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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1904)
1 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAU PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINO. AUGUST 7, 1904. " 15 rirtiro. HI allo.Nd A OO.. rront and Stark .. print. Ins. llthoeraihln(. blank books lad (fir supplies; work i duo oa tins.! KXMit complete priming office la lb west. Mala 104. AnlCH.OI DI'IHWII COM PANT, print! se. lltbuarsnblne. blavfc hooka, i'buu Mai If. Bo Aldac at oom. TIN ROOFINO. gnttertn. repairing in4 gasseal focnug. . Loan. Ill Jem Auction Sales XT. WILSON AI L ktnde of roof 'rarrall, Ante First. Scott Ml W.I. son. rORTLAND CORrtAOR CO., cor. and Port bra p ata., Portland. Or. At rdrrib nim, P. 0. STAMP WORKS. B4 A I (tor at., shoe Wal f 10; rabtwr stamp, Mela, etenrlla, bag tt frade chaohei and for cstsloguo. - sprayers An VHmwuiua, ' BPRAYIftd and wblterraaMni ments. buna. dorke. te., VI. O. Mersa ft Co. Call op Scott BM. will call and To Broree on von work. The lareeat r seeollne sursylog and whitewashing euiBt j la Mnltoomak eounty. 970 Mllwaoll at.. 1'iiriiana. ur. , Monday, Tomorrow, , At 10 a. m.,1 Sales. Rooms, 331 Ankeny, t Corner Sixth street.- , We will offer at nubile auction th I contents of our salesroom, comprising parior auita, Daaroom suits, arapenee, portieres, lac curtain, dining room lablea and chairs, , dishes. . complete , mJueeKeepins- outriis, rirussets ana wool carpets, rugs, metal beds, -folding- beds, springs, mattresne. dressers, Commodea,. pictures, on paintings, clock, mirror, lady 'a dealt, ete. K. . treasures, nook stovs, oonipiate kitchen equipment, etc. t. i, WIXBOB, Auctioneer. urn LARGEST stock la rttyt Webotd worki loekoat - opened; rvpslre. tall work, ataal eeuifur. treat , maot and good meriting real patronage. ;m Ai,"!' Thr iji-Jaai . BTORAOR AW TRARBFEB. ',', , BAFKN, nlinna and furniture moved, packed , ready far afclpplng and ahlpped; (II work . susrsnteed; lar. S-atorr brlrk ftrepreol warehouse for storage. Offlre 12S First at. . C. M. OLBEN. 'Phone Main B4T. ' C. O. PtflK, offlre a First at., between Mark . and Oak ata. t phone 5TMI: nlanoa and' fttrnl- tore BMeed and parked for hlnpln-; enei. amdloee fireproof krlck warenooa. , rreal end Clar ata. . ' a SHOwXABTl An nXTTI. tnoWCABKS of erer ducrlntloni bank, bar and afore flsturea aaade to order. The Letk Maanfaetnrlnc Co., Portland and ajeattle. TUESDAY'S SALE V Horses, Delivery Wagons and ; - Harness, ... At Anderson's Stables, -l Third and Madison,', i At 2 p. m. On thla date Auruat . we rill' sell at publle auction, three' irrocery delivery wagona, three wood horaea and three eeta of harneaa. The horaea. harneefl and waaona are all in excellent con dition and worthy the attention of buy erav rjaio prompt II I p. in. ' TIPKW1ITEH. WT TYPWHTBH HBAIQ!'AltTKH xw ptara ntraet. i. Wa rent, repair, aril, exrhanare trpewrtter. All aappllra for all machine. Standard aiarblnee 2n and op to $100. Do To want a Bteimirrapher or t.rplatl Vl hr Met of aoed appllcanta. Phone Black 2871. , "'" ALL MAKP.a of trpewrlter for rent at CDder- wood Trpewrlter Aaenrr, SB Front at. ; TtAKBrER AJID HAPXIKa. OBltOON TBANBPXR CO.; IB4 North Blltk, ., telepbooa Mala HA, Baary kaallof and ' storage. FOOT 8PROIAT PKLITKItT. No. 00H Wai lnrton at. Phone Or. Mala BSt. WEDNESDAY'S SALE " ,At Sales Rooms, Sixth and Ankeny, at 10 a. m. On Wedneaday next. -Auruat 10. we win noia our reruiar sale or fanor Furnlehlnara. BerVi-oom entt ninlnw mom Furnlahlnaa. Carpet a, , and complete nouaaxwpmf uutrita. . x. WU.IOI, Aaeuoaeex TinVX FACTOIT. PORTLAND TRUNK MPO.. CO. -Wholeeale and retatl." Phone Clay BBC Cor. Id A Pine. Portland. Bend for eatalorae. nwn nrmV. CLRAn TOWELS DAILY 4tomb, braB. eoap, I ft per month. Lawrenre Bro.' Towrl Sapply eompanr, etn ena uoucn. rnone uf. FRIDAY'S? SALE ' '. At Sales Rooms, -'. Sixth and Ankeny, at 10 a. m. Oenulna 'auction anle. ' Ton Ai the blddlna. .1 do the selling- of the furnish ings conalrned to our rooms. Tou will una a nice aaeortment for housekeep ing; everything In the housekeeping Una. . I. wmoi, AVnoUoaaan NoteWe are aniline- a-rocerlea ever day at 111 First atrsct We save you the retailer's profit and wholesaler ifommiaaion. come and be convinced; this la a nice fresh. stock to eelect from. In addition to the groceries wa have some store and office fixtures far Bale. If you have anything to sell, phone Alain laZd, 1816 . x. WU.BOAT, Auctioneer, . WHIBl TO UXaV. TKOUBK'B RE8TAUKANT. .flrat-claaa B,la, reran wrvinA - .vv r asuiui wm WAIXFaFUVi MOUOAN . WALLPAPER CO.. 1B4-1M St.. bet. XaaikUl aa4 Taylor, Portlavd. - ' - i - i - ' rTrr i i TINANOIAi. LASS m TTLTOBr, BAarm-Kma, ' (Katabllahed In IX.) Transact s Oeaaral Baaklsg ftmlims, Intart Allowed oa Tim Deposits. Collections made at a U points eo t averable ' terma.- Lrttrra ef credit 'Issued available la Europe and all point In tbe United State. ni(bt Exehaiure and Telesrapbie Traafers old q New Xork. Wublmctoe, Vhteaao, 8l Loal. Denver. Omaha." Baa artadace aaa Mea tana and British Colombia. . Exrbange sold 'oa London. Parts, llertla, Frankfort. Bong Kong. Xokooaata, Manila aad Boaolula. FiXST BTATTOWA1. BAeTX , : of Portland, Or. " Deetgaated Depository and Flnaneial Agent of ui udiim mates. Preatdeat. A, U MILL Caxhlar i. W. MEWKIBK Assistant Cashier W. 0. ' ALVOHO tWcood Aealatsnt Oahler......B. F. BTKVEN'B Latter ef credit laviied avallahl la Burepe aad - tbe Baetera Bute. Blgbt Kxehanx and Telegraphls "Tranafrr I XEAUB. anid on rw lor, noeeaa. uftmis, (. LSMiia, 8t Paal. Omaha. Baa Francteoe aad tbe principal mint la the Nortkwset. 81(ht and time btlla drawa In eera td mlt en London, Pari. , Berlin. Frankfort-os-toe Main. Iloag Kong. Xokobama. Copeahaaen, Christiana. Stockholm. ML. Irtersburg, tos ' cow, Zurich, Bonolnlo. Collactlos made ea favorable tare. B A K 12 R'S Auction House ON TIJESDAV NEXT. AUG. 9th GREAT AUCTION SALE Of the Furniture and. Contents ol "Two Private Residences. . , removed to BAKER AUCTION ROOMS Cor. Alder and Park . For convenience of snle, vlt. the-complete FurnlshlnbS of two S-roomed pri vate residences, ' including. PARLOR JopirrxiB, wits rial x,batheb RBATO, .ci the. Cone ilea, oX)STI,Y 1,1 BKABT ARD PARLOR TABH.SB, Book cases, and ClJua Oupboarda, ay Chairs nnd Pet tees, I'ortleres and Iaca Cur tnlns, Oil Palntloirs and Ennravlna-n. UOX.LD OAK XXTxStaiOH TABtB. BOX BAT CRLAIBS, hidebourd, Ilnnerware, Glassware, Costly Silverware, etc.; flail Tree. BBABS AMD IBORT BEDS, "TUB. OAWT OBBSBBBS AMD OBHrTOa. Oak Bedroom Bets, Odd Drawers UOTTXP STATES If ATTOWAXs BARTX. OF F0RTLAND, 0REO0R. R0RTRWE8T COR. THIRD ARD OAS STB. . Transacts a Ocnarai Banktug Roslaeaa, -DRATTB I88UR1). AvaltLof ta all dtle of the United Statea aad En rope. Hong Kong and Manila. BOLUOTIOVS MADS OR FATORABLX TZRatf fl. AINRWOR'TR ....W. B ATBR LWCRMEKU U. WRI0UT ana commodea, OAK FOLDIRO BZD8, Beddings, Toiletware, Now Home Hew' LnJf. Machine, ITIBL BARTOB. COOK. BTvTSI, RefrlReralor, and other uaeful lota too numeroua to mention. lAbove Roods can bs Inspected at our sales rooms, Monday afternoon. The asms for positive wain to nignest Didder on TUESDAY. AT 10 A. M. . OBO. BAKXB CO, Auctioneer. Salmon Angling Is a Most Costly Investment j& President Vice- President Cihtr. v.t. . . Assistant Cashlar. M8BCHAWW WATIOWAt. BARK, yORTLAKD, ORIOORT i. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DI RRAU ..Vlea-Preeldent K. ' W. H0TT Cashier OEOR0B W. ITOTT Aaststunt Cashier Traaaaots a Oeaeral Baaklag Boala. Drtfu aad hitter 'of credit Iseeed avnllabls to all parts ef tbe work. Collection a specialty. (AMd dust bosgat LORTDOBT BART rvARTOISOO BAJTX. UMZTIO, t At Baker's Auction House On Thursday, at 10 A. M. On triday at 2 P. M. '"ell VArloua Conaienmenfe nfrTon and useful Furnlshlna;s from Private r amines, i rum ail parte or tna City. Parties Furnishing should not fall to euviiu uur Hies. t OBO. BAXXB a CO Auctioneers. ranis xas pabzktb. Chamber ef Oomnuree Ru fid tog, . Stark Btreets. Tklrd aad CtTs Ted Offlce. KB OM Broad Street. London, Thia t,nb tniMssta a ernaral banklna bast. make loan, discounts mi is ao mane Boy Bevrbored to MaUvvas After IT Yeara. " Prom the Kansas Cltv Journal. Julius Spears of Ballne county, aged 0 years, has Just been restored to his relatives, after having been separated urn mem ever Bines ne was B years Iters ef credit available fr travelers and fn old."and having never, as far S he can .the purchase of merebsndle rorm. ileal la Interest paid world. Deal la forelan an t flsooa MACRAB.' Manaes. time W. A. is In any city nc ta id domrau exeaaage. dspoairs. STjCTJTtTTT BAVIN-OR TWIt OO, tod Morrison Bt., Portland, Or. . Traaeacta a Oeneral Rsnkln Bualnoaa, , BAVTROS DEFARTMERT. .' Interest Allowed on Tim and Bavins Dapnetta, Act na Trustee for, Kitstes. Drafts and letter of credit aallable la all part at toe woria. P. ATUMS.. Preeldent A. T.RWI8 rlrst Ice-Prealdent U MIlIS Becoad Tlce-l-reaiosnx a. JUBITB..... .....aeereiarr . MOBBIS BBOS. a CBBISTXHSX3. Offer gflt-r mvMtment ta atanWpel ai , . , , Railroad Roods. Write er eaU, ltrtl rirst St.. PertUad, Oregea. remember, heard of them. Young atnmn parents uvea in Illinois. ' On night Willard Speare, the father. uisappearvra, vtaina; nis youngest child. Julius, with him. He went to Arkansas, and later came to Missouri. locating umwn. in rather died several years ago, leaving him without and knowledge whatever of hta connections. Willis in Bedford, III, a short time ago, a man from Marshall met a family named Spears. - Conversation revealed that they were relatives of Julius Spears; and the old mother has recently had restored to her th ion whom she thought sba had lost forever. ; TBM PATHOS OP CITT UTS. ' MORTOAOE LOANS On yf.tlantj Rout Butnt Iwtwrt lUtw - ffmm lva)ntni) a K)tf Pin1hfJ. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. Boom 1, Chamber et Comsieree. -. ' -""ja-aasgagg STABTTRTO A BA0B X RCXSSOVBX. From tha Joplln News-Herald. - -The starter of the running racea at Joplln la a bis. Mack negro. ; Ha hat created much amusement In gutting the horses off. 1 ' . A half dosen or mora attempts were made, when the negro's patience bacamd exhausted. Most of the jockeys wers negroes,, snd as a final warning to on who persisted in snapping th rubber before th othera wer ready h asld: Nigger, If you doea dat again I II com out dar and' knock you off dat ho"rae.M and he exhibited a good slsed stick at tached to th end of a rope, which ha commenced to unwind. Tlie exhibit 61 tbe stick had its flct. Myra Kelly. In MeClura'a. i "Indeed, yes," th lady reassured tha little band of East Sid pilgrims; "this is central rark.- ."It has looks of tha country." Eva commented. , 'BeVause H I a plec of tha oountry," tha lady explained. - 'Then wa dasaant to go, th whll w ain't non of ua Rot no alcknesa," cried Eva, forlornly. "W'r all, all healthy, und th country la for sick children." Th Central Park Is awful pretty." Bad! aollloqulied, as an lay on . her back and watched thai waving branches and blue aky far away.. "Awful terettyt I likes we should live bar all tha time." : a"R! Warn inf. . . From th Chicago New. -Patient "It's up to you. doctor. If you fall to cur, m you'll set nothing for your Barleee." ' . v Doc tor "Ilow'e thatr f ' Patient"! haven't money enough to pay both you and tha undertaker." From tha New York Sun. Quebec Enormou sums of monsy ar expended by th American aalmou fishermen who ar at present flocking into eastern Canada as usual at this Mm of th year. - Apart from all other expenaea tha coat of tha fishing rights la often great Th rat of Increase In value la illustrated by th fact that th angling of th Reatlgouch and ' lta tributaries was leased some years ago by fishermen who ar still catching salmon In panada Toy 1180 a year, whll thouaanda of dollar ar now paid annually for th right to fish th water of the rivers. - con trolled' by th government, and 1500.000 would not suffice to purchss tm re malntng' riparian Vlghts. Nesrly 1400, 000 hss actually been paid .to rlparla proprietors on th Reatlgouch by th present holders of Ashing rights. Ths lapgest .owner of these lights at present la the Reatlgouch Salmon club. one of th most notable concern of the kind lit th world.- it membership in elude many multl-mllllonalrea and numbers at present but II In all. Its share ar eagerly Bought at $10,009 each. , ' Th headquarters and mala clubhouae Of the Reetlgouche are situated at Meta pedis, at th junction of th Metapedt and ReBtlgouoh rivers. Her th mem bera of the club who have flahad by day, wearing tha uaual attlra of anglera lit th woods, must observe th club rule of donhli- evening dress for dinner, A New York chef supervise the pre paratlon of tha meals, and tha dining room has been th acene of many gpod fishing story from such past mas (era of the aj-t aa Harry Hoi 1 Ins. the lata Dean Sage, tha late Robert Ooelet, the Rev. W. 8. Ralneford and tha late Dean Hoffman. Among others who ar now, or have been, member of thla famous club, ar William K. Vander- bilt, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Henry W. Ik forest, Philip- Schuyler, Henry, T. Sloan, . Stanford Whit. Arthur . D. Weekes, William E. Dodg. Robert Q. Dun, 8. Weir Mitchell, John S. 8. Ken nedy. John I Cadwalader and William U Breex. , Voluminous Seeds. It would require a pretty large chesf. to hold ail the title deed In virtu of which the Rastlgouch Salmon club exercise Its fishing rights. . It Is la terestlng to note that for tha New Brunswick aid of Tom's - Brook and Indian House posts, th sum of 17,(00 waa paid In 1885, while th Quebec alda of the Indian House property, all th way down to about one mile below Tom's Brook, cost 135,000 In 18. . Yst In 1880 8.-and J. Wllmot bought th same prop erty for H.500... Th rfieTeaa in its value -was thus 1,100 per cent In 15 years. - The Patapedlav pools war ao quired by the club in 1894 for $15,000, the sellers, having paid $1,000 for them in 1881 to the resident -proprietors. High priced have- alao been paid for salmon fishing on th-Rastlgouch by Individual American aportsmen. In 1S0 the lat Robert Ooelet : pur chased the Moor property, about alz miles from . Metatedla on th. Quebec side of the Restlgouch. for 110.000. Yet he fished- this water, which 1 about three-quarters of a mile in extent, only on, two occasions, and then with poor success, aa th owner of th opposite sid of th river asserted that the boundary Lin between th two province waa tha middle of tha stream, and all the belt of tha fishing; waa on the New Brunswick side of th liver. This made Mr. I Qoelet s purchss of very small value, ao fa( as fishing .was concerned. in is nr. uoeiet purcnaaea the mc Andrew property. IT mllea from Met pedis, for. $31,000. In 18(1 It coat Mr McAndrew about $1,000. - ' Tnnrease la Tala. . Th Sweeney and Dean Saga estate propertles at ta mouth of th Upaal quitch, seven miles from Mstapedls, were originally purchased from resident proprietor between 1880 and IKS for about. (5.000. Tha Sweeney lot r are now held by Mr. Payn of .Cleveland, who paid $$(.000 for them In 1191. The late Dean Sax aold part of his rights on tha New Brunswick- side- to his f rtend,-MT7 Clyde of . New York, for $7,000. Harry Holllns became tha pro prietor som 10 year ago of the Brandy Brook pool and neighboring waters, pay- lng $15,000 for them. For tha Kedgwlck pools at the mouth of tha rivet where it enters the Reetl gouche, arid for aom of. the atlll lower pool ArcniDaa . Rogers or New Torn paid $7,800 a few years ago, and they could not now be bought for $70,000. In addition to the main clubhouses of theRestfgouche Salmon club, ita mem bera have at their dlsposel a number of comfortable ubldiary camps In .dif ferent parta of their territory. Bo far thla aeaaon che aport haa been far from good, though better aport la looked for later, the season being , late, and th fleh scaro and small. - - While Billy -Florence almost alwaya did his salmon fishing- In the Restl- gouche, Joe- Jefferson's favorite .. river was tha MlramichL Bcaroely 'second In Importanc to th Reatlgouch la tha Cascapedls, It is probable that th provincial govern ment could eaally obtain a quarter of a million dollar for' Its fishing rights In this lamoua stream. For a portion of them it receives $(.500. a year from th cascapedla Salmon club. Oasoapedla Pools, No finer pool, no better flahlng and no larger salmon are to be found In North America than those of tha Cas eapedta. It has been fished by nearly all th recent governors-genersl of Canada, and the Marqula of Lome, now Duke of Argyll, who frequently flahed it with hla wife, princess Louise, de clared It to ba the finer salmon river In the world. It contains no fewer than 19 splendid salmon pools. In one season Lord Lnsdnwne and his party killed In ths river (10 salmon. weighing 7.177 pounds, and on the fol lowing year Lord Stanley of Preston. now the Ear of Derby, and hla party killed 100 fish, weighing; 7.811 pounds. It was on this rlver that R. O. Dunn en tertained President Arthur, and the rec ord fish of American fresh water, a aalmon of (4 pounds, is said to have been among one of Mr. Dunn' catches upon tha Cascapedta. Very valuable salmon rivers. Includ ing the Waaheshoo, portion of th Neplagutt and th Molaler for th leas of which thoaaands of dollars have been paid during; A alnaie year, are owned outright by I vers W. Adams of RQston. Mr Adama Is at present fishing tha Moist himself. In company with Dr. Heber Bishop of Boston, , Senator Aid rich and Henry R. Reed of Boston. Enormous salmon are captured In the Molsle, hundreds of them every year Tha Washeshoo la leased by Mr .Adams to a New York friend for $t,00fl a year. James J. Hill pays $3,000 a - year rental to the government for th leas of th Bt. John river In Labrador, and It distance from Quebeo render it al most necessary to employ a steam yaeht to reach it . He la also ths lessee of the St Paul or Esquimaux river. V . The Bonaventure Salmon club, com posed almost exclusively of Americans. pays $1,000 a yesr for the lesse of a portion of tha river Bonaventure. The St Anne dea Monta brings an annual cental of $1,600 a year.. U. F. . Mo- KNdDV TTDW LPDJTTDJDSLf? 3 U DA H B BRN I CLAIRVOYANT QUE $10 Complete Life Readings M THIS WOEK ONUV 1 :' London's most famous palmist and clairvoyant la acknowledged by preaa and public, the greatest living DBAS TBABOB BCZDItrid. ' ; , Bh tells what you cam for before you utter, a word; does not ask questions. No matter what your trouble may be. Call and ah will guide you with a certainty higher than human power. ; DEAD TRANCE MEDIUM 1 1 TEB OBXT ADEPT Or KZBTDOO OOOTJXT arTBTXRrTKR PBAOTICIRTOr TM ARtRBIOA AT TRTX PBZSBRTT. Shsy holds diplomss from the 4FOOTJXT OOUBOB OP IBDIA) also Of &ORTBOBT, BBCtaVARTD, AID A MX RU GA W BXSBABCX BOCIBTT. These are open for Inspection of publio at all time. BTJDAJK BKBRTIQTB la today probably th on being of Caucasian blood .who can command th' occult Intelligence, and th first alien to be thoroughly Initiated into the mysteries of th Mahatmaa. SBR STARTS! AX.OSTB, pos sessing POBCB, A POWZB, A QITT, call it what you will, that no one can explain. ItUl TOTJ WBRT ARTS WKORf TOV WILL XIRRT. "Born With a Double Veil Educated in Occult Science In Egypt and India. : Tha Tailed PrOpheteaa. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, th poetess saya: "Buduh Bernlqu saved m serious mistakes. Bh I a marvel among men end woman." "Budah Bernlque 1 th but and cleverest clair voyant in th lty." Chi cago Record-Herald of April IL . William J. Bryan saya: "Budah Bernlque la the Freateet aclentlat In her ine. She haa thoroughly convinced ma." It may be ef vital Interest ta yon to know the oateom. of (oar prosent distress. Th hpp1nrs ef your 1 otnrs 11 f may depend tpon the right solution aad proeer advice. . There are no mistakes ta tha predictions mad. by tha great and wonderful ded trance medium. Too may wtak to know If It I advisehle to auks S chance la buslneaa., -la love, tn marriage. "".ball I eerceed hi say new andertaklngP' ' "Can I obtain my hopes; my wlahee, my ambi tions r' 'Shall I ever enjoy tbe raxartas ef wealth?" Ta I tro.t my frtadr "Have I enrmleal" "Wbea sbsll I marryr "Bow often aba II I marry F "FbIl I eret be divorced" ' . .. - tor another ebve Iks love that rlgbtfally be-, lonxs ta met" . . . . . "If so, wbnmr .. "Am I lovrd In rehrtnt" , ' '. "is there e rlvl In my VrveF ' "Whra ebsll my love affair tarmlaete ta mT rlagel" "When ha!1 mv domestic trsnbles ftd V -'How can I make my life aad borne happy F 1W all my absent frlrnd ratarnt". "When sbsll mv "Why do I ant twelve a letterF1 "Bbonld I invent mv monayr' la my dlsrsae rursbl T" Khali I win my lawsoltt" - with this wonder fnl 'tomorrow never comae. Connael today medium, for 't Don't lose hop until you hav tried thla great and lasting help. Thla Strang and wonderful woman Ja gradually but aurely turning tha tide of skanticlsm. Ordained to do whAt . aha doea, her marveloua achievement dainonatrated in your preeence while you look, lis ten and wonder. , ; $ 1.00-43REAT REDUCTION $ 1 .00 Readings by Mail $1. Send Date of Birth; Departed Friend's Name. Six Questions ; .. wv-- ' OFFICE HOURS 10 A. M. TO S PV laV- SUNDAY AND DAILY.- ' -. 2914 MORRISON MRECr, CORNEH FIFTH STREET Bam Floor of Boston, Dental Parlorav A S10 Reading for 50c GREAT CROWDS GATHER nOT. FAR OORTLARD. The Xaa Wk Kysttflad Xambera ef the Ore. gea 9vlopmat ' Leaga ea Taaraday -,, Ivenlag. f . ' la order to better advertise hhnaelf, and that all -Portland amy be eognlaant of bis mysterious power, Frot. Van- Cortland will, for a . abort time, treat every visitor to eae ef hla famous $10 readings for tbe trifling earn of BO cents. "On tbk (so ef tbi greea earth," mea versed in sock , matters say, "there is not aa equal to this wonderful aatrologer, palmtat and clairvoyant. Ba la limply beyond eompare. and pereons who desire to know their tutor or anything appertaining thereto, are foolish, indeed, te dwell en In darkaeea-whea all eaa be made clear to them by thla myatertona indi vidual, Tbe world bold ao seeret from him. There Is something about" hla that pnssle na." Prof. Fas Cortland haa been ea kandreda ef tnngne la tble city (lace Thursday evening. Ibe delecatlon Of the Oreeoe Imorovemant Leairae delegate erbo called upon, biro, and who beard snrh myaterioas thins from bt cnltl. Vktrd llpe, have spread tbe man fame abroad ntll now maa and women In all walk of lit ere anilone to bear what be ba for tbem. Tb bead ef a large basin concern had the pro fi ssor at blabome laat evening, end today wa aha pin eoow of hla Important baalnese'affalre Bccordlac to hla advloa. Persona In trouble of any nature; In any also perplexed; who desire the love or the friendship of any on; who would know the proper psraoa to marry; who have loot nrooertu who have Jewelrr that baa zbnnd ita way wronefnlly Into other hands, or who wish Information or any cnareeter wnatever, To hear tna worda of Tntk - as toU by thin wonderful worjuuh, whoa xwrelatirrihB of tha futur ar Bothlxs; short of th most mlranr lona assertions ere rv toad by any humaat Tha viaioa ' of akeptioal wiped away, one thy hear for thexnv s elves tha traa word of a trna aad honest woxoaa who,' without coat, la wtU InaT to aid all mankind and reveal to thexa thalR future. '..- "bay so to th professor with confidence that be will treat tnem witn aoneaty of purpose cad will tell tbem more than they ever dreamed it would be possible te tell by other human lire. Ana yi, t Bsor periectiy aaverua blmaelf, . . . , His Readings Arc Only 50c ; Parlors 313i Washington Street; Near Sixth. ; Entrance also on Sixth. . Lachltn cava 1100 a year for the Dart mouth. ' The fit. John'a Salmon club of Boaton paya $700 per annum for tha St. John'a of Oaape, and Thomas Murdock of Chicago paya $050 a year for tna xork river. Befuaee 9100,000. Loula Cabot of Boston owns the en' tire lower part of the Orand River of Oa pe, w her thabest-flshlng la to be had In the stream, and though It cost him a mere trifle he has refused for tt an offer of nearly $100,000. Though not very large, aa aalmon rivers go. It la on of th most picturesque tn the country and contains very large risn, salmon between $0 and 40 pounds In weight being common In It.. The lease or purchase of fishing rights Is of course only the beginning of the salmon. flsherman'BejOutlay. Un less h is satisfied to live In tents, a camD la required. Lord Mountfltephemra fishing lodge at Metis cost him $4,000. Many anglera are satisfied with more moderate quar ters, however. There are canoe to be provided, too, and experienced guides, cooks, ete., ar necessary to comfort both in camp and upon tha river. There la also tha ques tion of supplies' and of transporting them from Quebeo or Montreal to tha fishing camp And th salmon -fishers angling out fit may b aa expensive aa he cares to mske It. The files are worth from 80 carta to $1.1$ each, and good casting; tnea, strong enough to hold the king of fresh wster fish, cost from $4 to $7 apiece. Rods, reels and Itnea command equally high prices. Unless the fish are extremely plenti ful. It Is not too much to say that tha salmon taken by anglera costs . them from $t to $3$ a pound. . TJBlOsT.OP CKTJBCKIS. From the Pendleton Kast Oregonlan. The East Oregonlan s Ideal of relig ious worship Is now being carried out in Pendleton. -The seven ' protestant churches have united In a aerie of union meetings, and win hold tha serv ices at tha different churches on differ ent nights. This Is the true Christian spirit that, which underlies all the teachings of th Naxarene and th Only on that ran allow of th fullest realisa tion of Christian Ideals. Thar I no mor need of seven different churches In anr community than ther ia need for seven Oods in heaven. Prom a religious, social, economlo end scriptural . stand point, union of the present scattered creed Is th only logical solution of tha problem.. . ' v Cape to Cairo Ballway, From tha London Chronicle. Th British South Africa company Baa .received information that tha Cap CLAIRVOYANCE KNOW YOUR FUTURE Shalt You Be Rich or Poor. Happy-or Sad? CALL TODAY OIN PROF. PALMER (wavrmin from nrsLA.) The beet and present read Immediately like a book. Whatever yoor trouble buslneaa, love or eetransed friends tell this wonderful men snd be will instantly nip To. Isxt Jewelry reenverrd. Business advice glvtn. Invariably ran trll yo la any matter. whether you will win or Ice. Tour tacky day perlfled. Tall today. There I no time to haw if yos want pmapeiity and happtneae. Brlns; this Coupon Bad ret $3.00 Reading for 25c. The address let PROP. PALMER Offices 1 and B, The Cosmo, corner Fourth and Morrison street. to Cairo railroad haa been brought up to Victoria tails th line now stretch ing a distance of over 1,000 mile from Cap Town. Th sections of tha hug single-span bride;, which la to carry th railway accroaa to the falls, ar now on their way out from England. and It la expected that the structure will be completed before th end of thra year. Meanwhile, th lln will h taken 100 mliee farther north, to Kaiomo . the headquarter of tha administration of Northwest Khodeelv XI Favorite. From th Chicago New. "Will you play Tubs In the CornvrT' timidly asked the new boy In tha neigh borhood. , "Ah, ait put," reptled the other boy, curling hi lip. Thaf too silly. But I'll play 'Bulls In Corner.' My father la a broker." . ; - 1 I 1 . t 1l''v.:'Al. a ' - 1 M .; Brinthli Coupon and get a Reading for Half Price niSS WARDEL. THE OREAT NATURAL CLAIRVOYANT. Would yo know your future, and wbet this bay world holds good er bad for yo knew It correctly and truthfully. If ao, go where the truth ean be, and la, told by one wa Is naturally gifted with the power of revealing tbe future of the human rare. ' Mlae Wardel, tbe great natural elalrvoyaat, will reveal your peat, present and future; bee words will aatonlsh and enllxbtea too. aa ell as pranar yon for tb futnre life. Tbar.ia aothliuc J'fakr" a boot th work of thla lad whatever.- Every tbtna bt and bove board ho fre Is 1 rkarxed where h due not sattsfr ber ealtae. Batlafectloa th first tbonxbt ef this rhsrmlns Isdy, whom ao mat 7 are Irarnlng to b sod severeae for the truthful and enlightening word of wledora ajie ba attered In their behalf. Why' not know tbyarlf aad tha future t Not tomorrow, but today. Now le the accepted " time. everything strictly confidential. Office hours: 10 a. m, to B p. m., daily. , MISS VIRGINIA. WARDEL SO. ST Otumo Building, Fourth and Morrison Btreata. ' Offt N. Cbou Re. Mood lara. Appointmenu eaa ee msoe ey peon. aad R. -J. L-i-l- , Jj n rrrrrrrrt T.Trrrrrrrrrr YvrrrrrrrrvtrnTrrrm q! WHY DO YOU SUFFER $8? WHEN The Great Chinese Doctor C. GEE WO can cur you of any aliment by hla powerful and harm- Tj leaa Chlnea herb and roota, which ar unknown to Zj medical scleno of thl country. Hla wonderful cure TJ throughout th U. 8. alone tell th story. Thousands of ZJ people are thankful to him for savins; their Uvea 5 . WITHOUT OPERATIQNS. Then why let yourself suffer? Thla famous doctor knowa th actios Zj of over 500 different remedies that he haa auccessfully used In different diseases. f Th following tMtimonlala from well-known people tell ef tha woxv i derful curativ powers of nature's own roota and herb. ' Mr. Conrad Craft, 184 Bherman street, oured of indigestion of th stomach and liver trouble of years standing. After taklnsj nix week' , J treatment of Dr. C. Oe Wo'a medicine J was entirely cured and am now J a well and strong man. ef Mlsa Helen Bnberg. $0 Vancouver avenue, city, suffered many years) w with dyspepsia of the stomach and lung trouble, and waa said by the doc w tor to havs Incurable consumption. I am thankful to nay, after five gj month treatment of Ir. C. Gee Wo' rem ed lee. I hav fully regained my a health and strength. I recommend all that ar sick to go and him, y Saved from operation: Mrs. Theresa George, 705 Fourth street, city -I have suffered from Inflammation of th womb and ovaries and female y weakness, and tried many doctors, but all said I would die If 1 did not have an operation. I tried Dr. C. Oe Wo' a remedies as my laat resource, y and sm thankful to say that after four month'e treatment I waa entirely & cured. - er H guarantee to eur Catarrh, Asthma, Liver, Kldny, Luna Trouble, y le Rheumatism, Nervousnees, Stomach, Femal Trouble and all prlvat die- r ". . . .. yfunnrecj or tee-timoniaia. cuarges moaerata 11 yon are sick who .y any of th above ailment, then call and aee him. ef Consultation free. .... v Patient out of th city write for blank circular. Inclos Id stamp, - Address .... ' er The C Gee Wo Chinese Hedidne Co 2 253 Alder Street, corner of Third. PORTLAND, OREGON " UXJLttXlltA 1 1 lltAtlt t UiUU 1 1 1 1 It t tfJUttrttttttFttt.j JOURNAL VANT ADS PAY r -I