V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST 8, 1804. v Vft '; , SECOND WEEK : I JllLlLJll ajL.J i ffo -TclS ' Slfljl ia "Different Store" II' JT m rfyr v "2L ill Portland's Quality ' - 7 I ' jJlEjJ- - Jl WHERE THE WALLS. ARC COMING DOWN ' A COMPMHENSIVE 1 WpU are asked to -note carefully every word that follows. The comparisons of values may seem jsxtrayagant they are really conservative. All that we ask, and this we ask in simple fairness, is that you put these offerings to the inexpensive test of com parison. We are certain that it is the most sweeping movement ever-inaugurated in this es that you never before attended a sale so rich in the advantages presented. It will pay to anticipate all your requirements for at least a twelvemonth and especially to attend these early morning sales. Our fixed aim and purpose is to constantly adyance our standard, making qualities higher and prices lower, therefore you cannot judge by our own past achievements or by prices quoted by inferior competition. One-Half Day Special in w Underwear De partment MAIN FLOOR.' 'Misses white cotton, low neck, sleeveless, knee length Union Suits, neatly trimmed regular prices 50c, 55c and 60c suit. SpeciaLlsuit. .T. . ...r.TT...... : . . .25 Women's black, blue, pink, orange, laven der, cardinal, white, velvet grip belt, silk elastic side,' all satin Belt Supporters; regular price $1.00. Special, each...50 IN WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR DE PARTMENTMAIN FLOOR. Closing Sale of Ladies' and Misses Bathing Suits, Shoes and Caps $2.00 Bathing Suits, now. .....'....$1.39 $2.50 Bathing Suits, now. ......... $1.69 $3.00 Bathing Suits, now...... $2.00 $3.50 Bathing Suits, now. ....'.....$2.25 $4.00 Bathing Suits, now .....$2.50 $4.50 Bathing Suits, now. ......... $3.00 $5.00 Bathing Suits, how. .........$3.50 $6.00 Bathing Suits, now.. $4.25 $7.00 Bathing Suits, now .....$5.00 $7.50 Bathing Suits, now...... ....$5.30 $8.50 Battling Suits, now . .$6.00 $9.00 Bathing Suits, now.... $0.75 $10.00 Bathing Suits, now.......... $7.00 $12.50 Bathing Suits, now..... $8.50 . 15c Bathing Caps, now. ........... .10 25c Bathing Caps, now... ,...15 35c Bathing Caps, now., ...'201 50c Bathing Caps, now 30 $1.25 Bathing Caps, now... ...... ....70 25c Shoes, now. .................... .18 35c Shoes, now. .23e 50c Shoes, now. .................... .35 75c Shoes, now. ...... . . . i .55e $4 Lace Curtains $2.75 s. . GREAT HALF DAY SPECIAL. ; Heavy Cable Net Lace Curtains, antique lace border effect, 50 inches, wide, 34 yards long; value $4. Special.. $2.75 5 T 8 TO 12 A. M. 5T Petti- TwT coats 1 SECOND FLOOR. Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock' we place on sale our entire line of Silk Petticoats at exactly ONE HALF PRICE. Descriptions are hardly necessary, ; as everything, from the simple plain silk skirt, to the most gorgeous, elaborately trim med are to be found in the assort-, ment Remember, from 8 to 12 o'clock only, at exactly HALF PRICE! Kimonos JVLHalOWce SECOND FLOOR. , Short Silk Kimonos, every one in the house will.be placed on sale to morrow morning at HALF PRICE Corset Bargains All Week ... ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. - Broken Lines of Royal Worcester Corsets These Corsets are made of the finest sa teens and coutille, in black, drab and white Models to suit all figures, long, and medium . length, high and low bust and straight fronts; sizes from 18 to 30. . These' Corsets are worth from $1.25 to $2.25. They will be on sale all this week at,' .' each ..... . .47 f Tuesday Morning Only ; 20c Ribbons 10c MAIN FLOOR. Here's an opportunity that comes but once , ,in a very great while. New Fancy Rib bons, 1 and 2 inches wide, values to 20c . yard. For Tuesday morning only, perv yard. .............. ..... . . .101 8 TO 12 A. M. Embroideries at Half Ifrice. MAIN. FLOOR. We place on sale ' tomorrow morning a fine assortment, of Embroidery Remnants, in long and short lengths, at exactly HALF PRICE. V . CLEARING ALL Half Day Specials From the Third Floor OAK WOOD FRAME CLOCKS Strike hour and' half hour, 22 inches high; value $2.50. Special for 4 hours , only ........... . . ..... ... ...... .$1.49 A line of Terra-Cotta Busts and Figures at half usual price $1.75 values. Special, .... .'. ... . . $2.50 values. Special. . ..... . . . . . $3.75 values; Special. . . ..... . . . , $5.00 values. . Special. ........... 87 $1.25 $1.88 $2.50 $3.75 $4.00 $7.50 $7.50 values. Special 1 $8.00 values. Special.... $15.00 values. Special $21.00 values. .-Special. ...... . , . . .$10.50 $30.00 values. Special, ........... $15.00 t MORNING SPECIAL IN THE AN NEXSECOND FLOOR. $1.75 MUSLIN GOWNS $1.19 Good quality Muslin Gowns, with yoke of 1 tucks and embroidery insertion and fine embroidery edging around the neck and sleeves; regular $1.75 quality. Special for 4 hours.... .....,$1.10 Morning Specials in the Linen Dept. MAIN FLOOR. $2.00 DAMASK $1.34 72-inch Fine Damask; regular $2.00 value, for.....:.... $1.34 $6.00 Dinner Napkins, to match. Per dozen . .$3.98 A lot of odds and, ends of mussed .linens at special clearance prices. Included are Towels, Damasks, Tray Cloths, Napkins, Scarfs, etc In order to close them out at once former prices have been forgotten. : BIG SPECIALS IN Valencienne Laces Tuesday morning we place on. sale two different lots of Valencienne Laces. . Lot No. 1 include and 4-inch Laces, rang '. ing in price1 from 25c to 40c, for, per yard .............................. 14 Lot No. 2 includes 4 to 9-inch widths, rang ing in value from 50c to 90c. Your choice for 4 hours. .34e Men's Goods MEN'S. SHOP FIRST FLOOR. Men's fast black, seamless Hose; the ' best 15c values. Special,' pair. ..... 10 A line of Men's Suspenders, all new, fresh webs, with kid ends; regular 35c suspenders. Special ". . .19 All this week we will sell Men's Bathing Suits at the following low prices : $1.00 kind, 70; $1.25 kind, 07; $1,50 kind, 81.10; $2.00 kind, $1.40; $2.60 kind, $1.00, - and $3.00 kind. $2.40. These suits are all this season's goods and come in both striped and plain material The remainder of our line of Men's Mer cerized Underwear, in blue and flesh col or; regular $1.25 a garment Special each i..... ..,05e All our Men's Shirts, in all styles, makes and patterns; some of the best brands of .lil. M.yl. ... trtfiitAMA In thta In. .1 Aft Shirts, 85; $1.50 Shirts. $1.25; $2.00 Shirts .......$1.60 1 3 TO 12 A. M. In the Annex Main Floor , -$1.00 21-inch ' Colored Taffetas 69c An opportunity of a life time to buy, a highly finished, splendid-wearing Silk, suitable for linings, drop skirts and shirtwaist suits; colors are cream, white, pink, light blue, grays,' tans; browns, reds, navies and black. SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY 69c REGULAR $1.00 ALL -SILK PLAIDS, in the wanted Scotchy Tartan effects. SPECIAL TUES DAY, 8 TO 12 A. M.t ONLY r 67c REGULAR $1.50 SILK AND WOOL CREPE DE CHINE AND CHIFFON VOILE, the swellest dress -fabric shown for stylish street and party gowns; colors are cham pagne, brown, royal navy, pearl gray. SPECIAL TUESDAY, 8 TO 12 A. M ONLY 69c REGULAR 50tV ENGLISH AL PACAS AND BRILLIANTINES. in plain and fancy weaves, splendid wearing fabrics for outing 'suits, chil dren's wear and bathing costumes. .SPECIAL, 8 TO 12 A. M.,QNLY 1 41c All colors, including cream and black. . . For Half Day Only 75c Lisle Gloves 42c MAIN FLOOR. Women's Lisle Gloves,- in black and colors; regular prices ranging from 50c, 60c , to 75c. Your choice 42e MORNING SPECIAL. In the Notion Dept. MAIN - FLOOR. Fine Imported Nail Brushes, bone backs, fine white bristles ; value 50c. Spe cial, each ....20 Gem Toilet Paper, small size roll, fine tissue perforated ; value 5c roIL Special, roll .............................. 3 Full government size Munn Envelopes; value 6c package. Special, 2 pack- ages for........... 5 National Sewing Machine and Bicycle Oil; value 5c bottle. Special, bottle 3e 100 large and small Cube Pins, assorted -colors to cube; value 8c cube. Spe cial, cube 5 Sterling Silver Golf Hat Pin Sets,. 2 pins to ' set u value 75c. Special, set ........ 43 Gilt Military Waist Sets, 3 pins to set ; value 65c ; Special, set. . .'. .30 THE 1 Early Morning Specials Shoe Department MAIN FLOOR. Boys' $2 Shoes $1.28 Boys' Box Calf Shoes, splendid quality stock, good heavy soles and full round toes Regular $2.00; sizes 11 to 2:. ...... .$1.23 Regular $2.00; sizes 2yi to 5...... $1.64 Women's $3 Shoes $1.71 Women's vici kid or patent Colt Shoes, mili tary heels and full round toes, strict ly new goods; $3 value. Special.. $1.71 Women's $3.50 Shoes $ 1 .93 Women's black calf or vici kid Shoes, for. beach and mountain wear, 6-inch and 8 inch tops, heavy or light soles, round toes and military heels; regular $3.50 value. ' Special, pair... ..$1.03 Early Morning Specials ir the Millinery Department SECOND FLOOR. ' Children's white straw meline Sailor Hats, trimmed in white silk ribbon bands; value $2.50. Special ................ Big lot of flowers, in all colors, included in the lot are French roses, rose buds, daisies, forget-me-nots, marguerites, also an as sortment of foliage; values from 35c to 50c Special. . .... . , ,12 6 TO 12 A. M. $1.25 Shirts at 83c ' MAIN FLOOR. Men's Negligee Shirts, in blue and tan stripes,-wiih patent Teversible collar, jukt the thing for, hot weather; regular $1.25 shirts. From 8 to 12 a. m. . at ...,.83 6 TO 12 A. M. Early Bird Special 50c Embroidered Collars 33c -'- MAIN FLOOR. , We1 place on sale at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning a fine assortment of Embroidered Collars: regular price of which is COc. Your choice of lot... .T ' STORE