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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1904)
"'I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. . FRIDAY EVENING. 'AUGUST 5. 1904. . 13 Eatere -at tha postofflcs of Portland, Or,, tot transportation through tbe nulla aa second cleat matter. Poatsgs tor single copies: For an 8. 10 or IS . Psgs paper, 1 mot; 1 t 80 pegae, cental 12 to 44 fags, t (till, TIUTEOm. ' . enstnes Ofllre sfata 500, v . ' . dltorUl Keonw Mala 860. roaziox AOTxtnuva rEsijrtATm. Vrrelaail-Benganila Special Aaverttalng Agency. ISO treat, KewXorkj Tribune Build lr, Chicago. f f STBioxirnoir mATZB. ' - Tama hy Oarrlsr. . Ths Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 yar....ST.8 Tba tallr Journal, 1 yesr..,... l SCO Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday, bob tha. I TS . ltae Dally Journal, nvmth.. 1 The Ially Journal, with Hunter, asoath. 1 39 "In Dally Journal, S montha . Tha Dally Journal, with Burnley. 1 awnth.. , .01 Tha Dally, par weak, delivered, Sunday, Included M Tba Dally, par week, delivered, Sunday ax- ,. .. eepted .,,......7...,.' .1 ' Tarma By Kan. " Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 year. . . -1T.O0 Tbe Dally Journal, I year., Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday, anon tha. ITS Tha Dally Journal, 6 montha ATS Th Dally, Journal, with Sunday. atoatha. 1-0O Tha Dally Journal. S montha 1-40 I,nll Journal, with Sunday, 1 month-. . Thai Dally Jonrnal, 1 month.. , ' -M Tha Sunday Journal, I yaar i. .. BOO Tba Sunday Journal. montha. ............ 1.00 Tba Bscs I-Waakly Journal. ' Tha Semi-Weekly Journal, i to II pages, each leane, tlluetrated, full market f . porta, 1 yaar . 1.80 Tha Waakly Jooranl. : V - ' Tba Waakly Journal. lno-eolomns of ren. . l"f aaeb laaua. Illustrated, full atarket - . reports, 1 yar 10 Remittances aboald ba mada by drafta, poatal Botes, sxprese eertere, and a mall amounta ara acceptable ta 1 and -sot pcetage etampe. . THE JOHaidX. . P. O. Bog in, Portland. Or. Sabarrlbm ta Tba Journal, who may feara tawa f"c tba an m mar eau bara tba papar Inrwardod - ta tbam to 1 any addraaa without ax tra rharga. paymant (or tba aama to mada nnoa tholr mm. WHXSX IE! JOUKVAL MAT BS rOuTTO. ' Tba Journal ,aaa ba found aa aala at tba tot ruina' piaoaa: BOI.SK. IDAHO Ptonaar hank atnra. CHICAGO Poatafflco Xawa aompaay. ITS Daar tnwn airart. DENVER, cor.a Krndrlrk Book A Stationary mnranrri3 ivrrataanta atraat; J. Black, niiraanta and rurtla atrrata. KAX8A8 CITY Van Nor- Nawn eomnanr. LOR ANOitl.FH B r. Oardnar, tR South Hprlng atraat; Ollrar A Halaaa, SiOf South - njirinn iirf.1. MINNEAPOLIS M. J, It. I ..a Kirauagh, 80 South Wrw TOR1C CITT Brantaao'a, Unloa Lraara. OODFiW Oann Nawa company. I . OMAHA Millard hotel nawa atand) Magaatb etaiinnary aomnany. livm rarnum arraac. SALT LAKB CITY KanTon hotal H.I atand Harrow Broa . 43 Waat Samnd arraatj South. ST LOI'IS Phlllo Roadar. did Loenat atraat. SAN FRANCISCO W. C. Ardlng, Palae botal nrwa atand; Ooldamltb Broa.. 230 Sutter - atraatt rtad w, pitta, ions Markrt atraat. IftAV i va .-k. nr , . ilill. -.11111 TT . UI.I1. a. vm. TACOMA. WASH Caotral Kawa company, 1121 atXITIVv H0TICI. LOCAL I'nloa. No. lata. Vnltad Itmtharbood of Carpantcra- and Jotnara of Anker Ira. meeta now in u. A. K. Ball, No. MVfc union arc, near Oak. on Wadneariay aranlnaa. rvimAx wotiox. 01 KSON la thla rlty. Auguat 4. 104, Andrew Olraoa. aged M yaara, 4 montha, SO daja. rnneral Saturday. Auanat S. levt. at S n. m ' from Holmaa'a enanet,- enrner Third and SaU4 BKm atrert. Beiatleea and frlanda reapart. nuiy inTirru w aitena. intormeni, Miiwan- aie earner err. I:-:;.:::...i wzatbusevost. Weather eondltlona and reaarat foreeaat for Oregon. Waahlugton and Idaho. Fair weather mntlnuro In tha Pacific atatea and unaaaaonably high temperaturea prevailed yeaterday after. r a la an aeetlona In thla dlatrlct. la tha aaatara atataa tba tamparaturaa ara nearly nor mat. i Showara and thunder atnrma bar eyvmied la Artaona, aouthera Nw Mexled. weatarn Kan. aaa. tba middle Mlaalaalppl valley and tba ar,tb and mlrtdla Atlantla atatea. - Tha Indleattona ara for fair weather la thla dlatrlrt Saturday. It will ba cooler thla afternoon treat of tba Caeca da mountalna and cra-iinua warm aiaawaera. Maxtmnm tempera tura la tba laat M houra, S4: minimum tamperatura, OS; praclpitatlon. r SIXTHS. Angurt 1. ta Mr. and Mra. A. W. Wlkwa. at avra aiaiB atraat, a aon. Auguat I, to tr. and Mra. Oaorga Fataraoa, COaTTASIOu-8 DISIASrS. . An gnat 4. Merle and Joba McHaU. at aa Morrla um, rum lever. Cramatorlam ou urvgoa Cttj car Baa. near Sell wood; modern, orient Inc. complete. Cbargee .anna, a-W( eniiarvu. e'O Tiaitoro V , a, w a p. m. roniaaa uraaaaooa Portland, Or. Tba Edward Hottaaa TTndertaklaaT coati raaaral dl atraat. Pboaa SOT, 1. P. Flnley a Son, funeral elrartora and rvbalaaara, hrea remawed ta their new eetae- iMnmant, corner Tbirs ana Madlaoa gtraata. aw. peuuee I. . Celler-Brrnca Co., funeral dlrectota and caa Lady aaat. Pboaa laat lOaa. ealmera. S7S 1 SEAL ZSTATX TtAXSrUS. amnval and kuahand a Bridal-- Lumbering Co., aouthwaat 14 aoctloa A town. hip IB, range S aaat, 160 aerea. . .$2600 aacjouiieat anaj wile to a. w. K) m- mona, lot , block S. North Irrlngtoa 0. W. Baumgardner and wife to Koaa Brenbubcr, lot A block A Central Al- hlna Daniel Ludwlg and wife ta Jacob Ladwlg, lot 6 block 1H, Multnomah B. K. Menefea and wife to 8. J. Bother. BOO ma, weat 60 feet lot 1A block A Holla day Park add , I860 . to M. t. Conley. lota 1, A block 15. VVli" lamette Halgbta add. gfio River View Oametarr aaaoclatloa to Chaa.. ' N. Hngglna, lot 88S, aectlon IB ltS ieona A. Heancnere to Morrta Benoaky. . lot T. block 12. tJarter'a add..., M. J. Copley to May Conley, Iota 1, A block 1ST Willamette Heigh ta add , Oeorga W. Brown to Mary B. White, lot . block B. Arleta Park No. t William McKenale et al to David H. Raod. 1 1 1 mn. La, pnci f, ning a aeconq aaa 9500 e-oeepa Krgeia ana wife to fleorge A. Dy aon, northeaat 'i lot 4. block 88. Jamah - Johne' rirat add to St. Johna BOO Strceter. lota 12. 18, Mill View 1904 roini vjew nee i a,aiata t'o, to 4-. ""lraa. rhell. lota 1 td 22, aad aorth 10 feet lot 1. block 8. Point View,. J. T. Smith and wife to A. U. Ellla, lot S and aaat lot 10, block A Latnur alia ralla , Kewton L. Ollbam et al fe 1ury Sbattttck, at al, lot 4, .block A Gllnam'e Second ' add , E. U. Hnopangarner to P. A. Parker, lot , 8TJ 1TB 8, block D, Yon,, Igoo Ira Shattuck at al to Newton L. Ollham, - Ct aL 27 W acraa healnnlne 111 na and IflO rode aaat of north weat corner' aectlon 18. townahlp 1 aontb, range 1 . aaat ........ S2B0 Oat rear tneuranee and a ha tra eta ta real aetata from the Title Onaraatea Jk Tract acav aa. Chamber of Com aerea kail ding- ' , BinLonra pujcita . Augnet 4f Dan (eh Lutheran church, at Berth gnn11"" Uani hd LbIob arenaaa. , Coat Anguat 4. P. A. Staple, addition to realdenee t oantennela avenue near Alberta and Ham bo Mf at recta. Coat linn. ' Auguat 4, Jamea Cade aw, repair! tcfMmct It Gaat Twenty-third between Oregon aad PerlAc .tr-eta. Coat f.vio. Auguat 4. F, O. Smith, twoebnry building on r.omt Eighth between Broadway and V. .Idler atreeta. Coat 12.4(10. Auguat 4. Emma Anatla, addition to cottage on Hood between Arthur and Meade atreeta. Cue ono- i "Whan a lineman had sunk a hole for a pole a few Inchaa, in front of tha real denra of an Aatorla woman, ha Jumped Into the hole, or atood over It, and thus sioppea. me wore zor a timA Oontlnnaaoe of Strike. Of BBejBBB-,k. aaaanw . ' A B-.ea. : aw aj am aauaan. - anaBsm eaavtvaBi 'aal Ds-ptte tha fact that the butohera and scarcity of : I r I r ' C" W ft afl I 1 I aT I I " visible "ontrplvr - the protfaat here, prion, ara M ' 1 -V bb. L I" K lx sT" I ' . A throughout tha world la 1 r- i ' : : ALL PROVISIONS SHOWING STRENGTI X.0CAX, rmzoas ov xaxi abb 4s : tajtcso on-iixr curt on w atTSBAOXS SBKAXT AST J BAOOB . VP v AMB '. AKOVBT ABBV0XZ.B oomi vr mxats kxaxsB. : Front Street, Angnet 8. The' principal fee tura of the Portland wbolceal mark ate today ares - : All Kama are Bp c Brcakfaat bacoa ap He.' . ' f Short claare and clear back ap . BelUea are op H. - Butta are down fie. ' Arbuckle and Cordova coffee b fiber. Standard chocolate candy higher. ' Cheap applee ara lower. Tomatoae are again dowa. ' Chlttlm bark la dull. ( Veal la advanced vac.' - Dremed eoga ara ap Ha. J ; Egs altuatloa la mixed. ' . ' Kaay Advaaoaa ia IrevUtoa. . "caj pricea is tba prenatoa marketa ara ancwing a aplrlted advanoa today la eympethy with the atrlke of tba butcbara la the eaater aacklna aoaaaa. Local reprcaentatiTaa of the eartera . meat aouaea aay that they have no Kore auppllee and cannot tell when they will get them. The borne oMlore, they aay, will not arad tba product to thta market whea It caa ba dlapoacd ot la tba eaat to more advantage on account oi a ucarclty. Juat what the future prlcea oa provtaloaa la thla market will be depend altogether upoa tha effect and eonUa- aanre of tba vtrike. Tba email run of boge in inn market baa aiao- bad Ita effect, pticea being a,bout la higher of late. Tba change, taking effect la tble market today are: barn advanced He - with all averagee riling at 14c; areakfaet bacoa advaBoed He with the prlcea now ranging) from 13 H to ITHc; picnic ham advanced lo with th net quotation at lie; regular abort clear ap He, prlcea ranging from H to UH for the anemoked and amoked varletlea; butta dowa A. unamokad being quoted at 8c and amoked at 8c; clear belllee are adraeeed Ha. the aew prlcea being 11 He tor anemoaea aaa 13H 'or amoe preauet. There waa aa change la the price of lard, atocaa being lafgh enough at pre .at Sgure. Dreaaad Eoga Ara Advanced a Half, With a continued ecarclty there wa. aa ad vance of Ha a pound ta tba quotation oa dreeaed bog,- the fancy atocka eaally calling at ae a poena. Teal la Ala Higher, Aa la kog, there la a ecarclty af peal and today the ruling prlcea oa Front etreet ere hwwtng u advance of Ho with the market In a very good condition. There la at 111 no demand for boll beef, but recelpta ara not large. Some lamb and mutton In good condl tloa would ana a aala af price. ' ' AreuokJ aad Cordova Coffee Higher, Thrra - waa aa advance of H a pound la the quota tlona oa package coffee todajt, Ar- Buckle and Cordova- being tne once airectca. Aa yet there la no change la Lloa brand, but an K likely. . Tha price toeay rang iron 1 12.78 on lAoa ta I18.T8 on Arbuckle and Cor dura. Ia tba eaat the Co tree market ta rang, lng from weakneee to atrcngth and prlcea ruling practically the earn. The vtalble (tipply of coffee throughout tbe world I atlll ahow lng a large lncreaaa ever that of tba prevloua year.' ... Standard OhacoUtoi Ara Higher, IjOcuI candy manufacturer, today notified th trade of a a advance of la a. pound la tbe formerJiuree oa all grd t uqdardcboci oiatca. Egg ituatloa I Mbtad. -Tha eaa aiaiket today la la rather a eompll rated etate, aome of tba dealer having larger auppllee, more than they can uaa, while ether are ahort. The market, aa waa Bold yeeteraay, ta on ragged edge and prlcea are not quite ao firm. Dealer ara not bayuaf aa zreeiy. Chicken Are Doing Better, There ta aa Improved feeling la tha entire poo try market with the eicepuon m geeea. 10m rarreU af Breeding A Kartell eayei "Th chicken market la doing better oa account of Um lighter recelpta, bet I don't expect price to advance juat now. There will very likely he larcer reealnta daring the coming week, Teal and aoga are doib iirm, o are cage. Dealer Want 0pa Iprlnr Seaaoa. . Saya Malarkey A Co. I "What tba fath stea want la aa autlre apea eeaeon during tne apring anonth aad a later eloalng during th tn. 1. inina n wwiu am un pre per thing for the eummer aeeeon. to open I Viet aa It doea now, oa April 15, but laateaa oi Uioelne oa Aarat 18 should be left opea till September 1 and then cloeco. anui tne nrut e October. Practically all tba dealer la freak nd froaea flab agree to thla, aa weU aa the 11 ah warden, Vaa Dueea." Dealer Talk af rreak Meat. amlth Rroa. aavt "There are now larger re celpta of both veal aad hog a, bat there la a demand for everything that cornea at price ftk.t enle imaefl the tOD.' Chatter toe a oo, aay: ' ine veai auu een marketa are etronger . na tner wa advance la both llnee today with tha arrival box np to tbe demand." Today a Wboieeaia guoiauoaa, aa, mrm a follow i Orala. TUar and EaaA WHEAT Naw iM old Walla Walla, Tie) Diueatem, iuc; urj, in BARI.ET reea, eza.oui roiieu,, orew. lng, 23.onQ24.00. OATS Pradueer price Ha. 1 White, $34-08 gray, L R.atem Oregon i raAi; Patenf. $4-80; ttratgbla 8-1.o0O8.80: valley. ea-aDj.Di gra i !:(: 10a. 88.0O. MIUJiTl'FFI Bran, 820.09 per toa mld- dllrae: 825.00; aborta, duontry, 82X00: chop. "i . 1 ,.,, ... lley. finey, gin Orrr-lo.ormnaTT. i x. tnj iitflo- eaater Oregon. 81n.00310.00: mixed. $in.o00 12.00; clover. Ofi'10.00; grain, 111.60 Q; co eat. iu.auau.uu, Bona, Wool aad Hid. HOPS Nominal. SBr2c for choice: tSfiJSH tor prime; contract. Jteie. .aiaeue. WOOL Nominal. Valley; eoarae to medium. Utruw: one. jue, eaaiara uregoa, ixtliac. MOHAIR New. BUT. SHEEPSKINS Sheering. lOfnSOc: ahort wooL ST-vaxoe; medium wool. SOai&Oop long wool, bccfltl.OO each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, deBc. No. 1 aad ere. .e C,ff2Ur. CHITTlkl BAKE 1 lb; buying price HIDES -Dry hide. No. 1. 18 Ihe and as. 4Hloc oer in; ory aip, no. i, a to in ine. llHe: dry If. No. 1. under 8 lb. IBUc: dry eelted ouiie, uno etaae. t-a leea man ore flln. - klA.. B t - - MB.. OO Ih. m . u i . , hi ei t , w-i leHr ei ine aaa kwi, en "c ataga ana nana, eouaa. He; kip, IB to 80 Iba, 8H anund. 10 to 14 lb.. H; calf, aoa tut, under 10 lba. 8He; greea (ua aalted) la per lb lee; cull, lo per lb leml bliThe, aalted, each. 8l.2fi01.TB: dry. each. 1.0i)Ql.RO; colta' bldee. each. SfiO&Oc; goat aklna, common, each, lOQlbc; Angora, with wou oa, eacn, zocgfgi.uu. . Butter, Egg Bad Poultry, ' Bl'TTIR PATdweet, 21c; eour, 19c BL'TTEB City ereemery. StudrfHc: onmlda. fancy, 20c; ordinary, IT He; a tore, 12HQ18c. KH08 No. 1 freab Oregon, 21e; nncandled, lic: bakera, lajlo. CHF.KnB New lull cream, twin. 10Ua lie: Young America, HHtII2H. POULTffr Cblrkene. mixed, lie Iter lb: bene; HHe Per lb; mooter, old, 8 ft Be lb; young, 11a per lb; hrollere, !2Hitl8n per lb; fryere, 12'312He lb: ducka. old. llo lb; young, 12o per lb; geeea. e'X7c per lb; turkey, 1IJ IS per lb; areeecA 11020a per IA v TraHa aad Tegetablea.- P0TAT0ES Old. nominal. IIOI-JB.' ruyr' prtcee for fancy, 75c i new Oregon, 8i-oOjl.7B per cwt; buiera' price, $1.403 1.60. ONIONS Wilt Wall. 81-18; yellow Dea rer. (2.00: garllo, 10c birr lb. VBKHli riti na Apple. Oregon, gl POQl BO par boa; cbeap gradee, - BOdtioe per box: erancea, Mediterranean aweete, 83-OOfu) 825 ber box; late Valearlae, a.2fltEo0 pec box; be nana a, Sc per lb; lemona, choice. 12. TB per txn) riary, g.0O(U.75 par borj lime, Mexican, SBc pat too; plneanplea, $2 003) b: rherrlea, BHtdc P ftoc per in; apneota, per ihi Burhank. $1.00 ear box: aeech plum, mous per h plume, B0f7s box ; peache, Oregon, Bti'AOOC per hoi- Crawford, TftttWc per box; pear.. . $1.2naM.n0 . par box; grapee, white California, $1 J 1.25 par box; blark Ham burg, dl.oui-black. Bee, per bet: curranta. 8c . per lb; red raapherrle. 8(97 lb; wild black harrlea. Be per b; watermelon. 1 per lb; euntaVatnea, alirnrnla. fl.oo par aoe; nutmeea. g'J. on; Oregon. $2.00 per prate; aectarlnea, kl.nd t nor leaerriee, ia u; ereneppiea, gtau H' pet lb. VEOKTABLES Tnreina, 84.28 per cacti par. mta. 8I.2B per Back: beate. 81.28- car eeek: 4,Uregoa tadlafaea. Is pet doe; cabbage. Oragoa, Sc par lb; lettuce, heed. IBe per doe: greea peppers. Hie per lb: celery. aoitf'eJe ooa; to niatoes, Oregoa, dolose per box; paranlpa, 7!V3 $1 25: green neaa. a Der lb: areen , oalona. l2i-jtiloa i-er dot; leeel- greeu corn, 10c dot: pie plant. 2t2He oer nbi atring ban, Be, cucumber. 40k,&0e par box; hotboaaa, 10 0l2He par dm. - DRIED FK1 ITS Applee. evanorated. Tc r-r- ,u, uricme, vHruc per mi e)rM, t. per lb lee.: narhea. TUittAo oer lb: oeara. 8'c loe per lb: orunea. Italian. BHfiiHe per lb Prencb, 8Hi4Vae Der .lb: At. California black. t'a't art Iht do white. 6H7 per Ih; pluma. pitted, BVqfde per lb; date, goldenr Uo per Ih; tarda. $1.60 per 15 lb boa. RAISINS Seeded, fancy lib cartone. 80 peckage to caa. THo pkg; leaded. 12-o car. tone. BHr; looaa MuacaU. BO-lb bnxee, 8r6S4 por in; tvmdon la .ere.; eloster. aa.oo. r.a. zoo; a, otic aovanoe aver poupo canona. . FIUH Ten l ib eartona. choice brand, 80e 10 l ib carton, fancy brand. $1 00; 10 l ib nrlrk. I -crown. T5c: 10 lib brk-ka, S-crowu, 5c: 48 H-lh brick, oer boa. 82.00: brick., $-1 to o, $2.00; 5 -row layer, per lo-lb box. lue: looae, tw-lb noxee, per lb, OH, cauavmr n.a BIw-mam. 1.1k kn . I. Wti B-rrown, 10-lb carton, per box, $1.T5; 4-crowa ay-ia eartooa, pec box. i.1o.- roeerlea. But. Etc St'OAB Sack baala Cnb. $ 20) powdered 84.1B; fruit granulated, $6. OB; dry granulated, eo-vo; oeet graniiiatca, ao 1.66; extra 0. $S.M; goldea C. 25.5: bbla. TOc: la, bhla. 2Bc: aoxea. Boe advance on ack baala, leea 2ec cwt fat. eeah. ia qiti; mepie, iioe per in. HoKET 14Hfiloc. COFKEB tireen Mocha. tlflSSc: 'a. fancy, 8cR2c; Java, good, 20325c; Java, ordinary, lfs20c; Coata Bica. fancy. isa20c: Cot Rtc. good. 16iftl8ci Coata Rica. ' ordinary, 114)13 per to; package corree, aiz.7DCTia.7r. TEAS Oolong, different gradee. 2S4tSc gnn powdvr, roJtiitSMv: KngTlab brcakfaat. dif ferent gradea. 12H'wonc; epl.derleg, anrolored Japan, gOQdoc; greea Japaa (vary tea roe I, 80c per lb. SALT Fine Blea, 2a. Ba. 4. Ba. 10a, $1 20 II. wp; table, dairy, on., a.oor u.oo; io; $H.itfj Imported Liverpool, B0e. $1B.00ia Id.BO; 100. - $14.751818.00; 224, I14.6OQ1B.B0; extra An, bhla. 2a, Sa. Ba. Ida, $4. 00; bulk, 820 Iba, $$.B0; aacka. BO. Sc. SALT Ooaree Half ground. 100, per toa, ST. 2oa.BO; Be, per ton, $o.5iH7.00: Liverpool rump roca, bid ooiq-iu no per toai 00-10 rock, $fl 2n T3: looe. .V?B0C2S. (Ahore prlcea apply to a lea of leea tha ear lot. Car lot at special price subject lo nociiiationa. . GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. 85.TB4T8 00 per 100. RICE Imperial Japaa, No. 1. 8 Ho; No. t, 4Hc; New Orleana baaA ti Adjack, $Xc: Creole. 4 H (a.i lie. ..... BEANS Small white, ' 8.t't Urge, white, 8'4c; pink. 4 He; bayou, SHC Llmaa, ici aiexicaa reaa, oac NVT8 Peaanu. THc; Jumboa, 8Ha par lb; raw. 841 10c oer lb for rotated: eocbannta. SAM OOc per dot: walonta. 14.tl54c per lb; pine nuta. jowizx) Per id; nicaory num. ioc per id: rheetnat. eaatem. 15ll He per lb; Br all nnte. IBe per lb: Slherta, IBQloc per Ih; fancy pecana. iejioe per lot aimonoa, iBgrioe per 10. Xaats. Elah aad Provijloaa. PRESI1 MEATS Inanected Beef, ateera per lb; caw. BfiSHe par lb; mutton, dreaaad, 4tnc oer Ih: Umbo dreeaed. 6 a" per lb. FRESH MEATS Front etreet Beef, .teera. Heroe per in; pom. tinri, THV"C per lb Decker. THONc per lb: bull. 2Hf3c oer lb cow. SHfl4H per lb; mutton, dreaeed, 45c per lb; veal, extra. So per lb ordinary, 7t7Hc Dr lb: poor.' 6c: Jamba. BlatlBHa per jd. , HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) name. 10 to i id. ic per id; 14 to ia lb, ic per id; xa to ine, ic per in: cottaj, OHC per lb: Brcakfaat tieeoo. 1SH217H, per lb; ptcnlce. lie per lb; regular hort clear. Bnamokad, Hc per lb; amoked, 10H per in; clear oacaa. ansmocea, c per Jh moked, 10c per lb; TTnloa bntta, 10 to 18 Fa, unamoked. 8c Per lb: amoked. Ac nee lb: clear belllra. unamoked, llHe per lb; amoked. ix i per in. l. aii uhii nextie leer. io. iof. aer lbT Be. lOHe oer lb; BO-lb tine, 8Hc par Wt a team rendered. 10a, 8He par lb: 8a, Pe per lit; o", eie per u; c-'iiiyunna iiercee. By. Pot u, mi., o-c urr iu, ier, per ID. CANNED SALMON Oolnmhta 1.n eetle; X-ID tana, az.nn; rancy i-ip flan, $2.00: U..lh fan., fl.ta tl 91, fan. i. t. Ala.ka una, pink, boquoci red, $1.00; Somlnal 2. tall. $2.00. FISH Rock end. So BOP Ibt Sonndera. Re . ii, , u i un l, u. ii iu, mm, ei-o per ooa atnpea .naae, ink ie par in; eatnth, He per id; aaimon. eninooa, ae per in; ateelheeda Sc Der lb: bluebarke. Sc ber lb: herrine. He lb; sole. 0; par lb: brlmp. 10 per Tbi-ahad, dreeaed. BHe per lb; perch. Be per lb; abad ire. ici oer lu , mm auau. oe nor in: ni. rm mnA OYSTERS Rboalwater bay, pep pel. 82.2A per aack. $.75 cat: Olympic, par eaok, $A-2B. t j.Aai naru rneii, per box, sa-Ou; raaor mama, i. in per ooa. Paint., Oeal Oil. Eta, ' B0PB Para Manila. ISHc; ataadard, llttci Slaal. lOUc. ' COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caeca, 21 He per gal: water white. Iron bbl lc per gal, wooden per gal; headlight. 170-deg, caaea 23 H LINSEED OIL Pure raw. tn bbla IMe nmm caaea 3c per gal; genuine kettle boiled. OAe Dec cnl. bbl SOc Der eal: mmnnA - car Iota $25.00 per ton, leea tbaa care 82S.00 per ,,,n. GASOLINE Sd-deg.. caeca 82c ser eel l. nnte ere per i , ewre, i.aeea aayac per aaL lion bhla lHe ser aaL benkinb s-aeg, caaea zao peg gal, Iroi PAINT OIL Raw. bbla KSe nee e.1 u 8Sc per gal; boiled, caaea 40e per gal. TURPENTINE Ia eaeee SBe per gal. wondea bbla. Sic per aal. Iron bbla TSe nee pal io.ik mmmw m a -i . -1. WH1TK MCAD-tTon ft, T fmr lb, fOO-lk Din rrr orr m. ! tiB p8r ID. WIRE BAILS Preaeat base at $2.88. Betail Lumber IMoae. Com. Select Clear ;er rer per M rt M rt it r. Bonch. ' dtmenalin rernlar lae 2x3 to izxia, aa rt..$ B.B0 118.00 $23 00 Bough, dlmecelioe regular altee to 12x12. 84-40 ft... 8. B0 IT no can. Bough, dlmenalcna regular alaea to 12x12. 48-48 ft... 11.80 18.00 28.00 Bough, dlmenalona rerxlar eltea te 12x12. 50-00 ft... 1B.B0 SAM So 08 Por each addltloaal 8 In chaa la width add... 1.00 SOB ' ana eT wu 1 1 . vi--i,a 1 el tea awd add Bot leea tbaa AOS AOS A na Por aawtng vertical grata to 4x12 add 8.00 ' Aoa a m vcmoarm en., ewiariea, rwrn - lar alaee to 12 In. wide' to 24 ft.. Inc., aaaorted lenatha a.... 8 B0 11.00 PDeclflcdLlenxth of boards tl no m ta a . aunitionai. Board to eontlat of lumber leas tbaa 2 lack IB inicaueavK STOCKERS-FEEDERS ARE NOT SO FIRM Portland fTnlon Stockvard. Anevjat R n. rt a continuance of tbe atrong tone la tbe bog markrt today and tha beat packing and block boge are being held very firm. There la anf tj nvico demand for atockere and feeder and pnera r not ao nign. m cattle market dull and Mheen remain auiec. Tha veeeinta today conalated of 80 bog. 15 cattle and 78 necp. urnctni ruling price are: Cattle Beat eaatrrn Oregon ateere, $8.00; neat vaney ateera, lonja.uii' men turn eteer. 12.75; oer. 82.2ft; bull. $1.75; taga, $20A Hog Beat heavy. $d.2B: block. $6.00: China fata. $5.&0B.7B; stockers sad fredere, $4.7$ Sheep Prices nominal. Beat grain-fed Weth er. and lamb, $2.00Q2.6O; mixed ibaep, $1.7$ JZ.iaj, . WEAK TO rm CEBTS LOWE A. Chicago, Aug tut A Llveatock receipt: Hog Cattlet. Sheen Chicago ...1 .() 8.5MI S.5O0 Kanaa City fx Omaha B.B0O 1,400 S.7O0 flog opened weaa to oc Hiwer WItB 4.2)10 left ever from yeaterday. Receipt a yeal re were 2-1,000. Ruling hog price ahow: Mixed and butcher, AVIOAB.SB; good, $5.20 (.5.50; rough. $4.8048.00; light, 85.20. t attie nteany. Sheep Steady. . : PRICES ON SUGAR ' ADVANCE 10 CENTS Lata thla a f tec noon there waa aa advaaea af 10 cent, a hundred In the quotation, na all frane at augar. .nia aiove in prlcea waa -let pa ted by Tha Journal aver a week ago, Tha naw flguree arc: Cub. $6801 powdered, $6 25: fruit ara no. mted. $d 15: dry granulated, $.0B; beet gran- la Ud. $0.VD extra u, tu.ooi goldea O, $3.45. rrpac" Baa rraieUe Orala Harlui. Baa FraacUco, Aug. A 11:30 a. m. eeealon; Oten. Cloae. Whek t December 81.45A 8I.45a Barley December 1.08 H 1.00 H St. Laula Orala Karkat. St. Tinula. Aug. 1. Cloee: Wheat Sentem bar, 8u blA" NOT DISTURBED BY DOLLAR WHEAT tobx rroox bcaxa-bt wot o ituobc i-miaBnrzirzD otxb to satbj ravn taxuxs ro obau AS OSO B0AK2I BITIBAli O ATI aoo zsxj TvrDU ao A-Bzoaura. (Purnlebed by Overberk. Starr Cooke Co. I New Vork. Ant. 8. T. a. Mclntrra A Oa. My: A dollar fur September wheat In Chicago and 8el reuu for Decemher with, tame option her celling op ta $1.02ik d I1.01H oa an other flood calamitous crop reports from Minnesota nd from tb DakoU. old not kave the same dlaturblng Influence oa tha general atock market aratlment today aa th develop ment of the crop sear bad two day ago. Owing to tba enormoua amount of Idld fund here going a-hegglng. with tbe can avmey rate to 1 Per cent thcaa gold ahlpmenta to Europe would be more of a bulllah argu ment tbaa otherwise, aa they would help the market here by eaatoe up the Eaeee y at London and - atlmulating. that- market. The trade balance la atlll In our favor and will be so muck Inclined whoa cotton commence to move out --freely, as' It will In September, wbea fully Tfxi-OOO ha lea of the aew cron will come Into eigbt. , Bulllah aeatlment oa , tb atock market waa atlmulatcd by tbeee con- alderatlona and the remarkable ecarclty tocks offering with tbe bullish tpecolattn going Into tha anedaltlee. encoarared tbe but Intereet to proceed against tbe abort tn the Ceneral railroad Ltat. particularly la eteel, nlon Pacific and Roek laland. Logaa A Bryaa aay: There la nothing la the actios of the market to disturb the Con- Bdenc or the boldera. It la a dull market, but prlcea have a ereeptug tendency upward Stork are not for sale and there are a lot of people toeing latereat en their money wait ing oa a reaction, wa think tney aaoaia huught now. . Today'a official atock market: DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Mining Co..... A mat. Copper Co. Atchlaon. rommoa. .. .... do preferred Am. Car A Foundry, a.. do preferred.. Am. Sugar, common.,',,. Am. dlmelt., common. .... . do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, cam. do preferred Bl. 5 Brooklyn Bapld Transit Canadian Pacific, com. Chicago A Alton, com. do D referred f. A O. W., common. , 1.01.. aiu. at at. a. C. A N, W common. . . Chicago Terminal By... Clettneake A Ohio...;. Colo. Fuel A Iron, com Colo. Southern, common do aeeond preferred., do first preferred.... l via war a Hudson., D. A R. O., eommoo. do' Deferred srie, eommoo no second preferred do first nref erred... fill noli Central, r Lonlavllle A Nt.hTill Met. Tractloa Co.. Mexican Central Rt... Minn., St. P. A Ste. H, do preferred.. 124 MUenurl Ptclttc..... M. K. AT., common do " i u e fei i ed ri-i . , . New York Central.. Norfolk A Weatarn, com 61K 02 81H oo preferred N. T.. Ont. A Weatarn. S1H 110'i PennylvnlB By.. r. u. lu. v. ca. 1"H Pressed Steel Car. com. do preferred Pacific Mall A S. Co. Beading, common..... oo second prererrea do flrat nreferred. . Ben. Iron A Steel, com1 ao prererrea Reck laland, common.. do preferred Southern Ry common, do oref erred Southern Pacific St. U A B. F-. 2d pfd. do first nreferred .... St. LID. W-, commonl do preferred Texan A Pacific Tennessee Coal A Iron, . . Toledo, St. L. A W C. 20 98 V. do nreferred Union Pacific, common.. do preferred V. A Leather, common. . do nreferred TT. S. Rubber, common. IT. 8. Steel Co., common oo preferred Wheeling A Lake Erie, d do econa prererrea. . do first prererrea.... Wisconsin Central, com do oref erred W. TJ. Telegraph.'....... Wabash, rommoa do preferred American lea, preferred. Monev. 8 per . cent. Total ssles for day. 841.800 ah tree, e Norfolk m western, sx-oivioena a per rent V. B, Steel, preferred, ex -dividend l per cat. CHICAGO LOCAL BTOCKA Chicago, Auguat B. Local gtock: Ifarlonsl Blacutt... do preferred American Csn Co.. do preferred . . . . . National Carboa... do preferred Diamond Msd'hrr Swift A Co: CKlcago City By.. Union Traction... do preferred. ... North Side Ry.... Weat Side Rv.... Soath Side By.... AMERICAS' STOCKS I L0VD0V. London, Auguat A S p. m. Atcblaoa declined . preferred advanced H. Canadian Pacific de clined . Chesapeake A Ohio advanced H, Clilrago. Milwaukee a at. I'aui aoranced Mi r.rle advanced H. Illlnola Central advanced H rHitavllle A Naahville advanced H. New Tnrk Central declined H. Norfolk A Wetter de clined H. Reeding declined H. Drtta advanced V. flontbern Pacific advanced H. Knlon Pacific declined . preferred advanced H. Wabaah advenred H. conaols 87H. advanced Hi rest BLcbanged. BAJT EEAECIBCO LOCAL BT0CEA Baa Franclaco. August 8. Cloe. 10:80 a. a, lv-al atocka: Bid. Atk. Spring Ttlley Water tn S. r. uii at nirctnc...... 1 H 68 11 H Htwillta Sugar ....... Hcnokea Bngtr ........ iiitcblnaoa Sugar Ptauhau Sugar -. Alaska Packers Aea'a.. 128 TOPAT'S CLEAEIEOA The Portland clearing bowse reports today; Clearings SWA 700 72 Balancea o,02i2U fcrelga Exahaag Batoa." Jew Tor. Auguat B. Exchange rate: ' Baa. burg, B8H: p,r"- 517HS51H; Antwerp. 815(4 JbldH: Eurlcb, 618H; Amaurdara, 40.44; Vf anna, 20. SA Kew T ark-Lead oa Barer. New York. August . Silver, 68 ; Losdoa, 20 16-IA Sterling. New T.w. Ang. B. Demand atarllne. 84.88 80; 80 dart, $4.8S.1B94.8B.20. Xlaaearelia Orala Karkat. Mlnnaapn'l. Aug. 8. Cloae; Wheat Sep. temper, BoHe. . r Sulath Orala Ksraet, ' - Ttntnth. Ana. l' Close: Wheat Sentemhee 14. ,'"-' j new York Orala Market. New York, Aug. 6. Close: Wheat Sep tern r. 81.01. . . -' tdaseet tmlm kUrkat, Badapeet, Atg. A Ckiee: . Waeak Options, higher. Atk. . 474 47 .108 10NH 44 i 42 42 Vi 24 8 1H ins .....,,1X1 ! mi ioi u 171 178 4 B ....... ......72, TB 71 4 4T 80 88Vi SEPTEMBER WHEAT OYER DOLLAR HARK CXZCAOO aAABaOIT TaTBT XaUIXOV ' aVAJa, ,WZTX VASTY OXAJTOai tST rrniczB . old nrriajH was aaas AT flOH, MXTt cxobes at 88 H OXsTTte. ;.' (Fnrnlthad ky Over beck, Btsrr A Tooke Oa.) Chicago. Aug. ALoa A Bryan advise: W'heat a bowed a very irreguler market with rapid fluctuation. The foreign markets only partially followed Teeter oar's advance hare. The feature at tbe day waa a report sent out ay Jones or tha commercial west, which, while Intimating daxoags waa much less radi cal than had been tha currant eetlmata for that section. Tha actloa of the market for the day indicates eunalderabl liquids tloa and thla was due to tbe rapid advene; - Bo- f ar aa nawa from commercial channel I' oo near nod. It doea sot make much cbanse. nltbouau per. haps there waa lass reiteration -todtyj Tbe rath markets ara all strong and hlgn- ' A continued sctivs and unsettled msrket Is Mkslr. Developments la northwest ahould ba watched closely. We think we weald bny wheat oa tbe a harp break. Cable advleee from Im portant European centers are most Butavor able as te the general crop tUuauoa. Little Activity la Cora. Cora waa not very active; The eloalng was nrt IB aympatny wiu tna weak neaa in wneec There la a fair cash demand, but not enough to cause a runaway market and farmer' ssles ara sbout the earn. Tha weather la fairly favorable, although warmer nlgbta would be a boon. The sltuatloa, however, la apt ta help tha market for tha time being. ' Oat Receipts Increase. ' .. "' ' Oats shows iBereasIng recelpta. Thar to aome increased pressure and after the sharp advances It was naturally a reaction. The mar ket la aa active one, however, and there la good baying of futuree at tha decline. Oa aay further weakness would buy theav, pull ta Xeatar--' . Pro vial one la a very dull market with noth ing la the trading of epeculativa Intereet. Tbe sctloa af tbe market. If It caa ha called aa Bctloa. ta a dragging an. Xoday'a Official quotations. , ck WHEAT. a Hlth. Law. CBoa. NewSeptl Old Sept . May"!! ' .PMH -P6H .06V, .87 .87 . .wsH . .BdtZ i -eiVt .88 A -a; CORN. .82 .4UH - .4e)H OATS. .'.84 Sept.... .81 .4C -J47JB- .8x14 A .4814 B lec..,.. May.... Sept.... ;88 .84 V .SO May.. Sept.. Oct... Sept.. Oct... Sept.. Oct... .86nS T4 .85 .86' PORK. 12.82 12 82 11 TT 12 TT 12T 1287 i 12.H ' 12.77 LARD.' 8 8T 8 87 8 80 . 8 80 T.0S T.0B A 88 8.80 RIBA . T 89 T.67 T ot T.8J T.6B - T.67 T.aO T 60 niXABY, BlTiraTEirTB AXD CLEAAAWCEA - Chlcsgo, Aua 8 Primary receipt! - Today. Tear Aaa. Bush. Buah. Wheat 840.0O0 804.000 264.000 18T.0O0 SM.ono 88.BO0 28,800 Corn .844.000 Shlneaanta Wheat .82T.800 Corn 25B.O00 Clearancea were: Wheat aad Boor, bushels; corn, 8,000 bnabela; oats, bushels, . CRI0A00 CASH WHEAT. Chteaga, tatlooa: Aog. B. Official cash wheat Quo- Bid. .'dt- no, a rws. sew. No. 8 red. new........... No. 1 bard winter W 88 8T 80 No. 8 hard winter........ No. 1 northern apring No. B apring..; .104 80 ios 0BI0AOO OEAnr OA IOTA Chicago. A sc. A Orala car lots: Cars, Qrsde. Bt Wheat 08 10 101 Corn , 241 - 23 245 Oats 280 80 Bl$ AXOEETTEE ORATE BEIT MEETA ChlcaaOM Ana. B. Araentln train shipments Thla Week. Last Weak. Lsst Yesr. Bush, Buah. Buab. Wheat 1.184.000 . 1.2X2.000 ' 1,144.000 Cora 2,680,000 1,846,009 8,463.000 Wheat aad Flour 'Expert. ' Chicago. Aug. 6 Brtd.treeft report th wekly export of wheat and Sour aa ,B69.0uO ousneuh Bertia Orala Karkat. Berlin.' Aug. B. Cloae: Wheat BcDtembar. ttc aigner. faria Orala Markas. Paris, ' Aug. A Cloae: - Wheat and Boor ateedy with rpot wheat 1 VI centimes higher ana ruturee res tiroes pigner. Spot aad tataraa Boar 10 centime signer. Xaaasa Oity OraU Market. Kansas Cltr. Aua. 8. Cloae: Wheat Ben temper, u aio. Liverpool Orala Karkat, UvvcimoL Aua. 8. Close: Wheat Bantam aer, B-u. ia aigner. Cora September. 4-8, d Blgner. BULL CLIQUE WILL CONTROLTHE-PRICES Furnished by Overhecfe. Btsrr A Cook Co.) hew York. August 8 T. A Mclntyr A Co. ary: Tha Immediate future course of prices to depend at tha moment almost wholly apoa tha ball clique and their atrcngth and Ita power of sbsorptloB. ' A Isrga smount of eetmoa has been covered alaee tbe publication of tbe reporta fop both .local and New Orleana oneratora, ana we ao not peiieve rne enort Interest which hss furnished the support to ths market tor tb neat - month la bow verr large. After tha aborta have bee either partially eliminated ar driven out entirely It would be found that tb remaining buying power will be f a very limited character and tb clique win here difficulty In liquidating the line that i recently accumulated for Ita present sooay b Today'! official cotton ffuotsttonai One. Hlth. Low. CVae. B B ICATI January ...$ 8.88 $ 8.7S B 8.00 reoruary . . .... .... March . , . . a 6 68 - 8.78 $ 60 Aldl . . . . i . i... .... .... 8.72-374 8.75-276 8.78'tlKl May ...... Auguat . . . . 8 0S 10.0fao2 8 tJcano 10 02 B.l 8 60 8 83 8.88 1000 8.P2 8 77 8 63 " 8.71 80S 8 80 8.84 868 8.80 September . October .... B.7'rtl74 November ... oeiiSds B.flA'JdO December ... 'BEW TORE COrFEE B30HEA ' New York. Anauat 6. Henta aaya: 'Th ca ble today were rather better than looked for for out of town and th market are said to ba I tlte ectlve, Arbuckle ralaed tbe price of rise t lie. but Ltoa la anchaaged at 10c. Futures wars rsted auiat bat firm with aa an am Mng demand af 6 ta 10 potato above yester day prices: urnciai aoiree ensnauoaajT Bid. Art. $4 10 0 IB 8 26 0SB 043 0 56 OAS 0.76 06 8W1 TOO T.10 August $600 September 8.19 October 8.20 November 6 80 December- o anuary ............. im February . no . 0 70 .00 . 080 6 M . T.06 March, ,. aim .... May .... un .... uly .... rerelga Coffee Higher. New York. Auanet 6. Havre coffee advanced H: Hamburg advanced H- Rla receipt. 4.000 bag: Sauto, 64,000 bags. Market steady. Bew Yerh Osah OoSss, Naw York. Aua. A Cstb coffee. Re. T Rio. TVkd No. 4 Santos, 6 He. Th Linn county court ia oonaldaiint tha queatlon of build In; a wacon road to too Bluo rlvor mlnaA MINNEAPOLIS MILLER HAS BEAR OPINION 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - . ' Chicago. Aug. I. ThV Intar- 4 4 Ocean says: A Mlnnaapolta mil- 4 4 lar, whan aakad for his opinion 4 4 of tha' wheat situation in tha 4 northwest, aaid: "Thara ara aome 4 4 aeetlona wharo tha yield Is soins - 4 4 to ba tremendous . and others 4 4 wharo it will be out down oon- 4 4 sldarably, but If damaga la not 4 4 too gTeab, and front docs not 4 catch It, I belleva wa wtll bavo 4 4 naarar 280,000.000 buahela than 4 100,000.000 bushels. I mean that 4 wo will harvest mora than wa 4 4 , did laat yaar. and I think about 4 4 1 80,000,000 buahela la what they 4 4. figured oa a yaar aga -Evan ,4 4 with tha rust they ar baring up 4 4 to tha preeent tlmA I think wa 4 4 should rat mora than 175,000,600 a 4 bushels, but this la purely $-ueaa 4 4 work on my part" d 4 .- . ' 4 d 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 APPLE CROP WILL REACH 400,000 BOXES (Special Dispatch ta The JouraaL) Hood ' Hirer, Or., Anguat 6. A. I. Ma son, president nf the Hood Hirer Apple Growers' anion, la response to tn Inquire from th secretary at tha International Appl Packer' easoclation. eoaccralng tb appl crop la the ttate of Oregoa, eatlmataa the crop fop Hood River at TB.OOO aoxea, and from lnformatloa supplied tbe hoard of directors of ths Appls anloa ha plaeaa tb crop tar tha etate at 400,000 box- ' B. Wee, representing P, Bswhalf A Bona C Chicago, waa la Hood Blver yesterday, com ing from tha Yakima valley, where ke ear th former will harvest tha tree test appl crop In th kl.tory of that valley. He esti mate th crop there at 400,000 boxes, and ear. that ths W.natchee vallev will bsve possible 20.000 boxes. The Yakima apple crop, Mr, Weea aaya, will be of fine quality. That coun try eaa produce better Bea Davl and Wl se ta pa, aay Mr. Wee bat th Hood river valley aurpsssee ths world In quality sod color af tha Bpltaeaberg aad tha Xsllow Kew tons, - American Ore Small. Tha directors ef the Hood Blver Appl Orow. era union laar week secured contract, for the delivery af 40,000 aoxea af applee through tbe anion. B. H. Shepard, whs wss shipping agent foe tha Hoed Hirer - Fmlt Ore were, - anion, through which tha Hood Blver atrawoerrle ar hlpned, has been nade manager af tba Apple anion tor (hie falL While reporta ao fag published ara to the effect that tba apple amp of tbe United State will be heavy, E. L. Smith, prceldeat f tbe tete hoard of horticulture, asys from lafvr matkni furnished him tha crop will not be ever 60 per cent throughout the United States at whole. The crop will be large la New York, the New England etate, Michlgsa aad the Vtrgtnias, .era Mr. Smith. Ia tba middle west weather conditions were Bafavorsbla to a proper Ellenlxtioa of th fruit, aad th crop will he ght. - a Oaa Firm Eaa 20,000 Boxes. D. H. Seer of Scare A Porter, owner of tb lar geat Hood Blver orchards, eatlmataa bis crop this fall st 20,000 boxes. The crop throughout the valley, he eeye. will be ef a very fine quality. The farmers everywhere have a prayed thoroughly and there will he very few wormy applet la tha Hood River orchard. Tb firmer thl year have taken particular care to properly thla their tree, eod la aome instance thin ning craw hava gone evef tha orchards a eeo osd time. Whlls It Is yet two Bvrotha before picking time for the winter apples, tba fruit la already of a large alas, sad Is moat ef the orchard the Bplttanberg ara beginning to enow -color. Indications everywhere point to a banner crop. Prices srs, sot expected to range so high aa last rssr. when SuUaanberts brought 82 a box 4or tha whole crop, yet the grower of fancy apples De Here tney will nave llttia irouDie ia dispose of their crop at a good Sgurs. BOBTOB OOPTEE XABXFT. Boston. Ana. B. Pains., Webber A Co. tar GoDDera srs active aa thouah there wss I mors far lower prices. It tndlcstes that somebody wants to buy. There ta not much selling aad a llttia aggreeslv buying would put prices up sosrpiy. Today's official cupper f notation. BIA Aak. United fruit l' l5Vi Greene Mounts la loanula 14 n.:::::::::::;::::::::::: t ::::::::::::::::::::::::: P JO 1 Adventure A Hoot ... 8t llVk Zlna Minion 11 A tit n tic 814 Blneham SB V Centennial lal 84 asVlaC) aw 6 a IVA feet 14V, 14 Copper I Daly Wi Dcmlnlon Odel 4B1A 4rl do preferred. 106' Mounts In. Victoria Wolverine ........ Winona ........... Old Domltloa STaVAJTOa BAA' KATXOAXj aiTTaV IrodlaTiaa WAo 0mld Axsrwaar Offhand Dlfnenlt Arlthanatloal IUanna. From T. P.'s Weolclr. Infant muaical prodigies aro Intelli gible and even natural, compared with Infant mathematical - prodigies. Mow account for tha intuitive faculty by which soma children, unable to read, write or cipher, can answer Instantane ously the most eomplMated arithmetical problem T Zerah- Col burn, a. g., at 8 could neither write nor cipher, aad yet could answer, apparently by Intuition, and unhesitatingly, all kinds of arith metical aueatlona. At S he came on show from the United States to London, and answered In a moment and accu rately such queationa as: "How many minutes are thara In 4B years T The child not only answered It at once and correctly, but instantly aoaea tne num ber of aeeond a contained in that period. By what mental process ho arrived at these answers ho could not explain. Her again ia a queatlon which George Bidder, the son of a Devonshire laborer, answered at th ago of 11, in one min ute. It was put to him In the London stock exchange: "If the pendulum of a clock vibrates the distance of nine inches and three-quarters in a second of timA how many inches wllrlt vibrate in tho course of 7 year a, 14 dayA I hours, I minute and 68 seconds, each year of 381 days, t hours, 48 minutes and St seoondsT Within the minute the boy had an swered correctly, M6S.IJ5.T44. In miles. 14,171 miles, 471 yard, two feet and three-quarters of an Iticn. But tho classical caae of this kind was that investigated by a committee of such scientists aa aL Ara go. Id. Llbrl and M. Laorolx at Parte. They ex amined Vitj Manglamele, the son of a Sicilian peasant, 11 rnara of age, put ting htm to such queattons aa: "Find the cube root of 1.798, 418" which the boy did within half a minute. "Find the tenth root of lb 1.4 7 8,1 4 " which he did within three minutes. Then came this poser i "What number has the follow ing propositions that, if its cube is added to five times Ita square, and than 41 times the number and th number 40 be subtracted from the result, the remainder la aeror M. At it go repeated thla question, but while he was finishing the last word the boy replied eorrectly: "Tha number Is (1 ve." Two things strike you about this ex traordinary cor genital faculty tte mys tertouanes and Its uselessnesa. Ia exemplification of tho two take tho ease of Jededlah Buxton. He also worked ont almoet Instantaneously tho moat complex problems; but he could give no account of tho mental proeeaa by which h solved them. This proeeaa waa so far from being oorrelated with Intellect, or even Intelligence, that when Jededlah went to hear a. great preacher or went to see Gat-rick tn :Rlohard lit." his solo Interest In th sermon or play was the counlng up of the number of words uttered by tha preacher or by the actors. Abesmea Stakes Toag-as) Wag. Ernie "Tou did sot attend tha meet- .100 vat 71 n T8 8I.88HH - T T IB 1304 VARMVEATHER PRICES ' But tho quality of th floods aro , Just tho bestovtr. Quick tlcll vary to all parU of tha city. v -.i t ,''35o , . -10 pounds Cholca Whit BaanA 358 ' 19 pvnasaTood, clean Broken Rica. "' 2St '; : ' ''' .Gallon best Dill PicklaA 15 Bottlo Biro's Root Bear Extract Bar Fols Naptha Soap, . - .25o ' bAra good Laundry Boas. , '. . 35o . ;. bottlas Bnldsr'a Catamp. ; 35 ; . Two 1-Ih.i pkaA Oold Dust. '.! 25 I. oaas Araarlean Btr&iw. : ;f5.8p 100-Ib. sack boat QranulatatI Caga'. 874 Washington Street. A. J. FARMER tl7V.Mti.eel ateijt D4ll P..,., nuuitaait tuiu ivcuui uiuwu : ' Third and Jatfcrson Tou eaa save 10 per cent by dealing with ma 1 l-lb. squar Haselwood Creamery Butter IOoi H box Crackers B0-, H-lb. can Stallworth Cocoa tool -lb. can Stallworth Cocoa lOo 1 cans Lemon Cling reaches .....'.280! 1 ttkr. Acme Health Kofle IBe 1 pkga. Prlnceaa Royal Maecaroni . .16o 1 lh. Shnilna-'e Baklna Powder a to t lb. Royal Baking Powder 40o Jib, Arm 4k Hammer Boa ......... oo bar Naphtha Soap ............... to 11 bars Royal Savon Soap ....... ..ISo I bars Baby Elephant Soap ........)So 1 bars Diamond C. Soap .......... .ISo !bars Owl Soap 26a can Alaaka Salmon ............... bo doA Rex Deviled Ham ...........40o lba. Arbuckle'a Coffee ............2Sa 10 lbs. Sago or Tapioca ........... .luo 1 lb. beat full Cream Cheeae HVto 1 lb. good English Breakfaat Tea. ...lba Beat augar-ourad havme, 1 lb.......HHo 7 cans Lye , .............l&o 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea ........l(o 1 cans Oregon Qrane Cream ....... 1 So 1 cans Primrose Cream .......... .1(0 1 sack beat D. O. Sugar .........15.70 1 sack- good Hard-wheat ITlour. . . . Bto 10-lb. pall beat Lard 11.00 10-lb. pall pureXeaf Lard il.M t-lb.-petl-puTe Leaf Lard .........50o I bottlea 8nlders Ottsup '....t&o t bottle Gilt Edge Shoo Dressing. .; ,10o Deli varies - on.. Eaat Side;'. Tuaadaya and Fridays. j - Butter! Butter! Best creamery .....4 4te and too Good creamery . 0o Dairy butter loo and !5ol Ranch eggs I dosen for 4oo Beat sugar-cured hams llVto Breakfast bacon 14a TO pounds pure lara 11.00 t pounds pure lard too Full crbam cheeae lOo and 11 Ho Swlas cheese 2&o Java-Mocha coffee . ............ ....lo too tea for ....10o Remember Saturday Is chicken day.! Cheaper than aver. Spring chickens iba, oscn.. . . - Im Oraade Oraamary, gsd TsxtUIL Wc Want You To tell us your meat troubles. If your butcher can't provide nloev fresh meata we want to show you that wa CAN. Call sp Xasrt dlA KINDORF BROS. CENTRAL MARKET ' ISO OBAaTB ATXsTirm, - - . ' What hnv? vnn tn trarfoi for 60 arrw. Ip than mile from Klamath: Falls, the coming town; of Southern Oregon. Diamonds Preferred. Address C20 Care Journal MsBibsr Chtaage Boar af treea. CatAIN. PROVISIONS, STCOCV BONDS aa! COTTON B2 TWrtJ St, Near Stvk fWo. MttalDI W ar esaaaetsB ht srlvats Mease, tagsa A Brrsa Chlcaga Vorkl Walker area.. J. A Bscs. SB Cs! fork Stoeh Kxehangst Babeer Break CfeJ Mew Tork Ont ton Cxchsagst ftlrrblie m BM ana: Kew Orleans Cot Ins Crrnenget PesryJ Herts A Oe., New Torh Coffee BxebaBgei Palae. Pais, rk Ss nias- Webber a oe. : Boston copper na aiora ehsngsl Ilck Bros. A Os.1 Kew ZerS aa aalpbla Stock Bicbaagk lOirirnro), tonmrt A tTOw tfcstabliabed 188 A WaTJAAT AJTS BTOCat B0 aleoaa A rwand yloov, OsTABIBCB OF OOMMJ80A FREE LAND If. OREGO. I h th ricorat train, fruit aaa! slack secdna la ' tha arorl. Toouatixlt of acrvt of Una1 at actual coet f irrirttian. Dead direct frofn tttta af Ore roc. WRITC TO-OAV. BOO A LIT and MAP FREA DeetStitt Irrlrarloa a4 Paver Cera- suv,4lo-ll-MM(KjtduiArarUaAa,Orttie). . lng of our woraan'a club all winter. !!-, Is it you Are so anxious not to ml a msetlng In summer r Mrrtllla "Oh, in Srimmer r - t r so many members absent D t . i FELLOWS t