The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 09, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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- - 'i'. . - - - .. - ; 1 : : . : i - i-r i -
Born With a Double Veil Ed-
c, ucated in Occult Science
In Egypt end India
The Veiled Prophetess
' - i! sarsoa win be entitled to Bonr ttam eae
reeding t this low fM, it mad a
natur ct ndvertlslng for this week wnly;
J'ter o,.t ill readluge wlU be et regular 1m,
: 0. to all. Voa nut Mn. this ad.
. ton (Jon', moat famous palmist a ad etstrvoy.
fat U arknowledr d br press and publl tb
prvsisst living DEAD TRANCE MEDICM.
S" .Bn "" what yen ram for befiw ye
Ur a word; doea not aak auMtlone, so mt
r what your troabta may be.
i.Ca". and ah will guide yea wit a certainty
figher than humaa power. Talla. 70 to
troth. go or bad. k
Thl OCCULT WONDBK kj placed la a dan
by haraelf, towering baad and houldrB otw
Z7TT rivet, ana u recognised or tns rau
It mar be of vital Interest to yen to know
iMuiiliiaa or rl'f'!iiM ""
pond apon Ue right solution and proper ad-
There ar m mistakes In the predictions
' Blade by th raat nd wonderful Psychic
Too may wtab to know If It la advisable
In make chants la basin, la lor, la
''Shall I succeed la m arw andertaklngr
- "Caa I ootala By hopes, aty wishes,, soy
"Shall I vr n)oy th luxarlse of wealttT"
1 , "Can I, trnat my frlendst" c
"Hsve I enemleeT"
"Whan "b.11 1 marry T" '
. "How oftan ahall 1 marry , . '
. "Shall I am ha divorced" '
"Does another (bar th lor thar rightfully
swionga to aner
"If so, wboenT" ..f. . .:..
"Am t krad la rturn r'
"la tbar a rival In m lovaW
"Whan ahall my 1st affair tcrmlnata la
BHmaaa f
"Whan ahall nr aVmiMttii kmlili. aawlT"
."Row eta I maka my Uf and bom happyt
"tllkM ahall m Ka. 4.MI V '
"Wh da 1 mat hm! a Urfarf
Roora 10 a. m. to S p. m., daily as4
way. rcrmanaatiy weato; . .
' Cor. FIFTH ST.
' Tloo of ' " i' ;'
Boatoa SantaJ rurlors. 1
in th tkbeat ram, fruit and Kock auction m
th world. Tkuaiivl of acral of land at actual
coat mt 'Jrrintioa. Deed direct from Stat at
MAP FREE. Drachma Irrigation and Powor Com-
acT,tlo-I l-IiMcKBuUiiat,PortlaiMl,Ortroa.
rtoposAtt roa nrmommrr boxm,
loald Dronoaala will b realTd by tb
ajnoarala-nad at tha tfln f tb Auditor' of
a tity 01 rortiana, uraton, oatii Monday,
jioanac 10, I8U. at 1 cjoca n. m., tor tn aaia,
lit aot Im tha a par rain and aeerncd Intmaat.
kf lmoroTmnt bonda of th Cltr of Portland.
kr(on, aa tb am aball b antborlard to b
Jaauad for th wbol or any part of 4S.1M.W,
idaid bonda will b laand la denomination of
U00.00 aeb, o b daMd Aurnat 1. loot, pay
si tan yaar from data, baaring lntanat at th
at of par nt par aannm, payabl aaml
mnanally. lntanat and principal payabl la
Xxltad Stta gld eoln. at tha offlc of th
Tlty Traararar, Portland, Oregon. Prorldad,
" that th City of Portland rcrre th right tf
tak np and anol auch bonda, apoa 4h par
mant of tb tao ralua thrraof, with aeernad
IntarMt to th data of payment,- at any Hal-
annoai oopoa perioa at or aiiar on year irom
ha data auca bonda.
Said bond ar leaned under antborlty of aa
t of th Leglalatur of the State of Oregon,
paaaed rebruary 14, 1881, entitled: "An act
t- pro-rlda tor tb laauan of bond for tb
Improvement of atroeta and tb taring of eeware
In incorporated eltla, and for th payment of
' coata of auoh Imprerwaanta and laying of
Vaewer by Inatallmenta." a amended by aa
act of th Leglalatura of th State of Oregon.
pprored feurnary J8, 1801, entitled: "An act
t amend aectlona 1, t, a, 4, 5, and T of aa
act entitled: 'Aa act to pro-rid for th taauanc
of bond for th Improvement of atreete aad
laying of ewr la lacorporated cltloa, aad for
' the payment of th coat of uch Improve
ment aad laying of aewera by InaUllment,'
'filed In th offfr of th Secretary of But
f'ebraary 23, lass, and th ptooMda thereof
te he need for th pyant In pert to in
'Improvement of vtreet or oonatmctlon of ewra
' a th raid Improvement (hall be completed.
Th validity of tb act of tb Leglalatur
.aforeeald ha been affirmed by tb 8aprm
(Court of the Stat of Oregon.
Bidder will b raulrd to aubmlt a flat bid,
without condition, except aa to th rea-ularltv
tot tb la.ue of bond, and to aubmlt with their
bio eertinea enecK on a oant-i. tne
Portland, Oregon, equal to 8 per cenr of th
ee valo of th bond bid for, payabl to th
ayor of th City of Portland, llauldated
damage In caee rarhbldder withdraw hi
'f tak and pay luraald bond aceordltig to th
taranref-b1-ld and thl notlc. Tb right
to reject any and all bid I aroy learned.
Bide bnnia n aaareeaea to l aemaa u. Devlin,
Andltor of tha Cltr of Portland, Portland, Ore
, fnn. and marked "Bid for Improvement
:. '!:' rrmfERMAK, .
" ' ' H. R. AI.BKR, ' ";,
d. t. snEBBrrr,
Commute on tVaya and hfean. '
Portland, Oregon, Auguat S, 1804,
Notlo w hereby given that at th meeting
of tb Council of th City of Portland, Oregon,
bald on th 8d day bf Aognit, 180. th fol
low In resolution wa adopted: -
Beaolved, Tbat .th Council of th City at
Portland, Oregon, deeme It expedient aad pro.
poj to tmpror Ret Alder atreet from tb eeat
II M of Eaat Tblrty-elxhth etreet to tb weal
Una of Eaat Thirty-ninth (treat, la th follow
ing manner, to-wlt: . -.
Pint By grading tha atreet full width with
- full Intei-aectione to th proper grad a given
- by th City Engineer. . , r
Second By cooatructlng wodea aldewalka.
I Said Improvement to be made In accordant-
" with tha charter nd ordinance of th City
of Portland and th plana, aneclftra-tlon and
etimate of tha City Engineer, filed In th
office of th Auditor of th City of Portland
n th SUthj day of July, 1804. endnreed: "City
Engineer' plan and anectflcatlona for tha
Improvement of Eaat Alder atreet from th
aat II n of Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet to th
west lln of Eaat Thirty-ninth street, and th
cellmate of th work to be don aad th prob
able total cost thereof."
. Th cost of eald Improvement to b iaaeesed
a provided by th city charter apoa th
pnperty specially benefited thereby, and which
' la hereby declared to be all the lota,' part of
lot and parcel of land lying Between a lln
! 100 feet north of and parallel with th north
II o of Eaat Alder atreet and a lln ion feet
' fouth of and parallel with tb couth Una of
Eaat Alder atreet and between th eaat line of
East Thirty-eighth atreet aad th west lln of
Et Thirty-ninth atreet. -
Th Englneer'a estimate of tb prohahl total
met for the Improvement of as Id Bast Alder
(treet w $70.00.
Th plans, apeclflr-atlon and estimate it th
- City )niner for th Improvement of aald East
Alder atreet ar herehy adopted.- '
Resolved, That the Auditor of th City of
Portland b end h I hereby directed t aiv
aotlc of the' proposed Improvement of aald
tteet aa provided by th city charter.
Remonstrances against th above Improve
ment may b filed In writing with tb under,
elaned within So dare from th data ef th
first publication of this nolle.
i By order f th Council.
1' Auditor f fh City of PartUaA. -Partlaad,
Oregon, August , 1804. , . .
' -T Vt '.(' I ', . ;'
Notlo la harebr glren that th Council of
tne city of rortlaud, Oregon, -at a meeting
held oa tha Sd dar of Atuuat. 1U04. declared
the aaaeaameht by ordlnaaca No. 14.120, for th
Improvement f Pnccott a treat from th wat
lln of East Tenth atreet to th east lln of
Eaat fourteenth etreet, la tb manner provided
ny raiune no. lo.oje, upon cn un, pari of
lot and parcel of land,' which ar peclally and
peculiarly benefited, ta be aa tollowa, via:
hlUULAN! KbOCK 14, lot , Henry S. Pea
pell, 129 1 lot 6, Henry 8. Ponnrll, $11,41;
lot 9, r illism u. aKranan, ow.xa, mi t,
William C. Htrahan. H6.21. BLOCK 15.
lot , Marlon Smith, 104.17; lot 5. Marloa
Smith, IIWK6; lot 8, Marloa Smith. $15.04;
. lot T. Marloa Smith, $1o.T4. BLOCK 14, lot
. Edith B. Tultord, $42.53; lot ft. Edith B.
Tuftcrd. 812.IU; lot a, waiter J, Cheney,
$l8.a: lot T, Andrew B. Oueberg, $M.dO.
tll.tK K A. lot ft. Msry J. ff-rrnlii rtl.76:
: kit ft, Mary J. Hagadom. $15.M; lot ft,
, James N. rallilova. till. 2.1: lot T. Maaala 0.
Stevens, t&S.SO. BLOCK 12, lot a, Joha
Moran, $11.84: lot ft, John Mnran. $9.07.
- r. n. avoioia, f iua.001 tot a, w. a. svoroio.
10.SI. -
Tltl Guarantee A Trust Co., $140.14: lot
,11. Th Till Uuarante Trust Co., $24.TT.
' BIX)( K 25. lot 1. Th Tltl Ouarantr ' A
Tru.t Co., $T(I.2; lot 2. Joba Bchlag. $18 M;
lot It. The Title RmrintM A Trnat Cm..
id.ill lot 12. Th Tltl Ouiranta. A Trnat
- Co.. $Tii.8T. BLOCK 24, lot 1, Th Tltl
uuaraate m Trust uo., ihi.ib; mt x. Tn
Tills (Jnarantee Trust Co., $10.42: lot 11,
' Tb Title Guarantee A Truat Co., $10.T8; lot
12, Th Tltl Guarantee A Truat Co., SHl.ftO.
. BIOC'K 22, lot 1, Th Title Guarantor A
" Truat Co., $S8.S1 : lot 2. Th Title Onarantto
mn tv, fis.un; lot 11, William itoy
ptoaea, fieimj sot 12, William Hoy Btok, bmm h zz, west 1UO leet lot
arr A. Bolca. tlX.M: west 100 feet lot
Mary A. Bole, $10.41; aorth TH feet of west
J'iu reel mi a,. Mary A. Hole, ai.ou. Total,
A sutemeUt of aforesaid a aa ess moot baa
been entered In th Pocket of City Lien, and
W now due and payable at th offlc of th
City Trtosunr, la lawful money of th United
State, and If not paid within SO day from
th date of thr notice, each proceeding will
b taken for th collection of th aame a
ar provided by Ua abartar .of tb City -.of
The a hove aaaament will bear interest 10
ay art tb tint publication of this notion.
. . Auditor t th City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon, August 8, .1804.
Notlo I hereby given that tb Council of
in vuy of c-wtiand, Oregon, at a meetim
held n the ad dar 'of Ausuat: 1004. declare.
tb aaseaautent by ordinance No. 14,182, for th
sonitructloa of a sewer In Belmont street from
100 feet west of the West line of Eat Thirty
seventh atreet to sewer la Ualmont atreet at
th - east lln of Bunnyald. la th manner
provided by ordinance No. 12,808, upon each lot.
part of lot aad parcel ef land, which are pee
leiiy ana peculiarly oenenieo, to n aa louowa,
Oregon BLOCK 8, lot 12, Edward L. Baugh
man, $11.4; lot 13, H. 1. Warden, $18.63;
. ast 1 rest tot la, u. i. vvaraen, 4.
. , t a. I... , A VMW Tl ' - if nA.
. east H lot lS,Jcnb' Wang. $5 25; west
H i 10, viara A. uoittinger. aa.zo; Mt is,
Clara A. Holttlnger. $11.40. BlOCK 68,
lot ft, Th Tltl Guarantee A Truat Co.,
17.00: tot A Tha Tltl Guarantee A Truat
Co., $27.43; Jot 8. The Title Guarantee A
' Truat Co., ,irn8; lot 2, The Tltl (guarantee
A Trust Co., tlT.OS; lot 1, Th Title Uuaraa
te Truat uo., f jt.iu, xotai.,
v- A tatarmant of a far a aald aaeaament baa
been sutered In tb Docket of City Lieu, and
I now ou ana payaoi at tna oinc 01 tn
City Treaaurer, In lawful money of th United
Stat, and If aot paid wlthla 20- dare from
tha date of tbl notice, such proceedings will
be taken for tha collection sf th asm aa
an provided by tb abutar of tha Cky of
Th shov assessment will bear Intereet 10
asja altar tt untpubiieation or this notica,
TH08. 0. DEVLIN.
Auditor at the City of Portland.
Portland.' Oregon, Auguat 8, 1804.
Notlc la hereby gtva that tha Oannell (
the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting;
held a th Sd day of Auguat, 1804. declared
tha assessment by ordinance No. 14,186, for th
construction ef a sewer la Beat Twentr-eevsaLh
street from th north Una f East BUrk street
to a aoaaectloa with tb tower In Bsst Fin
street, la tb manner provided by ordlninc
No. 1 ... uooa each kit. part of lot and oarcel
of laud, which ar specially and peculiarly Dsn-
enteu, no am as roiiowe, vis:.
lot 1, B. A, Oeorjte. $lft.06; sst H lot
n t, R. A. George, $18.00: west H lot 1,
Adelaide Poppletoa Harding, $7.55; west
H mt S, Adelaide Popple ton Harding. $7.65!
' lot 8, Laclnda lurbea, $22.00: lot 4. Luclnda
. rortH, 101 0, Antnouy nawraui,
222.00. BLOCK f, lot 1. Maggf R. Clark,
(22.001 lot B, W. B. StrannalL $22.40. BLOCK
1. west U lot 10. William M. Lsdd. $10.80:
wast 4 tot . William M. Lsdd, $10,861 eeat
Vi kr 10, J. R. Poaaon. $8.86; east H
lt 8, J. B. Poaaon, $86: lot B. Joba
B. Burnett,; lot I, eoaa m. Burnett,
$14.20; lot . Caleb Myers, $14.20. BLOCK 2,
kt a, Margaret 4. errant, eia.zo; i ,
. Charles Davta. 814.20. TotaL $267.00.
. A statement ef aforesaid assessment has
bea entered la th Docket ef City Lima, and
la now ana ana pynie- at tn omo et the
Cltr Trea.urer. In lawful moan ef th United
aut, ana u not psia witntn bu aays irom
to data sf this aotlc. such proceed! nee will
be taken for th collection ef the earn as
sre provided by th charter f tha City of
Portland. -
. The above asaeasment will bear Interest 10
flay after tha flntpubiiaatlea of thi noUos,
latfB. v, "svLin,
Auditor of the City of PartUad.
Portland, Orsgoe, August S, 1804.
Notice la hereby aivaa that tb Council ef
tha Cltr of Portland. Oreson at a meeMrur
beld aa th Sd day of August. 1004. declared
th aaaesamaat by erdlnaaoa No. 14.188. for tb
construction 01 a sewer iu miasonri arenu
from the norta una el maont atreet ta a
eonneetlon with the swr In Beech street, tn
th manner provided by ordlnaac No. 18,864,
ttnon ch lot. part ef lot and parcel of land.
which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to
ae xoiiowa. vi - -
MULTNOMAH BLOCK 88, lot 81. Olaf P.
ttanaos, au.iu; k j, Mary 1. neiaon,
, $18,101 lot IT, Belnbard W. Byrlna, $18.10;
lot 15. Relnhard W. Svrlng. $18.10: lot IS.
. Arthur L. Dow $18.10; lot 11, Alexander
Elder Ftata, betrs ef, 818.10) lot 8, W. H.
Daly, $18 10; let T, Alexaodar Elder Estate,
. a II uya,. I . W' , av V. viaw deVIIUVI art'U, aiO.lO,
lot 8, Emit Basla. $18.10. BLOCK 84, lot
n, i. M. Nelson, 4.a; lot ao, t. K. Meleon,
81.)i lot 18. Brlk and Christine Wlk.
$21.60; lot 10. N. Bholenberg, $21 .00; lot
14, William wacxrow.; south u lot
821.60; lot 4, James P. Klrby, $21.50. Total,
A atatament of aforesaid asaeasment bsa
been entered In th Docket of City Lien, and
I now dn and payabl at th offlc of th
City Treasurer, tn lawful money of the United
State, aad If not paid wit bin SO day from
the date of this notice, such proceeding will
be token for th collection of tb cam a
ar provided by th charter of th City of
Portland, ''"' '
Th above assessment will bear Interest 10
days after tb flntpnbllcatlon of this aotfee.
To IB. U, UEVLlIt,
. Auditor of th City of Portland. ,
Portland, Oregon, Auguat 8, 1804.
Sealed Dronoaala will be received bv the
Water Board of tb City ef Portland, . Oregon.
nntll 8 p. m. Wednesday, August 10, 1804,
for furnishing f. a. a. Portland. 20 tons aa.
Shalt. -
Th asphalt to b eaual to th beat Duality
of aaphiltnm f obtained from Trinidad nr Ale.
trsa. ana sosti a ib an respect aatiaractory
to th Engineer, and ahall be delivered oa or
before Anguat 26, 1804.
- Specifications snd form of proposal ran he
obtained at tb office of th Engineer of th
Water Board, City Hail, Portland, Oregon.
Samnlee of aaohalt nronoaed to he riirnuhed
most ha sohmltted with each proposal and tha
material delivered, under the contract muat
conform therewith.
The right I reserved by the Water Board
to reject any or ell Mda.
Propneala must be enclosed tn aa envelop
endorsed oa th outside, "Propneala for As
phalt," and addressed to the underalgned.
Mw www u ".wr D,ern.
Portland, Oregon. August 4. 1804. ;
Nation la hereby gives that en th Bin dor
Of Anguat, 1804, I took tp and em pounded la
th City Pound . at No. 241 Sixteenth atreet,
In th City of Portland, Oregon, the following
described animal: One urge, light,,
brlndie colored row, aad unless the
owner or other person or person having
aa Interest therein (hall claim poaaeealon
of tb same, and pay all eoetu and charges of
th keeping ana aarertisina teem, together
with th pound toes on said animal, aa pro
vided by ordinance No. 6.825. as amended,
of eald City of Portland, I will oa the 16th
day ef Anguat. 1804. at the bonr of 10, a. -m.,
at the Cltr Pound, at No. Ml nixteenth street.
la said city, sell the shore described aslmalJ
at public auction to tne aigneat bidder, to pay
the eoeta and rharrea for takln an. keenlua
and advertlelng auch animal.
Dated this 8th day f Anguat, IfM.
.f, . . r. if. Burn
. . ... , , . ..v . PeuailnuatssV
u jj. aiexanner MCAiiiarer, aiu.To; aorin H
" lot U, Kate Norgard, 810.TB: tot 10, Albert
j lnkeT $21.00; lot S, John M.ckln, $21.60;
lot A Kmma A. ' Bteloh Batata, kelre of.
Notlc to' hereby given that at th meeting
f th Council ef tb City of Portland, Oregon,
held oa tb 84 day of August, Mot, tb fol
lowing resolution wa adopted:
Resolved, That the Council of the City ef
Portland. Oregon, dee ma It expedient and pro
poaaa to Improve Monroe atreet from the weat
Una of Union avenue to the eaat Uul of tita
teobela aveoue la the followliia; bi annex, to
wlt: .
Pint By grsdlng th street full width with
full Intersection to the proper grade aa (Ivsa
by th City Engineer.
SecondBy bringing the surface of the street
full width with, full latanecttoaa to proper
grad with gravel.
Third By couetruetlng crosswalks. ,,.
Fourth By eonstructlug stnne gutters..
fifth By rslsylngtbe cross we ike In accord
ance with the City Engineer's plans, specifica
tion and eetlmatea.
Bald Improvement to be mad la accordance
with th charter and ordinance of th City
ef Portland and the plana, specification snd
setlmatea of tb City Engineer, filed In tb
offlc ef th Auditor ef the City of Portland
on th 29th day of July, 1804. end. reed: "City
Englneer'a plan and apeclflcatlons for the
Improvement ef Moaroe atreet from th Weat
lln of Union avenue to tha east lln of Oaa
teobela avenue, and the eetlmatea et the work
to be done and the probable total coat thereof."
The coat of said Improvement te be aeaessed
as provided by ths city charter upon the
property apr!ally benefited thereby, and which
I hereby declared to be all the lota, porta ef
lota and parcel of land lying between a Una
100 feet north of and parallel with th north
line of Monroe etreet add a Una 100 feet eoath
e and parallel with th south Use of Monroe
atreet and between th weat lln of Union ave
nue and th cast lln of Qantenheln avenu.
Th Engineer' eatlmsr of the probable total
coat for the Improvement ef aald Monro street
la J4.800.0O. . ' .
The above Improvement I to be e la seed as a
gravel Improvement and. ahall be maintained by
th city for a period ef Bv yean, provided that
tba owners ef a majority of tha property bene
Sled by aald Improvement or any portion thereof
shall not petition for a new or different Ira
pr vetnent bfor th expiration of oca period.
The plana, specifications and estimate of the
City Engineer for tb Improvement of aald
Monroe atreet era hereby sdopted.
Resolved. That th Auditor of tb City ef
Portland be snd bs Is hereby directed to give
aotlc of th proposed Improvement Of aald
Street provided by th city charter,
Ramonatrancee alnt th abov Improve
ment may be filed tn writing with th under
algned within SO day from tha data at tha
first publication ef thl notlc.
By order of the CotincU.
Auditor of th City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon, August 6, 1804.
Notlc la hereby given that at tb meeting
ef ths Council ef th City of Portland. Oregon,
held en the 8d day et Auguat, 1804, th fol
lowing resolution waa adopted:
Resolved, That the Council of the City ef
Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Beat Washlngtoa atreet from
the eaat line of Eaat Thirty-eighth- atreet
to the weat lln ot East Thirty-ninth street la
th following manner, to-wlt:
Pint By grading tb street full width with
full Intersection to the propar grade aa glvea
by th City Engineer.
Second By constructing wooden sidewalk.
Bald Improvement te be made In accordance
with ths charter and ordinances of the Cltr
et Portland and the plana, apeclflcstton and
estimate of th City Engineer, filed In the
office of the Auditor ef the City of Portland
en th 20 th day ef July, 1804. endorsed: "City
Engineer' plan and apeclflcatlons for th
Improvement of Eaat Washington etreet from
the eaat line ef Eaat Thirty-eighth street to
th weat lln ef Eaat Thirty-ninth street, and
th estimate of the work to be den aad the
probable total cost thereof."
Th cost of said Improvement t be aassssed
aa provided by th city chsrter apoa th
property specially benefited thereby, and which
la hereby declared te be all the lots, parts of
Iota snd paresis of land lying setweea a lln
100 feet north of and parallel with the north line
et Bast Washington atreet and a lln loo feet
south ef and parallel with th south lln of
Eaat Washington atreet and between the eaat
Una of Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet and tb weet
lln of East Thirty-ninth street.
Ths Engineer eetlmate f th probe M total
est for th Improvement ef aald Beat Wash
ington atreet la $284.
The plane, a peclti ration and Mttmato of tb
City Engineer for th Improvement of said Bast
Washington street srs hereby sdopted.
Resolved. That th Auditor of th City ef
Portland be and b I hereby directed te give
aotlc of th proposed Improvement ef aald
Oeet aa provided by th city charter.
TAenaonatraneea aaaiaet the above lmpreve-
ment may be filed In writing with the under
signed within SO days from th. data at tba
firet punneatMU or tnie aotica.
. By ardor ef the Council.
Andltor ef th City of Portland.
Portland, Oregom, August B. 1804. .
Nrrrles la benby given that at the meeting
or tne uouncii ot tne city et r-ortiana, Oregon,
beld es ths ftd day ef Auguat, 1804. the fol
lowing resolution waa adopted s
Reeolved. That tb Council ef th City of
Portlsnd, Ongon, deem It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Pnmont atreet from Ue weet
fine ef Beat ElghU street to Ue east Una ef
Unto avaaue La U following manner, to-
' First By grading the street fall width with
full Intersections to th proper grade as gives
by ths City Engineer,
Second By bringing the surface ef the street
full width with full Intersection to th proper
and with gravel.
Third By constructing woedea sidewalks la
accordance with the City Engineer' plana.
pv cincauon na eetimaies.
Fourth 11 v corMttractlu wooden crosswalk
' Fifth By constructing bog snd stons gutter
la accordsBce with Ue City Engineer's pleas,
aneelfloettone and eetlmetea.
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
wiva uiv oe,m mmm w. v ,u v.. .
of Portlaad and tbs plans, apedflcatlona and
estimate ef Ue City Engineer, filed In tbs
office et ths Auditor ef the City of Portland
on the 1st day of A nans t. 1904. endorsed 1 "City
nngineer pisn nnu epecuicsiion ror in
Improvement of Pnmont atreet from the west
Una ef Esst ElghU street to Ue eaat line ef
I?nWin avenue, and the estimate of th work to
a don sou tn proosni total cost tnereor."
TB coax ox aia improvement to 00 aaassn n
bs provided by tbs city charter apon ths
property specially benefited therebr. Bad which
b hereby declared to be all the lota, parts ot
lota and parcels of land lying between a lln
100 feet north of and parallel with th north
line ef Pnmont treet Snd a lln 100 feet
south of snd parallel with ths south line of
Pnmont atreet, snd between ths weet line ot
Eaat Eighth street end ths east line ef Union
The Engine a estimate ef tba probable total
eoat for the Improvement ef aald Ire moat
street I $4,078.00.
Th abov Improvement hi te be classed aa a
gravel Improvement and shall be melntslned by
th city for a period of flxa years, provided
mat tn owners or s majority 01 tne property
benefited bv said Improvement or any nortlon
thereof shall not petition tor a new or different
Improvement before Ue expiration of such
Ths plans, apedflcatlona and estimate ef fh
City Engineer for th Improvement ef aald
Fremont street an hereby adopted.
Reeolved. That th Auditor of tba City ef
rortiaaa ne eta bo aereoy airectea to give
notice af th oroooaed Improvement ef aald
street sa provided by the city chsrter..
Kemrmatrsnces against tn boots improve
ment may be filed In wrltlnaT with tha under
signed within 80 day from th data af th
tint puniication et tni notice.
By order et ua council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon. Auguat 4, 1804.
Bested nronoeala will be received bv the
Water Board et the City of Portland, Oregon,
until 8 p. m. Wednesday, August 10. 1804.
for the construction of a concrete lining and
parapet wall St Reservoir No. S, City Park.
Specifications snd form ot proposal can bs
obtained at Ue office of the Engineer af Ua
water Hoard, city nan, i-nrtiana. Oregon.
With eseh hid moat he deposited a eertlfled
check for (.100.00. psyabl to the order of the
Auditor of th City of. Portland, snd bonds sc.
cents hi to the Water Board will bs reoutred
ef the successful bidder.
The right Is reserved by U Water Bosrd
to reject any or all bids.
Propose la muat be enclosed In aa envelope
endorsed on the outside. "I'eopossle for Con
crete Work," snd addressed to ths undersigned.
By order ef Ue Water Board.
Portland. Ortfoa, August 4, 1804. ,
I . ; ' EE VOIR NO. . d. . -
Sealed nronnesls will be received bv th
Water Board of th City of Portland, Oregon,
nntll 8 p. m. Wednesday, Anguat 10. ion,
for th construction ot a concrete lining snd
parapet wall at Reservoir No. 4. City Park.
ApeelflratUeM and form of proposal can he
drained at the office of the Ena-lneer of Ue
Water Board, city Hall, Portland, Oregon.
WlU each bid most b depoelted a certified
check for (.iOOiOO. psrahle to th order of th
Andltor ef the City of Portlsnd. aad bond ae-
eeptebl to the water Board will be required
e th successful bidder. -
The right at reserved By U Water Board
to reject any to sit bids.
Proposals must be enclosed m aa envelope
endnreed oa tha outalde. "I'ropoeals for Concrete
Work. Reservoir No. 4." aad addressed ta th
aaderstgned, . - . .
y eruer OX to v ever Domra;
. . I BiipertateadeBt,
Portlaad, Oregon, August 4. 1804.
IW-tJill alXTM STREET. .
NoHce I benby given that the Council ef
the City ot Portland,, Oregon, at a meeting
held ou the 84 day of Auguat, 1804, declared
the seaeeeinest by ordlnauc No. 14,128, lor tb
00 as tract Ion of a aewer la Eaat Twenty-elxih
street from 00 feet south ef the south Ilus of
East Stark street to a eoaneettoa with th
sewer In Beluiuut Street, In th manner provided
by ordinance No. 18,860, upon each lot, part of
lot snd prol et land, which ar specially aad
pullarly beaeOUd, la be aa tollowa, via:
llLio.N B ADDITION to the City et PorUaad
BLOCK 1, aorth ts feel t lot 1. Title
Guarantee A l'rdst Company, $7.60; aorth at
feet ef lot 2, Tltl Guars ule A Truat Ooai-
Kny, 84.80: aorth 88 feet ef the east 20
it et- lot 8, litis Guarantee A Trust Com
pany, $1.70.
POMi'LAn'D LONB flit CEMBTERT Beat 100
feat of block 88, Portlaad Loo Pur Ceme
tery Company, $.18.65: east loo feet ef block
8n, Portland Lou sir Cemetery Compauy,
(JO. 55: eaat luo feet of block vT. VortUnd
' Loue Ptr Cemetery Company, $88.60; east luo
feet of block 81. Portland Lone' fir Ceme
tery Compauy, $88.66; eaat 100 fact ef block
$9, Portland Lone fir Cemetery Compauy,
Kt.OO; east 100 feet et block B, Portlaad
ns. Hr Cemetery Company, $16.40.
BANaON'M ADD. te Beat Portland
BLOCK f. aorth 86-8 feet ef lot 1, City A
Suburban Hallway Company, $l.To; south
14.8 feet of lot 1. Hannah L. Eastarbrook,
JH.26; lot 2. Hannah L. Eaaterbreok, 821.86.
1L0CK 4, lot 4, Edward N. W be Isr, $27.80;
south 40 feet ef lot 8, Edward N. Wheeler,
$22.86; north 10 feet et lot 8, Helen M.
Wllllamaoa. $6.00; eouth 87 feet of lot 8,
Helen M. Wllllamaoa. $lft.lO aorth 28 feet
t lot 2, Henry M. Williamson, lit. 1,5; lot
' 1, Henry M. Wlllmmeou, $27.86. BLOCK a.
lot 4, Joha Oantenhelu, $27,861 lot 8, Joba
' Gantenbela, $27.86; eaat H sf lot 2, Pred J.
.' McMvnlea, $10.26; eaat' & of lot 1. Ve4
J. McMonlea, 810.26; west ) et lot I. Henry
Oscar Smith, $17.70: weat U ef let 1. Henry
Oscar Smith, $17.70. BLOCK t. aat H ot
lot 4, Kat B. Buckwaltar, $10.26; east H
of lot 8, Kate B. Buckwaltar, $10.26; weat
H of lot 4. A. L. Tyler. $17.70; west H of
lot 8, A. L. Tyler, $17.70 i lot 8, Msry B,
McBride, $27.86: lot 1, AUry E.. Mcbiioe,
$27.85. . Total, (058.80.
A sutomcnt ef aforeeald assesament has
beea enured In th Docket ef City 'Llena, and
la new due aad payable at the effloe ef th
t'fty Treaaurer, hi lawful money of th United
Bute, and If not paid within 80 day from
th aat ef thl Bailee, euch procwedlsgs will
be token for th collection ef tb esme as
ar provbtod by th charter ef tb City at
The above assessment will bear Intereet 10
dry aft th first publication f thl aollea.
Auditor ot th City of Portlaad.
Portlaad, Oregon, Auguat B, 1804. .
Notica Is hereby given that ths Council ef
tbs City ef Portlaad, Oregon, st a meeting
held ou th Sd day of Auguat, 1804. declared
th aaeeaataent by ordinance No. 14.180, for the
eoBstrucUoe ef a sewer In Boat Thirty-second
tiset from IS feet south Of ths south lln
ot But Salmon atreet to a connection with
the sewsr In Bsst Thirty -second (treet
St Eaat Taylor etreet; a sewsr la Eaat
Salmon stmt from 180 feet west ef tb west Una
of East Thirty -eeoond atreet to a eonatloa
with the eewer In Eaat - Thirty -second
treet, and a sewer la East Salmon tret from
180 feat eaat ef th eaat lln ot East Thirty
second atreet to a connection with th
eewer In Bast Thirty-second street. In th
manner provided by ordinance No. 18.867, apon
each lot, part of lot and parol of land, which
an specially and peculiarly benefited, to b aa
follow, vie
8UNNVSIDB BLOCK 88, lot 1. Jennie Gray,
, (32.201 south lot 2, Jennla Gray, $t.76
' north U lot 8, Sunnyslde Land A Improve
ment Co., (8.T6 lot S, Sunnysld Lead A
Improvement Co.. $17 60; lot 4, Charles W.
-Buahv (17.001 lot ft, Anton Schaffsra. $17.60;
' lot 8. Anton Bchaffms, $22.40; lot 8. bunnr
id Land A Improvement Co., $22.40) kit 12,
i Buunyalde Land A . Improvement Co., $22.40.
BLOCK 40, lot S, Bunuyalde Lead A Improve
ment Co., $22.40; west to lot 8. Sunnysld
Land A Jmnroveiueot Co., (11.80; east to lot
ft, John IX Mlckl. (11.80; lot 13. Joha D.
. Mlckl, (22.40; kt 18, H. P. W. and Alvlda
M. Anderson, (32.20; lot 14, Sunnyslde Land
A Improvement Co., 121.20) lot 1ft, Mathew
Steele. (21.20. RLOCa 48, lot 4, Sunnyslde
' Land A Improvement Co., $16.80; lot ft, Bun
nyald Lend A Improvement Co., $1.80 lot
8, Bunnnysld Lend A lmprorament Co.,
$18.80; lot 7. Bunnysld Land A Improvemeut
Co., $10.80; lot 8, Sunnyslde Land A Improve
ment Co., (10.801 hit -8, Sunnyslde Land A
improvement uo., uut;n , lot i,
Bunninld Land A. ImprovementOo., (1AS0
. (14.801 lot ft. Suanrsld Lsad A Improvement
Co., $10.80; lot 4, Bunnyald Land A Improv
. Dent Co., (10.801 lot ft. Boaoysld Laud A
Improvement Co.,. (18.60- lot a, Bunnyalde
' Laud A Improvement Co., (14 80 lot lettered
N, Bunnyalde Land A ImprevenMnt Oa,, Total, aoas.uu.
A sutement Of s foresaid aaeeasment ha
been entered. In th Docket of City Llena, and
ts bow dus snd psyabl at th office of th
City Trsaeurer, la lawful money ef the United
states, ana 11 aot paia wiuua ao naye rrom
the date et this notice, such proceedings will
be taken for tb collection ef th aame as
ar provided by the eharter af Ua City at
The above asaeasment ..will hssr Interest 10
says altar the first publication or this no tics.
Auditor of Us City et Portland.
Portland, Oregon, Asgust B, 1804.
Notice ta benby give Ust tbs Council et
Ue City ef Portland, Oregon, at a meeting
held en tb ftd day of August, 1804, deolared
ths aaeeasment by ordinance No. 14,124, for the
Improvement of Arthur street, from Ue west
lln of Hood street to the east line df Pint
treet, Ih th manner provided by ordinance No,
18,618, apoa each lot, part ot tot and parcel
01 land, wmcn in specisiiy sen peeuusriy
benefited, to be as follows, vis:
ADDITION to Us City of Portion; BLOCK
S2. lot ft. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co.,
(800.16; lot A, Oregon Ballroad A Nsvlgattos
Co., (51.46; lot 8. Oregoa Railroad A Nav
igation Co., (89.0T; lot 4, Oregoa Railroad A
Navigation Co., $206.T8. BLOCK 48, lot ft,
Richard Martin, Jr., 6172 41; lot 6, Hannah
Martin; (IS.271 lot 8. Edward MendenhalL
(54.flri; lot 4. Edward Mendenbali. (212.46.
BLOCK 40, east 4.2 feet ef lot B. Jamas
Humphrey, (.2ft east 4.8 feet of lot 4.
Jam Hamphny, (2.88; weet 26.8 feet ot
lot ft. D. W. Csmpbell. (58.16; west 26 $
feet of south IT feet ot lot 4, I). W. Camp
bell. $0.28; west 2ft feet ef east SS.f feet
ef lot O. . it, ana r. 1. msnn,;
west 8ft feet ef cut 38.8 feet ef south U
of lot 8, J. R. and F. I. Msnn, $7.64: east
86 feet of weet ftl.S feet or lot 6, oeorgs
Nothnagle, ftAft.OT; eaat 24 fret of weet 61.8
feet ef eontn it reet 01 iox a, uorr notn-
nsgle, (6.88; eaat 20 feet of weat 70.8 feet
of lot ft, P. W. DeHnff. (68.28; eeat 25 feet
f west T6 8 feet of south to of lot 6, P. W.
Do Huff. CT.64: west 101.8 feet of aorth to
ef lot 0. Germs n Savings A Loan Society,
S80.TOI north B feet of west to ef south V.
ot lot 8, Germsn Savings A Loan Society,
J 6.00; lot S. Jame Humphny, $81.08: lot
, James Humphrey, $2H4.H4. BLOCK ftS. lot
8, Louis Arnold,; iox t, lauis arnoio.
S'S-ie, ei e. euin," . . wtr
Albert Wright, $258.42.. BLOCK 48, weet
T6 feet of lot 8, M. K. Licntentnaier, giaj.4ft;
weet TB ft of lot T, M. R. LtchtenUaler,
$12.78; at 81 feet of lot 8, P, M. Uch-
tenthaler. (1T.01; eaat 81 feet of lot T. F. M.
, . . . , tie., ,00 e .1
.jlCDltniiiiewr,, vn, . " ' w, mwia
U of lot 3. John Dndley, $29.80; eaat 100
. feet ot north H of tot 8, H. 0. Englehart,
$25.80; west 8 feet of lot 2, P. M. Llchten-
thaler, 88.07; west 8 feat ot mt 1, T. M.
I4chtentnsier,; weet iw icet ot iot
L. P. and Sarah M. Outhrie, $168.73. BLOCK
41, lot S. L. r", tie no, am. in; rji t, xe r.
Bnn. $5d.05; lot 8. J. E. Scott, $18 81 ; eaat
if feet Of lot 1, Laura B and John I. Lenta,
$138.18; weat 88 feet or lot 1, W. and M.
Boott. (o2.47. Total. S8.2no.14.
a statement of aforeaald assessment has
been entered I th Docket of City Llena, snd
Is bow dus and payabl at tb office of th
Cltr Tressnrer. In lawful money of th United
States, and Jf not paid within SO dsys from
the i.te of this notice, such proceeding will
bs taken for ths collection of the same- as
an provided by to charter of Ue City of
Tir hove asaeaament will bear Interest 10
crs after lb flnt rnhllcstlon of thl notice. '
' ' npl,,,a r nrriiv
1 Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. Auguat 8. 1804.
Korte I benby given that the Conncil of
th City of Portland. - Oregon, at n meeting
held 00 tha 84 day of August, 1804 declared
th saaeeament by ordlnsoc No, 14.127, for U
Improvement of Ankeoy street from th west
iin or aivth street to th esst line of Seventh
treet, la the manner provided by ardlnaaea No.
14 774. upon each lot. part of lot and parcel
of land, which an specially and peculiarly beae-
flted. to Be aa roiiowa, vis;
COUCH'S ADDITION to the City Of Portland
FI.OCH 4, souib 4 OI west .uo ieet or
block 48, Mry Ievi.ey, (507.66. Th north
erly to of a triangular parcel of land lying
betwera the nntberly11ne ot Ankeny Street,
th westerly lln of Sixth atreet aad th
Itortharlv ina s( pin atreet. City ot Port
land, tlfitftd. Total. (751.11.
a atatement of aforeaald s meet bs(
beea entered In the Docket of City Llena. and
hi now due aud payable at the office of the
City Treaaurer, In lawful money of the Cnlted
mutes, and If not paid within SO days from
ths date ef Ufa notice, such proceedings will
be taken for Ue collection ef the same as
an provided by the charter of U . City ef
Psnabv ameswmefit will bear Interest 10
day after tb flrstpublleatlon of this not!.
Auditor ef th City of Portlaad.
Portlaad, Oregon, August 8, 1804.
' . BAVENTEaBTM street.
Notlo la hereby glveo that th Council of
th Lily of 1'ortlaud, Oregon, at a meeting
held on the $4 nay of Auguat, 1804. declared
tb assessment by ordlnancs No. 14.144. for tb
Improvement ef beveuteeuta (treet from tato
foat north of th north lln of Vaughn street
to th south lln of Marshall street. In the
manner provided by ordinance No. 18, ms, apoa
each lot, part ef tot and parcel ot land, which
an specially aad peculiarly baaud, to. be aa
follows, via: - x
COUCH S ADDITION to Ua City ef Portlaad
BLOCK 180, lot ft, Truatsea of Marshall
Street Presbyterian Church, $2.81; lot 8,
St. Joha Preebyterlaa Church, $2.88. BLOCK
80T. lot 1, Joha P. hue, $17.87 lot 4,
' Joha P. Shea, (70.78; lot ft. Thomas Mean,
. (268.8ftt bt 8, Tbomaa Maaa, (271.80. BLOCK
210, lot 1, Cleniintlna P. Lwla, (241.80; tot 4,
ClemluUna P. Lewis, $254. 4lr, lot 6, liemla
tlu r, Lewis. $joo.03; let ft, CUmlntlua r.
' Lewi. BLOCC 382, lot 1, D. B.
Bteeve. 8600.1$; tot 4, Aaua, M. Brkkol.
J 488.72; south to ef lot 6. Joha Neuer,
241.22; north to lot ft, Joseph Relff, (221. to;
eaat to ef est ft, 01g Mstthteeen. (17B.08;
west to of lot B, D. B. Bleeves, fJ6.82;
BLOCK 286, lot 1. Ueorge De Vol, (4ol.70
Iot 4, George De Vol. (444.08; lot ft, Oliver
. Groc. 8128.84: lot S, Oliver J. Oroee,
(18.86. BLOCK 861, lot 1, Oliver J. Oroc.
818.62; lot 4, Oliver J. Grace, (57.44; let ft.
' George H. Flanders Batata, heirs ef, (Uu.24;
kt 8, William Muuger Eaut. helra of, (
BLOCK 254, lot 1, Multnomah Eoglu Com
, Puy Benevolent Association, (80.81( let 4,
T. L. Ksy Eetate, helra ef, (11.8ft.
WATSON'S ADDITION to the City et Port
lend BLOCK 7, lot 4. Thouiaa L. Bay
Estate, kelrs - of, (47.88: lot i,' Richard
tterdea Eaut, keln of, $71.00; lot ft. Hlch
. ard Itordee EaUta, helra ef, $71.0,. BLOCK
10, lot 1, Oua Watson Btoaa, (16.78 lot 4,
H. J. Petersoa, $18.10; kit 6, Joba Clark,
$78.04; lot S, Joha Clark, $76.28. BLOCK 20.
lot 1. Charles Klouelek, (22.08; lot 4, Brldg
, A Buck MaaafMtnrlnir company and Criu
ken A Bxlon Company, (28.41; tot ft. Bridge
A Beach Manufacturing C-mpany and Crib
bea Bextnn Company, (40.18; kit S, Crib
bra A Seitva Company, ij2.0. BLOCK ajn,
lot 1, Phillip Ooldamlta, (148,081 lot 4. Phil
. Up Gold, ml th, $144.40; M ft, Phillip Uold
. amIU, $101.20: all of lot 8 txcspt th North
- rn Pacific Terminal Company's right of
way, Phillip OoldsmlU, 1 a trungular
tract ef land lying between the aoutk Hue f
Vaugha atreet aud the weet Use et Seven
toeuth (treat snd Us southwestern boundary
lln et the Northern Pacific Terminal Com
pany's right of way. Northern Pacta Terminal
Company, (17.04; a tract of land lying be
tween th north lln of Vaugha street and a
lln 68to feet aorth thereof and parallel
therewith, and between the Weat flu of
Seventeenth atreet and the northeaaterly bound
ary line ef Ue Northern Paclne Terminal Com
pany' right of way, and between ft Una 100
feet West of and parallel with Us weat lias
of Seventeenth atreet. Northern Paclfl Termi
nal Company, (12.88; a triangular tract ot
land lying between Ue weat line ef Seven
teenU street and th northwoetern boundary
Uo ef th Northers paelO Terminal Com
pany's -tight sf way and a Ilea 68 to feet
north of aad parallel wlU ths north llus
of Vaugha atreet, Oregon . Railway A Navl-
,ouv wmpiDT, s.i.
COUCH'S ADDITION to ths City ef Portland
BLOCK 181, west to of Mt 6, 'Martha L, Con
aer, 81.48; west to of lot T, Martha L, Con
ner, t.; east
a. laager, so.e i: eaat 44 at east
east to ef lot
T. Nils J. Alasger, (0.87; west to ef eaat to
ef let 8, Onaaer Oundvrson, (0.87; west to of
east to of lot T, Gunder. Uunderoou, $0.57.
BLOCK! 206, 1st a, N. aad C. aad A. A.
Fochl. (84.88; lot ft, Frank and Leopoldlo
Pautmetor. (161.87) lot 8, R. C. Perrara,
(201.46; lot T, H, C. Psrrsra. (102.88. BLOCK
811, wsst 4 1-J2 feet ef lot 2. Henry W.
Corbett Estate, helra of. $3n.7ftT; aat 60
11-18 feet ef lot 8, Dennis Bairett, $02.84;
. iot 8. Mary Jamnson. (844.04: lot 6, William
' Jarobsoa, $818 20; lot T. WiLUaat Jaoobsoa,
- f'-ea, BWtsv .mji. Jot BVT, J. Moan,; lot a, T. 4, lloars, (11T.T0
; lot 8, T. J, Hoars, (llf.TO; out
: ef lot 8, Joha- H. Vogt, $18.87; east
ef lot T, Joha PI, Vogt, $17.82, weat
; of lot 4, Julia Hoars. $120.08; west
ou teet
ftO feet
SO u
50 feet af lot T, JaUa Hoars, 44.78.' BLOCK
turn, wi a, usors ainaie matt, Bern 01,
- $181.47; lot S, George A 1ns lee Estats, heirs
of, $181.20; lot 8, Oeorgs Alnalse Estats,
' helra sf, (408.80; tot T, Oeorg Aluale
Eststs, heirs of, (408 M. BLOCK 250, lot
3. Hartmau Stein, (122.78: lot 8, Hartman
Bteln. (66.63; lot 8, Rota L. Mondg, $24.84)
lot T, Jaoob Buach, (28.78. BLOCK 860, lot
8, WjlUam M. Marts. II (20.87) tot aVWIU
lam M. Martsall, (12.04.
WATSON'S ADDITION to U City ef Portland
BLOCK 4, lot 8. Homer H. Browa, (28.61.
tot 8. Charles 0yr BsUt. keln ef, (uo.07)
lot T. Charles Oever Estate, heirs of. ail at.
BLOCK 11, lot 3. Grace Wataoa Vial, $21.68;
lot S. J. H. Peterson, (27.84; south 4o feet
ot tot 6. J- Petanoa, (31.42; north 10
feet of lot 8, Ona RuU Petersoa. (5.26: lot
7, ona riutn aveteraon. $18.ha. block
lot 8, Willamette Steam Mills Lumber A
Manufacturing Company, (88.80; lot 8. Will
nmette Buam Mllla Lumber A Manufacturing, aot s, wilismstu a team
Sua Lumper et Manoraoturlng Company.
17.84; lot T, Willamette Steam kllll 4
mber Mannfactnrln Comnanv. 8116. Not a
tract f land lying between th Mat lln ef.
Seveateentk atreet aad .a line 100 feet eaat
thereof aad parallel thenwlth and be twees
tb north Una of Vaughn treet and a Uo
au rest ta rectangular measurement sontherly
from and psrallel "with th southiirly llns of
Tsrmlnal street. Bverding A Parrel), (214.86)
a tract ef land lying between the east lln
f Seventeenth atreet and a Una 100 feet
set tnereor sea psrallel therewith aad be
tween the sonU line ef Terminal street and
a Una 60 feet la rectangulsr measurement
southerly therefrom snd parallel Uenwlth,
North era Pacific Terminal Company, (108.88;
a tract et land lying between th eeat lln
of Seventeenth street snd B line 100 feet
eeat Uerenf snd parallel therewith aad be
tween n Un 68.S feet north ef snd parallel
wlU the. north Une of Vaughn street If si-
. tended easterly la It present eoarae and
th northerly Una of Terminal atreet and the
i northwesterly line of lot 31. Terminal block,
Boya' and Girls' Aid Society. (20.20; a traci
of lsad lying between a Una loo feet eaat of
and parallel wlU the east line of
Seventeenth street- snd Us northeaaterly
Ua of Terminal street sad between th
northwesterly lln ct lot 18, Tarmlnsl block,
snd tb eostbessterly line of tot 83, Terminal
block, Margaret Manball BsUte. hsln et,
(10.00; right of way. Norths Pacific Termi
nal Company, (17.07. Total, S10.T62.13.
A atatement of aforesaid assessment bsa
beea entered la the Dookst ef City Ueaa, and
I new due and payable at th office f th
City Treasurer, ta lawful money of th United
But, ana . ir not psia witnin aa nays rrom
ths dats of Uls notice, such proceeding will
he taken for Ua collection of th asm aa
n provided by U charter of U City ef
Tha above assessment will bear Intereet 10
days after the flrstpnbiicatioa of this notice.
xnon. v. ifsjv &,ir",
Auditor of Ua City of Portland.
romann,, Oregon, Auguat a. ios,
Notice la benby given Uat Ua Council of
the city of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting
beld on th ftd day of August, 1804. deelsred
the sssessmsut by ordlnanc No. 14.138, for th
Improvement ef Pin street from th weat Una
of SlxU atreet to the esst line of Seventh street.
in tne manner aroviaea or oroinance po. is.tid.
apon each tot, part of lot and- parcel of land.
which are specially ana pecunsriy oenentea.
to ne loiwe,, ,,.
PORTLAND BLOCK 84, lot I, Henry w. cor
bett Kstat. nein 01, snnx.Mii; lot 1. uenry
W. C-Hiiett Eatsts, helra of, (87.86. The
southerlr U of a triangular treat af Mad
lying between the southerly line ot Ankeny
treet, tbe westerly lln of Sixth street, aad
ths northerly llns of Pin street, City of
Portland. S404.ST. Total, ftl.ien.73.
A statement of a for ess Id s sees meat hss
keen entered In the Pocket f City Liens, and
Is now due aad payable at th offlc of th
City Treeanrer, in lawful money of th -United
State, and If not paid within 80 dure from
the dste of Uls notice, such proceedings will
he taken for ths collection of the earn as
n provided by Ue charter of th City ef
The above assessment will beer Interest 10
days after ths flntrtihllrstlon of this aotlce.
Ttion. u. I'Sjvi.iri,
Andltor of th nty of Portlaad.
PQTTianq, Oregon, Auguat e. iiros.
, . . AVENUE.
Notice Is herebv riven that the Council ef
U City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting
held on the Sd day of August, 1804, declared
the mint hv ordinance No. 14.181. for tbe
construction of a eewer In Locust, avenue from
100 feet west of tbe weat line ef tn crescent to
a (ewer In East Thirtieth street, In th msnner
provided ny oroinance no. lA.Hn. upon eaco ant.
part of lot and parcel of land, which sre spec-
.11 j tod peculiar! btntfltdMl, to b follows.
BL'NNTSIPB BLOCK 14, all ef lot II lylhg
north of a line 100 reet sours ot ana parallel
with th south lln ot Lornst avenue, Sunny
eld Land A Improvement Co., ftl.OO; hit
10, Sunnyslde Lend A Improvement Co..
J2B.SO: lot 8, Bunnyalde Land A Improvement
(45.80; lot a, Bunnvstde Lsad A Im
provement Co., $68.36. BUH'K 6. aoutherly
U of lot 4. Helena M. Wllllamaon. 817 66;
southerly to "t 6. rh Jewell. $18 85;
southerly H kit 6, Marian C. Johnaton, 2n.25;
southerly to kt T. W. P. . Hubbard, ( 14 4(1;
southerly lot 8, Homer Humphny, (8.86,
Total, (218.60.
A statement ef aforeaald aeseestnent ka
beea entered In the Docket ef City Lien, and
la now due and payabl at th office of th
City Treasurer, In lawful money of th United
State, cod If not psld within SO days from
ths dats of Uite aotlc, such proceeding will
be taken tor th collection sf ths seme
a re provide by th chsrter of th City of
Fort la no.
The above seaeeement will bear Interest 10
day after Us tint publication of this notice
inus. v, j'ibvi.11,.
Auditor of tb City of Portland. .'
PartUad, Oregon, Auftuat ft, 1804,
Notice 1 benby glvea .that Ue Coanctt of
the City of Portland. Oregon, at a me tine
held en the ftd dsy of August, 1804. dec Is red
the sas.aament by ardlnanc No. 14.125, tor th
Improvement of Esst Twenty-first street, from
ths center Una of Hancock atreet to Ue south
llns of Wsldler street, In th manner provided
by ardlnanc No. 18.006, apoa esc hit, part ot
lot and parcel of land, which an specially and
peculiarly be Dented, te be aa fnllowa, vla.1
Portland BLOCK a, lot v Cbarlee H, Pres.
cott, trustee. $60.86; lot 3, Charles H. Pres.
eott, truat, (18.08. BLOCK a, lot
1, Annie O. Hughes, $280.04; lot
1 Annie 0. Hughes. $80.82; ' lot
IS, Annie O. Hughes, $28.76; kit 14. ' Aula
t. Hughes, 4268.80. BLOCK- 11, lot - 1,
AFCBk 11, sot 1,
tee, (188 08; lot 2,
tee, 1 11.78; lot IS.
itee, $28.06; lot 14,
meries n. rrescott, truste,
marina ri. frescott, trastsa,
Cbsrle H. Prcott. truate.
Char lee H. preecott, truate. $181.48. BLOCK
14, kit 1. Charles H. Preecott, trustee,
$251.15; lot 3, Charles . Preecott, trustee,
$27,881 lot IS, Chsrles . Preecott, trustee,
8.1. K: lot 14. Charles H. Preecott, trustee,
(267.40. BLOCK 3, lot 8. Charlea H. Pree
cott, trustee, (60.74: Wt T, Chsrles H. Prss-
' cott, trustee. (18.08. BLOCK 7, lot 8.
'Cbarlee H. Preecott, trustee, $258 52; lot T,
Charlea H. Preecott, truete. (28.60; lot 10,
Charlea H. Preecott, trustee, (28.81 1 lot 8,
Cbarlee H. Preecott, trustee, (251.16. BLOCK
10, lot 8, Mtna B. Little, $276.37; lot T,
' Cbsrle H. Preecott, trustee, (.12.13; lot TO,
. Charles II. Preecott, trustee, :w.46; lot ft,
Charles H. Prrscott, trustee. (2A4.88. BLOCK
15, lot 6. Charlea H. Martin and Henry 0.
Cabell, (268.86; lot T. Charlea H. Martin snd
JlenrV 0. Cabell. (28.18; lot 10. Charles U.
lartln and Henry C. Cabell, (30.78; kit a,
Charlea H- Martin and Henry C Cabell,
- (24.41. Total, (ft.470.ft7. v - - -
A sutameat of a foresaid assessment has
beea entered la Ua Docket ef City Llena, snd
now dus snd payabls st ths offlc of the
city Treaaurer, In lawful .money of ths United
States, and if not paid within 80 days from
th dat sf this notica, suck proceeding! will
he taken for U collection ef the asms ss
sra provided by Ua charter of U City et
The above aexeeament will bear Intereet 10
day after Ua flnt publication ot thl notice.
- Andltor of the City of Portlaad..,
Portland, Oregon, August S, 1804.
Notice la hereby glna Ust Us Council ef
the City ef Portlsnd,- Oregon, at a meeting
held sn tbe Sd day of Auguat, 1804. declared
tbe saseeamsst by ordlnanc No. 14,123, for th
Improvement ef Cleveland avenu, from tb
snuth llns ef -Alberta street to U north Un ef
Preecott etreet. In Ue manner provided by or-
dlniac Nt, 18.810, apffn saxh totV part of lot
and parcel of land, which an psclally aad
peculiarly oenentea. to no aa touows, a is:
11, Weat 60
1.181 Wt 00
irk. (10-87; foi
45 ,W-.d
. feet lot a, Ueorge H. Clark, ix.i
feet lot ft, Oeorgs B. Clark
sst 40 feet of weet 1
lot 8, Ida M. Arneeoa. 0.04; ssst 40
feet of weet 4ft fret tot ft, Ida M, Arneaoa,
(0.06: sat 100 feet lot 4, Rudolph K lasting,
(84.761 eeat 100 feet lot 8. Budolph KissUug,
(84.00; eaat 100 feet lot 8, Kmll ttser,
4.1284: east 100 feet tot 1, W. 8. Cutter,
887.76. BLOCK 10. east 100 feet lot 6,
Robert and Jana Haggard. 880.68 eaat 100
. xeex jot 1, stooen ana eaae uaggara, e-"i
eaat 100 feet lot 8, Prank 11. Strickland.
117.83: esat 100 fset lot ft, Frank H. Strlck
md, (24.88; ssst 100 feet lot 4, Joseph K.
and Amalla Scbeua, (38.06; seat 100 feet tot
S, Maaoua M. Walker, $81.38; tost 100 feet
tot 2, Ueorge Patge,- (88.60;' east I'M) feet
tot 1, Oeorg Patge. (48.64. BLOCK 1.
ssst loo feet lot 10, C. M. Bryant, (48.38;
eaat 100 feet lot ft. C. U. Bryant, (42.46; eaat
100 feet tot ft, O. H. Buawell, (07.84; east
100 feet lot T, M. If. A her ne thy, (50.67;
' east 100 feet lot 6, Balmund Hellmenn,
851.07). esst 100 feet lot ft. Jsme AberneUy.
(48.31; eaat 100 fast tot 4. Bdward M.
Gentry, (40.83; cast 100 fest lot ft, Bdward
M. Gentry, $12 M; aat 100 feet lot 3. Jsme
Abernsthy, $20.78; esat 100 feet tot 1, Jsme
Abernethy, $27.66. BLOCK 13. tot T, Chris
Una Jorg, $12.23; tot 8. H. A. Christy, $17 27;
kit ft. Aadrew Swanaon, $31.76; tot 10. Ella
Bwanaon, $8441; tot 11, Joha H. A. Fink,
(H8.4S; lot 12, John H. A. Pink, (48.41.
BLOCK ft. lot 0. Elisabeth Kckersnn. $.10.78;
. lot 10, Elisabeth Kckeraoa, (2201: tot 11,
Mary B. Qordoa, (17.38: lot 12. Mabel J.
Wilaoa, (27.80: tot 18. it. O. Ovaitt (84.18;
lot 14, N. a Ovaitt (88.88; tot 18, Lulu B.
Donner, (4182: lot 16, Lulu E, Ponner,
847.82. mlCK f. i i. Cromot J. llslarbt.
(48.80; tot 13, Emmor J. Height, $42 to; tot
12. Kmmne 1 BnKT: lot 14. Emma
J. Height, (47.20; tot 16, Emmor J. TIalgbt.
84S.66; tot 14, Emmor J. Height, $46.87; kit
17, Emmor J. Height, (8S.14-, tot 18, Emmor
. i. Height, $84.10: tot 18, Emmor 4. naignt,
$.18.88; kit 20. Emmor j. Height,. (30.80.
Total. gi.Toa.aa.
A tatement ef aforesaid assessment b(
been aterd tn tba Docket of Olty Llena, and
la aow due aad psyabl at ths efflo ef th
city Troasurar, in lawtut money ot tn unites
States, and If net psld within 80 dsy from
tha data at thl notice, such proceedings will
be taken for tha collection of Ua as ma aa
sn provided by Ue eharter ef Ua City ef
Tha above a as ess ment will bear Interest 10
days after tha flnt publication or tnia notice,
Andltor ot the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon, Auguat 8, 1804.
Notice kt hereby glvea Uat Ua Conncil of
the City ef Portland, Oregon, t a meeting
beld on th 8d day of August, 1804. declared
th assessment by ordlnsncs No. 14,128, for ths
eonat ruction sf a sewer In Klrby street from
tba eouth Une of Preeoott street to Us sewer
la Klrby street at Mason street. In ths msnner
provided by ordlnsncs No. 18.866. apon esch tot,
port of lot and parcel of lead, which an
specially and peculiarly beasnud, to be aa
, Davis, (30.80; lot 3. N. M. Davis. 326 80,
tot 8. N. kt. Pavls, (26 60; lot 4, Clans Han
Sea. (36,801 lot S. 8. Wilkinson, (26.80; lot 6,
J. W. aad Llaale B. Borths, (26.80, BLOCK
8, lot 1, Ambrose B. Gantenbeln. $26.80: kit
S, Ambros B. Osntenbeln. $26.80; lot 8,
Ambeoss R. Oantonheln, $26.80; lot 4. Emma
Brawn, $26 SO lot ft, B. H. StlmmeL $26.80:
lot 6. William M. KilHngsworth, $26.80 tot
T. Clara B. Poster, $26.80; tot 8. Clara B.
Foster. (26.60. BLOCK a. lot 18, W. B.
Wallace, (ao.30) lot 11. W. R. Wallace.
(86.801 tot 10. William If . Kllltngaworth.
(86.80; kt B, Ambrose B. Osntenbeln. $.16.80;
tot B. Ambrose B. Gantenbeln. $36.80; lot
T, Ambrose B. Osntenbeln, $84 80. BLOCK
8. tot 16, Panlel H. Harnett, $86.80; tot 16,
Panlel H. Harnett. $.1680; lot 14, Lothe M.
Vinton, 486.80; tot 18, William M. Killings
worth. $84.80; tot 13, N. M. Parts, $.16.80;
tot 11. N. M. Dsvia, $.16.80; tot 10, Charles
Swanaon. $86 80; lot 8. Prsnk Nor berg, (36.80.
Totel. (878.10, ' '
A sutement of aforesaid assessment baa
beea entered In the Pocket of City Liens, snd
la now dus snd payabls- st the office of the
City Treaaurer, In lawful money of ths Xnlted
States, and If not paid wlthla 80 days from
Ue Bate ef thla notice, such proceedings will
bs taken for ths collection ef Ue cams ss
an provided by tb eharter of Ue City of
The above assessment will bear Intereet 10
days after tbe first nblics tloo of this notice.
1UUO. v. waiiii.,,
Andltor ef tha City of Portland.
Portlsnd. Oregon, Anguat ft. 1804.
Notice la hereby given Uat the' Council of
Ue City of Portland, Oregon, st a meeting
held on Us Sd day of Auguat, 1804. declared
th eeeeeament hv ordinance No. 14.184. for the
construction of a sewer in Bsst Madison street
from 180 feet esst of the esat line ef Eaat
Thirty-third etreet to tbe sewer la East Thirty
third street. 1n ths manner provided by ordl
nanc No.' 18.853, anon each lot, part et tot and
parcel of land, which sn specially and ps
enil.rlv benefited, tn be a follow, via:
lot . n, aunnysine wnu e. improvement vo.,
(18.85: tot 8. John Gnstafson. (13.86; tot 13.
nunnvslde Lend A Improvement Co., $18.86.
BLOCK 68. tot 6. Bunnnysld Lend A Improve
ment Co., $18,06; tot It. Sunnyslde Land A
Improvement Co., $18.85: tot 13, Bunnyslde
Land A . Improvement Co., (18.80. - Total,
(W6.80. .
a atatement of aforesaid assesament has
been entered In ths Pocket ot City Llena, and
Is now due snd parable at th office of th
City Treasurer. In lawful money of the United
state, and it not psia witnin ao naye rrom
the date of thl notice, auch proreedlnge wTll
be taken for the collection ot the esme as
an provided by th chsrter of the City of
The above assessment will bear Interest 10
days sfter th flnSpuhltcstlon of this aotlce.
imie. i. iisviii.v,
v Andltor of tbe City of Portlaad.
Portlaad. Oregon, August ft, 1804.
Sealed nronoeala will be received bv tb
Water Board ot th City of Portlsnd. Omm.
aattl 8 p. IB, Wedneeday, August in, 1804,
for the laying et 8.000 squares of "Hjdrex
frit" st Reaervolr Ne. 8, City Park.
Specifications snd form of nropoeal can bs
eMelned st tbs office ot ths Enrlneer st the
water Boara. tlty nan. rnrtiand, ongon.
With each hid moat be deposited a eertlfled
rhrck for (.100.00. payabls to th order ot th
Auditor ef the City ef Portland, Oregon, snd
boada acceptable to the Water Bosrd will be
reti'ilred of the successful bidder.
Th right le reeervrd by tbe Water Board
to re tec t any or all bid.
Proposal muat be enclosed In aa envelope
endnreed oa th ontalde, "I'ropoeals foe Laying
Felt," and addressed to the undersigned.
By order ot ue water Board.
. ... , - . FRANK T. DOPOB.
' Superintendent,
Portland, Ovegoev Aagast ft, 1804.
amo union Pacific
Th rosea Pullman standard and fttartst alee.
tng can dally to Ossah. Chicago, ft pea. eel
tourtet Bleeping ra dally to Be asms Cttrl
through Pullmaa tourist sleewlag ears pei son
ally conducted I weekly to Chicago, RecUala
UNION DEPOT. - Leaves. Arrives
CHICAOO-I-ORTLASD 8:16 a. B.- ft 26 p. as.
SPECIAL. Dally. . Dally.. ,
Far the Rest la Baat-
Ingtoa. . 1 ; '
BPOKANB FL1BR. 6:18 p.m. 8:00 s, SB.
Per Esaters ' Waahlno Dally. Dally,
toa. Walla Walls. Lew
I. toe.. Coear' d'Akeae
aad Great Berthara
r4na. " "
ATLANTIC' RXPREna, 8:1B p. as. 7:18 a. an.
Per the Rest via Baa- Dally. . Daily.
Ingtoa.. I
FOB BAN FRANCISCO: I Proas ' IftM B. as.
8. B. Geo. W. Elder Alnsvratth
Aug. 4. 14. 84. Dock.
K. 8. Columbia-. , 8:00 a. BV
' Aug. ft, 18, 89.
Oolwabls Rtver TNvtstoa,
points, connecting with
stmr. for Ilwses sad
9: p. at.
ss. Sends
10410 p. at.
8410 p. SB.
sa. Baadsy,
NorU beech, str.
aha. Ash-st. Beck.
Tsbbni River Rewto.
7K a. as.
8:ft0 p. SB.
City SBdlYamhin River
points, atrs. RuU sad
oc,. aa-et. o.k-B.
Ulster permlttlnx.l
Bnake River Rout.
8:4A a. ax.
ex. Bat,
1 ei-kA at. BBS.
and way solnta ina
Rlparia. Week., atesm.
are Bpokaae and Lasr-
ax. Friday.
T1CKBT OFFICB. Third aad Waahtngtoe. Tato
, , . phone. Main Tla,
asA ayvrsmtat a ex tsv a. . .'
CTCIUCUtn rnumutr .!
eJiUAiiioiur vuiiirAiii
Far Tokohams snd Hong Kong, 'callln st
Kobe, Nsgasakl and Bhsnxhsl, taking freight
via connecting steamer for Manila. Fort Arte"
aad Vlsdlvoetns.
. For rate sad full hfermattoa cstl ea or ad-
arses euiclnls or ageata ef Ue O. B. M. Co.
train, for Salem. Roe.
hMM i.hi.., a. .
8:80 P. Be.
asente. Ogdea. Ban Frss
etac. Stockton. Los AH
im a. av.
reles. El Paao, Nw Or
leans and th Bsst,
At Wood bora dally
f except Bundarl. mars.
K)0 p. am,
7:80 s. is.
114 0 p. at.
tng trsln for kft Aa-
I M p. as
gei, aiivex-tmi, u row Se
ville, jinrioctleld. Wend
Una and I'stroa. .
Albsny passenger. e!k
nO:l a.
nect sv wooanurn with
Mx. Ann! aad Silver.
toa aoosL t
. r .
Isbeeidaa p seen gee.
ea:88 a. as.
Sally. HDslly, except Bunday. '
Frtlaa-0w sburbsa Servio aad Taakta
Depot Foot ef Jeffersea fUttl "
f San Portland dally for Osweg V:S0 a, m t
It 60, 3:00, 1:36. ft 20. ft:28, 8:80, 10:16 a, m.
Dally (except Bonder), 0:80, 8:80. C:(ft. 10:24
a. m. 4:80, 11:80 p. as. Bunday eely, :o4
a. m.
nersmtng rrova Oavregt
i'8o a. m.i iiis, 88.
11 10 a. an, Daily (exes 10 -30. 11:48 a. m.
Returning rrova Oewege, srrtvs Portland dstlr
t m, era. a:in. t:ko. s no.
(xcapt nrmdsvl :xo, v xn.
. sn. Rxeeot klondar. l:tS
p. a. aundar ontv, I0:tm a. m. .
Leaves from tame depot tor Pallas and rntae.
torniare norrivs dsll (except Son day I 4:00 P- as.
Arrive Portia ad 10) n. ss. ' . " .
Tbs Indc pes deoce-MoTt month Motor ' Una
epeistea dally tn Monmouth ssd Air tie. ene
aecrtsa with Bnattiera PsetBs aaannny'a track
at Pa Use and IrraMtdene.
Ptnt-els fan from Portias to Sacraments
snd- San Frsecl.ce. tyV berth 6 aecoad-claaa
fan $16. Beeond-elaaa berth (3 Sn.
Tickers re Beaters solnta and ainps. She
Is pee, China, nnnotsln snd AsetrsNe,
Cltr Ticket Office eornee Third snd Wash! na
ve etreeea W-ooe, Mala Til. .
0. W. STTNOBR. W. at, COntArt.
City Ticket Agcwt Oeo. Psse. Aswn.
Paget Bound Limited.
Am van
for . Tacoms. ' Beet tie.
SiftOa. av
6:80 p. av :
Olympla. Boott Bend
and stray's Barber
North Coast Umltea.
or Tscnms. Seattle.
T:00 a. m.
Butte. Bt, Pssl. Mla
neanolta. Chlrsro. Now
Tork, Boetna and aetats
cast asa sjontneees.
Twln-Oltv Fiiii see foe
Tacoms, Beattle, Bpo
kane. Helena. Bt. PaoL
11 rift p. at.
TKp. av
Mlnaeapolla, Cblcsg,
New York. Brsrtoa Bed
aD solnta Baat aad
ftoo these t. .
ruget Boana btibsm
Clty-Bt. Louts SpeclsL
for Tacoms. Seattle.
Spokane, Butte, Billings,
8:80 a. m.
l leaver, umeh. Hanaas
City. Bt. Lonls snd ail
points Eaat aad BoeU-
All tralaa dally
except en South
AaateteB Oeoaral Paeeenxsr Ageet
83B Morrtsos st. sor. Thlret Porttodd. Or.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
For MavgeiB. Ri. later,
fiatskaale, Wsetport,
Clifton. Astoria. Wr
rrntoa, PI en! tism.
and. Port Bteveaa.
Oeerhart Psrk. hessl.
Astoria and B.c shore,
Eipreea daily. .
Astnrla Ksaresa,
II 10 a. av
8-60 a. ax
T-flO p m
Pally ax,
Sat. eely.
8 80 p. av
8:48 p. av
portlsBd-BMslde Ply a.
' O. P. (sd P. A., Aatorls, Or.
a A. rnrWART. ComsxereUI Ageait. 84ft Aide
st, Phoss Mala 8wa.
Schwab Bros. Print.r.Cc
- Bast Werk. Beaaaaabla Prleee
84TVB BbMB Btiee. aTAoato ALaLa I: .
I uiibitii
I O (ooSch. siusta r-1
lall acuvit. fril