... I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALY PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. 'JULY 26. 1904. r The Identity SterlingSilver Must be according L to ,iu length of serv ice to determine how "good it "is,"." Weight and fineness are. es sentials i that under lie this feature and from . the .-small coffee spoon to the large soup toureen youll find ' OUR STOCK consistent with these r requirements. Variety and. com-' pleteness prevail so that the multitude of ideas at one's com-'. mand will make se lection an easy mat ter. "; .'.' A & C Fddenheimer "''.""' Third and Washington ," "7 ' Jewelers : Silversmiths . CHAFFEE IS GUEST OF HONOR AMY orrxczms AMD ClVBIOai GITB UrrOBMAXi SOTZB TO YIS- ma ozirzBAXi at abxjbotob CHTB OSBZBA& TVWtTOM, COI.O BXZi KT7STOV AJTO OTKBBS. ' Following an Informal dinner riven in hla honor by a party of Portland friend at th Arlington club laat evening. Gen. Adna R. Chaff departed for Fort Ste-v vena and will return here tomorrow, when It ia expected be ' will devote a day to visiting the Lwis and Clark ex pedition (rounds and other point of ln tereat In the city. .He la' due at San Francisco ' the laat of this week, and will return east next week, possibly by way of Portland. , The dinner last "evening was arranged On short notice, and. the guests of honor were General Chaffee and hla aide. Cap tain Hucheson, Quartermaster-General Humphrey, Colonel Huston, General Fred Funston and General Chaffee's son, who Is on leave from West Point. In addition to these the guests were: Sen. ator Mitchell. Mayor Williams, Gen. Thomas M. Anderson. D. 8. A., retired; K. M. Brannlck. J. McL Wood. Child Hassam. W. B. Ayer, E. E. Calvin, gen eral managep. of - the O. R. A N. Co.; Capt Jesse M. Baker, U. 8. A.; Ill W. Goods, C, E. 8. Wood, W. J. Burns. Charles F. Bee be and J. Ct Ainaworth. There were a number of toasts, pro posed to the most notable guests, who responded with lahort speeches. Gen eral Chaffee's health wae proposed by W. 3. Bums, who characterised the gen eral as a man who had risen from the ranks. C E.' 8. Wood toasted General Humphrey, a fellow campaigner In the Nes Perce war. General Bee be proposed General Funston, and regretted that he Was so soon to leave the department of the Columbia. Speeches were made by Mayor Williams, Colonel Huston. Cap tain Baker and Senator Mitchell. Jhe lat ter referring significantly to the Injury to Portland that resulted from gov ernment discrimination against foreign bottoms. H. P. GOERING FALLS VICTIM OF TYPHOID H. P. Gearing, aged II years, died at t:t last night at 8t Vincent's hospital. He contracted typhoid fever while on a Visit to the home of hla mother In Ham llton, Ontario. He but recently re turned from the trip and was ao 111 that . he had to be confined to the hospital a . week ago Sunday., The body will- be hipped to Hamilton. From the time he was J I years old Mr. Ooering had been employed by Flelschner, Mayer A Co., and at the time of hla death was city salesman. He waa a member of the Multnomah Ama teur Atbletlo club. He waa an expert billiard player and laat spring was with the championship team of the club. A aVW BBABCX. Stow Aa eastern Mas Came All the Way . . . jo Fortlaad to Beoover a tost Treasure, . Health Is one of the treasures of life. The followlna narrative bv a wall-known cttlsen of Portland telle of physical tor ture which led to a trip from the East to uregon in eearcn or it. Jaa. Petersen. emDlnred hv Ci C Havel T of the O. R. A N. K, R. Co., and living at Woodatock. sayai ln my opin ion. If any sufferer from backache fatla to find relief in Doan's Kidney Pills inere no reuni lor mm on earth. However. I dnn't believe anv caae ex ists which Doan'a Kidney Pills will not help. I had severe backache and a weakness of the kidneys for years. My back ached at times so that I could hardly act up from a couch, and the kid ney secretions presented very unnatural apnearancee. and denoalted a heavy rdl tnent If allowed to atand lone enouah. I pent lota of money when living In the Kaat In trying to get somethtnc to effect h cure. I came out here to Portland li. peara ago, thinking the chanae of cli mate might benefit roe, but the trouble till clung to me. I paid one doctor In the town 175 for medicines, but I might Jnt as well have taken so much water, an far aa anv benefit waa concerned. I lieed five bottles of a well-known rem edy manufactured In the East and re ceived only temporary relief. I Anally aaw loan s KlrtrveyJMUs advertised and one day I stepped Into the Laue-Davle lru Company e store, st TamhlU and Third at recta, and eaked Mr. laue what be knew about them. I knew I could depend upon what he said. He reported that people who had used them recoro meifded them In hle-heat terms, I pnueht a box and had.uaed them only a few Moaea when I knew they had rone to the root of the trouble. I continued their tiaa until I had used three boxes, and can aay cheerfully that they did more ror me tnan all tne otner meoicwiee put loseiner. ' . For ale he all dealers Price 80 cents. rVmterMllbiirn 'n., Buffalo. N. T., aole agents for the ttnltwd States. ' Kemeaiher the name T ioana -ana take no pubsuiuia. . EASTERN OREGON IS INTERESTED wzu sbito iuxt Biuoins to xxzTura or.oBsaox BZTZLOr- nort uiaui uax os xtsxa OA TBS BBCZrrXD TODAY IB mnsB BBOOBO ATTIBflABCB. ' ,'F.atM SWa.im la taWlna. aa llvalv an , . . tn . tb.rfl.nj m .it... trtr- an urviun XMjveivpiurw iwui mm . . ... . . . - t . a - ti-i. win.. w ..w i .-. - - mAmnn n K, PnmmiimiU club, on tils return this morning from Pendleton. He spent the day there yes terday rising through the wheat fields. "The wheat -crop In Umatilla county 1- .,.-. ...... u nnJ will It im tl.TIHTA.i. bring $5,000,000 Into that county tins year," he aaya. r "'1 he net prom M in wheat growers' will, be a million anil a . 1-k. im vUldlnv SO la 40 buehele to the acre, -Much of It' goes to busneis, ana a great arai vi buahela. 1 aaw one of those alde-hlll combine harvesters In operation, pulled by .4 horses, Jt cuts, threahes and i. - . b. - wnM. onj ivi tha'aacka mmvmm u. k, . . -. - and. straw la rows across the .fieldkJl These big machinek.' go' about har vesting ror every rt.-in rwc. tum. thai, own cama and cook outfit, and tba day haa gone by when the farm women run a big hotel during harvest time and compete to sa which one can cook the most victuala. It la wonderful to see the advanced praceaaea of modern farming." . . - I.lats or delegates namea oy m ferent counties and towns . continue to arrive . In tha malla The following namea were received at the Commercial club todayi "v . " " Mt. Angel (Named by aiayor im aw v, . . .v.) . 1 1 lliliiann. Thomas CVHWO,. m "" " ' Howe, J. N. Ebner. John Fisher, Theo dore Zimmerman, P. 8. Fucha, Anton PeoDDlna. John Butacn. u. uiwwu. Ju lius hchonaa. Newberg, (named by Mayor u. M. Parker) C. K. Spauldlng. Clarence Butt, F. H- Col well. George Larklns, B. iva warda, J. C. Hodaon. JSC Colcord, A. P. Oliver. G. C Carl. B. d MUea. City of Echo, (named by Mayor ia. . tt.... n u ftr.vH r. B. Van Cleave. H. O. Newport. W. E. Brown, Fred An drews, a V. Teel. . William Gleaaon, riod Oliver. Jerome Gulllford. Joaeph Cunha. U A. Eeteb mayor. Echo - Commercial cjud n. o. o" field, chairman; Willla Otle McCarty. Asa Thompson. R. N. Btanfleld. R. B. uiii. n c jnriaon. Frank Solke. Harry Rodge'rs, D. C Brownell, J. B. Baylor. Hood River, (named oy aisyor a. a. Blowers) George T. Prather. J. E. xtmA Ph.,1., T Vjtrl-r H. F. Davidson. W. J. Baker. C. H. Stranahan. H..M. Ab bott. G. J. Geaallng. N. C Evans, George IX Culbertaon. l . .. - u Polk county. - (named - by Judge Ed ward F. Coad) N. I Butler, Dallas; H. Hlrachberg, Independence; i. it- nawiey, Unnn.nt- Zlmri VHnihl ' Falla CltVI T I nmmm MnT'nv'a: CI. N. MacAlthUr. Rlckreall; Ctv Rowell, Butler; D. I. Keyt, Perrydaie; . james tieimica. Parker; I. M- Slnxpaon, Lucklamute. Ashland, - Or., (named by - Mayor Evana) Profeasor B. F. Mulkey, J. K. Van Bant. w. J. virgin. pilot Rock. OK. (named by Mayor Glenn Cannon) Herbert Boylen, Dug. Belts, & L Morae, Owen carnea, t;iara nt.miivant nnrr. nana. H. H. Gilbert. Dr. F.E. Hume, F. A. Mlchaela, M, Pom- eroy. Benton county, (named by Judge Vir gil E. Watters) W. I Price, Kings val- lone, Alsea; A. Wllhelm. Jr., Monroe; W. A. GellaUy. Blodgettj W. A. Jolly. Phil omath; Robert Gellatly, Philomath; Par Rlrkard. Inavale-: J. F. Mayberry. Albany; John Whltaker, Bruce: North YamhUl, (appointed. by x. i. Wltten, prealdent city eouncll) C nh. r n T-aiivMIn 11. v nnnn. R. J. Hutcbcroft, Sam Iaughlln, F. 1 T mi ll nger; T. I Van ursaoi. eaitor nurm TamhlU Record will also attend. ' Unnn AinntV. I'nam hv JlldM T. W. Ayera) D. O. Justus, E. C Aah- Daugn. o. U. Keiiey. u. J. mierson. v A. Rhea, Vawter Crawford, Frank Mc Knlgbt John S. Puselck. George W. Vin cent, David A. Herren. . . . City of Ontario, (named ' by Mayor Jamea A, Lackey) A. N. Sol las, J. R. Blackaby, E. A. rraaer, u, K. ueioing. u. F. Boyer. D. P. Dearborn. O. U King, C. C. Carter. L. Adam, George C Candland. Waahlnaton eountv. (named bv Judas U A. Rood) Judge B. B. Cornellua HUlsboro: Fred Groner, Bcnons; Wil liam Bchulmerich. Farmlngton; Tagler VTII1 - Mmmtalndale; Thnmaa ConnelL Glencoe; T. G. Tadd. Forest Grove; Hu- Derx sernara, verooorx; nmn ocnoixieio. Cornelius; . E. J. Ward, GastonrK. Denny, Beaverton. DRAMATIC CLUB 3lN ORIGINAL PLAY Lmrnt Sunday evening the anniversary performance of the Romeo and Juliet society waa given at the residence of Mr. and Mra. J. F. Re inn art, til Kearney street. The parlora were transformed Into a theatre, the front parlor being used for a stage with sliding scenery and skillful decorative effects. The performance conalsted principally of a play written by members of the club. ' The acting of Misses Irma and Elsie Relnhart ahowed elocutionary training and received applause. Miss Hasel O'Brien and Master Harold Reln hart also contributed to the success of the evening. The programs were unique and artistic In design. A large number of the friends of the young people were present to witness the performance. Another performance, n be held In tha near future, Is being piannea. CLIMB MT." HOOD FROM SOUTH SIDE The first s scent of Mt Hood from the south aids this season waa made last' Friday by a party from Govern' ment camp. Thirteen aet out for the asoent. of whom nine reached the sum mit. The successful climbers are Prof. B. N. Downa and hla son Chester, Mra J. F.- MOTean, Miss Esther Gill. Ralph Gill, A. Wlrborg.. Miss C R. Trow blige, O. C. Tocum, the veteran guide. and hi assistant, J. F. Kamph. The day waa dear and the view un obstructed. except that clouds covered the Willamette valley throughout the day.- There were no mlshapa. but th widening of the great crevasse acroaa the arete necessitated a long detour to the west. OABZ.OAS OF OABCABA. (pedal thapatck te The Journal.) Coffey of this place has received an order and shipped to .Detroit, Mich., carload of caacarla bark. As this Is a natural product of the states of Wssh ingtnn and Oregon It la a source of no sraalj revenue to these two states. BIRTHDAY FETE IS STRIKING SUCCESS It Is an unwritten law, Draconian In Ita Inflexibility, that every time an em ploye of County Clerk Fielda' office haa a birthday a celebration muat take Dikes. The festival la always held In the Vault, and tha Instrument used by the celebrants vary.-from a ruler and a book rest to a barrel stave, .the , soft side alwaya being the one used Mr. Fields himself haa good reason to re member his last birthday. " Marlon R. Johnson, clerk of depart ment No. 1 In the circuit court, one of tha raoat popular and efficient attaches of the courthouse, held an Involuntary celebration of hla 2th birthday yester day. At 4 :9 o'clock In the afternoon he congratulated himself In the presence of others that he would probably be able to make a getaway without "those fellows down atalra getting wlae." Twenty minutes' later 1L G Smith, chief deputy In tha circuit department, waa telephoned by Mr. Fields to corns down stalra and bring Marlon, that a kick had been made bya lawyer about tha filing Of a certain document, and tha matter would have to be Investigated without' delay, on account of tha issue involved. . ' . WOMAN AND CHILD HAVE TWIN THUMBS tnanactnr Rarhour haa found a Strange nhvalcal nhanomenon In tha right hands of Lo May and her eight-year-old eon. who will be taken back to cmna oecause thav did not establish tha right to ad mission Into, thla country. Both tha mother and Her eon hava. two thumba, each equally well developed, on their .-k, t..n Th, tnanector atatea that in all hU experience with thousands of Chinese, many of whom had atrange malformations, "he -never met with thia particular freak, except eome yeera ago, when he found two other Chlneaa who ht -dual thumbs. . With Vo May and bar eon, uo m BRUTAL ASSAULT IS r,An unknown man attempted to assaa in. a Wenrr ShaVness last night aa ha waa walking along - Burnalde street. bound for hla room W tne wurnsiae lorfrlna- house. The stranger slashed tha old diid's hat with a sharp knife and cut hla head, felling him to tha aldewalk. . . n.k. ..i.n.n. mmmnA and the DOllCe have been unable as yet to ascertain bia Identity r MS ODjeo in maaing me i tack. . ' Shawnesa la SI years or age ana a carpenter. : For a long- time he haa roomed .a.' tne Burnsiae noun m-mh- .n o. n.l Tturki were called upon by a cltlxen at 7:45 o'clock laat night CHINESE TO WOUNDED JAPANESE The Chlneaa of Portland have started a relief fund for the benefit of wounded Japanese soldiers' and their families. Seld Back, manager of Wing Sing Long Kee A Co., started tha movement and Seattle, Aatprla and other coast towns have taken It up. Seld Back aaya that tha work la moving alowly now, for there are few Chinese In the cities, most of them being In . tha canneries, fruit ON RIVER BARS SSTGOTBS BIOrsT TTBTZT OF BAM azfcow xotm or wxxaawttb xitxb xt zb bxxjxtxd txat X.ZBB Busonra - tkab - pbpai. WILL BB BXXSES.' .: . -, - . :. T On board the steamer Lincoln the United Statea englneere started out thia morning to make the annual aur veye of the amount of water thera la on tha bare below tne mourn oi me nu lamette river. The first operations will be conducted at Willow bar, Just below the mouth or the wuiameiie. iue oujwj In making the aurveya or aoundlnga la . ...in , .net localltlea where IV v. - It will be necessary to put the dredges at work. - .V It Is thought that tne surveying m kji fniir occupied at this task for the next month. Bo far aa now known the party will work down tne river aa far aa Slaughter bar, which - v..ie wav ta Astoria. The operaUona will be confined wholly to the bars. From wmow oar mrj ww iv ceed to Henrlcl'a bar. . From there they ui A a u.rtin'a. thence to Huntera. and then to Doublebowere. Tha aound- inga tor , xne prvut wua vw at Slaughter-a bar. . an thev can now. Judge " the engineers are of the opinion that there A . . . . a ammlM. Af will not ue any a dredging to be done this year than last, and possibly not so much. Tha survey are made every year, and It haa alwaya been found heretofore that the channel had to be Improved In certain tocamiea. There la usually a certain amount of digging that haa to be done at each of the bare named. The -cuts made by the ArmAmmm ha nravtous vear are almost alwaya filled up during tha succeeding high water season. Either Wednesday or Thursday it is .v.. ininiinn tn aand tha a-ovemment dredge W. 8. Ladd down as far as Jr- tln s bar, - wnera ane win proosoiy vm placed in commission until the channel la In mnnA ihira at that DOlnt. From there she will be "taken on down the river near .Astoria, and operated in tnat vicinity for tha remainder of tha season. OABASIAB TXACXBBS atll, (Joarnal tpvel! Bervlee.) Winnipeg, Man., July it. Teachers from all parte of Canada have gathered In .Winnipeg for the annual convention of the Dominion Educational associa tion. The convention opened today and will . continue , In aessioh through Thursday. OAVAXi OOMatMSIOWZB SAII (Journal Bpeclal gerrtc. ) New Tork. July . The" Panama canal commissioners, headed by Rear Admiral Walker, aalled for the Isthmus today to further Investigate tha situa tion before enacting legislation for the government of the strip. The commis sioners are accompanied by Treasurer Kenny and Auditor Armstrong. - ANNUAL SOUNDING Fuasled. . but Indignant. Johnson grabbed his. hst and hurried down stalra with Smith. The two walked Into Fields' private office one glance at the assembled gang and Johnson executed a flank movement. Too latel Harry Barn ford was thrown acroaa the Una of march and made a flying tackle. Ii a trice Johneon waa tnaide a circular wall of humanity. - ' - "Take off my glasses" that waa all he aald. ' ''. The celebranta adjourned to tha vault with their victim. There waa a brief truggle and In a half-minute Johnson gracefully reposed on a steel bookcase, face downward. Next waa heard a ee , hm avniiuivi sounds, punctu ating ona long wall of angulah. Then It waa all over. Tne mviiea ind ent at tba birthday party Included the following: County Clerk Fielda, County Auditor Brandea, County Assessor Mo Donell. Deputy Assessor Maxwell. Chief County Deputy Prssp. Deputy Clerks Schneider, Bamford, Upton, Kerne and ci.u rinuU - Denutv - Smith, Dl.l H I ....w. ' -' - Chief Deputy Recorder McCord. Charley Moneii ana marwi " 2.yeara). , will also be deported to China.. The three arrived on the Aragonla and de manded admlaalon to tha United States. The woman aald that aha waa tha wife of Boo Hoo Dong Wing, a Portland mer chant, and that her child waa hla eon. But tha Inspector, after an examination of tha woman and boy. atatea that her story ia untrue, and that aha cannot b admitted. . GO Let told tha tnapector that ha was formerly a merchant In Astoria, but tha immigration offlclaia, after Investigation, state that ha -haa. ao far aa- they caji learn, always been a, common laborer, and that ha roust also return to tba laud of tha rising aun. ' ' MYSTERIOUS to go to the Injured man's aid. " They found him lying .prostrate on tha aide walk with blood flowing from tha aah In hla head. He waa carried Into nearby Baloon. where temporary atten tion waa given him. He waa then re moved In a patrol wagon to the central police station, where hla wound was dressed by a. city physician. Ha will recover, according to tha doctor's state ment, but he had a very narrow escape. " I "cannot understand ;'why; any man should attack me," said Mr. Shawnesa. I have no . enemies, aa far as I am aware. But whoever -. did - the) deed, atruck me In tha back of tha head be fore I had time, to get a look at him. I gueea be .wanted to kill me," - AID farms, and other fields of work. Sev eral hundred 'dollara have been collected, however, in Portland, and It la expected that this free will aum will rlae to sev eral thousands by falL The Japanese, In collecting their Red Cross relief fund a few months ago, aent about tlt.000 from Portland alone. . There were noma marked caaea of aacrlflce, ona young Japanese who was working In a family for $4 a week pledging 50. .. ALASKA CABLE TO BE GREAT AID J. W. XTOT, BZXBOATB TO BXFTTBU- CAM BAT10BAX COTTBTTIOT, BB OAJU8 Til BBAZi TBOSFXBITT OF BOBTXBBJT LA1D1I OrVBT BXOZV BXkTO OXXi AJTS COAX. ' J. W. Ivey. who several years aro was deputy district attorney for Multnomah county under District Attorney WUson T. Hume, and later waa collector of cus toms .for tba district of Alaska, la a guqsf at the Perkins hotel on his way home to Alaska from Chicago. Washing ton and St. toula. Mr.(Ivey waa a dele gate to tha Republican national conven tion, after which he went to Washing ton to see President .Roosevelt.' .From there ha went to St. Louis to see the Louisiana Purchase exposition. "The entire trip has taken me Just a month," be aald. "I shall return to Alaska ths latter part of thia week. The St, Louis fair, of course. Is a great ahow. I waa much Interested In the mining ex hibit. The Alaska' Treadwell mine has the finest exhibit. In my opinion, at ths exposition. "Aa for tba Republican convention well, you know all about that; Jt waa all for Rooaevelt. Wa of Alaska are strong iriends of President Roosevelt because he has favored legislation that Alaska sorely needed." n Mr. Ivey, since retiring from office, haa devoted most bf his time to mining in various partB-f Alaska. Speaking of tha Alaska oil Interests, he expressed the opinion that this country haa a great future and that a large city will spring up In the Controller biur district. The Alaska cable that la now being completed between Seattle and Sitka will have an Important bearing on tha de velopment of southeastern Alaska. It haa been decided at Washington to ex tend the line from Sitka to Valdex, and cable for this purpose la now being manufactured and will be on the dock at Seattle within a few weeks, whence It will be taken north by the government cabje-ehlp. With tha completion of thia cable and the telegraph lines now under construction or surveyed Alaska will have extensive communication with the TTntted States. ' A SHOE SALE Where shoes of style and Quality go hand in hand. Is on here. We ahow -all the new styles, new leathers, and our price are th low. est y . . - t- - Oxfords From $3.50 up Vanduyn 0 Walton TBXT TITTBB8. , t70 Waahlngtoa St, bet Sd and 4th. f OBJECT LESSON J FOR COMMISSION r - BCXBOKAVT atAXIsTB OB ITS . AB- , MTfAX, L BATXTBDAT WXU 1 MOW XABBOB FBOK (TBBTB XBATmiB WH.I. VEST K0I41T KOBBTJfO. v The members of the merchant marine commission will, arrive Saturday morn ing and during thslr stay wlU be enter tained by committees from, tha chamber of oommsroa and Commercial club. At a' meeting yeaterday of a- epeclal committee made up of the following members of these organisations. George Taylor, W. A. Meara, A. U Craig and M. Moaesaohn,- further plana wr laid for the entertainment of tha visitors. . Tha following ' committee will meet them at-tha- train: George Taylor. Henry, Hahn. W. A. Meara. E. H. Mo Craken. J. Earnest Laldlaw and W. H. Corbett -- ''.'... It la the opinion of these bodice that the needs of Portland as a shipping point can 'be beat aeen from the water and accordingly tha entertainment com mittee haa planned a ride on the river in the . United - States lighthouse . tender Heather. The veaael baa been offered for uaa through tha courtealea of. Cap tain Calkin, commander. ' The trip will be made -on 'Saturday afternoon and the party wllPbe made up of representative from tha chamber of commerce and the Commercial club and ship owners, senators and represent- atlvea. ..Tha i visitors may be taken vas far aa Vancouver In order to visit the fort. - . , . . A reception In honor of the visitor will be given Saturday night In the Com mercial club rooms and will be attended by members, of the chamber of com merce and Commercial club and Jfevtted guests. ' : -The Lewis and Clark Fair grounds will be visited on Sunday afternoon and the visitors will be taken In' special car, loaned by the.. Portland Railway company, for a ride around tba new loop at Portland Helghta. - - - Tha session of tha commission will be held Monday morning at o'clock, when data bearing upon the shipping interests of Portland and tha needs of tha harbor will be read. r . . , . sa-BaassisaBBBBSBaasBwaBS-ajaaBaaJBHBeaBBBaBasBaaBBaiBaBBBM POLICE PURSUE A . FLEETING JAKCY ;" , S ' . . .. "Send a, wsgonload of ' policemen there' a a burglar In tha house and he's' sawing. the posts out. from.-the cellar and the whole building la creaking aa though it would fall." Such was the blood-eurdling can. that came over the - 'phone to Captain of Police Bailey at the central station this morning at o'clock from tha reeldence of Hoaea 8. Beera, Set Corbett street. "Tale 4h wagon and a load of men and capture the burglar," commanded Bailey. ' ? " Before his word had finished disturb ing the morning air, a taasa of horaea waa galloping up Third street. Police man Price, tha driver, drew up a block from tha house that waa being, aa wed down. . , r . . v Then Price and Policeman Llllis rushed on to tha house. They were told tha bold man was atlU there, and one woman declared he waa sawing down ths building. However, a complete search of tha premises with lanterns failed to disclose any burglars. With Borrowing hearts the ' policemen re turned to tha wagon and drove back to the station. Tha neighborhood around the scene of the Imaginary burglary -. went to bed and slept, happy In tha thought that the Beera bouse waa not sawed down.,-.. ......... - Schedule "of Steamer T. J. Potter. .,!. u,. mmwm T T T) will 1.. Pnrfl.n Aah ' mtrmmt tftnolr. tnr Astoria and Ilwaco aa follows: - July 17, weaneeoay, s: a. m. July St, Thursday. 9 a. m. -July it, Friday. I a. m. July SO. Saturday. 10:11 a. m. Get transportation and berth tickets it O. R. eV N. ticket office. Third and Washington streets. Loop the Loop. Portland Heights Washington , street cars direct. Thousands going. Band concert ' end entertainment Portland Helghta park every evening. YOU'LL REGRET Elegant $8.50 s a i a , rmr m iBifa aiflii iitj s i s a ibi s m w m 1 a s ANY Inllw YUU IVlDII Al A oAtiUntc g J 1 Ska b All Straw Hater Men's or EXACTLY HALF $2.00 Hats for $1.00 The HalfPrice as M LONG PANTS $5.00 Suits fort..........:r..!..J......z:i.$2.50 tl T $70Sults forV--.. ..,..v.. r.......$3. 75 tv S9.00 Suits for SWELL BUSINESS SUITS ' ft $25 00 Suits fc)r..:,:.T:.T;.......r.T...$20.00 II $15.00 Suits for.......;..v.....,.$ 1 2.00 K s $20l00 Suits for.. ........ ...: .-$ 16.00 $12.00 Suits for.: .......:...$ 9.60 Soft and - ' Straw Hats ". .. . . - I i ' All ' Summer - and - Outing Suits now selling at reduced prices. v ,-vr;;-::;-'-;rr;V':T:v;-:- SPECIAL ' Big selection of fine quality Negligee Shirts; values $1.50 to $2.50, now : . : v . '. " .. , : '.' '.V, Buffum & Pendleton - ''.'. . '71 Clothiers, Hatters, Furnishers.. -" - ' ' ," 311 Morrison St., Opp. Postoffice V Cool, Comfortable Clothing at Reduced " Prices .:;' ALBINA SCHOOL PROPERTY MARRED .' .. . i . - t ;. OXOOZi BOAKS UAMTS TXAT 00. TXAOTOKS TOOX ' 4.000 OTJBXO TAisrar'aiATii. noil axaxva v cxsttbaxi OBOmrbs, An nm :. HAT BB BBOUOBT. ' At a meeting of tha city board of edu cation last night tha matter of raising tha salaries of tba teachers In tha pub lic acbools waa again postponed on ac count of tha absence of Trustee R. K. Warren. :' . Trusts H. Wittenberg, reported to the board that Gleblach Joplln. contract ora, had taken about 4,000 cubkj yards of gravel from tha yard-of th Alblna Central school, when the agreement was waa that only 100 cublo yarda should be removed, for which th contractor war ta nr IS cent a cublo yard. Becaus of thia fact he stated that the con tractor owed th city tne sum or bdoui 17&0. and that unless they paid for the gravel suit will be brought to recover tha amount alleged to d aue. e ja so much gravel haa been taken away aa to mar th property, - -- ..-.- Ruth K. Wataon waa granted a three months' leave of abeene. beginning Sep tember 1. aa aha desires to visit schools In eastern cltlea to study methods. It waa decided to use fibrous plaster at tha Atklnaon achool. - It waa announced tAai in an prooaou Ity th Park and Brooklyn achoola wlU not be ready for occupancy: In tlm for the opening of achool, and tha oontract ora will be urged to ruah tha work on T. bowling waa elected Janitor of the High achool, J. H. Hoard of th Sell wood achool. W. Crerar of tha Highland achool IT IF YOU BUY ANYTHING BEFORE COMING HERE and $ 1 0.00 Outing $1.00 Hats for 50c Sale of Boys' Clothing Continues SUITS $3.00 Suits $400 Suits $5.00 Suits $4.50 M Ti?o American Clothier 22 1-223 MORRISON ST., Corner First St. Extra '"- Quality Summer' Underwear V selling at - High v Grade . Hosiery for 5 Low Shoes i xast wxzx or OBBAT and Sacrifice SALE ; Th great crowds attending the sales attest to the realisation of a most unuaual opportunity . to save money. l . .j'J All Our Cloaks, Suits, Skirts and Waists Ararat the mercy of bidder and go down under the hammer at ridicu lously low price. We. still have a vast assortment of 5ood which positively must be sold urlng th next ( few days. W move Into our new quartera soon and don't want Jo carry a alngle garment We won't If you make an ofler worth while. The good must go. . - - Daily Sales, 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Come, bid and take th good at your own price. 'A. U LOWENSTEIN. Auctioneer. and Mr. Burns of the North Central grammar school. . , Allan A J-ewla Beat Bran4;-t.-J Pteferre eek Oaamed Oeea. ' Suits for Only Doys', . - PRICE 50c Hatsfor 25c .4 5 26285 MoiTison St.'-. ' Auction Ages 3 to 6 Years for....... ... $1.50 for :, .....$2.00 for......... $2.50 V