The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 28, 1904, Image 1

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m wutm '
Showers thla afternoon and to
nlht; Frlduy. fair and wunur:
aoath to Mt winds.
VOL. Ill, NO. 121
While Driving on
Is Thrown Beneath His Carriage Which Mangles Him
1 -. " That" M. de - Plehvt knew his. - enemies," those rwho ; had r
struck down his predecessor in office, but bold man as he; was
defied .them, is clearly shown by the last newspaper interview,'
which he granted, reported by PercevalGibbons in the London-
1 Mail. The following excerpt shows his sentiments toward
his assassins: . ! y '.,V..' ' ..v ?J. ; .',..''
' : "These Nihilists believe in nothing. Autocracy suits them
no better than limited monarchy. Even a republic excites
their hostility, - Whatever may be the vehicle, of authority ;
X they are its enemies. 1
X "Rebellion is their sole
J God, reject all claims of religion, subvert ethics and aspire :
omy lo pruoucc tiiaus. , xucy
small one,' unimportant ' save
police surveillance. -
. ; . "This section is recruited
men and includes many Tews.
"The universities, I am sorry to say, furnish a percentage.-
X People half educated who have attained a certain knowledge ;
X without the tradition of enlightenment - They 'cbme, very of-
ten from the lowest class, the
1 , , f A A - t
tnemseives caueu upon 10 taicc wic part ui inc cummon pcupic
.against their rulers. '. . : ':. ..' ' ,' ., ; : y'4.',2.l:..
"There have been certain results, in the shape of crimes,
but these are singularly few in comparison with the .number
of NiMlists '; :M-:.'-?J-,:i-;.r-fsi.--:, .v",''-'y'
" "Their chief activity is in the dissemination of their prop-
aeanda. In these days any one with 50 roubles can set tip a
printing plant of a sort and they produce leaflets for dUtribu- '
lion. - sui nui inanv; -iiv, uvu.
(Jowtuil 4kMrlat Banlet.t ...
- Bt. Pftrbur. Julr t. (Bulletin)
"An cfflnlal verilon of th murdar of
X. m Plehv. which took place at 11
o'clock thla momln at tha handa of a
bomb thrower, dlffera wldelr from tna
V reporta which were firat Bent out and
when axoitement wa at lta reignu
It aaya the minister waa alone In hia
carriage, when a bomb waa thrown by
n unknown man. preaumablr of.Jewlah
V origin, who auddenljr rushed from tlta
ntrance of the Hotel Davs-rsoYlo. ...
X'T" The minister, aaya th report, waa
f. ' thrown to the parement and killed and
JO persona. Including tha aassssln, were
", Injured. There la ho foundation for the
resort, aaya tha official announcement.
i' that tha .mlniatefa body waa blown to
fragments. A poet mortem examination
ahowa that death waa due to shock, as
thara waa no wound on ma ooay ana me
only injury discovered was that hla Jaw
7 - bad been fractured, presumably In tha
tall to the parement' . ... i '
M. Durnovo baa been appointed min
ister of the Interior temporarily.'
, ' . " (Jearaal tpeeUl Berriee.) " .
X Bt: . Petersburg-, July II. vC - e
. ' FlehTe. minister of the Interior and one
" of the most prominent flfurea In Euro.
rn affairs waa assassinated - this
" morning; by an anarchist who burled a
bomb beneath the earrlace in which be
waa driving; on an official errand. A
. Jew la reported to bare been secretly
. arrested by the police for the crime.
Accounts of the aaaasslnation . vary.
One story which la accepted by many of
' the two score of newspaper men, who
were on tire scene but a few mlnutea
, after the explosion took. place, la that as
i the minister's carriage was passing in
, front of the Hotel Devareovle. near tha
terminus of the Warsaw railway, a mo
v tor cur daahed up In which were aeated
' ", . two persons, one clad In an official nni
' form such as is worn by the ministers'
1 - attendants and the ther In morning
dress. .
As the motor paaaed the carriage one
- of Ita occupanta burled a bomb immed
iately underneath tha fore wheels of the
. , minister's conveyance.
- The carriage was almost entirely de
. - mollshed and In the debris were found
the mangled bodies of the minister and
hla, coachman. Bo great was the mutlla
.. tlon that to collect their bodies a cash-
' mere net waa used. The fragments
' : were carried to the minister's residence.
'". Several bystanders were Injured but
none killed. The bomb throwers, de
spite the confusion which' surrounded
the Incident, were arrested, but up to t
: o'clock their' Identity bad ' not been
, given to the public , " - ' .
.- Another Aeooont. ,
. Another acpount of the crime has It
that as the carriage waa basslng . the
,'. ; hotel a man rushed from the resUurant
. ' and hurled the bomb which exploded
' ' with such deadly effect. The authority
for thla story' saya that but one man,
and he of apparently of Jewish extrac
tion, was arrested as he sought to escape
through the crowd that aurged .forward
to tha scene.
The street, at the time of the Sasas
Slnatlon, was, at the Immediate spot,
. comparatively ' deserted, otherwise the
-effects of the explosion would hare been
- much worse. Irwan almost Incredibly
. short space 'of time hundreds of men
a thronged the place and officials
threaded their Way through the crowd
' aeeklng those who by their remarks
"" might be suspected of knowledge of the
' crime. U '. i ,
It Is said that several detentions
took place, but that of the many com.
pel led to undergo examination none
were held and but little Information
waa gained. , ,
Without exception the entire aeoret
service .of the government has been
:. brought to beer In studying the Sltua
' tlon". in the fear, apparently thst the
assassination of M. de plehve Is but a
portion, of a, widespread plot. No sui-,
Main Street in Russian Capital Bomb
-.- C t .." -'' , '
instinct -They resist the idea of ;
arc a tiass vjuilc ih, anu v
as criminals and subjectsrfor"
froro the young very ypung 1
;; ' ;.y : '
abjectly poor, and soon conceive, -
Li A, .1 ll . - I '
- man jr. . .. j . ... ;
plolon attaches to Japanese agencr and
despite, the tact that the war makes
enemies; (he Russians are sufficiently
liberal to eoout the Idea that the Jap
anese would hare recourse to such die
honorable methods as assassination.
' jreveriafc Xxoltement, ' f
' Feverish excitement has taken posses
sion of the city which hums like a hire
of,, angry bees. Bpeclal vigilance Is be
ing shows by the police- in- preventing
the gathering together of revolution
ists, socialists or agitators,' and when
ever a crowd collects it Is Immediately
dispersed and checked. -
There are not, however, any other
signs of violence visible and the foreign
correspondents here are Inclined to be
lieve the Russian police overestimate
the dangers of anaxchiatto or other up
risings. :,
.. Btera. TeeMaea Xaa. ' " '.V '
1C de Plehve was the csars ' home
secretary, and the moat powerful man
In Russia" behind the throne. When
ever two years ago the former miniater
of the interior waa struck, down It was
to M. de Plehve that the esar Instantly
turned. Two ministers of the Interior
had fallen by the hands of asaaaaina
within a year, but M. do Plehve did not
hesitate to step Into the murdered
men's place, the moot dangerous post in
aU Russia. He was a stern and fear-
lees man who never hesitated to speak
what he regarded as the truth.
' His Xat ZBtarvlair.V '''.,.' '
The laat newspaper Interview: ranted
by Minister de Plehve was to Perclval
Gibbon of the London Mail, three weeks
ago. It follows: v
Russia," said the minister of the
Interior, pausing as he apoke to pick up
hla words, "is a democ ratio country."
M. do Plevhe granted me an audience
on Sunday, and consented to place the
position or affairs within the empire
before me, In order' to correct authori
tatively certain Impressions which have
become popular In England.
He -la a large man. the miniater. sen.
eroualy made, wltb a full, strong face,
a head austerely gray, deep-set 'eyes,
and that peremptory Quality, of man
ner and tone which indicates casta
rather than personality.. In bis capable
nanaa are disposed that fate of affairs
between the frontiers; Finland, the rev
olutlonartea, the police, and aU the
other ingredients of Russian life whloh
offer themselves to picturesque misquo-
laiiou are me materials of bis trade.
, Bnssl the Democracy.
He repeated: "Russia Is a democratlo
country. Of our total population, the
vast majority are peasants, and a coun
try governed by an autocrat for the
peasant class is certainly to be aa-
counteo aemocratlo. And then, mon
sieur, , It appears not to be known In
England that In matters affecting the
administrative districts . the govern
menu in which they live, the peae
ante and tradespeople are self-governing.
The imperial authority appoints a
governor, as in me esse or an Jnnsn
colony, but the local aasembly, whleh
collects snd spends ths local taxes, la
elected by the people. '.
"These taxes, now, he continued
"are also worthy- to be understood. In
Russia the revenue la almost entirely
derived from Indirect taxation.- Cus
toms dues furnish a very large part of
It, and of that portion which Is ob
tained by 1 direct Imposts, land taxes
an1 so on, nearly all la allotted to local
purposes roads, schools, administra
tion and the Ilka Those people benefit
who pay, as alao In England, and sub
ject to the central (the Imperial) au
thority, they guide the expenditure of
their money themselves. ;
" Tke "Discontents." . '
' "And In regard to that money which
Is paid direct to the Imperial govern
ment there must be a further distinc
tion, - When the serfs were emancipated
he government advanced the money
necessary for the povchase of their
In nd from their erstwhile owners, and
that is being paid back U Installments.
In a few years the payments Will Bate
been completed, and the peasanta wilt
then possess freeholds. , So this sum Is
to be deducted from the total of direct
taxation, and will . shortly- disappear
from. the budget altogether.".
I. then- Inquired 'concerning that sec
tion of the people who are so mani
festly discontented with -the prevailing
order. ' Hla excellency - proceeded to
Classify them neatly;--' u. . .
' "Liberalism la Russia," he said.. "has
many, adherents - and exponents, and
the most of these are in no aenae ex
tremists. . They disapprove of the gov,
ernment s memoes in certain reapecta,
but their opposition stops at -criticism.
Their opportunities for demonstrating
their opinions are few. ' They express
tnemseives, to a certain limited extent,
in a parttcufer section of the press, but
beyond that they can hardly go. Tou
muat understand, monsieur, that these
people ; are not to be regarded as revo
lutionaries. ' They belong largely to' the
middle class, and are quite worthr and
harmleas. ' - .
"The Social Democrats come next it
is more accurate in this case to call
them the Bootallst Democrats. These
are they who discover injustice In the
principle autocracy.. They enter noil
tics orr the ethical plane, as disciples of
a variety of teachers, and the basis of
their activity. Is always some abstract
theory.- It Is Important to note, how
ever, ror the purpose of this classifica
tion, inai mey are ' Believers in some,
thing, .for the final class, the Nihilists.
are omerwise. -
"These Nihilists believe In nothlnc
Autocracy , suits them . no' better than
limited monarchy. Even a republio ex
cltea their hostility. Whatever may be
the vehicle of authority, they are Ita
enemies. Rebellion Is their sole in
stinct. They restat the idea of a Ood.
reject all claims of ' religion, subvert
ethics, and aspire only to- produoe chaos.
iney are a ciaas quite apart, and a
small one, unimportant save as crimi
nals and subjects for police surveil
lance." -"' . , t -'.-.. ...
I asked whence this section was re
cruited. ." - , j
Toung men," replied his excellency.
without hesitation, "Very vouns men
and many Jewa. The universities, I
am sorry to say, furnish a percentage.
People half-educated, who have at
tained a certain knowledge without the
tradition or, enlightenment. They come,
very often, from the lowest class, the
abjectly poor, and soon conceive them
selves called Jlpon to take the part of
the common people against their rulers.
There have been certain results. In the
shape of crimes, but these are singu
larly few In comparison with the num
ber, of the Nihilists. Their chief ac
tivity la In the dissemination -of their
propaganda. In these days any one
with to roubles can set up a printing
plant of a sort, and they produce leaf
lets for distribution. But not many
no, not many. . . . -..
.. xfca aualstex'a Aim,
"My people are quite adequate to the
situation they create, and most of them
are known and watched," he added.
Of education, his . excellency had a
regret to express.
"We have discontinued the system of
Count Tolstoi, and. so far - have not
been prepared with anything to replace
It There are still ths. schools of the
local authority, and from them a poor
youth with practically no money may
pass to the university, all fees., being
remitted. But what we lack - la the
means of technical education. I aim at
a system by which sons of peasants
shall acquire the sort of knowlodK
which will add to ' their producing'
power, and which, while It lmprovs
thslr own condition, shall tend to the
economical aggrandisement of the
country." ,
He concluded: time waa up. but ha
added, as he bade me arleu:
"Bonne cnancei i nope you will sea
Continued on Page Twa,
Government Takes Im
mediate Notice of Ara-'
bick's Seizyre. ;
Generally ' Considered That Rnssla
; Overstepped Bounds In Seizing'
Portland Vessel and Idem-
' oity May be Asked.
Washington. ' D. C July " 1 The
protest asainst the selsure by Russia
of the steamship Arabia, "which sailed
from - Portland, Or., with a cargo of
wheat for. Hongkong, will receive Hhe
Immediate attention of the department
of state, and if the selsure proves to
have been unwarranted demand will ibe
made upon Russia for full redress. ' As-
suranoea of . Immediate action by the
secretary of state were telegraphed to
day to the Portland Flouring mills, the
shipper of the cargo.
While no official expression Is obtain
able from the department at this stage.
It seems clear that In seising the Arabia,
Russia distinctly " overstepped her
rights. - Her contention that all food
supplies consigned to Japan are contra
band haa not yet been recognised by
this government, and probably will not
be, but even If thla were conceded the
Arabia should still be exempt from
selsure for the reason that her cargo
waa consigned to. Hongkong, a neutral
port, and watf aent In the ordinary course
of business to merchants who are regu
lar customers of the consignors. It Is
authoritatively stated that If these facta
can be established.' showing that - the
cargo was not being forwarded for the
use of the Japanese government, an Im
perative demand will be made upon Rus
sia for reparation.
The administration Is keenly, alive to
the necessity of . protecting the oriental
commerce of the Pacific coast from un
warranted Interruption by .Russia, and
a firm stand will be taken aa soon aa
the necessary Information has been ob
tained as to -the selsures that have al
ready taken place. ' . -
Private dispatches ; from Toklo" state
that In response to the demands of Yoko
hama merchants Japan haa taken steps
to stop further Interruption of com
merce -by Russian war vessels. Three
Japanese erulaera sre said to have been
ordered to patrol the eastern coast for
the purpose of intercepting snd en
gaging the Vladivostok squadron, - j
. Senator' J. H. Mitchell, who. as attor
ney for the Portland Flouring mills
forwarded to Washington the protest
against the selsure of the Arabia, said
early this afternoon thet as yet hs hsd
received no reply from the state de
"I presume I shall bear very soon,'
be said, "but a little time wlU be
needed for investigation. No doubt I
shall receive acknowledgment of the re
ceipt of the protest. So far aa I know
the situation Is unchanged since yes
terday.' " '.
T. B, Wilcox, president of the Port
land Flouring mills, stated that as yet
no Intimation had been received from
Waahington as to the course the govern
ment will pursue. - y
Weighing anchor at high noon the big
oriental liner Aragonia left down the
river bound for Japan and China with
one of the most -valuable cargoes ever
taken out of Portland- It will measure
mor.e than 1.000 tons, and' has a total
value of 14.48.1S. The principal
shipment consists of flour, there being
S0.H00 barrels of that product.
Regardless of the fact . that tha
Arabia waa eaptured by the Russians
and that flour Is held to be contra
band of i war by the authorities .at St.
Petersburg, the Aragonia haa on board
15.1S0 barrels of flour - consigned to
firms doing buslqess In Japan, Accord
ing to the ahlp'a manifest the flour go
ing to the land of the mikado Is worth
14 a barrel, or all told lel.OOo. In ad
dition to this there are 41 hogsheads
of leaf tobacco billed through to Kobe,
17 flat cars and -a shipment of struc
tural Iron for Yokohama. .
,,'-"':'" Bas Heavy Cargo. ''".
The balance of the flour consisting
ef J6.550 barrels Is going to Hongkong
and Shanghai. The entire shipment In
detail Is divided between the various
ports as follows: s.750 barrels of flour
for Yokohama. 4,350 barrels for Kobe,
1.780 barrels for Mojt. 10 barrels for
Nagasaki - 1,871 - barrels for. Shanghai
and I3.47S barrels for Hongkong. The
manifest showf-that the balance of the
eargo consists of one bundle of sacks.
one box of envelopes, 4 hogsheada of
tobacco for Kobe, . IT Hat cars for
Yokohama and two pieces of structural
Iron for Yokohama. .
In order that the vessel might sail
today longshoremen were ocoupled all
or last night stowing away In her holda
the remainder of her freight, and It wa
not until this morning was well spent
that the Job was completed. If the
same degree Of success Is met with aa
was attained by the Arabia on her last
outward trip, the Aragonia will cmea
out over the bar and get to aea before
nightfall. The Arabia left here at noon
on July t and by night aha waa well off
the mouth of the Columbia river. - ' .
Captain Schuldt, commander of tha
steamer, aaya that he Is not going to
change hla course In the least la order
to steer clear of any warships which
might be laying fn wait for htm. Th
Aragnnla la one of the speediest freight
ers of the Fortland-Aalatlo steamship
company's fleet, and if she is -not de
layed on account of some unavoidable
reason she should show up St Yokohama
about August 12 or 13.
ffm. MXormick of Lan
caster, Pa. j Gets First :
. Rosebud Site.
IT IS WORTH $10,000
At 106,000 Persons Drew for 2,600
Quarter' Sections Many Will Be ;
' Disappointed Crowds - at ;
i . V Chamberlain Lottery. J
' ' (Jooraal Special Berries.)
'Chamberlain. 8- D July William
MoCormlck, an Old soldier of Lancaster,
Pa., draw the first prise, worth $10.
000 In the great Rosebud land- lottery
this morning. . . . .
As the first number was called a
gray-haired ' veteran, wearing ' a Grand
Army badge, raised' bis band. The
crowd made way for him as hs walked
to the window, and the air was rent
with sDDlause. vMen threw their hats in
the air and yelled good luck to the win
ner. , .' ,
The result of the drawing that begun
today gave Mr. MoCormlck the first
choice of locating on the rich lands
thrown open for- entry on the Rosebud
Indian reservation. -
The) second prise -went -to ' Rolens
Rugge -of Harrtaburg, 8. D., the third.
te Wealey Brown of Dakota City, N. D.,
and 'the fourth to It. Dolson, Bprague,
Neb.-- - - - v-
The eaa-er crowds are watching with
breathless anxiety to hear the numbers
called out as, the .drawings progress.
Some sre lucky In getting an oppor
tunity to file early, i while hundreds of
others will be deeply disappointed, draw
ing only blanka Business, to a great
extent, la suspended In the oltr.and the
population for many miles around is
eagerly watching the result, of the
drawing.-- y '
The registration books closed at f
O'clock laat Saturday evening, the total
registration being 104,324.. It wss ap
portioned etnong various postof flees aa
follows! Bonesteel, . 14,0(4; Fairfax,
M90: Yankton. 67.414; : ChamberlaWi,
6.1S4. There were about '1,600 quarter
sections of land to be sold, and a for
tunate winner would only secure a 1(0-
acre tract, thus ' giving eaoh person
about one chance In 41 to secure a home
stead. ' ' "'
Out of the Immense throng assembled
only one In 41 will have any chance of
securing a-homestead, although not all
that were registered are poaalUy pres
ent., '
It Is estimated that about 1.000 draw
ings will exhaust all the choice allot
ments. The drawings are made for the
purpose of determining the order la
which- applicants will be permitted to
make final entry and settlement.. Final
entry will be made week from next
Monday. - - -
Chamberlain baa been crowded with
thousands of people since yesterday
evening, and the greater number were
unable to get hotel accommodations, and
camped In the open air near the town.
Never before In . Its history baa - there
been such a throng of people In Cham
berlain, As a rule the crowds are orderly, snd
the peace officers have not met with
much difficulty In keeping matters un
der control, as they did gt Bonesteel.
Occasionally i there is a. persons! en
counter, bat nothing serious aa yet has
occurred. . . V . "
on ura fob two.
(Journal Special arTle.)
Munfordville, Ky July t. Custer
Oaidner, a white man. was hanged here
today for the murder of S. D. Oaborn
and David Osborn, his son, last November,
i .. . ... i ' i
Attempt to
- Chicago Commis
' ; "sion Man -
Donnelly Says Men Are OuUo Stay
, UnUI V Satisfactory Settle-
' mcnt Ij ; Reached by
Both Sides.
' ' (Jooraal Special Beryl,.)
Chicago, July !. The striks situa
tion which during all., the,; forenoon
hours exhibited nothing-but a state of
quiescence was rudely broken at noon
when 700 livestock handlers returned
to work. -' ..,
-The almost T Instant assembling Of
thousands of -strikers to witness this-
defection waa given another:-tinge of
turmoil by a Lithuanian who at
tempted to assassinate George- P. Ward,
one of the most prominent, commission
men in the-city of Chicago, and well
known to men of his calling through
out America. .
The livestock handlers announced this
morning that they would return to
work, claiming that thslr sympathy had
been adequately shown and that noth
ing could be accomplished by further
Idleness. ,,. i . . ;,
.News that . they proposed to "return
to work became speedily known at
strikers' : headquarters, waa . dissemi
nated through1 the streets, and resuUed
in a rush to the stockyards, not only of
strikers but of their sympathisers as
welt - - -', -' ' , , j ..
"V Xxpect Creaeral Break.' .'''7
The packers considering It the first
step or a general break at once de
manded special polios protection for
those who wished to return. The live
stock handlers came separately and in
amall groups and filed In through the
stockyards -gate, while the Immense
crowd restrained by the police -Jeered,
nooiea ana - at times threatened - vio
lence. '; ..; ., i. .. , ' ;.;
Bvldeatly Insane.
Ward - started to- leave his r office tn
the stock sxchange when' a Lithuanian
rushed .past , several policemen bran
ching a huge knife with evident mur
derous Intentions. The police sprang af
ter him, threw him to the ground after
a' struggle and disarmed him before be
could injure any one.
Examination - of the man ' after ' bis
arrest disclosed the fact that he was
evidently Insane and had been rendered
violent by the news of the assassination
of Minister de Plehve, which was copi
ously spread over the city this morning
in newspaper, extras.
A small riot occurred at South Chi
cago this morning. - When the, packers
sttempted to deliver meat to a branch
house a mob of strikers and sympa
thisers assaulted the drivers and at.
tempted to overturn the wagon. The
police promptly went to the rescue of
the drivers snd saved them from Injury,
besides making several arrests. .
With the refusal of the packers to
further negotiate with the strikers, the
situation at the yards this morning re
solved itself into a long pulL Asser
tions sre made by the packers that a
stampede will probably come within a
few days, while Donnelly claims that It
Is Impossible to profitably conduct pack
tng enterprises without skilled help and
that they are now out to remain, until
a settlement la reaohed. -
The number of strike breakers Im
ported this morning aggregated 100.
Unusually- large crowds flocked about
the entrances, and despite the order of
the police against picketing, union men
kept a close watch. Meat prices took
another leap thla morning of I cents. .
(Continued on Page Two.)
General Kuropatkin Is
Among Those Hif In
TaTcheKfao Battle.: :
-.-A-.-l. yifi,.-...l X.X .
Great Britain Assured That Volunteer
Cruisers Will Not Hake Further
, Seizure-"uKnfht Comman V;.
; ; y der Affair: Adjusted.
' (Joarnal BprcUl gerrm.) : .
London, July 18, The Evening Star's
Tien Tain correspondent reports that
General Kuropatkin was Wounded in ths
shoulder stthe battle of Ta Tche Klao,
and that another general waa killed. The
Russian losses, he asserts, were 10,000
men killed and wounded.-,"' "
: Premier Balfour announced In the
house of commons today that the acute
stage of the Red sea Incidents had .
passed and that all Russian volunteer
vessels would be withdrawn.
. Referring to the passage of the Dar
danelles by the volunteer fleet as com
mercial vessels and their subsequent
transformation . Into belligerents. Pre
mier Balfour said that Oreat Britain
took tho strongest possible exceptions
to the course of the Russian govern
ment In this matter. . Oreat Britain, he
aid, earnestly protested sgalnat the
sinking of the KJght Commander as
being contrary to the accepted practice
of nations, v
It Is. officially stated that Laiisdowne
has received aatlsfactory assurances
from Russia that, full satisfaction wU
be given to England in the matter of
the steamer 'Knight Commander. -
Dirigible Ba-oona May Drop Terrible
" " Aerial Torpedoes.
, i . . . (Jooraal Special Berries.)
. London, July 21. The prohibition lis-
posed by The Hague conference a port
the discharge of serial, torpedoes from
ssllons or flying machines will expire
by limitation tomorrow. : English mili
tary; and naval experts are now speculat
ing on the possibility of either of the
belligerents In the far east embracing
the opportunity to add new terrors to
the warfare in Manchuria. It la known
that both the besiegers and the besieged
at Port Arthur are supplied with obser
vation balloons which might easily be
converted into engines of deadly deatrue
lion. . , - : - J .' ,
It was wth tha greateat difficulty that
t Hal rABraaxea Mrivaaan fci at Thai Uaeiia
i pyw rw v a s -pa eirsuivu eje -a lis B
conference, through their military dele
gates, managed to reach an agreement
upon rules governing war. and this par
ticular section waa bitterly fought over.
although It la one of the few which the
British and united States governments
accepted without reservation. , To make
easier the reaching ef an agreement as
to the use of aerial warships It waa de
termined that the rule should be tried
for a period of five years, and it is this
period which expires tomorrow , and
leaves tha fighting natlona free to use
aerial torpedoes, flying machlnea and
dirigible balloons without violation of
the rules of wsr.
' (Jooraal Special SerTW.)
St Petersburg, July 28. Russians
now declare that It waa hunger, and not
the Japanese, which forced them from
their positions on the Yalu. The Tus-
hahya Rosalya publishes a dispatch from
Its war correspondent. In which the fol
lowing passage occurs:
"For eight daye during and after the
Talu battle our men did not once taste
bread. Instead, they were given flour.
(Continued on Page Two.)