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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1904)
THIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 8, 1904. REYES MAY NOT Hastings Blanks the Ettt4 ky J. A. HOILAN HELP WANTEE)!! j BE 1 Tigers INAUGURATED HASTINGS TWIRLS .A WINNING GAME cutbb Tom vxTOstsa, baoxbb ' v bt good . rzxuinra abb ... nuuuvi obba xrt, wnrg KXS MCOWB QAJCB rOB POBT 7" ; XOJTD STOBT OT OOBTZIT. Portland I. Taeoma 0. Hasting and Bleelman; Keef and .Hogan. : -' Young Haatlng ' accomplished th taik or defeating th Ttgera ytrday ' by th decisive cor of 8 to 0. Hut Inga pitched a remarkably good gam and held the Fishermen down to two , scratch singles. The performance was , . Ma best effort since joining the Browns ', and the crowd gave him a rousing re- ceptlpn. While Haatlng was pitching gilt-edge ball his Infield support was ' about thvnneet seen here In some time. although five error marred th last ' column. Spencer was the animated '. pippin at second and accepted hie ihtr ' , ten chancre with the grace of a Cheat rfleld. .That olertr i second baseman , cavorted around like a young colt and nothing seemed too hot for him to handle. . Raymond, too, put up a game worthy or a . star. His work was or tne ign- est order of merit and hi error cam on chance that Hugh Jennings, In hi palmiest days,-woald hav fumbled.- i , Jake Thlelman. who played in left ' gnrden -owing to Nadeai), being hurt on Thursday while sliding, won the game for Portland by making a safe drive 'in th third Inning, scoring the only i two run of the game.' Jake was there with the mighty wallop, and he got the rlad bend ab be sent the bait safe- In . the outfield. - " k -'" i A, remarkable Incident of the contest was the small number of balls hit to the outfield, but flu during th game. '.. Another odd thing was the fact that th two bits mula by Taeoma. were got by Keef and Hogan.areakast batter on th team. Tacoma played her usual .' good game. Casey and Eagen starring In the fielding , department. Beck and Castro each got a safe drive off Mr. . Keefe. ' and besides, fielded their posi tions beautifully. Berk's work on first ' base was - phenomenal, . owing to ' the wicked throw that came hi way,- He cooped everything In style, Graham and. Nordyke are out of the game on account of injuries and their absence weaken the visitors conalder ' ably. Roach and Overall will do th , twirling tomorrow. The score: PORTLAND. " ' " . AB.R.H. PO.A. B. Spencer, lb. ....... 4 0 0 8 4 0 McCreefe, r. f. . , . . I 8 0 0 Thlelman, 1. f. ..I.... 4 I 111 Beck, lb., 4 8 I 10 8 0 Prennen. c f. . . .'P, . . 1 0 8 ' J Castro, 8b. 4 0 1. I U 1 Raymond, ....,... 8 0 0 8 7 I Steelmsn. e. ......... 10 0. 3 0 Hsstlngs, p. .......... I 0 8. 0 0 0 ' ' Total , .... . .rrrr; I? Til ' '. .; ", ' TACOMA. ... ' , ,: . v AB. R. It PO. A. E. IVyie. e. f. S 0 0 10 0 6heehan. 8b. 4 0 0 1 1 ,0 Mclaughlin. L f. .... 4 0 0 0 0 ,0 Eagan, s. a, ........ . I 0,0 J ( 1 0 Lynch, lb. .......... 4. Os0 ! 0 0 Casey. 8b, 8 0 0 t S 0 Thomas, r. f. ....... 8 0 0 10 1 Hogan. O. ;.. 10 1 ISO Keefe. p. I 010 0 0 Totals . ..1. . 'T 8 24 IS .1 RUNS AND HITS BT fNNINGS.. niunti Portland ..0 0100000 I Hits ..1 0111110 S Tacoma , , .......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Hit . . ... .0000010 i o z SUMMARY. ' Stolen bases Thlelman.'McCreedl J. Bpeneer.k Base on balls Off Hastings, I; off Keefe. 4. Struck out By Keefe. t. Two-baa hit Hastings. Double plays Spencer to Beck; Casey to Eagan to Lynch. Paased ball -Hogan. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. Umpires Brown and McDonald. ' ,. nemo coast uaovs. if CLUBS. Brattle ui Taenna .'.... 1oa Ansales.... Fortland Ban Praocleeo. . Oakland .TOO t .VN1 .eoo ,4o .800 Lost 41 0 80 Seals Won la. riret Inning. San Francisco. Aug. 4. Th 'Seals won yesterday' gam In th first in ning by bunching three hits on Gra ham In th -first inninf, which scored three run. Barber wal invincible and held th Commuter safe at all time. Bcre: . R. H. & San Fran ... .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 a Oakland 0 0 0000000 0 0 0 Batteries Barber and Leahy; Gra ham and Byrnes. , . . Seattle Defeats TLou Angeles. Los Angeles. Aug. I. Nick Williams was la fin form for six inning yes terday and shnrth Angela out until the seventh, when he became wild and allowed several passe and a couple of hit. Young Hall wa sent to hi re lief .and the gam waa saved for Seat tle, Th cor: ' ' R. IL K. to Angela ....0 0 0000100 t T 4 Seattle 8 0 10 0 18 0 04 10 8 Batteries Baum and Spies: Williams, Hajland Wilson. Umpire McCarthy. , PACTTIO BATTOsTAZ. UAOVB. ' i ; . , Won. Boise . 40 Spokan . . .......... ,47 Butte .....It Salt Lake , 14 t Lost 17 ts 44 ,0r P.C .671 .SS .49 At Salt XAk. . . ' ' ' '"' R. ft C Bole,. . ...... .1 0 1000100 10 4 Salt Lake 000 10100 11 11 1 Batteries McFarlan and Hanson; Toiler end Hausen. Umpire Davla. - 1" At Bntto. : Butte .'. 101140 01 8 14 J Spokane OOOOlSlO 17 It 9 Batteries Bandelln and Swlndrlls; Dammann nd Stanley. Umpire Flan nery. , BLOOD Is the wont 4leaM ea earth, ytt th eaateal tn ctir Bimn ivv KNOW WHAT TO DO. Manr Sim pla. apota oa the kin. enrae tn the POIGOni Dwmtk, airan. fallln tlr, bona palna. ea- turb. anil AWt knnw II is BLOOI I'OIHON. Bnrt te IB BROWN, .15 Arrta at., rhlli.l. Iphla. fan., rnr RKOWN'g Bl 001 CI'RR. 12 no pr hot t la; laata ea month. B"I4 la Portland raly by Freak Ran, I'm tlaud Uatel niaraucy. GRAND CIRCUIT MEET : CLOSES AT' BUFFALO . (Journal gpaelal Barrlee.) Buffalo N.Yq Aug. 4. The moat uo oeesful grand circuit meet in many years came to a brilliant clo yester day afternoon. ' Th result of th going were) . V. ' -. . 1:10 pace, two in three, purae 11.000 Ben F. won two straight beat in 1:04 and 1:1114. The Jroquol Hotel,, for 3:14 'class. pacers, three beau, purs 11,004 Blacl Hal won the first and third heat HrN 1:10 and X.Ot. - . -. Th Electric City, for 1 11 class, trot ters, three heats, purs 15.000 Sweet Marl won the second heat In t:0ti end waa second in th other two heats. TJverton won th third heat in l:0t and wa third and second in the other two heats. John Taylor .won th first heat in 1:01. Robert M.. Lady Gall Hamil ton, Judge Green. Lad I Patchle, Naila J. and Kant also started. , ' At St, loaia.' St Louis, Aug. 4. Fair Grounds sum mary! . , . Six furlong Ladjr Charles won; time, 1:204. ,..-, Five furlongs, selling Tad won; time, "1:0H. Wllodena finished Jlrst, but was'dlsquallfled for fouling. One and an ' eighth, "mile, selling Never Such won; time, 1:00. - Six furlong, handicap KloraJ Wreath Von; time, 1:IT, I. ' Fiv and a half furlong. puree Woodlands won; tlm. 1:1L .. MU and 10 yards Pourquotpaa won; Brno, 1:4. . '' Basalts at Barlem. . Chicago, Aug. (.Harlem summary: . On nille-pThe Lady won; time, 1:41 1-8. : w . . . Steeplechase, ahort eoiiree -Oliver Me won; time, 1:10 1-8. v Mil Clifton Fprg won;", time. 1:41. Fiv and m half furlong Mont won; time, 1:07, " - .Six Furlong Mansard won; tlm. 1:11. ' : ' . ' Six furlong Optional won; time, 1:11 4-6. - i 1 1 Mile and a quarter Exoentral won; tlm. J:08.. .. - C a aWatog. ," , 'rt, Saratoga.. N. . Jr., Aug. I. The um mary la a follow: Six furlongs . Flying Ship ; won; time. 1:11 l-5r ' " . Fiv and ' onevhalf furlong Augur won; time, 1:07 8-8. One mile Green Crest ' won; time, 1:40 1-8. - Mil and ona-alxteenth, on turf Out come won; tlm. 1:48. ' - . - Mil and three-slxteentb Keynote won; time,' 1:01 t-B. . Five and one-half furlong Cotil lion won; time, 1:08 4-8. . . v -w . .. AiSeattl. ' Seattle, Aug.; 8. Reaultg at Th Meadow: . .. Five furlong, selling Hlrtle won; time. 1:0H4. Seven furlongs.. aeUlng Phy won; time. ,1:21. '. ... Sfx furlong, selling " "Matt Hogan won; time, 1:14. i On mile, puree Arthur Ray won; time. 1:411. - On nile, selling Oaucho won; tlm. 1:414. . Six asd one-half ' furlongs, selling Cerro Santa won; time, 1:114. On mil and 80 yards, eillng In victu won; tlm, 1:4414. GOTCII AND M'LEOD ; TO MEET ON MAT . ' " . ;' V ' (Jovaal Bnaetal Bervle.r vniMivn R n.. Aua-ust 4. Frank Gotch, who claim th eatch-a-eatch-can wreatllngchamplonsblp of th world, and Dan S. McLeod, the former champion. are to contest Tor tn uu in a doui her tonight. Both men hav taken n..t rmrm In tralnlnr for th contest. and they are aald to be In fine physical condition. Gotoh bellevea he will - win with llttl difficulty, but McLeod ha a host of friends and admirers who ex press confidence In hi ability to gain th . decision and ' the long end of th 1,000 pun offered for tn matcn. , AMEBIOAsT LBABTTB. Won. Lost PC New York . ........... 14 14 , .814 Chicago . J7 .! Bonton JJ . Philadelphia 8 J , '' Cleveland J St. Lou la . 8 -2t Detroit . . Jl- .188 Washington . . ...... .18 01 .107 . . - ;. -. A Betrott. .,' . . ; ., ' . R. H.E. Detroit .....4 II 8 BBal"erle Mullin aid Bvilii Young and Crlger. " . At Chloago. . , .. R. H.E. UniCBSJO . . ......a .....v.. , . Philadelphia .4 6 0 Batteries Owen and Sullivan; Plank and Power. ,' '' At cni ' A R, TC to. .8 7 8 Cleveland . . ................. .0 4 New York . 8 18 1 Batteries Bernhard. Moor and Bue low; Powell and MoGulre. .' ( A , Zoal. '" R. H.E. St. Louis , ........8 10 1 Waahlngton . ........ . . ... T Batteries Glad and Kahoe; Town send and Clark. BATIOBA1. Z.BAOUB. ' : Won. Lost New York . ........... 4 , 28 PC r .713 .809 .691 .885 .827 .378 .353 .287 Chicago . . ...-. 84 " 14 Pittsburg ; . 81. I4 i:incinnau . ........ vu . v St Loui ..4 44 Boston 88 8t tii,iiM . .... a ci Philadelphia . , ..14 88 , At lMLUaAelvfal, i - n nr Cincinnati . ...... ....... ......6 18 1 fniiaaeipnia . . ..a it w Batteries Walker and Schlel; Dug rlnby and Roth. Umpires Zlmmer and Moran. - ,. "... At Boto, R. ICE. Boiton I 10 1 St. Louie .1 8 1 Batterle McNIcbols and Needhnm; Dunleavy and McLean. Umpire John stone. . ' . , ' OB rXOBTZBa OAX-BBBAB. (Journal Special Srr1r.) Houghton, Mich., Auguat 8. Slg Hart, th Chicago matchmaker, ha arranged an excellent program for th opening how at th athletle olub here tonight Dire 10-round' bouts sre scheduled, escl promising hard, fast work, The wlndlif will bring together George Memslc, the Cincinnati ' lightweight nd f'Young Sharkey," for 10 round at US pounds. YOUNG CORBETT TO CIRCLE GLOBE TBOTTZBO FBYBB , BA. TAXBV XOXVD . Ol BUTT'S YlCTUg ABS BBZT TBAB KB W1XX. HABB CZB. CTHT Oa 1KB WOKLO WXX.X. BIIT J ABBS WBTTB. ' '. Young Corbett ha got th glob trot ting fever, and next year, if nothing goea wrong, ha will make a circuit of th world. Corbett' first stop will be Paris. On hie last trip to the other aide he wa unable to go there. He ha been longing to visit th city and say a he will not rest satisfied until he ha taken it In. After a atay in Paris Cor bett will go to Russia, Italy, Germany, Turkey,' Aala, Japan, South Africa, Aus tralia and return home. Corbett ex pects to pay th expensee ot th trip by giving boxing exhibition in various cities.. ' .-!'.'.' Corbett expect to remain some tlm in South Africa. He will go to Johan nesburg and hav a talk with Albert Fleming, running a boxing club there. If he 'can make th necessary arrangement h will fight there. Cor bett aald "yesterday that if Fleming can mak the ncesaary terms h will fight Jabes White 10 round next January or February at th lightweight limit Cor bett of course, will want a liberal puree and expense which' fee Is confident Fleming will allow. White, being an Englishman, would attract a large crowd oa hi own hook. There are plenty of Americans at Johannesburg, and Corbett would not want for substan tial backing. 1 From South Africa Corbett will visit Australia. jH ha been in communica tion with a well-known fighting promot er at Sydney. - Corbett baa been assured a match or a couple of them a aoon a he arrives at Sydney: VThleupromoter, who Is also A bookmaker, saya that he will furnish Corbett with a side-stake If necessary. . i '"- . Many American fighters are anxloue to go to South Africa and ahow their form beforo the Wanderera A. C, Jo hannesburg. Sam Fitxpatrlck, the American agent of th club.. ha received several request already, one In particu lar 'being from Australian Jimmy Ryan. Ryan says he will box Mike Williams, the heavyweight champion of that coun try.' Ryan has fought Choyngki, Wsl cott' Kid McCoy, Tommy Ryan arid all the noted middleweight in the business. Ha is willing to back himself. HELENA BALLPLAYER INJURED BY ROBBERS (Special filapatrh te The Joernal.) ' Helena, Mont. Aug. 8. Kid Peeplea. a well-known ball player, employed a a bartender in the Office saloon on Main street"ln this ctty;w commanded by four masked men early today to throw up hi bands. ' As there had been a masked ball in th vicinity he thought It a Joke on -the part of some of the dancers and replied In a Jocular man ner, whereupon one of the men felled him with a blow on the forehead with a revolver and dragged him Into a box where he lay bleeding while th rob ber ransacked the register and safe, securing watches, a .diamond ring and cash to the vajue of '1800. Peoples re covered and gave th alarm, but there 1 no clew. ' ' . j . Two masked men held up and robbed a traveling man Of 878 and a gold watch while he wa riding on a wheel near town. It 1 thought the two are mem ber of th gang that robbed People. DIAMOND GLISTENINGS Dugdel ha taken to physical cul ture. Th corpulent magnate misses the gentle exercise that cornea from being a farmer, pitching hay and hoeing the spuds,' so in order to .keep himself muscular and agile he has fitted up a mall "gym" .at th ball park w4re he exercises dally. Callft of Oregon City will hardly be given a trial now, aa th pitching start Lb In first-class shape. Ira Hastings waa in fin form yester day and hi feat of ahuttlng th Tiger out la worthy of special mention. He allowed only two hits -and they were of the scratchy variety. On waa a bail which he partially blocked, and th other was Hogan's hit to Raymond which Happy beat out " Harry Spencer played a splendid gam at second yesterday, and Frankta Ray mond, in aplte of his three boot, ac cepted some exceedingly bad chancee tn excellent style. Jake Thlelman' hit was th reel thing at th right time, and eauaed tha moat rabid of th f ana considerable exultation. , The Bobby Keefe hoodoo which ha o effectually followed th Browne this season, seems to hsve been chassd to the tall and uncut for th local hav trimmed Fisher tar slab artist twice tn succession, i . Louis Castro hit safely In th sixth and created considerable laughter among th ladle by his antto in tha vicinity of Mike Lynch. After making several bluffs, h mad a dash for second which station he mad by a pretty slid un der Eagan. -.,,-. ' Casey robbed Jack Drennen of a tilt in th sixth when he mad a eorklng stop of Jack's grass-burner, and- threw th runner out t first - Judge McCreedl banged Keefe for three hit out of three-times up. Two of Mae's hit were Infield tap which th big fellow beat out - Jake Thlelman muffed Thomas' fly and then threw to Raymond who relayed to first putting out th batter, who had overran th bag. Hastings 'got a two-baa hit on a dinky Texas leaguer which dropped be tween Sheehan and McLaughlin, who were so disgusted at the mlxup that they forgot to pick th ball up, . . Happy Hogan and Mlk Fisher shared th honor before th ladle yesterday. Happy waa ths recipient of a boquet while tha genial Mlqu was presented with A stein. Happy offered to ' ex change with' Mlk, latter in dignantly refused. Mlk know th value of A good ttn too well to ex change one for a mare boquet Schedule of Steamer T. J. Potter. Th aeasld steamer T. J.' Potter will leave Portland. Ash street dock, for Astoria and Ilwaco as follows) August t. Tuesday, 8:48 d. m.; August 10, Wednesday, 7:30 A. m.1 August 11, Thursday, 8:18 a. m. ; Auguat 11, Fri day, 0:00 a. m. August II, Saturday, 8:00 a. m. On't transportation and berth tickets et O. R. N.' ticket office. Third and Washington streets, ' ' ' ' ' '.' , ' ' ' KRAMER WINS THE CYCLE CHAMPIONSHIP ; r (Jrnal Special Service.) St Louis. Aug. 8. In th national amateur bicycle championship races held under th auepteef th World' Fair Athietlb association, Frank I Kramer of Kaat Orange, N. J practically cinched his claim to the championship by scoring a total of 48 points. Sum mary: . , t Morning vnt ' ' One-half mil, grand circuit champion ship rWon by Frank L. Kramer, East Orange, N. J.; time, 1:0 8-8. One-third mils, amateur national cham-plonahJp-e-Won by M.. I Hurley. New York; time, 0:43 l-B. Th unlimited pursuit race "between team representing ths east and west was won by Oliver Dortln of New York, a member of th eastern team. ' Five-mil amateur championship Charles Bchlee. Newark. N. J., won time. 13:08 1-8. One-half mil handicap, professional O Dorlln, Bheepehead Bay, N. J-. handi cap 86 yarda, won; Times, 0:68 4-6. " Five-mile amateur handicap Oaear Doerm. Brooklyn, 100 yards, won; time, 18:16.'. " , - , ' Afternoon vnt : Two-third mil, grand circuit cham pionship -won by Frank- L Kramer; W. 8. Fenn eeeond, .Floyd Krebs, Newark, N.' J third; time, 1:44 4-6. One mile, amateur, national champion ship of America' -Won by M. L Hurley; time, 8:41 8-8. i Two-mil . handicap, professional Won by T. F. Root Boston, 60 yards; time. 4:17 1-6.- 36-mll amateur, national '"champion ship Won by Burton Downing; time, 1:10:66 t-6. - One-third mil - consolation, profes sional Won by Oliver Dorlon, Sheep head Bay; time. 0:43 3-6. EIGHT DROWNED IN MISSISSIPPI RIVER y:- ;:.; i';i v (Jeornel Special Service.) Alton. 111., Aug. 8. Lat yeaterday Vening Mlohaal Riley and Six girls, ranging In age from 10 to 14 years, were drowned while bathing in th Missis sippi river. Th party . consisted ' of Riley, his daughter and seven of her girl friend; , , , The dead art "..',' MICHAKIs RILEY, 88 year old. ' ELJZABKTH RILEY, 11 year old. ALLIE3 SNYDER, 14.. , .-. 'LVCY PATES, li , r . : LIZZIE PATES, 14. BESSIE BRUM. 14.. : MTR1E BRUM, 10. VUTH MARSHAL! lL ; ' Yeaterday .evening RUey Blgnlfied hi Intention or enjoying a bath on th beach In front of hi home tn the south ern part Of th city. HI little daughter persuaded him to allow herself and her little girl friends to accompany him.'. He consented and when they entered the water Riley told them to clasp handa tightly-and he took a positron In the eenter of th line. . They waded out on a aandbar some distance, th water being shallow. From what can be learned from llttl 8-year-old Mary Tlmlny, . th only on of the party to escape, a passing steamer caused heavy, waves to roll towards the shore, and in' th darkness th girls became frightened and losing their bearings .stepped off th bar into deep water. They apparently clung to Riley, who although a good swimmer waa unable to regain th shallow waters of th bar. Th Tlmlny girl waa at th and of th line and when the other fell into deep water, aha managed to escape and roach the land. - Although th Tlmlny girl screamed loudly for help, th beach where th ac cident occurred la deserted after night fall and - it waa not until ah reached her horn that the occurrence, Dream known, . WASHINGTON MINERS PREPARE WAGE SCALE (Special Dtapates te The Jonrsal.) ' Seattle, Aug. 8. A general wage seal governing all th mine worker in the Stat of Washington 1 in process of formation in Seattle, and soon, will b submitted to the worker in the vari ous mines. The action la a result of three mine strikes still on In western Wsshlngton. and which, it la expected, will be supported by th national organ isation of miners. An executive com mittee of the stat union is meeting In this city. Recently th stat was organised for the first time, and .the miner hav been perfecting their union to make demands of the mine operators with th strength to compel compliance. Two or three mine are closed entirely and th com panies declare there Is no hurry shout resuming work becauso their operation was at a loss. Th Installation of sev eral large electrio power plants In th vicinity haa greatly lessened the demand for coal .in and about Seattle, so ths employers of mine labor can bid their time. Th operator are delaying action, also, awaiting th stand th union will take. Th nw seal will be presented to th owner gen rally throughout the tat. , . WOMAN DESERTS HER HOME AND CHILDREN . (Spaelal Dispatch to TO Jearaal.) Seattle, Aug. 6. Mrs. Llisle Leyd of Snohomish deserted her 'family of six children and her husband' for her bus band's younger brother, and now tha family of children three boy and three girls, in which there are two sets of twins, is under th car of th Washing ton Children's Homo Finding society. Th mother seemed utterly Indifferent to th fat of her brood. Mr. Leyd recently sent word to th county commissioners that ah wanted th county to take ear of bar offspring, and the horn finding soolety was given 1200. to provide for their needs. An effort will be mad to find aoh n a oomfortabl home. . , . Excorsfon Rates East. On account of th national encampment a. A. R., to be held In Boston. August It to 10, th Canadian Pacific will on A, gust 8, 8 and 10 place on sal round trip ticket, good for atopever privileges, limited to to days, at very low rates. On the same dates special excursion tickets will be on sal tq St Louis and eaatern points. - For full particular call on or address F. R. Johiun.-r. and j a., lit Third treat, Portland, yr. , . A VTXZBTX0 1 BTBWB BBACBBS OF" rXCZAX. ' OTBOLBS AFTADtS OF BXPUBUO HAT BBAOJt CRITXOAli TAaa-t-rBESTxas ab a boudixs ' WTXXi BUS LB. ' ' 1 (. v " , (Journal Special Service.) " ' . Washington. L C, Aug.-8 In of ficial elrcJee hero authentlo news from Bogota is awaited with keen interest ss private -information received lately Indicate that th affair of th republlo may reach a critical stag within th next few day. Tomorrow Is th date set for th In auguration of Gen. Rafael Reyes a president of Colombia. Affair are in such shape, however, that thenew presi dent may no be allowed to take office without grav trouble enaulng. When General Key waa sent to Washington In th hop of affecting a rhang in this policy Of th United 'States and scouring th restoration of Panama, ha waa th choice of th gov ernment party for president Of course hfa mission failed. '. Thereupon the . in fluence of President Marroquln and hi administration seemed to be thrown for Joaquin Vales, the aged revolutionary governor of this department of Bolivar, who had dona so much to defeat the canal. It wa even " announced . that Veles. had a' majority secured through the support of th administration. But Marroquln shifted around to , Reyes, and th result sgaln was in doubt, , ' ' Blunders la Bogota. ' General Reyea knew that If he went back to Bogota after' his fallur her there would be no ahow whatever for hi becoming president So he remained In New York awhile, and then sailed for Paris. Meanwhile he wa doing what he could for Colombia to save something out of th wreck of Its con trol In Panama. He did hot succeed, be cause tha blunder in Bogota mad it Impossible. General Reye remained In Pari for several months. Then he satred, not for Colombia, but - for Venesuels. The strained relatione of Colombia and Ven exuela for tha last few years hav been well understood. , That th two eoun trle didn't go to war was because each had on hand revolutions at home, and each accused the other of fomenting those domes tlo brawls. General Castro, tha president of Venesuela, waa credited with the determination to annex some Colombian territory v under the" pretext of war, and at th same tlm settl old core. Xa a BUaalon. ' ' V Befor h left Paris General Reye knew that he would be well received in Venexuela. Whila In Caracas he gave utterance to some Interesting opinion which were supposed to be directed chiefly sgalnnt th United Bute. His advice waa for a general union of th Latm-Amerlcan race to guard against tha aggression both of ths Ysnkees snd th Europeans. Tb La.tln-Amerlcan Union which he suggested was not the outgrowth of Panama, nor waa it really conceived in hostility to th United States. General Reyes hsd long been an advocat of th doctrrn that the Irfilln racestlll has a mission. Good results undoubtedly came from General Reyes' visit to Venesuela. Gen eral Castro opened some of th customs ports on ' th Colombian frontier that had been closed and gave encouragement to tha re-establlshment of commerce be tween the two countries. Probably ths better understanding secured with Ven esuela helped. Genersl Reye after his return to Colombia. It is clear that th Marroquln administration felt' a little more fre in handling domestto subject. Th real question to be determined was whether Reye could be peacably in augurated even after a majority of ths electoral college had declared him ths choloe. During tb last few week every mall ha brought word, of in trigue and plot against Reye. Army commander and others supposed tq be hontlle to Oeneral Reye hav been re moved, but this hag served apparently only to increase th opposition. Badly Disorganised Army. While it la a badly disorganised army, th Colombian war force 1 necessary to ' scour a peaceful administration. If th partisan of Joaquin Veles suc ceed in getting the army, in all prob ability there' will be serlou trouble. One ..Inaugurated aa president. Gen eral Reyea undoubtedly will maintain his control of th srmy. Hi prestige fas to soldier win help htm in that re gard. In the oampalgn against th revolutionist in 1896 he showed he pos sessed tb qualities of military leader ship. What General Reyes policy a presi dent will be cannot be forecasted with certainty. Hla chief endeavor, doubt less, will be directed toward maintain ing th territorial Integrity of th re. public Teh rumor which hav been afloat from tlm to tlm of a separation movement In the great Pacific depart ment of Cauca have not been ground leas. Th truth is understood to be that th danger of this department cut ting loos in cis Reye were not mad president haa been th motive for bringing th administration of Presi dent Marroqatn to his support FIRE DESTROYS TOWN OF KENDRICK, IDAHO ("pedal Dtapatcb to The Journal. ) Kendrlck. Idaho, Aug. 4.-r-Th1a city wa practically destroyed By fir yes terday. The blase started from an un known cauae tn th old Paclflo hotel, and befor th raging flames were quenched a score of residence and about 36 bualnes houses had been destroyed. Although th fir , department re sponded promptly, they were unable to check the blase, and In a few minutes nothing could be don except move few article to place of safety, from the path of ths fir. The total loss Is estimated at 1180, 000. with, insurance of- about half this amount ' . Among th heaviest loser ar Mo Crea St Bros., hard war and warehouses, 136,000; Lincoln Hard war and Imple ment company, 838,000; H. C McUrew, general store. 810.000; H. P. Hall, gen. eral store, 326,000, and many smaller losses ranging from 118.000 to a tew hundred dollars. Several of th merchant hav already ordered new stocks of goods and many hav signified their Intention ef re building at once. It la understood thst no mor frame building will b erected and only those of a fire-proof nature will be tolerated In th buslnas section. 014 Axiom Oog Wrong-, From th Chlesgo News. "Tea," said he of th careworn look, 1 married in- hast." "And repentd at leisure, hf queried th other party to th dialogue. "Not 1 me," replied th other, ! haven't-any lelaur sine I butted lnte ah matrimonial gam.' . We want' you to help us dispose of a big 'stock of ; BICYCLES, BICYCLE SUNDRIES and REPAIRS. We will make the price. ' 1,000 Immediately- to know that on the East Side there b an up-to-date Sporting Goods House where a fine stock of GUNS, AMMUNITION and FISHING TACKLE may be had at CALL ANY TIME The S. H. Brainard Go. 'li 133 GRAND AVa - ,";V .. v EXCLUSIVE DEALERS Vulcanizing, Automobile Repairing. Shells Loaded to Order. TEETH SPECIALS : : EXTENDED UNTIL SEPT. I Boston Painless Dentists Will mak special low school rate In order thajt all school children may come and hav tUeir teeth cared for during vacation. ''.'. These ar th only dentist in Port land having tha late botanical discovery to apply to th gum for Painlee Ea tractlng, rilling and Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed for .ton years.- ExtractlM -....FBEE Silver Fillings JSc Fail Set f Teeth $3.00 Examlnatlog...FBEE Cold rilling. 7Sc Cold Crowni...3.M Drowns and rldre Work at Low rrioe a specialty. Our Patent Soubl Suction will hold your teeth np. I MO TVDXTTa.. Com In at one and talc advantage of low ratea. All work done by specialists without- pain and guaranteed for II yearA ' Boston Painless Dentists Fifth ' and Morrison streets, entrance 291 Morrison. REFFLING - IMPOR.TTNC TAILOR 231 WASHINGTON STREET DEVfiSp O SPICES o COFFEE.TEA4 BAKING POWDER FUVORING EXTRACTS XbioluhPuriry FlnreHHivor, Orator Srrtnh. tasontJk Pricei CL0SSET6DEYER5 PORTLAND, OREGON. Every Woman II ml8Ji Ull Mna wnmiju ovW about ti woixlrfn1 MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vff4Ml ejrlpr. JJc- turn am swntm. km- eat. at M oat CoDT.ntanK, Sat jmn InffM tmr n, 1r cannni supply the I a at K L uniH n eUtr. ta 1 nd Mama f iir illiutratM book mm. ItslvaS tall nrtlulr and f1trrtins In. valuable to ladiM. MH aU.CX Vlaae aU.. lis a era. For Hale By WOOSABD, CIaAKB 8 CO., ktOWB 8t at ASTIBT Aldrtob hasaaek For Kidnev 4K uiaaaer troubles. 1 Cures In 1 40 Hours URINARY DISCHARGES Bach Caoeuht bears the nmmtMTVWU A Boynton Furnace tn your house soon pay for Itself la comfort and savins of fuel. Let us nu ll re with you on the ost of installing one in your house. , O. Bayes ruUM (To 181 eooo4 fib 4. Mala 481. aiV V.. Vs-"- "WV ' AT 1. MEN! the right prices. ; Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK W treat auccessfully all private, nervoua and chronic diaeaseav also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat trouble. W cure 8TTHLLI8 Iwlthou mercury) to stsy cured forever, in 8 tad o asya we remov. b ih,-i uwi wits out operation or pain, In fifteen days, WE CUBE GONORRHOEA IN A WL Th doctor of this lnstitut ar all regular graduate, hav had manw year' experience, have been anown ln fortiana ror l years, nave a r.puiauoa to maintain, and will undertake no aaa unless certain cur can be affected. We guarantee a eur in every ea) w undertake or charge no reav cow sultatton frea. Tettsrs confidential. IB' structlv BOOK FOR MEN mailed tree In plain wrapper. I If you cannot ea!t at offlo. writ roV question blank for hom treatment, Offio hour 8 to 8. and T to t. ' Bnndayai .and holiday. 18 to 11. Th leading rectallMt In th Northwest 1 Establlshsd 1888. j Dr.W. Norton Davis &Cb.i Taa Mot Stotat . B. Cam. Thtx mm nam Strcetst " , POtTLiJrD. oxxaoaT. 3 C. GEE W : Tb) Qrcat Chinese Doctor Is called great bW cauae hla wonderf ulj cure ar o weis known throughout . th United State, -and because eo many . bmdIi ar. thankful to him for aavlngL uvea rrora . OPERATIONS He treats any and) powerful Chines herbs, roots, Duoa. k.rW. .lul HMtlblM bm Mitinlv niM knowji to medical science In this coun try, ana xnrougn i" - - lees remedies. This famous doctor know the ectlon or over a wv o 1 u -" ''. "TtLZZ that he bss successfully used In different aiseases. Ji ubi m,,- astbms, lung troubles, rheumatism, njr- vousneaa siomaco, imn .7 Hundreds of testimonials. Charge moderate. Can and seo hire. OOTTTJrZ.TATIOaT rSXsV Patients out of th city writ) for blank and circular. Inoloa stamp. AA- "the c gee vwtf Schinesb MEDICINE CO. 868 Aider street. Portland, Oa, Xsx tlon thla paper. Mineral Springs OPZS BTBBT BAT XV To Whom It May Concern R 1 onme to the above aprtng oa April I to taa trMtment lor my eye, a nam ' very sever attack of catarrh of tn yea, .was almost blind after treating with .ths. best specialist that could be found, and suffering for nine years. 1. have at last found a cure her at the FAMOUS TUSCAN 8PHINGB, 1 ean-' not prala them too highly. I bp thaaj others that ar afflicted will glv tbetsv atrml K..ptfnlly Room 808. Commercial Ulag, iortlend. Oregon. Mr. 1. C Pslmer, of Palmer, Or, wag cured of rheumatism. If you ar stcK writ to us; w will give you th Ban and address of soma on sured .1 almllar complaint j Tuscan Mineral Springs Corp.; TVtOAV, OA8V. CXsTS 60s TOM OTTll OP rrOatiCal AJTO 43ATAJAJUC IAX. j CRS. vi-SLo;rs sc3Ti::::a err.:? llaahMweaMl hr Mlllloaanf M"lvr f' Uwtr ihiMr wild. Twii!i r.,r rr Y t V"-.. U kiua m eMui, ,rb-na ti, tow. u iu. eui-,-a au4 la iu. kt mmuv-if f'r tiirr '. AAAAA AAAAAA .aw J dmm ii 1 ssS 'ij("ssaf'!7 1 TUSCAN " "T -" 1 "i