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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY .JOURNAL, PORTLAND.. SATURDAY -EVENING, AUGUST 6. 1904. IS Entered et tfcs postofflee of Portland. Or., iw traneportathia Ibruuia tag Basils ss seoono tlaea Butter. , Poatase (or slnele cnnles: Far aa I. 10 at 13- . Psge paper, 1 rout; 16 la SO pages, t esnts; U to 44 pages, I casta. . ' . TELXTHOBES. Business Office Mala BOO. '. Editorial itoama aula 200. , roBiiov advibtciibo huhiiiiiiiti. Vrrelenll-BeDSanilB Hneelel AAvarflaln Axenrr. lno Naaaau a tract, ' aw Iota; Tribune Bullo us, vaicsgo. , . VBBCBimON BATES. . Tamu br Carrier. J vnr journal, wltk Sunday, 1 ysr....T.ou Tbs Imllr Journal. 1 rear 8 00 Tbs Iiallr Journal, wltk Sunday. BxonUts. $.78 The Ji.ll JiHirual, mootha t.uo Ihe Dally Journal, with Sunday. $ Bootha. 1.84 The Iiallr Juarnal, wltk Sunday. 1 aiontb.. .oj lbs liallv, , pa Mt, delivered. Sunday Included .. .. ul Tb Pally, per week, deliver. Sunday as TP tod. J ' '. Tama kv Vail. , Pallr Journal, with Sunday, 1 esr....$J.f8 Tha rally Journal,- wltk Aunilay, aMQtb. J-JS i no nally Journal, monlha. am Tbr Dally Journal, wltk Sunday. I months. 1. The liallv Imiriul mmiHi. 1. ' The Pa My Journal. -who Sunday, I naoot. ., .85 The r.lly Journal, 1 month. .a... . The Rnnil.e Jnu.i i ... . . 1.00 The Sunday Journal. months... 1.00 Tha Semi-Weekly Journal. i" nenu-weesiy Journal, a to i pegaax, ' each Ian. lllii.p.t.,l full narkat ra. porta, l fear , 1M ' .' Tha Wsekly Jo-ursaO. , The Weekly Journal, lou column ef , rennet a. 1 .Mr... '- . 1.04 Remittance abnuld be nada by draft, peatal notea. exprea order, and a null amount are aceeBtaois Ik 1 ana l-et Boatags etanipe. Ml JOUBBAL. P. 0. Bog JM, Portland, Or. iluraaerfheee to "The Inttefial wtaa etiff leave town far tha summer ran hare the paper forwarded to them to any addreaa without exfrs charge, payment tot the dam t be , made apon their return. .aa ivvajiu ma 9m ewwv. ' The Journal eaa be found Ml at the fol lowliuT plarea! . , HOISR. IDAHO Pioneer hook ator. CHIt'AUO Poatoftlc Ke company, ITS ler- norn arreer. DRNVER. COt.O. eB-lrk Book StarloMry , company, 912 nerenteentk atreat! j. Black, vnteentn ana Lurtia atraet. KANSAS CITY Van Kar New comoan. IXiH ANOKI.RS R. V. Gardner. 9 Bonn ' Uprlnr etroetr OUrar ilalm. M South Soring atreet. MINNRAPOL1S K. 3, Klranaara, 60 toath Third. NEW YORK PITT Brentano'a, Tnloa aqmra. or.DFN Ordea Newa company. . OMAHA Millard hotel newa atand; Megeatk Stationery company. 1A0H Parnuni atreet. BAl.T LAKR CITY Renyon hotel newa atand; narrow Hroa..4S Weat second atreet. avnito. ST LOT1S l-hllln Roeder. did Loruat atreet. SAN FRANCISCO W. t.. Ardlng, Palace hotel new atand; Qolrt.nMth Rroa., 2X0 Sutter atreet: rred w. pitta, tons' Market afreet, SPOKANE. WASH. John W. Araham Co. TACOMA, WASH Central New company, 11M raeine .aTenue. WIATHEB BEfOB.'t. Weather condition end cemral fnrecaat for Oregon. Waahlngtnn and Idaho. The hotteat aieitber of tha aeaann occurred yeaterday after noon In aaatern Oregon, eaatern Waahlngtnn and Idaho. To the weat of tba Caacade mouq talna It wa not no warm It wa tba day before. Showery eondltlona eontlrm In tha Atlantic etetre from New England aontk to tieorgla, aud rain baa alao occurred In New Meik-o. northern Ten, weatern Kanaaa and aatern Nehraaka. Dene emnke la reported at Kalla pell. Montana, and . for Beyera! day moky condition baa pre railed In Brttlah ColnnV hia. I The Indication era for fair weather Id thla aia trice Banaay, wit lower tempera turaa, TEMP. Mai. Mln. '1 Atlanta. O..: SO W .Kt Raker City. Or 93 . 0 - - 0 Iliatnarrk. N. D 76 ', . . Hot mi. Idaho 10J M ' Boaton, Maaa ....Jo... ?d " J Charleaton. S. C. ......... S4 ' T4 Chicago. Ill SO . " 64 , Cincinnati. Ohio.. ..' M ' 92 0 .24 .84 0 0 Ii nrer. Colo. , Detroit. Mich. El Paao, Tel.. Eureka. Cal... S4 A4 .42 tv m M T M sa- (Ml a T4 ? M , M n s , M Sd . M 64 M 64 60 M M Bd Sd . 6d : fid M , SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kreeno. CaL... 104 Heleaa. Moat M JnckannTllla. Fl S4 Krllapell. Moot. Sd n . " Kcnaaa City, Mo SI Ixw Angelea. Cal.' 8S New Orlean. La SO New York. N. T Sd North Head, Waah M Omaha. Neb.,.,....,,..... SS Philadelphia. Pa S4 Poratello, Idaho. ......... M Portland, Or M IUeblirg Or 9t Sacramento. Cal 90 St. Loula, Mo S4 Salt Lake, I tan TO Ran niego. Cal. T4 San Fraoclaco, Cal.. ...... M St. Paul, Minn TS Bpckana, Waah.,,.. 100 Taroma, Waah. Sd Victoria. B. C T WalU Walla, Waah 104 Weehtngton, P. C. ........ S4 Wlnnemucc. Nee ., 90 Ynma, Art. 104 .08 o .60 .04 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MABBIAOI UOEBSEt. . Henry 0. Orleeel. IS, and Mabel Aab, SO. Clarence V. Palmer. 23, Columbia connty, nd Blaach Brooke, 21. George J. Wolff, S4, Chehall county, Waah., and Bertha Staaderfcer, 2S. . 1,. r. Lifwi, e., awl M.ra n.u - Charle Erlckaoa, St, and Hilda If. leer- Sen. fl, Charley Lanaford. 21, gnd Margaret Mar dock, IS, BIBTKB. Inly S, to Mr. and Mra. William Abematha, at Rao Central aeonae. a daughter. July sa, to Mr. and Mra. Oerar Soderlmrg, at f5 Multnomah (treat, a aoa. July 20, to Mr. and Mra. Bert Nlcbole, at Miller arenua, ton. '' BEATKB, ' Angnat 8, Arant W. Rbnada, aged 41 year, at SoS Clackamaa atreat. caua ralrular dlaaae f heart. Burial at Lone Fir cemetery. Anruat S, Victor B. Goodman, aged IS pear, at 372 Waahlngton atreet. cane platnl eaot thmngh brain. Burial at Lon Fir cemetery. Angnat 2, John W. Pratt, aged 21 year, t Carann, Ralghta. can a , fracture bate of kull. Burial at Lon Fir cemetery. Angnat 4, Joaeph B. Relnateln, aged t year, at 611 Orertnn atreet. eauaa nicer of Intea tlne. Burial at Beth laraal cemetery. Angnat 4, Andrew Olaan, aged IA year, at 6T2 Multnomah atreet, caua eoncuaaloa of hrafn. Burial at Mllwaukl cemetery, ' Angnat 1. Frank Cadi, aged 25 Tear, at St. Vlncent'a hnapltal, raoa typhoid ferer. Burial at Lon Fir cemetery. a Crematorlnm oa uregon oin car Ba. near Sell wood; modern, dentine, comnlet. Charge Adulta. :i6; children. $96. Vlaltora 9 a- aa. a p. m. . Portland CraanUoa aaaeataHo, f'artlaad. Of. .... .- . . . ft Edward Ttolmaa rndertaalag' company, faneral direct ora and balmara. 220 Third atreet. Phooa SOT. I. P. rlnley A Son. funeral director, and em he! mere, hte removed to their new eetau llibment, corner Third and Madlaoa Mtoeta. Both phone Na. S. Eeller-Bvrnea Co.. funeral director and balmara. ns Boaaell. Lady a eat. Phooa Baa 1 10. , Clark Broa. for Sowara. 2W Morriaoa atreet. .i . ,a.e ara.a.mAa, Angnat 4, 6. L," At wood, cnHag ' a northeaat corner ef Sixth and Main atreet. Coat 7ivo. Angnat 6, Mr, elargent. two-atocy dwelling on Kaat Ankeny. hetweea Tenth. and Elerentfi atreat. Coat fl.SuO. - -t i . . . ': ' BIAI. ISTATB TavAJISFEBS. francla J. Orewller and kmmand to J Jt. v t'halher. lot A, bloc 2, Mateger a add to Oreaham I Minnie M. Farrlngton and hnahand to Frank S. Lombard, lot 2, block 10, High. land Park tioclnda Hnea et at to Mlnnje Ann Atrew, , lot S. block K Rrnnkland II right Mary Phelpa Montgomery to H. If. Clark. 140 421 409 lota ia it.. Dmri n,' iimna vay Catherine I Scherer to Mollle R, Spencer, aai f Taaa an X, .. btosk 124, Sta- Japanese Are Again in. the Market for Flour Millers Receive Orders JAPAN SENDIfit US FLOUR ORDERS toOaVXi louiBi Bzoxxra BBTOOtrm Aoura nw aiirs rwxn buxxxt ' MAM A BUTTS at TOaTB TBOVBLI trow xi to aT inn attjm OXaVT TEI UAMXfT. ' 1 Front Street. Aag. 6. Th' Drlndnal fe. tnrea of tb Portland wbuleaal market to day are I .. . Flour ordeea com from Japan. , ' Apple market la glutted. . .Cat onion and car cantaloupe In. ; Freeh naeani aa Arm aa erer. Egg altuatloa la atlll mlzad. . . Poultry market 1 cleaned Bp. ''' Watermelon are cheaper. , Cannera. handlln- much aalmoa, - ' Blackberrlea are practically, (on. , ' pugag 1 arm at adraaoa. , Tlonr Ordara Oeala Tram Japaa. ' Miller of tola ally are In receipt of a con alderabl amount of ordera for Sour from Japan thla morning, but are eomewhat mixed aa to the, manner of ehlpment. The ardara rail for almoat Immediate dallvary and aa there era no ahlp on band at thla time tba Soar will Terr likely be eent on tb next ahlp. From China, tb order are oomlng faater and for larger amount and price are loot in decidedly batter tier export Boaini Tba a.lTano in the freight ratea to $9 a ton will ale bar tb effect of advancing quota tion. Aa prerloualy mentioned the local bust- sea la fair wUh ao cbangea la raluee, Small Ameaat of Wheat Arrirlng Rom amall ahlpmeata of 'chin and blneatem wheat la iar being recelyed by tb miller. but grinding will not begin fog entne time aa the wheat baa, not 'yet reached the proper condition. Btocka of aid wheat a not nearly larg eaoagh for the demand and prion In tnia une are looking uuwara. Bom aont Moual ehlpment. of valley grade bare alao been repaired at th Bllla, prloaa at prao tlcally tb aanie. ' AppU Market la Olattad. Th apple market I glutted with receipt af Poor quality and prlrea are ruling aa low a 33 cent box on thla eiaa oi gooaa. noma eery air Aatracbana arrived from Hood Rleer tma morning and found a aaM at i.w a bos. ereral Car af Produo Arrir. A ear of glob ontorta cam la from Walla walla tnta morning and rouad a aai er i.o. Then baa bean nor Walla WalU onlona la thla market at thla time thla year tbaa during tb prerlou eeeeoat on account ef th ahortag of tb crop In both Oregon ana t ai- Ifoenla. In ahcrt time, ao th Walla WalU adricea aay, there will he noma ehlpment Into thla market of yellow ttaneer. A car ' of cantamunea and tomatoea arrived from Sac ra men to thla morning. Cant toupee are In an orereupply except for th better grade. To matoea are too plentiful and i it lane are ruling ae low a do oa good atocka. , On car of banana In xrellent ahan cam In and waa uon dlepoaed of, aa good fruit af thu kind haa been arare. Fearhee are not ao pientirui, but there wa enongh to go around. Green corn la htxhor for tha good Droduct. Water melona. on account ef being In an oreraupply. are being eold aomewhat cheaper today In order to clean up. Cherrlea are practically gone and th few arrlvaU ar bringing S cent a a, pevnd. . Vory raw buckoernea ar coming. ' Canaan an Handling Much Salman. According to the ateamablp companle which ply on tha lower liver, they ar handling mora aalmoa declined for the cannon than at any. time during th prevtnoa aoaeo. None of thla. with the exception of th very email Sah. la coming to thla market. . No changer In price. , . . - Freak Meat an aa Firm aa Ivor. Thee la atlll a scarcity erf freak meats and tha ton Brie continue to o tn only one. Thla la trn especially la veal, bnt block boga an not alow only tba arrival. ' Chatter too O. ay: "Thai market oa veal and hog t very Arm at tha high price and atocka an not coming faat oough." Poultry Market la Classed TJa. ' Th- poultry market waa eaally cleaned up today, tha arrival thU morning being amall and th demand good. Although then to better demand, price ban not cbangea tram tb low point of laat weck-T Everdlqg Far rell aay: '"Chicken are cleaned np. but tha value ar no better than laat week." W. T. Turner A Co. aay: Poultry la cleaning tap pretty well; there being practically a free market for next week'a arrival. Prior an no better. Veal I ecerc and so an hog. Egg Market ia Still Mixed. Th gg altuatloa continue mixed, moat of th deelera feeling a trifle weaker with th receipt larger than th demand, while som ef them do not have enongh stock. Thee la no change In price today. Smith Bra. 0a Basts. -Rav Smith Broa.1 "Th wea tlier la and all ehlpment an coming In good ahap and are aelllng at top price. Th proanecta for veal and hoge an good for aut week aa then I no Btock held over."' Today' wboleaale quotations, aa renaea, an as follows: . -I drain. Flour sad Tsed. ' WHEAT New and old Club, "Tie; bloeetem. Tar: valley. T9C. BARLEY Feed, 223.00; rolled, 134.10; bnvr. Bg. W.a24.00, , . . . OATa rroaueere- price n. waits, sn.ov; gray, a-ui-uuti .oo. . FLOL'R Btatera Oregon r Patenta. 14.20: straights, l.l.noas.OO: valley. f&.SsQS.SBi gra- Bam l, s-t.on; j"v, e.vo. MILLKTl'FKS Bran, 20.00 per tna mld- dllrxi. Ka.ooi abarta. country, -o.w. ebon. is on nA X I 'imrcm. tirw-w iiaiwiiir. rfiiianaeiTV valley, fancy, f iB.onnf u.taii oroinary f 12.00 mini: eaatera Oregon. llS.oO'rlld.oO: mixed. $10.00iril2.00f clover. SO .oni laoo; grata, 111.60 QU.U0; cneai, ii.outiiiia.uv. ' . 1 Heps, Wool sad Hide. HOPS Nominal, 2Bf2flc for cholcs: 2Sa25V4e xor pnm; ooniract, .o(. - WOOL Nominal. Valley, eoara to medium, lT'tVc: line, llic; eaetetn Oregon, 12a 10c Mint a lit new, one. BUKEP6KINB Shearing, loejaoei abort wool. 2(Ctiic; medium wool, SOfiioc; lapg wool, arf-fiLtt.nrt each. tallow rrim. per in, ibm no. 1 a ad greaae, Jrif. . CHITTIM BARK B per lb; buying price. HIDES Dry hide. No. 1. 10 In and np, 144eiBr per lb; dry kip. No. 1, S to 15 lha, 1L,e; dry calf.. No. 1. under 6 lba, ISHe; dry salted bulla, and suga, 1-2 leea tbaa dry Int: aalted hides, eteer. euund. 60 lha or av. 6tTc; AO to 00 Ilia. 6c; under So In and cows. Slide) stags and bulls, sound, 4Hs; kip, 16 to So lbs, 6vle; sound, 10 to id It, dVjc; calf, soond, under 10 lba, SHI green (un aalted) le per lb least cnlla. le per lb least horse hldca, aalted, each, f 1.2111. Til; dry, each, tl.flOQl.SO: colls' hides, each, aoflaoof goat aklna, common, each, lOQlSet Angora, with wool OS, each. 2ScQ1.00. - Butter, Zgga sad nltrp,- 1, BCTTRR FAT Sweet, 21e aonr, lSe, aneeea fi -- -- -- oaomu.i i . - fancy, 2oci ordinary, lT!4e; ator. 12ViflRc. EciOS No. 1 freah Oregon, 21 BBoandled. 19t2ncj bakers. llflc. CHKKBB New run cream, twin. lOUfl lie; Young Axoerlca. imait4e. POULTRY Chicken, mixed, lie nor Th! hena. 11H Bar lb; rooaten, old. Stje lb) yonag. 11c per to; sronera, jziaisc per 10; trrera, 12'3UHe lb; dnrka, old. 11 lb; yoang, lie per lht geeae, STe per lb; turkey. 17 IB par 101 orraae. isrzu per in. . - Fruit sad Vegetables, potatoes 4110. nominal, giai.26, buyers' crloea fur-faBaryl TV: new Oregon. 21.fi0Ul.IB per cwt; buicra' price, f 1.40gl.B0. ONIONS Walla Walla. $1.30; yellow Daa vera, t.TS garlt, 10 per b. . FRESH FRUITS Apr, Oregon. Sl.00Vgl.2S per boa; cheep, grade. 2&U7oa par bos; sranges, Mediterranean aweeta. I2.00CI 2.2S bar box; let VaUncUs, 24.2842.00 per hoi : bansnaa. Be per lh: lemnna, cholca. 22TB per boat fancy, IH.OO13a.TS par box: lime. Mextcas. 6S per 10i; pineapples, 22 osiif S.fx); cherriea, 6c per lb prlcot, Oregon, tl.0O4tl.26 per box; plnma, Bnrbanka. OOtltiO per box; peach pluma, t78 per box: neache. Oregon, SoiOc per box; Crawford. 7 It Jj Hoc per .; peara. - si.aoiBi.ou per pox; grapes. ntien add to Baat Portland. ...... ,w .. . BOO Chrla Algeahelmer and wife to Henry -Marco, lot IS. block 10, Norwood ' SI John Anderson and wife to Nellie B. Saa- ford, lot 2. btock t. Kaat Tahor Villa.... 1250 Job F, Kemp and wife to Joha Bodley, . undmoco v, m . nine 10, nanta Koaa Park add to Kaat Portland. trn B. II. Bohblna to A. Petereon, Iota S. a. mra no, rars aoa 10 aatai roritano..i 1 VV CJW 1 1 r, n 1 1 1. -w .rav .1,11 ,ri, 19 m astat from th Title Ouaraata A Treat eeat Ckuabet of Oammers badtdlaau ? . TODAY'S whits California. 1101.28 oee box: black Mam burs. 21. BO: black laa. oer boil eurranta. S . per lb; n-d rtherriea, , 4'rt7 per lli; blackberrlea, l.8o per erata; watermelon. (tnrttSl.OO per cwt; canulonpea, California. 21. AO use dosl nutmc.a. 12.00: Oregon, $2.0() per crate; , BMtarluea, ,11.50 box; kuckleberrles, l&e lbs' erabapples, lhtit SH per lb. VKOKTABLKS Tnrnlpe. 11.28 per ssck; car rots, i.zs per sacs; beet, gi xo par aar, reaon radUhea. loc oer doa: cabbage, Oregon. 2r per lb; lettuce, head. 16c per doa: greeo serpen, seiie petv lh: celery. SBiano doa: to. tnatoee, Oregon, iotlBne per box; iiareutpa. T5c 21. SB: er..n neaa Ac' oer fb! areeu OBlone. KW15o ter da: local - green corn. 10 dosl nle riant.. tw!U iter lb: string be ana 6c, rurnrahere. AuitiAOc par suX; aothoas. 10 ttllVee per d.. DRIED FRUITS Apples, evaporated. 24)Se per lb; apricots, H'Vllo per lb; sseks, e per is lesa; peacnee, THoB0 per in; pears. o' loo per lb; prunea. Italian. HiV,c per lb; French. 2iAi4Ue ner lb: Ana. California blaeka, ele per lh; do white. 6H7e per in; pluma. pitted, 63n) per in; aaioe, Kolden MUe a I AO ner IB-lb box. KAIRINi deeded, fancy 1-lb eartona. .60 packagea to caae, TH pkg; eeeded. 12- car ton, kttc; looa Mnacata. 50-lb boiea, BS per lh; London layer.; eluatars. fz.OOi V. IV: Ua. SOe advance over Douno eartona. . vae xen 1-10 earlonat cnoice Drasu, ici 10 Mb carton, fancy brand. 11.00; 10 1-lb oncga. x -crown. T?c;. 10 J IB nncaa, e-cntwrn, d9 H-lb brick, per box, 22.00; St bricks, S.I to eaao. 12 00 : 6-row la r era. oar 10-lb box. TOet loose, 60-lb beies, per lb, 6Hc Csllaymr- naa Six-crown, 10-lb eartona, per bx, fl.OOt 8 rtown, 10-lb rarkena, per bos, 11.75; 4-crowa. sv-ib cartons, per box, fl.TB. ' l re series, Bats, .Et. . SrOAR Sack baals Cube, 6.S0t powdered. So. 2.1 ; fruit granulated. Id. IB; dry granulated, fa.05; beet granulated, 23.96; extra O, 26.06; golden C, 26.40; bbla, 10c; VI bhla, 25c; boxes, 60s advance on sack haala, leva 26e awl tuacsah. 16 flare: maple, ust loo Bey ID. HONKT 14V015c. ' COFFER Green Mocha. HiltrV: Java, faaev. 2eiH2c; Java, good, 2ot2,-te: Java, ordinary, !Sai2Gc: Coeta Rica, fancy. hua20c: Cost Hies. good, J6lc; Coats Rtcs. ordinary. 11(810 per lh; psckags anffe, 112.78(313.78. TEAS Oolong, different grades, 2A4tfl6e gnn powdor, 2SlS2?re English break faat, dif ferent gra'dce, 12HtJ66e( splderleg, ancolored Japan, SoudOci grass Jspsa (very soarca). M SOe pee lb. ... ALT un Bale, xa, as. . oa, in, si.xo E i . V mvw, vmiij. vw, ew.ii.wi - -m, 4.15ia 1 imported Liverpool, 60. 218.001 6.60: 100s. 2I4.7B16.00: 224. 114. SOU 16.60;. extra line, bhla, 2a, Sa, Bs. 10s, 14.00; bulk. 2U ids, ga. no; aara a. nua, noc. SALT Cos rss Half ground. 100a, per ton, 60a, per ton, SS.68rJT.00; Liverpool lump rock. lS.50tt1A 50 per ton; 60-lb rock, .286.T5 looa. IS.TOWffas. (A hove prices apply to sales of lees than ear lota. Car iota at spacUl prtoas aabject ae nuct iiarinna. - GRAIN BA(!S Calcutta. SS.TBfld 00 Ber 100 HlUB imperial japan, no. 1. ne no. x. c; new urieans neaa. anvi Jkojaca, Sr; Creole. 4U424K. BRANS Bmall whit. SSieSVe: targ. whlu, 2(4; Pink. 4e: bayou, lct Llmaa, c; nexican reoa, oae. NUTS Posnuts. TUel In mhos. SU Bar Tb: raw. SaxlOe per lb for maateri: cocoannta. S81B1 SOo per doa: walnuta. ltVttlBtt per lb; pin nuts. 10Til2H per lh: hickory nut. 10 per lh; cheetnnta. eaatern. IBeilflo ner lht Brail 1 Mt. 15c per lh; fllberta. 1B1(tc per lb) fancy pecans, letfioc par id; aimopaa, lsejios per w. Masts, risk sad Previsions. FBESII MEATS Inspected Bef. atcera. Se per ID oowa, tttnttt per id; matton, areaeeo, 44ISr per lh: Utnbe dreaaed. Stade par, lb. FRK811 MBATS Front . atraet Beef, ataera. HM per in; pore, dioos. ijm per in Darken. TUo Per lb: bulla. 282 Dr lb cows, 8H4M per lb; mutton, areanab. 4tSc per lb; . veal, xtn. So per lb; ordinary, TfiTH per lb; poor, 6; Unb. xiA6ri per id. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland park lineal) ha me. 10 to 1 lba. 14C Per lbl 14 to Id lha. 14c per lb; 18 to 20 Ins, 14c par lh: cottage SVk per lb; breakfast baeoa, 1SH)1T per lb picnic, lie pes lh: regular - abort clears, unarooked. 9a per lh amoked. 10 Sc per Ibi clear backa. nnamokeo, 9e per in; amoked, 10 par lb Union bntt. 10 to IS lha, nnemoked. 8e per lib) amoked,' So per lh; clear bellies, unamoked, 11 per lb amoked. AXo per in. LOCAL LA K I Kettle leer. ins. ioa per tb: Be. 10t4e par lb: 60-lb tin. Ua ner lb: ateam rendered. 10a, a per lh; Bs, e art lh; 60s. 9Va per lh; compound tierce. per ID: tuna, c per in; wm. oiv pr ID. CANNED SALMON Oolnmhls river. 1-lb fslla, tl.88; 2-lb tolls. 12.60; fancy 1-lb Bats. t OO; ,-lb fancv-Sata. 1: fancy 1-lb ovale, 22.76; Alaaka ta'la. pink, SBOOOei nd, $1.60; aotulnai 2a. tall, 12.00. - FISH Rock and, S per Tbt SonndVre, 8 rer lh: halibut. Be. ner lbt eraba. SI. 25 ner doa: etrlped baa. 10AI2H per lh; carnah. So net Ihr aalmen. rhlnook, Sc per lh: ateelheada. M per lb; Dinenacaa, ec per id; nemn. oe per in; eoios, o? per id; eoriiura, iw per in; snao. dressed. IHe per lb; perch. 6c per lb: abad m, 12H per n; roe abad. Seller lb; black cod. ac per in. - OYSTERS Snoslwster bay, per gal, t2.2S; ner aack. 2.1.T6 Bet: Olrmpla. Ber aack. 15.26. CLAMS Hard ibell. per box, $2.00; raaor tuna, t. id per box. Pmlnta. Goal Oils, Its. -B0PB Prm Manila. 18 He) atandard, Mac: Slaal. lOHc. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatnl Csses. 2TH par gal; water white. Iron bbU Ids per gal. wondea tw gal: heedllght, lTO-deg, casaa 23c per sal. iron i,oia iic jw eel. LINSEED OIL Purs raw. In bMs Me oar aral. esse tMe per rlr genuine kettle boiled, re era 65 per gal, bhla 60c per gal; ground cake, ear lots $26.00 per too, less tha rare $20.00 OAHOUNB Sd-deg. cases S2e oer gaL tma DDia znc per gai; erovs, case xa vi per gaL l,nn hMa IHe ner ral. BRNKINK 413-deg, eaaea 22c per nL iron bbla ISHe per gal. PAINT OIL Raw, bote Se per gal. case xetc per gai; noneo, cseee vie per gai. TTJRPENTIN R la cases S6c Ber sal. srondeo bbla. Sis per gel. Iron bbU T9 par gsl, 10-lb aaee lot 84c per gal. WHITR LEAD Ton lots, T4 peg lb, 600-lb lots nc per in, leas toxs bv per to. Wins ihailb i-rrssnt dsss at 2.SO. ,, ' ,: BtaU tambar rrioaa. -i ;. .. Com. Select Clear C ' , ; . .Per Per Per ,,T , . " If Ft. M Ft. sf Ft Bcmgh. dltbsnal ins regnlsr slses 2x3 to 12x12, 12 ft.. $ 2.60 $10.00 $21.00 Bough, dtmenalms regnlsr elses to 12x1$. 84-40 ft... t.BO 1T.00 24.00 Iteicrh, dlmenaicns regular ' V alse to 12x12. 42-4S ft... 11.60 ISCbO 26.00 Keirh, dlmenalona regrUr alaea to 12,12. 60-60 ft... 18.60 xAna .an no For each additional 2 Inches In width add 1.00 BOO 2. AO For odd ' and fractional alaea aawsd add not tees . v , than BOO SOB" Ana For sswlng vertical grain , to 4x12 add 200 2.00 2.00 Onmmon rough Boards, reg Mr sines to ix in, win . to 24 ft., . Id., assorted lengths .....A 7. 2 50 11.00 Speclfted lens tha af beards $1.00 per M fast additional. ' Board to constat of lumber less tba t Inches la thicks, - . LIVESTOCK MARKET SHOWS NO CHANGES Portland ' Union Stockyards. Aug. 6. The a roe conditions exist Is ths livestock marketa todsy ss ysstcrdsy. bogs being very strong snd csttls snd sheep oalf moderate. Ths re celDts todsy anaalsted et 111 bogs. 200 csttU snd 4T6 sheep. Official ruling prices are: cattle tteac - eastern uregoa atcera, is ooi k . , 1 1, - a, e it... i .. is- , . i "v ai", e.- i.e. wi .ii.i, pimra, $2.78; cowa, 12.26; bulla, $1.T6; ataga, 2 00. flogs neea Beavy. eo.eo vaocs, sn.wi.vntna fnta, $5.60a6.76; atockara and feeders, $4.7$ fJS.OO. - Sheen Bast arala-fed wethers and lamba. $2.00T2.60; mixed aheep, H.70a20O. ' lASTIBBT E0OS OBEST STXAOT. ' Chicago, Aag. $. Livestock receipt: Hora. Cat lie. Sheen. Chicago '...........V..U.60O., 6O0 2,oo0 Kanaaa City 4.000 1,000 2V) Omaha $.100 60 7 B0 Hogs opened steady with S.oOO left aver. Recelpta a rear ago wen 11,000. Ruling hog prlcea: Mixed and bntchera, t5.06R5.00; good, 5 23jt8.60i rough., $4.TU14.90; light, $6.10J i.80. CsttIS HJW. Sheep Mtssd. ' ' AMTBICAV STOCKS IK tOBDOST, London. An. 0, 1:M B m. AtcMeon de- ellned Mi, preferred declined ;, Baltimore gj Ohio declined a. CBlcago at Altoa declined Cheeanoake A Ohio declined S. DenverA Rio Oramla advanced H. Krl declined U, Scats declined H. Illinois Central declined Mi. Mle- aourl, Kansas A T'Xaa advanced , New Tnrk Central declined H, Ontario A Waatera de clined H. Norfolk A Weatern advanced H, Pennarlvanla fleclinta H. Reading declined H. Soothers Railway preferred declined U, I'nlted State Steel advanced H. preferred ad vanced Mi. Wahaak advaoced Mi. preferred ad. vanced , conaola 871: rest unchanged. Demsad Storliag, ' ' ; New Tnrk. Aug. 6. Demand aterltng.14.loMj to $4.82,30; 60 aas, $i.Um to $i.ola- . J MARKETS LARGE INTEREST PROTECTS MARKET XTXOVOX 'ArAXZBTX.r BOT ZB CIOsTXD AT XOSCBBT TO BBOOtTBW AOB BSYBKmXBT 01" ABT AO TZTB BUXXa BCOTB, TXVT ABB Bourjra uotranriBB. ' (Pumlah.d by Owboek, Starr A Cook Co.) ,New Vark, Anguat 0. T. A. Mclntyn A Co. aar: Tha largest and moat Influential market li.Ureat, although apparently not Inclined at tb moment to aneourage to development of any ral setlvs bull movement, srs still holdlug oa t their securities snd atand ready to protect ths market on any occaelon. - Pending ths pubUcutlun of the. next govemmsnt crop re port on grain, which la the only reliable and irnatwortby iudex to tha probable extent of tba damage dons to ths wheat, crop, tba tndaoatlons are that apaculatlon la ths market wtll go mors Into the speclaltlea, and atocka of the railroad Bat which do not oom under th luflueno of crop acare. If tha government report ahould show leea damage to aprlng . whaat tbaa had been reported we might than ss soma revival of activity .and atlll higher prlcea. L'ntll this report is aaauea we would await aeTaiopinenia. 11 win o narrow-Tin ineo. - . Tbdsf'i afflcUl stock Bsrks . ' . I DESCBIPTioN, Anaconda Mining 6ST. Amal. Copper to...... Atohlson, eommoa..... do . preferred . . . . . . . Am. Car A foundry, s prererrea Is, bTigar, com mo. Am. Bmrlf.Tmmaaon , do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, do nreferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit! 61. Lanaiiiaa racioa, com. Chicago A Alton, aom: do pre ff -rred IIS Hi ota 14 V 0 A O. W., Mmwi. cni., aui. at. r.,.., G. A N. W., common... Chicago Terminal Hy. Cheaapesks A Ohio..... 148 Ssfcf SaVj Crlo. Fuel A Iron, com Colo. Southern, common -do second preferred do first preferred... D. A B. O., eornaua.,, 00 prererraa. Brie, common. . do second preferred. . do first preferred. . . . Illinois Central. M LouUvlllelA Naahvlll.. Met. Traction Co. ...... Manhattan Elevated...., Mexican Central By..... Minn., St. P. A St. H. Missouri Pacific 14. K. A T., common... do prfsrrad.....e... Nsw York Central HT 1IH 1S0V T2V 9.'l M, 18 dll Norfolk A Weetsrn, asm 1TI 614 00 pre rer rea N. T., Ont. A Wtra. SIM, 81 Mi 21 PennaylvanU ky... P. U. L. A 0. Co.. 1201. IVItt 101 Mi 1014 101' Pressed Steel Car, oom. 00 preferred Beading, common do second praf erred do flrat nreferred.. top. Iron A StseL oom. IV. ao preferred Bock I aland, common. do preferred Southern Ry., commi do preferred Southern I'aclOa..... 8t. L. A 8. r.. 2d pfd. do first preferred.... 7tft 675 St. L. 11. W.. sommoa do preferred. Teiss m racing Tennessee Coal A Iron.. Toledo. St. L. A W., . do preferrod.. tiiitna Pacific, common. do preferred 0. S. Leather, common. ' do preferred 0. 8. Rubber, common.. do nreferred .......... mi 88 t iVI TB 10s. i V. S. Steel Co., common 00 prererroa Wheelng A Lake Rria, do aecond preferred.., do flrat preferred. Wisconsin Central, oom Id 8 do preferred W. fj. Telegraph Wabash, common do preferred. .. American Ice. common. . do preferred ToUl sale for day. 180,400 share. B0ST0K C0PPIB BABBIT. Bostoa. Ang. . Pnlne, Webber A Co. aayt Th report that Port Arthur haa again fallen now cornea from very good source and if It to true It ought to give tb atork 'market a good lift. Tb proapnet'tor higher prloaa la tb copper continue very ravoraoi. Today1 official copper prices; ' Bid. ' Ask. Adeeetor '- ................... ta 1 AlVnrea , Atlantic m; Daly Wt MMj U Mohawk . d2l 42 ll OeceoU Mj Sbannoa, .....,, v' o 2 2 8Z 8 ,1 .281 24 1 icwria Maea .. Centennial Old Dominion 4fl V4 Dominion Coal .. 45V Bingham Dividend declared. 284 CKICA00 LOCAL ST00XS. Chicago, ' Ang. A Cos Local stocks Bid. National Blacatt T ' do preferred ..... ...10S . ink. American Bog . do preferred. . ...... T American OatvCo......".. ...... do prefcrevd 41 National larlmn 8t do preferred. ,....104 Diamond Match ...181 Chicago City By ', 17Q North Side Ry...... T2 , Weat Side Rr 4la, Boutk Bid By SO VXW T0BX BAJTat STATEMBaTT. v New Tork, August , A Today bank ststa- Bent: , Decree ae. .,$ 3l9.2no .. 823. .mo .. i.ssi.ano .. 1.SH6.8O0 Reaerre Less.U. S.. Loanad ............ a a ....... . a. Iegala ..,.... ........ I,ar4.1o0 n. ,elta . T52.20A Clrenlstlon $21,900 iBcrssss. t 1 roBuosr zxcbabob. . He- Tork. Aug. A Fnnlga xcjisng rsst Ramearr. 0(110 Ul Paris. BlTWtHlflU l Ant werp, 618ai6; Enrich. 6184 A ma ter dam, 40.861. Vienna, 20.28; Stockholm.' T8.91. , TOSAT'S BAeTIC CLIABM0S, Tb Portki ad clearing bouas today! Clearings ..................... $40. ART T$ BsUacaa If.703.BT xrw tobx coma hiohxb.. New Tnrk. Ang. A Th market la 10 to IB cents higher. The market th paat week waa dull, but tha undertone haa continued good. Th principal feature of the trading baa bee the continued liquidation of holding of tha September itlna, moat of which waa exchanged for March, and May. Th ont look I for a continued som para tlraly narrow bnt ateady Barker. Today s arnciai eone pries! - Bid. ' Aak. Angnat' Id 15 $8 20 September 25 d .10 October S.W 640 Nnvemher 8 45 a no December s no a no January 8 88 "8 70 Fenrnarp ..a. .f in , March i 8 8 fl 00 April 8 08 6 TO Mar T 00 I os Jnn T 10 T 20 July T 20 126 New Tork, Anguat 6. Havre and Hambnrg coffee eloaed at Mi advance.. Rio rccettita. 10,. 01 o bag, market firm) Santos, 60,000 bsgs, market firm. 2USM, X S 82 loVi 182 176 ,'T ' S0V4 Salmon Cannera Aro, Now Rushed with Ma terial Little Fish Her HESITATING BUT ZB OBUOAOO BIT TOSAT TXB 01XB , ZBCI OB VBBAT WAS) WBAJC OB rUBTKXB XalQTJXDATIOB, BUT TO0XS azxat TO BB vzu TAXX2T Z.OSZS i (Furnlabed by Ovsrbock, Starr A Cook Co.) Chicago, Aug. A Log at A Bryan ad via: Ia wheat. It wa a hesitating but nervoas market. Th opening wss weak en furthsr UuuliUtloa, but th wheat ssamed to be well taken and most of ths sarlr loaa waa re gained, Adrlcca from tha uorthweet cniu are of toe asm general character, but tba market le getting ua.d to It a little and tha mod erate atawmeut nut out .by Jooea yeaterusr mad a rather mora conservative satlmats f conditions. Northwest advices will coutlnu to D u principal indue nee for tba time lug. While tba market haa a big advene w nanny lee I - ilk getting bearlak antll tb new 1 dettnlt for that aoctlon. Pendlna thU. w look 6ar a hesitating market and ar inclined to think' wa would "buy whaat ao iue Hiary avreass, ' . Cora Bagstna Wsskaaa. In ora, then waa a weakaee aarly. - bnt th Cora waa veil bought sad tb early loss wss regained. Reeslpu shoot th earn and cash demand fairly good. Crop advloes srs atlafaclorv xcpt tlat ths general admle alon 1 that warmer weather would he ao advantage. Th -market do- not seem to D subject to much selling praaeura and wa do not ae whan paralatent preaeura U to com mm antu tb amwln eroo I eiiffl clently sssarad to tub) ths farmera aell naur .reel, Xarg Bsoslpts Feros Prto. la oata, tha large recelpta and tors eari- weiee aweoaixu xor in lower, price, in eaea mar a eta an Being treated to th asm sstl mats Bad premiuma an dlaappaarlug. Tb oata srs of flne. quality and wa an Inclined to think tby will b wanted around (urrent tWlCOB. Btill ia Previa Ions. la provision a, it to a dull market and wlth- 001 apeciai aignincanr. -rn packer do not ssem to. waot th atuS and tha market acta aeavr. . , Today'g official qnotatlnnat WHRAT. Open. Illrh. tarw. $ .P7"4 I .8014 .98 .97W .981 .95 .Hi .904 CORN, newneptf .now OldHopt. ;.TM Dee.. MI .97 May.... Sept.... Dec v May..., Sept. ... Dec May,... Cms. .9 i B .98Vl 7V 62 V. til OATS. , " .884 .824 ' ' .824 B .84 .884 .884 pITrV -m2 12 T2 10 80 12 42 12 70 12.82 12.46 . t.ARD. d 8T T9 . ATT S 2 $.82 8 82 , RIBA , T 62 T 82 T BT f.80 TBO ' 168 B .82 .B8T4 88-4 Sept.. Oct.. irTO 12. TO Sept."... Oct..... AST" d2 Sept.... . T 82 Oct..... T.tO raXKAXT, SKIPMZirTS AX9 CIXABAJfCEA Chicago. Aagust A Prlmarr recslnts: . Jodar lesr Aga Buah. Buab. Wheat .8"8.OO0 648.000 Cor 877.000 2U0. 000 Shipments wen: Wheat .177.000 200.000 Corn ,.430.000 184.000 Clearance were: Wheat and floor, 68.000 buehela; aora, 98, TOO buabate; seta. $0,000 Dveoeis. CHIOAtrO CASH WXXAT. aicago, Aagust 6. Cash' whaat . aim. No. S red, new..v s4 No. 8 red. new 98M, No. t hard winter... Mil No.. 2 hart winter M No. 1 northern, aprlng no No, 2 northern aprlng ,1"6 No. S aprlng..... 9S - '' F0BEIOB CB0P BXF0BTS. . Bid. Aak. 100 98 Vi 98 96 Liverpool. Aagnst 6. Broomhall aar! Tb com market at th opening t unquoted, but later It eaeed to Mi below laat nlght'a close. Th decline wa due to an eaaler feeling' In tb cash marker. Th Hungarian wheat crop be been ralaed S,200JC00" owing to tb neavy quality ox grain, nweden a crop proa pecU ban bees lowered by drought. . 0HI0AOO 0BAIX ioTS. Obtcago, ' Aag, $. Oraln car lota: V Can. Ore 6s. Bat. Wheat 118 6 115 Corn ....242 IT 237 Oata 881 180 876 Wbeat can tooart Mlnnespolla, 181: Dulutb 44. Tear ago: Minneapolis, 101) Duluth, 1 vsiosgo, stu. ' Saa Irsaotaoa Oraln Barks. Baa Frsnrlaos. Ansust A 11:80 a. as. aasu a!oa: Wbeat, December.,.. .$1.4414 $1.44 a Bsrtoy, December. 1.07 1.07 i lfw Tsrk trrata IfartMt, New Tork, Ang. A Closs: Whest Septem ber, $1.0114 Mo. iMSes auvar msrse. London, Aug. A Sling ta, ' Bnchanged at - Liverpool trrata Msrket. . Liverpool. Anruat 6. Cloee: Wheat. Sentjam. ber, S-lot. H lower. . Corn September, 4-814. H lowar. London wrala lfarket. ' Loadoa. August A 1:80 . m. Wheat. Aa. r:, unchanged; October, Mi lower; Deeember, lower. , - St.. lamia wisia Barks. ' St. Lenta. Ansnat A Close: Wheat. Son. tcmbr,r 964Q06 Vte. ! "I . - 4toTasxaBaxaasxstoitaaa Xsaaad City Srala Msrkst. , Kanaaa Cltv. Aoaust A Cloee: Wheat. Ben. tembr, 0640 bid. ' Mlnaeapoll Orala Market. Minora poll.. Aagnst A Close 1 , Whest. Sep tember, 9d4A Dulnth Oraln Market, Durutb. August A Closs: Wheat SeDtember. Vew Tsrk Orala Market. New Tork. August A Close 1 Wheat Sep tember. $1.01)4 ssked. ' LOWER PRICES THAN EVER LOOKED FOR (Famished by Over heck, Starr A Cook Co.) ' New Terk, Aagnst 6, T. A. Mclatrn A do. av: Th feature of tb weea In cotton was ths publication of tba regnlsr. monthly crop report on Wedneeday. Although thla made a much better showing tbaa had bees expected by tba trade, th bull clique which bad beea BianlpuUtlng tba market th paat fortnight gainst ths short bad succeeded In reducing their line to such aa account th day before the repoct appeared that tbey won la a batter Kit lon to protect tha market against th vy Balling pressor which developed Imme dlately Walter Its publication. It look a as tlngh tha present bu.ll movement will not leat long and that Its culmlnatloa 1 more likely to be followed by atlll lowar price tbaa we bvrjtt aeen for th crop. TQy a vtneill avxio aaarsex; linen. Hkah. ' Low. Cloee. January . . . .$ 9.81 $ 9.6$ $ 8.6$ $ 9 6n2 rebmary a . a.oiaxni March ..... 8S $.68 $.68 April . e a S 7n8 May 9 68 9 T1 $ 80 m.,(J7i Anenet . . . . CT 10 00 $ T S B rt01 8-ptcmbr . , . S 0 9 81 S.75 9 78U79 October . , . . 86 ' 9 88 9 62 SS HS Ooverooer ... w e" e o . e-o-j v o.i'oo December . . .. A0O l.2 $.6T $.68ift . . . ) Liverpool Oottoa Market. . I.lverBonL Ang. A Oottoa closed S to d points lowar tbaa yesterday. New Terk Cash Oee. New Tnrk; Ang. A Cash eoSl K. f Ble. 7Jlkl N. a saatoa, saA - - Something ; New A House and Lot For Sale on Payments. , v of Only $10.00 PER MONTH POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY. ' INVESTIGATE AT ONCE AND STOP PAYING RENT. A Ptw Ftrtt-Clan Afmt) Wanted Arleta Ltind Co, Succasaor to POTTER Ok CHAPIN . 24tf STARK STREET THE UNION LAND CO. C. 0.' I Var, Jl It Ahlgrsn. OB BTBXXT. 34Va MO Some Choice Bargains Oifttr Btauid, In snotl location; doing 00a ouaiuaaa, . lor Bwatattrajtt N)c. elaan, flourishing place: making $11 par day. Prlca, f l.ivv; a a nap, K Xaodglnc-Hotiss Qood plAea; $1 poom TB fund tar ef S-room kemsa for bj; Una xurnituro for only $460. Balf txttaraart in good raitauraat; a Una ctianca for ittoo. . IS Aorsa rood land; I aorta alear; nearly clear: $ In timber: good house wall: all fenced: 1100 down, your own terms on baiauioe, at $ per eent; only I muee irom J'ortiana; , mil zrom -good R. K. station. aiooav Pino place; eoat of fixture $3,- ooo; win sen at eoat, stock, tnrowo in; - - a snap zor sauoon man. 266-Aore farm for rent; Implements for aaie; so besul oi a took. 100 tona of nay: 20 acrca In oata; 12 In potatoea; good nouns, barn; standing crop goea with outfit; all' neoeossry Implementa and aiocat; o-year lea ior oaiy s,oow. Boomlng'-Blonae 1 1 rooms i bast locaV Hon In town, for $800. eO-Aere good farm: 10 clear; 10 acres tn . brush; anme a-ood Umber; "house, barn; an xencea i,vv v. (Etttnptxvivi Farm for Sale Br la yong qhaaoe to get one of tha flneat 40 screa. all under cultivation; a few mllea from town, on good road; house of S ronmi; t wella. Earn, atone cellar! larae broodar-hous for chickens: 20 head fin Jersey stork, will aell for $30 per head to purchaser or place) ana throw In machinery for creamery. Am Clearing $1,800 per year over, all ex pense. Price $0,000 1 will make terms to suit What have you to trade for 60 acres, less than a mile from Klamath Falls, the coming town or outnern uregon. Diamonds Preferred. Address C20 Care Journal 5-Room Modern Cottage For Sale at Woodmere Terms to suit. Choice lots In Laurel wood. 11 per month. Mod ern T-room bouaa to rent. Take Mt. Scott car. First and Al der. CEO. W. BROWN 03 railing- Sldr. nose. Main sis. J. W. Ogilbee Room 11, 145 First St. $2600 PM- $-room $0x100 fkat on Grand are. Eaat Market atreet. good, well built cottage. bath. concrete basement, woodhouse. Very cheap property and A good horns; go convenli lenuy aituatea. $850 One lot, SOslOO feet, on Eaat Hth street, near Bea con, with a good 4 - room cottage; cheap home. COMMISSION CO. (buwrporaked) Capital sad Bnrpln a SAOO, fJOtXOO. . Brokers In Crain,Prov1sionj, SlocKs and Bonds targrat rrtvst Wire Srs teas la Aaaarts. BiaWoaxaTila aad Cunaw latlv. R. K. ALDUIV. Mananar QMUIJl ! (0. . ear ber Cklcag Board ef Trass. GRAIN. PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS snd COTTON 02 TnlrtlSt, NtsrStirk ' .- first. MslsJUl W a are aonx-arteil k aHvaas avleaai artts Messrs. Logsa A Brysn. Cblcsge a a Sew Vork; Walker 3ros., i. S. Sacbe C4 Mew Tork Stock Bxckangat UaboarO Broa. C., New Tork Cotton Bicksnssi Saln-btld A Roe. Son: N.W Orleans Cottoe Kactiaeeet fleece llertk A Co., New Terk Coffee Bxrbsogei Pele. weoner co.) Bostoa Copper a a a tori a rhagl Pick Broa. A Co. kaw Tork aag rM. el,hla Stork Biefcaagv. TOO 1ATB TO OLASaMTT. TWO good bustler can make fro ax $4 to $1 a day;. call at S84H Morriaoa au BF8TADRANT rveryhlng complete. an8 ge$ llttka Biac. lino-, liou noes, tlaie sa 01- aaM.. sot'A aaorrlaoa at, Wa ' Osarge Re Interact fog CarryUg tasag .... Stocka ClAdlAllAS COUNTl Aside from Its lolnlng on ta the city II ml la of Portland, haa more natural ail Vantaaea then an. nlh.r rnuntv la the atate. It growa better fruit, grain -wnd vegetablea, and more and better pota toea than Is produced anywhere else In Oregon. Besides, with th market vf tne northwest right at. her door, ner landa are from $0 toy 1$ per cent lower In price than can be bad else where. Not th following: $30 PerAcre . tH acrca at Spring-water; 180 In cultl-i vatlon; 14 acres orchard; new buildings: . near school, poatortlce and atore: 1$ screa In hay: lVk mllea from Cnaadero, present terminus of O. W. P Rr. Into rortiana; nrat-ciaaa grsvsl roan into Portland and Oregon City; can ba ad- yantageously divided Into $ farm. $18 Per Aero ' 110 acres 40 In cultivation; red loam eon fin for fruit; 10 acrea lltfht timber; running atrenm; 25 acrea In clover; 1 acre In apples; dwelling;; barn; gran-, cry: mile from Casadero on O. W. P. A tty; $ miles to Highland; 1$ head a . ivy , w iniiaa I 'J riiguianu, . i . v. of cattle, 10 acrea grain, potatoea, etc, go with gala. Dirt eaeap. Balf aasaa ' ; $7 Per Acre ' SO screa; $ acres Slashed, balance light Irowth; about 10 acrea untlllsbie; oaly. tnllsa from Mollala oom are. . : . $30 Per Acre 111 acrea; $0 In-cultivation; 14 acres Orchard; large aprlng; 1.000,000 feet of gooj saw' timber. . , 05O Per Acre . 49 acres, 1 mllea from Oregon City; level; timber cut -off; balance brush; surrounded by fine farms; no lmprove menta. Big Speculation $1,000 caah buys tl lota on Hawthorns ava, Eaat Side. , Cross Shaw BBAIa BSTATB ABB XBTBSTKBBTS. S33 Waahlngtoa Street. vaaw eveaI lai . I ui i(u if.i . - bottom; HO acres cultivated: 400 acrea paature and $40 acrea heavy , yellow fir timber; land all One soil, and well watered; - new $ - room house, with hot and eold water; ' new barn, frulthouses, chicken house, atock barn; water piped Into house and barn: farm controls 14.- ' 000 acrea splendid hill and moun tain range; now on the farm 12$ hnai nf rattle. iS hnsa. 10 areata. $00 chlckena; altuated In Benton county; fine community; might take . smaller farm aa part pay. Price, Including Crop, 10,000. IBS A CABS All first-clsea soil; 10$ acres In high state of cultivation; 13 acrea fine timber; flae S - room house, hall, pantry. In nice Condi-' xiun; large xrauii narib wnn ainu,. nice amokehouse, painted; fruit drier; - wood short, with driveway; ' 1 workshop; 4 acrea In oholce fruits; one-third mile to creamery, atore, school and church; 10 mllea to Van- ' couver. In Clark county, Waah.; - one of the beat farms in the a tale . 7. boo.. 400 ACB.IB All under fence; nearly H open grazing; land; a good atock ranch; In - Linn county, Oregon; . will trade. Into Portland property. only ss per acre. -. -, , 100 A Cat X All good land; 80 acres fenced;- to acres cultivated; 2 acres seeded; amall orchard; run -nine stream of water; fronta on - main road; H mile to school: IT mllea out. near Tualatin river; bargain at $1,800. BXBB OBOWIBO bualnesa; 'choice loca tion, on Washington atreei: moaer- aie tor pariiuumrei can -on Henkl A Baker, $17 Ablngton building. - WABTBSWTo buy a good farm, value l,uoo to giu.uuu; preter stocsea; ive gooo description ana location. , hat have you to orreri . . HENKLE (EL BAKER , SIT ABZBOTOB BtTZUZBO. A BARGAIN Lot 50x100 with 3 story brick on First Street Rents for S180 month Price $22,000 The Healy. Investment Co. 210-214 Abington, 106 Third St. ForSalcorExcliange Two A No-1 Home stead Relinquishments Will cruise 4,800.000 feet flr timber;- H mile to the eilets river; a shanoa of A UfetlmA Only ; , 5175 Each We kave bargains ta tixabsr and fsnk lands. lavestors would do themselveo a favor by looking tHam ap, We have farms and elty prop- . srty to easlusnge for rtuwhes and a tot farms, . ... . .. A BBW BXTBA OOOD BOBCBSTBAD ABTS TTMBXB t7ZaAZBU$ TOM X.O0A TXOB. . Maxwell Burg IS ABIKOTOW 1LSA, BOBTtABB. Neat Flats and Houses ISBOOrlat $ rooms, rent tit. , lOOOO Fist 10 mmiM, rent tSO. iflOOO nut 00 rooms, rrni ; 10O0 House 10 rMmS, rnt 10 60 House roonis. mil ew. . 60 Flnt $ rooma, rent IJO. a , - ,h. ahava housoe Wtthfa S blocks of ths Hotel Portland. . s Walter A. Green ' a si ism $wv4 BOWVTBO. BOrZTJrtl A CO, (Ustabllshsd 1A WBXAT ABB BTOCB BBOZZ3, ? Beova 4, voe4 Wl. t7BAJBVaB A C. n, t FARMS 1 , ' ' ' ' " y- - f