The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 07, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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How Society Folk Are Keeping Cool During tlie Heated Term
MMMum i .Mir nuit and empty
' 1 of social guysty, but &y
m plans ar Doing
' .. a,.t. re nreDarlnK
. to leav n.xt week for th mrly open , ng
: of Stanford ana ueraeiey.- """
ar (themselves In "";
ment. for Oholr work during- th winter.
However, a Ian number are Juat atart
! tag oa their aimmer outings. ndA"
g&t promises to remain a month.
The marriage of Mr. C. A- Hell n
' MM Char Ma. at 0jrtart
." was an lntereetlnK one. A number of
other popular wedding. neve been cele
brated: September proml.ea aeveral
fashionable weddlnga. -,
Tha Oregon Development
r. VenUon attracted attention the flrat of
" ' the week, and wae tha occaalon of aome
' Dretty aortal event.
The river batha hava been very popu
lar this week with people remaining in
town, A number of email launching and
' boating rtlea have, gone out every
evening..' ,
Events the Week
'"' The Informal reception given Tueaday
evening by, the Commercial plub .In
honor of the Development league dele
gate wae very , well attended. About
00 gueata- were present. Including many
.. prominent' club women. The reception
committee conalsted of Mrs. P. i. Mann,
president of tha Woman's club; Mra.
Chamberlain, the wife of the governor:
Mrs. Phelps Montgomery of the board
of lady tnanagera for the St. Louis ex
position, and Mlsa Wllliama. daughter
of Mayor Wllliama. Muslo wae fur
nlshed throughout tha evening by an
orchestra. Among tha prominent women
preeent were: Mra. W. H. PaUeraoa
'Mra. Sarah Kvana. Mrs. Abigail Scott
Punlway, Mrs. W. Wynne Johnson.
Mra. Nina Larowe. Dr. Mary Thompeon,
Mra. M. A. Ogden, Mra. Tom Richard
son. Mrs. Wataon Lyman. Mra. B. P.
- Fraser. Mra. B. H.' Trumbull. Mrs. W.
H. Fear. Mra. Charlee H. Andrew. Mrs.
W. W. Calkins, Eugene; Mra. M. A.
Spalding. The Dalles; Miss Oraca Llnd-
- say. Bole. Ida.
ww 'A , ' ,
" Ona of the most enjoyable events or
; the season at Long Beach was the birth
day party given In honor of tha seventh
' anniversary of Elmer T. Colwell. Sat
' urday afternoon and evening at the
Templeton cottage. Football, croquet
and tennla were enjoyed during the aft
ernoon and after supper a huge bonfire
waa built on the beach. A large num
ber of friends waa assembled and old
- - and young altk" enjoyed the ' frolic. .
- - ' ' - ' AV w '
A number of frlenda called at the home
Vof Mr. and Mrs. D. P. -Lewis and Mra.
C Stenger. 471 Main f street. Sunday
afternoon, in honor of the engagement
; of Mr. George Stenger and Mlaa Clemen
.. tine Hahn of' San Francisco.
- i Mrs. S. A. Woodford received In
formally Friday afternoon at her home,
12 Hall street. In honor of 'her Slater.
' Mn. Raymond Steel, who has Just re
turned from her honeymoon. There were
no cards. The house waa darkened and
llt with candlea and incandescent lights.
Green and white was the color scheme
and sweet peas carried out tha idea. Miss
Blakely. in white organdie trimmed with
" lavender, received the guests at the
-door. Mra.-Woodford In brown etamine
. and-Mra. Steel in her wedding gown of
white allk received in the reeeptton
' room, t In tha dining-room frulta and
" wedding cake were served. The polished
table waa wreathed with smllax, and fes
toons of tha same ware drawn from
the chandelier to the table. Around the
i' cut-glasa punch bowl were candlea with
green shades. Miss McMiller, in white
lawn trimmed with green, presided in
the dining-room. ' Miss Patte of L
! Angeles,. Mrs. Woodford' sister, who 1
on her way to Canada, waa alao an
honored guest. "
About 31 gueata called during the
afternoon. . ' - , .
; .. . w w ... (-' :
. Mrs. Marlon A. White haa returned
to .Chicago after a pleasant vlalt in
Oregon. . During her stay here she waa
4 the gueat of Captain and Mra. Cleve
land Rockwell. Captain Rockwell is
' vice-president of the National Society
of Aasociated Arts In Chicago, of which
! Mrs. White is he secretary. Last week
. they enjoyed a pleasant trip to The
Dalles. Mra. White s reared much ma
terial here which aha expects to use in
her" neat Issue of the Fine Arte Journal.
The Portasla olube waa entertained at
the home of Mr. and Mre. Henderaon,
Its Grand avenue. Thuraday. August .
Tha apacloua veranda waa beautifully
decorated with ferns and flowers and
lighted with Chinese lanterna. Pro
greaslva whist was played there until a,
Jate hour ani dainty refreshment were
, served. The prises were won by Ms.
Woodburn and Mr. W. F. McCarter. Th
monthly business meeting was called to
order by Vice-President R. A. Woodburn,
and it was decided to give a moon
light party aome time In September.
There were about 20 present
. w w
Ona of the Informal hops waa given
Friday evening at the Vancouver bar
racks. Among the Portland guests were
. Major Reea. Mrs. Panton, Miss Panton
and Tony Mathleson.
- Mr. and Mrs. George Merrill Will
leave tonight for Boston. They will
' spend a week at the "Hub,'' caking in
the O. A. R. encampment, and from
. there will go to Maine, where they will
spend. two months, visiting Portland,
Bangor, Belfast, and other points on
. the coast of their native state. Mr. and
Mra. Merrill came here 22 yeara ago
' with their vlx children, and this will
, be their first visit to the old home. Mr.
Merrill served during the civil- wsr on
, Farragut'a flsgslilp, the "Hartford,"
. and will Join the naval parade next
Monday In Boston. Mra. Merrill la a
national delegate to the Woman'a ,Re
' lief corps convention, and will attend
-, , the sessions of that body in Tremont
" temple. .
ww .
1 One- of the largest and most suc
, cessful events of the year In social
circles In Coif ex. Wash., wss the lnwn
social ' given by the -Catholic women
Wednesday evening at tha home of Mr.
and Mrs. Pat Codd. Six hundred per-
. sons were la attendance ang llS was
. cleared.
, The marriage of Mlsa Maria Wllhelm
and Mr. Melchotr Ras was solemnised at
R.3 Wednesday evening, at the German
Reformed church. . Rev. Theodore Hef
ner performed the ceremony In the prea
nce f a largs number of relatives and
r frlenda. - An arch of -gren aurmounted
the altar and potted planta and rut
flowera were hanked at the base. Miss
v. Bertha Henry was bridesmaid and Mr.
Henry Has waa-'best man. The. bride
ws dressed la cream albatross and car
ried bouquet of myrtle. -
After the ceremony supper was served
rrt Rath Rsndys restaurant. The
hrtd Is a prominent teacher of Mult
anmaa county and tha groom ht In bust-
nees In the city. Mr. and Mra. Raa left
Thursday morning for a trip to San
Franolsco, thence to St. Louis and other
eastern points. They will be at bom In
. - w w
Edward E. McClanahan of Eugene and
Mlsa Kate Godfrey of Solera were mar
ried at S o'clock Monday evening at the
home of the brid'a parents. Mr. and
Mrs. James Godfrey. In Salem. Mr.
McClanahan Is a prominent young busi
ness man of Eugene and hi wlf was
one of Salem's society girls. They will
psss their honeymoon at the beach, after
which they will be at home In Eugene,
w V
F. C. Allison and Mra; Llllls -P.
Mathews were married Monday evening
at tha First Presbyterian church. Rev.
E. T. Allen officiating. Only a few Im
mediate relatives were preeent. ' Mr.
and Mrs. Allison have gon to the
sound for a brief trip. They will be at
bom In two .weeks at 441 Tenth street,
w '
, W. Dixon llopcraft and Mia Annie
Evelyn Grant, daughter of Dr. and Mr.
Roland ,W. Grant, were married at Van
couver, B. C. Thuraday. Mia Grant
formerly resided "In Portland. . '
' , w .
Virgil H. Massay and Mlsa Minnie
M. Gorsllne were married last .Sunday
at the home of the bride's parents, Mr,
sndTtfrs. IX D. Gorslln st McCoy. Or. (
Rev. J 4 Bowersox Of th Second United
Evangelical church of Portland officiated.-
' Only Immediate relative - were
preaent Mr. and Mrs.. Massey will re
side In Salem. . ' "
w w ' -
A pretty wedding; oeremony at i:tt
Inst Wadneaday evening united- Mr. Er
wln Zahn and Miss Tillla Hlckey. The
wedding waa solemnised t Mississippi
avenue Congregational church. Rev. C.
M. Smytha officiating.
Th church wa elaborately decorated
with' evergreen -and flower. At 'the
aitar waa an arch of La Franca rose
and suspended from It a bell of white
sweet peas. As -Mr. Jennl Smith
played tha Lohengrin bridal march th
wedding party entered, preceded by little
Miss Verlle Brown aa ring-bearer. ' She
wora blue liberty allk and -carried th
ring on a white aatln pillow. Miss
Qoldle Brown end Miss Ina Hlckey, aa
flower girls, followed, both In whit
organdie and carrying baskets -of whit
sweet peas. Two bridesmaids followed.
Miss Bertha Rivera In nil green or
gandie, carrying white carnations, and
MJss LIUI Zahn, In pink organdie, car
rying pink carnation. Last came th
bride on th arm of her uncle, Mr. Henry
Brown,and attended by. Miss Anna
Phillips, her maid of honor, ha bride
wore whit liberty aatln and, earrled
whit carnations. ' Her tulle veil wa
held In place with a spray of orange
blosaoma. Miss Phillips was gowned
In white boblnet.and carried wl).ite car
nations. -They wer met at th altar by
the groom and his best man, Mr. Fred
Zahn. Tho Episcopal -ceremony was
read, during which Mrs. Smith played
softly,- "O. Promise Me.T- Soma , 4
guests witnessed th iceremony.
' After th ceremony V "reception waa
riven at th home of tbNiidc'a parents,
Mr. and Mra. J. W. Brown, at 209
North Tenth street. The rooms were
decorated In pink, whit and green,
marguerite prevailing In tha reception
room and pink carnation and rosea in
tha dining room. ... Th bride cut. the
wedding' cake and Mr. Fred Zahn se
cured th ring and Miss Llllls Zahn th
thimble. Ices, cake, fruit and win war
erved In th dining, room.
Mr. and Mra. Zahn are passing their
honeymoon at Long Beach. They will
be at horn after Auguat IS at their
new home on Sixteenth and Pettlgrov
treat. ....
''' ' " ''
A very pretty and unique wedding
wa solemnised at I o'clock Wednesday
afternoon at tha summer home of Mrs.
William 8. Kinney at Gearhart, when
Mr. Chris Alexander ' Bell and Miss
Charlotte Mae Bennett were married.
Rev. William 8. .Gilbert of Portland read
the marrlag service. ...
Th large veranda wa canvased In
and transformed Into a aummer 'garden
with potted plants, hanging baskets and
hug bunches of sweet pea. Six young
Women, member of th Thursday After
noon club of Astoria, of which tha bride
I a member, preceded th bridal party.
Mounting the veranda In couplea, they
carried woven garland of sweet peaa
with which they formed an aisle of
arches In the path of the bride. Aa they
entered they sang tha Lohengrin bridal
hymn. An' altar waa built of moaa and
hemlock boughs and here th minister,
th groom and tha groomsman. Mr.
Robert 8. Faxrell of Portland, met the
bride and her party. Mra. Kinney, the
bride' mother, Mrs. Mile' Bell .and
Miss Mary Bell, th groom' mother and
sister., stood at the altar. . Jkllas -Sue
Elmore of Astoria preceded the bride
aa maid of honor. Tha Episcopal cere
mony waa uaed and after the prayer
th sextet again sang th bridal hymn
aa th party walked away. .
Agalnat an angle background, formed
of two American flags, Mr. and Mra
Bell received congratulations under th
trees. A dainty luncheon was served
In th dining room, where sweet peaa
wer" employed abundantly In deoora
tlon. A huge Mil of nasturtiums over-
bung th table. The Thuraday After
noon girl presided in th dining room.
Th wedding gift made a handsome
display in a tent In the yard.
Tha bride wa beautiful in a gown of
soft -whit plna cloth. Her veil waa
secured : by orange blossoms and she
carried a shower bouquet of whit car
nation. The bridesmaid wa gowned
la pale blue, wore a picture hat and
carried whit carnation. The sextet
were all in white. Mrs, Kinney In
cream crepe, Mra. Bell In black and Miss
Bell In cresra etamine received th
Mr. and Mrs. Bell left with the large
number of Portland and Astoria guests
on a special car for Astoria, whence
they will take a trip along th sound
and In British Columbia. They will be
at home In Portland after August 17, at
181 Kast Twelfth street.
: w w
Charles C J. O. Koyle and Mlaa Varna
Louisa Welch were married at S o'clock
Wednesday evening at tha home of th
bride' , parents, Mr. and Mra. C. H.
Welch, at Tabor heights. Rev, William
R Randall . performed th ceremony In
th presence of SI guest.
Th house waa prettily decorated wfth
golden rod, clematl and ferns, formlna
a-benk. brhlnd th wedding party. Miss
Blanch . McGowan played th wedding
march. Light refreshment wer served
In tha dining room.. Mr. and Mra. Royle.
are paaalng their honeymoon at Ocean
Park. They will be at home after Sep
tember IS at 11 Kaat Morrison street
' ww' ''
On of the prettiest wedding of th
euson took place at the St. Mark's Epis
copal church Wednesday evening at 1:30
o'clock, when Mia Annie Allen and Ki
ll red Kulsenga were united In marriage
by th Rev. John Simpson.
- Ths bride wore a beautiful gown of
whit crepe de chine, trimmed with point
lace, and carried Bride roses. Tha veil
wa fastened with a diamond Crescent.
A reception Wa held st 141' Love joy
treat, th bom of A. W. Allen, brother
of th bride. Only 'immediate relative
wer present. Th rooms throughout
wer handsomely decorated with palms
and rut flowers, the dining-room being
In- pink. Numerous telegrams of con
gratulations were read during luncheon.
The bridal bouquet waa caught by Miss
Kdivir-IUlen -of Corvallta. - Many hand
aome presents were- received by th
bride. -- -
Th brld 4 a daughter of Mr. and
Mra. E. Allen of Corvallla. and a gradu
ate of th O. A. C. of th claaa of 'II.
For th paat alx year ah haa mad her
horn in Portland with her brother, A.
W. Allen, and ha won many warm
friends. The groom Is a popular mem
ber of the Multnomah Athletic club and
hold a responsible position with th
Knight Shoe company of thla city.
Mr. and Mr. Eldred Kulsenga will re
side at 241 North Sixteenth street and
will b at bom after September 1. No
card. :. -
'--'.' . w w .'
Word ha Just been received of th
wedding of Dr. F. O. O. Schmidt t
Bremen. 'Germany, July 10. Dr. and
Mrs. Schmidt are now at Lelpato and
will sail for America August 13, reach,
lng Eugene' about September' 1. Dr.
Schmidt Is head' of the; department of
modern language In tha University of
Oregon... '
J Engagements y
Tb engagement f Miss Clara Elisa
beth Wslker of Oregon City to Mr,
Grafton B. Cheney of San Francisco
la announced.
Tha engagement of - Miss Elisabeth
Warner and Mr. John Petara haa been
announced. 'Tha wedding will take place
next month.
Musical Notes
Edgar E. Coursen, - organist of the
First Presbyterian church and head of
th musical department of Portland
academy, left during the week with
his family to enjoy a month' outing on
tha Traak river.
' Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton la se
riously ill with appendicitis at . her
present horn In Albany. Mra. Norton,
who .recently came weat from Chicago
for her health, ha been Instructor of
vocal muslo In Albany college alnc
Chrlatma. 8h wa accepted la Chi
cago a the best contralto tha coast has
produced. During the spring she ap
peared here in light concert work and
won great favor with' her hearera.' - J
w. ,
Mra. Roae Bloch-Bauer, th soprano
soloist of First Congregational church
and Templa Beth Israel, left yesterday
for a month at Hotel Moore, Seaside..
Mlaa Mlnta Carson,. the piano-teacher,
la a member of a house party on Carson
height with Mr. Frances Piatt this
Arthur Louis Eraser, the- talented
young Eugene pianist, passed tha week
In Portland, en rout - to Berlin, Ger
many. He will leave tomorrow for
Baltimore, whence he sails, September
7. Mr. Fraser, who ha atudled sev
eral yeara with W, Glfford Nash, now
of Portland, baa been holding the chair
of muslo In the University of Oregon
school of muslo for two year. H- will
tudy In Berlin three or four years. He
la fortunate In gaining admittance to
tha KUnderworth-Scharwenka conserva
tory, where he will study with th great
Morlts Mayer-Mahr. Students are ac
cepted in tb conservatory entirely on
merit Mr. Fraser haa popularised him
self with Portland musicians through
several appearances her. '
There I much regret over th loss oc
casioned by Mis Alms Newman'a de
parture to make Fresno. Cel.. her horn.
Mis Newman, who received her musi
cal education at Boston conservatory.
haa been very successful as a teaoher of
children and waa a favorite aa an ac
companist Bhe will visit in San Fran
cisco for a month. '
w w
During August Miss Grace Gilbert will
direct the mualo at First Presbyterian
church. There will be a mixed double
quartet, with Ml Plummer aa organist.
' Miss Leonora Fisher, organist for the
synagogue and First Congregational
church, has gon to soiKhern Oregon for
a month' visit
The First Congregational; FirBt Pr
byterlan and Calvary Presbyterian
churches have voted to retain their
choirs for th following year without
any change.
' w w '
Mr. Lauren Peas will "be "thetenor
soloist at ths synagogue the following
year, aa well a at th Flrt Presbyt
rlan church.
Local musicians are pleased by th
advent of Mr. Arthur Alexander, a mu
sician of some, who prom
ises to b an Important acquisition. Mr.
Alexander ta an excellent pip organist
and pianist, though vole Is hi special
ty. He haa a tenor vole of fin quality
and large range. Hla musical education
wa acquired in Pari, where he conduct
ed th choir In th American Trinity
church, one of tha leading churchea of
tha city. Jl come' to Portland from
Seattle, where also h conducted the
choir in Trinity church, but hla horn
1 in the east Mr. Alexander expect
to open a studio her very soon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Glltner gave an
enjoyable launch party Saturday even
ing, July 10, in honor of their guests,
Mr"J. H. Gravley, two daughter and
son of Kansaa City, They rode up paat
th Whit Hous alt and on their re
turn lunched down town. Tho In th
party wer: Mr. and Mra. Glltner, Mr.
J. H. Gravley, Mr. James Gravley. Miss
Clara OraUey, Miss Carrie Gravley,
Rev. and flra. E. N. Allen, Mr. and
Mr. R. R. Steele.
w '
Th Baracca and Fhllethla classes of
th First Baptist church of Albany en
Joyed an outing Tueaday evening by
taking a hayrack rid to th horn of
Rev. Rufu Thompaon, two mile
south of . th city. Her they
wer treated to the best product of
th orchards and after disposing of a
goodly quantity of th delicious fruit
a pleasant hour wa spent In singing
songs and lively converaatlon. Leaving
th Thompson horn th party cam
back to Hackleman's grov, where they
built a bonfire and at luncheon, spend
ing a plesssnt hour before returning to
th city at midnight There wer about
twenty of the young people In th party
and every on reported a delightful
tim. .
, , v it it
K p1iaaant launching party waa given
Monday evening by Mr.- Klrflake and
Mr. MrCuna. The psrty of 22 left the
dock st S o'clock In a gaily decorated
launch Illuminated with Chines Ian
Urn andmad cosy with rug and pU-
low. Stringed mualo - and singing
helped pass- th time pleasantly. . At
Sell wood park they landed and luncheon
waa eaten around a bonfire. , Mra. Harry
Harrington, chaperoned th party. On
their return they rode down, th river to
th flour mill. . Tho in the company
were: Mre. Harrington, Mlsa Mabel
Jarvla. Miss Alice KHUngaworth. Miss
Georgia Harrington, Miss Eva Moor.
Mlsa Fay Killing worth. Miss Kate
Burney. Mis Bessie lioxle. Mis LoU
Ktllingsworth, Miss Grac Jarvla, Miss
Nina KlUlngsworth, Mr, Harry Hr-
flaka. Mr. McCune. Mr. Jarvla, Mr.
Batten, Mr. Bert Hemana, Mr. Killings
worth. Mr. Kerflake. Mr. Roy Hemana,
Mr. Alexander, Mr. Clinton 8 ham and
Mr. Sleeth.! '
Th publicity committee of th
Woman'a club conducted an anjoyabl
trolley ride Tueaday afternoon. Their
gueata wer the women delegate to
the Development ' league convention.
Starting it I o'clock . they went to
Canemah park and returned at 1:10.
Outing 'Visitors y
. Miss Lela, Goddard of trvlngton Is
visiting Mlsa Francee Gill In her; sum
mer home at Ocean Park.- ., ' -1
Mra. Jerry Bronaugh and little on
Visited with hf parent In Eugen dur
ing the week on her way back from an
outing at Newport -'
Miss Alma Holllngaworth haa gone to
Seavlew to be thr gut of Mn N. H.
Bloomfleia at her aummer cottag for
two week. .,' ' -
Mr. and Mra.-R. R. Glltner returned
Tueaday from ehelr vacation. They
passed th tim at th Bohemia mine
In th Cascades, th guests of Mr.
Hemenwsy. of Cottage Grove. '
The Misses Helen, Gertrude, and Alice
Hutchinson returned Tuesday from a
two weeks' outing at Whit Salmon,
Wash. ' '
Mra. A. Tlschner left yesterday on th
Potter to occupy her cottage, Hasel Dell,
at Long Beach for th rest of the
, Trout Lak,'Wh.--Th hot weather
recently haa sent hundred of people
to seek cooler quarters at mountain and
seashor resort. Guller Hiotel, Trout
Lake, la Just now taxed to the utmost
very stage bringing a big load of pa
anger. Mrs. ' Stubllng and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Parkins, Mr. and
Mre. F. H. Watts, ar her from The
Dalle. W. C, Forb. A. E. Nolan. W.
C. Allen, CTarlee Randall. C. i Kauff
man. H. J. Btrowbrldge. H. Dean. -O. H.
Johnson. Mrs. W.-V Dunlway and two
daughters, . H. A.-Buff In ton, Portland,
are-recent arrlvala.-
Among thoae tenting ar Mr. Ebert
Mrs. Cook, Miss Wlnller, Messrs. Laur
ence and George Ebert, of Vancouver
barracks; Mrs. A. Bradshaw of Portland.
Rev. M. Montgomery of the Third
Presbyterian church. Portland, and Rev.
Marcottl of Westminster Preabyterlan
church, Portland, with their families,
are camping here.
Mr. and Mra. Charles J. Strub of
Portland ar tenting on Trout creek.
' Rev. Mr. Booth of The Dailea, with'
hi family, Is camping near here.
Mra. J. M. Fllloon and family are
again at horn at Kamp Kontent this
being th Kith summer for them her
at this camp. . Dr. Mary Parker of Port
land and - Mlsa Rett JCddon of Th
Dalle ar visiting Mra. Fllloon,
Mr. and Mra. Belden Grant of The
Dailea ar pleasantly located In Camp
America. Mlaa Haxe Rloa of The
Dailea I visiting them. --
Mr. J. M. Patterson and Miss Beulah
Patterson and Maater Geer are camp
ing on Trout creek, having arrived Shi
Miss Sarah Brunner returned Thurs
day from- an outing at Newport
Glen Foulke I at ' Long Beach on
a two weeks' outing. v
Mr. and Mrs. P. J Craig and daughter
Ina went to Seaside yesterday.
Mrs. George Langford and daughters,
the Misses Lulu, . Lillian and Carrie
Holmes, went to Long Beach Thursday
to occupy their cottage.
Fred Freund returned Thursday from
a trip to Mount Hood. '
. G. Lee Hynaon has returned from a
week's outing at Seal Rock, where ha
visited hi uncle, ex-Governor Lord.
Richard Martin and family hav re
turned from Long Beach. They hav
rented their cottage at tentervlll for
th balance of th season.
Representative-elect Elmer B. Col
well spends Baturdays and Sunday at
Long Beach with hi family.
Dav Povey la a regular passenger on
th Potter for Long Beach on Satur
day. .
Mr. Freeman of th Lewis and Clark
corporation passed th week on a fish
ing trip.
Dr. H. V. Adlx and wlf. Mr. E. J.
Ladd and daughter Ruth, Jeasle Harklna
and Ralph Ladd left last Tuesday morn
ing for a monthw sojourn In tha Klicki
tat mountains, . ,
Seaside Notes
Last Friday evening Mr. Percy, Smith
gave, a novel house warming In the
shape of a crab dinner, at hla beautiful
new home on th beach. Thla Is on of
th most elegant summer residences on
this coast the spacious rooms being
finished in oak and furnished in mis
sion furniture. Th evening waa made
more pleasant by a huge bonfire that
lighted up tha coast for miles.
Mrs. J. Loewengardt I very 'pleas
antly altuated at her cottage. Mlaa
Rothschild aa her gueat Mr. Loewen
gardt spent Saturday and Bunday with
hla family the paat week,.
Mr. MrEacharn, city collector, ha
Just finished a neat llttl summer resi
dence on th hill. ."'
Dr. vJay Tuttl. Stat aerator, spent
a few day her th paat week enjoying
the aea breexe.
C F. Apples-ate and brld of Spokane
are spending their' honeymoon at th
Moor hotel. -
W. O. Van Schuyver and family ar
sojourning at th Moore.
J. O. Brannygan, a prominent young
buslnesa man of Seattle, I enjoying
a vacation at tha Moor. ' - -
Mrs. C P. Bcon 1 a gueat at th
Mr. Phil Metschan of th Imperial
hotel, Portland.' Is at tha Moor.
Ml Alice C Andrew, daughter of
Mr. Andrews, general land agent of the
Southern Pacific, is a. guest at .th
Moore, "
Mra. J. M. Ruas and family ar
among tha lata arrival at th Moor.
Mr. L, Samuel, wlf of th general
gent of tha Equitable Life Inauranc
company of Portland, is a late arrival.
V. H. Ketchani, brother of th pro
moter and builder of tha railroad from
Astoria to Beaalde, la registered at th
Moor. (
Senator John Mitchell and John
Mitchell, jr., have engaged rooms at th
Moor for a month. . -
Mr. Blaster la spending a few day
with Mr. Johnson on a fishing trip,
Sam Ooldamlth and family ar at
their cottage In tha grove, near th
Necsnlcum river.
Mr. and Mra. Fenton and son ar ,
at th Colonial. Mr.-Fenton la ona of
Portland'a moat prominent lawyers.
Dr. snd Mrs. Strickland ar lat ar
rlvala at th Colonial. .
Mr. Dicky,i Mr. ' McEldowney and
Mr. Wyatt of Oregon City: J. M. Mo
Uraw. Jvlfe and daughter, Mlaa Blanche,
ar at tha Colonial.,
'LovkMey hall; Charlea Cleveland,
Mlaa Maude Cleveland, Charlea Cleve
land, Jr., Ureshara; B. - Slater, Spokane;
Mr. Kldd. Edward Garllnger, D. &
Bbyrock, L, L. Hartley, Mr. and Mra.
C. 8. -Snyder, R. J. Stewart, Mr. and
Mra. Bentley, Portland; H. C. Graham,
WUey Moore, H. H. Morton, Denver;
Mr. and Mra. John Latbrop, Elisabeth
Anderson.' Portland; B. Statten, Spokane;
E. O. Davis, William Winters, Mrs.. W.
IL Guldstaff. A., 8. RothwellJ H. 1L
Holland, R. J. A. O'Reilly. James B.
O Shea, Jr., Mr. W. C. Noon, Miss E.
M. Land. Portland; Margaret M. Thomp
son, Spokane; Caaalua Waldo Will bank,
Atlantlo City; Mr. and Mra. George Mc
Clelland, New "fork; Mra. P. W. Cuater.
Chicago; F. O. Graham, Astoria; Mrs.
Nettl Johnston, . Los - Angelea, .
Gearhart . hotel; Helen C ' Colma,
Minnesota; C. W.' and Lester Hodson,
Frances Cowan, ' Leoora Houen, Port
land; Mrs. c. H. Carey and daughters,
B. Allen and wife, O. M. GoweU, W. W.
8tVnat -G. t Russell, Nora Russell,
Portland; Mra, N. E. Borah, Boise;
Mary Fischer, Chicago; C. A. Miller
and family, Oregon City; Ml E Bell,
Elisabeth B. Pratt Mlaa Elm Olsen, Dr,
A. A. Morrison. Mra. J. McLaughlin. Mra.
E. B. Jones, Miss Eva Jones; Mrs. Bhlr
ly Eastham, Portland; Miss Els1 El
more, Mrs. Mil Bell, Mis Bell, Mr.
R. S. Farrell. H. W. Hogue, Lionel Lee
Paget Marjon K. SUckpole. A. H. Llnth
leunt. Ml Krancla Wilson, Miss C G.,
Wilson. Astoria; Mra. E. H. Brooks,
Miss ' Margaret and Oenevlev Brook.
Portland; -Mr. and Mr. J, A. Bennett
J. E. Higgle. Mr. and Mr. Albert
Dunbar, Astoria; Gordon M. Craig, Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Craig, Portlands M. R.
Leobee, Caldwell. Idaho; C. A. Bell,
Portland; Alio Wood; Susan H. Almore.
Nan G. Reed, Rosa A. Hobson, Sady
Crong, Mr. A. A; Finch, Portland;
Margarl Halated, Albambra, Theatre
company; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Felden
helmer, Mr.' and Mra. H. Fr Jordon,
Portland; Charles Hlckllng, William,
Ash, Astoria; Robert Wllkle, Fort Stev
ens; Mr. and Mra. James G. Cloaaent
New York; H. Morgan, Mr. and Mra.
Coolldge, J. C Boyer, Portland. -
The Colonial: George Everhard, Ely,
Or.; Lena Stauffer, Dallas; R. EbwiVod,
Seaside; John Smith, A. O. Linton, J. C
Allen. Fred Huatt Portland. -
Mra. Charles F. Blair and child, wlf
OS Charlea F. Blair, the noted turfman
of New York, will b gueata of Mra
Knowles at Halcyon lodge for tha rest
of tha season. - Her mother and- aister,
Mra. Mattla E. Webber and Mlaa Web
ber, ar with Mra. Blair.- ,
Mra.-W. W. Spauldlng. ona of-tlie-pto-neer
of Portland, la spending a month
with Mr. Knowle.
Mr. W. C. North, wlf and child ar
late arrivals. i . ,
- Mr. 8. F. Bcott and family ar spend
ing th rest of th season at Beaalde.
Mr. and Mra. O. H. Hamilton and Mr.
and Mra. Woodlawn ar vary pleasantly
sltlated In Hermosa park.
Mrs. Abner Brlggs, of Dallas, Or., ar
camping in tha grov; also Mr. and Mrs.
C H. Lamberaoa of Bcappoos.
. Mis Margaret Gleason left for Port
land Thursday, - where ah will epend a
few day befor leaving for her Mon
tana bom. '
Mr. Henry Davla, editor of th Com
mercial Bulletin of Portland, 1 a gut
at Lockaley hall, .
Th guest of Lockslay hall war th
participant in a hug clambake on
night the first of th weak.
Mr. 8. Z. Hyde, of th Hyd EUvator
company of La Cross, Wis., Is a gueat
at th Seaside house. j
Boating and fishing parties ar a great
sourc of pleasure to tha gueata of Sea
aid hotel. Bom fin salmon trout ar
being caught
Mra. Dr. 811 wood gave a delightful
boating party tha first of th week up
th Necanlcura river - to th Seaald
house, followed by an Impromptu lunch
eon at Mowltsa cottage.
Mr. Becker, wlf of a prominent busi
ness man of Omaha, Neb., la occupying
th W. D. Bain cottage.
Said Back and family of Portland ar
lat arrivals.
A party of 10 or IS young peopl en
Joyed a tallyho party to Gearhart tha
flrat of tha week, where a midnight sup
per waa served.
Dr. Bell wood haa been on th lck Hat
tha last fsw day,
Dr. Locks of Portland I with hi fam
ily at their cottage, near tha beach.
Moor hotl--Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Earle, Mr. and Mra C. R. Scott Mlaa J.
M. Scott Edna and Allen Scott Mr. and
Mr.. J. Snider, Portland; H. M. Hart
Butte; Mra. Ella Chapman. Mlaa Lillian
Chapman, Mleaouta, Mont; B. E. Hughes,
Portland; Mra C Clarke, Mlaa Jean
Clarke, Glendale; Mr. and Mra S. H.
Friendly. Mlaa Carrie Friendly, Mlas Ro
salie Friendly,- Eugene;: "William B.
Clowe, Walla Walla; Mra E. M. Smith,
J. C. Specht Portland; Malon Joyce,
Mr. G. D. Boyd, MI Jean Boyd, N. Y.
Kittle Boyd, San Francisco; Allen
Lewis, Portland; Mrs. E. Gelser, Baker
City; Mrs. William Pullman and -child,
M. C. Strickland and child, Portland; H.
M. McEldowney, Oregon City; Mra. V. A.
Knapp, Portland; Mra. M. J. Drew, Cyrua
W. Drew, Seattle; P. D. Wooley, Port
land; C. J. Applegat and wife, -Bpokane;
W. B. Mitchell, George W. Phillips, Will
iam D. Fenton, Edward Falling, J. H.
Comeaford, E. W. Crlghton, Pete Grant
Miss S. Smith, R. W. Hoyt and wife,
Kathryn Hoyt, Robert Glllen, Portland;
W. W. Breyman, Mra William Brown,
Homer Breyman. Salem; H. M. Hall,
Butt; Bert Roberta, Thomas W, Mur
phy, Mr. and Mr. E. W. Weaton and
child, Mr. and Mra. P. M. Custer, Mra
C. P: Bacon, Portland; M. Aaher. San
Franctsoo; W. J. Kelly, Margaret Kelly,
Genevieve Kelly, Portland; Ml Maud
A. Stone, Mra Don Alley, Astoria; Miss
Nell Fits Gerald, Stockton; Mlas Anna
O'Brien, Miss Nelll O'Brien. George
Parson, George Parsons, Jr Mr. and
Mra John E. Lathrop, P. J. Jennings,
A lie C Anderson, Portland; C. R.
Wright, Miss Harriet Tallant, U E. Be
llg. Astoria; Dr. and Mra Van Nat.
Bole, Ida.; Edward Gerllnger, Portland;
J. P. Rogera, Mra and Ml Rogera Sa
lami Mra E. M. Cooper, Glen wood; B. W.
Denver, San Francisco; Mra J,L. Backer
nd, daughter, Ogden, Utah; Ml Amell
Sherman, Mis Winifred Chambreau,
Portland; B. Miller, M. Mahan. Chicago,
111.; Mia L, Newman, Miss Harrlman,
Astoria; Mr. and Mra J. B, Morgan, Fort
Smith, Ark.; R. L. Nelll, Bumpier, Or.)
Mra a Wtt Mra F. K. Lovell, Mra G
Hall, Balem; Mies McKlttrlck, Toronto,
Can.; T. Wood. N. B. Taylor, H. A, Web
ber and wlf, W, O. Van Bchuyver, Port'
McOuIr hotel L. Forsythe, Portland;
Dr. Jay Tuttle, Astoria; R. W. Walker.
Grand Forka, N. IJ.; James Grubbl. As
toria; F. Howart, Arlington, Or. 1. Mary
Ellsworth, Maud Ellsworth, Anna Lin
den, Emma V, Griff th. Blanch E. Ber
nard, Mis Effl Jenklna B. F. Fulton,
Portland; L. Bert Whlgam, Bpokana: M.
O. Hlckey, Portland; R. Reld, George
Ohler, Astoria; Maud A. Btona Fred C.
Tuttle, W, J, Fletcher. Portland: Roy
Leigh, rerUand; W, . Bradford, John
C. Whlttler, B. F. Fulton. W. 8. Zimmer
man, M. J. Dowd, W. W. Sweeney, Mra
II. Lawaon, Miss Agnes Hellmann, Miss
Lea Mrs. Col lander, Mlaa J. Collarider,
Mrs. s". K. Pease, William Holly. V. L.
Tlbbetts, Chsrles Hammond, E. K. Ka-mar,-
Roy Leigh, Portland; J. A. Aah
baugh, William Holley. Payette. Ida; 8.
Bchmeer, Portland.
Seaald hotel W. . J.' O'Brien, C. B.
May, Charlea and Ray Feldenhelmer,
Mra 8. Frank, Portland; Ben Hollay, J.
K. Johnston. Alice C. Anderson, William
E. Lovell, Mis O. Merrill, Castl Rock;
Howard Allen, New York; Mra Edwin
Alllater, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mra Olll
ver Wendell, Boston; Mra. J, Deiael, Ban
Francisco; P. Van Alen, Brooklyn, N. Y.;
Mlas Zerllna Jjpwenberg, H. C. Lowen
berg, Mr. and Mra Henry Houserman,
Mlaa , Margaret 1 Housorman, . Portland;
George Lnnabarry, Iowa; Z. Zln, H. Moy,
Astoria; Mra B. H. Levy, J. C. Veasle,
Mra Emma Conn. A. Louis Andrews,
Mra O. G. Klosterman. Gretchen Kloa
terman, Portland; A. Douglaa, Denver,
Utah; .Mra Bhlrn, Rainier; At Jmal,
Portland.. " ; ,-, .'',
Coming Events .
The young woman of Centenary Meth
odist church Will conduct a social Tuea
day evening to .raise money for the
church debt ; A apeclal program haa
been prepared and refreshments will, b
rvd.. ,:,.
'- . : '.V
, Th O. 'A. C. club will glv a launch
ing party to all former atudent of th
Oregon Agricultural college Thuraday
evening. Auguat 11. The launch will
leav th foot of Morrlaon street at S
o'clock, Jw w; i; r. J ':r .
Senator Mitchell will be th host of
a party of frleada on a trip to Eata
cada next Tueaday.
1-, '
Mlsa Floy Luckey returned to her
horn at ISS Couch street Thuraday from
a prolonged visit with Eugen frlenda
Dr. D. A. Pain, L. I WhIUon, A. C.
Woodcock.' Al Hampton," B. L. Bogart,
R. McMurphy, H. Gordon, W. W. Brown,
O. W. Griffin and Ralph Roblnaon at
tended th Oregon Development leagu
convention as delegate from th Eu
gen Commercial club.
Mlas Panton and Mia M. M. Panton
arrived from BUllnga Mont, Monday
to paa th cummer with Dr.- and Mr.
A. C. Panton at their home on Portland
Dr. Lulu Marquam of - Eugen I
visiting relative in Portland. '"
Mr. E. W. Jarvl I visiting her sla
ter. Mis Anna Wh I taker. In Eugen.
Bishop Earl Cranrton assisted last
Bunday in th dedication of tha Metho
dist Episcopal church at Springfield. In
th evening he preached at th First
Methodist church In Eugena
Mrs. J. H. McClung of Irvlngton 1
visiting friends in Eugena .
Mr. Stephen 8t John of Eugen I in
' Ml Emma Saltsman of Eugen wa
In Portland the first of ths week.j
Mra H. L. Burt of Eugen la In- Port
land. , :- ... ,.1
- Miss Beeshj Whit of ' Bloomlngton,
111., Is visiting her itr, Mra R, M.
Hall, at 441 Weat Park atreet '
Mr. and Mra Lester O. Hulln ar
Visiting In Eugen.
Hon. Wallace McCamant visited In
Eugen the flrat of tha week.
Ml Maud Reynold 1 visiting" Eu
gene frlenda
Miss Anna Ham of Eugene la visiting
friend in Portland. .' '
Miss Delia McCullough haa returned
to Portland after a vlalt In Eugena
Prof. F. G. Young of th University of
Oregon waa in Portland tha flrat. of tha
week to attend a meeting Of th Lewis
and Clark commission.
Mra Bernard C Jakway and little
on ar. visiting at th horn of her
mother, Mra' John W. Johnson In Eu
gena Mr. and Mra P. A.. McPherson hav
gon to Elk City, where they will visit
for two montha
- Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Hous left Tuesday
for an outing at Dr. Coe'a mlnea at Bt
Mra Samuel Elmore, Mra Gearhart,
Mra B. Van Dusen, Mra H. F. Prael,
Mrs. George C .Flavel and Mra ' David
Morgan of Astoria attended th Devel
opment leagu convention. -
Mia Inea DLahmntt of Spoken I
visiting her parents at Witch Hasel
Vreprieter Oriental Butr Farlon, 4 Xorri-
sea gtnet, sTeae West raia.
, : - 1 V""
-'--' . ' '.': ; : - - . ... .
"' ' ' -' . j''
At last enr wonderfal electric lbre masian appliance has arrived. We bare ty-n
expecting this oiacalne tr a long time, anil It la with pleaeure that we snneunee
1U Installment Is onr perfectly ennlpped rtereiatnlnelral par km. .
- rAt'IAL MAR8AOB bj thla Bwtliod la Imply lixfeerrlbarile. It miiat be tried to be
appreciated. It does more tor the (see than any ether treatment known. It rleaaae
Ui akin. It makes the fleah firm. It hnllfta ap sew tleanea. It fills ont the flrah, it
remoees ttie ahrltrled appearance of the akin, it aires color, aerve setlTlty, and a full
supply of Mood to the faee. .'.,
FOR Tfig SCAt.f It loosens It rhnrovthly snd derelops a flill knpply ft blond to
the mots ef the hair, thua placlnf tha aealp In a healthy condition, railing hair Is
stopped, exoeaalT olllneaa or drrnees Is rorrected.
FOB BI ST UEVKLOI'MF.KT Thla method will be greatly appreciated by owr lady
petmna. It fllla out the hollow of th nerk and low, avnkea plaeae, decays of see
or irlrkneea, and Is s perfeet enr for aleepleasnees ea well. , w v
The Oriental Beanty Parlor enolil not now he mora complete. PertWtrns ItaeV
obtalna la all Its departments, and th owner being a sradaate of the renowned NeM'-o
- Inetltnte ef New York at and the only oae la the weateen atatea), at ones places tills
Inatltutloa la the forefront of each enneerne In the weatera World. .
' Will be sires en this machine sll this week Bkarters of thla sdrertlaenient will da
well, therefore, to take adrantasa of thla offer aa early In tha day aa poealhle. In or
der that time may be glee eparator I which t completely damooatrate tta sUUty.
Treated by myself, I sow I th laat stave ef recti per tins, and Interested mri
re Invited to rail snd aeo for themaelree Jimt bow the work ta done. An lnaiectlo
will Intereat any ene at all afflicted with wrinkles, emallnoi plttlnsa, freckle, or other
facial blemlahea. Three Will aiieeilllr dlecrn h-rw IHOUOUUiUA such mars ta beanty
aiay be extirpated wltbla ,but a few abort daya.
Madame Aza Holmcs-Ribbeckc
Maslor an) Tcher of DrtMtoloy. Phone Hoot! 203. Writ for
Booklet. Fr) tamploa of MaMast Croata all th'i week.
farm, a short distance from town.- 8h
will be In Portland thla week at tha
home of a P. 8. Plummer.
Mr.- Walter B. Honeyman will leav
tomorrow for a stay in Ban Francisco.
Lieut' Martin Crlmmlna and .family
left Wednesday night to visit at hla
home In New York. On their return
the lieutenant will enter the Leaven
worth Military academy at Leaven
worth, Kan., wher he will . tudy for
a year. ' ; .-'.,.' -.. - 'i .
Csrptaln H. L. Hawthorn of the
Twenty-sixth ' battsry left Vancouver
laat week for New Mexico on a two
month leava ' s : ',
Mlsa Agnes Plummer returned Thurs
day from a visit to the St Louis expo
sition and points further eaat -
Mlas Aurella Birch of Rlckreall la vis
iting her cousin. Mis Velena ChUdera
at 234 Hooker tret.
Fred D. Applegata aasistant physical
director at .the Y. M. C. A., returned
Tueaday mbrnlng from Lake Geneva, ,
Wis.,- wher he has been attending th
summer term of th Chicago Training .
school.- Mr. Applegat cornea bask much .
refreshed tha reault of hla May. .
Mis Helen Hutchinson, who ha been
pending her vacation with' her parenta '
In Portland, left for Oakland, CaU, on
Thuraday "to take up her work at the
opening, of achool on Monday,
.Mra D. C 'Freeman of Eaat Eleventh '
street. 1 visiting at Newport.
wni wi un room rx iT ioio,
8. E. Ktaer in Chicago Record-Herald.
My pa h said to ma and me, -
That he don't want no trip this year,
'Causa everything's ao high, you see
He said ha'd have to stay right her.
"You two can go," h says to ma,
"I'll trp to get along soma way, '
It doe beat all I ever saw,
Th price that they make n pay. .
Tak Willi wher you'll hav fresh air
And board ain't vary high and I'll ! .
Stay her and work on Ilk a Turk, ,
And we'll ave money for awhile." '
It worried ma to hav to go, ' ", .
Because sh had a Under heart;. "
She claimed h'd rather stay, although
8h kept on packln' thlnga to atart
"Poor pa." ah as Id, "h tired out .
And need a change, he all run
down." " . ;
And pa looked sad and talked about ' ' '
How lonesome he'd be her In town, V
"But you and Willi go," he said, - v .
"I couldn't get away. Just now" ' .
And -ma sh stroked his weary head
And kissed him on ha wrinkled brow. --
- .. ,- ,
Ma packed three trunks and her and m
Left pa to stay at horn and lave;- .
W didn't travel to tha sea,
Becauaa, yt u, know,, wa had to save, 1
Tber waan't anything to do, ,
They had no atyl of any kind
Around tH plac aha took me to, ,
But" ma aald- "Oh, well, never mind; -Th
board and bed ara very bad. -
' It stay too hot at nlghta to aleep; ', -But
let' hav courage, let's be glad,
W'r aavin money, for If cheap.' .
W stayed two weeks; I nearly died
Because It was so lonesome there, ' '
And ma got thin and hollow-eyed
And almost orosser then a bear.
I licked the. boy that lived thera though,
And caught a bull-head, too, on day.
And got a stone bruise on my to
And found out how the chicken lay,"
But ma ah up and spoiled th fun
And simply wouldn't stay no mor
Because I found th farmer's gun
And shot hole through th. kitchen '
80 we came horqe again, and ma ''1.
Kept talkln' all th way to m
About how kind w'd be to pa -. ' -
And how surprised and glad ha'd ba, -'
But when w got there, lat at night '
Pa waan't anywhere around. . .1 .
Tba doors wer locked up good and tight
They waan't any light nor aound, -And
when w went next door they said
That pa d been- gone about a week '
That night, when ma put ma to bed,
Bhe was so mad sh couldn't speak.
When pa got back from wher he'd went
With Mr. Pitt and Mr. Chas ,
To flah, and .camp out In a tent
Away up In th wood some place, .;
It seemed to ma that ma, somehow,
Forgot h needed chang and rest . '
Bhe didn't kiss him oa th brow
Nor lay her head agalnat hla breast,
And he seems kind of changed, ora - "
way, .-. -"- ''
He Jump when ma come In tb door, -And
hain't anything to aay ,
About expenses any mora . ... .
Wonder of the
20tH Century
Our Electric
Appliance .
- Hosarrtvel Only perfect hygienic
' method of massage. Products
natural electricity in the flesh, is
exhiliratingv stimulating and
strengthening: soothing and rest
ful to the tired nerves. .
- ' ' , ' ' ' . .. " ;-. v '.
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