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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1904)
If V THE OREGON : DAILY JOURNAL. , PORTLAND. FRIDAY . EVENINO. AUGUST 9. 1904. v.: The Journal -Want Columns .. RATES i- , ';' ' On time, (o a Una. ' On wnli (7 Insertion, Includ ing Sunday lue, 15c a Una.- On month ( including Sunday lawuee). 7 So a Una. Classified ad verTtnemenfn ara payabla tn advance; minimum charita 15c, 'Help Wanted" and ' "Situations Wanted" advertlae menta ara published ona tlma free of charge- ,. , .. , Advertisement must be tn by 11 o'clock noon for tha dally la ' suee. and 10 o'clock Saturday ..vanlnc.for. tha Sunday, laauea. PROPOSAL Rids will be received t the office of di rector general Lewis sad C'lsrk Exposition company, Stearna holloing, Slxtk aad Morrison streets, ap to Wednesday, August 10. for tha furnishing ef four motors from H to W horse power each for pumping plant at tke exposition grounds. Spectflcstlon l file la office of director ef works. - . ' 1 . - H. w. coodb. i . Director General Portland. fegon, August a, 14 Reeled bids will be received at the office ef the School clerk, city kail, ap to 12 m.. Ssturday. August , 104. for tke pslutlng ef the following school bull. lings, vis: The Harrison' school building, the Alnsworth school building, the Chapman school, building, the D. .P. Thonpaod arbonl building. Sperlficstlons caa be ,srea at -tha office of the School Clerk. .All pro. noes Is must be accnmpsnlt-d br a certified check for 10 pee cent of tke amount of pco. Ceal. Tae School Board tiatrvse the rlcut reject an and all bids. THOMAS J. JOSE.. Architect. Portland, Oregon, , August t, 1B04. . II ones. WOTICB'Or STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING . The anoaal sleeting -of the stockholders of the Sultivsa Extension Mining fompsny. for the el-ctloa of a board of director ( the ensuing year, and for the transsctloa of suck other burin as an segolarly roaia befor then, will be held at the office ef the company, rooms ni to 604 rbamber of Commerce building. Portland. Oregoa, a ' Aaguat . 10, 100. at I o'clock p. am, . gborgb r. holm an. Secretary Sullivan F.iteaeloa Mining Com pa 07. ' Portland. Oregoa, July W, 1004. . '. yoTics or dissolution or partnership. " To andendgned, heretofore" doing hneltieea at Portland, Oregon, ander the firm name and trie of Krsnaee I Tine, hare this dar dls--.solved pirtnernhtp br mutual consent. Roderick r-eV Prince hailiul acjntred the tntereets of Ott R. Kraneae aad John R. Rrsusse. eaeuiaes all the ladebteaoeas ef eeld eo-partnerhlp. OTTO E. KKAI 8Hn. , - ,'JOHN R.- KRAI-SSK. RODERICK J. PRINCE. ' Tared Portland, Oregon. July SI, 1004. TBI - WESTERN EMPLOTMHNT BUREAU, . laa Third at. Phone Main 1MB. ' S00 bop pickers wanted; eosae at on re and reglater. . We have made arrangements wltk some of the beat bop fields In Orearn snd Washington. Registration for hop picker one per neeo. ni wane regietrarioM trom those who only mesa to pick hope when they 'go oat and not to frolic Wonted. 5 rooka ft wsltressea, man aad wife fur ranch. 11 nowse gins,' awn ror nry goods position tor rasters Oregna, drug clerk for eastern Idaho. ' If yo wsnt any kelp for fsll Work com ' and ref'ster at onoa. We are reglstrrlng ' from Al to B0 people dally for all klads of poaiiioDS. WANT S.000 hop picker la families for best . ysrds t Willamette Talley; assoclatlo prices: escursloa rstes. We are beadquartert . for bop pickers; come early snd secure the . beet niece In earlr yards: reeleter her foe clerical positions; the only office In the normweat mat sens good eieriroi snd com mercial positions. Bookkeepers, clerks, esles . men. prlTste secretaries, clrll sndjneehm!csl englaeera, firemen, electrlclana, dratigt) he me n, etc. We wsnt kits of kelp; eom and oe a im we win locere yon. EAGLH EMPIIYMENT ni'REAtt. ' S0 Goodnougk Block. . Phone Main aaoa. ANTED 60 mill and rsrd men s an: ail 11 blacksmith, fs.60: 10 aaemen. 12.118; SS log. glng road lahorers. S3 and no: man who naoeraTsnas armng logs, w slwsys Bar a lsrgs list of work. - orncE feb onlt iwv. '- LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BLKEA0. Pboaa' Black mL, ... SOStt Morrlsna at WANTKD rr 17. Army Able-bodied aee married tnea. between age of SI aad M. -'-eltlacne of Tnlted Rtatea. of good character ad trmperere hsblt. who caa enesk. read - ond write Bngllsb. For Information, apply to Recruiting Of fleer. Third aad Oak ts - Partlsad. Or. BARBER trad taught by our new method, which eaable student ra earn mage while learning. Call or addreea for free catalogue, r AMERICAN BARBER COLLBQI CO.. No. ad North Sixth St. KTLLED AND WNBRILLED LABOR ot aR ' deecrl prions, promptly sappUed. Ft ot . charge to employers. ' HANSEN'S EMPLOTMBNT OFFlCfj 30 North Breoad street. Bear Burnslde. . , MEN WANTED T learn barber trade; apeetsl offer: position secured; eonstsat practlc and expert tnetraruoa; catalogn mailed fee. Mo ice System College, Baa Francisco. Cat . WANTED Ftrat-clas' shoe ssleemsn: one sc ' aoelnted wltk men' furaishlnge preferreo, mast ha refereace. N. 22. The Journal. MEN wanted, to read the "Mai Help Wanted" ' adeertlaementa; you'll slwsya Snd a nam her ot good -oenlng among them. TWO dry gooda a a lea me a who caa alio trim , window and writ card. Address L. 40, Jnarasl, . . 'WANTED Tw shlnglers. TSS Eaat Eighth t.. North, before T a. au WANTED Drag clerk refereaeea. Boa M7. LaOrsnde, Oregon. , nu WAwrrr rxMALR. d WAITRESSES. onliytA-chsmheianrld. sou. ond girl, rod place, t-10; 40 girls for bonse . work, good plsce. city and Seaside; wjraea cook. :tn; psntrr girls; nt'tsalrs girl. .; . RAOLB EMPLOTMKNT Bt'UEAn. FQ4 Ooodnoagk Block. Tbon Main 4S0S. . WANTED A roong Udy to assist la keeping ; , hook aad steoographlnr: am be correct In figure; sddress In ewa handwriting, N. IT. car of Journal. OIRIJIl K Keep your ere oa Journal want eot what yoa want I very likely adTer In thee Co lames today; read them nmnej ' tlml care rally WANTED Olrl or woman to go to Seaalde; . boasework. family of three. Dr. Darling. Phone Esst 62 or Main 1722. . pU'LTNOMAH BTIREAL wants all klods of fe male help; good place waiting. SO Waahlaa- too bldg. XXXV WANTED HALS 0B FXMAIX 1 WANTED Young men and women to leer bow , to pas el Til eerrte examination for gov ernment position. 8. tl. Journal. . eUTDATTOVS WABTXD bTALK. BORER young man, experienced In car and running machinery, want lluatloa. N. 11, Journal. TWO flrt-clas coofca want work at Seaside. N. ST. cere of Journal. : e SITVATIONS WARTEB FZMALB. BRIOrTT young woman, now. cashier In ators. desire e chsngs employers: owns her owa , typewriter nd I epert, bnt "rusty" n abortband; can do an kind ef office work. X. SB. Tha Journal. . S1TVATTON wanted: young girl of IS would Kks position In star or ome thing slmllsr. I'hoa Main SATS. COOP, reliable womaa arwhes pnslttna as copy sr writing. N. SS. care of Jonrnsl. wAmB-jfiscrLLABEorrs. A! ADVERTISEMENT ' Uk this la Jourasl want eolumas costs S ewnts a line eeck Insertion. It Is artrarttT and reaches the people yea ' want a reach. Try en I . W AMTrn To buy for reek, a a! -on. In good enwtlilo;. mast as ekesp. Address K. Id, Juaraal, . xmploiMxxt aoerotxs. WILLAMETTB Employment A Real Batata Co., . 189 Morrleoa aad TS North Sink: largest . and beet list of real eetate sat Pacific eoasli m1I orders solicits. BELP of sll deacrtpMoae famished sawmills. 3e.i.x- or en i i ipirooa i logging, esmpa, factories. Alpine EBiployawat Aaen lit fleet at i'heoe Mala logging, camp, lacionea. tree vm roiivea cr. Bear atorraeua, IBIT. Wl 'farnlsk all kind al "aale kelp oa abort sotlca. ' ; ' WILLIAMS A ROl'RR. ed 161. North leeoad at. LADIRS Positions secured end female kelp furnished. Tke Oreaoa Woman's - Emptor meat Afeacy, S06 Ausky beUdlac. fknae Clay ul AMERICAN EmpurBlent Agency. Help of all kino's ruratahed oa abort no ties; man oraors promptly attended to. SB N. Sd st. Mala tilt. rOR LADIES ONLT. PORTT.AK0 Women's Employment Company. SIS Allaky, cor. 8d and alorruoa. Red SUIT. JAPANESE RmploysMat Afeocy 'farnlehea de mesnes, rarmnaaos, eta, ee arena siiia as. Phoa Clay OKA PIONEER EMPIX)VhIEIT CO., Ubor eontrao- tors; kelp fro to employ era. Sift Morrleoa. WORK for men. men fa HANSEN. Or-FICR. Sd North WAR TED 10 RUT. WANTED To let yoa know that adeertlalns your ascent rooms la journal want columns m the -eaaleet and ulckeat way to Snd do slrable ocrapaatsi IS eeata paya for SI weeds. WANTED Honeekeeplna' roonaw m asodera aoase; aaust as coo. Address K. ll, itonrnai. WANTED Office or desk room; ff round floor preierrea. . zn, oarnai. . f IS-ROOM booaa, ; aafarakiksd. ' Pbeae Mala SMT. WAjmD R00MA WANTED Lane fornlebed room In strictly aaodera. reepectshle nouea. By renoBw couple. Address E. 4, Journal. WARTXS aiAX. XSTATX. WANTED To bay from owner, a small dairy. rmlt or poo l try farm; firs rail aesenpuoa. Addreas A 11. ear Journal. WARTXD TTaTAVCIAL, WANTED 110.000 to finance a large eorpore- tUea; awoey absolutely secured; a chance to get is oa tha groaod Soor. M 38, The Journal. . i. for mm KoiraxxxKraiw rooks. 1. TS PRR WBRK Lsrga. cleaa. faraisbed Csaei sis cheap furalebed o trace. eC dig. 1S4 Bharaua. Phoa Cmy 90A FOR RENT Honsekeeplng rooms la all parts of tne vity. Mesa ui eisssiacauoa 11 yoa ar asoamg ror soaas. S8S .SIXTH St.. nlcelr furnished kousekeeplng apartments; ngnt rroat rooms, u. nssl, . Ploo. . TUB Templeton. snSVt 1st at, nicely furnished koasekeeplng aad single room; rsesonabl. THREE ar four room; gas, host: best locality, 18 N. ISth. Phoa West 28S1. CI lETON. sor. 1st sad Colnmblai In saltes; res FOR RIHT ytTRKWHlD X00BTA TUB PAIRMOT'NT. SM Nortk Rlth. amir . Rarnslde, half block nortk of postofDce, S blocfts scats ot fleoot Yoa caa get room la this elegsntly furnished, new, steam-heated building at ressiiiwbl rates. furnished ot anfurnlsbed. slngl or e u1t. hot and cold running water tn room, electric light, porce lain hatha, phone- tourist snd transient trade solicited. Mrs. S. E. Csrtwrlght, proprietress. "THB LINCOLN," 40S Morrison, cor. 1 Its- New brick, elegant, ruroleheii. nanny roomei sll modern conrenlences; towrlBT snd trseel. In men solicited, sirs. T. D. Hughes, Proa, S ROOMS for gentlemen; sew honee; priest fsmlly; bath snd telephone; breskfsst fur nished If desired. '. 1M North Eighteenth. POR RENT Fonr nlcelr furnished front mom! gas; also unfurnished roam for housekeep ing. IVNlH Wsshlngtoa, cor. Fifteenth. FIRNI8HET room sds la Journal wsnt col umns bring reenlta; SI words for 15 cent - Is the rate. . Hare yoa any rooms Ft'RNISHBD room for rent! targe front parlor; xna Finn si., cor. aiaaiaos. aiao room ana board. THR TEMPLE Targe, nlcelr mralsbod rasa cessans nl. B4SH Tamhlll St.. cor Berenth. ,. BOOKS BOARD. BOARD wltk rooms, well foroVned: aaodera soarenlooeae: table board. , SZ1 1lrteeh ac ELEOANT fttmlehed rooms aad caeap Board yoa win nnn it kii riooa si. TABLE BOARS. . TARLR board, bom cooking. S3 80 laa Fleeenth St.. enr AMer. FOB RET H0T7BXB. A OOOD bom 1 alw-BTi s source of pleasnre; aiany nico nouse mat win mace good aoaiea are constantly adeertleed la Journal want columns. Ara you looking for en) RENTAL AGENCY - of J. U Well Co.. S4 urana see. we msss (peclslty at renting bouses snd collecting os east side; charge reasonable. Phono Union SK6. 4 NEW, modern. S-rooai kouse oa the seat side, la a good location. S2n, 21. 2S. In quire of llsrtmin, Thompaoa A Power. FOR rent or sale. 1011 WIIHsbm a Tense. S-roonj bous. sll mnoera toaranleacea. Apply Job Ksln. K4 Stsrk st FOB BIBT 0FFICX BOOM. NEWLT furnished lodge bans: arao nfflc fat rent. Allakr bid.. Third and Morrison. FOB BIBT FLATS. FOR RENT A newly tarnished (-room flat, 4S4 Bnrnaldd. cor. 1 1th. FOB RENT FARMS. FOR RENT IB acre on Johnson creek; 8 acre Improved with buildings; 3 mile esst of Lents. E. D. Hnrrle, Lents, Or. LOST ABS F0TTBB. LOST Large basket telescope oa road lie twees I nleereltr Psrk nd Portlsnd, off a moving wagon; leave at ZM Tblrd'and receive reward, or phone Mala IMS. LOST Oa White Hon road. Sunday, ladle' Jacket, color grey with small check; finder please rsll up Red S321, room IT, and re cti re reward. FOCND Wtck la Deschutes river; owner caa have sams t7 proving property and paying expense. W. C. Hammer, Rcntt all Us. Or. LOST A account book, red cover, the nam Frank Knhtk written on It; Under please phone Scott SS00 snd arrange for $S reward. IOST Many good epnovtnnlllc every day sou fell to read Journal Want Column. Doe't miss them. LOST Easter Stsr tHn, lnltlsat J. L. N. re ward. 20 Tamklll St. . FOB SALE BOSSES A1TT) CARRIAGES. Foil CAN sell your horse or waeou by adetw Using It la Journal Want Column; try them; 21 word for IS cent. TEAM for sale; weight t.SnO lbs.; S sd I year eld. PortUaaf Fael Co., SS4 Water at. FOR SAL"! Rig team; will trade for small tee S3. ITS R. 2M st.,' near Belmont. TO XZCBAB0B. WHAT yoa have and doe't want bj Just what someone else needs and can't Snd. If you II advertise It I Journal want column you rs mske a good trad. Try them; SI word fur IB rests. ........ ilOHTLT lot oa eoet aide for good i die M 11. Jouraai. Ad- I JotHrinia For the convenience of its patrons The Journal has established Branch Offices where "WANT" Advertisements may be at regular office rates. Leave an ad. at any of tha following places before 11 o'clock in the morning and it will appear In Journal of the same day. For The Sunday Journal, "WANT" Ads. will be received untilv10 o'clock Saturday night: R, A. Praakon, drucctat, lid and.Thur- man atrt. Nob Hill Pharmacy.' S Ollaan strwat. corrier Hat A. W. Allen, rharmaclat. Kth and Mar- v shall atroata. K. B. Jaoka, confectionery. tOO Wash lnfton Btreat, corner lath. . . ' SOVTX. ' " B. T. Jones Co., drusffists, Front snd Glbbs streets. Cottel Prug Co., First and Grsnt streets. Remember, it costs you no . ' .-;."'; Busnrzss cbaItcis. "ROOMINO HOCSR HEADQPARTERS." TAPT A CO. ." 125-S Ablastaa bldg. Fbeaa Mala IDC A FEW LEADINO BARGAINS. 18 ROOMS; corner; well furnished snd well located; rent only dS a month; S yeers lease; bous all full snd elearlnf orsr 1 120 a aionth. rrlca 12.200. SI ROOMS Flrat-clas transient honss oa Nortk Sixth st. rent flOO a month. 8 yesrs' lesss; . this bonss will clear flS0 to S200 a month. Price only 2,Xt. . 64 ROOMS Elegantly furnished, loratsd near , Portland Bote); S hatha, steam beat, running water in most suites; rent Ices thsn fo.M per room. This kouse will clear 000 par nontk. . Price only ,2to. 2S ROOMS Fnrnlrnr all Srst-clss. Iocs red . Bear the Perkln hotel: rent only fAA with less until Jsnusry. 100T. This booaa clear ever 2 per month. Prlre S3.20O. IS BOOMS Nicely snd aewly furnished, well located for transient trade; rent 190 per . month wltk a 4 years' less. You can fleer 7 to flOO a asontk hers. Price 800. We ran make nry satisfactory term oa aay of the above place. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Cf'RIO STORE Well located oa beet part of Washington St.; receipts averaa over S2S C-r day: rent only $2.1 4er month, with sse: 11,000 takes this, or will Involc. The pront la this business I orsr SO per cent, GROCERY .STORE One of th best corner In lb cllr; If yon want a SNAP at INV0ICB, see thU QUICK. . RESTAURANT One of the best saying place . la Portland, on THR BEST street In town; receipts aver M0 a day; this la a SNAP for - St. sua. e- -- WR GUARANTEB ALL 'TITLES AND PRO TECT BL VER AS WELL AS SELLER. TAPT A CO. ; J!S AbtnstoB ,bldg.. . 108H" Third WANT $10,000 to finance large corporation; a rhaaee"rte st In on ground Soar; aaoney b- " solutely secured. N 24, The Journal. THR UNION LAND CO. C. O. DeVere. B. R. AWgrea. 24 4 Morrison at. A np; saloon for S3.TIWK Cost of fixture Bsr. SVxi; pool tihle. 2O0; piano. 2W; rock. S.1H0; safe, IIIWI; csah register, 12X0; ' table aad chairs, f2nn. Two year' lease; rent S40.O0; dally recelpta $(10.00. This la the best chsnce tn a lifetime. ' Cigar atsnd. fToO: barber anon. (; restau rant. S700; rooming noose, guoo. terms; room ing bouse. $700: reetsnrant for rent, beet locution tn town; small tract of lead to exebanm Tor city property) rooming bona for $.160. Call today. FOR SALE A modern etestn. laundry. Grocery star; choice atnek gad gaed- location. Berry term at neon ttiver. : Honee and lot and rooming Bouse. . A komeetead relleqidahroent. Bent houses. Buy and sell real a personaj nronertr. - Wanes St OdA lii -a'im yliig lUTetne.' elf r." RAKEH HKALi IWTA'H HUI,. Room Cbsmher of Commerce. MONEY. Merchants, attorney. . mechanic, elerka, bom builder, tnveator. all classes, should exomln our plan for cheap, easy, furors loans, I Oregon, Washlugtoa and Idaho, without se urlty. , THF) NATIONAL FINANCB VTMNO A I DEVELOPMENT CO. Suit SOS Marousja, bid., Portlsnd, Oregon. FOR SALE. -THE best ever. Here It Is: 40 room of le Jant furniture on best earner la Portland, st he lowest rent In city, snd at the ebespeet price rooms sr full of th beet of. tenant and It is nw making over $ots per month .profit. Further Information, call at office. . 12S Seventh at. FOR SALE Stork of ksrdwar. stores snd tin ware; th only tin and plumbing shop In the town; Inrated In on of the heat town In th - Willamette valley; stock will Involc between .1 ooo snd $4,000; best ef reasoaa for selling: refereace. Hexter, May On., or Msrahatl Wells Hardware Co.. Address B. B, ear of " I'ortlend JournaL STOCK of boo la and shoe for (air: well eatab . liebed bnslnea; reason for selling, death ef proprietor; stock caa he Inspected st anf time; only boot and shoe store I Beppaer, Or. Geo. Conner, administrator. BUSINESS CHANCES drertleement la ' Jourtial Went Columns bring big tetania; ' If yoa want tn hny or cell a business, try them; tl word for IS cent. WHAT bav yoa to exekanre m fun nnyuwat r part payment for s II fs Insurance poller In one of th largest aid has eoanaalesl Address M. T2, Journal. FOR SALR Stock and Sxtnre ef wholesale confectionery manufacturing plsnt. Kaautre t 4S and 4S Front st. BUhop A Ce, Son CIGAR d ennfectlonery, with Ice cresej nd living room. , S3S First St., South Port land; rent $S. FOR HIRE Schooner "Pre," to a vacation party; now st foot of Esst Burnslde ; Ineulre board. WANTEI Partner to put out (how; reedy t stsrt: Stnd will do. N. 2S. care Joinmal. $ym TAKES reetsnrant at $HS B. Morrison st. win stsna inepecTion. aVttcrbxtb, PACIFIC Coast Law A Collection Agency r-oriiu eince, jiaj toamner or uemmerce. A R.r RIGOrN, attorney and rouseelMlt-lswi notary, mm-atsj aningtou ting. SHEPHERD, ANDFRKON A CBLLARS, Aliarnes, f lao-U Maroaaai Bed. Braniclhi e AST Tuttls's Pharmacy, S&I Mississippi are Due, corner Shaver street. Nichols dt Thompaon. 121 Russell street, . ' . coroax Alblna, avenue. . .Brooklyn Pharmacy,-corner Powell and . ' .' w ' a Mllwaukla streetA - Jancke Drue; Co., corner Hawthorne and. orana avenues. J. A. Dick, tobaccos, and steel brldse). B. F. Fulton, confectionery, 174 E. Burn slde, corner Union avenue. . . Insram A Bush, tobacoomats. Ill Grand avenuA . . . , more for the advertisements and you save car fare' and time, byf leaving your "WANTS" at The 'V" Journal's Branch Offices. ' ' Twenty-Qne FOB SSIB BBSTi XSTATV STOP paying rent; ewa your ewa bom. See this: -room new cottage; flowers; garden txsn- lino down, monihlv narmsot. -room cottage; ehlrkea house) garda 100 down, monthly payment, -room Bmder. new bous; bath; beautiful walla; gardes, flow; carpets lf-s deal red ' teem t email farm. 4) aad IS acres: 10c ear fare; goat, chicken. gesss, cow; .new Bara. - roc oe Union M1. A KICB HOMw. ' T lot with B room koaee; fruit trees; must sell oa account alckne. Prlc tl.40O: terms to suit. Addreaa 1. la, car ot journal. PROPERTY OWNERS If you bav ny prop ertr for sal, advertise It la the columns. Journal Want Ads sr great real estate ealea- men; ii wore tor 10 cents. . BARGAIN li yea antlrlpat buying a houss or vacant lot and want a real bargain from toe owser. Address ror parucuur. M. la. . a journal. NEW, modem, l-torr. S-room houss at Monts villa. SI. ITS. AddIv of owner oa rremlee. 4n Spencer St., H block, from MontavllU car. - rortiana. FOR SALE Tkree S-rooai cottages with base ment and ysrd; good condition: renting for is uu montn; easy serm; fi.euu. ci. i. journal. . t- BKLINQUISRMENT oa las arm land aear Lyle, Wasb. ; good two-room konss: good well) snout two acre reneea. n. is. journal. ii'n f ariee, ,-i.,.i : pwi. wk. uw her and homestead locations, see Maxwel; m v.. ale javiHwuns bhi., rwuna vre T-BOOM cottage. No. 4 Corbett St., wltk Sn orcnara; lot eoxioo reel; rent giB pet moot. inquire rrana uacaeaey, Bo (Mrbett ti FOR SALE. II dot) S room cottaee. t lota 100 100 feet, 1 block esst of Wwodlawa ear. In. qalr at boose. BB4 Shaver at. SO-acr Improved farm for sale; stock, ate. Particular, sddress C. W. Stephens, Crs. Oreeon r rlaekamaa ennnter" X FOR 8ALR 4 room modern house ; SOxioo lot; 1301 Twelfth at., Woodlswa; price tl.BSO. B. rsiimgion. t MODERN, sew h oases. 4 snd S rooms. Sll Bkldmnr st. or phone ewner. Scott SBoA FOR SALB-A. small bous. 14x23. cheap) call or sonre 1071 ursna nv., aorta, - FOB SALB FABHA, FOR SALR FARMS Improved farms for Bale la art parte ef Ore goa and Washington; payments made ta salt purchaser. For fnll parrlrular to vsrt- oua nropertte sppiy to wm. Macstaatsr. Ill Worcester a hag. FARM FOR SALR. 120 sere. SO la cultivation, good konss and , barn, A mile rrosa host sn - rsla-oea sta tion. Addreaa, WkL WILLIAMSON, Carmlltott, Wssh. WORD you Uk to lrr on a farml This I where many excellent term ar ortsa ad- vertlaed. ixjok for them. IX R SALB OR TR A DE Homestead rellnautsh ment'tn ssstern Oreaoa. Inquire S3T B. 0th sr. njortn. FOB SAU KSCTXLABXOTJB, SCWINO machines; ioo Sn machine sllg ds waged at very low prices: Blr.gar. Pomestle. Walts. Near Horn. Olds A Klaa, Wlllsmstt. Wheeler A Wllaoa and atbarai some new drop-heed machine at $20.00. A A Slgel US Morrlsoa at. as, ft. Mamusm asog.. ronm ao. ure. IN your store room you probably kava aoaw- you, but Ira good, and well get cash for, it by thing of no use to yon mar Just as wi advertising In Journal want coram; ma gi words roc ia cents. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent er for ssi on ease payment. TBS BRUNSWICK-BALER COLLENTJEB CO., w xniru ni., rortiana. GENUINE BALL'S SAFES Only office la the not Hi nest, to Bixta at. Herriag-Hall-Marvln Safe compaay. Lew prlc ea asosad-fcaad are. FOB SALB Cigar, ennfectlonery and Ice cream stsafl. witn living rooms in connection. To nrmaa at. BICTCLB closing ant sals) $40 Wolff-Assert-ease now 2& Se Tenth and Morrison sts. ALL MAKES of eecond-hand typewriters st th Underwood Typewriter Agency, as rroat at. FOR SALE Good, gentl milch cow and Jersey better, inquire Bo7 K. eta at. aorta. FOR BAI F. Two thoroughbred Jersey ball. N. 10, The Journal. rZBSOBAX. J. J. Hlrshhelmer.. Dens Ion sttoraey. eounsstMa st lsw. pensions : wsr or tn Kehelllon. In dian war, Act ot June n. ww. order No. TS, widows, cblldrea and dependent relatives. bounties, arrears, commntstlons snd claims sgslnst th V. A Koem 8. Cbm. ef Com. TOUB nr-ncrlntlona ar mors rears u-rv and ressonshly filled at Eyseir Pharmacy, X2T Morrlsna at., bet. Urst and Secosd sts. PERSONAL Your buatnes or profeaslonsl card In Journal wsnt Colnmns will bring yoa ouslncss; 21 word for 15 cents. Try It. CATER ealy to the beet people. nedsllst oa disease or ra sair a no scaip. sir. B. va Vere, S00 Dream. Paeaa Bond SftT. "ON Slow Trata Througk Arkansew," by Jackson; full ef fun . and Joksa) SB eeata, one' Bookstore, 21 Alder at. WANTED Interview wltk psrty owning 240 acres neir Lyons Or. Jour address lost. J. TTBackner, M6 ttarET L. I bars followed your Instructions; - am anxiously waiting; am stsylng IBS Twslftk st. A. MMB. PL B. Rlv. derma rolorlst, ersb tieslinant. sBsmpao. etecrric msesss. an fenoanouga. ABT KETAL W0BBB. OBNAMBNTAL work for rest (leases, baa la .el kouss. hanks aad affle railings, grill. Sr place Sttlsga. eksadellera, signs, fences, art work In say style metal and solas I ksmmsn 4 lesr won snd saetsl aplasias B speclsltyi ruiunng oonetruetursl wcrs. lo I K. Tuerck. n-404 rtsvta, cer Nlnrk. ASPHALT PATTKA. THE Trlnldsd Asnhstt Pa vise Oa, ef PsrtlsaA viat-w woo wis uesass' BIB. - ABCHJTXOTB. BODGSON A T0. Architect a id laperlB ear. Fourth teadent. Salts SIS Maeteey blda.. aad Washington sts. Goodrich A Ooodrick, arcklasct; Wm. W. Good- ncn. aaaaaiuas sag laser. IS sta. Freat 1S8A STUB. , SUJiMlSJ-Dm. X ' B- Worth, pharrnaolat. It I Belmont street. ' aaniiviTW 124 Crosby (east Want ada received at the above places until 9 p. m. on Saturday evening. Vbrds for M0BET TO LOAA. FBBD H. STRONG,. FINANCIAL AGENT. . Money to luaa. No som mission. " I am In - a position to msk Immediate loans os Improved reel eetate or for brtld lug purposes: any amount;' mo Jar to Inter est. -We approve loan from pirn aad ad vanes money a building progresses. Option la repayment after on year. . FBSD H, STRONG. Financial Agent. '.. 103 Sueond St.. Bear Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any aalsrled employs, wage-earner, eaa awl as his Bote, without mortgage Month. -month. Week. fno.08 Repay ta aa Sl&dS er $fl.M or SA.SS im 00 Repay to aa S.S er or Si. OS $15.00 Repay to ae 1 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 OoaOdsntUI. 210" McKay bldg.. 10214 id. ALARY LOANS Any salaried nersoa kavtng a steady posltma with resiwnelbl Srm cea I ebtala money on the -vaay payment plan, wt tb on t publicity or delay; nil bnslness treated strictly confidential. NOUTHWEST LOAN CO.. S21 Ablngtoa bldg.. etty. LOANS ON THE EAST-PA YMRNT PLAN wr-Ta- So levied Peupb?. Strictly Confide ntUL Office hour. 0 a. as. to A p. as. . EMPLOYEES' LOAN CO. Phone 224. . Room T1S. The Dekua bids. A W. eor. Third and Whlngtoa sta. MONEY TO LOAN aa resL personal and eo letersl rscurlty: special attention to chattel mortgagea; aotsa bongbt 0. W. Psllst. SIS ' CoamercUl blk. Pbon Mala 1SSS. MOBTOAOB LOANS oa Improved dry sd farm property st lowest current rates: building .loans. Installment loans. Wnv. MacMaster, Sll Worcester bldg. ... , MONEY loaned oa piano, fnrnttur and ether chsttsl securities; sll business strictly prt . vat. NORTHWEST LOAN CO.. SSI Ablng toa bldg.. dir. , I .- MONBT to LOAN hi targe or small mounts en good Beck. SO xi security lowest rites. William a. SOT FslHng kldg. MONEY ADVANCED salaried peonle. teamsters - etc., without uernrHv: essy povjnent; Is.-g- at bustnee In 4B principal cltkss. Telmaa. 22S Ablnrtoa bldg. , nATTEL loan In s mounts ranging fron $2S Vw.v-,v rretroinS-flOWeew B SpedBlTV Cew Bra Lea a A Trust Ce snd Ablngtoa bldg. Cll 1IATTEL loans: raeenlnw Gnoses a sneetslt loans to salaried people. New Era Lean A Trust On.. 80S AhlngtojL-bldg. MONEY TO LOAN FROM $200 UP; PRIVATE PARTY.. ADDRESS 8S MOHAWK BLDO. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved or anleipraved . city property. In mm to salt. Psrrisk. Wit kln A Co.. tno Alder t- LOANS st lowest rate on furniture, nlsnosi any security notes purchased. Eastern Los a ornce. l McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN oa Cmekemaa eountv lend. B. F A F. B. Blley, SOS Chamber ef Cos- srg, . . . BABOtjtfi ABS LIOHTZRIUOV OREGON-ROUND LUMBEB CO.." 1S1 Baraalda st. raone tennt 1171. 8I0YCXXB. STAB NOVELTY WORKS Pea lent In second hand bicycles; general repairing. ST Caioa ave. BBASS W0 AAA PRIER BROS. BRASS CO.. S10 North Elevesth. Brim, bronaa castings, model making, gss - rl work. COTTAGE BITtLDXB. CALIFORNIA BUNGALO I bsva lust returned from California and will build yoa a bungalo coit axe rroat up. Address leteter W. Clsrk. city Phone Sub. TH5. CHIROPODY ABS RtABIOTBIBw. WM. DEVENY A KRTELLE DBVENT, th only scientific chiropodists, parlors room SOS Drew bldg.. Id2 Second at, Phone Mala 1301. Thla I th long-haired gentleman. Be Is the msa yoa ar looking for. . CAFZA. THB OFFICE, SSS Wasb'.egtoa at. Mala TT1. Picket A Vlgneaaa. CAFB KBATE. 12S Slxtk t, - aerved st sll liours. A fine taack COAL AJTD WOOD. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Ttovt ene. llih; waahed lump aontle coal, $.db per too; nut. $6.00; sgents for Cumhrrlsnd Bsnge, $7 00; Csstls Oat. $H.o0; wholessl ? rices; free delivery; full weights; astlsfso loa guaranteed. Pbdn Main. MS. . HERB uj.yonr chance to get your winter bog . wood: Five loads, $1.00 a load, or slngl k.sds at $l.Tfi a load. Multnomah Wood Conn ' pany. Pbon Mai $110. STEEL BRIDGB WOOD YARD I th plsce to buy your wood snd coal. Office 2m Hsllsdsg ave. Pkone Bast 424. 0. Lomerlne, Mgr. GOOD fir cordwood st $3.T5 delivered to sny rise within 20 blocks of Eighth and Haw thorn streets. Phone Scott 40TA ALB1NA FUEL CO.. Railroad st. aad 'Albion v., near ferry; slab snd block wood, dry end green, pbon East STA WESTERN FEED FUEL CO.. Pbon IMS. Cea tie Gsts coal and all other coal oa the eiarket. 164 Nortk Flftk at. HOOVER A CONWAY. SIS Water at.. tb ptees for good 4-foot, live Sr Or wood. Pbeae Mala 4o0A ... - PIONEER Fuel Ce.. renioved from foot Mor "pbon rises to foot Mala at. Mala ISO. 0. B. VELIN. wood snd coil: eftlce S3 Albln ST., near fsrry. Pboae Esst IfiSS.- OREGON FUEL CO.I all klnda of coal and sea MorrMntv Phone Main an. OABFXBTZBS AMD TILDE R A A t. AUTHOstB A H. B. WOOD, carpenters anu ouiioer; repairing ana nving; store and etdc a i tores built. Shop SOS Colambts. PbsM Clay 1861. FANNING . A RM8TR0N0 Carpenter nd ooiiders: repairing ana innmng; reasons ni rste. Fbop sor. Foartk and Columbia. Front I2N6. 0. W. flORDON, eonnters. shelving, bouse Built CI0AAS ABB T0BA0OO. BSRRRG-GUNBT CI0AB CO. . vutributor . ef ' FINB CIGARS. ' . Portlaad, CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, pal card reader; I ale farts reliable and portent all affair of reel Ills. Beat palmist, - I Im. Beedlnge ea, saw eoaxua l Offices left The. 15c COMMISSION KXB3HABTS, BVRRDINO A FARRELL. produce aad eommlo- eiuai sueixjiantw. asv ervas WW. rwiossi we. rovnw Btaia 1 1 w. CROCXXKT ABb GLASSWARE. -ewV WHOLBSALB rocksry aad g laa war. Prsel, Hegel A Co.. 100 t 10S Flftm cor. Stark at. CXMEITT CONTRACTORS. HAWKINS A CO. Residence, SOS Foartk St., pnon rmni ligo; cemeul wars ot su as sort pttonsi tap work apeeialtyi work guar- CHA8. fT. CARTER, eeneral eontrsctorl sldewslks; cement work a specialty: sll work gaaraateed. 1ST Orand ave.. N. bat 144. CBAS. H. CARTER A CO. f formerly Carter A Ell), cement contractors, ST4 Tax gart, rkoae last 187B. All work guaranteea. Jw SOO ABO H0RSX H0SPTTAU DR. 8. J. CARNEY Tstrrlaary aurgeom. 10$ nana nuta at. I'aoo Mala 14B4) lea. pan Mala MSI. SBtSUAXXX. MRS. McKIRBFN, artlstl drss and taoak making. 661 Morrteou et. .nh" Ml rr-TT SZ00BAT0BS. HENRY BRRGER ISO First St.! waluaar, Ingrain, tan tries, applique frtoaaa. later- or Decorating. FRATERNAL rSSTBABCaV ORDER OF WASHINGTON Pore moot fyatar ' aal soclctr of aortkwest: arotecta the He- Ing. J. L. Mitchell. prem secretary. SIS ana via Msronam Bids- rortlaao. vw. ma phone Main 04A STUB 0 ABS CLXABIira. Berlin Steam Dyeing A Cleaning Work! Beet quipped dye work In th city; dry cleaning of ladle' fin garments a specialty; res sons bis - prices; prompt service; first-clsss work guana- xeo. ' ii Aider St. i-non Mala aosv. PORTLAND 8TRAM CT.EANINO AND DYEING Werkai nesetlesl batter la can section: fee thee boa and plume clesned and curled by aa sx- - .1 , - - . Mi 7 J. HUNTER. 650 Jefferson St.. strem rsrpet and auittres cleaning; feather renovating; au woe guaranteed. Fnone Mala XI. . CLOTHES CT.EANED AND' PRESSED St pee month. . Unique Tailoring Ce 84T Waahlog- t XOU St. B. W. TURNER, prnresewmsl Ayee snd ataaaar, SOS Jefferson st. Pbon Mela SS1A XLXCTBI0A1 W0RXA NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. SOS Stark at., Portland; O. K. for . everything la the slactrloal use. rasas. Mala wm. nOTTB ABB rtlD. FLOUR. fd. potato, coal. ate. Bermsa Kanne. 410 Raat Bevenm at. Pboae Bcott 4B11 FVXBrnrBx factortta. FUBNITURB manufacturlnir snd aneetal L. Ruvenaky's farnltae factory, 370 front st. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Compear Msnnfsctarsra ef fa ml turn for tke Trade. SOS ' First St. B00XBS. . WADHAMS A CO., wkotasal gTocera, mss. fseturers and aoaunlssloB mere basts. F sorts aad Oak eta. ALLEN A LEWIS, commission snd prod no asse, chants, rroat and Davis sta., Portlaad. Ot, LANG A CO.. First aad Ankeuy 0TZXS. Hotsl Portland. Amsrloaa ptaa; $. $ pst day. Relvedece: Europe a a la a: 4th aad Alder sta. BATS CXXABX& BASTRRN Bat Manufseturlng Ooanpany. S2S FlrsC aear Clsv; hau dyed, etaansd. blocked: , Bud over la aiVlU-sa eat speelaiUi Panama aata. HORSES ABB CABBIAOXS. UNITED Carrier Co., ruhneP tired esrrlsge, telly-bos. Main 222. 16S 11th. cor. Morrison, XNaVBABCX, ISAAC U WHITS, firs bldg.. $00 Dekaa JAS. Mcl. .WOOD, tnployey HsbUlty aad te dividual accident anretr hoods of all klads. Psoas 4T. SOS VloKay bldg. B. F. BARTEL8 COMPANY. Sre tnsnrssr. 44$ Rhsrlock kldg. Ore go pbon CI S2A FIRS INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A Csv. til Sherlock bldg. Pbon Mala IS&A . ARTHUR WILSON. See Inaurane. bldg. Pbon Main looaj - IXOB WORXA PHOENIX IRON WORKS re.s1e.eeea facturer ef msrlne, mining, logging sad saw. mill machinery; r.rotnnt attention to repair work Pkone. Eaat SB. Hawthorne ee. jLU LOCXSMITHA B. f. SMITH Locksmith and general repairing. 44S Wsshlngtoa St.. Portlsnd. Piles Clsy SUA MA0METI0 HIAIEB.""-- 1 BUCCESSri'LLY treet all form of disease. wDviacT cnrnoie ur scute; aien teacB Mrs. L. fl. Hart, til Allsky kldg. KVSI0AL. VIOLIN, aasndnlln, cie-net. clarinet snd sll string aad wind loatinment. Prof. Edwla A Smith. Mala 4T0A 264 Twslftk at. T. B. LAWSON. 140 Psrk. eor. Main, ptsno fcav wwi 'wm naenuav raoae rroat ni. XASSAGX AND BATES, VAPOR baths end masse re br tady w1tbyoaas mar assistant, liny, rourtB. room a. MRS. OR ROCK, masseuae, bsa rsrurned fron ins esst. . iiniea nietx lTTSIO SEALXXAi FISHER MUSI0 CO.. ISO Third i Victor talking machine; repairing. Red S9A 0VERALLA BOSS OF THB BOAD OVERALLS and mechan ics- clothing; union mads. Nsostsdtsr Brae ssaaafaetarm, Portlaad, Or. rtVafBERA POX A CO., sanitary plumbers, SSI Seooad, set, Mais sad Balawa. Oregon phone. Mala soul, DONNBRR1R0) A RADRMAORER. pluaUMrel raiavesd a S loarth tv Rotk plkoaea. LOW-PRrn ass Sxtnres, 41S Washing tea. B, vii.Lnnftnn n at imipi, I'lumoers. BATBTqia ABB FAFER-HABOIBG. ' F . B. SUTTON, painter and pspsrhangsr. ITS e., wsst sou oi nriag. BBXBS CLIPPIE Ofc MAKR klONEYI USB PRESS CUPPIN0AI Blag ap Black 11 and erdor a asontk'a service covering every town la aay er all oat eta tee; dally msessnger service I advwa-e rPor'" all contract work. , Portland Wars ItBy Ntfnkfsd BATXBTB, B. O. WRIGHT, lawyer) psfenrs a apedsltyf wtt roue lnvsntlons. Room S04 Dskaas, P LATINO), -TT . " VT VSAXta, jja rrim lugtea trMt. FboM tSTO. ISUslOu. lUl lAsT BlSkai kntld4n1 PAINTS, OIL ABS ST Ann. F. BEACH A Wa. Plonaar Paint on. . a.iH.. r T . ;' s . k-usw rsinx ., sellls -J?.?, tblu? . 'a Mint aad geaeral building mtrlsl; wtndow-glss and iUalng a specJslty. las First st.; phoa Mia 1614. DA,T.,D-M D0NNB CO.-r-Phosnlx Paint sad Otl Work si vunn'Botnrdra snd Importers paints, oil and pray, etc. I phone 1ST. Office and factory, hbarfcx-i ave. and Nineteenth it. W, P. rULLRR A fO., manufacturers Pioneer lead. Pttoenlx Point. KopaHna; a soars ate ky"aa.WlU "rT " P10' nufactsrd THR KNAPP A HART CO.. rente for the Klnloch bouse MlBta. SSS Hawthorn aa Pkoae East 184T. 7. BARMUREN A CO., fohbere. paint. aUn, stasa.' ssshi snd door. ISO First St. . norniis. BUSH0NG A CO., Front snd Stark sta.. print. Ing. lltnogranhlng. blank books aad ifflc ; supplies; work don oa time; moat eompwte printing erne la th west. Mala 104. ) ANDRRSON A DUK1WAT COMPANY, prlntlae.1 ntbograpblng. blatk books, pkoae Mala If. BOO FIBS. TIN BOOpiNG, gnttering, repairing and JouncnaT. J. lxwll. SIS Jefferson atrt. ALL kind of roofs repaired and painted. .. . wig r nw. bcvii wva. B0PX. PORTLAND CORDAGH CO., saw.. anu wortnrap eta., portlaad. Or. BBBBXB STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. S4S Alder St.. pkoae . Mala TI0; rubber stamp, seala. stencils, baaH ' gage, trsd checks; send for catalog no. SPXAYTB0 AND bUTE W AAHTXte, loenia, oarns. aoeg. et., M. O. Moreaa Co. Call ap Scott 204. w urlll call and glv you figure ea your work. The lergsst gaaolln spraying and whltewsahlng outfit h. Mnttnomsk eoaaty. PT0 Mllwaukl sL. Portland, Or. ' AFTA. LAROEST stock la dty: Dtebold work; lockout peneu; repaire, jail woe a, steel celling, treat ment and goods meriting year patroeajtsJ J. A Daeta, OS Third st. BT0XA0X ABS TXAXSFXB.. SAFER, pianos snd furniture moved, packed raioy xor snipping nn BniDnea: nil work guaranteed: large S-tory brick flraprool w.mmuei idt oirsaa. limn i r . i ui u. at. uujbk. rnone Maia fl O. PICK, orfteo aa rtre et . Kel .in Sta.k . nu tas ets. : poooe am; pianos sod ruml-J , tur moved and packed for shipping;., eom-r awoiwia airvproos pnn - m uoasa - si SB -and Clay sts. . sstaBBBsnBae voawsnBSnBrnnsmaaaBSBsmsssuaBmsBsanBli SHOWCASES ABO FTXTTREA SHOWCASES ef very dewerintloai bank, berl nu crore nxturee ssso to order. The Latkei Manufacturing Co.. Portlsnd aad Seattle. TYTXWXrTXBS. YOST TYPEWRITER HBADQ.UARTBBS '230- Stark Street. j" W rent, repair, sell, exchange tipseillats, j , 411 supplies for sll mschlaa. f Standard machines $25 and ap to $100, Do you wist a stenogrphr or typist I W have list of good applicant. , t Pkoae Black SST1. ALL MAKES of typewriter for rent at TJadseJ wood Typewriter Agency, SB rroat at. 1 TBABSFXB ABS MtrLTBw. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 1S4 Nortk Slxtk.1 talephoae Mala 6aV Bsavy beallas sad , atorag. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No, BOOH Weak.' ing ton nx. rnone vr. Hill pua. TROTTX FACTORT. PORTLAND TRUNK MF0. CO. . f Wkoleaale and retail. Phone 017 SBS. Cor. Sd A Pin. Portland. Bend for catalogue. T0WXX swmY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, sea p. fl per montD. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply eompiny. 4th and Couch. Phone 42S. WHXAX 0 DIBB. BTROUBR'B RESTAURANT, flret-etaae best ssevtos. S2B Wsshlngtoa at. r" WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 14-1 u. Bt. ismniii and Taylor, fortiara. FMABCIAL. AOS TTLTOW, BABTXBBUS, . (katabllahed In 1UUI Tranaacta a Geaeral Banking Interest Allowed on Time Ds posits. Collections made at all nolnt on favorable term. Latter ef credit Issued available la Europe and all point In the United States. I Slaht Rxchsnr and Teles-rankle Trs safer old ea New York. Washington. Chicago, sul Louis, Denver. Omaha, San anaciaco aad Men tans and British Colambia. , Kx changs sold oa London, Parts, Bar 11 a. Frankfort, Bong Boos, Kokokaoa, JAaalla Bad tlonoiaia. - I IASZ BJATTOaTAX. BABTat ef Portland. Or. Dsaigaatod Depository snd Flnsnalal Agwut f tla 1 Ilnltad Btataa. Irradeirt......... A. L. MILLS Caller ..J. W. KBWKIRK Aulstsnt Coehler W. a ALVOKD Second Asslstsnl Cashier B. F. 8T14VBNS1 Letters of ereillt Issued svsllanis la Kurop aa tlte- Bsstrra utstes. Slaht Cschatir snd Tslearsnhla Tranafsea sold on New York. IVwton. Chicago, SL Lou la, - St Paul. Omaha. Saafvnclsce aad the' prlnctpul mints In the Northwest, Bigni anu Time mile ore ww an wrw is vms i I Hindoo. Paris. Berlin. . Frnnkfort-ou-tbo Vain. Hong Kong. Koknham. Oopenhages, Christians. Stockholm, St. stanburg, Hoe, cow, Eurlck. Honidnlo. - Collection made oa rsversnis lerms. U1 WITXD STATES HATTOWAX, : OT FOHTLANU. OKEOOR. B0RTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAK STS. Transacts a urnerai Bsnkiiuj Bus Is ass. DRAFTS ISSUED. AvallLsF tn all cities of the United Btataa aad Europe, noog Kong snd Manila. OOLLItmONS MADS OX FAVOAABU TXXBS Prssideat.... J. a A INS WORTH Vice-President .....W. R. ATSR Cashier A Pf. Si'HMRKM Aealstsnt Cashier A. H. WRIGHT MBBOXLATTTB' WATTOWAI, SARK, PORTLAND. Ottrooar J. FBANK WATSON Presldewt 'A Vlca-Preeldent R. W. HOYT , r.ahlee GEORGE W. HOYT..., Assistant Cssbler Transacts a Gaaeral Banking Bnsines. Draft and letter" of credit leaned available vn an parrs ot tn world. Collection a spccislty. Gold dust bought, kob,bjs( bbTos. m caiimwMlii7 Offsr gflt-lfa. mveetmsnts hi Municipal aad . .. -, .1 u-. mnb. w nte v oau. ' ' MtH First IU Psrtland, Oregaa. . l I ... .