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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1904)
i : 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 8. 1904.. The Journal Want Columns . RATES I On tlm. to a Una. On week (T Insertion, (nolod tnf Sunday Issue), lie a Una. On month (Including Sunday issues 1, T6o Una, ClaaaflMl advertlsementa ar payable la sd vanes: minimum charge 15a "Help Wantsd" and "Situation 'Wanted' advartl menta ar publlahsd on tlm Ire cf chars. . Xdrertlaarnant must b In by It o'clock noon for th dally Is sues, ' and 14 o'clock Saturday vanlng; for th Sunday laauaa. 1 Branch Offices . V ASTmTiraifXaTTti will JM received at regular main office, rata at th following pUeoa and ant to Th Journal In tlm lor - publication in tb next Isaus: ,. . BOBTRT. '.'-;' B. . Preston. drusElst, ltd and Thurman street. .. Hob H1U Pharmacy, Qllaan treat, corner Hat. A- W. Allen, pharmacist. l$tR and, Marshall street. A It B. Jack., confectionery, 80S ... Washington street, corner Itth. j. ,. MOUTS. ' - . , B. T. Jones Co.'. dru crista, rront and Olbbs streets. Cottal Drug Co.. First and Grant' streets. , ,' .. ;" BArrsEoa.' ' . Tnttls's Pharmacy. SI Missis sippi av.. corner Sharer at. Nichols Thompson. 12$ Kuaaell street, corner Alblna ayenu. i Jancks Drug Co., or. Hawthorn and Grand, avonuea. 3. A. Dick, lobacooa, 1J4 Crosby (east and steel br4dg). B. F. Fulton.o onfectlnnery. IT E. Burnalde, cor. Union av. ' Ingram ft Bush, tobacconists, lit ; Orand avenue. ' BUBBSUDB.. J. K. Worth, pharmacist, til Bel- mont str tree. -. bbooxxtrt. ' . Brooklyn Pharmacy, cor. Powell , and Mllwaukl streets. roticx or ftral aooourt. la the Ooanty Coart at tbe Stats of Oregoa far Multoemeh County. Is tb auttcr of tb estate of Margaret For. Notice to hereby (tvea that the undersigned administrator of the eat ate of said deceased haa Bled la aald coart hta final account aa such administrator, and that Wednesday, the ITtb day of Amrost, 1H04. at the hour of 8:80 a. ., haa been naed by aald court aa tbe time and the Coanty Courtroom ta Multnomah County, Oregon, haa heea lied aa the place for the settlement of aoch flnal account, and the hear. ins and determining of objections t Bare to. , Dated the Uth day of J"!. 104. LOCiS HADLBR. Administrator ef th Estate of Margaret Forester. Deceased. ITOTICI Of raiX BITTIJXrjrT. Is the Ooaaty Court of the gut of Oregon, for the Ooanty of Multnomah. la the matter of the estate of John W. Goaa, deceased Notice la hereby gives that Walter A. Goaa, adminis trator of the estate of John W. Goes, deceased, has glad la the Coanty Oeart of the But of Oregon for htaltoomah Coanty his Anal accoant and report aa aoch administrator and the aald coart haa by- order duly made and. entered herein appointed Monday, the Uth day of August, llo, at the hour of :K0 a. m., at th courtroom ox saia coon in me city or roriiena, Ooanty of Meltnomab aod State of Oregon, aa the time and place for bearing objection to sal account, and the settlement of the same. Dated tbe 12th day of Jnly, 1004. WALTER A. 6088, Administrator. INDIAN LANDS GO TO PENNSYLVANIA nuoi 9. vxEiin novsza i ; Ba Aomzs rjg oAjn auaia at ; wcxu xAjrarjro tm,om ft to iilts roxTiuuro mawu bvu ' BZ9 BXJB0TBB.V "- . i . (Special Dispatch t Tb Journal.) . Oregon City, Aug. Highly satis factory to th government is th sal ol ceded lands In the Orand Bond Indian resmrvaUon la th local land offlo yes terday. Tb most desirable land la that Most of this was secured by Nelson P. WhMlsr of Endeavor, Forrest county. Pa. In this portion h btd upon all ex cept 1 tracts and th amount of land that b will get Is l,42t acres. For two-fifth of th entlr acreage h -cured Wheeler bid over 4 an acr. and w aumw v& um cuorco tracts n Dia $11.71. H was' represented her by W. N. Jones, a member of the state legisla ture from Multnomah county. A bulk bid offered by Frederick A. Krlba of Portland for th north and th south half of th reservation waa not considered, as It. was not submitted In th form required by - th advertised ajoTsrnment schedule. His bid for th antlr tract was 157.500, but h did not emcloa check, for to per cent of th mount bid on each tract. - Only lx Individual bids were received for th north half. This section Is not ma desirable aa tha inulh hnir e,HIh contains torn er th onest timber In th tat, Th north half comprise ,81 acres and much of th timber tbera has bean deatrovod br fire. .'. Bids were submitted by: CP. Bradshaw, ; Carl A. Carlson, Frederick A Krlb. Mrs. Ella O. An- draws, X. N. FleUchner, James A Horan, Jefferson Myers, J. Friedentbal, Oeorg O. Ooodall. Parry O. Ooodall. Charles & BusselL John C Bryant. Portland. Or.; Carl A Torgersen, Astoria, Or.; Charles Knspp, c-nampoeg. ur.; ueorg W. Watt, A. R. Zeller. Ruaaell Catlln. Oenraa K Waters, Jsmes R. Unn. Salem. Or.s Frank E. Alley, Roaeburg, Or.; Charles K. Bpaulding. Newberg, Or.; Hans B. .'Laisdahl, Warren, Minn.; W, B. Wheeler, Kndeavor, Pa.; Frank P, MsCarthy. Beaver City, Ind.; -Michael J. Oolden, Denver, Cola: John . Ueorg Ooehrjng, hladera. Lau: llenrv Kaiser. Melrnee Cal.; Emily Berk. Henry Berk, Douglas county, waafv; rTedencK Laldlg. Den vr, Colo.; William Link, Mlamaburg, O.; jomt Mejtner, uimits. Kan.; Kstella U Bhacklett, Montros. Colo.; A J. Raben selfnar. Olmlta, Kan.; O. D. Ryeraon, " Vallejo. CaL; Joseph Mutscheller, Beaver Falls, Pa.; Frans Kller, Oakland. Cal.; William Harms, Benlcta Arsenal, CaL; Henry Fucbs, Toledo, O.! J. O. Heyn, Wafertnwn, Wis.: 8. A. McNulty, Llttl Bock, Waah.; C. B. Heyn, Watertown, Wis. '.-..., Schedule of Steamer T. J. Potter. Tb seaald lUsmer T. J. Potter will leav Portland. Ash street dock, ' for Astoria and Ilwaco as follows: August 10, Wednesday, 7:80 a. m. August 11, Thursday, 1:14 a. m. August 11, Flday, a. m. August It, tftiturday. a m. Oet trsnspoutlon and berth tickets t o. I. V Nl ticket offlc. Third and .W aahlogtoa streets. ... proposals. ' THB Board of School Trusteea af the Episcopal Chorch are desirous of aelllng the fulloarlag fine properties without reserve: BbcS ltn, Couch, hounded by Waahlnguaa, Couch. Seventeenth and Klshteeath a tree la. One block of land a Nineteenth street, near Washington, uooe which the Bishop Boott acaavmy auadaj ar slight Isaaa fur three or year. These properties are of vary attract! char acter and th locations are suitable fur hotel pat posse. Bids wlU be received by th undersigned. FRKDEB1CK TOWNSEND,, (IT Cmsterrlsl hlk. Trail J ' . aTOTIOK. HOT1CB ng BTOCKHOUDBRB' hTBETING The annual meeting of the atockholdera of th BLlllvanj kxuosiab Mining compear, tor in electloa' ef a board af director for the eneuln fear, aad for the transsotlo of each other cslneas s atj regularly come before theaa, alll he held at the office of the compear, moma 501 to hue tHamtter or Commerce building. Portland. Or so a. oa Aogoat 10. 10. at t CWCS P. BE. . OBORGI P. FOLIC A 1. rcretary Bulllvaa Eitenslon Mining Compaay, l-ortinna. treg m. July zv, net fTEi WAhTTES MAUk BARBEB trsda tsoaht by ear sew method. srnK'B oeaDiea atuornc r earn wages waits learning. Call or addrfwe for free eeUtogae. AMEKlOAN BABBKH COLLEGE CO., Ms. M Herts nut a sc. SICILLEI AND UKBK1IXB1) LA BOB of all descrlptlona. promptly supplied. rre ef eaarae to employers. . HAWBRN B EMPLOTMEHT OmrB 30 North Second street, sear Baraslda. MEH WANTED T leara barber trade: special offer; positions secured; constant practice and eperr insmsnioa; cacaiofw msiiea iree. Moier srsteai uuega, saa rraacuca. .. WESTERN EMTLOthTENT BT'REAH ,'tM Third at., phone Mala BIS; famishes all ft Inns or help. Wanted. eaoka, S ho glrla, BOO sop picaera. . MEN wanted, to read the "Mala Beta Wanted' sdeertlac Beers; yoa'll always sn a aamue ar goog .openings among tnena. TWO anerlacd solicitors wanted, aaa ta apeak nermsa a well aa sngiiah. suaagar, 161 H Sllth St. WOOD turner .wanted at BTt rront at. XXL WAETID TEMALX. wIRLBI Keep your aye a Journal waat col umns; wast yo wane is very uaeiy aaver ttsed In theaa aolumna hodsyi read then carefully. COI'RBEB ef study for young ladlea la designing and arts earning power aereiope is roar swathe: tern) low. O. 10, Journal. ' BITTATlOBg WAETID MAXE. WANTED By a mas with 10 yasri' experience in railroad emce; would like a poaiuoa la the city. Addraee E. IT, JournaL WANTED A aosltloa Is which to earn board ana rooa oy young bmb sttenaing suaiDesa collegA T. . ear JoaraaL WANTED A young man to drtv a milk wagon; man n a goo grammar, an areas O. so, ear Journal. WANTED By aa east era msn, position aa city or traveling aa lee msn; cigar ar specialty Una. Address D. 1. Journal. KntrXOl BTEET A0EEC1XB. WILLAMETTI Employment Besl Estate Osv, las Hornao aa ?s ft oris suta; amrgsai and bast list of real estate aad labor s PaeUe caaat; mall order solicited. HELP f sll descriptions furnished sawarllls. ogging camps, rsctonea. rra to asnpiorsra. -Alpine Employment Agracy. near Morrleosk l&i First st. Phoae Mala WIT. WB furnish an kinds of lbuI help sat short sotlc. ,. . ' WILLIAMS ROTTBH.. Psoa Bed UL North Beooad t LADIES Positions secured and female help rnmisnea. ine iiregoa nooaa a ampioy stent Aseocy, BOB AUaky building, i'hoa AMERICAN Employment Agency. Help of all SJnaa narBianed on asort notice; stall order promptly attended to. SS N. Id St. Mala Ills. JAPANESE Employment Agency fan meetlcs, farmhaada, eta. W North fBTBlahe a ruth at rnoa uiay sua, . PIONBEM EMPLOYMENT CO., Labor sootrae- sorai aeip iree to empioyera. . zi Mien so a. HELP wanted and aapnlled, mals ar female. . u. UKAJhB. wasblngtoB at., cuy o WORK for aaea. me fVi HANSEN' OFPICB. B North Beeoed St. WAhTTED TO BEhTT. WANTED T' let yoa know that adverttalng tour rarani rooma in journal want coiamna i tha easleat and quickest way to And de sirable occupants; IB eaau pays for XI words. WANTED B to T room flat, unfurnished, seat ana moaeru; maex oe close in; no ehUdies. N. 1ft. Journal office. - 16- ROOM beosa, aarornlshed. Phene Mala wArrxi-iaBcixLABxoirB, - i - - 'i i -i i -i n l l I AW ADTERTIBRMElvT Like this Is Journal waat miasms easts B ceata s Una each Insertion. It I attractive and reaches tb people yea want to reach. Try oae! WANTED Pair of Indian clubs; state si as, weigm sn price, i ll., journal. WANTED BEA1 ESTATE. WANTED To bay from owner, a small dairy, imu or pouiu-y nrm) give 1UU ueau ipoosj. Addreaa A IS, care JournaL 1 1 i i . WANTED To buy ' aaodera hoses, northwest part er city, sot farther north thaa Mar alall. A. 21. Journal. FOB BEET HOtrgEKEEPniB B00MB. l.TB FEB WEEK Large, etesa. torn Meed Boaaasaspiag roora, snta aaa st laoaory. hath, phone; sise .cheap foralahed sotrarea, J. Laadlgaa. 184 Shermsa. Phoa Clay SDSL f OB RENT Honaekeanlng rooma la sit parts of The city. Head thla ctasBincattoa If yo ar looking for aossa. THE Templetoa, SOBI 1st at., steely furnished noaaeneeping an ingi rooms; reasonable. Sag) Sixth, nicely furnished housekeeping apart ments; iignt rront rooma. u. ilealy, prop. CMITON. cor. 1st and OnlnmhUt ing sal tee; reseasble rOB BENT nrBBTSRZS BOOMS. THB PAIRMOT'NT, 28H North Birth, near nurnaiie, nair Dtock nortn or BostofSce. 9 blocks south of depot Yoa caa get rooms In thla elegantly furnished, new, eteam-beated balldlng at reaaonabla ratea. fornlahed or anfurnlshed. alnale or as snlte, hot end cold running water In rooms, electric llshts. poeee. lain baths, phone; tourist snd trsnalent trad aolleltea. Mrs. S. B. Caetwrtght, proprietreas. "THE LINCOLN." 40 Morrlsoa, eor. nth New brick, elegant, furnished, nanny rooms ; all modern eonvenlencea; tonrlsts snd travel ing mea solicited. Mrs. T. It. Hnghea. Prog. BIVRKRIDB HOTEL 4ll East Oak. raralahed end nnfarrriihed rooms, single and en suite; Hieing, 1 per week sad up. , 1'hooe geett t ROOMS for gentlemen; new bouse; priest family; bath and telephone; break fa at fur nished If desired. 1M North Eighteenth. PI'RNIrlHED room ads la Jonrnal want col umns bring results; tl words for IB Ceata ts tba rata. Has yo aay eonmsT TWO newly furnished rooma; hot baths and telephone; number of phone. Mala B4G0. SM Conch at. FURNISHED rooma for rent; large frost parlor; XM Fifth St., cor. Madams. Also room aad board. - . . THE TEMPLB Large, steely funrfsbad roasaat reasons Me. US Timhtll St., ear Saveath. TRREB or four rooms; gas, heat; furnished or unfurnished, let N. lAth. Phon West SS. rrRNIAHRD front a 1 coys room for geatlesMB. sot Wft Park at. NI' ULT fnrnlshed front roora, private famny, X4 Eleventh , , FINB rooma, tni Teath, enr. Taylor st FOB BEET STOESS. artw wove a. . e, . Apply a nremlaea. bvsivzss raisers. BOO MI N a H0TJ8B B BADQCABTEBB.1 TAFT A CO. 1184 A Ding to Mdg. Phoa Mala lag. A FEW OF Ot B LEADBBS. M BOOMS Located oa Blith at. I real 1100 . s sBth; S year lease; thla la first, class transient bona aad la clearing ' from 100 t flBO S sioatB. .. Price ' S.00. , SB BOOM Located sear Portland hotel: low real aad good lease; this boas clears Beeer Isaa thaa 1M a BwatV Pries S 600. SB BOOMS Well located: rant BOB month ; S years' leas; thla plsc clear vr 100 a saoath. Price B2.S0O. IB BOOM Extra well located: rent fTO; yeara' lease; this Dense clear gTO a month fries I.B00. SB BOOMS Located la tha heart ef tb city on Washington St.; rent SM a month; ..-' 1V4 veara' lease: thla house KEVKB cleans less thaa S2U0 a month. Price BOMB BMALLEB ONES. . S BOOMS Located soar Port la ed hotel rent: the furniture ta thla Bouse la FINE snd tha house la strictly Bsodera. me arm ; , ROOMS Locs ted en North Eighteenth at,, close to Washington at. ; low rant Price tanft. T BOOMS Weil located: bouse strictly aaodera: in -lading furnace; rent (21.00. price 11 BOOMS Located near th Fair 0 rounds; rent V; S years leaee: rooms all oc cupied by- workman a th fair build Inee Price 701. W bars numerous . other la all parts af ths city. W eaa make leaaonable tarsi say of th ahov. BrSINESS orSNINOS. BE8TATR A NT We have four A No. 1 propo sitions In this line; tney au will atasu the closest Ineestlastlon. WALL PAPER AND PAINT STOBB Thla M , a first-class place on tha leading husl neea street; la doing a Bet bualnesa or z.poo per annum; win aau at in voice. CTKIO STORE Located Is tha heart ef tha city on whlng ton at. ; this place la clearing over S2M a month NET profit; rant only r ta a month, with a lease. Pries . , ii,ooo. . ,. . . j WB SOLD -.''' Tlia follnwine honaea la at week: 40 ROOM house, price.... ....fiono M-ROOM hoflaa, pries , .V 24 BOOM hone, price..... S.nno lA-auuii nonaa. nnea, mmt If yea deslr to make a quick sal of your piace, uat it wiia aa. TAFT CO. 12B-S AMngtos bldg. 10SH Third st SQ.C ABB DEAL BROKEBA0B COMPANT. Phone Main 40n. ' C L HATHA WAT, Managsg. 129 Seveatb It. WB BATB SNAPS IN ROOMTNO) ' BOTJ8ES . AND RETAIL BTOBE9. Bar I a chane for ya. WHO WANTS M COUNTBT MESCHAN- DIHB STORET - Lot lOoxlou: store balldlng 2?i6S. fun . ef goods, doing baalnese of S2.000 a month, and yo caa get thla whole outfit for ..4.B0B A dellcateaaea and home bakery, doing alee mile nuBincee oa goou aireet; renc f2I Price tl.JM No. 120 Her we have Sn 12-room hone. . gnely furnlthea with elegsnt ruml- . altar and carpets; this house has never heea offered before. Pries... SI, 280 No, IIS S room sear the Medical Ootleg; - arte furniture. Roe carpets; rant only 1 $30; yoa caa buy this tor .BKM No. lit IS rooma right ta town) teat too. me.... bsb No. 104 HERB Ton HAVB IT 40 room or good rnrnlture; lease g yeara at ' tlOO per BMntb: la good Brick build- ' Ing; very central; you caa buy thla - place for ' S3.BO0 Re. 10S ID-room boarding boose, clone In, fall of steady boarders; yoa caa pick th peach for 12.250 No. SO. What do you think of tblat 81 rooms of th best In town: new fur- . nltnre: new carpets, sad wants s sew landlady. Price H,TS0 If you want to sell your bousa, , f bring the location to oa. a are doing lota of bualnesa. Phon Mala 4080 and w win can a you. THB UNION LAND CO. 0. O, . DeTere 1. H. .Ahlgraa. xoet eiie i siua sc. -A snap; saloon for S3.T60. Coat ef Bltaifs ffar. g.-vai; pool yaniea, v; pisno, m-? stork. safe, lnO; cash register, istm; table and chslra, g200; two year' leaaa; rent. $-10.00; dally receipt a 130.00. Thla Is the heat ehsnce la a lifetime. Cigar atand, S7IV0: barber ahop, Baoft; reetaa- rant, 7; rooming souse, suou; terms; rooeo Ing bouae, fTOO; restsnrant for rent, beat loratloo In - town; small tract of land to exchans-e for city property: roomlna house ' foe l.tso. rail today. Honaea and lota on time. $10 to $20 dowa and from as ta fio per month without Inter est: tha finest nrnoarty In thla city. Wa will trade Iota for lodging bonnes or fTrrnt- ture; w buy, sell aad exchange aay and all klnda of property; we are In posltioa ta give you anything yoa waat FOR BALK BARQATNB. Steam laundry: good thing. . Grocery etore. select stork, goad baeineaa. A third Interest In a hamming concern, "A homestead relinquishment of 10 seres ef good land." "Good berry farm on Hood River. " WANTED If yo have houses ts rent ee for aala wa teat or sell there. . BAKER REAL ESTATE) AORNCT, . ' Room B, Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALE A merchandise store, n mllea from Vancouver, w sen . . ooing nosineaa of $24,000 per sbbuib. Ws have looked this Bp and k now whst It la. Tba stock la wiTth more than th price asked. Lot lorn IBO; store 2flx.1. with a feed-mom SOiSa In th rear. Hers Is s chance to make from $4,000 to $ s lyesr. The P. O. Is located In the store, and pay $200 per annum. We have full Bar Ucu 1 are st 128 seventh street. HERE'S A BIG BARGAIN. ONB OF THB SWELL EST CONFECTION". ERT. FRT'IT AND CIGAB STORES IN PORTLAND, located oa tb leading boat, sea street Is heart of city. You eaa clear over $100 a month bare. Owner wants to make a "nnlck sale" and will take $1.100. . This certainly la a snap. TAFT CO. 12S-4 Ablngtoa bMg. . 1M Third st. STOCK ef bonhj and a bona for sale; well estab lished bnalneea; reesoa tor selling, death of fronrtetor; stock caa be Inspected at any I me-, only boot aad shoe store In Beppnar, Or. Geo. Conner, administrator.' "B1SINF.8S CHANCES" advertisements Is Jonrnsl Want Column bring big returun; If you want to boy or eell a , business, try them; tl words for IB cents. WHAT have you to exchanre as fall pay meat oe part pay meet for n lire insurance policy In on of th lsrgesl eld lias companies I Addreaa M. T2, JouraaL BFHTAUBANT thst will pay for Itself I en month, doing good Business anq win near Investigation, call at sn aaat momsoa St. $.100 CIOAR snd confectionery, with Ic create ana uving rooma. eoe nrsi ,, souta Portland; rent $. . WANTED Partner with $2.Bno to Uks hslf In. terest la good paying Dual Dees, call 371 Oak st. . FOR RENT 0FFI0S ROOM. NEWLT furnished lodge hatla; ahw ofne far rent. Allaky bldg.. Tnir and Mornsrea. FOR SALB HORSES ARS OABBIAOEBL VOIT CAN sen your bore or waeo by sdvee. tlalng it I journal waaf uoiumnai try uaait tl words for IB cent. FOR SAI.Bj I horse ar anas of Jaraie. asttsMe tor Buggy, Tis aaat aiuraaua. rnoa acsn ' . ." .- IS GOOD FOR A 20 WORD' " WANT AD." IN NEXT SUNDAY'S JOURNAL ADDITIONAL SPACE 12 CENT A WORD - CUT THIS AND WRITE YOUR FOE RENT HOWSES. FOB BENT o-room cottage, with baaement and ysrd; BUT Nelao at.; Take Ett Ankeny and Twenty-eighth at. car: get off at Neleoa A OOOD home la always source of pleaenre : meny nice houses that will mats good soma) are enostantly advertised la Jonrnal want eolamna. Are you looking for one! RENTAL AOENflT af J. U Wells Co.. S4 Orand ava. We make a apeelalty ef renting bouse aad collecting oa east side; charges hie. Phone Unloa sao. NEW. aiodera, S room bouses oa th as at Ida, Is a good location. jn. 21. $2S. lo. re or 11 art man. inompaoa st rewere. Chamber of Commerce. FOIh RENT Houae, comer Seventeenth aad Guano streets. Inquire at 1S Fifth. Mai Bnillh "Tk. Saenv ' . FOR rant ar aala. 1011 Wlltlama avenue, a-roea hoaaa, all mooera conveaieoees. Apply Jobs nam, rii ntsr sc. ROOMS WITH BOARS. BOARD with - room, well rural." ed: modem conveniences! tahle board. 221 Thirteenth at. FOR RERT FLATS. FOB RENT Newly ' furnUhed Sat, , M Eleventh, corner or Burnsioe. FOR SALB REAL ESTATE. STOP paying rent; own your own bom. See this; g room saw cottage; flowers, gardes; asjui X 1 1 Ml Mown, monthly nevmenta. B-roora cottage: chicken hoaaa; garden; $100 dowa, monthly paymenta. B-room modern, new house; batbi beautiful walls; gardes, flowers; carpets II desired; teems. t small farmt. 8 sad IS seres; 10c car far; Kta, chickens, gees, cowl; sew ds ru ne I'Bloa 43SL FOR SALB A T-room hoase with S lota, corner; graded street, eilca mention; B oiocxs rron ran; fruit trees. Price $1,500, B lota at Woodjawn, 60x100. $100 each. . 14 lota near .Montavllla ear line. $30 each. Enquire at Boo doing at., Highland. L. F. Christian, owner, MO Going at. FOR S ALE B acre oa ths O. W P, eee line; 10 cent ear tare; will aeu eoeap it xaxea . aooo; yo cas make your ears terms; get off at Gates' crossing: esquire st first hoase, south. 'This la snsp. PROPERTY OWNERS -If yo hay aay prop erty for sals, advertise It in meee columns. Journal Want Ada are great real estate aslas bmb: SI word for IB cants. FOB SALE Three B-rooa cottages with base. merit and yard; good conditio: renting inr $14.00 month ;. assy terms; $1,400 ssch. ' M. 47, JournaL RELINQUISHMENT OB 160 acres land near i,yie, wasa. ; gooo revmwa Boew; pwa well; about twe acres fenced. N. 10. JournaL FOR farms, a crease, city property, bote tlnv bar and nosneetea aoeaiiona, see bixwsij ft Co.. SIB Ablagtoa bldg.. Portland. Or. T-ROOM cot tare. No. S4 Oorbett St., with Sn orchsrd; lot 60x100 feet; rent $1B per moats. Inquire Frank Bacheoey, 40 CorbeM at FOR SALE, $1 600 B-room enrtara, S lots lOOx 10 feet, 1 block eaat of Weodlawg car. Ia quire at Bona, 894 Shaver at, - . FOB SALE Five -room bouae snd two lots. some small fruit, and room tor cow and . chickens. Phone Unloa 1.14. S0-er Improved farm for sale; stock, etc. Particulars, addreaa C. W. Stephen, Clerks. - Oregon. Clarkamas county. FOB SALE g-reonj modern hoaec; BOxioo lot; lSOl Twelfth St., Woodlaws; price $1,860. B. Farrlngtoa. FOR SALB Vacant lota, eaat aid, TTi East Burnald St. fTjou scott mo. FOR BALR FAEhfa. $1,00000 acre at Tower, Wash., near Tootle river, us miles ironi vmiib euezei a aniioa from Toledo; good soil; lsqd laya well; about 40 acre caa be easily cultivated; some fenced; rail made to do mora fencing: home commenced : good soring near heuae. Owner, ST Eaat Ninth. North, bet. Davis and Everett. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farms for l ts alt part of Ore goa aad Wssblngtos : paymenta mad t suit - parch acers. For fall particulars aa to rati ens properties apply to Waa. MacMaatar. Sll Worcester bMg. W0TJLD you Ilk to llv cm farmt Thla fa where many excellent farms are oftea ad vertised. Look for them. FOR ' Sift rfeett.waeea SEWINO me chines; 100 Sn maculae lightly da ma red. t very low pi-Ices; Singe. V. S., romeatl. Whits, Nnr Soma. Olds ft Klac, Willamette. Wheeler ft Wlleoe aad ethers: soma saw drop-head machines at $20.00. S. S. Slgel, ttS Morrlsoa St., sac. (ta. Mar asm hMg., Portlaad. Ore. IN your store room yoa probably have aa mo ttling ef no aa ta you, nut it a good and you may Just as well get essh for It by advertising Is Journal want column; si words ' tor is cant. FOB SALB 8 fresh cows. 1 spring wagoa, 1 aet single and donhle harness; ahw 1 good horse; will be sold at a bargain. Call st Leacha'S foundry. Macadam road, Fnos. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rest or for sal en rssy payments. THB BRUhSWIrK-BALKR COLLENDER CO.. 4B Third St.. Portland. B1CTCLB eloslns out sale; t-M W olff-America ne saw gift. Seventh and Morrlsoa eta. ALL MAlfES of second-hand typewriter at th Underwood Typewriter Agency, 6ft Front at. FOB SALF Two thoroughbred Jersey bulla. N. 20, Th Jonrnal. LOST ARD F0VRD. SMALL boat eaaght at Portland Lumbar Co. room; call at Bight. L. G. McVlsbon. 148 ' Arthur st. LOST Many good upputtunllloa every day you fall to read Journal Want Columns. Don't miss them. PERSONAL. J. J. Hlrsbhetmer, pension attorney, eounaeltoa at-law. pension: wsr oi in Heneuion. In dia ware. Act ef Jan ST. lXttO, order No. TS. wldowa, ehlldrea and dependent relatives, honntlea. arrears, commutations and claim gslnst tb U. B. Room B, Cham, ef Com. TOUR nreer1ntlnae sre moe sccuraterv and resannahly tiled at Eysell s pharmacy, 82T Morrlsoa St.. bet. First aad Second at. PERSONAL Yonr business or prof ess lone 1 card In Journal Want Oolnmne will bring ye business; 21 words for 1ft cents. Try it. CATER only to the beet people, specie Hat a, diseases of the hair and are In, Wra. R. ts Vsre, BOB Dekam. Phon Hood BBT. "ON s Slow Train , Throne; ArkaBeaw," ay Jackson: mn of run snd Jokeai .a one' Book etore, 281 AM St. MMR. H. R. Ely. dermatolorlst, scalp treetaaewt. aha m poo, aleetrla maaaaga. til Ooodnoaaa. TO KXCKAROB. WHAT ye has and dos't waat Is ynst what someone alee seed aad eaa t Sad. If you'll advertise It la Journal want column you caa make a good trad. Try tbsmt 81 words fog IB ceata, . , OUT NOW ADVERTISEMENT MONET TO LOAA. FRED H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT, Money ts ken. No aommlasloa. I am In a poaltlo ta make Itnaeedlnta loan ea Improved real aatato or for brild ,1ns purnoaea: any amount; moerat Inter aet ' We approve loans from pirn snd ad vaacw asoney aa Banning, programs. , uptio is svnsyment rter on year. FRED H. STRONG, Financial A seat. -tog Socond St.. sear Sura. tub ores iim on. Any aalarled employs, wage-ocrsar, eaa get a bis sets, without mortgage - Month. H-montb. Wee. ofl 08 Repay to us B18.KS or $6.f a $3.M i26.ou Repay to u j BBS or t.t.M er Sl.sft tlS.0O.iUla, to os I 4.00 ar $2.00 or $1.00 OnaMaaMaf. 210 McKay bldg.. lOSVa td. . IALARY LOANS salaried nerao having r Fueiiioo with reenoneinie nrm res . obtain money on tb asy bnyment plaa. witn. eraiiciir or oeiay; an nnsineae ireateq strictly conAdentlal. NOlTUWhaJT LOAN i ABiagtos bldg.. city. - LOANS ON THB EAST-PAYMENT PLAN Ta Salaried People. Strictly Confidential, : Ofuee hours, n a. ai. to B p. at, EMPLOYEES' LOAN CO. Phone 234. Boom TI6. Th Deksm bMg. 8. W. cor. Third and Washlngtoa sts. MONEY TO LOAN ea real, personal aad col lateral recoritr: aneclal attcnrloa ro chattel snortnrea- nofrs twmht r W P.IUt 111 a-omBMareial hlk. Phone Mala lsSft. - . MORTGAGE LOANS oa Improved city ssd farm e"vwir ai luerwx eurrvcv raxaa; naiiaiu loana. Installment losBS. Was. MacMaatar. Sll Worcester bldg. MONEY loaned on planoa. rnrnlture and ether eveiiei eecimnea: an Business ernetry pri vate, NORTHWEST LOAN CO., $21 Ablng tos Bdg city. MONEY te LOAN In large or small amauata " aooo eecoriiy; Mrweet raxaa, wuuam w. Bach. SOT galling bldg. , MONEY ADVANCED salaried peente. teamster. mwuvi eecnniy; essy peymcsis; la. a cet bnalneea In principal cities. Telmaa. ' ..imui oraaj. ' . v . CHATTEL loans In amount remrlng from SSI to $0,000; ronmtng-houeea s specialty Maw Era Loan ft Treat Co.. SOS Ablngtoa bMg. ' CHATTEL loans: rooming seuaae specialty, nana tn salaried people. New Era Loaa ft -1 u., ovoinawa Blag, MONEY TO LOAN FROM . w i r: rKIVATK PARTY. ADDRESS $33 MOHAWK BLDG. MONET TO LOAN oo Improved er unimproved l7 profiwij. in enma ro auit. nmu, yyas. klna A Co.. 2RO Alder st. LOANS at loweat rate o fursttnr. pianos; any security notes purcBsaao. gaaiera ixmn fSc. 418 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ou Clackamas roaaty lands. si- r m r. B. Blley, 008 Chamber ef Com- ATTCRREYS. PACIFIC Coast Law ft Collection Agency rwniaou on ice, tm fjnamoar or trimmer ea. S. B. BIGGEN, attorney aad cMBaUort-iW awiary. ua-au Amngioa teag. . SHEPHERD, ANDFRNdN ft CELLARS, mrarneya. i-Tiao-uai arquaas Diug. . ART METAL WORKS. ORNAMENTAL work for residence, hiarla.aa bouae. baiih and offlc railings, grill, gre. plsc ettlurs. ehandellera, algna. fence, art work I say atvl metal and finish: hammered leaf work and metal spinning s spectalt: punning constructors i wcra. le, . 402-404 Davis, ear Ninth. ARCHITECTS. HODGSON A CO. Arehlteete sad ispariar lenuents. suit sis Maciaay beflg.. or. goarth and Waablngtoa aha. ' Goodrich ft Goodrich, architects; Wra. W. Good- ncn. consulting engineer, im Bth.Tront 1682. uNyTTOBt 7- ASPHALT PATIRO, THB Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. Portlaad. RAE0IR0 ARD UGHTZRTRw. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO.. Itl Baraslda S. Phon Amr tITI 7 . . BICTCXZS. STAB NOVELTT WORKS Dealer la second- Sana merries; (enseal repairing. . ST Obms svs. BRASS WORKS. FRIER BROS. RRA8S CO., 210 North Eleventh. mess, ores castings, model snaking. gea COAX ARD WOOD. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO., 441 Hoyt. or. ma; wasneu lump Booties eosi, gu.oo per tm; ant, $A.00j agents for Cumberlsnd Rsnga, $T.00; Castle Gate, $ft.S0; wholesale 8 rices; fro delivery: full weights; aatlafa. on guaranteed. Phon Main W48. HERE I year chance to ret your winter' boa wood: riv loads, fi.&o a load, or si nils loads at $1 75 a load. Multnomah Wood Com pany. Phone Mala $119. , GOOD fir ccrdwood at $3.T8 delivered to ny piaee wimin au oiocas ox s,ignts sua Haw thorn street. Phone Scott u7A ALHINA. FUEL CO., Kallroed at. ssd Albiaa ave., near iervy Bias anu psaca wocnx, ary ud green. Phon Eaat 0T4. , . WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO.. Phon 1018. uetie uate coal aad all other coal ea th market. 164 North Fifth st. HOOTER ft CONWAY. SIS Water at., the place ror goou e-soot, uv ur Br weoa, ra Msla 46A6. PIONEER Fu Co., removed from font Mar- raves w root Mais sr. fBoa Mala 1SS. . a R. TELIN. wood and coal: offlc 88 Albla sve., near retry, food East 183S. 0RROON FUEL CO t all kinds of coal sad ae aiormnB. rnos Main sn. CARPENTERS ARS VTILDIRS. . t. AUTHOrlS ft H. E. WOOD, carpenters aad builders; repslrlng and JxbMng: ator aad eftca Bttnre built. - Shop SOB Colombia. Phoa Clsy 161. FANNINO ft ARMSTRONG Carpenters aad tjaUdor'. repairing and Jobbing; reasonable tatea. rThep cor. Foarth and Colambla. Front I2NS. 0. W. GORDON, counters, shelving, ho sslH and renelted. fn Fnmth. Clsv 174. CHIR0F0DT ARD M ARTCVRTS O, WM. DETENT ft ESTELLB DETENT, ths only srientlflc chiropodist, parlors' room tog Drew bldg., 162 Second at. Phone Mala 1801. Thla la th long-haired gentleman.. B ts th mas yoa are looking for. . CAFES. THE OFFICE, SM Washlngtoa st .boa B. Mala TTI. Picket ft Vlgaeaes. CAFB KRATE, 122 Sixth at. served at alt hoar. A ta Isjaok CROCKERY ARD SLAItWARK. WnoLESALR roritary and glssawar. Praal, egl ft I), 100 to 108 Fifth, eor. tmt t CLAIETOTAKT ARB PALMIST. MADAMB JOHNSTON Tlalrvoysnt, palmist aerd reanW: 1 elve facts railabla and lui Portent oa all affaire of real Ufa. BsasUnga one. luo rouria st. O0MMJ6SI0M MIEOHAJITB. EVKBDINO FABRELL. produce and eomaita. sloa SMrchsnta. leu grosl M., rwruaa. ue, Phon Mala 17S. CI0AEB ARS T0BAO0O. BUHERO-OUNST CIOAB OOv DUUlbutors sf FINB CIOABS.' Port la ad. Otagoa. OEMERX 00RTRA0T0RB. HAWKINS CO Baeldeae, SUB Foarth at. phone Freeit jM: cement work ef ail da aorlptloBai stag work specialty; work gar -aaiae. CBAS. H. CASTER, geaaral contractor; eeseeat BMewaika; aeaaeat work specially; au wors gasranteed. in brao aea.. M. aaat lea. CHAS. H. CARTER A CO. (formerly Carte A Bill, cement contractors. ST 4 Tscgart. i'fto uh 1st, au work guaraateoo. DOG AMD H0RBI KOSrTTAL. DR. S. J. CARNEY Veterinary eurawoa. lot north sivth st. rbona Mala 14B4; res. phase. SJB1B SWOT. t DECORATORS. HENRY BERG BB 180 Ftrwt at. I wa Una oar. Ingi-aln. tapaatrlss,. ssgllqss frissia. la tar- tor oecoraiing. , FRATERNAL lEgTTRAECE. - ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foreraoat fratee al society of northwest: neotecm tha lie. - Ing. J. L. Mitchell, aapreme asmstary, BIS . anu io marnnam BMg., rortuao, ur, ia pooo main uas. . DTXIV0 ARD CLEARUfe). . Berlla Steam Dyeing ft Cleaning Works Boat quipped dy work la th city: dry cleaning of ladles' Sn garments a specialty; reaaonabla , prices; prompt service; flrst-clsss work cuaraar teeu. sii Aioar-K.. rnon main ecysi. . PORTLAND STB AM CLEANING AND DYBIN0 Works; practical batter la connection: feather boa a snd plnrsee cleaned and curled by aa sa . part, sii a oo rra. race clay Tu. J. HUNTER, BOO Jaffersen at, steam esrpet and mattreaa elesnlng; feather renovatUg; au worn guaraareea, rnon slsia si. , CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED $1 per warn, vniqu auoriog uo., at I waaaiag- ou at. n w vttrvvd , r. ii.i. .1 ii a e - - ana ree . a eaie DRESSMAXTRO. MRS. McKlRBRN. artletl BMklBg. ol lforrlaoa St. - IMRROIDERT. FINE display embcolderie and point Isea, Or ELEOTRI0A1 WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. SOB Stark St., Portland; O. K. for very thing ia tb lectrMal Oaa. . Phaa. Msl 1888. , . '.. '. . ) ,.''. 11 ' 7L0TJR ARD rsxp;. . FLOUR. fvd. potato. coaL at.' - Hsrasea asnae. a 10 aevat Beveern st. faone ncocr eoi l. FTJRRITTJRE FACTORIES. FURNITURE maaufacturlnaT and acadal ifc auivaaasy a rnrnlture laetory, giv rrast OREGON Fnrnltur ManufaeturlDg Compear . Mennferturer of torn I tor for th bade. SOB I lrst t. R0CXRR, WADHAMS ft CO., wholesale greears mass facturer and anmi mimioa msrthsam. rswrts and Oak ata. ALLEN ft LEWIS. commlesloB snd chants, rront ssd Davis sts., rortlaad. ur. LANG ft CO.. First and Aekeay ati. SOTXIA Hotel PorUaad. Ameeicaa plaa; $3. $B par dag. Beleedsest Europe a puts: dth ssd A Mac sts, SATS CULARED. BASTBRN Bat Mannfscrarlng Company. S21 rirat, pear Clay; ham gyed. cleaned. Blocked; sad svsr la Isttst styles ar apeelalty; Paaaam hats. HORSES ARD CARRIAGES. UNITED Carrier Co., rubber tired earrtagea. tally-noa. Main to. ins inn, cor, morn eon. XKSTTRABCR. ISAAC U WHITE, firs tssarsas. SOB Dskaaj JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability ssd tan dinoaai scciaeBt an rely nosos ei au kiaua. Phone 4T. 808 McKay Udg. B. F. BARTRL8 COMPANY. Sre lusmsnos. 448 Bberlock bldg. oragoa phoa ciay sas. FIRB 1NSTTRANCR I. P. Kennedy ft Os SSI snaraocs Blow. tBons ataia saou. - ARTHUR WILSON. Sve bldg. Phone Mala loosi IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS EngiBears, smaa. f ectarera of marts, mining, logging ssd saw. mill m sen leery; nromnt atrenno la work Phona. East IB. H Hawthorne av. a I. M LOCKSRnTHS. H. O. SMITH Locksmith ssd greersl reparrln. e waablngtoa at.. Portland, raoas cisy sua, MAORXTI0 BXALXR. I SUCCBSSFI'LLY treat all forma of dl whether rhronl ar ante: also teach Mrs. U H. Hart, Sll AUsky bldg. - MTWICAL. TIOLIN, mandolin, enrnet, clarinet and BR string gad wing Instiuments. Pror. Edwla A. Smith. Mala 470a. SB Twelfth St. T. R. LAWSON, 240 Part, cor. Main, plane Vss. aoea; terms resaoaaoie. I'aone rrout ail. MASSAGE ARD BATES, TAPOR he ths aad massage by lady wttb young or aaaietaat. navi Fourra, roam a. MRS. OR ROCK, maaseut, hsa returaed froa th eaat. Union Boss. RnrSIO DEALERS. FISHER MUSIC CO., IM Third talking machines; repairing, Rd I OYER ALLS, BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS aad ics ckitninsi anion me da. N easts d tec msmifsctnrer. Port Is nA Or. FLTTMBERS. FOX ft CO., eanltary plnmbera. 281 Reeond. bet. wain aa Baiaaos. uregoa pBou. Mala suui. DONNERBIRG ft RADRMACHRR. plsmbern, remove si s roarts St. nota pa nan. LOW-PRICED res flxtnre, 41B Weahlagtoa. - H. t:i.aiiirir.-iii;a go w pl'Jll'rilll, FATRTING ARD FAPER-KARSIHG. F. M. BUTTON, painter and Banrhgr. ITS Msdlso at., wsat snd of bridge. PRESS CLIP TIROS. MAKE MONEY! USB PRESS CLIPPING! . King p Black ii nog ard.'v mosth't service covering every tows Is ssy ar all neat atates: dally m earn tee service: adveae reports on all auotraot work. Portlaad afac Its) Second St. FLATIRS. TBI OREGON PLATING WORKS, 41 inganu street. 1'boe H07B. Psilahlag 18 sad atrgacrlng. FATXXTS. R. O. WRIGHT, lawyer; patents specially Srstast year Inventiou. Uaom 404 Dekam. PAINTS, 0IX ARD SLABS. F. B. BEAC1I ft CO. Htcneer Paint Co., Belling ! . ' 'bine mad ta sslnts snd geseval building Biaterlala: wladow-glaas and glaatng S specialty. Ihft first at. I pboo Msla 18a. i!.'"' 1UNNB ft CO Phoenix Paint and Work; iaao?hctorera and Importer Sslnts, oils and sneers, etc I phone LIT. Office snd factory. Bberlock see, and Nineteenth at. Wl r FULLER ft CO., manufaetursrs Pioneer . p'uli Paint, Kopallaei a gearar.1 FT" 1U rry galloa f paint maBufaetsred "r wRsV gents for tl Bawthorae a KlBlooh i bouse nalBta. . Phoa East 184T. RASMUSRN ft CO,, tohhera. palnta. elht, aasb and doors. ISO First St. nnrTixft. BI'SHONO ft CO.. Front and Stark ata.. print. Ing. lithographing, blank books aad office sunpllee; work done on time: most eomplst printing offl In th west. Main 104. ANPBRrMiN ft DI'MWAT COMPANT, prlnttBS. Jlfhosranhlns. blaik books. Phoa Mala II. Su Alder st. R00FTRS. TINSOOriNO, gnttertng. repairing and gasrs " o e. ue eeieuraoai auuaa. ALL kind of roofs repaired and pslatsd. W. J. Farrell. 60 First. Scott Ml " ROPE. PORTLAND OORDAGR CO., car. ana norrnrup sis., rurtlanC Or. RUBRA STAMPS. Mala TI0; rubber stamps, see la. ateaelM, he gag, trad f hecks; send for catalnga. , 1 ' i ii i . i i mum ' SPRAYING ARD WHTTXWASHIEO, SPRAYING ssd whltgerashlng. trees, base. ZTr "i. TT"- wncae, eic.. aa. u. at ore aa a) Co. Call ap Boott 264. wa will call aad Sir To Sgure oa your work. The largest gasoline spraying - and whltcwaablng nt la Multnomah ounty. WO Mllwaskls SC. PortUad. Or. SATES. LARGEST stock la city; IMsbold work; lock oats l",oeui. repaira. jau work, steal calllag. treat. . mcnt snd goods meriting year pstrosas. J. B. Davis, 6 Third t. ST0RA0R ARD TXARSFX. aVAFES, planoa and fnrnltur meved, packed muy ur snipping ana eaippea; an work gaerenteed; large 8-atory brick fliwpraei warehouse for storswe. orrlce 12a girai . a M. OL8EN. Phon Mala B4T. C O. PICK, offlc 88 First St., between Stark aan mi at. : phon soa; pvtoo and turnl. tare aaoved and parked for ahlpplugl ease. BMXtions rl re proof brick wars hoase. Freal . . aad Clay sts. ; TRARSFES ARD HAULIXO. . 0RBOON TBANSFBB CO., 184 North Sixth. leiepooae -siaia H, tusv . ssaiiagt sag storage. . POST SPBCIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 Va Wseb. loawea ea. rueae tir. aiaiu ssxs. SH0W0ASZS ARD I1XTUREB. " SHOWCASES of e-rery Severlorloal bask, bag and store fixtures made t order . The Laths Manufacturing Co., Portland aad Beet tie. TYPEWRITERS.' X0ST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS ' xau eiars street. Ws rent, repair, sell, exchange typewriters. ' 411 kuppllea for all aaachlnea. - Standard machine $25 and up to $100, o you want a stenographer or typlatf . W have list of good enpllcaats. Phon Black 287L ALL MAKES ef typewriter for rent at Under. wood Typewriter Agency, en Front St. TRUSTS' FACTORY, PORTLAND TRUKK MP0. CO. Wboleeale and retail. Phona Clay SOS. Cor. Bd ft Pin. Portland. Send for eatalogn. TOWXL BTJPPLT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILT Comb, brush, snap, 1 per moBtn. Lawreae eroa.- xowei supply company, 4th and Couch. Phone 42B. WHIRS TO DLRR. STROCSR'S RESTAURANT, flrat-clssa best servics. K Wsshlngtoa St. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. leV4-l8 st.e Set. xaauuii saa injur, rarusru. FTXARCIAL. ADS m XTLTORr, BARTKRstft, . (Established la lhUt Trsasscts a Oe serai Banking Bniaaes -' Interest Allowed o Time Depoalta. -Oollostions mad st all uulate os favorahla terms. Letter of credit Issued available la Europe and all points in ths united states. Slcbt Exchange snd Telegraphic Transfers sold oa New York. Washington, Chicago, SU Louis, Denver. Omaha. Gas tiudac and Mo, tana and British Colambla. Exchange (old v London, Puis. Bar II s, Frankfort, Bong Koof, XokobaBa. Ms alia aad DaJeaRjBSBB ' FIMT RfATTOWAI. BARE n Vnl.nA Oeu - Design tad Depository and Financial Agent st Pradrat.... A. L. MILIJI Caehler J. W.NBWKIRK . Asalatast Onat-.ter... W. a AI.VOHIi Second Asatstant Osshlsr B. F. STEVENS Lttrs f rait tseaea svaiiaoie ia aHirvp saw Slcbt Ex Chan re and Teterrapbl Transfer eold os New York, Bostoa, Chicago, Bt. Louis. St PaaL Omaha, Sa Franelae ssd the principal nolnts In tbe Northwest, Slgnt anu tint anile eiivi in wa-nw w 1 a - n i. aL.ii rMbftfla.lM Main, tiong sou, euiwm,, Christinas. Stockholm, St. tatershsrg. Moa- -cow. Enrich. Bonolulu. . . ejollsetlOOS mao ou lere-eve " U1 WITXD BTATT1S RTATYOTSATe 8AJTJC, mAes)t"T AV sJ Ta AB TilAaf. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AMD OAS STS. Transects a trenerai vsnnug sinsinaaa, emm leuiiiril - AvallLoP In sll cities ef the United Btatae sad sjurupe. xivDs " "'a POLLTOTIORS BADS OX FAY0RARLR TERMS President.. wJ. 0. AINSWORTTJ Tics ITaaldast - l 1 1 j i B AYEM Aseiatant Cashier... A. M. WRIGHa MBBCXRWTR' RTATIQWATe BASE, PORTLAND, 0RSO0R. i mANR WATSON Preaidest R. L DURHAM Ylce-President R. W. HOVT Cashier SROR0R W. H0TT...,.,.... Assistant Cashwg TrSBaacts s General Banking Bnalneea. SrafW and letters of credit Issnea v si is me n Dam in vuoa Conectloo a specialty. Gold dual heaght. OBBOsf SAW TTt A rtCTROO BAJTRC, , , . XiXltrTBD. . , . ejhsmb Sf Commeros Building, Thb-d sad Teed Office. BS OM Brosd Street. Lntidna. n,ia-Kank transscta a senersl banking btiel. eaa makes loaas, dlaenanta bills and keeee letters ot credit available for travelers and tog the purchase of merchendlsf In any city of tha world. Deal 1 lorelm snd domestic sxehanga. Interest paiu on xinve W. A. MACRAE. Manaser. SGOTTRtTT S ATTIC OB TTITJST CO, ts Marritna St., Portlaad, Or. Xrsssacts s itenerai raneinc uasmsas, ATTROS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time and Saving DsarjattA . . Acta as Trustee foe Eats tea. Drafts and letters of credit avallabls la all parts f tb world. , d r. ADAMS President f A. LEWIS....; ..First Vice-President A. L. Mil in. ......... .necoo vica-r-reeineni R. L JUB1TS SecreUr) BfOBBlR BB0B. t CB3UBTXaTBXRT. Offer gfHdg tnvaatmast ta Municipal a4 - maiiroau svenaa, wrres r ail, . . lttH First St.. Portland. Oregeu. MORTGAOn L.OAISS On njilf4 ttntm at tsflirvmxt Rit, . Tit 11 ItVARflf"!, K)SJfNgA VrVet1sT1a4f. TTTLE GUARANTEE A TRUST CO , Baom t, Cha Bihar st Cosaaasras, .