The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 30, 1904, Image 1

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    GOOD EVENING. ; V ;. j
Tonight and Sunday fair; north-
srly winds. ... ....- ''
VOL. III. NO. 128.
Japanese Fleet -Pursue
the "Vladivostok Com
.raerce Destroyers.
Russians Have Close Chase Bat Elude,
for Time Being, the Menacing
;; Japanese Cruisers Seek -the
Open Sea. - '
(Journal Special Service.)
Toklo, July IO.Ww of th emptor
or deatructlon of th Rhasian Vladi
vostok squadron, that has been doing so
much damage to chipping off the coast
Of Japan, la momentarily, expected here,
'. At an aarly hour this morning the
Russians war sighted off the laland of
Idsu. at tha entrance of Toklo bay. That
the Japanei offloer were aware of the
.presence of the squadron' was ahown
but a ahort time after, when tour Jap
anese warahlpa were Been chasing the
Ruaslana to the southward.- both
squadrons working at full speed under
' forced draft. - ' '
The vessels were then about 14 miles
distant from the observation point
Three other Japanese warships are
' known to be within 40 miles of Oshlma
and all vessels of the Japanea fleet ars
now equipped with wireless telegraphy,
henc n will be difficult for tha Rus
sians to escape. .. '
- This afternoon' dispatch from the
lookout station stated that the Russian
'squadron had again been seen east of the
entrance to Tsuglru, having evidently
evaded Its pursuers whs were nowhere
In sight. -'
At the hour reported tha Russians
" were evidently working to the northward
rain ranldlv as noaslbls. This leads
v to the belief thst they are aware of the
attempts to overhaul them, and realis
ing that they would be outnumbered are
again seeking to make the open sea. i
Confidence Is still maintained
that the Japanese warships will within
- a short time overtake end give battle to
the fugitive vessels. Owing to the slt-
. nation of the Japanese vessels It la not
believed possible that tha Russians can
. elude them for any great length of time.
Every observation point within reach
waa notified at one to keep an excep
tional watch for tha Russians and this
, alertness resulted In a report being re
ceived from Tsuglru straits at 1 o'clock
In the afternoon that tha squadron at
that hour bad entered the. straits and
was proceeding westward, with smoke
. pouring In masses from Its funnels.
" ;. jafajtesi unu adyajto.
Attack Basslaa Flank ul Wads Cover
Advaaoe Infantry. '
- " (Jooraal "pedal Berries,) :
'. Hal Cheng, July SO. Tha Japanese
troops have resumed . their advancea.
They attacked the Russian right flank
Friday under cover of which movement
a corps " of Jspanese infantry pushed
along tha line Of railway. Tha advance
waa temporarily , checked at 11 o'clock
' in the morning but was again continued
. In th afternoon, -
Boa da Tlolestly Stirred by am TTnooa-.'.-.
msd JUport.
(Jonracl Special (terries,)
fit, Petersburg, July 0. A rumor has
reached here. that England la preparing
to go to war with Russia In tha event
that Russia Insists upon the right of
warships to psss the Dardanelles.
The report created a great sensation
and Stir In the streets and many. of the
' papers attack England without mercy.
It Is recalled that Russian once fought
England, France and : several . smaller
nations combined.
- General Bakaharoff -reports- today thst
ths Japanese army under General Oku
. has advanced as far as Dalctagu, where
It was checked.
wnx buy B&ocKAjn.
. Steamer Oaello Xs Ordered to Proceed to
Tokohajua. .
Joarnal BperUl Srr1r.)
. Ban Francisco, July to, Ths steamer
nanllc. which waa ordered to atop at
Midway leland. sailed today from there
for Yokohama. Ths managers of the
Occidental and Oriental Steamship com
. any decided to let her captain take the
rink ot rapture by the Rusalans, as tha
Korea eluded ths warships and It is
sieved ths Oaello can do as well.
mra ornoni xxuxo.
Fighting Aromad F-ort Arthur of Bsrlona
. sTatura.
(Jooraal Rpedal Serrtce.)
Toklo. July SO. Ths general staff
.announced this morning that Bvs Jp
anese offloera were killed and 41 wounded
In the fighting which has been going
on around Port Arthur alnos Tuesday.
Ths losses of men were not given. . The
ennouncement, however, la taken to In
dicate that there has been serious
fighting. .
. coTxn avooxxsa tatx-ob.
y (Jonrnal 8iHl IwiIm.) . ' 1
Washington, July . 0., Prenldent
Roevelt today formally appointed Rear
Admiral Converse to eucceed the late
Admiral Taylor, who commanded the
battleship Indiana at Santiago. '
Bodies of Recruits Ar
rive; at Stockyards
Without Molestation ;
Says Every Day Strike Continues Adds
"'to Union Strength Strikers
Are Well Provided for In
;' : ' Each District i . :
-' (Jourul gperlel Serrlee.)
. 'Chicago, . July I O.-Not withstanding
ths riots of yesterday- and tha turbu
lence which was threatened for this
morning, ths big packers' strike ahowed
an abnormally quiet surface this fore
noon. Not even the arrival of 400 strike
breakers at tha stockyards provoked a
ripple of excitement sod they were es
oorted to the plants past ths lines . of
pickets without molestation, and with
out ths customary Jeering. On each
aide, as they entered the stockyard en
trance, stood - throngs of strikers who
sullenly watched them and muttered to
each other. ' - .
Ths -receipts of sTbek " at " ths yards
thlg morning showed light and the pens
st ths slaughter " houses are nearly
empty. - -. :
At 10 o'clock the labor leaders en
tered into a conference with ths officials
of the Union Transit company, concern
ing tha position of tha livestock han
dlers, but at noon It waa announced that
nothing had been accomplished. Another
meeting la to be Held trtia emernooiv out
it gives no hope or change in ua av
tltuda of the conferees. -.
- A delegation of labor men called on
Sheriff Barrett this morning And sought
his Influence to "get back"-at the police
fores forMte alleged sympathy with tha
packers. The union men claim that ne
police are doing all ney can v aio me
packers and to harass union men.
Barrett politely outlined his position
and1 informed ths strikers that he had
no rlarht of interference within ths city
limits and that until- eailupon to as
sist In preserving order, ba couia nor
even send a ' man to the scene. Tha
strikers Retired disappointed.
May Qto to Courts.
The whole eass may go to' tha federal
courts If ths butchsra' union orders a
strike of stockhandlers employed by the
Union Transit company. This would
bring a complication into ths strlks that
la unusual, inaaraucn as in union tran
sit company wlU claim that it Is a pub
lic service corporation ana uiai biocb
must be handled promptly or become a
publlo nuisance. Following thie argu
ment will coma tha Dlea that to order a
strike would " cause - Interference with
trade In violation of ths Sherman anti
trust law provialona.
At a meeting of tha Allied Tradea eoun-
cil-thls morning a permanent etrlke com
mittee was appointed to wnicn is in
structed all matters pertaining to ths
conduct of ths strlks and any futura ef
forts in the wsy of a settlement.
Mathew Carr, president of the coopers
union, wss created chairman, and J. I
Tracy, president of ths car workers, sec
retary of the commutes. Tha commit
tee then adjourned to meet Monday
morning. . '
. Donnelly save out a statement this
morning saying that there had been no
desertions from tha union.
Donnelly la Confident. ,
"Soms men." said Donnelly, "have
gone back to work, but none of them Is
a member of our organisation.'. We pre
fer they should go back rather than re
main out and create trouble for us.
"Ws don't cars whether the strike
lssts one or six weeks longer. Ws have
established a supply station In avery dis
trict and are prepared to take care or an
our members. Every day the strike
continues weakena the packers ' and
strengthens us. Ws received $2,000 to
day as s donation to our cause. -
Two Carloads . Takes Znto aa Omaha
Flant Without JJlstnrbanos.
(Journal Special BerTlce.)
-Omaha, July 3! Two carloads , or
strikebreakers wars taken Into tho
Swift plant this morning without
disturbance. . It was purely a test
case, the sheriff telling ths union
men that It. waa op to them to deter
mine whether to have troops her or
not. .- -' '
Ths strike leaders at once notified
their followers to refrain from all mo
lestation ss ths prstfencs of federal
troops would throw atlgma on the
cause without in any wis aiding rt. '
- J(mraal Apeeial SetTle.) ,
Washington, July , 80. President
Roosevelt had a conference over the
beef strike snd Illinois political mat
tars this nsffrntng with Senatora Cullom
and Hopkins. , .
v (Journal Rperlal Bn ilea.)
Kansas City July 10. Because of v
mestlo- troii Wes sggrarated. It Is said,
by his wife's devotion to ths ' club
caused Julius Kent to shoot snd kill
his wlfs this morning ss shs lay in bed
with their five-year-old Bon, Kent then
committed suicide. v ,.....,
i . i
--1 ' .
' ",v" ' ' ' ,T v, bWho Opned
State and : County Democrats by ' the!: Hundred
Ticket With a Unanimity and - Enthusiasm
- 7 , Fraiiklin K. Lane's Stirring
"With enthuslaatie cheers and vigor
ous demonstrations, Oregon Democrats
lsst night plaoed their stamp of appro
val upon th presidential ticket nomi
nated at tha -nations! convention- at 8L
Louts. Th ratification meeting was
held at th Columbia theatre under the
auspices of th .Multnomah pemocratio
club and from th moment- that Presi
dent C B. Wllllama called th gather
ing to order, until- tha last speaker
had been -heard, there was a continuous
manifestation' of party loyalty on the
part of th great audlenos that filled
the theatre. . '
No half hearted cheers greeted apt
references of the speakers, ho lasy. ap
plaus followed : th mention of th
names of ths great party leaders who
would conduct the campaign for th
highest office In th gift of th nation.
On th contrary th mention of. JuVe
Parker's name time and again ' called
forth emphatic approval, ths reference to
Bryan's loyalty, despite his disappoint
ments, mads, by Franklin K. Lane, wu
a signal for th loosening of. pent 'up
emotions snd for a few moments , ths
building qutvsred under ths riotous ap
plauss of ths club members.'.- ,
, To ths hundreds of Democrats assem
blsd last night the thought that Ore
gon recently piled up a 24,000 Republi
f. A Sj A Si A A AAA A A Si AAA
fff ?f ?? ?f see ? w f f ??
By Special Leased "Wire
anTCabl Connections
Sunday Journal will iay
bsfora you newf of .
tk world tomorrow-. Its
local columns, always bright
gad lled witk tha Uvs Ksp
pcnuitfe tK day, keep
you posted oa what's doing;
in Portland.
t .'
the Democratic Campaign . in Portlaod Last. Night T v i v
can majority did not trouble,' memories
of other daya when party success waa
certain, stirred them to an exhioltion of
party enthusiasm seldom equaled in lo
cal party rallies.
After ths club waa sailed to order by
the president letters of rgrst were read
from th following, who had been In
vited to attend: D. B. Dufur" of Gold
Hill; Charles Nlckell of Jacksonville;
Senator O. P. Coahaw of Roseburg;
George "Turner" of Spoksns; ' Alton V.
Parker of New Tork; Turner Oliver of
Oregon; W. M. Ramaey of La. Grande;
J. K. Weatherford of Albany, Or.. Presi
dent Williams then Introduced th chair
man of ths Oregon delegation to ths St.
Lquis . convention, ' Governor .George S.
Th governor congratulated Mult
nomah county ffn having i the first
Parker- Democrat lo club organised In
Oregon.' He said:
"If all ths- counties In tha stste do as
well, even though w should fail In our
efforts this fall, ws may ultimately h
abls to explain ths It.Oop. majority that
waa Cast against 'us In June, sbout
which our- Republican brethren - have
made considerable fun. There need be
no doubt about th result this fall in th
south. While there on a visit to "my
old horns I hsd ths pleasurs of address
f ?f f f f gf f e f f f ee ee see eeeev?af eee ee f e t??ff
THE JOURNAL believes that nothing la too good Tor Its reederav'snd
hss spared no expense to secure the services of the best writers In
the country In their speclsl lines. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, poet snd
author. Mrs. John A. Logan, president of , ths Red Cross society. Psolo
Lombrbso. Dr. Francis Clark, founder of ths Christian Endeavor society.
Alan Dale, the clever dramatlo crltlo, and many others, all havs 'some
thing for your entertainment in Tha Sunday Journal. "Port o' Wrecka" la
the title under which Captain Wilms of the Emilia tails of th Journey he
took to the Port Stanley in th Falkland Islands, where few mariners put
in except their ships need repairs. : ,
Olof C. Cerln tells ths romanc of tha building of th palao of
Sweden's king. ' " .
Santo Domingo, and Ita turbulent people ar described" by Frederic
J. Haskln, whose South American atoriea ar known all over the con
tinent Sarah Bernhardt and Mrs. Patrick Campbell ar Interesting subjects
. of Alan Dale'a pen. : .
Walt McDoagnlt tetla a fairy tals Illustrated In his own style, for
ths littls folk, snd Artists Opper, Howerth snd Bunny, ths country's fore
most humorous srtlsts who hsv made all of you laugh, send Ths Jour
nal a fresh set of sketches, which ar printed in color..
... f
v S
V'- . ' af.v
.... V"
Ratify ; National Party
Seldom Witnessed . .,
Speech. - v
ing a very' thoroughly Democratic meet
ing. The south Is strong for Parker.
Ths St Louis convention wss the most
magnificently . repreaentativs body of
Americans ver gathered together. - In
that vast hall were 10.000 people Who
represented ths highest Ideals of gov
ernment, the beat life of our -nation.
And throughout the proceedings there
was earnest attention, enthusiasm and
confidence Ihown in th result. True,
there had been no ticket made In Wall
street or at Washington. All ths Demo
cratic factions wsrs there, snd the ef
fort, wss to bring harmony out of the
confusion of Idess that always attend
an untrammeled gathering of Intelligent
cltlsens.' Tha platform was finally
adopted 'and the ticket nominated was
unanimously accepted with confidence
and enthusiasm..
Bot a BlotateA Platform.
"Ths plstform was a compromise. AU
platforma are. There were in this con
vention no cut and dried proceedings. It
waa a conference of Independent
thoughtful men, and all . got to
gether and brought the best re
sults but of a variety of Democratic
opinion. There were those, who thought
Bryan would bolt . I waa a follower of
(Continued on Page Bis.)
I N; O R E G'ON!
Police Spend Nijht Chas
ing. Nimble Robbers
Who Escape. ;
Four Burglaries Reported In Three
Hours Total Amount Secured Was
. . ,
S3 In Every, Case Blundering
Thieves Awaken Victims.
. Four burglarlea, each fraught with
sensational features, were perpetrated
early -this- morning. Two were In ho
tels snd two In ' resldenoes. The net
proceeds to th criminals for sll of
their hard work, - which Included "gun
plays." Startling outbursts of language,
daring entrances snd hair-raising es
capes, amounted to 13. - For four hours
ths headquartera patrol wagon, in charge
of Policemen LiRla and Price, diished
about the city in response to calls from
thoss mads victims of the night prowl
ers, but in each Instance the officers
were ,a trifle too lata in arriving to
effect a capture. ,
At 1:30 a. m. Mrs.' W, Johnson snd
daughter, residing on tha. ground floor
at i&t North- (Sixteenth -street, were
awakened by the lighting of a match
almost directly ever their heads. Badly
frightened, but thinking perhaps It was
Mr. or Mrs.. Donnelly, who live, up
stairs. Mrs. Johnson cried out: '
"Who are, you, and what do you
wantT" '.
-I want a drink of water." replied th
man, whoss vole told th woman he
wss a stranger.
, But he did not remain to receive the
drink and beat a hasty retrest out the
rear door. Miss Lena Johnson quickly
called to Mr.. Donnelly, who eame down
and made an 'investigation. It wss
found tho burglsr bad effected entrance
by1 removing the screen from a 'kitchen
window. , He left the screen on th
Mrs. Johnson's Story.
Th burglafevldently . was"UemTti
Ing ' to open ths sliding door between
our bedroom and the dining room when
he found It was tied by a ribbon." said
MraJohnaon thls.mornlng"tfetng un-
sbls to understsnd what waa holding it,
he Struck the match. " We then awoke.
He wss stsndlng with tha match In
his hsnd investigating why tha door
would not allde." .
Immediately after ths burglsry,. po
lice headquartera were notified snd the
patrol wagon dispatched, but sll wss
quiet when ths policemen got there. '
It was S o'clock this morning that a
burglar who gained entrance into the
residence of W. O. Ashbcy. manager of
th O. R. A- K. telegraph offices, 3C1
Wetdler street, -startled Mr.-and-Mrn.
Ashbey out of their sleep by knocking s
pail of milk from a kltchsn shelf. He
purposed going through ths house
quietly, and began well, refusing to even
tear, off ths mosquito bar that -was
tacked to the window for a screen. ' In
stead, h - touched a match to It . and
.burned It oft.
Flonlakea a volva.
After being swskened by the crashing
of th milk pail to th floor, Mr. Ash
bey and wlfs heard footsteps down
stslrs. Ths burglsr then began ascend
ing the stairs snd at last took up a
position at the entrsnc to Mr. snd
Mrs. Ashbey's bedroom. He wss being
..trhod all of this time by Mr. Ashbey.
snd at this point the lstter wslked ouH
snd paat the burglar, as u n" "
nothing of th criminal' presence.
The burglar waa standing in the door
way, holding a long revolver, and It is
ths belief of Mr. ashbey that It ha had
attacked the night prowler he would
have been shot. Ths bufglar soon went
down stairs and out on, th sidewalk. ,
Laird Ashbey, a lad of U xers.
leaned out of a front window and told
the burglar he had best leave.
"Pull your head In mighty- quick, or
I'll shooHt-off.'waa th startling reply
sent up by the burglar, and hs flour
ished his weapon to snforce his order.
The boy obeyed. -
A second burglar, working with the
first, then climbed through th same
window entered by hla partner, pre
sumably not being aware tf ths events
thst had Just transpired. But wlwn
he lesrned JioW matters stood, he dsshed
out the front door, joined his compsnlon
snd together they sped away through
the darkness. The headquartera patrol
responded to 'the summons, but again
the trip waa barren of results. .
Xeld D la Basi
Between S snd t 10 o'clock a. m. Wil
Ham Conrad, cook at tha Garfield hotel,
was awakened from aound slumbers by
th rustling of papers and shuffling of
feet. ' Rising, hs demanded to know of a
man he saw rummaging about., what he
wanted. - .
"I'll show you what I want," came th
quick reply, and. at the earns time the
stranger advanced to Conrad and placed
the mussl of "a revolver to his temple.
"Lie down,", commanded the man be
hind the gun. ''
Conrad obeyed.
"Now. then, I want every cent of
money you've got, end the quicker I get
It. the better satisfied I'll be." said the
Trembling with fear. Conrad explained
that he bad been employed at ths hotel
but a wetk, an4 had no money.
"1 think you're a liar." said. the burg
lar. "Now turn over, bury your face
and hand In the r l'nw, snd If you look
up within five riif.'ites 1 11 come back
uml hlow your bratna all over this
1 c l l ,' 9 Three.)
V '
Miner Murders Men and
Wounds Boy in Cabin
.- ; at Kcson. .
Engages Room ia Hotel at Golden Rule
. Camp, Treats Crowd to Drink "
and Makes No Effort to , ;
'' ' ' Escape, - - "
r (Special Ptspatrk te The Josriial.)
Resort. Idaho, July 0.Two men wer
Instantly killed and, ths 14-year-old son.
of Chris Lang wounded In. the leg near
here ' Thursdsy evening by Rudolph
Witter, a miner." who haa been working
In this vicinity.
Witter entered the cabin of Jack Clair
and addressing . the inmates.' said:
"Yes. I'll play with you," Immediately
began , firing without provocation at
those present. Ths first shot killed L.
D. Wster and the second, striking Chris
Lang. '-Instantly proved fatal. Witter
fired a third time, the bullet taking ef
fect in the' leg of Langs l-year-old
bay. who though badly wounded, fled
and mad . his escape In th underbrush.
Witter disappeared without further
oomment and Clair, who waa uninjured
and had also fled. immediately gave th
alarm. , .'. .' . " i
Th murderer proceeded direct to th
Golden Rule camp,, and upon hla arrival
entered a saloon and aatd: -
"I -killed -some-nof-thos . fellows -.up -thsre,
but . I don't know how many."
He then treated the crowd to a drink,
engaged a room in the hotel and mad
no move whatever to escape.
Officers acting upon the information
furnished, by Clair soon located Witter
and he was yesterday arrestsd and taken
to Lswlston. ;'
It Is not known at this tlms whst th
causes leading up- to th tragedy were,
but from i what, can be learned it is
supposed thst ths crime was committed
durfne- a temporary fit ot insanity
While little Is known of Witter, he
has been regarded ss 'a man of an en
tirely different nature to that exhibited.
' (gpeeial Dispatch 16 Taa Journal.)
n 1 1 A rw i.ilv lAM-irmflri with. .-.- -
a atlck of stovewood and a flatiron .
Frank Mclntyre, an Insane prisoner st
ths county Jail, this morning created a
panlo among tha inmatea. Hs at-
. . . V...I. AnA man with a Stt"k
imuyivu .vj . -
of wood, and It required the combtnod
efforts or seven prisoners ana iyu.j
Sheriff Davis to dlaorm Mclntyr.
Mclntyre was adjudged insane yes
terday. He bellevea soma one stole his
wife and children. He appeared to bo
harmleea when placed in Jail and Waa
allowed to remain In tha corridor. Hs
will be taken to Salem tonight. -
(Journal 'pedal BerTlea.)
nnn,. Tula ft TW fniirel. aeoretarv
of the French embassy, has Informed th
papal secretary of state that ha haa
been Instructed to break on aipiomaua
relations betweeil France and th Vati
can owing to th recall of th bishops
of Dijon snd Lavall to Rome.
"God's will be done, w ma every
iki.. im luiaitr t n avert It" at.
claimed Pope'Plus when informed that
Francs had broken oft diplomatic rela
tions with th Vatican.
"Paris.' JutjrBO. The government thta
afternoon notified Mgr. Lorenxllle, ths
papal nuncio,, that his presence, la Paris
was no. longer necesssry."'
(Joaroal gpaeUI Metrka.l
r-hleavn. J11W So. 4arrvlna lt.000 In
.nnev Intended for the Ia Troll of th
v..h'n.Hiihnlt ' Miinuf acturlng com
pany. L. Busrrtiell. vice-president of the
company.-was held up. slugged snd
robbed st 10 o'clock this morning on his
wsy to ths factory on the west side.
Tw men committed" the robbery. Both
escaped. Eushnell may die from his
Injuries. i
(fipeelal PlapaMl Tile Jnsmal.)
Chelan. Wash., Ju'r All .'ton
aged I died yesterday of pt'.nmine
poisoning. Fifteen pe.,,,1. are ill Ti'
ate or drank something wn'i'H:'! t '
poison ,at s ph-nlc.
. nrt r
swtl I1'. n i..
Wallace. I . , J
(inrdxn. m1 v '' f :i 1-1
tit : i .