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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1904)
o v.: TH OREGON : SUNDAV JOURNAL, FOK1X' IND. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 7. 1901 DISEASE DEADLIER THAN THE BULLET KlCI CaBUAXTTXS IJf JAPaJrXSS BTTSBO WAJs TO DATS AT tO.OOO CUDIVC1 'OXYZsT VAOABAKI SZTOBT TKAT POST l ABTaTOm MAM TAIjiw. ". . V , (Cbpyristt, Hearst Xewl Service, by Uwi Wire t TH Journal. J tendon,, Auk. , Military expert and statisticians of medical and surgical work In the field hsv placed the casualties en both aide In the Russo Japanese war to date at (0,000. Disease la taking oft thousand. 8a Id a high .. official today: -There will- be SOO.OOO crave of eol ' dler dead 'before the cxar and mikado ' reach term or peace. Advice have been received from Nag asaki that Port Arthur ha fallen be fore the Japan onslaught. . Notwithstanding the senerally con ceded opinion that Port Arthur will auo- eumb, and that before two-momna. irom the nreaent Indication, -it is not oe- lleved that the Nagasaki report ta true. The Drtncloal reaaon for taking ths 1st ' ter view 1 that no advice have a yet, been received from Toklo, and It t con sidered absolutely certain that Nagasaki would not be the only and first point, to - obtain the news, of the capitulation. While this report has been . received at St. Petersburg, advices from there ay that it 1 given no credence. Will Soon Tall. -: A dispatch, from Chef oo' says that a mrtT or Russian nave -nrrivea mere from Port Artnur, naving jeii loe tori, res about a week ago. From information gathered In convert aatlon with the leader of this party, it 1 practically certain that the end I fast aDnroachin. a renards the fall of the port. Among other causes, as stated . by this Russian. Is that the fact that the Japanese are In a -position to con stantly receive reinforcement of both ammunition and meat while the garrison. surrounded a It la. must . constantly husband Its resource, which are dally running lower. "!";"" BstUe la Trogresa, . Information received from St Peter- burg contain the startling announce ' ment that a great battle 1 in progress near Houtsaise, west of Uao Tang. While constant report are unques tlonably being received from Kuropat kln, they are not made public and this add to the suspense of the .public. It Is known that one of these reports -contained the Information that more . than 11.000 Japanese j had fallen in the attack, but no mention 1 made OI Kua- Taking the losses of former engage ments a a basis, the masses are In clined to believe that the csar's sol- dler have suffered a heavy loss. . The Japanese mad a fierce assault, according to the report, causing the Rus sians to fsll back., Owing to the report ed exhausted condition or tne Kuaaian troops, the csar fear that in the event of the evacuation of Uao Tang It could only be carried out In a manner far from satisfactory, and for this reason, it is v understood, he I urging General Kuro- patkln to hold hi position if possible. TAGGART BACKED , t'. - v . -- . By OLDER HEADS (Special DU patch br Leased Wire to The Journal) New York. Aug. 4. An unofficial ad visory board of from three to four mem bers, including the men of the widest political experience that he can select, Is to assist Chairman Taggart in ths management of the national "campaign .of that party. Senator A. P. Gorman of Maryland, . who declined to either become chair man of the executive committee, former ' , Senator J. K. Jones of Arkansas, who also did not wlatr to accept a place on the executive committee and former Senator D. B. Hill of New York are to be members of this unofficial commit tee and will ' frequently be present at ' the deliberation of the committee. Sen ator Jones, who managed the last, two campaigns Tor the Democratic nstlonal committee, knows the organisation all over the country and he will assist in rehabilitating the organisation and will also be frequently consulted by Mr. Taggart. . - Senator Htll will be consulted about . the campaign in this state and wilt as 1st in the conduct of the nstlonal cam paign in an advisory character, but ths active work will fall upon Mr. She. ' ban In the state. ; LAID TO POLITICS (Special Dispatch I J Leased Wire to The Journal) Washington, Aug. . It develop to dsy that President Roosevelt Is respon- , sible for changing the-ssstgnments of Brigadier-Generals Frederick Funs ton and Frederick Grant, transferring Grant to New York and placing Funston In eharg at Chicago. This change was made, it is said, by officials of the wsr department on the suggestion of Chair men Cortelyou. who wAnts sll the available assistance possible In conduct ing the , Roosevelt campaign in New . York. - . '. No prejudice exists in the adminis tration against General Funston; in fact, ' be is 'closer in a frelndly way to the president than General Grant. It Is . not very long since the president held considerable resentment sgalnst - Gen- 'ral Grant. Of course the subject was not only discussed with whits house callers, but when General Grant, at a banquet in Chicago a few month ago, refused to respond to the toast. The .President of the United States," and ma quoted a laying: "Who la he?" There wa a good deal of anger about the executive offlcee and the general soon ftor mad an-vxplnnatlon which ended the case. In the political game. Funs- ' ton st Chicago, close to his Kansas home. Is more of a factor than Funston. In New York. The same logic made General Grant an available campaigner at New York where bis nsme and hi friendship will carry htm Into circle It found necessary to conciliate. DEPOSED MARSHAL' COMMITS SUICIDE IS-peHal Pis patch 1 r Lesw d Wire to The Journal) Penver,- Aug. II. Michael O'C'onnell, former marshal of Victor, who was de posed from office by the Cltlsens' sl I lance for arming a posse of (0 men the day of the Independence explosion, com mitted suicide this evening by throwing himself from the third-story window of the Msrkhsm hotel. LEITER IS ENTRENCHED - . f . N (Continued from Pag One.) Two years ago Zelgler was not on the map. . When Levi Z. Letter,, the late Chicago millions!! e, discovered that there were rich coal fields alongithe Big Muddy be conceived the Idea of building a model town for his miners, and named the place Zelgler, a ' family nama of the Inciters, before a shovelful of earth had been turned In It. Ills son, Joseph Letter, of wheat corner fame, carried out hi father's project and spent t2.000.000 on the UMi squsre mile which he own in Franklin county. The mining machin ery there Is the most complete and exten sive that money can buy and includes some Improvement found in no .other mine In the United States. The trouble between Letter and his men began over this machinery. Letter decided to cut wages 17 cent below the union scale and to pay by piece work. He declared that the miners could even with the reduction make the union scale end more by the use of the electric load ing machine which be . had Installed. The machine would load too tons of coal a day, said Letter; 76 tons, said the miner. They refused to work at the price. Letter' rivals In the mining busi ness were not sorry, for they were bound to the unton scale for two years . under heavy financial penalties If they violate in and if Letter's plan' went Into effect he could produce coal 17. cents a ton cheaper than they could possibly do. The miners wanted to arbitrate, inci ter said he would never arbitrate, and, taking advantage of a clause In the lease of house in the model town, demanded that every person not employed in the town vacate within 14 hours. Next day saw an exodus of the 160 miners and their families to Christopher, the nearest town (lve miles away. There were no houses to rent In Christopher, so the miner pitched tent' in a grove near by and are living there supported by contributions of the United Mine Workers. Guards Brooght Xa. Soon after the departure of the miner Mr. Letter brought In approximately 100 special guards from Chicago and St Lou la Thtty were uniformed In blue overalls, blue Jumpers, legging . and wide brimmed straw hats. Armed with rllies and .44 calibre . revolver, they were atatloned at interval around the town, and Zelgler to all appearance became an armed camp. No one wa oermitted ' to pass without absolutely satisfactory credentials, and then only by telephone order from the central office with which, each guard station is connected. The presence of the Chicago and St. Louis men was annoying t the miners, who declared that it was unnecessary to guard the plant, as there ws no evi dence of disorder or violence. Then it wss that sheriff of Franklin county, George J. 8telnch, - took a hand a the result of a compromise between Mr. Letter and ths miners. ' The compromise came as the climax to the only instance of troubls or open conflict between the miner and the guard. T. L. Chllder. ona of the strikers, drove up to a guard post in a buggy with the Intention of entering Zelgler, where e said he had business. He was halted. snd while one guard held the head of the horse the other looked into his cre dentials. At the same time another visitor drove up, and the guard, who ws holding the head of the horse, . stepped over to stop the second arrival. Child- ers thought It wa a good time to start on, and, drawing hi whip, gave the horse a cut and dashed toward Zelg- ler. A report of a rifle banged out and sharp command to halt. Chllder did not stop, but be says he heard a bullet whls by. The two' guards, Fred W. . McMillan and Bruce Balrd, both from Chicago, were later arrested on warrants sworn out by Chllder, charged with aasault with Intent to kill, and on change of venue the case were set for trial . in Beaton. A warrant for Mr. Letter, charging htm with being an accessory before the fact, wss also Issued. Before the hear ing began a proposition from, the attor ney for the miner, Joplln and Bplller, was presented to Mr. Letter' attorney. After three hour consultation the cases against the guard were dismissed. The terms were that Letter should dis miss all of his foreign guard a eoon as they could be replaced by Franklin county deputy sheriffs regularly sworn in by Sheriff Stein, and who should be under hi direction aolely. - Arm, am munttfon and subsistence were to be fur nished by Mr. Letter. - Theae deputle are placed wherever the public shall com Into contact with guards, and the only personal guards to he maintained are station at the of fice and at the shaft proper. Under the term of thl compromise Sheriff Stein, t once began the organisation of a spe cial posse, and now hss 60 Franklin county residents in service around Zelg ler. They are uniformed and armed, as are the private guards, and receive tt a day and board from Mr. Letter. At present the deputies are quartered In the houses vacated by the miner, while the special guards bave the uncompleted hospital as headquarters. Particularly offensive to the minerals the construction of a stockade around the shaft and power-house. This was begun after the miners walked out. Of ficers of the Company declare that the fence was Included in the original plan for the plant, and that the lumber wss cut for it six month go. The miner are disposed to refer to it a the "bull pen. . UNCLE SAM HAS A PECK 0' TROUBLE (Continued from. Page One.) The trouble with' these six countries I said to be the real reason for the appearance at the cabinet meeting today or secretary Hay of the state depart ment. - There are some recent historical de velopments : and Secretary Hay went over all these matters today 'and as yet there has not been one foot of settle ment. The situation Is thl: Turkey, which ha promised Minister Lelshman to take up reform which Col onel Hays demands, ssys she Is not ready. Colonel Hay therefore directs the navy department to send the Medi terranean fleet to Turkey. Ae to Hayti and San Domingo. Mr. Hay says he instructed Rear Admiral Slgsbee to hold two vessel -in readi ness for further orders. As to Venexuele. Mr. Hay reports thst the reports sre that the United States hss. through Minister Bowen. nrotested gnlnst the seliure of American property ine gresi American asphalt conces sions by President Csatro. ..In Haytl and San Domingo, when the Uvea of Frenchmen and Germans were endangered. Germsny sent a squadron which sank . ths rebel boat Pierre-. Creusst and recently France and Ger many demanded Instant apologies for Insulting foreign citizens and the apol ogies were forthcoming. At the cabinet today it was considered best to avoid ny expression as to con traband. -The result ws the sugges tion that . United State supplies for the orient should be shipped from San Francisco on United States transports, ss such vessel flying the government flag, would be passed by the Russian cruisers, OREGON CLERGYMAN A ' IN SELHA, ELOPES tSpertal Diapalra fcr Leased Wire te The Journal) Fresno, Cel., Aug. 4. The Rev. A. L. Piatt, until a few weeks ago pastor of the Christian' church at Selma, baa sloped with Mra.'AUle Johnson, a come ly widow who. was a .member of his congregation, and his conduct ' I now being looked' Into by the state board of directors, . - Piatt cams to Selma with hi wife bout a year ago from McMlnnvltle, Or. Not long after arriving there he met Mrs. Johnson, a woman of eonsid ersble beauty. Their acquaintance soon ripened into a friendship that grew until gossip became so prevalent that Piatt resigned his pastorate and moved to Santa Crus. ' . . Karly In July he came back to Selma, apparently to settle up his affairs, snd when he left Mrs. Johnson accompanied him, going with , him to Santa Crus, where she spent a couple of -week vis lttng with him and hi wife. Jul IS she left Santa Crus ostensibly for Selms. Piatt left on the train to accompany har to. San Francisco, and that Is the laat heard of either of them, The state board, of which Piatt was a member, has, learned that the woman's baggage was checked on platt'4 ticket to San Francisco instead of to Selma on her own, and that both of them con ducted themselves 1n Santa Cnts in manner that attracted considerable at tention. ;l ; . ' SEARCH FOR GIRL . . WITHOUT RESULT ' It I probable that a reward of t50 will be offered for Information as to the wheres bouts of 14-year-old Mary Robin son, who disappeared from St. Helen a week ago last Friday.- County Judge R. S. Hattan and Sheriff Martin White of Columbia county were in the city for a few hour last night, and came to the conclusion that thl would be the proper thing to do, ..... After the dress skirt, with an at tached note presumed to have been writ ten ' by Mary Robinson, wss found on a wood dock at St, Helena Monday morning, two days were spent in drag gtng the river without result. .Very few persons credit the statement in the note that she really Intended to Commit sui cide. ' although the girl' father still hold-to she auloid theory.. Dan Lope, the. young man who disappeared a few hour after the. girl wa missing.' re turned a couple ' of ' days ago, ' but stoutly contends that he has not seen snd knows nothing of the whereabout of the 'missing girl. i Young Lope had been in Portland dur ing 'his absence, and told where he had been stopping. The Columbia county officials are inclined to the opinion that Mary Robinson .may be In Portland In some secluded place. Before leaving home the girl told one of her young friends that ehe Intended to meet Lope at a certain place In Portland and ac company him to San Francisco, at least this Is the story told by Judge Hattan, WOMAN SUSPECTED : OF THREE MURDERS (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire te The Josrnal Hartford City, Ind.. Aug. (.Mrs. Rae Anderson Krauss, In Jail on the charge of murdering Crystal Krauss, her step daughter, told The Journal tonight that she would make a statement for the pub lie on Mondsy. The authorities express the belief thst the Woman Is going to confess to murdering her step-daughter. Facts are In the bands of the police which tend to Implicate her strongly In the death of three other people and the woman seems to be on the verge ct a mental breakdown. . . The public I now recollecting the mysterious death of Matt Collins, a bar tender of this city, five year ago. Col lin wa found dead in bed. and on a table in hi room were some headache powders, and it was supposed that he died from 4m .overdose. Collins wss a close friend of Kae Anderman. Rae Anderman's mother died In Christ hos pital at Cincinnati. She wrote a letter to a friend her telling how well she wss getting. . Rae visited her mother at Cincinnati and 24 hours after that visit ths woman was dead. Her daughter Rae was on of the beneficiaries of he- will. ' The Investigation 1 being prosecuted with vigor. , NEW SCHEDULE FOR ORIENTAL STEAMERS (Special Dispatch by leased Win to The Journal) San Francisco. Aug. . A new Joint schedule ' of arrivals and departures. which Includes -the new liner Manchuria, and also the final sailing date of the Gaelic,, ha Just been adopted by the Pacific Mall and Occidental tt Oriental Steamahlp companies. The schedules of departures from this port extends from the present time to the end of this year. The Dorto will be the first of the fleet to leave this port under the new sched ule. She will leave August 18, and will be followed August 23 by the Manchu ria. The Dorto will remain at Hong kong for several weeks, and will be pre ceded on the homeward voyage by the Manchuria. The fleet in the order of departure will, then Include the Manchu ria, Doric, Siberia, Coptic, Korea, Gae lic. Magnolia and Chins, The Gaelic will leave here on her Isst voyage on December 14. She will go to Hongkong and will not return. The vessel is to be withdrawn from this run and will return to England. MAY ORDER MILITIA " . OUT AT SIOUX CITY (Bperlal TMapatrb br Leased Wlr to The Journal) Sioux City. Ia., Aug. 4. Sheriff Jack son this evening served notice on the local militia companies to keep them selves and their men In readiness to re spond to a cslt at any time, ' The Impossibility of securing desira ble men for police duty in the stock yards district Is given as the reason of this move. The troops have not been actually calledout, but the two local companies, Hr and L of the Fifty-sixth regtmert, may be railed at any time, and will be st the first manifestation of riotous disposition. ' Order- tonight is excellent, . Chsrles Magulra, a local strike leader, who wss arrested for assault, was released on ball. . . .And If the" Chinese should break loose Russia's cup would be full.. mw irniiu This Magnlflcint i total popular voto for President of the United States it the comlnj election to bo hold November 8. 19 J4 HI3RE ARE SOME OP THE LEADING PRIZES: f CoMvar Uprights 10 Kingsbury Uprights, mad add guaranteed by The Cable Co., Chicago. 20 Apollo Piano Players, mads and guaranteed by The Mellvllle . Clark Piano Co.. Chicago, TO Al.Vlst Cameras. madesB gaarastes by ' Maltiscep and tO Chicago Co,t tage Organs,',- .made and guar - anteed by ' Film Ce., Burling, toa. Wis. SO New Roysl Sewing Machines, mad snd gnsrsatsed by llll. The Cable Co., Chicago. aols f swing Machin Ce., Chicege. F the Neurest Gaimt RiHaita Oa Wlntoa taurine car, 1904 model. This automobtl. with Its u, horu.ia- motor, la conceded to b the most pert tot Xor- or Nearest Corral Kit . mate On HUM a H.mlln mnJ nlaiut special bnlaed eajis: al. It. . .For Third Keareal Katiaa On Conovr rrana puno, spselsl mabossar aa: value, SIJIUO. For Two Next Nearest KiHastu -Two Conover cabln.t srana uptight piano: epecial mahocany tut; valu. lxj ison. For Two Next Nearest Kitimilu Two Conovr mblnet grand op'rlght piano) V. ' WnWi; l , T. IU. f.K.f SUB. For heat Keareot Kstlmate On Conmer cabinet grand uuricht Dlanoi special nnlshed mahoranyesse; vaTue. $VKl. For Two Next Neareet Estimate Two Apollo concert (rand piano players) special mahosany raera; vslue I.V0 each. For Next Nearest Uattmate On Conover oaMnet grand um-lstit piano; For Two Next Nearest Katl. mates Two Apollo eonren grand piano play ers: rcia1 mahosany eae; vshi. 4.Verh. For Next Nearest Gstimate One Klnssburv unrlrnt nlsaA; simtI.! rth walnut dmbl veneered eaat; valu. tins. r or I wa next Neareet Estimates Two Apollo orchestral grand piano plarsrs; -For . Next Nearest Eitlnat. On Kingsbury upright sshury upright piano; rich mahogany I case: valu. m Next Neareet Estimate Tnra F( On Kingsbury piano; special mahogany vaiu, .iou. Fos Two Meat Nearest Esti matesTwo Apollo orchestral rrmnd plane; mahogany rase; valueftAO earh. For Next Nearest Eitlasta. On Klnrsbur piano; spcaisl flnUhed walnut cas; TSiue, i2D. ror two next nearest Estl- mstes-Two Kingsbury upright piano; oak ease; valu. $:uJ each. For Two - Next - Nearest Bstt mates Two Apollo master piano players, with special designed mahogany ess; vslus. Heat Nearest Estl- . mats Four Anollo maatr Diann nlav.rm la mahogany flnlsned ca; ralua, AnOsarh. ror six .next nearest tcstt- mat Six Apolloatt plan playarS: mahoc any nnlened; value. Via rh. For Two Next nearest Estlmatee Two Chicago cot tag's organs, beautifully nnienea, oisra wtmui cass: vaius, siou aon. For Two .Nest a ear eat . Esti matesTwo Chtosaro cottax orssns: walnut: vslus. fl2t each. ..For Four Next Neareet Etl- matee four Chicago oottags organ; walnut; value. Ills earn. r,r roar sesrsn a.avi- nst four Chtoaao Mttas organs: oak ! .valu. fltossrh, . For rtwr nvss neeirn E..H- MtM-rnup nnleajro oottaas orsana: walnut: vsJu. earn. . For Two Next Nearest Esti mate, Two extra heavy solid gold men's Watch; seventeen jewls: value, soesh. for 'i wo next nanrvai ausii- mates Two extra heavy solid sold muIIss watches: set with diamond; ftftean Jewels: valu. ITS each. row next neareet vorreex auera- 1 fCV ADDITIONAL SPECIAL PRIZES FOR EARLY . ' , ... For near aorrecs ssumat reoelved oa or after Aanrl 1. and before Anasii 18, oa Oonovsr Oabtnet TJprlfht For assu-sst Correct eetlmaU reeelved oa or after Aseut is. an it Ware Ncptembcr 1, on Eln4Tbory Vprirh ' '. IMPORTANT STATISTICS V0TN IM OTHER TEAR. Th TOTAL FOFUJjAB. T0TB for President A the rter ISM was. lbtvi waa. 1N72 waa. 187 wa. IHtO waa. 1M was. 4.0SI.7OJ $.724. 0X4. .Inerms of 42 M percent t 4"i.l..lncrea of 12 M percent $.4ia.7:i$..lncTeass of $0.10 per rent 9. 2iw. 4 St.. Increase of t 47 percent .10.044 Bll. .Increase of 0T per cent iHed wa..ll Xxn.H0..lncras of 18 .to per rent IW3 wa..lz.irtvv.aot.,inereaa ot $.96 nse eent lxne) WSS..1J B2S.I02.. Increase of It.4S percent 1VU0 w a.. 14. (eDV.a&j. Increase of .2 per sent cruirus riauRBS. The total eooulatlos of the ITnlted State. fncA Including Territories, th District of Cnlumhia- Hawall. ths I-hlllpplnea. and Alaska) la ths ysar 10 was ....4.$71.A ism) was $2 1 IS Sit lieH waa T 4 ft "1.44. lvuswss setlroatd)..M 78,2tN,S m u un Collictlon of Gifts to bi twardtd First Prlio Wlntoa Touring ad gasraateed by The Wletes C0IIDITI0I1S OF THIS GREAT CO.'ITEST. " This eoateat Is based on the total vete te be east for the ef flee' f President of the I alted States, aa4 will lose at saldalabt. He. sreaaber Ttb, The official flsrarea oCtbe aroversuneat will a, termiee the reaalt, mad the frises will be awarded by a easnmttte ef disinterested Jadarea. Estimators will reeelve m eertlfleate fes each estimate, sad these will entitle the holders te soeh arises as ' they aiaf wla. Wbn the eeatst Is deetded each estimator will re ceive a printed list of the saeeesfal estimators.' ; HOW TO MAKE AN ESTIMATE. - It costs yea nothlna to be entitled to participate. Yes M7 esly the reaelar price of the paper and yon set free a chance to wla on or mora of the B,OtK handsome and yalaahle prises. Voa are enti tled to one a-ueas for each tweertr-f lve eats said oa anbsortptloa is. esaat, provided remittance aad eahnertptloa ar forwarded to-a-ether, bat no estimate wilt ha allowed oa a remlttaaee of leea thaa oae dollar. , V . r DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. These B.OOO prises, valned at fdO.OOO,' a-e all th flneet of their kind to he obtnlned In the market, and their ajnallty Is a-naranteed by eh well known firms from which they wee parehnsed. They will bo distributed to the winners on tho absolnto merit of their estimates-by tbe Central Press Association, of Chleaao. , la ease a tie for aay Individual prlso It will bo awarded Jolatly. Partici pation In this contest is net confined to one reader, as she contest Is belae; advertised In a number of 'other pablleatloas. the sub serlbera to all of which have an eual opportaaity to share ta tho distribution of th prises. - SI High tirade Selld tield A do'd Fllltd 100 Moore's Non-Leakabte , . Fountain Pens. Man's snd Wesa. en's Watch. . American Pen THE PRI mat On Swim rvneater; sr.m wind, seven teen lewsled gentlemen's watch; ops fsc; twenty "ear case; strlkas hour and auartars value, 975. 7 For Two Next Nearest Estl ma teaTwo Chtcsgo eottsg organs; walnut) valu. $78 each. . For Tea Next Nearest Esti mates Tsa New Bora! parlor cabinet sewing machine -value, 176 aon, 7" For Ten Next Nearest Esti mates Tea ColamMa (raphop hones; highly nnljhed mahocany cabinet ; valus. too each. For Tea Next Nearest JBsti matea Ten New Hoyal sewing nischlues, with bandsom ease: value. SAo each. For Two Next Nearest Eatl mat Tea New Royal sea Ins- machine; autnmatlcdrop head cabinet : value, M0 ee-h. For Five Next Nearest Esti mates Two Chlcaso eottsge orans; Walnut; valu. $60 each. , For Two Next Neareet 1 Bati sjatss Flvs Al-Vlita cameras for combina tion film and glass pistes: value. JflOasrh. For Two Next Nearest Esti mate Two extra heavy solid sold ladles' watch; flTtaea jewel: value. $,to each. For Two Next Nearest Esti mates Twi axtrs heavy solid sold mea's watches; fifteen Jewel: valus, Snn each For Twenty Next Neareet Esti mates Twenty Al-Vlna panoramic, eemeraa, for five-inch films: valus, ,'.0 oob. For Four Next Nearest Estl matea Four Edwta sultars; solid, rosewoodr ebony fingerboard; pearl inlaid; value. $M For Four Next Nearest Estl- mates Four Kdwln (iiltars: sclld rosewood; InUild. ebojir flng-rboard head: val., $46 each. For Six Next Neareet Rati mate Six Edwtn mandolins; dap Italian model; Inlaid; value. U9urb For Foar Next Neareet Esti mates your "Adlsr violins." Stradlvariss) ivory trlmmlnrs; with bow: valu. $4A each. For Tea Next Neareet Esti matesTen heavy quadruple silver plated tea sets; em iirantes of American SUvsr soaipany; . vajue, $42 each. - - . tre For Four Next Nearest Estl "ate rour Edwin sultars; solid mahogany; value, $4 each. " - For Ten Next Nearest Estimate Tsa Columbia craphophones; slaborats cabinet; thirty Inch horn; vslue, $40 sach. For Foar Next Neareet Esti mate Four Edwin sultars, concert sis) solid rosswood Inlsld: value, esch. For Tea Next Nearest Esti mate Ten Orand Rapids ballbearing sse tlnnal bookcases r solid mahosany: leaded Slaes. four book sections; value, $3Reach. For Tea Next , Nearest Esti matesTen Kalamasoo steel ranges, with high closet reservoir, for soft enal, hard eoal, ooke, or wood; ther to no better stove mad than ths Kalamasoo, and th manufacturer will refund th valu at th stov If not satis factory; valus, US. ' For Foar Next Neareet Esti mate Four Amatl model "Offenbach" vio lin: excellent tone: with bbw: val., $3.1 each. For Foar Next Neareet Esti matesFour 8. B. Btswsrt banjos; Uni versal rarnrlt"' If Inch; heavily Inlaid; valus. $sa 29 each. For Tea Next Nearest Estimate Ten Kalamasoo has burners- handsomely flnlahed and nickeled; valus, $33 AO each. For Six Next Nearest Estimate Six Edwts mandolins, Neapolitan mods): Flano, ralne 9S40. Flaao, walu 9400. Tot a ear est eorrect setlmst oa or t Elnrsbary Upright Flano, valu A THE" JOURNAL v , SUBSCRIPTION RATE' In Portland and other cities wher pa per I delivered by carrier! Pally and flunday, t year Iolly and Sunday, $ months $7.E0 J.7S iniiy ana sunaay, I months'...... Tially (not Inrludln Bunday), 1 yr. Pally (not Including Bnn. ). $ mos... llally (not Including Sun.), I moa... , "By Mali. ' Pally and! Sunday. 1 yearTTr. . , .'. .'. Pally and Sunday, t months Pstly and Sunday, t ftionths; . . . . . , Dsily (not Including; Sun.), 1 yr.. Pstly (not Including; Bun.), $ moa.; Pally (not tncludtnt Bun.). I moa. . 1 10 i.oo .7i 1.00 $7.00 17$ 1.00 too I.7 1 40 too 1.00 1.10 1.00 Bundsy only, 1 yssr ... CU11U117 viiir, nitinini ...,, Beml-Weekly, 1 year Weekly, 1 year 3' to participants making naarast correct Car, Model 1904,' manufactured Meter Carrlag s Ce., Clevelsad. Ohle. 300 Pieces Heavy Silver Plate,. . Press . . American Silver . Co. 100 araphspheaes, , . guaranteed by 7 Colassbla ' Paoasgraph C. Co., Boston. Z B LIST flfteea ribs; psart Inlaid; valu: $X1.H seen. For Tea Neat Neareet E-etl-matas Ta Kalamaaon stset rartses: T shelf reservoir: soft or hard eoal, ooks, or weed) valus, $:p. 50 sach. Foe Tea Next Nearest Estimate Ten Orand Rapid balkxartng. isctlonal bookcasss; solid mahosany, with leaded Slass; three book sections; value. $30 each. For Tea Next Nearest Estimates Ten kaavy quadrupl plat Sv piece tsa sts; Amsiican Gllvar company; vsl. $$0 each. For Foar Next Nearest Esti mates Four Wa-ner concert soloist violins; bony trimmings; fin tone) with bow; valu. $.V each, For Twenty Ttext Neareet Eatl matss Twenty Al-Vlste panoramle eameras; axtra rapid rsotllnear Isns: valus, $30 eachr- For Four Next Neareet Esti matesFour Edwin sultars; solid rosswood; Inleid; value. $.10 mch. For Tweaty Next Nearest Estl. mates Twenty Columbia rraphophonsa; latiorate cabinet; twmty-two Inch horn; value. $30 each. For Foar Next ' Nearest . Estl matesFour A. S. Btswsrt banjos; ' ivn Inch; thirty brackets; best Messrs head; valu. $,10 sach. For Tea Next Nearest Estimate Ten Orand Rapid ballbearing sectional bookoaaea; oak; leaded (lam; tour ssctlons; valu. $27.50 aoh. For Tea Nest Neareet Eottxaatee Ten Kalamasoo steel ranges; T shelf aad rservolr; valu, $27 aoeach. For Three Next Neareet Esti mate Thrs gentlemen's watches; eva Jeweled twenty yearcass; value. $27 W each. For Tea Next Nearest Estimate Ten Orand Rapids ballhaaiins, sectional bookcasss: solid mahogany ; valus, $26 each. For Foar Neat Neareet Etl. mates Four concert violins: Amatl modal; powerful ton; with bow; valu. $2(1 each. For ' Foar Next Nearest Esti mates Four "Htsrllnc" banjos: eleven Inch; iwrnty-four brackets; heavy inlaid; value, aft each. For Twenty-Five Next Neareet Estimates Twenty-five A 1-Vista panoramle cameras: value. JH each. For Two Next- Neareet Eetlmatee Two womea's solid gold chatelaine watch; sight Jeweled movement ; value, f2A each. r or i ,a next nrsmi aiuaain Ten Kalamasoo steel ranges, for soft or bard eoal. ooke. or wood: value, $2.1 no each. . For Tea Next Neareet Estimate Ten Orand Rapids ballbearing sectional bookcases- solid oak; value. $22 nTeach. For Six Next Nearest Estimates SIX Evlngton women's watches' Jeweled movement: ten year; vMue. $:3 FJA arh. For Tweaty Next Neareet Etl mstes Twenty Columbia rraphophones; sis teen inch horn: value, $23 80 sach. -. For Tea Next Neareet Eatlmatee Ten Orand Raplda ballbearing asetlonal bookrassi; solid oak: value $20 earh. For Foar Next Nearest Esti matesFour Edwin mandolins; Italian mod-' si; mahosany neck; ebony Anger board) value, $20 each. .-..' For Foar Next Neareet Estl mates Four Edwin banjos; beautiful pearl inlaid: twenty-two nicks! bracketa; vslus, 20 eech. For Foar Next Neareet Esti mate Four Edwin mandolin; deep Italian model) rosswood Onssr board; valus, $17 sees. For nearest oorreot estimate oa or after September 1, and before Bep tember IS, oa JJClnfsbnry Vprlsht Flano, train S37B. For Naarast correct eettmate oa or aftsr Bsptembsr 18, aad before Ooto ber 1, oa Xin-slrary VprlgliS Jriano, waln4380. ,. after October 1, $325. bjU bofor Ootobor . SUBSCRIPTION BLANK (Cut this out and nil to carefully.) ' facto fln4 Ss0 Mileil eoesse) to spply on subscription so 1 count, This amount Is si MY",, stent for the . ' (State whether Pafly. Snnday, Weekly or Beml-Weekly.) Journal for wooweaeaoeesS NatM. Fot1of(.c... ... n L - ostlmatao on tho V ' Mason and Hamlin Orand, Conover Qrand, - made and guaranteed by u u r - '. . vr ' The Cable Co.Y Chicago. 80 Ranges and Stoves, made and guaranteed by The Kalamazoo : Stove Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. 80 Musics! lustra. Sassts, guaraateed 60 Orand Rapids Ball-Bearing Sec tional BookCases, made and guarana by Wss. Teak A Bre. Co., Chicago. 10) dees Ssfsty Rssers.guaraateed 5 & teed by Imperial Furniture Co., Qrand Rapids, Mich. by 0s Cutlery Ce., New Verk., " For Foar -Ht Nearest Eats- -mates Four axcellent imltatlona of a real old violin after Hleromyn Amatl; vala. $1 each. For Two Next Neareet Eatlmatee Two women's watches; ten ysar oases; sight Jsweled; vslue, tit each. For Three Next Nearest Esti mates Three women's 1B04. ten vr sold fllled cases: sevsn leweled: value. tor'h For Five Next Nearest Estl- ' mates Five women's fancy chatelaine watches; lht Jswel Bwlss movement; valu. Vl-ZZ FiTO Next V Nearest Esti mstes Fv Evlngton men's watches; twen- ty-nns leweled; ten y-ar esse: vslus. $ I "each. For Tweaty Next Neareet Estl mate Twenty Columbls'rranhnphpn, k" cablnst; sixteen inch hors: vslue: $19 esch For Five Next Neareet EstU mate Flvs women's ten year ess watches; eight Jeweled; value. $14 each. . For Foar . Next Nearest Esti matesFour Edwin banloa; "Tounr Frot'J atonal"; eleven Inch rim; calfskin head; val'ie. flJ flO ack. . . For Foar Next Nearest Estl- , mates Four men's watches: new model; Kae. rain open tar rases; vslus, $10 each. For Tweaty Next Nearest Estl- . mstae Twanty Columbia fraphorbonea; eak cabinet; ten Inch horn: valu-. 110 eech For Tweaty Next Neareet Estl Bastes Twenty ilxtMB dwt guaranteed sll vr plat carving sets; "World Brand American "liver company; vslue. $10 each. For Ftvo Next Neareet Esti mates Five men's watches' Swiss movement) -gun metal case: valu. $7 $0 each For 10O Nest Nearest fcstimateo . 10 Moore's Improved nonleakable fountala -pens; 14 karat sold point: value. $2.50 sach. For lOO Next Neareet Ksiimniea 100 Qm safety rssors: with two blades, la a , morocco case; value. $S.IW esch. For KM) Next Nearest Estimate 100 six ounce heavy quadruple plat silver plat brry spoons. ''World Brand," guaran teed br American Silver company; value, $1 "For 1.O0O Next Neareet Esti mates 1,000 eoplse of "Theodor Rooesvelt." by Cbarle Eugene Bank and Leroy Arm strong: baadsomsly bound In cloth; value, . V'or'lOO Next Neareet Estimates 100 six ounr heavy quadrupls silver plat sold msat forks, vworia urana. guer.u- teed by A American Silver company; value. lF. mstei I.OOO Next Neareet Estl- 1.000 copies of "Hodgson's tow Cost if., ' hMimt in eloth contain ing 100 plans and'speclllcstlons: val $1 sach. For Sixty Next Nearest Esti American Home, mates Blty six ounce neavy quadrupl sil ver plats Urar sheila. "World Brand,' ytiar snteed by American Silver company; valu. 7ft cents each , For 1KH) . Next Neareet Eatl-matss-d OOO copies of "Stephen C. Foster' a Sorg Alhum'l; 6 cent esch. . For hOO Piext Nearest Estimate BOO copies of "Flsne Treasures." volume of instrumental music: valu. 50 rente each. For SAO Next Nearest Estimates SnO copies of "Son Diamonds." master pieces from all countries: val. so rmt, each. for itftO Next Nearest Estimate : tnO copies of "Ideal Oemsof BnsllsB Sooss") ' value, $0 eents each, - :;'iVyj' -' ; Bill 'III L C ESTIMATES v ".'- ." ' ' ' Uf t1mtM ot Total Tot to b eat oti Nov. t, 1Q4, lor th fr-Bo f Pr idaot ar.i MittltiitiBMMtM ooeeooeow oe ! $tsSft ! aa -'.. ' - v - i