1 1 . -.'.V,-.'. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 26. 1904. AMTEMl MEMUMMHIil, MIBWIXIXIIC, : MONSTER HOURLY- SALE mansions ?MklrtW. Start m rSKR Jiie-mstomentr' 01 mocks aM More 0011 8 TO .0 A. M. Worth Combg Out Early for If Von Need a Dinner ; Set $73.12: Haviland; China Dinner Sets $36.00 Hftrfland A - Co.', DeooratM CWn Dlnnar 8t, 11T plea la Mt, mv- lar Tlu t7S.lt: 'paclal for on' hour . h 36.00 8 TO 0 A. M. : T 3c 4c and 5c White Wool Hercnlei Braid 2c yd. , ran zxoom. WhH Wool HroulM BraM, for .. trlmmlnff dr.ua a, . bathta maXXm, tcL, H to 1 Inoh wld, rarular So, and So 4ullUu; rard.w.S- 0 TO 10 A. M. 17cSheetbg 12cyd. ron nooa-sonmo axdi S,t0 yard - Heavy - TTnblaaahad . ShMtlnc .for- -lm twda, ITo , yalaa; .apaelal for ana hour only, yard. tXH4 ? 0 TO 10 A. M. $2.25 to $3.50 Embroid ery Flotmcinss $ 1 .45 yd. .. mil rx.oxB. Handaoma 4-lnch Embroidery Flouncing. ', aultabla for draaaM, underskirt, or' aprona,'. ragular II.IS to S.t0 valuM, for tha hour only, at, yard. . . ..' f l4S , v l : u ' mm . : THIS STOait IS ON2 VAST BARCAIN MINE. FILLED TO THE EDCE WITH PEEMXSS VALUES OP THE FIRST WATER. FOUR MORE DAYS OF THE GREAT DISLODGMENT CLEAJIANCE SALESEvery : r:v;!::';Artid(i in the House Remains Reduced for Drastic Clearance (contract goods alone excepted). Tho things may, look n. trifle disarranged, and ladders atanlT about Here and there, bearing workmen who.nre pro paring for, the' alterations; incident to tHe. store expansion, we fed that you'll not mind being slightly discommoded for a short time when you think of the betterment in service that's Jiist ahead with the opening of the LARGER OLDS,' WORTMAN (EL KING STORE. It's not unlucKy to walk under those ladders, there are thousands "of rich nurf. gets to be picked up mentsi visit the store as often as possible and keep your bargain eye open. Every stock has been ransacked for ex tra special values and will be all the week. And, mind you, every article in the house is radically reduced (except contract goods). Hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of goods are at your mercy at a fraction of their worth. r - "" ' ' " . OTO.10 A.M. . ; 25c Men's Hose, 3 Pairs ' i x for 30c ; .ram nooi. ' ; " An aitra rood Una of M.n' Box la black and dark blue, full seamless, splloed heel and toe, the beat of : their kind In our atora, regular 6o; special. . MIM rO 50 . o!to lO A.M.4 Women's $3 Shoes $19 . Women! Tan Leather Vacation Shoes for shore wear or mountain wear, with l-lnch tope, splendid . quality ytel kid stock, heavy, aerr loeable soles, solidly made for ' sturdy aerrloa, a regular ll.oe value; special for the hoiy at, the pair f 1.89 10 TO 11A. M. 45c Leather Hand Bass -25c Each ., . - TXMn nooa. Small else Leather Hand or Wrist , Bars, leather handle. In black and brown, with Inside coin puraee. . value itc: apecta, each ....25 V 10 TO 11A.M. 'Women's $1.25 69c nooira riKos axon or bum. .' I Pretty,' cool, charm Ins long- House Kimonos, of dainty fancy lawns '' and handsome percales. In neat, attractlva figured patteraa, - with . deep' band, of white lawn trine . ' " Bring at edges; all the colorings from light to dark; also black and white figured patteraa: all In the full lengths; best $1.1$ value la .the elty; apecial for one hour, 10 s. toll only, at ......69 1 nereTl ha a rash for these ptetty ae early. 10 TO 11 A. M. , , lScSahoIincsatd a Ycrd Long kuitionos rovBn sxooa. . 1,000 yard New rail Styles SUko llnas for making the sash , our. -- tain, screens, graperies, et&. for shore eottagea, mountain bunga lows and town homes, regular ISO : value; special, a yard ,.9d here every day now, and prospectors .SALE S IN ADDITfON TO -THESE, SCORES 10 to 12 A. M A Women's $7 10 TO 11 A. M. . -"$i.Sd Drs Goods 79c " ' aJTaTatX TXMT rlOOB. ' ' 14-inch All-Wool Melton and Thibet Cloth, black -only, made in Ore- . gon. regular $1.10 value; special at. yard .......794 : y nrro 12 A..M 7 10c Oval Cake Toilet Soap 7c Cake ' mnnooi, Toilet Soap, extra-large also cake Transparent Glycerine Soap,- oval " shape, value lOo; special 11 TO 12 A. M. $20 Austrian China Dinner Set) $14.95 ixoom. Austrian China Decorated Dinner Seta, 100 pieces In- set. regular $20.00; special ....,.....$14.95 11 TO 12 A.M. L. eJ $1 and $10 Kid Cloves at 59c ' ras noo. - Women's kid Gloves, new stock, all ' slses and desirable colors for mid- ' summer wear, overseame and a few pique stitched, Paris point ' locks 'and two-button styles, $1.09 . and $1.10 values; special. ...5fg) 11 TO 12 A. M. Women's $7.50 Black Alpaca Petticoat $4.97 Ansz-noon nooa. Ladles' Black Alpaca Petticoats, deep accordion pleated silk fonnoa "T'' and ruffle with two rows of hem- stitching and silk straps all aver seams, regular price 7.t0; spe cial at M.-r ,x I 1 ;, j ';. : Below we append an OF. SPECIALS. ADVERTISED FOR UNDERSELLING ALL THE WEEK ARE HERE Two-Hour Sale Trimmed Hats $1.95 vxooitd rcooi imuniT aaxoira. r Lucky - the woman who hasn't s " bought her Trimmed Hat yet, or. having . bought one now, needs another. Whether you , need one - or - not, it'e almost' cheaper to buy tomorrow than not, for we've included all of our li.OO, $4.00 and (7.00 ' Trimmed Hats In one final roundup and ahall sell them for two hours tomorrow a grand, . almost limitless choosing . of : some of the smartest, awellest. creations of the season; values, to $7.00; from 10 a. m. to 11 noon at a choloe for.... $1.05 11 TO 12 A. M. Women's $3.00 Vacation Tramping Shoes' $1.78 nooi Good. Sturdy " Shoea, with ( and 10-Inch - -tops, of best grade box calf ' stock and . heavy oak tan i soles, round -toes and easy foot shape -lasts; a trim, well-built ' stylish, shoe, fitted for those who walk much out of doors, for beach or for mountain wear; best $1.00 value; special for one hour, 1,1 a. m. to 11 noon only, at .....$1.78 - 12 TO 1 NOON. $1.25 to $1.75 Boys' - Waists 98c "-ran nooa.'' Boys rauntleroy' Blouse Waists. In ' white, . for little men, elegantly : . trimmed. Regular $1.11 to $171 qualities. Special, each 98 ' 1 TO 2 P. M. 75c Bottle Toilet Water 45c Bottle ; raurr nooa. ; Crown Toilet Waters, -all odors , - violet, erabapple. heliotrope, lUae and others, dainty, cooling and re freshing for these hot day a Value Jfe bottle. Special, bot tle 45a 1 TO 2 P. M. 35c Fancy Collars 1 9c ea. ; 'nan nooa ." A vary large assortment of Taney Collars to wsar with shirtwaists. In white, white and black and colors. Regular !ty value. Bps . , clal ,....,. . jt ,.... .19d are plenty. Just .Keep Intouch -withourdallyannouncie unmatchable list of i 1 TO 2 P. M. . , 40c Tapestry Cushion , .Slips 27c msuwotx saoon nooa. Tapestry Cushion Slips In oriental . designs and coloring, finished with tassels at each corner. Just ths thing for porch or hammocks. Regular 40c Special at.... 274 2 TO 3 P. M. $3.50 Damask Napkins for $2.48 a dozen ' ' - ras nooa. - 1C0 dosen Richardson's Fine Satin Damask Napkins, dlnnsr - else. : ' extra good value. Regular $1.0 a dosen. Special for one hour,, dosen ..'.....$2.48 2 TO 3 P. M. 25c Women's Vests 16c each . rratr nooa. Woman's white cotton, high neck, long sleeve Vssts. a great big Sto . quality. Special 16e 2 TO 3 P. M. $1 Dress Goods 66c urn rtuT nooa. -lnch Cream English Brilllantlne .and Sicilian, our Regular $1 qual ity. Special, yard 66 2 TO 3 P.M. $1.25 India Silks 73c Amz-nHt nooa. . . tt-mch and IT-lnch White India Silk. Regular ll.tS value. Spe cial .' ...........734 3 TO 4 P: M. 25c and 35 c Ribbons 17c Yard nmrnt nooa. All Taffeta Moire Ribbons, in all shades and colors, Noa. K. tl and . . 40. ... Regular $o and tie values at, a yard .....174 3 TO 4 P. M. 15c Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs 9c run nooa. . Dainty, lace trimmed Swiss Hsnd kerchlefa .' Regular 16o values. Special at .. . ...,.......! .9a ' I 3 TO 4 P. M. 30c Fancy Silk Elastic 19c yd, . v mn nooa. rancy silk ruffled Garter Elastio.' In pink, blue, - red. yellow and " black, extra quality. Value $0o yard. Special, yard. 19 3 TO 4 P. M. 3Sc White Piqne Belts 1 6c ran nooa. Ladles whits Pique Belts, - girdle " street, with gold buckles, very neat. Regular $60 value. Special; each ,.. 184 . 3 TO 4 P. M : v Women's $ 1 .75 House Wrappers 79c AjroTmxa arrmrAasTTu sxoon , . nooa sAXa, There Is no mors useful or Indls penslble article of apparel for the - housewife than the wrapper. And i there's no article of dresp that can be so slighted and skimped in the making none that are , so often ths product of the sweat ' shop as these garments. The . East Bids of New York City la' honey-combed with the tenement ' - house - wrapper shops squalid, , miserable, disease and germ-ridden pestilence boles. Tou may . - m some such -prod sot offered to , morrow In competition with these splendid factory mads wrapers of ' - ours by the "cuckoo store" that imitates our every move (except . the early closing move).. Such a store as patronises swsat shops - for its garments principally will ' . . surely go there for its wrappers. , Beware of the gsrms. These - ivappers of ours are every one made by a flrst-claas leading - American factory, under the most . perfect sanitary - conditions, eat full la stse. not skimped, well and ; thoroughly made, strongly sewed. of percale or lawn- materials in" dark, medium and light attractive t colors, including navy, red, gray and black and white, mixed, neat, pretty patterns. Some with the . narrow collars, others with dsep cape collars, belt at waist and pretty embroidery trimmings. The best values sver offered in Port land at $1.1$. 11.(0 and $1.71. All ... at one price and for one hour's . selling tomorrow, I to p. m., at . a choice for , 794 j TO, 5P. M. I: 50c AO-Over Laces for 32c yd. All-Over traces, in cream and white. Regular too goods. . Special, a ' yard ....324 4 TO 5 P. M. 35c Fancy Hat Pins 19c ea. ratsT nooa. Fancy Hat Pina, with extra long pins. In cut crystal, - rhtneetone, gilt, pea si, turquoise and ' pea eock eye. Value tta. . Special, each 19 Teachers9 Educational Contest " Nears the . end- Tremendous voting is being done. Miss Suza Jones polled a big vote yesterday and takes the lead in the contest once more. Who will be the first to morrow? Tis a query only time can answer. t Are you voting? "Who for? How often? .Only 9 days "more to the finish Vote I RESULT OF VOTE AT 10 A. M. TODAY. ' TOTAL. NUMBER OF VOTES CAST, 050,200. RAPIDLY REACHING THE MILLION MARK r All July , votes must be in our ballot boxes at 6 p. m. of Monday, August 1. No July votes will be counted after that day and hour. The contest closes at 1 p. m. of Satur day, August 6. Important Patrons must in every case get their vots at time of purchase, as we will positively not Issue them - later upon duplicate checks. STANDING OF TEN LEADING CANDIDATES. Suza Jones, Highland .133,483 Mrs. N. Hiltabidel, Albina Central 127,735 Kate Padden, Atkinson 127,144 Winifred Mosher, Harrison 12M33 Mrs. Esther Kane, Williams Avenue ..............113.076 Matilda Weiss, Thompson 63,2(1(5 Miss C. F. Allen. Failinc - .."60,371 MUe. T- K Strniir. Oiinman Ella Lavenson, Atkinson Ruth Rounds, Hih .... 4 TO 5 P. M. a $ 1 .75 Black Taffeta Silks 1 1.48 yd.' ; . Ajnrzx raurr nooa. ' . K-lnch black all pure Silk Taffeta. Splendid value. Regular price $1.71. Special ..$1.48 This is the best Black Taffeta mads in America. .". .. 5 TO 6 P. M. Decorated Porcelain Dinner .- Sets - V' nooa. - Flower decorations, natural eolora, full gold lined - " - : 10-pleca Dinner Set. Value $ 4. Special $4.39 0-pleoe Dinner Bet. .Value $$.40. Special .. $5.49 lOO-plece Dinner Set.. Value $ls.07. BpUl v ....$8.64 - 5 TO 6 P. M. r 65c Ladies' Hand Bass 39c each nooa. ' . Ladles Hand - Bags. - walrus, grain . leather, medium size, la black, brown and . tan. - with - leather handles, inside coin . purses. Value (to. Special each,... SO 5 TO O P. M. Women's $2 and $20 Party Slippers $1.68 miT nrftoa..'- Jn beaded or plaint styles, one or two-strap, best viol kid' stock. " soft, flexible, easy tread, turn soles, all latest -lasts and newest styles. Choice from I to t p. m. Wednesday of 11.00 and $110 $1.68 31.7