The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 30, 1904, Image 16

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" 1 "THERE'S A TERIBIJrwbJrTpool iri thit part r the oceaft,
' nfd the captain, "and I Can't jet' recfcnti our bearing! I" I noticed h looked
worried, and 1 began to get awfully tkeered. I thought I could hear
tfctant roaring sound, and it teemed to say there ai trouble ahead . -
whirlpool -
I THE WATER BEGAN to get-rougher : aiuL-tougher-but there-i
,he oute,. edge 0f ,he whirlpool I', thouted the. captairw
;T fhen wt hurried below and he tried to make-the tubmanne link, but it wm
I loo late. The force of the current jei' dragged the boat round and round,
! . fattr and fatter, and the roaring of the great hoU where the raa
r'". tucked down grew louder and louder -r - -. ; 7 5 - r ,
'v-;: ' 1 : lv '
"1 THE BESSIE Bri6$edlHJut like cork, and nearly turnti
fde tlown tcvtral time. A we reached the awful centre of the whirl ;
-.- .J,kJ1- auf,U .Uam ftMral tl
' pooC and began to Whirl faster and fatter, I noticed a great cloud-like form
tailing above ut, It looked more likta gigantic bat than anything I can
-"'hinkof ; ...;.'v,;,:..v.:..:.:. v,,:- .;-:,.
L y .... , c-'-
' a ."GOOD-BYE, BESSIET taldthr captain. "Are we gonerr laid
I. at the roanng of the rushingwatert outude told ua the jig wai up. Thun
; the atrangett thing happened. You won't believe it if I tell you-pout here
v , goes. The tubmanne teemed to turn. into an airship and soar up out of tht
' water like a bird! . , . '
j SOUNDS FISHY, doesn't it? Well, we were right there, to we
had to believe it You can suit yourself. It took tome time to discover just
ahat wonderful thing had happened to us. We could tee the vast chasm
oi the whirlpool getting smaller and smaller below us.
' 6 .THEN WE OPENED the lid in the turret and looked above us.
We were in the clutches of a gigantic bat-like monster, who was controlled
by a little old witard who rode.on the monster's back And while we
looked at thit startling sight, the creature's claws slipped on the act steel
platet of the tubmanna , . , - .
DOWN WE PLIAGED throuch-the air like a comet But the -w.ard
was quirk to er what had happened, anj in two winks the great
'"Bah-Batouk" as the creature was calleddarted through the air and t
i ught . m his trnhle aws.
?-i'V:-v:V--'V'- wcU'-fO-yi
I BUT THE MOVEMENT was wo quick even for this wonderful
wizard, and he was thrown headlong into the sea below The instant the
Ilashi-Bazouk wai free of his wizard matter he dropped the submarine
again and made his escape We plunged into the water, and tank almost to
the bottom And then we saw the, wizard struggling for life in the deep tea;
1 -TfT
. ' ) WE JUMPED INTO our diving suit and rushed to his'rtscue
We hauled him inside the boat, end prerty : ooft he opened hi eye m
amazement I le was so grateful 4or kit rnewr hi promised to shim u son
ol the wonders of his country, where goblin and giant and such thing
were as common at mosquitoct arc with u Next week I may tell you tome
of the things that happened :(. - ' , ' " ' ',
.:r. ..
' 4