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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1904)
. , ; .' ' ' , .' :. , ; ".. THE OREGON, DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST 6. lfldl f TOWN TOPICS i i ' TOMIOHT AXUSEKEXTS. Tbe Baker..'... Stile Ida' ruk.. Arcade ....... The Prince of Liars" ............ ."YT.tte" Vaudeville ...... .Vaudeville BIJOU , . Star .... Lrrie . .. ..... Vaudeville v Sylvan and ultimately Hlllaboro will ai exi.ene.ou or in romana Heighta lln of th Portland railway through . in Roru'QX D W. Prine and O. Jr. Cook and th liberal aubaorlpttona that are being mad by cltlsens. Tba Port- . land RaIIw&v nnmnuiv pmiiIm hnnna of 1 10,000. and this. sum ia bejng rapidly subscribed. It la proposed to eatend fffta, Una m n. a B n . . . w .... - ...... bvm . . (. W vaVkl U i. wa and then by easy, grades to Bvlvnn. Duma or hay been aubacrlbed by . Henry Hewitt, Professor Q. Morris and the lVUieleay estate. S60O bv Thomas - Prince. 1250 each by O. F. Cook. Theo dore Pointer, Henry Reed and Mr.- Bllm, MOO by I. H. Gove, $300 by the Ladd state, and smaller amount by othci , parties.. .... . - ' , ... , Success has attended the efforts of A. R. encampment to secure well known ' fnAFI ' til ta La rm la , Vi at annamnmant which will be held at Andersen, on- the line of the O. W. P. railway, Auguat 2 to Bentemher ., J H Arlrmn. state superintendent of . public lnstructtotr, Will 'make an address on Educational ,dayt September i. Prof. L. M. ' Pratt of the Portland publio schools, will also ' apeak on that day. ' Jefferson Myers, ' W. V. ' Bolae and others are expected to make addresses, and Dr. - Dave Rat v fety of the Lewis and Clark fair state commission irUl preside on Lewis and Dr. J. H. Wells, with h la wife and children, will leave next week for Pylng - Yans. Korea. They will sail from Beat' tie and hope to elude the Russian - fleet ,. Dr. and Mrs. Wells are missionaries of the First Prwahvterlait churnh ,nt this -city. There will -be a farewell' service for them tomorrow morning. - Dr. Wells : will deliver an address. Musio will be rendered by a .double Quartet. This , service will be the occasion or a fare well to Miss-Elizabeth Caruthers. " member of: the church, who' sails from Ban Francisco on August It for Slam to take up. missionary .work. ."up the Columbia" to Cascade Locks and return on steamer Bailey GatxerL You cannot possibly spend a pleaaanter , Bunday than by making this trip. Route Is replete with the grandest river-scen- , cry in America, and .the Gatsert Js the acme of comfort. Nice Bunday dinner - will - b- served. Lots ' of music also. Boat leaves Alder street dock l:S0 a. m.. arrives back i:t0 p. m. Round, trip , t. oo. connection made at locus with steamer Regulator for The Dallea and way. points. Phone Main 014. - The Claflln University Jubilee singers sing: tomorrow evening, at 7:45. at Cen tenary M. JC. church. East Ninth and - East Pine streets. ' They sang Thurs day evening at Grace. M. a church and ,- last "evening a Bunnyside church, and at both places the church was crowded. .There are Ave Irtara.ra BrA ihaar im spending their vacation touring the Pa- ctflo coast. "The youngest of the troupe, : Master Exodus Drayton, Is but IS years of age. ' ' .. . Rer. R T.' Allen will occupy, the pul- . t , r 1Hm( DH.kvt.rl. n akiiaak al...lHa the month) of August He will begin a series of evening sermons On the Book of Esther tomorrow evening at 7:48. His subject will be: "Ahasuerus, the Vol' uptuous." ' The other subjects are as ' follows: August 14, ' "Ilaman,- the Asaxlte;" August ''II, "Mordecal, the Jew;" August J 8, Esther, the Queen. Oregon City river trips. ; : t Short SundHV outlnaa. Cool and refreshing river breeses. - wiit ivtmrnn ,nn niataiaitmi ' , All for 25c round trip. - ' Boats leave Taylor street l:S0, 10:80 a. m., i:uu, s;uu, :sd, f :j p. m. -ror evening trips take 8:16 Boat-returning by trolley, arriving Back about t p. m. - i. "Oregon Development" will be the subject of Rev. J. R. T. Lathrop's morning sermon at Grace It. K. church tomorrow.. Dr. Lathrop's -sermon will deal with the history and the .rise of Oregon. He will discuss tha recent ses sion of the Oregon Development league as an -Important factor in the develop ment of the resources of tha state. fPka will k mri aa Ah 1A1A k'AImI, . A, n ..a u. fl ' 'a a. a v . , v v uiwa. An Invitation to the National Veter inary association to hold Its next annual meeting In this olty was extended yes terday. The Invitation Is In tha form of a letter and will be presented by Dr. Clarence Loveberry at the 104 conven tion which la held In St. -Louis. The invitation has the endorsement of the Lewis and Clark officials. - Many needed repairs are being made .to the Falrvlew echoolhouse which wilt he completed by the time school opens. Professor Evarts of Hood River has been elected principal and Miss Cather- In Hfwaara, ftf VtYit-aaa HiViVtt h,l haarn chosen anfntant. The directors have authorised the Instructors to teach sub Jects up to the tenth grade. If -you want to enjoy yourself go to the Whlte Temple Bunday. Dr. Brougher preacnes. morning, va mm iJescena From a Monkeyr Night "The Lights and Shadows of London." Mr. Hart ac companied by guitar and Clyde Altchl- son. a noted soloist will sing. ' An anxious mother ia waiting at camp , Electron, Wash.; for - news of her daughter, whom he thinks is 111 in this MANN & BEACH PUNTERS $2 Sooit4 Street f Cronn4 Floor I EST WORK Low PrloM . TtJephofat 444 . '. ' ' j'- " In Th4 Warm Old Summer Days .0 and yea are washing and fh perspiration is pourtng dowa row r 1 1 face, and yea are abeat dose ' W ap, auk a renlotlon: "Tbat i yon will da an ntore waablng, bnt iX. will send It te tha bMt laandry F w . In the eltr.'1 Thafa ea. Our rhargx are modrar. our wnrk tha xat, enr drllrarl-e quirk. - and ttarri. to, . we tntnirl the rlothaa and darn the sorka frM at ebarge. Pknee aa te call far oar waahlng. OREGON LAUNDRY AND TOILET SIPPLY CO. - , noma, Bast 13. 1 O. T. BTAHS, Mgr. city. Mrs. M. Williams Is the mother, land she haa written to the postmaster asking lor .Information, which will give her the address of her "child. ? In the letter she states that she thought her daughter was In "Canada, but that en July 1 she had a telephone message from her son of this city, whose name Is Jef fries, stating that her daughter was se riously ill. Before further Information could be given .tha connections of the Una were broken, and since that time the tnother hag been anxiously waiting some word from her daughter, but none has been received. .. , ,Th men's . meeting at the Toung Men's Christian Association ia to have a double attraction tomorrow afternoon in the shape of an address by Bishop Earl Cranston, and muslo by the Claflln university Jubilee singers. These sing ers are Ave colored young men, students of the university at Orangeburg, 8. C. They are accompanied by Dr. Dunton, prealdent of the university, - and are making' this extended tour for the pur pose of raising funds for new build lngs for their Institution. The meet ing begins at S:IQ. o'clock, and la free for men only. 1 . - ., Mr: Brigadier -St! 11 well will be at the" Salvation Army hall, 12$ First street tonight and the-expectations -of the Salvationists ars hlah for a auo ceaaful meeting. Tomorrow at 11 a. m. Mra. Btlllwell" will be at the Mlspah Presbyterian Church, Powell street cor ner East Twelfth, and at 7:45 p. m. at Grace M. E. church. . Bha will speak In these meetings on the rescue and slum work of tha Salvation Arm v. Tha usual Sunday . services will be held in 'the Salvation Army balls In tha city. . - Sunday at Estacada on ths-O. W. P. The. Foresters' band, will-furnish the muslo. Dinner from- II m. to 7:30 p. m., (0 .cents. Ample equipment will be pro vided to furnish seata for passangera. Accommodations 'arranged In the grove on the banka of the Clackamas for pic nickers. A- long, attractive Jrollsy ridel for SO cents a round trip, Cars and tickets at First and Alder, streets and Hawthorns and Grand avenues. . Tne national conference of Charities and Correction will meet- -in' Portland June tfi to July inclusive. This time is chosen that the delegates may have tha opportunity of attending the eon ventlon of the National .- Woman'a Suffrage association, and the convention of the American Medical association. Some of the conferepce delegates will addresa the Suffrage association. There are also several physicians In .both, the women organisations. - s No mora street falra are to be beld In tha parka or along, the .streets ac cording to Mayor Williams. He haa re fused to consent to allow the Woodmen of the .World the uae . of - either the streets or the parks for their fair this fall. He says' that any one. desiring to hold such a fair will have to do so on private property. The House of God. the Oate of Heaven.' will be the subject' of Rev. Wa H. Selleck's sermon tomorrow morn' Ing. at 11 o'clock, at Bunnyside Meth odlst church. "A Fit of Bad Temper and What Came of It" will be the sub Ject of tha evening sermon, v Epworth league, 7 p. m. - V: Tha Visiting Nurse association had an unusually -busy .month during - July, Their headquarters ' are at tha - city board of charities. ' Any call" before o'clock p." m. is answered the same day and later calls, are answered the follow ing. day unless they are emergency cases. ,. ; .. . Service at the- First church of the United Brethren in Christ East Morrt son and East Fifteenth streets, will be held tomorrow ' as follows: Sunday school at 10 a; m. ; preaching services at 11 a. m, and at I p. m.; Endeavor at 7 p. m. . prayer meeting Thursday at p. m. . . ,, .- Sunday trolley, schedule -on tha O. W. P. to Estacada and intermediate points 7:30. 8:30. :20,. 11:30 a. m.; 1:30. 2:30, 8:30, 5:80, 7:30 p. m. .To OregonClty every 80 minutes- from 7:00 a, in. To East Sid Reservoir every 16 minutes. To Mount Scott every 20 minute. , Goodyear Shoe Repair Co.. Yamhill treet, near - gas office. Phono Main 1031. Repairing while you wait Sewed soles. T5o. : rubber heels, 85o. Alwaya on tiro. Shoes vailed for and delivered frea any . reasonable cutanea. Roland D. Grant, D, D- who was ex pected to fill the pulpit at the First Congregational church tomorrow morn; Ing and evening, will not be la the city until th following Bunday. - - Sunday trolley ride to Oregon City and Canemah Park, II. miles, 25 cents a round trip. To EatacaBa, 8$ miles,' 50 cents. Car from' First and Alder streets. ;. . City Engineer Elliott and eeveral of th member of th ! executive, board have examined th portion of. Missis sippi street which has recently bean im proved. I . ; . :,' Wa-Hoo Tonle,- Th great blood ur ifler, nerve tonio and liver regulator. Just what you need these days, -For sal by all druggist. - i v. Admission Is free. 'Third annual farm- ee plcnlo and dance, Auguat 7, at Dnha-'a DaaV 1P.aWa.aa V.-.a W , it........ u . a., - u . tuia , ua m vivumia. Oamea all kinds. . , Our work is strictly high grade. In ferior work la quit unknown. Metro politan Printing company, 147 Front Street ."W striv to please1 - I pack furniture for removal or ship ment; upholster, reflnlah, repair and polish. Pianos polished. Walborn, 284 second; telephone Main J7T. . - Portland Wire Iron Works are now located at Trenkman ft Co.' on Fourth near Flandera. Work turned oat promptly. Steam boiler Insurance covers dkmae-e to boner, property - and for injuries. Campbell Rodgers, 2(1 Washington. Quick Meal rang, best on earth, uses half the fuel of -ether ranges. Old, Wortman King. Fully warranted. Plate glass Insurance against break age. Maryland Casualty Company, 8(1 Waahlngton street Th Delineator for September II now ready, II cents. Jones' Book Store, tl Alder street - Th forester band wilt'' furnish th music .Sunday at th pavilion and hotel at Etacada t v 1 Chew Den-Tal-Oum. hav nearly teeth and prevent decay. For . aal . every where. '..". . . Burglary lnauranoe. Maryland Cas ualty Company, 211 Waahlngton. Dr. O. t., Blany, L O. O1. F.' tempi. Wise firoa, dentists, th Falling bldg. Dr. I .M. Thornton, dentlat. Marquany Dr. Amo. surgeon,' Dekum building.' Ansley's 1900 envelopes, by all dealers... Boxing school, Tom Tracey, 101 4th it HARQUAH BRIDGE 5 CONTRACT RELET rtui - tut nonn m wou MMTVBXU TO OAtlf XT OUT VW txm $4,000 ia tau), aits szao- vvtrm aoABB orrxa cowtbact TO'PACITIO OOHgTBTJOTTOir CO. . The Paclflo Construction company of Everett Wash., has found that It can not conatruct tha proposed steel bridge over Marquam gulch, at th Front- street croaalng, for thejurn of their bld-.'wlthoutjieavy loaa, jindhav , ap pealed to tne executive board for . an additional $4,000, or to be allowed to withdraw from th contract Th com pany claims that in figuring the cost of th proposed. bridge they omitted the sum of $4,000, and besides, .they hav found that th warrants cannot be handled , without a heavy discount At tha meeting of the board yesterday afternoon this contract Vas revoked and a very heated dlaaussion - followed, Some of th members desired to re advertise for new bids, while H. W. Goddard. George. Ji Howell, Big. Slchel and other favored awarding the' eon- tract to th next lowest bidder, which is th Paclflo Constructing company ' of Ban Francisco, whose bid I 58,l8.. To this there waa. strong objection on the part of William Fleldner, who desired to DostDone the matter until th city en gineer " mad estimates of ihcost of a relaiorced concrete pnag . over this crossing.' ' .' Mayor Williams stated that "h thought all action should bo deferred for a short tim' until th. wishes of the people In this district Is learned. He suggested that a meeting be held-by the property-owners, at wnicn tne ex eoiittve hoard be present, and have the matter discussed. "I .understand." said the mayor, "that wo are going to have trouble over' this matter anyway with the property-owners. They have prepared their street for a brldgarand if we do not glva them what we proposed In the first place, TOrarthere will bo trouble. I was told that -several of the property-owners were going to take legal aleps to keep from paying their assessment- and I want to avoid legal eompllcatlona." - It was finally decided to award the contract to tha Paclflo. Conatruction eompanyi-9rovlde d. tha olty attorney and (he mayor thought It proper to do so, A Joint meeting of the ways and means committee of the city oounell is to meet with the executive board In tho near future, when the financial condi tion of tne olty will be examined and soma method adopted to meet tha ax- H-penses for- tha remainder of the year. A contract ror - improving jaunm. Street waa awarde to the Warren Con struction company for tho sum of $27, S25. Several bids for minor pieces of work were-opened and referred, to the street committee. czxBrx.T nmsovAb Rev. ' 1 O. Herrold, pastor of the First Christian church of San Jos. CaL, Is- visiting friends In this city. He waa formerly pastor of th Christian church In Walla" Walla." 'Wash., and-4-ITeir acquainted. ln Portland., H has Just returned to this city after a hunting expedition to the outhern part of tho state, where he killed aeveral fin bucka. r r' ' ..-Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Runyon leav today for an extended. eastern trip. They will spend om time at St Loula visit Ing th world' fair. ' Mrs. T. C. Bishory leaves this week for a trip to Callfornlf. Captain Qeorg M. Craire of Council Bluffs, Iowa, la visiting-his daughter, Mr. W. W. Peaslee, and will remain In Portland for. a month. Captain Crane spent some time In Portland about 10 years ago, ana is asiomsnea at wm progress ef th city. - Ed C Davl. a member of tha police force of Salt Lak city, 1 spending hi vacation in Portland. Julea Werthelmer. with his family. leaves this afternoon, for a sojourn at the ooast Edmund -e.-oUtner. -secretary of the Lewis and Clark state commission, lias rona to Marlon lak at the foot of Mount Jefferson for a fortnight s outing. A. O. Brlnkerhorc or castieton is at the Perkins. ' . ' Mra Charles McKenxl of Fossil, or., Is a sruest at the- Perkins. Capt E. B. Burns of Gold Beacn is registered at tn peraina, . 8. lav Turley of Baasr city is at tne Perkins. Frank E. Abbey of Roseburg is a guest at th Imperial. F. J. Klngnorn ox vaiaex is registerea at tha Trfclna. - - .J. Clove. Inventor of a new device that is said to be an important Improvement of thrromblned sMe-hlll harvester, la at th Belvedere today. . ; Jerry, Fleetwood of Baker City is at th Belvedere. v , lj J. M. Hansbrough of Roteburg 1 at th Imperial. 8. B. Huston ei Hiiisooro is in tn city. - Z. M. Farvin, commander or seagwicg Post O. A. R... of Salem, Or., la In th city touay, en route to nosion, as 1 delegate to the Q. A. R. national en campment to be held there August IS to ST0. J. Blaln, a member of the real es tate firm of Orlndstaff at Blaln, leaves tonight for Tacoma, where h will take passage on th eteamsjilp Tremont bound for th orient Hla wife accom panies htm on the trip, which he ex pects will take him about four months. All place of Interest will be visited. The trip Istaken for th benefit of Mrs Blain'a health. - Tn mxramYATios Qtrxmo.. Portland. Or., Aug. I. To th Editor of The, Journal. WIU you kindly ad vis m through th columns of Th Journal If there 1 a government reser vation In the Blue Mountains, situated about SB mUMfrom Pendleton, that was to be thrown open for settler on August i, but which has been postponed for 40 days. I was Informed that such was ib case and will be greatly obliged It you will enlighten me In the matter. A BlUBUKUIGH. Tha rrvtlon referred to li th Umatilla, on of th three remaining in the state. There la at present no provision nor expectation of opening thla or any other Oregon reservation for settlement y ( . , . - ' t '. 44444444 caw tov, otrcss om xa- 4 4 mun tu rorxrxjLM , TOTB FOB FBSSZBUrrf ' .' 4 . If you make th nearest guess ) , you can secure a prise, on of 4 1.000, valued at $2,100 to $S each. Th a-aess will eost ye-a aothlng. , Every 21 cent you , remit to The Journal. Covering subscrlp- 4 tlons, to the Dally. Sunday, Semi- weekly or Weekly will entitle e you to one guess. ' 4 .For particular and detail read tha advertisement appearing 4 In Th Journal. . '-''. " J "" f ' ' 4 PIUS X SELECTS A PIANO The' Weber Piano Co. Receives " Official Appointment to : ! 1 His Holiness. An Interesting document believed' to be the first of It kind ever received la this country, haa Just been placed on ex hibition at th headquarter of th Weber Piano company, Aeolian hall, $8 Fifth avenue. New York. It is an offl cLal warrant of appointment to his holl rtwiS Pop Plus X. . Th document ia written in Italian, engrossed in scarlet, purple, and black, and bears tha papal coat-of-arms of the pop and th seal of his major-domo, C Caglano d Asovedo. The warrant conveya notice of the full appointment of the Weber piano to the pope and to th holy apostolical palace. "with authority to uae In the shield of th manufacturers th arm of hi holi ness." .. .. Plus X has long taken aa active lnter- eat in musical matters, ana hi encycli cal on church muslo hav attracted much attention even outside of the do main Of the church- It 1 significant that . his hollneea ahould hav passed over all th well-known planoa of Eu rope and selected for hi personal us the Weber, an Instrument which la ex cluslvely th product of American ge nius. Prior to granting tha warrant th pope had a Weber Grand on tria In tho Vatican for aeveral month. II wa so much pleased With its distinctive rich ness and mellowness of ton that he de elded not merely to adopt th Weber1 for hi personal use, but to grant It manu facture a special mark of hla favor. . The unprecedented honor of -a papal appointment Is attracting much at ten tloh In musical olrclea, particularly aa it follows so closely upon th royal ap pointment to the court of Spain Issued by Alphonso XIII also to th Weber piano.; It I evident that this Instru ment which haa been for SO yeara an art standard In th United States, I now In Us reorganised ownership command Ing' ample capital, entering upon a dew era or achievement.- INDORSES WORK OF ' COMMERCIAL CLUB Strong Indorsement of tha Oregon De velopment league and of the Portland fOommerelal elub- for Ita publlo spirit shown In th Inauguration of th move ment appear -in an artiol by W. C Cowgill In the forthcoming issue of the Baker city Democrat who says: "By tbl convention tha Portland peo ple put themselves closer to the heart of their country . neighbor through out th state than they hav ever been before: th delegates, many of whom brought their famlliea and their wWes with them, for tha first time in a de cade-got well acquainted with each other, did not., talk politics, had no unpleaaant arguments and lert port land with th united determination to work at home for th advancement of their own immediate section, tha ad vancement of every other section of the state, th advancement of tha state a a whole, and beyond and above all the proper exploitation or old uregon ana sueh a heralding en -proper line of th slmnle facta and truth .of her re sources, latent and undeveloped, as will give to the eastern people an incentive to Join u with their brains, muscle, en- orgy- and capital." r - , 4 Both Candidate BUtazvoed. From th Nw Tork Bun, . Stella Men are o stupid. Bella Yes, indeed; do you suppose It would take m weeks to writ a letter of acceptance? ' - TEACHERS EXAMINATION Notice la herefcr elvea tbat the eoonty soner- lntrndaut of Multoomab county will bold tba regclar azamlnatloa of applicants for state sod county papers at tne central bcdooi, -rormi Eaat Alder and roartaenth etreeta, s follows Vfw .T. la naDera Commencine wedneadar A U C U l lu. . v W CHxraV .. .lit, cvu.iuu.u antll Saturday, Anfn.t is. at otcioci p. m. Wedneadar Penmananip, aiatory, speiuai:, alafhra. raadlna. achooi law. Tbaraday Wrlttaa aritbmttie, tBeary et taarbing, grammar, beokkeeplog, pbyalcs. civil orernment. Friday Physiology, gaograpby, mental atith vetic, composition, pnraicai gmirrapDir, Baturaar nounr, piane iwukuj. inpii Butory, Knguan uterature, payraowgy. . ror eountr oanra Gommeacluc wedneedar. Anrnat 10, at S o'clock a. m., and continuing antll mnay, Augtni 12, ai e o rioca p. hi. First second and Third grade certificates Wednesday Peomanahlp, blstory, srtbograpby, redlna. Tbnraday Written arlth metis, theory ef Ivaehlna. vrammar. ebralolocr. Filday Geography, m.ntal aiithtte(le, sekoel ISW, CITII gOTttrnmrnx. Primary eertltlratea Wednesday Fan mas ahln plthiaatlc. Arthoaranbr. readlne. Thnraday Art ef questioning, theory ef tubing. P- ,, Individuality without eccentricity 'T'HE product of our pre$$ stands in the front rank of good printing. Every job has a touch of individuality that raises it above the plane of common place. The smallest detail get's the same care here the, larger ones receive in other shops. A little trial order will convinct you KVa3titcz & do. First and Oak Streets TiLirnoHS Ntmsia: Main 165 mm Arllstic Kfi? and Tonpct Haher Satisfactioiv Before and After Wearing one " of my famous" Toupees. Coaranteed rortlaad. Or. SO Waahlngton St PORTLAND ACADEMY Pits hoys ins girls for Weatsra and. Baatera colleges. Primary and grsmmar grade lnelodad. Portland Jtcadtrhy Halt for Girls Receives s limited an si bee sad elves theaa tbe comforts and ears of a redned borne. Ofnce bmir daring July and Angoat from s. m.- tn 12 m. ror ratalogse address PsO lead Academy.- PortUad. Or . r.,. . OUOOH St. Helen's Hall A Olrla School of th Klgheat Class. 'Corns of teechera location, bulldlna. equipment th best Send for catalogue. Orx SZTTBKXIB 18,, 104. SGASIDB - RRSORTS HOTEL CEARHART XAi orzvxo rom thi seabow. Tbe SaaaA auaunar resort ea tae North PaelS Coast, j It eouatsie of MM) acres wltti aaturat ? rove,, pure aprlug water, elegant golf gronnde, snnla court and croquet ground, boatlug, flub lus. bunting and flne eujrf bathing. Th. botel baa htM entirely- renavated and aW sldewalka thronaboot- tbe park. Telegraph and telephone m botel. For ratea and accommodationa apply to P. H. gCHUlaDKBMAN. Mar.. Oearfaart. Or. T HOTEL MOORE Termerly Vaw Orlms Eotal, Seaside. Oragea. NOW OPEN Tbe only the coast over looking tbe eceaa. Finest surf bathing and tub baths, host irg. banting and Ashing. The botel la bard flnlabed with furnace beat. For rates address DAN 1. MOORg. Prop.. Beselde, Oregoa.' - ,- McOUIRE'S Seaside, Oregon ; J; toeated ia th very oeste ef th olty, eoavssleat to railroad and freah-watar boating oa tha jreeaatoun. . Timely fur nish ad., route attendant. - Remodeled, rebuilt and furnlahsd. Open for th season of HOC THE HARVEST HOME fosvKealeao, rrop. ... ( - Prioee: tlAt per day, IS.00 per week, beds Ho and SOa, meals SS cent. . Children under 19 yeara at half ratea, ' - . BSAOX. WASH. Seaside Livery 5 Fuel Co, UTT, TXSD, SAX.ZI 1 TOIAOS AID TVU Ihraytaf, Xspresslng and OeneraJ Jobblsf SAJilSB, OKKOOJr. Handle All Kinds of Dry Wood. Stage to xik Creek and Cannon Beech. TheDriftwood Xra. , Z.yalff MOST OOKrOhTAlLl AMO OOTTAOB OK TXB ',.'. ' MAOX. Bot and Cold Salt Water Baths la Connection. XrOaffO BBAOS. Will.- G.Q.KEE Restaurant; Grocery and Bakery rreah Bread, Oakaa and rtoa Always on Band. . - : , SXASXDB, oBxooar. "THE COLONIAL" giAsiDK, oaroojr. ' A new. elerantlr furnished botsL la sow epea tot (he season. Every room opens ea e large porch, commanding a fine view ef tbe ocean. Largs shady grenade, fine service, and good weals. aaka this a very desirable place te spend a -vaeatloa. - Seasonable rates by. tbe ,osy, e week. . lainpsiaEX sag, rroprietors. Uncle Sam's Great Sanitarium The great all-year-round health and pleasure resort Hot Springs; Arkansaa, Is owned and endorsed by th United States government Splendid hotel fa cilities, .j Amussment of all klnda Four dafly trains from St Louie, via Iron Mountain rout, unexcelled equip ment : For free descriptive literature, add res H. C Townsend, Q. P. A T. A, 8t. laoui. VABX ABU WASBXsTOTOB STBZBTS -rOBTXABV, OBBOOB- Established in 1164. Open all th year. Private or class Instruction. Thousands of graduates In positions; opportunltles constantly occurring. It pays to attend our school. Catalogue, specimen, to fr. . r . A. T. ABIOTlOKOh U.B. rBZBOXr AL Behnke- Walker Business College Bloek. rOBTXABV. OB, Make a specialty of equipping young men and woman for life's work and se curing that wofk for than whea com petent . -; . Our graduate are all employed. More than 109 placed In positions sine th first of last August Pbon Mala its. W tag hat you. Writ. IWI Mtlttary Academy MBXlin, 01M0I, A ptiTtta botwdlng aad day ssheeL Maaaal trmlntng, sUU. tary alselpUBa, eaUsg prepara' tloa. Boys of any age admitted St saw urne. rail twa opaaa sgvambw? 14, UO. CUT THIft OUT I hav .... boys, whea 1 waat saad ts a MIKtarv sehotA Thai aaae are PU oss sand ae nrteee end tanas alee UlastrsM aaarapuve esuuogae ei yew saaeoi. e Uddrasa) obboo noiniin, tottok wbitibo, uvoamt ststbk- BooKxxxrnrcr. Greater demand than vr before for onr graduatea . 1 Holmes Business College stabUshed 18fT. TamhUl and 11th Sta. Columbia University marclal and O rammer Orad Apply for Catslngae: Courses. : Boarding School for Young Men and Boys Box 315. UiUvtrtity Park Station an 1 Portland, - ' Orogon THE ORDER OF WASIIINGTOri . STARTED RIQHT , RATES ARE CORRECTLY BASED Good Insurance Furnished to Men and Women Who r Can Pass Required Examinations. - - ALL WHO ARE (JNQER THE AGE OF SIXTY CAN JOIN If you want th best fraternal insurance in the worjd to . vestlgate the plans of The Order of Washington ; for full par ticulars, pamphlets, etc, address, giving your age, , J. L. MITCHELL, Supreme Secretary, . . 612 Marquam Bldg., Portland Ore. T HOTELS and RESTAURANTS 'jt : -f ' y Ws carry in stock a fall lln of large Portable Hotel Range French Ranges to set In brick. Bteem Tables, "Vegetable Steam Boiler. Our price are low. We solicit your ' patronage. . LoewenbergcS: Going Co. Second and .DUY BAR FIXTURES BILLIARD TABLES From Us, and YOUR LIQUORS WHERE ? YOU PLEASE if you want to save money and stay in business. 1 r The Brunswick-Balke Collender Co. HDMlal rata mad t families aa4 atahllahmant In ut botak No Saw Edges Here On your collars or cuffs. Wa hav th machinery and the killed labor to do work properly and satisfactory, and w know that w give perfect satisfaction to our patrons, which make u bold In our statement and our urgent request to hav you give us a trial order. The finest lin en and rough work clothe washed with th aam care, that means everything done right. Telephone us your order. Our dellveiiaa ar prompt. . . WEST SIDE OFEICEl 129 FIFTH STREET Troy Laundry LAUNDRY: . WATER ST., EAST SIDE Nine Out of Every Ten Houses That hav been old thl year wer newly painted, and la very ese these houses were sold at a good profit. Any hustling el estate man will tell you a bona well painted will aell batter aad bring more. Why not consult u bout paint for your houae? W sell paint the right kind the kind that wears well, lasts well nd looks- well paint that la made for and Is adapted to this climate. We gtve our personal, guarantee for these good point on every 'gallon of paint that leaves this housa, W would b pleased to talk paint with you vn though you do not buy. Fisher, Thorsen oVCo EVERYTHING IX PAINTS 160, 162. 164 Front St. Cor. Front and Morrison Company :fcooda. Including Taylor Stret4 YOUIU EAST PORTLAND FENCE & WIRE WORKS Manufacturer of WOOD, IRON AND STEEL FENCING And tb UnlTMrMU Combination rnot ELBIV ATOR ENCLOSURES EVERYTHING IN WIRE. J rrAt.nknnA TTe.1.. ? J . at ?LUWua tar IUVU I f ' hotel The Portland ' AawricM Plaa " ;, '. - Tj $3 Per Day and Upward 4 ItBAOOtJARTBRS FOR TOUSnT AN MEKC1AI. TRAVBLBKS alaal geoUatnen. A modern Ta - aa. U. sgwwu, Maaac has the purity thatcon mends Its constant'Tisciin all households. No laid such a home favorite. ; ', Sihrer Leaf Lord Is soklbv3, 5 and 1 0 pound neatly lithographed,! tin pails. Aak your dealer. SWIFT A COMPANY, TJ. a A. !IENRYVVEINIIAR0 Proprtotor of tha , k City Brewery Largest aad Bloat Cosanlat Brewery la th Marlaiwe, , Bottled Cecr a Specialty OOo ink aad amsde t PORTLAND, Ol ' Lard Leaves SilYH Leaf Lard .'...V.