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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1904)
.'. ; Full of Live News and Lively Stories . That's ' The Sunday Journal t .Want Anything? Send .The Journal a Want "Ad." and You'll Get It , ' ' . ' PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST . 7. 1904, . ' : ', . V ' ; S&T". ; "Different Stored ,f-v-'A II Ported' QUJity- . . J! nPf; xj6v. M & I Ml $M GaoUry and Worth .f 2 5th and Washington Ufm fiM'i lO - UaELJ - J 7 WHERE THE WALLS ARE COMING DOWN IV TnSM ii AVPrastic jCIearaiice of Every Stock TOs Week--Determined ! Resblute ! Unsparing ! HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS' OF DOLLARS' WORTH OF DEPENDABLE, -DESIRABLE, SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE STILL FURTHER REDUCED FOR INSTANT CLEARANCE! EVERY STOCK THROWN . OPEN TO YOUR MfiRCY. ENDS OF LOTS, BROKEN LINES ; AND LAGGARDS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY I All soiled or mussed pieces, caused by constant showing or handling dur- " , . v.."'", " ' ing the great Clearance Sales of the summer, will be slaughtered mercilessly. ' , ,.,.r. ( V , ; THIS GREAT STORE WILL BE A GRAND HARVEST FAIR THIS WEK! " The reapine time of the shrewd shopper, the bargain seeker and lover of economies," has come. , We shall offer merchandise at seemingly "ruinous figures. At prices that mean in some instances dead loss to us, in others a dead loss to the manufacturers. Prices are placed this week for a determined, final effort to clean out every vestige of present stocks. We know if we can sell goods cheap enough, maintaining always the highest quality We have made prices for' this week's sale that should double any week's business this summer..' Read these thro. standard, the public is bound to buy whether it's for lack of time and-Space to catalogue and print And OVER AND ABOVE. ALLEVERY ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE IS MIGHTILY REDUCED FOR' CLEARANCE 1 (Contract -THE OLDS, WORTMAN KING ORIGINAL . 'HOURLY SALES" AGAIN MONDAY! There are hundreds that go unprinted. Goods Alone Excepted.) The Teachers' Educational Contest IS FINISHED! V ' liove'a labor, baa not bn lost Twelve weeka ago thia house proposed the aendtn;, at our expenae, three. of Portland'a teacher to the (teat St. Louie Expoaltlon, for educational purpoaea. We asked the public to select, by popular vote, the teachers to be ser(L The proposition . met with ' Immediate favor and has ended with unqualified ucce8. Tireless, and eonetant has been the vigil of faithful friends in the interest of their : individual favorite The. j-ace.iiss been long:, and fought out through the heat of the noonday bud. - Well done, good .and faithful friends. The "bat fle of ballots" la over. atwr"the victors have had. their reward, earped. for' them. For few, if any, have made personal effort. We 'Congratulate the three fortunate onea in their success. We congratulate those who did not reach so high as their sister teachers; congratulate them In possess' Ing the same esteem and love of faithful friends as those selected; con gratulate all In the clean, fair contest made, free from taint. of personal' selfishness on the part of anyone interested, and full of good feeling, one for the or her. expressed' and, enjoyed by each and every contestant. 1SS names appeared during he contest, each receiving votes. OMhese, of course, 2(3 might in a measure feel some disappointment; we think, - however, judging from-the expressions heard. the such , a feeling has been en tirely lost sight of In anotherone, far nobler. We. believe every one of . the ttl teachers voted for. feel sincere pleasure that their great bod 5 Is to be well represented St St. Louis. Yesterday st 1 o'clock the contest was brought to a finish, the ballot boxes opened la the presence of mem bers of the firm and newspaper 'representatives. - Messrs. George H. Howell and W. A. T. Savage of the Oregonlan. Mr.. W. J. Hofmann of The Journal, and W. Wyhn Johnson of the Telegram assisted the cash- . lers in assorting and counting the votes. Their statement we . print In full below: ... . . -, . . . ';.- VorUaad, Ot, Aufnst C, 1904. We, the undersigned representatives of the press of Fort- . . land, witnessed tne final oount of thm Teaeliers' Ednoatloaal Contest of Olds, . Wortmaa h King-, and earttfy to the cor- "! ' rectenesa of same. "W. A. T. B1TAOX, Oregtmlaa. . ' v -w. J. xoniinr, The journal. , W. wm JOXsTBOH, avenlng Telegram. OBOBQa X. HOWSU, Orefonlaa. - - Below we append he reault of the contest. The number Of vote cast reached the enormous total of 1,182.401. ' : Th8 Thres Winners Are : Mrs. N.Tnitabldel. Alblna Central .r.Ti" Winifred Mosher, Harrison. . Kate Padden. Atkinson... . Ii . ..... . 825,041 . , aiciia .. . 196898 8 to 10 A. M. tlO ASB S1.T8 COB8ZT COTZKS ' Annex Beoond Hoot. Ladles' Fine Nainsook Corset Cov ers, beautifully trimmed with - beading and ribbon, tucked back, very dainty and fine, regular $1.60 -and $1.75 values; peclal. ea., 97 8 to 10 A. Ms SCO COI.X.AB ASTS CTJTT BVTU 35. first rioor. v A bran-new line of Hand-Made Col-, lar and Cuff Sets, regular BSc; special, set 35 8 to. 10 A. M. HUT QI.ABSZS 24?. ' . Tbird noor. Jelly Glasses, covered or uncov ered; dosen 24f) 9 to 10 A.M. SOYS' tl.80 BTBirSO WQP. Biovsa WAISTS 98. " . First Floor. -- Boys Blouse Walsts-of tflnk snd white and blue and white striped pique, , made with plain white pique sailor collar trimmed with braid, regular 11.60 value; spe cial, each . j, . .08 9 to 11 A.M. BfOVXiAB Mo COBDZS COKOBXB JAFABXSB WAII BILKS. Tremendous assortment to select from an opportunity of a life time to get a cool Waist, Kimono, Dressing Jacket or Children's ' Gown; special, from to 11 a. m. ' only, .per yard '...24 9 to 11 AM. KOWDATni "HOTOtT SAUS" -BABSAIBS. , In MUUlnexy Salons Second Floor. Ducks Are Dropping Ladles and Children's new, neat end summery Duck Hats In the chlo French sailor shapes, 8o ., values ,..,..i..,,,'.,494 10 to 11 A, M. BZOITLAB TUFFS 00 DBSBS - Annex First Floor. All-Wool Colored Albatross in grays, Una. browns, navys, reds, reeada, royal, champagne and cadet blue; special, 10 to 11 a. m. ......41 10 to 11 A.M. 15e BOX TALCTTK FOWBBB T. -v First Floor. Violet Perfumed Talcum Powder, In .. in boxes, .value 15c; special, box - . T 10 to 12 A.M. OXkS.BS IZKOB-JTjriOB ZXTBAOT OBS 3a BACK. Third Floor. 11 to 12 A. M. Regular tftc-JI-lnch Black- Alpaca, " Serge and Etamlne. Specls 11 to . 12 a. m 39 mm:. H :i ' ! . 4 to 5 P. M. CUBJUOB Second Floor. TOFS, A great variety of finished tapestry Cushion Tops, In oriental colors. ' tassels at "each corner," regular price 40c; special at, each.. 274 2 to 5 P. M. WOMEN'S SUITS ' Almost Given You! -..'.. ' ' ... : .". " By Portland's Largest, Leading Women's Apparel Store BOOBV FZiOOB. i 1 , ... FOB TWO HOTSB TO S F. SsV-WB FXiAOB OVB SFI.ETBII STOCK OF WOMXB"S BUITB IV BOTX WAX.XZBO ABB BBZBS LUOIIS. $30-$35 and $32.50-$38.50 Values at your mercy at the Absurdly Low Price of $ 1 2.98 Choice In every variety and material that Fashion can conjure. There's a style about these Suits assembled her. that Is far different from those told of elsewhere, today a difference easily accounted for. These Suits of ours, offered you tomorrow at such a ridiculous price as compared to . value are dealgned, fashioned and mad. by experts whose Inspiration la drawn from-authoritative style sources, constantly refreshed by Infor . matlon of latest fashion developments, How superior In contrast to the . sweat-shop trash elsewhere heralded! The Suits in this three-hour offer - ing of our's tomorrow embrace eyery wanted stylish material and trlm ,ing effect. AH new and suitable for wear for months to come. In fact, ' many are adaptable for year-round or next-season wear, so staple are the styles. In every wanted color. Choose from our matchless stock tomor ' row 2 to S p. m. 130.00 to 132.50 values, for . . y. $12.98 ' TBB SXZBTWAIST SAXB OF TBB CBBTUBT! "" " ' ' " , V ' TBB SBCISXTB FZBAS OUABABOBI 9to.ll A.M. .'''. ' ' ' ' 7 -''.''' ' - " v ' Superb and Dainty Summer Shirt-Waists FOR 59c Instead of ' $4.50 Bsooad Floor. Think of Ht 594 (or rich, handsome, new WAISTS that are TTNU8UAL ' VALUES AT $4.60! You remember the Shirtwaist sales of the past few ' weeks, of the matchless bargains they embraced, 'of the multitudes those values drew to this store and delighted. Our word for it TOMORROWS SALE! WILL BE GREATEST Or ALL! Another lot secured at a marvel- ous underprlc. from the makers by our buyers now In New York. One sue-" cess spurs us on to snother. and THIS WAIST SALE TOMORROW MUST AND SHALL BE THE CROWNING SUCCESS OP ALL OUR PEERLESSv. SUMMER CLEARANCE 8ALES HERE ON MONDAY! Daintily pretty la their freshness and beauty,- In th. lot ar. ; -: $4.50 Waists for 59c The waists are of Lawns. Dimities, Fancy Madras, Cheviots and Percales, ln whites and dainty colors. The trimming effects include all th. latest In lace and embroideries, tucks, plaits and novelty button effects. ' Every waist la new and very latest and swellest Summer Shirt Wslsts known to Fashlonland. Xha values Included are 11.00. 41.60. $1.75. 11.00. $3.B0. $1.75, $$.00, $1.60. and a few at $4.00 and $4.(0. All In one grand lot for the feat- . eat sale ever known In Portland at a choice for two hours only at 594. 10 to 12 A. N. 81 J5 894. OOTTOB -BKABSETS Fourth) Floor. A good line of Gray Cotton Blank f ets, extra sise, blue or red borders, regular $1.35 value; special for i ' hmrs only, pair 894 10 to 12 A.M. ' BABSAXBS XB'OVB SBOB BBFT. First Floor. WOMXFI SS.00 ABB $0.00 OB , FOBDS 3.63. Women's Pattern Oxfords, In patent kid, hand-turned soles, Louis heels, this season's neweit styles, $5.00 and $6.00 grades; special, pair... ..... .-83.53 11 to 12 P. M. So WASH BELTS, 194. First Floor. Wash Belts. In white pique and white, with Persian- - dot, - very .. pretty. Regular 15c Special. - each .194 11 to 1 P.M. ' Third Floor. '- B5o ZCB 0Z4FFBBS 154 CB. 93M BBAOat ABB MOVBTASB SBOBS, 81.98. ' First Floor. Women's Tan Shoes, for beach and mountain wear, 10-Inch tops, me- dluni soles, , finest of viel kid stock, $3 S0i values. Special, pair fl.98 12tol P. M. 3 WATOK FOBS, 394. '- First Floor. Men's solid Nickel Watch Fobs, with amethyst charm. Value f 5a Special .each 394 12 to I P. M. 850 WASH TIBS, 104. i First Floor. A lln. of washable 4-Inch Hand Ties, In madras, percale and whit, duck, with embroidered ends. 16c value.- Special, each... 104 1 to 2 P.M. - .180 F ABB,-64, ' , - Firs Floor. ' . Fans rh Japanese style. Regular lie. ' Special, each 64 n to 3 P. M. SOO OEsC XCB SXATSS, 294"aCx Third Floor. i . 1 to 3 P.M. TXJtEB OBBAT SFBOXAU 19 WXITB IBBIA KU. 7-tnch. Regular $1.00 quality. Special .......694 17-Inch. Regular to quality. - Special ...494 It-Inch. Regulir -$1.15 quality. Special -...734 2 to 3 P. M. SB. XACX COMBS, 194. First Floor. ' , Fancy Shell Back Combs, with gilt and peacock eye trimming, some . . thing entirely new, value 16c; spe cial, each . , 194 2 to 3 P. M. M KODAK ALBUMS, 394. , First Floor. Kodak Albums, black and seal grain covers, site IHxT-in., (0 leaves,', carbon black paper, value 6c: special, each .......394 2 to 3 P. M. IS. WHITB BVOX, 124.- -i First Floor. 1,100 yards White Duck. 1 yard wide. One qauilty, regular lie; ..special for on. hour only, per Vrd 124 2 to 4 P. M. WOKtri BtABOSOBC , BATS. Swell creations, in every charming ; style of trimming that fashion' can conjure," Fancy Bralda and ' Chiffons trimmed In prettiest con ceptions, with ribbons and dainty -' flowers. Values to $.60. Special- at $2.79 All sat n snunriBri BALLS. - Children's Angora Tarns for shore or mountain wear, reds, grays and mixtures, tHo values, everyone. , Special all day Monday at.. .39 2 to 3 P. M. BXOULAB Boo ALL WOOL SXBOBS. ' Etamlnes, Granite Cloths snd Mixed Suitings, in navys, browns, grays, tsns, greens, reds, cream and black: special, 1 to I p. m....394 3 to 4 P. M.- ' WOMXB'S B5e XOSB, 184. First Floor. Women's (In. black Cotton Hose, with whit, soles, high spliced heels and French toes, 25o value; apeclal, pair ...184 3 to 4 P. M. BBOTTLAB BOO ALL WOOL FBXBCX OKALLXB Light snd dark grounds, all In neat dots and figures; .special, to 4 p. m.,424 TSO BOTTLB OOXB'S DABBBVTF OVBB, 594. - First Floor. - v Coke's Dandruff Cure, 10-os, bottle, value He; special, bottle. . ..594 BBOTTLAB 1AS. XMFOBTXD BKABTVBO FOBOXB, this sea- v son's most wanted fabric, colors ar. champagne, brown. French . blue, tans, navy and black; apeclal, I to 4 p. m. only.. 984 3 to 5 P. M. Third Floor. BATTTBAL STBAWS, clean snd wholesome, 60s In bundle; ape- .; clsl, bundle .......154 4 to 5 P. M. $X00 WBXTB OABTAS OXFOBBS. ' 81.18. , . First Floor. Women's White Canvas Oxfords, - military heels, round toes, medium . soles. $1.00 value; special. Plr v. .81.18 4 to 5 P. M. 3SO BIBBOBJS, 194. v First Floor. . i A line of beautiful Liberty Silk and Satin Taffeta Ribbons, alt colors and shades, regular $60; special, yard .194 4 to 5 P. M. ' ...). v Bo 'XAZB FIBS, 34, , t First Floor. t Hair Pin Cabinets. 100 assorted, , heavy and Invisible pins in box, , - value Ic: special, box 34 5 to 6 P. M. OBXLOBBBB fl.TB LACB SBOBS,' 81-OS. ., First Floor. - - n Children's Bo Calf Lac. Shoes 1 heavy soles snd full round to 1 sties $H to It, $1.76 vslue; ape- cial, pair f l.OS (SASTXBCr OOTTOB, S SPOOLS, ' 10. ' First Fleov. ... .' ( Basting Cotton, large else spool, 600 yards, white only. No. 44 " I 6; special. $ spools.