The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 30, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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oiTT Voncxs.
Kotlce 1 hereby siren that the Auditor at
the Oil of Fori land ban traaenjlttea Cu sue a
i list of tli delinquent aaeeeeiuanu for eon
l etructlng aewer kuowa ae the Cook Annua
I Metric! oeweg, from the Inlet oa the Beech
etreet aewer i thence running oortneaaterlr 47
I feet to point or curre; tbeuce by curre to tbe
I right, radlua 100 (eat; augle TT d.-greee, 3
i B.Tn., 180.4 feat to point ot tangeot la Bt.
, Johne eounty road; thence oa tangeut to carre
at laat mentioned point along Bt. Jotaua county
I road ia ooutheaaterly dlraetloa 710.8 feet
i to point of euro; thence by curre to wit.
: radlua lin reel, angle to aegreee, oj nun.,
MA Cae. luilnt rt llnVsnt ' thmn-A 1. .na U,
Jnhne county road, oatangent 140.4 taat ta
e point ox curia, tnence 07 curre to lert, raaina
, 7 feet, angle 73 degree, 84 mla., 64.74 feet
1 to point of tangents tbaoea an tauant 18.UT
Itaat; theuce by curre ta tba rif bt, radlua 78
feet, angla 48 degree. 88 ruin., BT.18 feet
to point ot tangent: tbanca aa tangent 148 W
1 feet, to point ot corral thence oa curre to la ft
; of 127.32 feat, radlua, angle 13 degree. M
Biln., 8X.B0. fret to point of tangent j tbanca
oa rana-ent UAtl.OA "rant en nntut of rum :
, tbanca by curve to tba right 127.83 feat radlua.
angle ar aegreee, 40 min., lua.ll reel to poiut
of tangent; tbanca an tangent S77.0T feet to
polifr of eurra; tbanca by eurra to left, radlua
J4I.A rear, angia aa aegreee, aa . miu., ee.oa
' fuct tat retina nf tinMnli an tanrent
1 8.18. 04 feat to point of eurra; thence br aurra
to jars, iA i.QA ieev, rauiua, angia au
W-l BI1B. W.1J . leal IO 71 M U l VI Hugoilli leai; anenca or eurra ivii, ntuiu,
aA tmt an.U J ' IA ml, 1 IT AH fmt
ta point at tangent la Mlaalsatppi tranua;
tbanca Borthartr on Mlaalaalppl aranua tangant
to tba aurra at laat meatiouea poini iuo.ov
feat to point of eurra; tbanoa kg aurra ta
j right, radlua SO -feat.- angla 8a degreea, 10
mla.. 117.47 feet to Doint of tineont to Hon-
roe atraet; tbanca on tangent -aaatarl," along
Monroa treat Ib&M feet to polut of curre;
tbanca br eurra to left, radlua 00 feat, angla
MO argreee, im.xo reet to point or tangent in
Afhtna arcane) tbanoa tangent Dortbarl. along
. Alblua aranna ' BU.TQ tmmt to nolnt ef earra;
i thence br eurra to left radlua 40 teat, angla
90 degreea, e?.M feet to point ef tangent;
i tbanoa oa tangent eaaterl on allnf ruunlug
, turougk blockaT0, 10, 11 and M, aubiflrUWa
ef biTerriear addition to Alblna, 1.S7AS0 feat
w point at aurra; uence ewre w
radlua 40 feat, angle Do degraaa, 62JI0 feet
' to pout el tangent la uaatenoeia annuo,
tbenca tangant northerly an Uaaunbaln ara
aue 408.0s' feat to point at eurra; tbaoea eurra
to rlgbt. , radlua 00 feet angla wo dagreaa.
fact to point ef tangent -on Irj atreatj
tbanca tangent outer 1 oa It atraet 282.M6
- feet to polut of eurra; tbeuee by curre to the
left 80 feet, radlua, angle M degreea, 04.18
feet to polut ef tangent In aoeouTar are
ana: tbanca tanaant northerly la Taoconrar
arenoa iw-w twi to potnt ot eurra, ww
by curre to rlgbt, radlua 00 feet, angia wu
degreea, 94.20 feet to point ot tangent la Fre
mont a treat; tbeoea tangent eaaterly along
. - A ml M A Mnln nf Mrn '
tbeace M curre to left, radlua 00 feel, angle
r-Utlkni -mix thMM anMne ". Kiirt hrl V
along Clarcland arenue S88.10 feet to polut
. . . i k. ,A Bttfv. BA f
radlua. angle BO degreaa 128.80 feat to -point
eaaUrly oa lleech atraet 18.00 feat to point
or curre; tbanoa by curre to leit Ta leet,
radlua, angla M0 aegrtea. 117.75 feet to point
ef uanaat la - Unlea arenaet . tbanca
tangent northerly aloof Union annuo
to a point la aaid annua 18 ' teat
aorta of the eonta ' line of wygant
atreet. and that purauant to rJeettoa 41 of tha
charter of the City of Portland, I anil, oa
Monday, the lat day of Auguet. 1B04, at the
Bour of 10 e cmck a. at., at in van u
of tba City Hall, la the City ot Portland,
Oregon, offer for aale at pnblle aaeaoa to the
MhMt hlihie fne caak. aubleet to redeniDtloa,
the following daacrlbeil. pareela of real prop-
m a, hi o, tjnariea av,-o. nw. . , -r "
Bl 11,- lot S. BUaabcta TVnlto ........ 34. M
But 11. lot a, KUaabeta Wnlta - 34.80
. Blk 11, lot 4, Mary Morgan S4.80
r. . . . . ... a Kil
oia AO, aoi v, aaniee rr vwm. .......
Klk 18, lot 18. iamaa W. Xok ....... 30.80
Blk 14, t 6, Jamao W.- Ccok.i......... 39 38
Blk 14. lot T, Jamea W. Cook...... SU 39
uik , j i a ur aa 2o
m . v. w, " v. ........
. .a t. . i i . w ,wb ' . aa HA
alia iv, iwa 9h . i rv. w. ........
Central Albino . -
Blk 1. lot , Wat. M. Kimogawortll.... S8.S0
Blk It, lot 18, Ellen BJrlckeoa v. 34.80
Blk 30, lot 4, Aaron k. JackaoB......, M.26
central Aisiaa Aaaiuoa
. Blk 8. lot (, rotor iTonortek Batata
balm of I tt-iO
Blk 8, lot a. Pater Iroaorlck antnte.
belra ot
Blk 18. lot 8. loba Oriffltha. 24.M
Blk 10, lot 4.
Joha Orltfltna........... 38.110
Maeglay High land-
Block 4, lot 8, M. U Mathana. .......... 28.
Blk 6,. lot 18, W. V. UpplneuU
Blk B. lot IB. W. T. Llpploeotl ........
Blk 8, lot 14, Paul a Wllaoa .......... 30.80
Blk B, lot 18. Lola B. Dooner 34.80
Blk , tut 14, LAia B. IMnnec
)Blk 11. lot 10. J. W. Ollmore
Blk 18, lot 8. Emmer J. Height end O.
. - T. Dooner Eatate, belra of ..........
Hlahland PLaoe .-
Blk 1. tot 1, Edna . Height I 41.35
i Blk 1. lot 3, Edna B. Height 41.38
'Block 1. lot 3. Bdna B. Height 41.38
iBlk 8. lot 1, Edna B. Height............ 8.73
niw a Lit 4 IMn. 41. 2S
Blk 4l lot . Edna B. Height 41.29
Blk 4. lot 4, Edna B. Height ........ 41.28
Blk B, lot 6, Edna B. Height 17.88
Blk 4 lot 8, Edna B. Height 17.88
.Blk 4. lot Edna . Height
Blk 4, lot 8, Kdna & Height 1.80
Block 18, lot 1, Agsea 1. Oaraor. 18.18
Blk 14. lot 3. Agnee J. Garner 34.80
Blk IT. lot 12. Merrttt Undaay ....... 18.18
' North IrTlogton
Blk A. lot 1. Nellie Bheltoa. 87.80
AlDina nomeeiaao
Blk 1, lot 3, P. Jobneoa... V,M....... 43.48
Blk 1, lot t, P. Jobueon. I 2.4B
.Blk U lot B. Dora rreotreea . ......... (
Blk 8. lot 8, frank A. Hlgglna... 82.48
atia aw aw. o, n.u. m ......
i a -- . v . m .1. . - .
Blk 14, lot B, Barak J. Potter 34.80
Blk 14,; lot 4 Barak J. Potter .' 34.84
Blk 14. tot ia, a. a. onipiey ........ ao.aa
But 18. lot IX North era donatio In-
rMtneat Company, Tr. Ltd ........ . 34.88
Blk 17, lot 10, Aleianaer cotreit .... 34.80
Blk 38. orator 88 1-8 feet of lot B Kate
Oofi : B.T
Blk 33. went 88 1-8 feet of lot B, Kate
Ooff 8 .78
Blk 38, lot 18, Daniel Mara 34.84
Blk 39, lot 8, A. a and Jooephtae B.
Proota and Prank Bryant 31.68
' .i. an La . a Wa.K miJtmA Jt
vie m-' i ., m .
Campbell 81. BB
Blk D, B. B. A, O. It. Bankuv. , 81 58
Cloaeetta Derera and LabbeO Bubdlrlaloa
of Block T. Arblne Homeetaad .
Blk P. lot 4, Mtnnle Byrnea.......... 81.88
Alblna Boswetead ...
Lot , . at, Beckett $ 43.08
' Wllllama Araaoe Addltloa to the City of
Portland '..
Blk 12. lot li. Portland Stoat Ooaj-
pany ...... 81. BB
Blk 10, lot T, O. L. and K. B. Holmoa, 81.18
Blk 18, lot 81, Portland Traat Company. . 34.80
Blk 18. lot 32, Carl B. Leef 34.80
Blk 14. lot IT, Portland Traat Company, 34.80
Blk 14. lot 14. Portland Truat Company.. 41.88
Blk IB, eontar 88 1-8 feet. of lot 1.
Portland Traat Company
Blk IB, want 88 1-8 feet of lot 1, Port
land Trnat Company
Blk IB, lot 4, Portland Traat Company.. 34.80
Dnnlway'a Bubdlrlaloa la Klrarnew Addi
tion to Albino
Blk A. north 40 feat at lot 18, Joha
Donnerharf v. ..$ 11.41
Bubdinaloa of Blrorrlew Addition to Air
Una ;
Blk 3. weat BB feet of lot 4. Wra. B.
and Emma Beirett . B.48
Blk 3, lot B, . Wm. B. and Emma Bar.
S3. TO
Rlk B, lot 8, Ootlleb Bchmld , ,
ttlk B, lot B, Ootlleb Bchmld
Blk 4. lot 18, Barak A. tHtnnport ....
Blk IB, . Ipt II, Metbodlat Eplacopal
Chore t,...- 33.T0
" TJach rftjrce or tract of land will fie Bold
oenerately and for a enm pot leea than the
unpaid aaara.ment thereoa and Intereat end
roet of gdrertiatng and aale; If mora than
ana Md ta offered the land will b aold to the
bidder offering to take the aame for tha leant
amount of penalty and later eat. Competition
will be: ' -
n rat TJpon the penalty for the Brat period.
Second TJpon the paoalty for tbe aucceed
Jng ncrloda. 1 ; r.-
Third Upon tba rata of Intereat. . .
J. B. WEltl-tltf,
' City Treaenre of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. July 3. 1904.
Healed propoaala Will bo recelred at tb
olhce of the Auditor of the City of Portland
antll B o'clock p. m. Tneaday, Jaly 34, 1(4,
for furntahlng 8.800 metal dog tarn, aamplea
to be enhmltted with bid. No propnaal will
be eonaldced on low accompanied by a rertlfled
check payable to the order of the Mayor of
the CHr of Portland for twenty-are dnllere,
Tbe right to reject any and el blda la hereby
By order of tba EieeuMn Beard.
, , OKO. H. HOWFT.L,
' ! Committee
Pertlud, Oresoa, Jul IB, 1004.
PBoroszs ntnoTEKxvT or ouiab
Notice la nereby glrea that at tba meeting
ef tba Oaadl of the City ot Portland, Oregon,
neia aa toe zota day ot July, ivoa. uo lonoar.
ina rcaolntlon waa aduotcd:
Rcarilred, That the Council of the City at
Portland. Oregon, deema It 'expedient and pro
propoeea to liuproro Qllean atreet from 13 fevt
aeat of the treat Una of Park atreet to 13 feet
arret of tba eaet Una of Mntta atreet by eun
otructlug artlllclal at one eluVwelee.
8ald mproTaaient to be made In aeenrdance
anta tna cnartar ana ermnancaa ot tne city
of Portland and the plana, apedflretiona and
eatltnataa of the City Engineer, filed In the
efllre of tba Auditor ef the City of Portland
oa the 1Mb day of July, lmx, tnddreed: "City
Englnecr'a plana and apedflcntlona for the 1m
nrureinent of tlllaan atreet froiu 13 feet eaat of
the treat Una of Park atraet to 13 feet Treat of
foe aaat Una of Ninth atreet, and the eatlmatna
ef the work to be done and the probable total
eoat thereof. .
The eoat ef oald lmprorerjieat to be aeaeeeed
aa prorided by tha city charter upon tba prop
erty apeclelly .aeneSted thereby and wblcb la
bereey aeciarea to oe lore t ana n. diock ToL
Ooncb'a addition to tha City at Portia ad.
Tba Enirlueei'a earl mate of the probable total
eiat for the ImproTamaat of oald OlMaa-atraet
h 8248.00.
Tha plana, epectflrattono and eatfniatro of the
City engineer ror tea iinproreaiaai of oald Oil
aen atreet are hereby adopted.
Reaolrad. That tha Auditor ef tha Oty of
Portland be and be ta hereby d I rented to gin
notice ot tha propoaed ImBrerament of oald
atreet aa prorided by the city charter.
iieiBoaatraneee agalnat tba a bora Impronraent
may be tiled In writing wltb the underelxned
within 30 dare from the date of the flrat nub
fioeuon ok uiib nonce.
By order of the Council t "
T110B. tt PrJVMrT,
. Andttor ef the dtr of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, July S3. 1004. ..
Notice ta hereby gina that at the meeting
ot the Council of the City ef Portland. Ore
gon, held on the Both day of July, 1804, the
following reeolutlon waa adopted;
Meeolred, That- the Council of tha City of
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro.
poeea to eonarruer a eewer in Mc&ercher and
WUlay StreeU from 100 feat BorU of the north
line of Hawthorne Annuo to the eewer In
Eaat Thirty -third Street at Wllley Street, aald
eewer to be of rl trifled oawer pipe ot eight
Incbeo clear Inrldar diameter with all aeoca
aary catch baalna, Umpnolaa, nanboloa .and
' Bald a ewer to bo eonatrncted la accordance
with the. Charter and Ordinance of the City
of Portland and the plane, apaclAcatlooa and
eetlmateo of the City Engineer Aled in the
office of the Auditor of the. City of Portland
on the 11th day of July, 1D04, tndoreed: "City
Englneer'e plana and-apeclflcatlona tor a oawer
In McKercber and Wllley Btreeta from 100
feet north of the north line of Hawthorne
Aranna to newer la Eaat Thirty-third Street
at Wllley Street, and the ee time tee of the
won to Da oona aa tn pronahla total euet
The eoat of katd oawer' to be aaanaaad aa
prorided by the City Charter upon tha prop
erty epertalty benetted thereby and which la
aaraoy aaeiaroa to be aa rniiowo; Lota l, g,
T. 8. In block B; lota 1. 3. 8. and weat 24
feat of lot T. In block 0: lot 1 end -tho weat BC
leet of lot 3, la block D; and lota 1, 3. 8, 4,
o. a, l, a, a, iu, 21, is, ta oaoeB A, (jnarry
Tho Bngineer'a eetlmeta of tho probable total
met for tha , construction of aald eewer la
Tho plana, apedftcartona and eatlmatot of tha
City Engineer for the coaatrnctloa of aaid
ewer are hereby adopted.
Reeolred, That the Auditor of the City of
Portland be and bo ta hereby directed to gin
notice ef . tbe Dronoaed eonatrnctlon of aald
aewiu aa pronaeo ny too utty I. narrer.
atemonetraacea againet me aoore eewer may
no niaa in wrmne - wit n tna nneeraianeo with
In SO daya front, the date of the Bret publlco-
uon or taia notice. .
By order of tba Ooanctl.
, THOS. fl TJrJYMlf.
' . Aadlto of tbe City Of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. July 33. 1004.
. . . - . BTBIET. .
Notice la hereby aires that at the meertnar
ec tua vouncn ox tna nty ox romana. uregon,
aoia on the autn flay of July, 1V04, tba follow
log reeolutlon waa adopted:
rieaoirea, -i net toe council ox tne inry of
Portland. Oreron. deema It exnedlent and nro-
nropoeea to imbrore Oarla atreet from . 13 feet
eaat of the weat Una at Twenty-Brat atreet to
12 feet weat of tbe eaat Una of Twenty aaoocd
atreet In the fnllowltie kninnar. tA-wlt
f lrt Br aradina the atreet foil width with
full Inteneetlona to tbe aubgrado aa glrea by
the Cltr Knalneer.
' Becund By bringing the -em-face ot tba atreet
fell width with full Intaraectloia) to proper
graoe witn macaaam.
Third Br constructing eroaawalka.
7 ourtk Bf eonaUuctlog. artlOclal atone alde
walka. .
Said Improremeat to be made la aeenrdance
with tbe charter and ordtnaocee of the City
of Portland and tha plena, e peel flea Hone and
oetimatea oc toe t;ity nngineer. niaa ta tne
office of tba Auditor of the City of Portland
oa tha 15tn day of July, 1004. tndoreed-. "City
Lnglneer'a plana and epectOcattona for the Im
prorenient of Darla atreet from 13 feet eaat
of tbo want lino of Twenty-Bret atreet to 13
feet weet of the eaat Una of Twenty eecoad
atreet and the eetimatea ot the work to bo done
and tha probable total eoat thereof,"
Tha eoat ef aald Impronment to bo aeoaeaid
aa prorided by the city charter npoa the prop
erty epeclally benefited thereby and which m
hereby declared to be all the lota, parte of lota
and pareela of land lying between a lino 100
feet north ot and parallel with the north line
ef Darla atreet and a lino 100 feet eouth of
and parallel With tna eontn una or Dane atraet
and between tbe weat Una of Twenty-Unit atraet
and the eaat line of Twenty -eecond atreet.
The Enelneer'a eetlmato of the probable total
eoat tor the Impronment of oald Darla atreet
rt 81,420.00.
Too a bore improvement la to be cleaeed aa a
n.acadam Improvement and ahall be maintained
by the city for. a period of fln yea re, prorided
that tha ewnere of n majority of tbe property
be urn ted by oald Improvement or any portion
thereof ahall not. petition for n new or differ
ent impronment neinre tna expiration of ouch
The Plana, apaclncattoral and eetlmateo of the
City Engineer for the Impronment of aaid
Darla atreet are hereby adopted.
Breoired. That tba Auditor ef tho Cltr of
Portland be- and ha la hereby directed to art re
notice of tbe propoaed Impronment Ot Staid
atreet aa pre Tinea ny tna city enarter. ,
Kemonarranceg agalnat the abore Impronment
may be filed In writing with the underalgned
wtthln 30 daya tram tbe date ot tbe flrat pub
lication oa tnia nonce.
By order of tbe Council. ' ".
thob. a ronm,
. Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. July 28. 1804.
Notice la hereby el Tea that tbo Auditor ef
tbe City of Portland baa tranemttted to me
a Hat of tbe delinquent, eeeeeamenta for eon
atrnctlng a newer In Monroe atreet and Gan-
tenbeln aretrae, from a point 100 feet weet of
tne weat una or union arenqe to a point In
Oantenbeln annuo, thence north la Oanten
beln annuo to a connection wUh the newer In
alley north of Monroe atreet, and that purau
ant to aectlon 412 of tha charter of the Cltr
of Portland, t will oa Monday, the lat day ot
Aoa-net, 1004, at tha bour of 10 o'clock a. m.,
at the weat door of the City 1U1L In tbe Cltr
of Portland. Oregon, offer for aale at pnblle
auction to too Blgneei pinner mr raan. aubject
to redejnntloa. the followlnn 4. Berthed pareela
Of real property, to-wlt:
wiiuama. Araane Aaataoa ta tne uity or
Blk 9. lot 8, Mary A. Pradr.......M...8 81.48
Blk 9, lot T, Mary A. Brady 84.83
Blk 10. lot IS, Portland Truat Co - 87.88
Bach niece or tract ef bind wilt ha aold
neparateiy ahd tor a aum not leea than tba nn.
paid aaaeaament thereon and !nteree( and onet
of advertising and eele; If more than one hid
la offered the land will be aold to the bidder
offering , to take the aame for the leaat
amount ot penalty ana intereat. Competition
will be i
Ktret TJpoB tbt penalty for tha Brat period.
Second Coon tbe penalty for tbo oaocoedlna
period. . . ;
una-upon tao ratf or. intereat. -J.
B. WERtmrf,
. City Tretanrar of the City ef 'Portland.
Portland, Oregon, July 8, 1004.
Kotlco la hereby given that the Auditor of
the City of Portland baa tranemttted to ma a
Hat of the delinquent aeeeeainenre for tho lm-
rrortng of Eaat Klghtb atreet. from tba north
laa of Palling atreet to tho eouth line of
Maeoa atreet, and that purauant to eeetlon 411
of tha charter of the City of Portland. I will.
oa Monday, - the lat day. ot Augnat, 1904 at
the bour of 10 o'clock a. m., at tbe weat door
Of the City Ball, In the CHy of Portland,
liregtm, oner xor eaie at puouc anction to tne
tllbeet bidder for eaah. aulrject to redemption,
the following, deacrlbed pareela of real prop
erty, to-wlt:
Lincoln Park Anna.
Blk 18, lot 11, Heniu-tta Oelaner. 80. M
Each place or tract or una win be aold
aeperately and for a onra not leea than the
unpaid aereeement thereon and Intereat ' and
ecet of adrertlalng and aale: If mere . than
one bid ta offered the lend will be a.. Id to the
bidder offering to take tbe eaine for tbe traat
amount of penalty and Intereat. Competltloa
will bet
Klrat i pon tne penalty mr tna Bret panm,
Rec.nd rnon tbe penalty for the aucceed.
lag oerloda. , . .
jmra upon tne rata ox inna-eer.
J. E. t KilMtl,'
Cltr Treeaarer of the City of 1'ertlaad.
Portland,. Wcegta, Itlf a, 1804...
Kotice la hereby glrea that at the meeting
of tbe Conndl of the City of Portland. Oregon.
aeiii en tbe 20 Ik day of July, UrUe. the louuw
big reeolutlon waa adopted:
Resolved, That tba Couucll of the City ef
Portland, Oregoa, deema It expedient aud pro
poeee to Improve Uladatune avenue from tbe
aeat una ot jjryeat atreet ta tna weat line oi
Wllllauia tract. In tba followlna manner, to-wlt
lint By reding tbe etrtf full width with
full Intoreectlona to the pruper grade aa glvea
by tba Cltr Kuglnaer.
Second By cvnatructlrg woodea eldewalka
in accordance with the city angiiuer a puna.
epecinrauona and eetimatea.
Third Jjr cuuatructlug eroaawalka
Fourth Br enuatructiua boa eattera. .
Said Improremeat to be made In accordance
wim tna charter and ordinance or tna cur
ot Portland and tha plana, apeclflcatlona and
eetimatea of the City Knglaaer, filed In tba
office of tbe Auditor of the City ot Portland
on the 18th day ef July, 1004. Indoraedt "City
aiuglneer'e plana and arjaelncetlono for the lm-
prenment of Oladatono avenue from tbe eaat
nae of Bryant atraet to tha weat Una of Wlll
lama tract and tha eat 1 ma tea of tha work to
be done and tbe probable total coat thereof."
The eoat of aald Improvement to be naeaaad
ae proTioea Dy tba city charter upon tna proi
arty aDecbllle beneOted therehT -anil which 1
hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parte ot Iota
aud pareela of land lying between a Una I'M)
feet north ot and parallel with tho north lino
of G la da lone annuo and a line loO tret aoutk
ot and parallel wltb tbo aoutk line of Olad
atono .areuuo and between the eaat Una of
Bryant atreet and a lino 640 feet eaat ot and
parallel with the aaat Hue ef Kenllworth.
The Englnecr'a aetlmate of the probable total
eoat for the Imprerement ot aald . tiladatono
aicnae la 80,320.00.-'
Tha Plana, epeclncettoaa and eetimatea of tho
tiiv uiginaar ror tne improvement ex aaia
Oladetoue avenue are hereby adonted.
Reeolred. That tbe udltor of tbe Cltr of
rwuaaa oa aira oa ia nareny eurectea to give
notice of the propoaed Improvement of gel 4
annuo aa prorided by the' elty charter.
Hamonetrancea agalnat tba abore Impronment
may be filed In writing wltb tbe underalgned
within 30 daya from that da la. Of the flrat pub-
uca iku ox tnia notice.
By order of the Council. ,
- , . THOB. tt rtBTLIlt.
Auditor of tbe Cltr ot Portland.
Portland. Oregon.. July 28, 1004, -
profosxs nmovrMxai ot maple
Notice la harebr alrta that at tha aaeerlne
of the Council of, the City of Portland, Oregon,
aeiq on toe nuta nay ox jniy, ivoa. tne xouew'
lag reaolntloa waa adopted:
tteaoirea. That tbe Council or the City ox
romana, in-egon, deema It expedient and pro-
Poeen to Improve Maple atreet from the weeterly
Una of Mllwaukle atraet to the eaaterly line
of Flrat annuo, la tho following manner, to
wlt: Klrat. Rr eradlne the atraet full width with
ful) Interaeetlona to the eub-grada aa glrea
by tbe City Engineer,
Second. By bringing the aarfuoo of tho atreet
full width wltk full lntaraeetiene to are da wltk
arevei. , -
Ihlrd. By eonetrnetlwg wooden otflowalko.
Fourth. y eonatructlua wooden eroaawalka.
Fifth. By oonatructlne . box and atone ant
Bald Impronment to be made la accordance
with the charter and ordinance of tha City
of Portland and tbe plana, apeclflcatlona and
et time tee of tbe City Engineer, filed In tbe
office of the Auditor of tbe City ot Portland
on the 18tk day ef July, 1004. loomed: "City
Englneer'e plena and epeclrl reiki na for tbe
Impronment of Maple atreet from the weeterly
Una of Mllwaukle atreet to the eaaterly Una of
Klrat annua and tbe eatlmatea of tha work to
be done and the orobable total eoat thereof.1
The coat of oald Improvement to bo aaaraaed
aa prorided by the city charter npon- tha prop
erty epeclally benefited thWreby and wblcb la
hereby declared to be all the Iota, porta of
lota and pareela Of land lying between a -line
100 feet north ef and parallel with tba north
lino-of Maule atreet and a Una 100 feet aonrb
ot end parallel wltb tba aoutk Une of Maple
etreet. and between the weeterly Une of Mll-
wauaie etreet ana tne taeteriy una or aver.
The Englnecr'a eetlmare of the orobable total
eoet for tha Improremeat of aald Maple atreet
It I2.28S.0O . ' - '
The above impronment la to be cleared aa a
gravel Improvement and aba II be maintained by
the city for n period of fire yeare; prorided.
that tba ewnere of a majority , of tha property
benefited by aald lmprorement or any portion
thereof ahall not petition for a new or different
improTomeat peiore the expiration ox each
tne plana, apaciiicariona ana eatimareo ox
tne city Engineer ror tne impronment ot aaia
MaDla atreet are hereby adonted.
, lt-aolved. That .the Auditor of tbe City of
Portland be and be la hereby directed to give
notice of tbe propoaed Impronment ot oald
atreet aa prorided by the city charter.
Hemonarrancee agalnat tha above Impronment
may be filed In writing wltb the anderalgned
within 30 dare from tho dote of the flrat pub
lication or tnia notice.
By order of the council.
THOS. C. DEvXnt;
' Auditor of tbe Cltr ot Portland.
Portland, Oregon, July 33, 1004.
Notice le hereby given that at tha meeting
of tbe Council of Die City of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 20th day of July. 1004, the
following reeolutlon waa adopted:
Hero) red. That the Council of tho City of
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poaeo to eonatrnrt n eewer la Third Street
from IS feet aonth of the north lino of Maada
Street to the aewer la Marauam Uulch. aald
eewer to be of rltrlfled aewer pip of eight
trcbee clear lnaioe diameter witn ail aecee
aary catch baalna, lampholeo, manholea and
Said eewer to be eonatrncted la accordance
with the Charter ana timinaneea of the tiltr
ef Portland and the plane, apeclflcatlona and
eetimatea or the city Engineer nied in the
office of the Auditor of the City ot Portland
en the lOtb day of July. 1004. indoreed: "city
Engineer o puna ana epecincauona ror tne eon-
at ruction of n eewer In Third Street from 18
feet eouth of the north line of Meade Btraet
to aewer In Marquam Oulrh, and tho eetimatea
of the work to bo done and tha probable total
eoat thereof."
The coat or aam eewer to no eeeeaeen ae
ororlded br tbe City Charter noon "the nroo
erty apedally benefited thereby and which ia
hereby declared to be all the. lota, parte of
lota and pareela or tana lying Between a line
loo feet weat . of end narallel with tha weet
Una of Third Street and a 11 no 100 feat eaat
of and parallel with the eaet line ot Third
Htreet, ana oetween tne eontn nne or Artnnr
Street and a Una 80 feet aoutk of and narallel
with tha eouth- Une of Meedo Street.
The Englnecr'a eatlmate of the probahlo total
eoat for tbo eooetmctloa of aald aewer la
Tbe plana, aped flea t1 one and eetimatea of tba
City linglneer for the cona tract too of oald
aewer ere hereby adopted.
rleeolvefl. That tne auditor or tne nty nr
Portland be and be hi hereby directed to eln
notice of the propoaed eonrtmetlon of oald
oawer aa pronned pr the city rnarrer.
Remonetranceo agalnat tne annra eewer may
be filed In writing with the anderalgned with.
In 30 care from tne aaia of the oral paDiloa
tlon of thle notice.
By order of tbe council.
. THOU. -O, DHTMlf,
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, July IS, 1804.
Notlca la bereby riven that the renort of the
rlewera heretofore apootnted to aaaaea ' the
bctieflta and damngee In the matter of tbe pro-
noiea opening-, wiuemng, laying ont ana eetan
llrhtn of Dawaoa atreet from the weat Una
of Flake atreet to the enatherly line ef Colum
bia Park, bare filed with tbe anderalgned their
report of aaaaaamenre for beneflta that will
be derived end dam area that will bo ouetalned
by reaeon of tha opening, widening, laying out
and eatabllahlng , of Dawoon atreet, aa abon
She- ConnctT of aald City of Portland will
eonalder raid report et the next regular meet
ing Auguet 8, 1U04, at B o'clock p. m. All
pereone Intereeted are hereby notified to pre-
M.I Ih.l. MhlMrflA., A ..lit MMV, 1.
If any they hare, at aald time end place that
the aame auy aa neeru ana aeterminea By the
THOS, c. PBTLirr,
. Auditor nf the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon, July 34, 1004. ...
Notice le hereby glnn that tbo Andltrar at
the City of Portland baa treuemltted to me a
Hat of the dellnuuant naeeaamenta for tbe
imnrorlng of Sheriuaii atreet, from the weet
II oe of Front atreet to a point 80 feet weet
ef the weat line ef Sixth atraet, and that pnr-
euant to aeciion aia ox toe enarter- ox tne
City of P.ittland. 1 will, on Monday,- tbo lat
day of Auguet, I0O4, at tha boor of 10 o'clock
a. av. at the weet door of the city Hall, la
the city of Portland, Oregon.' offer for aale
at oubllc auction to the blaheet bidder foe
caah, aubject to redemption, tbe following do-
criuexl pareela nr real property, to-witt-
Caruthcre' Addition to Cam there' Addition
to tha City of Portland
Blk 24, lot 8. Joha Donner Batata, kelra
of B T4.T7
Each niece or tract of (and Trill be aold
oetiarataly and for .a ana not lea thaa tho
a ii pel d aaaeeement thereoa and Intereat gnd
eoat nf adrertlalng and aale; If mora than
one bid ta offered the land will be aold to tbe
bidder offering to take the aame, for the leaet
mount of penalty and Intereat. . Competltloa
Will be:
Klret Upon the penalty Tor the Bret period,
Mimnd t;non the aenattr for the aaeceed-.
Ing period. ,
imro cpoa tna rata or inrereet.
City Treaenrer ef tho City et Portiaad
rorUaad, , Wregoa, jvlr , 1804.
Notlca la hereby glrea that at .tho meeting
of the (Voncll of the City of Portland. Ore-
Jon. held on the Sotn day of July, 1004. tbe
llowlng reeolutlon waa adopted:
Reaolved, That tba Council of the City of
Portland. Cregua, deema It expedient and pro
poaea to change the grade ot Kaet Ullaan Street
at Kaat Second Street from 66, (to feet to tw 00
reet and at Eaat Third Street from T1.80 feet
to 74.80 feet, abore tha beae at City gradee.
Reeolred, That the Auditor of the City ot
Portland be and bo la hereby directed to gin
eotlre ot tho propoaed change et grade of aald
atreet aa prorided by tbe City Charter.
Kemonetranee agalnat the abore change of
oraoa may no Bled ta wratlng witn foe onoee
atgned wlthla 30 faye from the data of tba Brat
puuiicetiea or mie notice.
i &J order of the Council. -
... . THOS. tt DRYLIN,
Auditor ot the City of Portland.
July 33. 1904.
,.--. STREET.
Notlca la hereby glrea that at the moating
r tne council ot tne t ity of rernaon, ureeoa,
held oo the 20th day of July, 1004, the follow,
log reeolutlon waa adonted:
Reeolred. That the Council of tho tty of
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient end Peo
poaee to Improve Flandera atreet from- the weet
line of Third etreet to the eaat line ef Fourth
atraet by cone true ling artificial rtooe eldewalka
without curb.
Said Impronment ta be made la accordance
wltk tha charter and erdlnancee of tha City
of Portland and the plana, epcclflcettooe and
eetimatea of tha City Engineer, filed la the
Office of the Auditor of the City of Portland
en ma xnta day of July. loot, indoreed: -city
Er.glneer'a plana aad aoeelncatlone for tbe lm-
rirovement ot Flardere etreet from tba weet
Ine of Third atreet to tha eaat Hue of Fourth
atreet and tbe eetimatea et the work to bo done
knd tha probable total eoat thereof."
The roet ef aald lmprorement to be aeaeeeed
prorided by the city charter npon tha prop
erty apectally benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared to be no follower Lota 8 and
T. block 84, Ceueb'e addition to tba. Oty of
Eeriiann. : .
Tba Englneer'e eatlmata of tha probable total
Or at for the Improvement ot aald Flandera
atreet la 8200.00.
'Tha plana, apeclflcatlona and eetimatea ot the
City Engineer tor the Improremeat of oald
Flandera atreet are hereby adopted.
RteolTed, That the Auditor ef the Cltr et
rortiaaa oe end be la hereby fllreotea to gin
notice ef the propoaed lmprorement ot oald
atreet aa prorided by tha etty charter,
Kemonetrancee agalnat tbe abore lmbronment
Bray be filed In writing wltb the uaderalgned
within to daya from tho data of the flrat pub-
ucetioa or tnia notice. - . ,
. By order ef the Council.
Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
City of
, 190
Portland, Oregon. July 88,
Notice .la. harebr arlren that at the anaatlne
ox too uouncii ot tne city or rortiaaa. Oregon,
neia on tm iiutn day or July, iihh, tna follow.
Ine reeolutlon erae adnnted: - --.
Keenirea. That tbe Council ef tne city ef
Portland, ' Oregon, deema It expedient and pro-
poeee to. Improve Rhone atreet from tbe eoat
Una ef Mllwaukle atreet to the weet lino of
block IB. Bmlth'e Addition, la the following
manner, xo-wit:
rirat. ny grading tna atreet run wiatn witn
full Interaeetlona to too aub-grada aa glrea-by
tne uity ningineer.
Second. Br brtnatnar tha etreet fall width
with full Interaeetlona to the proper grade wltb
grarel. . . ,
Third. By eonetrnctlng wooden eldewalka la
eecornance witn tne iter Engineere piano.
epecincauona ana eetimatea.
ronrth. By eonetrnctlng wnonen rarno.
Fifth. Rr oonatructlrle eroaawalka.
Sixth. By eonatructlua atone aud box nt-
tera. ' "
Bald imoronment to be made la accordance
with the charter aad ordtnaneea of tha Cltr
of Portiaad and the plane, apeclflcatlona and
eetimatea of tbe City Engineer, filed In the
office of the Auditor ot the Cltr of Portland
on the 18th day (it July, 10vt. Indoreed: ?'!ty
Englnecr'a plana and eneclflcatlone for., tha
lmprorement of Rhone atreet from the eaet line
of Miiwankie atreet to tne weat una oi diock
10, Smith a Addition, and tbe eatrmatra ef the
work to be done and tba probable total eoat
thereof.' ,
Tha coat et raid lmprorement to be aeeaaeed
aa prorided by the city charter upon tbe prop-
5rty epeclally benefited thereby and which le
ereby declared to be all tbe lota, parte of lot.
tna pareela or lana iving oerween a line I on
feet north 07 and parallel with tha north lino
et Rhone etreet and a Una 100 feet eouth ot
and parallel with tbe eouth tine or Khone atreet.
and between tbe eaat line of Milwaukee atreet
aad the weet Une of block 19. Smlth'a Addi
tion. .
Tha KnrtnOer'a eatlmata of the orobable total
eoat for tha lmprorement of oald Khone atreet
la T,oa.ou.
Tbe aald Impronment la to bo cleaeed aa a
gravel Impronment end ahall be maintained by
the city for a period nf fire yeare; prorided.
thet the ownera of a majority- of tbo orooertr
benefited by aald Impronment or any portion
thereof ahall not petition ror a new or oirrerent
Impronment before tbe expiration of auch
The plane, epeeiflcatlnvra and eetimatea nf
tna l,liy engineer tor ine impnirvawai ox aaia
Khone atreet ere nereoy nooptea.
- Reeolred, That tha Auditor of tbe City ef
Portland be end be la hereby directed to give
notice of The propoaed Impronment at aald
atreet aa prorided by the city charter.
Remenafrancea agalnat tha abore Impronment
a-ay be filed In writing wltb the underalgned
within to dan from the date ef tbe flrat pub.
llcetton or tnia notice.
By order ot tne i ooncu.
Auditor of the Cltr of Portiaad.
Portiaad. Oregon. July 23, 1904.
rToHea ta hereby glrea that Ot tho meeting
ef tbe Council of the City or romana, oreron.
held on tbe 20tn any or Jniy, iwve, tne follow.
Ine eeeolittlon waa hdopted: '
Reeolred. That the Council of the City ef
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poeae to lmpron the- eouth half of Taylor
Mm. rmn tha eaat curb Una of Sixteenth
etreet to a line loo feet eoat of the eaat Une
of Sixteenth atreet by eonatroctlng an artl.
flrlal atone aldewalk la accordance with tbe
City Englneer'e plana, apeclficatlona and eetl
imMwraient to be made In accordance
with tbe charter and ordinance of tj Cltr
of Portiaad and the plana, apeclflcatlona and
eeflmatea of the City Engineer, filed In tbe
office f the Auditor et the City of Portland
oa the 19th day of July, 104. Indoreed: "City
Englneer'e plana and apeclflcatlona for the lm
prorement of the eouth half of Taylor atraet
from tha eaat corn line or oixteentn atreex ro a
tin. ton feet eaat of the eafct Una of Sixteenth
atreet. and the eetimatea of the work to be done
and the probable total roet merent.
The met of aald lmprorement to be aeaeeeed
oa prorided by the elty charter upon the prop-
WTX7 aDecinii. imir n .... ....... . . j -. ...... ..
hereby declared to be lot S. to block, 819, Por
Tho Engineer 8 eatlmate ef tbe probable total
eoet for the Imprerement ot aald aoutk ball
of Taylor atreet la 8100 .60.
The plana, eneclflcatlone aurT eatlmatea of
eh. rite Rnelneer for the Impronment of eeld
aonth half of Taylor atreet aptr hereby adopted.
Beeolred. That tne Auonoc oi tne vity ex
Portland be end be la hereby directed to give
notice, or vne propoeen improvement 01 naiu
atreet aa prorided by tha rlty charter.
Kenvmet, encea agalnat the abora loiprorement
may be fl'ed In irrltlng with the nnderelgned
within to dare from the date of the flrat pub
Ueottoa of thl notice. t";--t --
Br order ox toe onm-ii.
uy oroer o to fllOS. OV DBTMW. .
. Auditor of the City of Portland.
Prrjland,' Oregon, July 28. 1904. .
c v-iu te Taeeehr arlnn that et the meetlne,
of the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon,
held on the 20th day of July, 1004, the follow
ing nfotutlon wa, adopted
Keaolreo. 'J net, me wn , - iiy ex
tn.,i.nit Oreeon. deeme It expedient and taro.
poeee to Improve tbe eaat half ot Sixteenth
etreet from .the aonth curb line of Taylor
, . line 100 feet eouth of tha aonth line
ot Tavlor atreet by eonetrnctlng artificial atone
aldewalk In accordance with the City Engl.
IX rr' plana, apecincationa, ann . eerimatea.
Said Impronment to be made In accordance
.w th. charter and ordlnancee of the. Cite
nf Portland and the plana, apeclflcatlona and
et tlnutea of the Cltr Engineer, filed tn tbe
office of the Auditor of the Cltr of Portland
on the. 10th day of July. H4. Indoreed: "city
Engineer a plana ano enecincaimne ror tne im
pronment of the eaet half of Sixteenth etreet
frcm the eouth rnrb line of Taylor atreet to a
n inn feet aonth of tba eouth line ot Tar Ine
etreet and tha eetimatea ef tbe work to be done
and the probable total eoet thereof."
The coat of laid ImPTpremant to ha aaaeeeed
aa prorided hy the city charter anon tbe prop
erty epeclally benefited thereby and. which la
....he declared to be aa followa: Lota a and
T. block 310. Portland.
The r-ngineer e eeuuiaie oi me prrwieme voiai
eoat for the Impronment of tho aaat half of
aald Sixteenth atreet la 1124.00.
Tbe plana, apeclflcatlona and eetimatea ef the
City Engineer for the lmprorement of the aeat
half of aald Sixteenth atreet are hereby adopted.
Ueeolret. mat toe awiinir ot tne i ny of
tM,).nrf be end he ta hereby directed to arlre
uiim of the nropoeed lmprorement . of aald
etreet aa provided by the city charter. , .
Itemonatrenrea agalnat the above Iniprnnmrnt
rnny be filed In wrlllne; with the nnderelgned
within 20 dare rroro tne oat a or we flrat pub
lication ot mia nonce.
By order of tne innrii,
, i mia.
Indtfnr f
K(S. a ;
of the Cltr of Portland.
Jly SB, 1904, I .
Partlaaa. Oregon, July
Notlca la hereby glrea that a petJtloe pray
ing foe the vacation of that portion ef ftuuao
vTt atreet la the City of rortland, Oregon,
which lice between the eaat hue ot Twentieth
atreet North aad tbe weet line of Sherlock ave
nue, la peudlug aud will be preaeuted to the
Council of ealT City ot, Portland, at a regular
meeUug of eeld Council, to be held en Wednee.
day, tba 8d day of Auguet, 1004. at t o'clock
p. m., la tha eouncll thauitear la tbe City HaU
aald city.
Ralph W. Hoyt. Ionian Horl Oook, Darld U.
Dunne, Berate of T. A. Derla tine.), and
Tupaa Lead .Company, petltlonero.
r- tt pitUN.
Auditor of the City ot Portiaad,
- Portiaad. Oregon. Juno 39, 1904.
-. " ' BTREZT. - -v- ----.'-
Notice la naretiy given that at the meeting
of the Council of the City et Portland. Ore
gon, held on tbe loth day of July, lOoi, tbe
following reeolutlon waa adopted: -
Reeolred, That the Council of the City of
Portland, Oregon, deema It exnedlent and pro.
poeee to eunairnet a aewer In Pettygrora Street
from 180 feet weat of Twenty-fourth Street to
the eewer In Pettygroro Htreet, eald aewer to
be of Tltrllted newer pipe of eight Incbeo clear
Inalde diameter with all naceaaary eatcb
baalne, lampholeo; mounoiea and brancheo.
Bald aewer to bev eonatrncted In accordance
with the Charter and Ordlnancee of the City
of Portland and tbe plana, apeclncatloua and
eatlmatea of the Cltr kiurtnrcr Bled la the
Uofflee of the Auditor of the City ot Portland
eu tne into nay oi amy, iwoe, inaarrea: --t;ity
Ruglneec'e plana and apeclflcatlona fur a newer
In Pettvgrvve BUvet hum 104 feet weat ot
Twenty-fourth Street to eewer la Pettygroro
Street, and the eatlmatea ot the work to be
done and tba probable total eoat thereof."
- The coat of aald aewer to be aaaraaed aa
prorided by the city Charter upon the prop
erty , epeclally benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared to bo all the lute, parte of lota
aad pareela dt land lying between a Una loO
feet berth of and parallel with the north Une
of Pettygroro Street and 4 Une 100 feet eouth
of end parallel wltk the eouth lino of Petty
groro Street aad between two llnea reepee 100 feet aad 200 feet weat ot and par
allel .wltk tba weet Una of Twenty-fourth
Street ' '
The ttnglnoer'a eetlmato of tho probable total
coat tor tha oooalrucUoa of oald eewer la
802.00. ,
The plane, cpoetfleatioaa and eetimatea of tbe
City Engineer for the oona traction ot aald
aewer era hereby adopted.
Keaolnd, That tba Auditor of the City of
Portland be aud he le hereby directed to aire
notice of the propoaed eona traction ot oald
newer aa prorided by the City Charter.
Remonatrancea agalnat tha abore aewer may
be Bled In writing with the nnderelgned with
in 30 daya from tho data of tba Brat pubUca
lion of tlilo ootlee.
By order of tho Council, -
Auditor of the City of Portland. '
Portland. Oregon. July tsj -H04r-
,- - STREET". . '
of therein noU o the'ettyof rtind",WOra.
Inn, held on the 2oth day of July, 1004, the
ol lowing reeolutlon waa adopted:
Heeolved. That the Conncil of the City et
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
pneea to eonatrurt n oawer In Eaat Madleoa
Street from If In feet weat of the weet Une of
Eaat Thlrty-elxth Street to the aewer ia Eaet
Tutrty'-elith Street, oald eewer to be of rlt
rlfled eewer pipe of eight Inchea clear Inalde
diameter wltb III beceaaary eatebbaalua, lamp-
nuu-e. maunoiea ana orancDee.
Bald aewer to' be eonatrncted-la accordance
with tbt Charter end Ordlnancee of the City
of Portland and tba plana, apeclflcetlone and
eetimatea nf the City Engineer Bled In- the
Office of tho Auditor ot tbe City of Portland
on the ltk day of July, !"4. Indoreed: "Ctty
ICuglnaer'a plena and gpeelflcetloBB for a aewer
In Eaat Madleoa atreet from 1MB feet weet of
tbe weft Une of Kaat Thlrty-elxth Street to
eewer In Eaat Thlrty-elxth Street end the eatl
matea of tbe work to be dona and tbo probable
total eoat thereof."
Tha. coat of oald aewer to be aaaeeeed aa
prorided by (be City Charter apoa the prop
erty epeclally benefited thereby and wblcb la
nereby declared to be ell the- lota, aorta of lota
ead pareela of land lying between a Une 100
feet north of and parallel with tho north line
of Eaat Madloon atreet and a Una 100 feet eouth
of and parallel wltb the eouth line of Eaat
ataaiaon Btreet ana oetween two nnee re
euectlrely 100 feet and 200 feet weet of and
parallel with tho weet Una of Eaat Thirty-
alxth Street. . -
Tba Engineer a eetlmare of the probable total
mat for tbo eona traction ot oald aewar la
ine Plana, epecincauona ana eenmetee ax tne
City Engineer for tbe conetructlon ot aald
aewer era hereby adonted.
Reeolred. Tbat the Andltor ef the City of
Portland be end be le hereby directed to gin
notice or vne pro poeea oonetruction or eeia
aewer ee prorided by the City Charter,
Remonatrancea agalnat the ebon eewer may
be filed In writing with the nnderelgned with
in 20 daya rrom tna auto of tn Drat publica
tion or into nonce.
By order of tho Oonncfl.
Andttor of the Cltr of Portland. .
Portland. Oregon, July 88, 1904.
W OtlC 8) faTN hTQb9 flllB 'taaaat" alt (fa " nAsHl) f
of tha Conncil of the City of Portland, Ore
ga, neia on tne zutn aay or Jiuy, leva, the
following reeolutlon wae adopted;
Heeolved, That the Conncil of the Ctty of
Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and pro
pcaea to eonatrncta aewer In Pine Street from
the eaat Une of With Street to the Willamette
Rlnr at low watermark", aald eewer to be of
rltrlfled eewer pipe with all neceeaary eatch
baalna, manholea lampbolee end branchee. end
to be of the following, aimeneione; ot twelve
Una of Sixth Street to n point In Pino Street
at Fourth atreet: tbenca -of fourteen Inchea
clear Inalde diameter to a point la Pine
Street at -Second Street; thence ef el x tee a
Inchea clear Inalde diameter to the Willamette
Rirer at tow watermark.
Said eewer to be eonetrneted ' la accordance
with the Charter and Ordlnancee nf the Cltr
of Portland and the plena, apeclflcatlona and
eetimatea or the t ity Engineer Sled in the
office nf tbe Auditor of the City of Portland
on the 20th day ef July. 1004. Indoreed: "City
Engineer e piane ana apecincnxione ttot a -aewer
in Pine Street from the eeet Una nf Birth
Street to the Willamette Rlnr, and tha eetl.
ma tee nf the work to be doae and the prob-
.hU ,al wet thaeanr "
The coat of aald eewer to be oaeeeaed aa
prorided by tho City Charter open the prop
erty epeeiniy nenenrea tnerepy ana wnicb in
hereby declared to be ell the lota, parte of
rote ana perceio or ienn lying Between a
line loo feet north nf and narallel with tha
north line of Pine Street and a Hoe 100 feet
eouth nf end pare Del wltb the aonth line of
pine street, ena between tne eaet une or Firth
Street and tho weat lino of the Willamette
one-half nf block M, and tbe northerly one
Beir or diocb re, rnrtiano.
The Englneer'e eatlmate of the probable total
eoet for tha eonatrnctlon ot aaid eewer la
Tbo plana, opeelflcarlono and eetimatea of the
City Engineer for tha eonatrnctlon of Oald
eewer are hereby adopted.
Keeeirea, timi tne Anniror or tne city or
mrttena oe ena no. to nerenr nireetea to aire
notice of the nrooneed conetructlon of oald
eewer ee prorided by tho -Cltr Charter.
Remonetrancee againet the above eewer may
bo filed in writing with tbe underalgned wtth
ln 20 nan from tbe data of the Brat publlca.
tlon of thla notice. .
By order of the Cbpneft.
Auditor of the Cltr of Portiaad,
Portland. Oregon. Jnly 28. 1004.
Notice la hereby given tbetlat tha meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore
gon, beld on the Both dey 'bf July, 1904, the
following reeolutlon wee adopted:
Heeolved, That tho Conncil of tho City bt
Portiaad, Oregon, dceme It expedient and pro.
poeea to conatruct a eewer In Eaat Stark Street
and Eaat Thirtieth Btreet from the eaat Une
of Kaat Tweuty-nlutk Street to tbe eewer la
Eaet Thirtieth Street near Kaat mark Street,
aald aewer to be of Tltrlfled eewer pipe of tea
Inchea clenr I in lee diameter , with all aaaee
ary ratchbaalna, meuholea, lampholea and
bronebca. . ...... , ,
Said aewer to be eonatrncted In accordance
with tbe Charter and Ordlnancee of the Cltr
of Portland and tbe plana, apeclflcatlona and
ettlmatea of the I ity engineer aiea in tne
office nf the Auditor of the City of Portland
o-i the lfltb day of July, lie -4, tndoreed: "City
Englnecr'a plana and apeclflcatlona for a newer
tn Kaat Stark Street tnd Kaat Thirtieth Street
from the eaat line of Eaat Twenty-ninth Btreet
in tbe aewer la Eaat Thirtieth street near
:aat Stark Btreet aud the eetlmateo of the
work to be dona and tbo probable total eoet
The coat- of aald aewer to be aeaeeeed oa
prorided br tbe City Charter upon the prop
erty apectally benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared to be aa followa; fata 1, 3.
10 and the weat If feet of lot Si bloc 14,
Haneon'a Second Addition: lota B and , In
block 4, Camemn'a Addition; lota 1 and 3.
In block I, and lota 1 and X la block X, Mayor
Oatee' Addition.
Tbo Englnecr'a eetlmato of tbo probable total
ecet for the eona traction oi aald aewer la
8.10100. .
The plane, apectflcatloaa and eatlmatea of the
City Engineer for the cone traction of Bold
aewer are hereby adopted.
Revolved, Tbat the'Aunttor nr tne city or
Portland be end he le herebr directed to aire
le' tlce of the propneed oonetruction nf eeld
eewer aa prorided br the Ctty (barter.
UHu.., In, Ctia ahMa hat
be filed In writing With tbe nmterelgned with
in 30 daya from tha date of tbe Brat publica
tion of thla notice.
By oroer of the council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Perflaed, Oregea, July 88, 1804, .
STREET.' .-.'
Notlca la hereby glrea that at tho meeting
Of tbe Council of the Cltr ot Portland, Oregon,
held oa the 2oth day of July, 19o4. -the follow,
lug reeolutlon waa adopted:
Reeolred, That the Council of the City of,
Portland, Oregon deema It expedient and pra
propuaea to Tin prove Ninth atreet front the
north line of Ullaan etreet to. the eouth Una
of Hoyt etreet by eonetructluB artificial atouo
eldewalka. . . . .
Hald Impronment to. bo made ta accordance
with the charter and ordlnancee of the City
of Portland and tbe plana, apeclflcattoue and
eetlmetea of the City Kngtaeer, tiled In tbe
office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland
oa the 18th day of July. Iwoa. tndoreed: "City
Englneer'e plana and apeclncatloua for tba lm.
peorement ot Ninth atreet from the north
line of Ullaan atreet to tha oonth line of Hoyt
atreet end the eatlmatea of tba work to bo doae
od the probable total eoat thereof."
The eoet of aald lmprorement to bo aaqeiaad
aa prorided by tbe city charter upon the prop
erty epeclally benefited thereby and which ta
hereby declared to be aa followa: Lota t aad
8. block 78; lota 1 and 4. & and B, block 14,
all lit Conch'a addition to tbe City of Portland.
Tbe Englneer'e eatlmate of the probe hie total
,or tb lmproreueut ot oald Ninth atreet
la 3300.00.
The plana. apeelBcatlone and eatlmatea of the
City Engineer for the lmprorement of aald
Kletk etreet ere hereby rdopted.
Heei.lved, Tbal -the- AatMhe? el tha City at
Portland be aud be to-hereby directed to gin
notice of tbe propoaed' Imprareaaent of aald
ttrtet aa prorided by tbe city charter. -,
Remonetrancee againet the abore lmprorement
may be filed In writing with the nnderelgned
within 20 daya from tho date of tha flrat pub.
Uration of thla notice. '
By order of tbe Council. '
- Andltor of tbe City of Portiaad.
Ptwtlarut Oregon. July 23. 1904.
-'-.. i,- .. STRXET. .- r .. -.' v ',
Notice la hereby rtren that at tha meeting
of the Council ot tbe City of Portland. Ore
eon. held on the 3HIB day of
July, loot", the
fullirwlne. reeolutlon waa adopted:
Heeolved. Tbat the Oenncit of the City of
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pra
boera to oona tract a aewer In Kaat Second
Street from tbo renter line of Oregon Street
to a connection with the eewer In Eaat Ollaaa
Street, aald aewer to be of rltrlfled eewer pipe
with all neceeaary eatchbaalna, manboice,
lamoholee And brancben and to be of the fol-
lowing dlmenalona; of eight Inchea dear In
alde diameter from tne center nne or trregon
Street to n point in Eaat Irving Street at Eaat
Second Street; thence of ten Inchea deer In
alde diameter tn n connection with the aewer
In Eaat Gllaan Street.
Bald eewer to be ennatroeted tn accordance
with the Charter and Ordlnancee of tbe Ctty
of Portland and the plane, epeelncarione and
eetimatea of the City Engineer Bled in the
orrice or the Aoaitor or toe tjity ox rortiana
on the lflth dav of July. 1004. endoraed: "City
Englnecr'a plane and apeclflcatlona for a newer
In Eaat Second etreet from the center line of
Oregon -etreet tn the aewer In Kaat Olleaa
ftrtet ontLthe the work to bq done
end tho probable total eoat thereof."
The coat or earn aewer xo oe eeaeeera ee
prorided hr the elty charter upon trie prop
arty apectally benefited thereby end which le
hereby declared to be all tha bite, parte ot
lota and pareela of land lying between a line
100 feet eaat ot and -parallel with tha eaet
line of Eaet Second atreet and 8 lino 100 feet
weet of end parallel with the weet line of
Eaat- Second atreet, and between a Une Too
feet north of and parallel with tbo north Una
ot Eaat Ullaan atreet and line AO feet north
of and parallel with tba north Una of Oregon
treet. .
The Engineer'! eatlmate of the probable total
coat tor the conetructlon of a eewer la oald
Eaet Second Btreet la (W9.0rt.
Tba plena, apeclflcatlona and eatlmatea of tba
City Engineer tor tho eona traction of oald
aewer are hereby adopted.
Reeolred, That tbe Auditor of the City of
Portland be end be le hereby directed to giro
notice of tbe propoaed eonatructloo of aald
aewer aa prorided by tbe dty charter.
Remenatraucea agalnat tbe abore eewer may
bo filed In writing with tbe nnderelgned wtth
ln to daya from tha data of tbo flrat publica
tion of thla notice.
By order of the CnnneTfc
' Andltor of tbe Cltr ef Portland. '
Portland, Oregon, July 23. 1004.
Tht Only . . ,-'''-,''
Railway befweca the
Missouri River
Tbe Chicago-Portland Special, the
most luxurious train in tne world.
Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining
car, buffet Bmoking ana library car
(barber and bath). Less than three
days Portland to Chicago. .
to Chicago are operated daily via tha
Oregon K. R. ft Nav. Co U. P. R. R. and
Chicago dt Nortb-VV cetera Ky. to Chicago
from Portland and points la Oregon and
Eastern Washington.
Dally eteursloni In Pullman toorirt
alecpinff cars from Portland througb
to Chicago without cbnngo.
kitchib. ao nAag'sit,
Oea 'I Agt. Pae. Coaat, Ceeeral Ageat.
C. AN -W. R,. C. AN..W. ky.
In Market Btreet, re Tbird Btreet,
Bab PBAMCiaco, Cab - faaTutwo, oaa.
TVtact Oflks 03 TaM StrtBt ' PbarwUI
Trnaoontlrientl eeve.
-aW Tralnai Unlly . J
tayllght trip through tba ' Caacada
and Rocky mountains. For full partic
ular, rate, folder, t, aall sn or ad
dreaa -
St. SIOKROBT, City Ttokot Aft.
US nix, ortreat. lortlAjta. ,
Uy cC3Ji
' Through Pultmaa atandart and Vartet eleeeJ
lag -cere dally to Omaha, Cbkeagtt, BpokaaeB
tourtat electing care dally ee Kanaaa Cltya
througb Pallmaa tourlat eleerilng eara (peiauoJ
ally conduct el weekly te Chicago. BeeUatnef
chair rare aeat a tree I an tne Beat euir.
Tjnion IJBPtrT. Leaeee. arrlTee.
CHICAIO.I'OPTLASO t ill A :3B p. aa, '
'-BPECIAL. ? Daily. leally. r
Per tbo Eaet -rla Huat
t .' - tngtoa. -. . . .- .- --'- - -
BPOKANS Pt.tcn. 8ilB a. rn,. 8 00 a. aa. -
for Baateru Waablae- Daily. Dally. :- i
on. Walla Walla. Leer. 1
latoo, Ooeor dAhrne -','-.
and - 6 reet Kortaara - ' i
oetnte. v , ' " - -I
ATLAftTIO EXPrttMil. 8:18 a. at, T:18 a. m. ,
Par tbe Eaet rU Bunt- Dally. Dally.
"- Ingtoa, ,. 1 t .."
OctAK aiTD mvEm scHEPtrLw. 'J
toft SAN rRAM18(Wt tyre a la: a.' m.1
B. B. Oeo. W. Elder Alneveerth I
Aug. 4. 14. 34. DocB.
a. B. ColaaMa 8:00 aak '., , -
Aag. 8, IB, 28. . , , , . .
- , Colnla Blree Prrteleaw '
yon ASTORIA and way 8: a. aa. Ahowt
nolata, euaoectlng wttb Dally.. IM p. na.
atrnr. for llwaeo aod ex. 8a May aa. Sonday,
North bee eh, err. Baa- Saturday
aale. Beb-et. doch. 10:00 a. aa. ' ''
Tntibfll sUree Mawee,
FOR DATTON. Oregoa' 1M a. BV. 9 -or) . av
City aad Tamhlll tUrer Dally. Dally,
polnta, stre. Bath aad except " except
Undoe. Aeb-et dock. tan day. ' Sonata.
Water permitting.!
' Snahe. Blrer Beato. '
POR LEWISTON, Ida., ":40 a.m. About
and- way polnta treat Dally. 8:00 b, aC
R I porta. Week., oteeae- ex. Bat, - Daily,
era Spotine A ad Leer- T - ax. Prlday.
T1CKBT OrriCB. Thtrd and WaahUgtara. Tak.
, Phone Mala T13. ,
- Per Yokohama and Rong Kong. eaDlnt eti
Kobe, Nageaakl end Shanghai, taking freight
rla connecting ataamera for Manila. Port ArtkeM
ana viaairoatoa.
Por re tee and fotl tuformttloa call en a ao
dreea ofnldala ot a genre ot the O. K. eV M. Oe.
E AST v.,
tralno. for Salem. Reno
berg. Ashland. Sacra
4 40 a. at.
mento. Oaden. Ban free
TJB a. m,
cieco. ntocaton. leas Aa
gelee. El Paao. New Oe-
leene and tne Kaat.
At Woof! bum deny
rexcept saonayi. I
8:88 a, A
Ing train for aft. An
gel. SIlTOrton. Browne
Tllle. Sprlnrfleld. Wead-
T:14 a. aa
Ung ana -'a
Albany raaeenree. em.
10:I0 a. at
necta at wooooorn with
alt. Angel aaa SU
tea keaL
. -" ,:
Oorrallla pa
Sberlrtaa aaeaaagar.... IetflS a. a
Dally. IIDally. oxaapt Samday. '
Pertlard-Oawage Buburbaa Serrloa aad Tkaata
Ibrnot foot of iefferaoa Street.
Retanrlnat tVoea oieiaa arrive Poetla n& datlei .
8:80 a.-m.i 1M, 8:08. 4.r. 8:18. T:S, B US.
11-10 e, m. Dally (except Bandar! 4:30, T wi .
B:SO. lb ), n:48 a. m. Rxeeet bfonday, 13:8a
p. a. Sanrlay only. 10:04 a. at.
Learee from aame depot for PeTlae and rater.
meittate polnta dellr (except Sunday) 4:04 a. am.
Arrlra Portland 10:30 a. m.
i na inncrtenoeoce aaotinwwrtai an"vor . na
opera tea dallr to Monmouth aad Atrlla. eoo-l
nectteg with Poathern PactBe oompany'a tracka
it re Itee end Indenendence. I
Plret-cleee fere from Porflene) e Saceemeotw I
and Sen ptaneteee B30 berth 881 eecoad elaaa
fare 818. aeeond-claea berth 3 84. .
Tlckera to Eeetern polnta and Puroua, BanB
fanen. Chtna, Ttoeiolaro and Aoatrene.
Cltr Ticket ornee eorner TTjira ana waamtauj.
ton erre. Pfcnna, Mala tit- '......
a w. STTWOER. . . vr. a. roMAit.
- City Ticket Agent. A ' Oeo. Paea. Ageer.
','- 01' v
Puget Bound I.I ml ted.
8:80 a. as.
a .
for Tacoma, Beet tie,
Olympic. Sooth Bead
and ' Oroy a - Harbor
polnta. , - "
J0 s. aw i
North Coaat M toned.
for Tacoma. Seattle.
Butte. St. Paul, one,
neannlla ChlcaaO. New
fork. Boetoa and polats
Eaet and ftoatheaev.
Twin City trpreea, for
Tacoma. Seattle. Sno-
kane; Helens. Bt. Paul
lllnneapolta, Chicago.
New Tork. Boetoa and
all Bointn Eaat and
11:48 p. m.
Puget Snang . KInais
Clty-Sf.e Loala BoectaL
for Tacoma. . Seattle.
Spokane, ftntte. Bllllnga,
8:80 a. m.
' . ..
nearer. Oniana,. Kansas
City. St Louis and ail
polnta Eoat and aeath-
eeet.- f
All tralaa dally aseept oa Sooth Read
broaea. A. D. CHARLTON. -
- Aeatexant General Psoas agar Ageerk, -
tSS Uorrlaoo at... ear. Third. Portioad. Oe.
Astoria & Columbia
. River Railroad Co.
Learee. .
a. I
Clalaaanle. weet poet.
fllftoo. Aaterla. Wer-eevrtnev-
PlaaeL Ilasa-
LlliH a, at..
8-00 O. BB
T-c a. aa.
Pally ex.
at. ealr.
awind. fort Bteveae,
Ocarhart Park. Beeeloe.
Aatorla aod Baaakara,
Brareae dally.
Aatorla Sapresa,
8 44 a. m.
Portia od Seaetde riyee.
t. C. hi A TO.
O. t. and P A , Aaterla, Or.
C A. frTPWAHT. (Vmojerelal Ageat, Bik
et Pkono Mala .
Schwab Bros. PriMir.-Ta
KeoiB Work, fcoaaoanble prloae
S4TM IWUk lUlai .
I7Z UNtT I ""11
Itll . BQUTta. Ol .
teore Portland dally for Oerrege T:80 a. m.,
13:50, 3:08. 8:trt. 8:80,. 8:38. 8:80. 10:14 f m.l
Daily (except Bnudny), 840. 8:80, 8:88. lO M
a. m. 4:00, 1140 a. as. Buooay eoly. B:aa