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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1904)
THE OREGOfT DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST " 6, 1904. 11 REPESENTATIVE HOMES OF PORTLAND f A kMldnut of Imb Walt. Twentieth ul l"laader Street. On of Portland's finest bouses In every rpwt' Built solely for com fort, and of that Colonial atyl which always looks so Inviting. Heated and ventilated by gravity system. Installed by W. Q. McPhersoo Company. Whldden A Lwls. architects. - .'..''.... ' , ' PLUNGER RYAN IS HELD AS SWINDLER lOCOTJFT Or S3S CiFTVU W VSW YOeUC AVB SOS OAMXXM RLUD miOTOVS ACTS HIS AXr- .UaiS MVXKH BOVT WZTX A '.' OOSPSS. . " ' ;' ;. ' ' (Joarnal Special Service.) ' '' , Bt Louis, mo., Aug-. . Conn 3. Ryan, ' the heaviest race track -plunger that St. . loui has aver produced, has been - brought back from New York to stand trial on four Indictments charging -him K with ths embesslement of $800,000. He " , Is at liberty on bonds furnished by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary lAtoney. These charges, Including many other . - charging him with the larceny of smaller , amounts, were framed up against Ryan . ,by the man who has been after htm for a lorig time. Circuit Attorney . Joseph , Folk, Missouri's candidate for governor. Ten minutes -after Ryan arrived over the Pennsylvania, his attorney, Charles iNolan, stepped from an Illinois. Central ,'traln revealing a chase which tWe at- ..." I y T..- - 'r l i 1- im 1:11 ') tomey made from Mew Tork as ths re sult of a rune the detective had played to get th prisoner. , Nolan declare that Ryan was kld . naped by the detective and an attorney who went to Jersey City to represent the . stats In any legal proceedings which . might arise. Nolan Is outspokon In de nouncing ths method which ha says was - used In taking Ryan out of New Jersey. Here In St. Louis 1 where Rysn is really at home. It Is here that he killed , "Red" Houlihan, and whers he himself was shot and almost killed by the friend ' of Houlihan. It was at tle south side track that Ryan Jumped the fence and raced away from the hundred or more excited player who had bet liv hi book. It was here that he kept one of the toughest saloons in Missouri, . and re , laxed from the more serious stress of life ' to take part In such festive amusement -..'a stealing dead Chinamen from their coffins to make companions of them en tours, through the tenderloin. , i Tallow-Slamoad Hong. ' In New York John J. Ryan Is known I as a flashily-dressed, yellow-diamond wearing plunger who boasts that he - never falls to bet on a race and nevet . beta less than a thousand. Stirring tale I are told of his carrying baskets filled 'with bank note to th Saratoga track to take up his markers. . Here In 8f Louis, Ryan 1 known a a "welcher," a men-killer and one of the moat notorious of 4he toughest set lh St .. Lout, v' " , ' '.'.. It ws her In Bt Louis also that he started the get-rlch-qulck scheme that ' got him Into trouble and which finally , , brought him beck her on a requisition from the governor of Missouri. acada) Kanjr Snemle. In St Louts he ha alway been known , a "Baldy" Ryan, a nam which nature' Inroad upon hi man made possible. He mingled in politics here, and even be jfore he killed his man had made so ' ' many enemies that he never ventured abroad without a weapon. With "Cuddy" Mack, John McOUllcuddy, tried for kill , Ing . J. H. Lahmer, and others, . Ryan organised a gang opposed politically to that of "Snake" Kinney. With Mack, he owned and personally sujervised one of . the toughest saloons In St Lbut. called The Metropole. Thl was In- Olive street Later he owned a saloon at Sixth street and Franklin avenue, which "' was - alwsy under th surveillance of the police, , Ryai made book at the South Bid , track In the early nineties, but was forced to quit . there ' after he bad welched." A horse named Valparaiso, was th prohibitive favorite at rdds of 1 to- t. , but Ryan. It Is Vld by th old gambler of St Louts, offered I to 1 on th horse ' and to&k in all th - money he cold handle. . . Valparaiso won,' and although 'th gtewer locked 'Ryan vaulted th fence and made a successful get-away. . Th track management later returned all . the money that had been bet but not th money that should have been won. It was three year ago that, Ryan killed "Red" Houlihan in .the saloon which he owned In partnership .with "Cuddy" Mack. Just whst brought about the killing has never been learned . officially, as there Was .none present but friends of Ryan and Mack. Houlihan wa a police character and a ward heeler, and after a brief quarrel Ryan thrust a revolver against Houlihan's stomach- and shot him. . The man died before he could make a statement and while Ityan was arrested the grand jury could never get together evidence enough to Indict. . It was Jlot long. after this-that Ryan, while standing on the corner of Twelfth street and Clark avenue, was phot In the abdomen. ' One of the Kinney ' had paased but a short-time before ' . and Ryan accused him of doing the shooting. but later retracted this statement. ' It was on the night ' of - March 20, 1900, that Rysn I said to have taken a dead Chinaman from his coffin In order to enliven an otherwise dreary evening. He afterward proved an alibi, butt was shown that the two men he had been with the grester part of the .evening bad uncofilned one Gam Lee, mayor of Chinatown, who was lying in state in Hop. alley, and that they .had driven merrily about town in a cab with the dead Chinaman and had created some thing of a sensation' in several saloon by taking the gaudily dressed body Into bar room and standing it bealde the bar while ' they toasted the corpse. Wearying of this after a while they left the body lying in the street where It was afterward found and taken to th morgue. Became nationally Botorlooa. It was not until bis. get-rlch-qulck concern caiiapsed in February, 180J, that Ryan became nationally notorious. At that time there ' were -several so- called Investment companies in opera tion, each of these promising to pay 4 ana o per cent a. week to subscribers. The largest of these concerns wa the EL J. Arnold Turf Investment 'company: At th head of the second In sis and Importance wa John J. Ryan. .It waa called the John J. Ryan Co-operative In vestment company. ( It was' discovered when th crash cam that he had iO.OOO subscriber . In all part of th country Vnd that at that stage of the game he had tl.too.OOO In caah taken from these victims. The federal bankruptcy settlement gav to each of the subscribers something like i cent on the dollar. Ryan, It 1 said, took out of St Louis the creater Dart of these "Investments" and . that on this money he ha been doing hi sensational plunging ever since. Start Outlaw BAo Track. In connection with hi "et-rich-aulck schema he started an outlaw race, truck at Newport Kr. This waa nrtihi, h. pnost marvelous affair of the sort ever siaMlsned.t. Steward, timers, horse, jockey, all belonged to Ryan, and It was nera mat na Juggled with his subscribers money. Based on. this scheme, his litera ture became moat enticing atuff. And th subscriber fell over themselvea to get at mm ana give mm their money. When Circuit Attorney Folk got after these "Investment" companies this schema fell to piece and Ryan' com pany collapsed. Later there was a new development In th case when th Inves tigation of the poatofflce department scandal showed that Ryan' mall had been favored In a anoet auspicious man ner, and, Daniel Voorhles Miller, second assistant to Deputy Attorney-General Tyler, wa Indicted for conspiracy. Th jury dlaagreed on the first trial, and on th second Miller was acquitted. ' Wears XVoad Shirt. Ryan appeared In the east last year, spectacularly dressed In clothes that would have disturbed the slumber of the Inmate of a deaf and dumb asylum. He always' wore the loudest shirts he could buy, selecting those with combina tion of red and yellow and purple In broad stripe. A quart of yellowish white diamonds adorned his chubby linger and sparkled gloqmlly from his collar button, the front of his shirt and from every available place upon which a diamond could be fastened. Ha plunged spectacularly In the east nd won hi greatest notoriety by betting tla.OOO on Irish Lad at Saratoga and $30, ooo on Africander. It wa at Stratoga that h tJO.Mo o th track in coupla of largo basket In nn automobile to take up hi marker of th day before. H had offer! n, -heck for (hi amount at- one of th local bank and had de manded bill for it. '. There wer but few $100 bills n th bank, and he was forced to take th greater part of the amount In Ave and ten. His advent at th track wa the cause of a. sensation. Last October he was ruled off the New Tork race tracks; but wa reinstated last January. L . . , . Bnjoy Ooney Island. ' . Although practically n th custody f the detective who went from her to make his arrest, Ryan had s.n enjoyable time at Coney Inland preceding his return to Bt Loula He went to "Dreamland" with "Dan" CVRellly, one of his lawyers, his friend, John Consadlne, and Detective Lee- KUIIan of. Missouri, who had In his pocket Governor Dockery' warrant for Ryan, countersigned by Governor Odell, and who treated Ryan with great con sideration. , At Coney Island Ryan met-Cornelius1 Fellows, Jr., Bydey Paget, Da Couroey Forbes, "Jack" Follannbe and other racing men, who wished to talk to htm about the sale of his horse In the pad dock at th Brighton Beach race track. The whole party went to Johnny Con sadlne' cafe dn th pier at Dreamland and the popping of eork and the "fls" of -champagne wer Ilka tha roar Of the wave and their foam. .Only Detective KUIIan drank lemon and eltser,. but he seemed to enjoy himself very, much Indeed. He wora two huge diamonds In, his shirt bosom and on on hi finger,- whose brilliancy almost eclipsed th gem that decorated. Ryan. Everybody talked horse, the damp air was full of Reliable; for which ih get-rlch-qulck man, expected $35,000; of Mon ster and Paul Clifford, Metros, Paget, j TWO LITTLE GIRLS HEIRS TO $ 1 5,OG9,G00 iou. iTiuoi two uma rrav- DATJOHTX AXOirO AJOUUOAw wiiiTinii muiiii an WAS MBS. 9AM Sim WOU B tASI MAmmiAOS. , 1 New Tork, Aug. . -Th two llttl IIMOO.OOO heiresses, Laura McDonald tallo and Helena McDonald , Stallo, daughters of Edward K, Stallo, who re cently married Mrs. "Dan" Hanna. ar not going to change their nam' to- Mo Donald to Inherit the Standard Oil mil lion of their maternal grandfather, Alexander McDonald, president of the Standard Oil company of - Kentucky. They do not need to change their names to propitiate their grandfather. They are going to inherit the Standard Oil million . anyway. They have been reared and educated from their birth to the expectation of soma day becoming mtatresse of the fortunes of $18,000,000 each. ". . .. '' , ' . .. Last week Alexander McDonald ap plied to the courts to be. made guardian of the personal fortunes, amounting to $1,000,000 each, which th two children posses. The action gave rise to the rumor that Mr. McDonald was going' to adopt th two .little girls, change their !ame to McDonald and make them J his heirs, in rumor gave tna impres sion that the children were to be adopted by their grandfather because of the marriage of their father to Mrs. Msy Harrington Hanna. . the divorced wife of young "Dan" Hanna. . Story Is Denied. ' ' An official denial of this story ha been Issued by Henry C. Qulmby, Mr. McDonald's attorney, and the friend and assoclata of Mr.' Stallo. "There was never any question of adoption or alteration of the children' MRS. MAT HARRINGTON ' - HANNA STALLO. i name," said Mr. Qulnby. . "Tha appli cation of Mr. McDonald to be . made guardian of the children' fortune had preference alone to the property left them by their grandmother, Mr. McDonald' wife. . Mrs. McDonald was a very rich woman In her own right and died, a shs Intended, without leaving a wil. Her entire1 fortune of IS, 000,000 went ac cordingly, to her husband and her two grandchildren, her only heir at law, sine her only ohlld, th mother of th two' children, had died several years before. Mr. - McDonald was made executor of the estate, and, to facilitate tha management of the property, had himself made guardian of the $2,000,000 inherited by tha children as well a hi own $1,000,000. "The published account of this mat ter and th misapprehension arising from It have given th Impression that the relations between Mr. Stallo and Mr. .McDonald were somewhat strained because ot Mr. Stallo' marriage to tha former Mr. "Dan" Hanna. This la not true. In th Ohio day of th Mc Donald family, when Mr. McDonald' business interest were In Clifton, near. Cincinnati, th McDonald' were friend of th Hanna. Mr. Stallo, who alway lived with the McDonalds, even after his wife died, knew Mrs. Hanna, and ad mired and respected her. He understood perfectly, did Senator Hanna himself, that th difficulties between Mrs. Hanna and her husband wer not of her mak ing. When, eight year afte tha death of the first Mrs. Stallo Mr. Stallo mar ried Mrs. "Dsn" Hanna, there was not th slightest objection mad to th union by Mr. McDonald. . Both Saaattfnl Chlldraa. ' Th children hav been with their grandfather a great deal of the time, and have been reared in the-expectation of inheriting hi vast wealth. It hs leaves his fortune to them and at present they ar hi only heir at law they will each receive about $16,000,000. If ha doe not they will be compara tively popr receiving only tha $1,000. 000 each left them by their grandmother, with it natural Increment "The little girls are now 11 and 14 year old. They are both very beauti ful children, and hay all th advan tage of travel and foreign society. Their" paternal grandfather, John Stallo. of Cincinnati, wa in mister to Italy under Cleveland and, during his resi dence In that country, had th Bt alios and the two little girl with hint A great part of the time." Monocordos, Chief Mllllkln and the others that wer to com under tha hammer, of what t they can and cannot - do on tha trace; ana ,oi me . price they should bring. . V Then Messrs. Fellows, Paget end their Immediate friends went their way. rerseoatlsf for VoUtloal Meet. v Afterward th talk turned ' to Ryan's arrest Every one agreed that - Ryan would "beat It," that Circuit Attorney Folk, who la tha Democratic candidate for governor of Missouri was really per secuting an Innocent man for political effect. - . "Outmgeouat" Anottier bottle!" " Detective KUIIan continued to drink lemon and seltser and seemed to . be deaf. About 11 o'clock at night Ryan went to hi fine- noma at Bensonnurstr' and Kllllan went with him. They went on tha pleblan ears, as Ryan saw proper to us neither his big - auto nor his open carriage with hi liveried negro driver. . To be sure, Ryan, missed seeing th race and was somewhat bored by torn- Dllcated proceedings In th courts. But even in the criminal court building Ryan amused himself by giving a tip on Gold Tn In the Holiday stake st Brighton Beach. Gold Ten ran second. - Beside he dined at his horn at Ben- senhurst with lot Of good fellow. III 1 TfcU Ragnlflctnt total papular vata HERE ARE i Cotttvif Uprffhta, 10 Kingsbury Uprights, Jnad and guaranteed by ...i - Th Cable Co., Chicago, 20 Apollo Piano Player, mad and guaranteed by Tbe.Mellvlllo Clark Piano Co., Chicago. ' 70 ALVIst Camera, saada gaarasteUd by Maitiscep aad ' 20 Chicago Cot t tage Organ, made and guar- - anteed by Pilot 'Ce., Barllag. .tea. Wis. 10 New Royal Sawlag Macbiaes, asade and g aaranteed by tilt- The Cable Co., Chicago. , aals (swing Machine Ce., Chicago. - far tha Nearest Correct Estimate . -Ose Win ton tourln ear, ISO model. Thle automobile, with lu twsnty borse-powsr motor. Is eoacsded to bs tba most Dsrfect tar (eneral ins manuraoturvd; raJua, 13. t). r or tteaad nearest Correct Kstl. mats ons Masoa special ebnntxed a d Hamlin srand plaa, sea; value $1,21)0, Nearest Estimate. For Third K One Oonevsr rrand piano, apeclel mabocany ease; Talus, Tooo. Kor Tw Neat Nearest Estimate Two Cenorer eablnst srand nprtrht plaaosi spsolal mahoa-any oas; vaJus. 1800 each. Far Two Meat F earest Katlmataa -Two Conovar cablast frand uprlrht plaaoal special mahocanr oaas: valus t.VM each. Far Neat Nearest estimate One Oonover eablnst erand uprlsht plaaoi special finished maiioranr oew; value, f MtO. Far Twa Neat Nearest Eetlmataa Two Apollo eoocsrt raad piano playarel apeclai atahoe-aar cases; value S50O aacb. Far Next Nearest Estimate- One Oonover cabinet arand apristit plaaei pedal mahocanr esse; valus, (4ao, ror iw neat nruen j&sti- matsa two adoiio eonoart arajid piano play ers: special mahocanr msh; veins, 4SO wen. Far Next Nearest Eatlmate .One Klnaabury sprlfht plajw; special rlea walnnt double vaneered ease: valus. I4O0 For Two Next Neareet Eatlmatoa Two Apollo erohsatral trand piano playarsi spactal mahosany case; value. 1400 saca. . For Neat Nearest Estimate One Klncaburr sprl(ht plaae; rich ataborany Venaared case: value, $.tT5. For Next Neareet BaHmnte One Klncaburr piano; special mabocaay ease; value. 1490. For Two Next Neareet Eetl mataa Two Apnllo orchestral erand plane plavara; mahoeaay cans; raJue(l'W each. For Next Neareet Estimate Ons Klnnbury piano; spaclal Snlahsd walnut easa; Taluc, t32B. For Two Next Nearest Eetl mataa Two Klnrabury apricot pianos: oak eaaj.; vaJuiWoo each. , i For Twa Next Neareet Estl- metes Two Apollo master piano, plavere. with epeclal daalcned maitocany case; value, 27 aacb. . For Four Next Naareat Batl mates Pour Apollo maatsr piano players la mahoeaay nnletaH ease; value. 1150 aarh. . For Six Next Neareet Eatt Ihalae l Apolloatts plans players; maho SJiv flnlahad; valus. 1175 aarh. Far Twa Next Nearest Rattnaatee Two Chlcaro cettaco arcane, beautifully anlahad, black walnut caaa: value, llbOaach. Far Two Next Neareet Eetl mataa Two Chiracs eoteace orcans; walnut: alua. $m aaoh. Far Feur Next Naaraat Eetl mataa Four Chloaceeottace orcana; walnut; valua. Illjt each. Far Four Next Naaraat Eetl mates Vour rhieaco eottace orcaae; oak; Valua. 1110 sach. ' : Far Faar Next Naaraat Esti mates Poer Chloaco eottaca orcans; walnut) value. tMlaarh. , For Two Next Naaraat Esti mates Two extra heavy eolld cold men's Watchae; eeventean Jawala-value. .MS eeWi For Two Next Nearest Eatl- vtr. heaw aolld snld lanlee watches' set with diamond; (Iftaea Jswaia; For Correct Eetl- HI ADDITIONAL SPECIAL PRIZES FOR EARLY ESTIMATES Tern naareat oorreot astlmat reeeived aa or after Annst 1, and bafor Asuraa IS, on Oonover Cabinet TXprlrut rlaao, vaJo $840. For aeareet oorreet eaUmata reodved oa ot after AtMrast IS, aad bafor ptenabM X, oa xitursbo-ry wpnTt IMPORTANT. STATISTICS TOTN IN OTHEN TBAlUk - The TOT AX POPTJLAK VOTE tar Praeldeat la the year ladd was., lHtat wee.. d.frM.TM i!R4.dH..lnersese of df tS par rani 1H7V wee.- .4rin.l.5.. Increase ot 1! 12 let percent 18t was.. .4I2. 7.1.1. .Increase of SO 10 per cent ato was., ,2i.4't.. Increase of 47 percent 1SN4 was.. 10.044. fd.. Increase ef 0T per cent hm$ was..l.t.)w..lncras of 18.10 per cent 5 Mil waa. .12 (vo . 101. .Increase af SMparesnt m4 was.. 1$.(W.11J.. Increase ef 15 45 percent u0,o$..lDarasa s( M set cent . exmvt PiaTjRE, . . The total population ef th tTnlVsd Atatec (not fncludlns Territories the Dletrlct of Columbia. Hawaii, tba Philippines, and Alaska! la the rear 10 was 4.m $40 iatso was., UK) was.. SOS wae ( ........... ...........B? Ill 811 T4 5 444 (estimated) ejaaa Collection f'C'fts ! bi awardad !o for Praildenl at thai Unitad-Statu at tha tomlnf aleotloit to ba bold Novambar 8( I9J4. SOME oiF? THE LEADING PRIZES: First PrlioWlntoa Touring . ad guaranteed by Tha Wlataa CONDITIONS OF THIS GREAT CONTEST-. This eeateat I based the fatal -vat ta be east far th office ( President at th I alte States, aad will elas at saldalaht, No esakar Tth, 10O4. Tha affleial flsrare.ef the, aroveraaaeat will de termine th result, aid tha prlsea will ba awarded by a enasaaltt of disinterested Jnderen. Eavtisaatars wtlt receive a oartlfleatt far each estlaaata, aad tbeea will entitle tha holders ta eh prises aa ther aaay win. .Whca tha eonteet la deetded each estlanatar will ra , aetva a printed Hat mt th aaeeaafal eetlaaatar. HOW TO MAKE AN ESTIMATE. It easts yaa uothlnar ta be entitled te participate. Tea pay aaly tba rearalar prre of the paper aad ynn aret f raa a ekaaee ta win ana ar snore of tba n.OOO handsome aad valuable prlaae. Vaa ara enti tled t aa for aaeb twenty-five eeata paid on subscription ae . eonnt, provided remittance and subscription ara forwarded to aether, but no estimate will ba allowed on a remittance at lass Ikas est dollar. '.... . '. ' ' DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. " 1 These B.OOO prises, valued, at $40,000, 'ar all tha finest af their kind to ba obtained In the market, aad tbalr quality a ara a ran teed by tha well known firms from wklek they were purebaeed. Tkey 'will ho dletrlbeted to the winner on the abeelate merit of their ea 'ttmatee by tba Central Press Association of C'hleaarn. la ease af a tia for any Individual prlsa It will be awardad Jointly. Partici pation la this eantest is not confined ta auV readers, aetaaeanteet in being advertised In a number af other pukltcatlana, the eua aerlkers t all af which kava aa! apportaalty ta share la tba dlatrlhatlen ( tka prlsea. SO HlfhOrsde Solid uei at uoia ruiea o. sba 100 Moore' Non.Lekble Fountain Pen. . JHea's and-Wea American Pen ea's watchet. THE mate One Swlaa renaatar; atem wind teen dawaled eentteman'a watch! oDn facet twenty year caaa; atrlkea hour and quarter; valus. its. For Two Next ' Naaraat Eatl- matsa Two Chleace eottaca orcana; walnut; value. 75 each. - . For Tea Next Neareet Esti mates Ten Naw Royal parlor eablnst eewlnc inachlnca: valua. 170 each. For Tea Next Neareet Esti mates Ten Columbia rraphopnonea; hlatily flnlahad mahocanr cabinet; vmi, $66 each. For Tea Next Neareet Eetl mataa Tea Naw Royal sewing machines, with handsome ease; valua, $IS each. For Two Next Neareet Eetl mataa Ten New ' Royal eewlnc machlnae; automata dron baan calilne Hue, too each, reat Eetl For Five Next Neareet mataa Two Chlcaco eottace orcana; walnut; valua. $00 each. ' For Two Next Neareat Eetl mataa yira Al-Vlata cameras tor combina tion film and class platre; vaJue. tdOmch r Far Two Next Neareet Eatl matee Two extra heavy aolld cold ladles' watchaa; fifteen Jewel; value. $90 each. For Two Next Neareet Eetl-' wastes Two extra heavy aolld sold men's watchaa; fifteen jewel: valus. $.vu each. Ftv Twenty Next Nenreet Katl matee Twenty Al-Vlata panoramic cameras, for Ore-Inch Alms: valua, $M each. Far Four Next Nearest Esti mates "our Kdwla cultarar eoltd roeswood: ebony fincerboa-d; pearl Inlaid; value.-$30 yl?or roar Next Naareat Eetl- matae Four Kdwln cultara; aolld rnaawond; Inlaid, ebony flncerboard head: ral., $46 each. For Sla Next Neareet Esti mates 8i Kdwln mandoline; deep Italian modal: Inlaid; value. $411 each. .For Foar Next Neareet Eetl-' mates Pour "Adler vlollna." Stradlvaiiua; Ivory trlnimlnca; with bow; value. a. h. ' For Tea Next Naaraat Esti mates Ten heavy quadruple allrar plated tea acta; cuarantee of Amarloan dllrer company; valua, $43 each. For Foar Next Naaraat Estl anatse Tour EM win cultara; solid maJMcWyT Value. $40 each. Far Tea Next Neareet Batlmataa Tan Columbia craphophonea; elaborate cabinet; thirty Inch horn; value, $40 each. For Four Next Neareat Esti mates Four Sdwln cultara. concert else; solid rosewood Inlaid: value. $Meech. For Tea Next Neareet Esti matesTen Orand Rapids ballbsaiinc sec tion aj bookrasee; solid mabocany; leaded Cleae, four hook aertiona; value, tftft aah. For Tea Next -Nearest Eetl mataa Tan Kalamaaoo steal ranees, with hi ah eloaet reaarvotr, for soft ooej, hard coal, coke, or wood; there le no better store made than the Kalamaaoo. and tha manufacturer will refund tha valua of tha etova If not aat la factory; valua, $33. For Four Next Neareet Batl matno Pour Amatl model "Offenbach" vio lins; excellent tone: with bow; val.. $.IAearh. For Foar Next Nearest Esti mates Four 8. 8. mewart banjos; "I'nl varsal ravorlte"; 11 Inch l heavily Inlaid; value. .n each. For Tea Next Nearest Estlmatea Ten Kalamaaoo tmae burners: handsomely flnlahad and nickeled: value. $.1i ,V each. For Six Neat Nearest Estimates Six Kdwla mandoline, Neapolitan model: Flaao, waloe 4O0.t -for aearcat eorreot ectlmate oa e - 15, oaa XlBcsaary TJprlbt JPlano, valua THE JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION RATE la Portland and -other cities where pa per 1 delivered by carrier: Dally and Run'aZe-l year ...IT.r.fl Dally and Sunday, t months 171 Dally and Sunday, I m on the 1.(0 Dally (not Ineluiiln; Bunday). 1 yr.. 1 00 Dally (not Inrludln Hun.), $ mot;, l.Ti Dally (not Including Sun.), 1 moe... 1 09 . By Kali.- ' . . : Dally and Nundsy, 1 year. ........ .17.00 tlrlly and Sunday, months.. J. 75 Dally and Sunday. 1 month....... t0 Dally (not Including Btin.)i 1 yr... too Dally (not Inchirtln Pun.), mo.., 1.75 Dally. (not Including Sun.), Smoa.. 1.40 Sunday only, 1 year S.oo Sundsy only. month .- 1.00 Seml-Wrekly.M year l.r.O Weekly. 1 year l.oo La participants mang niaratt corrtct Car, Model 1904, manufactured Motor Carrlag Co., Clevslsad, Ohl. ' 300 Piece Heavy .Silver Plate, Press - ' American Sliver , Co. ; 100 Orephopheaes, - fusrsnteed hy Celaaihl ' Phessgrsph Gr flftiea rlba; peart Inlaid; value, $.!. each. Far Tea Next Neareet Esti mates Ten Kalamaaoo si eel ran tea: T their reservoir; soft or hard ooai. coke, or wood; value. $.10 SO each. . Far Tea Next Neareet Eatlmatee Ten Orand Rapids ballbearlnc. sectional eodWcases; aolld mahocanr, with leaded Class: three book eectlontr value, Vi saca. . Fai or Tea Next Neareet Estlmatea Ten heary quadruple plate flra piece tea acta: American Wlver company; val. $30 each. ror roar next nearest avati- matae Pour Wacnar eoaosrt aoloiat violins; ebony trlmmlnca; Una tone; with bow; value, $.'40 each. For Tweatp Next Naaraat Eatl matee Twsnty Al-Vlata panoramlo cameras; extra rapid rectilinear lent: valus. $30 each. Far Faur Next Naareat Esti mates Pour Edwtn cultara; eolld rosewood; Inlaid; value. $30 men. For Twenty Next Naaraat Esti mates Twenty Columbia craphophonea: elaborate cabinet; twenty-two inch born; valus. $30 each. - For. Four Next Neareat Estl matea 'Pour H. S. Stewart ben)oe: slersa Inch; thirty brackets; best Rocsrs bead; Vahie, $'0 each. Far, Tea Next Naaraat Eetlmataa Ten Orand Rapids ballbearlnc sectional bookcases: oak; iaadsd class; four section; value. $27 HO each. For Tea Next Naaraat Eetlmataa Ten Kalamaaoo steal renew; T shelf sad reserrolr: value. $27 (W each Far Three Next Naareat Esti matesThree centlemen's watches: ssrsn Jeweled Ltwentr rear rase; value. $27 SO each. ' For Tea Next Neareet Eatlmatee Tea Orand Rapids ballbearlnc. sectional bookcases, aolld mahogany: valua. $20 each. For Foar Neat Neareet Eatl matee Pour concert vlollna: Amatl modal; powerful tone: with bow; value. 12.1 eaoh For Faar Next Nearest Esti mates Pour "atarllnc" banjos; sieves Inch) Jwenty-four brackets;! heavy Inlaid; raloa, 2A each -For Twenty-Five Next Naaraat Estimates-Twenty-Are Al-Vlata panoramic cameras; value. $1 esc.h. For Two Next Neareet Eetlmataa Two woman's eolld cold chatelaine watches; eleht teweied movement: value. 25 ach For Tea Neat Neareet Eetlmataa Tan Kalamaaoo eteel ranees, for soft or hard coal, coke, or wood: value $7 50 each. For Tea Next Neareet Eetlmataa Tan Orand Rapids ballbearUvc sectional bookcases: solid oak; value. $22.5neaci. For Six Next Neareat Eatlmatoa Hlx Rrlncton women's watches: Jeweled movement: ten year cases; value. $2T SOaach. Far Twenty Next Neareet Eatl matee Twenty Columbia trephophonee; six teen Inch horn: value, $22 TO each Far Tea Next Neareet Eetlmataa Ten Orand Rapldt hallbearlnc sectional bookcases' aolld oak; value. $20 each. For Four Next Neareat Eatl matee Pour Edwin mandolins: Italian mod al: -mahoaanr Back; ebony flnaer board; value. $an each. r or r mm r metee Pour Edwin banjos; beautiful pearl Inlaid; twenty-two nickel brackets; value, ''rlr Foar Next Naaraat Esti mates Fnin- Edwin mandolins; deep Italian modal; rosewood flncar board; value, $ICU8 each. ' For neareet oorreot estimate oa Cosr Boton. temper is, oaa Xln'sbary Tprlat Flano, ralo 937. ror nearest eorreot ectlmate oa or aftar eytmber 18, bat1 1. oaa Elnrsbary Vpri-lit Ftaao, waja S3SO. after October X. aad before October S3 ad. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK (Cat thl ut and flit la carefully.) .ado find $ ! oooaooaaa NOMMtaMstttM eeeea a aoaaeaaoevaao to apaty on tubscripiloa ao cotmt. This aiavoont is In pay '. Wknt for thm 1 .... .H. ... M, ,M , .. (State whether Dallv. Sunday, Weekly or Semi-Weakly.) Journal for . aa r NwHTJ0. iMtNiM Meea4aee4eeaeaeeeee ease oaaj eraeee tes. Pott office.. P aitlmatcs aa tha Mason and Hamlin Orand, Conavor Grand, mad and guaranteed by WFteLA .'V bV ' ' W ' -The Cable Co., Chicago. ' SO Range and Stove, mad aad guaranteed by The Kalamazoo Stove Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. 0 Maslcsl loetru' sseats, gaarsateed 60 Orand Rapids Bali-Bearing Sec tlooalBookCaaes, made and guaran -. by Was. Teal Bra. Co., Chlcaeu. 100 Oeas Safsty Rssers,usrsateed teed by Imperial Furniture Co., Orand Rapids, s Mictu by 0cm Cutlery Co., New Verk. For Four Next Naaraat Batl- mates Pour excellent Imitations of a real old violin after Hleromyn Amatl; value, $13 each . Far Twa Next Neareat Estimate Two women's watchea; tan year easae; elfht Jeweled; value. $1 aaoh. . -Far Three Next Naaraat Eetl-matee-Tthwe women's, 1804 ten year cold filled ease.; seven lewelad: value. Irtajrh. Far FIva Next Neareat Eetl. matsa Five women's fancy cbetelalne watches; eight Jewel Swim movement; value, .'1Far3h'Flw Next Naaraat Betl mates Plve Evlncton man's watchea: twan-ty-ona Jeweled; tea year easej valus, $If"-'. . For Twaaty Next Naaraat Eatl matee Twenty Columbia craphophonea. oak cabinet; ttxteen Inch horn: value. aleech Far Flva , Next Neareet Esti mates Five womaa'a tn y-ar case watohaa; eltht Jeweled: value, $U each. , Far Faar Next Neareat Eetl-mates-Pour Edwin banjos; "Toim Profee donal": slsven Inch run; ealtskla hsad; ar Vatr'Stit N..rt Batl mates Pour men's watches: new model; Kaeeraln open face cases; value. $10 eaoh. For Twenty Next Nearaat Esti mates Twenty Columbia rrahop hones; eak cabinet; ten Inch horn; value. $1 each For Twenty Next Neareet Estimates-Twenty elxteen 'V.Ju,!."i J'.'T var plate carvlnc ssta; r-World rand AmerToaa Bllrw compaay; value, $1 sach Far Flva Next Naaraat Eatl matee Plre men's watches: Swiss movement; sun metal caes; valua. $7 60 each Far 100 Next Neareet Eetlmataa 100 Moore's Improved aonleakabls fountala pens: 14 karat cold point; value. $2 50 each. Fox 10 Next Neareet Eatlmatee-. 10 Oem safety rasora: with two blade. In a morocco case: valua. $S.50 each. For IOU Next Naaraat Eatlmatee 100 all ounce heavy quart ruple plats silver platt T berry epoona, '-World Brand." cuaraj ieed by American Silver company; value. $S Fe-l.O0O Next Nearaat Eatl matss 1.000 ooplss of ' Theodora ttonssvatt, by Charles Bhtrens Banks i and Uroj rm ttrone: handaomaly bound la sloth; value, 1For100 Neat Naaraat Bsttmatas 100 six ounce heavy qeexVnrple tVrrmr plata cold meat forks. "Vorld Brand." cnaran. teed by American Silver oompany; value. eti m. w e w..e u.e , er , m . - Tales 1.0IJ0 copies of "Hodseon'a Lw Cost marlran Homes, bound In cloth, contaln- lac 100 plana ana rpeciueation. . .,. .i . Var Sixty Next Nearaat Batl- mates-"llty alt ounce beerr quadruple vw Plata eurar shslls. "Vi-orld Brand, v antead by American Sllvsr company; val T5 cent each. . ail iar- ' value. fur 1 HW next mai. Bert- . mates-. 0(0 copies of "Stephsa C. Poster-a one Album" ; BO cents each, , Tfor BOO Next Neareet Bdtlmatee BOO copies of "Plane Treaeiirea," volume ef Instrumental music: value. BOcente each. pr ISO Next Neareet Eetlmataa ISO copies of "aonc Dlajnonds." master pieces from all countries: val. 50 e,ntt each. Far SAO Next Nearaat Estimates tno copies ef "Ideal Oem at Encllea Sonne" S value, SO cents each. ar aftar 1. and before Sp bf or Octo- m?J"" yj My estlmatea of Tetal Tots ta be east ea Nov. t, 104, for the offlce ef Presides! arel eaoooaaw Statt .., I V,