t V.'v ' l ' JOURNAL. A OREGON DAILY PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 80, 1004. iPORTAGE ROAD AT 'h- ONCE, THEIR MOTTO (Open River Association ; v is Confident That ; 3 T2i Started Despite Enmrmtlo work for th porta rail way la being done by the member of too Opoa River association now In thla fdty. Their conferenoe yeeterday morn ing with representatives or too chamber of oommenx and the state portage rail, way board waa followed In tike afternoon by an Important Interview with Major tLangfltt, the government engineer, and tola morning a meeting of the executive board of the - association waa held, at which plana were formulated for terry- ting forward an aggreaalva : campaign. That there may ft noiac 01 zunaa rot ha construotlon of the portage railway, steps wlilbe taken at ono to make good jany deficit In tha event that the state appropriation prove Inadequate, and the membership of tha association will be greatly Increased. . Tha aid of Senator Ualtohell haa also been enlisted and he will use his influanoa at Washington to Induce the government to allow tha con struction of tha railway upon a portion Of tha canal right of way. Those present thla morning at tha meeting of tha executive board of the Open Klver association war .John A. 'Smith, president of - the association. Judge W. J. Mariner, Dr. N. Q. Blalock land Henry Hahn. By Invitation of the board, A. H. Uevera of the Portland khambar of commerce and A. McL. lawks, tha civil engineer retained . by i the association, war also at the meat. jjng. The chief toplca of discussion jwere the extension of tha membership 'of tha association and tha raising of funds. : r . , J "We hope," said Judge Mariner, after tha meeting, "to lncreasa tha member hip of tha assoclaUon to 'several thou wand, and to do thla within a Short time. This of Itself will supply a considerable lamount of money, as tha membership fee Is 12. we shall need-funds, for the state appropriation for tha portage rail Irway may not be sufficient. - Tha meet ing was largely devoted to tha dlaou Wloa of way and mean" . taken At XopefnJ. All tha member of tha' association from eastern Oregon are greatly encour- iaged over tha progress already made and tare hopeful of an aarly commencement bf work upon the portage railway. Thalr 'interview with Major Langfltt haa eon I firmed their belief that there should be jno serious "difficulty In obtaining from the government tha right to use a part I of tha canal right of way for tha rail pwar. ' i " " r'T "What era want from tha government," aid Judge Mariner. - "Is permission to construct tha portage railway upon tha land which la conveyed to tha govern ment for tha right of way of tha Celllo canal, and wa want to get this permla ion Immediately, without waiting for tha actual transfer of title, which will take alz or eight- weeka We do not wn$ to lea any time. We had a con ferhce - with Major Langfltt : yesterday (afternoon and ha is not-disposed to put any obstruction in oar way. He (aid BOX INDUSTRY ; GROWS RAPIDLY ): ; - 'bboavsb or Tn rwcmBArao j BOAmorrr o babtbwjt txxbeb 1 AJTO TXB . OMWTI OT U)OAX, , acAwr AOTTxura nrrxBSSTS , VAOTOBXBB ABB BBXABOZBO. . The manufacture of wooden boxes In Portland 1 assuming immense propor tlona, and the three factories, the Mult nomah Trunk and Box company, the Standard Box and Lumbar company and tha Star Box company are running on full time, -It la estimated that nearly 10.00g feet of epruoe lumber goes Into boxes dally tn Portland. Just now la tha alack time between the berry, and the fall fruit seasons, but the regular local demand for boxes continues good. Soon will ooma tha rush for peach, ap ple and other fruit boxes, and order are Jready being received from Oregon and California-points. -Shipments" of -fruit boxes are made from her to Denver, and to other outside points. Borne ahlp menta are mad to the east, but the high freight rat of SO and (0 cents per hundred, makes It difficult to get into the market In Missouri and Mississippi alley points. In Wisconsin. Michigan and the Chi cago territory box making Is a leading Industry, and each locality haa trade Journals devoted exclusively to the box and barrel trade. A piece of wood or mall atrip that 1 thrown away or burned here la utilised for soma variety of boxes there. K. Mcintosh, ona of the owners of the Rocky Point Lumber company, states that a dosen years apo he waa working In his father's box factory In Wiscon sin. There was a ready demand for anything that could be made Into box e hooks. It did not matter how small. Carloads' of small' strips, waste cut from tha box lumber, was shipped awy to bo used In making crates for lanterns and other articles. Almost every milT bad special saw for trimming the bark covering from slabs so that the wood could ba used for box material. - As the manufacturing Industrie grow bar the demand for boae will increase, and eventually freight nttea may be ad justed, so that box shook can be profit 8ECTIONAL TIEW OP THE 8UBMARINB BOAT FCLTOK, WHICH HAS BEEN PURCHASED1 BT THE RCS , SI AN GOVERNMENT. ' After Long Conferences Koad Wfll; oon be Canal Plans I that he could see no reason why the portage railway could not be built upon tha canal right of way, and ha think that the railway need not inter fere with tha construction of the canal. Ho assured ua that if a survey be sub mitted to htm showing where the road is to run; he will be glad to take the matter up at ono and he can then de cide what modifications, if any, may be desirable-' to prevent interference with tha canal. When these point are de termined ha ' will .be In a position to present the whole matter- to tha govern ment, through . the proper channels: Major Langntt aald ha had no doubt that tha permission .to construct the railway over the canal right of way would be granted by tha government, with the proviso that It. shall be removable at the pleasure of the. government, either in whole or. In part Tha gtat of Major Langfltt'a statements was that ha will co-operate with the atata portage board and with tha open river commission In harmonising the two projects for fe ollltattng commerce on tha -Columbia river." . 'Ala Desire OanaL "It la not your Idea that tha effort to complete the right of way for tha canal ahould'b abandoned r Judge Mariner was asked....' : "By no rotWna.; That is far from being our attitude," he replied. "We recognise the great Importance of tha canal, but Its construction must take years and w are seeking to have the portage railway built Immediately so that we may get relief at one from railroad exactions There la no antagonism to the canal." - Governor Chamberlain la in hearty accord with tha effort to hasten tha construction' of the portage railway. He aid thla morning: 1 ahall write to Major Langfitt Im mediately upon my return to Salem and ask him as to tha beat manner of pre senting tha request for permission, to us a part of the canal right of way for the construotlon of the portage railway. Jt haa been my Idea all along to have a r-aurvey of tha portage route as soon as tha right Of way ha been .se cured for the canal The state board Is fully alive to tha Importance of hasten ing the construction of the portage road. ' But wa cannot of course abandon tha canal project, and I am sure no on who .understands -tha situation would advise such a course. : Too much 'money has been expended upon that to let it drop and we have entered Into eontraot for the purchase of tha right of way. All that would ba lost 'If wa should abandon tha canal now. ' What we want to do la to obtain tha government's con sent to tha building of tha portage road over the land which Is to b conveyed to the government for tha canal, and In thla the atata board la In accord with the open river commlMton." 1 Tha members of tha Open River as sociation from - eastern . Oregon will leave for their homea thla evening. ably hipped to eastern markets. Tim bar Is becoming scarcer In the east, and there Is certain to be a demand for Ore gon box material In the future. 'There is an immense amount of box material in th slabs that are sold for fir wood that might be profitably utilised. GIRL'S TESTIMONY ; CAUSES ARRESTS Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald this afternoon laid complaint before Mu nicipal Court Clark Olson for tha pro prietor of three saloons and warrants war Immediately Issued. . The list com prise A William and Thoma McGlinn, of m Alder; W. H. Close, Park and Mor rison, and J. Kolbroth, 141 Washington. All are charged with selling liquor t Miss Pearl Caldwell, a girl of 14 years, who la now hold on a charge of larceny of jewelry and other articles from Mis Maud GlUiland, In whose employ she wa at th time of th robberies. In addition to the charge of selling liquor to a minor, W. II. Close I charged with permitting a minor to loiter In hi saloon. The cases will ba triad before Judge Hogu Tuesday. , COUNTY TEACHERS . . TO BE EXAMINED Teacher of tha publlo school throughout thla county ara preparing for tha county and atata examinations, which will be held In tha high achool building la Portland beginning with August 10. - From all Indications over a hundred teachers will be present for the test. , Th county examination will occupy three days, while it is expected that the state examlnationa will oontlnue on day longer, for the reason that they ara more difficult Count Superinten dent Robinson la engaged In making ar rangement -for. th examinations, t : Sunday Schedule and Round Trip Rates on The 0. W. P. - ;. :; Zeav for Estacada 7: JO, (:I0, 9:10, 11:10 a. tn.. 1:30, S;30, 1:30, S:80 and 7:30 p. m. Hate, 60 cent for 71 miles. For Oregon City and Canemah Park ev ery 30 minute from T a. m. Rat tt cents for II mile. - t&4 Grand Duke Boris, who, when reproved by General KuropatHn for hrtng lng dissolute woman to headquarters, stabbed hi commanding officer with his word. EXPECT RUSH AT ; LEAGUE MEETING i-oaax BAXxjioAO omcuxj n- XJMT VULMT ZZTBA COACXZ wm bs moiD ro oabst muw. 92 WHO WXU ATTITO BTATB zifnoriiian mxxtzbto. The railway entering Portland are preparing to add extra coaohea and alaepiag car . to . their train . arriving "here August 1 and I for th big 'con vention to organise an Oregon Improve ment league. Th half rat put . Into effect for this event 1 open to th pub llo. and a heavy' patronage la expected from all part of th tate. At this" time It 1 not thought that special train will be necessary, and unless th situation change materially th busi ness will be taken' car of by th regu lar train. . - . At thla data more- than 100 delegate have been reported to tha Commercial club, and doubtle many will eome whoa name hav not been sent In. In addition many people will take advan tage of the half far rat to visit Port land on business and pleasure. Th re ception and entertainment committee of tha Commercial club met thla afternoon at the office of Manager Tom Richardson to take up the final arrangements In de tail. Tha following additional delegated names have been received: Forest. Grove board of trad (by E. W.t Ilalnea, president) -B. W. Haines, W. it Holll H. C. Atwall, CoL Harry Haynes, A. J. - Wlrta, Ira E. Purdln, president; W. H. Ferrln, Charles F. Mil ler and 8. G. Hughe. Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposi tion and Oriental fair W. B. Aver, 8, M. Mears, H. C. Breed on, H. W. Goode, O. M. Scott, Walter F. Burrell, Jeff er aon Myers, Jay Smith, E. Newbegln, Henry B. Read, R. I Darrow. Waaoo, Oregon, (named by Mayor E. B. Cattron) George N. Crosfield, Hon. W. H. Bigg, Hon. C C . Kinney. Dr. H. B. Beers. E. D. McKee, C. A Akers, Josiah Marsh, R. C. Atwood. E. A. E Webber, F, It Meador. W. M. Barnett, C E. Jones, W. K. Tata and J. E. Mc pherson. Dalles Commercial club .(named by President N. Whealdon) E. O. McCoy, J. W. French, George A. Toung, D. P. Ketchum. Frank Menefe. J. 8. Schenck, L. E. Crowe, F.. S. Gunning, E. E. Ferguson, Mr. Mary L. Spauldlng. Yamhill county (named by Judge B. F. Rhode) Henry Oee, W. T. Macy, R. L. Conner, W. Jj. Warren, George F. Hauaer and John Wortmart, of McMlnn ville; Hon. Iee Laughlin and A C Good rich, of North Yamhill; C. J. Payne, Bellvue; R. U Harris, Dayton.- i nr T MASSAOMtlSBTTS OU SCO ICS WZ1X. ' (Jonrosl Special Service.) Boston, Mass., July 30. -In accordance- with a law enacted by th state legislature several years ago and In pursuance of a custom that hea become well established during the last decade, th week beginning tomorrow will be observed throughout Massachusetts as old horn week. The week 1 set apart as a , season during which cities and town may conduct appropriate cele brations In honor of returning son and daughter of -'the commonwealth and other Invited guests, and may- hold ex excises of historical Interest , Try the Trolley to Estacada. Th Foresters' band of tl place will furnish tha muato tomorrow at tha hotel and pavilion on tha banks of tha Clackamas. Rata for 73-mll ride, 40 centa. - . HAPPY THRONG SEES THE FLOTQ SHOWS Hiram and Httla were there, th pea nut man, tha small boy, tha vendor of auburn lemonade, th Hon, elephant and all the other thing that go to make up a cirous and a youngster- delight It wa an hour of pleasure at the Floto show. Twenty-first and Savier streets, last night, and th great crowd which wa Jammed together under th big can vaa showed it appreciation by loud guf faws and f sequent cheer. Th Floto shows hav developed into a big organisation, and hav won an en viable place tn the heart of ciroue-goers In western towns. The menagerie that accompanies th show Is stocked, with animals from every part of the world and waa crowded last night Tha door of that part were opened an hour before the beginning of the performance to-ao-oommodate tha crowds. "Happy Hooligan." with a tin cup on hi bead. Just a h la In 'Tha Journal, wa there, and caused endless fun for the small boy, - Thar were other clown, too, who added to th mirth and Jollity of th evening. Th Japanese acrobat and tha family of tumblera war aa good as are ever aeen In a show, and war re peatedly applauded. Tha hard of elephant did eome a ton Is hi ng atnnta, aa did the troupe of horaea. It la probably tha only hard of elephants that haa aver been taught to chime the bell a They rendered "Auld Lang Syne" on tha chimes, and th keeper was buay for several minute bowing In response to the encore. ... The performance opened last night with a grand parade of the animals and performer around th tent There were numerous daring specialties and aerial feats that held tha crowd In breathless suspense. Tha ahow left for the sound Immediately after laat night perform ance. . ' -f PORTLAND STREETS. ARE WELL LIGHTED f Portland 1 Nn of th beat lighted oltlee In the country, according to Au ditor Devlin. He states that In this city ther are over 1,000 electrlo light and th people are still clamoring for more, and especially ara petitions nu meroua from tha suburban districts. "The reason people think the city la not well lighted la due to the fact that we have auch a great number of trees. Tha denaa foliage of these trees ahade tha light so that much of It Is wasted. If these tree were not so numerous th lighting problem would not be ao difficult- Wa have a larger number of light In proportion to our population than any other city In thta part of tha country." PARKER DISCUSSES HIS CAMPAIGN PLANS (Joornsi Spedsl Serrlee.) . Eaopua, July 30. John Foster Pea body of New York was an early visitor at Rosemont today. Judge Parker was presented with a silver loving cup by his friends in Kingston, The Judge said at Rosemont ' this morning that the personnel of tha ex ecutive and finance eqmmltteea aa well a th Identity of th chairman of the former would probably be mad known before Chairman ' Taggart returned to New York.- ; Immediately thereafter th first definite plan for th campaign Will b made, National - headquarter In th east are to be established and the na tional chairman will commence early th work of canvas. , LAWYER AND OFFICER BREAK CAR WINDOWS y (Special Dlipetck t The JoeraaL) Wallace, Idaho, July. 30. C It Fish, an attorney, and Constable Barney Ford had a scuffle on the train yeeterday which resulted In breaking car windows. Ford tried to arrest Fish. who Is wanted In Coeur d'Alena for leaving his creditors In the lurch. Fish refused to accompany the officer and the trouble enaued. . OAVADZAM FAOIFZO HtABsT, . - (Journal Special ervies.) Toronto, Ont, July 30. It is reported on good authority that the Canadian Pa clfl Is about -to begin the construction of a new line from Sudbury to this city at a font of 38.000.000. The construc tion of this line, together with the pur chase of local llnea near Ttlsonburg, Ont, and tha probable Installation of a ferry service anroaa Lake Erie, la ex pected to bring the cost up to some 113, 000.000. This. It Is believed. Is the foundation for the recent report that tha company , will Issue f 10,000,000 v of new stock.. - . , WILL NOT HANG BEFORE DECEMBER ' -' ';. " , . . 1 ' i '' mr BXOTXD ' BTATB : vunxtt oovbt urnM bbouzob or cza-' otxt jusqb ob oobbbbcbbb BTOBBBBBB OVwUBXiKO XB WZU saoxrma bbsfttb. , Frank Gu glial mo will not hang for th murder of Freda Garaclo August II, th date set by Clrouit Judge Cleland for hi execution. Provided th tate u preme court affirm th verdict of th lower court finding him guilty of mur der In the first degree, bis execution cannot take place before December or January, says Dlstrlot Attorney Man nlng. At Seaside last Thursday Judge Cle land signed th certlflctate postponing tha axeoutlon until tha final determina tion of the caaa by the supreme court It waa received In this olty by County Clerk Field this morning. A oopy of It was served on Sheriff Word by Deputy Clerk Marion K. Johnson and another copy was mailed to th warden of th penitentiary at Salem. '. . Th certificate of probable ' cause I brief but to the point Its text, as pre pared by Clerk Johnson and signed by Judge Cleland, I a follow; , , Probabl Cans for Appeal. "It appearing to tha undersigned that Frank Gugllelmo,. the defendant above named, -waa convicted' In th ' circuit court of the state of , Oregon,' for the County of Multnomah, of the crime of murder la the first degree, alleged to have been committed therein June 14. A. C 1004, and having been aentenoed to death, ha appealed therefrom, and at this time by Dan R. Murphy and John F. Logan, hi attorney, pray . th In uanoa of a certificate of probable cause, th district attorney of said county hav ing been served with notice of the time and place of th bearing of this applica tion, and John .' Manning, district at torney, appearing and objecting thereto. It appears further from a casual Inspec tion of tha transcript on appeal In said action herewith submitted that In the trial of said causa error may hav been committed; . "And I therefor certify that in my opinion ther 1 probable cause tor appeal.- ' " . Another Xwye Betalaed. Gugllelmo' friends hav been aottv In his behalf recently. In addition to Attorney Dan R- Murphy and John F. Logan, who have had entire charge of th caa up to date. Attorney Ralph H. Mobdy wa retained yesterday by Jo Morale, an Intimate friend of tha con damned man. Morak wished to retain Moody before the, trial., but owing to disagreement aa regards counsel the law yer did not enter -the case at that time. "While th member of th Italian col ony felt very bitterly toward Frank at first," said Morak.. "th majority of them would now ba satisfied to see hlra receive a life sentence, and It 1 to that end w are now working." ... ' , -, ' Belay xa Beoeseary. The caaa of Gugllelmo will not b heard by th supreme court -until Oc tober, or after the summer vacation of the tribunal. Attorney Murphy brief will not be prepared before September, and Dlstrlot Attorney Manning, who I going on a vacation, will not hav hi answer ready before October I. The court may take the matter under advise ment If It arflrma th Judgment of the circuit court. Judge Cleland will again sentence the prisoner, and the data Bet for tha execution must b at least 10 day after th opinion of th supreme court Is handed down. It haa not yet been decided who will .argue In behalf, of the condemned man before th supreme court, i Attorney Moody will take part' In tha argument but It haa not been settled whether At torney Murphy or Attorney Logan ahall also appear. " Only two lawyer ' can argu th case. .. -.a LABORERS SHY AT DANGEROUS JOB . Contractor R. Ml Rlnar ' 1 having a dlffloult time scouring men to work on tha construotlon of the big Tanner oreek eewer. - Th report -ha gone out that this piece of work la dangeroua and for thla reason laborers hesitat to ac cept a Job under him. However, b ha been able to secure about 40 men and work on the reconstruction of th big drain 1 progressing rapidly. Three shifts of eight hours each are being run and five or ilx holes have been opened. Th entire sewer ha been wired and every few feet there are eleo trlo light. Every precaution la being taken by tha contractor to prevent any accidents. An endeavor will be made to have th work completed September IS. .- i , An Ontlng to tne foothills of the7 , v: - Clackamas. - ' Take th trolley to 'Estacada, Every thing arranged for th accommodation of (hose desiring a Sunday In the ooun try. An up-to-date hotel. ' Dinner (0 cents. A pavilion for dancing. Seata and tablea prepared for th picnlokera. TBBBBB AOB SAYXS Because of hi tender age. Deputy District Attorney Haney and Municipal Judge Hogua took pity on John Burns, recently arrested by Detective Hartman for the larceny of clothing,' and filed a misdemeanor complaint against him. In stead of a felony Information. II wa arraigned In court Jthls morning and wa sentenced to serve a term of 30 day in th county Jail. ' He entered a plea of guilty. Burns 1 aged 13 years and hi parent and sister hav good standing In tht city, so It was thought better to end him to th county Jail for a short term than to th penitentiary. . - t CONSTIPATION For ever nine years 1 asfferedwlth ihronle eea ttpal a and durlof thla time I bad to take as bijMMns ot ararm water oate every M kosra before I ojl4 hareaa aelloa oa mr sowala. Hapelly I triad Caaoarau, and tt.r I am a wall man, Porlnt tha nine yaare before I naed Caacanta K enllared ananld ntaary with Interval lUa. Tnenks to rsa I am free from all that thla nnrnlnf. foe eaa see tula la ftabaii af aaffartnc humanity." . . ,. . : ... . . F. flatlet. JiMiMis. ill. Bsat for f aBl' rr uuavviw CAMPY CATrUjrTIO .Men alatahte. Potent, Taata Qnnd, fe Oeed, avar elekea, Weak an ertirlpe. We. ta-.tsa. Narar Kid la balk. Tha tannine tablet atampea 0 00. isranaeed to anre or roar anoney back. . terlincltemedyCa.,ChicacarH.T. So n:-msAiilTEK::Lu:aE3nj HEART BEAT AGAIN r . - .. . i m - -. , . ' Given Up to Death By Doctors WOMAN IS BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE By Rochester Professor Who Has jHade Won derful Discovery of Law of Nature That Has - V Been "Overlooked by:Doctors and Scien- lists ior Centuries Past; WHAT MIGHTY HEALING POWER IS THIS That Cures . Men "and Women .In Their' Own Homes; 'V,; ,:.-.!,;V Thousands of Miles Away. v"i.''v-s,':C:,'r ' ISELESS DRUGS Discarded By This Man Who Diseases Supposed THE BLIND MADE TO SEE By Wonderworker Who Of era lervioea JTeed BeUeves It Js Xls Onty to ffllotad Xo SUease Tlnnhestar. V. Y- JulV tt. -DoIal Correspondence) - A remarkable case that threaten to upaet tne tneory ana practice of medicine la reported from Wilmington, O. The human heart has been made to beat again In tha body of a woman given up to death by doctors. ine creoie jor inn eutruing riur tlnn Is due to that distinguished aavant of this city, Thoma S. Adkln, Profes sor or vuaopatny, ana preeiueui m utv Institute of Physicians and Surgeons. Previous experlmenta on animals, like ttinia marl a hv Loeb. of Chlcaao. and Weaver, of Philadelphia, ucceeded in making the heart beat for only a ahort time after'death, and even tht partial success probably was due merely to re- nex muscular acuon mauoea y aaiin. Injections. ' - Rut in thla aasa Professor Adkln ac complished a far more wonderful reault By an entirely different method and In an entirely different way. he not only made the heart beat again, but made It keep on beating and today tha' woman. a Mrs, Al. EJ. rjracaner, is ana avuu welL Instead of being in her grave. Th history of medicine, from th time of Oalen to the present day, falls to give an explanation of thl phenome nal restoration that seem to rival th miracle Of ancient writ. Th facta In the ease are so unusual and revolutionary that aa Interview was sought with Prof. Adkln to learn, if possible, the details of this wonderful case. At first he seemed reluctant to talk for publication, but finally waa in duced to tell of what la undoubtedly one of the most marvelous discoveries In the annuls of eoienoe, a discovery that rives this man a strange and far-reaching eontrol over human life, over disease and death. -- "Yes, I restored Mrs. Brackney to life and health, made her heart beat again," said the professor. "But It la a mistake to think that this I tha first or only ease of tha kind .where I have been equally successful when dm ft and doc tors hav failed. I have cured hundreds of men and women lit th eame way, of diseases pronounced Incurable, rescued them when they were on tha edge of the grave and restored them to health and strength without useless drug or th aura-eon' knife." . "Would you mind giving th name of some of these people T" "Not at all. - Ther la nothing I want concealed or kept aecret. J court the wldeat publicity. I want tha whole world to know what T ara doing so that other may be saved from an early death or lifelong misery. Tou ar more than weloome to Investigate any or all of the cures I hav mad of hopeless Invalids given up to die by doctors. Tou can read letters from my former patients, interview or write to the men and wo men themselves or you can go over my records snd files and aee for yourself that I ucoeed where physicians and medicines have failed. On case that I remember particularly Is that of Mre. I A. Phillips, of Trawlck, Texas, She had been bedridden for five years, In twelve different hospitals, and under tha treat ment of various doctors besides. AU failed to cure her of the complication of diseases from which aha waa suffer ing, and told - her .. they could .do no more, that her eaa wa hopeless. When I took her case It seemed aa If aha waa beyond th aid of any human power. But, by using th knowledge given me by my discovery. I cured her when ahe was ao near death that In a letter ahe wrote to me she aaya I raised ber from the dead. That la not literally true, of course. I have no supernatural power, whatever aoma people may say or be lieve. However near to death' door THE IF a single cylinder engine is as good as the Ford double opposed motor, why do all the $2,000 to, $5,000 cars have two or more cylinders JHie truth is, that manufacturers of single cylinder machines only continue to make them because it would cost too much to change their present out of date models. Experience I better-than guess work and facta ar batter argu ments than theories. The Ford doee the work. Ita double opposed motor la aa simple a skill can devise and It doe away with all .the jar and vibration of tha ona cylinder car. Writ for illustrated catalogue. - , . FORD AUTOMOBILE CO. "ilZV1 AND MEDICINES Heals Hopeless invalids of to Be Incurable. V , " , AND THE LAME TO WALK Tt of Charg to All Who stand In trod aad Mas to Kelp the iok and Xa ltajr Hot Our,.' - - - h may hav been. h had not crossed the threshold. And, no. matter what the doctors may have said, Mrs. Brackney was not dead either, though both of these women probably would be in their grave war it not for my discovery," . "What Is th,dlsoovryr "That there is a law of nature control ling life and death, disease and health: a law that I absolutely certain." r "And no on discovered it befor your v .-- "Apparently not, since disease still ex ists, and men and women go on suffer -tng and dosing themselves with dls- . agreeable and useless drugs that ofteu do more harm than good; go on letting themselves be - out and carved when there la no necessity." . - "What diseases do you cur by thl nw method of treatment?" . , "It applies to all. Vilth th power that Is given m by my knowledge of thl law. there I no disease thst I may not cur. I hav mad th blind see and the lame walk. I have overcome paraly sis. I hav stopped tha living death of cancer. I have straightened crooked bone and caused deformities to disap pear, I hav broken th chains of mor phinism, drunkenness and other bad habits. I have cured consumption, rheu '. matlsm. heart dlnesse, stomach, bowel. and kidney troubles but the list Is too long to repeat. Enough to say that I am ready to undertake the cure of any disease, whatever its nam or nature, however severe, ohronlo or long stand ing, whether doctors pronounoe the cane Incurable or not. In fact, I invite physi cians to send me their worst and most " hopeless cases to be cured." . "But bow about those who live at a. distsnc. who cannot afford th time or money to com to youT" "They do not need to come to me, ami I do not need to go to them. I do not ear how far away my patient are, I can cure them Just aa easily and Just aa surely as if I stood by thalr bedside." "Then your power la ilka Faith Cure "Not at all, not like any of those cults. It Is sclentlflo to tha highest degree, t do not deny the existence of disease. ' It is only too terribly true a no one-knows better than I.-- "- " ' "Then how do you cur thmT" ' "All that anyone who la alek and want to be, cured haa to do la to write to me. addressing Prof. Thomns F. Ad kln, Box 1021 C. Rochester N. Y, telling me the name of their trouble or their principal symptoms, age and aex, and I win .give them of my services absolutely ' "Bureljryorj do not mean that anyone who la eick oaa write to you to be cured. 1 without paying you any money T" .: "But that la Just what I do mean. It I not charity or philanthropy on my part though aa a Christian I try to do my share for my fellowman who I less fortunate than L No one need hesitate about aoceptlng my offer. I want to test my discovery even .more thoroughly. I want to try It in thousands of esses ao aa to be absolutely aura of tha limit of It power If there la any limit. Possibly it may prove that death can be "post poned, that man should live a hundred, or two hundred year a easily as he now live forty." . Investigation prove th fact that allj Prof. Adkln claim la not only true, but that hla remarks during thla Intervlow : ara a very modest and conservative statement of his wonderful healing power. He is not only a man of world wide fame, but to hi intimate associ ate and fellow-oltlsena ofthls city he I known -aa an upright. God-fearing' man, who word I as good a his bond, and whoae promises are generally ful filled twice over. ' FORD 1 n