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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1904)
AIE OREGON DAILY JOUrWi, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 6; ' 1904L ' rU 1- L J . cri) voTioxa. CITT 1T0TI0EA. CITT VOTIOXI, , c;tt motices. CITT B0TICE8. CTTT yOTIOTS. KATU10AS. ITaTXTABXFS. rsorosAU jro oovcazTX wouc . Sealed propoaala will b received by the i water ooara 01 me uir oi fort una, urcrtin Until . m. Wedneeday, August 10, l&ot. xor ine construction of concrete lining parapet wall at Reservoir No. 8. Cltr Perk. . . Secifleatuno and form of aroiHieal can' be obtained at tbe office of the Lnijtueer of the Water Board, Olty Hall, Portland. Oregon. W ith each hid Buat b depoalted certified , Chech f gsno.00. payable to tha order of tha Auditor of tha City of Portland, and bonda ac ceptable to tba Water Board will be required vi (Df succtvanu oioner. Tba right to reserved by tha Water Board ' to w any or a 11 blda. Propnaala moat bo enclosed la aa envelope enunrseu en me oursiae, -'i-roposaia Tor Conr arete wore," ana,naread to tba undersigned. r eruer aw m niwr noara. . .-, ; FKA.Na, r. ponwt. "...'' Superintendent. Portland, Oregon, August 4, 1P04." moposals ros OOSTOtZTB WOK AT BX XBTOIB BO, , . foaled propnaala will b received by tba ' . Water Board of tha City of Portland. Oregon. until 8 p. m. Wednesday, Auguat in, ii4, for tba eonatrnetloa of a concrete lining aad , parapet wall at xteeervotr No. 4. City Park. Specifications and form of propnaal can ba . or tallied at the efflre of tba Engineer of tha Watar Board, l'ltr Hall, Portland, Oregon. With each bid meet ba depoalted a certified ' check for Vm.on, payable to tba ordar of tba Auuitnr or ma lit? or rortiand. and bonda ac ceptable to tba Water Board will ba required a tha cueeeeeful bidder. Tba right la reserved by tha Watar Board iv rejrci any or ail Aioa. Proioala muat ba enclosed In a envelope endorsed an tha outalda, "Propoesl fog Concrete Work,- Reservoir No. 4," aad addref to tha unncreignea. -w - , By order ot tba. Watar Board. ' , , .. . vbank t. Donflfj. K - Buperlnteadant, - Portlaad, Oregon, Auguat 4, Wo. PS0P08ALS -FOB tAYIMw TILT. Sealed propoaala will ba received by tha natat Board ef tba city ol rertiaao, Oregon, until p. m. Wdntdar. Auauat 19. 1804. . for tha laying at 8 000 squares of ''Hydras filt" at Reeervoir Mo. 8, City Park. Spaclfleattou and (oral of bropoeal eaa ha etialnad at tba oftteo of tha Bnaloaor of. tha Walar Board. City Halt, Portia nil Orefoa. , - With aarb bid Wat ba dapoaltad aartlflad vDira tor f.n ja". payaoia lo ira ornar OK ina Auditor of tha Cltr af Portland. Oraaoa. and bonda accaptnbla to tha Watar Board will ba required of tha auroaaaroi blddar. Tba rlfbt la raavrrad by tha Watar Boird to rajcet any or all blda. Propnaala moat b ajiclnaad la aa aaralopa nnorara oa tna ontaida, "fropoaaia for baying ' ran, ano anaraaaia to vaa nnaaraisaaaj. By ardor af tha Watn- Board. i ' FRANK T. DOrxJB, Suprrlbtaadmt. Portland, Oratoa, Attfvat 4, 1&04. . PROPOSES OtPBOVIMXBT OP FBFJfOBT i ' IT1IIT, . ' Notlra fa narahy firm that at tba maaMng of tha Council of tha City of Portland, Orafon, bald as tha ad W; of Aucnat, 1804, tha fol- wwing raaolotloa waa adoptrdi HMolrrd. That tha Council of tha City of fortlaad, Oraaoa, devma It arpaoiant and pro poaaa to Improra Pramont atraat from tha watt line pf Eaat ElfbDh atraet to tha eaaf-Uoa of I nloa, aTeuoa In tba following Bianncr, ta rirat By rradlrf ba afreet fall width with . rill tnteraeetlnna to tba proper grade aa glrea he the (Htv Knetneer. , - - . Second By brlnalng tba aarfaea af tha atreet mil width with full Intaraactlona to tha propar 1 grade with graeel. Third By ronatrnetlng wondan aldewalka la accordance witn u tTty avnginaar puna. apfciriraoona ana aetimaiee, .. Frxirtb Br eonatruetlna woodea croaawalka. Fifth By asnatraetlog box and atone guttera in aeeoraanca wita tna t ny snginaar a puna, atieelflcatlona and aaUmataa. - Pnld lmprnTemant to be made 4a accordance with tba charter and ordloancea of tha Clt r atf Portlaad and tha Diana, anadficatlona and aetlraatre of tba City Knrlneer, filed la tba ouica or tba Auditor of tna vitf or rortiana on th lt day of Auauat, 1B04. en dor and: "City Enalneer'a olana and aoectfleatlona for the Imuroremeht of Fremont atreet from tha weat line of Eaat Elrhth atreet to tba eaat Una of I'nkia areaue, and tba eatlmatea of tna work ta ba dona and tha probable total eaat thereof." Tba coat of aald Impmraaient to. be aaaeaaed . aa prnrlded by tha rity charter npon the property apedally. beaefltad thereby, and which la hereby declared to ba all tba lota, parte of ion feet north af and parallal with tba north . Una af Fremont atreet aad a Una 100 feet outl af and parallel with tha aonth Una at . rremoni arreei, ana oeiween me weac line or Eaat Wgbth atreet and tba aaat Una of Union avenue. Tba Enalneer'a -aatlmata af tha probable total coat for tbe Improvement of aaid . Fremont9 atreet la ae.ura.uu. Tbe above Improvement la to ba claaaed aa a ? ravel Improvement aad aball ba maintained by ha city for a period of five yeara, provided that tha awaere af a majority of tha property benelted by aald Improvement or any north thereof aball not petition tor a new or different . Improvement before tba expiration, of aach period. i Ilia plana, epeclflcatloae aad aatlmataa of tha City Enrlneer for tha Improvement of aald Fremont atreet are hereby adopted. Keeolved, That tha Aodltor of tha City of Portlaad ba and he la hereby directed to give notice of tbe pronoard Improvement of aald atreet aa provioea ny me city cnarter. ' Remonf txaaccN agalnat tba above Improve . Bient may ba filed la writing with tha ander alaned within to dava from tba data at tha Iirat pnniicauon or uia nooea, By order of tha CoancU, THOU, a PBTMIf, Andltur of the City of Portland. . Portland, Oregon, Auguai 1 1804. crrr tbkabtbzb'i hotiob or balb or BXAX PROPERTT FOB ; BXLOiavUt Notice hereby aivaa that tha Auditor af . tha City at Portland baa transmitted to ma a . Hat af tha delinquent aaaeaamanta which re main unpaid for the repairing aldewalk. The aald aaeaament waa levied by ordinance No, 18. MM, an ordinance aaaaaalng tba coat of eon atructing. raconatructlng aad repairing tha aide walk la front of each hit or nart thereof or nareel af land mentioned In eectloa 8 hereof and alao that part of aald aldewalk known aa a part of tbe In te reaction and bounded by tbe curb llnra and property 1 1 nee extended to tha Intereecttoa with aald curb llnee, and that pareuant ta eectlon 411 ef the charter of tha City of Port land. I will on Monday, tba dtb day af Aaguat, Vita, at tha boor of 10 o'clock a. m., at tba v weat door of tha City Hall, la the city of Portland, Oregon, offer for aala at public aue- tlon to tha hlghrat bidder for caab,- eubject ta redemption, tbe following deacrlbed percale at real property, tow It: . Hofladar Addition to Beat Portland - - ., Blk 100, lot 2,. Tna Oregon Baal Batata Company ,.....,.8 11.78 Blk 100, lot 1, Tha Oregon Real Batata ' Company IX. Tl 'Blk lid, lot 8. Tba Oregon Seal Batata Company 11.T8 Blk 118. lot 4, Tha Oregon Baal Batata - , Company 124. T : Blk li. lot 8, Tba Oregon Baal Batata . Company , 11.78 ' Blk 110, Ml, Tha Oregon Baal Batata Company 184.80 ' Blk 134, lot 8, The Oregon Baal Batata , Company 11.74 , Blk 184. lot 4, Tna Oregon Baal Batata ' Compear 117.41 Blk IK lot 6, Tba Orogoa Seal Katata Company j. ....,.,.-...-11.78 Blk 114. Vrt 8. The Oragoa Baal BataU fnnMBr - ... . ..... Blk lit. lot 8, Tha Oregon Baal Batata , Company ,., , 11.78 Blk 13, lot i. Tha Oregon Baal Batata Cdmpaay 134.44 Blk lib, lot ,. Tba Oragoev Beal Batata Compear t 11,78 Blk laa, lot 8, The Oregon Baal Batata Company ,J. 184.44 Blk if, lot 8, Tha Oregoa Real BaUto Company ,. U.78 Blk 154, lot 4, Tha Oregea Baal Batata Company 184.44 Blk 154, W 4, Tha Oregoa Baa Batata t'ompaar ,., 11.78 Blk 164, lot t, Tba Oregoa Beal Batata - Company ..." 194.44 Blk lcu.lot 8. Tha Oregea Beal Batata . Company 11.78 Blk lfiw, lot 4, Tba Oregoa Beal BaUU Company , 184,44 Blk 1IW. lot 8, Tha Oregoa Real Eetate Company 11,78 ' Blk 150, lot 8, Tba Oregoa Baal Batata ' "??. v i v . 'ill::!4 ' rruaa e oquare AaaiiioB v urn rwiienw- Blk 4, lot I, Jallua Logua BaUta, belra of, ... 187.18 . Blk 4, lot 8, Jollua togua Batata, bean ef , 181.40 Vach place or teacf ol land will be eold aefiarataly and for a mm not ieee than tb unpaid, aeaeeement thereon and mterrat 'and coat of advertlalnf and aalei If mora tbaa ' one bid la offered lha land will ba eold to the bidder offering to take tba aaroe for tha leaat amount ad penalty aad Internet. Competition . will bat -Klrat Ppon tba penalty for tha Brat nerlnd. Reonnd upon, tha penalty for tba auneeed . Ina aerloda. ' Third tpoa tba rate af Interest J. B. WBRtBtrT. City Treaaarer ef tba City af PartlanA, Portland. Oregon, July 8, 1804. FREE LAND IF. OREGON In tha richrat gram, fruit and arotlt aactioa In tha world. Thouaandi a acrra of Un4 at acruil , . coat af Irrl ration. Deri' direct from Stan ef Oregon. WRITS TO-DAY. BOOKLET and MAP FREE. Deechstae Irrigation and Power Cara- .'sMcJUTBui,PerUai4lOrava, rxororeo nrxorzitENT of xast aldxb Notice ta hereby given that at tba meeting ov uia Looncii or tne (.iiy or rortinnn, imgou held oa tbe 8d day of Auguat, Jltoe, the to lueflue reaolutliin wae adoold! Keeolved, That the Council of tha City of Portlaad, Orenoo., di a it eaaedlenl and aeo poeee'to lmirore Eaat Alder atreet from tbe eaat line of Eaat Tnirty-eixntn atreet to me weai line oi Ka( mirty-aiutn atreeu in ina (uijw laa manner, lo-wlt: ' lr.t br grading tha atreet full width with full luteraectlooe to tha proper grade aa given oy ine laiy engineer, , Becoud B conatructlna wooden aldewalka. Bald Improvement to be made la accordance witn tna cnarter ana orainancea or tne tity of Portland and tha plana, eueclflcatlone and eatlmatea of the City Engineer, tiled In the of fire of tha Auditor of the City of Portland Sn the 2Utb day of July, 1004. emWaed: "City Ingineer'e plana and aprclflcatlone for tba Improvement of Beat Alder atreet from tha aaat line of Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet to tha weat Una of Kaat Thirty-ninth atreet, and the eatlmatea of tba work to oe oone aua toe pruo abla total coat thereof." ' The coat of aald Improvement ta ba aaaeaaed at provided by the dty charter apoa the property apedally benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared to ua all the lota, parte ef lota and parcela et land lying between a Una )U0 feet north of and parallel with the north flna of Eaat Aider atreet and Una 100 feet eouth of and parallel with the aouth line of Eaat Alder atreet and between tba eaat line ef Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet and tba weat line oi Eaat Thirty-ninth atreet. Tba Bnglneer'e aatlmata ef the probable total coat for tbe Improvement of aald Beat Alder atreet la 8780.00. . Tbe plana, epeeiflcatlone and eat! metre of the City Engineer for the Improvement. ef aald Beat Alder atreet agp hereby adopted. ltraolved, -That the Aodltor lot the City ef Portland be and be le hereby directed te five notice of tbe propoaed Improvement ef aald all ret aa provided by tha city charter. Remonatrancea agalnat the above Improve ment may be tiled In writing with tbe onder. alyned within to dura from tha data af tha nret puniioation or tma notice. By order af the Council. - ' , v TH08. a naruif . " ' Auditor f tbe City ot Portland. Portland, Oregon, Anguat 4, 1804. VB0F0IXO rjtTBOTXlfXBT OF MOXBOX - ' BTXIIT... -- ,'.-.' . Notice k) hereby given that at the meeting et tba Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, bald aa tbe Sd day of Auguat, 1804. tbe fol. lowing resolution waa adopted; Keeolved, That tbe Council ef the City at Portland, Oregon, derma It expedient and nro pcaee te Improve Monroe atreet from tbe weat line of Union avenue te tbe eaat line "of Oan tenbeln avenue la the following; manner, to nneBy rradlna 'the atreet full width with full lnteraeetlone to tbe proper grade aa given by tha City Bnglneer. Second By bringing the aurfaee ef tha atreet full width with full Utareectione to aroser graae wun gravel. ntiro iiy eonatructing eroaawanxa.' Fourth Br conatruetliur atone uttera. Flftb Br ralaTlua tha croaawalka la aecoroV aaea with the City Eaglneer'a plana, apeclflea- uona ana eatimatro. Bald lmorovamant to be made la accordance with tha charter and erdlnaneea of the Cltr ef Portland and the plana, epeeiflcatlone and evtlmatee of the City Engineer, tiled la the office of the Auditor of -the City of Portland oa tbe 20th day ef July, 16o4, enduraed: "City engineer e piana ana apecuicaiione ror ue Improvement of Monroe atreet from tbe weat line or union avenue to tne eaat line or uan tenbeln avanna, and tbe eatlmatea of the .work to be dona and tha rjrobable total coat thereof." The coat of aald Improvement to Da aaaeaaed ta provided by the city cnarter upon tna roper ty apedally benefited thereby, and which a hereby declared te be all the Iota, parte ot lota and parcela of land lying between line 100 feet north et and parallel with tha north line of Monroe atreet and a Una 100 feet aouth of and parallel with tbe aouth line of Monroe atreet and between tha weat Una of Union ave nue and the eaat Une of Oantenbein avenue. Tba Engtneer'k eatlmate of the probable total coat for the Improvement ef aald Monroe atreet a f4.voo.oo. lha above Imnrovement la to be claaaed aa gravel Improvement and ahall be maintained by the city for a period of Ave yeara, provided that ioc ownera or a majority or ina properly oene ftted by aald Imnrovement or any portion thereof aball not petition fur a new or different lm prrvement before the expiration of auch period. The plana, epeelftcatlona and eatlmatea ot the City ICoglneer for the Improvement of aad Monroe atreet are nereny adopted. . Keeolved, That tbe Auditor of the City ot Portland be and ba la hereby directed to give notice of the prooneed Improvement of aald atreet aa nrovlded or tha city charter. tiamonatrancea againar tna nnove improve nxnt mar be filed In writing with the under- algned within SO daya from the date ot the Ilrat pnniication or tnia notice. , xy oraer at ue council TH08. tt TBVTJ!, Aodltor ef the City of Portland. Portland, Oregoa, Auguat 6. 1004. . nOXOIXO UfPXOTXKXB'T OFXABT WASH' ZBOTOB STREET; Notice la hereby given that at tba meeting of the Council ot the City ot Portland, Oregon, teld on the 8d day of Augnat, 1804, tha fol. wlng reeolutlna waa adopted: Keeolved, Tnat tne council or tne dty or Portland. Oregon, derma It expedieat and pro poaea to Improve Beet Waahlngton atreet from tha aaat lino oi Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet to the weat Una of BaaC Thirty-ninth atreet la tne rouowing mannerv no-wii: Flrat Br rradlne the atreet full width with full lnteraeetlone to the proper grade aa given oy ine uity isugineer. necAon m cnatrncrinw woonen aioawaiae. Bald improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordlnanora of tha City ef Portland and the pinna, aprclflcatlone and eerlmatve of the City. Engineer, filed In the office of the Auditor of the City af Portland on the 30th day of July, 1004. endoraed: "City Engineer e plana ana epecincationa roe tna improvement of Eaat Waahlngton atreet from tha eaat line ef Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet to the weat lino of Beat Thlrty-nlntb atreet. and the eatlmatea of tbe work to be done and the probable total coat thereof." 'ine coat ox aaia improvaroenx vo oa aaaeaaea aa provided by the city charter upon the property apedally benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parte ot lota and parcela of land lying between a Una 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Beat Waahlngton atreet and a line 100 feet enuth of and parallel with the eouth line of Beat wasmiurton atreet and between the eaat Una ef Eaat Thirty -elrMh atreet and tha weat Une et Kaat Thirty-ninth atreet. Tbe Bnglneer'e eatlmate of tbe probable total coat for the Imnrovement of aald Beat Waah lngton atreet la '. The plana, epeclflratlona and eatlmatea of the City Engineer for tbe Improvement of aaid Eaat Waahlngton atreet are hereby adopted. Roeolvedv That tbe Aodltor et the City-of Portlaad bl aad he. le hereby directed to give notice of the DroDoaed , Improvement of aald an ret aa provided by tbe city charter. Remonatraocea agalnat tba above Improve ment may be filed In writing with the under. algued within 80 daya from tha date ef the. .1 . MUH,M A V. I M-.I- V uy oraer ox ue touncu. THOU., 0. DXTUW, Auditor of tbe City ot Fortlaad. " Portland, Oregon, Auguat 8, 1804. ' PB0P0BE1V ASSESSMENT FOX rjfPRQTX- MINT OF XBTOQ BTRXIT. Notice la hereby riven that tbe Onunall of the City ef Portlaad propoaaa to aaaeea tbe following deacrlbed property and owner ae owner aa being a pec ally and peculiarly bene. siea in ine euwuiK eec eppoeiie toe naroee and deecrlDtlona ttieraof for the Imnenvement of Irving Street, from the weat line of Ninth treat to tbe eaat Una of Seventeenth Street, aa proTiuro or eroinaoce no. JO, non, Any 'ebjeotlona to the apportionment of coat far aaid Improvement muat be made la writ Ing to the Council and Sled with the Auditor wlthla fifteen daya from the date of the Brat publication of thla notice, end aald ohjectlona will be beard and determined br the Council before tbe paaeage ef-tlie ordinance eeaeaaing tbe coat of aald Improvement. COC'CH B ADDITION TO THB ' CITT OP niKTL,Anu bMHK lzT, lot 1, Richard Crane, 1 123.84; lot 4, Richard Crane, S'41.50; lot 8, Richard Crane. 15.S; lot 8, Richard Crana. 8110 80. BLOCK ltd. ba i imi. ran Troet Investment eompany, llo X4 ioi a, American 'iruac ei inveatment eom teny, 8l5.7tl( lot 8, Maria Carney. 126.611 it i Maria Carney, 8I34.0. BLOCK 185, lot 1, lone and W. 8. Buchanan. 8124.MI lot 4. lona and W. I. Buchanan, 835.N1:, lot 8, Amelia Duener aerate, helra of, gM.M; lot 3. Amelia Lmebee eatnte, belra ot, 1157.17. RI)t K 184, lot I. Henry Brown, il68.0; M 4, Mary Pranoea Llghtner, ni 811 lot 8, William Frailer, ' Mil Po; tot S, William . Fraaler, 84.07. HI.OCK 1M. lot 1, Moaea Fried aetata, belra of. 8210.08) lot- 4, Moaea Fried eetate. helra ot, 137.21; lot 8. Annie Manning, 825. 07; lot 8, Annie Manning, 8 iV) K BLOCK 128, lot 1, 1. W. Sweeney. iuf l I btt 4, B. A. Ballla. SIS SB; north II M f-et lo 1 8 8 14 8 8 88 1-8 ell 1-a rei ioi a, wngni v. uunning, gi4 03; aouth north reei hi s, n. Hrown, it. PU feet lot 8, H. Brown, 8iJ.0t , aonth 88 1-8 feet lot X William II. Harrla, rw fv jict, ,1 i, naraa f Tee horn, SIM fiT; mt 4. Sarah FreeNirn. 821.34; lot n. Robert t, Freeborn eetate. halra of, lS.7St lot 8. Robert D. Freeborn eetate, belra of. 8147.00. BLOCK 114, lot S, t.tirtree Poire, 8223.60; tot 8. ledger Botre, 4.1V ill lot , Ladd A Tlltnn. 1 IT; lot 7. Ladd A Jlttoa. f 113.1. BLOCK 117, lot A Ananat get. 8218.13! lot 8. Heleh F. Bnanldlng. 818 411; hit 6, Harrr L Plttock. 122 13: M 7. Harry 7,. Plttock. 32fM). Bf.Ocif lis, lot S. fJnatar P. Cramer, 8I27.M; lot B. Ouatavw-r fTTmer, 32.1 20; lot . 7dd A Tllton.' 3M41t lot f. Idd Tlltnn, 3W.1 74. R1SICK II. t 8, Jneeph Hornln. fins Mtt north H kit S. Johannea Vegllnla, 4-0 17; aonth U bit B. R. B. Dlckel eetate. helra ef. M.17I to . Joba warmaa. 8J4.84 let 7, Joba Gorman, 8138.7. BLOCK 180, lot S F. W. labrrwood, 8284.T5: lot B. P. W laberwood. lot 4. F.W. Iaberwood, 42 Ml lot T. F. W. laharwood. 82&6 HI. , IU.OCK 121. lot N. Calhorlne Mciirath. - 8I4UM; kit B. lurid P. Tbomiiaon eatate. belra of, 321 04; north H bx 6, Catherine eicurain. fiu.oi; aoutn y Hl o. uavio t . Tbompaoa aetata, belra of, 3I0.SS;. lot 7. Imvld I'. Ttiotiiueun eetate. belra of, 31 17. OH. W.OCK ISA. lot 8, Oeor.a W. Hojt aetata, helra of, I2.IO.S5; lot 6, Oeorge W. II. .yt . eetate, nvlra of, 810 M; Ioi S, Ueorga W. lloyt aetata, helra of. 316 50; lot 7, Ocuraa W. llo,t eetate, .helra of, tl'Zl.ta; right of way city A Bubarhan Railway comiiany. $2J.52.Port- ' lana nauwar comuaax riant ox wax. iouu,, . . Tnnft: o. nitTMW- ' . AudHor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Auguat 1, JB04,. PX0ED ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVE MENT Or wOLDSaUTH STRhT. ' Notice la hereby given that the Council ef tbe dty of 1 'or t land pro poaea to aaaeaa tbe (oiiowiiui deacrlbed uroverty ana owner or owu ere aa beuig apaclally and peculiarly benefited in tie amount a aol ouuuaita tne namea ana deecrlpttom thereof for the Imuruveaivnt ot uotuamua atreet. rrom tne weac une ot i blna avenue-, to the Booth line of KnaaeU atreet. aa nrovldod br aruluance He. is.iz. Any objection to the appurtlonueot of coat ror aaia improvement auai oe maae in writ ing to the Council and Sled with the Auditor Within fifteen daye from the date of the flrnt publication ot tbla aotloe, vand aaid objee tloua will be beard and determined by tha Council before tha paaaaga of the ordli aaaeealne tha coat oa aald Improvement. A TKACT of land bouuiled aad deacrlbed aa followa: Commencing at the Interaectlon ot 'the nortbeaaterly Uue of UoldamlU atreet " With the weat Una ot Altilna Avenue, thence north along tha weat line of Alblna avenue to a point 10U feet nortbeaaterly from tha nortneaeteiy una or uoiaamita atreet ia reo tanruiar nieaaurement: thence - northweaterly along a line 100 fact nortbeaaterly from and nallel with the nortbeaaterly Une of lainlth atreet In rectangular .meaaure mm, nl to ita interaectio witn a line iuu taet west ot and parallel with tha weat Una ot Aimna avenue; loence eoom aumg a line 100 feet treat of and parallel with the weat fine of Alblna avenue to Ita Interaectlon with a Une 400 feet aouth of and parallel with the aouth Una of Ruaaell atreet; tbe oca Weat along a line 450 feet aouth ot end parallel with, the aouth Una of BuaaeU atreet to It Interaectlon 'With the northeaatarly , Une of GolUamlth -atreet; thence aoutbeaatarly along tha , nurtheaeterly Una ot Ooldamltb atreet to tbe place of beginning, Henry Welnhard, 8073 60; a tract of land bounded aad deacrlbed' aa followa; Commencing at . tne intereecttoa of the eaaterly line of . Mlaelaalppl avenua with tbe northeaatarly Una of Ooldamltb atreet; thence north along tbe eaat line of Mlaelaalppl avenua to ita Interaectlon with a line 100 feet nortbeaaterly frcm and parallel with' tbe nortbeaaterly Una ef Ooldamltb atreet In rectangular measure ment; thence aoutbeasterly along a line 100 feet nortbeaaterly from and parallel with tha nortbeaatorly Une of Ooldamltb atreet in rec tangular measurement to ita uteraeetion wita a Una 100 feet eaat of and .parallel with tba eaat Una of Mlaalaalnnl arenas: thence eouth along a Una 100 feet eaat ot and parallel with the east line ef Mlaalaalpp! avenue to tte Interaectlon with a Una 450 feet aouth of and parallel with the acuta line of Kuaaell atreet: thence weet along , line 450 feet aouth ef and parallel with the eouth Une of BuaaeU atreet 'to Ita Inter aectlon with the nortbeaaterly line of Oold amltb atreet) thence northwesterly along tbe ' northeasterly Une of Ooldamltb atreet to the piaee af beginning. F. M. Stoldt. 8208.77 ; all of a parcel ot land tying between tbe aortbeaaterly Una ef Ooldamltb atreet . and a line soo reet aoutn et and parallel witn the aoutn una er Kuaaell atreet ana twoen tbe west line of Ulaataetppl avenue and a Una 100 feet weat of and fiarallel therewith, San ford B. Whiting, 8638.011 all of a parcel of bind lying between a line 100 feet northeaatarly from and parallal with tba northeasterly Una ot Ooldamltb atreet ' in rectangular meaaurement, and a Una 800 .. reet aoutn of and parallal witn u aoutn Una of Kuaaell treat and between tha weat line of Mississippi avenue and a line lno reet weat thereof and parallel rnerewitn, I.laale N. F. Benedict and La Fayette N. , Benedict, 8218.13; a parcel ef land lytni ' between the nurtheaeterly Une of Ooldamltb , atreet and a Une 100 feet nortbeaaterly therefrom and parallel therewith end be tween a Una 100 feet, weat of and parallel with tne weat una of atieaiaaiDDi avenue, ' and Una extending In a northeasterly direc tion and at right angiea from a point in me aortneaareriy una or uoiasmitn street, aald nolnt being 82.1 fact from tha Inter , aald point being S2.1 feet aoutbeaatarly from the Intersection el the eaat line of Delar atreet with tba nortbeaaterly Una of Ooldamltb atreet to ita interaectlon witn a une lou rest north easterly from and parallel with tha north- ' eaaterly line ot OoMamith atreet. Alliance Trust company, 8503.21; all of a parcel of, land lying between the northeaatarly Una . ei ooiaamitn atreet ana a una too reet ; put theaaterly therefrom and paraUel there with ana Between tne rear una oc Delay . atreet and a Una 100 feet weat of and parallel with tha. weat Una of Mlaelaalppl avenue, save and except tbe Alliance Trnet company tract, Hiimer o. ma hop, fuo7.VT; all of a tiercel at land lying between tbe . northeaatcrly line of Ooldamltb atreet and a uue ioo reet aoutn or ana parallel wita - tne aoutn une or Kuaaeu atreet ana oe. tween the west line of Delay atreet and a Una 100 feet -west thereof and parallel therewith, H. Welnhard, 81.088.08: a parrel of kind lying between a line 100 feet north easterly rram ana parallel wita tne nortn easterly line of Ooldamltb atreet and a Une . 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the enuth Una of Bnaael atreet and between the " weet line et Delay atreet and a Una SO feat weat thereof and parallel therewith, 0. 0. Tennyeon, 351.48; a parcel of land lvtng between a line 100 feet nortbeaaterly from and parallel with the northeasterly Una of Ooldamltb atreet and a Una 100 feet , tooth of and parallel with tha eouth line of KnaaeU atreet and between two llnee re apertlvely BO feet and lno feet weat of and ...... u. I ,,v t k- a nH - tIaI.m . u . PacHc Truat ounpany. 815S.S0: a parcel oi land lying between tbe nortbeaaterly Une ef Ooldamltb street and the eouth lino ot Ruaaell ' atreet and between two llnee re spectively 100 feet aad 171 feet and t inches weat of and parallel with the west Une of Delay atreet. Nlcr-nlaa O. Merges, 8d.'iA 02: a parcel of land lying between the . northeasterly line of Ooldamltb atreet and tbe aouth line of KnaaeU atreet and between the eaat Une of floldsmlth street and a line 171 feet 34 Inches Weat of and parallel with tbe weat line of Delay Street, Ernest r.. Merges, wri.l. ALRINA BLOCK 50. enutbweeterlr U lot S. David and anna 11 rows, (24. IS; northeaster . ly H lot B. Dirk Van Roeanm. 3IH7 50: lot o. jonn Hitcneii, iui.ikt; lot t, jonn nan kin. 82HS 88; lot 8, John Rankin, 3115 72. . BLOCK BS. lot B, J. H. Rankin 8.117.22; Vit 8, Andrew J. Murphy and W. 17. Foster. 3388.82: bit 7. Mary Jones. 843.60: lot 8, Mary .rones. r.ny, iu;iv nr. Kit n. Mary J ones, .H75.23: lot S. Msrv and William T. Jones. 8440.34: lot 7, Daniel O. Brunger and Mary Jonea. S440.S7; lot 8. Kllaaheth Kail, 8475.7S. pw n nn. lot p. joaeon raquet and B. r. Smith. 8477 SO: lot S. Joaenb Paonet and R. F. Smith, 3428.80; northeaatarly SO feet lot ,, M.evi'u -r euuei ana a, r, oraim. fli', northeasterly 80 feet ef lot 8, Joseph Paquet and B. F. Smith, 3454.20; ennthwesterly 80 feet lot T, Rdward !. Bamae. 837.B0; soulbwesrerly SO feet lot 8, Edward D. Barnea, $43. MS; a parcel ef bind lying be tween the southwesterly Una ef OoldTrtnlth atreet and a ltre 100 feet ennthweererlv there. from end parallel therewith , between the northwesterly line or Hanooinn street and a Una Til feet northwesterly therefrom and par allel rnerewitn, at- nr. nut, awT.vo. Total, 813.188.43. TWOS'. 0. DETLItf , , , ' ' Auditor of the City of Portland. ' Portland, Oregon, Aagnet 1, 1004. rxorosFTj assessktft fob tmpxotb. MENT OF SEVENTH STREET, . , Notice ta hereby riven that the Council of tha City of Portland propose to aaaeae the follow ing described property and owner or ownera aa being apaclally and peculiarly benefited in tha amounta set opposite the namee and description tnereet for tne improvement et Beventn atreet, from the aouth line ot Hnyt atreet to the north curb line of Jefferann street, ae vjee. Tided by ordinance No. 1S.S42, Aoy onjertions to tna appaxriionment or root for aald Improvement mast be mad la writing to tha Council and filed with tha Auditor within 18 dava from tha data of the flrat pub. Ucatloa ef thla notice, and aald objection will be beard and determined by tha Council before the paaaaga of tbe ordinance aeaeaatng the mat of aaid Imnrovement. " COUCH'S ADDITION to the City of Portland ril.iMs. eu, eaat h lot , joaepn n'Farrell EsUto, belra of, 370.30. BLOCK SO. lot 8, Levi 0. Potter Eatate, belra of, iTO.ftO; lot 6, Levi 0. Potter Eatate, helra ef, 17 22; north H lot 4, Alice Isabella Kate, 21 till aouth H lot 4, Pint Bapttot Church, is si. i PORTLAND North H block 88, lot 8. Her nia a EUke, f..TXl onuta H Mock SA lot 4, S. ' Mortoa Cohn, 8712; lot X 8. Morton Cohn. 871.03. BICK 814. lot 1, rortland t-inrary Aaaodatlno, 810 73; lot 3. Portland Library Aneoclat'on, 3X0.73. PIXICK 311. -kit 8, Dora W. Savace. 878.50) lot 4, Dora W. Savage, 73 SO. Bl.fH'K 310, bit 1. ( nitarlaa Society, 344 44: lot 3, II nl tartan Society. 320.82. BUM K a) lot 1, Meier .Frank Co., 370 30; lot X Meter A OOCCH'S AflDlTIUN to the City nf Portland KT, cm a. . lot v, aiaria juuaa pruader, ii ri PORTLANDBLOCK 84. M t H. W. Oarhett y.tnte, keir or. 3"3.g2i '"l 7, n. W, Cnf tiett Eatate. helra of. $71 .03. Dl.OCK 174, lot S, The Title (Inarantee A Truat Co., $30.82: lot 7. the Title (inarantee A Truat Co., 3.10.32; lot 4, The Title Ouaraatee A Truat Co.. I3.2. TouL 31 xTS.iig. THOS. a DEVLIN. Auditor ef the City nf Portland. PorUaad, Oregoa, Auguat 1. 1804, , PROPOSED A8SESSMXXT TOR ntPXOTX MENT OF KAXL STREET. - Notice la bsreby given that tha Council of tne city or I'ortiaud propoaee to aaaeaa tbe following deacrlbed properly and owner or ownera a fieiug aiieciany ana pecaiisriy oeae flted In tbe auMMinta aat opieielte tbe aamee and deeerlptlona thereof for tbe Improvement of Karl Street, from the eaat Hue of Milwaukee aareet te tbe weet Hue of Kaat Tweutletb otrla provided by oruluauca No. 13.D.J1. Any obj.ctlmia to the apportionment ot coat for said Improvement muat be made In wait ing to tbe Council and Bled with the Andttor within Bfteea day from tbe dste of the first fubllcatlun of this notice, and aald objec luna will be beard and determined by tha Council before tbe paaaaga of tha ordinance aaaaaalng the coat of aaid Improvement. FLLKKR'R ADDITION TO KASP PORT IkKU " rll.OCK L, lot 4, Leopold Diets, 8140.85; lot . Iooold niets, ' $18.81: V.t 10. J. B. Scott, 1104.57) kit 1,1, J. R. Beutt, 3 1 IS. IS; kit 14, J. Breltbarth, Iiia.ei, ioi jii, liana o. etjera. fiui.e", it 11. Albert Manrer, 1711.30; Vrt It, Altiert Maurer, $276 20. BLOCK X kit 8, Andrew . aicmaeter. .tl.ow; lot a, anurrw Mciaaaur, 3x1.84; lot , Krcd Flebler, 370.HK; kt 7. Fred Flebler, $2x0.03. BLOCK 8, lot 8, Charles Kacnold. 44.84: kit 5, Martla Mujo, t 70.111; kit S, William Bueea. $iW.3o kit' 7, William Sueaa. 32.M.H7. libOCK 4. kt X Cbarlr Karheld, $273.50; lot 6, Charles Kac- foio,- fTg.N; lot n, jona cuna, aos.eai kii , John Kun. 822S.02. BIXICX" 5, kit 8. ' anna Marks, gZetLfln; lot o. T. v. aiarxe, , a.f, ae. i... m . i eve aa. i e r'.i o e, eooii i,m, e-, ., - dlnand. Oplta, $2.-4. iS. BLOCK 8. kit X v iiuia reuror, azna.evt; w a. iroia reurer, -, . . . , . . , ...... r Bit, eu, lt B, Lou I Fenrer, 8150.1H; a tract of land lying . between the north line ot - Karl Street and a Une 100 feet , north there of and parallel therewith and between the eaat line of the O. A I). R. R. Ce.'a right ot way and the weat Una of block 8, Smith . eaaitiop, . tiregoa si taiiioruia naiireeu euae ' pauy, $XS.ST. SMITH'S Sl riDITISION ANO ADDITION TO EAST PORTLAND BLOCK 8, . kit 1. Anna P. Vitas. 37X56; kit X Dartu Flab, 37.00; jot X Alice M. Spauldlug, $88. W; lot 4. rxieiia e. levnt, fdu.icw, - u o, acaeite e. Mat, nci'HRH'S" ADDITION TO BAST PORT LAND BLOCK IS. bitl, Min nie L. flablstrnm. $212.28; lot X Minnie U Sahlsrrom. $25.84) lot 18. - Minnie L. Sahl atrom., $108.04: lot . Hodaoa R. Nelaon, . auaial. In a Hiuha R Nelane. 8105.37: I't 11, le Mayer. "874.81;. lot IX Lena J layer. anw.UT. titAiur. is, vn 1. mas wan, .',14.22: lot 4. Mas Imd. 8X3.63: tot 8, George H. Cook and Mary Cook eeut. belre ; ef, $76.87; lot X Oeorge H. Cook and .Mary Ciok eatate, belra of. 1201 .06. BLOCK II, ' lot 1. Fred Flebler, $252.61; bit 4. Fred nenier,; mt a, joaepn tiurxe,; . lot X. Patrick Fralner. 8247.65. BLOCK 10, ' lot 1. Jobn F. Retaarher. 32T4.S7; bit 4. Joba i F. Releaeher, $72.77: lot 8, rrang ana an. ' tonla anltul.lrl 142 TO: lot X Prlaka Kalin 22.11.57. BUK:K 0. lot 1, Inul Fenrer. 187.05! lot 4. Lnula Fenrer. 84S.1S: bit X . l'eter and Inga Olaen, $110.84: lot 3. Thomaa lerrry, prfu aiiva o. ki a, v. ... " deraoe. t2fl&H. lot 4. (Urn BUUnxer. t7H.A4! lot JL Tonla reurer. 337.03: kit 8. Louie Fenrer. $102.21: a tract of land Arlng between the aoutn line or nan ntreer ana a Une 100 feet aonth thereof and parallel therewith and between the eaat Ina of the O. A Railroad company' right ot war . and tor weat Una of block S. Smith' ad dition, oregoa 4a California auuiroaa eom u. 8217.06. SMITICS SI'BDITISIOl AND i ADDITION TO EAST PORTLANDBLOCK S. lot 10 Mag gie Daroey, $74. Ti; lot , Margie uarcey, 86 88; M X Annie M, Hoy, $srt,52; lot 7, Beat Clnsli, $00.41: Pit X Carrie Meyer, liahia. 'eotai, au.anr.ia. , THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. Portland, Oregon, Auguat 1, 1004. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB BE WZB Of ... ITT STREET. , . Notice la hereby gtven that the Council of the city or roruanq propoaee to aaaeea tne following described property and owner or ownera aa being apeclally and peculiarly bene Sted In (he amount et opposite the namea and description thereof by the construction of a ewer In Ivy Street, from IS feet weat of tbe aaea Una ef Union avenua to the aewer In Van Surer Avenue, aa provided Dy ordinance No. .861. - Any abjection to the apportionment of . coat tor aald aewer muat be made to writing to the Council and Sled with the Auditor within fifteen daya from the date of the 6 rat pnb Icatlon of thla notice, and aald objeetlone will be beard and determined by the Council before the paaaage of the ordinance aaaaaalng tbe coat ror aaia aewer. a ALBINA BLOCK IX Vit 80, B. M. Montrose, $6.60; lot 20, Jamas B. Montgomery eatate, heir of. $14.00i lot 88. Robert Rommell, $27.00; lot 87. Ida M. Bnlhert. $15.00. t tviMiiun a ir w v ! br a 7tiiti r t7 A'ir J ft IllUleinaia a i c.i tin B ' i ' ivi' -Duvit . lot IX Frank B. Park, $H8.40; lot 13. Portland iroet company or uregon, vsreu: lot 11, iaa m. n,naecott.; tor iu, utena i.inaquiai, $24 50; lot . Cora B. Oontiar. $24.50; lot 8, 4 ; - m ui.h-n ao. ao. i..- V ,i w i 824.50; kit 6, Portland ' Truat eompany oi Ortgon and Jama A. Robertson, $24.50; lot - o. Ivorean irvio. 4oo, f' a, aiimnein Blount, $17.00; lot 4. A. 8. Ellkt, $32.00. BIX)CKS. lot IX Martin tennarta, $.1S.65r south B0 feet lot 11. Martin Lennarta, $23.66; kit 10. J. S. Thomaa, $28.40; lot X C. M. Hln kle. $20.40: lot S. Annie D. MrMonagle. $20.40; lot 7. Anna N, Jewell, $20.40; lot a. J. p. Hrianner. z.o. ' WILUAMS AVKNUB ADDITION IN PORT LAND, OREGON BLOCK S. lot 1, rtenry P. Rlmeb. $29.40) lot 2, A. 8. Ellla i , a . i. e i.v. t nw aeo ja. i... , ev. CT, . M . . vani e e' e, Vfare I. Emeraon. 836.80: lot 6. Marv I. Emeraon, $21.00. BLOCK 6, south 60 feat ot lot 1, A. H. Manley. giv.Tn; lot x, a. b, flanlay. ass.zu: lot a. faronne Mcyiuey, 26.46: lot 4. Caroline McCluey. $26.45. WILLIAMS AVENUE ADDITION BLOCK 14, lot jn.f roriinna itubi company oi Oregon, $4360; lot 14, Portland Truat company of Oregon, eiM.uo; lot in, rortiana ITuat com nanr of Oreeon. 82K.00: - lot 17. J. Boydstun, $28.00; lot IS. Portland Truat company of Oregon, $28.00; lot 19, H. F. and Minnie Krleger, $28.00; lot 80, Portlaad Trust company or Oregon, $28.00; lot 81 C. U. Moore. $28.00: kt 22, tierman Rvan eellcal Ijitheran Trinity Church. 328.00 bit 1. German EvangeUcal Lutheran Trinltv church, X15.60: lot 8, German Evanrellcal Lutheran irinity cnurcn, zh.oi. hmx k t. lot 10. Portland. Trnet company of Oregon. $30.80; lot 18, Portland Truat company of Oregon,; lot w, Hoao B ntone, 423.10; lot 21. William E. Oerar. 323.10: hit 22 Harriett R. Oerar, 32:1.10; eaat S3 1-8 feet lot XX Raantn Jorgrneen, 816.40; west 83 1-8 feet lot I, rrederick riaatmga, $14 56; weat Id 3 8 feet lot 33, Frederk-k Haatlnga, $7.70; weat 10 8-S teat lot 24, Mary Beam- moo. 17 26. WILLIAMS AVENUE ADDITION BLOCK 7, D. L. Froater,. $23.10; bit 3,'john' hi. Plt- tenger, f 21.10: lot o, Jonn M. rittenger, .10.60; south 50 feet kit 4. Alwtn Stopper, 16 00. UUICK 4. lot 1. Rtenben Lodce No 4, 0. D. H. S.. Inc., $30.0o; kit X William T. Kerr, l."i.oi; ioi o. jonn m. iittenger, S20.80; lot 7, A. B. Manley, $20.80. Total, $1,476.58. , - THOS. 0. ' DEVLIN. ' . Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland. Portlaad, Oregon, Auguat 1, 1004. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB SXWZB ATXXK0NT STREET. Notice la hereby given that tbe Council of the City of i'ortiaud propoaee to aaaeaa the following described property and owner or owner aa being apeclally and peculiarly bene Sted In tbe amounta act oppoalt tbe namee and dieerlntlnua thereof by the construction of a aewer In Fremont atreet, from the eaat line of Union avenue to a connection witn the aewer In Cleveland avenue at Fremont atreet, aa provided by ordinance No. 13.W11. Any objections ia tne apportionment or coat for aald aewer most be nisde In writing to tba Council and Sled wltk the Auditor within 13 daye from tbe date of the flrat publication of thla notice, end aald objection will be heard and determined by the Council before tbe naa eage of the ordinance aaaaaalng the aoet fur aid sewer. LINCOLN PARK BLOCK 22, weat 80 feet lot ?, David Bhananau, am-flo) weat no tret kit . David Sbunabaa, $:! 00; waat 50 feet of : . . m . .. . m r , Y," , i r . . r. , acuta a i"ii n, whw , , o-, f i.iv, ALRINA HOMESTEAD BICK 8. lot 8, Lla- ale and Thome o uay.; lot t, uaaie and Thoma O'Dar, $20.30: lot 8, XlUabeih Taylor, 35.30: kit 10, Elisabeth Taylor, B BLOCK 10, lot X Uaora Boeachlln. kit 7, Oeorge Boeschlln, $20.30; kit S, Boeachlln, 8M6.30; lot .10, Oeorge Boeachlln, $20.80. BLOCK 1ft, lot X John Olebelbuuee, $.US.80; lot 7, Adam Toat, $20.30: weat H lot 8. J. aebwarta, $17.65: weat U kit 10. J. Schwarta, $10.16: aaat H lot 8, Henry Toat. $17.03: eaat H lot 10, Henry Tost. $10 15. BLOCK 80, bit S. Jacob and Lena Nrlaon, $.15.80: tot T, Jacob end f.ena Nalaoa. 820. SO. ALRINA BLOCK 18, weat SO feet lot 88, WIV llam oelaner, ai.tni; wast no teet or nortn 4 feet nf kit 55. William Oclaner. 8.1.70. WILLIAMS AVENUB ADDITION BLOCK 15. north go feet ot eaat mt teet lot in, Henry Meier, $20.58: all nf lot IS except north 26 feet of esei 80 teet. refer Schnell, 3.12.05) north 84 feet kit 14, Portlend Truat eompany, $5.00; tot 16, Portland Truat company, $2O.S0; lot 17, Portland Truat eompany, 820.80; Bit 18, Portland Trust company, $2.80t . kit 1, Portlaad Truat company, 3.0.80) lot 30, Portland Trnat company, ' $20.80; tot 31, Portland Trust company, $20 80; tot 32, Portland Truat eompany, J;).0; lot I, Oermaa Evangelical 'Lntheran Trinity church. $46.00: north 27 feet lot X Jane P: anu rierins neowM, e"-'- ALUINA HOMK.HTEAD AliDITTON North 70 ' , n . . - , I . a.. fnet, lot 1, Clara A. Moser, fll no; aoutn , 80 feet of north loo feet kit t C. B. and Minnie' B. Young,. $2 no- north 100 feet tot X John R. Oeorge, $150; lot 8, John R. Oeorge, 318.80; tot 4, K. II. Fltsglhhnn, 310.50 tot 8, Jan M. Dneialdnnn. $1.50; kit X Jane M. Donaldwm, $1040: lot T, Frank P. CaldwahV $10.60. Total, $826 70. ' . . THOS. a DEVLIN, ' A-tdltot of the City ot FortUnd. Aognet i. 1004. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVE MENT OF TWINTT-TKIRO STREET. V ' Notice la hereby given that the Council of the City of I'ortiaud propoaaa to aaaeaa the folbiwliig deacrlbed property and owner e owner aa being apeclally and peculiarly bene Sted in tha auiounu set oppoalt the name and deecrtptlona thereof for the Improvement ot Twenty-third Street, from tbe north line ot Thurmao atreet to tbe north line of Sher lock 'a adilltlou to tbe City of Portland, aa pro vided br ordinance No. 13.4HO. Apy, obloctlona to the apportionment of coat for aald Improvement muat be made In writ ing to the Council and ttu-d with the Auditor within Sfteen daye from the date of the first publication ot thla notice, and said ebjecthm will be heard aud determined by the Council be furs the passage uf the ordinance aaaaaalng ihe coat of aald Improvemcat. IIKKMICK S ADDITION TO THB CITT OF PORTLAND H1AICK 22. tot 12, Louie and TbeotWe Mrolal, $50.64; tot 0. Louie aad Theodore Nlcolal, $12w.)ll; kit 8, Loula aud Tbuod.e Nlrolal, 8125.351 kit 5, Loula and Theodore Nlrolal, . $124.40; tot 4 I-oula and Theodore McolaL l7o.71 tot 1. Loula and Tberalore Nlcolal, $211.64. BLOCK 20. tract of land lying between weat Una of Twenty, third Street and a Hue 100 feet weat thereof and parallel therewith and between twe II nea respectively 50 teet and 100- feet outb of and parallel wltk . aouth Ha of Bed Street, Mary Mnrhow, ' $105.04. DtiMHBKH SRCOAD ADDITION TO THE CITT OF I'OKTLAXD ULOCK 11, tot IX Nela P. and Chrlatlnl Abelaoo, $50.70: tot . Mary Muchow, $174.46; kit 8, Sterling Land com pany. $1x8.66; tot ST Dora Schrelner, $128. tit) tot i. Fidelity Truat company, 31T3.W8: lot 1, Fidelity Trnt eompany. $213.15. ULOCK 7. hit 1, Bertha JCooll, $214.35) tot X Bertha Knoll, $17X06: lot X Clemena F. tiroes 8176 20) lot 4, Clemen P. aroce, 8214.81; BLOCK 4, tot V Emma M. Fvlter, $316.$5; kt z. rmma M. - rsitrr, NORTH POHTLAVD BLOCK. X to IS,' Henry M. Hansen. $42.00; south 38 8 feet tot X M. SI Laffsw. $72.11! north 31.8 fret tot X ' Henry M. Ylaoarri. 8101.18; lot 1, M. B. Laf f w, $21220. HLOCK 6. lot IX .Solomon Hlracb eetate, belra ot. $166.18; lot 17, Solomon . Hirsch eetate,' helra of. $144.50) tot 3, Mar garet Ana Todd. $176.76; tot 1, Margaret ..Ann .Todd. $21X16.. BLOCK 7, tract of land king between weat Una of Twenty-third 'Street and a Une 100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith nd between aouth line of Vaughn Street and the north line ot block 8. Wilson's adaUtlon to the City et I'orttind Security tvUulrTuTrat oompaay, S'.'O.Sfl. WHof'S ADDITION TO - THB CITT OF ' PORTL-AND HLOCK X tot 17. Ladd Tll tnn. $1.12.00) lot 16, Ladd A Tllton. $106.50; tot 13, Ladd A Tllton, $74.08; tot IX Arthur J. F. Garearbe, 3126.15) tot 8, Arthur J. F. Oareache. $113.13; tot S. Ladd A Tllton, $71.11; lot 6, Ladd ft Tlltnn, 870.28) tot 4, . Georga Good, $71.18; tot 1, Oeorge" Oood, $11 48. 8HKR LOCK'S ADDITION TO THB CITT OF ..I'ORTIkND BLOCK 23, tot 11, Louie and Theodore Nlcolal, $n.t.6i; tot 10, Louie end 'Theodore Nlcolal, $1.11.60) tot 7, Louie aad Theodore Nlcolal, $126.7j tot 6. Loula and Theodore Mcotal, $127.40; tot X Louie and Theodove Nlcolal, $173.88) tot X Louie and . Theodore Nlcolal, 8211.00. BLOCK 10. kit , 11. Alfred Ingvardaon, $217.05; tot 10, Wll ' llam Sherlock company, $175.78 tot 7, Wil liam Sherlock company; $08.00. DCSIHKK'S SECOND ADDITION- T0THBC1TT OF PORTLAND BLOCK 10, tot 7. William Sherlock company, $15.37) tot X Martha H. Flah. $129.40; tot X Sterling Land eompany. $174 81; lot X Sterling Land ' company, $218.81. BLOCK 8, tot 7. Jesse H. and Ida J. Brown. $216.11; aouth 30 feet of west M lot 4. Krlk Wlk. $57.05: aonth 20 . feet of eaat tot X Carl Peteraon, $12.87; north 80 . feet lot 8. . Nlcolal Bros.' Co., 0 . feet lot 8, . Nlcolal Broa.' Co., eaat U tot X Carl and Josephine . $.12.60; east H tot X Carl and Peteraan, $38.40: waat H tot X 3104.76 Peterson. . JoaeDhlne Krlk and Chrlatlnl Wlk. 3148 28; weat lot 2. Krlk and Chrlatlnl Wlk. 3177.10. FLOCK 8. weat ! lot 7, Ludwlg . K a year. $174.40; eaat H tot 7. Frederick A. King. $38.80; tot 6. SterUng Land company, $143.70. NORTH PORTLAND WOCK 4. tot S, Bil ward 0. Hochapfel. $26.50: lot 8, Jacob Mayer. 34.42; tot 7, Jacob Mayer. 3322.71; kit 6. Jacob Mnyer, $05.15. BLOCK S. kit ?. Mark A. Mayer, $329.05; tot 8. Mark A. layer, $06.04; lot S. Martin Winch. $05.88; kit 7, Martin winch, .!Z4 z. xiLOCK 1, lot 6. James McHrlde, $100'60. WlTON'S ADDITION TO THB CITT OF PORTLAND RLOCK ' X tot 18, Jamee Mc Brlde, $186,53; lot 15. Oeorge Kenecher. 1157 35; lot 14, Elisabeth Gardner, 8127 45; it It. Kdwtn and Beatrice Merrill, $138.87; lot 10. Arthur J. F. Oareeche. $124.11; tot 7. Arthur J. F. 0a roach. $128.71; tot X Oeorge Good, $124.14; tot $, Ouat Holmee, ' $124.00: lot X Ouat Holme. 807.04. Total, , $10,568.67. . ..-,'-. THOS. 0. DBtnLIlf, . Andttor of the City ef Portland. Portland, Oregon, August 1, 1004. PROPOSED ASSE88MEXT FOR BEWEB Of EAST STARK STREET. Notice la hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland propoaee to aaaeaa the fol lowing deacrlbed property and owner or own er aa being apeclally and peculiarly benefited la the amounta aet opposite the namea and da tcrlptlona thereof by tha Construction of ewer In But Stark Street, from 75 feet eaat of the eaat line of Eaat Seventeenth Street to. tba aewer In Kaat Stark Street 75 feet east of the eaat line of Eaat Sixteenth Street, provided by ordinance No, 18.004, Any objection to tbe apportionment of coat for old aewer muat be made In writing to the Council and Sled with tbe Auditor within fifteen dajs from the date of the flrat publi cation of thla notice, and aald objectlona will be beard and determined by the Council be fore the paaaage of the ordinance assessing the coat for aald aewer. MCHOI SON'S ADDITION TO PORTtANIX . OKF.CON BIXK'K fl, lot 8, W. T. B. Nicholson, $2X2; lot 6, W. T. B, Nlcbok eon. $37.80. BLOCK X tot X WV T. B. Nlcnolaon. $22 20; tot 4, W. T. B. Nichol son. $37.20. STORT'S ADDITION TO BAST PORTLANI BLOCK 1. kit X Herman F. Varwtg, estate, helra of. $48.50; tot T, Herman f Varwlg eatate, helra of, $28.60. j5l.o;K 8. waat ft of lot le C. A. B I ire low. $21.75: eaat H of tot 1. W. II. Mark.ll. $21 76; lot X Daniel B. Bush, 828.50. Total, 12H2 SO. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Anguat 1, 1004. PROPOSED .ASSESSMENT FOB BEWIB Ot B0RTHWICK STREET. Notice la hereby given that tbe Council of the City of Portland propoaee to aaaeaa the fol lowing described property and owner or own- era aa being specially and peculiarly benetlted In the amount act oppoalt the namee and de icrlptloua thereof by the oonatructlon of a aewer In Borthwtrk Street, from the center line ot Humboldt turret to tha aewer la J'ree- oott Street aa provided by ordinance No. 13.002. Am oniectlona to ras annortlonment. or cual for aatd newer must be made in waning to me uouocii ana niea wun ine Auaitor witnm of teen usi a from the date of tbe Brat oubll cation of thla notice, and (aid objectlona will be beard and drtermined by tbe Council before the paaaage of tbe ordinance aaaaaalng the cost for aald aewer. WKST 100 feet of enuth 50 feet ef eaat 230 feet of lot N. M. Patton'a tract. Thomaa II. J. . D. Plner. 318 W): weat' 160 fact of eouth 50 feet of eaat 800 feet of tot N. M. Patton'a tract. William KlUlngaworth. 330.30. CLIFFORD BLOCK IX kit , Flrat Unitarian Boriety or t-ortiaaa, Oregon.; lot a, Flrat Unitarian Society of Portland. Oregon. $30.80; tot 7. First fiiitarlan SkiHety ot Portland, Oregon, 830.80; ' tot 8, Flrat Dnl tarlan Society ot Portland. Oregon. 830.30. BLOCK 11. lot 8, Edward Jasper, guardian of Augusta Jena, fio 30; kit . Edward Jaa per, guardian of Augusta Jena, 830.80: lot T. Edward Jaaner. auardlsa of Aueuata' Jena. 8-10.3O; tot 8, Edward Jasper, guardian ot Augusta Jena. g,i.u. 111.01 it iu, nit o. Addle 3. 8iulree, $30.80; kit 6, Ckarlea B. Ladd. $;:0.3O; tot 7, Cbarlea B. Ladd, $80.80! tot X Edward J a" per, guardlaa at Auguata Jena. Xni.OO. BLOCK 8, lot 0. A. J. Uelay, 830.30; tot 6, A. J. Oeiay, $.10.30. BLOCK 1.1, tot 4. Clifford Reel Eatate aaeorlatlua. $2l.o; kt 8. Clifford Renl Batata aaaocla tlon. 321.00; tot X Clifford Real F.atat aasocl atlon. $21 DO; lot 1. Clifford Beal Eatate asso ciation, KI1.IW, BLOCK 14. kit 4, ixialae 4 Fanahaw, $21.00; k.t 8, Louise J. Fa nahaw. J 21.00: kt X Louie J. Fanahaw. $21.80; tot . Cbarlea K. Ladd, $21.00 BLOCK 16, (ft X Thomaa H. and W. A. Kechlll. $2t.0O; tot 8, Thomaa II. and W. A. Bechlll, $21.00; l"t X Thomaa II. and W. A. Bechlll, $21.00; lot 1. Thomaa H. and W. A. Bechlll. $21.00. BLOCK IX tot 4. A. J. Gely, $21.00: tot X A. J. Oclav. 821. Ml. CLIFF0R1 LETTERED LOM: L, First Uni tarian Society ef Portland, Oregon, $.13.30; 1. Fltat Unitarian Society ot Portland, Oregon, 8M.88; M. Flrat Cnltarlaa Society of For, laud, Oregon. $24.10; O, Lonlaa J. Fanahaw, $24.10. Total, $404.00. TH08. 0. ' DEVLIN, Aadltor of the City of Portland, i Portland, Oregon, Anguat 1, 1004. PROPOSALS FOR FTJRNrSHIlfO ASPHALT, Sealed nroooaal will b received . br the Water Board of the City ot portlaad, Oregon, antll 8 p. m, Wednesdsy, Anguat 10, ii, for furnlahlng f. o. b. Portland. 80 bins aa pbalt. The esphalt to be eonal to the beet duality ef aephaitum obtained from Trinidad or AVca- rraa. ana anau ae in an reepecta aanaractory to the Engineer, and shall be deUvered oa or before Auxtiat 85. 10)4. Spec! fleet lona and form of propnaal eaa be obtained at .tbe office ot the Engineer of tbe Water Hoard, city Hall, Portland. Oregon. Sample of aaphalt propoaed to-be furnlahed gnat be aiihmltted with each pmpoaal and the material delivered under the contract must conform therewith. The right is reservea ny us water Board to reject any or all bids, . Proposals muat be enclosed In an envelooe endoraed on tbe outabler "Propnaala for Aa pbalt," and addressed to the undersigned. ny oruer o ine rrater uoaro. FRANK T. DODOB, , Silerlntodeat PortlaBd, Oregoa, Anguat. 4, 1804. ... PROPOSED ASSESSMERt FOB BZWXB Of .'. KEXBT STREET, . Notice la hereby given that the ronnctl ot the City of Portland propose to aaaeea the following deacrlbed property and owner or own er aa being apeclally and peculiarly benefited In the amounta see. opiistie tbe namea and desertptltaiB thereof b the eoaetneetloa ef a ewer In Kerby Srreet, from tbe center line of Humboldt Street to, the aewer In Preseutt Htreut at Borthwlcg Street, aa provided by or dinance No. 14,022. Any objection to tba apportionment of coat for aald sower muat be made In writing to the Council and Sled with tbe Auditor within Sfteen dare from the data of tbe flrat pub lication of thla notice, and aald objectlona wlU be beard and determined by tha Council be fore tbe paaaage of tba ordinance aeaeaaliig the rnet for aald aewer. WEST too feet of aonth 80 feet of Vjt O nf M. Pitttoa' tract, M, F. Brady. 316.35) eaat feet of aouth 50 feet of lot N nf M. Patton'a tract, William H. UpsonV $24.05; weat 30 feet of eaat 130 fact of aouth 50 feet nf kit N of M.' t'atton'a tract, Wll llam M. Kllllngeworth. $2.00. CLIFFORD BLOCK 18. tot 6. Clifford Real Eatate association. $30.85; tot 4 Clifford Ileal Eatate aeaietatton.i' $3Q.35: kit 7. Cllf- . ford Real Eetste association. $30.35) tot 8, Clifford Real Estate . aaaodatlon. .'$30.56. BLOCK 14, tot 5, I,oula J. Fanahaw, $30.85; kit 6, loula J. Fanahaw, $30.35; lot 7, Loula 4. Fanahaw, $30.36; tot 8, Lnnla J. Fan. haw, 8:10.85. BLOCK 15, lot X Thomaa Becbllt and William A. Heehtll, '. $30.36: tot X Thomaa H. Bchlll and Wll llam A. Bechlll, $:w.36; tot 7. Thomaa H. , Bechlll and Wllltam A. Bechlll $30.85; tot 5. Thomaa H. Bechlll and William A. HechIL ' $80.35. BLOCK IX lot 8. Oacar E. Uelnta. 830.35) tot 8, oacar E. Heinta. $10.85; kit 7, Oecar K. Helntx, $80.35, BLOCK 20, tot 4, R. A. Smith, $21.66: tot 8. E. A. Smith, $21.05: tot 3. B. A. Smith, $31.88: tot 1. 87.' ' A. Smith, 321.05. JilXM'K 1. tot 4. Theo dore Wygent, $21.05; tot 8, Theodore Wygant, . $21.05; tot X Theodore Wygant, $21 85; tot 1. Theodore -Wygant. $21.05. BLOCK 18. to J. Theodore Wygant. 821.86; ' tot X Theo ore Wygant. 321.06; lot 3, ' Margaret O. ' Wygant. 321.86: tot 1, Margaret 0. Wy gant. $21 05. BLOCK 17, tot 4, Oacar R. --Heinta, $21,851 tot X Oacar 8). Helntx, $21.05; lot X Oacar E. Heluts. $21.05 f tot 1, Oacar E. Helntx. $21. OX CLIFFORD LETTERED LOTS; P. Lonlae J. Fanahaw, 816. 40; N, Flrat Unitarian Society ef Portlend, 334 40) 8. Pint Unitarian So ciety of Portland, $26.26: Q. Victor Land Oumpeny, $26.25. Total. $075.06. THOS. a DEVLIN, Aadltor of the City of Portland. Portlaad. Oregon, August 1, 1804. - PROPOSED ASSESSMENT . FOX SIWITB Ot BAST IRTINO STREET. Notice la hereby gtven tnat tha Council of tha Cltr af Portland propose to asaees the following described property end owner or owner ae being specially and peculiarly bene fited In the amounta aet opposite tbe name and deecrlpttona thereof by tha oonatructlon of a aewer In Kaat Irving Street, from SO feet eaat of tha east Une of Beat Twenty-ninth Street to the sewer In Eaat Twenty-eighth Street, aa nrovlded by ordinance No. 13,050. Any ebeletlooa to the apportionment lit aoet for aitld aewer muat be made In writing to the Council and Died witn tne A urn kit wirrm fifteen daye from the date of the flrat publi cation nf thta notice, and aatd objectlona will he beard and determined by tha Council be fore the paaaaga et the ordinance aaeeealng the coat ror aald aewer, VORK BLOCK S, eaat 23 feet of tot . The Hawthorne Eatate. $18.25; lot 10, H. L, Powera, trnetec. $28.S0; lot 11. H. tv Pow ers, trustee. $8.80) tot 13. M. B. Drew, 1 82X80. BLOCK . eaat 28 feet f lot 4, H. L. Power, trnsree. 30.35; lot 8. II. L. Power, tmatre, 820.40; tot X H. L. Powera, trustee, 820.40; tot 1. Boys' aad Girls' Aid goclety, $20.40; tract of land lying be tween the aaat Una of East Twenty-ninth Street and a Una 100 feet eaat thereof end Farallel therewith, end between a' Una 100 aet north of and parallel with the north lne of Bast Irving atreet If extended eaater, y In tte present course, and a line 100 feet south ot and parallel with the aouth Una of East Irving Street, If extended eaaterly ' In Ita present course. Boys' and Glrw. Aid , aoctety, $124 60. Total. $204.80. ' THOS. & DEVLIN, Auditor of tn pity of Portland, Portland, Oregoa, Auguat 1, 1004. Tidal Omcs 122 Third Strtst Phong 839 Trneortl nn tI JBl Trains Daily aV FAST TIME TO fjPOKANH. ST. PATJI DULTTTH, MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO AND POINTS BAST. - DarUsbt trip through tna ' Caaoad and Bockp mountains, For full partio larn rate, folders, atov, eail on or a4 dreas M, BIOXSOaT, City friokat Af. 12X Tbixd treat, XortlaaA. IWLTlMOrVE, t OHIO R. R. Alii TRAINS VTA WAAHLNGTON lha Only Double-Track Railway betweeo the , Missouri River The ChlcsgoPortland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drmwine-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (harber and bath). Less than three day Portland to Chicago Two ThroughTrains to Chicago re operated dally via the Oregon K. R. Nv. Co., U P. R. K. and Chicago & North-W'catern Kj. to Chicago from Portlaad end point Id Oregoa and Eaatera Washington. v, Dally excursions In Pullman tourist leeplng car (torn Portland IbrougU ' to Chicago without cbangp. k. . SlTCHIB, .. SASKSK. 6e'l Art. Pie. toaat, fieaaial A reef, 6. a-V.w. v. can w kT, ' T Market Sine, I'l Tklrd Street, Sea f naJKiaco, CbL, - ruatukao, oaa. Chicago SllJOJlilIG V fere asi ear 1 a- eaa 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Tbroowb ' Pullmaa etandard and toarlat alee. tag care dally to Oeuha. Chleajro. Spobaaef , toarlat aleeidng care dally te Kaneaa CUM through Pullmaa too Hat eleerrfn aaia Ipeneee. ally condor ted I weekly to (Wags. Reeuaaag DM ION DKPOT. Las vee. Arrtvoa. . CHIOAOrt-HORTLAJin 0:15 a. a. 6 :,, PVC1AU Dally. Dell. For tbe Kaat vu Baate .. lngtoa - - - t BPOK4N FL7BB. ' 4:18a.m. 8a.BV For Eaatern Wash laa- DaUyV - DattFs ton, VI alia WaUa. Lew- .. . . . letoe, Cesar 4' A Ieee v..', ' "-' aod threat Morthera . 1 ' points. ' ' ATLANTIC SXPSIWS. 8:18 a, aa. 7:18 a. an. For the Fast via Bant- Dally. . Dally. . ' tngtea. OCFAir AST Brvpm sotte-dttlx FOR SAN FRANCISCO! I Fro at ft:0 B g.' X X Geo. W. Xldel AlnewegtA Ang. 4, 14. 34. ' Dock. - ; X S. Columbia-. 890 p. an, - ' i Aug. . 18, 88. '..v . ., ''iV Columbia Strew Prelates. i FOR ASTORIA aad way 1 8: n. aa. lAbovs) f potnta, connecting with Dally. BrOO a, aa. atmr, tor Ilwao aad ex. Buaday a. Sessaay, .Horth beach, atr. Baa- Saturday aato. Aah-et, dock. io:oo p. m. ; '" ' - Tafthm Krear Xoata. 1 FOS DATTOW, Oregon 7t00 a. aa. IMu, t City aad Tamhltl Elver Dally. DallyV 1 pofnta, etra. ltuth aad sxeept excep . flodoc. Aaht. dock. Sunday. , Suadarw 1 (Watar permitting.! - ' - Snake Slyer Xeuta, FOX L1WISTON, Ida.. 1 3:40 a. aa, Itbou , and Way polnta troaa Dally. 5:(X) p. as. Rlparta. Waea.. ateee. ax. SaV DallyV I era Spokane aad Lew exFstday. laton. t TICKET 0FFICK, Third and Waahlngtoa. ala , phone Mala FIX PORTLAND & ASIATIC t STEAMSHIP COMPANY For Tokohaina ndHong Kong. eaJUnr rf Kobe. Nsgssakl knd Shanghai, taking freight via connect leg t earner turn ataalla. Part Artaar,' a.VUdlvaotak. For re tee and fart In forma Moo extl ej e ad dress offllcUla or agent ef the a X. ah 81. On. EASJ via. SOUTH CNIOlf DBPOT. OVERLAND EXFB8BM train, for Ssleat. Ross-1 burg. Aahland, Saera aseoto. Oedea. iaa Praa- 8Mb. a. eiaco, Stockton, Lo Au galea. El Paso, New ur laana and tba Eaat. At Wood hum f except Sundarl. 80a. A . - M.'OOB.ra. ': V ; 7:80 a. am, 1140 a. av Ing train tor Mt. ia. gal. Sllvertoa. Browna- vtiie, Bpnnrfleld, Wead- Eng and iJatroo. Albany peaaengar. aes. necta at woodhnm with lit Angel aad SUi toa local. CorraUla IIS 8X8 ISherldaa Dalle. HDallp. aaaopt ahndap. - j , Pertlaad-Oewege eaWbea Beevioe aaut Taanbia , i SMaloa. Depot Foot ot Joffssaoa atiaa. Leave Portland dally for ' T tor Oswege T:SS a. avl X 8'VI, 8 D, 10:18 f aC I. 880. 8:80. 8:88. 10-.8S i, a no. a:an, a:xo. Dally taxeeot Suudavk. a. m. 4:A p. av Ssadsy ealy, tvM Returning frova Oewcgo. errtva Pot Hand Sail S'SD a. na. 1:UI, 86. 4.8B. 8:tB. 7 m, 8-M. 11:10 p. m. Da l!y (except Sundarl 4 8. 7 1 8:80. 10 to, 11:48 a. m. Rxewpt aaoaday. U8S a. "fu fluaday only. 100 a. aa. ... Leasee from eame depot tor Delleo and torse, mediate potnta dellv (except Sunday I 44 p. as The Indereradeoeei-afejamoarfh . 1 opera tee dalle to bf on month and Arrlla. ooo. ascrln with Son there Perth easi pony's Brack at Daila and Indeoeodence. . ' First-claae far from Portland 8 SJaiifeaienaj and Sn FranHace, 8V berth SBt aioan claaa far 818. eecond -claaa berth 8180. Ticket, to Eretera point and F' 1 1 upe. ass Fanen. rhln. Honolulu end auatrana. nee Tirf neriea enener Third and v too afreets Ptinne, Stela Tin. c w. snKOBR. w. a rmtkif. City Ticket Agent. Oeev Peas. Aawa. TIME CARD Z.TRMNS PORTLAND! Union DEPOT. Paget Soned Limited, for Teeoma, Seattle, Olympla. South Bead aad Gray 'a Harbor potnta. North Coaet Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle. Butt. St. Paul. Mla neanolla. Chicago, New Tork. Boston and point Eaat nd Soathea. Twln-Oty Expreoa. for Tacoma, Seattle Spo kane, Helena. St. PaaL lllnneapolla, Chicago, New Tork, Bnatoa and all nolnt Eaat and 880 , m. tst netsast, Southeast. Pnget Sound . nan Oty-8t. LonpJ Special, foe Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane, Batte, Bllllnga. iienver, Omaha. Kaneaa City. St. Louie end all polnta S-aal aad Soath nst. '4. - All train dally axcent ea South Branca. A. D. CBAHLTOit. Aaalatant- Oeeeral Paaaeoger AgV 838 aforriaoa at., cur. Third. Portlaad. Or. Astoria. & Columbia River Railroad Co. La vee. omoit dsposV' For Maygere. rulnler. natakaul. Wau"rt. Dells. .... Cllttea, , A tor la. 1 war rentnu, Flavei fleas trued. Sort Stereo, Ge.rhart Park, Sesskie, Astoria and neeebavo, Eipreaa dally. - Astoria Eaieo . niiv. S-no. at Dally. .. 11:18 a. av frtOn. av Dally ex. Saturday. Sat. only. :4ng. PortUad-aVaald Flyer. 8 30 D. as. e. 0. tftto, O. P. ed P. A- AaterUi Oe, C A. STEWAHT. roesaMelsl Ageait, 84 Aider U pkoo Mala u. Schwab Crcs. PrintiniCc. Seal Work. Heeaeaable Frtoeei 847 V4 aueoe. araettO L - t I IXf sunsiT. I" I I O I06PCN. trukSUj I laIt nouTia Ol