The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 05, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Gives, Timely . Notice
amas-FIames-Are-Confined So Far .
to the Dead Timber
. (Mi of many live hu probably been
-'weeveatexl by Bos Thomas, nr waraen.
IK baa succeeded la driving eat tba
'campers In th Clackamaa valley .where
- a f orast fire - baa baan raging sine
.; Wednesday might. Tba Orm started In
'tba dead timber about ftvw mtlea aoath-
tnm rf Virmm) It la estimated thai
several hundred" oamDers ara In tha
I woods In Clackamaa county,' and aiac
It ha narrow escape of Krank SchlegeU a
Portland attorney, who arrived boma
(yesterday, much concern baa boon (eat
I for tba fata of tha camper andsothera
who Itve ta cabin In tha wood. ' Th.
'camper go In with their outfit by rid
ding on stages that run smnl-occaslonauy
through that section, and they have no
'way. of setting out Unlea tha stag goes
'after them. Tha fir warden haa been
'busy, slna the -fire first started aarfy
this week, and It' ta thought he baa
warned every one in the woods, A large
body of tha campers are now bivouacked
on Cedar creek, at a sale distance from
the flames.. ' Francis uocabe, whose
cabin I the nearest to the fire, came out
today. He report that there are about
10 acres of dad timber burning and
that the fire this morning seem to be
Increasing la- ferocity. It has not yet
Bpread to tha green timber. -
"" ;TTlrj Bear Boris.
J. T. Morrow. Breeldent of tha Eata
Icada Townslte company, came In from
ft he Clackamas yesterday.. He aay
(there are soma forest Area about Bor
Uig. He Is of the opinion that the
learly report of the Clackamaa county
tores were exaggerated aa to tba acre
: -age burning.,
' Tha Southern FaeifYo Railway com
'.. Ipany, which owns alternate actions of
I the timber In Clackamaa county, haa
(several men Id the' timber looking after
rthe fire. George H.
(agent, received a letter thla morning
, .from the neighborhood of the nre. and
It content Indicate i that tha fir I
confined to tba dead timber and verifies
, Tba Journal' new received thl morn.
. ling a to tta extent In. acreage. Unl
wind spring np It I tbougl
will die out before much damage la don
to green timber.
- SVoggtag Camps Snmed.
... A forest fir destroyed th buildings
Un MoKJnnon' logging camp, near
' 'Rainier, yesterday and reports from
, there received thl morning, state that
- Ih. Mm ! a. 11 1 rattnln, in IN. .nail
Wtrtw-b-fr .f-tha w.if place 'below
'Rainier.-- At one" time yesterday after
jMxm the fire was believed to be under!
.t control, but the wind changed and the
' blase t!H continued down th river. Al
ready considerable timber has been
. burned over that 1 aultabl for piling
" and pole. A back fire was made at th
" rear of tha cottage on the hill above
Plue'a door factory yesterday to pr
. vent any possible danger of the build
v Ings catching on Bra. Th Plu door
factory I situated near Rainier.'.
... Kx. Bosendale' Story. '
' According to Ottd M. Rosendale, fli
well known mining engineer of this
"city, th force fire now raging In
, Montana will easily 1 pruvtb moat
' disastrous In the state' history and
If all th settler and prospector es
cape death he will consider their dally
era nee -almost miraculous. ,
James Haltom wa before Presiding l
Judge George In the ciroult court to
day charged with contempt for failure
to obey an order directing him to pay an
' attorney' fee Into court In the suit for
divorce Instituted by. Agnes Haltom.
-I blew ISO in gambling he said
when Attorney G M. Idleman asked him
what he had don with hi money.
"You must hav had a load on," com
mented Idleman. i :
"Well. I hav a right to, haven't IT"
'Indignantly asked Haltom, who 1 old
and gray-haired. "You hav got drunk
'and blown money In, too, haven't your'
- "No, I haven't,' enapped th lawyer,.
' ' When J. B. -McClemmen wa Informed
' toy Under-Bherlff Morden that he had
, been pardoned by Governor Chamber
. pain and might hav hi liberty at any
i ftlme, he waa engaged with another pri
; .oner at th county jail In placing a new
'floor In th reception room to be used by
! County Judge Webetey tn examining per
I eons charged with Insanity.-
"Well, well." remarked McClemmen.
ther Is a decent governor for you, all
right"' But if you don't mind. I would
Jlk to a tar nd make sure this floor 1
'all rlrtlt TuH W f Via m r . . mnrA
(Brought ea by aatlng green vegetables
' and unripe fruit, or by sudden changes
i In weather, exceaelv heat, gulping
' down ied drinks, eto are nulckly cured
ana. prevemuny-
ram pout niiif mm
It kill the disease germs, allay Irri
tation, ana keep the system cool and
healthy. "tMiffy's" contain no fueM
nil. and I the only absolutely pure
Inedlrlnal whlakev. - Veed and pre
rltMd 6 years by tiearly lo,i doc
tors snd la more then 1.000 hospitals.
All drusslets and erocers or direct.
II rrH..ttle. -Medtcsl booklet ftee.
Iff Malt Wblakey Co, IWcbesler,
to Campers .on dad-
i Mr. Rosendale yesterday' returned
from, a week' trip over Montana, where
he inspected mining properties near
Gateway; among hi other experiences
waa a 81-ralI ride along an old trail
with the forest fires roaring along the
entire Journey. Speaking of his exper
ience.' Mr. Rosendale said:
"When I arrived at Kallapell I dls
covered that communication was shut
off. There was hardly a bridge along
the main line that had bot been burned
and though, tba fire were only started.
till tbay war racing over mile- of
country. The only wsy by which
could reach Gateway was over an old
Hudson bay trail that few outside' of
tba Indian guide knew. . With two
guide I set out across (he 66 miles
of country, ami waa mighty glad when
the Journey ended. ' . My nearest ap
proch to the flames, however, wad wben
I waa on the train going .to Kallapell
here, were fires all about u for a time
and It waa scorching hot.' When I was
In. tha district a week ago .Wbltefieh-
ws practical!? surrounded on h
Idea by fir and by thla time settlers
in tha district will "have ' a ' hard time
to eacapa,
Many Settler Badi
Along tha entire roiAe we met fleeing
settlers and prospector who were get
ting out of the path of the fires, but
most of them had hoTknowIedge oflhe
country and wben the fire drove them
front the beaten trails they took to the
hills and If many of them escape with
their live It wlU bea wonder. Then
the Indian guide told ma that all along
tba path of the fir were prospector
and-pleasure seeker who were even
then In great danger and it la extremely
doubtful If the all escaped.
bat I tba first fir tha oounary
baa bad In 19 year and tha- under
growth la 1 and li fee high. Added
to thl I tha unusual dryness follow.
log month of drought until th forest
and plain are tinder and nothing can
now atop that fire from devastating not
rhlteflsli couiiliy, but th
Flathead reservation s well. Tha ooun
try I practically unknown and persons
one lost there without a guld might
a well give up. ; . -
"Untold million of feet of th fine
timber In the west baa gone up In the
flam ps, which a week ago covered a
hundred square miles, and in thl con-
flaratfon have been destroyed mining
properties, rancnes, small Terms, pio
neer nomes and sven towns. I was
glad to get out of the region un
scorched, and now It would be lmpo.
alble to make th rid that I safely
out wua ui uaun guiaes."
8peelal Diana tek to Tee Journal.)
Harrison, Idaho. Aug. Forest Are
that started Tuesday are doing much
damage and much stock I being burned.
to bbw rzBM axaxma, , .
' (Special Diaaateb ta Tk Jeornal.)
Chattaroy, Wash Aug. 6. Forest
Ares ara raging and many people have
moved out fearing th town would be
nd If I
court charged with contempt"
Haltom - Insisted that all h la money
and property bad bean squandered. At
torney Idleman said he would produce
witnesses to show th defendant had
property In Wahlnftonwhnultwa
"If he h none now," th lawyer de
clared, "It I beoau b haa transferred
It : since suit was begun
"Well, he la old enough to know bet
ter," gravely aaaerted th court. "I
will continue th case- until Monday
morning. Hav your witnesses her at
that time."
lowr and I would -Ilk to see) that th
floor 1 put In th right way."
Th man wa sentenced by Municipal
Judge Hogus, May II, to serve 46 days
and pay a fin of 1100 for disorderly
conduct. '. He' ha made a model pris
oner and all th official are glad he
wa pardoned. Th reason given by the
governor-for- the- pardon - ia thst 'th
sentence I too severe . and dispropor
tionate to th crime committed, and th
prisoner la a hard-working, honest man
and ha never been arrested for any
crime before." The pardon restore him
to all the right and privilege formerly
held by him under th laws of th tat.
. ("portal Dlipattib t Th Journal.) '
yictoTla, B. C, Aug. 6. Ths first li
cense ror coal and oil prospecting In
the new block In tha southeast corner
of the province were Issued yesterday.
Thar wa a great rush for them, more
than 260 being Issued. ' Probably as
many more will be taken up. as ths land
Is held td b sxceedingly rich. - I'nlted
States syndicate . are atrongly repre
sented. ' .
Already preparation have been made
to begin work on some of the claim
which adjoin the Crow' Neat Coal com
pany' arena. Negotiations are looking
to getting a railway built Into the lands.
(Journal Seerlel Serrtra.t
London, Aug. .The Cathollo World
say that the health of th pop I caus
ing considerable anxiety.
' Paris, Aug. I Advices from Vatican
el roles state that th bishop Xf DIJon
has resigned and retired to th Trapplat
monastery to do pennac fop rebellous
neaa. - The bishop refused to obey fh
pop summon I Rome, but a fort
night ago changed his mind. -
soarxrxi.i,T tbtzbct to
' (Josraal Special Serrlc.)
Chlcaao. Aug. . Th return of
President Donnelly of th butchers'
anion today brought about definite
plan to atop th delivery of meat
from a. number of cold storage ware.
houses. Discussing his trip to the
western packing centers.. Donnelly say
that th enthusiasm of th strikers 1
everywhere unbounded and that Che
western town ax aa completely tied
un a 1 Chicago. . Practically no work
Is being done, L says, and th meat
trust is surely being undermined by
the Independent.
A run waa atarted ' on th Drover'
bank In th stock yard thla morning
by the strikers, who withdraw their de
posits' because of . th alleged uae or
the Institution by th packer to pay
strikebreaker In cash Instead of time
Checks. ' --.;',
On th other band, th packers rest
serene, claiming that th atrlk ' 1
about broken and In a wak all the men
will be back for their old places. .
.-' ' Bonr mBTVBB- to wobjl,
Commission "Ken Belter Baokboa f
of th StrlkXBrokaw .
' "" (Jovaai Special Service.)
St. Joseph, Mo Aug. t. More than
400: union men, according to th pack
ers, returned to worn tni morning.
Th atrlkers deny thl. Commission
men, however, believe that th backbone
of the strike Is broken.
It Is- said that the packer Stat they
hav enough men to carry on their bual
nesa, and prediction are made that
when th trouble end ther will be many
striker that will be unabl to aecure
their old places.
Vtrlker Zxpree Xop That
WOl Bom Bad. ,
(Joorsal Special Serriee.)
Omaha. Neb..' Aua. I. Th strikers
ara beginning to express th hop, that
the struggl will soon end ' and are
watching Chioago for new of a aettle-
ment. Th situation remalna quiet.
Although evidently anxious that
made, there are many striksrs who ex
press themselves a determined to fight
to the bitter' end. The packers regard
the outlook aa favorable for an earl
break In the ranks of the strikers.
(Contlnusd from Pag One.)
time lnc hi selection a th Demo
cratic presidential.' nomine Alton B.
Parker left hi' home today. HI plan
hav been attended by th utmost se
crecy and hi destination la known only
to himself and to his secretary. The
Judg left .on th 10:30 o'clock Kingston
A bulletin from Kingston announced
that he had taken the north-bound 11:10
train, but even then the curious of Eso-
pu did nqt gueae hi errand until new
cam from Albany that he had resigned
hlaplac on ths bench.
Speial Dispatch t The Journal. I
Oregon City. Or.. Aug. I. Thoma B.
Neuhausen. special agent .of the- land
office in charge of the Grande Ronde
sale, stated today that the government
would oonsldsr the bid of a quarter
section or lea with a much favor as a
bid for th entire tract
Small bidder hav apparently be
come discouraged.- Thla announcement
make it. poaalbl for th mall pur
chaser to get what h want without
fear of a company getting th ntlr
tract.: r -
' $50 for an Idea.
On th opening day of our new boy
and children' department. In Septem
ber,- we - will give- away- f ree-to-boy
under t years of ag 100 watches, SO
gold-plated . and (0 silver-plated. We
want a plan to dlatrlbut three watchea.
Send In your plan; If it 1 th best w
will glv you 160. All uggestlon or
plan must b mailed to reach this store
not later than Wednesday, ' August 17.
Address, Adv. Mgr.. Th Chicago, 00-71
Third atreet, Portland. Or.
, Excursion Rates East.
On account of th national encampment,'
R.. to beheld In Boston. August
16 to tO, th Canadian Pacific wilt on Au
gust t, 9 and 10 place on sal round trip
ticket, good for topvr privilege,
limited to 00 day, at very low rates.
On the ..tame dates special excursion
tlcketa will ;b on sals to St. . Louis and
esstem point, t.
For full particular call on or addres
R. Johnson. F. and P. A., 143 Third
street, Portland, Or.
Th Xaapattan Saleelady.
From th Baltimore American.
Floorwalker Mr. Pricm tall m
you grossly Insulted her a moment ago.
How did It happent
Saleslady Why, ah wa standing
bar Angering on 'thing after another.
and having m pull down 40 other
thing oft th shelves, while a man
stood In the background and looked at
his watch every two seconds. I knew
that h waa In a hurry, and that Mr.
Prlcem wasn't So I aaid: "Madam,
won't you pleaae , excuae m for a mo
ment! I sea a gentleman her who
want t buy something." And Mrs,
Prlcem got huffy -and went out
Bla Kardest Fan.
From the Philadelphia Bulletin.
As a boy he fell Into the creek,
And oft Into disgrace:
He fell asleep, and alno slek.
H fell from many a place.
ut he never knew what a fall waa Ilk
Nor what It consisted of
For a real hard fall he never had "
Until be felt In lov,-
Oenoiae Secret,
Prom the Tonkers Statesman.
Patience She' getting a divorce.
Patrice Is that a fact?
'It. la. Indeed; but she' keeping It
"How do you knowf
Th girls at th cooking school told
m so today."
Th man who sent on dollar to a
New York Arm for a Ar esap, re
ceived a blbl In return.
Never in the history of this store have we had such values
to offer in these lines as you'll find here SATURDAY. We
just want you to look and see for yourself. The time you take
will not be lost. : r " . .' . V' ;, - ,;. . : .
Shirt Waists
Whits Shirtwaists, made in the latest style, some with tucks,
others with lace and embroidery general clean-up of all
our $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 kinds. Choice of 56 QP
different styles, all sizes, at only. ... . .' ....... . . . . . . sOl
Another lot, better goods,-highlytaikredTand the best values
' ' in the city, many of these
all sizes. While they last
Ah odd lot of Percale, Calico, Batiste and Dimity Shirtwaists,
. tailored in the latest styles, all sizesnd colors ; sold regularly
for 75c, $1.00, $1.25. and ,$1.50. .Your choicf Friday CQp
and Saturday only. ... ... .... . . ... ..v. .'.-. uw
Children's Summer Dresses,
We have several lots of Children's Dresses, in -percales, 'calicoes
. and ginghams, that are well made and handsomely trimmed;
garments that sold for 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $1.85.
$1.95 and $2.25 we are now closing out at about hall price.
Your selections $1.50, $1,28, $1.19, 85, 88, AZ,
78f, G5 and 40C
A few White Lawn Children's Dresses that were sold for $1.50,
$2.00 and $2.50. If you can find something to suit QP-
you take it for... .u. ................ ...........y3C
We are closing out all our Peter Thompson, white duck, Calitea
, cloth Children's Dresses, these dresses are very stylish and
. highly tailored and were sold for $3.50 and $4.83. frl AP
Choice now. ..... . . . .. . .. . . . . ... . . . . D 1 O
W aa ag f or-
tk eslebrated
SfoOall pattern.
Th pastern
sim al-
luwsnne and ex
act bating amd
aewtea liae. 10
aad IS) aeon.
saoxun nr tn smia or
(Special Slspatek to Tbs Joorsal.) .
. Salem. Or. Au. I. Th county acbool
superintendents of eleven more counties
faava been beard from and the reports
were yesterday opened and filed by
Superintendent of Fubllo ' Instruetionr 3.
li. Ackerman. ',
Th reports were mostly from th far
away countiea. and enow a treat con
trast with thos previously beard from
in that many of them show a decrease
in th number of persons In th county
between the sgres of four and 19 years,
a compared with th report of last
year, and th decrease In th amount of
money expended Is correspondingly
large, while In many of the countiea the
number of teacher employed I con
siderably less, than last year. Several
counties ara tlll to be beard from.
Clatsop county Th number of par
son of school a-e la. now 4,414, a
against 4, J47 last year, Toe amount of
money spent during the "year wa
1107.141.14, and th amount of th pre
vious year was M. showing a-
larse Increase.
There ar.41 choolbouse in th
county. ,
Harney county The total number of
children of school ag in Harney county
1 1,004, a decrease of 14 from last
ysar'a report. Thirty-seven - teacher
were employed, ail Increase of two over
last yar.
Th averag dally attendance at school
waa 4(0.. showing a marked increase.
The amount of money expended in th
county was $14,804.18. a against 117,-
171.4s for last year.
The pay of. teacher wa for male
$1183 per month and tor female
Washington county Th total number
of pupil la ,51, an lncrsss of just
110 over laat year. The eounty - em
ployed only 18(f teachers, getting along
with seven less than last year. . Ther
ar It school houses. Th amount of
money spent wa l4t.7tl.5S, an Increase
of over 18,000 mor than last ysar.
Columbia county Th number of per
sons of school ago I 1.(03. a decrease. of
I from last year: If ( teacher wer era-
ployed, an lncreaa of it.' .
The amount or money disbursed was
I2t.l90.rt, a decrease of 14,000 from
last year.
Tha averag Miarle paid teacher
was, for males, 144.11, and for females,
ttft.43, an Increase In each Instance.
Curry county A large decrees Is
shown In the children of school age, the
number having been last year 111, while
Superintendent W. B. Guerln report
only 780 at present. Thirty teacher
war employed, where only 21 fol
lowed this occupation Inst year. Th
amount - of money disbursed - wa
IS.S70.2I, leaving 1984.10 on hand.
Teacher ar paid averag ' aalarles of
4S and 140 respectively.
Lincoln county Superintendent
Oeora aethers report 1,117 people of
school sge In Lincoln county, an In
crease of 47 for th year. Sixty teacher
were employed, as agalnat only 40 for
laat year.
Th amount of money spent wa
t.7.07. leaving on hand 11.114.10.
lat yesr'a retmrt showed th expense
to be 18.107. (t. The sverage salaries
paid teachers waa only 112.14 for male
and 118.81 for female, a small decrees
over last year.
Sherman county-Th report of Sunt
W. H. Bsgsdnl shows the number of
persons of school see to b 1,170, an In
crease of (T flnre last report, rifty-slx
teacher sre employed, while last ysar
th number wa only 4i. Tb averag
Waists are worth $3.0Q and $3.50,
your choice
daily attendance was lit, a decrease of
1(1 sine laat report. The amount of
money expended wa tll.(4t.lUpractk 1
caliy th same a laat year, and leaving
on band 14. 777.48.
- if orrow oonntyTba-total number of
persona of chool ag In Morrow county,
as reported by Supt. J. W. Shipley, waa
1.708, a decrease of IS from laat year.
Seventy-four teacher war employed, a
decrease of B for the year. Th amount
of money expended during the year was1
136.888-88, against 124,171.01 lor laat
Jackson county Th total number of
person of school age in Jackson county
was 6,172, while laat year's report
how 6.111. A total of 141 teacher
were employed, A decrease of 16 from the
previous year. The amount of money
expended. was 152,474.01.
' Polk county Supt C. X Starr of old
Polk reports 1,684 persons of school ag
in th county, Increased from 1,401 last
year. - . One hundred and fiv teacher
ara employed, wherea last year ther
wer only IS employed.
Benton county Supt, Ooorg WDur-
man reports .2,111 In th county, a de
crees of 47 from last year. Ninety
teachers wer employed, aa against 104
for laat year. Thlrty-thr thousand
eight hundred dollar and sixty-seven
cents was expended, an increase of lit
000 over laat year.' Th average salar
ies paldteacher wg for male H2.8B,
and for females 132.61.
t Jcsmat Special Servle.)
Denver, Cofo., Aug. I. Becaus her
husband criticised th panoake ah had
prepared for hi breakfaat, Hattle Star
fleban. a bride of thre week, - com
mitted suicide this morning.
Sine their marring their honeymoon
had . apparently been on of . uninter
rupted bliss. At . th breakfast table
thl morning th young husband, with
th evident Intention of teasing hi
wife, made a Joking remark about . tha
"Pancake mother used to make" which
seemed to annoy her. Sh burst Into
tsars and left th dining room-, going
to their sleeping apartment, where sh
drank Carbollo acid, and when her hus
band appeared a few momenta later
she was beyond medical aid.
- The husband I prostrated rover-th
occurrence and threaten to end hi own
llf. '..'
... ......
(special Dwnatrk to Tk Joorsal.) '
Davanport, Wash., Aug. I. Th Lin
coln county Republican convention
turned down, the state ticket and de
clared for a railroad commission. Tb
ticket follower
State senator, 'Oeorg Kennedy; rep
resentatives, A. 8. Melcher, Ed Relter;
sudltor, A W. Turner; . treasurer,
Charles Deete; sheriff, 3. 3. Inkater;
assessor, S. O. Noble; superintendent.
Miss Maggls Craig; clerk, W. W. Down
ey; surveyor, John Tunis; attorney, R.
M. Dye; coroner. Dr. 3. Kautbaunc.
(lerraal Special Service
New Tork. . Aug. 6. Crjarle M.
Schwab, who- has ue returned from a
short business trip to Europe, thla
morning admitted that be had been
making good losses hla friend sus
tained in th shipbuilding trust and thst
hs had already paid out 11,000,000 of hi
own money. ,
Schwab later In tha year will go
abroad again to inspect the loo-horse-power
sucomobtl that la being built
In franc. ,' 'V :
--Ki,wiVo AND BOYS' :
If you are needing. Furnishings for your husband or boys
here is an opportunity to get themthe right kind and at prices
never before quoted on goods of this character. Special prices
for SATURDAY night :'r:.':". :r-: v'." . (
The quality is the best, the
prices the lowest.' These val
ues must be seen to be appre
ciated. ,: ." v ." C
Men's 35c Negligee
. Shirts .w-,19
Men's 15c Suspenders. J5t
Men's 50c and 75c Coif .
Shirts ........ ..39
Men's 50c black and white
stripe Work Shirts. ;...29f
Men's Balbriggan Underwear,'
plain and fancy stripes; ,
00c and 75c values..... 38
Men's lightweight Summer Un
derwear; 35c. Special. .19
Men's Socks, in black and mix
ed colors; 10c value, 2
: pairs ....... ..........15
Men's 50c striped Work -
Shirts ....... . ... .Z8y
Men's $15c and 25c Silk
Bow Ties, each..., It?
Men's 5c Ties, light and
dark Tecks . . . . 1$
Men's 10c colored border -
Handkerchiefs V -'- n - r- 5
avovst tntOMuns to bs moobud
. xosttx tob iram rxmam
f asovt i,ooo,ooq rm raoa 10.
I.-' ' - ' ' ' ' I '
Bo far a lumber shipment ar con
cerned August promise to be th ban
ner month, In th history of th port.
Two large ateamera, th Pleiad and
th Tottenham, have Juat cleared for
th orient with cargoea aggregating
1.000,000 feet of lumbar. In addition
fleet of schooner in port under charter
and all of them will b ready to clear
before tb expiration of th . month.
Tboa now loading will take oat enough
lumber to wH th amount of tb ex
port in thl Un for th month up to
mor than 18.000,000 feet, - and other
vessels ar coming. Th following I a
list of tha schooners and barkentlne
now loading, and th amount of cargoes
which they wlU carry;
Name. Feet.
Mabel Gal 000.000
Lahalna .........1.100,000
Inca ............. ....M.a..l,t 00,000
Bangor ........ r.rr;v. ....... 0.0
ulga v. . ... m .
Alio McDonald ; 880,000
Commerce ................ 00.000
Virginia . 760,000
Jamea Johnson .1,100,000
Churchill 800,000
- ToUl . . .7Tr.-.xiriT..Trr;,vO
Th Churchill I at Astoria, but 1
expected to arrive at Portland In a day
or two to load lumber, ffhe carrying
capacity with which each 1 accredited
la baaed upon th cargoes which they
have previously taken out.
Of th fleet, lx of th vessel ar
loading at th mill abov th .bridge.
The, Mabel Oalo, tha Lahalna and th
Inca . ar at th Inman-Poulsen mill,
while the Bangor, the Olga and th Alle
McDonald sre at tha Portland.' Th
Commerce-! ar"thsEastern Western
end the Virginia will b fitted out at
the North Pacific. A soon aa she dis
charge her cargo Of sulphur the James
Johnson will begin loading at th Io
nian Poulaen mill, and the Churchill
will receive her shipment at th aam
In addition to tni large neet tner
ar three drougher taking on lumber
cargoes at Tongue' point down tha Co
lumbia. They are th Bula, tha Jennie
Stella and th . Sequoia, which will tak
out In th neighborhood of 1,(00,000
feet mor. , ,
, totb roa rxssxDxirTt .
If you make th nearest guss
4 you can seour a prlaa, one of
e 6.000, valued at 12.600 to IS each. e
d Tk gness will ooet yr nothing. 4
w Every ' II nt you remit to
d The Journal, covering ubscrlp 4
d ' tlon to th Dally, Sunday, Semi- w
weekly or ' Weekly will antitl 4
yon to on sues. v e
For psrtlcnlsr and detail w
' read the advertisement appearing 4
In Th Journal.
4 V
(RppcUl Dlapateh (a Tse JedraaL)
Victoria, B. C, Aug, (.Alfred Apple-
man, a sailor from Liverpool on th
China Mutual sleertler Stsntor, aocldant-
ally fell from th boom of th ship be
tween dark ml morning, fracturing hi
akull, and died shortly afterward. .
Men's White Handkerchiefs,
2 for .........v.. 5J
Men's Wash Ties, Four-in-
Hands and Windsors ; v
25c values.'. . . . . . .2yaf
Men's 75c White Golf :
' . Shirts .35c
Men's 75c Golf Shirts, two .
. collars to match.. 39
Men's 50c Dress Shirts... 18.
Boys' Fancy Striped Sweat
ers ; 60c value . . ,'. . 18j
Childs Sweaters, in fancy col
' ors, button shoulder; 35c
value .J4.....lify
Boys' 85c Negligee Shirts,
black and white stripe. 19
Boys 50c Dress Shirts, fancy
bosoms, cuffs to . ' '"
match ' if
Boys' 25c and 35c Caps19
Children's "blue flannel Sailor
Suits, ages 3 to 9. ,
. Special ..$195
Boys' two-piece Suits, blue and
- black cheviot. -'--
- Special -, 9175
. Baavivam- srnBrss ot: acaxTrvos
BBTarOST 1 Ssf it- T i S TBB.
Oom ta Msa sS
fair mass of
Taaalom fswa, Wa
Ja - tek mn
erlptioas) f
Btn 50d a
With a mmberhlp of nearly 200, and '
wlcb ovary member pledged to 'th
hearty support of th: party' prlden
tlal ticket, th-Multnomah Democratlo
elub 1 preparing to mak Itself ster
ling factor in tb campaign Ih thl coun
ty. At the meeting of th club held Iast
evening iq Foresters ball the nthusl
aam of tbos present wa unrestrained
and the frequent mention. of the Demo
cratic nomine for president was always
the signal for voclferou applaua. Th
meeting waa noteworthy for th dispo
sition to forest the factional difference
which hav divided Democrat of thl
county In th past, and for th earnest '
purpose to bring out th full party vot "
tn November, deaplt th heavy Republi
can majority which Oregon usually poils.
inumarou sddreaaes wer mad and
there wer many confident predictions
of victory In November. Among thos
who pok wei pistrict Attorneyjohir
1 Manning, K W., Parker, PatTPowera.
Alex SweeV and others. During th re
mainder of th campaign th club will
noid meeting on th first and third
Thursday of venr month at o'clock
p. m.. In Foresters' hall. In the Hibernian
building, at Sixth and Washington'1
treat. Sine It organisation- a llttl
mora than a month ago th membership
of th club ba trebled.
r.i.'.'.!-1 ' mi ,
If you want to" see a funny clctur)
hunt up a photograph wr yourself taksi
twenty or mor yar ago.
That's Qualify and Style .'
Best $3.50 Hat on Earth
289 Washington Street Perkins Hotel
. , . . ? . . ., ,....