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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1904)
: THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENINO. AUGUST B,' 1904. TOWN TOPICS , TQXIQHT'B AMT18E1HMTB. The Basar..,.. ...... .'Ths Prises ef LUrs' Bhlrldsr Park "Y?U. Arcade Vaudeville 1 .vrlc ............ .....VeudeTllle Star i Vaudeillle Bijou ......... VaudeTllle Ernest Clausen, section v foreman of , the Benson logging road of Oak Point, Wash., was kUled Wednesday by being : thrown beneath the wheela of a logging train. ' Clausen and the crew were going up the grade on a hand car and In a ' deep cut' one of the logging trains backed upon them. Before they had time to get out of the way, (he train and . the handcar collided, throwing Clausen under the wheels of the train. Two other 'workmen were Injured, but rot seriously. The body was removed to Holnutn'a undertaking parlors In this city. and the funeral was held today. Clausen was tl years of age and had worked at Oak Point for several years. ' ' L. V. Vandyke, who operates a aaw .- mill and planer of J0.000 feet dally ea "paclty at Sprlngwater. was here yes terday afternoon, and -Stated that the mill .would -shortly be removed to a new location between Estacad and Cur rlnsvllle. on the north side of the Clack ; amas river.' The mill has been deliver ing lumber to Bell wood, a dlntance of II miles, by team. In the new location ft ' will be the purpose of the mill to ship : lumber 1y the O.. W. P. railway o Port . land. Sellwood and Oregon City. DuBols Bros, are moving their saw mill 'from ' Estacada to a- point on the opposite side of the Clackamas river. . -' - v - , The Feast of" St Dominie was ob served yesterday In all the" Catholic : churches 'throughout the country, and especially those of the Dominican or- der. There was no special eelebratlon : itn the churches of this city yesterday", hut on Sunday solemn high 'rnasa will be celebrated at 10:80 a. in. at the ,' Church of the ' Holy' Rosary. Rev. - Father- Lawlor will be celebrant and Rev. Father O'Brien and Rev. Father - Lamb will be deacon and aub-deaeon ....respectively. The. Right Rev. Thomas, abbot of Mount Angel, will deliver the sermon and the male choir . will sing appropriate' music , It was decided at the recent meeting of the North : Paclflo Norwegian Saengerbund in Seattle (o hold the next meeting in thle city. The Portland singers who attended have returned . ' home. The following officers - were , elected at the meeting: Frederick A. Tomte of Portland, president; Louis Langlow of Tacoma, first vlce-presl-i dent; John Norman of Everett, second "-vice-president; Albert Wlnge of Seattle, treasurer; C L Cornelius of Portland: corresponding secretary; Augustus ' Byrkland of Portland, recording eecre . .tary; Otto Johnson of Ballard, marshal. Evening Star grange No. ITr Patrons of Husbandry, will hold an Important "meeting at their new hall on the Base Line ' road tomorrow, when they will discuss matters to coma before the ses- i slon of the national grange to be held here next November. The -third and fourth degrees will be conferred upon a number of candidates and there will be a noon banquet Evening Star grange la expected to take a leading part in the arrangements for the national conven tion, ag It Is the grange nearest Fort land. ; . '. . . - - . ., The Booth-Kelly Lumber eompany la . now shipping 'about 1,000,000 feet ef lumber a month by rail to California, the east and other outside points," said State Senator R. A, Booth of Eugene, who was In Portland yesterday after noon. The Booth-Kelly cpmpany la the largest lumbering, logging and timber combine operating mills In Oregon. It hss three eaw , mills In operation In Lane county, with a combined capacity of 10.000 feet every hour, 'and owns "ex tensive bodies , of timber lWs. The-place for. holding the state and ' county teachers' examination for Mult nomah county hsa been changed from the high school .building to the Central ' school building, East Alder and Four teenth streets. The high school build ing cannot be ueed on account of re pairs now In progress. The examinations were conducted last August in the Park school. Superintendent Robinson has decided that the Central la the most '. available building. The examinations will commence at I a. m. next .Wed- nesday. The Oregon State Irrigation associa tion's snnual meeting to be held at On , tarlo, August I. will be of unusual Inter- ' est. A program la being prepared un der the direction of Will R. King of Ontario, and Includes an address by Tom Richardson, who Is a member of the executive committee of the National Ir rigation association. He will speak upon the necessity of changes In Oregon laws. A. H. Devers of Portland, who Is president of the Oregon Irrigation as sociation, will attend the convention. The five acrea that will beoceupled by the new woolen mills at . St. Johna is , a busy place. A large force of men Is at work and the foundations for the main building and smaller ones are being rapidly built. With the arrival of a barge-load of brick that Is dally 1 expected the masons will begin laying the walla. The St Johns city council has taken 'legal action vacating the streets desired for factory use, , A movement Is on foot throughout the city to beautify the yards by planting rosea and other flowers. Especially Is , this true la the near vicinity of the city parka. It Is desired to give the city of Portland aa Inviting an appear- ance as possible, during the Lewis end Clark exposition. . , . -r . Weary and worn after a long, tramp through the blazing sun, two barefoot . boys reached their home yesterday enter two days', abaence, and relieved the Drs. Adix & Northrup OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS , 416 Dekum Building EXAMINATIONS FREE "THE COLONIAL" SEASIDE, OBESOV. A sew. elesantly Jwrnlahwl bot.l, Is sow opea for the Brery mom npn as a tarse porrn. eonimandlns fine view of the eeaae. I-arr. , shady frmioda, fine service, sod (not inrals auks thle a Tri desirable placs to spend a oatloa. Beaaocable rates by U say or week. UKDfXST 4 SON, Presrletsrs. anxiety that wag felt over their disap pearance. They ..were Harry and Fred .Federsplel. aged ( and 11 respectively, aona of J. t'edersplel, IM East Ash strset. The lada formerly - lived . at Troutdale, where they left a cross un" aw. They .started back for. the aaw and carried' 1b on tlielr .. shoulders to their new home. , While walking alone; the track h O. W. P. A R. company, south of the Madison street bridge, Wednesday night, Andrew Olesoi fell through the. trestle and was - killed. ' He dropped II feet and striking; on his head sustained eon cusslon of the brain. The body was not located until 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. ' There waa something un canny in the manner of; Oleeon'a death. He wee walking along the track with Bent Munson of Sellwood, who waa lead ing. They had been engaged la oonvei- satlon and Munson suddenly addressed a question to Oleaon. Oetttng no Tt ponse he looked - around and . was trussed to dlaoover the man waa miss ing. Not a sound had attracted atten tion to hta fall. - The deceased waa It years of age and lived at flail wood. '. About 10 families have signified their Intention of making the Chapel of the Transfiguration their church home. It has, been fitted up In a part of the building once .used aa a Jewish syna gogue, located on1 Sixth street near Oak, adjoining the old site of Trinity chvlrch. The fitting up of the chapel, which will be. opened for divine services Sunday At H . m., baa been under the direction of the Rev. Mr, Powell, with the co-operation of Bishop Morris and the approval of Rev. Dr. Morrison, rector of Trinity church. C H. Pood will have charge .of the Sunday school, which will be organised after the serv Ice, next Sunday. . -. . Take your family er friends for a trip "up the Columbia" to - Cascade Looks and return on ateamer Bailey Gatsert You cannot poaslbly spend a pleasanter Bunday than by making thla trip. Route la replete with the grandest river' soen ery In America, and the Gatsert ia the acme of eomfort Nice Sunday dinner will be served. Lots of muslo also. Boat leaves Alder street dock 1:10 a. m., arrives back 1:10 p. m. Round trip 11.00. Connection made at locks with steamer Regulator for The' Dalles and way points. - Phone Main lie. .' The will of F. D. Rhoads was filed for probate With the county clerk yeeter- day afternoon. He died in this city, leaving property consisting of money in four banks and realty la this state and Washington, the value ' of the estate being about .110,000. Mr. Rhoads be queaths 110,000 In legacies to relatives and directs that the remainder of the property be divided equally, between Mrs. Persia D. Nicholas his -sister, of Falls River, Wis., and his brother. L. W. Rhoads, ef San Jone, Cat The latter two are also named as executrix and executor respectively. D. X Swltxer, a merchant of Dundee, in the city today, reports that the wheat yield Is much better than was expected in that section. Krause Broa. did not think a large field of wheat would pay for harvesting, but when it was threshed the . yield waa 20 bushels to the. acre. The stalks of wheat and oats are short but the heada are well filled. Hope, too, look fairly well, and probably a good crop will be picked. Prunes will not yield eo abundantly aa .they -did last year, but the conditions are favorable for a good crop, especially on- the up land ; , r : X Salvation Army service will be held Sunday, August 7. at 7:45 p. m.. at Grace St. E. church. Twelfth and - Taylor streets. The service will be an interest ing one, and will be conducted by Mrs. Brigadier M. StlUwell of California, Mrs. StlUwell Is the pioneer officer of Salvation Army work In .Oregon and Washington. She will give an address on ''Blum and Rescue Work in the United States." Assisting at the service will be Adjt E. C Organ and Ensign A. Hurl hurt of the Portland Rescue home. En sign Parker and Ensign and Mrs. Braun. mine manager of a vaudeville circus that bears hla name, appeared in Justice Reed's court yesterday afternoon with hla wife to establish hla contention that the outfit belonged to his wife and that unpaid performers could not attach the ahow. It was proved that Mrs. Smith had purchased the show and leased It to her husband, and attach ment proceedings on the part of a num ber of stranded actora were dismissed. - Grace M. E. church was crowded last evening with those who wished .to hear Prealdent Dunton'a negro Jubilee-singers from the Claflln university. Georgia. The program waa Impromptu and con sisted of plantation songs and camp meeting hymns. The singers received an enthuslastlo reception, every num ber being heartily encored. The troupe will sing this evening at Sunnyslde Methodist church.' . . - Articles of Incorporation of -the Douglass Cemetery association were filed with the county clerk yesterday af ternoon. The association was formed at a meeting held at Troutdala, July 18. The purposes are to obtain land for -a cemetery at Troutdale, 4he incorporat ors and trustees being W. H .Coons, Charles Hummefi, T. W. Corder, George Richardson and J. H. Douglass. , . At corps- headquarters of 'the Salva tion Army, 111 Davis street tonight Mrs. Brlgadier-Oeneral StlUwell wtU perform the ceremony of uniting In marriage Sergeant-Major Phoebe Mitch ell and Treasurer Peter Venderkelen. Mrs. StlUwell Is arousing great enthu siasm in the ranks of the army and the meetings are being unusually well at tended. Langford Walker, the contractors who have the remodeling of the federal building, have reoelved telegraphic in structions from Washington to proceed with the work aa aoon aa the alteration plans arrive, and these are expected to come In the malls early next week. In laying plana and working out de tails In connection with marriage aee that you put us down for the Invita tions. We'U add to your already boun tiful supply of happiness. Pesslee Broa Co., Sherlock building. : - "Woodlawn ' now has four gravel pits In full operation despite the protests of the residents. The gravel is being used In the Improvement of Sellwood. Stanton and Wlgard atreets and Rodney avenue. The ladles auxiliary of. Multnomah Typographical union will give a lawn party next Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Ferry, 741 Lovejoy street When next you have occasion te order marble, granite or monumental work. let us have It. We'll please you. Otto Schumann, next door Taylor Street church. -. J ; We haven't the slightest doubt that we can pleaae you. Our printing sat isfied others, surely It will you. Met ropolitan Printing Op., 141 J"iont street Quirk Meal range, best on earth, uses half the fuel tf other ranges. Olds, Wortman King. Fully warranted. f Members of the Oregon Improvement league who Inspected the Union laundry, Second and Jefferson, remarked: "If ell Onegon was is up-to-date aa this laun dry our occupation would be gone. There would be nothing for ua to do. Ne Improvement could be made in this con cern." This is a good verdict to have rendered concerning a fallow's buelneaa. When it is always up-to-date It Is sure to be prosperous. TeL Main III. y ' Charles Toole y, aged II yea re waa' re ported to the police today as missing from his home, 810 Twentieth street and his mother believes he left Portland for Seattle wit an unknown man who called at their house- recently selling- cheap jewelry. The mother called at the police station thla morning and gave a detailed statement of the case -to Chief Clerk Leonard, and an Investigation Is now being made. , . The Southern Paclflo general offices, so long located at the corner of Third and Washington street, will be moved In a few days to the Worceater block, at II Third street The land office, which la In charge of George H. Andrews, has been moved to quartsre la the depot Wa-Hoo Tonlo. The great blood pur ifier, nerve tonlo - and liver regulator. Just what you need these days. For sale by all druggists. . . ' Admission Is free. Third annua) farm tew' ' picnlo ' and danoe, August T, at Rohse's Park, Fulton.' Fox's orchestra. Games all kinds. . ' Chaw Den-Tal-Ounv have pearly teeth and prevent decay. For sale every where. -'-j. . . Anslsy Printing Co, III Oak street. Dr. O. C Blaney, L O. O. F. temple.' WUe-Broa, dentists, the Falling hldgt Dr. X K. Thornton, flsntlst Marqoam. l I II S I I I. "" CXXZFX.T mSwsTAJ - Belor, Kadlsh of Baker City Is regis tered at the Portland hotel. Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Levy of Cascade Locks are at the' Portland. " " j J. F. Givens of Roseburg Is at' the Im perial . ' i , - I Mr. and Mrsi A. Nolte of Pendleton are guests at the Imperial. Roy Goodhue of Salem is at the Im perial - - Dr. Wilson Buckley and his ' two daughters, the Misses Ida V. and Mabel, on a tour of the Paclflo northwest are seeing Portland this week. They are registered at the Imperial. - William Van Bursa of Roseburg Is a guest at the Perkins. Charles H. Bosye of Jacksonville Is at the Perkins. ' :: Dr. Robert - Harris, president of the Maasachusetts atats commission to the Louisiana Purchase exposition, was In the city yesterday,' the guest of Presi dent Goods of the Lewis and Clark cor poration. . In the afternoon he and Mr. Good a visited the exposition grounds and expressed himself aa being' highly pleased-with the progress of the 1806 fair. , x ? r "" ' ; . PLUMBERS FACE KEW LICENSE LAW " "-: , i . ' i ; ' ' Fifty-three maater plumbers in this city who have escaped the city license for the past six months have been noti fied by City Tax Collector McEachern that, they are now expected to come to the. .- office and take . out , their license or' else they must close shop. The plumber's license has not been col lected during the past six months -for the "reason that the city officials were waiting the decision of the stste circuit court a as to whether or not the state license -law was valid. The law was recently declared invalid and ithtijClty council immediately passed an ordinance fxlng the plumber's license at 111 per, year, payable in advance. It Is stated that an effort will be made by the master plumbers to knock, out the city ordinance aa It is similar to ths state law recently declared Invalid. Ths license collectors have been hav ing trouble in collecting the barber's license. Mr. McEachern and his deputy are out rounding up the dellnquenta with a bunch of warrants. . SEATTLE CLAIMS' MULTNOMAH FALLS Multnomah falls Is situated near Seattle, according to the, current issue of Overland' Monthly, that contains a fuU page Illustration of m beautlfuUblt of acenery, marked "Multnomah Falla, Near Seattle." Thoee who are adver tising Portland declare that In the future deaorlptlve literature on the beauties of this city will contain pic tures of the "Golden Gate Harbor, Near Portland." Portland has had a Multnomah falls for many years. Seattle has had one only since ths . publication of the Monthly. And though Seattle's is only a few days old. it resembles very closely the beautiful,-.falls that have been praised- since the beginning as one of Portland's most beautiful bits of natural scenery. ."".. , THREE INJURED IN ACCIDENTS - .-. '"". . .. .. ... Thomas McCaTl, ' a cripple." was run down last night by a delivery wagon at the corner of Third and Morrison streets and had hla right foot badly crushed by the horse's hoofs. He Was taken, to the Good Samaritan hospital. . George Cameron of Union road had his horse run away with htm. It turned quickly Into an excavation on Morri son street and the driver was thrown from his wagon and sustained a broken) right leg. Hi was treated at St Vin cent's. Mrs. O. W. Pointer of Montavilla frac tured her hip Wednesday night while alighting from a Montavilla street -car. She was taken to Mount Tabor Sana torium. . , ' , . i.i - vt CITY LANDMARK IS: BEING TORN DOWN ' V ! . Workmen are engaged In tearing down a brick building at. the eorner of Front and Oak streets that possesses unusual Hifstorlcal interest as a landmark of the long ago. It has withstood the weather of II years In Portland, and many of ths bricks are still good enough to be need In another building. Some of these bricks were manufactured by H, W, Cnrbett In Portland In 1860, and some of the bricks were -brought In a ship around the horn... J. F. Elliott has selected s number of the Corbett brides and -W 111 present them to the Oregon Historical society. , They had been acquainted only 10 mlnutea by the clockv "Wlll you marry mr h asked. "Slrl" she exclaimed. : "What .do you. take me fori" '. "For the better even though I should get the worst of Jt" he replied. NO TIME TO TRIFLE This Qreat Sale of Used Pianos, to Close Sat-; urday Night J. All the Pianos Remaining; Excel Icat' Bargains. Price $50 to $335. Easiest Payment This is the best buying opportunity people who need pianos are going to have for a long time. Many of the Instruments Included In the sale could never be told from new- Borne are ab solutely nsw, bat having reoelved some slight damage to toe case are tnciuaeo In these eweeplng reductions. Nearly all the best known American makes are here to aelect from, some the very highest grade, such as the Crown, Kim ball, Weber, Chickarlng, Lester; also such good makes aa the Estey, A. B. Chase, Kroeger, Stuyvesant. Hallet A Davis, Stelnway. Vose, Hamilton. Kings bury, Jawett Newby a fcvana, Sher wood, J. P, Hale Fischer and ..many others. Since this sale opened a large number of used pianos have been received by us as part payment, on new instru ments, among them a , Nswby & Evans, in an ebonlsed ease, which we will sell for 14T. Sherwood, mahogany case, $101. ' , J. P.' Hale eV Co., rosewood case, fill. A fiaer.Weser Bros., orchestral grand, mahogany oaae, four pedals, Ills. Another nice Weser, walnut case, carved front panel, good condition, 1171. Remember the Weaera have the man dolin attachment ' Bherwood, oak , oaae. Colonial style. 1180. . 177 In order to eloee out every Instru ment we will tomorrow make every con cession within reason In regard to small paymenta. Ellers Plsno House, 111 Washington street corner Park, No aale If instrument falls to prove exactly aa represents. Remember sale closes Saturday night - Biggest best end most responsible piano concern on the coast ; ' . "A WAS FaUXTOBSS." The next big production at Shields' park win be " Wax Princess," which has Its first presentation nest Monday night It la an original musical trav esty in two hilarious acta. Interspersed with the latest song suocesses and be wildering ballet and light effects. n ivMT bxjov A woman who - had never before visited the Bijou was there last evening. She arrived late, and she first act shs saw was the Golden West trio In their ll-mlnuta sketch, "Ths Great Diamond Robbery."' When the curtain went down -aha arose -to- go. Sha wondered why the others didn't go, too. It took two ushers to assure her that there was mors of the show to come. "1IJIVT1I" PUWI WX0Ua.N '- The most successful of the summer season of musical extravangansa la "Yvette," which Shields' musical stock company Is giving at Shields' park. It is merry. It is pretty. It Is also tune ful and brilliant . XTXZO. ''- The fun add frollo continues dally rrom x:io to le p. m. ai we l-yno. xnie week's bill is proving . Interesting. Helena, the girl with the beaatlful ward robe, la scoring a decided hit The seals ars pleasing immensely In their well trained acta, balancing . balls, lam pa etc. The entire bill la good, perhaps the equal of any preceding week, rnr at tu amass, - This Is "amateur night" at the popu lar. Arcade theatre, the only vaudeville houae which once a week allows tyros to appear upon its stage. . This feature, which will be presented In addition to the regular program, ia invariably provo cative or floods of laughter, . On the regular bill, Weatln. the man with 1.000 faces under one hat holds first place with the great moving picture of the Brooklyn handicap a cloae second. tab's ooufov unnH ' This afternoon the Star theatre was thronged with theatre-goers who availed themselves of the sdmlsslon coupon pub lished in yesterday's Journal. Hugh J. Emmett kept the audlencea In fits of laughter with hta clever work as a ven triloquist Another ' feature was the moving picture of "The Train Robbery." RIVER WATER NOT .. IN HIGH ESTEEM ' . ' '), For fear of contaminating the water of the city the water board yesterdsy denied the petition of the Portlsad Lum ber company to connect lta own pYlvate water mains with those of the city for the purpose of better lire protection at the mill. It was stated that the lumber company desired to use city water only in ease of Are and that at all other times the gates would be locked. Members of the board feared, however, there might be leakage and that the wa ter of the Willamette, which (supplies the yards of the company might seep through the gates and find its way into the mains of ths city, thus contaminat ing the water. - The auditor was Instructed to adver tise for bids for concrete work for reser voirs No. I and No. 4 In the eity park, which are now being reconstructed. Suggestion for Sunday. Take your family or friends for a trip, "up the Columbia" to Cascade Locks and return on steamer Bailey Gatsert Tou cannot possibly spend a pleasanter Sunday than by making thla trip. Route is replete with the grandest river scen ery in America, and the Gatsert Is the acme of comfort Nice Sunday dinner will be served. Lots of muslo also. Boat leaves Alder street dock 1:10 a, m., arrives back 1:10 p. m. Round trip 11.00. Connection made at locks with steamer Regulator or The Dalles and way points. Phone Main 111. Preferred stock Oaaaee Oooes. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. THIS WEEK ONLY PURSES, CARD CASES, AND. BILL BOOKS WILL BE SOLD AT A ' '.' - REDUCTION OF V 25 Per Cent ON THE RETAIL PRICES. . J.R.EWINd in yotTBTx sr. t. at. o. a, auo. ii !' a s AT THE THEATRES ' MAKEROOM kLL OF OUR FINE $1.00 SUMMER SHIRTS HAVE t -lV'Z BEEN CROWDED INTO THIS SALE. NEW ONES 77; ARE ARRIVING 'AND WE MUST FOR THEM. OUTINQ SHIRTS IN NEAT STRIPES, PIN CHECKS,' WH E N YO BASEBALL -Tacoma VSe ,,:-;..vV Portland UOmaATIOaff TAJUC, AvatrsT ajto r. UMt Says, Thursday and Prtday. Oauas sailed SsSOl SaaAay. S0 . 1 Admission, BM oolldzen, Ido, ROYAL Italian Band ' Illustrated songs, moving picturea. etc Portland Heights Park, every even ing. THE BAKER THEATRE Tior? L. Sol. Lasses ssd Maiaisve Fsrewell ef THS BAKER TBCATBS rressaUog that rnnsy rsree. COMPAXX TH8 PRINCE OR LIARS OX AkABIAM ITOHTS. BFOl'LAR MATlNEg BATIRBAT. venlnf prtci (Me. We. Ine end ISe. MaUD.a prices aae. 16 snd lOe. SHIELDS' PARK OOXOKAT'I TXXATXX. ' The Saresaiuig Moslesl Coawdy, . ' 0 YVETTE THIRTT I HOVRg SHOW noru New smte snd the farooot Poey BalUC Oerarsr's nandays snd Rainy Hlghts.' 10. SO snd so cents, ' Tb fcnBM Of poUt TOdTin. OonMmMm prformiir from to 4.9tl 9. m - u.tU-u O aV. In.tA aa ssn . Bn. t9iniisirs niuuinpnaj m v a " ' sse ass. w n- lnf perfnrmiiii fmm T to 10.90 p. m. An A sltA taursa IB alas SI SSI 1 tlyhajM K1W RILt, gTARTH TOD AT, . - Bes Bosh J. Emsiet st the STAR THEATRE poBnAiro's VASxxowAaia TAVD1TIUI PIUtTKOVSa. Oeseral tdmlaatea, lOe! reserved bn sesoi. He. rarrormancvn s. i .w, ,v.w r- aa. UICTHI3ATRB Corner Aids ssd Seventh. HiaHaCLASf). REPINED VAUDEVILLE 1:80 to 4wV: T 80 to 10:O; Sander, t to 10 s. m. Thla sd. and lOe will admit two peopls any sjtttnee eteapt Bundays snd holidays. TEaT.CZpTB BO BIBXXa. ' - ARCADE THEATRE: , Sennth and Weahlngtoa. REFINED - VAUDEVILLE I IS to 4 .0.' T:l te 10 SOT Bundsy, costiiranns from t te 10 0. War ladles, (entlemes Snd eMldrea.' '. nAdaiisstea 10 esats Is say easy t MOYER SO HERE'S A SNAP - " ' ;': v V,rr U S E E . IT I N0 U R SPECIAL CLOTHING THIRD AND OAK STREETS ASTORIA AUGUST 24, 25, 26,' 1904 Greatest aquatic event on the Pacific Coast FRITZ THEATRE see-Mi STXVBTDX. VKXD rUTI, Pres. W. H. BROW. Mgr. THE HOMB OP VAUDEVILLE ' st B and s. av CONCXXT JBAIX BliABliT" BBOfl. CONCERT XVERT XIOHT. M-UH XrTRNStriB. SABX AXTD WASXnrOTOXr STXXXTB omxaoxr Established In 1161. OpeirxltThe year. Private or elasa Instruction. Thousands Of graduates In positions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to attend our school. , Catalogue, specimens, etc. free. . . - a. v. ABBrsTmojro, W.B.. nnrcxv At; Columbia University a. 1 . Apsly for Csulogoe, Courses. Boarding- School for Young Men and Boys Box 315, University Park Station Portland, ' . Or son PORTLAND ACADEMY Pits bora and (Iris fnr WmMtb and SDlleges. Prlmsry ssd (ram mar grades Included. Portland Jtcadmmy Hall for Girl Basstvas , a United asarikas aad sivee than the romforts and ears of a retlned hoaae. OfBce son re daring Jsly snd Ansust boot S a. av to It m. roe-eetalague sddrsss Perl- mum scaaaor, rantsaa, ut, NOM KIN Chinese Restaurant IBB Sssond Street. Oorne Aides. tellclous , Chinese noodle soup. 'Su perb chop Busy. telloately flavored vlande of all descriptions. Cleanest and cheapest place In Chinatown. Privets boxes for parties. Tables Inlnld with shells and flowers. Handsomely carved shaire all Imported. REGATTA FIND -PLACE ; , PRETTY. NEW , J; :li CHECKS AND : ' - , A D. I T'S O s sn A Proud Carpenter was the one who' bought a Box of our fine carpenter's tools, made from the finest tempered steel, with the best hardwood handles, for he knew he never would quarrel - with his tools, and that they will last him a lifetime. Our carpenters and ma sons' tools are of the beet tnanufao ture la either Europe or America. Avery (QCo. 83 THIRD STREI3T Colored Silk Umbrellas $2.50 We are making some nice colored silk Umbrellas for $2.50. Call at either factory and select the handles and we will make one1 up for you.. You will be surprised at the variety of shades and handles to select from. - ALLESINA TWO TAOTOXXBB. SOB Morrison St. S8 Wash Bl henrVweiniiaro Proprietor of the City Brewery targes, aad Most Com state Brewery la the Becthweefc Bottled Ocer a Specialty TB1VXPHOXX Be. TB, OfBoe IBsk aad Bttrastde t ' ' PORTLAMtX OKI ." : ' . . ..-.'.''- - . - 7 59c CO I. - . L. j t 1 ,