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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1904)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 7. 1901 mm topics - VEDDING PRESENTS CHARTER BATTLE erial Morris Chair TODAY'! AMCSimim. Imp ,'Tha Prince f Liar v......"Yrtie Vaudeville VaudrTlUa VaudeYlll Portland newest periodic! candidal for public favor U Ths Northwsstera 'Empire, published artOI Second street. Tha Initial number oontains soma pretty Oregon farm views, an article by C. Hutchinson of. Portland on "Irrigation, page editorial, and departments of the farm garden and women, and a number of short articles. Tha first claim put forth by tha publisher la that of the largest circulation. , ''' Judge W. M. Cake left last evening for Louisville as one of the Oregon dele nation, to the Knights of Pythias con. ventlon, which begins August It. Or cult Judge W. L. Bradahaw of Wasco county, tha other delegate, will Join him at The Dalles. - The aesalon will last two weeks. The two will go to St. Louis ' to sea tha big fair, and Judge Caka will 'also go to Chicago, Cincinnati and Mew York. .j ;:, ' ".'' ; . John A, Wakefield, director of contea alons of the Lewis and - Clark expoat ' tlon will arrive In the ctty from St. Louis, where he has been alnca the open Ing of the fair. Mr. Wakefield vlalt la , for tha purpose of Inspecting the fair buildings In their present stage Of eon' atructlon and making . preliminary ar rangemeht for the Midway. Henry E. iDoach. director of exhibits, will arrive ,10ml days later. Oregon City river trlp.t V" ' ' . Short Sunday outings. Cool and refreshing river breeae. Rest, ' comfort and pleasure. . All for 25o round trip. Boats leava Taylor street :I0. 10:10, : 11;0 a. m . 1:00. 1:00. 4. to. :1 p. m. For evening trips take a:ll . . Boat, returning by trolley, arriving . Bock about p. m. .' Arthur Bchrater, Arthur King and Frank McFarland, who war arrested Monday night by Policeman Stuart and Isakson at Brooklyn for breaking up a lawn party, have been dismissed by Municipal Judge Hogue. It was shown they were Innocent. The wrong boys were arrested, according to tha evidence in court. ! : . An addition la being built to the Allen Preparatory school at Sixth anl Main atreeta. Mlas Allen will this year be better equlpped'to accommodate stu dents than In previous years.' Tha school term begin September It. ' A lawn social will be given for the benefit of St Francis Sunday achool library at tha parsonage, eleventh and" East Pine streets, Thursday, tha 11th of August, at 8:1a p. m. Max Botefuhr and Mlas Helen Sawyer of Portland will be married Tueaday right at tha residence - of the 1 young lady's mother, Mrs., Thomas Sawyer, 145 Tillamook street. , , '-, Admission la free.' Third annual farm- ess' picnic and , dance, August T, at Rohse's Park, Fulton. Fox'a orchestra. Oames all kinds. , ., , - Dr. O. C. Blanay, L O. O. F. tempi. Wis Bros., dentists, tha Falling bid Dr. Xk M. .Thornton, dentist, Marqnam. AnSley Printing Co., 160 Oak atreet. ' ' oxanT fbbsobax. , Leslie A. Carlson, formerly of . this cltytYa returned from Seattle, where hevsa employed on ona of tha local papers. . Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Whlttler leava to day for a two weeks' trip to tha moun tain. , During. Mr. .Whlttler'g abaenca the advertising department of Olds, Wortman A King will be looked after by Mr. Sawyer. . ' Mrs. Dr. Byron E. Miller la spending a few weeks at Seavlew, tha guest of Mrs. W. Iti Chatten, v . . Mrs. N. Moaessohn, formerly of this city and now of Vancouver, B. C, la here for a fortnight's visit, with her sons, David and Moss Mosessohn, at 44 imra sirvo. a - Mrs. Dr. J. T. Walls started for MlnI nea polls.- Minn., last night over the Oreat Northern railway, where she goes as a delegate to the semi-annual con ventlon of the Woman's Catholic Order of Foresters from this city. While east Mrs. Walls will visit the St. Louis exposition and other places of Interest. She will be abaent about a month. Mrs. Harvey L. Moreland and son Ju llus are visiting Mrs. MorelarM's parents near Halaey. They will remain there during tha remainder of tha month. ' Miss Alma Holllngsworth, daughter of W. B. Holllngsworth, chief office deputy under Sheriff Word, will return this morning from Seavlew, Wash., where she has been visiting Mrs. N. H. Bloomfield for the last two weeks. , Schedule of Steamer T. J. Potter. : Tha Seaside steamer T. J. Potter will leava Portland, Ash street dock, for .Astoria and llwaco as follows: August t, Tuesday, t:4t a. m.; August 10, Wednesday, 7:10 a. m.; August 11, Thurs.lay, t:lt a. m.i August 12, Fri day, t:00 a. ra. August vil, Saturday, 1:00 a. m. . Get transportation and berth tickets at O. R. N. ticket office. Third and Wnrhlnrton streets. The Difference Between diamond prices of a year ago and today is grsat but we con tinue to sell them at tha same low prices. ' ' The Rakw. ....... htelnV park Am. da . 1UJ.-U , Star Lyric OwtrxM - wio coMBXirsD , abb BOOSTED, BATS OX OmAZkT TO ' STs M OST Txxim met DXA1- X.OCX BMm TZ8TXKDAT WITS ' TUI1 CBABTZBS UT. , ' s After a lull of several months there appeared to be a general scramble among exporter yesterday to charter grain vessels, and judging by tha way In which, the matter terminated the ship owners' union was not organised In vain. The members of tha union got the price they demanded.' ' Three ships were chartered In all and In each case Ue rata paid was 27s d. The Portland-Flouring Mills company ohartered tha Beacon Rock, now lying In tha baxbor, and tha British ship Hart- field, .which recently arrived at San Diego.- Balfour, Uuthrle Co. chartered the British ship Oranasla, The latter: la lying at Puget sound, and will load grain at Taooma for the United Kingdom. Tha Beacon, Rock and the Hartfleld will secure their cargoes at' Portland, It Is said that the .former will begin loading about tha middle of the month. She arrived here on May II, bringing cargo from Antwerp by way of Los Angeles. i While rounding the horn- she sprang a leak and "upon her arrival the vesael had to go on tha dry dock. Since being repaired she has been waiting .a charter. All three of tha vessels are owned by members of tha shipowners union, which recently fixed the' rata for loading at Portland for European porta at 27 td, The fact that they got their price Is taksn aa evidence that . tha - exporters have at last decided that It Will be im possible for them to secure tonnage at less rates. For a ttma It looked as though a dead lock was .going to result and there would be no chartering done until the season wss well advanced. The exporters contended that tha present price of wheat on tha Pacltlo coast It would be Impossible for them to pay such blgK freight rates without sustain' lhg heavy losses. But the owners- re fused to reoede from tha stand they had taken, and they finally won. It is now believed that many other engagements of tonnage will be effected In rapid sue cession until tha shipper ar well sup plied. , ,; .v. ..'. ..; There Is a rumor going tha rounds thst the shipowners' union will soon call, an' other conference at which the rates will be raised to 10s: . It is thought that per haps tha exporters became aware of this probability, and decided that . the best thing to do would b to secure tonnage before the advance la made. Those who have been keeping In touch with the situation state that the fight between the two sides so far is decidedly In favor of the owners' union, and If even higher rates are demanded It Is believed that they will be paid. A peculiar feature about tha matter Is that all tha ships chartered fly the Brit' lsh tag. , Two CJerman ships ar In port waiting for charters, but so far aa learned they have received. no . offers. The exporters contended sometime ago that, they would be able to secure the French bounty earners at much more reasonable figures, but the majority of them are evidently also in the combine; It is said that those . that ar not In oluded In tha union list ar taking ad' vantage of the situation by asking equally as high a rata as those that ar. - - i ... WAS OOTBBnnVT DIIBO& : Boat Supposed to Be Aground Bear Columbia City. The vessel which Captain Rlgga, mas ter of tha steamer Glenola, thought was aground in distress Friday night Is the government dredge W. 8. Ladd, . lying comfortably at anchor in a quiet little cove opposite Columbia City. Such la the report of Cautaln Spinner, com mander of the Sarah Dixon. During the past few days the dredge has been working at Martln'a bar," said Captain Skinner, "and at nights she goes up stream a distance to anchor. Bh goes into a sort of a little cove, where steamboats seldom enter, and those coming along after 'dark Imagine that she Is aground. . They Immediately Jump to the conclusion that It Is some vessel that has gotten out of her course for some reason or other and that she had run fast on a sandbar. "After night she does present a pecul iar appearance, at a distance. Tha first tlms that ona sees her he is almost sure to arrive at the conclusion that some' thing is wrong with the vessel. She looks like she Is standing high up out of the water, but as a matter of fact she Is one of the safast little retreats along the river. The probabllltlee ar that Captain Rlggs heard a train 'whistle when he thought that those on board were asking him to conie to their as sistance." AXOBO m WATBBTBOBT. I' . '..' Last night tha steamer Jessie Harklns carried a large party .of pleasure-seekers down to Llnnton and return. Capt. L. P. Hoaford of the Washougal Transportation company will leave on Tuesday for the seaside, where he will spend a three weeks' vacation.. The steamer Redondo is en route to Portland from San Francisco, and is ex pected to arrive here the first of the week. ' Bh will take out a cargo of wheat on the return 'trip. Senator Herbert Holman, manager of the Kellogg Transportation company, went down to the beach yesterdsy even ing to remain several days. . Capt C. T. Hutchlns, naval secretary of the lighthouse 'board, arrived In the city yesterday from Washington. He will leava on the Heather thla morning to maks a cruise off the coast to Inspect the aids to navigation in the district He expect to return to Washington In about two weeks. xCAaUVB BOTXS. Astoria, Aug. I. Arrived at T:4l a. nv American barkentln - Fullarton, from Seattle. Arrived at 1:11 p. m. A three-masted barkentln. '.. . . . Waather at I p. m. Cloudy: . wind northwest; bar smooth. San Francisco, Aug. C Sailed at t m. Steamer Redondo, for Portland. A Drug Business Centre. , Portland Is rapidly becoming , head- quarters of the northwest for all those lines which relets Intimately with the drug business. ' , On another page la an Illustrated ad vertisement of Woodard, 'Clarke aV Co., the enterprising wholesale and retail druggists of this city. It but partially llluatiiitea the (Treat vnrlety of their stork and welt proves their statement that there Is no other city In the United States where such a variety of require ments for the sick and Injured can be so readily obtained. Within the last hree months they have Installed more -Ray apparatus than any concern on this cqnat. . Their surgical Instrument department already rival In complete- Before you decide, let ua suggeat a few article to you: Don't bay in a hurry, when you can coma to aur ator and make a selec tion from among so many pretty aad appropriate articles that ar new and up-to-date. XB nXYBBWABB there are Knives, Forks, Spoon aad Faaoy from fl.OO up to flOO.OO. XB OXOOXS w have a splendid variety at 91. OO and up, and as high as" S&O.OO for a fine Grandfather's Clock of tha 17tl atyle, with chimes. w -' . ' IB OV OIVASS (not the preesed kind) w have some swell pat terns to show you. Something a little' better than you usually find elsewhere. The pieces run aa low as 91.50 and .it does not take ' long to rnaka a purchase here. r , -; , ' ' OTJB WBDDXBO BXBOS are all mad right here in our shop and for this reason we can give you Just what you want any shape, sise o plo We have all the other articles suitabla for the bride or groom, such aa Diamonds or Bearl Brooches, Becklaoes, rua, eta, ' in original design. .No wayback numbers here, as our stock Is new, , JAEGER BROS. Jewelers Opticians ggaAgsNW the Portland Churches odd a a a VTarTfSttrTVTaNJr I SmSOOBAA. Trinity chapel Nineteenth atreet and! West Washington; Rev. Dr. A. A. Mor rlson. a. m., holy communion; 11 m., sermon; Jt p. m., preaching". St Paul's East Twelfth and -Belmont streets; Rev. George B. Van Watera. 11 m holy communion; t:4f a. m.. Sun day school. St Matthew's Corner First - and Caruther streets; Rev. W. A. M. Breck. 1:10 and 11:00 a. m.. holy communion. Chapel of tha Transfiguration Sixth street, near Oak; Rev. W. R. PowelL 11 a. m.. service and sermon. After servtc Sunday school will be or ganised. ' St John s Memorial Bell wood; Rev, W. R. Powell. p. m.. service and Lsermon; 11 a. m., Sunday school. ' . . BAFTOT. . . Whit temple Corner- Twelfth and Taylor streets: Rev. , J. , Whltcomb Brougher, 10:15 -a. m., ona so oord prayer ' meeting; 10:10 m., "Man Is he the Bon of God or the Son of a GorlllaT"; 12:10 p. m., bible achool; (:30 p. m., Young People's service; 7:45 a. - m., "London, or the Greatest City in the world. Second East Seventh and Ankeny streets; Rev. Stanton C. Lapham." 10:50, "The Secret of Christianity;" 1:41 p. m. "In His Steps or What Would Jesus DoT" Illustrated; 12 m.. Sunday achool t:4S D. m.. Young People" union. Immanuel Corner Second and Meade streets; Rev. M. M. Bled bo. 10:10 a. m. and T:4f p. m.. Rev. H- B. Turner of Walla' Walla; It m., bible school; 6:45 D. m Young People s meeting. , Central church Woodmen or tB World building. East Alder and Eaat Sixth streets; Rsv. William E. Randall, 10:41 a. m., "Practical Worda for the Weary;" II m., bible achool. r " i ' . KBTXOSIST. Patton Corner of Michigan avenue and Carpenter street Rev. Asa, Sleeth, 11 a. m, "Th Healing of tha Leper, Sabbath achool. 11.11 p. m. Trinity Corner East Tenth and Grant street. Rev. Harold Ob-erg. - 11 a. m.. Does It Payf" I p. m., "Tha Brook by tha Way." Epwonth league, 7 p. ra Centenary East Ninth and East Fin streets. Rev. W. B. HoUlngshead, 10:0 m.. "The Work of the Holy Spirit In Spiritual , Growth"; T:4 p. m, Claflln University Jubilee Singers. ' M.-E. church Boutn 1T1H aacona street. Eagles' hall. Rev. B. B. Mowre. 11 a. m.. "Practical Hollness";.t p. m. 'Herod and John tha Baptist" Sunday school, 10 a. m.; 7 p. m., Epworth league. Taylor Street Third and Taylor street. 10:10 a. m., Claflln Unlveraity Jubilee Singers; 7:46 p. m.. Rev. H. T, Atkinson; 12:11 p. 'm., Sunday school; :4t p. m., Epworth league. t , BTABOBSftOaX. First Unked Corner East Tenth and Thurman streets. n a. nu Rev. B. E. McVlcker of St Johns; t p. m.Rev. H. L. Pratt, presiding alder. Sunday school. 10 a. m.; K. L. C. E., T p. m. Second ' united Corner Fargo and Kerbr atreet. Rev. J. Boweraox. 11 a. m, "Man' Perfection, God' a Glory"; P.. m.. preaching. Sunday sohool, 10 m. . ' ' " Z.TJTKZBAB. Our Saviour' Norwegian synod. Cor ner East Tenth and Grant streets. Rev. O. Hagoes. 11 a. m. and t p. m., preach ing. Sunday school, 1:10 a, m. German Evangelical St. raui Eaat ness any satablishmsnt thl aid of th Mississippi. , Physicians, dentists, druggist and photographers ar finding it most eon venlent to look to thl firm for their re quirements. 0L1CE PREPARE' FOR RACE MEET Ample precaution ar being taksn by th polio to protect th publlo from criminal at tha raoes at Irvington track next week. Aa published in Th Journal laat night special officers were sworn In by the mayor yesterday morn ing for th purpose of serving at the track during tha meet that open tomor row. Th special fore will be under th supervision of Capt James Nevlns, sup- rlntendent of thl division for th Plnkertona, Th track management thought thl th best method of protect ing the people who will attend the races. Detective Joe Day returned to Port land last night after a few days' visit to Seattle, where he went to Inform him self on th crook In thst town and Ta corna, so thst close watch may b kept on them If they attempt to com her during th races. Thing ar pretty quiet . In Seattle with the exception of-a night prowler," said Mr. Day. "He seem to be giving th police a great deal of . trouble. There are aom pick-pocket In Seattle, too, but they will be kept there. If pos sible, until th close of th race her." Chief Hunt stated laat night that he believe th special polloemen sworn in yesterdsy will be ample to keep peace and to protect th crowd from thieve during the race. Th reason th spe cials were sworn In I thst th regulsr fore Is far too small to permit" of ui many men being assigned to on duty for wo weeks. 2mk 290 Morrison Street a a a a a Twelfth and Clinton, streets. Rev. A, Krause. 10:30 a. m. and p. mH preach ing, nunaay scnool, l:0 a. m. - St James English Corner . West Park and Jefferson atreet. Rev.- J. Lea. 11 a. m., preaching. Sunday- scnooi, i a. m. St Paul's German It a, tn. confes sion; 10:30 a- . m service; , I p. nv. preaenmg. . ORBIgTIAB SOIXHOB. First Scottish Rita cathedral. Fir teentn ana Morrison .streets. 11 a. m., uoui;- ti m., aunaay school. ' No even tag servtc. oecond Auditorium building. Third between Taylor and Salmon" street. 11 a. m. and I p. m., "Soul;" 11 a, m.. Sun day school. FBXSBTTBBZAB. Calvary Corner of Elavanth and Clay streets; jtev. w. b. ounert 10:80 a. m Rav. Dr. Hayden of North Yakima. No evening service. - - - Cumberland 10:10 a. m., preaching II m., Sunday achool. No evening service. OOBQBBOATXOBAXi. - Hassalo street East Seventh ' Street North and Hassalo. 10:10 a. m., 'TPoten tlal Help In tha Formation of Charao tr." No evening service. . t-ugrim unapei Beoona - atreet near Lincoln; Rev. H A, Start t:tO a. ra., Sunday schooL First Park and Madison atreets; Rev. E. L. House. 10:10 a. m., "Light;" T:4t p. m., "The Test of Rods;" 11.15 p. i Bunday school; 6:10 p. m.. T. P. 8. C E. T. H. O. A.s. - Association auditorium. Fourth and ramniii. Mini meeting 1:10 p. ra.: ad dress by Bishop Earl Cranston: muslo by isxiin university juDilee-slngers. . ' rjBTtBBSAUST. . First Each Couch and Eaat Eighth sireeis, kv. w. jr. email. Jl a, m., "Aa Light aa Air"; Sunday school at 11:11 p. m. OBBZSTXAB. - Centra East Twentieth and Salmon street. ,10:30 a. m., "Jesus In ths Midst"; 7:45 p. m., "Swords and Plow shares"; Sunday. m. ; Junior Endeavor f p. m.; Senior Endeavor 6:45 p. m. Kooney-A venue corner Rodney ave nue and Knott streets, Rev. Albyn Esson. it a. m., ksv. is. m. Muckley; 7:45 p. m., "Th Master's Mission"; Sunday school 1:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:45 p. m. nrsi corner r arx and Columbia street. 10:t0 a. iru, Rev. Albyn Esson: T:I0 p. m., T. P. 8. C. E. atTSOtTLljaBBOTJS. People' Christian Union Rev. F. E. Coulter.. Unity hall. No. 162 Second treat 11 a. m., "Natural Law vs. Spir itual Activity"; 12:15 p. m.. achool of religion; 7:45 p. m., literary and musical program. -. Berea Mission Second and Jefferson streets. Rev. J. H. Allen, pastor. Ser mon, "Th Revelation of Christ to In dividuals," 10:20 a, m. Th evening service is omitted. - . First Spiritualist Society Artisan' hall, Ablngton building. Third near Washington. 10 a. m., conference;. 7:45 MORRIS CHAIRS Aa ' food S Ckalr as I Quarter w4 (loldes finest t. onbreakahle eon- tructlMi. solid braaa rod la the bark to njnat chair; atrle. of velour lone or plain eordnror. Well worth any ator. In Very asocial they bat nt Beaorl. theai all lannrat.ij In en NEW STOCK OF ...mXW X SILK PEIT1C0ATS Mg -: tranr. window. BAgT ' T i-y- : Vj It la th only antomatlo Morrl Ohalx inantifaotared. zt ha mo rod o ratchat. n la always ready to ma. It fl . ha th aly aracttoal foot 172-174 FIRST STREET TEETH SPECIALS EXTENDED UNTIL SEPT. I Boston Painless Dentists Will make special low school rates In order that all school children may come and have their teeth cared for during vacation. Theae are th only dentist 'In Port land navmg in late ooianicai aiscoverr to apply to the gum for Painless Ex tracting, Filling and Crowning Tth, and guaranteed for tea years. ExtTKtlnt .....FKE Sihrrr nAlngt SSc Fill Set f Teeth J.M CiinlMtloiA.reEC Cold HIUn.MM..7Sc WA bm......3.M Orown aad BiMur Work- at Xw Price a specialty. Our Patent Jtoabl iMttoa wlU koM yeu teitt as. BO STUD turn. Come In at onoa and take advantar of low rate. All work dose by specialists without pain and guaranteed lor 11 years. Boston Painless Dentists Fifth and Morrison streets, antranc 2lVs Morrlaon, Why Do You Suffer With HEADACHE? Purchase a package of Oold-Beaver Headache Powder, take according to di rections and get Instant relief. Prtc 10 cent. Sent to any address by mail upon receipt of price and a 1-cent stamp. Ad dress ....... MODEL DRUG STORE r a Orand Av., Portland, Ore. p. m., Mahesh Charan. Blnha or India, Women of India." Millennial Dawn J. A, R. halt cor ner Second and Morrison street. 2 p. m.. "Strong Consolation." jt- t " v h I a,-aocoY ft" ) o T4V. S j AV. ,VW K OO 5.t.A Jl H-0M-E , afnrrl BiaAe. ek spring Some fellow who was long on sentiment once aald that the grandest worl in the Fngliah language waa spelled with four letters H-O-M-E. No doubt you think, and we all do, that he was right. We tell you this because beaatlnil eh colored It's our business to furnish th lnald of these homes with FURNITURE CARPETS AND DRAPERIES And we've been doing It for a good number of year Living In furnished rooms might be all right for the time, but sooner or lster every man or woman wants to have some place In .which thev at least own their Own furniture. W VBOTXDB TBB WAT It' easy It s safe It' satisfactory. It furnishes up your home and gives you a chance of owning your own furniture. Our aay-payment plan put satisfactory furniture and car pets within reach of everybody. , TBB SB ABB TBB TXBht. f lO dowa oa t)100 worth. 5 dowa oa SBO worth. . . . " dowa oa 910 worth. Bo Interest Charged Oah MtM. Our August Furniture Sal I en opportunity that pros pective buyer should not overlook, because w hav cut on our prices quite considerable, and give yon a chance to aave a few dollar. Let ua figure with you on your car pet, linoleum and shade orders. EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. 390 Washington St Store Where Yoor Credit Is Good elw feat. tlS.AO Is thla rltr. wbli I12.M all of color. trim tw Mat n- ICKMg, reat. Zt U amada of tha bt tmart-saw Henry Jennmg FOUR Blue Mountain BOB TBS TBBATUBBY. ABB 47UBB OF Consumption Sanatorium treatment Is th Ideal . and only successful treat- k ment for tuberculosis. ' It con slats principally of Ufa In the open air, rest forced feeding, by-dro-thorapy and massage. Th bath at thl Institution ar sup plied from natural hot' mineral ' spring, th water of which ax art a marked curative Influence Patient from tha west side of th mountain ar especially benefited by the change of cllmat. Tha dry air of eastern Oregon and 2,600 feet of altitude stimulate th. ap petite and Improve nutrition. Bsoanrtoa rata oa th O. Bv ft B. , Oe, Buy tickets to Blag- Spring). - Addxes fey DR. J. L BINGHAM OXBBOB, OBBOOB, "'.' HOTEL GEARHART bas orzxxB rom tkx uajov. Tha Sneat mmmer raanrt the Nona Pate Coast. It osalu f MO htm with sataral grave, pare spring water, eleaot golf groand. teoois eaart sad croquet stoud. boatlnc. Sib In, hosting and ne surf bathing. To hotel baa baa aarlnaly renovated as sew sidewalk caroaxnout tne park. Teleeraph aa telepsooe a soul ror rate na accomawaanoos api r. a. KauwiHan, aur.. uearaart. "THE COLONIAL," mAns, oazoov. A new. (lesaatlv fnmlabed katal. t now open for th eaaoo. Krery mom opens on lars pores. - eeamandmv tin view t th oerao. Lars abaiir sronnd. fin errrlro. and good ueala aoak thla very deairabl ia (o apeoa vacation. aeaaosaDi rat say or wera. i LtlnDBLET BO If. ROCKERS Sanatorium . So many se-ralled barcala Rocker are offered the Euhllo that It a ard to pick a sood one, 11 ere' on made front tne solid oak, hlsh bark, either wood arat with velowi very atost. W guaran tee tbana. gpee lal, HM IRON BEOS ISr. eperltl that ar bard t beat. Tateea that ae coaler dare dapUcst. Th flrat . a very solid traa bd. either cream or jreea namel, with brae aplndl la center, drop front, full angl iron. I aasally sold for MS. SO. Wa ll eU theax as long as tbey laat for t M This Iron tod esmes la white, groea, bio or bUrk ; be T rod a end Iowa; araaa rod on bead aad foot heard; eateneloa Inet, fall an) Iron. s(nlar srlr everywhiv., ,110. Spe'UI st.m oak aad highly vUfcad,- Sons STORY RED BLOCK Voarflxtof'Sracte.. fog Sal By. VJL tXAXABKBT I CO, 221 First St. I. 4. BASDBBXT... ltl First Bt STBOWBBXDOB VAXBT It Orb CO- - ' . 122 Orand Av, The y Calumct RESTAURANT , .' i . , 14 Sersath street , , ...Meals a la Carte... . From Delicious Dinner rroxa 4 ISO to S p. aa. fog 50 cents ims. vimovrs scoti:::3 syt.:? ha bea waed br K unnoa et Ketawr for shetr eUlldrea wbli TeMhins for of pifty Tew. It aootbas U thlld. softwis 4b gnsa, ailar all pWn. enras wind souo. aa4 St tha bin SsmedT fcedlar rh.. TWENTT-FITB CrTTTT A KMTTXB. . I