The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 07, 1904, Page 17, Image 17

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Isaac ,w. barnum and the room
in which he lived. .
fay Frofeesor Zdgar' Xarkla. '
(Copyright. 19V4, l) W. B. Jlearrt.)
ON July 1. 10$, the writer said In
an I article: "Nothing exists
. within a sphere whose diameter
is-17 quadrillion-miles, require
In light, which moves J8,000 miles per
pecond, 11.116,000 miles per minute,
0,000 yeara to traverse, but eorpuaolee."
The sphere mentioned is that having
ftho earth in Its center, and as seen by
. the largest modern telescopes. For
JO, 000 years is quite a long .time, and
184,000 miles during one second is aa
Inconceivably rapid rate of motion. Tot
tt la positively known that light and all
ither interstellar modes of energy travel
lth that impressive velocity.
Professor J. J. Thompson determined
the msss of ultimate corpuscles of mat
ter to be about one-thouaandth part of
Inn atom of hydrogen, the smallest and
. lightest body of matter known until the
(discovery of corpuscles.
No brain Is abla to imagine how min
ute the hydrogen atom ta. and all-powers
of the mind of man aro Impotent when it
begins to think of the dimensions of a
icorpuecle. The latest deduction of the
'foremost' scientific men of the world Is
jthat all forms of matter at present
jknown ran bo resolved into these exces
sively small corpuscles.
But here comes tho chief fact known
about them: When matter ia disinteg
rated Into Its final or' corpuscular con
dition It is Impossible to distinguish any
'difference between tho corpuscles and
electricity. This is but one wsy of say
jlng that tho onttro sidereal universe and
'everything in it aro made of electricity. .
Electricity Is matter - beyond any
doubt;' but for years It haabeen called
onHode6r energy. This philosophy
sounds like saying that matter and en
ergy aro identical and both are Included
. tinder one word electricity. To get at
, this In another way, it may be aald that
no entity exists but electricity. If eo
and it certainly looks that way thea
the human mind is made of electricity,
and electricity is matter. ,
This brings us around to a point In
wouui vat nr cam, axs moit
-. or m iir ADTEXTisiiro. ' -
Portland Is the orHy great city In the
country which la within ouch essy strik
ing distance of a mountain whose sum
,tnlt is perpetually covered with snow,
and although ' Mount Hood Is only - S
miles distant there are no means where
by tourists are able to make the trip ex
cept by long, tiresome rides.
.W. W. Cotton of this city thinks he
has a solution, to the matter and pro
poeea a plan which will bring tho snow
covered peak within at least three hours'
ride of Portland. Ho sdvlses the In
stallation of a line of automobiles to run
dally from this city to Mount Hood. In
peaking , on thla subject last evening
bo aald;
. "Portlanders do not realise what they
-have In Mount Hood. They du not ap
preciate tho fact that they have In this
great mountain aomethlng of which no
ther great city In the country can boast.
Mount Hood Is only a short distance
' away, yet It la a plnca where thousands
' of the people of Portland have never
visited. If it waa located down In south
ern California it would be one of the
' moat widely advertised features In -the
whole country, while hero, where It Is
always In sight, we very seldom hear
anything said about it.'
"If some one could only be persuaded
. tp put In a ltne of large touring motor
oars from the Portland .hotel to Mount
Hood It would bo one of tho greatest ad'
yertlslng schemes over Introduced In our
' , J - ., . ,:.? '
1 I V - 7 '-
' New Tork. Au. I. Iuia W. Barnum,
whoa wealth once made him factor In
financial (ttrolea, waa burled br hla rela
tive. Misfortune came upon hlin. and
he died, at the at of (0, In mlaery. . He
lived at NO. t0 Franklin avenue; Brook
ljrn. Once a prosperoua manufacturer,
hla laat'dara were epent aa a pedler. .
Juat how the trleka of fortune brought
htm from affluence to ftaiurjr he could
not tell. Hla relative aay ha made un
wlae Investmenta In western land
booma and,. Indulged expenatve fade tfll
hla fortune- waa hopeleaely involved.
Then he tranaferred the mortgaged re
mainder to his nephew, Lawrence Bar
num,, and afterward sued hire for a re
turn of the property. ' l
Mrs, Lawrence Barnum. who was Miss
Grace- Haskell, the well-known singer,
was at one time the aged man's favor
ite relative. He waa fond of music, and
in his prosperous days obtained a posi
tion for her with the Central Congrega
tional choir.
'The old gentleman," said Mrs. Law
rence Barnum jreatnrdajr. "met with mis
fortune and lost hla money. - He in
vested in western land schemes, and
Oriental speculation,' 4.000 years In tho
dlatant past, when the wisest men tho
world has ever contained said over and
over again the "thoughts and things."
This idea haa never died out; for from
that remote epoch soma, psychologists
have kept tho primeval belief alive. And
tho doctrine ia at this present moment
spreading over the world again with re
markable rapidity. Mall received hero
from all parts of the world contains this
phrase repeatedly: "Thought power: the
force of thought"; "transmission of
thought power," and similar sentences
bristle in the books, papers and the mul
titudes of letters rally pouring Into this
observatory. Electricity aaaumos more
forms than did Proteus of old.
These ' "bodies smaller than atoms"
have tho property inertia- and other at
tributes of matter, yet none eo far is
able to toll us where they differ from
electricity. It may be well to atate that
soma scientists assert that they are not
electric, but no proof haa been oomlng.
Radium now In New Tork that was re
ceived from Paris in 1900 Is still giving
out heat and light It therefore must
receive matter which It transforms Into
heat; but If. heat is electricity, and elec
tricity matter, then there is a flow of
matter throughout 'all space; for tho
spectroscope sees matter in tho distant
glowing auna In all directions In the
same phasea wo aro familiar with hero
on our speck of earth.
Chemists, physicists and electricians
aro working night and day to find out
what matter ia, and psychologists aro
working also day and night to find what
mind is. At tho present stage of In
vestigation It looka as though both aro
one and tho same, and that tho most
common form In which theyappearJt
Tho entire speculative portion of tho
scientific ' world is racking its brain
striving to Interpret tho flood of mys
teries that Is submerging tho human
mind with Inscrutable problems. The In
tensity of gravity is well known, and it
has been measured with accuracy. Thus:
Two spheres, say of gold, lead or gran
ite, whoso weight Is 4t.91l tons each.
Tomorrow morning It will be Judge
Word as well Sheriff Word. For
the first tlma In hla life "Honest Tom"
will sit In the seat reserved for wearers
of tho ermine. And, far from being
proud or elated over the prospect, he
ia mightily worried In spirit. In fact,
ha found it necessary lust Wedneeday
to go to Long Beach, Wash., to re
cuperate and regain all the vitality ho
has expended in raiding Chinese Joint
In order to cope with tho ordeal.
A' few daya ago the roadhouse of A.
J. II. Miller, on the Base Ltne road, was
attached on a Judgment for 1760 se
cured by E. F. Btrack In the circuit
court. Tho amount was awarded him as
damages for being shot in the foot.
Now several other persons have stepped
In and asserted that MlUer baa prop
city. Easterners coming here could ride
out Into one of the grandeat and most
sublime mountain countries in America.
They would go to their homes and tsll
of the fact that within three hours' ride
of Portland they rode to a mountain cov
ered with perpetual snow. And then the
scenery between Portland and Hood Is
grand, while tho roads are passable and
might be fixed for automobile travel
with but little expenae, making a fine
automobile boulevard. Not only would
easterners make this trip, but the local
people and those from all parts of tho
coast would hear of thla tide and come
to this city for tho express purpose of
taking It !
"If soma enterprising cltlxeno would
only take up this matter and Investigate
It I think they would easily see Its
feasibility. It would he one of .the
greatest things for the city of Portland
that was ever Inaugurated. ,
' Lota - of fin trout re caught with
grasshopper bait at the mouth of, creek
emptying Into Coo river..
-! - . -
they turned out badly. When his af
fairs became Involved he turned over
his estate to my huaband. who attempted
to get It out of the tangle. The old
gentleman's property waa heavily mort
gaged, and my huaband made every -effort
to aa've something, . even putting
f IB. 000 into the estate.
"Old age and. disappointment affected
the old gentleman'a thoughts, and he
dwelt so much on his ill luck that he be
lieved ha had been deceived by hla
nephew. Ho became desperate, and de
manded a settlement and the return of
his property. The matter was taken to
court, and the referee decided that the
old gentleman waa really in debt to my
husband. He had made his homo with
us after transferring his property to my
husband, but left us at the time of the
Isaac Barnum made a fortune out of a
hemming attachment for sewing ma
chines, aa invention of his own. ' His
fads were mualo and photography.- He
had hundreds of photographs of himself
made, and spent large sums indulging
his musical tastes, ho waa a relative
of P. T. Barnum, the showman.
and whoso centers are one mile apart,
would attract each other with a force of
one pound.
Tho electrical potential of that vast
mass of aorpusoles saturating all apace,
for long -called -"ether," hao been com1
puted; and there la a remarkable rela
tion between them. Tho deductions are
intenaely mathematical and were made
by Bergen Davla of Columbia University,
and hero aro his conclusions in his own
language: "This rather remarkable rela
tion between tho gravitational constant
and tho constant of tho other Is very
suggestive. It appears to me that thla
coincldenco can hardly bo accidental. If
maas la electromagnetic, the constant of
mass attraction might bo expected to be
related to tho constants it tho ether.
Tho above result not only suggests, that
matter Is electrical in constitution, but
that gravitational force la tho same in
kind If not In degree with electrical
forces, and that they act In a common
Scientists for years have now and
then written that gravity Is probably
electrical, and now - it appears that
mathematical proof la on the way. But
man's place In nature and hla relation
to matter, or "electricity,"; Is attracting
attention all over tho civilised world
now. It Is certain that "finer forces"
exist In tho universe of which man is at
present ignorant. Thua: One of tho
most conservative acienttfto men of Eng
land, "Slgman," says: "The real ques
tion la Just whether nature consists of
matter and forcer the known physical
agencies or whether It muet not In
clude another order of existence, tho
psychical, to which is duo those phe
nomena called life, mind, etc."
1 ThoN-rayo amanatlng from the hu
man body that were discovered by M.
Blonlot have been reflected and re
fracted and are seen to bo quite radio
active on a sensitive fluorescent screen;
and radiographs have been taken by
"human waves." It Is thought that dis
eases can be diagnosed by examination
of N-rays Issuing from the natlenf s
body. Wo will all be I all right when
man finds his place In nature.
erty belonging to them which haa been
placed under attachment- John Ro
metaph claims a horse and buggy. Van
Bchuyvar A Co. a number of demijohns
and D. C. Ross 11 cords of wood. '
The ownership of the property In
dispute must be determined by a sher
iff's Jury, snd Mr. , Word must bo the
Judge. For two weeks prior to leaving
for Long Beach ho spent all his spare
time studying tho codes and consulting
with attorney a
"I've done tho best I could." ho re
marked to hla deputies Just before go
ing to tne coast. Dut i m arrald i n up
agatnat the real thing now. If I had
known I had to study law and sit as
Judge while acting as sheriff, hang me.
If I'd over hava run for tho office at
Clothed only In a pair off trousers,
W. J. Downing Wss found crawllna alone
the cornice work of a building at tOZVi
Washington street shortly before mid
night last night. Special Policeman Aus
tin and Patrolman K. 8. Nelson discov
ered the man In hla perilous position,
and thinking It strange that a person
In such scanty attire should be playing
the part of a monkey at that time of
night. Investigated the case and found
the . man to b somewhat-out of his
Hs was arrested and taken to the police
station, where be was locked up for the
night It Was ststed that tho man had
been drinking rather heavily during the
last few days, and although ho appeared
sober, his debauch ta thought to have
affoyed hla mind. i
txat or utrr wxxz obx'at nr.
- oxxasx nr bxmajtd rom xouaxt
, ' . Permits. Transfers.
Monday1,.... .$ 6.400 t Il.88.l
Tuesday 10,600. 7,089.06
Wedneaday 2.00l 1461.7S5.00
Thursday .......... 8.900 36.983.00
8,600. 18.8U6.00
Saturday , .
1.260' ,4.301.00
Totals for week: .$66,656 S6S0.044.6C
Touts last week.. 47,625 ' J5.7uJ.81
At last tha dull spell in tho real
estate market is coming to an end and
better times aro already in sight. The
transfers this week show a. remarkable
gain even after tho largo sale of the
Dekum property Is taken' from the
totala.: :
Real eatate man say they noticed an
altogether different feeling at the first
of the week. People began to Inquire
for property a if they wanted to buy
Inatead of Just to see what. - it was
worth: '''
There is inquiry for property la all
section of the city, but the business
center comes in for. tho majority or it,
Negotiations aro "now on for tho sale
of several large pieces of property, ac
eordlnar ta -the. real estate men. and
some of the deals aro very near corn
Dieted. . The Dekum sale during tho for
mer- week was but . tho beginning of the
new activity.
There are everal movement on foot
to construct new ' hotels of modern
build for tho- accommodation of the
large number of tourist now coming
in thla direction aa well a lor tn ac
commodatlon of thoa who will , want
to view tho Lewi and Clark fair.
A Hotel for rortand SCeigfeta.
There la now some serious talk of the
construction of a large modern hotel on
Portland height along the new line of
tho Portland Hallway company. It is
said that a site, occupying one of the
highest point of the height ha been
elected.- In real estate circles such a
bote! has been -talked of for some time as
the view alono would causa a great
many of tha tourists to stop there.
There is a great deal of activity along
the St John'a lino of tho city buDur
ban railway several hundred men being
engaged In tho work of clearing tne
land of brush before its being placed
upon tho market St Johns city proper
Is toning up a great deal and several
additional industries are In sight of
being landed by the promoter of the
new olty. -.The woolen and the flouring
mill at that plac will soon do reaay
for operation and this will cause a
larae number of home to bo con
structed in tha town to house tho work
men and their families. At the present
time there are no" vacant Jiome to b
bad In that locality.
Better Traasportatioa Would Kelp.
Tho determination of the City A Sub
urban Railway make quicker
time to St Johns 1 about to result In
the building of tho new line from the
present terminus Of "the company'
lower Alblna Una. With tho new line
la operation the car for BC John would
run through tho city and down Second
street while those living on the upper
Alblna lino could secure s, transfer at
tho new Junction. - Tho running of tho
cars without transfer would prove a big
saving In time and help to upbuild
that section of tha country. Inadequate
car service, say tha real estate men,,
la all that haa been keeping the town
from . becoming one of tho moat popu
lous of the city' suburb. ;
(Summer Quietude ia Bonding.
. With tho return of activity In the
real estate market comes the usual sum
mer quietude in tho building lino and
tho totals of this week show a loss of
I11.8T0 from that of the former weeka.
John Hall will build three one and
one-half-tory cottage on Wlelder
treat between Union and Grand ave
nue, the estimated cost being 1 6,000.
Tho contract for the work has been
secured by Stokes Co,
Mr. M. O. Wright will build a I
tory dwelling on Mlllnda avenue, west
of the head of Johnson street at a coat
of 88.400. The contract ha been secured-by
D. McKeea
Bert Dennlson has contracted with
tho earn party for the conatructlon of
a l-tory dwelling on Broadway street
between East Nineteenth and East
Twentieth streets, the cost to bo f 8.300.
Mrs. Sylvester Pennoyer will have
constructed for her a 1-story dwelling
on West Park treet between Morrison
and Alder streets, thework to be done
by D. McKeen and the coat Is 12.700.
J, A. Martin will construct a 3-story
dwelling on Johnson street between
Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets
at a cost of 86,000. The contract haa
been secured by J. D. Tresham. .
Mora Xnaulrloa for Houses to Boat.
During tho past week there has been
a notable lncreaae In tho number of
applicants for houses to rent. Sev
eral week ago there was a Urg llat
of homes to rent In moot of tho real
oatato offlcea. "but now there are very
few left-and If the demand keeps up
there will not bo a vacant home In the
city limits after tho coming week.
Real astato dealers do not know how to
account for tho large lncreaae In the
Inquiries only that the city I growing
many new people coming in who r
not yet bl to build. Thoao who left
their homea for the ummer, hoping to
secure one when they return from their
vacation, say the real eatate men, will
find that there are none to bo had.
James Humphrey has appealed to the
circuit court from the decision of Coun
ty Judge Webster that he must account
for 316,988.40 as administrator of the
eatate of Caroline H. Roach and divide
that amount equally among tha helra,
Eva M., Oeorge H. and Grace Roach.
Notice of appeal was filed yeaterday
This la a noted rase and dragged
along In tho county court for more
than i year. Tho heir objected to the
final account of Administrator Hum
phrey, who I their uncle, declaring that
he had been extravagant In the expen
diture of money; had shown poor Judg,
ment in making loan on note and had
committed other Indiscretion.
Judge Webster tsxed the administra
tor with the amount named - and - re
fused to allow him extra expense money
ho duo or an attorney's
fee. necessitated In fighting tho ob
jection of the heir. ; .
Uigh raoUltat.
From Town Topic.
He I am marrying her for her
She But money aoea not always lead
to happlnea. , T
He No, but t thought It might facili
tate tho earcn. , -
$3600 Modern 8-room house, corner lot
faa, electric light, ftrej)laoe and
urnace; one of the handeomea
placoa in Holladay Addition.
faSOOf Handsome 1-room realdence, all
modern conveniences; concrete
walks; beautiful lawn; cloa in
on East Eleventh street.
$2880 Beautiful nl with modern 8
room realdence; walking dle
tance of btlstneaa center; Kaat
Twelfth atreet. close to Burn
. side. An absolute anap.
83700 Klegant 9-room residence; 100X
100 feet of ground; nice lawn,
fruit and shrubbery; one block
' from car; North Alblna. .
$1800 For a lovely rottage- home, neat
a wA .v- invlv lawn and
shrubbery; concrete walka; do-
: airanie- location; AiDina
clone to Kusaell. .
$1600 Lovely new 6-room cottage with
, o JUII IUIH, hum .,..---,,
'; blooksiara, Sellwood. - -ai
4JUlVw l.rnnm modern cottage,
. . corner lot, Rodney ave., Upper
' Alblna; rento for 118 per month.
$1850 New 8-room cottage, not quite
completed; 100x189 feet ground;
finest location, St- Johns
$1880 Excellent quarter Mock, nicely
- graded; Rodney avenue.
$180010 aorea, on the Powell Valley
road, 7 miles out; ttt acres in
pntatoea; i arro gooa lunnr,
balance alaahed. .
$1000 8-room cottage, with 100 X 100
feet gTound; newly fenced and
In garden; Mt. Tabor 8100 eaah,
balance 810 per month.
Slono New (-roam cottars, large lot:
8 Wocka cars. North Alblna
8200 cash, balance 81 per mo.
$ too New T-room house, 1 block
. . Montavtlla cara; 9200 cash, bal
ance 818 per montn.
$ 700 Nice 6-room rottage. on Gar
field ave.; close to Mason 8160
. eaah, balance 819 Per month.
Voo I.nt fronting on newlv Improved
, street.; concrete sidewalk; sewer
and water mains; on t renin,
close to Harrison; a great snap.
- These sro absolutely tho best bar
gains in the maraet tooay.
I4v4 tost inni,
Park -Avenue
100x100 on the north side of Park
avenue, between Ford street and
City Park, immediately adjoin
ing the finest residences in Port
land. - .
For Further Particulars Apply to
241 Stark Street, Cor. Second
, The Coming Termlama of tha
; Southern Rattroad lot aro now on
sale. Write to
Lytle Townsite Co.
Xortlo, Crook County, Or.
Stop at
W. W. ORCUTT, Proprietor.
New Buildings. New Beds; Flrst
- Claaa Accommodation.
; Feed Barn In Connection.
St. Johns Park
Kin, new cottages near Woolen Mill
and car lino, for sale cheap, on install
ment, plan. -
One. with llots f.5S
One with 1 8-8 lots ...81,00
Three with 1 full lot each "...$ 800
Ths Woolen stills will do in operation
soon and 60 to 100 new houses will be
needed in Bt Johns. -
General A rests, . John.
M. 0. Xolbrook, Owner, T88 Chamber of
J. W. Ogilbee
Room 1U 145 First St.
. OxIOo'Teetroinjranorava
near East Market street.
1th a good, welt bunt
-room oottage, batn.
concrete baaement. woodhouue. very
cheap property and a good homo; so
conveniently situated.
One lot. 80x100 feet on
Ksst 14th street near Bea
con, with a good 4 - room
cottage; cheap hnrni.
emflotzs nam with au rates
nmiij iABom comtcii was
There will be no otrlko declared by
the brewery employe of the city. Ac
cording to tho best of authority this
matter hss been definitely settled. But
tho men did not get what they asked
for. They agreed to remsln at work
under tho old scale which haa been In
force for the paat year, and all tho em
ployers, excepting the Welnhsrd firm,
have signed an agreement with them
to this effect. It Is said that the man
agement of the Welnhord concern will
do likewise tho first of tho week.
Agreements have been signed with
the management of the Oambrlnu8
brewery of Portland, the Star of Van
couver and tho Northern Paclfc at
Aatorla. Excepting Welnhard's these
sro all tho brewery firms with whom
tho men hsd differences. Since U the
othere hsvo signed, the scale it is de
clared that the only company otlll stand
ing on the otitaldo will naturally have
to fall Into Una
- miring- the past ' Week: "f strike ha
been dally expected. It t said that ths
men would undoubtedly have walked
out had hot tha Federated Trade coun
cil mad a strong plea agalnet auch a.
eourae. The- members of tho central
labor body advised moderation, and the
advice waa heeded.
Peoria and
I Subscriber I
Rhedd. I.lnn
county 8 J
telephone line,
of course, - - :
( " ' '
Invested Now in
Bring You Two
Few Years. By
Page Youll Find
IM.t TRAT10! KO. 18.
...The OMwt Tnwt CimpilT In Orernn.
Incorporated Aprt 23, 1SMT.
-We belleTe In modern awtbotui of antng
buatnem. la prevloul lllualratlnae we save
had much to aajr a boat our certificate ef
4 posit. We do all ether kind o( financial
We reeetve deposit anbjeet to check. W8
rees-lTe sarlnm deposits Id large small sums
apon tha llm-s fallowed by the Mew Bnclaod
savings banks.
We are always wllllns to dlsrnaa any finan
cial proposition, either lnrolTlng a loan br us
or a deposit with a a.
We conduct e large and steadlty Increasing
tmt bnalness.
We par particular attention to earing for
the eatatee of widows, oijhats and aoa-resl-dents.
It I a pleasure to aa to explain one sietbod.
('all upon n If ynn Deed Information upon
arir sahjct upon which a Trust Company caa
enlighten you or send foe cur hook, of
BE!J. I. rrtHFN... '. ....President
H. U PITTOrK Vice-President
B. LFR PA(iKT ........Secretar,
J. O. GOLTHA. .Assistant Secretary
Myrtle Park
Axn .
No. 2 .-.
Lots Selling orj Installments of
$5 down and $5 per Month
On ML Scott, Car Line
New houses coins up on all
Oood water and plenty of It '
15-rilnutecar service morning
and'evening. -
New choolhouse to build - at
Agent .
Laurelwood Station
Knapp & IMackey
Boom S Caamber of Commerce.
S 750
Lot In Doscher's Second Add!
tlon. next to . 1805 Fair; easy
Quarter-block, 84 th and Bead.
Quarter-blook, -1 8th and - North-
rup; will sell separately.
New modern house. Qulmby,
near Twenty-third atreet. .
Property ' on Montgomery St,
renting for per montn.
Beautiful quarter-block, lth and
60x100, corner of 16th and
Everett; best location on piar-
aet lor ziats. -
Over the River
t 7fWl tot 1. block r, Kern' addition,
f wu Union avenue and Ivon treet.
t 7IYI Kaat front lot, Stephen Addl
f IUV tin; improved atreet, sewer and
tKnnAll of block 88, Patton'a sec
JldUUond Addition a snap.
$1850 "ardr block Emat 1,ta n1
t?nnA acres, facing St John ear;
)UUV bt ouy t that vicinity.
CUnfl Beautiful quarter-block, E. 2d
OOVV and Hassalo.
(Cnrt Modern and up-todata house, 80S
tOW East Main.
Thla is only a very small part of tho
propertle w have for sale If you
want anything In tha city come tn and
sea us.
246 Stark St.
$35.00 PER ACRE
For a beautiful 40-acre place, 1 miles
front Portland; 100 acres clear; fine, new
t-room house; rood, large barn; lots of
other outhouses; fine young bearin
orchard: plenty of water; fine road and
nesr railroad; finest dairy and stock
farm. , .
Charleson & Staub
S4SH scoajusoxr stbebt.
Business Corner
K0 on Seventh by 100 on Burnslde.
What would a corner cost on Seventh
aa far north as Burnslde, if you could
fet It at all? Vou know; and so do I
25,000 will not touch this lot two year
hence. " Buy it now, don't com crying
around after It la cone. A corner rela
tively as close to business in Seattle
or IXS Anareies won in oe inappsa up ai
twice the figure. Price 111,000. -
A. D.MARSHALL, 82 3d
100x100, 18th and Overton $8,000
Nothing so cheap on Thirteenth street
Church Property
n . Jli. TJ..l.t .k....k e.laW lAa-ln.1
DWfnlinn fit. tini inuiui nun uv a wv.
nxt to unnthwMt corn or of Twelfth ana
OUsan -$4,000.
A. D: MARSHALL, 82K 3d
Suburban Home
"We are authorised to of er for sale
the beautiful home of J. C. Havely. lo
cated on Woodstock car line, consisting
of one aero and a half of ground, ail
set nut In bearing fruit and ohnica
hruhherv. with an unobstructed view,
Any one wanting a Suburban homo will
do well to see this property. It I go
ing to oe sola at a oargain.
246 Stark St,
, , . A,
Local Real Estate Is Sure to
Dollars for Every One In
Reading the Ads. on This
the Best Investments.
129 Seventh SL, Portland, Or.
House and lot; MonUvilla; 8
rooms; lot 40x120; new barn;
fruit trees; chicken house.
PRICE if 1250.
5-Room Cottage ; lot 60x90 ;
Williams avenue, Albina.
PRICE i?110O.
Fine Private House. Nob Hill
district; 14 rooms, all hard fin
ished oak; beautifully located.
PRICE $13,000.
We have houses and lots in aft
portions of the city. See us. for
the finest building site in the city.
Get in on the ground floor.
Stock Ranch
340 AQRES 130 in grain, 65 in
alfalfa, 50 natural meadow, bal-
' ance good pasture; 250 head
Durham cattle; up-to-date ma-.
' chinery; ranch weU improved.',
adjoins best outside" range in
eastern Oregon; an ideal stock
ranch, the best in Harney val
ley. Can be bought for
With our laraa llat of a-raln. hon and
frul farms, and the smaller tracts for
special farming and gardening, we do-
sire to call attention w our iw-m,
offering of stock and dairy farma,
ranging In acreage from 100 to- J.SO0,
with full equipment of farming Imple
ments and stock, all of which are set
out in detail in our llets. Theee Hot
will be sent to all seeking such prop
erties. We have some of the very beat
farms In the state, and aro constantly
adding - new and desirable properties.
Write or call for list. -
tmm roxxownro abb a raw or
oca orrsBivosi
$ UO Finely located lot In Upper Al-
$ 1,800 2 lots on ' ear line, Portland
S S.180 Choice quarter block on - car
line. Portland Helghta.
a SSOO Nsw T-room house ana lot;
part by Installments.
S18.0OO Elegantly furnished BS-room
boteL ...
$18,000 Fine -room house, lot; well
fas,0OO Fine, large house, half - block.
-rwtHim irinntR-
$lS,0OO Elegantly furnished 14 room
f T.OOO 6 1-room family hotel; good
leaee; moderate rent; well lo
cated; a oeciaoa oargain.
(Successor to W. A. Shaw a Co.)
Parrish, Watkins & Co.
, ' Established 187a
Insurance, Rental
and Loan Agents ,
Raven's View
Choice building sites directly on
the new Portland Heights car
line and on the crest of the hill,
with - a beautiful - view - thst - can -never
be obstructed, at low prices
and on very reasonable terms.
For Further Partlcolan Apply to
241 Stark Street. Cor. Second
24th and Hoyt
100x100, two Improved afreets, 101 f-t
cement sidewalk. NotuJi'g o ' i
from Oljaati to Overton atreet I V .
A. D. MARSHAL" . .' '
Sri '