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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1904)
- v THE OREGON DAILY' jdURNALV PORTLAND, , FRIDAY EVENINat AUGUST ; 3. 1804. 18 NARROW ESCAPES Portland People Who Were in the Burning Hotel Tell, of Reeing Guests Who Saved Only TheirLlves From the Flames From th scenes of disaster and peril ous cspe that accompanied 4h- burn ing of tha Qrlmea hotel at Seaside yea ' terday morning Mra. Charlea Bavarian, 111 Thirteenth, .street, returned to th . city yeeterday. : Tha others from Port land who war gueeta at tha hotel at tha time ara atill at Seaalda and many . lost heavily. Mra. Bavarian atiecaeded In Bavin her Doaaesalona with tha sxoeptton of some clothing. Her loaa waa trifling, though. others barely escaped with their uvea Mra. Iaakson of thle city loat money,- railroad ticket, clothing and everything .. In her possession. "A young man who occupies a tant near tha hetel with hla mother cava tha alarm that waked ua- up." aald Mra. Bavarian. "Ha discovered that tha hotel waa on lira and ran Into the building knocking and pounding at each door. He called loudly to us and nearly all awoke at one. On woman, however, whoa nam I did not hear,- did not awaken and It waa with difficulty that 1 aha waa saved. . Bom men rushed up, stairs and carried her down.,. rwhen th young man gar tha alarm.' Mr. Q rimes Jotned htm In hastening through tha ball to warn tha guests. . Moat of ua on tha first floor had n trouble In getting out and many of ua aaved moat of our belonging-. Those upstairs., however, had leaa tim and wer not J able .to aav - much." .- ji. r COWS WONT EAT i , v POOR FARM HAY Like tha rasors that wer made to sell, and from th atandpolnt of finish were things of beauty, but would not cut. Superintendent Courtney of th poor farm grew sore fin hay but hors . and eowa would not at it. And thereby la appended a UtU story. Courtney la tha flrat superintendent that aver triad to. produo bay at the poor farm, but ha had an ambition, to go all former superintendents a few points better. He planted hla wheat and reaped his hay. Just It tona of tha f incest-appearing hay In th county. When th county commissioners and th grand Jury mad a tour of Inspection of tha Institution four months ago Courtney took them to tha barn and proudly showed them hla bay-growing feat. His Industry and economy war , warmly ' praised. ',.!'- GOVERNMENT AID . FOR IRRIGATION A0BBT OI MCIVAJIATXOS SSBTXCS aumi to nrrxsTiGATx iTlabs 0 OUMI IBBIOATOBS BATS ' TXAT rZSBBAX, AID WZT.Ii ;BB OrfXJT WOBTIT PBOJBCTB. . .. . E. T Perkins of Washington, D. C representing th reclamation service of the United Btates Geological Surrey, la at th Portland hotel. Mr. Perklna mis sion to Oregon has an important bearing upon th Irrigation work nbw being don and on th futur work of Irrigation in this stat. He is in Portland for a con ference with1 officers of th Portland Commercial club, th officers of th National Irrigation association, railway officials, snd other prominent cltlsens Interested In th walfar of Oregon. He said: "Th reclamation scrvlc war bend ing . every effort towards th develop ment of feasible reclamation project In the atat of Oregon. Th reclamation service Is somewhat hampered by th fact that nearly vry project Investi gated had various claims of privet ownership." . Mr. Perkins declared it to b th In tention of th reclamation service, to aid In vry possible manner legitimate private and corporal enterprises, and stated that th policy of th service, as voiced by C D. Walcott, director of th U. ' 8. - Geological survey; F. H. Newell, chief engineer of th reclamation aerv . Ice. snd A. P. Davla. assistant principal engineer. Is ss follows: -' First Th aarvlc will not obstruct nor in any way Interfere with any legit imate enterprise for th construction of Irrigation work by private or corporate capital, but on th contrary will lend very legal encouragement to such con struction. Beoond The service will. If possible, however, protect th reservoir sites ami other essential portions of a compre hensive project from seliure by specu lators to th detriment of Irrigation de velopment. . . Third Wher withdrawals have been mad and Investigations begun, and pri vate1 parties ask the aervlc to stand . aside, for their benefit, they must b able-to ahow: (a) That they ar constructors, and not merely speculators, (b) That th project to b con a tr acted would be a real public benefit and not operate as an obstruction to the development of th Irrigation resources. In a compre hensive and economical manner. SUNBURN quickly relieved and surely cured by. U act like aisric and la absolutely harmless. A Trial BottU Fr whkb will abeotulely prove litis state ment erit for iec. to pay postage. ' Don't Walt smtll a hav a bad case but get It new and hav n at baad . wbea seeded. Sold by leading druggists. Nesw guM wttasNit siy signature. 2 Frln'ba 6trt. Kw Yark. IN GRIMES FIRE in a letter to her husband today, Mra. Oeorge Often, (IS Washington. atreet, re lated her experience In escaping from the building.- Mra. Otten la at Seaside with ber daughters, Mary and Ada. and har son. George. All escaped uninjured and have established a camp-near th boteL They loat a number of kitchen utenslla and other articles, but auo- ceded In savingtheir-valuables. Mra. Iaakaon occupied a room adjoining that Of Mra. Otten. Mra. Otten stated that two young men ar suspected of ha vlng - been respon sible for tha flr. They wer heard t com Into th plac at I o'clock in th morning, eh aald. In an intoxicated con dition. One' waa heard to atrlk a match and Jt la believed that their reck lessness caused tha destruction of th hotel. '-- ' .. . ,W. t Applegat. who . waa eeverely burned, la recovering - In St. Vincent' hospital In Astoria. H waa attended at th time of th accident by Dr. Lock of th la city. Dr. Lock wrote today, stat Ing that Applegat suffered aevere in juries to hla lege and waa dangerously burned. It la believed, however, that h will recover. Th llr waa discovered by W. W. Fowlsf. who resides 4n Penlnaular. H ooeupled a tant a short distance from th hotel and was tha first to discover th flames. -; r- - But when th cows at th poor farm wer fed th hay thy refused to at It They would mop around In their stalls and hang their heads In grief, but not a straw would they chew. - Courtney was pussled but finally - concluded h muat have a wrong brand of cows th hay looked perfect. ...... Bo he contracted to sell th hay to local stables. On load waa hauled to Bill Frasler, th a tableman, but when Courtney got ther with a second load he had to take It back to th poor farm. All Frssler's horses proved of tha wrong brand. Th hay already carted waa used for straw. Now ther ar about 14 tona Of the finest-looking hay In th market piled In th back yard at tha poor farm, which can be purchased for bedding at a very low figure. Courtney had permitted his hay to get too rip. BllILDJHORLCUL ON ESTACADA LINE OBBOOB WATXB.POWXB ft BAXL- WAT COMPABT WIU BOOB BTB m sobebto mirjni tia. sour um-wou o nw ak sas : coioaiora. ' Th Oregon Water Power Railway company's new lln up th Willamette valley and intersecting th Oregon City lln at th-golf links, lis nearly com' plated and will b opened In a few days to t raffia. It is a part of th nw lln to Estacada. trains to which point ar at present running over the ML Scott lln to Mt Scott snd ther connecting with th Estacada line. As soon as th connection I mad at th golf links all Estacada trslns will run via Sellwood ana in gou lings, this being a stralghter lln and much better grade. Th Oregon water Power Jb Railway company Is getting resdy to launch th work at It new dam with a large fore of men. Th engineer ar on tha ground and an electrio light plant haa been get up and lights strung through ths woods nesr by and all over the dam sit. Th work on th darn will be pushed day and night The new power plant or head works, as it is. termed. Is on th' Clsckamas liver two miles above Estacada. Tha plant when' com plete will probably cost a million dol lars. 4nd from It power will b obtained that will drive th machinery of facto- rles st -Bstacsda and run ths ' Oregon Water Power Railway company's en tire railway system. WILSON WANTED FOR AUSTRALIAN THEFT Chief of Police Hunt received notifi cation from the chief commissioner of police of Melbourne, AustrsJtar thla morning, that F. B. Wilson, alias Daw eon, now Incarcerated In th county Jail on a charge of robbing th Gam saloon at Trbjitdal. Is wanted In this city for ourgiary ana larceny. The communication ststed that Wil son, with Henry LaMont, robbed th pawnshop of Hyman Whit. March last, of Jewelry of th total valu of 1400. LaMont was arrested and pleaded guilty, receiving a aenUnc of thrs yeara Wilson escaped. Ha waa ar rested her by Detectives Kerrigan and Snow several months ago, but was re leased. Later he waa taken Into cus tody on th Troutdal charge. He 1 now awaiting trial. Th Jewelry he had with him has passed out of the hands of th pollc. v . . . LONDON HAY SEND EXHIBIT TO FAIR John E. Blacknell of th British royal commission to th Lewis and Clark ex position apent yesterday in th city and vtsisM in Lewis and Clark exposition headquarters. Mr. Blacknell is thor oughly familiar with th detail of the eo at trad of the northwest, and also with he report of James Laldlaw. Brlt- tsh consul, i i H la a man ' of prominence in the board, of trade of London,' and made many inquiries relating to th fair next yar. Hwns especially Interested in the matter of foreign exhibits, with rela tion to a British exhibit at tha fair. On hla return he will tak th matter up with th board of trad of London and other prominent organisations. WESTERN JOBBERS ARE AFTER SPOILS dmr rom batzi tut wm 11L1 mat TO , VWTMM COAST raXJ X.OOAX. K SAT QTTBS. TIO WAS I1ITU9 TBAJM AUO AT COST OF 30,000. , Th application of th mlddl ' weat Jobber to railroad official In Chicago, for freight rat that would anabl them to compete with coAt Jobbera for th trad of thi territory la characterised by local Jobber as th reopening of 'a question -thut .was settled In the oourt three yeara ago at a coat of 130,00 J to thla territory. The application was filed at Chicago yesterday. When th officials of th Northern Pacific Great Northern and Union Pa clflo met the Spokane ahlppers st Chi cago,' ssld W.'A. Mears today, "th de mand of th shipper were that th railroads should giv them xolusiv rates within a radlua of 100 miles of Spokane. Ths ' ratlroada ' met 'ths de mand by making rate to Spokane from1 th east In carload lota so aa to giv them control of a railroad radlua of 100 mile of that city. It waa th In tention of th Bpokan Jobbera to ahut out th Jobber not only from th Pacific coast terminals, but also from th east. "Th action, of th railroads was un usual, and was caused- by th continual how.l of th Spokane Jobber and their boycotting th Great Northern and Northern Paclflo In favor or Jh. Union Pacific It wss unusual from th fact that there 1 no city In th country that ha abaolut control of territory of like extent. 1 ' "It would affect-Portland gnaatly If th application wer met and Spokane rates placed so that th middle wesT Jobber could supply this territory In leas than carload lota - In that case th west coast Jobbers would loa much business. "But th question waa settled some three years sgo by a suit at St Louis brought by ths Jobbera of th mlddl weat atatea against th ratlroada It was settled favorably to the weat coast' Jobbers, but at a cost of IJO.000. It wss th asms contention that th different tlala between shipments from th seat -were too high and should be lowered. It wss decided that a oO-oent differential was not too high, and th result of th court' decision was that many of the big firm of th mlddl west atages wer forced to establish houses In this terri tory. There ar many such houses her now." . WARWICK CLUB IS UNMOLESTED POOUOOK ZS WOT OXOIBD IT TXB roues caxsr satsxt is wot BTjnmro cxtjb kawaokb bats it xs wxsa ofii Aws txs ro- " UCl SO WOT SOTWJBB., . .' "W ar stlU running; ths pollc hav not-yet Interfered. Why," I - do "not know." Manager Flestrman, of th War wick club poolroom. "My officers, detailed on th case, say th Warwick club poolroom Is not running. W hav no evidence yet" Chief of Folic Hunt, Statements of the manager of Jhe Warwick club, ltl Fourth street, and Chief of Pollc Hunt do not Jib. Man ager Fleahman says bis placs Is run nlng; that he is selling pools on horse race. Chief Hunt aaya that he detailed two officers to'keep tsb on th case, and that they hav repord, to him that th Warwick ' is not conducting any gam Wing. . This morning rumors wer afloat that things had been patched up so thst th poolrooms may operate, but when asked concerning thla. Chief Hunt said: "So far as-I -have-orders, ther has been no change of policy on the part of th administration, and poolrooms will not be allowed to run. 'Why hav no arrests been mad at th Warwick? Why, they ar not gam bllng, according to th reports of. my orflcers. I detailed two men to watch th case, and they tell m that th War wick people ar aching to b arrested. but that they ar- In reality doing no gambling. Now, , I can't arrest peopl until they violate th city laws. I muat have evidence befor taking action." "Tss," was th answer made by Man ager Fleahman today to the query. "Ar you atill running your poolroom?" "And th pollc hav not yet both' rd us," h concluded. ICAWT WOTJXB TWACWJimS. - Prom present Indications over 160 peopl will tske the teachers' examina tions, which will be held in the high achool billldtnr In thla rltv hrrlnnln. witn next Wednesday, or thla number lo or 40 will tak th state and th remainder th county examinations There ar also among them a large num. ber of sppllcants who hav never ap peared befor th county board. Bmrkabl Tropla rhraomcBon. 'A curious phenomenon - has been noticed in the tropica that can never be scan at higher latitude. A mining haft at Sombroret. Mexico, is almost exactly on th tropic of Cancer, and at noon on Jun tl th sun shines to tha bottom, lighting up th wall for a verti cal depth of 1.100 feet or more. L. . J ' - i ... ii m sj a m AV I flf W KOMJCTiON SC30E SALE! lr . THE BEST SHOE .YALUES EVCC2 Of FELLED IN PORTLAND L--JV The "best offer of the yetr is up to you today in supply of up-tfthe-minute styles, in the most reliable r ' Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers manufactured; at the lowest reduction possible jih i prices.' ; Don't fail to SST' . take advantage of this great opportunity. It will be a big money-saving event to every one who comes ' t0 hi? reduction sale' of up-to-date Footwear. COME TOMORROW COME EARLY. THE . v '.' , -CJ FIRST COMERS GET THE BEST CHOICE. : S Women's (J-l A fT I Big Shoe Val- -1 ff I '&&JF2P iS5? $2.50 OxfordsV-LT" , ues for : .. .i.. Pl.UU .Jr...' .... ... , v . V Sis, SV4 to S Sal rrio 91.25 Women's Viol Kid Oxford Ties with TTunA r..r pairs Women's. Girls and Little Boys' Vl,cl ' ' wKS,1SS-:.: , srS. 's;::.-; men's $4.oo oxfords sa.w .aTwara si.45 :as.-ttVsa:K 51 0o' "Hi -'sss - - T nsom ..... ............ mym prlc of. a pair.......... V 1 aV V colt VlclKld V - ' ' -and Valours . .' II ' i ' . ': .: , . .. Calf .Ox- .-r-. .-, ' i ' - WSS Women's fcl QC Men's $3.00 AC i $3.00 Shoes Vl.OJ Shoes: J.;.: U L P;. M S!jLJ " ... CX.OSB JL1 " VJ I ' Hr Woman's Vlcl Kid Box Calf snd Valours Calf Man's "Vlel Kid, Bo Calf and Valours Calf Lac ., . jTwi f & It - ' Lac Shoe. Welt and .'McKay Sewed Sole; and Congress Shoe, tip and plain, to, good- fts" r''' rly ., - ' style ar all new and. right up s shapes and mad by reliable -saiaw ' Ik 11 VZ J$ ' llrT -to date; regular IS. 00 values; C I KS shoemakers; regular prlc. ts.00; (1 TlA.VsJ, VC. Jff II ' ! , wuonox uu nici... V stwxiuoTiow saub mom... VVV, T-,,v Q$&- "If : BARON'S S .230 and 232 Morrison Street Near Second Street ( j VOlSh - - THE 8TORB FOR THE ECONOMICAL ' v 5c, WESTERN STATES WILL AID FAIR ATTfc BXTSWBU TOVB OT SIX statbs urn AJn mu coitv ICSSZOWXB BSrOBTtt A OSaTXKAX. . ZWTOWST xw szroszTiow ICAWT STATS BVXXBXWOS. J. P. Marshall, special , commissioner of th Lewis and Clark corporation, has returned from an' extended trip through th northwest and gives aasuranc that this part of th country wUl b well represented at th Lewis and Clark fair next year. Th-fair, according to Mr. Marshall, has been well advertised throughout the territory through which he traveled and every on seems to be taking an actlv Interest In th succesa of tha exooaltlon. i " I He traveled through- a larg part of astern Oregon and su of Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Utah and Wyoming,-and everywhere was well re ceived. ' ' " He believes It probable that all of the stat will hav building at th fair: All of th newspapers have given hearty support to th work of Mr. Mar shall. It Is his plan to secur an ap propriation from county commissioners to provide for a plac in which to stor th exhibits until th time come for shipping them to th fair. On of thes places wiU be provided for each county. THE JOURNAL HAS 14 BRANCH OFFICES Tor th convenience of Its readers and want-ad patrons Th Journal has established 14 branch offices In differ ent parts of th city, where, ad vertlae ments, if left will receive the asm at tention as if th advertiser visited Th Journal office Th offices ar. at th following places: Joseph K. Worth, pharmacy, Bl mont atreet i Brooklyn pharmacy, corner Powell and Milwaukl atreeta , Ingram A Bush, tobacconists, ltt Grand avenu. B. F. Fulton, tobacconist 174 Burnsid atreet corner Union avenue. Robrt A. Preston, pharmaoy, eornar Twenty-third and Thurman strt. vA. W. Allan, pharmacy,' corner Six teenth and Marshall strvets. Nob Hill pharmacy, Olisan trt corner Twentr-flrat '' t R. B. Jacks, tobacconist, 000 Washing- ton street B. F. Jones A Co., pharmacy, Front and Olbbs streets. Cottel Drug company, corner First and Grant streets. - Nichols A Thompson, pharmacy, 1ZI Russell, corner Alblna avenue. Tuttle'e pharmacy, I6S Mlsstssfppl avenu. corner Shaver street - i J. A. Pick, tobacconist 124 Crosby street east and steel bridge. - Janck Drug company, corner Haw thorn and Grand avenu. Office rata ar in effect at the branches and advertisements will b accepted until 1 1 noon to appear In lasu of that day. For The Sunday Journal "want ad" can be left as lat a I o'clock Saturday night. When a want arise that an ad can fill, drop In at th nearest branch office and leav your ad -21 word for II cents. CONCERT TO BE GIVEN BY BAND Brown's military band will giv a concert at t o'clock tonight at Park and Columbia streeta Th following pro gram will be rendered: March Conciliator . .Bcourton Waltaes Jolly Girls . .Vollstedt Overture Raymond . . Thomas Serenade .....Frana Schubert Popular Medley sickle Bcenea form "The Sultan of fiulu". . . . ....... Walthall Kntr Acte et Na s. from "Ballet t Coppella" Iellbes Descr titlve n eco In the Mill. . . .Olllet Twostep A Southern Bell. , , . .Eusen ai tn matinee concert at th City para tomorrow at I p. m. th program Will bs March "Dwn th Pike". . . .. .Aronson Waltsea "Murmuring Waters". . . .Hsll Overture "L Cald". Thomas Porto Rlcan Dane "Rcslta', ..Mlasud Medley of popular airs ....Mackl Ragtime IntermessU "Funny Folks"... Powell Selectlon'Xa-Viatal". . . . .Meiwrfante Idyl "fanay",. , . . . Erlche Scene from "Chimes of Normsndy" . . v. . s,j. .'i. ,'. . Plsnqutt Two step a la Japanese) "Three . . Little Maids".. ,Uins - Chatlaa la Bcmugoodw . . 1 Muck-Dunning Hardware Co. SECOND AND MORRISON STREETS ' ; ) TEETH SPECIALS XXTENDEO WT1L SIFT. I Boston Painless Dentists Will make SDclal low school rates In order that all school children may com and hav their teth carad for during vacation. ' Theae ar th onlr dantlata in Port' land havtog th lat botanical discovery to apply to th gum ror raintass jux tracting. Filling and Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed for ten years. Extracthit .'...FIEE Silver FUllnts lie Fun SdafTtrth $3.00 rjuniMtiog...' CM Fillings 7Sc field Crawu. S3.M Orowaa aad Brldr Work at Z,ew Prlc a specialty. Our latat Somhl notion will hold year tth up. wo TtrouTe. Come I if at once and tak advantage of low rates. i tea. All work aon by special lat without, pain at pain and guaranteed, for It yeara Boston Painless Dentists Fifth and Morrison streeta, antranc Ifltt Morrison. H This" is the Only Place In town wher you get anything and vrythlng In Ladla' Tailor Ing. W mak all kinds of light weights. Bilk and clothe, . Mont Carlos, Suits, Bhlrt Waist Bulls, to. ' - ....... A. Lippman 4 TAJtatTLX. mm. - Phoa, ! mt ' rrSTAJOXB. Mlraji Potts was arralsned bafor Mu nicipal Judge Hogu today on a charg of larceny of 15, preferred against him by Mis Lottl Warner, a waitress In th St. Charlea restaurant. After consider able talk the defendant wss released. H said he took the money ss s Jok, but th woman vldntly could not se th Jok. Crohn ' ' Inatantlv - relieved De Thomas' Kclactrlo Dll. Parfactlv mmJA. iv sails A-an-4ruaV stota, , 4 SPECIAL, SALE For Saturday I Night 18-in. Iron 24-in. Iron Tha line is ) TUSCAN Mineral Springs opnr amT sat xm Td Whom It May Concern j -t cam to th abov springs on April to taks treatment for my eyes. I had a very aever attack of catarrh -of th eye, was- almost blind after treating Jrlth th best specialist that eould bi ound, and suffering for nine yaara I hav at last found a cur her at th FAMOUS TUSCAN SPRINOB. I can not nrala them too hlcblr. I hot that othr that ar aiTuctM win giv una atrial B-pful Room lot, Cammaroial Blag. Portland, Oregon. ' Mr. I. C Palmar, of Palmer, Or, wss cured of rhumatlm. If you ar sick wrlti to ua; we will giv you th nam nd address of aora on eurd , of a similar compiainb Tuscan Mineral Springs Corp. TVSOAaT, CJAaj. sm boo pob om.a or . AJTS CATABJUK AAXT. stabllaaod IMS. Onfra Phoa. M fTT Portland Marble Works Msnufacturr of and dealers la all kinds of Marble, Granite and Stonework Estimates Given on ' Application. , ; ' 268 FISST STREET, Bet Madison and Jefferson Streets, PORTLAND, Or. C3Tr.!::a syt.1? ha basa 4 by VMNoa of Hnthm tar tketr ebilaraa wail TeethlBf for ovar Fifty Tears. It sootba tb child, softesa tb guais, allsrs aU pais, eons wind eolla, aad Is sb best Saaiedy for dlarrkma. VWKMTT-riVB CSTfTS A BtTTLI. . 9 ejArtrtAeWAwvwvyyJ JMEMAKDW'CrJIE.T Cas Bit ) fei enstjral dlaesaraet.loflsaiBntlens, IrrHsUoas ae alesrsUoas f siaaeas BMwbrsaas, IWCMMTl.H 1 M by sarwsalais, j , ww ami msib wnmr, r I T asra, sreaala. tat J kl SI- or I sottUe S3.7. ' U.AwjMai me ipii Plumbs and Levels I Plumbs and Levels i t. . $l.3S These are Genuine Stanley Majestic Malleable Ranges, Steel Ranges v: '. and Cook Stoves . 1 .. - complete and prices right Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK W. treat suocMifully all prlrataj nervous and ehronle diseases, also blood.) stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throes troubles. W cur ST THI LIS (without tAorcury) to stsy cured forvr. In I t. t dsya W remove OTRtCTURH. wlthi out operstlon or pain, in Sftn daya ' WE CUCE tONOBSaOEA W A KEEK Th doctors of thla Instltut ar ail' regular graduate, bav had many year' xprlnc, bav been anowa In Portland for II years, bav a reputation to maintain, and will odrtak no ess unless certain our can b ffotd. 1 W gusrant a our In vry eas w undertake. or charg no fa. Co sulfation free. Letters eonfldantlal In structlv BOOft FOR MEN mailed frs la plain wrapper. If you eannot call at offlca, writ fog question blank for horn treatment. . Offlo boars I to I, and T to I. Sunday ; and holidays. 1 to It. ; - Th leading enerlslfst in th North weef ' . Katatllahd lilt. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Taa aToy Sotel. hT. a. Cos, iraM aad Via ettweta, . " , . POBTlVAira. OBSOOaT. . THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR D. SINGLETON Th famous doctot haa saved manT' lives from nperstlona He cure all dla-i of -man and' I women, such . aa - nivumRuimi neu ralgla, kidney dis ease, stomach diN . te., by . th ua of roots and barbs, especially prepared for eaoh case. All diseases . suooMBfuily treat d with powerful tiiiiii nerDa, 1 roots snd baras that ar entirely un known to medical sclsno la this oou CONSULTATION FREE i Patients out of ths city ban b cured at horn- Writ your symptoms fully. Add res , , ' ' I ,. D. Singleton Chinese Medicine Co. j JT. Pourth St. Bat. OouoA aad Baa tfHUk arorlteM. 0ntvB- - . t ... - . . V.- 1 'i : ' ..a.