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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL PORTLAND, f SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST 6. 1904. . i f DANGEROUS AT EAGLE CREEK ''V; j - - ' - Forest Blaze - Breab ; Burns Fiercely Many of the Fires Are I : Reported as Under. Control The prtTK-pa4 danger point todJ from th trmt fire at Ragl Creek There renewed vigor wa lent 'e the flamf Ut night by wind. nd the :e 5 hu attacked the a-reea timnea, bewvy cloud f amoke obecure the k' ' and the' fir In burning fiercely hout three mile aoutliemrt of Creek. A etrong aprung trnm th , south, and this will h toe flee of rrvtng th flame toward th towa. Ail Tbe Mltinra and -a,mr-er bar bed trme to MK-xr fwm tb burning fore I, --ar-d wort at tbem are w emi4 over the wnrtk for of Katfe eroek- - TTe town JSaaie Or la a amall 2 . trading rolnu with a few tore an j hwvra ra th (VV. P. railway oom- piair-iUM, and baa a eonsiderabl aet teer a-tba arTHiad.aa- mtry Thna fr iw live ara reported loetaad TtO wbllvi" principally In the ; pwa timber. nave had tlma to eacap with their stock and egect. Tboa v wera wlthia th bursed district have lost their rahlna. but, thee will be easily J .rebuilt. ' Tb principal fir baa beea In. the vicinity of Snag ramp, on tha dl "' -vide betweaa tha Oackamaa and Sandy ''.. - rtvara, , ' Imi Baaok at Baady. -In " tha vicinity of Bandy mattes' and Oreehani the Urea ara dying; out tody and th sky clearing of th amoka that has Dbwarrt th aky for th Ust wrrk. No rr porta bay a yat coma ta -' Indlcata loaa of Ufa or property, and It la bllTd that tha deatructioa haa t born confined to tha dead timber.' The Are that broke out and burned flrc!y near Barton yeaterrtay waa-of - rmall xtnt, and did not reach tha O. W P. railway right of way. Th Urea i atKuit Boring and Damaacua have de stroyed aom good timber and aeveral hundmd sorda of wood,, but -bave burned themaelvaa out and tha dana-er la aald to be past, unleaa wind aprln up ,.2: and fan the flame. John Wonnecup. 8andy-ottler, -today-brought In tha new that the fir Wblch for aom day - looked ry threatening between Ore bam and Bandy ar dying- out. and hare . burned only th dead timber, and that berry plrkera have reanmed operatlone . In th wood that were threatened a few " ' daya ago. .-. v- ' r , , , BUabina-' Tin th Caaa. " Th Area, ara aald to JUava ri (floated .- from th practio farmers have of burn ing alahmga on .ground that waa cut oft during th spring-. The alaahlnga are' now dry aa tinder. nd when they ar burned during; a windy day th em bent are carried for miles and set fir " " to dry wood, especially In dead timber '-districts. . , Southern Paciflo timber cruisers who , came in this morning: from th burned - dlatrlct In tha vicinity of Flrwood and Bandy say that th fir Is now- com . pletely under control,- and tber la but - llttl t wtnd. Th burned district - I chiefly an old burn, and tha flra devoured - only- underbrush and dead timber. Ther were no ettlers hurt In that locality, r-V - and th loss labomljiia.v-- , . HEAVENLY TALKS IN COUNTY JAIL Henry Creffleld, self-styled "Joshua." the high Holy Roller apostle, has been kept busy st th county Jail In th last few days, so h asserts, holding con ferences with th Lord..: H aaya h has received Information from on high that there la a material hell and that when tha-wickd depart this life their bodtea, a well aa their eouls, ara tortured. . Th apostle haa employed a great deal of his time in marking a copy of th Bible. In view of his claims to th priesthood, the following from Malachl ll:T, which has been encircled with a pencil mark, la Interesting: Tor th prierc's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek th law at his mouth: for he Is th messen ger of th lord of hosts." BEATS HS SON TO SECURE WAGES Alex Bhlpplemaleaged 1 years, wai beaten by his father Ust night with a broomstick because he Aid not tarn over to him the full amount of his time check, amounting to tT.lS. He works at th American Can company's office and Is the main support of ths family, . although the father is described as a large and powerful man, abundantly Me to do hard work. Today tha boy la TWENTY CARS OF GIRLS SEE CITY Enjoying th afternoon as only chil dren can are to street-cars filled with Portland girls, all under 14 years of nge. They ar th guests of Messrs. Tull 4 - Olbba, local furniture dealers, and ar aeelng th sights along tb City Suburban railway Ther ar between ' 60 and 10 girls fii each car. Lined up In front of the store of Tull A Glbbs thla afternoon wers several hundred "Brown up folka" who had come I had forr-Tw nfTmd Trm whvlmm4tm9 JuitM utipii tna f Dure fc Mod ft rcfcMCKlft hot of CMeurW d4 w tar 1 "head 'wtTl" Tlw thnaT. pritmi to flp tfcftt 1 "hv4 'm' y- wtcclinc, qntrmtn mtsft loft mm. Judc out tfoctors a a in J tit) whan I .brfHl him thirty t, na Inftnothcf bv tba remftindriAboQl th am lnarta iof ft taiDdsa rorm taft bftfi bMft ppinf bit Vitality for J ara, ara unjuyad tba bastof baalth ar tlnra.- llrui ftjiuj Mjuaiontu win apai so otnar iuntn." Kk.. Blub.lA.k lSttt f I art bU Dl.u. Waa. reUiftOaip&l rb truant. faltabla. Poten. Taa Onn. be 0ied, .t Kirkm, or Orlt', Iw. . ; Vyft 14 is knit. Tha r"i Tablet ftanpe 0 0 0. ttsarae4 to ear or year or bus. terHog Ressesy Co., Chicsg or H.T. VA aXNU'LSALE. Tin KILilCS BOXES ft IJs Th Dowe!$ 4 canpv cTmTic ' "lajr FIRES . ' . , w ;' Out Afresh -There - and ' rven Plnachard. th founder of th town of Kalnier and the owner of th land wher th forest fir was rnglnn, arrived up on. tba Astoria train this forenoon. -With the exception of th loa of h camb. outfit In Mclntoah' and Ken. atfk a lorging camp and a small quan tity of wood, ther was no other loss." aid Mr. Blanrhard. "Th fhr la now ander complete control and did not cover over 100 acres of . ground. The fir confined Itself to lugged sff around and did not make anyprogresa when It reached a thick' trowth of green timber. Thursday night a large fore of men worked hard, to keep th fir from spreading-, and by building- back fires we kept It from crossing: th county road, where I had IS 00 eorda of wood ricked P. - V :.. ; IVoaa Xa aUlchw -. ."Th fire started by a farmer aetlng fir to hla alaahlnaVbeldw- towit- Bom of th-e-peopls-wanted to do th burning aer night, but he Insisted on setting it on fir during tb daytime, ao that it would burn clean:" - Tha loa to the logging eampa. It la estimated. wllL not afgregat over U0. .A heavy fire la reported to b raging on th Washington aid of th Columbia, back of th Oak point logging- camp of th Benson Logging Lumbering com pany. 7 Th landa ther are owned prin cipally' by Portland partlea and th greater part .. th around haa been logged off. V Lester k. Leland. a railway mail clerk on the Southern Pacific, arrived from Ashland thla morning and reported that heavy fires were apparently raging In tha mountains east and weat of Grants Pass. - ' BTnUTXD IQUAU BaTX. Tores Tires ta City Umlta of sTpbkaaa u . Cense Damag. (npedal Mspatrk te The Joaraal.) ' dpokan. Wash.. Aug-, t. forest fires within th city limits burned 'a, square mil of timber south of Liberty park yesterday afternoon and evening. Th flamea threatened the residence portion of th first ward., and also the Country club. Th firemen fought with back fires from noon. Ther was no water In th vicinity r..;; J ZTZi. : .' ." $3,000 rrma at oovooircnruT. (Special Dispatch to The JoarnaL) ' Conconcully; Wash., Aug. . Th Con eoneully mills burned last night, entail ing a loss of $1,000. It waa feared th town would burn and men, women and children fought th bias all night" ' ma BzaxmoTti tiKzwTABs. (Joaraal Special- aJervies.) Parts, Aug. . Th shipbuilding-yard at St Naxatre, belona-lng; to th Com pagnl Oenerale Trnns-Atlantlqua, was destroyed by fir today. While in th municipal . court last Wednesday, Creffleld was asked by a newspaper man to writ a brief account of his religious views. He promised to dj"orbut whenh reached th county jail chafiged hi mind. He said h had been advised by th Lord, while riding from th polio court to th county Jail in the patrol wagon, not to write th article, as requested. ' What seems to bother Creffleld a great deal I th failure of th Lord, ac cording to hla statement to reveal eo him what will be the outcome of th charge against Mm. He is growing fleshy and helps the other Inraatea aweey out th corridor In which he ,1a Impris oned. In tha hospital, his left forearm betnf broken. He la resting easily. ' A warrant for th arrest of th father was Issued today out of th municipal court Tha arrest will be made this afternoon. . Bonds were fixed at 1100. Tha assault on tha boy was made at tha family resldeno, Garfield and Fall ing atreeta, last night Tha nolle Interfered and stopped th father. Th boy was taken to th Oood Samaritan hospital. . to wish the.chlldren 'laon voysg." Th cars were decorated with banners, while each flrl had: beu provided with a small horn.. Ther waa no pushing nor Jamming; about the cars, aa th children war admitted to th store by tb Sec ond street entrance and only a carload were allowed to com out of th Morri son street doors at a time. Mr. Olbba personally superintended . th car ar rangements. It was th happiest crowd of girls ever seen In Portland town, but tha few llttl boys who happened by looked sad and lonely. A each car pulled away from th store, th hornt began to toot and the laughter that returned on the passing wlnda told that every la'ssfe wa having "Just th most fun." -' Severer days ago Tull ft Olbba. pub lished a series of puszle pictures In Th Journal. They were to be guessed by young girls, and each on who tried to tell what th signs and figures meant were .promised a trolley rid this after noon. , BXAOOJT BOOK CXABTXBSD. Th British ship 1 Beacon Rock has been chartered to load wheat In Port land at 17s 6d by the. Portland Flouring Mine. Tb amp is now in port and will begin loading about th middle of this month. At th same time was also chartered tb British ship Hart field, to load wheat In Portland for Europe, at in asm ngure. WOatAaT XS XTBT. Mrs. Mary Allen, residing at Front and Montgomery streets, waa struck and knocked down by a delivery wagon be longing to C. -W.. Nelson at Front and Main streets this afternoon. . Bh was dragged . 20 feet before th horse stopped. She wss removed to her home In th wagon. Bh was not seriously nuru - PRINCESS CHIMAY'S CHEEKS TURN-BLUE ' . , 1 , , . " III " . i ... ', - V "w AV, ' H I ' '. ..; v v,.,' III II - ,,, - Ss;-,i! III ' IMOv jSw. t tv wu.d- ' 1 V' - ;!H III! THE PRINCESS CHIMAT, WHO London. August l Clara Ward, th one beautiful American - gin wnos escapades havs been tha talk .of both Europe - and America from th day ah became the -Princes v-hlmay to th prea ent time, and who haa had what shs terms a "horrible tlma" to get rid of a tattooed bluah on each cheek, is at last happy. . . yiv years -of IrreaTiiarrroving lire a th companion of th Oypsy fiddler Riga were not conducive to th preservation of th soft, rounded contours and peach like bloom of th cheeks that brought King -Leopold willing slave to her feet In former year. On. th contrary, irregular lines ana crows' feet mad their appearance, her eyes. did not have th old-time sparkle, and th complexion that was once her prid and th envyTTnany ot-her rivals had assumed an ashen whit color. Remarks on htr fading bM'y ware made by many, and even her Oypsy Rlgo waa not alow to let the princess know that her charms were xaa(. disappearing;. Lovely Bos Tink. -She-resolved-t any cost to have those tell-tale signs removed, to attempt a restoration of her former beauty. About this Urn It became fashionable among - ladlea of tha continent to have their cheeks tattooed a lovely rose pink. This was th specialty of a Parla beauty doctor. She went forthwith to th Paris tattooar and for days she submitted to th tor ture of his little needle. 1'nck by prick they left under her akin a tiny drop of pink liquid. . Finally from the professors oinca sn serried awav a pair of cheeks swollen and painful, and confined herself to her EPIDEMIC OF CRIME (Continued from Pag On.) men about from tha houses jre passed. Oh. It was a vary merry function, in deed! But It makes a man nervous to look Into th nuiili of a revolver when the fellow behind th gun weara a mask and hla hand is trsmbling." Mr. Brooks waa for years engaged in th atora of Olda King of Portland, and haa a host of friends here who take a lively Interest in his adventure. Chief Hunt's Complaint Today Chief of Polio Hunt made th following atatement: "I do not wish to find any fault, nut i cannot so why th streetcar companies do not arm their employ after dark. I recently suggested that method of end ing- these holdups, but th companies will not do It If th men bad been armed last 'night they could have shot both of these robbera If th conductor had enough nerv to throw a glasa turn bier at on of them, he certainly had enoush to fir a revolver. If I had my way, I would have shotguns hung above the-conductors'- heads on alt streetcars after dark, and you would find these holdup men would quit tha business. Wa are doing- all we can, wUh an Inade mint a forca to captur th guilty once. We hav only 20 man for each shift of ala-ht hour, covering 40 square miles." "Tha suggestion maaa Dy uniei num Is not fenslbla for us," said Assistant Superintendent Cooper of the railway company. "Our men might shoot , pas sengers, and, again, if the" holdMps knew our men wsr armed they would prepare themselves to kill them If they mad the slightest move." The bandits were masked and neavuy armed. They atopped tha car at Twen tieth and Carter streets, one taking- th front and tha other the rear platform. They ar described as young, nervous and dressed In dark clothes. Step-Ladder Thief AfaiS. Oood Judgment in selecting his Victim, ,tiiir mwA niitnt work and a safe eacane from the premises or w. t; rerry, xsi Second street this - morning netted a buralar 1161. The burglar used a ladder,- gotten no on knows where, to enter the house, and selected the rear window upstalra through which to coma. He weht to the bedroom, where he went through Mr. Perry's trouaers, from which . he took the handsome reward for his daring work. H then mad aafely away, leav ing behind po clus to hla identity, save the moat meager on that he Is th asm man who has turned several other burglaries of late. Tha ladder, say th detectives, stamp him. "W knew nothing of tb ' robbery until' w awakened thla morning," aald Mr. Perry, who la a well known mining man. "A friend of ours residing across th street said he came home at 1 a. m and noticed everything ems all right around our house. W think tha trick wss t turned, after that Che ladder he used to enter waa standtbg at the rear of , the boils this morning. Ws hav asked several people about it and none oaa Identify It as their property, - It WAS CLARA, WARD OF DETROIT. room to await tha charming result when ths Inflammation should hav subsided, Alaal When th princess went out people wondered at what they considered her Inartistic usa of th rouge pot In th center of each cheek there waa a circular pink spot about th sis of a silver dollar, with Its margin clearly defined agalnBtthBurroundtn un. healthy pallor. '. I- ' . "I assure you It Is not rouge," said th princess to ber friends. Sea, It will not rub off." " "It would better be rouge," they said, "because then yon could rub It off." Filled with Indignation tha princess went back to tha tattooer. ' . ' " -, BUdeoaa Turpi. Tea, lit was true, th pink was too vivid. Ha would neutralise it with another pig ment rubbed Into th skin but It would reaulr tlm and palRC -. - Day after day th profeasqr robbed,! his "neutralising" pigments in tb cneeas of tha princes. But tha second attempts of tb professor were mora disastrous than th first - Something was wrong. Instead of toning down the glaring- pink of th princess's cheeks tb "neutralis ing" pigments failed to neutralise. They formed a chemical anion with tha pink, producing a aort of yellowish purple. Tb princess In th meantime bad mat Rlccalrdl.. tha Vesuvius station master, for whom she gave up Rlgo, and In de spair she sought Mme. de Medocl, tha American -beauty- doctor In London. After undergoing a torture of a fort night's duration, tha- arrant prlnoess haa secured again th peach and cream proposal waa received from P. Raleigh complexion of her rirlhood-oyaAndrtfferina tb tis -of -tha building- on lha haa returned In triumph to her latest love la Paris. must hav bean carried a lone distance." Tha burglary was reported to tha po lice and today detectives were assigned on It This la th third trick turned by th "ladder man." aa be Is -now desig nated by th detectives, because h al ways uses a ladder in bis work. Other Burglaries. In striking- contrast to tha successful burglary at tha Perry -home, wa the burg-la ry of Haffenden'a grocery store. 10C2 Corbett street during- tha night There tha thief nterd through a rear window, tapped the-llu and - for hla trouble received but t cents and aom candy. Evidently by tha earn burglar. tha meat market of J.'Kurath. 1001 Cor bett atreet waa entered through th rear window and tt taken from tha cash register TITes Jobs were don after 1 o'clock, . aa Policeman. Connors on whoa beat tha stores ar located, re ported to Chief Hunt this morning; that he 'tried both doors about a a. m. and everything waa all rlfht This morning' at o'clock tha police were notinea tnat at tna resiaeno ot Adolph Bchmeer. East Thirty-second and Pin atreeta, a burglar waa being held at th point of a fun In th hands of R. M. Bchmeer. Acting- Captain Hogeboom dispatched tha patrol wagon from headquartera to th 'seen In charae of Policeman Price and Lulls, but when they resched ther th burglar had mad hla escape. , - , . "My doc awakened us this morning at I o'clock, and after making an investi gation It was found that th burglar was on the back atep of th residence of Frank Reeves, 14 East Thlrty-nrst said It TA. Bchmeer this morning. T got my gun and covered him with It t th aame tlm telling him to throw up hla hands. It wa dark andf I could not sea him very well. After staying ther a while, tha roan broke and ran. . I tired no shots at him." ',.... DELHI , WINS STAKE AT SEVEN TO ONE (Journal Special Berries.) Saratoga, N. T.; Aug. I.Delhl. a seven to on shot' won tha Oreat R- publlo stake, on of th moat valuable of the meeting, a mile and quarter. run here this afternoon. Mercury waa second and Th Picket which earrhvl most of the' bettors' money, wa third. Tlma, 1:05 4-6. . . . SAYS WASSITCHIKOW SUCCEEDS PLE1IVE (Joaraal Special Berelce.) v Paris, Aug. 6. A St Petersburg dis patch aaaerts that M. Wassltchlkow has been appointed minister of ths Interior to succeed the lata M. da Plehv. Wassltchlkow -to a prince by birth but little Is known of him. II has gov erned tha province of Moscow. JOURNAL IS FOUND (Continued from Pag On.) "What!" exclaimed th, Judge, "the missing Journall Wher did you get that bookr ' Evana aat down and explained how be happened to hav possession of th Jour nal. wenaier tiaieneu in mw lahraent. and at length broke in with: . t"lo yoa know that two or three men hav been arreated under auaplolon of stealing- that book? Vo you know that suspicion has even been raised agalnat some of th county's official on th theory that thbook has been hidden in order to aid th county in aeveral suits T Tsa, alt. thy teil m popl have been Shadowed" In trying to find that book." "No, I didn't know It, Judge, but J have rot a beautlftul maaa of -information out1 It" nalvey answered the health officer. Then. th court was un abl to restrain himself and laughed heartily. . - "Well, you had better tell Frank Fields about it right away. I believe h la going- to have workmen tear all th steel compartments In -th vault asunder, hoping- to And the book -behind aom of "th framework." ha aald. - yield U OvarJoyd. , When th book wss .taken to Mr. Fields ha waa th most surprised man In town.. He grabbed the document and hung- on to It like a father on to his long-lost son. "His first question Whan ha heard when and how Evana had se cured th book waa: . - .- i ."What clrk rav you thla. Journal? He must have a memory as Ion aa a man's thumb." . . 'i . . . Mr. vans couldn't remember from which one of the deputies ha had pro cured the Journal. - Th deputy himself baa evidently forgotten loaning It - At torney Freeman . was notltfled 'of ', the discovery and - hastened to th 'court house. He biso wss delighted to And tb volume had not been loet or stolen. Tha Journal In question contains th only record of th early history of of ficial business In tha' county and Its loss would hsva been irreparable. An Idea of. its Importance, from a his torical and reference point of view, la given by the- first entry made in the bodk, paragraphing-, capitalising- and punctuation being- followed: ' Tint Commissioners afeetlng-, . Oregon Territory, Multnomah Co.,' "Portland City, January 17th, 1861. "The County Commissioners of Mult nomah County meet pursuant to an act of -tha- Legislative Aasenibiy, -aed the House of Representatlvea December, A. D., '64, and th Counoll December, A. I)., 1 Hit, present 'Oeore-TT1 VhufTin and Ensley R. Scott ahaent Jamea H. By be. Th I bond of Ohubrlok Norrle aa County Auditor was presented and approved by tha Board of Commission era. : On motion it waa ordered that tha County Auditor -was authorised to pro cur books, stationery, etc., for tha uaa of hla office, alao atatlonery, eta., for th us of tba Board of County Com missioners. On motion adjourned -until 1 o'clock p. m. ' --' - i "t o'clock p. bl, Wedneeday. 17th January, 186S. "Tha Board of County Commissioners meet pursuant to adjournment Present George W. Vaughn and Ensley R Scott Absent Jamea H. By bee. William Mc Millan presented Msljond ftaLj3herlfrf Multnomah County, which waa ap proved by th Board of .Commissioners. A. D. Fitch presented hla bond - as County Treasurer of Multnomah County. Th amount of the bond required by tha Commiaalonera balna Ten Thouaand Dollars. On motion tha bond waa ap proved. Sealed proposal waa received from Pat Raleigh, offering- to rent hla building- on . tha corner, of Stark and First-street for a courthouse, and off! finished and ready to receive . the furniture for th sum of One Thousand Dollars per annum. A sealed propoaal waa received from Coleman Barrel, Juiu, offering to rent th seoond -story of hla building."- tin Front atreet known ' as tha Robinson building-, for a Courthouse, finished as tb Commissioners may di rect ready to receive the furnltur for th sum of Five Hundred Dollars per annum, payable quarterly. . A . aeaied corner of Stark and First unfinished for tha aum of Seven Hundred Dollars per timiav On motion adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at 10 o ciock P. M. Attest GHTJBRICK NORRIS, ". -j Clerk." It la Interesting to not that at tha r session of th board held tha next day. January 18. 1866, tha board mat and Instructed the county auditor to draw a lease In accordance with ths proposal of Coleman Barren, Jr., for th Us of th second story of the Robinson build ing, on Front street at an annual rental of $800, payable quarterly. Thla waa tha first building used aa a courthouse In th history of th county. , SHIPS OF WAR ARE " - SENT TO TURKEY (Continued from Pag Ona) Th order to send warships to Smyrna waa given by direction of th president after a consultation with tha cabinet officers. Turkey's dilatory tactics In handling several Important mattera pre sented by Minister Lelschmsn is offi cially given out aa th causa Tha atata department, It la aald. eon. aiders th reoent ovaslona of promises by th Port . as almoat tantamount to tha Insult of a year ago. Than Lelech- man had sought an Interview with ths sultan in order to present th matters referred to, and obtained it but a .week ago, only to oe again put on. it w""Xa then agreea ina.i idi time oaa cumi tu demonetrate to th aultan tha Impor tance of giving attention to thla country-a reduesta. Pespttf the official reason a given. It la aeneralty understoed that the ac tion la In reality taken In behalf pf th mlaslonarlea. toos mat Qtrurcx nxzs. Fogs drifting up from tha ocean gave th aky a cloudy appearance thla' morn ing. Th mantle of moisture la high In tha air. but whan It comes In con tact with tha mountains it Is believed that a check, to a certain extent will be put to th forest fires. Ther is no indication of rain. Whll It war cooler her than usual. District ' Forecaster Beala says that yesterday wss th hot teat weather of tha season In eastern Oregon, eastern Washington -and Idaho. . Moneyback means Schil lings Best . - baking tewde flevoriaa extract spices eaffee and perfectdealing; youf gf o cer returns your, money if not to your liking. I , r, , ! 1 1 FLUID fACE ; POWDER , Is known the world " over as the original V and best , riUID FAtt POWDth ....... ..... '-, -,. xt . oaks otto " azzarrairoa MaaTT YXAAS AOO, WatXX TMM . btscbsutt to a Ttrma, oi sumrxo ajtd axjxxkxitt TXVXaJ TTACM ;. TOWMB j M.' riSTB."' XT malt WAS A . OaTCa i BBOOOimSatD AWO XT xjjads m onxu, . ' ZITDOBSXD ST AX.X UASnTO .. - TbTTSICXAITS. 7 For Sale by All Dealers. illllE BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. I42rl46 FOURTK'ST. S 77 PORTlAND, OR.T'" : ' A MUSICAL MONARCH ' ' - saw aiasaaaa The Crown, a Piano RoyaL Has ManTones at Its Command, - Every One Perfect and Is Moderate Priced. On true friend redeems a world of unfaithfulness. , In much . tha aame manner, a good piano will establish f altli In the integrity of th plana making world. . Petty dealera and unscrupuioua aaiee- men do ao much harping ana carping about unreliable planoa, "tnump-ooxea. 'stencils" ana th liae, tnai piano ur rra have coma to look with distrust upon any new name which apprs upon th fallboard of a piano, and generally prefer to Inveat their money In Inatru rnenta of long established reputation, auch aa tha Weber, Kimball. Chickering, Haselton, Lester, Hobart - M. Cable. Thee ara all Instrument pf long es tablished reputation, tha vary finest In tha world. nt It itneai not take on Whit from th lustre of, thee great names to men tion another piano tnat i worwijr i every confidence, eucn aa in trown, which, In addition to ita faultnaaa piano tone.- pan also produce at tha pleasure of th performer th tone of tha guitar, mandolin, banjo and many other lnetru- ments, moat perfectly ana cnarraiiiKiy. To nnnau a nlano Ilka this that after yeara of uaage,- rings- aa clear and puro and true In tone aa the day it waa brought Into the home, la Ilka having the friend tnat atanos me ie 01 year, of trial The possessor of suoh a piano comes to regard It in much the aame way as an old friend. And why not? Will not tha piano sing to us . In our happiness, pour soothing strains like balm upon hearta. when, they ar hurt and achingT Haa It not lightened many an hour that otherwise have been dull and tedious. Has It not led ue on to higher fields or tnougnt ana aspira tion? Ia It not tha friend that la al ways ready to respond toverjr mood and need? s - ' j. Tba nam crown is not a new piano name. For over tnirty years vrown filanoe have been manufactured. This s plenty long enough to prova their worth ana atatiinn tncra as mom 7 friends In tbouaanda of American homes. T - It IS needless to say tnai lnnnne nr. Is bestowed upon the construction 01 Crown planoa, and that only the beat materials are permitted to enter Into their make-up. . In price, conaldering their great merit and thalr lasting quality, thr is not a cheaper piano maae mm me Crown. ' - , . Ellers nano tious mmn i.rown pi anos in many very attractive atlea, which Intending buyers will find t their advantage to examine. Moderate payment terma can be arranged Jn pur chasing. Ptor 661 Washington street corner Parfc . . !',. Sal of Uacd Pianos Close ' . - tonight ' , STUNNING BARGAINS MANY TROUBLES OF "FESTIVE FATHER H. Meach was fined $5 In tha munic ipal court thla morning on a charge of being drunk and dlaorderly- Ha resides at 171 Borthwlck atreet and last night cam horn drunk. He started a fight and hla daughter struck him In tha chin and hla aon kicked him In tha eye. Thla morning ha appeared In court with a black eye.. Ha thought ha had been abused, but Judge Hogu thought dif ferently, and fined him. . V ".; tji ntra ot bom. Oold'nian of Minneapolis, Minn., i u- haa writtento th mayor aaklng for in formation regarding hla aon, John Gold man, from whom ha has not heard for many montha, When ha last received word from th young man ha workd at an Iron ornamental shop In this city. There haa been death and alcknesa In tha family and tha father ia anxious to get soma word to his son. . - . - TAT TTOmP't; TttOOTtV J. . Chief Paymaster Colonel Tucker left yesterday. afternoon for -Seattle, wher he will mVet th transport Buford and pay th Eighth Infantry OH board. Th Buford ia from Alaska. . M1TB OT 9m ST. nans.' ' Zaoharle Fl. Fessler, aged I years, died at th Bt Vincent - hospital last nlsht His body waa shipped to Mount Angel today by th Campion at Dunning Undertaking company for burial. ; Hast Die Tonight. ' By using Bark Tonlo for rheumatism and thua getting cured, ther ara people who will probably now dl who could have lived much longer. Bark Tonic cures rheumatlam In 4 to 10 daya. It purines tha blood and oleans tha liver and bowel a Price 76a, . All druggists. dim tbobc atramxxm. . (Mneelal blapatrh to Tb Journal) Wallace. Ida.) Aug. I. Alice Lantiy, aged 7, whoa leg war cut off by a moving train, died from tha effeota of ber lajurlea. . , i . . v . - ' ', .: - J ' CAMERA BARGAINS Wa hav only on each f tba followtntr BargaUa. Tint aom first servedr .vs 1 Pony Premo No. t, 1x7 Reg. IJS.00; apeclal..,.f 22.50 1 Pony Premo, No. 4, 6x7 Reg. 130.00; apeolal. .. .120.50 ' 1 Pony Premo No. 4, 4x ' Reg. 111.00; special....) IT. 50 1 Eastman Bullet, 4x6 '. Reg. IIJ.BO; special.... f 18.00 Th foUowiag ar Cameras takaat la aobaag foi othat laatnuaeaaa. They are la perfect conditio a 1 Pony Premo No. I, 4x6 ' (Including t extra holdera) - Reg. 27.00 specua....f 14.T5 1 Wlsard, 6xT (Including I extra holders) Reg. Ul.lll Bpclal....$15.T5 1 Magaslna Cyclone, 4xa . (and carrying case) " Reg. $11.00; apeclai...., $5.25 AJCTrWBlOljrTtj. SBSaBaaaaaasjaaBaa"a'Ba"aBBjI . Tacoma VSe Portland BBQatVATlOir TAJMC. "rbkommow ittiiiooi, . AVQVBT T. . Oaaaa called tiM . aa. -. -ssdlia mis, Ttiuradsyaind Tilda' Admission, 5o ehildraa, I60. ROYAL. Italian Band "Illustrated songs, moving pictures, ' eta Portland Heights Park, every vn Ing. TMD -BlVrn ' THE 1TOC I 111. lllUllltl. . tOT. tares L. Bakae. Bole leans an atauaeva. TOXIGHT FARBWEI-r, PEJtrORMaWca 09 . THH BAKRB THRATBB GtiMPAMI, Present, lag that funny rare. , - . THE PR1NCB OP UARS Ok -ABABIAK WiaHTs. TrenlBg prices ooe, 860, S5 and IBa. SHIELDS PARK , , . , ooBDmAri thxattb. ' The Bcraamlng Maateat Ooaiaay, YVETTE THIkTT TXOFU HOtrms . BKOW Kew snnss and the famoo Pony BaueU.. Cordray's Buadays aad JUlny" Klghta, 10, SO and M eanta. .. . A. GREAT BIUL, -'- AT THE V '" STAR THEATRE OBTUnt TASWTOVABI.a ; TAVSTIXUi TTATHOUBK. Oeaeral admlsaioa. lOrl lesened box seats, tea,? ferforaaaeee a te 4:80, IJO t 10:90 a. m. The home ef Bohte vsoderina Orarlnanas pwrtnra)anree tram t te 4:aS Mntlnaoua 1 te 10:80 a. at. Even ing parfnrmancos rram T te iu:u B. m. Any esat la ue ueaire, iu eania. LYRIC THEATRE; Caraef Alder -sad Beveatb. . -HIOHCLA6S REPINED VAUDEVIL.UB a:SO te 4:W T:M to 10:0; Bandar, t to 10) a. sa. Thla ad. and 10e wlUdmlt two peepM aay aiatlnee excest Baadaye and konaaje, I TBlt OTBTS MQ HIOH1B. ARCADE THEATRE BeTeath sad Wsshbujtoa. REFINED VAUDEVILLE :1B te :80. - T:l to lOtBO. BuDday, eontlnnone from te 10:30. Tor ladles, ntlnia sad ehildraa. Admlaakoa 10 eenta to any ant . FRITZ THEATRE '- B0-U BVBJIBrOK. rBKO f KITS. Prep. W. H. BBOWM. Ma THE HOME OF VAUDEVILLE TWO SHOWS DAILY AT 2 AND 8 P.M. COKCKBT HALL " . BLASIRB BB0. ; COJ1CBBT EVIBT. KIOBT. ' ' M1-24S "bDRWBIDB." ' Greatest aquatic event on the : Pacific Coast BASEBALL I ASTORIA. REGATTA I, " ' AUGUST 24, 25, 26r 1904 f rj