reasonable r distance. ' . Th regular meeting of th executive . commute of the Commercial club waa . postponed from today to next Thursday, ' nwtni to th absence of Manager Tom Richardson, who is in attendance at the Ontario irrigation meeting. The city council of Qresham has de cided to accept a proposition mad oy -John Dickenson of Portland to furnish a chemical en (tine for fir protection. Th engin will- cost ST50. Ask any of our patrons about th . -quality of printing w execute. They'll tell you it'a all that can be desired. Metropolitan Printing Co, 147) Front Moffett Hot Springs, board and room '. 11.25 and 11.50 flay; 18.00 arid St.lO week. Batha 25 centaachv-Oood-Cook - lng. Address T. Moffett, Cascade, Wash. Wa-Hoo Tonic Th great blood pur. , .lfler. nerve tonlo and liver regulator. Just what you nd theae days. For sal by all druggists, , Portland Wlr Iron Worka are now located at Trenkman Ca'a on Fourth . near Flanders. Work turned out V promptly. , . ... , , .. ....' Keep In mind th Foresters of America excursion to Waahongal . next Sunday, ' August 14- . Tlcketa 60c, children IBo. Th trip for a good tlm. . .- .. .... .-. . . . I- .. Onen to th public. 11.54 for dinner ' at Hotel Estacada, with 71 miles of trol- ' ley ride Included. Cars and tlcketa Flrat and Alder atreeta. , 8tt Senator E. V, Carter of Ashland , waa kept busy while on a recent vlalt to hta old home In Iowa answering quea tlona regarding Oregon. He aaya that everybody seamed Interested In th Pa- MANN & BEACH MUNTM.S I 42 Sxon4 Strw Cround Floor . K EST WORK aWOW ITKM Talepbon 444 The Best . . , '' 1 ' 'i " f -': - ' ' yijT Work in the, city Is . done in this laundry. W V .Quick work. Quick de- A ," livery. Moderate prices. ' 1 , OREGON LAUNDRY AND V TOILtT SIPPLY CO. rkona. Bast la. p. t. btajts. aegt. clflo northweat and that many ware planning to visit Portland next year to attend th Lewis and Clark exposition. ' Daily trolley trips to Estacada. Round trip rata If. 60, Including dinner at the hotel. Car and tickets First and -Alder streets. "... ' Mrs. L. K. Harden has returned from her vacation and Is again In her office, f 01 Oregonian building. TeL Clay 1581 ' Quick Meal rant, beat on' earth, uses half -th fuel tot other ranges. Olds, Wortman At King. - Fully warranted. Chaw Den-TaJ-Qum. hav pearly teeth and prevent decay. For sal vry wher. . . - - Tin display, embroideries and point lac, orders taken. o Clay street. : . ' r Dr. O. C Blaney, L O. O. F. tempi. Wise Broa, dentists, th Falling bldg. Dr, X M. Thornton, dentist. Marquam. Ansley Printing- Co 150 Oak street AT THE THEATRES 0009 BXU AT ITUOl ' . Ther are s many good feature on the bill at th Lyrlo theatre thla week mat it seems hardly fair to mention any on of them first. It la probable that Vardman, billed, aa "tha Auburn haired Beauty," waa received with a little th most favor by tha audience laat night. - Vardman la an Imperson ator of woman. Bom there were who instated -to their friends laat night that Yardman la a woman. H haa a figure moil women- would nvy and arms and shoulders that across th footlights would fool th closest scrutlnlxer. His vole is a kind of masso-saprana When tha red wig comes off. however, there la no doubt a to hie sex. Slgnor and Madam Belli, opera singers and re flned comedians, hav excellent voices ana aontrlbnte in larg masur to th success of th performance this week. Ed 3. O'Brien Is not only a natural com edian, but , handle . th accordion aa can few performer In thla day, when accordion playing la almoat In th na ture of a lost art. Parry and Blmma make a good team in aonga and dia logue. Q race Armond, the vlvaeioua aouoratta, waa appreciated by th audi enc. A firat-clas bill ends with a real istic production of "The Bleeping oesuiy - ana tn vitascop. It 1 th Dat work yet produced bv that won derful machln. . - ,..r.';vATTta Am OAs b. While last on th bill Hush J. Rmmett la easily th drawing card at th- Ar- caae thla week. . His reDutatlon aa a Ventriloquist is world-wide. It is a constant source of wonder to audience bow he can not only throw hi vole any- place he so desires, but that he is never seen to open his IIds. Tat he shouts and sings, whistles and imitates almost every - Imaginable sound. Em- mett Is a comedian, in addition to heinv avarsi-ciass ventriloquist, and what he puts into tns mouths of his dummies al ways amuses. Ther are other excel lent attraction on the bill. Pamnlin opena with aomething new In Juggling ana gun-spmning mat will make Hadji el Mahofodl Sharif look to his laurels. H pursues what la called th Glseh. or pyramid, method. Happy, rollicking and car free in their every action, Bentham and Freeman make a good stare team. rteaaenaorf and Krause, the inevitable uerman comedians, are very fair In their line of work. This week Kate coyi sings an Illustrated ballad entl tled "Th Altar of Friendship." :' "TAB'S BBW BXXS Standing on a bridge formed bv two companions crossing srms and clasping nanus, one or in Leanaer brothers, the one wearing me pink naiama. executes a doubl back somersault and alights on nis reet. This is on of tha most diffi cult feats known to moderA tumhlera. In addition he turn a number of hand springs across th Star theatre stag, ndlng with a somersault In th air In wnicn n twist from th front to the rear sand strikes on his feet, looking backward. The Leander brothers and Feeley certainly form an excellent draw ing card at th Star this week. Mar ion Manaeviiie. who furnishes a pleas ing combination of dancing, singing and contorting, opene th bill. Catherine Manning, a Junoesqu beauty, who wears-stunning gowns. atDer In bal lads. Hearn and" Lewi give the latest in dialogue and aong. while Will S. Hoyt furnishes : th pictorial ballad. way Down East." The colored mili tary quartet. In an army environment. atnga "The Sentinel Asleep." Under the calcium light a beautiful scene ia fur- nianed. ; OOCgDT AWD FATBOS. Onlytwo breaka occur In tha etrmm of comedy flowing across th board at th BIJou theatre thla week, whan tha Taylor quaret and Kdna"ToTeygnTiiJtyH in sentimental and pat net lo in their aongs. Little Kdna'a song are liiua trated. Four brothers compose the Tayior quartet. The youngest, aged nine years, ' has a soprano vote that cauaed all the Women in th audience last night to gasp in astonishment, and such expressions as "Isn't he cut?" were heard on every side. The ahow la opened by Prince and Lisle with a comic sketch. Their lover turn Is new, and th girl manages to keep her sweet heart Interested as he was never Inter ested befor perhaps. Th Ltndon sisters whistle and danc their way Into tha hearts of th audience. Leonhardt, th Juggler clown. I quick of hand and grotesque of attitude, A dosen or mora interesting and varied scenes are shown thla week on th vitascop. . OXBTIT FXXBOBAXh ' ' - . Mr. and Mr. John K. Davis of The Brown hav returned from a two week' outing at. Foley Sprtnaa. where Mr. Davis has extensive mining Interests. - F. E. Harris of Ban Francisco is reg istered at th Portland hotel. He la well-known buslnees man of that city snd is spending a few days' vacation tn Portland. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Be reave to morrow to visit Mr. See's parents In Michigan. They will be gon about six weeks, visiting th St Louis fair on th way horn. . -r J. H. Dodge, an expert In th rood roads servtc of th United State de partment of agriculture, la registered atth Imperial. IX A. Madison of Dallas la at th Perkins. . F. I Coykendall and daughter of Pen dleton are guest at th Perklna H. A. Nelson of Albany la registered at the Perklna. t J. A. Norman of Ashland Is at tha Perklna Mrs. M. A. KIser of Ashland' 1 at th Perkins. J. H. Oelsendorfer of Th Dalles la la the city today. B. P. corneiiu or Hiilsboro la at'th Belveder. George It. Smith, proprietor of Th Palms, at Eugene, la a guest at th Belevedsr. , , , x Frank Davenport, a well-known saw mill marl of Hood River, la registered at th Belveder. ; Mr. and Mra. M. X. Rhodes of Mo' Mlnnvllle ar at th Imperial. - Mr a. H. S. Scale and Mlsa Zula Bolea of Pendleton ar guests at tha, ImparlaX , , . OWNERS SECURE cox Hates AJTOTXZB TSMIL OXASTBBB9 TO Z.OAJ3 WBBAT, TBI TKIBO XB t WBrB BATB SB MASTOID BT SBXTO WVZBS' VBZO IS OBABTZO SB 8TXBT OASB. Balfour, Guthrl at Co. chartered tha British ship Langdal yesterday to load wheat at Portland for th United King dom, paying th union rat of 17 Id. The vessel ia now In- th orient, but la expected to sail shortly for th Paolflo coaat. . Within tha paat few days three ahlpa have been engaged at the same figures to load at Portland for European porta, and during th coming week it 1 xpeotd that th Bat will b lncreaaed. From the appearance- of things th long dead lock ha been broken and th ship owners' union Is going to win Its point When the owners organised a short tlm ago and decided to raise rate from 10s to 17s Id the statement was freely mad by thoa who ar in a position to keep posted on such matters that th advance- was too high to permit of any vessel being chartered. They prophe sied that th union or combine would not hold together and that eventually th awners would b obliged to accept whatever' rates they were offered. The explanation waa mad that th charter ing of ships Is like any other llna of business, depending solely, upon th law of supply , and demand,. It waa also argued that th French shipowners who had taken up with th organisation Idea would soon b acorn anxious to earn tha bounty which their government aipwa for every mil of dlatanc their vessels traverse, and rather than permit them to 11 Idle, they would take whatever rat tby could get. Th charter Which, hay a lw" efranted within the Tmm few days show that these conclusions were arrived at rather hastily. Had not th price of wheat In Liver pool advanced the exporters contend that it would not havn posslbl for them to hav paid such high charter rates. In som quarters It i believed that freight will go even higher. " Luiuai acAjrss stbxxb. : Object to rasalng Wood and Delay th . Steamer's Dapartar. Declaring that they were overworked. th deckhand on th steamer Lurllne. of th Vancouver. Transportation com pany's river fleet, walked off th vas sal this morning and refuaed to return until a pro mis bad Deen xacta from th management that they would not be required to pass wood to the firemen. A temporary setUamsnt Waa- f f ecUd by an assistant fireman being engaged for this trip to handle th fuel, and upon th steamer's return to port It Is said that th difficulty will In all likelihood be permanently settled. Sine th fish-season haa opened up in full blast th dackhand claim that they are forced to put in unusually long noura at tha various landings handling freight, and when they ar required to keep th firemen supplied with wood in connection with their other duties they ar of th opinion that they are being weighted down with too many burden. At any other time of tha year they state that they ar not opposed to performing th pleo of .work against which they balked this morning. Before th matter waa amicably disposed of th Lurllne was delayed In port two hours. BABOrOB OOMPUTBS OABOO. Th schooner Bangor completed her lumber cargo this morning at th Port land mill. Bhe has 600,000 feet aboard. and will probably leav down for the mouth of th river tomorrow Her des tination Is San Pedro. Th George C Perkins arrived In th river thia morn ing from th same port- after an un usually long passage. Mi was ta. daya making tha trip. Th Mabel Gale, now in port, left there the same day for Portland, arrived more than a week ago. and has her outward, cargo about com pleted. .. . x , MATS. BBOOMXS OAFTAXB. When the barkentln Fullerton sailed for San Francisco thla afternoon aha waa in command of a new officer. While lying here J. MacKechnle waa appointed oy the owners at Ban Francisco to Suc ceed Peter Nailsen as captain. During tha paat year, Mr. MacKechnle haa been nrat mat on th Fullerton. After reach ing the California metropolis th vessel will receive a cargo of fuel oil for Honolulu. Sh wtll proceed down th coaat without th aaalstanca of a tug boat. . . , ,... . . . BOTX8. Aatorla, Aug. . Condition of tha bar at a.-m., smooth; wind northwest; weather cloudy. Left up at t a. m. Barkentln Georg C. Perklna. Arrived at a. m. British steamer Crusader from Vancouver. . Astoria, Aug. I.- Arrived at (:45 n. m. and left up at p. m. Bt earner Redondo from San Francisco. . PETTY THIEVES STILL ACTIVE TWO MZSTOB BtTBOItABXES ABB BB- FOBTXD WOKAB BBPOBTS X.OSS OF GOLD WATCH, WKIOX WAS SBATOXBD AWAT FBOX XXB BT vnau THizr. - Petty thieves contlnu to pilfer rsl- dences throughout th city, and dur ing the night the horn of Mrs. Rosanna Stephenson, Z49 North Sixteenth atreeti was entered and robbed of tit cash, one check on Ladd Tilton's bank for $100, ana anotner on tn First National bank for 150. Th victim believes they were taken during her absence yesterday af ternoon or venlng. Detectives ar in vestigating. Payment on tha checks was stopped this morning, so th thief gats but lb cash for his trouble. William Richards, rooming at tit First street, reported this morning that some one entered his room during his absence and atol a auit of cloth val ued at 17. and IIS In atlver. Bell Adama, employed at Qua Routh's saloon In th north-end district, had her gold wateh snatched from her waist as she was entering the Appleton hous. on Sixth street, early this morning. Schedule of Steamer T. J. Potter. Th seaside steamer T. X Potter will leav Portland,- Ash, street dock, -for Astoria and uwaco aa follows: 1 - August 10, Wednesday, 7:10 a. DV August 11, Thursday, 1:11 a. m. August 11, Friday, a. m. - i ' August 13. Saturday, I a. m. Get "transportation and berth tickets at O. R N. tlrket offlc. Third and Washington streets, Rank r" r- - -i 1 "' Neglect Has , ruined thousands' of costly watches. You needn't expect yours to keep correct time without an occasional cleaning or regulating. ., A watch will last longer clean ed often, too. fcut yours in our watch sanitarium. Op erations carefully performed. Fees reasonable, v ' VMV ItMuiHIU TEETH SPECIALS EXTENDED UNTIL SEPT. I Boston Painless Dentists Will maka aoeclal low achool rate In order that all achool children may com and hav their ttn oard xor during vacation. . . . Theae ar th orilv dentist In Port land ha van g the late botanical discovery to apply to tn guma ror rainiass ex tracting. Filling and Crowning Teeth, tiM guarantee a ror ten yarat ITiirrT Extract)n FSEE Silwr fiill.gj......lSc Foil Set ! Teeta 13.00 ElanlMtlM.MnEC Mi FlllJnts .7i Geld CrowBS....SI.OO Oiuass and anas' won at Prioe a apeeialty. Our Fatmt Sonbl Suction will hold yon ta no. BO STVDBBTS.. Com In at one and take advantage of low rate. All work don by sped alls tn without pain and guaranteed for II yeara. - -. Boston Painless Dentists r'tfth. and Morrison-streeta. entrance tl ft Morrison, , . the 313 ST THERE b a constantly grow--. i X ' tag demand for better, simpler nd more tasteful ' printed matter. No progressive house should think of uling the product of the amateur press or entrusting its production to sny but men of recognized, ability. Our service as writers,' designers and printers is at your disposal. The cost is no more thin you are paying now its value is many times greater K JKEaltes&Co. First and Oak Pbnt Main 165 Artistic Yl; and Tonpce nahcr Satisfaction Caarantted Befor and After Wearing one of my famoua Toupee. SOS Washington St. ROYAb Italian Band Illustrated songs, moving nletnraa. eta Portland Heights Park, vry vu- lng. - A Maw BUI With All-star Acta Starts Today at tha STAR THEATRE rOBTUni VASKXOITABia AtTDXTZUB anbATXOVSB, General samisstoa, lOe; reserved bnt aesta, SOe. rwionuiNN x io e:ou. ( :su to ie:ao p. bb. The koate ef polite vaadeTllle. ' Oeattnaoua performsDees from S to e:90 p. Sundars eontlnnons a tn 10:ftn D. m. even. lng perfnrmiMa Iron t to 10:90 p. m. Any scHit la tbe tbeatre. 10 eents. L.YRIO THEATRt Oeraer Alder and Seveath. HIQH'CUASS REFINED V A UD BVI L.L.E 1:80 to d.'SO) 7:80 to 10:0: ganday, t t 10 p. m. This sd. and lOe will sdmlt In people say Bstlnee except Sandays aad holiday. TEH CtSTB MO HIOHIA. ARCADE THfATRC 'eventk aad Washlogtoa. RCflNCD VAUDCVI.LC 1:10 to :JO. t:1S to 10 SO, aoaday, eoatlaanaa from S to 10:SO. . yor Udles, gentleaiea and ehlldrea. ' Admlssloa 10 cents to aay seat. ' FRITZ THEATRE SH NI SVSHIIOS. VKSD rUTB. ros. W. U. BROWS, slg. TUB HOME OP, VAUDEVILLE Twe ekewe dally al t aad a. s av ' , CONCSST HAtI- . BLASIEB BROS, , CONCERT KVEBT KIOHT, SO-BM sUsNBIDB, Portia d, Or. VrH ... , AJCOSIMBaTTS. - I M I ' WHAT MRS. SARAH TYSON RORER PRINCIPAL OF THE PHILADELPHIA COOKING SCHOOL, HAS TO SAY OF THE MERITS OF THE I IWI M , ' MRS. B. T. RORER, Addreaa during July, August and Sap . 1 Principal. t tamber, MC Gretna, Pa. Philadelphia Cooking School. . . 171t Chestnut Street, PhUadelphla, " "; .:';:;-'.,-''' ; December. 3; 1903 : - ' KERR . GLASS MANUFACTURING ' COMPANY " "y C ' Portland, Oregon -Gentlemen! . - ,''r ;'v,';; 'i. :-::''-'.;;';;;.;v; :' . In answer to' your letter can only .'say that I tried the Jar and waa exceedingly pleased wlth them. I canned peas, beans, tomatoes, .carrots, besides a number of fruits and not one jar spoiled. The whole "tomatoes I usedf or" myThanksgiving -dinner as a salad, and they were solid and plump as possible. v. Very truly yours rABX AJTS WASBZaTOTOV BTBBBTS rOBTZJUTD, OBBOOB , Establlshad In 1I6S. Open all th year. Prlvat or das Instruction. Thousanda of graduate In positions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, to fr.. A. P. ABBISTBOVCK U.B. PBXBCXAjV Behnke-Walker Business College POBTaVaJTA, OB. Make a specialty of equipping young men and woman for llfe'a work and se curing that work for them whwa com petent. . Oar graduates ar all employed. Mor than 100 placed In positions since th flrat of laat August. Phon Main 10. W oaa hl Jrou. Writ. tllll MHItAry Academy wi . yOSTXASlXj 0SSMV. A astvate tsar diss aad 4md BsbeoL kuaaal walstBg, stud tary ataalpUB, aoUat pespsiei Ma. Sea ed aoy age adaUtte4 at aay time, rail sarat aac-tembe 14, 180. - CUT Ttllft OUT M stall ta Br. t. W, WSU. Xttt fcliWr Aeadessy, Fertlaad. OfT rr koya, whoa 1 was ta send M nnteaer utiil Thaar agea ate , Pkas. aend SM srleea aad tarsal alse Olastratai ssswipana aauaig as yaa SAorearl. OBBOO BHOBTBABD, TOUOB TTTB- WBITIBO, BUSOXT BTBTXK BOOXXXXriBO. Oreater demand than ever befor for our graduates. 1 Holmes Business College Bstabllshsd 1887. Tamhtll and 11th Sta. Columbia fJt University mtrclal and Grammar Orad Apply far Catalogs. Cour. Boardlns; School for Young Men and Boy I Boi 335, University Park Station Portland. Oregon PORTLAND ACADEMY rita bora and a Iris for Waiters and Eaatera ollegea. Primary sod graDmar grades inehided. Portland Jtcadomy Hall for Girls Recelvee a limited number aad airea Ibeai the eomforte ssd care of a reflned home, Office aoura durlns Julr and AucuM from s a. m. ta 11 m. Sor catalogue addMaa Port land Af-ettemy. Portland. Or. OBBOOB POBT1VABB St. Helen's Hall A Olrla' School of th Bighaat Olaaa. Corn of teacher, location, building. equipment the beat. Bend for catalogue. OrZBS SBFTBXBBB IB, 1S04. LIS. VISLOV'S S00Ti:i."3 SYRUP ta. been seed br Mlinnaa of Mothers for their children while Teethlnc us foe oe yif ty Tears. ia auothaa th. oh I id. aoftena the nm altera all pain, eures wind olio, aad 1 ta beak SSOieuy ror oiarrwvMb vwENTT-rivB rgirra A BavrrLs. if . VWWeMMAAMAMVWeMMVI( re SEASIDE RESORTS HOTEL CEARHART has ornrxD torn txs biabov. The aaest summer resort on the North Paelfla Coaat. It eooalsta ef 800 acres with aatnrsl groTO, pure spring water, elegaat golf groande, teaaia eowt aad croquet ground, boa tine, ah. Ins. hunting and flne surf bathing. The hotel has beea entirely renovated and new sidewalk, throughout the park. Telegraph and telephone I hotel. FVr rate, and accommodation apply to P. H. aoHOLDCRMAM. Mar.. Gearhart, Or. HOTEL MOORE renaerly Xaw OriaMa Betel, Baailda. Oiags. NOW OPEN The nly hotel aa the eoaet .rr looking the eeean. rtneet surf bathing and, tub bath., noat- Banting snd Bahlng. Tbe hotel Is bard anlsbed with furnace heat. For rates sddnss UAH J. HOOSs, Proa.. Beaalds. Oregon. McOUIRE'S Seaside, Oregon too ted tn th vary ent of th city, aonvanlant t railroad and frsah-watar boating on th Becavnlonm. Tlnaly fur nlahad. . Voltta arundants. , - Remodeled, rebuilt and furnished. Open for th season of ISO. THE HARVEST HOME .. to, MonTeaa, Bron. Price: pef day, 11.00 per week, beds tSo and 60c. meals tt cents. Children under fO years at half rat. &OBO BBAOX, WASH. Seaside Livery & Fuel Co. UYZBY, rBED, SAABS ' STOBAOB ABB TUBIi Oraying, Bxpresalag and Oram! .Tobblag saaiBi, vauiaog. 1 ataadl All Binds of ry Wood. tadra to Blk Oraek and Cannon Btnk The Driftwood Btra. T. Z.yniff . BtOBT COKTOBTABLB ABB VBZQVB OOTTAOB OB TBB ' BBAOX. Hot and Cold Salt Watr Batha In Connection. ' LOIS BBAOX. WASK. "THE COLONIAL" B1ABIDX, OBEOOV. A new, elegantly furntahed hotel, la bow open for the aeaaon. Erery room open aa a large perch. eooimandlDg a fine view of the ocean. Large sbadr grounds, fine service, snd geod tneala Bwk this a very dealrable Slace to spend a t, cation. Beasoaable rate, y tha day or week. LIND8LBT A BON. Proprietors. Uncle Sam's Great Sanitarium - ' . . i . Th great , all-year-round health and pleaaur resort. Hot Springs, Arkansas, is owned and ndord .by th United State government. Splendid hotel, fa cilities. Amusements of all kinds. Tour daily trains from St. Louis, via Iron Mountain route. Unexcelled equip ment. . For fr descrlptlv literature, addrea K. C Townsend, O. P. T. A St, Loula ASTORIA AUGUST 24, 25. 26, 1904 Greatest aquatic event , on the Pacific Coast REGATTA ASK TOUB BMUS o zoosoarr am Th oheapeat and moat aoonomleal fralt Ja la th world. So easy, nick sad almpl a Child can sal and opam It. , . . : . To rabhr ring reqaired. Mad In pints, Quart and half gallons, ef olaar, whit glaaa, with serving of fruit whol or ta layers. Wadhams & Kerr Bros, Whol al Orooar and Ooffe ( koaatars. , , si-ss-ss non ' STmrar, -A iy VOBTZUUal), SBJIrOT. - Send two oenta In atampa for booklet containing instruct lone and recipe how to can vrythlng. . PAINTS THAT Look well Wear well Spread well. And well adapted to thia climate. " V Fisher, Thorsen "'';r&'Co. EYEBYTHING IN PAINTS 160. 162, 164 Front St. . Cor. Front and Morrison TROY LAUNDRY "Thatfaslii" WEST SIDB OFEICBi 129 FIFTH STREET LAUNDRY; WATER ST., EAST SIDE The Umbrella that we of fer at $1.73 is not the ord inary kind. By manufactur ing our own goods we are able to make a great saving in? the cost of production. The way in which we finish these umbrellas adds much to the wearing quality as well as appearance and you will be surprised to see what a handsome, durable umbrel la you can purchase for this small price. ( ALLESIN. Two Factories i 309 Mcrrlscii 2:51'::" 9 Troy Laundry Company ; I I .. . , r- Umbrellas -n $1.75 ' '7' ." .1