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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1904)
. THE' OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 6. .904,'-- 14 T The: Journal Want Columns ' RATES I ' One tlm. So a line. ' " On week 47 lnartiQn.e, IncluaV ' ln Sunday luue), 26c Una. Qn month (Including Sunday taauea). T&o a. line. ,. Claaalfled advertlaementa ara payable In advance; minimum charge lie . "Help Wanted" and "Kltuatlona Wanted" J advertlse menta ara published ona time free of chara;. Advertlaementa must ba In by' It o'clock noon for tha dally Is sues, and It o'clock ' Saturday evening for' the Sunday issuee. citatiob to bhow cause whi obdeb fob sale of beal estate should ," hot m made. . . . ' la tha County Court ef tha Stata of Oregoa. for tbe County of Multnomah, la tha Matter nf tb eetate nf Mary H. Paige, deceased. To gemneletts B. ITuya aod Lucy A. Cur, and In tb heirs at law and next of kla of aald de- ccseed. a nd all other persons Interested la aald eetate. If any tbr be: la the aama of the State of Oregoa' yoa and each of yoa Jar ' hi-rehy required to appear befura the County ' ( curt of the State of Oregoa. fur the Coanty ef Multnomah, oa Monday, tbe 28th day ef . Aaguat, a the boor of 8:80 o'clock In tbe forenoon of aald 'day at the courtroom' of , tbe a dot entitled court. In the City of Port , lar.d; county and etate aforesaid. In accordance wire the order 'of tb court herein, a true copy of which la a .follow,, ta-wltt It appearing to thl court by the Petition thl day presented and died by I. I.. While, the ad ministrator with the will annexed of Mary R. Paige, deceased, that It la necessary to sell the whole or some part of the real aetata f . aald decedent' to pay' tbe debt of decedent and th expense and chsrges of BdmlnlBtPattoa. And It further appearing to lb court that tb heir and 'deeleee. a far a they - are k now a to thl administrator, are tb follow ing peraons: Sasraeletta B. Prarn, residing at 421T Berk ley avenue, Chicago, Illtnnla, and Lacy A. Core, residing at Sharp, Florida. It la therefore hereby ordered that aald bet re and derleeea and all peranaa Interested In aald eeMte appear before thl court oa Monday, . . the th day of Augnat.' 10O4. at tbe hour of S:80 'rkck la th forenoon of aald day at tb courtroom of th ahoee entitled court la th City of Portland. Multnomah Coanty. Ore ' yon, to show cease why n order, ehoold not Ha (ranted to aell the following described real ... property belonging to aald eetate, to-wlt ' la. 1 The south on-half of tb southeast one-quarter of eectloa 28, and tbe nortbweet ' one-quarter ..of tbe north rest one-quarter end th nortbeaat one-qunrter of th nortbweet one quarter of aectloa 2d, townahlp tee (8) aooth. rente nine (0) weat of W. M., containing 10 acre, sttnsted -In Yamhill Connty, Oregon. b.) Tbe northwest one-quarter of the north cast one-quarter and the eeat half of th north ; eaat eeie-qnerter f eectloa 27. and tbe nortb weet one-wuerler of th nortbweet one-quarter ' of section) d, townahlp live till tooth, range nine (W) weet, w. m., containing 100 acre, altuated In Yamhill County. Orecort. - And that thl order b served on the belrs and derleeea aad all pereona Intereeted In aald ; eetate aad residing beyond thla etate. by pub lication oi a copy or inis erner ana citation la the Oregon tally Journal, a aewspspcr , printed and pobllehed la thl coanty and (tare and of general circulation therein, once a week . for at leant fonr successive weeka prior t tbe aald 2Hth day of August, 1804. , la teetliaony whereof we- bare cenecd fb ael ef aald court to he hereto affixed. Wlt- ' aeea tbe Honorable Uonel R. Webeter. Jadca or aaia court uia into aay or jnir. iuoe. rut F. .. riEU Clerk. ' By C. M. DRKfSICt,. Itenaty. ,y '. riret pnhllcetlon July 10, 1004 laat BObUca tloa A air net d. 1904. . E0P0SAU. ' THE Board of School Truatee of tha Eplaropal ' Cbarcb are eValroua of telling tb following ' fui pronertlee without reaerret . Bkck WH. Couch, bounded by Waahlngtoa, Couch, Seeenteentb and Eighteenth etreet. One block of land oa Nineteenth etreet, near Washington, upon which th Blahop Scott . acadrmy atanda; or might lee a for thre or g re rear. ' Thee pronertlee are of eery attract I re csar- . erirr enu in iKBuona ' ar euiiaoie for hotel nurpoae. . .Bid will be recelred by the undersigned. rRKDEBICK TOWK8END. ' 617 Commercial blk. - T reenter. fire reeenr general. Lewi and tiark Erpoattlou eompany. Steam building. Slith and Morrlaoa atreeta, ap to Wednreday, Augtiat 10, for th fnrnlahing of four motor from M to SO borae power each for pumping plant at th eipoaltlon (round. Spec! flea tlooa oa fit la office of director ,ef work. . H. W. GOODS. Director General ' Portland, Oregon, Auguet t, 1004. Reeled hide will be feeelTed at tb office of tbe School elerk. city kail, up to la m., Saturday. Augnat . 1004, for th painting ef th following ctiool- building, eta: The Harriaon school ' building, the Alnawortk wbool building, tb lhapman acnool building, th D. P. Thompana .araool building. Spec! flea tlona caa be aeea at rhe office of tb School Clerk. All pro oel muet he accompanied by a eertlflrd check for in per cent ef tb amount ef pro fee!. Tb School Board luaai nt .the to reject any and all blda. THOMAS J. JOKE). Architect. Portland, Oregoa. Augnat S. 1B04. eTOTTCZ. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MRSCTNO The annaal meeting of tha a t or k bolder of th Sullivan Eaten Ion Mining company, for th elictlo of a beard ef director for th eaaulng year, and for th traneactlo of aoch other Imelneea aa may regtilarly mm before . them, will be held at th office of the eompany, room "1 to 604 Chamber of Commerce building. Portland. Oregon, oa August 10, 1804, at S o'clock p. m. OROROB r. HOI MAN. Secretary SulllTan Eitenalo Mining Cempany. Portland. Oregoa. July 28. 1004, H0TICE OE DISSOLUTION OP PABTVEESKIP. The anderalgned, heretofore doing boalne at Portland. Orcgna, under th firm aam and atyl of Era usee A Prince, hare thl day dla eclred p,rtnefahlp hy tut.tnal consent, Roderick J. Prince haying cqur-d the Interests of Otto V.. Kraseee and John H. Kraaaee. aaaamea all Ike iBdebtaaaea of raid co-partnership. x - OTTO t. K K Al'HaC. ' JOHX R. KBAI-SSB, BOKERICK I. aFRl.N'CB. , . Dated Portland. Oregoa. July 81. 1804. NOTICE OP STOCK HOT.DE RSf MEET! NO OP THE ARIZONA GOLD MINING COMPANY. 'Nolle to hereby glren that a meeting of the .atorkholdera will be held oa the Sth day of Auguet, 1804. at 7:Hn p. m., at the Oregoa Mining Exchange. Chamber ef Commerce bulld ' log. Portland, Oregon. P. L. PICKTHORN. Vlc-Prealdent. . M HELP WAa-rm MAX B. . 'THE WESTERN EMPLOYMENT Br BEAU. 22d Third at. Phone Main 1IV18. Mt bop rkker wanted; onm at one and regiater. We bar mad arrangements with . some of tb beet hop fields lu Oregoa and Waablngtou. Registration for hop picker i , Is BOe per bead. W want reglstrattnn from thee wb only ateaa to pick bop wbea they Ko out end not to frolic. Wanted. cooks, waltreeees. ma and wife for ranch, 13 - house gliie, man for dry goods poeltton for eastern Oregoa. drug clerk for eastern Idaho. If yoa want any help for fall work er.m . and regiater at one. We an registering - " from 2i to (0 psopl dally for all kinds of poet tloa. i WANT 1. 000 bop picker In families for beat yard la Willamette Taller; association - prices; excursion rates. We are heediuartera for hop pick era; come early and secure the beet place In early yards; regiater bee for -clerical positions; the only offlc la tbe north weet thet sella good clerical and com mercial position. Bookkeepers, clerks, salee ae. private ecretsrlee. rlrll and mechanical l engineers, flreuun. eleetrlclana, draughm anea, ete We want "Tr-M of help;, coma aad aee us and we will locate a. EAOI.E FMH.OYMKKT BI74JSATT, r4 Ooodnongh Block. Phno Kra 4n0. BARKER ctrad taught by ear new ssethed, which ens b lea etadent to eera wage while learning, toll or addriee for free catalogue. AMEhTAN BARBER COLLEGE CO., Mx to North Sixth aC. SKII.l.FD AND rNSEIIXED LABOR of all deecrlptlnao, aromptly aapplied. Ere ef .' eharge to employer. HAvar.t s empixitmrnt orrrcB 1 3T North Been ad afreet, aear Burneld. .MEN WANTED To learn eeter trade; apedsl , offer; posltioos secured : constant prsctic snd enpert Instruction: catalogue mailed free. Mo lee Sratem College, Saa Franclar. CsL MEN wanted, to reed the 'Male Help Wanted" sdeertiseajeots; yoa'll alwsys Snd a aamber f ghed spsalnga s evmg tbesa. WANTTD- Ik-ur clerk j refereaces. Bog 137, La tiraad, Oregea, '" . - " ;' BXLP V1IIID-rXKAUL 4 WAITKEtUIKS, country: rbamhermalda. eec end (Irl. food placa, 30; 40 atria fur aouee- ' work, irood place, city and Heaelde; wmaa cook. 9't0; pantry ylrle: uptaalra atrl. EAlil.K KMriXlYMEXT Bt'RRAU. tnt Ooudnouch Block. , Phone Mala 4400. OIHIJIt Keep your eye aa Journal waat cad amna; what yoa want la eery likely adeer. tleed la the aolbnma today; read tbea carefully. MOLTKOMAH BlIREAb waata all kind ef fe male help; food plaee waiting.' (0 Waablna- toa hldg. , WANTED A yonne (Irl t aaalat lit (eoeral aonaework. 503 Clay at - KELP WATID MALE 0E rZMAZJC WANTED YonnaT men and women to leera how to paa rlrll aerrlce examlnarlona- for (or ernment poeltton. H. SI, Jouroal. TTtrATIOVS WAETX1V HALE. OBEB yoan( man, iperlenced la ear and ranninc macainary. wania aitaanoa. n. u. Journal. - ' , CENEEAL bona cleaning and all kind of Jan itor wora. n. i. 'ine journal. rTgATiotwAirTtp--rmA ITrATION wanted; young girl ef It would like poaltlo. In atora or aumethlaf aim liar. I' bone Mala 8872. EKPLOntEVT AOEECIEaV. " ' WIT.LAMKTTB Employment A tea I Batata C., isi Motnena aad ! aiorta Biitk; largeat aau oeac or reel eetate am . Padfle eoeati avail order au lid ted. HELP ef all daacrlnttoaa furatebed aawmllla. aoggiac oampe, ractortea. Dree M emeloree. Alidne Employment Agency, near Morrtawa, 103 air at. Paeej Mala WIT. WE fumlak an klada f il aa aotlo. WILLI AM I BOrilH. Phoae Bed 151. North LAIUKX PoaltVeie aeeured aad feeaal kelp rurniaaen. 1 ne tiregoa . woman a employ ment Agency, tot Allaky building, i'boaa Clay aul AMERICAN Employment Agency. Help ef all ainaa narnianed oa abort aottcet man oroer promptly attended to. M M. Sd at. Mala XU& FOR LADIES ONXT. P0STT.AN1V Womeo'a Employmeat Com pane, lit Alleky, oar. Id aad Morrlaoa. Bed S087. tAPANRSE Employmeat Ageecy furalebea da aieetMa. tanBhaaua, ta Mta ui aa Phoae Clay evE. PIONEER BMPLOYMENV OO. tors; kelp fro te amployora. Sift Morrlaoa. woaw m a. HANSEN'S OrVlCE, M Mortk'awoaM a. . WAETID KISCXlXAEIOTn. t AN ADYERTT8EMENT tJk thlsila Journsl waat colnma rents a Una each insertion. It la art rattle and reach the people yea waat to reach. Try one! . 1 1 11 11 e 1 WANTED To buy for cash, a plane. In good condition; must be cheap. Address K. M, J Journal. - - . ' - WAETED TO BEET. WANTED To let yoa know that advertising f onr vacant rooms la Journal want columns a the easiest and quickest way to And de sirable occupants; 16 crate pay for 21 word. WANTED 6 to T room flat, unfurnished, neat and modern; must be ckoe la; ae children. N. 1ft, Journal office. WANTED To rent Dors and wagon for light work; a tat price. Address K. IS, Journal. WANTED Offlc or desk room; ground floor preferred. N. 28, Journal. Ill-ROOM bouse, anfurntsbed. Pkoae Mala 2.S3T. WAETED BEAT. ESTATE. WANTED Te bay from owner, a small dairy, fruit or poultry farm; give full descriptions Address A 18. rare Journal. FOB EEiTT HOOTEEJiEPIEa BOOMS. ' II. 7ft PER WEEK Lerg. eleea. furutohed bonsekesplng room, with as of bjaadry, bath, Phoae; alee aheap furnished cottage. J. Landlgaa. 184 Shermaa. I' bone CUy SUA FOB RENT Housekeeping rooms In B parte oi in ett. neaa uia eiaasiDcauoa u.yea sr tooaiug mr THB Templetoa. JheJH 1st at., nicely furnished nouseaeeping ana single rooma; reasoasble. 888 Sixth, aleclv furnished kousekeenlng apart- mwra i , null, uvni luuil im, v. firsiy, rivp. a I ETON. tor. 1st and Cohimbtel log aul tee i reaseaahle price. FOB BEET FTEETSHEO BOOKS. THE FAIBMOt'NT. 29 H North Sixth. Bear nnrnaiie. pair nines norta or aostoroc. a Mocks south of depot Yoa ran get rooma la tbla elegantly furnished, new, steam-heated building at reasonable rate, furnished or unfurnished, alngle or en suite, hot snd cold running water la rooma. electric light, porce lain hatha, phone; tourlet and transient trsds solicited. Mrs. S. B. Cartwrlgot, proprietress. THE LINCOLN." 408 Mcrrlaoa, cor. Ufa New brick, eleeaat, fnralebed. eannv rooma. , all modern eonvenlencee; tourkfTs and travel- in; even win i ien. warm, s, nugaee, rrap. RIVERSIDE HOTEL848 Eaat Osk. Furnished sad unfurnished rooms, atngle and en suite: lodging. II per weak aod ap. Phoa Scott S ROOMS- for gentlemen! aew house; private ramtir; natn ana teiepnone; preakteat fur nished If Aealred. -188 North Eighteenth. FOR BENT Four nicely furnished front rooms; fss; -siao unrurnisnen room rnr noueekeep ng. 808 H Waahlngtoa. cor. Fifteenth. FCRN1SMRD room ads la Journal want col umns bring results; 21 words for 18 ceate I th rat. Hsv yoa any rooms f FrRNISHBD rooma for rent; large front parlor; zno ntta St., cor. saueoa, Aiao room aad hoard. THE TEMPLB Large, alcely fuT-otshed room; yreasonaoie. aa itmniu ay. sor oeveota. NICELY fnrnlslhed rooms within four block Portland Hotel. 1W Tenth at. FOB BEET ITETu-BinSBTB BOOMS. TJNErRNISHED room attttaW for office t also furnished room at 197 V, First st; laqulra room 8. " t FOB BETt K0USEB. A GOOD bom Is always a source of pie sure; many nice noueea thst win make good some are constantly advertised In Journal waat column. Are yoa looking for eoe t RENTAL' AGENCY ef J. TU Well Co., 4 urana ae. w, max a aeeetaity oc renting ftooee and collecting oa eest side; ebsrgee reeonbl. Pbon Untoa 88ft. 4 NEW. ejodern. ' 8-room honses nq the eat side, la a good location. I'jn. gai. 2.V la- rlre of flartman, Tbomnsea A Powers, Cham her of Commerce. - - . FOR rent or sal, loll Williams avenue. I room bona, an aumsra warsnisacsa. Apply Joha Bala. 224 Stark a. FOI'R rntna house for rent; d lota la fruit; rent 80. 22t Mllwankle. FOB BEET OFFICE BOOM. NEWLY nrnlabed lodge bells: also ef flee for rent. AMsky hldg.. Third and Morrison. " FOB EF ITT FLATS. FOR RENT Aoewlr furTiUhed ftoom flat, ' Barnslde, cor. 11th. FOB BEET FAEMS. FOR RENT 18 acre on Johnson" creek ; 8 acre Improved with balldlngs; 2 miles east of Lents. E. D. Hnrrle, Lenta, Or. FOB BEET FVBEISHED jTOVSES. COMPLETELY furnished ft -room cottage, fully modern 1 rang aad fa steva. 447 Eaat Davis. jonima For the convenience1 . of Hi patrons The, Journal has esUblUhed Branch Offices where "WANT? Advertisements may be' left "at regular office rates Leave an ad. at any of the, following places before 11 o'clock in the morning and it will appear in The Journal of the same day. For The Sunday v Journal, "WANT" Ads. will be received until 9 o'clock Saturday nighti ' - , . r ' i . . jVObtx. . ' R. A, Preaton, druggist, 13d and Tbur man atreeta, Nob Hill Pharraacy, ISO' Oliaan street, corn Hat A. W. Allen, pharmaclat, llth and Mar shall etreet. , R. B. Jacks, confectlonerr. 00 Wash ington street, corner lntv . OUIEt , .', V-B. F. Fulton, confectionery, 174 E. Burn- B. F. Jonee. A Ce., drogglata, Front and , , aide, corner Union avenue. -- dlbba atraota. . ., . . Ingram A Bush, tobacconlsU. Ill Grand Cottel Prut Co., First and Grant streets. avenue. Remember, it costs you "no '"."':' ..' FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. I'P-TO-DATE. modetra enttagee; bergala prices eaay payments. ffast Everett, S room, new.. 2, are) ; I'ledmont. it rooma. lOOxlOO.. 8.8u0 I'pprr Alblu. 4 rooms l.OciO ' Clrand a vs., T rooms........ 1.60 . ' , Sunnyalde. 8 rooms...,., 1,478 Corbet t at., S rooms, aew... 1.8(s - Market St., T rooms , 2. Cms) Hunnyslde, T room, new.... 2.5O0 Eaat nth. t rrertns.... E8V0 Bsll'llns lots la sll parte ff tbs city. CR0CKEU8, INC., 418 Ablugtoa hldg. STtiP ns vine rent: owu Tour owe boss. . See this; 8-room new cottage; flowers, garde t AftAO: tKMt down, monthly navmente. B-room cottaae; chicken boose; garden; S108 diiwa, monthly payment. . inborn modern, aew house;'. btk' heautlfal .11.. t ' ,1 h.m eeenee IS eetel: term'. 8 sn. II fsrm S snd IS sere: 10 Cr fees . goat, chickens, geeaa, cows; new bar a. mono l aioB ii. ' A NICE HOME. " e f lots with ft-roem house; fruit trees; , must aell on aeroant elrknesa. Prloa 81 4"0: terms to salt. ' J . Address D. 18, csrs of Joarvssf FOR BALE A scree on the O. W. F. ear Hoe: 10 cent car fare; will sell cheap If taken soon; yoa caa mak your own terms; get off at Kates- crossing! enquire ai urn swus, south. Thl 1 a snap. PROPERTY OWNERS If you base aay prop erty for sale, advert! It ta thee column. Journal Want Ad are great real estate a a les sees ; 21 words for 18 rente. NEW. modern, 2-story. 8-room bouse at Monta vllla. 81.1TB. - Applv of orner oa premise, 4.W Spencer at., Vi block from atoatarllla car. Portland. FOB SALE Three 8-room eottagee with base ment snd yard; good condition: renting for J 14.00 month; ess term; 11,400. N. 47, ournal. - BELINQI'IRHMENT oa 180 acres land aear Lyle, Wash.; good two-room boos: good well; about two acre fenced. If. 19. Journal. roK farm, acres re. city property, eholca tim ber and homestead location.' see Maswelj tt Co.. Sl Ablsrtoa bldg..' Port U ad. Or. T-ROOM cottars. No. 884 Corbett at., with 8n orchard; lot ROHOO feet; rent $18 per moot. Inquire Frank Hacheney. 840 Cortett at FOR SALE. 11.800 B-room cottars, S lota 100s . 108 feet, 1 block east of Woodlawa car. In quire at boa, S84 Sharer St. 80-acr Improved farm for sale; etoek. . ate. Particulars, address O. W. Stephen. Clerk. Oregoa, Clackamaa coanty, ' . FOR BALE 8-room modern ho see; BOxlOA lot; l.mi Twelfth St., Wood lawn; price 11.860. B. Farrlngton. t MODEEN. aew bflusea. 4 and 8 rooma. Sll Skldmnrs nt. or phooe owner. Scott Buog, 8. ,. FOB BALE H0E8ES ABO 0ABBIA0ES. YOU CAN sell your bore or wssoa hy adver tising It In Journsl Want Columns; try them; 21 words for 16 cents. TEAM for sale; weight 2.800 Ins.; 8 aad S yesrs old. Portland Fuel Co.. 834 Water at. BTTETETBS 0KABCXI. FOB SALE A modern steam lanndry. Orocery a tore; choice atock and good locatloa. . Berry fsrm st Hood Blver. Houses and lota and rooming houses. A bomestesd relinquishment. Bents bouses, buys and sells real and personal property. Wants $1,000 In a paying business. Hty. BAKER REAL ESTATE AGBXCT. ' Room S Chamber of Commerce. MONET. Merchant, attorney a, mechanics, clerks, bom builder. Investors, all classes, should eiamine , our plan for cbesp, esar. future loan, la Ore son. Waahlngtoa And Idaho, without - aurlty. THE' NATIONAL FINANCE ' MI.MNO A DEVELOPMENT CO. Suite -and Mrquam hld( Portland. Oregoa. BTOTK of Boots and shoes for sale; well estab lished business; reason for arlllng, death of ,. proprietor; stock can be Inspected at any time; only boot aad shoe store la Beppner, Or. Geo. Oonser, administrator. "BUSINESS CHANCES" sdvertlse stent ra Journal Wsat VColamaa bring big returns; If yoa wsnt to buy or sell a bualaeas. try them; 21 words for '.8 crate. - WHAT have you to escbanaw aa-fnll paymsat or part payment far a II fe in sure see policy la one . of th Is r eest eld 11 u compaalesf Address M. 72, JouraaL FOB SALE Stock and Biturea of wholes i ennfectloejere msnufaetnrlna plaat. Enqulra t 48 aod 48 Front at. Blabop A Co. . FOR HIRE Schooner . "Eva," to a vac tloa party: now at foot of Eaat Barnsld; Inqulr board. BSOO TAKES restaurant at S8S B. Morrlaoa at.; will atand Inspection. tost aeo Fotnro, LOST On White House road. Sunday, ladle jacket, color grey with small checks; SndeS please call up Bed 8.121, room IT,, and r- ' rclv reward, v FOI'ND Watch la Peechutee river; owner csn b. - h aene hf nen.lns aennerte an newlne expense. W. d Hammer. Bcolta Mills, Or. LOVT Aa sceouat bonk, red cover, the name Frank Knhlk written on It; Bnder plena phoa Scott 6800 and arraage for 88 reward. IOST Many good opportunities ewry day yoa rail to read Journal want oniumaa. Dob t miss tbem. TO ZXCKAV0E. WHAT you have and don't want an Joat what someone els needs and cas t Snd. If you'll advert! It In Journal want eolamna yoa can make a good trade.- Try them; 21 words for . 18 cents. . ' ' . 8IOHTLY lot on east aid for good plaae. Ad . dtea M 11. Journal. ASPHALT PAYIEO. THE Trinidad Asphalt Paving Oa. eg Fortlaad. OfSce 8U Worcester klk. BOOMS WTTR B0ABB. SIX summer boarders caa secure first-clam accommodstlone at country borne, one hour's i ride from city; referenfes. Address "W-" BOARD wltb rooms, well furnl-ned: medera eosveulceces; tsbte bosrA 221 Thlrteeath ex. ELEOANT furnished mom and cheap board you will Sod st 82 Hood at. FOB BEET 8T0BIS. STORE at 28 14 Alder St., Bear Third, laaulre jv araer. M ; . suit usB.; ( 1 ; Tuttle's Pharmacy, 8S1 Misslaalppl ava .. nue. corner Shaver street. Nlchors A Thompson. 128 Buasell street; . corner Alblna avenue. Janckd iVug Co., corner Hawthorne and Urand avenuea. . , J. A. Dick, tobaocoa, 114 Crosby (eaat end ateej Driagsi. more for the advertisements and you save car fare and time, by leaving your ''WANTS" at The' rVr ..".'.Journal's Branch Offices.' 'V'1-'.'''' :: ' Twenty-One ; FOB 8ITI TaBMa. TB ACBES At land, allghtly rolling oa county road; some clear land; small house and barn; muul nelhhorheod: 4 mile to Iter and P. O.l . 20 mllea from city; will trade for good city property or sell at a rair price. . 120 iCHVH At land. 2 mile from 8 good store. P. O. and K; B. ssatloa; will sell oc eschans ror city .property m pra t mto h i 24tlles from city. W. W. EriPBY, Boom 1, Hamilton bldg. - FOB SALE EABalS .. Improeed farms for sal la H parts ef Ore goa and Washington: payments avsd te suit purchasers. For full particular aa e varl. cos propertlee apply te Was. MaeMastar. Sll Worcester blda. - j a FARM FOB SALE. ' 128 acres, SO In cultivation, good house and ham, 4 . miles from boat aad railroad Sta tion, aoare, ' WM. WILLIAMSON. .CarroUton, Wash. W0I7LD yoa Ilk te live oa a farm? This 1a where assay excellent" farms arc of tea ad vertised, look ror them. . . KtR SALE OR TaVr.DK Homestead rellnoulsh ment In eastern Oregon. . Inqulr 8SI B. 8th e. nt. . 1 FOE SALE MTBCELtAEEOOE. EWINO machines? 100 8n awchla altrhtly damaged at eeey low prices; .Sircar, V. S., Pomeerte. Wblto. (Tear Horn. Olds A Klnjr, Willamette. Wheeler A Wilaoa aad ethera: .. mm aew drop-bead machines st 830.00. 8. B SIseL V8S8 Morrison St., east ftJ Man) nam bldg., Portland. Ore. t - I . IN your store room yoa probably hare some thing of no use to yoa, but It's good, snd yoa may just aa well get cash for It by advertising In Journal waat columns ; 21 . words for 18 cents. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent or for anle on esse payments. THE BBUTN8WICK-BALKB COLLENDEB CO., 48 Third St.. Portland. . FOR SALpJ Clrar. confectlonerr and Ice cream tand. with living rooma la connection. 7 til Thurmaa st. ' - BICYCLE closing out Bale; $40 Wolff-Assert. - Sana bow Ilia. Seventh and Morrlaoa sts. ALL MAKES of seeoud-hsnd type writ era at th Underwood Typewriter Agency, 88 Front at. FOR SALE flood, gentla milch "cow and Jersey heifer. Inquire 037 E. 8th st. north. I FOR SALE Fine roll top desk tad cbalr at a berereta. 888 Mohawk bldg. FOB SALE Two thoroughbred Jersey . bulls, N. 20, Tbe Journal. QOOD cow for a lie cheap. T48 East Thirteenth. KESOEAX. I. J. Hlrshbelmer, penetoa attorney. eoanaetW at tew. pensions: war ox tne Hebelllou. la jjlsn ware. Act of June Zl. 1890. order No. 78, widows, chlldrea and dependent relative, bounties, arrears, commutations sad claims sgslnst tb U. 8. Boom 8, Cham, of Com. TOCR oe-ectiptloos are more accaratelr and reasonably ailed at ' Eysell's Pharmacy, 221 Morrison St., bet. First and Second ate. . PERSONAL Your business professional card la Journal Want Columns will bring yoa business; 21 words for IB cents. Try It. CATEB only to tb beat people, special 1st eo disease of tbe hair and seal p. Mrs. B. Do- sre, SOD Deknm. moo Hood aVT. "ON a Slow Train Tkrouck Arkaneew," by Jacksoa;. full of fna and yokes; SB wbis Jon' Bookatora, 281 Alder t. , L. I bar followed your Instructions ; am anaioosiv waning, am scaring job lwetrt at A. MME. B. B. Ely. dermatologist, seals treatment. asiampoo, eaKTvic ma ess re. in noaonoaah. ATTCEEXTB. PACIFIC Coast Lew A Collection Ageaeew s-oriiBKl 1I1C, fuv uwauw oc LXMBmere, B. B. BIOOEN, attorney aad t iiBllur at-lawi ovary. ' ouo-u JiMBgoaa Lk3g. - BEEPBERD, ANDERSON A CELLARS. jarorneym, uiu-sHu-eaj aisrqasm BMg. AET METAL W0EES, ORNAMENTAL work for residences, huslneee aousea, panas ana ernce rsinnga, grill, a re place Strings, chandeliers, slana, fences, art work la aay style metal sod flntaht feammered leaf work and metal spinning a spevtslty; hnlldlng eouettnelural work. L. K. Tuarta. 402-404 Davla. ror Ninth. AECBOTXCTB. HODGSON A CO. Architects aad I a pert a teudenta. Suite BIS Macleay bldg.. eer. Feortt sd Wsshlngtoa at. Ooodrleh A Goodrich, srehttects; Wm. W. Oood rich. coosnltlng engineer. 1" 8th. Front 18HJ. BABOniO) ABO LIOSTXErEO, 0RB0ON BOUND L7JMBEB 00M at. Phooe Orant 11T1. . 181 BI0YCLXS. STAB NOVELTY WORKS Dealers la second hand Mercies i gsnsral repairing. -87 Ualoa ave. I BEAB8 WOBXE. FRIES BROS. BRASS CO.. 210 North Elevoata. Brass, beoaaa esstmga, aaodel maklsg, gasv C0AL ABD WOOD. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO., 441 Hoyt, cor. llth; washed lump Booties coal, ft 0O per ton; aut, 88.00; agenta for Cumberland Range, 87.00; Casti Oat. 860; wholeaal rrlce; free delivery; full welfhts; aatlsfac loa guaranteed. , Pbon Mala 848. HERB In. your chance to ret your winter's box wood: Five load. Sl.Ro a load, or alngle loads at 81.78 a load. Multnomah Wood Com pany. Phone Mala 8118. tSOOO fir cordwood at $8.78 delivered to any place within 20 block of Eighth and Haw thorne streets. Phone Scott 4078.- ALItlNA FUEL CO., Railroad St. aad Alblna a., sjaar ferry; slab and block weed, dry and grees. Pboa Eaat 874. WESTERN FEED A Ft)EL CO.. Phone 1MB. . Castes Gat coal and all other eoel a the - market. 184 North Fifth St. BOOTEE A CONWAY. B18 Water st, the pi for good 4-foot, live Sr Sr weed. Pkeaa Mala 4608. PIONEEE Fuel Co., retrieved frees font Mof rises to foot Mala at. Phone Mala, 188. . a B.. YeLIN,' weod ssd eoel: efdc 88 Atbtae ' v., 'sear ferry. Pboa Beat 1882L . 0RE0ON First CO.; an kinds of esal aad ' a4 MotTtaoa. Faoa Mala 88, '9. E. Worth, pharmacist, 991 Bolmont street :-. amoon.TaT.vN Brooklyn Pharmacy, corner Powell And JdUwaukia atreeta. , . ' -Want ads. reowtved at -tha show. ' , ' places for tha Banday Journal . ., until tp,m.oa Batorday sraa- Vords for IfOBET TO X.0AA. FEED H. -8TRONO, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan.' Ne commission. I la la a posit toe to make Immediate loans sa Improeed real eetate or for betid ' Ingw purposes: soy smoant; BSoJerst Inter est Ws approve loans from pirns and sd esse money s building program. Optlo la reps r ment after one yesr. , FEED B. STKONU, FlnsBclsl Agent. ' -JuS Second St. near 8 tars. THE STAR LOAN, CO. In, Mk,UJ .a,.L,.a e,MJe,MS JMSO aS a his eotav without mortgaga- , U -- Uu. tM.On Kcpsy to as tia.KS or 88.8S or $1 1W s.u-v ncpay to aa a .no or t vfln or sio.'si He pay to as 8 4,J or ge-on or i.w OmadsntUI. 210 McKay bldg.. 102H Bd. SALARY LOANS Any salaried person baring a steady position with responsible Am csa - obtain money oa the -aay payment plan, wtta . out pablldty or delay; all huslneee treated etrletly eonSdentlal. NOKTHWEUT LOAN CO.. 821 Ablngtoa bldg.. dty. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT FLAW , T Salaried People. Strictly ConfldeotUl. . Office hours. 0 a. m. to 8 p. as. EMPLOYEES' LOAN c6. Fboae 224. Room T18. The Deism bids. I B. W. cor. Third and Wsshlngtoa ta. MONEY TO LOAN oa real, peesooal and col lateral reeurltvi special artentloa to chattel amrtgagee; notes hnucht. C. W. Pallet til Coaaaierela! blk. Pbooe Mala 1888. MORTGAGE LOANS oa Improved city aad farm property st lowest current rates: building loans. Installment loans. Was. Mac Idas tor, tl 1 Worcester bldg. . MONEY loaned oa nlanna. furniture snd ether chattel securities; sll huslneee strictly prl- est. NORTHWEST LOAN CO., 121 Ablng- sob mag., ciry, . y . . MONEY to LOAN In large or email amount oa good. security; lowest rates. William O. - Beck. 807 railing bldg. MONEY ADVANCED salaried peonle. Sea mat era. . - - -iwwi e-n-uriiy, rm "7 pa TSB-nsi-v. wra- set buelnesa In 48 principal dtle. Totmaa. E2S Ablngtoa bldg. CHATTEL Iosbs In amounts rsnrlnc from 828 so fo.uuo; rooming-houses a eneclalty Itsw Era' Loa a A tTruat Co.. SOS Ablngtoa bldg. CHATTEL loans; rooming booses a specialty. -- -- i-.'yis. vw - aa m Trust Co.. 208 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY TO IftAS FROM szno TP; PRIVATE ' PARTY. ADDRESS 832 MOHAWK BLD9. MONEY TO LOAN on. Improved or antmprovod city property. In sums to salt Parrlah, Wat klna A Co., 280 Alder at LOANS at KiVeat rates on furnttnre. pianos: any seruniy notes nnrcnasea. Santera Joaa offlc. 418 McKsy bldg. .- M0NBYTO LOAN oa Clackamas eooary lands. K. F A t, B. BUey.. 808 Chamber of Coat- CABFEETEES AED TILDE ES. A. 1. Al'THOetS A H. B. WOOD, earpeater and builders; repairing and jobbing; store snd office Sxtnres built. Shoe 2US Columbia. - Pbon CUy 1861. -, FANNING A ARMSTRONG Cat1 pentevs sad DUiMors: repainnc and ynoMng; reasonable rate. Hbop eer. fourth and Columbia. Feast 1285. .... . i . 0. W. OORDON, conn ters. abelvlng. bnuaa built sna rensirea. ziet ynartn. mar it. 0HIB0F0ST ABD MAXlCaBIjTO. WM. PEVENY A ESTELLE DEVENY, the only set en tine chiropodist, parlors room xos Drew bldg.. 163 Second st Pbon Msla 1801. This Is th long-haired gentWmaa. He I tbe maa yon are looking for. CAFES. TBE OFFICE. 288 Wasb'.artoa at. k amaie in, r icsev ac vignaaias. CAFE KRATE. 122 Sixth St. A Sne mock at all eiGABS ABD TOBACCO. ESRERG-GUNST CIGAR COe ", Distributor of ' . ' . FIRE CIGAR!. ' Portland. CLAIETOYAET AED EALM1ET. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clslreoysnt. palmist care reaoer; i give tact nuanie ana im portant on all affaire of real Ufa. Beading 80c. 186 Fourth sf. COMMISSION MEB3RABTB, - BYBRDINO A FARRELL. prodoes snd eommhv sloa merchants. 140 Front SU. Purtlaad. 0c. Phono Main. 178. 0E0CXEBT AED 0LA8SWABE, WHOLESALE crockery and klssswsr. PraeU uegeis A Co., ioo to 108 Firth, car. Btara at. CXMEET COBTBACTOBS. BAWKIN8 A CO. Raaldeace, SOB Fourth St., psone rreeit vjan cement wors ef ail oe acrlptlonei stop work specialtyi arork guar sateed. ' . CBAS. B. CARTER, general eon ir actus; cewtsat siocwsiis: cement work a specially: sa wora guaranteed. 167 Grand are., N. East 1484. CHAS. B. CARTER A CO. (formerly Carter A Ell), cement contractor, 874 Tsggart. fnone Eaat 1878. All work guaranteed. SOw ABD BO BSE HOSPITAL. DR. S. J. CARNEY Veterinary surgees, 108 lfeh. - It,. U . 1 h Mils 8887. DEOOBATOBB. HENRY BERGER ISO FUrat st. ; wallpaper. ingrains, Tapeatnsa, applique rneas, Inter lor decorating. FBATZBEAL Ta BT7EAECE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frster- aal society of northwest; protects tbs liv ing. J. L. Mltsbell, suprems secretary. 612 snd 818 Marnnaas bldg., Portland, Or. Tele phone Main 84A BYEIE0 AED CLIAEIHO. Berlin Steam Dyeing A Clesnlng- Works Best squippeo or wora in th city; dry cleaning of ladles' Sne garments a specialty; reaennahle price; prompt aervle; Hrst-clsse work cnaraa teed. 411 Aider st Phsns Mala 46t. . PORTLAND STEAM CI.EAHING AND DYEING weraa; practical aatter la roeineetloa; reather knee and plnmee aleaned and curled by aa as pect 211 Foartb. Phrne Clay 704. J. HUNTER. 660 Jefferson at, steam carpet sne Buttress cleaning; reatner renovating; all wora guaranteed. Phone Mala 214. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PIIESHBD tl pee moats. l'ali us Tailoring ch 841 Waahlag toa at . B. W. TfRNER, prefeee local dvee snd flea ajar. sub jetrersos st, nas Msia nit 15c DBE88MAETEO. MRS. McKIBBEN. artlati ansa aad cloak making. 861 MorrlsoB st ELECTBICAX W0BKB, NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ' Company, 808 Stark at.. Portland. 0. K. for . everything 4a the electrical Una. Pheae, III JBOB, aw ms. FLOUR, feed, potatova. coaL ete. Herma Kana. 418 Bast Br vent, at. Phone Scott o) FTTBBTTu'BE FACT0EIEB. FURNITURE BMnufacturlng aad eperlal arder. L. Baesosky' furaitar factory, 878 Front at OREGON Farnlture Mannfacturlnw Compaay . Manafactnrera of furultur to tk trade. SOB First st oaocxaa, WADHAMS A CO., wholeaal gi-ooers, ssaae facturer and commlmloa merenauta- Fouria aad Oak sts. ALLEN A LEWIS, commission snd produce seee chsata. Front aad Davla sts.. Portland. Oc. LANG A CO.. First gnd Ankeny at-. HOTELS. Hotel Portlasd. Americas plan; $8. 86 per day. Belvedere: European plast 4th aad Alder ata, HATE .CLE ABED, EASTERN Bat Maaufacturlng Company. 822 First seer CUy; hats dyed, cleaned, blocked; made ever la latest styles ear special tj; - Panama hats. H0EBEB ABD CAE BIASES. UNITED Carriage Co., rubber tired carriage, tally-hos. Main 222. 163 Uta. cor. Morrison, XXBITBAHOB, . ORIENT INSURANCE CfoMPABT, , 0t Hartford. Coaa. Conducts s general Insurance basin. J0HX P. SHARKEY tt CO., Agents. 908 Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrlaoa. TsJ. Mala 28B, ISA AO U WHITE, fire bids. 808 Doksa '. " - " JAB. Mcl. WOOD, employers' llah'.Hty snd 1a dl vidua I accidest surety bonds of sUikloda. Phone 47. 802 McKay bldg. i M . I e. B. F. B ARTELS COMPANY. Sr Insurance, 448 Sherlock bldg. . Oragoa phone Clay 828. El RE INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A C E Sherlock bldg. Pbon Mala 186S. ARTHUR WILSON". Are Insurance. , Bberserk , bldg. Pbon MslB 1008. - IK0K W0 EBB. PHOENIE IRON WORKS End neecs. factorer or msrlne. mining, logging aaa saw mill machinery: prompt attention to repshr . work Phone. Esst 28. Hsertborn ave. J, B. 8d. LOCKSMITHS. B. O. SMITH Locksmith and general repairing. 448 Waahlngtoa at, Portland. Phoa Clay Sua. "mageetio HEALEB. I SUCCF.8SrrLLY treat all forma ef dleeaee. whether chronic or scute; aleo tesch others. Mrs. U n. Hart, 211 Allsky bldg. MIMICAL. VIOLIN, mandolin, cornet elarlnet snd sll string and wind Instruments. Prof. Edwla A. Smith. Mala 4708. 264 Twelfth st T. E. LAWSON. 240 Perk, roe. Main, plane lee one; terms -res sonants. Pbon Frost til. MA8BA0E ABD BATITB. VAPOR both and mi sense by lady wltb roang ladr aaalataut. 110V Fourth, room A MRS, OB ROCK, mseeeas, has returned from the eaat. Union 8082. ' MTT8I0 DEALEES. FISHER MUSI0 CO., 180 Third et. VtewaT talking machines; repairing. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS and mechas Irs' clothing: anion made. Neuatsdtcr Brae,, manufacturer. Portland. Or. PLUMBER. FOE A CO., esnltary plumbers, 281 Second, bet Mala and BetmoB. Oregoa pheae, Mela tool. DONNERBRRO A RAPEMACIIER. plui rrroeva m roortb st Both LOW-PRICED rss evrnre. 418 Washington O. t;L.AUtuKNii'B a aorcpntimner, : TAIBTDIG ABD VAPEE-HAEOrBS, F. B. SirrTON. palnt-r. and ps.perhagr. ITS MadlsoB at, trset end of bridge. FEX8B CLIP PTE OA MAKE MONEY! USE PRESS CLIPPINOSI Ring ap Black II snd ordor s moath'r service sneering every towa In any or all coast atates; delly meeeenger service; sdvsnce re ports mi sll eontrsct work. rertUsid efOc 100 Second st I FLATIEO. THU OREOON PJ.ATING WORKS. eOl Wash- iur trm .uwi, rnoa eote. rviieaiBSj, piss. lag aad lecoaerlag. ' TATEVTB, B. 0. WRIGHT, lawyer; patents specialty! , protect your Invention. Hoom 804 Dekna. 1 w Mi i i1. i' arj-r--i a PAIMT8, OIL ABD BLABS. ' F. B. BEACH A CO Pioneer Paint Co.. selllna ! . ib?..)t'1 thlnss msde In pslnu snd geoersll building materials: window-glass and glaalug spec.sltjr. iao First t pboa AUia liSl. DAVID M., DUNNE A CO Pkosnts Fslnt end Oil Works; msnufneturers snd Itn porter paints, alia snd enravs. etc.: phone 787. Office aad fsctury. Bherloik-ve. and Klaeteaatb et-j W. P. FULLER A CO.. manufacturer Plooeeei lead, Pboenlx Paint Kopslln; a guaraate Civea with every galln ef paint manufactured e. .... v T? .K?Af RBT CO.. agenta for the Kinioch boase paints, 8B Bawthorae sea, Phona East 1847. . BASMUSEN A CO.. tohhers. peiutB, Oil, glaa. eesh and 'donee. ISO riret wt . iEITTnf0. Bl'SHONG A CO.. Front and StaV'ata'prlnt1. lng. lithographing, blank books snd office suppiieej work- done on time: most complete v ' " e i u ( weei. Hflln HH, ANDERSON A DrsiWAT COMPANY, nrluttng. . Iltbogrepblnr, blaik beoka. Pboa Msla IT. - 2u8 Alder st t B00FTBE. TIN RonrtNn mih4h. - Vng. j. 212 jeffcreoa street ALL kinds nf roofs repaired and Minted. W. J. Fsrrell, 88H First. Scott 842. . . B0FS. PORTLAND COROAOR CO., cor. Fourteenth snd Northrop sts.. Portland. Or. BUBBEE STAMPS. t.C. STAMP WORKS. 48 Aldsa st.. phoaa , Mala 710; rubber eta m pa. aeal. stencils, bag gags, trsds checks; send for catalogue. SPEATXB0 ABD WHmWAaHIEtt. SPRAYING aad wRlnwaahlng, trees, be, e-vwiai, oarn. emcas, ete. M. o. Morgaa ft Co. . Call np Scott 254. m win sail and Slv ye Sgiire oa yoor work. Th Unrest faaollne spraying snd whitewashing saiAl n Multnomah eoaaty. . 870 Mllwaulle et. Portland. Or. . . , SAFES, LARGEST atock la city; Dtebeld work; lockooaf' opened; repairs. Jail work, steel ceiling, treat ment and goods meriting roar patrasuur. J. E. Dsvla. 88 Third t - BT0EA0E ABD TBABBFXB. SAFES, plaaoe and farnlture moved, packed . ready for ablpplng and abtpped: all work guaranteed! tare t-story brick fireproof ' wsrebones for stnrags. Office 128 First St. 0. M. 0L8BN. Pbon Msla B47. C O. PICK, office SS Fleet St.. bet wee Stem na oar ecs.t pboa noa: punoa and furni ture moved and packed rnr shipping!, com asodlon fireproof brick ware boo. Freal and Clay ae. . . . SHOWCASES AED FTXTUBES. SHOWCASES of every deecrintlon; bank, bat ana store nxturee made to order. Tb Latka Maaufacturlng Co.. Portland and Seattle. . -.. 1 L1. . TTFIw'BrrEEB. , ; 1 YOST 'TYPEWRITER HEAtWuABTE BB-3- S0 Ptsrk Street We rent repair, aell, exchange type writers. All tupplles tvt sll mschlnes. Standard ma oh lues 825 and ap te 1100, Da yoa want a etenographer or typlatf We. bare Hat of ged applicants. j Phone Black 8871. , , i ALL MAKES of typewriters for rent at Under wood Typewriter Agency, on Front st TBAVSFEB ABD HAUUBO. OREGON TBANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth.1 telephone Msla a. Heavy Baauag aad atorage, POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 H Waaba lng ton at Phone Or. Mala 868. TEUBK FACTORY. PORTLAND TRUNK MEG. CO. Wnolessle and retail.. Phone Clay BUS. Cor. Bd A Pine. Portland. Bend for catalogue. - i . ; ' . . . . rt ' TOWEL SUPPLY". CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap.), tl per month. Lawrene Brna.' Towel Supply; company, 4th and Coucb. Phone 428. t I WHERE TO DIES. STKOUSR'S RESTAURANT, flrat-elssa aaeaia. beet srvlos. Tl waahlngtoa et WAZXVAFEB. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-188 St.. bad. Vamklll aod Taylor,"' Purtlard. riBABCIBX. A-DO U TIT.TOW, BAoTXXma, . Fitabllshed la 1HM , Transacts a Ooaaral Banking Busts, Intereet Allowed on Time Deposit, i. ttollecnVina mad at all polats- oa favorable terms. Letter of credit issued svsllsMs 1 Bump and all points in tns unitre Btstss. Sight Kxchsnge and Telegrspble Trsnafera arid ea New York. Washington, Chicago, u Louis, Denver, Oms hs, Sea sruKlsos and Moo ts ns and British Columbia, Esehang sold iin Londoa, - Pari, Berlin, Frankfort Boas Kong, Yokohama, Manila aad Honolulu. rXMST MATTOWAt, BABE ' I of Fort of Portland. Or. Deelxnatod Dsoosltorr and Flnnoeui Agent sff . tue tjoinsa buiis. ITeeWeut.. A. T, MILLS Ca.hler J. W. NEWKIRK Asstatant Oeahler W. 0. ALVOKU Second Aaalatant Csahlar B, F. STEVENS Latter ef credit issued available la Europe and the Eaatera States. ' ' - Sleht Erchsnse and Telegraphic Tranefera sold on New York. Bostos, Chicago, 'St Louie. -St Paul, Omaha, Saa Era nelson aad tbe principal noDta In the Northwest Bight and time Mils draws In saeae to suit ea Londoa, Pari. Berlin. Frankfort-OB-toe Mala. Hong Kong.' Yokohama, Copenhagsa. Chtiatiana. Stockholm. M. reterabarg, Moa- eow. Enrich. Honolulu. Collections msde on ravuraoie UETTED BTATX8 If ATYOWAXi BABTK. ' OF fortlandTi OEEOOE. B0ETHWE8T COR. THIRD AMD OAS STBs Xrassacta a trenerat vansitig jnaiaeea, - nsirra ikhiiicii. ' Avslltof la all cltle of tbe 1'ulted States aad , suropa. nong aong aau stanMw. - COLLI CTI0EB MADE 0B FAYOEABLB TZEBB Preel-leM. ......",.. J. a AlhSWORTH Vice-President....-, W. B. ATEB Cashier B, W. BCHMEEIt Assistant Cashier ......A. M- WKIOIil SBOjEAWTB KATXOW Alt' BAjrx. PORTLAND. 0EG0B. , 1. FBANIC WATSON ...Preaddewt R. L. It Km AM. VMe-rrestoeal R. W. HOYT Caahle GEOnOE W. HOTT. ..,..... Aaalatant Oaahla Transacts a ueneral nanstnr Buatnsss. Draft aad letter nf credit deened available v to atl parrs or ine wortav TJoIlectlone a epeelalty. Gold dust bought . OBTSOB BAIT rWAcTCXSCO BAHK. LIWIUP. y y ..... .. Chamber ef Com mere Budding, Third aad ,' etara BUt (, Feud' Office. KB Old Broad Street. London. Thl bank transact general banking bust., ea. mnkee leans, discount Mils snd Issues letter nf credit available for travelers aad for the purchase nf merchsndiae in any city of the world, iteai la inreirn ana nomesu acaaagas iQtereel pia on time ne posits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. SBCTJW.ITT BATIWOS TTtTJBT 00 ' Su8 Morrlaoa Bt, Portland, Or. . . Transacts s tesnerat nittatnr rfualneas. SAVTEnS DF?ABTMfirT. Interest Allowed on Tims snd Saving Deposit. Act aa Truatee foe Estate. Draft and letters nt credit available la all pert e She w-M ' I F. ADAMS .....'........President E" A. .LEWIS. First Vice-President A. L. MII.T.e .......Second Vlos-Preeldent U. JUBITE..... Berrsury BOEEII BE08. k OXBsISTXBBEBT. . Offer gflt-edgs Inveatmants In Mnnlolpnl aad aururoaa aoaas. writ r call, 1384 First St.. Portland. Oregsa. MORTOAOE LtOAISS. On PrVtland Rrnl Rutiit at Lnwpt Raft, TTtVMi TTT'Pftv kh"frrfn FnrTiiBhsMi, TITLE QUARANTEB A TRUST CO. Boom 1, CaamDer ef Commsreay ;l;.