The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 07, 1904, Page 16, Image 16

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.1 1
Ji L-
Shows a Slight Reaction in Chi
cagoPortland Prices Are Up.
Jlf Jf DTP Values on Provisions, -Coffee.
IT 1 A. IV & H8S Veal nd Sugar Are High.
r f '( IS - A" Steady With Big Interest
,I V.W IV Not i Aiding Any Bull Movement
Sneered at tb poetorfle mt Pnrtlnd. Or.
for tranaportttlva UirougU Jba Bella aa wow
Pm.m r.i iin.u Mabi Tn a. 10 ar 19-
' peg paper, 1 out; 1 te 0 pa I, t Mti 82
o as sagas, cent.
,' ' ' TTLXPHOKIi.
Business Office Mats 6"0.
, , , Editorial Boo Mala S50.
irourov adyxbtisiko BrrsrsinTATTrx.
i TIMUI'-BHtllMI Special AOverTiains eT"-''
;,! 160 etreet, Kew lock! Tribune Build
J ' lie". Chicago. . , -.. '
:. '' BroSCBIBTIOaf BATES, y" .",
' . 1 Ti he Catfraar.
"Th Pally Journal. With Sundaji 7er....8T 80
: Th Dalle Journal. 1 Tear 0 00
The Pally Journal, with Sunday, t mouth. I T.
"', : The Dally Journal, 6 months 2
.Tbe Pally Journal, with Sunday. 1 moethe. 10
'The Pnllv Joaraal. I month. l.W
I The Da fir Journal, wits Monday. 1 anouth. .
, " The . Itallr. par we. delivered, Sunday
' . Included .'. .........
T The Polly, per wk. delivered. Sunday r
' eeplad
.. ' afa.fl.' '
: The Pally Jonrnal. with Sauday, 1 year....ST.o
. vjTbe rally Journal. 1 )MI J'S!
..(The Dally Journal, with Sunday, t months. 8 JJ
, jth itatiy journal, s nwntae
;The Pally Journal.. with Sunday, months. .1.00
Tba Daily Journal. month. 1.40
. Tba riaiiy Journal, with Sunday, 1 month.. , .68
'jThe Dally Journal, 1 month........... M
,,The Sunday Journal, 1 year. loo
, The Sunday Journal. montha. 1.00
Tke Semi-Weekly JearneL . - C
' The Beat-Weekly Journal. II ta II Pg.
, each lean, llluetreted, full Biarkel ran
or", 1 rw :.i 10
Tne Weekly Journal. .' ' . .'
' The Weekly Journal: 100 column of -
In ch taaua, Illustrated, full market ',
report. 1 j..... 1.09
RamlttanrTCi abonld ba Bad by draft, poatal
'Mm, azpma ornon. and amall amount ar
rcvptabla 1b I and S-cunt pnataf atamna.
P. O. Bos ltl, PortUnd. Or.
nbar-rlbrra to 'Tbu Journal who may Iran
town for tba nawf ran bT tba sapcr
lorwardod to tbam to any addraaa without
xtxa rharfa, payment (or tba aarna ta b
I da anon thrlr rrtura.
vsxxx thx ;omu hat m rows.
. Tba Journal can ba found oa 1 at tba foi
rwlnc nlaoaa!
BOIsi, IDAHO Plnawar book atora. -
CHIOAOO Poatofflca New company, ITS Daar
born, atraat.
' , DENVER, com Kandrirk Book Statlonrry
- oimptny. Ill Trntanth atrrat; J. Black,
' ilttornth and Curtis trM.
KANSAS CITY Tan No Nrw company.
LOS ANOELBS B. t. Oardnor. Sontb
' Sprtnf atraat; OUra A, Halnca, SuS South
flprliuy atravt.
. M1NNEAP0US 1L J. Karanauchi SO Boats
' Third.
KKW YORK C1TT Brantano'a. Dnioa aqnara.
OGUICH Orda Nrwa company,
OMAHA MlUard bolcl ncwa atand; srecaatb
, j Stationery company. 118 Parnnni atrrat.
ALT LAKH CITY Kenyon botr4 mw atand;
Barrow Bro., 41 Wrat Srmnd etrt. Soutk.
T. LOtTIS PhlHp Roedcr, Bid Lornat itwt.
I 8 A IV rBANCLSCO W, R. Ardlnf, Palar bntal
nawa atand; Ootdamtth Broa.. UtO Sitttar
atrat; Frrd W. Pitt, lor) Market atr.
BPOKAitB. WRH: John W. Oraham A Co.
. . . TACOMA, WASH Central Kcwa euBDany, 1121
Pacloc imM.
' By I. T. Wllaon. S.11 Ankeny, corner Sixth,
at 10 a. m aala of furnltur. car pet a, ate. J. T.
Wllaon. auctioneer.
Tb weather contlnnea anaaaonahly warn
raat of tba Cnacad ntonnt I na, bat In tha
. Willamette Tiller, aonthein Ore(on, and the
Bound country It bt allahtly eooln tbla ayanlns
tban at tba aanw bour rrldajr
No rain ba..fallea In the Rocky mountain
and Parlfle enaat atatea dnrlna the la at Si
boura, but cVwdlneaa ba Inrrenred In aouthera
lfirho, and alona the Immellate coant
' The Indication, ere to: fair weather In thla
dletrtct Snndar. eirent eaet of the l:aardee,
wtere thunder abowera are nrolMiMe It will be
cooler Sund ly In t asterai Oreffoa, - ea.tera
'i.hlnaton t nd Idaho
Maximum temperature. 79; minimum tempera- on; rirer reantnir, 11 a. m.. 73 feet; chanrc
la M boura, .02 feet: total preelnltatlon. n a.
' m. to S p. aa., none; total precipitation etnre
September 1, 1913, T.24 Inrhee; ;iormal pra-
cilltanon mnc neptemner l. lais, inene:
. rxcea. S.A of an Inch; total aunablne. Aiianat
' S. 1U04, 1J.4B; poatluto Mlnahlna, . Allfnat S.
. 1004, 1AM; barometer, reduced to aea level,
at S p. B., 80.O2. -
Crematorium oa n(on CTtj ear tin, near
Sell wood; modem, eoten title, eompleta. ' Chare
Adult. ; children, Iia.-e V I.I tore a. ax.
to ft p. m. Portland Cramatloa amoclatlua,
, J FortlaBd, t. ' . , , , ..
na Edward Bolmaa t'ndertaklnf company,
funeral director and embalmera. 220 Third
,'- a treat. Phoa SOT. - ' .. .
t. 1. Plnley A Son. funeral dlreetora and
. embalmera. hrea remored to their new eatab
Mtbaxant, . corner Third and lUdleoa atieata.
Both pheaaa Ma. 8. .
geller-B'iue Co., funeral dlreetora and aax
( balmar. 278 BnaaeU. Lady aaat. Phona Beat lOsl
Oat Tour tnauranee ud abatrart ta real
- carat from the Title Guarantee A Treat eoaa-
CbBbr ot uoenmarea batldlnc.
(Spartal Piapateh ta Tba Journal.) .
Wsrerly, Wnh Aug. . What la
probably the la rgeal tract orland
planted in aug-ar beeta In th northwest
is at Lorell, aerra ml lea aaat of her ton
the Coeur d'Alene Indian reaervmtlon.
The land la leased from the Indians
by D. C. Corbln. owner of the Waverly
' beet auger factory. The work la -under
the manasement, 0f jr. y. Stewart, for
a long time aa employe of the local fao
tory. Thla Is the first crop of beets
planted on the reeervatlon and promise
' to Tie a euooeasful venture. In spite of
the fact that the around waa very fouL
Fifteen men and (0 horsea have plowed,
planted and cultivated tbeae 600 acres
of beeta, with an additional force of 40
Japa employed In hoeing and thinning.
The work of cultivation da now at an
end. and with favorable weather during
the remainder of the' aea nop the crop
will equal. If not. exceed, the average.,
Arronrrxo v. eATTosvsr.
'(Special Dlepetch to The Journal.)
Lewlnton. Idaho, Aug. (.lion. N. M.
' Rnlrk haa been appointed United atatea
attorney for Idaho, to succeed K. V.
, Coaler. Mr. Rutrk la one of the leaders
of he bar tn the southern part of the
ate, .In 189 ha waa affiliated with
the Populiat party and waa prominently
mentioned In connection with election to
the United" Btatea. Senate, Mr. Ruick'a
, home ia In Bolee.
A xx&tuisb ormi.
' om the Mors Observer.
To the prim young ladleai who can
dance and waits all night, but never milk
or do anything of the kind, we have In
mind a young lady who can feed, harneaa
and hitch a team and can drive aa well
aa the avern(re man. ' She worked in the
field during the man In fall and spring.
In this way ahe waa able to aava her
fatber the expenee of hiring help. Aa a
result of thla moderate exercise In the
open sir she ia ons of the healthiest
and stronaeat atria you ever- saw. She
has alwaya been careful not to attempt
anything beyond her atrength, and- ao
has never Inlured her body as some
women do when they work outside.
From the Chicago Tribune.
' On ' another - occasion Opportunity
knocked at a man's door, ,
The man responded.
But he looked ao cross snd ugly that
Opportunity hastily backed sway.
Paased. oa, -
noTinoit, buoaji euro oorm
rOaUixa Bin ' to . cotuiua:o
or xABTXaur rmixB moos urs
Front Street. Aug. p. m. Tha
nrlnclDal featurea of ' the Portland
wholesale markets during the past week
were: . ''-.-
All provlalona are advanced. .
Coffee markets takes s Jump.
Dreased hogs snd veal are up. , .
Sugar movea up 10c a hundred.
,' Chlttlm bark ia dull and lower.
Egg altuatlon a complicated one.
Toultrx betteV,. with no changes.
- Japanese sending ordera for flour.
New wjieat la coming In slowly; '
. Hop contract made at Jle.
Cabbage waa very scarce.
All Provisions Are 'Advanced.
On VYidar there was sn advance" all
along "the line In the provision market,
the " continuance o the atflks among
the eaatera packers causing a shortage
of atocks. lioga are also higher at the
yards than they were since the last
change- waa-mad in provlalona and thla
la one of the principal reaaona for the
upward tendency of prices. The changea
were: Hams of all averagea aavancea
Uc with the new auotationa ranging at
lac: breakfaat bacon advanced Ho. th
new figures ranging from 18 H to ITttc;
picnic hams advanced lo. the new price
being llcf regular abort, deare advanced
Ue, prices ranging from ttc to loc;
butts are down- 4o. new quotations
being 8 'and 9o for the unamoked and
the smeked, varletlea; .clear backa ad
vanced He, new prices ranging from I
to 10c according to variety. No changea
were made In the valuea on lard, aa
stocks are large enough to withstand a
long siege of the strikers and yet re
main at preaen't flgurea. Juat now there
are but amall atocks of "eastern provla
lona In thla market, despite the utter
ance of the local agents - that they
would not be short. ,
Ooffss Market Takes a Jnmp,
On Friday the manufacturer of Ar-
buckles and Cordova brands of package
coffee made an advance of Ho a pound
la - their- former quotationa, " the new
pricea being 112.7a. There' haa been no
change in the Hat on Lion brand, as It
now seems that a war between the two
large coffee' concerna la on. The price
of IJon remains $1 below that of Ar
buckle. The reason for the advance in'
Arbucklr la that suppliea of the cheaper
grade of coffee are not large, but there
ia a very noticeable increase in tse visi
ble supply of the better grades over
that of a year ago, there being a differ
ence in the supplies of nearly 1,000,000
bags tn favor of this yesr.
one Market Advances 10 Cents.
On the same day as the advance in
coffee and provisions there was sn ad
vance of lOo a hundred pounds In the
quotations on all grades of sugar. This
movement of the market has been ex
pected for some time, aa the demand is
now very great on account -of the can
ning season being in full swing.
Dressed Hoge and Teal Ass JXlrhe.
, During the week the scarcity of both
dressed hogs and yeat caused the pricea
on, both products , to advance Ho a
pound, the new quotation being 8c. Re
ceipts this week of both hogs anij veal
are much, below those of the former
week and' the demand coptinued very
- Colttlra. Bark Za Ball sad Lower. ;
Up to the" first of the week there waa
a fight on between, the local buyera of
chlttlm bark and aoma of them were
paying as high ss Ho. while the high
est offers for. which . they could aell
their stocks in the esat was about the
aame figure. Later on the dealers eased
up in their buytngs and the result waa
that prices dropped down to 6c as the
buying figure,' During the week several
carloads were shipped to eaatsrn medi
cine houses. 1 .
Xrr Situation a Complicated Ose.
With the receipts in eggs generally
showing ap increase and the - demand
somewhat smaller the egg altuatlon Is s
complicated one, but no cbangea were
made in the pricea The market Is
weaker, however, snd stands equally be
tween atationary and lower flgurea
All through the week there waa a
good demand for all sorts of poultry,
with Hie exception ofg-eu. Slid Uib c
celpts were very small. At the close of
the week the market had practically
cleaned up, but no, higher valuea ruled.
Japanese endijux Orders for Fiona. '
: Orders for flour are now being re
ceived by the local mlllera from Japan,
but they are In sofw atralts for vessela
In which to ship, ss the orders call for
Immeoiale delivery. During; the week
there was alao an Increase In the busi
ness from China and the entire market
looks firmer, with no changea in values.
' - Blew Wheat Xs Coming' ta Slowly.
- New wheat- of nil gradea ia coming
Into market very slowly, but consider
able buying haa been done by the
muiera at aavanoea n surra. ine ' im
provement In the markets in the east
and In Europe caused a better feeling
here and the higher values resulted with
a better flour -demand. ,
Sop Contrast Xade at Bl Casta.
A contract at 21c a pound was made
for 80S bales of the 1904 crop during
ths week. This la the highest price
paid this season for hops and reflecta
the better' tone of ths market. No aales
of 1808 stocks were reported during the
week. , - .....
Csbbag's Was Tory Boaroe.
There was a great acarclty of cabbage
In the markets this week snd pricea
moved higher.'. New potatoes' of good
quality are not coming fast enough for
the demand and valuea are firmer.
Onlona are coming so fast that some of
the cheSper grades are selling as low aa
26e a box.- Some very nice stocks came
from Hood River and aold at 11.25.
With a larger aupply both watermelons
and cantaloupe are lower. Peaches of
good quality ars not arriving fast snd
ths market remains good. Green corn
of . the beat grade ta scarce and prices
are up. Bot oranges and lemons of the
better quality are scare. Cherries have
practically cloaed their season and the
few remaining atocks are In bad condi
tion, but are finding a amall sale at Re.
Tomatoes-are tn too large supply and
pricea srs lower.
The wholesale quotations, aa ruling at
ths close of the week, sre:
rata. Fleer aad Feed. -
WHBAT Hew aad eld Club, Tie; Mneeteoj,
Tor; valley, TP.
EArlkx Feed, fza.DOi raues, ?w.M; brew-
ATS Prodecer' price No. 1 whlteA 824.00
erz 90; gray. 4A.wa4.m.
rl.OI'B Oreeon: Patenta. ' 84 20;
etralrhta, .1 ftnfi SO; r.ll.y. U WI BS;
bam 4. $.' ' lOa, 3..V
aULUItriS-Braa, 20.00 per Blld-
dih-r, 135.00; abort, eeantry, 122.001 chop.
HAT ProdBeem' nrle Timothy. Willamette
valley, fancy. fl5.otWie.Ot; ordinary. l2.oiift
a. imp; eaatera (freffvn, io.Awf;,.e.(Hj; mixed.
$tn.ont2.u0; clorer. SS.ouet io.oO; (rata, 611,00; cnrai, fu.ouq41z.uu.
Hop.. Wl.aad Hid.
HOPS Nominal. 2si3ancnr choice; 2B025He
WOL Nominal. Valley, coaree to medium.
1 1 -f , dv, iwci eastern uraavau juiec,
MllHAlK Near. SOe.
SIIKEi'eKI.NS Shearing, lOflJOej abort wool,
2fr.'oe; medium wool, SOtt&oe: lung wewL
cr(ttl.00 each.
TALLOW I'rlme, per nt, 4Sci No. 2 aad
t MITTlil TriARK 5e per lb: buying price,
HinKS Dry bldea. No. 1. IS lu and up,
I1-.UIOO pa iui ory aip, 1.0. j, a IO 10. ID,
12Hi dry calf. No. 1. aader a lbs, ISUet
dry aalted bull, and aura, l-l Iraa tha r
flint: aalted hlilea. ateee. aonnil IA IS.
S'aTc: SO to 0 Hie. Se: andee Su.lh. .J
rcw. nainc; sxaa ana duii. aouer, . w; .in
IS to 30 lb,'Sc; aound. 10 to 14 I ha, Sw";
calf, ound, under 10 b. SWc; green (nn
aaltedl 1j per lb leea; cull. 1c per lb lea.;
norvp niuna, Hum, eaca, et.vHll.To; ory, ecb,
tl.o4l.5tl: coll' hide, each, 2&9.Vc coal
akin, eomenoe, each. . intjloc: Aucora. arltk
wool on, each, 2&cl,0O.
Batter, Xril aad Foultry.
BITTKB rAT sweet. 21e; amir. lOe. .
UUTTEU ltv eeeamerv. Ojiby'Klu.. Mr.l4-
fanry. 20c; ordinary, ITWe; atunt, laHtJlSc. .
KttOH No. 1 freab Oreeun. 21ci . anfandUd.
I0r-: hakera, 1HM19C. . ,
CHKRRK- New mil eream, twin. 10 HO
lie: Y.mi. America. 114 12W ' .. .
rOL'LTKT Cblckena. mixed. Ire ner th!
bene, ! per lb; rooatera, old. Stive lb;
youns. uc per id; DTonere, izt4ati.ic per 10;
fryrra, 12ljse lb; ducka. old. lie lb: youna,
lie per lb; eeea. StYTe per lb; turkey. 11U
Itw per lb) dreaaed. isgilo. per In. -
TrulU aad Tefeteblee. ,.
rw t a i lir.j u, nominal. igi.zDt nuyera
crlcva fur fancy, TBc; new. Xh-egou, 1.6odil.7
per eat: buera' price, fl,40ii(l.o0.
iiiunn-niiii waiia. f i.uu;aryeiiow una
ra. Sl.ZA: aarle. life wr b.
rBKSII rBllnt Appe. Orernn. fl.O0fl.2S
par box; cheap grades, gM?& per box;
orangee, . Mediterranean atreeta, f3.0u
82s bar box; lata Valencia. f3.2SQS.fro per
box: banana a, frc per lb; leroona, cbolr.
82. T5 per bux; fancy. f.'i.00ts.7& per box:
lime, Mexican. S3e per loo; plueaimlee, f2.uuf
a 6.1; cherrlee. 6c ner lb: enrlcota. Oreeon.
fl.0O4ll.2B per boxr pluma. Bur bank a, SnUHOe
per box; pearh pluma. do fit 75 per box; pearhea.
uresoa, ootaour per nox : trawturda. 7akJMOc per
box; . pear. tl.2S(u 1.50 . dm bux: arauea.
white t'alirornla. 111.05 per box; black Ham
bura. 81.60: black Sea. nee hoc enrranta.
be per lb: red ra.nberrlea. 8ta7e
per lb; blarkberrlee, ' fl.H6 per crate;
watermelon, luwili.oo nee ..-r M.t.iAniM.
California, fl.50 per do; nntmraa, f2.00;
Oreaoa. per crate; aeetarlnea, f 1.50
nox; naciieoerrwa, loo in; crabapplea, SW
iC tier lb.
V Bu KT ABLE8 Tnrnlna. SI M nee eaek: ear.
mta, fl.2ft per aack; beeta. ft. 25 per eark;
Oreeon radlahea, 15c per doe: eabhae. Oretton.
2r per lb: lettuce, heed. IS per doa; sreea
peppera, 20e per lb; celery. S6tte doa: to
Jtoea, Oreeon. 40j One per box; paranlpe, TRciB
f 1.26; rreea peea. Or per lb; green vntune,
WWettDC e .lne -r.n lOe
doa; pie plant. 3t24e per lb; atrlnf beana.
.cucumber, auoOe par box; hutbona. 10
DRIED FKI ITU Annlea eeaoneafed TitSe
per lb; aprlrota, sWHe per (b; aack. He
per lb lea; pracbe,' 7ViVc per lb: pear. 84
T prune, itauan. s,4twc per id;
Irench. IU(Viu.- nee ih, ... ' rutnMm
black a. SiQSHe per lb: do white. SVil7e
Pee lb plnnw, pitted. &H!c per lb: datca,
golden. SHe per lb; farda. fl.50 per 15-lb box.
BAIR1NS Seeded, fancy 1-lb eartnna, SO
parkaxea to raea, THe pka; needed. 12-oa ear
tona, 5vc; km MuaeaU. 50-lb boxea. 56Me
Pr Th; London layer, fl.05; clusters 82.00;
t.2nc; V,a, 50c ad ranee over pound carbwe.
. FIOS Ten 1-lb carton, rbnlce brandi SOe;
10 1-lb carton, fancy brand. 81.00; 10 1-tb
bricks. S-crown. TtVs; 10 1-lb brlcka, 8-crown,
Be; 48 H-lb brleka. per bos. 82.15; brirka.
JS to caae, 82.00; S-row layera, per 10-lb box.
T0e: lone. 60-lb boxea, per lb, 8He, Call.rmr-l-crown.
lo-lb cartons, per box 82 00:
B-crown, 10-lb cartona, per box, fl.75; 4-crowa.
Wn.lK Pm .(nna L.. a , mm
w, .1. w.
iTooatU. But. Zta. ,
SfTQ A R-Saek haala PwKe SS St; flWMeiteeeJI
fe.2S; fruit granuUted, t.15; dry granulated.
fd.OA; beet era no la ted. S3.06: extra CI. SSOA:
rdden C. fS.R; bbla, 10c; H bhla, SKc; boxea.
o.ic oTne on eaca heala. lea 25e ewt for eaah,
18.Ta: maple, HtffJlSo per lb.'
HOVEY l4Hffll5e.
rOFPKE Green Mocha. 21Q2V; Jar, fancy,
S2c; Java, eoed, 20Q25e; Java, ordinary,
lej20c; Toata Rica, fanev. iaT20r: float Rlea.
Sd. HiiilSe; C'oata Hire, ordinary, 11.J13
yrr ii,, (Mn... efjiire, IX. f or IO. I.t.
TBAft Oolnne. different eradee. xnefdSel ami.
powd-tr, 2i!S2fa"flrr: Rngllah breakfaat, dif
ferent rradee. 12HftSV; aplderleg. ancolored
Japan. SAiadSc; green Japan (Terr scarce), SO
OOe per lb. ' .
SALT Pine Bates, 3. Ss. 4a. 5. tna, f 1 20
eri.oti; ia Die. oalry. ooa, fB.notrll.BO; 10a,
XX.IftQ j Imported MTerponL oOa. flS.OOQ
16.50; 100a. M.7Milf).00: 22. f!4. B0fft15.n0;
extra fine. bbla. 2a, aa. Ba. 10a, 84.00; bulk.
820 lh. f3.50; aarka, 60a, SSe.
SALT t'Mrw Half gronnd. 100a, per ton.
8P.2oe8.50; Boa. per ton. Sn.ftDi9T.00: LWerpool
lump rock, f 1S.504r1S.B0 per-ton; BO lb rock.
8d.2h.T5; 100a. fA.T50d.25.
(A bore pricea apply to aalee ef leea than
ear lota. Car lota at apeclal pricea subject
to fluctuation.
GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 85.75000 per 100
RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. n,e: No. 2.
4c; New Orlean bead. 4; AdJack.
Sic; Creole. 4M,4c.
BRANS Small whit, 8tXe; large,
white, 8e; pink. 4Hc; bayoo, fu; Llmaa,
4Vac: Mexican red, 6e.
NUTS l-eannu. THc; Jnmho. BHe per lb:
raw, 10c per lb for rnaated: eocnanuta. 6Bo
Poc per doe: walnnta. 14a4tise per lh; -p'tw'
nut. 103 12He per Ih: hickory nnta. 10c per lb;
rheetnuta, eaatern, lBQIne per lb: Brexll nuta.
15e per lh: alberta. 15 attic per lb; fancy
pecans, 14015c per lb; almond. 13Q1&C per lb.
: . Keats. Fish aad Provision.
FRF.8II MEATS Inapected Beef, ateer. Se
per lb; cows. BC.lHc per lb; mutton, dreaaed,
41 Be ner lh; Inmbe dreaaed, 6(r per lb.
FRRSI1 MEATS Front atreet Beef, ateera.
4tttBc per Ih; pork, hlnek. 7H'n"e per lb:
perkera. THc per Th; bull. 2V,T.V per lb;
cowe. SHxtlte per lb; mutton, dread, 4tBe
per lb; real, extra. Se per lh; ordinary.
71 7 He per lb; poor. Be; lamba, 51l5SiC
HAMS. BACON. BTt!.r-Portland pack floral)
heme, in to 14 I ha. 14i per lb; 14 to 18 Hie.
I4e per lb: IS to 20 Hi, 4e per lb; cottage
SH per P! breakfaat bacon, 13HilT4c
per lb; picnic. 11c per lh: regnlar abort
clear, nnamifeed. SHe per lh; amoked. 10He
per lb; clear barke. unamoked, Pe per lb;
amoked. 10c per lh: t'nl.m bntta. 10 m IS lbs,
unamoked., Se per lb; arm.ked. Se per lb;
clear bellfea. anamoked, 11 He per lb; amoked.
12Hc per lb.
. LOCAL LARP Kettle leaf. 10a. 10 per
Th; Be, 10H per lb; no-lb tlna. 8,c per lh;
team rendered. S0a, SHe per Ih: Ba. 0e per
lb; BO. BH0 per lb: compound tlereee, 8H Pr
lo; tuna, T.w pr i". trm, vc per ro,
CANNED SALMON Colnmhl rleer. 1-Tb talis,
tl.Bt 2-lb rail. 2.B0j fancy 1-lb Ban), 12 no;
Mb fanee flata. 81 2S: fancy 1 -Ih ovale, 82 75;
Aliteka taMe. pink. Bo4)90c; red. fl.BO; Somlnal
2a, t.lL 82.00. '
F1SI! Rock cod. Se per tb; Sounders, Be far
Ih; ballbnt. 6c ner lb; crabs, fl.2. per doa;
atrtpad baa. I"1S Per Ih; catflab. Se ner
th, aalnton. ehlnonk. Sc per lb: eteelheede,
Sc per lb; blneharke. Se per lb: berrlng. Be ptr
Ih; aoln. S- per lb: ahtimpa. lOe per lh; ahad.
dreaaed, SVie par lb; perch. Be per lot ahad
roe, 12He par lb; roe abad, Se per Ih; black cod.
Ic per lb.
OYSTERS Shoalwater bay, per gal, nw,
per aack. fs.TB ret; Olympla. per aack. f.1.25.
CLAMS nard thell. per-box, 12.00; raaoi
da ma, fl.TB per box.
Velnta. Coal Oils, Ets.
BOPB Fura Manila,. 12u.; atandard. I2e:
Slul. lOHc
(X)AL OIL Pearl nr A.fral Caaea. 21 le per
gal; water white. Iroa bbla lAc per gal, wooden
per gal: headlight. 170-deg, c.aes 23V,c
per gal. Iron bbla 17c per gal.
L1NSKED OIL Pure raw, In bbla BSe per gal.
i ii aaa ooe p-t em, anuiiiw aeitie noiieo;.
8oe per gal. bbla SOe per gal: gronnd cake,
ear lota f25.00 par ton, leea tbaa cere f24.0
per ton.
OAKOL1XB MS-deg. eases S2e per gal. Iron
bhla 2ne per gal; atora, caaea 24 We per gaL
lion bhla IV ner gaL
BKN'.INE 8-deg, caaea lie per gaL Iroa
bWe 15Ue per gal.
PAINT OIL Raw, bhla Me per aL caaea
8Sc her rl: boiled, caaea 40c per gaL
TTjKPEXTINR In reaea SBe par gaL wooden
bbhi, Sle per gal, Iroa bbla 7Se per gaL 10-lb
caae Iota Mr per gal.
WRITR LBD Ton Iota. T4e per Tb, 800 lb
lota Se oer Ih, lea lot aue per lb. l
WIBB MAILS rreeent beae at 82.88.
The report of the Port hind clearing bona for
the aet week sbowa:
Clearlnga. Ralanra.
Monday t. ....... .....8 675.iKi7.ll 8 BB.lo4.ll
To art ay 2.tUSAK 1.12.172 53
wedneailay ........... n47.H.wi
Thuraday B.'17.ri2B.R1
Prlday 6.V.7l.72
Saturday 4do.S57.7S
1 10.21 tvno
-2 in
Totals for week.
.f!l.32.8B6.Sl 8B62.42S.4S
Tctala mat year 83.4SI.04B.4S $4b4,S01.M
Paaiaai Btarllag.
New York, Aug. a Demand alerting. $4.88.16
te f4.S8.80j SO days, 84.66)4 e 4.86Vt.
H i' iV I . I WW hjfiSfc: . -
ilfllw 't'm, :JfihK&!?r llffiiifr'
ill ij yi ip''--'
mMti ,, arm V'
nr chxcaoo pit todat tei ofest.
(Klirnlahed by Orerbeek, Starr A Cooke Co.) -Cbicaro.
Aug. S. Lucaa A Brran adrlae:
la wheat. It waa a hesitating but nerroua
market. The opening, waa-weak oa further
liquidation, but the wheat aeemed to ba well
takea and moat of tb early lose was re
gained. Adrlcee from the northweat crop are
of the same general character, but tb market
la getting uned to It s little and the mod
erate atatement put out by Joaea yeaterday
made, a rather .more conservative .eetlwate of
condition. Northweat adrlcee will continue to
i the principal Induenc far the time be
ing. - While the aiarket haa a big advance we
hardly feel like getting brarlab antll the
newa ta neunite lor-tuar. aectlun. fencing
thla. we look foe a heeltating market and are
Inclined to think we would buy wheat oa
tba ebarp breaka. . v
Cora Bagaias Waakneea.
Ia corn, there waa a weakncea early, but
the corn waa well bouibt and the earlr lne.
wae-reealned. - Receipt about the aame and
caab demand fairly good,.' Crop gdvicee are
aatlafacbiry except that tbe general adinla-
Ion Is that warmer weather would be as
advantage. Tbe market dcea not aeem to
be luliieet to much aelUng preaeure and we
do not ea where perelatent preaeure la to
come from until .the cmwlne emu In enffl
rlently aasured to aa.k the farmera aell mure
- Large Beaeipts rare Friea, '
In oata, tba large recelnta and larre eatl
matee account for tbe lower pricea. The eaab
niaraeta are Detng treated to the aame eatl
inatee and premium are dlaaiipearlng. Tbe
oat are of fine quality and we are Inclined
to think tbey will be wanted around current
' Dull ia Froviiloas.
In provlalona. It la dull market and with
out apeclal algnlncanee. Tba packer do not
aeem to want tb atuff and the market acta
Today's official quotation;.
Open.' Illxh. Low. Clone.
.my f .7 a .imu a
.7H .so , .07V
.5H . .9tl ' .MB
,7 .8l M . '
, . CORN.'
.61 U . .52 .Bit
.Hl . .4Hi , ,4H4
Al .i ' .47 H ;
" .S714
Sept..... .SS , .SSH , .82t ,
I lee ,SS ' .84 .X
May.... .MS M
.S2 B
12 46
S .TT "
Sept.... 12.TS 12.72 10.W)
Oct 1Z70 12.70 ' 12.82
Sept.... S.T . 8 7 . 8 75
Oct..... ' 8.92 - 802 S.S2
Sept.... T.S2 : . T.M . T.B2 T.BT
Oct . 7.80 7.80 T.60 7.&o- B
Chicago, Angnat 6. Cash wheat:
No. t red, new.
No. 8 red. new.
No. 2 hard winter......
No. 8 hard winter....
No. 1 northern aprlng..
No. 8 northers aprlng..
No. 8 aprlng
. 110
.. OS
Sea Trsadaoe Orala Market.
Sea Franclaeo, Auguat S. 11:50 a,
aloe: . .
Wheat, peeemnar ,.,...,.61.44
Barley, Uecemiier ........ , 1
"i m, .
Vaw Tork Srala Market.
New York. Aug. 6. Cloa: Wheat Septem
ber, f 1.01 )4 MS-
. i .
' "laadon Silver Market. )
London, Aug. 8. Silver I anrbanged at
S 16-ia
Liverpool Orala Market.
Uvernool. Angnat 8. Clone: Wheat. Bentem-
Iber. 8-lft'. H lower.
uura eseptemner, e-o!, t lower. ..
London Orala Market,
London, Angnat 8. 1 HO p. m. Wheat. Au
guat. unchanged; October, l lower; December,
it lower,
St. Levi Orala Market.
St. Louie. Angnat S. Cloae: Wheat, Sep
tcmber, O&HaVOBtte. ,
. w
' Xante City Srala Market.
Kenaae ( Itr. August S. Cloae: Wheat, Sep
tember, S6c bid.
t ' '
- Minneapolis Orala Market. -Mlnneanolla,
Auxuat 8. Cloao: Wheat, Sep
tember. Mfce. . - '
Saluth Orala' Market.
Puluth. Angnat 6. Cloae: Wheat. September.
" Vew Tork 'Grain Market.
New York. August 8. Cloae: Wheat, Sep
tember, fl.uHj aaked. ' ,
New York. Ang. 0. Foreign exchange ratea:
Mnmtmrg. OOlwH; Pari. 5ITHMlm Ant
werp, 6IRiu,lr;xt; Etirioh. 6MS; Amaterdam,
40. .16: V liana. 2K..1S; Stockholm, TS.SI.
BOQOE88 A CO. will pay the highest
6 rice for , any amonnt of CHIT TIM
. Uyod demand for Oregon Burbanka.
.. 161 roat artreet, rortUuUU
, (rurnlahed by Orerbeek, Starr A Cooke Ce.)
New York, Auguat 8. T. A. Mclotrre A On.
yi Tb feature of the week In cotton waa
the pubUcatloa of the regular gtaotitbly crop
report on Wednesday. Although thla , .made
a much better ebowlng tban had been expected
by tbe trade, tba bull clique whlrh bad been
menlpalatlng the market the pant fortnight
agalnet tbe ahorta had succeeded In roduclng
their It nee to a orb an account the day before
the report appeared that Utey were In a better
poeltluu to prutect tb market agaluat tbe
heavy aelllug preaaure- which' dcrekiped Imme
diately! after lie publication. It lonka aa
tlough' tbe present bull movement will not
leat long and that Ita culmination I nor
likely to be followed by still lower prices than
we have yet aeen for tbe crop. .
- Today's official cotton market:
Opes. High. Low. Cloae.
January ... .f l.l f l.3 f 8.autdS
atarra . ,
S.Nt '
9. 75
S.BNl 111
8.6.11 fiB
April ..... .....
May . . . . . 8.8.1
Auguat . . . . B.ST
September ... 8. ho '
October .... S.6A
November ... S.50
December , . . S.60
Liverpool Cotton Market.
TAverpool, Aug.' S. Cotton clueed
poluu lower than yeaterday.
8 to 4
Portland . Tnloa Storkyarda, Angnat 8. All
through the week there waa a very heavy de
mand for boga. but tie aupply, although a trifle
larger' than tbe preceding week, waa not half
nor quarter enough to anpply tbe demand ' In
an lines tnere wa an inereae m receipt and
this was felt especially by the dull tone In
both, cattle and aheep. During the wi-ek the
prior of hogs advanced zac, thla being tbe-oiily
change la th quotation. Tb receipt a how:
. Ttala Week Lt Week
Hoga 2t - 8S
fit lie 4,8 . Sl
Sheep S.TUT ' l.HM
the pricea ruling at tb ckwe of tba week
Cttle Beat eaatirtl, .Oregon steers. ' 83.00;
beet valley steers, f 2.7.V-j3.N meillum ateera,
6..7.1; eowa, S2.2S; lull". fl.T6; atng, f2.0O.
Hoga Meet heavy, f.2S; block, fd.tai; China
fata, 63.fr0U5.T6; stuckers snd feeders, 64.75
Sheep Beat grain-fed ' wether and lambs,
f2.voti2.60; mixed abevp, fl.7Ja2.00. . f .
Chicago, Aug. 4. Llvratnrk receipts:
Hoga. Cattle. Sheen.
Chicago ...12.OU0 6f . 3.000
Kanaaa City 4.0O0 l.OoO - 260
Omaha .6.100 50 750
Hog' opened steady with x.noo left ever.
Receipts a year ago were ll.ono. Ruling bog
i . KI.J .. .. lu. . a.. Ikma. eo. a
fB.256.80; rough, 64.7i40; light, fS.lOloj
e.o. .....
Cattle Slow. . j . ' s , ., , .
Sheep Steady.
Boatnn. Ang. 8 Paine, Webber A Co. aay:
Tbe report that Port Artbur baa, again fallen
now come from very good aoureee and If It
le true It ouxht to give the el or k market a
good lift. The prospect for tilgher prices In
the camera continue very favorable.
Today a official cop per pricea:
. . Bid
Adventure 4
Atlantic .................
Ply West
Shannon ...,......,...9
Victoria ,
Mfiaff ...,.......
Centennial ,
Old Dominion .'....
Dominion Coal
Dividend declared.
Sac' rrartclsca. August 8. Loral atocks:
rit'i. Aaa,
Contra Coat Water
Spring Vallev Water....
S. K. Gaa A Electric.
t.tant Powder '. ..
liana Plantation
lions Han Sngnr
ponokea Siigr .........
Hntchlneoit Sugar
Kllnnea Sneer ......... ..
Makawell Siuar.........
Onomea Sitgr
r(i'utanu Suicar
.... !m
.... si
.... 20
.... 62 (
.... SVj
81 H
81 Vi
27 U,
... 13)4 V1314
itv yobx corrxK hiohee.
New York. Aug. a Tba market Is 10 to IS
cents higher. The market the peat week waa
dull, but th undertone haa continued good.
The principal feature of tb trading baa been
tbe continued liquidation of holding of th
September option, nvait-of which waa exchanged
for March and May. The outlook la for a
continued comparatively narrow but steady
Today's official coffee prices: '
L tlU t.i.
Anrnat ....681S In Sn
September 4 21 8.10
October ..8 86
November 46
Dceemlier 8.65
8 0
8 TO
8 SO
8 00
8 TO
T 06
T 20
Jannary ........'. 8.8,1
Kebniary , rn
March S5
April S 85
T 10
rerelga Oeffee Marketa.
New York. ' Angnat 8. Havre and Hamburg
enffe cloaed at advance, Rio recelpta. 10,.
mm baga. market firm; Santos, 60,000 bags,
market 41rm.
Vew Tork Cask Coffee. '
New York, Aug. 8. Caeh coffee: No. f Riot
TMJlIc; Na 4 Baatoa, 8k.
. Aak.
14Z . 14
42 42 tl
a tail
....... . 4 6
....... 2'iT . 8
nZ s
Ml, 84
., 46 1 ...
.'. 45 ...
. 25 , 33K
; or Tn xvist amt kakss a biw
' imzoK zoovz romBxoBT mlabxbt
fSpocial DUpati-h iy Leaard wire to The Journal)
Mew York,- Aug. Cotton oil proved
tne atrongeat feature) of the market, aell
Ing up to a new high-record on this
movement. . Steel preferred displayed
an-advanclng tendency In the early trad
ing and hold ita advantage. Ths de
monstratlon in augar . proceeded with
predictlona of much higher prices in tbe
course ef the coming week. Of the
rallroada. the southern snd aouthweat
ern Issues were most In favor and of
these Texas A Pacltlo took . a leading-
position. Nervousness in the grain
marketa and realisation of the exagger
ated atorlea regarding wheat, , which
price broke heavily, did' not fall pf ef
feet upon aentlment ' -.'
rorelg-a Market Xslped.
. Foreign advices gavs the" market for
aecuritiea eonalderable flrmneaa. both
domestlo and foreign rallroada oa the
London exchange being active and
atrong. There waa no change in the
war situation to act as an influence.
Continued anxiety being prevalent In 8t,
Petersburg aa to the fate of the Rua-
alan forces was not new while, if any
thing, aentlment was suatatned by the
Tact that the Japaneae had made auch
progress that a double victory was be
Ing looked for which might mark a turn
ing point in the campaign.' A market
that haa been averaging only (0,000 or
60,000 Bhares an hour on full daya, could
naraiy De expected to develop Interest
compelling activity on ashort day and
mat in rotasummer. ' .. '
Iwii Makes BUra Mwoord.
" Sugar made a new high record for ths
week and cotton oil was advanced up
amartiy. There .were a few good ad
vancea In the specialties, but those in
the leading rallroada were confined to
small fractlona. Practically ail the
optlona broke aharply at the opening of
the wheat marker this morning snd
even the grasshoppera in Kanaaa. ac
cording to veracloua chronicles, did not
prevent a reaction. Much Interest la
manifested In the strike, or lockout, of
the. building, tradee employee. The In-
dlcatlons point to a general atrike likely
to be continued Indefinitely. Labor
news front all aectlona la not reasaurlng.
The weather map thla morning waa not
especially good, but It did not Indicate.
any harm to the Browing cropa. . Per
haps the most Important matter in the
market thin morning waa the continued
strength of American sugar refining
stock. American locomotive made a fair
aava nee and ateei preferred was' firm
at higher pricea " . - .
The rise In sterling exchange to
64.0614, the top Hsure.of the year, made
larger gold ahlpmenta on Tuesday seem
probable. Thla altuatlon had no appar
ent effect on stocks. Wall afreet is
prepared to aee 810.000.000 to 616,000.
000 In gold go to Europe. It la argued
that by helping London tbla market-will
help Itself, aa forela-nera would buy our
atocks 11 tne money situation abroad
were- eaaier.
Big;, Demand for renaaylvanla.
' The big demand for Pennsylvania at
a stout advance over yesterday's clos
ing price is explained by Its friends as
a development of a digestion of its
recent report j ...
There waa not much In the way of
news to stir speculation. Wheat, de
clined over a cent snd than rallied par
tially. Americana In London were
ateady and consols made a farther
recovery. The bank atatement was an
Indifferent affair. Loans decreased fl,-
861,200 and there waa an Increaas of
1181.200 in cash and fSlS-,260 In sur
plus reserve. Ths bank return attracted
very little attention. Soma Increase in
cash waa .somewhat of a disappointment
Through the small addition of the sur
plus reserves the exceaa of the banks Is
ralaed to $56,108,860, the highest point
of the year. There were some in the
financial district today who Inclined to
the belief that the top notch- had been
reached and that a retrograde may aoon
be looked for. This opinion was bssed
on ths gold movement 1
Araconda lllnln Co..
A mat. Cupper rnrrrm-,
Atcfalnon. common ,
do preferred'.
Am. Car A Foundry, e.
do preferred ..,
Am. Sugar, common....,
Am. Smelt., 'enmmoa...,
do preferred
Baltimore A Ohio, com.
do ore f erred '.
Brook frn Rapid Tranatt
511,1 61H
lananian I'aclnr, - com
Chicago A Alton, com
1 an 11 art
4oii At
do ore f erred
C A O. W enmmoa..
Chi., Mil. A St.- I'....
C. A N. W common.,,
Chicago Terminal Kr..
Cbeaapeak A Ohio....
S4V. 84V, 84
ivm, ruei a iron, com
Colo. Southern, common
00 aeeond preferred . .
on rirat nrereerea. .
D. A R. O., common. , ,.
o preferred ,
Krle, coreaon
do second preferred. ,
do first nref erred....
llltiiMe l ent-al ,
Ixwlavllle a Naahellla. .
160 u.
Met. Traction Co...,..,
Manhattan Elevated.
Mexican Central By
Minn., at. r. a ate. at
4 1 'A
si ii
Mlhaourl PaclAc ,,
M. K. A T.. common...
do preferred
New York Central
Norfolk A W en t ern, com
61 A
00 prereeeeo
N. T.. Ont. A Western.
Pennaylvanl ay ,.
r. u. x. a c. t o.
Preaaed Steel Car. com.
do preferred'..-..,.,...
Beadltar, common.
do aeeond prererred. .
do flrt preferred....
Bep. Iron A Steel, com.
00 prererrea ,.
ink faland, enmmoa....
do preferred
Southern Hy.. common.
At preferred.
Southern Pacific
St. L. A S. -.. 2d pfd.
do f Irat preferred ....
St. L. A S. W.. common
on ureierren;
Texaa A PaclAc
Tennraare Coal A Iron.
Toledo, St. L. A W., e
do preferred
1 1. Ion Failflc. common
do prererred
TJ. S. Leather, common
do preferred
U. S. Hnhher, coatnton. .
1I 101,1
do preferred
Lr. S. Steel Co., common
no prererrea ...
Wheelng A Lake Krle. c
no aeeond preferred.,
do flret preferred
Wleooneln Central, . com
do prererred
W. IT. Telegraph
Wabaah, common.......
do preferred:
America Ice. eerotnoa. .
d pref'red
Total aales tor day, 180,400 shares.
BBOZMasa WKXAT babxxb wzxiva
' rVTVBXI -A All -' umoxamobo
ut. or, ' iamb ' ornp
(Special Dlapntcb t-J Lea aad Wire to The Journal)
- Ban Francisco, Aug. 6. The princi
pal featurea of the marketa today were:
December wheat eaaier; spot aame. .
. December barley closes better. .
. Omts market la steady, , '
Hay generally eaay, . ; . ', ';
Corn, bras and rye ateady. '
Butter firmer; eggs weak. T; .
. Toultry, well cleaned up. .--.!.;.'.'
Advance In cured meats and lard.'.
Bpeeaiatlve Orala Market Softer. '
The local speculative grain ; market
was softer yesterday; that la the high
est ' point for December delivery was
lo per cental below the highest pries
on Friday though the cloalng waa o
better than ,on that day. The market
waa qulcU Spot vafuea were nominally
unchanged. DecemberJbarley broke at
thev opening but had a good ! reoovery.
though not reaching Friday's beat Dries.
and cloaed fractionally higher than on
the preceding day, Ths apot . market
waa eaaier and the receligs were large.
Oats,, corn, rye snd beans were ateady.
Hay waa generally eaay. The ateamer
China, yesterday took out 7,621 barrels
of flour for China There were also
some small ahlpmenta to Central Amer
ica, etc., by the steamer City of Sydney.
The market was without any reported
changes,- ' .
. Mujk IMoes for Fruit. .
Canners offered 820424 per ton for
freestone peaches, 8230 for BaKlctt
pears and 812.60(820 for. plums, as to)
variety and quality. Aa hhth as tit waa
aaked for the beat Bartlett pear a, and In
tne open market 81.26 or more per box
was paid for choice ripe fruit Soma
extra fine peaches are now coming to
market Apricots are practically dona
for . the-aeason. Best quality apples
are a.eady in price, though the market
waa rather slow. There wae a mod
erate demand" for crab apples. .' Pigs
were .scarce, but-late In the day aoma .
very fine In 8-pound boxea arrived from
Vtaalta snd would . have . to be sold
lower than If received early. All
melons are very plentiful, with, a fairly
rood demand.v Canners offered only ly,a
per pound for - Sebaatopol blackberries. ,
Longworth strawberries havs become
rather poor and ars now somewhet neg .
looted for .beat large varletlea . Raspt "
berries were scarce and high-priced.
Grapes of all kinds were dull.
otatoes Arrive Zests. . ,
For several daya potatoes have been
arriving late from the river aectlona, toy
the general embarraaameat of the trade.
Yesterday the market ahowed no par-
tlcular change for potatoea or onions.
No Salinas potrtocs arrived and prices
were largely nominal. ' Some sweet po
tatoes from , the river were offering at
t&ic per pound, and 8c waa asked, for
Coachella. ForTdther vegetables' prices-
varied but little from thoae of the pre
ceding: day.
, Claim Advance ia Butter.
Some dealers claimed to be retting a
further advance; on creamery blatter and
cithers did notvquote any higher. Ths
market was evidently In good shape,
the receipts being moderate and the de
mand good; Eggs continued weak and'
cheeae was 'unchanged. There . was a
moderate , supply of poultry and but
little unsold stock waa left on hand. -During
the week 4Lhree carloads of east
ern poultry were received.
From the Philadelphia Record.
The sparrow haa never been noted for
Ita good works snd kind deeda. but Sam
uel T. Fox, a real estate man. relates an
experience that throwa a new light on
tha pharacter of ths little sparrow. . Mr.
rox uvea In Hoga. and the 'other even
ing. Juat about dusk, he discovered a
young robin floundering about on Ala .
lawn. lt was unable io fly, andihad evl- .
dently fallen from Ita neat. Fearing that
the cata might devour It In the night.
Mr. Fox took the bird tq the rear of bis
yard, where he has a couple of guinea
pigs in an Incloaure covered with a wire
screen. He placed the young robin in '
the pen. While dreasing the next morn
ing he looked out of his window and wsa
amaaed at the actions of a couple of
aparr0ws,whd were carryfng'wormiror"
the young robin. They would fly awsv.
only to return a few momenta later with
worms, which they proceeded to drop
through the screen Into the unturned
-mouth of the captive. They kept this
performance ap until the robin was
liberated, and even then they continued
to hover around like . self-constituted
guardians. . '',
" Only Style She Knew. .
"From the Chicago Newa.
"Madge: Isn't writing poetry anjr
more." . '''':'.':',
"Why not, dear?"
"Oh, the editor said he didn't like her
style. Madge thought he meant : her
dress snd said she'd never speak to ths
horrid man sgalp." ,
New York, Auguat S.
Today's hank state-
J Tlwereaae,
.6 iw.2ro
. ft2.1.8.Vlt
. l.ei.2o
. ' 1.S64.1O0
.-' 821, SU0
Lean IT, S...
flptcle ..a,..,........?,
- Member Chicane Board ef Trade.
. BOND and COTTON , .
02 Third it, tiur Start rhost. Mats 31JI
We are evnaected -by private wleea with
Meear. Logaa A Bryan, t'blcag aad New
Yorki Walker 3roa 1. 8. Barhe Co.. Bee; .
York Stork Bxchange: Habnard Bro. Ce..
New York Cot toe Exchange) ralrchlld A Dub.
eoat New Orleane Cotton Kicbaneet Rear
llerth Co., New York Coffee Exchangai Paine.
vreoner m v. ; noaton vnpper ana ntnea Ka
tbangei Pick Brna. A Ce. New York ead Phllaw
Seipble Stock Baeeaagae.
I V Bis O fr mmnmi i
1 U Irritation 99 .rri
alios a.
ef mseoaa aambranaa.
p. 1 -1 . j ... ...
aintt.aaauataiit;.iua. gent or aolanaone.
J f at 1
1 - 6lgGiaMTI,iT
1 Bald by Drmswlaia,
1 or sent In plain wrapper,
fcr exareaa, prepaid, tor
J 61 en or 1 botti-a 2 7A.
w- Clrcalar aaat ea maasS.