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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1904)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL',' PORTLAND. SUNDAY " MORNING. 'AUGUST 7. 1904. ' ' If JL The Journal Want Columns RATES I ' On time. 8e a line. On wnk T insertions, Includ- lng riundny Issue). 26o a, Una. Om month (Including Sunday Issues), 76c a line. Classified advertlserqenta era payable In advance; minimum charge 15c. "Help Wanted" and "Situations Wanted" advertlse menta are published on time free of cnara-e. Advertisements must be In by It o'clock noon for the dally Is sues, and JO o'clock Saturday evening for the Sunday Issues. PROPOSALS. ' THE Board of School Trust of the Episcopal , Chorea sre deetroue of selling tbe following Sn properne without r-crre : ' Bkck 1IM. Owen, bnondwl by Waahlngton, Couch. Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. One hlnrk ef land ea Nineteenth street, nesr , Washington, ago which tbe Bishop Scott , acsdrmy ataade; r might leaae for three or " Its years. , These properties are ef eery attract! re char ., acter and tbe locatloaa are suitable for ' hotel purpose. - . . Bids will be received by tbe underalgned. 'FREDERICK T0WMJ61'. Sir Commercial bit. Treasurer. r : HOTICT. notice of stockholders' meeting or ' THB ARIZONA GOLD MINING COMPANY. , Notic la hereby , gtrea that a meeting of the stockholder will be' held ea tbe Sth day ef Auguat.. 1K04. at 7:80 p. ., at the Oregon .Mining Exchange. Chamber of Coainerca build log. Portlaad, Oregon. ' W. T. PERRY. Secretary. F. L. P1CKTHOKN. VIce-PreeldeBt. . KELP WANTED MALB. . THB WESTERN EMPIAYMKNT BfRKAU. 228 Third at. Phon Mala 1510. . BOO hop picker wanted: enow at once and register. We have made arrangements with ' me ef the beat bop fields In Oregca and fc Wsshlngfoa. Registration fnr bop pickers la SOc per bead. We want reglatratkia from those wbo only Mean to pick bona when they go oat and not to frolic. Wanted, ft cooks, a waitress., man and wtfs fnr ranch. 11 . house gtrla. atan for dry gonde poaltloa for eaatera Ore son, drug clerk tor eastern Idaho. " If yon want any help foe. fall work eme . and register, at enee. We are registering from 25 to SO people dally for all kinds of position. : . WANT 1,000 bop pickers la famlllaa for beet ,. yards ra Willamette valler; aasoclatloe pdces: eimrakia ratea. We are headquarters lor eon pickers; -come early end secure tbe beet places In early yards: reslater here for i clerical positions; the only office la the northwest that sells good clerical and com mercial positions. Bookkeepers, clerks, ealee- bmq, private seeretartra. eivtl and mechanical engineers, firemen, electrlclsns, draugbar, bmb. etc. We want lots of kelp; come and aee na ana we win locate you. EAGLE KMPIiOYMENT BUREATT. i Ooodnough Block. Phone Mala 4t, WANTED BT BIO 4 EMPLOYMENT ... . AOESCT :,-r- -"- At TS" Worth Second Street." Iaralmr cams laborers, fallera. barkers, cord wood cuttcra and all klnda of help. OpegJ auntuiji. imn nam do- hi , 1. C Wllklosoa and Frank A. Sweeny. BARBER trade taucht by ear new method. - which enables student to earn wages while lea mine. Call or addrfea for free cataloeue. AMRKfOAN BARBER COLLEOB CO.. Mo. North Blxth at. SKILLED AND UNSKILLED LABOB Of all descriptions, promptly supplied. Free of -1 coarse to empiovera.. HANRKN'R EMPLOYMBNT OmCB M North Second street. Bear Bursal de. MEN WANTED To learn barber trade: special . offer; positions secured: constant practice and expert Inatructlon; catalogue mailed free. atoier.ayacem uoiiege, bob rTanciece. mu MEN wanted, to read the "Male Hem Wanted" advertisements; you'll alwars And s somber ,i geoa openings a moos mem. TWO grwd bustlera raa make from H to S3 a oay; can a c x.iek Morrison bl. KXLB WABTED mCAlX ond girl, good place, $10; 40 jrlria for bouse . work, good places, etty and Reaalde; woman eook. S'to; pantry airla; uptsalrs rlrl. . EAGLE EMhLOYMBNT BUREAU. H Ooodnough Block. . Phone Mala 40S. GIRMtl Keen Tour ere on Journal want col amna; what you want la very likely adver tised In these eolnmaa today; read them earcruiiy. - COI'RSES of study for young ladies tn designing snd srt; esrnlng power developed la four BMMitDS, terms low, u. journal. . GIRL for general honaework J. 123 North Eighteenth at. two la family. WANTED A- yejong girl to aai stat- la general Bouaewers. buz Clay at. BTTTATIOVS WABTXB MALE, WANTED By a ma a with 10 years' experience la railroad office would like a poaltloa la ua city. Aoaresa si. ll, jourBai. WANTED By aa eaatera man. poaltloa aa city or traveling aalraaian; clears er specialty une. Aoaresa u. jo, joutbsi. SOBER yoang man, eapealswed In care and rnnning macblnery,-, wanta altaatloa. If. XI, Jooraal, GENERAL honae cleaning and an kinds ef Jan itor work. N. 13, The Journal. srruATiowi wabtbj rat axe. SITUATION wanted: yonng girl ef IS would . like poaltloa In atore or some thing similar. Phone Mala SOTS. . aairaorMzxT agencies. WORK wanted for .mala 'and female help, any race, nationality or religion, union or not; la city,, . country, farm, awrantaln, oeeaa reenru. ramp, boats, mllla: want baker and help range work, oceaa hotel. $40; farm hand; waitress, eoaat. $21); domeatlca, cooka, wait resses, chambermaid tflembtnatloa). Bee Draks, X WaahliVtoa at.. Clay 44S. WILLAMETTB Kmploymsnt Beal Batata Co.. , 18$ Morrleoa aad TS North BUtA; largaet and best Hat ef reel estste sad labor ea ' Pad So eeaeti Bull orders solicited. HELP ef an descriptions funrlsbed sawarllla, losglag ramps, fartertea, free ta ampleysra. Alpine Employment Aaeaey. Bear Morrleoa, lal rirst St. fhoae Mala 1B1T. W E turnlah aD klnda ef mala help ea abort aotlcm. WILLIAMS ft ROT-BTf. ed 1S1. SOS Nsrth Secoed at. ' MALE helpof all descriptions for all Industrie rmptlr aapplled free of charge to employers. R BAKSEN, Jr H M. Beeond at. Pheae Mala lSSS. , LADIEB Positions aecured and female help , furnished. Tbe Oreeoa Woman's Enrploy- svnt Ateaey, SOS Auaky building. tboae Clay ant. AMERICAN Employment Ajrenrr. Hela of all klnda furnlahed on short notice; mall ordere promptly attended to. 28 N. Id at Mala Silt. aOB LA DIRS ONLY. - - f'ORTLAND Womea'a Employ meat Cempenv, si Allaky. cor. $d aad Morrtsoa. Red SORT. JAPANRSB gmpwyamat Agency fitralabee k Bieatlaa. fareihaeds. eta. at Morth gifts sC Pheae Oay 60S. . riONEBB BMPLOYMENT O0.-Labor eentrae. tors; help free ss eawloyere. SIS Morrisea, Hi: LP wanted and enrplled. male or female. K. O. liKAKB. SnSH Waahlncton St., CUy 44S WORK for stew, owe for work. HANSEN'S Or-PICB. SS North Seeoad a. WANTED MISCZLLASTEOTB. AN ADVERTISEMENT tike Hi la la Journal want columns coat S cents a line each Insertion. It te ' sttracilve and reaches tbe people yea waat te reach. Try oael I WANTPO Te buy for eeatl, peane. la good enndltlnOl Miwl he ehAtn. . i llliM. K f JouraeL . . WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To let roe know that advertleloi rr recant rooms la Journal want columns the ealeaf'and quickest way to flna de sirable ecrupaaUi IS cent paya far 21 words. HOl'SES TO RENT We have a n amber tf nnilccttona ft- house of all kinds, MAKER KKAL EMTATK 1(1, ' Honoi W Chamber ef Commerce. WA.NTK By young married couple, without .children, 2 fiirnlalud room for housekeeping In private family. F. 1H, Journal. WANTED S to T room flat, anfurnlabed, neat and aiedern; miiat be close la; no eblldien. N. IS. Journal office. WANTED II maekeeplng rooms; give full par ticular and terma; muat be permanent, B. 2. Journal. . WANTED To re at borae and wagon for light wort; arete price. Addr a. so, journal WANTI Office or deak ro a; ground floor preferred. - N. 20, Journal.. IB ROOM , bouaa, '. aafurnaibed. .- Pheae Mala WAsTTZD mZAl EBTATX. WANTEI To buy from owner, a small dairy. rrnit or poultry rarm: giro mi aeacnptioa. Address A IS. care Jonraat rOl BXITT HOBBEKEXraiS BOOatBt . 1 TS PER Wi.KK Irr. eleaa. faranhed Konaetaeping reosa, wita nee er lauanry. aetn, pbaae; also cheap furalaned eotngee. J. Laadlgaa. 14 Bharmaa. fhoae Clay BUS. . fH WARniNGTOM" at., nice anfurnlabed ultra for llaht nnoacteeplng; alao ruralahed hiHisriieenlng raltes and alngle rooms; very, reasonable. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooma la all parts el tne city. Head wis eiaasiacauoa u you are looking fur aomo. WANTED To rent modera bouse of to 10 rooms In" good locality on wast side .Ad' dress D 4, Journal. THRKB apatalra rooms furnlahed for booee- repine. iz.uo; eeparate eatranre. los Aorta Twelfth at. THB Templetia, tnH 1st St.. nicely furnlahed hoaaekeeplng and alngle rooma: reasonable. 8ft Sink, 'nicely furnished fcoaelrernlna; apart ments; ngat irom rooms, u. intaiy, i-rop. CI IETOM. ear. lat and CnlumbUl Ins eutteu: reaaeaahie prini. FOB BEVT TTb: iVwHED BOOMS. THE PAIRMOUNT, 19 H North Sixth, near Burnslds. half block north of poatofHce, 8 blocks sooth of depot Yoa can get rooms la this elegantly furnished, new. atram-heated building at reaeonable rates, furnlahed or anfurnlabed. etnsle or ea suits, hot and cold running water te rooma. electric Ushta, por re la in hatha, phone; tourlat and tranalent trade aolldted. Mrs. B. E. Cartwrlgbt, proprtetrese. "THE LINCOLN, 40 Morrison, - cor. 1Mb New brick, elegant, furnished, auuuy rouejs; all amdera conveniences; tourists snd travel .- log aaea aolldted. Mrs. T. D. Hughes, Prop. RIVERSIDE HOTELMS East Oak. Fnrntahed and anfurnlabed rooma. alngle and ea anlte; lodging, $1 per week and up. Phone Scott '84. S ROOMS for rent Ir men: new house; private family; bath and telephone: breakfaat for matted If deal red. 188 North Eighteenth. flBNISHED room adh la Journal want enl nmns bring results; 11 word for IS cent fcv tbe rate. Have yoa any roomal FrRNIhHEP-rooms. reatanrarSk in connection; moderate terma: Sundar dinner best In city, SS rent. 232 Russell St. rTRNIEHED rooms for rent; large front parlor: zr5 Fifth at., cor. Madlaon. Alao room and board. . . THB TEMPLE Large, nicely furnlahed rooms reasonable. $4 Ytmbill aU oor SeTanth. NICELY fnrntalhed rooms within four blocks Portland hotel. 1HS Tenth at. rt'KNIgtlED front alcove room far gentleman, SOI Weat Park St. . . . . X NICELY furnished front room, private family. 204 Eleventh at. t'INB reotns, camfoctably fnrolebcd, S01 Tenth corner jaymr. JOB BENT TJNnrBNIB HID BOOMS. 40 HALL St.. September 1. S un furnlahed connect I te upper moms for two: sink, pantry, Urge closet, porches, view,. An location; invesiigsie; rererencea. ..... L'NPCRNIHHKD rodm suitable for office: alao furnlahed rooms at 107 First St.; Inquire room a, - FOB BENT HOUSES. FOR RENT R-room cottage, with basement and yard; S8T Kelson St.; Take Best Ankeny ; and Twenty-eisbth at. car: get off at Kelson wslk one block, inquire 830 next oior. A OOOD home Is slwsve a source of pleasure; many alee bouses that will make good homes are constantly advertised In Journal want columns. Are yoa rooking lor oner RENTAL AGENCY of J. L. Wells Co.. 4 , Grand are. W make a epeoialty of rearing houaea and collecting on eaat alda; charge resaoBSDie. t-nooe unioa aeo. ' 4 NEW. modern. S-room konare on the east side. 1b a good location. $10. $21. $211. Irt- ' quire ef 11 art man, Tnompeoa at Irowera, - S, . Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Omvenlent S-room modem house, M Pourth st., Bouth, $10; newly papered. TeL Hood 6T. FOB rent or sale, loll Williams svenoe. S-room bouse, sll moriera (OBvenleBcea. Apply Jobs Bsls. 224 Stark at. FOt'R room bouse for rent;- 4 lota In fruit! rent an. izzi Miiwanne. 'FOB BEBT-omOl BOOM, NEWLY famished lodge balls; also office for rent. Allaky bldg.. Third and Momsoa. ' FOB BEBT IXATS.' FOR BENT A aewly furnlahed S-room flat, 4S4 Bnrnslde, cor. urn. FOB BENT FURNISHED HOUSES. COMPLETELY furnlahed S-room cottage, fully modern; range and gas aiove. 447 Mat uavia. BOOMS WITH B0ABB. SIX summer boarders ran eeeure flrst-elaaa accommodatkina at country borne, one hour's ride from city; references. , Address "W," Barlow, Or. BOOM and board In private family. $d per week; clean ana nomeiise. dot r our tecum it., vior. Mill st. BOARD with rooms, well furnt'bed: modera eonveamnrea; Ubkt eosro. zzi IBtrteeau at. XLEOANT furnished room snd cheap board yoa will ana at ens nooa at. . FOB BEBT STORES. OOOD store room near railroad track: slao good barn. Western reed reel Co., 1M North Fifth at. STORB at 24s4 Alder at., near Third. Inquire 241 Alder. FOB SALE HORSES AND 0ABBIA0EB. FOR SALE On ef tbe finest rig ia town. suitable for .a doctor or rsmlly; reasonable price. Apply K. IS, Journal. TOtT CAN sell roar boree or wsron by adver tiamg it la Jooraal Want Columns; try them; 21 word for 18 cents. .. TEAM for sale; weight S.SOO Ihs.t S and $ year old. Portland Furl Co., 8.14 Water at FOB SALE LIVESTOCX. A COW. 4 years old, very gentle, milk the rear arr.und. 4 gallona a day when -freah; rich milk; .for sale on account ef alrkneaa. Inqulis st ln70 Inua avenue, North. FOB BALK HOUSES ABO LOTS. FOB SALE A 7 -room bona with 3 Iota, corner; cars; fruit tree. Price $1 (100, 8 lots at Woodtawa, Soilim. $111 ea.h. , 14 Iota near Montavllla car line. $.10 eech. Eunlre st $ey Going at . Hlghlaad. L. F. Cbrlttlaa, ewaer, C0 Going at, Joernial Branch For the convenience of its patrons The Journal has established Branch Offices where' "WANT" Advertisements may be left at regular office rates. - Leave an ad. at any of the following places before 11 o'clock in the morning and it will appear in The Journal of the same day. For The Sunday Journal, "WANT" Ads. will be received until 9 o'clock Saturday night: iromTX. R. A. Preaton, druggist, Ud and Thur- man atreete. Nob Hill Pharmacy, 680 QUaan street. corner 21st, A. W. Allen, pharmacist, Kth and Mar shall streets. R. B. Jacka. confectionery, 00 Wash ington street, corner xsth. - aoirTx; B. F. Jones A Co., drugglats, Front And ' Otbbs treats. Cottel Drug Co First And Grant streets. Remember, it costs you no ; -v.':.. v' ; Tw TOR SAX I REAL X1TATB. HOW much eaah will yoa give for my tot S aad SOT They join end to end block 6, Portamouth Villa, extended; title perfect with clause forever prohibiting aalooa for miles around: It it high, healthy ground, read 7 . for building; ea water malna; ' among new houaea, schools, churches. Bulls, phone, Co lumbia University, electric , cars, S. cents to St Johns and all over Portland; reference. A. J. F. Holman. phone Scott 50OA; lives near lots. Write bos IB. Stevenson. Wash. ' FOB BALK. A MODERN T-ronm bouse, corner lot 100 feet aqusrs; alley la rear, at VUverslty Park; 2 block front pew-elty park; Lblork from new (treat car line. $750 cash, balance oa time to salt purchaser. Call oa owner. SIS Chamber of Commerce, for terms and sea photo of pram lass. STOP paving rest: own year own borne. see this; 0 room new eottsge. r towers, games; $H50; $10o down, monthly payment. S-room cottar: chicken boose; garden; $100 down, monthly- payments, (-room modera, new house: bath; beautiful wells; garden, flower ; carpets If desired; terma. S am II farm. S and IS scree; 10c ear far; costs, ctilrkens. geese, cows; new barn. Phon Union 43S1. A NICB HOMB. T lota with B-room bouse; fruit tree; . muat sell en account Irk nee. Price . , $1.4110: term to suit. Address P. IS, csr -of JouruaL FOR SALE seres oa the O. W. P. car line; 10 cent car fare: will sell cheep If tsken soon: yoa can make your own terma; get off at Gates' crossing; enquire at first boo, oath. Thl Is a snap. . ' CHOICE HOOD RIVER ' FARM.' GOOD HOMB AT CORVALLIS CHEAP. HOUSE AND LOTS AT ST. JOHNS. Room S Chamber of Commerce. PROPERTY OWNERM If yoa have any prop, erty for sale, advertise It la these columns. Journal Want Ads are greet real aetata aa lee men : 21 word for IS cent. ...... FOR SALE Three S room cottages with base, ment and yard;, sood eondltlnp: renting for i4.m month; aay lermaL ei,4W eaca. n 47, Journal. . RELINQUISHMENT on ' ISO acres land near i.j IP, vraan. ; sooa two-room oonee; roou well; snoot tw seres fenced. N. 10, Journal. FOR farm, acreege, city property, choice tim ber aad Homes teed locations, see Marwsb A Co.. SIS Ablogtoa bldg.. Portland. Ore. T-ROOM cottage. No. S64 Corbett at., with Sne . orchard; lot soxioo feet; rent $10 per month. Inquire Frank Hacheney, 640 Corbett at FOR SALE Modera 12-roem houae, lecrrle lighted; city water; with S acre land, bars ana vu mill tree. J. zi, car Journal. FOR SALB. II BOO S-room cottar. S lota lOOx 10S test, 1 block eaat of Wnodlawa car. Ia . qulr at boa, 884 Bhaver at. 80-acr Improved farm for sale; stock, etc. Particular, sddress C W. Stephens, Clarke, Oregon, Clsckamas county. Nf.'W modern S-room hones snd 4-room cot tare. till SkHmire St., or phone Scott SU62, Owner Boms an oay. A SNAP 4-room honae; bath room and pantry: full basement. Sne lawn; must Bell. Address H. 20,- JournaL FOR RALE S-rnora modern boose: 50x100 lot; 1.101 Twelfth st, Weodlawn; price $1,890. B. Farrinrton. FOB BALK FABMSv TS ACRES Al land, slightly rolling on .county road; some clear land; smsll bouse and barn; - rood nelghhorbood; 4 mile to store and P. 0.) 20 miles from city; will trsde for good city property or sell at a fair price. 120 ACRES Al land. S miles from S good stores. P. O. snd R. R. station: will sell or exchsnce for city property in part at agreed price; 24 miles from city. ' W. W. ESI'EY, Room 1. Hamilton bldg. $1,000 go seres at Trywer. Waih.. near Tootle river. It mllea from Caatle Rock; T mike from Toledo; good soil; land lay wU; about 40 acres csn be eaatly cultivated; some fenced; rslla made to do more fencing; home a commenced: good spring near hoae. Owner, 7 Eaat Ninth, North, bet. Davla and Everett. FOR BALK FARMS Improved famia fnr sale la all parts ef Or. ' goa aod Waablngton; parmenta made a salt parchaeera. For full particulars a to vert. -' en properties apply to Wra. MacMastsr. $11 ' Worcester bids. ' FARM FOR SALE. 120 acre, SO la cultivation, good honae and barn, 4 - mllea from boat and railroad ata. - tlon. Address , . Wat. WILLIAMSON, Carroll ton. Wash. $sno ISO acre land; employment for man snd . wife1 on place; 40 acre timber land. $AO0, - 20 mllea from Portland. Add res 677, cor, Gsntenbeln ave, and Sellwood at. WOT'LD yoa like ta live on a farm T This la where many excellent farms are often ad vertised. Look for them. FOB BALK KIBCELLAJTEOUB. EWIN0 machine; 100 Sne machines slightly damaged at very low price: Singer, V. S., rooieitlc. Whit. New Horn. Olda A Bias, Wlllaaiette, Wheeler A Wllcos aad others; jom sew drop-heed machine at $20.00. 8. A Steel, S36 Morrison st, ear. it, kUrqasa bldg., Portland. Ore. THB new drop-head plain piano Snlsh Blneef la s beauty; we aiao nave some mscblnes that woodwork waa slightly dsmsged In ship ment that yoa can bey at greatly reduced prices. . THB BINOER STORE. 4"! Waahtngton at. ' Phone Main 40SS. , IN iaar tor room yoa probably have aome , thing of bo oa to yoa, but It good, and you may Jnat - aa well get cash for It bv sdvertlslng la Journal want columns; 21 word for IB cents. . A SNAP Second-hand machine of all make, at price that will atagger humanity, at the St.NtlER STORE. 402 Washington at. Phone Main 4SS8. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rant or for sale on- eaav payments. THE BRUNSWIC K BALKS C0LLENDER CO., 40 Third St., Portland. BICYCLR closing out sale; $40 Wolff-Amert-cana bow ttb. Seventh and Morrleoa at. ALL MAKES of second-hand type writers at tbe t'nderweod Typewriter Agency, SS Front st. FOR SALE 1,000 shares of Bt. Helen country mining viocsa. jappiy at. a, sournai. FOR SALE Fin roll top desk snd chair st t nargsis. awt Hooawa niag.. FOR SALE Two theroagbbred Jersey bulls. n. m, in aoarasi. SMITH PREMIER typewriter for sals cheap. liar Bisia at. 0O00 cow for sale cheap, T4S Beat Thirteenth, xajit szba. v . Tuttle's Pharmacy, IS) Mississippi ave nue, corner. Bhaver street. Mchola A Thompson. 128 Russell street, corner Alblna avenue. Jancka Drug; Co., corner Hawthorne gnd Qrand avenues.' . , -J. A. Pick, tobaccos, tH Crosby (east end steal bridge). B. F. Fulton, confectionery, f 74 B. Burn side, corner Union avenue. Ingram A Bush, tobacconists. 111 Grand avenue. more for the advertisements and you save car fare and time, by leaving your "WANTS" at The ... .V-''. .Journal's Branch Offices. ... '. '. 'i ' y Busnrxss cKAjroxs. BOOMING HOUSE HKADQtJAKTKHS. , TAFTA CO. " 'v 12S-S Ablogtoa bldg. - V Phon Mala 158. . A FEW OF OCR LEADERS. 84 BOOMS Located on Slxtk at.: rent $10 a aionth: s rears' lease: this la a first' rlaaa trar.alent houae aad la clearing from $100 ta $150 month. Price $2.4Qn. 50B00M Located near Portland hotel: k rent and good leaae; thl kmiae clear never lees the $150 a month. Price - aa.ouo. 2d BOOMS Well located: rent SSS a month: 2 rears' leaae; thl piece clear over, gitio a month, price sz.bto. IS BOOMS Extra well located: rent $70: 1 year' lease; this house clears $70 a month Price $1,500. SS ROOMS Ixicated In tbe heart ef the rlty on Waablngton at.; rent $30 a month; 2H yean' leaae; this hone NEVKR . deer lees than $200 s month. Price S3.200. .. . BOMB SMALLER ONES. S BOOMS Well located, very central: rent $30 a .month: X years' leaae. Price sroo. S ROOMS Lee led near rortlaad hotel; lo rent; the furniture . la thl house Is , FIN B snd tbs boas la strictly modera. Price $700. ROOMS Located on North Eighteenth at., rloss to Waahlngton at.; low rent Price $J0. : " T ROOMS Wall located: honae etrictlr soder: . Including furnace; rent $7.60. Trie $.126. 11 ROOMS Located Beer th Fair Ground; rent $30; 2 years' leaser rooma all oc cupied by workmen on th fair build ing Price $700. W have aamrooa others In all " parts ef th cltr. Ws can mats teaeonahle terms ea any of , toe a nova, , BUSINESS OPENINGS. RESTAUR ANT We have four A No, 1 propo- . altmna in thl line; they ell will stand the closest Investigation. WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Thia 1 a flrat-elae nlce oa th leading boat nes atreet: 1 doing a net frarl nee or per annum; win sell .at la voice. CTJRI0 STOKE Located tn the heart ef th city on Washington t. ; this place Is clearing over $260 a month NET profit: rent enlv $25 a ' month,. wlth a leaae. Price Si.oon. GBOCKBY STORB One ef tbs best Iocs ted . -snd beat paying little placee In the .. . city; recelpta better than $30 e day; nors ana wagon; win aeii at invoice. If yoa are looking for any kind of a bnalnea opening, aee aa Every . thing I thoroughly investigated : . before we offer It for aale, and nothing hot H10H CLAR8, GILT EDGED PROPOSITIONS are ae copied by aa .' Wl' WANT . A SO to 2S-room lodging bona, welt furnished . and well located; also a 40-reom om In the vicinity of the Portland hotel: ran make "ntilck aale" If satisfactory. rrr tv, . , 125-S Ablngton bldg. iogu. Third st. THB CNI0N LAND CO. 0. O. DeVere. E. H. Ahlgrea. I 234U Mnrrlsoa at. A anap; aalooa for $3,730. Cost of gxtaree Bar. $al: pool tables,, $200; piano, CW; stock. $.100; ssfe. $l.v; cah reglater, $280; table and chair. $200; two years' lease rent. $40.00; dally recelpta. $50.00. This Is ine Best chance lo s lifetime. ch ..., amo. v. i seoo. - WHi v.n,,,,, ' . , 1. U rant, $700; rooming honae, $P60: terma; room ing boos. $700; restaurant for rent, best location In town: smsll tract of land to exchange for city property; rooming home ror saoo. ran lonay. Houae and lot on time, $10 to $20 down nd from M te $10 per month without Inter est; the finest property In this dty. We will trad lot for lodging houses or furnl tnre; w bur, sell and exchange any and all kinds of property; we are la s poaltloa to Siva yoa anyming yoa want. - A GOLD placer mine, proven to he rick and almost resdv for operation, can be bought at moderate price. We deatr to form a com pany at once to purchase and operate tbla ume ana investigate ana get la with us. DAVIDSON, WARD A CO. ' 40$ Chamber of Commerce. MONEY. Merchant, attorneys, mechanics, clerks, home builders. Investor, sll rlaese. should examine our plan for cheap, easy, future losns. In Oregon, Washington and Idaho, without se curity. THB NATIONAL FINANCB , MINING A DEVELOPMENT CO. Suite 2o8 Msrqasm bldg., Portland. Oregon. A STEAM LAUNDRY, par TS per rent. A good homestead relinquishment and timber claim. A 1-8 Interest In printing company, city. -A grocery atore and rooming houaea. Room S Chamber of Commerce. STOCK of boots and shoe for sale; well eatah llebed business; reason for selling, death of proprietor; stock raa be Impacted at any time; only boot and shoe store la Beppner, Or. Geo. Comer, administrator. "BT'RINESS CHANCES" advertisements Is Journal Wsnt Columns bring big returns; It yoa want to bny or aell a bnsln, try them; SI word for IB cents. WHAT have yoa to exchange ss full payment or part payment for a llf Irnnraace policy tn oo of th largest old Ua companies I Add res M. 72. Joaraal. BESTATTRANT that will pay for Itself la one month, doing good bualnee and will hear Investigation. Cell at SSS Eaat Morruma St. FOR SALB The fnraltnre of a hotel at St. - John; enquire of D. C. Roger, with Tit la Guarantee A Trnat Co., Bt. Jobne. Or. - RESTAURANT Everything complete, and good . little, place. $2n0; $100 down, time eu bal ance. 2344 Morrleoa St. BEST newsnsner snap In Oregon- for ftO0; netted $3,000 in psst yesr; aew outnt, new building. L. 5, JournaL FARTNER wanted In aewly opened restanrsnt; Sn location and prospects; low rant. Address F. IS, car Journal. WANTED Man with $2on to Invest la money , making proposition; big money. Address C, 13, Journal. WANTED Partner with $2,300 to tag half In- - - - - 1. A i w -i . r-n n-it Oak st. FOR H1BB Schooner "Evs," to s vacetloa party; sow st- foot ef Eaat Borssldsi .squire aboard. , y TJYaTTBXDB. . J. E. Worth, pharmaolst, 181 Belmont treat. BBOOCLTir. Brooklyn Pharmacy, corner PowU and . Mllwaukl streets. - Want ads, received at the above) plaoo fo the Sunday Jonraal nntll p. a, osv Saturday area- In.... .- ' '? BUSHtlSS CHANCES. SQCABB DEAL BROKERAGE COMPANY. Pnon Mala 400. , C L. HATHAWAY. Manager. 12S Meveatb L Wl HAVB SNAPS IN ROOMING BOUSES AND RETAIL STORES. 1 Here is a chance for you. B0 WANTS A COUNTRY MBRCHAM. DISE STORBt Lot lOOxlSoi More building 25xS. full of good,, doing A business of $2,ooo a mouth, and roe can get this whole ' outfit for .......,$4.50$ A delicatessen and bom bakery, doing ale llttln business 'on oood atreet: rent $23 Price $1,250 No. 120 Hare w have a Sne 1 S-room hoq, flpely fnrnltbed with elegant furnl nltnr nd carper : thl bona baa never been offered before. Price. . .$1,250 No, 11S S room Bear tbe Medical College; Sne Turnltnre. Sne cameta! rent onlr $30; yoa can buy tola for. ........ ,.$S09 No. 112 IS rooms right In town: rent $50. Trie $015 No. 104 HERB YOD HAVB IT 40 rooma of good furniture; lease 2 years at $100 per month; la good brick build- Ine; ve-v eentrel; mi ess Hue this place for .' $3,500 Nd, 103 Id-room hoarding bona; !oee In. full of tedv boarder: voa eaa nick th peach lor...... ..$2.S0' No. SO. What do yon think of this t 31 moms of the best In town: new fur- nlture: new carpet, and wanta a new lsndtady. Price ............$1,T50 If yon went te sell your konsa, bring th location to as. We are doing lota of bnslnfa. ' ,. Fnoas Main 4080 snd ws wl.ll call ea yoa. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A ladlta straw snmner bat. Satnrda. - August t. between Waahlngton aad Mill sta. Finder pieaae return to toe journal ornc. LOST Aa account bonk, red cover, the name Frank Kublk written on It; Under please phone Scott ooro ana arrange ror so reward. SMALL boat caneht at Portland Lumber Co. room: call at night. L. G. McMahon. 148 Arunr St. i IOST Many good opportunities evary day yoa fall to read Journal Want Column. Don't miss them. TO ZXCHAXQK. WHAT yog,-have and don't want te Just what someone 1 need and can't Snd. If you'll advert! It In Journal want eolumna yoa eaa make a good trade. Try them; 21 words for jo cents. . . WANTED To trade farm la eastern Oregon tor improve: city property. Apply n. is. care ot in journal. PERSONAL. A GOLD placer mine, proven to be rick and . almost ready for operation, can be bought at moderate price. We desire to form a com. Sny at once to porches snd operate this, we and Investigate and gat la with as. DAVIDSON. WARD A CO. euS Chamber of Commerce. X RlMhUlM. MMlM a.enMU . T. at-law, penalom: War of the Rebellion, In dian wars. Act of Jua 27. 1KB0, order No. TS, wioows, caiiarea a no oepenoent relaavee, boantle, arrears, commutstlons and claim -agalnat tbe Url Boom T3m.--of Com. $5.00 WORTH of bapplnes dsn oa had by . wndlnx to the Brook Drag Co., Portland. Or., for Palmo Tablrta, th tablets that send new life to every part of your body. Price soe per box; Boies for XX BO. CHANGS OF LOCATION I .wish to inform my . pstlents snd friends that I bsvs Individually oper-d s mw office st SIS Oregonlan bldg. A. K. Devers, specialist on disc ef tbe hair and ecalp. Phon Hood 1688. CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATIONS Report made on any INDIVIDUAL, bnalnea or prop erty; books exported; beet city nfrnce. Lock Bot 274, Portland, Or SIGNOB (i. FERRARI, formerly of th Milan Opera company, teacher of voice culture, atudlo 208 Mill at., bet. Third and Fourth. TODB prescription are more accurately snd reasonably tiled at Kysell's Pharmacy. BM Morrtsoa it. bet. First and Secoad ata, PERSONAL Tour business or professional card in Journal Want Oolnmna will bring yoa holiness; 21 words for 16 cents. Try It. CATER only to th test people, specialist oa dlseeae of ths hair and scalp. Mr. B. De Vere, O0 Dekam. Phon Hood SOT. "ON a Blow Tnla Through Arkaaaaw, by Jackson: fail of foe and jkea; 25 cents, Jones' Bookstore, 201 Alder at. WANTED Interview with party owning 240 . acre near Lyona. Or. Tour addrrea Init. J. T. Buckner, 3.10 Stark. L. I have followed your' Instruction : am anxlonslr waiting; am staying ls Twelfth St. A. . MMB. H. B. Ely. derma rologi at, scalp treatment. sas m poo, aleetrle msseaga. Sll Goodaoaga. WE PAY $30.00 for Monarch ranges, Edwards. 1R5-1B1 First St. H. X. ATTGBBXTS. PACIFIC Cosst Law A Collection Agency Portland office, 708 -Chamber ef Commerce, S. B. BI00EN, attorney and counsellor -t.lw; ooiary, auo-aua aoingma slag. SHEPHERD, ANDERSON A CELLARS, Atorneya, aivMnu-ozi atarqaem Ding. ART METAL WORKS. ORNAMENTAL work for residence, business bosses, tanks snd affc railing, grill. Bre - place Sttlug. chandeliers, signs, fences, art 'work .In sny trie metal and flnlah; hammered leaf work and metal eplaalng s Spei-lalty; bnlldtng eonatractaral work. L, K. Taerck, 402-404 Davi. ror Ninth. - ABcxrrxcTs. HODGSON A CO Architects sag ssnerla. isnoents. Bait SIS Maeleay bMS., ear. Foarth and Washlagtoa ata . Goodrich A Goodrich, archltecta; Wm. W. GoonV ncs, eoasaiusf engineer, im sta. Front leoS, Offices ASPHALT PATWO). THE Trinidad Aaphalt Paring Cnv f Fortlaad. vines moo vroreaetae I 111 '' BAB0LVG AND LIOHTEBIIIO. OREGON BOUND LUMBER OOn tSt St. Phon Great 117L BICYCLES. STAB NOVELTY WORKS Dealers is secoad. hand bicycle; general repairing. ST Union ave. BRASS WORKS. FB1EB BROS. BRASS CO., 210 North Eleventh. or, oroase caaungs, aaoaat """-g. gs . eru wars. COAL AND WOOD. GBEAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hovt. en. 11th; washed lump Bootless coal, $0.00 per too; out, o.w; - sgenr I or uuraoerland Rang. 17.00; Caatl Gate. $8.50: wbolesal . price; Tree delivery; full weight;- aatlafa- uon guaranima. i-non Mam W48. BBRB la your chance to get your winter's box wood: Flv load. $1.60 a load, or alngle loan at ii.ia a naa. aiuitnomaa wooa Lom. pany. Phone Main $118. GOOD fir cordwood at $3.75 delivered to any piace witnin zu niock or EiKBta ana Haw thorne atreata. Phone Scott 4075. . ALBINA FUEL CO., Railroad St. and Alblna are.. Bear ferry; alab and blush weed, dry ana grees. . i-nune Ksst 07. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO.. Phone 1018. Castle Gate coal and all other coal oa the market- 104 North Firth at. HOOVER A CONWAY. BIS Water at., the place tor good e-iooi, ure or are wooa, rnoo main 4owo. FTONBEB Fsel Co., removed from foot Mor rleoa to foot Msln st Phone Mala 189. a B. VELIN. wood snd eosl; offlc $1 Alblna svav, near larry. roan East 1H8X, OREGON FUEL CO. t all kinds of osl sad Phoa Msla SB. OAAPEBTEBS AND TTrrLDEBB. u J. AUTnOKS A H. B. WOOD, carpenters snd builders; repairing and Jobbing; atore ana ornce aitare BulJU ahop sum voianabla. raoaa lay tool, FANNING A ARMSTRONG Carpenters itl Builders: repairing ana Jobbing; reasonable rates. Chop cor. Foarth and Columbia. Front litu. O. W. GORDON, eonntera. ahelvln. booses built snd renalred. 208 Fourth. Clar 174. CHIROPODY ABU MABTCUBntO, WM. DEVBNT A E8TBLLB DETENY, the only eneuDDc cniroponiata,' parlor room sis irrew bldg.. 162 Secoad at. Phone Mala 1301. Thl 1 th long-haired gentleman. Be Is the man yon are . looking for. 0AFXA. THB OFFICK. SSS Waahlngton st. .boa S. eu. ill, r Kin ei visnsama. CAFB KBATZ. 1 Sixth st. A Sn mack erved st sll aoara. CI0ASA ABO TOBACCO. BSBRRO-GUNST CIGAR CO. Olstrtbators of FINB CIGAR. Portland. Oreeoe. CLAIBVOTABT ABU PALMIST. MADAMB JOHNSTON dshrvorantr' mlmlst. card reader; 1 give raeta reiiani and im portant on all affairs of real llf. Reading one. iso rourtB al. COMMISSION atXROHABTB, BVERDINO A FARRELL, pradnes snd commis sion merchants. 140 groat au. rortlaBO, Or. Phooe Mala 170. -CROCKERY ANTr GLASSWARE. - WHOLESALE crockery and claaawar. PraL Hegel A Co.. loe to 108 Fftjh. cor. Stark at. OXXXirT OOBTRAOTOBB, HAWKINS A CO. Realdeace, BOS Foarth at.. pnone frost ubjh; cement wore ot au scriptloaa; .atep work specialty; work gusr sntsed. CHA8. H. CARTER, general con tractor; ceroeet aioewaias; cement work e specialty; an wors guaranteed. 107 Grand ave., N. Eaat 1484. CHAR. H. CARTER A CO. (formerly Carter A Kill, cement contractor. 874 Taggert. rasas Bast 1375. All work gn a ran toad. BOO AXD H0ESE HOSPITAL, DR. 8. J. CARNET Veterinary sorgeoa. 108 -" i nixiu sc. I none jbsib jsosi rs. psjosw, Mala 8637. OK00BAT0RS. HENRY BEROER ISO First st.: wallpaper. ingraina, tapcetnaa. applique rneses, isur lor decorating. FRATERNAL rNIURANCC 0KDEB OF WASHINOTON-Focemoat frater- mmt sunny or norrnwest; protecia tae riv ing. J. L. Mitchell, supreme secretary. 812 nd 818 Maronsm bldg., fart land. Or. Tele phone Msln 842. xrrxnro and cleaning. Berlin Steam Dyeing A Cleaning Work Beet vunippeu ore work la to city: ery cleaning of ladles' fine gsrmenta s specialty: reesonsbl prices; prompt aervlee; flrst-claes work guaran teed. 411 Alder at. Pbons Main 4,V4. PORTLAND 8TRAM CLEANING AND DYEING Works: practical katter.ln connection; feather boas and plnme cleaned end curled by aa ex pert. 211 Fourth. Phcne Clay Tot. J. HUNTER, 600 Jefferson at., steam carpet ana mattress cleaning; restrict ronovstlng; sll wors guaranteed. Phon Mala 214. . CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED $1 per mam. 1'wqu tailoring lo., si vrasBing toa at. B W. TTTRNRR. nrnfeaatotial Svee snd clma. BOS Jefferson at. Phone Main WIS. DKISSMAKINO. MRS. McKIBREN, artlietl dress aad cloak- making. sri Morrlsoa ex. XLXCTBICAX W0KXB. NOKTHWEST ET.ttCTRICAL BNGIN ERRING company. 80 Stark at.. Portland; O. K. for ' everything la tbe electrical Uaa, Psoas, vain jNxn. 7L0UB ABO TTXD. FIX1UR. feed, pot f ova, coal, etc. Hermaa aUaaa, 818 Bsst Seveatfi st, rkoas Scott 46U, i , r i m TO LOAJu rumo h. Btbono, - finabcial acbmt. - Uooey to loan. Me eommlaaloa. I am la a poaltloa to make Immediate mena ea , Improved real estaU or for bclld-I lug pnrpoaes: any amoonti moJerat tntar. eat. We approve loans from ptaae and ad-; aaee money a bulldlug progreaaa. Optiua i la reparuient after one year. -, tHHO B. BTUONU. Vlnaaelal Agent. 1US Booond St.. sear Sura. . THB STAR LOAN CO. Any aalarlad smploye. waseearBer, eea get aa ala sots, arltbout mortgage 1 Month. H -month. Weak. J2?XJ?,D' " flS-KS er V"o or S8.SS !fS S"fay to as i AHS er . or il.M '-Hri'.v to na 8 4.00 er 83.00 or f 1.00 CuaSdentUI. SIS McKay bids.. iat id. AtARY LOANN Aar ntmrM pmoa aavtag . 7 Poaltloa with reaponalble Ira raa ' obtala money OB b uay payment plaa. wits, out publicity or delay; all bil.lneas treated CO lit ,01".,nt1, NOHTHWEST fcOAM hmis., ciiy. W"' ," TUB BABT-PATMBNT PLAN J'ifJ? pf- Strictly Conadentlal. : - OfSce bonra. 0 a. m. to 1 u. m. p. BMPLOTFEfy LOAN C6l , "oae 4. Boom Tie, The Dekast bid. , B. W. ear. Third end Waahlujtoa ata. MONY TO LOAN era real, pereonal aod co lateral recnrlty: special attantloa to chattel ! mortaesea; aotai honsht. 0. W. FaUat. SIS CommercUl blk. Phono Main 1MB. - MORTGAGE LOANS ea Improved city and firm rronerty kt lowest current rate: bulldlug .ana.. Installment loan. Wal. MaeMsaUr. Sll Worcester bldg. Uy.lo""i. Planoa. furniture and ether . chattel securities: sll buaiore strictly prl v jat. , N0HTHWBST LOAN CO.. 821 Abllg. tna bldg.. city, 7 . MONBY to LOAN tn large or smsll s mount orinrKtss&z n,- wiiiu-w. MONEY ADVANCED aalarled pmnle, teamsters, ere., without eacurlty; essy payment; lrg cat basin In. 48 principal dtlee, Tnlmaa, S2S Ablogtoa bMg. .. CHATTEL loam In s mount ranging front 89 to $8,000; roomlng-booeee a specie ttv Maw Krs Loas A Treat Co., 20 Ablngtoa bldg. CHATTEL losns: rooming hearses s specialty, loan to salaried people. New Krs Loan Treat Co.. 208 Ablngtoa bldg. . kJONEY TO LOAN FROM ; $200 UP: PRIVATE PARTY. ADDRESS 832 MOHAWK BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved or unimproved I city property. In sums to mitt. Parr lea, Wat-1 Una A Co.. 250 Alder st. LOANS' at loe-eat rates on furnltnre, pianos; I any aecurtty note purchased. Eaatera Loaa office. 418 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Cmekamae eountv lend. E. F A F. B. Riley, 808 Chamber ef Com. FURNITURE FACTORIES. FURNITURB manufacturing snd a pedal orders. I L. Rnvenaky'a forultqe factory, 870 Frost at. OREGON Fnrnltars Mannfsctnrln Coeapaay . . Mannfactorars of fomitar far the trade, 80S First at. eROCXRS. WADHAMS CO.. wbolesel groeers, mse fscturers and eommlaaloa BMrenasta, Foorta aad Oak eta. ALLEN A LRWIS. eommlaatoa and pindoco chants. Front sad Davla at,, Portland. Or, LANG A CO., First, and Ankeny ati. HOTELS. Hotel Fortlaad. American plan; $8, $8 per day. Belvedere! European plan; 4th and AMar ata. ATS CXXAKZD. BASTEBN , Hat Maaafaeturlng Com pany. SZ2 strai, near t-iay; aaw oysa. cuanei, Dtocxed; tasds over la latest style oof spealaltjl ' Panama bats. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. UNITED Carriage Co.,- rubber tired carriages, tally-hos. ,Miln 222. 153 11th. cor. Morrison. ' XBSURAXCX. ISAAC L. WHITK, firs lnsorance, $00 EwAssj JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers liability aad la. oiviaaai accioent urty Dooo u au aiaoa. i Phone 47. Su2 McKay bldg. H. F. B ARTELS COMPANY, fir Insurant. S4 aoariocB biog. uragoa pnons clay sas. FIRB IN8UBANCE J. T. Ksanedy A CsSBl! nnsriocs oiug. tone main jboo. ARTHUR WILSON, Sre lasnrsace. Bbsrloekl niag. reoae msib linm. LK0 WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Enrlneer. ractarera or menne, mining, logging ana as a" mill ma rh leery; prompt attention to repair I work fhone. Kaat 28. Hawthorn are. A B. Sd. I ' LOCKSMITHS. B. O. SMITH Locksmith sad general repairing, i es waauingion ex.. rortiaaa. I Done uuf sua. ' ItAOBXTIO HEALER. I SUCCESSFt'LLY treat all forms of diseese. wneiaee cnronie r aenie; asm tea as etAsrs. Mrs. L. H. Hart, til Allaky bldg. a" ii ii' ' ' a sraraasssBt KnnnoAL. VIOLIN, mandolin, cornet, ejsrlnet and an atnng and wind instruments, prof. Edwla A. Smith. Mala 4708. 254 Twelfth at. T. B. LAWSON. 840 Park, cor. Msln. piano las ' sons; terma reasoasoi. rsoa great all. , MASSAOK AND BATES. VAPOR bath and ma sears by lad? with star sssutant. . iivh eoortB, room a. MRS. OB ROCK, masseuse, has return d from tnv eni. union dot's. irrjSIO TJXALKBB, FISHER MfSIO CO.. 180 Third St. Victor I talking machine; repairing. Bed nna, . - OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB BOAD OVERALLS snd K-s' clothing: anion made. Naotdts msnufsctarers. Portland. Or. nUBTBXRB. FOX A CO., Canltary plambera, SSI Second, set-. Main and aaimoa. utegoa aoea. Mala SOOKj DONNERBkRG A RADEMACHER. plnsBbara, removed 84 Foarth at. Both phones. ' LOW-PRICED gas Sxtnres, 415 Waahlngton. H. ' I l.Ai risr..Mi s a son, pmmners. FAINTING AND , TAPIR-HANOnTG. F. B. SUTTON, painter and nsperhangar. ITS aiaoiaon at., wt ana or or l age. FRE8S 0LIFPTB0S. MAKE MONBTI USB PRESS CLIPPINGS! King ap Black 11 and ardor a month's service covering every towa la say or all meat at a tea: dally messenger service i advene reports a sll contract work. Portland scAos 108 Second St. FLATTBO. TH'J OREGON PLATING WORKS, 41 Was. lugtoa street. Pnons SSTO. Pollening, plat, lag and tcqorrlng. FATE ITS. B. ft. WBTGHT. hwyeri patents s spectaHyi Bwisart roar invenaou. Koom so tieesaw FATBTS, 0a ABD 0LASS. . BEACH A CO. Pioneer Pstnt Ce. 1lln , I .... a mints sna geaeral building materlnbi; window -glaaa and glaalng s peclalty. 135 First at. I pbons Maia 1834. DA,T.'DJ!,lJ'DI", CO. Pkoenlg Faint and vii vrorasi msnuisctnrers and Importer paint, oil snd prav. tct phon 57. OfBc nd factory, Sherlock ave. and Nineteenth at. W. P. FrLLER A COM msnafaetarer Ploeear lead. Phoenix Paint, K opaline; a gearaate given 1 by aa. tven with every gsilon of paint aafaetared THB KNAPF A HART CO.. scents for the Mnloch b.rose nslnta. tSt Hawthorne 8a Phon Bast 1347. RASMUSE? A CO., tnbnees. paints, slM, gtaa. wmmm saror. imi girsi si. 1 4 ...r- ...