The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 31, 1904, Page 16, Image 16

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    f r
v 4 ruuu 4L3uuu uu
far traaaporutloa through th Mil M wsoa4
MtU. .
Hostage for single eople: far as 8. 10 or 11
ig paper,. 1 cant; 19 la (0 paf, 1 cents; 83
S cents.
Bnaln Of (lea Main 60A.
Editorial Moons Mala 360.
; mow adtzitibw szpExazitTATrx
Vreelsnd-Bengsmtu Special Advartletng Apwr,
160 Km.ii atreet, Nw luck; Tribune Build'
. yoicaajo, .
Tama ar CilTlU.
Tha Dally Journal, with 8 audi, t year.... IT. 0
- The Dally Joaraal, 1 year S.oo
Tn Dally Journal, wit Sunday. swath. A TS
Tar Itallr Journal, S moo I ha
The f tally Journal, with Hunday, I swaths. I W
Tha Dally Journal. 3 montha. 1 0
Tha Dally Joaraal. with Sunday, 1 month., .80
- Tha Itallr. par week, delivered. Sunday
Included V. .............
Tha Hall, par week, delivered, Sunday x-
, oepted
Tarme Vr Mall. '
Tha ptly Journal, wltb Sander, 1 yr....T.O
lb rt.Hr Journal.' 1 rear ' I
Tha Pallr Journal, with Sunday, A wnthg. 8.T8
Tha Dally Journal, mnntha , 3.75
Th Hally Journal,, with Pund;.t jauolha. I-W
;-Th Pally Journal. 8 montha... 1.40
Tb Ial1r Journal, with Sunday. 1 month.. .M
Tha tallv Journal 1 nonth M
J Tha Sunday Joaraal. 1 raar t.on
Tea Sunday Journal. 4 month..... 1.00
Tha Semi-Wsskly Jaanal. .
Tha Semi-Weekly Jem-eel. 8 M 11 pagea,
each Niem lllnatratad. rail market ra
- para. 3 rear..'..:.-..- ........... 1.(0
Tha Weakly Journal,
Tha Waaklr Journal. KM columns of read-
, In. aack laeaei -lllMtl-ated, rail mar at
report, 1 year I 'M)
Remlttaaee ehould ba nada by draft, postal
: iaIm .trmm nlim 'and .mall amount, ara
era. and a ma 11
accrptabl la X and 2-ceut pratag alanine.
O. Box 121, Portland, r. .
8afescribrs ta Tha Journal who way laara
town for tha u turner ran hara tha papar
forwarded ta than) to any addreee without
antra charge, par man t (or tha aama to ba
niad apoa returs.
vim tii . jonvAi, .vat . . toitvq.
Tb Journal can ba feund oa aala at tba tol
Jrwlng placea:
POISE, 1UAH0 Pioneer bonk etor.
CHICAGO Maw company, ITS Dear
hnrn atraat.
DENVER, tXtrXJ Ksndrtek Book As Ststlnnery
company, BIX Narrntarnta atraat; J. Black
BlxtaanUk ana t nrtla -atru
KANAA8 CITY Vn Kor Km aomnanr.
IOH ANOELRS B. W. ' Gardner. M Hoatb
fprin atraat; OUrar Ualoaa, M aoulh
8irln atraat.
aflNNKAPOua M. J. Karanaufh, M Boatb
KRW YORK CITT Brcntano'a, t'olon aonara.
CX.DEN Ordan -Naara romianr:
OMAHA Millard hotel anrt at. nd; liacaath
Htatknerr eomnany 19UH rarnuni atraat.
SALT LAKB CITT Ranrna hotel new. atand
Barrow Braa.. iS Weat Baeond atraat, Houlh.
BT. L(II IFhllln Roadar. 1 Lot-nut atreet.
SAN rRANriRCO W. M. Ardlnc, Pi laca hotel
nawa atand; Goldsmith Rroa., 230 "uttar
atraat; Fred w. ritta, ior Market arraet.
KPOKANR. WASH. John W. Graham ft Co.
TAOOMA, WARH Central ewa eompaa, 1121
Panne avenue.
mniu vonoi.
FIRRER An feaembera of Stnuiralda Map 810,
.. W. O. W., ara reqjoeated to meet Bundax
I p. at. at Bail, Kaet Thirt.tonrtB ana iia
Mil atreet. to attend tb funeral of NeUh.
Nir Thad. P. Piaber. whlrh take plaea
i - rroa residence, ino Eaat Thlrtj-thlra atreet,
at a p. m. interment ione nr eemetery.
wxathxe axroKT.
V.t Mltu. neewMtle mmII. aht. mm,
ln want of tha Rorkr avmnUlna, with trra-
. paratura aiirbtrj Doe toe aeaaonai a err
. ' in In California, waatera rreaoa and West
, ara Waahlnatoa, and ellghtly bakiw In eaat
ara Wabln;ton, naatera Oregon and Idaho,
The indlratlone are for continued fair
weather In thta dlatrlct Bundaj, with aUghtly
Bl'her tempararur.
Maximum tempera tnra, TO; mlntmnm ten
. paratare. Dfl; rlrer reading, ji a. ra.. a.s reet;
rhang la 2t hoar, S fret; total prerlpltatliin.
t ttna alnoa rWtembar 1. 100X. 4T.M Inches: nor'
ul nraelnltariott alnea Aeotembar 1. 10li3.
' 4.M Inrhaa: axraaa. O.Td lnebea; total enn.
' ahlne. July S8, lMt4, 0 M; poaalhle annahlna.
July 30. 1004, 14 4: barometer, reduced to aea
leral, at B P- -, w.att. . ,
Oamatortam oa Oreaoa Clrr ear tin, at
Ball wood; atooarm. arlaatlne. eoaiplata. Ckargaa
Adalta. eO; cnirarea, aw. tuiut a a. as.
t p. as. Portland Cramattoa aclstloa,
Portlaad. Or. ' . -
Tha Edward Bohnaa rndartaklag (oaapaap,
. . (anaral dlraetor and Baabalaaeri. ISO Third
. trav Phone 0T.
I. P. Pin lay ai flea, funeral alrttora a ad
rabtlom hire rrmored to their new eetab-
lishaseiit. aBnsar Third and Madlana . auaata.
Both phoaaa Ma, a. . .. .
fJallar-B i ui Co., funeral director and any.
: balmara, 271 Kaaaali Lady asst. PhmlullOH,
' Oet pear fnauranea aad abstract t real
u a t tka tr4.La, ll.aM.fM Tm. mm.
pa a. Chamber ad Osmmara bojldlag. .
ilHllrv I Ul 1 1 IVfj
UU1U0 lillftL 10
tom sraas TXT XOVDAT TT-
ZtSBS wsATza AOAur nmm
jrui ATXuoa it -nroTS
(Joaraal Special Bet-Tree.) - - -Sant
Barbara. Cal., Juna Tha
great battleship Ohio, which has bean
under construction In the Union Iron
work of San Francisco for mora than
fir years, will bar har official trial
Monday to dctermlna whether she cornea
up to tb contract speed requirements,
pj ns. Is letiu ired to ma lntaln sn atrerage
spaed of It knots for four consecutive
hours, i If she does so aha will be ac
cepted at ones by the government and
In a short ttm after will be formally
placed In commission under command of
Capt. Leavltt C Logan, and take her
place In tha faai growing navy of the
United Btates. Her trial was to have
taken place today but was postponed on
account of fogy weather.
The Ohio Is on of three stater ahlps
. authorised by act of congress In 1896,
but while the two others, the Maine arid
Missouri, have-already been In commis
sion for some time, the completion of
the Ohio haa been delayed by various
- causes, notably the prolongrd strike of
the Ironworkers In 101, until about sl
years - will have- trapsed between - her
authorisation And her commissioning.
The first rivet of her keel waa driven on
' May It, 189t, and she was launched
two years later to a day.
With the exoeptlon of the small moni
tor Wyoming, the Ohio will - be the
Drat contract-built, armored-, vessel, to
undergo a steam trial on the' Pacific
coast 'Bine the famous Oregon was
tested several years ago. Inaamuch as
tha other weasels built In Ban Franrls
ro, . such as the Oregon, Olympla, Ban
Francisco and .others, . have exhibited
splendid steaming qualities, much Is ex
pected of the Ohio. The trial course
wtU be In Bant Barbara channel
ji a i ii
Borne men spend mora money on their,
antea than they do oa ttielr wives.
FOR RKNT-A pleasant fumlahed front
room; bath and phone; close In; 100
ar weak, X BUtk at- - , .
Front Btreet. July It. p. m. The
principal features of tha Portland whole
sale market during tba past - week
Avalanche 'of poultry arrlvea. -Heavy
demand for veal and hogs.
Pressed beef found poor sale, .... ., ,
Batmon catch good And then bad.
Hullbut la down. jVlth Jn.rge recetptA
Vegetables are generally lower.
Feavches coma to close this week."
Many cars of watermelons arrive.
Flour la generally firmer.
Much speculation on- chlttlm bark.
Old potatoes arrive la bad shape. .
New potatoes alow In arriving.
Egg market holds good tone. '
Butter is feeling slightly better.
JLa Avalanche of Foaltry Arrives.
An avalanche of poultry atruck Front
street during tha early part of the
week and It was not until the price had
fallen several cents that the market Set
tled so that the dealers cared to buy
at any figure. It Is a fact that poultry
this year sold at much higher prices
Fthan during tha previous year. This re
duced tha demand to a largo extent.
As before the arrivals consisted most
ly of springs but all grades, even hens,
were weak at the prices maintained be
fore the drop. - There ta still a limited
demand for turkeys and large young
ducks, but small, ducks or geese of any
slie ara a drug on tha market and In
order to sell, the-dealers have to shade
the printed quotations considerably. -
Hack Demand (of Teal aad Bogs..
. For dressed veal and hogs the demand
this week was vary large and tha re
ceipts were small. The cooler weather
was tha principal cause of the Increased
Ipqulry' while tha former slump , In the
market wag responsible for the small
ness of tha -receipts. -A-ood -market la
generally expected by the commiasion
merchants durlnAtho coming" week.
Prices during the last six days showed
a. gan.
SreeSed Beer Bard to Ball,
What small shipments of bull beef
arrived on the street during the week
found a very poor demand and tha best
of that received sold at lower figures.
There is a limited call for mutton and
some for lambs.
Salmon Oatok Showed Changes.
For one or two days this-week there
was every Indication that the run of
salmon would be large, when all at once
the catch fell off and the packers are
again lamenting the passing of another
season when the catch Is not up to
standard. Halibut cam In larger sup
ply from the sound and prices were cut
twice Ho a pound, "
vegetables Are Generally lows.
Oreen corn was In much larger receipt
from local points and the price showed
several declines. It Is .expected that
tha bottom of the market will soon be
reached. Tomatoes from The Dalles and
the Willamette valley as well as from
California were In larger supply and
prices moved down -several notches. -A
large shipment of tomatoes came -from
Sacramento today but the vegetables
were refused. String beans are again
coming In large supply with the de
mand good at former prices. '
' reaches Come at Close of Week.
AIL. through the week with the ex
ceptlon of today there waa s a . great
shortage In the supply of peaches and
prices moved up about 20o during that
period. Today peaches cafne from every
direction, every house having a supply
larger than the demand. Lower figures
are anticipated during the ' coming
week. Nearly a dosen earfoaas of water
melons cam In this week and on ac
count of the over supply and the cool
weather the price is a fraction down.
Peach plums are coming more plenti
fully. The price is too a box. Several
carloads of bananas came this week
and found a good market. Good oranges
are scarcer than over and prices are
higher., , There Is also a scarcity of
good lemons. It Is near the end of the
cherry season, and this week's arrivals
were not of good quality. Wild black
berries are -coming faster, but are not
In good shape. Boms fine quality Qrav
ensteln apples from The Dalles found
good sale, while California stock in
indifferent shape Is not meeting with
so large a call. - - - -
- Flow la Senerally Firmer.
The flour market Is fast awakening
and this week the inquiries from the
orient for flour were larger. Most of
tha calls came from China but It Is be
lieved that most of the - stocks - will
eventually find their way Into the land
of the Japanese, The aelsure of the
Portland -orient 41 liner Arabia the first
of the week has somewhat frightened
the exporters, but they have not yet de-
clTned any order for flour at tha quoted
flgureA ' -
Bow Wheat Z Coming.
There Is not much activity In the
wheat market, the only Item of Interest
being that the new ctpp has begun to
move toward the warehouses. Some
small purchases of old wheat are still
being mad to fill In." Prices show no
change. -v .
afock BoeoalatloB ta Chlttlm Bark.
Although generally speaking there
has been but little encouragement in
the market for chlttlm bark for the
dealers to become excited and bid up
irlcea. It la nevertheleas a fact that
during, the past week as high as to a
pound was paid by local dealers out In
the country while 'the highest figure
they could receive for the stocks waa
ttc, with the easterners not very anx
ious to purchase. Many carloads of
chlttlm or cascara bark are annually
aent to the eastern states and to Oer-
many. The bark la found In large quan
tities in the state of Oregon and in
"Washington. The present ruling
prices on chlttlm sre So and t!o .a
Old Fota toes Arrive In Bad Shape.
The potatoes which arrived during the
week were not of good quality and
sales were few' even at the tower prices.
New potatoes from local points are not
coming In so , fast, , farmers - are
giving, them a chance to mature. Sev
eral cara from California, among them
being a car of new gafnets, arrived this
week. Prices are generally down and
are ruling from $1.76 to 11.85.
Tone of Bgf Market Qood.
The .egg .market this. week, was but
repetition of that of the former six
days; that Is, strong. . The receipts this
week were slightly larger but a better
demand" prevailed. A carload of east
ern egga which arrived two weeks ago
haa been cleaned up. Cooler weather
has caused the arrivals to-eome in bet
ter shape. ' V . .-
Butter Is Feeling . Slightly Better.
There la a slight Improvement In the
demand for creamery butter and a
small Increase In the price is expected
within the coming week If the recejpta
do not ahnw too large an Increase. .
Borne of the dealers along the street
this week were asking, and receiving In
few cases, A slight advance over the
printed prices, but this wag only oa
brands that have many years' -reputa
tion for quality. Store butter Is not
coming very fast, but the demand Is
not large and with prices a fraction
down. i
Bop Contracts at SO Cents a Found.
Quite a number of hop contracts were
signed In tha Willamette valley during
the week at 20c a pound.
The augar market la very-firm with
aome slight advances In the east,
i' The hide . trade ; Is showing a good
tone with prices unchanged.
Hay Is Improving slowly with no
uuniiavs ill ill ijrm,
A - fair demand exists for oats and
- Wholesale qudtatlons, as (ullng'at the
close, or the week, are:
' Grain, Hour and Teed.
WHEAT Walla Walla. 00c: blneetam. TBet
valley, TOc.
BARLEY Peed. 123.60: rolled. 824.50: brew.
In. a,,.Df. 24.00. ' - -
OATS Producer pnr no. 1 white, 834.00
fzza.aii; gray, c.uv. za.ou. '
FLOUB Eiatern Oregon: Patents. 84
tralghta, $.1Me.1i0: valley.; gra
ham a. 83 n&; 1. t8.0n.
MlLLKTrrr 8 Bran, gOT.OO per tonj mid
dllrga. $20.00; sboru, country, $23.00; chop.
. HAT Producers' price Timothy, Wills meite
VRlley, f 12.0itttl0.oii; en at era Oregon, fln.orv-t
l.(Xt; mixed, 810.ooirtl3.nii; rkirar, tt.oni
10 on; grain, $11.60012.00; cheat,- $11.601
, Hops, Wool aad Bide. ,
HOPS 628- for choice: 23Q26tt ' for
prime: comrari. lovs, iiiTar.
WOOL Nominal. Valley, roars to medium.
i I w LC" , sue, mwvi Miles -js-rsvo,- szlUltJC.
MOHAIR New. SOe. .
BHKKPBKINft Shearing, 10fl20e; short wonL
:; medium wool, 30u60c; long wouL
BOftitl.OO each. . . .
TALLOW Prim, per lb, 4 6 5c; No, S and
grease, t"l2e.
CH1TT1M BARK 5V4e per lb; buying
HIDE Dry bide. No. 1, 16 lb and Bp,
14 Stir per lb; dry kip, No, lt 6 to .15 iha,
12 "4c; dry calf. No. 1. under 6 Iha. 15He
dry salted bulla, and stags, 1-8 less than dry
Hint; salted hides, steer, sound. 80 Iha or em.
6 7c; B0 to 00 Iba, dc; under to lbs and
e,wa, o'cfflc; stag ana dm lis, sound, He; kip,
15 to 80 Ills, e V: onuod. 10 to Id the. .He;
calf, sound, under 10 lb. Stte; green (ua
aalted) Ic per lb less; mils, 1c par lb leas;
horse hide, salted, each. 81.2r.ttl.Tn: dry. each.
$l.oo1.50: colts' hides.- each, SSOooc; goal
asm, common, earn, msjioet Angora, wits
wool oa, escn, .racjt..uu. :
Butter, Eggs and Feultrp.'-..i;
BITTER PAT Sweet, 31; sonr, 10c.
BUTTER- City creamery, 3ta22r; outside,
r.OGR No. 1 fresh Oregon, 31c; . uouandlad,
&!; bakers, 20e.
CHKKHH New Pull cream, twin. 10HO
12He: Young Aroeiira, 12i(l2We.
POULTRY Cblckena. mixed. IOH011 lb;
hen. lKtllHe nar lb; roosters, old. ottue lb;
young, lie er lb: hroller,-13MH3c per lb;
fryera, 12313V,e lb: diirka. old. 11c Ih; yonna,
12c per lb; geeaa, 6ATc per lb; turkeys, l'itt
18 per lb( oraascd, li)20 par lb.
Prulta and Vegetahlee.
POTATOES Old. nominal, tl 431.211. buyer'
price for fancy, T5c; new Oregon, $1.T6W1.86
De. cwt; Duyer' price, fi.zo.
ONIONS Walls Walla. $l.T5; yellow Dai
vera. 82 00: e-erlle. loe oer lb.
PRK8U PHI ITS Apple. Oregoa, 310"tl M
rT eon orange, Mediterranean aweeta, a.'.uui
2S ber box; 1st Valencia. $:l 2f.(tf 3.50 per
nox; nananaa, oc per lit; lemona, choice.
(Z.TS per box; fancy, gll.0ni0a.7D per box:
times, Mexican, 85c per 100; plnpapplee. 83.U041
t.50: cheniea. B Vk1.dc ner lb: Blurs and Lam
l-erts, K(10c; aprlcnta. Oregon, 1.004i 1.25 per
hex: plume. Bur bank a, 81.om91.28 par box ;
Kacnea, Oregon. Hue per pox; crawrnras,
o per box; peer. $1.2nttl.60 ' per box;
grape, California, , $125 per box: black Ham
burg. $1.60: black Asa. per box: currants.
te per lb; red .a-raspberries, 67e
per IK; - wild" bUckberrlee, te per
Ih; watermelons. inie per lb; eantalonpe,
California. tl.ont2.00 per doe: nutmegs. 82 On:
Oregon, 32tOja50 crate; nectartnea. 81.50
hex; hncklebarrles, 15c lb: pluma. TBc crate;
peach plums, 86o crate; crabapples, SViti3t(e
par lb.
VEGETABLES Turnip,- 31. 2S per sack! car
rots, fi.xn per sacs: peate, ai.xa per ears ;
Oreaoa raillahee. l.V ser do: cabbage. Orea-nn.
l4c par lb; lettuce, head, 15c per dosl greea
peppers, 20c per lb; celery, $1.00 per dos. ; to
matoes, Oregon, $1471.25 box; paranlpa, 7Va)
$1.29: green peaa, 6c per lb; green onions.
12H15c per doa: local green corn, 15c per
dos; pla Plant, 2ftt4c per lb; atrlng beans.
Be; cncumlierg, tOaTflo per box; hothouse, 85i3
40c per dos.
DRIED PRTJITS Apples, eranorated. T
par lb; aprlcnta, 8Vinllc per lb; sacks, He
per lb leas; pearhee, THQ'Oo per lb; peara, t'dl
10c per lb; nrnnea, Italian. 8M,i4V.! per lb;
French, 8404Vi per lb; flu, California
blacka, ?eie par lb: do whites. Ut7e
per lb; nlums. nltted. BVirtdc Der Ih: date.
golden. It e oar lb: tarda, ti-60. oec IB-lb box
HA1H1NK eieedetl. fancy i-n carton, oo
parkige to eaaa, T4 pkg: aeeded. 12 oa ear
tors, fiVe; looaa Muscats. BO-lb boxes, 6f)H
per lb; London layers, $1.M; cluster. $2.00;
Hfl. 2V; U. hoc advance over pound eartoca.
Pina Ten l ib cartons, choice braad. one;
10 l ib cartons, fancy brand, $1.00; 10 Mb
brick, t-crown. Toe: 10 1-lb brick. $-crown.
Mtei 40 H-lb brick, per box, 12.00; brtcka.
a.i to raao,; p-row layer, par l'J-in pox,
T0c: loose, no-lb bnxea, per lb, fl4c. Callarmr
nas HI t-crown. 10-lb cartona. ner box. t2.00:
B-crown. 10-lb cartona, per box, $1.TB; 4-crowa,
-lb carton, per box, f l.TK.
Orooaris, Futs, Eta.'
SI'OAR flack basis Cube. 8420: powdered.
$0.15; fruit granulated. trt.iO: dry granulated,
85.M1: beet granulated, $5.85; extra C. $5.93;
Ktlden C. $5.:i6; hbla, 10c; V, hhle, 25ei ttoxes,
K sdranc? on aack basis, leaa 25e ewt for cash.
10 oars; maple. 14lt per ID.
HONEY 14mSlnc. "
COPPER Green Mocha. 219!23e: Java, fsncy.
3f-Ki3er Java, good. BMj25c; -Java, ordinary,
Ie03ur: Cost Rica, fancy. lT2"c: Ceata Rica,
good, Id'itlWc; Costa Rica, ordinary, HUlJe
per lb: itackagaBafe. $I3.7513 25.
1 EAR -OolonrdlFferent gradea. 2BrnTtr; gun
powder, 2n2HXlr; Knfllnh. breakfast, dif
ferent grades. 12StT!c; apfllerleg. uncolored
Japan. n185c; green Japan (very scare), 80
Or per, lb.
HALT Fin Rale,, za, Ba. 4a na, in, si. TO
Jl.nO: table. " dairy. BOa.i tO.onffMl.BO: "1ik.
$N 15t w- Imported Liverpool, ina. $1R.onj
10 (H; 1lOe, 8l4.7ntln OO; 324.. $14 Mttlft M);
extra fine. bhla. 2s. .la. na. 10s, $4.00; bulk,
320 Iba. $.t.9n; aacks. Boa, doe..
SALT Coarse Hslf ground, iflna, per ton.
$r.2tl 5n; IT ton, $.YADelT.00- Liverpool
lump rock. $ln TKXciie IW1 per ton; 60-lb rocka
$0.2f.I.T5: Km. td.TBtM.SR. - .
(Abov price apply to as lea of leaa than
ear Iota. Car tot st special price subject
to fluctuation.
OKA I.N BAOW Calmitt, $5.TofJn 00 per 100
RICE Imperial Janan. No. 1. Bic: No A
4Sc: New Orleans heed. TTVic; Adjack, 8c;
Creole. 44e
RKANR Amafl white,. Star; large white).
$3oni3.0; pink, $4.00; bayou, tUci Lima,
NUTS Peanut. THe: Jumbos, tH per Th;
raw. Brlloe per lb for maated: cocoa no ts. tnt
0c per doa; walnnta, 14,01Sc per Hi; pine
aula, 10tl3He per lb; hickory rut. 10c par lb;
cbestnaU, autara, UQltg par lb; Br Mil Mta, i
, , , ,
IBe per lb; il Inert a. .uttlee per lb; fancy
a,, nan. 1 l.i IR. . w. nail. aua. IV. '
Masts. Pish aad Frevisloaa.
PRESII M BATH Inspected Beef, steer. c
per id; cow. pnn par in; million, ureaseo.
oine rar in: lamrta aresasT. omnt? per lb.
FRESH MEATS rroat -eet Reef, electa,
4vn ner lb: pork, block. TUfTUa ner Ih:
packers, fie per lb: bulla. 2V.1Vic per lb.
eowa. 8H14uc per lb; mutton, dressed. 4t5e
per lb: veal, extra, Tc lb: ordinary. 6 Vie per
id: poor, oc; inmoe, nrninr per in.
RAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland park floral)
bama, 10 to 14 lbs, 1SV4 per Iht 14 to 44) lb,
Wie per tb; IS to 20 Iha. 1.1 He per lb: cottage.
tU per lb: breakfaat bacon. 13I7
per . Ibi plcncJc4ter lb; rrgnlsr short.
cirsra. Bnamogeu. wc per- in; mosa, ju4c
per in; cier ca,. unamosea, . wc per lit;
amoaea. luc per in; rnion oinrs, in r in In,
unsmoked. 8l Per !b: amoked. Dtlo ner lb:
clear bellies, unsmoked, llcTpor lb; smoked, 12e
per lb.
: LOCAL LARD Kettle lesf. 10a. 10e per
lb; Be, 10(c per lb; no-lb tin. 9e per lb;
team rendered. .0, Bfcc per lb; Ba, 0e pe
lb; Boa. 9Me par lb: compound tlercea, 6Va Por
Ik. a.. Mr. a a as lk v
I.,,. " ' I II,, tnaa, .t
C.VeNED SALMON Columbia liver, l ib ralra
tl.SS; 2-lb talla. 82.50; fancy 1-lb flat. 82.00;
lb fanrr data. $1 25: fancy l ib oval. $2 75;
Alaska tall, pink, BBOOOc; red, $1.60; Bomlnal
ts, tall, $2.00A-
PISII Rock end. 6r per Ih; ilnnnders, Se fee
in; nalinnt, oc per in; crane, - per dos;
striped baa. inJI2H par lb; ratdah. Se per
lb; salmon, ehtnook, te per Ibi ateelhesd.
8c per lb; bluebarka. Se per lb: herring. 6c per
in; Botes, 0-7 per mi anm,-. jiiq per 10; SDao,
dressed. $-ic per R; percfi. Be per lb; ahd
to, 12H per lb; id shad, a par lb; black cod,
8c per lb.
OYSTERS Shoalwater bay, per pal, 32 25;
per aack. 3-TB pet; Olympla. par sack, $.V2S.
CLAMS Hard rhell, per box, $2.00; rasor
cum. l.ra per oox.
Paint. Coal Oils. Zte.
' ROPE rare Manila,, ISSic; standard. UVe:
Sisal. lOHc.
COAL OIL Pearl or Arral Oasaa. tlHe err
gal; water whit. Iron hhis 1Ae per gal, woorlen
per gal; headlight. ITe-deg, caaaa 2SVsC
per gal. Iron hbla 17c par gal.
LINSFRO OIL rur raw, in bhla nse par
ease, e-s ar gar, genuine geiti noiietl. eaars
f.5e ner gsl. bbla BOe per gal: ground cake
car lota $25.00 par ton. laea than ears $26,00
AHOLINB---Se-deg. cases 82c per gal. Iron
note snc per gai; axove, caaes aMfte Per gaL
lion bbla IS oer gaL
BENZINE 3-deg. eases 12c per gal. Iroa
kkU IRIla naua mm I 1
PAINT OIL Raw, bbls 3Se per gaL
8Sc iter gal: boiled, cases 40c per ami
TURPENTINE In caeca 85c tier saL smnrlea
bbla, Sle per gal, Iroa bbla TSe par gal, 10-lb
case lota 84c per gal. ,
WHITS LEAD Ton lota. THe ner lb, 600-lb
lots nc per in, iea mxa nae per in. -WIRE
NAILS Present base at $2.85.
- AataU Lam her Frioas.
. Com. Select Clear
i pc rer Par
- . B Ft. M Pta II Ft.
aOTtn, uiueaiai. i-taia
lie Sx3 to 12x13, S3 ft.. 8 50 flt.00 (23.00
Rouah. dlmenalan regular
else to 12x12. 34-40 ft... t.50 1T.00 24 00
Rough, al mens tens regular
slaes to 12x12. 42-4S ft... Il.tO lt.00 St.00
Boiwh, dimensions reerUr
slaea to 12x12. 60-60 ft... 18.60 13.00 80.00
Por earn aoninooai s lucoea
la width add...
For odd and fractional
alae aawed add not la
For aawlng vertical grain
to 4x12 add
Common rough board, regu
lar slaea to IS la. wide
to 24 ft.. Inc.. aaeorted
1.00 , A00 - A00
S.0O t.00 .M
A00 I.M in
50 11.00
Pneclned length of boards $1-00 per M feet
additional. -
Beard to constat ef lumbar leas thaa S lacha
la thick
Portland ttnloa Stoekrards. July SO. 8 o. ra.
a-The fratar of th local livestock situation
laat week was the notable scarcity la tb
upply of bogs, only OM head arriving at tb
yard during th all dnya. Th demand for
bog I vary large sad ss th price Is si
resdy high and strong at cents there Is no
reason for th prweot arrivals, except that
there are ao noge to n nan. in in country.
It was thought by soma of th butcher that
th atrlk at the eastern packing bouses would
tta np tb work ther and causa a large
amount of boga to be diverted to thl mar,
ket, but the rver seem to b th ran,
for tb shipper are rushing mora bogs thaa
ever to th east.
In cattle, ther was nothing But online
last week and price went 20 cents lower. The
market for sheep I quiet with price down
26 cents. Th receipt enow:
Iaei weeg
Week. Previous.
. Ml
Official ruling prices:
(attic Reet eastern Ore eon steer. S3. 00:
best valley steers. $2-753.nn; medium steers,
83 TB: eowa. 82.25: bulls. 31.75: stsira. 82. on.
Hogs riet heavy, foist; nmck. go.Tn; CBlua
tats, ao.7o: atucser ana reeaera, ao.ou.
ancao fricea noutinst. nrst innn-im wein
a and lamba, $2.004jl60; mixed sheep. 31.75
Pnrnlshed br Over beck. Starr A Cook Co. 1
Ii' York. July' 80. Th government cotton
report laat June was S3 per cent. Laat month
It was MS per cent, while th estimated report
for Angurt 8 la 91. S per cent, which wnnld
Indicate n enormnu rroa. Aa ttrevlonaly
lined. It woukt be rather dlfncalt to give
any decided! opinion, but with a favorable
report as estimated we caa aea no re a so a
why cotton ahould not aell around 0 cents In
the near future. The elliiue I atlll determined
to give all the support srsHsbte tn the mar.
ket, but time must .tell Th west her con
dition are favorable, th bolt weevil I lea
la evidence. The cotton strike situation is
getting rather serlou. which will 'allow etnrba
to accumulate. Oa any apart we (svur selling
cotton. . .
Today cotton closei .
January ....... .., ,t,,i itootr,,,, r-s $P,78
Octolter S.TS
November 1. ,. 70
liecember . TO
BOOOKSS A CO. will pay the highest
rice for any amount of CHITTIM
Uood demand for Oregon BurbankA
VI Tint BXxnt, ForUaad, . .
Ban Francisco, July 10. Con
siderable trouble was exper-
. ienced by the' telegraph com .
panles having wires along the
-of the Santa Fa railway to
day and laat night on - account
of a severe sand . storm, and
leasees of private wlrea were
unable to receive their full mar
kot reports today. A consider "
able force of linemen has been
sent to the sest of the trouble. .
(Bpeojal Dtapatch by Leaaed Wire to Th Joaraal)
San Francisco,. July 80. The principal
feature of the Ban Francisco markets
today were: .
Oalns tn wheat and barley options.
Spot prices better for both. - ) '
Oats firm; hay easy to steady. -Corn,
beans and rye unchanged.
Flour trade Is active.
But little changes in fruits. - '
Butter, eggs and cheese without
change. :
Poultry market is steady.
"""December wheat had another advance
today and closed lo per cental higher
than on Friday. The spot market was
also steady and was quoted He per cent
als higher. Th Improvement here has
oeen on home conditions as well as be
ing prompted by advices from abroad.
The crop In this state Is a short one and
millers have become active buyers. In
Chicago wheat waa firm on. July, the
ahortage and . wet weather In the west,
It was an up and down market there,
weakening' on reallsltlg but closing a lit
tle higher than on Friday.
, Barley Xlgfeer All .Around.
Barley was higher both on speculative
and cash account, the market acting In
sympathy with wheat and also being in
f luenced by light receipts. . A fair quan
tlty of oats arrived and prices were
firmer. Hay and other articles were
without quotable change. .
There were good shipments of flour on
Friday and today. The movement for
the month of July waa quite -large.
There have been only sllg-h, variations in
prices very recently and today was but
a repetition generally of the preceding
day's buslneaa. The market has been
congested with poor fruits The ship
ping demand would have been enlarged
of late bad the desired fruits of choice
quality been more -plentiful. -
.Potatoes Continued Weak.
The market continued uvealr for vtn.
tatoes anfl'onlona, but the reduced prices
have prompted A better demand.! Unless
the market Is soon relieved of a large
quantity of tomatoes dumping will have
to be resorted to. There was no demand
whatever for small boxes. . Peppers were
also In exoesslve supplyas well as cu
cumbers end summer squash. Bweet po-
Uatoes sold on the wharf at IH to I
cents per pound. String beans were, al
most unsalable.
Butte la Better Shape.
- The butter " market appeared to be
getting into better shape. - and soma
dealers who had been quite conservative
were of the opinion that the coming
week would see an Improvement. The
same also applies to eggs. -
(Fnrniahed by Over beck. Store A Cook Ce.)
New York. Jlllr SO. Tha sloch market na
rather quiet today, thl being a half holiday,
and price were off a fraction all through th
list.- The London stork exchange was sot
open on account of a bank holiday.
lonaya aiocs acsrxet;
Desrrlptloa. .
Amalgamated Copper Co. .. . .
Aicnieon. common ,.
American Sugar, common. . . .
Pfltlmnr A Ohio, com tnoa.. .
Brooklyn Rapid Transit ....
Chicago A Great Weat.. com
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Pou!..4S4 , 144
C Wrado Fuel A Iron, com 84i ' ,
Ed, common 24U - 2'
Louisville A Naahvlll .......... .1UV Jl
Manhattan- Elevated ...:...1W'V ' l.V
i insulin racinc .7. c. ......Ill
Pcnnaylvanla Railway IIP
Peoria Uaa. Light A Cok Co.. ttu
leaning, common 4. ...
Rock Island, common
Southern PactAo
Union Paclltc, common
T'nltrd Httea 'Sttal Co., com . ,
United State steel Co., pfd.v
Writers Unkta Telegraph ....
Ssa Frsnclaco, July 80. Cloaa 11 SO a. a.
Rid. Ask.
St-rln TaTleP WiW 7;.-.T.r.T."..: IMlti'
(Vtntra Costa Water .............. SS SS
I F. Gaa A Electric..
IU 62
(Ilsnt Powder ...,...
ovi "IH
Hiir.a Plantation
Hawaiian Sugar
Hoivnkea Sugar
Hntchlnaon Sugar
Rllaneau Sugar ......
13 .
. 4
Makswell Sugar
Ounmea Sngar
Paachaa Sugar
Artificial Byes Fitted.
Largs stock st D. Chambers, 121
... B1 14
... T
... S3t2
... toii
hilt 52
21 22
o: b2
88 Hi
. (Fnrniahed br Overbeck. Starr A Cook Co l
Chicago. July 30. Lugau A Rryan sdvlaa
Ther was ao wheat market ta Liverpool today
oa account af a holiday. Th market opeued
about ateady excepting th July optlou, which
showed n drain- of about cent over th
urevUtua close and Bold rapidly ever th dollar
mark, reacting and cloalug With an advene
of about 1 cent, but oa heavy nroBt-taklng wa
aoia aowa ana cineed about the openiug ugnr.
Weather condition In th northwest ar un
favorable and the soneral - santliiient ta In
rllned to b bullish. Millar report a much
I tetter Hour demand and tha Mtuneenoll mil
I'Vs ar reported to be good Buyer of all
kfhoe of wheat la Kanaa ( Itr. Hard rains li
Minneapolis tisrt of the night, but H Is now
clearing off and turning not. Many damage
report wee onSrued by the beat elevator
people, whlrh war , also backed py many
uuyiug oraera.
Opts la Sympathy With wlMt,
In corn, th market, while not aa actlv
I In sysipsthy with wheat. Th September op
tion ieitea at shout last night s cloae, but
with heavy selling order It aold dnwa about
t4 cent, cloaln at th low itolnt tat tb
day. Tho recelpta eontluu fair, aUo th
demand.. Many eunfualua reoorta ar in cir
culating eopcrrnlhg th corn corp. bat oa th
wnoi cora is o ing nicely. a t-ropa are ma- twssif ii Bjiiiea.
Oats Bora Actlv.
Th eats market waa rather mora actlv
man .or is re. in joiv aavanriiig ever a centa.
clnalng - very . strong at 43 cents. Not much
aws. September oats look very cheap.
- Frevisloaa War BulaA -
Th provision market waa unlet, there being
not muca tenaency citner way., vary ntt
trading; -September pork - advanced A cents
but aold otr -and closed at th low point
$13 02. Tb packer' atrlk situation I still
unchanged, which haa some Sect oa th star
. Today's markets:
Ops. . High. . Lew. ' " Cloaa.'
rt neat .
t$ .WtU .1U $ .onu
y , .Orni l.ontj - ".esvi
. ' Mti. , .MM '".tvH4
.80 Vk
Sept. . .
- Oats t
.4014 ,
1102H 13 OA
S Fr slaea flrala -i
Ssa Pranclaco. July 30. Cloae I
Deeemher. tl.4IU. , . .. -' .
nariry ueccuitcr, i.mH-
" Blnaaapella Wheat Stares.
Mlnnmtoll. July 30. Minneapolis atocka of
wneai win enow a aecrea oi 7a,uuo bushel
I or in a era.
Spelsl Dlr patch te The Journal.)
Cbleago. July .80. All was escltement Is
tae tnicago Wheat nlt soAav.
July reached tb high wlnt tt tl.004. '
.ui i.wr. t.i I.IIW irvilui UU int ruen-
Ing of-tbe short to cover wa the wildcat seer
In th pit for many g day. This condition
wss brought about br th luteaa aearrlte of
July option and a thl had been sold abort
very neavy during tb early part of tb month
It wa ao wonder that tltoae who were short
beesme frantic ss tb auntatkma moved no
toward th top with lightning apeed.
, nnen tne market epeuea this morning with
luly auotod st IWKe. which waa tie above
th closing point of yesterday's strong market,
fear wa to It sera oa th faces of th
nnmerona shorts a they wildly bid for suf.
Sclent stocks to- fill their ordera. Aa tha Mir.
ket advsnced this fear bee ante more apparent
and -when the- top waa reached at $1-0014 ther
was Beany run.
The cans of the high price la the July
option today wa th fact that prices oa cash
wheat have bees very atrong during th past
month and high prim were th rule. la most
esse the quotstlons en cash war so much
higher than tb July thst there were many
wb predicted thst It would go to the level
ox tn utter montn r even lower. This Is
nat cauaea most or tn anort. ,
Th eroo advlc of lata have Meee aliAa.
Ing more damage from rust snd smnt than
usual thla being also en of th cause of
today', and. In fact, the sdraooes of tb
pat wves.
(Special Dispatch by Leed Wire to The Joaroalt
New Tork. Jolr 30. . Tha eottn msrhet
opened ateady thla morning, snd st closing time
there hsd been ao break. Spot cotton closed
quietly snd la general the whole market was
very aieaay. ,
Today 'a cloaa:
. Cloae.
January ........
Octobers ........
, .T
8 70
November .,,..
,, . . - a
Th report of the Portlaad clearlne hou.
enowsa ,
. Clearings. Balance
Mnnda S 827.S41.2S g . 1)4 471 M
Tuesday ........ 442.2.W 2d TI.S24.40
Wednesday , 304.Tr).7T m om Ki
Thursday ....... 83R.262.TS ' 2,2.124
Friday 41T.033.63 . nd.n71.04
Saturday 812,032. T 8O.61A0T
Totals for week. 8 1.433.4S3.81
Tot a la year ago. 2.0"
Totals for July. 13.24O.442.I0
Total year ago. 18.A24.lrt6.4a
$ 3TA.234.S3
' 2,wh,
ttondon, July 30. There wsa M seeslons of
the s locks or grain exchange today oa accouiA
ot a bank hoUday. .
' SIS0T7SS ASTHMACm stxhx.
New Tork." July 80. Meeting have been
called to dlecue the matter of aa anthracite
coal strike. Tha reduction of x- per toa la
tin plate Is surprising to Plttahurg.
(Special Dispatch-te Tb Joaraal.)
KalamA Wash.. July 10. Despite the
stories . printed In a morning paper in
Portland that Pataey McOrath (Mc
Outre) was brought hers suffering
from a violent form . of ' Insanity, he
was i yesterday released by the sheriff
to whom he personally ' appealed for
custody, and is apparently as sane ss
any ordinary man. McOuIre says he
waa tired and worn out and confused
and for that reason asked the sheriff to
take him in charge. But ther seems
na foundation for the stories to the ef
fect thst he fought, 'on " the train ' be-H
A eery Portland and Kalama or showed
other sign" of violence. , -.
(Joaraal Special Servie. )
Washington, D, C, July to. If Presl.
dent Dtas of Mexico csrrles out hta re
ported Intention to visit this ootrhtry
ext winter It will be tho nrst time a
Mexican president - ever vlelted the
nlted Btates. Washington officials re
call that General - Mas was here on a
honeymoon trip with his second wife.
but he was not president , of Mexico
tbeiv "
As Is usually the case there Is a wide
discrepancy In the reports mode by the
engineers and pilots as to the depth
of water which recent soundings In
ths Columbia reveal. ,. Yesterday tha
United States engineers, who are pro--,
vided with every convenience for doing
accurate Work. COmnlcteH tha low -aatae
survey of Willow bar, which Is situated
five miles below the mouth of the Will
amette river. They state that a chan
nel was found at that point II feet in '
depth and sufficient in width for air
ordinary purctosra. Alongside of it and
extending far enough to permit the
paaaage or tha largeat ships the sound- .
Ings. showed the water to have a uni
form depth of 51 feet,-
. Aoordlng to the engineers, the pilots
whb made surveys In the same locality
a short time ago reported that the chan-
nei was not more than II feet deep lr '
places. The -engineers snent two diva
at this particular bar and they ' hava
every reason for believing that their . '
figures are absolutely correct. Hence,''
they declare that there will riot hava
to b much, dredging dona at Willow bar .'
this year, , This morning the surveying
party moved down to Martin's bar to
continue sounding operations. .
If the same resulta are shown at tha -
other bars the engineers .declare that ,
there will not have to be any great
amount of dredging done during tha
present season at the points In tha Col
umbia which are usually filled up every
year by the annual freshet. . They ar
finding much deeper water' than they
ThS. msmhsrl A aha Mat. aea Mala. .
the tug LJncoln from which to make
the soundings. They fere of the opinion"
that It Will talra than I.. aaal.. .
complete ths . work. Shippers ar an-
lounly waltlnr to heattheir final report
SB to the l-nnriltlnn nf tha ahaanal .
1 ' " I,
Towns os Upper- Waters A re Out .Off foy ,
' . Tkr BCoatka.
Owing to low water it will be Impos
sible for the steamers from Portland
to reach La Center, Wash., on th Lrswls
river, sgaln until the fall ralna begin.
The steamer Mascot made her laat trip - '
tp that point yesterdsy. From now on -she
will be unable to get any further up
stream than the forks of th Lewis
river, which Is about three miles below
La - Center. -" For that distance ' th .
freight carried - by the steamers will .'
have to be taken on scows. - . .
Steamboat merr say that the low '
water works a great hardship upon the
residents of that section of th country.
Ther - ar several' thriving towns and
village, which are almost cut off from
th rest of the world when, the Lewla .
river becomes too shallow for naviga
tion. All sorts of schemes are resorted
to by the Inhabitants to get supplies.
- BkllTs and other small craft ar util
ised fol carrying freight, .while soma
of th store proprietors have their '
goods taken in by teams over the rough,
mountain - roads. For about three
montha of the year they sre forced to -
put up wllh.these Inconveniences.
.-, a
Henry Westbrook, freight agent for
the Oregon City Transportation eom-
pany. left last night for Ashland, where
he will spend a three-weeks' vacation.
French Consul Labbe left lor th
headwaters of the Washougal yester
day to enjoy a week of camp .life. Be
fore leaving he stated that he expected
to. return with a bearskin. - : .,
It waa the Intention to launch th
new government dredge built by Jo- ;
aeph Supple for operation on the Wll- (
lamett and . Yamhill rivers yesterday,
but since Major Langlitt could not ba
present the matter waa postponed. .It
la probable that tha dredge will be
launched early next week. Th first
work that the dredge will do wilt be
to clear . out the harbor In front of
Supple s shipyards. ' ; .. .v . .
Astoria. July 30. Left up 1 4 a m..
schooners Mabel (Sale and Virginia.
Left up at t a. m... schooner Alice
Arrived at 11 a. m.. schooner Church-
Ill, from Newcaatle. '
8t Helens. July 10. Passed at I p.
m., schooner Alice Mcuonam.
Astoria. July to. condition or tn
bar it I p. m.. smooth; wind, northwest;
weather, cloudy. .
aanaaa awa aM I ' ' '
Today the lighthouse' tender Heather
ill aaerw down tha river a collection
of buoys, which will be placed afvarl
ous points between Portland and Rain
ier In aid to navigation. , - - -
L. .Baldren of this city, who operates
a' logging camp on Deep river," on tire
Washington side of the Columbia, says ,
that- logs have reached a Jow fcrlca flva.
time In the 30 years he haa been in
business. One year logs dropped from
It a thousand to $3.60. snd many log- .
gers were forced Into bankruptcy. On
account- of th low prices he Is now
employing a force of only 10 men. ; Mr. ,
Baldran said tha. u an tne loggers nau
reduced ' their output as he has dona
there would be a shortage at the mills
snd price would be higher. He usually
sells his logs In- the Portlsnd market,
but for some time past has been sending
his logs to Tongue Point, near Astoria.
He Is again sending rsfts to Portland "
mlllA . - - .
. Artificial Byas Fitted.
Large stock (t C. Chambers, lit 7th.
OWllL SIM I (HE (0.
- f
Msmbera Cblcsg Board ef Trad.
Vi TWrs SL, NtAT SlAfk - . - Pbesc, Msts 3111
Wa ar eaaaasted by private wire with
ii ssrs. Loaaa A Brraa. Chirac and New
ark j Walker 3ros J. S. Rich Oo., Maw
York Stock Kicking.! Habbard Bros. Ca..
New Tork Otto Exchange) Falrchlld A Mo.
ion; ttaw oriean Co ttna gtehang) Henry
lerth A Co.. Nw Tork Ooffe Bhangi Pain.
Webber A Co.: Boetoo Coptter aad Stock Ss-
ebanrs! Dick Bra. A Co.l haw Tork aad PV-
Aalphls Stock Escbaaaua.
, (Utabllahed ltlA .
Boom 4, Oronad Floor.
' r '