The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 30, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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v; . '
faltered t th neatofflr of INwtlMii. Or.",
- far traasportatloa turougS the Ball ae Bocood-
. ivHt.v. a..". ttafU eonlea Par in 9. 10 or 13-
Bage paper, 1 cent- 14 lo 30 pages. I Cents,- 83
; M gS, CCUM. '..
.",;. . . ttxiphowes.
' ;'i Msln o"0.
jltJ)t Rouim Ul fW.
romov AOTuranra bepbisebtattix
T VrceUnd-Bengamln Special Amraii ,T,'
, ji loo mmi street, pew xors, nu-i
c, , trg, uuctfa.
'."."."'s.'''' suBscBirriov bates.
- Tamta hv Carrier.
, . Th Dlly Journal, with Sunday. I yr J 5?
The Dally Journal, 1 year ; 6.00
Th. Dalle Jour m.1, with Suaday. month. 8 78
Th Iltr Journal, months. ........ ...... .)
The Deliy Journal, wit- Sunday, 8 months, 1
The Dally Jour-isl. a months 1.8"
Th Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 month.. .84
,.' The Dally, per wwk, delivered. Son
.. included ............... -1
, -th- I 1 1 v am delivered. U under ex
ecuted .18
Terms if lUO.
Th- pally Journal, wlU Sunday, t gear. . . .8T.00
The Iially Journal. 1 year 8.0m
-,' The Dally Journal, with tin-day. BWUthe. 8.7J
The Stall Journal. - InnBtha... a....... 8.78
' The -Dally Journal, wltb Sunday, swnlha. J.80
Tn liany journal, rnonins..... :
' To lllr Jnnnutl, with rluBdeg, 1 moot-.. .
The Dslly Juurual, 1 tot-. ......
Tba Sunday Jmirnal, 1 year........'........
' Tba guBday Ju-roai. moot--..-. ......... 1.00
Tk aaai-WMaOr Jaor-ai,
- JT Brm4-W-ly Joarnal. 11 pataa, -
' a-ah aaaiaa. lliuaCrata-L full Karkat r.
: porta, I r-r.... .M
Tka WhUi JmmtX..
, Tba Wrl7 Jonraal. loo enlnmra wf rad
Ina taauav UluatratmL lull Baraat
rvnarta. 1 mr..... l.fn)
Remittal- abnnld b Bali tir drafts, poatal
, mntra. riprrw order,, and amail amounta ara
arn-ptaalt U 1 and l-nt x-taa atamna. .
P. O. Bn MI, rVrtland. Ot-
' Tha Jooml caa ba fouad o. aala at ta fol
Irwlnf plarM:
HiiIsR. IbAlltl Pku ifHW -ook aamra. '
CHICAGO Poatoffle Kawa company, .ITS Saw
born atrart.
, DEXVEH. COI. Kradrlr- Bonk Stationary
, company, al. miTwUrBtk -atraatj J. buck
Rlxtrrntk and Cnrtla atmta.
-KANMAK rITT Via Not N aw mnmanTi
I8 ANGELES B. r. Gardner, -AO Boot
, Rnrlnc atroet; DUrer A iUlnea, SUS BoaU
Sprint etreet.
MINNEAroUS U. J. KaTaauk, SO Boofk
. Third.
KF.W YORK CITT Brantano'a, Cnloai aqaara.
rtr;nKV (e-oe- Newa romnanr.
OMAHA Millard hotel newa ataad; alefeatk
rtatkmery aonipany, 1IMM Faraam atrvet.
SALT LAKE CITY Kenyoa hotel aawa ataadi
Barrow Broe.. 43 Weat Berond atreet, South.
T evK Phlllt. HrArr. ftlfl Ldenat atreet.
SAS rRANCISCO W. K. Arrtln, Palara hotal.
newa tand: - Uoloamltb Hroa., z.vj no iter
treet: rred W. Pitt. 100 Market atreet.
KPOKANB WAHR Jnha W. tirahaal Jt Oo.
TACOMA. WASHr Central Newa company, 1111
Parlfle areniie. , ' '
-V rmtEEAX kotice.;
nsnER All members of Sannyald eamn 810
w. (. W., ara reouested to meat fTunrlay
S p. m. at hall. East Itilrty-tmrrth and Yam-
- Mil arreeta. to attend the ranaral of Heia-n
bur v Tbjd. V. riaher, . which take place.
1 rrnnr reaineara, 109 jsaac .niriy-inira aireev,
at S'p-'m. Interment Lone Elr cemetery.
;;' VIATl-E T0.t.J
-Weather enndttlona and (enaral fbracaat for
Oreroa. Waahlnfrna aad Idaho:
fthowera and th-ndaraloriha har axiui red
tlnr yesterday morning la Arlaona. south ern
Itab. Colorado, northern New Mexico, the
upper Mississippi valley, upper laka region And
the South Atlsntlc state.
It la wanner thla moraine In Orefon and
northern California, and cooler la Wyoming
and tha . nearby aorUooa of tha adjoining
Tha lmHcatlona are (or generally (air
weather In thla district Sunday. -
Maximum temperatura In last M hoars, TO;
Blnlmua). temperature, 54; precipitation. Bona.
" Arthur Batler, U; Mar KoaaelL . ' ' ',,
Basonel Larson, S2; Hannah Card, 29,
Cbarlea McOlnty. I'rancea Boaera, XT.
Cbarle T. Long, aft; Mary J. Firth. 40.
WllUaa O'DonnaU. Ill Mildred Beynolda. 18.
. ... . aUBTHB.
.JiilT16--T'MrT"and Mr,
an Xa Second atreet. a son.
Barman Meyer
July XX To Mr. and Mra. W. J. Etmmarman
f M4 Halaey atreet, a son.
- Jnly 2.T To Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Und
bolra of 70S Commercial atreet. a dauahter.
July -J To Mr. and Mra. Elmer M. Wk
alnrer of U Marshall atreet. a dauchter.
July IP To Mr. and Mra. Randolph Browa-
ox x umauua areuue, a
Jnly IS John I. FarAnhar, aged S2 year,
at Northern Paclno aanltorlam; cause, dlabata.
Burial at Lone Fir cemetery.
Jnly 2T Ernestine Tullll Piper, aged t yearn,
at TnO Tenlno atroet; caaaa, f aatric aemorrhaa.
Burial at Salem, Or.
July 11 Infant daughter of i Adnlph A.
and LIB da A. Dekum.
July js-J I. V. Flaber, at 1SS East Thirty.
s-irw ruvn. ' " " .
- Crematorium on Oregon city ear Bn. near
tellwaod; modarn, nrlantlSe, complete. Charaea
Adults. .; children. 2. VUltora t a. as.
p. m. Portland Ccamatios) aaaotdataoa,
PartUBd. Oi.
The Edward Rolman Cadertaklnf rompsny,
funeral director and
smba-mara. X-0
Phoa B0T.
J. P. fin ley at Son. funeral dliat'lura and
am ba I mere, her remored ta their new aatah-
n.nmenx. eomar Thlra ana Manisoa
Both Bhoaan Mo. k.
' Eellar-Brrnea Co., funeral director aad era
kalmera. S7S KasaalL Lady a set. Phone Eaat 10BS.
. (park Broa. for low era. tm Morrlaon atreet
Caroline E Wilson , et al. to Japanese
Methodist Elacopal rhnrrh. lot 1 aad 4.
Mock UK). Couch addltloa 1 1
Atoya Hrrold to Isa-c and Flora Jaeohs,
north 3 fart krt IT. block. 1, Uraa-
W. Scott Calklna and wife to Ollra II.
F01. lot it. block 4. Point View addition SS
tJ. Kemensperger and wife to Enterprise
, Brewing Co., nndlrlded one-half lot I,
block 1.17 and nodlrlded one-half limino ,
'feet anuth side, lot i, block 137. Couch ,
1 addltloa 1
Julia M. Sweeney and bisband to C C .
Vance, lot Id, block 2a, Lincoln park
annea , , ;
B. W. Slryker to Ells U. Stryker, lota
to . blocks 18 lo 30, block 11, Miller's
addition to Hellwoud , - 1
Georgia A. Ilarton to Josephine Rueppell,
are-t nne-hatf lot S. bkx-k It, Hanson a
addition to F-t PortUnd 1,050
F, A. kaapp and wife to James r. Mr.
llrnn, 1 acre section 18, townahip 1
- south, range 3 east .....v...
B. M. Riper and wife to Karl V. LWely,
. trustee. Iota A and S, weat one-half lot
4. block 1 and part block 2. RnnxmA..
Charli-e W. Jenkins and wife to Darld
- Ha nghman. lot S, bkick 22, north Al-
' blna
A. C t. CbrteteBoen ta llanalne OirlateR.
sen. lot 1, block IS. Central A llitna . . . 1
TerwMHger Land oompany to Lonla nherle,
l-.ia 7 and A. block 17, Terwtllurcr
Homestead addition Bod
Bydney II. Cawston aad wife to B. W.
Wilt., lot A. KaeenaTlew J 500
phoenl Land rnmiiany to aame, lota ra
, tn A. block 1. I'4R 41 to 44. Mock 8,
Aral Klctrlc addition to Alblna 1
George Smith and wife to Komi M,
lrea. lots T and S. block 12, M. Pat-
t"n'e addition to Alhtna .............. mn
HAr ttealty and InTeetment compsny ta""
, Anna A. Uowar, lot 7, blorl s, Stewart
Anos A. Mower and h -aosnd to - Tlrtor
I And rMniany, aaate .....,,
nneeiir ror Jiregon ijina a neearment
' ctnriaar to Victor Land armpany,
. blocks SI. 1H. 37. Woodlawa..., 8
Bame for Willis (ilhson and Joseph Burh-
,. te to same, lot 7. block 1. hit IB. ''
hl-c 8. Viit M. block 8. City View park
addition to K"t Portland 8
M. Rfrn tn II. IWkr et aL, lota g
, and 0 block IX J.lnnto. r 400
Oet fear Inaaranea and aba tracts "ta real
eatsta fro at tha Title Guarantee A Traat eoas
nsny. Chamber ef t esnaiere bolliHDg. :
". BtJlLDIBO PtEMITS. . ' '' !
JnW Ja.tenhe) Vmana. renatr t botiee
a Mlet-.lpn hetween Monroe and Conk are
ansa: cost, gano. - i
July tAW-Melet At Fra-h, altaratloa to' 8-
M oar noac -jAJfABr tob vtm or
Front' Street. Jnly 80. The principal
tare of tha Portland wholesale market today
are: -;
Balmoa recslpta ara lrregalar.
' Alaaka plnka In haary demand. :
Coffee marketa ara higher. :
Egg com faster but aall.
Veal and boa remain actlea.
Poultry market baa better tone.
Dealera ara aacltad about chlttlta bark.
Watermalona arrlea from Rogua rirer.
Bereral cars -of mixed frnlta com.
leai.he wer higher today.
Eaarera proTlalona ara abort.
Old potato ara, not selling. ; "
' New potatoes ra getting scarcer, '
Bop eontraela ma-a at JAM. -
AUaak Tlak kUnsn la Hoary PemaU.
' Jo at now there la eery heaey demand for
1 1 . a , a nlnk u In y .Hat l,m tt- f BIS Br
th Japaneaa government for iba troops la tha
Arid nearly cleaning up all available anpnlle.
There are atlll aoto email stocks left of tha
former pack, but tha pack ara ara holding them
at advaaced figures. Canoed sal most la tha
principal diet ef tha J ape ass troop In tha
field, so the narrhaaea at that government
atnre the opening of tha war Bad before have
been touch heavier than aeual. Tha new pack
of pinks will ba quoted qu 111. Arm, a they
wilt coma npon a practically Aleaaed np mar
ket. Receipt of salmon from the Columbia
liver again ahaw a decree ae and' tha packet
are dlecmtraged. For awhile y eater day there
waa every Indication that tne neavy ran -would
continue, but It suddenly Blacked off aad he
re me almoat extinct. . Whenever there la an
Irdlcatton of a good run of Sah the packer
are W'U prepared to take advantage,
Tha fact that Paget Bound sock eyes sre
atioted at tha opening loe dosen above tba
rojsl chlnooka from tha Oolambla river doe
not worry tha flab man here, aa'they aay tha .aockaya may as weU ho quoted at
81 more a dosen. thau at present for all the
good It will do packers there, for tha ran of
that grade of ash promise to Ba nominal tni
year and no offer to aupply It thla aaaaoa
ara being received. There wag quite ma
terial Increase tn tha recelpta of email Mlt
water flak from other point today.
Oof fee Market 1 Toe High. -Althougl
anch a thing as an advance In tba
quotations on coffee la possible at any time,
atlll It la not probable, as already tha price
are at least 40 per cent higher than a year age
and the world's visible supply la atlll ehow
tog material Increase. ,
Waiting for Chang la Sugar. "
Wholesale grocery men ara anxiously await-
Ing a change In tba sugar market, as all of
them feel that something la going to happen
In the mar future. An atrrane la generally
Egga Cam raster But Ara Expected
Poring the ps st -few daya there has
material Increase IB. tha recelpta of egga, hut
tha market has easily held It . ton at th
price quoted. 80m dealers ara atlll trying
to obtain aa advance.
- Poultry Market Has Better Ton.
Th poultry market showed a better tons to
day, the demand being Improved and tba
celpta light. A generally better market la
peeled during tha coming week.
- Bogn Elver Watsrmelaaa Arriving.
Tba first ear of Rorns liver watermelona was
received In this city today by Levy A Bplegl.
The fruit waa la good ah en and sold at aa
advance over th California product. Several
car of mixed frulta arrived from Sacramonta
thla rooming. A car of banana came lh floe
si. ape for Immediate aee. A car of fancy
lata Valencia orange also cam la today.
Peaches sre atlll abort of tba aupply and are
higher. soma nice apricots cams from
Wenatchea, Waah., tn good shape and Bold
freely at II and ll.XS a crate. Soma ale
Ura vena tela apple wer la from Hood river,
Zastara Previa loae Are Short.
. Eastern provision bouses on this eosst ere
belng rapidly cleaned out of their stocka, this
being eapeclally tru of th Chicago, Omaha
and Ksnaa city firms. Tha market I strong
la hams, bacpa and other pork products.
01 Potatoes Ara Vat felling.
Old Potatoes now. arriving era In bad shape
and are not Belling a fast aa formerly. New
stocka ara scarce. A car ef new Garnets cam
In thla morning from California.
Hop Contract at 80 Cents.
Inning th past dsy or ao severs! larae.
sited rontracta for 1004 bona were made up
tba valley at 30e a pound. This I aonaidered
very favorable to tha market. No sale of
1008 a reported.
KTerohanta' Opinion aa Today's Market. .
Wolf A Hon Old potatoes coming In bad
shape and the demand now la very amall; new
potatoes won't cost in so faat for awhile on
account of th lata rain, moat of the farmers
preferring to let their crops ma tare. ,
Chatterton at Co. Veal and hogs very ftrm:
egga Arm; chicken atlll continue dull.
(l. B. Smith company Eg market very
Dryer, O'Malley A Co. Lota of produce
coming In; several mixed car arriving from
Sacramento thla morning: car bananas la good
Kaha Broa. Hide market la anrtianged aa
far aa tba pries la soucetned. bat the too 1
Ivnport'Thomnna eoavpany Car new Oar
net potatoes In from California thla morning;
car bananas arrived la goad shape for country
Kverdlng A Farrell veal Arm: hoga, too:
mntton dull: beef hard to eetl at any price;
egga re eteady but ara not any flrmer; but
Bnehanged; chicken cleaning np better.
with receipts light on account of th lowef
Pag Bon rar Bananas: ear eaataimpe!
string beana coming again: not much change
tn eggir eaatern atocka which arrived otn
time ago all cleaned up) poultry cleaned np
and looks Ilk a better market for coming
week. - , -
W. T. Turner A On. Chicken hava -got to- a
price where everyone ran eat them and tba
market is goon; eggs ara lalrly steaayi veal
I- good demand; hogs Ann.
Smith Bros. Some alight Dlatak In print
yesterday, for there la a good demand for all
fresh meats, wltb price ruling very easily at.
the top.
Today's wholes 1 novations, a revise a. are
aa follows:
Ore (a. Hoar and Teed.
WHEAT Walls Walls, 9c: blneetem. TBct
valley. 7Hc,
PARLEY Feed, 1 23.80; rolled, 124.50; brew
Ing. t.5Oia2.O0.
OATS producer- price no. 1 white, E24.00
C24.SO; gray, 23. OOM 23.60. .
FI.nCB Eietern Oregon: ' Patent. 14.20: '
etreightsi S V33 0; valley, 83.80(8.M; gra-
am Us. tltW: lot, 83.05.
MILIJ5T1 rrs-rirn.
820.00 I
er ton mid
823.001 chop.
dllrga, 825.00; abort a.
la rat
HAY Prod rcera- price -Timothy, Willamette
lley. 812.tilft.00: eaatern Oregon. 815 no fit
10.00: Billed, 810.0Ol12 00; clover, 8.0O'!l
10.00; grain, 11.50ai2.O0; cheat, 8H.00Q
Hops, - wool sag Hides.
HOPS 5B 0 20c. for choice; 35ft2BtAa
Time: Tminn, linn,
WOOlcWomlnsl. valley, coarse to medltrm,
7'.?lHc; fine. le; eaatern Oregon, 12-!10c.
MOHA1H New, 80e. .
Sit KKI'SKI Nharrng,- TrXltJOcT IdlorT Wviol.
SLr:Vir: medium wool. ikl-i&Oc: lone sroul
M-(l.o0 each.
tallow tTima, per .re. t!Bc; ivo. 1 and
grease, fatr.
t itlljlM m--wotta per in; buying
HIOES-Jt Dry hide. No. 1. 18 lh and nn
14Ul5e per lhi dry kip, No.- 1, 8 to 16 Ilia,
izte; ary eaix. no. a, unoer b ioa, 101
tnry brick building, on eon th west corner of
Front and Yamhill: met, f.'VOO.
Jnlr 80 ' J. M. Wood worth, enttsee on
Pine between Esst Twelfth , and Esat Thir.
teenth streets; coet, 20i). , .
July 20 H. W. Corhett estate sKeratlnna
to x-story brick -building on First between
Waalitngton and Alder' atreeta; coat, 82.000.
July 2U George A. eruden. 3-stnrv dweiiine.
on Fast Morrison etreet between Esst Thlr.
teenth nd Fast Fourteenth street; cost, 8mi0.
Jnlr a fMnrn T. Mver. reoell . .
on roirthxreat corner of Tblrd and Salmon; coat.
Jnly 30 A. Oulnela, 2 story dwelling on First
hetweea Uookar and' Porter Street ; coat,
dry salted bulla, and stsrs, 1-8 Ices than dry
glnt: salted bid.-, steer. .Bound, so In or over.
A--(7e; M) to 00 urn. c: under 00 lb an, B'tirtc; ataga and bull, sound, 4ei kip,
18 to 80 Ink 8 Wet Bound. 10 to 14 lbs, 0"c
calf, sound, nnder HI !!. gc; green tun-
sal ted I 1. per th less; culls, ic per lb less
horse hides, salted, each, 81.5ffll.7B: dry, each
l. -.nai.Hu: cults' hide, each, HatilnOci goal
shine, common, each, loiftc; Angora, wltb
wool oa, each, 2ncIl.O0. ' ,
Butter,. Eggs aad Poultry.
i 1 i r. 1 g n tiv,
Bl'TTKR City creamery, XOit22He; ontalda,
xancy, xuc: orutnary, ii-c; euare, ja--.((;.
E.GS No. 1 It oak Oregva. 21c: atwaodled.
30Hc; bakers, JOc.
CUEKHM New Full cream, twin, lOVitJ
IZHc: loung America, Ji''(uvc.
POULT HY Chickens, mixed. 1014011 lb
bene. llatllUe nee Ibr rouetera. old. b(H lb
young, tic per lb; broilers, I2MW1.V per IbJ
rryera, IZ'n;iHe IB: ducks, old, 11c id; young,
12c per lb; see, g(7c per lb; turkeys, 17 (J
iss per w areeaeq, jtgrzoa per in.
' FnilU and Vegetablea. ,
POTATOES OlA nominal. 8KHI.2S. Buyer'
price for fancy, 7oc; new Oregoa, l.T8tl.8S
pe, cwi; Buyers- price, fi.s.
u.mioh wens walla, al io; yejiow uas
vera. 12 00: garlie. kOe per lb.
rBt.sil fill 11 r) Apples. Oregon, 81-OOftl .80
Per bos; oranges. Mediterranean sweets. :l.00
t.'M ber boa; lata Valenrlaa, .1 V.ia3.60 per
dox; nananaa, oc per in; lrtnona, cnoice-.
2. 78 per -ox; fancy, .l.OO3.75 per bolt
Imea. Mexican. Sac nrr till: Dtiiesnnlaa. M.Ou'il
S.fto; cherries, 8HA6e per ib; Binge and Lam.
lerts, hulu; aprlcota, Oregon. 81.O0UL2S per
dtx; piuins, Huroank. ai.utiKfi a tnr 00x1
ttearbea, Oregon. hue per box; Crawford.
nlie nee boa: oeai- ll.2!igMM) " Tier box:
G-epee. California, g 1 M -r--vrrr Bm-H-Wi oji
trg, fl.iV; black, llgai per box; g-urranta.
Be per lb; red raapberrlea, - 8Jc;e
per - lb; . wild; blsekberrle,' 8c per
lb: water-ieiona. KXlfce ier lb; cantalonpea,
Oaltfornla. gl.Mi.iS per doe: narmeg, 82 00;
Oregon, 82 00122.00 crate; nectarlnea, 81.50
box; buck leberrtea, 15e lb; Pluto., 75c crate;
peach plums. 85 craw: crabapplea. ISitt-SkC
per Ib. . '
VKHETABLES Turnip. 11.18 per Back 1 car-
rota, per sack; beets, gi.zs per ears ;
Oregon radlabe. lfie ner due: cabbage. Oregon.
lit a pec lb; , lettuce, .heed. 15c per do; graea
pepper. 20c per Ib; celery, 81.00 per dos.: to-
tnatoe. Oregon. 81A125 box; parsnips, Tnctg
i. w; green pees, nc per in; green onion,
2Wail5e ner dos: local rreen corn. 15c oei
do: nla Plant. 2T2ie ner Ib: atrlng beans.
5c: cucumbera, 8oj(76o per box) hothouse, 8&i
40 per dun. .
iikieo FRUITS Apples, evaporated. IB
per lb; aprlcota.
OUAllc per lb: each.
per lb lees; peach,, 7H per Ib; peers. 84
10 per lb; prune.
in. autue? per m:
lb: Ags, California
rrvneo, B-jxec
bracks,-8&04a tier
lot do white.: 8t7a
per Ib; plume, pitted.
6 8c per lb; dates.
golden. OUe nee Ib- faeda
1, al. do per 10-10 oox.
HAiBisseeded. fancy l ib - carton, ou
parkagea to ease. TUc nkr: seeded. 12-os ear.
tons, 5Hc; loose Muacata. 50-lb boxes, 6tffe
per in; -London layers, 51.05; closter. . wi
Vs. 25ci V. 50c advene over pound erton.
FI0.1 Tan l ib cartons, choice brand, 00c;
10 l ib cartons, fancy brand. 81-00; 10 l ib
Brick, f -crown. T5c: 10 l ib hrlcka, 8 -crown,
5c; 48 H-lb hrlcka, per box, 8X00; 84 bricks,
a i to caae, g2.00; 5 -row layer, per 10-in
70c: loose. 80-lb bnxea. ner m. 6 lie. Cnlli
0 -crown. 10-lb cartons, per bos, 81.751 s-erawn.
xv-10 cartons, per box, 81.7a.
Oroserles, Huts, Eta.
STTOAR Muck haela- Tnhe. Sd.20! nowdered.
mis; rrult granulated, ft). id; dry granoiatad,
85.05: beet granulated. 85.85: extra 0. 85.05:
golden C, 85.S5; bhla. 10c; V, hbla, 25c; boxea.
doc advanca oa sack basla, lea 25o cwt for caaa.
10 nays; maple, 14 ft MM Bar 10.
H O N ET 14 H IB 1 5c.
COFFEE Green Mocha. 2llffi2!lc! Java, fancy.
tf-WMc; Java, good, 2025c; Java, ordinary,
1K&2W: Costa Bfca. fancy. 187.2oc: Coata Klca.
good, 16'Ic; Coata Hica. ordinary.' 11J13
per in: package coffee, 12.7n-aia in.
TEAS Oolong, different gradea, 25rtAoe girn-
pawner, yt(3.'4r:ric: Knglleb nreaktaat, dir
ferent grsd-, 12t905c; aptderleg, ancolored
Japan, 80 it! 85c; groan Japaa (vary scare), 80
goc ner lb. .
SALT Kino--Bale;. 2. 8a. 4a. Ba. 10s, 81 20 uble. dairy, noa, v.oorii.oo; ion.
8S.15S- i Imported Liverpool, 50, 81B.00if
in .00; ion, i4.7nretis.oo: 224,;
extra flne. bhla, 2. .Is. Be. 10a, 84.00; balk,
820 lb. 88.60; sscks. 60s, 5c.
SALT Coarse Half ground. . lflfla, per ton.
U".2Or) 50; 50s. per ton, 85 6587.00: Liverpool
lump rock. giH.oowiffrfto per ton; 00-id rock,
80 2008.75: 100a. 85.76ffld.28.
(Above prlcea apply to sale of less than
Car Iota. Car tot at special price subject
10 ntirrttetinne.
GRAIN BADS Calcutta. 85. 75 41 00 per 100
, RICK Imperial Japan, No. 1. 6c: No. S.
4Sc: New Orleans bead. T7Vic;' Adjaek, Sc;
Creole. 4 V. - . ss
BEANS Small white, ; large white,
T 50 (3. 00; pink, 84 00;y bayou, SMa; Llmas,
NUTS Paahota. THc; Inmhos, 8H per Th;
raw, SlOc per lb for roasted: cocoa nuts, SBrtt
POo per doe; walnuts. 14VI16ie per lb; plna
Bttts. 10312Hc per lh: hickory nuts. 10c per lh;
chestnuts, eaatern. 15 116c per .lb: Braall nata.
15c par lb: Albert. 15tlc per lh; fancy
ra, lanioc per 10: aimonas, l-ejiiw per 10.
Meats. Tish aad Provtalon. .
1 FRESn MEATS Inspected Beef, steers. Sc
pw in; cow, ovtoo per in; miiTtoa, oreeca,
4ii5c ner lh: lamb dreaaed. BOflc per lh.
FBEKIl MKAT8 Front street Beef, ateera,
4H15e per lb; perk, block, 1 TTHe per lh;
packers. 7 He par lb; bulla. 2Uf8Wc per lb.
ccna. SHf4Vsc per lh: mntton. dreaaed. 46
tier lh; real, extra, 7e lh; ordinary. 8He per
ip; poor, oc; in nine, ogznc per in.
MAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack flocel)
ha ma, 10 to 14 Iba. ISHe per Ib; 14 to 18 Iba.
tliUe per lb; 18 to 20 Iba. 18Ue per lb; cottage.
BVke par lh; break faat bacon, 18tl7e
per lb; picnic, loc per Th; regular abort
clear, anamoked. 04 per lh; amoked, 1014a
per in; clear oocse, ana-ns-q, wo per Hi;
amoked. 10e per lb: I'nlon bntte. 10 to 18 Iba,
nnemoked. g-c ner !hi amoked. 0-c nee lh;
rlear bellies, ansmoked. 11 per lb; smoked. 12c
per lh-
LOCAL tABTV Kettle for.-10,nTeT
Th; Be. lOHc per Ib; 50-lb tin. e per lh;
steam rendered, 10a, 84e per lh; 8a, 84 per
lh; 80s, 84,0 per Ib: compound tierces, SC Per
10; i',,s, n-ac P-T in, w, Tj-ite pv lo.
CANNED SALMON Oolnmhla river. 1-tb talla,
81.15; 3-lh tails, 82.50; fancy 1-lb fiats, 82.00;
H-lb fancy data, gl 25: fancy 1-lh ovale, 82.76;
Alaska talis, pink, SOQOOc; red, 81.50; nominal
2a, tall. 82.00.
FISH Rock cod. 8c her lb; Sonndera, Be rr
Th: halibut. Be per lh; crabs. 8125 per dos:
striped haaa, 10 12He Per lh; ca tfleh. Ae y,
lh; . salmon, rhlnook. 8e per Ib; steelheede,
Ac per lb; hlnehacka, Se per lh; herrtDr. 6e per
lh; aole. 0- per lb: ahrlmr. 10e per )1; shad,
dreaaed. SHc per Th; perch. Be per lh; ahad
toe, l2Hc per lb; roe ahad, 8c per Ib; black cod,
Oc per lh.
OYSTERS Shoalwarer hay, per rl. 82.25;
per aack. 8 75 ret; Olympla. per sack. 85-25.
CLAMS rlnrd fhrll. per' box, 82.00; rasor
clems. 11.75 ner box. -
Paint a. Coal 011a. Ete.'
B0PE Pura Manila, 13kci sUndard, 12ic;
Slfcal. lOHe.
COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, tlti per
gal: water white, Iron bhls Id per gal, wooden
per gai; aeanugnx, icu-nag. eaata
per gal. Iron hbla 17c per gal.
LINSEED OILpore raw, in Knl BSti ner
caae nae per gai; genuine settle nniled, ceae
ftic ner gal. bbls 5oe per gal: ground cuke
car lota 825.00 per ton, reaa than ear 8-0.00
per ton. , - - .........
GASOtjNB-SA-deg. eases 82c per gal. Iron
bhla 2W per gal; stove, caaea 24e per gaL
lion hbla IV per gel.' . .
BENEINIt-As-deg, cases S2e peg gat Iron
bhla 15-Ae, per gal.
PAINT Oil Raw, bhla 88e per gal, eases
8Ac per gal: boiled, ease Oc per gal.
TURPENTINE In cases S5c ner sal. wooden
Mils. 81a per gal. Iron bbla TBc per gal, 10-lb
cam lots Mr per f 1. -
WHITS LEAD Ton kits.- 1 per lb, BOO-Ib
lota Seller lb. lea lota 8Ke per lh.
WIRE NAILS Present Has at 82.88. ' :
. Bet 11 Lumber Prlee.
, - , . . . Com. Select Clear
, . .,: : . . ' p ir per
M. . ' Mrt. urx. uwt.
Bongbv dtmenalma feg-rar
atsea 2x1 to 12x13. R2 ft.. 8 8.80 f.8.00 828.00
Bough, dlmcnl-nia regular '
sire tn 12x13. 84-40 ft.., 8.50 lf.00 14.00
Itottrh, dlmenal.ns regular
else to 12x12, 42-48 ft... 11.50 19.00 tM.00
lot.Kh. dlmenaiona regtlar :
alsea to 12x12. MOO ft... 15.50 23.00 80.00
ror escn annitionai m mens
la -width add
For odd and fractional
1.00 loo 100
slaea sawed add not lea
. 100
For sawing vertical grata
to 4x12 add
Common rough boards, re vo
lar alaea to 12 4n. .wine
to 24 ft., loc. aasorted
lengrn v ou li.otf
Specified lengths of board 81.00 per If feet
additional. -
Board to ooneiat of lumber leas than 3 Inch
la thick saaa. - . . t
(Fhralahed by Over heck. Starr A Cook Co.) '
Ssn Francisco, July ao. 11:80 a. m. Close:
The higher price for wheat In 'Chicago today
wer reflected here todaytiy an advance of llac,
the Keremlier rloalng at 81.4114. ,
There was also an advance la barley oa Be
count of better feeling In other gralna. He
eemher closing at 81. tie1, aa advaac of llAa
seat f satarday. . , ,
1 1 1 -sa s
4 4 4 4 4 4 d 4 4 4 4 f
. ' San Franolsrjo,- Juljr 80---mi-"-4
glderabl troubla waa axper- 4
lenoed by- tha telegraph com- 4
panles liavingr wlrea along the d
Una of tha Santa F railway to
day and last night on -count
of a severs Band - storm, and 4
lessee of private wlrea wer d
unabls to rsoelva their full mar d
Vet reports today. A consider-
able force of linemen haa been 4
ent to tha seat of tha trouble. d
44444d4444 4 4 4 4 4
'i 1 . .
I"?I)"vp"Wpv V'v'-i 1
"' 'Special Dlr patch to Th Jonraal. )
Chicago. JtllV gaAU waa aaeiteflBeat
ua unicago Wheat pit today.
July reached tha high point at 81.00-..
Thla caused intense feelln and the eneh.
Ing of the aborts to cover waa tha wildcat seen
n uie pic ror many a day. Thla condition
Waa brought about hv the intense aeareltv of
euiy option ana as this Bad been sold abort
very heavy oaring the early part of th month
It Wua no wonder that those who were abort
became frantic aa tba quotation moved up
toward tha top with lightning apeed.
When the market onened thle M----(neffV
July quoted at ltHc, which waa He above
tha closing point of yesterday's strong market,
fear waa to be Been oa th face of tba
numerone aborts aa they wildly bid for suf-
fclent stocka to All their orders. ' Aa tha Bur
et advanced thla fear became more apparent
and when tba tup,, was reached at 81.00)4 there
wa nearly a riot.
The caua of the high t-tce In th Jul
option today waa the fact that price on cash
wheat have been very atrong during the paat
month and high price wer th rule. la moat
caaea tha quotation on caah ware so muck
higher than th July that tbers were many
who predicted that it would go to tba level
of th latter month' or even lower. This Is
whet caused moat of the aborts.
Th croo advice of late have, hee a Now.
Ing more damage from rust and smut than
nana this being . !ao on of th cause of
today -a, aad. la fact, th advances , of th
Iaat week.
bobosxpts or uri Aii tax tnr.
mi no sxKAjrb An' qtjota.
Portland Union Stockyards, Jnly 80. There la
Terr urn re in in. wai ...A, e . v
and this call Is not being one-half, or svea one
quarter Ailed by the receipt. For th paat
two day there haa not beeh a aingle hog to
arrive and during th remaining portion of th
could easily be considered nominal. ...
in cam titer were no receipts today, bat
ue marset u it 1 rauer dilapidated conditloa.
wlth nrtcea at a low ehh. "
Today the recelpta In aheep amounted to 800
head, but tha market la quiet. Tha noa-ar-rlval
of other livestock created a better de-
luanu xor eneep, tnit generally the call la dull.
i'h" i.i ruling prit-rs suow:
(' ttlc Beet eaatern Oresro ateeea tt 00.
beet valley steers, g2.75fj3.5o; medium ateera.
XJ Trt ' MM S7.'?r,. knit. at IK. ao .an
Hoga Beat heavy, 80-00: block, 85.t5; China'
tim. o. in; euicsen ana xceaere, go.oii.
Sheep Prices nominal. Beet erala-fed areth.
era and lambs, 82.0O(a 2.60; mixed sheep, 81.78
A O a-e-
A4a. vvg
fFnrnlahd hv Overheck gtarv A Cooke Ce
new York. July 80. Th stock market waa
quiet today, thla being a half holiday, and
prices wars oil s Traction an through tha 111.
Asinoou waa not open on acoeuni ex a holiday.
juae y e atocn maxaets
lleaarlptloB. Ope.
Amalgamated Copper Co......... 81
Atchison, common ... TO
Amrrlrsa sugar, common I2
BeHltaor ft Ohio, common. ... SD
Brooklyn Rapid Transit SO
Chicago A Great Weat.. com
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Pool.. 145
t dorado Fuel Iron, com 54
Erie, common 34
Ioutavlile A Naahvllle 118
Manhattan Elevated ,.,...,.....150
Missouri Pacific 01
Ptnusylvanla Railway 110
people'a Uaa, Light Coke Co.. 90
Beading, comtuo 51
Rock Island, common .......... 2114
Southern Pacific 4ni '.
Union Pacific, common ........ r "4
'nlted Htatea Steel Co., com.... 11
"nlted States Steel Co.. Dfd.... 00
Western Union Telegraph ...... 88
Baa Francisco, July 80. Close 11 : SO a. n.-
82 '
Suing Valley Water
1. .'i. .......
oo vj
ontrs Costa w ater .
F. Gas A Electric.
Olant Powder
Haaa Plantation
Hawaiian Sugar .....
13 '
Honokea Sugar ,,,
Ilutrhlnaoa Hngar
Kllanesu Sugar ,,
Makawell Sngar ..
S4 '
Otiomea Sugar ....
Paatibaa ugar ...
Tha Portland clearing bonae renorta today;
Clearances 831 2. 8.13 78
Balances 00,018.67
7 .on don. July 80. There was no seaalcma of
the atocka or grain exchanges today on account
a bank holiday. -
(Fnrnlahed hy Over heck. Starr A Conk Co.)
New York, July 80. The government cotton
report last June waa 88 per cent. iJiat month
It waa e-S per cent, whll tha estimated report
for August 8 I 81.8 per cent, which won Id
Indicate an enormous crop. Aa previously
teled. It would he rather difficult to give
ny derided opinion, hut With ravorahl
report - aa eetlmatrd we can aee Bo reaena
why. cotton should not aell around 8 cent -In
the near fnrure. The rlinne ta still determined
to give all th support available-to th mar-
et, nut um muat ten. ina wearner enn
dttlona ara favorable, th boll weevil I lee
evidence. Th cotton trlke 1tiiatlnn w
getting rather serious, which will allow atocka
accumulate, un ny epurt wa raver selling
cotton. ' . ,
Today s cotton ciosei
v 1 Close.
January '1
1... 80 73
... 8.78
... 8 70
October .,
llecmhr ......
H 61
.. " 131
$ , 244
i , 62
(Furnlshed hv Overbeck. Starr A Cooke Co l
Chicago. . July 80. 4-igan A Brvan advie
There waa ao wheat market in Llveroool today
on account of a holiday. The market opened
about steady excepting th July option, which
bowed an advanc of about a sent ever th
previous cloaa aad Bold rapidly over tba dollar
mark, reacting and cloalua with as advance
of about 1 cent, but oa heavy proSt-taklng waa
sota aowa ana Close a about tba opening ngurs.
ns-iBer. 'sunaiuous in ua aortnweet are an
favorabl sod the anerl entlment . I . 'In
ellnod to h bullish. Miller report a much
Better flour demand and tba Minneapolis mil
ler sre reported to b gnoa Buyer or i
kind' of wheat la Kansas City, Hard rains ti
Minoeapolle cart of tha night, but It I now
clearing o(f and turning hot. Many damage
reporta, wer eon firmed by the beat elevator
people, w hick , ware also backed by, pi any
ouying eraera. . ,,-
: Cera la Sympathy With Wheat.'
fn com. the xnarket. whll not aa acn-a
Is la sympathy with wheat, Tha September op
tion openea ax ,aoouc laat aignt a cioaa, dux
with heavy selling order It Bold down about
H Oent. dosing at the low point for th
day. - The receipt eonrlnu fair, also th
demand. Many en-fusing reports ara la cir
culating eoaceralng the corn corp. but oa tha
whole corn Is di-ng alcelyi Crops are ma
turing xaroraniy la aaosaa.
Oats Bora Aotta. '
The oats market - was rather mora active
Uiaa of lata, tba July advancing over 8 cents.
closing Vary atrong at 46 cents. Not much
new. September oat look very cheap. , ,
' Prevision- War ttnlat.
The BfOTteloo market was aulet. there being
not - much tendency cither way. Very little
trading. September pork advanced 8 eou.
but cold off and closed at the low 'point al
812.01 The packer' strike situation la still
uncnangeo, wiucn nag some street oa a mar
set. .
Today's . markets: f .
Open. ., High. . : Low.' ' ' Oca.
Wheat--, . -
NewSeptg .80U f .1U $ .SOU 4 .goat
NewJuly .08 1.00 U . .0Z . .wf
Dec... .80 Vk UJOiJ ' - .SOW, .8i
' .88
,' .;
1386 '
Pork '
Sept. . . 1100
fFuralshsd hv Overbeck. Starr A Cook Co 1
Chicago. July 80. Our Minneapolis manager
wlrea 1 Aa elevator concern her r there
ao Chang tn northwest what. - Oemand laJ
gnod. ISo. X northern, 81.02H; No 2 northern,
I ua. lh eonntry mil ara still rood burera.
W understand the Minneapolis mills are good
fuyeru ox an aino otwaeax in a-anaaa t;iiy.
lour demand la much better tha millers will
. - ., . . . . . . . ., A. .
admit and Aour sales wer sxwd today. Croo
duniag reports are general, with mat and
aunt in aouthera Mlnneaota. Booth Dahota
ana north oakota Butted la with bad report.
Best slevstor people admitted tba damage to
day. Tbeaa report were backed' by burin
Our September closed 1 - Meher than laat
nignt, inia wea trier. 11 it ataya hot. will
bad after th rain. It la -clearing off here.
but It la now hot after rslnlng pax of the
BlgOt ti- BQUl O CIOCK.
. Blnaaapolla Wht Donisasa.
Mtnnooll, July 80. Minneapolis stocks of
Wheat wiu show a decrease a( 470,000 buabel
for u week. .
New York. Jnly 80. Meeting bsv been
called to discuss the matter of aa anthracite
coal strike. The reduction of 88 per ton la
tin pis tea ts surprising to Pittsburg.
From Buecesa.
It la said In Princeton that If Mra.
drover Cleveland had bean a man, her
equipment for a high place would hava
been aa aubatantlal aa that of- tha ex-
president. Beside tha breadth of view,
tact and personal magnetism which hava
won ber tha respect and affection of all
dwellers In tha university town, aha
possesses a faculty which ts an Invalua
ble asset to a public man. Bh is cele
brated In Princeton for her remarkable
memory of names and faces,
- At a recent afternoon asssmblsge at
which she waa one of, tha hostessea.
l-eat. who was a stranger in tha town,
was asked IT shs bad aver met Aire.
Cleveland. ' "
'Yes," aha answered, we chatted to
gether for a moment one In New York,
but It was seven or. sight years ago.
She's forgotten all about me, of courae,
and I shall hava to be Introduced
acain." '
-T.K ma mil yMit MnllaA tiM. eVte-i.
.M. , -w-. a .... .. . a .-a ,
"no one aver tubs to be Introduced to Mrs.
Cleveland twice." - v
The latter, after greeting tha Prince
ton woman, turned to tha visitor with a
quick a mile of recognition.
"Why: Mrs. ," she exclaimed, hesl
fating not an Instant for tha name,-' "I
am very glad to sea youl Busy New
York women don't come to visit ua vary
often. - You mustn't forget to call on
me. ' - ' f .' 1
- Mrs. Cleveland had mads ' another
friend. Among - her greateat admirers
ara tha young men of tha university.
"On my way to her home to aak her
to be a patroneas at an affair we were
getting up," said a freshman, "I couldn't
help thinking how she had bean tha first
lady of the land, had met most of tha
brainiest men of the ' country, and all
that sort of thing, and I waa in some
thing of a flunk when I rang tha door
belL But after I had been talking with
her for about IB seconds I felt as It I
had known her for II years."
A colony of millionaires haa noma Into
exiatenca In Princeton wltxtln a reoent
period. A woman member of It . who
was striving for tn inner place In tha
exolualva circle In which Mra Cleveland
holds sway exclaimed to her one day:
"Princeton is a charming place, of
oourae, Mrs. Cleveland, but It is so in
convenient to hava to send away for any
little thing. I have often noticed how
prettily dressed your children are. Do
you order their garments In Mew York
or Philadolphlar
"Why, In neither city," was tha reply:
"I get almoat all of tha children's things
light around In Nassau street'
Princeton- women are proud or Mrs.
Cleveland, In tha philanthropic), church
and social activities of the town aha la
tha prime mover, Tha qualities of lead
ershlp which distinguish tha ex-president
seem to ba possessed in no lass degree
by his accomplished wife. , . . '
Schedule, of" Steamer T; J. Potter.
Tha aeaaMe, steamer T. J. Potten will
leave Portland, Aah street dock,, .for
Aatorla and Ilwaoo as follows:
August f, Tuesday, I a, m. ', :
Auguat I, Wednesday, 8 a. m. ,
August 4, Thursday, 8 am. ,,..:.
Auguat t, Friday, 9 am. '
Auguat 8, Saturday, 1 p. m.
Oet transportation and berth tickata
at O. R, A N. ticket office. Third and
Washington streets. -, , , . '
Artificial Byes ntted,
Larg stock at I). Chambers, III Ttfc.
--w J-
Wheat la arriving .at the warehouses
from tha grain fields of tha Inland am
plr and soon a big portion of tba new
crop will ba in ahapa to ba sent to the
markets of the world. But tha indica
tions age that the bulk of It will remain
in the warehoueea for an indefinite
length of time. Tha exporters and tha
Bhlpownerg' union cannot coma to an
agreement on tha matter of charter
rates, and if they continue to stand
apart it Is very probable that few ship
ments of grain will b mad to foreign
porta ' -r- . . " '. ."'
' The owners In tha combine hava fixed
tha rata from Portland to European
points at 17 Ad. but thus far tha ax
porters Viava shown no disposition to
offer mora than 23a Sd. Balfour, Guth
rie Co. made aa offer of 12a (d fbr
a certain ship tha other day, but It wag'
declined by the. owners who ara not
members of the nnlon. It la claimed
that those outside of tha combine ara
asking about aa much as th member.
of tha union,-, and from an exporter's
point of view tha prospects do- not look
very ancouraging. ,ai tne present price
or wheat they declare that It la Impossi
ble to pay the rata demanded by tha
owner without heavy losses being ex
Tha situation Is described as being
on or tba moat peculiar In tha history
of tha shipping Industry on tha Pacific.
eoast Heretofore there has .always
bean a large fleet of veasels engaged be
fore this data to carry tha grain to mar
ket, but so far as can ba learned there
ara not mora than half a dosen now un
der charter to load, at Portland. One of
tnera is receiving cargo ana tn others
are on th an rout list Local export
era aay that there nevr have been simi
lar conditions here, and they ara won
dering what th outcome will b. Bom
of them are of th opinion that th
question will be finally Bottled by
number of th members of th oomhln
accepting lower rate. In that event,
they atate. others will ba forced to do
likewise and tha union will b broken.
If th selsur of cargo steamers bound
for th orient should continue Indie
crlminately many of those keeping. In
touch with th altuatlon declare that all
of th flour and wheat from now on is
likely to b sent to Europe. In that
vent more business would be created
for th sailing vesaels, and th proba
bilities ar that th owners demands
would ba granted. At present It is
said that tha aupply ef ahips Is arreater
than th demand for tonnag. and , as
long as such a condition exists th com
bined efforts of th owners . to fores
up th rate will prove futile.
But before grain can be exported from
th Paciflo coast to Durop in any great
quantities. It is asserted, th farmers
will have to accept lower prlcea To
pay th growers th price they ar ask
ing at th present time. It is said, would
make it an unprofitable venture to send
th grain to th European marketa
Thav schooner Eldorado cleared yea-
terday for Taingtau. China, with 181,731
feet of lumber worth 83.474 and a big
quantity of piling, making th total
shipment wgrth 110,827.
Captain Spencer returned from up th
Columbia river laat night and reports
that th work of, getting his steamer
ready for launching Is progressing very
satisfactorily. 1
Tonight th steamer Aberdeen will
sail from San Francisco for . Portland
with a general cargo. -
At 1 o clock this evening th steamer
Alliance Is scheduled to sail . for the
Bay City by way of Coos Bay and Eu
reka. In addition to other general
freight she will take out 440 tons of
flour and. feed. -
Th ateamer . Columbia will sail to
night, with a full cargo fog San Fran-
Captain Smith arrived from San Fran
cisco thia morning to assume command
of th . American schooner Commeroa
Her present master is Captain Kaamua-
scn, who has. been with in vessel
number .of yeara-
Three schooners ar xpctd to reach
port lat this afternoon from th mouth
of th river. They are th Virginia, th.
Mabel Gal and the Alio McDonald.
Th former will stop at St. Johns and
go on th - drydock. Th others will
load lumber at Portland for points
down th coast. -
This morning th - British steamship
Tottenham moved down from th In-
man-Poulsen mill to th Victoria dol
phins, whore her lumber cargo will b
completed from lighters. The move w,
mad on account of th great depth of
water which th steamer drawa It Is
believed that the vessel will be ready for
sailing during the early part of next
week. She will carry to Tslngtau, China,
more than 1,800,000 feet of lumber.
Sine her destination la close to Siberia,
Russian territory, it is thought to be
very probable that the Paciflo Lumber
company, which is dispatching the cargo,
will take out a war risk. ' ' Representa
tives of th company say they have the
matter under consideration, but will
probably wait a few days with th ex
pectation that, rates, now looked upon
as being almoat prohibitive,' will dd
creas.., . ,,,;,.,.. v
M. C. Harrison A Co. report that they
hava already Insured a number of lum
ber carrlera bound for the orient against
loss In th event that they ar captured
by either Of th belligerents. -' h .
BOTZS. I .'.:.:
Astoria, July 30. -Left up at 4 A in.
Schooners Mabel Gal and Virginia
Left up at 8 a m. schooner Alice Mo
Donald. V
Astoria, July II. Arrived down at t
m. -German steamer Aragonla. Ar
rived at 1:10 a. m. Schooner Iran from
Honolulu. Arrived at 10:16 a. m.
Schooner Beulah from Newport Arrived
A- p. m. iiaraentin James Johnson
from Hakodate. Sailed at 1:80 s. m.
Bteamhr t-elanaw for San Francisco and
Ban Pedro " ' -
Aatorla, July 80. Condition of th bar
at 8 a m., moderat; wind north; weath
er cloudy. - . .
After an linuaually long pasaags of
11S days th sohooner Churchill arrived
at. th mouth of th river this morning
from Newcastle, Australia, with a cargo
of coal. It is presumed that she had a
very stormy voyage. As from TO to 10
days Is th a vera go paaaag from that
port. Th vessel is under charter to
load lumbar ner. . .. .
' ' AU tot Arte
IaJtte -80 you really think
Dauber tains his art seriously T -
Mahlstick I certainly do. Why, he
sacrificed his wlf and family to It
and vn cam near Buffering hardfhlps
hlmaelt, - a
CO, (tnoogpogatad)
Capital aad orpins 18-000.00. -Brokers
In '
Crain,ProvIs!on5, Slocks and Bonds
a ..." ' mmmMmmmm 1 -,
targest Meats .Wire Syatam Is America, ,
... ' lUapoaalbla aad Ctooaarvattve, f. ''
W Charge Ma Interest tog Carrying Lssg
...... Atocka , " , - :
T ' ' .--, ' ' , ' i- "
E. K. AL.DEIV,- Manager
flirata-juiiiii ! raw.
11 Member Chleaga Board of Trea-,
02 Third SL, Near Stark .' thou, Mali IU1
W ar ' o unacted h artvat
Mesar. Logan A Bryan. Chicago and Haw
Tork Walker 3roa J. S. Baeha ' Oo.. haw
York Stock Cxrhangei - Hubbard Broa. Oo
Maw York Cotton Exchange! relrehlld A Hoe-
son I Kw Orlean Cotton Bxchanaai Heae
Berth A Co., Now York Coffee Kxchaugej pain. '
Webber A Co. I Boston Copper aad Stock Ks -chBg
Dick Broa A Ct4 Aaw Turk gad i -lie ;
d-lphla iStock kxebsnge. . ' .
tEatabliafaad 1881.) , , ;
Boom 4, Oronnd wioor. ' ' '.'
J h th richest grain, fruit gad stock sscdoa is "
tha world. Thouaandt ef seres ofland at actual '
coat of Irrijirlon. , Deed direct iron Stdta ef ,
MAP FRIi. Peach utes Irrigation tnd Power Cora-psa7lii-ii-.iaMcl-a7BuudiolPoctUn4lOi-Fih
Ibto Weak Only -BTJDAB
tAvUd avetiheteaa. ...
-doa's most fam- ,
otis - palmist and
clairvoyant la ae.
knowledged by press
aud public the great--1.
at llvlug rj,4 .
Trance Medium. No.
matter what yom
troubla may be, call
and ah will guld
you With cerUluty
higher, then aumaa '
power. foe-It Won.
v. m.
dally and Sunday, I'rlvaU. No algn, Walk IB.
Cor. Seveath It,, 0pp. Xotl farUaad. r
(Kstabllsbed In liio)
Ti-naaota a 0ail Banking Bui
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits.
Collection, , Blade at all points on f aeorable
terms. LettXtrs of credit lee-ad available la -Barope
and all points tn too United Statsa.
Sight Kxehang and Telegraphic Traaafera
sold on Mew York. Wublngtoa. Chicago, St. -Lob
la, Denver, Omaha. Saa gnaeiaao aad Boce
tan ana Driasn taunns, .1 , , -
Exchange aold oa London, Paris, - Dec 11 a,
frankfort. Bong Kong, Hokohiaia, MaaUa sad
UOBOMllB. , - '
of Vox-land. Or. '
Dtatgaatad Depository and Vlnaa-lal Agest (
Um Lot tad SUtaa.
Presde-t.... A. U MM.IA
Ca-hler ..J. W. BBWKIBK
Aeslsunt Caahler W. a ALVOHII
Second Aeslsunt Cashier B. W. STICVCNS
Letter of credit issued available la Burop aa
uie giaatera utatea.
flight Kxehang and Telvxrauhl Tranafera
sold on New York, Bostoa Chicago, ,8t- Lou la, -St.
Paul, Omaha, Saa Pranclaos aad th.
principal nolnta la tha Karthwaat.
Via-nx ana xim tniio orawn in e-nr a suis
1 London. . Perls. Berlla, Frank fort-on-tc -
Main. Iloag hong. Vokobama. Oopenhagea.
ennanana. Btocanoinx, ah iiwrwui,. .
cow, Zurich, Honolulu.
Collections mad oa favorable tarn -
J. rSANK WATSON Pnalrlewt
It, L. DURHAM .V1c-Preldent
R. W. H0YT. ....Cashier
0EOROB W. HOTT...,.,.... Assistant Cashlor
Tranaaeta a oaaarai Hanging nusiaaaa,
Drafts and letters of credit Issued aval labia
to au parrs ox xno woria. .
CoUectioe a speslslty. Gold duat bought
Xranaects a uvnri nanaing srasinaea, ,
nRArra irslkd.
Avxlk-hK to all cltlea of tha United Bute aad
orapa, tioag aong ana Btaaiia.
Pre Ident. ... .-a......... , J.
a- AlKSWOBTrl -
AaalaUnt Cashier
.., , IiIM-TBS. ,
Chamlev of Oamaeroa amlUlng, Third aad
atata axraoia, -,
rTed Tlfflc, SS Old Broad Street. Toadon.
This hank tranaaeta a general banking bust- ,
ms mIm tr n. dlaeounta bllla and bxane
lettars of credit svallsbl tnr travelers sad for
tha parch aee of merchandta In any dty of the
world. Deals la foreign and dome tie xschnga-
iBtanat said on time deposits. -
W. A. MA-BAB, Haaaga. .
868 Morris oa St., Portland, Or. .
Bxansarrta a ,r nwrm, ,.n,iT,. Dini.eai
Interest Allowed on Time and Savings Dspoatte.
- Acta aa Trustee foe Ratatea.
Draft and letter of credit available la all parts
ex ino woria. ...
P. ATA MS.,. .....President
A I.KWIS... rivet Vlce-Preeldent
A. L. MTT.IS ....Second Vice-President
Offer gflt-adge tnvatmaat la Munforpal aa
, aaiiroan noains, vr rite mw aau. , n
188H Th-at St.. Portland. Ore-en.
On Pfvilintf ftal Bstnt it Vowmt IUUb, -
"Pit 1a 1imnrA. ' Aaitr.ra, FnrnltihmL
Boom I, Chamber of Cote mere. '
Many persons will be surprised, doubt- '
lesa to know that in England a person
can be sant from on part of th king- -dom
to another tr mail Just as If ho
waa nothing mora than a mere letter.
One day a man calledy at St Martin's
1 Grand with the object of consulting ,
directory and finding th address of a
customer who lived In a remote part of
Balham. H waa not acquainted with
th locality, and was most anxious to
ae hla customer at onca The facts :
ha mentioned to an obliging clerk be
hind th counter. . t .
H was at once Informed that h eould
be sent to th reviulred address by reg
istered man at a re or ais cent a mile.
The man gladly accepted th offer, and ;
hi lose than a minute found himself tn -
charge or a smart messenger boy. who
very soon guided him by th shortest
rout to his destination.
Th boy carried In his hand a orlnted
slip with, a description of his "mailed
parcel'!, under th heading "Article re
quired to be delivered," and this ' he
required th man and customer to sign
before h left th latter" housa
It Is pmbahla that few people are
aware of th regulation under which
tht curious postal transaction was ao
compllahed. It reads thus; "A person
may b conducted by express messenger
to any address on payment of th mlle-
I I Ax
I LlJr, Olalrroyaat aad
I .-tTlfalmiat Telia you
I , r CfiT'" uuth is-od or
I ' sjHfbadV OfSce hours.
---- 10 e. m. tn a