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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1904)
4 v t JTHE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL-, a PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. 'AUGUST 7. 1904. HEALTH BOARDS ARMY OF CMS THREE HURT IN ) i H - ! A Popular with Modern Prices !! DIVIDE THE WORK IS HADE IIAPPV CAR ACCIDENT A Drugstore CITY A WD OOUITT OSOAJTXXATXOVS ' XATS A XZZTXVO AITS FATCX UF Txuzm BcrrxAxvcxa, dbotdibo OX VU1 CASKS BACK IWU . xxaxATTxa orra attbbtxob. At last the city and the county health .board have coueented to Uke up thel i residence under the Mm ' official roof, 1 naUo. sixalr,.aod tb dove, emblematic "of peace, has parched Itself on the gahla. At a conference held yesterday at noon ' in the offlc of Dudley Kvans. the county health ofneer, t the court bouse, an "understanding u reached on the many point wmca nave dwi r V friction between the two .health i oodles ' and have led to .complication -involving . uther officials. :, Dr. J. C. Zan. the city physician. And Dr. .William -tones , were present es a committee from the, city board, while ' Codntr Judge Webster, County Physl ' ,tiDn fiarv anil t-mintv Health Officer 'Kvans represented the county ooara. ' ' The conference lasted - for about two hours, and a perfect - agreement reached on ail moot point. Hereafter . loo-operation -will ba the watchword of me ' -iwar oraanixmuoos itwfuuii . health of the public . It was decided that the city physician (shall attend to all police' cases at the - itia relief to the injured and then send line; them to the nearest hospital. The I city board of all .cases lutely to remain ; i hospital for any length of time. , The diagnosis of th city physician shall determine what are properly - county ' canes, to be sent to the county hospital. This will save tne police ana otnors me (trouble of chasing the city over and , losing vaiuauie time wnen in uuuui mm ltd whom to apply to grant a sufferer reuer. , . : . Hitherto the county : physician ' has 'been at tne beck and call of every physi cian in the dtv. and in a great number - tit am un. worn .uiuiuvuvu i HCmH - ior case nui i vruucni wihiiii "Xynaer his observation. In the future all ypdunty casea are to go- through the bounty board of relief, -- which Mr. 'Evens la superintendent. . In return the ' -etlty board will relieve the county of any tosses of smallpox that may develop at cthe county hospital and take them to the jf'ty pest -ouse, as. well as other cases of . smallpox developing In the county . mat may require special attention. .."Ordinarily the latter class- of cases has '"'been quarantined In homes and looked barter by the county health officer and "county physician. . There are a great many office cases ,f -which should not properly go to the V county hospital and yet cannot be classl- " fled under the head of emergency case. Dr. Geary and Dr. Zan have agreed' to divide 'these casea In future, handling ''Thorn at. their respective offices. - All such cases will be examined by Mr. " Evans, who will endeavor to divide ''them equitably between the two physi iclans. In other Instances pat lent e will '' be sent to the free clinics at tha various hospital. - where they will receive i benefit of the experience. The arbitration board met yesterdav " because Dr. Geary and Xr. Znn are now t .Without assistants-1n orderto equalise the work and make it as light as posal- nie ror ootn. Besides the county ho. . . pltal casea and those attended to at his offlcej-egularly. Dr. Geary had II new patient anaea 10 naen--aul)fci)rJJ. 5.. n ' m work was 1 tti 1arl lni,M.Ail I ni Becently Xloovred Oar. A new cavern, rivaling In beauty the v ,one at Luray, and Wier's cave and the . cave or Fountains, at Shendun, Va., has V been discovered In Shenandoah county, Vt, near Woodstock. The dlsoovery was maae ny workmen who were blast - Ing limestone from a Quarry at. Tom Brook. The cavern haa enlv been ax. ploredTor about 17 feet, but the por tion trial nss oeen visited la filled with ' the most beautiful limestone formations and contains large chambers. ABOUT Perfect Fitting Glasses ' Wc, Would Say J TIT" HEN patrons leave v v our store glasses must fit and set ) right. trmtrary to this, they would he a source . of great trouble and annoy ance and that would hard-, ly do to satisfy. 1 Conse- ,' quently, we are particular '. about out optical work . and it will be well for you ' to V ' ' i CONSULT ': OUR OPTICIAN IF NEED-BE. A.&CFeIdenheimer f " Third and Waahington Jewelers SQversmitht TVU 4ST9 OIXBI ZBTTTXTATjr S.OOO OKTJUDSXaT WHO AlTiWlSIl) TMM oxrxasTjro oobttzst BEOomo TSOUn VABTT UT IU VOBTX WBST. . Dressed In their best "bib and tucker,' tootlna little tin horns with a vim and between toots eating fine bon bona, I.U00 little Portland girls were treated lo trolley ride ytaterday afternoon by Tull A Glbbs. local furniture dealers. It was tha largest trolley party ever given In the northwest, and passed as smoothly as a quiet afternoon tea. The little guests were girls who had taken part in a gueaslng contest held by the above named firm. Throughout last month Tull A Glbbs ran an advertisement In local papers In which - there were M puixle pictures, - each one representing some article of furniture. - The contest was open to all' girls under 14 years of age. ana . the answers to tne pussies were to be accompanied by. five reasons why their mothers should use the Buck steel ranae. . August 1st the letter began to pour in. The man at the poatoffloe who handlea the box where city mill is aepoaiteo started In bravely. But It was too much Aid was called, and the combined efforts of several postof flee clerks .were needed to keep the Tull A Glbbs mall up to the mark. The postman who delivered mall to this firm thought something of going on a strike, but was talked Into staying hv belna- told that the rusn would oniy last five days. Yesterday the last letter arrived. As a trolley party had been promisee the rtrls who took part in tne contest. the children began to arrive at the store about noon. They had been invited to be there by 1:. but long -before this hour hundreds of little girls, accom panied by their mothers and aunts, were present. Mayor George H. Williams had gtven the members' of the firm permission to rope off Second street between Morrison and Yamhill. This was done as soon aa the crowds began to gather. - The girls were taken Inside the enclosure, placed In double file and awaited their turn to enter the store. The children were taken Into the store bv the Second street entrance. At the door, each little girt wae pre. aented with a bag of candy, a norn ana a handsome silk badge. After they had pinned the badges on - their frocks, tested the horn and sampled - the candy, the glrle were shown through the store. And then came the ride. Each car, and there were 10 of them. was brought up In front of the store's Morrison street entrance. . The 1,000 girls were put on board the cars and sent awsy on their trolley party In -the remarkable short time of U minutes. Not an accident of any sort marred tha pleaauree of the afternoon, and ev ery girl who enjoyed tne ride said that she had had the happiest afternoon in her Ufa. All along the route, men and women flocked co the sidewalks and windows to find out what all the laughing and tooting "was about. ' Starting from the Morrison street en trance of Tull A Glbbs' store, the care ran up to Third and Morrison streets. down Third to Gllsan, west to Nine teenth.. , south to Morrison. ' east to Third, north to Flanders,, east to First, south to Grant, west to Third, south to the corner of Third and Morrison II. 1 W Igll cu iiuiii kllW cars, and walked to the store, ' . Here in I tne front windows were posted th iAmes"ofthe wlners , of (he - three prises. " Th winners were: ' First prise, a Buck's Junior range, Miss Edna Foulks, III Thirteenth street; second prise, quartered oak writ ing desk. Miss Grace Grlswold, 4S East Twenty-eighth street; - third prise, wicker rocking chair, 'Miss Helen Chl- man, (( Tweity-nfnth street. w mis in gins were enjoying tne trolley party the guesses verere being opened and the reaaons read. Three women formed the committee who had charge of examining the reason why the Buck range should be used. ' The commltteewomen were: Mrs. A. 8. Johnson, i6t Lovejoy street; Mr. R. 3. MacOuffee. 10SS Belmont street; and Mrs. H. Flanders, tit East Burnside street. ' . IRS. HOUSTON IS v QUEEN OF REGATTA . (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) j ' Astoria, Or., Aug. Mrs. C X. Houston was tonight elected queen of the tenth annual Aa- 4 4 torla regatta. The vote for the 4 4 leading candidate stood: Mrs. e Houaton.54.6J7; MIhs H. Tallant, 4 1.MS; Mrs. P. D. Keuttner, 10.- 4 04; Mr. W. W. Kidehalgh, e 4 4.144. The successful candidate 4 4 ' Is one of Astoria' most popu- e 4 lar matrons. Hhe will be known 4 as Queen Nell. ' 4 4 4 4 4 4 TRIED TO PASS FORCED CHECK By means of a boy, picked up on the street for ths occasion, a swindler now being' sought by the police last night attempted to pass a forged check for S7.&0 at a fruit stand conducted by Truck eback A Hawkins on Waahington street. The man tined the name of Dr. J. K. Weatherbee. and wrote a note asking the proprietors of the stand to eV)d him 11.00 worth of th best cigar and the change by the boy. Aa soon as the boy presented the note, the police were notified and Acting Cap tain Carpenter detailed Detective. Vaughn on the caae. A description of the man la now in the hands of the police, and a close watch will be kept for him. .. CONTRACTORS WILL TEST 8-HOUR LAW ' ' ("pedal Dlapateh (a To Journal.) Seattle. Aug. . Contractor who have ciiiut:ia wun tne uny lur street im provements have combined and Intend to test the legality of the .state law and city ordinance forbidding person hold ing city contract from working labor ers more than eight hour a day. 8. Normlle. who haa a small con tract, applied to Judge Bell this morn ing for a restraining order temporarily enjoining th board of public works from preventing him working his men ten hours a day snd also prohibiting the board from annulling hla contract or In terfering In anyway because of his re fusal to live up to the l-hnur law.. A temporary order was granted. . The case will go to the etat supreme court In sny event, and If necessary to the United State supreme tribunal. isoonYf oas tcmtw txs tbaox BBCAUBB OJT A BBOKX AXX.B (avd woxcxir jtassxbozbs SBOTSJ3D BT HOCK AJTO JKVBT XmiOTLY. ' ojta Mis Jessl Blank, 11 year of age. and reaidlng at (14 Tlbbet street, waa badly hurt; In- a street car accident which occurred at about o'clock yea teiday afternoon on the City A Subur ban -line,. She was violently thrown agalnat the car. Her bark and should ers were injured, but It Is said that aha will recover, ' Two other women passengers were considerably bruised. but their name could not be secured. Car No. so on the Brooklyn line Jumped the track Just west of ; Union avenue on Morrison street because of a broken axle. Before it. could : be brought to a stop th front platform rested on the sidewalk. Several of the passengers were dashed agalnat th sides of the car.x but all escaped In jury excepting the three named. They were conveyed to their home with as little delay a possible. Miss Blank 1 a school teacher. Until reoontiy she was teaching at Woodburn. Shortly after th accident a wild rumor quickly spread over th city that a car had Jumped the track on the Mor rison street bridge and plunged Into the WlUamette river. As If by maglo tne report spread untU the entire city and even the suburb heard of it. The car company and The Journal office were besieged for Information regarding the upposedly terrible catastrophe. HOUSE WRECKED BY THE "BLACK HAND" (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire to Th Journal) Paaaalo, N. J., Aug. t. Angered be cause he disregarded the warning of th Black Hand society, which is oper ating in this city, New York and Brook lyn, to leave the city, dynamiters placed a bpmb In the doorway of Frank Co telle' barber shop today and wrecked the four-story deuble-flat house In Sher man street' and Main avenue. In whlck hla shop was located. ' I The entire front of the first floor of the building was blown away and th wall fell. That no on waa Injured is regarded a a miracle. The noise of the explosion waa heard ' for miles and aroused the entire city, thousands run ning to the scene of the wreck. The en tire city Is indignant over thl act on th part of the Black Hand aoclety. Th police have a clue and expect to make arrest within a few hours. WHALEN PITCHES SHUT-OUT CAME (Special Dtapatca by Leased Wire to The Journal! San Francisco, Aug. (.Jimmy Whalen waa tha whole show today. He shut the Oaklander out, making four straight victories for the Seal, and made three single with hi stick, aiding in- the run mailing, score; . - BAN FRANCISCO. I AB. R. H. PO. A. m i' V i . ..i i 1(1)1 I ILL V Fine Leather Qoods CAir new line of Fine Leather Good a now on sale, - Full seal traveling Bets, with real ebony flltlnjf, bent qunllty, aolid back brUMhaa. efijt T K ..Excellent set for ..................... ...w ; . Tony name stamped on all Xaaea Goods Free. Thl Woodlark Truss, eaay fit ting, comfortable and cool, $1.60, double 1 2, pre paid to any ad dress. Money . back If It doesn't suit. - Expert men and women In our truss end bandage depart, ment and moderate charge. ' Elastic Stocking an ciaaiio Biocxing will re lleve and cure swollen velna, sprain and strain. Our elastlo hose 1 woven of th best silk and pur gum. W . carry all' slses and can fit any caae, ; ; Ankfet . ....... tl.Ti Knee Cap Sl.TS Legglns . 9M.0O Garter- Hose, to reach . to No. 4 ftJO vls(lt. Just tn thing tor weak -wrist toe ' Bend for self-measuring blank. "America" ; ' Alarm Clock n SJ (TST H l - "l ' l ' Glass Eyes ' 1000 Glass Eyes, th largest stock on this ' coast. Ferfeot fit guar "ANSCO". 1hi elerant haiwj-carred , . , v C- flf. , full leather card caae - .3wel V . Fin card caae and purse from 4Se tip. , TMJM IS TBS FAMOUS 'Spirit Gas Reform Alcohol Stove Used ' wood fclcohol.' burn -without a wick. - Will boll 41 pint of water In JO mlnut. . Spsctal thl week. . . f V 69c 6 Stand for Photographic 'Success- It represent the finest .cameras and film mad In the world. (Dp which 8 I the - paper please every ' photo , grapber, amateur or pro- ' , fesslonaL Bend us 15o ' for a sample dose a. Free darkroom and instruc tion In our photo depart . ' ' ment . W'e went a live dealer In every town to .handle "Ansoo" good. 1 11 1 Thl "America" " Alarm day special Clock for three' 73c Abdominal Belts s reduce girth, gup port the abdomen; ' a ' safeguard and eomfort ; ' ' ?hls Randolph belt, special this weekx........ 4Cf RQ snd body measure w guarantee fit. 83c Water Coolers tbiag' these hot days. Home Medical Battery This Fgmous , Home. Medical Battery with full direction arM book, "Guide to Health." Uses no liquids, give strong current. Complete with nickel electrode Should be in, every home. $6 50 "Wpodlarkp Hearing Horn Deaf people are often relieved by our "Woodlark1' hearing horn, a small. compact Inatrument, fit : the hand, easily carried. price 11,90. . If found of no aid may be , returned - ' and money will ' be promptly refund ed. '. Ladles 9 : Syringe Dr. Tullar's Ladles' Safety Whirling Spray Syringe, regular $3: O 11 special . , ,---' Woodard. GlarkeM Co FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS Canadian Money Taken at Full Value """"'" 4 MMIMMMmU wainrnn, fj. i. .......... Hlldebrand, a. A ....... Meany, r. f. ........... Townsend. lb ...k Irwin, So , .. Anderson. 2b ........... Gorton. 1. f, Leahy, a............... Whalen, p.. 1 0 Totals . ............ .10 11 27 1 OAKLAND. Aa R. H. PO. A. Frank. . s. uamcy, r. i.. ...... Dunleavy, L X. Kruger, o. I . . Devereaux. (b trem, id nurns, a. Young, p. .............. McKuhn. tb ........... Mosklman, p. 0 : 11 Totals . ........... ..II 0 T 27 17 BUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. 12 14 5 4 7 10 Ban Francisco ...1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 I Hits 0 0111041 111 Oakland . .......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hits . 0 10 1111 1 7 SUMMARY. ' Errors Townsend, Devereaux, Burns. Stolen bases Irwin, 2; Devereaux. 2. Two-baae, hits Townsend, Devereaux. Sacrifice hlts-Anderon 2. Waldron, Hlldebrand 2. . First baa on errors- Ban Franclaco, 1. Flrat base on called balls Off Young, I; off Mosklman, 2; off Whalen, 4. Left on bases Ban Francisco, I; Oakland, I. Struck out By Whalen. 3: by Mosklman, X. Double plays Kruger to Btreib. Time of game One hour and 4i minute. Umpire O'ConneuV ENTHUSES LEADERS TXXsTKS OSTABOZS ZV HTBIAsTA A3TO VEW TOBX ABB BXOBtXJrtTT, noBTura sxow ur bxodb xs- XABS JkMIt BBTA2T MAT MM AO TZTB XM CAJCTAIOV. : FLYING TORPEDO IS BARRED AT ST. LOUIS (gprclal DUpatcs byLaaaed Wire to Tb Jeorsal) Bt. Louis, Aug. 4. Hilee haa been beaten, ' Tha Klliott horse ha been sent to th post so often and returned a winner that the racetrack followers did not believe there was a horse at the track that could take his measure. But the horse waa beaten. The Orient, the Hayes entry, turned up the winner In the Mississippi Valley stukes, and he won it handily. HUee wae never in the himt. Davis gave the winner a good ride. Anything but a good ride would have landed Hilee In the lead. HUee came strong' at the wire, but the lead of Orient was too great to overcome. ' D. Austin landed three winner a He waa on Jack Toung In th fifth, he rod Ice Water In the sixth, and had th mount ok Dolly Gray In th seventh. The entry of Flying Torpedo will be refused hereafter because ef the horse's disappointing race today. Summary; First rare (tt furlongs) A Lady (Raynor). 20 to 1, won; Tim Hurat sec ond, Mellwood third. Time, 1:10. . Second race (seven furlongs) Mia Manners (H. Anderson), 6 to 1, won; Mohave second,. Fierce J. third. Time, 1:2H. L Third race (six furlongs) Lucky charm (Dart), to 10, won; Dishabille second. Dsmeron third. Time, 1:15. Fourth .race (mile) Orlent(W. Davis), 21 to 6, won; HUee second. Thane third. Time, l:41k. Fifth race (11-11 miles) Jack Young (D. Austin), even, won; Light Opera second, Harmaklst third. Tim, 1:42 3-t. Sixth race (aix furlonga) Ice Water (D. Austin), t to 1, won; Six Shooter second. Just So-third... Time, 1:14. Seventh race (seven furlongs) Dolly Gray (D. Austin), 4 to 1, won; Crime second. Aggie Lewi third. Time, 1:2. "You're a aueer looking thing to want to fight with me." ssld the young bull dog, contemptuously, "you're not In my class.' "Perhaps not," replied the porcupine, oulntly, -but I think I give yon a few point." (Special Dispatch by Leased Win to Tb Journal) . Washington. Aug. 4. Rhode laland and Indiana for the Democrat. Thl 1 th new from h state In which re cent forcea of Mr. Hearst made vigor ous onslaught against Republicanism. Democ ratio leaders say today that theae states are Democratic, although nominal ly Republican. Senator Towne was In th city today for a short while, but In chat time he enthused the congressional committee on the certainty of the Democrat carrying Indiana. Among other thing Ur. Town aaid: , Bryan Kern WU1 Tam tn. ' "I think that almost without excepi tlon the so-called Bryan men will turn In and hsln the ticket to their utmost and vote for it on election day. I talked with them and found them of that bent of mind. 1 told them that In my Judgment when a Democ ratio na tional convention voted to send that reply to Judge Parker It voted the gold plank- Into the platform Just a unmis takably as If It stated In words. But I told them further It made no differ ence In this case because Che money question Is not an Issue In this cam paign . ' Fair Tig-htin Ohaaoe. "I shall work for the ticket and talk for ft and I think Mr. Bryan will be very active In the campaign In behalf of the ticket. Our chances In Indiana and New York are excellent and when we carry thoae two states. It 1 mighty likely that some other will be. found In the procession." ' As to Rhode Island, Mr. Qulnn, stats chairman, said: "Taking condition ", altogether - In Rhode Island, I should sat we have a fair fighting chance of carrying the state for Parker and Davis - next No vember. The condition here certainly have ' element of Democratic success that are very strong, on of the most favorable being that. we will get out a large vote and poll our - full voting strength.'' . ' ; WIRELESS TO HAWAII FROM FARALLONES . (Special Dlipstch by Leased Wire to The Jesrsat) Washington, Aug. 4.-pThe navy de partment le making arrangement to end wlreles meaec 2.100 miles. Th naval bureau of equipment will establish and equip a wlrelnae station at Feral lone Islands, oft San Franclaco, where the weather bureau ha been maintain ing a station. It Is proposed to equip the naval station with the best appa ratus, Th decision is due to the recommen dation of the wireless telegraph com mission, the report of which haa been spproved by the president While It I altogether too early to anticipate very much of long distance work, it Is within the range of possibilities, may be estab lished between th naval , station at Fa rail ones and Honolulu, 4 distance of 3,100 mile. The bureau I aleo estab lishing a station on .board th lightship at Nantucket hdal well a on th "Relief ' of that ship. PRIEST; REVEALS DYWAHITE PLOT FATBSB UOBXAB-, FASTOB OF BT, BUirrs cats-quo chubcje, a FXA-LS TO BBIB JPOUOB FOB FBO TBOTZOW FOB MJM IXCUBMO TO (Special Dispatch ly Leased Wire to The looms!) Bora n ton. Pa- Aug. .Because of a plan to blow up hi church excursion train with dynamite, - Father. Donlan, pastor ef St, Mary Catholic chureh. Dunmore, today, appealed to Superin tendent Rose of the Erie police .for pro tection before hi congregation will patronise ,the road. Th excursion was to Lak Ariel,' 20 mile from here. Father Donlan learned of the plot several day ago, but disregarded threafs until he was convinced of their genuineness. Superintendent Rose sent a fore of 26 detective to guard th road to Lak Ariel, which run through a monntainou country. - Th detective were distributed all along the line and ana, extra force of track-walker stood guard on every eo tlon. Men were - concealed In every bush at threatened point along . the line. - Several weeks ago Father Donlan led the prosecution of aom rioters accused of having stabbed five men. Slnoe then hi Ufa ha been threatened. Despite the threats the excursion ran today with the oar bristling with . police. Much anxiety 1 felt as th excursion does not return until late. HANDS ACROSS SEA MAY TURN TO FISTS "(Special IM spates, to, The Jooraal.) Seattle, Aug. . The peaceful rela tion of Great Britain and the United State are tn a fair way to be disturbed. Hands across th sea are liable now to be doubled Into flats that will be searching for an opening to land an ef fective blow, all beoauae a subject of King Edward from far Australia claim that he was snubbed, rebuffed and oast aside by a deputy in th offlo of th prosecuting attorney of King county, where he went thle morning with hla burden and tale of wo. Master Emery 1 th name of the Aus tralian poet and author subject of the king who -claim that he waa groasly In sulted by the language used by one of Uncle Sam's nephews, and when he went to th office of the prosecuting attorney ror reoress he claim that he encoun tered a "big, fat deputy" who seemed too tired to Uke hi feet down off the perch of the window tll, and whose sol occupation wae twiddling his thumb. Getting no warrant for th arreet. th Auatrallan poet demand vengeance and Ul take np hi caae with the Seattle representative of th British king. "Th Port' reply I unsatisfactory." ay a Washington dispatch. Well, thai I no news; surely nobody expected a satisfactory reply from- thatt quarter. HAS FAITH IN HIS DETECTIVES cmr jroiT bats xoumtf WXr.Ii Bl CAUQXT ZF TB3T "FXB BZST XX TZXim BOLD WOBJE ' TAXXS FsUOIU - CKABOB OF SXTOATXOB'. .-.'- t "I believe the two men who have been holding up street car and robbing th employe are amateurs, but I place no credence In the theory that they are gambler thrown on their resources by the closing of the games. In Portland," said Chief of Police Hunt last night "I am of the opinion- that we will be able to catch them, if they continue their crime. It la always the ease that criminals are caught U they persist In carrying their bold deed too far. "A stated yesterday, our fore la rather small to cop with an epidemic of crime, ae we have but 20 policemen to cover the city's 40 square mile of terri tory during each eight-hour shift I wish we had more, but the present state of the finances of the olty will not per mit of any adldtlonaX There waa a rumor In circulation .yesterday to the effect that the men sworn In to do duty at the race next week were for special duty during the present series of hold ups, out that waa a mistake. . However, we are doing all we can to capture the bandit with our regular force, and I have a few men whom I am going to have do some special work In thl con nection., together with the : deteotlve force. They are regular patrolmen, however." . ' . Chief Hunt praised hi staff of dsteo- -vctb, niu urn Ainu mu imul H uivir f abllltv to handle tha aituation. and a lan aaylng that if given a little time they wUl acquit - themselves in manner worthy of praise. "Just let the boy have time to wjjrk. and they . will get those hold-up men," said the chief. "The publlo Is prone to . become agitated to a point where It de mands a little too quick results, but we will oome out of this situation all right. . and I think we wUl get the, men who. have bean dolnsr thla work." Last night th chief ordered the ' patrolmen and plain clothe men to ar- rjft.ll lltfll,.lf.ll.a nh. .V r, a .. .km l.- and several were locked up during the-. night . " 1 -M 1 1 . . , , . . . . iniei. xium. irmaincd at ins central station, until a lata hour last nltrht r., the purpose of taking personal charge of the caae ahould any hold-up occur. From the ' Catholic Standard. Wiseman To look at that English man you'd think he waa a tramp, wouldn't jrouT -- Jokeley Well; I know for a fact that he hasn't a place that he can call home. Wiseman Nonsense! 4 Why, hi man sion In London la Jokeley Sumptuous, ye, but he call lt -ome. - - j , Oat Both Way. ' From th SomervllI Journal. Hick How do you happen to be go ing fishing on Friday 7 I thought you. believed Friday was an unlucky day. Wicks well. I always have. But It occurred to me thl morning that per haps it would be unlucky for the fish. - i- - - . 1 luting Siiit Slaughter . - - g- -a I I I Half and Less Than Half : of Former Price FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. MORRISON AND SECOND STS.